Healthy lifestyle as a factor of ecological culture. Forms and methods of valeological education of schoolchildren. Formation of ecological culture and healthy lifestyle of students. Monitoring the implementation of the program for the formation of environmental culture, without

Murygina Irina Vasilievna
Formation of ecological culture and healthy lifestyle life of pupils of senior preschool age in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard


Murygina I. V., educator

"To protect nature means to protect the Motherland".

M. M. Prishvin

From level ecological culture the future of the younger generation depends. Realizing the importance of this problem, we have identified the priority direction of our work - ecological education of preschoolers.

Main task environmental education is to create in children, first of all, installation on healthy lifestyle, instilling them with elements ecological culture, formation of ecological consciousness.

The child receives emotional impressions of nature, accumulates ideas about different life forms, that is, he has fundamental principles of ecological thinking are formed, the initial elements are laid ecological culture. But this happens only when condition: if adults, raising a child, they themselves have ecological culture: understand the problems common to all people and worry about them, show the beautiful world of nature to a small person, help to establish relationships with him.

Trouble in our time environmental education come to the fore and are receiving more and more attention. Reason for relevance environmental education is human activity in nature, often illiterate, wrong with environmental point of view, wasteful, leading to violation ecological balance. Each of those who brought and brings harm to nature was once a child. That's why the role is so big preschool institutions in the environmental education of children starting from early age.

Formation of ecological culture expressed in the presence of stable knowledge in children about the existing relationships in nature; respect for nature, a correct understanding of the concept « healthy lifestyle» , emotional responsiveness to wildlife, positive feelings from perception and admiring nature; in the ability to recognize the features of the surrounding world.

Reasonable attitude to the environment around us, to nature, which is the strongest formed in preschool age , should become a criterion for assessing the moral qualities of a person. Exactly preschool age is the most favorable period for creating a solid foundation environmental education of a person. A small child believes everything that an adult tells him about and looks at the world with an open soul and heart. Therefore, how he will relate to this world depends, first of all, on us - adults. We are faced with a difficult task - to show, tell about the uniqueness and beauty of the nature around us so that children want to appreciate and protect it.

work on formation of ecological culture and healthy lifestyle must be carried out daily, consistently and painstakingly. In this development process senior preschool age is a major milestone.

In children senior preschool age interactions and relationships with natural and social environment carried out on an unconscious basis. They feel like a natural part of nature, do not distinguish themselves from objects and subjects. Children empirically learn the properties of objects and natural phenomena (watering from a watering can of flowers in a flower bed, the results of the interaction of one object with another (sand - water, connections that arise between objects and phenomena (dry sand is not molded, but wet sand is molded). mental activity pupils develops more actively, their answers become detailed. Children have a cognitive interest in the natural world, curiosity, creative activity, that is, the personal qualities of the child, which are presented as targets in GEF DO; appear questions: why, why, from where, where?

Children receive a large amount of knowledge about plants and animals native land. Expanding ideas about domestic animals, their importance in human life. Pupils receive the necessary knowledge on how to take care of them at different times of the year.

Of course, knowledge alone is not enough to formation of ecological culture in children of senior preschool age. Pupils should be included in what they can age practical activity. To do this, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions for the constant and full communication of children with wildlife. Maintaining a positive emotional state pupils will contribute to the further correct attitude towards oneself, as a part of nature; understanding the value life and healthy lifestyle and their dependence on the state of the environment.

To implement this area of ​​work, we use the following forms of work with children:

Targeted walks, excursions, game learning situations using toys and literary characters;

Games environmental content:

didactic games ( "Wonderful bag", "Find and Name", "Guess the description", "What changed?");

object games ( "What tree is the leaf from?", "Whose house?", "Find the same");

word games ( "When does it happen?", "Can - can't");

outdoor games ecological character("The Kite and the Chickens", "Mice and Cat", "Sun and Rain");

games - travel "Journey to the Enchanted Forest", "Visiting Leshik");

building games with natural material;

game situations reflecting various events in nature or various activities of adults.

Verbal discussions and playing situations; speech activity (questions, messages, participation in a conversation, dialogue, exchange information, impressions, clarification of ideas about nature with the help of a word);

Reading literature of natural history content; viewing pictures, presentations of natural history content - an activity that contributes to obtaining new and clarifying existing ideas about nature;

Conducting experiments and experiments with sand, clay, water, air - practical cognitive activity accompanied by observation, statements;

- ecological holidays;

- decor herbariums from medicinal herbs;

Making crafts from natural and waste material; creation of creative compositions based on impressions of nature or people's activities in nature;

Integrated lessons.

So way, in the process of solving problems on environmental education can grow an environmentally literate person capable of loving, appreciating, protecting nature and leading healthy lifestyle.


1. L. A. Kameneva, N. N. Kondratieva, L. M. Manevtsova, and E. F. Terent’eva; ed. L. M. Manevtsova, P. G. Samorukova. // World of nature and child: Method environmental education of preschoolers - St. Petersburg.: childhood-press, 2003

2. Kolomina N.V. Education of the basics of ecological culture in kindergarten. - M.: TC Sphere, 2004.

3. Nikolaeva S. N. Love for nature educate from childhood. – M.: "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2002

4. Ryzhova N. A. Environmental education in kindergarten. M.: Karapuz, 2000.

5. Tokareva G. V. Development of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for children of preschool and school age in the process of environmental education // Questions of preschool pedagogy. - 2015. - No. 3.

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Civic education is the organization in the pedagogical process of various activities of students, which involves the formation of civic consciousness, which gives a person the opportunity to realize social processes and phenomena, his actions and actions from the standpoint of the interests of society.

Humanity is a set of moral and psychological properties, an integrative quality of a person, which expresses a conscious and empathetic attitude towards a person as the highest life value.

This personality trait is revealed in the manifestation of kindness and friendliness, mercy, readiness to help those who need it, in the ability to understand another person, empathize with him, be tolerant, decent, etc. At the same time, humanity is also manifested in a kind, caring attitude towards the natural world, towards all life on Earth, in creative work for the benefit of man, society, and nature.

Manifestations of humanity exclude such negative personal manifestations as aggressiveness, irritability, vindictiveness, arrogance towards people, vandalism towards nature and things created by the mind and hands of other people.

Education of humanity is carried out in a variety of activities, in interpersonal relationships. Signs of heartlessness, callousness, dishonesty in pupils cannot be ignored and analyzed by the teacher. He is obliged to create in the lives of children such situations in which students can make their own moral choice in favor of humanity, in which this quality is able to develop and form. A special role in the education of humanity belongs to personal positive example of the teacher. His humanitarian professional culture consists not only in personal adherence to the principles of humanism, but also in how much the teacher himself is able to support the student in difficult moments, to help find a way out of difficult life situations.

An important point moral education is the formation value attitude of a person to the phenomena of social life. These relationships are integrated in such a personal quality as citizenship. It includes internal freedom and respect for state power, love for the Motherland (patriotism), the desire for peace and respect for other peoples (internationalism).

At present, in the Republic of Belarus, the content of civic education at school is determined by the work of teachers, educators the formation of national consciousness students (introducing children to the national culture of Belarus), patriotic and international education.

Special mention should be made of the role of aesthetic education in the development and formation of the student's personality. The word "aesthetics" in Greek (aisthetikos) means "sensible, pertaining to sensory perception. Today it means the science of beauty, feelings, experiences of beauty.

Aesthetic education has the main object of influence of emotions, feelings of people. It is no less relevant than the development of the intellect, the formation of a scientific worldview, since “a person is established in the objective world not only through thinking, but also through all feelings” (K. Marx).

Aesthetic education is inextricably linked with moral education, therefore, the concept of "moral and aesthetic education" has firmly established itself in pedagogical theory and practice.

In general, philosophical

aesthetic educationthis is the process of forming a person’s feelings in the field of beauty, that is, such feelings, experiencing which a person evaluates phenomena, events, facts, objects as beautiful or ugly, sublime or vulgar, rude or elegant, etc.

Pedagogical science gives a narrowly professional definition of aesthetic education (see glossary).

According to B.T. Likhachev. Teachers in the field of aesthetic education face direct and indirect tasks.

Direct tasks include:

v The development of each student's ability to perceive aesthetic phenomena in art and reality, the development of schoolchildren's skills and abilities to distinguish between the beautiful and the ugly, the sublime and the base, the tragic and the comic;

v Formation of creative abilities, skills and abilities to create beauty in activities (educational, labor, play), in relations with people.

Indirect tasks of B.T. Likhachev believes

development of aesthetic perceptions, artistic abilities, skills and abilities to create beauty in the process of forming the basic culture of the individual, the implementation of aesthetic education in close connection with the lives of children.

An effective solution to these problems, according to K.V. Gavrilovets and I.I. Kazimirskaya. Perhaps on the basis of knowledge and taking into account in the real pedagogical process the most important factors that determine the moral and aesthetic development of schoolchildren, the effectiveness of their education in general.

These factors include:

v the readiness of the teacher for dialogical communication with pupils, for cooperation with them, respect for the opinions and personal dignity of students;

v democratization of relations between teachers and students;

v availability of conditions for the development of interests, inclinations and abilities of each student;

v an increase in the share in the pedagogical process of labor education, since the breadth of vision of beauty in life, in art, according to many teachers and psychologists, is revealed to a person as he is introduced to serious work;

v aestheticization of all aspects of schoolchildren's life.

Based on the foregoing, K.V. Gavrilovets and I.I. Kazimirskaya formulated the following tasks of moral and aesthetic education:

1. Creation of a moral and aesthetic school environment for the development of students, involving the aestheticization of school life, ensuring a culture of interpersonal relations for all participants in the pedagogical process.

2. Pedagogical education of parents, involving them in the aesthetic education of children at school and in the family, aestheticization of the home life of schoolchildren, family interpersonal relationships.

3. The inclusion of schoolchildren in a variety of activities that allow them to gain experience in creative, aesthetic self-expression.

4. Teaching students to analyze their life according to moral and aesthetic criteria.

5. Actualization of all sources of aesthetic experience of schoolchildren - in educational, extracurricular, extracurricular activities. Development of the unity of aesthetic requirements and criteria of the family, school, society.

6. Organization of systematic exercises of students in moral behavior and aesthetic creative activity; the predominance of effective exercises over verbal forms of influence on students in the process of moral and aesthetic education.

6.5. Components of moral and aesthetic education. Moral and aesthetic education as the most important means of forming the basic culture of the individual is a complex and multifaceted process. It is possible to determine its general structural components in accordance with the structure of moral and aesthetic consciousness, which is the goal of the educational efforts of teachers in the process of teaching and educating students:

v the formation of moral, moral and aesthetic knowledge schoolchildren in the process of teaching subjects, in extracurricular and out-of-school work; development of moral and aesthetic ideas and concepts;

v on their basis - the development moral and aesthetic feelings, so concepts are experienced by a person as feelings; education of feelings of conscience, duty, self-esteem, etc.

v helping students identify their own moral and aesthetic life positions and development moral and aesthetic needs and will;

v creating conditions for the formation moral behavior, culture of communication, courtesy, development of skills and abilities of creative activity, creation of beauty in life.

