Notebook for practical work of medical training. First aid workbook. Artificial respiration techniques and heart massage

The workbook was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education in the specialty SPO

31.02.01. "Pharmacy" in accordance with the program of discipline OP13. First aid.



BPOU VO "Borisoglebskmedcollege"

Workbook on discipline OP13. "First aid"

specialty 33.02.01 "Pharmacy"

Compiled by: teacher




A.P. Grebennikov


The workbook was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education in the specialty SPO

31.02.01. "Pharmacy"in accordance with the program of discipline OP13. First aid.

Developer: Lecturer, BPOU HE "Borisoglebskmedcollege"

Grebennikov A.P.

Formed competencies in the process of studying the discipline

General competencies (OK):

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession show a sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan to improve their skills.

OK 9. Navigate in conditions frequent shift technologies in professional activity.

OK 10. Carefully treat the historical heritage and cultural traditions people, respect social, cultural and religious differences.

OK 11. Be ready to take on moral obligations in relation to nature, society and man.

OK 12. Lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise physical education and sports to improve health, achieve life and professional goals.

Professional competencies (PC):

PC 1.6. Comply with the rules of sanitary and hygienic regime, protection

labor, safety and fire safety.

PC 1.7. Provide first aid.

Explanatory note

The range of various sudden illnesses and accidents is large and covers almost all branches of clinical medicine. The ability to correctly and timely provide first aid often depends on the life, health and success of all further treatment of a sick person. Any medical worker inevitably faces situations when there is a need to provide such assistance.

Rendering first medical care– direct civic and human duty of everyone medical worker regardless of his specialty.

The student must be able to:

- Provide first aid for injuries, burns, frostbite;

Provide first aid in case of emergency at preventive appointments;

Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The student must know:

Basic principles of first aid;

Algorithm for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

1. Principles and methods of resuscitation.

2. First aid for bleeding.

4. First aid for injuries.

6. First aid for some general


1.Principles and methods of resuscitation

1. Give definitions to concepts.

Resuscitation is

Resuscitation is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Clinical death is


2. Write down the signs of clinical and biological death.


K Clinical death

biological death



Pulse on peripheral




Color of skin and visible mucous membranes

Presence of dead spots

3. Give detailed answers to the questions:

List the contraindications for resuscitation?________________


What are the causes of clinical death? ____________________________


Name the time of appearance of irreversible structural changes in the CNS cells from the moment of cessation of respiration and blood circulation under normothermic conditions. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the indications for resuscitation?


- how is artificial ventilation of the lungs performed using the mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-nose methods?

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________

Describe the technique of external cardiac massage? _____________________________


What is the difference between resuscitation carried out by one and two people providing assistance? _______________________________________________________________


4. Specify the first aid in case of foreign bodies entering the upper respiratory tract:

5. Indicate by serial numbers the sequence of artificial ventilation of the lungs by the mouth-to-mouth method:

() open the victim's mouth and, if there is content in the oral cavity, clean it with two fingers wrapped in a cloth;

() lay the victim on his back, on a hard surface;

() with two fingers right hand supporting the head, pinch the nose of the victim, take a deep breath;

() make a forced exhalation, blowing your exhaled air into the lungs of the victim;

() make sure that the chest rises with each blow;

() tilt the head of the victim as far back as possible;

() with lips grasp the slightly open mouth of the victim (through a gauze napkin or a clean handkerchief).

6. Solve a situational problem.

In the school cafeteria, the child was in a hurry to have lunch. Without chewing a piece of meat, he took a deep breath, and his breathing became difficult, and then he lost consciousness. What is the procedure for emergency care?


7.1. With the development of dying, the determining process is:

A) beriberi;

B) hypoxia;

C) decreased kidney function;

D) drop in immunity;

7.2. Duration of clinical death under normal conditions:

A) 2 minutes;

B) 15 - 20 minutes;

C) 5 - 7 minutes

D) 10 - 12 minutes

7.3. Full resuscitation is necessary:

A) with deep fainting;

B) severe brain damage;

B) cessation of breathing;

D) very weak pulse.

7.4. A reliable sign of biological death is:

A) severe pallor of the skin;

B) lack of breathing;

D) constriction of the pupil when the eyes are squeezed from the sides.

7.5. One of the signs of clinical death:

A) shallow breathing

B) very weak pulse;

B) lack of consciousness;

D) weak reaction to light.

7.6. Obvious cadaveric sign:

A) lack of breathing and heartbeat

B) dilated pupils and bluish skin color

C) clouding of the cornea of ​​​​the eye and cadaveric spots on the skin

D) decrease in body temperature to 35 degrees

7.7. Reliable sign of biological death:

A) severe pallor of the skin;

B) lack of breathing and pulse;

C) absence of a pulse in the radial arteries;

D) clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye.

7.8. Indications for the beginning of artificial ventilation of the lungs and external heart massage:

A) the absence of spontaneous breathing or the sudden appearance of agonal type breathing;

B) absence of pulsation on the carotid artery;

C) maximum pupil dilation without photoreaction.

7.9. If the victim is unconscious, he has no pulse on the carotid artery and there is no breathing, then it is necessary:

A) turn the victim on his stomach;

B) give a sniff ammonia;

B) start a challenge With ventilatory lung ventilation and indirect heart massage;

D) start non-ventilated resuscitation.

7.10. The effectiveness of external heart massage is evaluated according to the following signs:

A) the appearance of a pulse;

B) constriction of the pupils and the appearance of their reaction to light;

C) the disappearance of the bluish color;

D) recovery of consciousness.

7.11. If resuscitation is carried out by one person, then:

A) after every 15 compressions of the sternum with an interval of 1 second, he must, having stopped the massage, make 2 strong breaths using the mouth-to-mouth method;

B) every 5 compressions of the sternum with an interval of 1 second, he must, having stopped the massage, make 1 strong breath using the mouth-to-mouth method;

C) every 2 squeezing of the sternum with an interval of 1 second, he must, stopping the massage, make 1 strong breath using the mouth-to-mouth method;

D) after each squeezing of the sternum with an interval of 1 second, he must, having stopped the massage, make 5 strong breaths using the mouth-to-mouth method.

7.12. When two people are involved in resuscitation, you should:

A) take 1 strong mouth-to-mouth breath after every 5

Squeezing of the sternum;

B) take 5 strong breaths using the mouth-to-mouth method after every 5

Squeezing of the sternum;

C) take 1 strong mouth-to-mouth breath after every 15

Squeezing of the sternum;

D) take 2 strong breaths using the mouth-to-mouth method after every 2

Compression of the sternum.

2. First aid for bleeding

1. Define the concept.

Bleeding is _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. List the ways to temporarily stop bleeding:________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Mark with a “+” sign which type of bleeding these signs refer to.






color bright

Color dark

Color mixed

Light bleeding

Bleeding is easy to stop

Blood flows high fountain

Blood flows in a calm continuous stream

Bleeding occurs when there is a violation of the spongy organ

Blood appears on the surface of the wound in the form of dew

Big blood loss

The blood is pulsating

The blood is very hard to stop

4. Mark with a “+” sign to which group of signs the indicated symptoms of internal bleeding belong.


The sign is subjective

The sign is objective

Loss of consciousness

Cold sweat

General weakness

Nausea, vomiting

haggard face



Sunken eyes

Pale skin and mucous membranes

Pulse is frequent

Weak or thready


Ringing in the ears and head

Flickering and darkening in the eyes

Dryness of mucous membranes

Blood pressure is not changed


Low and falling fast

  1. Use the "+" sign to evaluate the quality of the tourniquet.



Too tight

Too weak

The bleeding has stopped

Extremity is very cold

The pulse below the tourniquet is not palpable

The bandage is profusely soaked in blood.

Limb very pale

The limb is cool to the touch

Limb cyanotic

The pulse below the tourniquet is barely palpable

limb temperature is normal

The limb is pale

How is bleeding classified? Describe the main types of bleeding._________________________________________________


What is a temporary stop of bleeding? For what purpose is it carried out?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What kind general rules when applying a hemostatic tourniquet? What is the tactic of using a tourniquet during long-term (several hours) transportation?


- list improvised means that can replace the tourniquet _____________


List temporary methods for: arterial bleeding; venous bleeding and capillary

What is the role, rules and typical places of digital (manual) pressing of the arteries on the human body?