Specific components of moral and aesthetic education are those areas of educational work that are identified as priorities for modern educational institutions in the Republic of Belarus. They are reflected in the "Concept of continuous education of children and young people in the Republic of Belarus" (2006). You will familiarize yourself with this document and its content in detail during practical classes, in the lecture we will only designate the structure of moral and aesthetic education in accordance with it:

v cultivating a culture of personal relationships with oneself and other people, psychological culture of personality, culture of behavior, appearance etc.;

v upbringing aesthetic culture;

v education of the culture of the relationship of the individual to society, the result of the efforts of teachers in this direction is the formation of the national, civil, legal, political culture of the student's personality.

1. What is the essence and structure of the worldview, what are its functions?

2. What types of worldview are distinguished in modern humanities (philosophy, pedagogy, sociology)?

3. Determine the main ways of forming the scientific worldview of schoolchildren in the educational process of the school.

4. What is morality, morality as a form of social consciousness, what are their social functions?

5. What is the essence of moral and aesthetic education?

6. Determine the content of moral education as a system of moral relations that must be formed in the student's personality in the pedagogical process.

7. What factors influence the effectiveness of moral and aesthetic education in a modern school?

8. Name the structural components of moral and aesthetic education.


1. ABC of moral education / Ed. I.A. Kairova and O.S. Bogdanova. - M., 1975.

2. Artsishevsky, R.A. Worldview: essence, specificity, development / R.A. Artsishevsky. – Lvov, 1986.

3. Bogdanova O.S. moral education high school students: Prince. for the teacher / O.S. Bogdanova, S.V. Cherenkov. – M.: Enlightenment, 1988.

4. Buyanov, V.S. Scientific outlook. Socio-philosophical aspect / V.S. Buyanov. - M., 1987.

5. Vernadsky, V.I. Scientific outlook // Philosophy and outlook / Comp. P.V. Alekseev / V.I. Vernadsky. - M., 1990.

6. Gavrilovets, K.V. The expediency of the priority of moral education in the integral educational process / K.V. Gavrilovets // Problems of excavation. - 2004. - No. 1. - S. 3 - 5.

7. Gavrilovets, K.V. Moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren / K.V. Gavrilovets, I.I. Kazimirskaya. - Minsk: Nar. asveta. 1988.

8. Zhuravlev, I.K. Through evidence to convictions / I.K. Zhuravlev. - M., 1980.

9. The concept of continuous education of children and youth in the Republic of Belarus (2006).

10. Concept patriotic education youth in the Republic of Belarus // Problems of vykhavannya. - 2003. - No. 4. - P. 113 - 119.

11. Likhachev, B.T. The theory of aesthetic education of schoolchildren / B.T. Likhachev. - M., 1985.

12. Fundamentals of aesthetic education / Ed. M.a. Kushaev. - M., 1988.

13. Popov, S.I. Formation of the scientific worldview of schoolchildren: psychological aspect/ S.I. Popov. // Soviet Pedagogy. - 1991. - No. 6.

14. The system of aesthetic education of schoolchildren / Ed. S.A. Gerasimov. - M .: Pedagogy, 1983.

15. Formation of moral consciousness and behavior of high school students. - M .: Pedagogy, 1988.

16. Kharlamov I.F. Moral education of schoolchildren / I.F. Kharlamov. - M., 1983.

17. Shurtakov K.P. Worldview and methods of its formation. – Kazan, 1989.


1. Ecological culture as a specific way of organizing and improving human environmental activities.

3. Components of environmental education and upbringing.

4. Levels of formation of the ecological culture of the individual.


1. Ecology - general science of the relationship of organisms in the environment (E. Haeckel), the science of the organization and functioning of supraorganismal systems at various levels: populations, species, biocenoses (communities), ecosystems, biogeocinoses and the biosphere.

2. Ecological culture - a system of scientific knowledge about the interaction of man, society and nature; environmental value orientations, norms and rules; moral and aesthetic attitude to nature; skills and abilities to study nature and its protection.

3. Ecological consciousness - ecological knowledge (information, conclusions and generalizations) about the natural environment and human interaction with it, ecological thinking, feelings and will.

4. Ecological crisis - difficulties, environmental problems due to man-made human activities.

5. Environmental education - purposeful, purposefully organized, systematic pedagogical activity aimed at the development of environmental education and upbringing of children, at the formation of their environmental consciousness, skills in the study of nature and its protection.

6. environmental education- the process of mastering by students the system of scientific knowledge about the surrounding natural reality as an environment for human life, about the impact of the production activities of society on the natural environment, as well as knowledge, skills and abilities of environmental protection activities.

7. Valeology - the science of preserving and strengthening human health, a healthy lifestyle.

7.1. Ecological culture as a specific way of organizing and improving human environmental activities. Ecology as a form of social consciousness is a part of biological science that studies the patterns of interaction and relationships within fauna and flora, their representatives among themselves and with the environment. The term "ecology" was first used by the German biologist E. Haeckel in 1866, having formed it from the Greek words "oikos" (house, dwelling) and "logos" (word, thought). By ecology, Haeckel understood “the general science of the relationship of organisms to the environment, which includes in a broad sense all the “conditions of existence”. In the CC century, ecology is defined as a biological science of the organization and functioning of supraorganismal systems at various levels: populations, species, biocenoses (communities), ecosystems, biogeocenoses and the biosphere. Often it is also considered as the science of the relationship of organisms with each other and with the environment. Modern ecology intensively studies the problems of interaction between man and the biosphere.

The natural world is the human habitat. He is interested in maintaining integrity, purity, harmony in nature and preventing violations of biological interaction and balance. At the same time, a person, transforming the surrounding reality, intervenes in natural processes, violates them, uses the riches of nature in his own interests, sometimes forgetting that he himself is also a part of nature. If human activity proceeds uncontrollably, without taking into account environmental patterns and renewal of renewable natural resources, the biological balance of nature can be destroyed, which will inevitably entail the death of the human community.

7.2. The content of the concepts of "environmental culture", "environmental crisis", "environmental education", "environmental education". Today, there are already significant environmental problems (crises, see the glossary) both on a global scale and on a regional scale. It is only through the efforts of all mankind that it is possible to preserve the purity of the atmosphere, save the World Ocean from pollution, and use the earth's interior wisely, preventing their complete depletion. At the same time, each individual state must take care of the cleanliness of its natural regions, fight against the destruction of forests, flora and fauna, and promote the culture of agriculture and soil conservation.

Nature is a habitat for people, an object of knowledge and aesthetic attitude. Its manifestations are aesthetically perfect and give a person deep spiritual pleasure. Penetration into its secrets contributes to the formation of a scientific worldview. This necessitates the implementation of environmental education and upbringing, which contribute to the formation ecological consciousness, ecological culture of man.

Environmental awareness includes ecological knowledge(facts, information, conclusions and generalizations about the environment and the interaction of living organisms with it), aesthetic feelings and environmental responsibility. Man's use of nature requires him to develop ecological thinking, manifested in the ability to economically and efficiently use environmental knowledge in the creation of industrial and agricultural facilities, in a creative approach to the prevention and elimination of negative consequences for nature of certain technological production processes. Ecological awareness also includes volitional aspirations human beings for the protection of nature. Thus, ecological consciousness is knowledge about environmental patterns, experience aesthetic feelings from watching nature a responsibility for its preservation; ecological thinking, contributing to the maintenance of natural balance, and good will human, allowing to realize ecological knowledge and thinking.

Ecological consciousness performs the functions inherent in the scientific worldview: educational(the study of nature as a human environment and as an aesthetic perfection); developing(development of skills to comprehend environmental phenomena, establish connections and dependencies that exist in the world of plants and animals); educational(formation of students' moral and aesthetic attitude to nature); organizing(stimulation of environmental protection activities of schoolchildren); predictive(development of skills to foresee the possible consequences of certain human actions in nature).

The effective implementation of these functions determines the formation of ecological culture as a combination of ecological consciousness and ecological activity, behavior.

Ecological culture as an important part of the scientific worldview is formed in the process of environmental education .

Environmental education is a purposeful, specially organized, systematic pedagogical activity aimed at developing environmental education and upbringing of children. Ecological education and upbringing means:

v the formation of environmental knowledge, skills and abilities of environmental protection activities;

v development of moral and aesthetic feelings in relation to nature;

v students' awareness of the position that a person is a part of nature, nature is a human habitat;

v the presence of a strong will to carry out conservation work.

Environmental education is carried out as a result purposeful training and education at school. During moral and aesthetic education students develop a careful attitude towards the natural environment, love for all living things, the ability to enjoy the beauty of nature. socially useful work teaches schoolchildren to environmental work. This interrelation and conditionality of various types of activity determine environmental education system, in which a significant role is played "environmental education"(see glossary).

7.3. Components of environmental education and upbringing. Comparison of the essence of the concepts of "environmental education" and "environmental education" makes it possible to single out their general and specific manifestations (components). So, the common component for these concepts is ecological knowledge as a system of scientific information about the surrounding natural reality as the environment of human life, about the impact of people's production activities on nature, about environmental crises and problems, ways to resolve them, ways of human survival in adverse environmental conditions.

Basically, this formation component is implemented in the process of environmental education.

Environmental education is carried out at the lessons of the natural-mathematical and humanitarian-aesthetic cycles. So, biology and geography paint a picture of the environment for children modern world plants, animals, the entire environment. Physics and chemistry give students a complex of polytechnical knowledge, the scientific foundations of modern production. History, social science, foundations of state and law show the inadmissibility of a barbaric attitude towards nature, its predatory exploitation. Students will learn about the shortcomings of the legislation governing attitudes towards the nature of state and public organizations, individuals.

literature, languages, art, music reveal the aesthetic essence of nature, its unique beauty, which has a huge impact on the development of human spirituality and morality.

The most important component of environmental education is the formation ecological consciousness (see glossary), where, along with knowledge of an ecological nature, ecological views, feelings, beliefs, a strong will to solve environmental problems, to environmental activities.

In the system of environmental education, an important role belongs to tourism and local history work, the creation of school forestries, corners of nature in the Houses and Palaces of schoolchildren, associations of environmental students, circles of young naturalists, etc.

The effective implementation of environmental education depends on the resolution of certain contradictions. First, it is important for schoolchildren to realize that since nature is the source of all material wealth, people tend to take as much as possible from it. However, its reserves are not infinite, so their use should be reasonable. The contradiction can be overcome if human activity in nature is directed simultaneously for its use and preservation. Secondly, nature is the most important factor in the upbringing of children, their intellectual, aesthetic, moral and physical development. But urbanization (the growth of cities, the urban population), the widespread use of technology, the automation of production and everyday life alienate children from nature, replacing the spiritual and aesthetic attitude towards it with a utilitarian-pragmatic one. The contradiction is resolvable only under the condition of effective environmental education as a result of cognitive and practical activities in nature, aesthetic development of the natural environment.