Name the values ​​of life-threatening blood loss and fatal blood loss.


What are general principles prevention of traumatic shock?

7. Indicate by serial numbers the sequence of measures to provide emergency care for injuries using a tourniquet:

() performing immobilization;

() the introduction or giving (reception) of an analgesic;

() giving the injured limb an elevated position;

() applying a sterile dressing to the wound;

() transportation to a medical institution;

() application of a tourniquet.

8. Choose the right solutions and set the order of first aid for bleeding:

() apply a tourniquet to the limb below the site of bleeding;

() apply a tourniquet to the limb above the site of bleeding;

() the tourniquet is applied for an indefinite time;

() the tourniquet is applied for no more than 1 hour;

() the pressure point on the neck and head is above the wound;

() pressure point on the neck and head - below the wound or in the wound;

() a note about the time the application of the tourniquet is required;

() a note about the time the application of the tourniquet is not needed;

() close the gap with a clean napkin;

() treat the wound with brilliant green or iodine solution;

() call " ambulance»;

() deliver to the hospital;

() when fainting, give a cotton swab with ammonia;

() give the victim plenty to drink;

() apply cold to the injury site;

() put the injured limb under the jet cold water;

() apply an aseptic bandage to the wound.

9. Write down the causes, symptoms, and first aid measures for the following types of bleeding:

Bleeding from the nose __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bleeding after tooth extraction

Pulmonary bleeding __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Intestinal bleeding __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Choose the correct answers to the questions:

10.1. The time of squeezing the limb with a hemostatic tourniquet in an adult in warm weather should not exceed:

A) 30 minutes;

B) 1 hour;

C) 2 hours;

D) 3 hours.

10.2. The time of squeezing the limb with a hemostatic tourniquet in an adult in cold weather should not exceed:

A) 30 minutes;

B) 1 hour;

C) 2 hours;

D) 3 hours.

10.3. First step for wounds:

A) anesthesia;

B) washing the wound site with a disinfectant solution;

C) applying a sterile bandage;

D) stop bleeding.

10.4. A complication of bleeding is:

A) vomiting;

B) anemia;

B) intoxication;

D) the formation of an ulcer in the stomach.

10.5. Blood of a scarlet color, a high fountain or a pulsating stream flows out during bleeding:

A) venous;

B) arterial;

B) capillary;

D) parenchymal.

10.6. Lightning will be bleeding:

A) from large arterial and venous trunks, parenchymal organs;

B) heart, aorta and other vital organs;

C) arteries and veins of medium caliber;

D) capillaries.

10.7. Parenchymal bleeding is:

A) from the heart, intestines;

B) liver, kidneys;

C) uterine, gastric;

D) nasal.

10.8. Subjective signs of internal bleeding:

A) weakness, fatigue, dizziness;

B) rapid breathing;

B) low blood pressure;

D) palpitations.

10.9. Objective sign of internal bleeding:

A) dizziness;

B) weakness;

C) lowering blood pressure;

D) dry mouth.

3. First aid for burns, frostbite, wounds.

1. Define the terms:

The wound is _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Frostbite is ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A burn is _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Desmurgy is ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Describe non-gunshot mechanical wounds:

Sliced ​​________________________________________________________________


Stabbed ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bruised ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Crushed ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Torn ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chopped ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bitten ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Write down the signs of the main complications of wounds.

  1. Using the “+” sign, mark the relative and reliable signs characterizing thermal burns of varying degrees.


Burn 1 tbsp.

Burn 2 tbsp.

Burn 3 tbsp.

Burn 4 tbsp.




Necrosis (death)


General weakness


  1. Using the “+” sign, mark the relative and reliable signs that characterize frostbite of varying degrees.



1 st.


2 tbsp.


3 art.


4 tbsp.

Necrosis of all layers of the skin and soft tissues to various depths. Hemorrhagic blisters.

Necrosis of the superficial layers of the skin. Vesicles with serous contents

The necrosis of all layers of tissue, including bone.

Pale skin or cyanosis, somewhat edematous.

6. Give detailed answers to the questions:

Give a detailed description of the classification of wounds in relation to infection?


- give a detailed description of penetrating non-penetrating wounds? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the fundamental differences between gunshot wounds and other mechanical wounds?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the main complications of wounds? _________________________________


- what are the tasks and principles of providing first aid to the wounded?_____

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________

What is the first aid for thermal and chemical burns?

What is the first aid for frostbite?

List the main types of bandages?

Application of an individual dressing bag

7. Solve situational problems:

During training in the gym, the child fell on the bench and injured the wrist area, there was slight bleeding and a wound, lacerated in nature. What is the procedure for emergency care?


A group of teenagers, roller-skating, knocked down a girl walking in front, which caused injury to the elbow joint area by the skate; a deep wound and bleeding. What are the emergency procedures?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The boy, swinging on a swing, fell to the ground and hit his shoulder joint hard; there was a bruised wound with unexpressed bleeding. What are the procedures and methods for providing emergency care?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

During the fire, the man received flame burns on his head, neck, right upper limb, part chest on the right (about 20%). What is your tactics and emergency care at the pre-hospital stage?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A 35-year-old man, in the stage of alcohol intoxication, froze his ears. Complains of pain in the ears. Your tactics and emergency care at the prehospital stage?

  1. Choose the correct answers to the questions:

8.1. Care for a serious injury should begin:

A) with anesthesia;

B) immobilization;

B) stop bleeding

D) applying an aseptic dressing.

8.2. Close the wound with cotton when dressing:

Can i;

B) it is impossible;

C) it is possible if the cotton wool is sterile;

D) possible after processing.

8.3. A complication of injury is not:

A) a sharp rise in blood pressure;

B) wound infection;

B) deep fainting;

D) dysfunction of the injured organ.

8.4. With a penetrating wound of the chest on the left with bleeding, it is first necessary:

A) apply a tourniquet;

B) give nitroglycerin under the tongue;

B) inject an anesthetic;

D) apply a bandage.

8.5. The wounded, who are unconscious, are transported in the position:

A) on the side

B) lying on your back;

C) lying on your back with raised lower limbs and head down;

D) lying on the back with legs bent at the knees.

8.6. To determine the area of ​​burns, there are rules:

A) nines, palms;

B) dozens;

B) hundreds

D) Frank index.

8.7. The appearance of blisters on the skin with transparent contents is characteristic of a burn:

A) 2 degrees;

B) 3 degrees;

C) 4 degrees;

D) 1 degree.

4. First aid for injuries

1. Define the terms:

A bruise is _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Dislocation is _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Using the “+” sign, mark the relative and reliable signs characterizing the types of fractures.


Relative sign

Reliable sign

Pain in the area of ​​the fracture on palpation

Limb deformity

Dysfunction of the injured limb

Crepitation of bone fragments

Pathological mobility in the area of ​​the suspected fracture

Pain with pressure along the long axis of the bone

  1. Specify the sequence and type of first aid measures for fractures. Write in brackets how each activity should be performed.


Closed fracture

Open fracture


Aseptic dressing


Protection of bony prominences

Splint overlay

Giving the average physiological position of the limb

  1. Using the “+” sign, mark the methods of transport immobilization in accordance with the area of ​​damage.
  1. Use the “+” sign to mark the measures of transport immobilization in case of injuries of the shoulder girdle and upper limbs.





Hang a limb on a scarf

Cross bandage on the shoulder joints

Cotton - gauze rings

Bandage the limb to the body

Splint from mid-shoulder to fingertips

Apply a splint from fingertips to the inner edge of a healthy shoulder blade

  1. Use the “+” sign to mark the measures of transport immobilization in case of injuries of the lower limb.





Foot-to-foot fixation

Give the injured limb an average physiological position

Splint from fingertips to mid-calf

Splint from fingertips to mid-thigh

Splint from shoulder blade to heel to fingertips and from armpit to groin

7. Indicate by serial numbers the sequence of measures to provide emergency care in case of dislocation:

() give an analgesic;

() apply a tight bandage or splint;

() lay or seat the victim;

() apply cold to the injured limb;

() take the victim to the hospital;

() call an ambulance.

8. Give detailed answers to the questions:

What damages are classified as closed?_______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


- What are the symptoms and first aid for bruises?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the symptoms and first aid for sprains?_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Describe the following types of dislocations: congenital, acquired, complete, incomplete, open, complicated? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

- name the types of fractures. What are their main features?____________________

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is the purpose of transport immobilization for fractures?

What means of transport immobilization exist?_________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How are tires selected and modeled?

What are the basic rules for splinting?_______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the clinical manifestations and first aid for a skull fracture?

What are the clinical manifestations and first aid for a fracture of the chest bones?

What are the clinical manifestations and first aid for a fracture of the bones of the spine? _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________


What are the clinical manifestations and first aid for fractures of the bones of the extremities?

9. Choose the correct answers to the questions:

9.1. First aid for injury:

A) cold on the area of ​​the damaged joint;

B) transport immobilization;

C) applying a warm compress;

D) the use of painkillers.

9.2. Dislocation sign:

A) deformity and swelling of the limb;

B) severe pain;

C) the mandatory presence of a wound;

D) a sharp increase in pain when moving or trying to lean on an injured limb;

D) redness or blueness of the limb.

9.3. First aid for dislocation:

A) reduction of dislocation;

B) cold on the area of ​​the damaged joint, the use of painkillers, immobilization of the limb in the position that it took after the injury;

C) applying a bandage that fixes the joint;

D) providing the patient with complete rest, applying a tight bandage to the area of ​​the damaged joint.

9.4. A reliable sign of a complete fracture of the bones:

A) pain

B) pathological mobility (movement of a limb in an unusual place);

C) dysfunction of the limb;

D) crepitation of fragments (crunching when probing at the fracture site).

9.5. The basic rules of immobilization do not include:

A) anesthesia;

B) protection of bony prominences;

C) the appointment of symptomatic drugs;

D) fixation of two joints adjacent to the fracture.

5. First aid in case of accidents.

1. Define the terms:

Injury is ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

An accident is ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Electrical injury is ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Asphyxia is __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Heat stroke is _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sunstroke is __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Poisoning is ______________________________________________________________- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Specify the type of events forfirst aid in various situations:


First aid

Electrical injury and lightning strike

Drowning and suffocation

Heat and sunstroke

poisonous mushrooms

Organophosphorus compounds

concentrated acids

Caustic alkalis

Medications (in case of overdose)

snake venom (for bites)

bee venom (for stings)

4. Using the list below, indicate in letters the procedure for a bee sting:

() apply a cold compress to the bite site;

() give the victim a hot drink to drink;

() remove the sting with tweezers or other improvised means;

() wipe the bite with ammonia or vodka.

5. Use the "+" sign to rate the following statements.




To diagnose poisoning, it is not necessary to specify the route of entry of a toxic substance into the body.

In children, poisoning occurs mainly due to the negligence of adults.

Occupational poisoning occurs when safety regulations are not followed at chemical plants

When bitten by a snake, it is necessary to cauterize the bite with a red-hot iron

When bitten by a poisonous snake, it is necessary to quickly suck out the poison from the wound.

In case of poisoning with concentrated acids and caustic alkalis, tubeless gastric lavage is necessary

There are only two ways for poisons to enter the human body

In case of poisoning with concentrated acid, it is necessary to wash the stomach with a solution of baking soda

There are no contraindications for gastric lavage

In case of poisoning with caustic alkali, it is necessary to wash the stomach with a solution of food acid (citric, acetic)

An emetic should not be given to an unconscious patient.

In case of snake bites, the victim should be allowed to drink half a glass of vodka or other alcohol to relieve the symptoms of intoxication.

The introduction of antigyurzine is the most effective remedy poisoning with snake venom

6. Solve situational problems:

- Electric wires near the school were torn by the wind. A 10-year-old schoolboy grabbed the end of the wire, fell and lost consciousness. What is the procedure for providing emergency care? __________________________________________________________


- A child of 9 years old was swimming in the river, the current carried him to the depths, and he began to drown. You jumped into the river to save the child. On the shore, the victim had no breath and no pulse was felt on the carotid artery. What is the procedure for providing emergency care?

- A team of joint ventures found an unconscious patient on the street. The skin is pale, cold, on the elbows there are traces of multiple injections. What is the procedure for emergency care?_____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. First aid for some common diseases

1. Define the terms:

Fainting is _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Collapse is __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Myocardial infarction is ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Hypertensive crisis

Bronchial asthma

Anaphylactic shock is

Seizures are _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Acute abdomen" is ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

myocardial infarction

Hypertensive crisis

Bronchial asthma

Anaphylactic shock


"Acute Belly"

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan
GAPOU RB "Tuymazinsky Medical College"



to practical classes for students

by specialty
060101 "General Medicine"

according to PM.01. Diagnostic activity

MDK 01.01. Diagnostic activity
Student ________ group, ________ brigade



Name and patronymic
20_____ - 20_____ academic year
Compiled by: Fatkhullina N.V.,

teacher of obstetrics and gynecology,


information technology teacher


Fathullina Nuria Vazirovna

WORKBOOK for practical exercises for students studying in the specialty 060101 "Medicine" according to PM.01. Diagnostic activity MDK 01.01. Diagnostic activity, 272 pages, illustrations.

The workbook is recommended for use in practical classes and in self-preparation for the PM. 01 Diagnostic activity MDC 01.01. Propedeutics of clinical disciplines for students of medical colleges studying in the specialty 060101 "Medicine".

The content of the workbook on the topic "Propaedeutics in obstetrics and gynecology" includes the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, a list of competencies and issues under study, tasks for updating basic knowledge, tasks to consolidate knowledge and test tasks, situational tasks. The notebook is illustrated with drawings, diagrams, tables. The composition of the notebook includes a glossary, homework to consolidate the topic, the studied material. Designed for students of medical colleges.

© GAPOU RB "Tuymazinsky Medical College", 2014


Fundamentals of medical training.

      • First medical (pre-hospital) aid is a set of urgent measures taken in case of injuries, injuries or sudden illnesses in order to eliminate life-threatening phenomena, prevent possible complications, alleviate suffering and prepare the victim for transportation to a medical institution.

        , regulating private security activities, obliges employees of private security structures to know and be able to provide first aid to victims when a security guard uses firearms or.
        Consider the procedure for a private security guard in assisting the victim before the arrival of doctors.
        In most cases, first aid begins with the removal of clothes and shoes from the victim in whole or in part. At the same time, in order to avoid possible complications and causing additional injury to the victim, the following rules should be observed.
        1. Clothes from the victim should be removed, starting from the healthy side. For example, if injured left hand, then the shirt or jacket is first removed from the right hand.
        2. If the clothes are stuck to the wound, then the fabrics of the clothes should not be torn off, but it is better to cut them around the wound.
        3. In case of severe bleeding, clothing should be quickly cut and unfolded to free the wound.
        4. In case of injuries to the shin or foot, the shoes must be cut along the seam of the heel, and then removed, first freeing the heel.
        5. When removing clothes or shoes from an injured arm or leg, carefully support the limb.
        6. It is undesirable to undress the victim completely without special need, and especially in the cold season. In such a situation, only that part of the body where it is necessary to carry out certain manipulations is released. To do this, it is enough to cut a “window” in the clothes so that after applying a bandage and stopping the bleeding, it would be possible to close the bare part of the body from a part of the clothes with a “sash”.
      • The human body is one whole.
        The human body consists of a number of organs and is called an organism, which consists of the following systems: bone, muscle, digestive, respiratory, genitourinary, vascular, nervous, sensory organs, systems of endocrine glands and skin.
        Human movements are carried out with the help of the skeletal and muscular systems. Respiration is provided by the respiratory system, and nutrition is provided by the digestive system.
        Blood circulation is carried out by the vascular system, through which nutrients, oxygen and hormones nourish the body. With help nervous system communication of the body with the external environment, as well as between organs and tissues.
        The system of endocrine glands regulates, together with the nervous system, all processes in the body.
        The skin performs protective functions body, removing waste products in the form of sweat.
        Any harmful effect on the body is reflected in each of the systems, therefore, when providing first aid, their relationship should be taken into account.
  • Injuries and methods of their immobilization.