Indicators of environmental education and upbringing (and, consequently, the formation of environmental consciousness in the entire breadth of understanding of this term) are:

v knowledge and understanding of modern environmental problems by schoolchildren;

v awareness of their personal responsibility for the conservation of nature;

v active environmental activities in accordance with the age characteristics of students;

v developed sense of love for nature; the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature, to admire and enjoy it.

7.4. Levels of formation of the ecological culture of the individual. The development of criteria for the formation of environmental consciousness of students allows you to determine the levels of environmental culture of the individual:

v High level characterized by the fact that in the mind of a particular person are presented all components of ecological consciousness(deep and strong environmental knowledge, developed environmental thinking, attitude to nature as a source of aesthetic pleasure, the formation of aesthetic feelings and experiences of the perception of nature, sustainable ZUN (s) in the field of environmental protection, the desire for their implementation, that is, a strong will to protect and conservation of natural resources, flora and fauna).

v Enough level The formation of human ecological culture is due to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities for nature protection, although environmental knowledge, thinking, aesthetic feelings can be developed minimally.

v About the low development of ecological culture can be said if a person environmentally illiterate, perceives nature only as a source of human well-being, not noticing its aesthetic manifestations, unaware of regional and global environmental problems. Environmental literacy is the ability and willingness to participate in activities to prevent and eliminate damage caused to nature by the production and economic activities of people. Environmental literacy consists of understanding nature as the habitat of mankind, its home; from the natural scientific knowledge of man and knowledge about the process of interaction between nature and society; from the skills and abilities of environmental protection activities.

It is necessary to talk about the levels of formation of the ecological culture of secondary school students in connection with their age characteristics.

For younger students a high level of ecological culture is manifested in basic knowledge about the natural world around them, in an emotional and moral attitude towards the natural environment (ethics of humanizing nature). In terms of environmental education and upbringing, it is assumed that children will master simple moral and environmental concepts, norms and rules (the study of the concepts of natural laws, the interdependence of nature and man, the social motives of man's relationship to nature, etc.).

High level of ecological culture adolescent students characterized by the presence of a system of scientific knowledge of an ecological nature, which is acquired in the process of environmental education in the lessons of the natural-mathematical and humanitarian cycles, and the formation of a certain experience of social interaction and a responsible attitude to nature in all types of activities. Ecological education and upbringing at this age are aimed at the awareness of adolescents their personal responsibility for the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment. Students of this age should be included in such forms of organizing environmental activities as expeditions, hikes, excursions, promotions, workshops, circles, clubs of an environmental nature. Teachers working on the formation of the ecological culture of adolescent students need to understand that environmental education and the involvement of adolescent students in environmental activities should be parity (equivalent).

Manifestations of a high level of ecological culture among high school students connected with the deepening and systematization of knowledge about nature, about the environmental problems of industrial and post-industrial society. The implementation of this knowledge involves the organization of socially useful environmental activities in connection with the professional orientations of high school students.

Questions for self-control and independent work:

1. What is ecology? Why did the concept appear only in the 19th century?

2. What is the essence of the concept of "environmental crisis"? What environmental crises do you know?

3. Define the essence of the concepts of "environmental culture", "environmental education", "environmental education"; prove their relationship, show the differences.

4. What are the main elements of the system of environmental education and what contradictions are resolved with its help?

5. How do high and sufficient levels of formation of ecological culture of students of different ages manifest themselves?

6. Determine the forms and methods of environmental education and upbringing of schoolchildren.


1. Deryabo, S.D., Yasvin V.A. Ecological pedagogy and psychology / S.D. Deryabo, V.A. Yasvin. - R.-on-D., 1996.

18. Kukushin, V.S. Ecological education // Theory and methods of educational work: Proc. allowance / V.S. Kukushin. - Rostov n / a: Publishing house. Center "March", 2002. - P.109 - 125.

19. Podlasy, I.P. Ecological and labor educational affairs // Pedagogy: New course: Proc. for stud. higher education institutions: In 2 books. / I.P. Sneaky. – M.: Humanit. ed. Center VLADOS, 2003. - S. 174 - 177.

20. Ecological education of schoolchildren / Ed. I.D. Zvereva, T.I. Surovegina. - M., 1983.

21. Ecological and aesthetic education of schoolchildren. / Ed. L.P. Pechko. - M., 1984.

Municipal educational institution "Secondary

secondary school №2 with. Alexandrovsky"

Alexandrovsky district of the Stavropol Territory

From experience on the topic:

« Ecological education

students, the formation of the foundations

healthy lifestyle »

Biology and chemistry teachers

Shavshina N.A.

Objective: formation of ecological culture, consciousness of students and the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks: development of environmentally valuable orientations, stimulating students to constantly replenish knowledge about the environment and health; the development of creative thinking, the ability to foresee the possible consequences of nature-forming human activity; development of research skills and abilities to make environmentally sound decisions and maintain one's own health; involvement of children in practical activities to solve environmental problems (microdistrict, village, district) and maintain a good physical form.

Motives: the need for the transition of mankind to a new style of social behavior, largely contrary to the life experience of previous generations; deterioration in the health status of schoolchildren and a change in the attitude of students to their own health and the environment (according to the questionnaire "Nature and Us", screening testing).

Screening - testing of children, as well as the study of medical examination data from grades 1 to 11, revealed negative trends: deterioration of the musculoskeletal system, visual impairment, an increase in the number of gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis), complaints of fatigue, headaches, etc. An analysis of the work of the canteen, psychological and medical services, the daily routine of the children showed the need to strengthen the work on health protection, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

In the course of the work, along with the ecologization of academic subjects (literature, history, geography, biology, chemistry, physics, life safety), special environmental courses were organized:

5 cells - "Forest and man", "What the names of plants tell about";

6th class - "Nature of the Aleksandrovsky district";

7th class - "Animal world of the Stavropol Territory";

8 class - "Rare and endangered plants and animals of the region";

Grade 9 - "Human Ecology";

10-11 cells - "Ecology of Russia", "Man and the Biosphere".

Extracurricular activities included:

a) environmental and valeological education (lecture hall, environmental cabinet);

b) the work of circles (tourist and local history, environmental);

c) a research laboratory as part of the work of the ecological and biological section of the school scientific society.

Educational work was carried out through the council of children's associations "Merry Anthill", "Sail", "Young Russians", the headquarters of these associations: an enthusiast, a tourist, a YID, an ecologist, "Know Yourself", local historians, a green patrol, a pioneer.

Along with this, issues of ecology and health protection were constantly discussed at parent meetings, class hours.

The course of biology is a fertile subject for familiarization with the problems of ecology and health preservation, it makes it possible to reveal the special role of this science in solving urgent problems of environmental protection and involving schoolchildren in this activity.

We consider it necessary not only to give a certain set of environmental knowledge and skills, but also to ensure that they become part of the children's worldview based on an understanding of the relationship between man and the natural environment, because our students today are future builders, oil workers, engineers, and because of what values ​​in relationships with nature they will possess, both their life and the future of the Planet depend.

We organize the work on the formation of ecological culture in three areas:

1. study of the problems and laws of ecology;

2. micro-surveys of the environment and introspection;

3. application of acquired knowledge in practice.

To study the basics of ecology, we integrate environmental knowledge into the course of biology, taking into account the peculiarities of the mental characteristics of schoolchildren different ages.

We organize the work on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in the following areas: a) studying the problems of maintaining health and healthy lifestyle laws; In the course of the ongoing testing "Man and Nature" and diagnosing, we tried to consider age-related changes in the following characteristics of attitudes towards nature:

1. expressiveness and dominance of the attitude to nature in the system of other personality relations;

2.types of environmental attitudes - willingness to act with natural objects of an aesthetic, ethical or pragmatic nature;

3. willingness (or refusal) to deal with environmental problems and take care of nature;

4. perception of objects of nature as a kind of subjects.

In students of 10-11 years old, the dominance of the attitude towards nature is already quite pronounced, but it increases even more by the age of 12-13, reaching max. That is, the development of a relationship with nature is personally significant, meets the age-related psychological needs, interests and capabilities of adolescents. By the older adolescence (14-15), there is a decrease in dominance to the level of 10-11 years, which becomes more noticeable in adolescence. Relations with nature are increasingly inferior to other spheres of personality relations.

The age dynamics of attitudes towards nature as a whole coincides with the age dynamics of ecological attitudes of the ethical type, i.e. nature is perceived as an object of protection and care. AT adolescence the tendency of readiness of children to be engaged in the decision of ecological problems and cares of the nature is expressed. Ecological attitudes among high school students are more pragmatic. It is alarming that from younger to older age the percentage of schoolchildren who refuse to take part in environmental activities increases. However, their level of formation of aesthetic attitudes increases. Thus, the personal attitude of students to nature is a complex system of interrelated constituent elements and has its own age dynamics.

The analysis of age-related changes allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

1. the intensity of the relationship to nature tends to decrease from younger to older adolescence, and then drops sharply to tt in older adolescents, by adolescence - there is some growth;

2. schoolchildren are most predisposed to nature protection activities in middle adolescence;

3. in adolescence, the attitude towards nature acquires the character of subject-object relations instead of subject-subject ones, which are characteristic of younger schoolchildren.

The predominant type of relationship to nature in younger schoolchildren can be designated as subject-cognitive, in younger and middle adolescence - as subject-ethical, in older adolescents - as object-pragmatic, in adolescence - as object-ethical.

Thus each age period has its own specific features that should be taken into account by the teacher, educator and, in accordance with this, determine the content of the education of the ecological culture of the individual. b) self-observation;

c) application of the acquired knowledge in the provision of first aid;

d) prevention of smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction.

We set slightly different goals at different levels of education.

By the sixth grade, the guys already have a small stock of environmental knowledge, so when studying botany and zoology in grades 6-8, we continue:

Formation of basic ideas about the relationship of animate and inanimate nature, man and the environment;

Acquaintance with the problem of conservation of species;

We continue to form a system of skills for rational use of natural resources and skills for environmentally competent behavior in nature;

Raising love for the native land.

When studying various topics of the course, we give as many examples as possible about the relationships in wildlife and their violations due to human fault.

So, when studying the topic “Root” in the lesson “Soils of the Stavropol Territory and their protection”, we talk about the alarming ecological state of soils, soil erosion and its causes. On maps - diagrams, students see that 30% of the soils of our region are subject to erosion, the rest is erosive. We find out ways to increase soil fertility, the danger of their chemical destruction.