    Injury is an anatomical or physiological disorder of the body caused by an external factor. Depending on it, injuries are divided into mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, mental.
    Mechanical injuries are open - with a violation of the skin or mucous membranes (abrasions, wounds) and closed - without damage. Closed injuries include bruises, tears internal organs and skeletal injuries: fractures and dislocations, sprains and torn ligaments.
    Physical damage occurs when exposed to high or low temperatures (burns, heat stroke, frostbite), electric current (electrical injury, lightning strikes) and radiation energy ( sunburn, radiation sickness).
    Chemical disturbances are caused by acids, alkalis.
    Biological injuries are manifested by the action of bacterial toxins.
    Mental trauma is the result of reflex stimulation of the central nervous system, strong or unexpected stimuli (for example, fright).
  • The treatment of injuries with cold is widely used. During cooling, the excitation threshold of the muscle fiber increases, the intensity of metabolic processes decreases, and the spasm that accompanies traumatic injuries decreases.
    Cooling is used in the form of cold compresses, immersion of the injured limb in ice water, application of ice compresses, etc.
    Abrasions occur as a result of damage to the skin during falls or collisions. They must be treated with hydrogen peroxide, dried with cotton wool or a sterile cloth and smeared with iodine or brilliant green.
    Bruises are characterized by swelling at the site of injury. The damaged area must be cooled, after which a pressure bandage is applied to the injury site. After 2-3 days, warm baths with a temperature of 35-37 C can be used. It is not recommended to steam the bruised area, as this can lead to hemorrhage.
    Traumatic brain injury is the most life-threatening type of injury, which can be caused by contusion of the brain or destruction of its substance. According to the mechanism, traumatic brain injury is divided into bruises, squeezing and wounds, and according to its manifestations and the nature of the changes - into concussions and contusions of the brain with or without damage to the bones, membranes, brain substance, compression of the brain. First aid: apply antiseptic dressings, lay the victim on his back with his head turned to one side, put cold on his head (snow or ice in plastic bags), in the absence of consciousness - fix the tongue, in the absence of breathing and cardiac activity, proceed to an indirect heart massage and artificial lung ventilation.
    Injury to the chest is primarily, to varying degrees, impaired respiratory and circulatory functions, caused by a disorder in the respiratory movements of the chest, a decrease in the respiratory capacity of the lungs, blood loss and limitation of the contractile activity of the heart muscle. First aid: release from constricting clothing, providing access fresh air, close the wound with airtight bandages, give available painkillers, give the victim a semi-sitting position.
    Abdominal trauma arises from a sharp mechanical impact on the abdominal wall, abdominal organs and retroperitoneal space, leads to severe respiratory and circulatory disorders, and in some cases, with ruptures of internal organs, to internal bleeding, acute peritonitis, shock. Types of injuries according to the mechanism are divided into bruises, squeezing, wounds, by nature - into open and closed, with or without damage to internal organs. First aid: for closed and open injuries - place cold on the stomach, close the wounds with antiseptic dressings for an open wound.
    Dislocations, sprains and ruptures of ligaments occur as a result of sharp and rapid movements that exceed the physiological mobility of the joints. Signs of such damage are sharp pain in the damaged joint during movement, swelling, bruising. In these cases, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure complete immobility of the limb injuries and apply a fixing bandage. To reduce pain, cool the injured area. It is impossible to correct a dislocation on your own, since inept actions can lead to unpredictable consequences. The victim must be urgently sent to a trauma center.
    Fractures are possible during painful techniques and during falls. In case of fractures, complete immobility of the corresponding part of the body should be ensured by fixing at least two joints.
    In case of a fracture of the forearm, a fixing bandage is applied to the elbow and wrist joints, bending the arm at the elbow and turning it with the palm to the stomach. The injured shoulder is also fixed by grasping two joints - the shoulder and elbow.
    In case of damage to the hip, three joints are immobilized: the hip, knee and ankle. This is done with the help of improvised means: tires, sticks, boards.
    If the ribs are broken, then the chest is bandaged with a bandage, towel or scarf. In this case, the victim must be put in the most comfortable position for him. A broken collarbone is fixed with a scarf or scarf, placing a gauze or bandage roller under the armpit. If the pelvic bones are damaged, the victim is laid on a flat, hard surface, bending his legs at the knees and slightly spreading them to the sides. A roller of clothing is placed under the knees and a doctor is urgently called.
    In case of a fracture of the spine, it is strictly forbidden to lift the victim, to force him to move. It is necessary to put boards or a shield under it or put it on the floor and call a doctor.
    The treatment of fractures is the business of physicians. No form of self-treatment is acceptable here. You can not independently check the mobility of the joint, try to set it in place. A fracture properly immobilized at the scene heals twice as fast as a fracture treated without immobilization.
    Transportation in case of dislocations and fractures is carried out according to the same rules.
  • Wounds and ways to stop bleeding.

    Wounds according to their origin are divided into: cut and stab, chopped and gunshot. Penetrating wounds include wounds with inlet and outlet openings. Blind wound - when a bullet or fragment is stuck in the tissues. Tangent - if a bullet or fragment only struck the body, but did not enter it.
    The victim has a better chance of surviving in the event of a superficial or non-penetrating wound. Deep penetrating wounds in the chest, abdominal or craniocerebral cavities practically do not give these chances.
    Wounds, as one of the types of injuries, are dangerous for their complications and, above all, for bleeding. A large loss of blood leads to severe, and sometimes irreversible consequences. Therefore, it is very important to know how to stop it.
    Ways to temporarily stop external bleeding:
    - to give the injured limb an elevated position in relation to the body,
    - apply a pressure bandage (individual package),
    - press large arterial trunks with your fingers,
    - fix the limb in the position of maximum flexion or extension in the joint,
    - apply a tourniquet or twist.
    Bleeding is divided into:
    - internal, when blood flows into the cavity, organs or tissues,
    - external, when blood leaves the body through a wound,
    - mixed. They occur with open wounds of the abdominal and chest cavities.
    Capillary bleeding occurs from damage to small vessels, usually with superficial wounds. Blood flows out of the wound slowly (leaks). To stop it, a bandage is applied to the damaged surface. The disinfectant is a solution of iodine, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or vodka, cologne and gasoline.
    When applying a bandage, it is forbidden to wash the wound, remove fragments, earth and other foreign bodies from it. It is necessary to wipe the surface around the wound with a disinfectant solution, then put gauze on it, then a layer of cotton wool and bandage it.
    Venous bleeding occurs when a vein is damaged. Depending on the size of the damaged vessel, blood may flow out in drops or a continuous stream. The color of venous blood is dark red (cherry).
    To stop bleeding, the wounded limb must be lifted up in relation to the body. If the bleeding is severe, then the wound is clamped with fingers, after which a pressure bandage is applied, where gauze and cotton wool are placed in several layers.
    Arterial bleeding occurs when an artery is damaged. Blood flows out of the wound in a strong pulsating stream. From a large artery, it beats with a fountain intermittently, in proportion to the contractions of the heart. The color of arterial blood is bright red (scarlet).
    In this case, it is necessary to press the artery with your fingers, fix the limb in a certain position (or apply a tourniquet), apply a bandage and transport the victim to a medical facility. You can't delay even a second.
    If the arteries are located close to the surface, to stop the blood flow, press the vessel firmly against the bone with your fingers (palm, fist) just above the wound site. This method is used temporarily to prepare for the application of a tourniquet or fixation of the limb in a certain position.
    In case of nosebleeds, it is necessary to sit down with your head slightly thrown back, put a cold compress on the bridge of your nose, pinching your nose with your fingers. In this case, you should breathe through your mouth, without moving or talking, without coughing or blowing your nose. With prolonged bleeding, it is necessary to introduce gauze or cotton swabs moistened with hydrogen peroxide into the nasal passages for a long time - up to 2-3 hours.
    Increased pain, swelling in the wound area, fever and other symptoms indicate the development of an infection. In this case, you should consult a doctor.
    If the pressure bandage on the wound is wet, it should not be removed, it is better to apply another sterile bandage over the old one. The applied new tourniquet sharply disrupts the blood supply to the entire wounded limb, which can lead to its necrosis. Therefore, the term for clamping the vessels with a tourniquet should not exceed two hours in summer and one hour in winter. After this period, the tourniquet must be loosened for 5-10 minutes to restore blood circulation in the limb, then the tourniquet is tightened again (at the moment the tourniquet is loosened, the artery is pinched with fingers above the wound). The victim must be taken to a medical facility.
  • Harness rules.

    - the tourniquet is applied just above the wound,
    - in order not to damage the skin, it is necessary to put a fabric lining under the tourniquet,
    - tighten the tourniquet until the bleeding stops or the pulse disappears in the place where it is measured,
    - before applying the tourniquet, you need to slightly raise the limb,
    - the applied tourniquet should be securely fastened, indicating the time of its application on the bandage.
    When injured, there is a danger of infection of the wound. Often the hands of the first responder are the source of contamination. Therefore, before proceeding with the treatment of the wound, you should wash your hands well with water or a disinfectant solution.
  • Pathological conditions and accidents.

    Emerging acute pathological conditions include:
    - fainting,
    - gravity shock,
    - traumatic shock
    - orthostatic collapse.
    These conditions may result from nervous tension, fright, pain, or the sight of blood.
    When fainting, the victim turns pale, covered with a cold sweat and suddenly loses consciousness for a short time. At the same time, the activity of the heart and respiration is weakened, the pulse is frequent, breathing is shallow, the limbs are cold.
    In these cases, the victim must be placed on his back so that his legs are slightly higher than his head. After that, it is necessary to unfasten the collar and clothes on the chest, wipe his face and chest with cold water, providing air flow. If possible, they give a sniff of ammonia and rub the whiskey with vinegar. When the victim regains consciousness, give him hot tea or coffee to drink, force him to take valerian drops.
    Gravitational shock is accompanied by loss of consciousness, a sharp blanching of the skin and mucous membranes due to the cessation of muscle activity associated with prolonged stress (running, wrestling, etc.).
    In this case, it is necessary to put the victim on his back, raising his limbs above his head.
    In traumatic shock, there is a sharp decline in strength and inhibition of all vital functions of the body as a result of an overstrain of the nervous system due to severe pain irritation, blood loss, etc. The victim becomes indifferent to the environment, is conscious, but his breathing is barely noticeable, his face turns pale and covered with sweat , the pulse is frequent and poorly palpable.
    In this case, it is necessary to eliminate pain, give painkillers and heart remedies, warm the victim by drinking hot tea or coffee, create peace and urgently call a doctor.
    Due to vascular insufficiency, a sharp drop in blood pressure, oxygen deficiency, orthostatic collapse can occur.
    In this case, rapid shallow breathing, pallor of the skin, cold sweat appear. Arterial pressure is reduced, the pulse is frequent, sometimes not palpable. In this case, it is necessary to put the victim, lowering his head down, let him inhale ammonia, and then warm him up by drinking hot tea or coffee.
  • Water accident.

    It comes from the penetration of water, silt, sand into the respiratory tract and their overlap. Death occurs in 2-3 minutes due to lack of oxygen in the body.
    First aid for a drowned man:
    a) pull the drowned person out of the water and free the airways from dirt, silt, sand,
    b) put the drowned man on his stomach and, lifting his torso with his hands, shake it to free the respiratory tract and stomach from the water that has penetrated there,
    c) start artificial respiration.
  • Frostbite.
    There are four degrees of frostbite:
    a) the first - due to impaired blood circulation and metabolism in the surface layers of the skin, its blanching, loss of sensitivity occurs,
    b) the second - the horny, granular layer of the skin and the upper layers of the papillary-epithelial layer are affected,
    c) the third - the deeper layers of the skin are affected - the lower layers of the dermis, fatty tissue,
    d) fourth - the lesion captures all layers of soft tissues, and sometimes bones, as a result of which necrotic areas of the body and limb segments are rejected, accompanied by intoxication as a result of absorption of tissue necrosis products by the body.
  • First aid for frostbite:

    a) place the victim in a warm, dry room,
    b) free from wet clothes and shoes,
    c) warm the frostbitten part of the body with a heating pad or massage, for the limbs - a bath with a gradually increasing water temperature (from 18 to 37 C in half an hour). Warming and massage are carried out until the circulation and sensitivity are restored,
    d) drink hot tea or coffee,
    e) on the frostbitten area, rub with alcohol, vodka, cologne.
    It is strictly forbidden:
    a) rub the frostbite with snow,
    b) apply ointment dressings, as this complicates the surgical treatment of the frostbite site,
    c) use hot baths to warm frostbitten areas of the body.
    If sensitivity is not restored during first aid, which happens with frostbite of degrees 3 and 4, a dry aseptic warm bandage should be applied to the affected area and the victim should be sent to a medical facility.
  • Electrical injury.

    In case of electric shock or lightning, you should first of all:
    a) turn off the circuit breaker or unscrew the safety plugs,
    b) discard the electric wire with a dry stick away from the electric wire.
    The person providing assistance must take the necessary safety measures: put on full rubber gloves or wrap hands with woolen, silk or other cloth, stand on a dry wooden board or a bundle of clothes, put on rubber shoes. Use only dry and poorly conductive materials.
    The conscious victim of the current must be transferred to a warm, ventilated room, laid down, warmed, given hot tea or coffee. Place a dry, sterile dressing over the burns.
  • Actions of the bodyguard upon detection of the victim.
    When you see a person lying down, you should find out if he needs help. First of all, determine its condition. If a person does not show signs of life, call nearby people and immediately (by himself or through them) call an ambulance and the police.
    Death occurs when the heart and breathing stop working. It is divided into clinical and biological phases.
    Clinical death lasts 5-7 minutes after breathing stops and the heart stops working. The fact of clinical death, when it is still possible to bring a person back to life, is established on the basis of three signs:
    - lack of respiratory movements of the chest,
    - wide pupils that do not react with constriction to light,
    - lack of pulsation of large arteries (carotid, femoral). During this period, irreversible processes in the body have not yet manifested themselves and a person can be revived.
    After 8-10 minutes, biological death occurs, when it is no longer possible to save a life. The first signs of irreversible death:
    - deformation of the pupil when squeezing,
    clouding and drying of the cornea of ​​​​the eye,
    - the appearance of blue-violet cadaveric spots,
    - rigor.
    If the guard sees that a person is injured, he is obliged to give him the first first aid.
    When dealing with the wounded, the guard must be extremely careful, as the scene may not be safe. Observing security measures, you should not let the curious close, you should ask possible eyewitnesses to wait for the arrival of police officers or write down their names and addresses. Inform the police officers of the circumstances of the discovery of the victim and of their actions.
  • Artificial respiration techniques and heart massage.

    Resuscitation techniques consist of two main actions - artificial respiration and heart massage. The essence of artificial respiration is the forced introduction of air into the lungs of the victim. Artificial respiration is performed in two ways: "mouth to mouth" or "Sylvester's way".
    Artificial respiration "mouth to mouth" is carried out as follows:
    - the head of the victim is thrown back and held in this position with one hand, the other is supported by his mouth half open,
    - a roller of clothing is placed under the shoulders of the victim,
    - the helper takes a deep breath, presses his mouth tightly to his mouth
    the victim and slowly, with some effort, blows air from mouth to mouth, pinching the victim's nose with his fingers. Artificial respiration is carried out through gauze or a handkerchief applied to the victim's mouth. Air is blown at a frequency of 18-20 times per minute.
    If mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration cannot be performed, the Sylvester method can be used. With it, inhalation is caused by moving the victim's arms to the sides, and exhalation is caused by squeezing the victim's chest by lowering his hands to his chest.
    When two people are involved in primary resuscitation, they act like this: the first one blows air into the lungs of the victim in a “mouth-to-mouth” way, and the second after each blowing makes 4-5 vigorous chest compressions with his palms.
  • Burns.

    This is tissue damage under the influence of high temperature, chemicals, X-rays and sunlight, during the explosion of nuclear charges.

    The severity of a burn is determined by its prevalence and the depth of damage to the body. The more common the burn and the deeper the lesion, the greater the danger it poses to the life of the victim. A burn of 1/3 of the body surface often ends in death (except for a 1st degree burn).
    A first-degree burn (erythema) is manifested by reddening of the skin, swelling and pain. This is the mildest degree of burn. After 3-6 days, the inflammation disappears.
    A second-degree burn (blistering) is characterized by a more pronounced inflammatory reaction and sharp, severe pain, accompanied by intense reddening of the skin with detachment of the epidermis and the formation of blisters filled with a clear or slightly cloudy liquid. After 7-8 days, all layers of the skin are restored without scarring. Full recovery occurs in 10-15 days.
    Third degree burn - necrosis (necrosis) of all layers of the skin. Cell proteins and blood coagulate and form a dense scab, under which there are damaged and dead tissues. After a 3rd degree burn, healing always occurs by secondary intention.
    A fourth-degree burn (charring) occurs when tissue is exposed to very high temperatures(flame, molten metal). This is the most severe form of a burn, in which the skin, muscles, tendons, bones, etc. are damaged. 3rd and 4th degree burns heal slowly.
    Local complications of burns include: suppuration of a burn wound, erysipelas, thrombophlebitis, phlegmon, etc. How the consequences of burns can develop: non-healing ulcers, contractures, disfiguring, tightening scars.
  • When providing first aid, you must:
    - quickly extinguish ignited clothing with water or throw a blanket, coat, jacket, etc. over the victim to stop oxygen access,
    - release the burnt part of the body from clothing. If clothing is stuck to the burn, do not tear it off, but cut it around the affected area,
    - apply a dry aseptic bandage to the burn site. You can use clean sheets, towels, shirts, etc.