When studying mosses, we note their importance in preserving water and improving its qualities. Swamps, like a sponge, absorb summer and winter precipitation and gradually release it throughout the year to the soil and streams - the sources of great rivers. At the same time, the water flowing into the swamps is contaminated with fertilizer residues, pesticides, and the water flowing out of the swamps is completely cleaned. Therefore, the drainage of swamps is not always environmentally beneficial, as it leads to the death of plants and animals in neighboring territories, the shallowing of rivers, and desertification of soils.

When studying coelenterates, we consider the uniqueness of the world of coral reefs, the causes of the death of corals and the entire underwater world, of which they are the basis. ^

Speaking about the diversity of the animal and plant world, we note the rare species of animals and plants of our region and country, the reasons for the decline in numbers and measures for their protection.

These and other examples allow children to get acquainted with the environmental laws of Barry Commoner:

"Nature knows best";

"Everything is connected with everything";

“Everything has to go somewhere”;

"You have to pay for everything."

When setting homework, we try to make the children think about the significance of natural laws, about their attitude to nature, and try to find a solution to environmental problems.

For example:

Using your experience, come up with or describe a situation in which soil fertility is reduced due to human fault. Suggest a way out of this situation.

Is it always possible to call our attitude to earthworms ecologically correct? Why?

Draw an environmental sign, in your opinion the most important, explain.

In order to increase interest in the study of environmental issues, we present interesting information about the significance of wildlife.

For example:

1 poplar tree absorbs 44 kg of carbon dioxide from the air during the summer; 1 hectare of roadside spruce forest retains 30 tons of dust per year; 1 hectare of pine - 38 tons, oak forests - 54 tons.

In the United States, they tried to roughly estimate the cost of services provided by hunting toads, it turned out that their monetary value is billions of dollars a year.

Increasing the interest of students in the subject and the formation of creative abilities contributes to the creation of problem situations in the classroom.

Why is planted in front of our school large group trees, and we protect it so carefully?

Caterpillars of cabbage whites or other agricultural pests have appeared in your garden. Your actions.

Can a change in the ecological situation affect the migration of birds and their numbers?

We give a special place to excursions, during which schoolchildren develop observation, interest in various natural phenomena, the ability to notice their changes. The children learn to see and feel the beauty of nature and its vulnerability - broken branches, garbage, they are convinced of the need to behave in nature as a caring owner and friend. Independent work of students on excursions is environmentally oriented in grade 6. "Spring phenomena in plant life".

For example:

Find plants belonging to the same species that grow in conditions of good and low light, identify their differences, draw a conclusion about the role of light in plant life.

Find an area that is densely covered with plants and an area with few plants. Find out the reasons for this difference.

An obligatory moment of the excursion is ecological landings for cleaning the territory.

At the end of the study of the biology course in 6.7 and 8 cells. children receive a summer assignment.

For example:

Write down observations about the impact of human activities on plants. Indicate the positive and negative effects on plants (6 cells).

Make a herbarium from leaves damaged by insects (7 cells)

Make a photo album of animals in our area.

The fulfillment of these tasks is creative in nature and contributes to the development of research skills and abilities, stimulates students to constantly replenish knowledge about the environment.

In grade 9, when studying the section “Man and his health”, the focus is on a person, the biological prerequisites for his life, needs and ways to satisfy them. Therefore, we believe that the central environmental problem of the course is the problem of protecting human health from negative consequences. scientific and technological progress, which cause a violation of the adaptive functions of the body. New conditions of existence: strong background noise, presence of vibrations, electromagnetic fields, increased levels of radiation - create a threat of adverse changes in the state of health, up to the appearance of diseases.

At this stage of environmental education and upbringing, we give preference to forms and methods that stimulate the constant replenishment of knowledge about the environment and its impact on the body. These are lessons - conferences, conversations, student reports. In our opinion, methods of observation, self-observation, laboratory work with a predominance of a creative nature contribute to the formation of a system of stable mental attitudes of a person aimed at maintaining and strengthening health. cognitive activity students.

In the first lesson on human anatomy, physiology and hygiene, we focus on the problem of the state of health of the Russian population, which is the main indicator of environmental well-being in my country. We note that the medical statistics of Russia is tragic. During the period from 1960 to 1990, life expectancy for men decreased by three years, cancer rates doubled, infant mortality in different regions of Russia amounted to 20-30 children per 1000. According to the Institute for the Hygiene of Children and Adolescents, only 20% of young men of military age can serve in the army; 9.9% of girls have disharmonious development, and 2/3 of them have chronic diseases that increase the risk of having sick children.

We bring to your attention that only 20% of our health depends on heredity, 20% is determined by environmental conditions and 50% of our health depends on lifestyle. The guys and I conclude: knowing the structure and physiology of our body, we can build our lives in such a way as to preserve and strengthen our health.

For creating problem situation, increasing interest in studying the basics of maintaining and strengthening health, we offer the guys a test "Can a lifestyle be called healthy?"

When discussing the results, we come to the conclusion: the study of this course will help to correct behavior that may be harmful to health, therefore, in the future, when studying each topic of the course "Man and his health", we note the influence of the environment and lifestyle on the development and functioning of organs and organ systems .

To assess our own health indicators, we conduct tests with students, observations that allow us to focus the attention of children on violations in their health, make us think about ways to solve these problems.

So, when studying the topic “Musculoskeletal system”, we evaluate physical development according to the state of the musculoskeletal system. Anthropometric studies include measuring body length (height), weight, chest circumference. Based on these data, the guys draw conclusions about the harmony of their development. We offer special tests that allow you to assess the flexibility of the spine, impaired posture, the presence of flat feet.

When studying the topic "Blood and blood circulation", in order to study the functional capabilities of our own cardiovascular system, we conduct an orthostatic test, which takes into account the change in the body's reactions when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position.

We consider it necessary not only to pay attention to the disharmony of physical development, disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems, but also to find out ways to eliminate them.

The constant contact of the respiratory organs with the environment makes them vulnerable to many factors, therefore, we study the influence of the environmental situation on the respiratory system in the form of a conference. For 2 weeks, the guys are divided into groups and receive tasks for independent work.

1. History of the problem of air pollution.

2. Major air pollutants and their impact on human health.

3. Smoking is an environmental problem.

4. Indoor air pollution and human health.

5. Protection of the air environment and ways to improve it.

6. Prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system.

The final lesson is held in the form of a quiz "Ecology and Health". The purpose of this lesson is to consolidate knowledge about environmental problems in our lives, about the impact on health of various environmental factors.

At the end of the year, we carry out final control work, including environmental issues in it, for example:

What is the danger of hypodynamia?

At the third stage of education, the main theoretical and environmental problem of the general biology course is the development of students' ecological thinking, a comprehensive study of various aspects of the environment, and the formation of conviction in the need for its comprehensive protection.

The children note the importance of environmental problems at the first lesson in the topic “Problems of General Biology”. Considering the need for knowledge of the laws and patterns of development of wildlife, children themselves identify the main economic problems of our time, draw conclusions that knowledge of general biological patterns is vital, because ignoring them leads to grave consequences both for nature and for man.

The inclusion of the ecological aspect in the topic "Evolutionary Teaching" makes it possible to convince students of the dependence of evolutionary processes on the state of the environment, and therefore, once again think about the need to protect it. We draw attention to the possibility of using knowledge about the relationships in wildlife to solve many issues of practical importance.

The theoretical substantiation of the environmental problems of students is obtained when studying the topic "Fundamentals of Ecology", where they deepen and expand the already existing knowledge about environmental factors and their interaction.

A prerequisite the formation of a conscious perception of this theoretical knowledge is the use of forms of work stimulating biological thinking, the skills of independent development and critical analysis of new information, the ability to build scientific hypotheses.

For this purpose, we use independent work of students. So, when studying photoperiodism, students analyze their observations for 2-3 years, build graphs, note the frequency of changes in nature, their dependence on abiotic factors. During the discussion, they come to the conclusion about the leading role of the length of daylight hours in the seasonal cycles of wildlife.

We consider the form of stimulating students to replenish knowledge about the environment role-playing games. Thus, the lesson on the topic "Rational use of species and conservation of their diversity" is held in the form of a press conference. Topics for discussion are, for example:

Importance and necessity of species protection, conservation of species diversity;

Measures for the protection, rational use of species and conservation of their diversity

Legal basis for the protection of flora and fauna.

When studying the biosphere in grade 11, we consider it necessary to show the patterns of its evolution, to justify the need for modern society to coordinate the pace and nature of its development with the capabilities of the biosphere in order to have a chance to get out of the ecological crisis, which is acquiring global proportions.

At the first lesson, the class is divided into creative groups. Each receives a task for self-study. Students of the first group analyze the increasing impact of man and the environment:

The second group defines the nature of the environmental consequences of pollution: they name the main groups of pollutants, their impact on living organisms.

Students of the third group study the facts of changes in integral ecosystems: they describe the cycles of elements in the biosphere, find out the causes and consequences of their possible violations.

The results are discussed during a round table at the final lesson on the topic "Violation of natural laws as a result of human economic activity."

This work convinces of the need to have information about the state of the environment and its monitoring. To solve these problems, students should be involved, for which I use creative tasks. The work of such a plan for studying the environmental problems of Stavropol makes it possible to control environmental problems in relation to the native land and convince everyone of the personal interest in environmental work.

Students receive assignments to study the ecological state of water, air, soils of our land of flora and fauna.

The work includes not only the collection of factual material, but also analysis, the development of specific ways out of the current situation, modeling the processes taking place in the region.

results research activities considered at the end of the year at the final conference "Ecological problems of Stavrpol and environmental protection."

So, this system of environmental education and upbringing gradually builds up knowledge of ecology, which ensures not only the progressive mastery of the system of basic environmental knowledge, skills and value relations, but also increases competence in communicating with nature, develops a responsible attitude towards the environment, native land, one’s own activities in nature.

We believe that the organization of the cognitive process, thus, will make the material under consideration more interesting, open up new opportunities for the successful formation of an ecological outlook.

In order to update environmental knowledge, we offer tasks of a problematic nature, for example:

Based on the rule of the ecological pyramid, determine how much plankton is needed for one 3000 kg dolphin to grow in the sea. - It has been observed that many animals die from DDT poisoning during periods when they lack food. Explain this phenomenon.

How and why the life of an oak forest will change if a shrub is cut down.

A big role in environmental education in 10-11 cells. we still assign excursions, since this form of work makes it possible, in specific conditions, to observe the relationships in communities, the results of the impact of anthropogenic factors on nature, and ensures the establishment of links between the studied material and local environmental problems.

For example, we conduct the tour “Natural communities, seasonal changes in them” in the nearest park.

Independent work of students can be of the following content:

1) How plants are adapted to life in a given community. .

2) What type of human activity most strongly affects this biocenosis. Suggest measures to solve the problem.