    Minor burns at home can be treated as follows:
    - place the burnt place for 15 minutes in cold water or put a compress on this place from napkins moistened with water, alcohol, vodka, cologne,
    - give the victim to drink hot tea or coffee, as well as salted water (by adding 1 teaspoon of salt or 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water),
    - if the victim is unconscious, provide fresh air and take measures to bring him to his senses,
    - in case of extensive burns, wrap the victim in a sheet and wrap in a blanket, urgently deliver to a medical facility,
    During transportation, ensure that the burned areas of the body are in such a position that the skin will be in the maximum possible stretched position.

  • It is forbidden:
    - interrupt the burn area,
    - touch the burned area with your hands,
    - piercing and removal of bubbles,
    - tear off pieces of clothing stuck to the burns,
    - lubricate the burn surface with some fat or sprinkle with powders,
    - use of solutions of potassium permanganate, lapis and other dyes.
  • In case of burns with concentrated acids (except sulfuric), the surface should be washed for 15-20 minutes with a stream of cold water or alkali solutions: soapy water, 3 soda solution (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water).
    In case of burns with alkalis, it is necessary to rinse the surface well with a stream of water, and then treat it with a solution of acetic or citric acid(lemon juice).
    In case of burns with phosphorus and napalm, it is better to immerse the burned surface in water, remove pieces of the substance under water with a stick, cotton, etc. After washing with water, treat the burn surface with 5 solution blue vitriol and cover it with a sterile dry dressing. The use of fat and ointments is contraindicated.

Bandaging on various parts and areas of the body

  • Applying bandages to various parts and areas of the body.

    Bandage bandages belong to strengthening bandages. Bandage dressings are used to close a wound, stop bleeding (pressure bandage), hold dressings in a certain area of ​​the body, create relative immobilization (immobility) in the joints, protect muscles and ligaments of joints from sprains (elastic bandages).
    The bandage is applied in such a way that it fits snugly to the body, does not fall off when moving, but does not impede venous blood flow, and does not cause swelling in the limbs.
    The bandage should be comfortable and beautiful. It is superimposed from the periphery to the center, begins with 1-2 fixing tours and ends with a fixing tour on a healthy part of the body. At the same time, depending on the type of bandage, each subsequent round closes the previous one by 1/2, 1/3 or completely.
    There are bandages various kinds, depending on the area of ​​injury or trauma. They are divided into circular, spiral, cruciform, spike-shaped.
    A circular bandage is superimposed on the bandaged part of the body on top of each other.
    The spiral bandage is applied obliquely (spirally) to the bandaged part of the body, covering the bandage of the previous turn for half the width. In places where the thickness of the limb is not the same, the bandage should be bent.
    Cruciform bandages are used to bandage the joints.
    Spike bandage is a kind of cruciform bandage and is used when bandaging the chest or head. Small wounds are closed with a band-aid.
    When applying bandage dressings, the part of the body on which the bandage is applied must be at the level of the bandager's chest, be completely motionless and in the position in which it remains after bandaging.
    Usual starting positions for bandaging:
    - fingers - extended, hand - straightened, elbow - bent at a right angle,
    - shoulder joint - the arm is slightly retracted from the body,
    - hip and knee joints - the leg is straightened, the foot is placed at a right angle.
    When bandaging the chest, abdomen, pelvis and upper third of the thigh in a horizontal position, the bandaged part of the victim's body must be lifted with the help of rollers from clothes or other objects.
  • Insomnia is a serious problem that everyone faces. Most often it affects emotional and susceptible people. In order to get rid of insomnia, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. If you cannot fall asleep for a long time, then the reason for this may be a hearty dinner: a meat or fish dish, chocolate, coffee or tea. In order to fall asleep quickly, you need to drink milk with honey at night or take a hot shower.
    Scientists believe that every day a person needs at least five hours of sleep. The duration of sleep is individual and changes with the age of a person, with a change of residence and even a transition to another job. There is nothing worse than waking up in the morning tired and broken. The reason for this can be changes in blood pressure, dehydration, stress, eye strain, etc.
    Treatment for hypertension consists of stabilizing blood pressure by adding salt and fluids to the diet. Sometimes accepted medications that help the kidneys retain sodium in the body.
    When the level of fluid in the body drops, there is a decline in physical activity, a person feels thirsty. Lack of water can cause a decrease in blood volume, so doctors recommend drinking 7-10 glasses of fluid per day or more.
    Under the influence of stress, a person involuntarily strains the muscles of the body and holds his breath. This leads to limited access to oxygen, which leads to overwork. In a tense situation, it is recommended to close your eyes and focus on deep and slow breathing.
    Prolonged eye strain makes it difficult to concentrate, and this in turn also causes fatigue. This can manifest itself as a result of a long stay in an uncomfortable position while working at a computer or with papers, while driving a car. To solve this problem, you need to take a five-minute break every hour. Sleep can also be the cause of fatigue. If you usually get up at seven o'clock, but sleep until noon on weekends, you can disrupt your body clock. This is due to the release of cortisol (a hormone associated with wakefulness), which begins to be produced in people who wake up at seven o'clock, between three and four in the morning, and reaches a peak at 11 o'clock. Staying in bed after this hour suppresses the body's production of cortisol, which can contribute to the brain's drowsiness on the weekends.
    The cause of the malaise can be cold medicines, diuretics, cough syrups, tablets that regulate blood pressure. Before using them, you must carefully read the instructions or consult a doctor.
    Gloomy colors around also lead to depression, so it's a good idea to add warm colors to the environment and clothes, such as yellow, red or orange. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the environment does not become too exciting, you can also get tired of this.
    Signs of a heart attack. Strong pressure on the heart. Severe pain in the region of the heart near its right side. It is given in the arm, neck, back and shoulder blades. Paleness, sometimes unrecognizably altered facial expression. Difficulty breathing, cold sweat on the face (at this moment you want to lie down). Violation of blood circulation, sometimes accompanied by fainting. Panic fear of death.

Dear high school students!

You continue to study the course medical training in grade 11, which is part of the education system in a comprehensive secondary school.

This notebook is designed to help you study the course with interest. medical training. The notebook includes instructions for doing practical work and a variety of options for tasks of various levels of complexity, which can be used both to consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson, and to control the assimilation of knowledge.

Good luck with your medical training in 11th grade!

The content of the notebook for practical work

General care of the sick and injured

Care of the sick and injured 4

Practical work 1. Body temperature measurement 5

Test yourself! Care of the sick and injured 6

Pulse, blood pressure, respiration, methods of their measurement 7

Practical work 2. Learning the technique of counting the pulse, breathing rate, measuring blood pressure 10

Circulation measures 13

Practical work 3. Studying the technique of applying mustard plasters, compresses, heating pads, ice packs, lotions 16

Methods and routes of drug administration 20

Practical work 4. Acquisition of practical skills in subcutaneous and intramuscular administration medicines 22

Practical work 5. Studying the device of a syringe tube, its preparation and use 25

Test yourself! Methods and routes of drug administration 27

Personal hygiene of patients 28

The concept of clinical nutrition 30

Psychology of patient behavior 34

International movements 37

First aid for diseases. Goals and objectives of first aid.