With a report on the excursion, the guys speak at the conference "Ecosystems and human activity in the Stavropol Territory." The best creative tasks serve as the basis for the transition and research activities, work on environmental projects.

To consolidate and control knowledge, we conduct tests, students build food chains, work with graphs, diagrams, and statistical material.

From the first chemistry lessons to concrete examples we trace the connection between such sciences as chemistry and ecology, while we widely use the knowledge of schoolchildren acquired by them from the course of natural history. So the concepts of animate and inanimate nature known to schoolchildren deepen and expand, reveal such issues as the integrity of the biosphere, the interdependence and interdependence of the living and inanimate matter of the planet. We use both traditional and non-traditional methods. At the introductory lesson, I read excerpts from reports from periodicals about adverse environmental situations. I ask students to formulate their attitude to this material, to imagine that one of the students is a responsible person, should offer their own solution to the problem. For example, I give the guys the following fact:

“Sometimes children, and adults too, burn plastic or garbage containing it. Depending on the composition of the plastic, a wide variety of poisons appear in the combustion products. Thus, the combustion of polyurethane and plexiglass produces poisonous hydrogen cyanide, and the combustion of chlorine-containing plastics produces the most toxic substances known to man.

The guys emotionally enter into a discussion and make their proposals for the disposal of garbage. Then I invite them to think about a situation in which, through the fault of man, nature and its inhabitants suffer. The subsequent analysis of these situations makes it possible to determine the level of students' knowledge about the relationships in the biosphere. Based on these and the following lessons, the students developed a code of a resident of the village of Aleksandrovsky, which reflects the personal participation of schoolchildren in the preservation and improvement of the natural environment.

In the course of inorganic chemistry, there is practically no information about the role of metals in the natural environment (both biogens and pollutants), their negative impact on the human body, as well as environmental problems caused by the industrial production of metals and their corrosion. Therefore, studying the topic "Metals", we consider with students at the seminar the position of metals in the periodic system of chemical elements of D.I. Mendeleev, the structural features of metal atoms, which determine their physical, chemical and biological properties. I introduce the concept of metals - biogens, introduce anthropogenic sources of metals into the environment, the biological role of metals in living organisms, and the toxic effects of metals.

For example, considering the metals of the main subgroup of group I (lithium, potassium, sodium), I draw attention to their biological role:

The content of lithium in animal organisms is 0.00001%. Lithium deficiency in the human body leads to mental disorders, and the toxic effect is manifested with an increased content of it in the body. So, in humans, an excess of lithium causes general lethargy, impaired breathing and heart rhythm, weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite, thirst, visual disturbances, as well as dermatitis of the face and hands.

The consequences of environmental pollution with metals for ecosystems and human health, as well as ways out of the ecological situation caused by man-made emissions containing metals, are determined by the guys in the course of independent search work with reference and scientific literature. And the analysis of water and soil samples in the classroom, the determination of metal ions in wastewater during experimental work stimulate interest in this issue. The guys predict the consequences of environmental pollution with metals for ecosystems and human health and suggest ways out of the ecological situation.

We identify the main sources of chemical pollutants:

Industry, agriculture, energy. By revising

ways to separate mixtures, introduce the guys to in modern ways

cleaning: dust and gas recovery, neutralization (neutralization),

biological treatment, disinfection, conversion of substances into low or

insoluble compounds and others. I encourage the children to read

additional literature on these issues and prepare a draft

models of water purification from oils, oil, dyes. Work results

listen in the next lesson.

Calculate the amount of fuel different kind of the car burned at the same time, using reference tables, determine the mass of harmful substances (carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide IV), the amount of clean air necessary to dilute the released harmful substances providing sanitary-permissible environmental conditions.

When talking about the rational use of natural resources, I introduce the concept of environmentally friendly and waste-free technologies, we emphasize that the creation of such technologies is the most promising solution to the problem of preserving the natural environment. We hear a report on measures to protect the air from pollution and international cooperation in the field of atmospheric protection (monitoring).

As a reinforcement, students solve calculation problems of ecological content, identify the main sources of air pollution in the village. To assess the state of the air, the material collected during observations and studies on lichen indication is used. In after hours the guys do a simple job of studying the degree of dust content in the air in various classrooms of the school and assessing the well-being of students in them. Independently working with additional and reference literature for the preparation of reports, they consider the problem of air pollution and measures to protect it. At home, students explain the dangers of burning garbage to relatives and neighbors, the resulting harmful substances.

Considering such new concepts for students as: environmentally friendly fuel, acidification and salinization of soils and water bodies, studying the chemical properties of hydrogen, I draw attention to a number of its advantages as a fuel: non-toxic, non-flammable and explosive, an excellent energy carrier, can be stored and transported in the form of solid nitrides of metals and alloys, capable of giving off several hundred volumes of hydrogen per unit mass when heated, formed during the combustion of water. I involve the guys in a discussion about the future use of these properties of hydrogen as a fuel. Children willingly offer their fantastic projects. At the same time, the rest of the guys act as arbitrators, analyzing all the positive and negative aspects of the project.

When studying the chemical properties of acids, I introduce students to the problem of acid rain and the causes of their occurrence.

Sometimes the guys themselves bring quite Interesting Facts about this, talk about the effect of this phenomenon on plants, crop yields. To make this material more indicative, I demonstrate the experience of determining the acidity of natural water (tap, river, rain) using a universal indicator. Based on these data, a map of the ecological state of the region was compiled.

By studying solutions and bases, I teach to determine the sources of pollution of the aquatic environment, introduce them to the impact of pollution on living organisms, human health, and lead them to understand the careful and economical attitude to water resources at home, school, and on vacation. Considering the physical and chemical properties of water, I update the knowledge of children from courses in physics, nature, biology, about the role of water in the life of organisms, and recall the participation of a number of plants and animals in water purification. The facts given during the conversation with parents about the scale of water use make them think about the global nature of the problem of water pollution (for example, world water consumption is 7-8 x 109 billion tons daily). The fate of the Tomuzlovka River, which in the past was the main source of water for the villagers, makes it possible to identify the main sources of pollution of its basin: the discharge of untreated or insufficiently treated wastewater by them and public utilities, domestic wastewater, and food enterprises. Along with this, we are talking about the need to dilute wastewater with clean water and the most radical solution to the problem - the construction of enterprises with a closed water circulation system, we draw a conditional scheme of this process:

Waste water - mechanical treatment - biochemical treatment - post-treatment on sand filters - return to the enterprise.

When getting acquainted with the process of water purification, based on local material on the operation of water treatment facilities in the village of Aleksandrovsky, while with the guys we draw up a water purification scheme, we consider mechanical methods purification: sedimentation, filtration, settling, flotation, as well as the physical and chemical methods used: adsorption, chlorination, ozonation, etc. We continue the conversation on this topic in a general lesson. In preparation for it, students perform the following tasks in groups: calculation of losses of drinking water when it leaks from a water tap during the day (year). At the same time, the guys determine the time for which a glass of water is filled and carry out the corresponding calculations):

Make up a memo for villagers, schoolchildren;

For managers of industrial enterprises.

When performing these tasks, the children learn to acquire knowledge from scientific literature, apply them in an unfamiliar situation, work in a group, coordinating their opinions with the opinions of other children. Discussion of the tasks performed allows generalizing knowledge on the protection of Russian waters. At the same time, I inform students about the water cadastre, which contains water accounting data in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators and use in individual regions; water protection zones, as territories with a special regime of economic activity (forest plantations on watersheds and along the banks of reservoirs); drinking water quality standards, requirements for microbial, physical and chemical characteristics of water, designed to ensure, first of all, a harmless composition of water for human health; levels of maximum allowable levels of chemicals found in natural waters or added to water during processing.

At a round table held outside school hours, we touch upon the need to install individual water purification systems in homes.

When testing knowledge on the topic, I include questions of environmental content:

1) Describe the processes that underlie water purification at water treatment plants and self-purification of water bodies in nature, what is common and how do they differ?

2) What ways of solving the problem of maintaining the purity of water do you know? Which one is preferred and why?

3) Name the processes underlying the water cycle in nature. What phenomena do they refer to? What impact can human activities have on the water cycle?

When studying the periodic law and the system of chemical elements of D.I. Mendeleev, I introduce students to biogenic elements, determine their place in the periodic system, consider their biological role in organisms based on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of atoms, compare the properties of biogenic elements and their analogues, etc. P.

So, explaining the reason that the basis of life is the six first three periods (H, C, H, O, P, 8), I point out their features: the small size of the nucleus, a small relative mass, the ability to form strong covalent bonds. When considering the patterns of changes in the properties of elements with an increase in the charge of the atomic nucleus, I tell the guys about the increase in the toxicity of elements in compounds, and for some elements in the form of simple substances (for example, for mercury). At the same time, I talk about the dangers of high doses of mercury and its compounds, the effect on protein molecules that cause disorders of the nervous system, reduces heart function, and inhibits the synthesis of phytoplankton. I suggest that students prepare messages about the importance of elements in the life of organisms: 1) carbon is the basis of life; 2) lead is a source of environmental hazard. Of great interest is the fact of the degeneration of the dynasties of Roman military leaders, the use of lead products as household utensils and plumbing, roof coverings. Chronic lead poisoning affects primarily the depression of the functions of the central nervous system: the will weakened, the speed of reaction decreased, the ability to make quick decisions was lost, etc.

The results of the experiment on the detection of lead in the leaves of plants growing along the highway, demonstrated later, convinced the children of the need to carry out explanatory work among the residents about the inadmissibility of burning leaves from such plants in the village.

Speaking about nitrogen and phosphorus as biogenic elements, I introduce the concept of their analogue - arsenic, its role in disrupting tissue respiration, substitution in some compounds, sources of this toxic substance entering the environment (blast-furnace gases, coal ash, waste from copper smelting and sulfuric acid production) . Continuing the theme of analogue elements, I tell schoolchildren about their competitive relationships and relationships in living organisms, thereby influencing the structure of biomolecules, their biochemical activity, and biochemical processes. For example, when calcium is deficient in the soil, it is replaced in the body by strontium, whose ions are so similar in characteristics to calcium ions that they are included in the metabolism along with them, but, having a high metabolic rate, they gradually disrupt the normal calcification of the skeleton. Especially dangerous is the replacement of calcium with strontium-90, which accumulates in huge quantities in places of nuclear explosions or accidents at nuclear power plants. This radionuclide destroys Bone marrow. When studying this topic, I use problem questions that significantly stimulate students' interest not only in the subject itself, but also in related disciplines: biology, geography, physics. At the beginning of the lesson, posing problems to the students, discuss the following questions:

1) Why is the basis of life carbon, and not silicon, its analogue?

2) Why is COa absorbed by plants during photosynthesis, but silicon (IV) oxide is not? and etc.