The concept of illness 39

Respiratory diseases 42

Diseases of the circulatory system 45

Test yourself! Anxiety of the respiratory and circulatory organs 49

Diseases of the digestive system and endocrine system 50

Diseases of the urinary system 54

Test yourself! Diseases of the digestive system, endocrine and urinary systems 57

Radiation injury 58

Infectious diseases

The concept of infection 62

Test yourself! The concept of infection 66

Intestinal infections 67

Airborne infections 71

Childhood infections 77

Tuberculosis 82

Test yourself! Airborne infections. Childhood infections 84

Skin lesions 85

Blood infections 87

Yurgamysh branch of GBPOU “Kurgan Basic Medical College” Trofimova Yurgamysh 2017

REVIEWED AND APPROVED at a meeting of the CMC of the professional cycle Minutes No. ____ dated "____" ____________ 2017 Chairman of the CMC ____________ O.V. Krasilova 2

Explanatory note This manual on the discipline "Fundamentals of Pathology" was compiled to help students and teachers to study the academic discipline included in the cycle of general professional disciplines, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and work program according to UD "Fundamentals of pathology". The workbook is intended for conducting practical classes on the basics of pathology and for self-training of students. The main goal of the manual is to provide students with a system of knowledge and skills on the main patterns of development of diseases, pathological conditions, changes in organs and systems and in the body as a whole, necessary for studying professional modules, taking into account an integrated approach to their teaching. This manual combines morphological and functional criteria and approaches that allow studying violations of the vital activity of the human body and its individual parts, as well as general patterns of development of cell pathology and its functions, structural and functional patterns of development and course of typical pathological processes and individual diseases. The main objective of this manual is the formation of strong OK and PC among students. The purpose of developing a workbook is to systematize, unify the knowledge and skills of students on the basics of pathology and facilitate the completion of tasks. The workbook is intended for students of the Department of Nursing. At the beginning of each lesson, the student is given the task of mastering knowledge and developing skills. When working with a notebook, the student performs a variety of activities. The workbook contains tasks of various levels of complexity: tables, logic diagrams, situational problematic tasks, crossword puzzles. 3

When completing tasks, you can use textbooks, lecture notes, electronic resources. Control of knowledge on the assimilation of educational material is carried out by the student independently by solving test tasks and situational tasks. The notebook was developed on the basis of textbooks: I. V. Remizov, V. A. Doroshenko, Fundamentals of Pathology. Edition Rostov n / a "Phoenix", 2004. (Series "Secondary vocational education"); V. S. Paukov, N. K. Khitrov, Pathology. Edition "Medicine", 1995. (Educational literature for students of medical schools). Tasks contribute to a higher level of mastery of the following skills, knowledge, professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies: The student must be able to: identify signs of typical pathological processes and individual diseases in the human body; Students should know: general patterns of development of pathology of cells, organs and systems in the human body; structural and functional patterns of development and course of typical pathological processes and individual diseases. Formed competencies: A nurse must have professional competencies corresponding to the main types of professional activity: 5.2.1. Carrying out preventive measures PC 1.1. Carry out activities to preserve and strengthen the health of the population, the patient and his environment. PC 1.2. To carry out sanitary and hygienic education of the population. PC 1.3. Participate in the prevention of infectious and non-communicable diseases. 5.2.2 Participation in medical diagnostic and rehabilitation processes PC 2.1. Present information in a way that is understandable to the patient, explain to him the essence of the intervention. PC 2.2. Carry out medical and diagnostic interventions, interacting with participants in the treatment process. PC 2.3. Collaborate with collaborating organizations and services. PC 2.4. Apply medications in accordance with the rules for their use. four

PC 2.5. Comply with the rules for the use of equipment, equipment and medical products in the course of the diagnostic and treatment process. PC 2.6. Maintain approved medical records. PC 2.7. Carry out rehabilitation activities. PC 2.8. Provide palliative care. 5.2.3. Provision of pre-medical medical care in emergency and extreme conditions. PC 3.1. Provide first aid for emergencies and injuries. PC 3.2. Participate in emergency medical care. PC 3.3. Interact with members of the professional team and volunteers in emergency situations. A nurse should have general competencies: OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of her future profession, show a steady interest in it. OK 2. Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their performance and quality. OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them. OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development. OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities. OK. 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan and implement the improvement of one's qualifications. OK. 9. Navigate in the face of frequent technology changes in professional activities. 5

Table of contents Lesson No. 12 Topic: Damage. Pathology of metabolism in the body and tissues Lesson No. 3 Theme: Hypoxia Lesson No. 4 Theme: Blood and lymph circulation disorders Lesson No. 5 Theme: Inflammation Lesson No. 6 Theme: Protective-adaptive and compensatory reactions Lesson No. 7 Theme: Violation of thermoregulation: hyper and hypothermia. organism Lesson number 8 Topic: Extreme conditions Fever. Lesson No. 9 Topic: Tumors 5 20 27 38 47 53 63 72 6

Subject: Damage. Pathology of metabolism in the body and tissues. Lesson 12 The student must: be able to: use medical terminology, identify signs of different types of dystrophies on micropreparations, identify signs of edema, hypo and hyperhydration, solve problems; know: the main signs of dystrophies, necrosis; pathogenesis of the main pathological processes in tissues and the body as a whole in violation of protein, carbohydrate, lipid metabolism, water and mineral metabolism. 1. Define the following terms. Alteration – __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Dystrophy – ______________________________________________________________ 7

Necrosis - ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Atrophy ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Find a correspondence between the definition and the mechanism of development of dystrophy. Infiltration Transformation Perverted synthesis Decomposition formation of abnormal substances (amyloid) in cells and tissues formation of pathological metabolism in cells or tissues (proteins into fats or carbohydrates) breakdown of complex chemical compounds that make up a cell or tissue more than normal amount (infiltration of glycogen tubules of the kidneys) 3. Make a classification of damage. Depending on the type of fabric: 8

Depending on the violation of the type of exchange: Depending on the prevalence: Depending on the causes: 4. Give a definition. Parenchymal dystrophies - _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Types of protein parenchymal dystrophies. 9

6.Fill in the table. Type of proteinaceous dystrophy Organ and appearance Microscopy Prognosis Granular Hyaline drip Hydropic Horny 7. Write a definition. Carbohydrate parenchymal dystrophy - _____________________________ 10

Fatty parenchymal dystrophy ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Sign the pictures: Types of dystrophies. 1.______________________ 2._______________________ 3._____________________ 7. Using the textbook (Paukov V.S., Khitrov N.K.) and micropreparations, fill in the table. a) Protein mesenchymal dystrophies: 11

Type of disease Pathogenesis Type of organ/ microscopy Mucoid swelling Fibrinoid swelling Hyalinosis Amyloidosis b) Fat: Type of disease Pathogenesis Type of organ/ microscopy Obesity Depletion c) Carbohydrates: 12

8. Enter the name of the groups of chromoproteins. 1_________________________________________ 2_______________________________________________ 3_______________________________________________ 9. Specify the features of hemosiderosis: 1) appears during the formation of hemoglobinogenic pigments; 2) is formed during hemolysis; 3) when the histiocytes capture the spleen, liver, bone marrow; lymph nodes of "debris" of erythrocytes with the formation of hemosiderin and ferritin; 4) all of the above. 10. Types of jaundice depending on the pathogenesis: Type of jaundice Development mechanism 11. Organs or tissues containing melanin pigment (check as appropriate). 1. Skin 2. Pancreas 3. Brain 4. Iris 5. Nails 13

6. Hair 7. Salivary glands 8. Digestive tract 12. Fill in the definitions. Nevus – ________________________________________________________________ Albinism – _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 13. Enter the definitions: Alkalosis ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _ Acidosis _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _ Edema ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _ 14. Fill in the table: Type of edema Mechanical Osmotic Pathogenesis 14

Oncotic Membraneogenic 15. Classify edema by etiology: 16. Set the correspondence: Anasarca Hydrothorax Ascites accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity accumulation of pathological fluid in the heart shirt accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity Hydropericardium 17. Label the pictures, setting the type of edema (initial stage): accumulation of fluid in the intercellular spaces of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 1 ____________________ 18. Fill in the table "Mineral metabolism disorders" 2 __________________ 3 __________________ 15

Type of disorder Causes Hypernatremia Violations of vital functions Hyponatremia Hyperkalemia Hypokalemia Hypocalcemia Hypercalcemia 16

19. Indicate the correspondences (arrows) fasting Hyperglycemia psychoemotional arousal intense physical work reduced insulin production β tumors of pancreatic cells Hypoglycemia food intake damage to liver cells formation of contrainsular hormones