Considering isotopes, I introduce the guys to the problems of radioactive contamination. We are talking about the Chernobyl environmental disaster, so that the guys can assess the scale of the tragedy, I inform them that the total release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere amounted to 77 kg (during the explosion of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima, 740 g was released), and in the first 2-3 days of the accident, a powerful outflow of radiation products (the height of the ejection jet exceeded 1200 m). In Russia alone, the territory affected by cesium 137 as a result of the Chernobyl accident amounted to more than 57 thousand km. All this does not leave the children indifferent to this problem * therefore, the announcement of the names of the participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, living in our village, makes us look at this problem from a moral side, cultivates respect for these people.

Held at the end school year the conference "Chemistry and the Biosphere", allows you to systematize the environmental knowledge of the children, helps to identify and subsequently correct shortcomings, note the work of a research nature. At the same time, all the children are involved in the preparation of this event, determine the topics and content of reports, prepare opponents, generalize and systematize search work on environmental problems. Based on the results of the conference, we issue leaflets with the help of the school press ministry, which we distribute among the residents. The study of environmental issues actualizes children's knowledge of chemistry, proves their importance in solving vital problems, helps to understand the role and place of man in wildlife, responsibility for what is happening, the possibility of everyone's possible participation in the preservation of their native nature. Thus, the ecologization of biology and chemistry courses contributes to the environmental education of children, the formation of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Educational work is not limited to this. At the second stage of training, we are working on the study of natural landscapes, the diversity of the relationship between living and inanimate nature (forest, park), the effect of the anthropogenic factor and related problems. We conduct conversations with the children, excursions and hikes. For example, during the hike “Tomuzlovsky Forest. Pain and anxieties”, the guys not only admired the autumn beauties, but also actively rested in the fresh air, played, conducted a raid to clean up the forest area adjacent to the holy spring (collection plastic bottles, papers, assistance to the caretaker).

Conducted tournaments of experts, quizzes and shows activate students for practical activities, therefore, along with these forms of work, we hold competitions for projects on landscaping the school yard, landings and operations to clean the school district from quarantine weeds (ragweed), from garbage.

We organize and conduct debates, meetings with specialists, round tables with high school students who work in the direction of “Health and the Environment”. Grade 10 students organize and conduct excursions to enterprises, meet with workers from various farms in the village, and conduct environmental expertise (butter and cheese plant, natural monuments of the village and the region). Eleventh-graders are working on the problem “Ecology. Civilization, Culture. The result of this activity is business games, scientific conferences, where they present abstracts, research projects, results of search activities for the year. For example, while working on the problem of household waste, the guys prepared essays on how to dispose of garbage, collected photographic materials about “hot spots” in and around the village, and made a plan map. The speeches of the children at the meetings prompted the local residents to restore order, improve the work of the communal service of the village. Members of the circle "Young friends of nature" not only work on planting trees and shrubs in classrooms and recreation, study the nature of their native land, but also devote a lot of time to working with younger students: they organize holidays and matinees. Stimulating the creative direction in their work, I organize the work of children in environmental performances. Schoolchildren sometimes compose ecological fairy tales themselves (“The Tale of the Turnip”, “Teremok in a New Way”), but they also find interesting scenarios, rehearse and then show them to children in grades 1-5. The children write articles and poems for the local newspaper, appear on the pages of the school newspaper Ecopulse.

The subject weeks "Chemistry and Ecology", "Biology and Ecology", ecological month have become traditional at the school. During their implementation, I plan to work in the following areas:

a) protection of the natural environment (actions “My yard is my concern”, operations “Primroses”, “Green Trees”, etc.

b) improvement of the natural environment (cleaning the riverbed, drains, park from debris, landscaping);

c) propaganda and explanation of the ideas of nature conservation (making posters, participating in radio broadcasts, appeals to villagers, distributing leaflets);

d) preservation and use of aesthetic values ​​(making crafts from natural material, competitions of poems and essays about nature);

e) research work (protection of projects, participation in environmental monitoring);

e) Olympiads and competitions.

With the help of teachers and students of the school, an environmental cabinet and recreation were created. Materials of research works of students and summer assignments, workshops, were systematized and designed in the form of stands: "Rare and endangered plants and animals of the region", "Red Book of Stavropol", " Contemporary Issues waste management”, “Ecological problems of Russia, the region, Aleksandrovsky district”, “Ecology and health”. A cabinet council was created, a group of lecturers organizing excursions and lectures for students of various grades. The group of the council carries out coordination work with various detachments of children's associations, helps in preparing meetings with specialists, holding environmental events. The group-editor board organizes the publication of materials for the wall newspaper "Ecopulse", the work of school cadets, and holds exhibitions of drawings and posters.

Working with high school students, for a number of years I have been the head of the ecological and biological section of the school scientific society. I attract gifted and interested in biology guys. The main forms of activity are individual, sectional, mass. Individual work provides for independent studies of children with primary sources, additional literature, performing assignments on the topic of scientific research; sectional - staging and conducting feasible experiments, discussion of abstracts, defense of search proposals; mass - general meetings, conferences, weeks of ecology. Phenological observations, the study of local biogeocenoses, the role of earthworms, environmental monitoring, the study of student fatigue, screening tests, sociological surveys, etc. have become traditional.

These guys are regular participants in environmental competitions, Olympiads at school, district and region, and speak at the conference “Youth. The science. Culture.

The work aimed at maintaining the health of children and adolescents, unfortunately, is still not effective enough. There may be many reasons for this:

a) medicine today is a “passive institution”, since it is mainly engaged in returning sick people to normal, while it should strive to improve existing norm health;

b) the person himself is used to relying on the power of medicine, and not on the defenses of his body;

c) the socio-economic situation in the country, etc.

Therefore, not only systematic work on prevention is important at school from the first grades. It is necessary to put forward the tasks of forming, preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, to develop in them the need for a healthy lifestyle.

I have been doing systematic work in this direction for several years (lessons, extracurricular activities).

The formation of a healthy lifestyle includes three main goals:

Global - ensuring the physical and mental health of the younger generation;

Didactic - equipping schoolchildren with the necessary knowledge in the field of health care, instilling skills, abilities and habits that allow preventing child injuries, contributing to the preservation of health, working capacity and longevity;

Private-methodical - equipping students with knowledge of the physiological foundations of the process of human life and hygiene, elementary medical and preventive information about the most common pathologies, somatic and mental diseases, first emergency first aid and self-help, elementary medical procedures and methods of caring for the sick, sanitary and epidemiological knowledge, including the principles and organization of the health care system in the country, the epidemiology of infectious and venereal diseases, as well as knowledge about harmful effects on the body of narcotic and psychotropic drugs.

Of particular concern to both educators and parents, law enforcement and healthcare workers is the problem of preventing and combating drug addiction and phenological observations, studying local biogeocenoses, the role of earthworms, monitoring the state of the environment, studying student fatigue, screening tests, sociological surveys, etc.

The ongoing work of the research plan (abstract, project) contributes to the formation of cognitive interest, the acquisition of a broader outlook, the skills of educational independent activity. At the same time, students solve problems of a problematic nature, are involved in the process of independent search and “discovery” of new knowledge.

These guys are regular participants in environmental competitions, Olympiads at school, district and region, and speak at the conference “Youth. The science. Culture»

I pay much attention to the work on the assessment and self-assessment of the attitude of children to their health (“Healthy lifestyle?”, “How to protect your life and health?”, etc.). The data collected by the school's sociologists help not only to diagnose, control and correct the process of forming a healthy lifestyle.

Studying the topic “Higher nervous activity”, I consider the relationship between the psyche and health, introduce me to the mechanisms of psychological defense, the method of therapeutic self-hypnosis, the technique of conducting classes in autogenic training.

Harm of excess body weight. How to eat? How to eat in ecologically stressed areas? These and other questions are leading when studying the topic "Digestion", and when studying "Breathing" I teach children to perform breathing exercises, we consider with them the rules of breathing when running, doing hard physical work. When summarizing the knowledge of students for the 8th grade course, I not only pay attention to the knowledge of the basics of anatomy and human life, but also introduce them to Ivanov's health system, B.V. Bolotov, I develop in children the need to observe the principles of maintaining health.

As part of the monthly Health Days, we train children in the Green Pharmacy direction, where we acquaint them not only with the terms and rules for collecting medicinal raw materials, but also with the most important recipes for making simple decoctions, tinctures, etc. in everyday life, we learn from which plants in On a hike, you can make strong aromatic tea, which plants in the meadow or in the forest can be eaten immediately, without cooking, with edible and poisonous mushrooms in our area.

When conducting "Zarnitsa" among students in grades 5-8, we practice practical skills in providing first aid to victims of fractures, bleeding and other injuries, the ability to conduct artificial respiration and chest compressions.

Meetings with employees of the district hospital and anonymous testing in front of them make it possible to determine the topics of concern to young people (infectious and venereal diseases), which contributes to the subsequent prevention early pregnancy and abortion, venereal diseases.

Thus, the ongoing work not only enriches the children with knowledge, but also educates them in a responsible attitude towards their own health, the health of loved ones, the health of the nation, and involving children in active environmental protection activities. The result of our joint work with colleagues was:

a) a sufficiently high level of knowledge and skills in human ecology and hygiene;

b) an increase in the number of students involved in sports circles and sections (up to 70

c) decrease in the incidence rate for a number of diseases, except for acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;

d) decrease in the number of tobacco smokers in the middle and senior levels;

e) reducing the number of drives to the police.

Ministry of General and Vocational Education Rostov region

State public educational institution of the Rostov region

special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities

special (correctional) general education school No. 7VIIview of the city of Azov

Formation programecological culture,

healthy and safe lifestyle

Compiler: educatorIcategories

MALEIKO Elena Petrovna

The program for the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle in accordance with the definition of the Standard is a comprehensive program for the formation of students' knowledge, attitudes, personal guidelines and norms of behavior that ensure the preservation and strengthening of physical and psychological health as one of the value components that promote cognitive and emotional development child.

The program is based on the national values ​​of the Russian society, such as citizenship, health, nature, ecological culture, human and state security. The program is aimed at developing the motivation and readiness of students to improve their environmental awareness, act prudently, consciously adhere to a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle, work on environmental education, value nature as a source of spiritual development, information, beauty, health, material well-being.

The program for the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle at the level of primary general education is formed taking into account the factors that have a significant impact on the health of children:

adverse environmental, social and economic conditions;

risk factors that take place in educational institutions, which lead to a further deterioration in the health of children and adolescents from the first to last year learning;

sensitivity to impacts with simultaneous inertness to them by its nature, causing a time gap between the impact and the result, which can be significant, reaching several years, and thus between the initial and significant manifestation of unfavorable population shifts in the health of children and adolescents and the entire population of the country in in general;

features of the attitude of students of primary school age to their health, which differ significantly from those of adults, which is associated with the lack of “unhealthy” experience in children (with the exception of children with serious chronic diseases) and the child’s perception of the state of the disease mainly as a restriction of freedom (the need to lie in bed, painful injections).

The most effective way to form an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle for students is the independent work of schoolchildren directed and organized by adults, which contributes to the active and successful socialization of the child in educational institution, developing the ability to understand one's condition, to know the ways and options for the rational organization of the daily routine and physical activity, nutrition, personal hygiene rules.

However, only knowledge of the basics of a healthy lifestyle does not ensure and does not guarantee their use, if this does not become a necessary condition for the daily life of a child in a family and an educational institution.

When choosing a strategy for the implementation of this program, it is necessary to take into account the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children of primary school age, rely on the zone of actual development. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle is a necessary and obligatory component of the health-saving work of an educational institution, requiring an appropriate environmentally safe, health-saving organization of the entire life of an educational institution, including its infrastructure, the creation of a favorable psychological climate, ensuring the rational organization of the educational process, effective physical culture and health work, the organization of rational nutrition.

One of the components of the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle of students is educational work with their parents (legal representatives), involving parents (legal representatives) to work together with children, to develop a school program for protecting the health of students.

Goals and objectives of the program

The development of a program for the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle, as well as the organization of all work on its implementation is based on scientific validity, consistency, age and sociocultural adequacy, information security and practical expediency.

Main goal of this program - the preservation and strengthening of the physical, psychological and social health of students as one of the valuable components that contribute to the cognitive and emotional development of the child, the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education.

Program objectives:

to form ideas about the basics of ecological culture on the example of environmentally friendly behavior in everyday life and nature, safe for humans and the environment;

form an idea of ​​the positive and negative factors affecting health, including the impact on health of positive and negative emotions received from communicating with a computer, watching TV, participating in gambling;

to give an idea, taking into account the principle of information security, about the negative risk factors for children's health (reduced physical activity, infectious diseases, overwork, etc.), about the existence and causes of addictions to tobacco, alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances, about their harmful impact on health;

to form a cognitive interest and respect for nature;

to teach schoolchildren to follow the rules of personal hygiene and develop their readiness to maintain their own health on their basis;

form an idea of ​​proper (healthy) nutrition, its regimen, structure, useful products;

to form an idea of ​​the rational organization of the daily regimen, study and rest, physical activity, to teach the child to compose, analyze and control his daily regimen;

to teach safe behavior in the environment and basic skills of behavior in extreme situations;

develop positive communication skills;

to teach a conscious choice of actions, a style of behavior that allows you to maintain and strengthen health;

to form the child's need to fearlessly consult a doctor on any health issues, including those related to growth and development.

Stages of organization of work on the implementation of the program

Work on the implementation of the program for the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle can be implemented in two stages.

First stage - analysis of the state and planning of work in this area, including:

organization of the day regimen of children, their loads, nutrition, physical culture and health work, the formation of elementary hygiene skills, rational nutrition and the prevention of bad habits;

organization of ongoing and necessary for the implementation of the program of educational work with students and parents (legal representatives);

identifying priorities, taking into account the results of the analysis, as well as the age characteristics of students at the stage of primary general education.

Second phase - organization of educational, educational and methodological work of an educational institution in this area.

Educational, educational work with students, aimed at the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle, includes:

introduction of additional educational courses into the work system, which are aimed at forming the ecological culture of students, the values ​​of health and a healthy lifestyle, and can be implemented in extracurricular activities or included in the educational process;

lectures, conversations, consultations on environmental education, preservation and promotion of students' health, prevention of bad habits;

holding days of health, competitions, ecological trails, holidays and other active events aimed at environmental education, promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

creation of a public council for the implementation of the Program, including representatives of the administration, high school students, parents (legal representatives), representatives of children's sports and health clubs, environmental protection specialists.

Educational and methodical work with teachers, specialists and parents (legal representatives), aimed at improving the skills of employees of an educational institution and increasing the level of knowledge of parents (legal representatives) on the problems of protecting and strengthening the health of children, includes:

holding relevant lectures, consultations, seminars, round tables, parent meetings, pedagogical councils on this issue;

acquisition for teachers, specialists and parents (legal representatives) of the necessary scientific and methodological literature;

involvement of teachers, medical workers, psychologists and parents (legal representatives) in joint work on environmental, recreational activities and sports competitions.

Main directions, forms and methods of program implementation

At the stage elementary school in the first place in classroom and extracurricular activities, the experience of applying the universal educational activities formed by the efforts of all academic subjects, value orientations and evaluative skills, social norms of behavior aimed at preserving health and ensuring the environmental safety of man and nature is put forward. A personal experience of self-restraint is formed when solving the key contradiction of the ecological consciousness of this age “I want it or not” and its emotional experience.

The main sources of content are ecological images in the traditions and creativity of different peoples, fiction, art, as well as elements of scientific knowledge.

Main types activities of students: educational, educational and research, figurative-cognitive, game, reflective-evaluative, regulatory, creative, socially useful.

Formed values: nature, health, ecological culture, environmentally friendly behavior.

The main forms of organization of extracurricular activities: developing situations of game and educational type.

Systematic work at the level of primary general education on the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle is organized in the following areas:

creation of environmentally safe, health-saving infrastructure;

organization of educational and extracurricular activities of students;

organization of physical culture and health-improving work;

implementation of additional educational courses;

organization of work with parents (legal representatives).

Environmentally friendly, health-saving infrastructure includes:

compliance of the condition and maintenance of the building and premises of the school with environmental requirements, sanitary and hygienic standards, fire safety standards, health protection and labor protection requirements for students;

availability and necessary equipment of premises for meals for students, as well as for storage and cooking;

organization of high-quality hot meals for students, including hot breakfasts;

office equipment, gym, sports grounds with the necessary gaming and sports equipment and inventory;

availability of premises for medical personnel;

the presence of the necessary (based on the number of students) and qualified staff of specialists providing health-improving work with students (speech therapists, physical education teachers, psychologists, medical workers).

Organization of educational and extracurricular activities of students, aimed at improving the efficiency of the educational process, when alternating training and rest, includes:

compliance with hygiene standards and requirements for the organization and volume of educational and extracurricular workload (doing homework, classes in circles and sports sections) of students at all stages of education;

the use of teaching methods and techniques that are adequate to the age capabilities and characteristics of students (the use of methods that have been tested);

the introduction of any innovations in the educational process only under the supervision of specialists;

strict observance of all requirements for the use of technical teaching aids, including computers and audiovisual aids;

individualization of training, accounting individual characteristics the development of students: the pace of development and the pace of activity, learning according to individual educational trajectories;

conducting systematic work with children with poor health and with children with disabilities attending special medical groups under the strict supervision of medical workers

The effectiveness of the implementation of this direction depends on the activities of each teacher.

The most effective way to form an ecological culture, the value of health, a healthy lifestyle is the independent work of students, directed and organized by adults: teachers, educators, psychologists. Independent work contributes to the active and successful socialization of the younger student, develops the ability to understand their condition, know the ways and options for the rational organization of the daily routine and physical activity, nutrition, and personal hygiene rules.

Types of educational activities used in classroom and extracurricular activities: role-playing games, problem-value and leisure communication, project activities, socially creative and socially useful practice.

Forms of educational activities used in the implementation of the program: research work during walks, in a museum, the activity of a class or school newspaper on health or environmental issues, mini-projects, a discussion club, role-playing situational games, practical training, sports games, health days.

Organization of physical culture and health-improving work, aimed at ensuring the rational organization of the motor regime, normal physical development and motor fitness, increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body, maintaining and strengthening the health of students and forming a culture of health, includes:

full and effective work with students of all health groups (in physical education classes, in sections, etc.);

rational organization of physical culture lessons and activities of an active-motor nature;

organization of physical therapy classes;

organization of an hour of active movements (dynamic pause) between the 3rd and 4th lessons;

the organization of dynamic changes, physical education sessions in the classroom, contributing to emotional unloading and increasing motor activity;

organizing the work of sports sections and creating conditions for their effective functioning;

regular sports and recreational events (days of sports, competitions, olympiads, hikes, etc.).

Implementation of additional educational courses, aimed at increasing the level of knowledge and practical skills of students in the field of environmental culture and health protection, provides for:

introduction into the work system of additional educational courses aimed at the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle, as separate educational modules or components included in the educational process;

organization of circles, sections, electives on selected topics;

conducting theme days health, intellectual competitions, competitions, holidays, etc.

As one of the additional educational courses, the course "My environmental literacy" is used, aimed at environmental education of younger students, developing their rules for communicating between man and nature in order to preserve and strengthen their health, environmentally literate behavior at school and at home.

The course includes sections: "How to detect environmental hazards", "Environmental lessons of the past", "Safety at school and at home", "Environmental safety in the natural environment".

In addition, for the implementation of an additional educational course on the problems of protecting the health of students, the educational and methodological kit "All colors except black" is used. The set includes notebooks for students “Learning to understand myself”, “Learning to understand others”, “Learning to communicate”, manuals for teachers “Organization of pedagogical prevention of bad habits among younger students”.

Teaching additional educational courses aimed at the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle, provides for various forms of organizing classes: integration into basic educational disciplines, optional classes, classes in circles, leisure activities: competitions, holidays, quizzes, excursions, organization of thematic health days.

The main directions of educational and motivational work

Direction of activity


Sanitary and educational work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle

1. Acquaintance of children, parents with the basic concepts - health, a healthy lifestyle.

2. Formation of healthy lifestyle skills, hygiene, personal safety rules.

3. Providing conditions for motivation and stimulation of a healthy lifestyle.

Conducting health lessons class hours and school-wide activities to promote a healthy lifestyle, the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, hygiene and personal safety

Preventive activities

1. Providing conditions for early diagnosis of diseases, health prevention.

2. Creation of conditions that prevent the deterioration of health.

3. Providing assistance to children who have had illnesses in adapting to learning process.

4. Injury prevention.

System of measures to improve children's nutrition: diet; aesthetics of the premises; promotion of food culture in the family.

System of measures to improve sanitation and hygiene: general cleaning of classrooms, schools; compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The system of measures for the prevention of injuries: the design of safety corners; training with children.

Fatigue prevention: making mobile changes; recreation area equipment.

Physical culture and health-improving, sports and mass work

1. Strengthening children's health by means of therapeutic physical culture.

Increasing the volume and improving the quality of health-improving and mass work at school.

Involvement of employees of children's sports schools in the organization of physical culture and health-improving and mass work with children.

Structure of system activity:

Health saving infrastructure.

Rational organization of educational and extracurricular activities of students.

Effective organization of physical culture and health-improving work.

Implementation of additional programs.

Educational work with parents.

Monitoring the physical and psychological well-being of students.

Monitoring the physical and psychological well-being of students:

The degree of neuroticism, the prevalence of asthenic conditions and vegetative disorders (questionnaire survey).

Physical development of students.

student morbidity.

Physical fitness of students.

Comprehensive assessment of the state of health (distribution of children into health groups).

Healthy lifestyle of students.

Program Implementation Activities

Creative contests:

drawings “Health is in order - thanks to exercise!”, “We are growing healthy”;

crafts "Golden hands do not know boredom";

photo collages "Day off in our family", "Family holidays", "Family traditions";

poems to given rhymes “From plain water and soap, microbes lose their strength”, “I will save my health - I will help myself!”;

fairy tales “On the importance of a healthy lifestyle”, “A healthy mind in a healthy body”.

The work of the club "Health"

1st year. Make friends with water. Secrets of Doctor Water. Friends Water and Soap.

Eyes are the main helpers of a person. Prevention of myopia. Rules for maintaining vision.

Visit the Queen Toothbrush. Dental care. How to keep your smile healthy.

Reliable body protection. Skin care.

For ears to hear (rules of personal hygiene skills).

"Working tools" of a person (care for hands and feet).

Irreplaceable helpers (comb, handkerchief, etc.).

If you want to be healthy - temper yourself! Rubbing, dousing. I choose HOS.

2nd year. Health is in order - thanks to charging!

Sleep is the best medicine.

Healthy food for the whole family. How to eat.

Muscles, bones and joints. Posture - slender back.

Movement and health.

Outdoor games.

Folk games.

Doctors of Nature.

3rd year. Grow healthy. Healthy lifestyle rules.

How to cultivate confidence and fearlessness in yourself?

How are you? Emotions, feelings, actions.

How to deal with stress? Don't hesitate to restrain yourself.

Boys and girls! Let's live in peace!

Beauty of soul and body.

Teaching with passion.

The best vacation is a favorite pastime.

Learn to organize your vacation.

What depends on my decision?

Why are some habits called bad?

Evil is tobacco.

Evil is alcohol.

Evil is a drug.

Help yourself. Volitional behavior. training safe behavior.

TV and computer - friends or enemies?

We will do well and not be bad.

Health holidays:

1st class -"Friends of Moidodyr" (matinee).

2nd grade -"With the regime of the day, friends!" (oral journal).

3rd grade -"Parade of hobbies" (forum).

4th grade -"Not bad habits!" (marathon).

The work of the "Club of interesting meetings"(parents, a medical worker, specialists of various professions are involved in the organization and conduct of classes).

1st year:

What did the microscope say? (Hygienist).

Take care of your teeth. (Dentist).

First aid for frostbite. (School nurse).

Attention, tick! (Nurse).

2nd year:

Prevention of child injury. Operation "Attention: children!". (Inspector of traffic police).

If you are friends with LFC.

Prevention of colds. (Nurse).

Vitamins are all around us. (Pediatrician).

3rd year:

Prevention of emotional stress (touchiness, fear, irritability). (Psychologist).

In the world of beauty. (Music teacher).

Profession - journalist. (Meeting with a correspondent of a local newspaper).

4th year:

Take care of your health from a young age! (Children's doctor).

Prevention of alcoholism and tobacco smoking. (Social teacher).

Prevention of drug addiction. (IDN).

How to be a friend. (Psychologist).


1st year -“On a safe route to the children's library, to the cinema;

2nd year - to the pharmacy, to the fire department;

3rd year - to the local history museum;

4th year - in church".

Working with parents. The main task is to form a healthy family leisure.

Topics for parent meetings

1st year. Child's health is the basis of success in learning (problem lecture). Daily routine in the life of a schoolchild (workshop).

2nd year. Path to health (meeting-kaleidoscope). What parents need to know about the physiology of younger students. (Helpful tips for every day).

3rd year. Sports traditions of our family ( round table). Emotional condition.

4th year. How to protect yourself from the wrong step. (Prevention of bad habits habits).

Annually: Final meeting "Inseparable friends - parents and children." Student Achievement Parade. (Annual award ceremony "Student of the Year" in nominations).

Topics of consultative meetings:

Hygienic requirements for the organization of homework.

A complex of micropauses when doing homework.

What determines the performance of younger students.

Fatigue of younger schoolchildren, ways to prevent fatigue.

Prevention of myopia.

Prevention of posture disorders.

Mindfulness exercises.

Exercises for the development of visual and auditory memory.

Exercises for the development of logical thinking.

neurosis prevention.

Cyclogram of class work


Morning exercises (before lessons), control of thermal, sanitary conditions and lighting, hot meals, dynamic, relaxation breaks, preventive exercises and self-massage in class, walks.


Publication of “Health Pages”, work in circles, sports sections, classes at the “School of Health”, conducting outdoor lessons.


Meeting of the club "Health", consultation meetings with parents, diagnosis, general cleaning of the classroom.

Once a quarter

Lesson "Club of interesting meetings", cool family holidays, excursions, parent meetings.


in half a year

Open door days (for parents), visit to the dentistry office.

Once a year

Medical examination, Vitamin Tea operation, filling out a health passport, prevention of influenza and other viral infections, Health Day, health holiday.

Planned results of the Healthy and Safe Lifestyle Culture Development Program:

improving the health of participants in the educational process;

stability of indicators of physical and mental health of children;

reducing the number of lessons missed due to illness;

formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle;

formation of an attitude towards the use of a healthy diet;

changing the attitude of all subjects of the educational process towards their health: developing the ability (will) to resist bad habits and negative environmental influences, the desire and ability to lead a healthy lifestyle;

activation of children's interest in physical therapy;

increasing the optimal motor modes of schoolchildren, taking into account their age, mental capabilities;

inclusion in the work plan of the school of regular health weeks (1 time per quarter);

the ability of a primary school graduate to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Relationships established for the implementation of the program

Internal: physical education teacher, school nurse, social worker, psychologist, school librarian.

External: children's library, SDYUSSHOR.

Performance criteria:

  • automatism of personal hygiene skills;
  • the effectiveness of the program is assessed based on the results of diagnostics (express diagnostics of health indicators of first-graders; questionnaires for parents "Health of the child", "Can your lifestyle be called healthy?"; for students "The importance of health in the value system", "Formation of personal hygiene skills") .

Criteria and performance indicators

In order to obtain objective data on the results of the program implementation and the need for its correction, it is advisable to conduct systematic monitoring in an educational institution.

Program implementation monitoring includes:

  • analytical data on the level of students' ideas about the problems of environmental protection, their health, proper nutrition, the impact of psychotropic substances on human health, rules of conduct at school and outside of school, including in transport;
  • tracking the dynamics of students' health indicators: general health indicator, indicators of morbidity of the organs of vision and the musculoskeletal system;
  • tracking the dynamics of injuries in an educational institution, including road traffic injuries;
  • tracking the dynamics of indicators of the number of absences from classes due to illness.

Criteria for effective implementation Programs for the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle for students:

  • increasing the level of culture of interpersonal communication of students and the level of empathy for each other;
  • reduction of the level of social tension in the children's teenage environment;
  • results of express diagnostics of schoolchildren's health indicators;
  • positive results of the analysis of questionnaires for the study of the life of schoolchildren, questionnaires for parents (legal representatives).

Culture of a healthy lifestyle in the structure of environmental education

Environmental protection is a fundamental task for the health of the nation. “The health of the nation depends on what we leave the natural habitat to our descendants,” the government of the Russian Federation noted and stated that “civil society should play a decisive role in protecting the environment,” while environmental education and upbringing of the younger generation acquire an extremely important role . Today, more than ever, the environmental problem has become one of the most pressing problems of modern society “our home is in danger.” Mankind will be able to save the environment if everyone realizes responsibility for the fate of our common home, planet Earth. We are part of nature and entirely dependent on it. Technocracy, which led humanity to the current global environmental crisis, has been replaced by the understanding that in order to preserve nature, all forms of activity must be restructured. A task early formation in children of preschool age, ecological education and a culture of behavior towards nature and towards their own health is relevant and timely.

With the passing of laws Russian Federation"On the protection of the natural environment" created the prerequisites for the legal framework for the formation of a system of environmental education of the population. These documents imply the creation in the regions of the country of a system of continuous environmental education, the first link of which is preschool education. It is at this age that the foundations of a person's worldview, his attitude to the world around him, are laid.

But if we teach children from the very beginning early age treats nature with care, love our homeland, if we demonstrate our own correct behavior and attitude to the objects of nature, then it will be possible to hope that these sprouts of kindness embedded in early childhood they will surely grow into mighty trees firmly attached to their homeland. And this new generation will be environmentally literate, healthy not only physically, but also personally, intellectually, spiritually.

And for this, in kindergartens it is necessary to create projects for the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and worldview through the development of elementary environmental knowledge about nature; education in children of conscious compliance with the rules of behavior in nature, responsibility for their own health. Healthy lifestyle behavioral skills needs; raising the level of ecological culture of parents, since it determines the culture of the child, contributes to the formation of an ecologically developed personality, determines the strength and stability of family education.

Of great importance in the ecological education of preschool children are programs aimed at establishing the principles of ecological culture through the knowledge of the ecological laws of nature.

The program recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Young Ecologist" by S. N. Nikolaeva, created on the basis of her own Concept of environmental education for preschoolers. The "Young Ecologist" includes two subprograms - a program for the environmental education of preschoolers, a program for improving the qualifications of preschool workers in the field of environmental education of children, that is, at the same time, the issue of the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture in children and its development in adults is being solved. The program has a thorough theoretical and experimental justification, focused on a personal approach to the child and its comprehensive development.

The program of N. A. Ryzhova "Nature is our home" is aimed at educating a humane, socially active and creative personality of a child of 5-6 years old, with a holistic view of nature, with an understanding of the place of man in it. In accordance with the program, children receive ideas about the relationships in nature, which help them acquire the principles of an ecological worldview and culture, a responsible attitude towards the environment and their health.

The leading pedagogical idea is that if the teacher creates optimal conditions for the physical, mental and cognitive development of the child, a system of measures that do not allow the child to be overburdened during the organization of the educational process, then children master elementary environmental knowledge about nature. right attitude to their health and a sense of responsibility for it, there is a decrease in the incidence of children.

At preschool age, the foundations of health, longevity, physical improvement, and human performance are laid. Their spiritual life, mental development, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and cheerfulness of children. The child is unique, unique in its individuality. He must be free, independent, active in knowing himself and his world. A healthy, cheerful, inquisitive, active child is the result of mutual understanding and unity of efforts of the teaching staff and parents.

The goal of environmental education is to educate a preschooler with conscious perception surrounding reality, empathy, sympathy, and most importantly - taking care of your health and the environment.

List of used literature:

  1. Zebzeeva V.A. Development of elementary natural-scientific ideas and ecological culture of children: a review of preschool education programs. - M.: Sphere, 2009

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Structural model of work on the system of forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle "Our tradition is to be healthy!"

Structural model of work on the system of forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle....

Consultation for parents "Educating a culture of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers as a psychological and pedagogical problem."