22. Atrophy __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Perform the test tasks: Damage includes (2): 1. A) Necrosis B) Regeneration C) Hypertrophy D) Atrophy Form of necrosis: A process accompanied by accumulation of granules in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes 2. A) Atrophy B) Gangrene C) Metaplasia D) Hypertrophy. 3. proteinaceous nature: A) Parenchymal dysproteinosis B) Mesenchymal dysproteinosis C) Parenchymal lipidosis D) Mesenchymal lipidosis 4. A) Sequestration B) Pressure sores C) Heart attack D) Gangrene 5. A) Violation of complex protein metabolism B) Violation of the metabolism of glucoproteins and mucopolysaccharides C) Violation of neutral fat metabolism D) Violation of cholesterol metabolism Mechanism of development of carbohydrate dystrophies: Necrosis as a result of circulatory disorders in tissues is called: Pathological process in which the organ increases in size and has a 6. greasy color on the cut: dystrophy 18

C) Hydropic degeneration D) Amyloidosis 7. Mesenchymal fatty degeneration is characterized by (3): A) the appearance of fat droplets in the cytoplasm; B) excessive accumulation of neutral fat in the depot; C) a pathological decrease in the amount of neutral fat in the depot; D) the appearance of fat where it is not normal. 8. Chromoproteins are A) endogenous dyes; B) chromium compounds; C) metabolic products of fats; D) toxic substances resulting from perverted protein metabolism. 9. Stones - A) stones formed in the body; B) dense fecal masses; C) salt crystals; D) areas of calcification in tissues. 10. Acidosis occurs when A) accumulation of acidic products in the body; B) the accumulation of alkaline products in the body; C) excessive formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach; D) rapid breathing. 11. A) dysproteinemia B) hyperglycemia C) hypoketonemia D) acidosis Solve situational problems: 19

Task 1. Patient K., 60 years old. From the analysis it is known that over the past 20 years, suffered diabetes. She died 2 weeks later of kidney failure. The autopsy revealed microscopically: the liver is enlarged, has a yellow-brown color, flabby consistency; kidneys are pale, reduced in size. Microscopically: in the liver cells, fat drops of various sizes, in the epithelium of the tubules of the kidneys, glycogen granules, histochemically, the presence of fibrin in the walls of arterioles is detected. 1. Determine the types of damage __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Name the mechanisms of development of dystrophy _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Task 2. A patient has cholelithiasis complicated by jaundice and hepatic-renal insufficiency. 1. Violation of what pigment metabolism occurs? ____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ What is the pathogenesis of jaundice? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Task 3. The patient's lung was removed due to tuberculosis. A focus of cheesy necrosis was found in the lung. What is the reason for the formation of this focus? ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Which metabolism disorder is observed in the patient? _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Determine the type of damage: __________________________________ 20

Solve the crossword puzzle: Horizontally: 1. Pathological process, reflecting a metabolic disorder in the body 2. Genetically programmed cell death in a living body 21

3. An area of ​​dead tissue that is not subject to autolysis, is not replaced by connective tissue and is freely located among living tissues 4. Necrosis of tissues in contact with the external environment (necrotic black or brown tissues) 5. Violation of the CBS due to excess alkaline products 6. Pathological accumulation and fluid retention in tissues and tissue spaces 7. Death of cells, tissue sections, parts of an organ in a living organism 8. Yellow staining of tissues 9. Reduction of an organ or tissue in volume with weakening or cessation of function Vertically: 1. Area of ​​skin necrosis, subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes, subjected to pressure in conditions of exhaustion of the body or violation of trophism 2. Violation of acid-base balance due to excess acidic products 3. Tissue necrosis resulting from acute circulatory disorders in them 4. Decrease in the level of potassium ions in the blood 5. Formations in hollow organs or excretory ducts as a result of a violation of mineral metabolism. Homework: p. 1347 (Paukov V.S., Khitrov N.K. Pathology) 1) make a report / presentation Topics: 1. Parenchymal dystrophies from the role in the course of liver diseases. 2. Rheumatic lesions of the valvular apparatus of the heart. 3. The value of the basic metabolism in the life of the organism. 4. Mineral metabolism and its role in the development of diseases. 5. Importance of water balance for the body 6. healthy image life. Eat right. 22

Topic: Hypoxia Lesson 3 The student must: be able to: use medical terminology, identify signs of different types of hypoxia, solve problems; know: the main types of hypoxia; their pathogenesis, structural and functional disorders during hypoxia, morphology of hypoxia, adaptive reactions during hypoxia. 1. Give a definition: Hypoxia is ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Fill in the columns of the structure “Classification of hypoxia depending on the causes and mechanisms of development: 23

3. Fill in the table "Types of hypoxia, causes and mechanisms of its development" Type of hypoxia Cause Mechanism of development (examples) Respiratory Tissue Exogenous Blood 4. Match the structural and functional changes during hypoxia: Biochemical disorders Edema Decrease in ATP level 24

Increased protein breakdown Protein degeneration Morphological disorders Fatty degeneration 5. In the blood type of hypoxia, the number of ________________ Cell death in the blood decreases. 6. Write the definitions of the concepts: Hypoxemia ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Hypocapnia ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. For each type of adaptive reactions of the body during hypoxia, select the appropriate provisions: blood ejection from the depot pulmonary hypertrophy myocardial hypertrophy Urgent compensatory adaptive reactions increase in stroke volume of the heart increase in chest capacity Long-term compensatory adaptive reactions increase in the number of erythrocytes heart rate increases increase in the frequency and depth of breathing 25

8. How do the parameters indicated in the columns change during cardiovascular hypoxia (increase or decrease): 9. Solve the crossword puzzle: 26

Horizontally: 1. Organs-reservoirs - places of blood storage in the body 2. Oxygen starvation of tissues 3. Gas necessary for living organisms for respiration 4. Reduction of CO2 concentration in the blood 5. Product that is formed in cells during respiration Vertically: 1. Elementary brain structure most sensitive to hypoxia 2. Decreased oxygen pressure in the blood 3. Choking 4. Rapid breathing 5. Red blood cell protein that transports oxygen to cells. 27

Solve situational problems: Task 1. A student in the class at the 6th lesson lost consciousness. It was stuffy in the classroom, the temperature in the room was 290 C. What pathological process caused fainting? (Justify your answer) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ What are the rules of the organization educational process were violated? __________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Task 2. What type of hypoxia develops in pneumonia? _________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Task 3. Why does a person's breathing become faster when he loses blood? ___________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Task 4. Why does physical activity tolerance sharply decrease with anemia? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Perform test tasks: 1. Breathing after blood loss A) becomes more frequent B) slows down C) does not change 2. Hypoxia is A) a typical pathological process 28

B) pathological reaction C) pathological condition D) disease 3. Hypoxia, which develops with a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in the inhaled air, is called A) exogenous B) blood C) cardiovascular D) tissue 4. Specify the characteristic change in blood composition during exogenous hypoxia A) hyperglycemia B) hypocapnia C) hypercapnia D) hyperproteinemia. 5. Hypoxia that occurs due to the development of disorders in the blood system is called A) exogenous B) cardiovascular C) tissue D) blood 6. Carbon monoxide poisoning leads to the development of tissue hypoxia A) blood B) cardiovascular C) respiratory D) exogenous. 7. Deficiency of vitamins B1, B2, PP leads to the development of hypoxia A) tissue B) blood C) cardiovascular D) respiratory E) exogenous 8. The most sensitive to lack of oxygen are A) bones 29

B) muscles C) connective tissue D) structures of the nervous system E) kidneys 9. Urgent compensatory reactions during hypoxia are (3): A) release of deposited blood B) tachycardia C) tachypnea D) respiratory muscle hypertrophy E) activation of erythropoiesis 10. Which changes are most likely to be observed in a person who has lived high in the mountains for a long time? (2) A) cardiac hypertrophy B) hypoventilation of the lungs C) inhibition of the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins D) hypertrophy of the respiratory muscles Homework: p. 121126 (Paukov V.S., Khitrov N.K. Pathology) presentation Topics: Changes in metabolism and energy during hypoxia; Adaptation of the organism to hypoxia. Topic: Circulatory and lymphatic disorders Lesson 4 30

The student must: be able to: use medical terminology, identify signs of circulatory and lymph circulation disorders, solve problems; know: the main causes, mechanisms of development and signs of impaired peripheral blood and lymph circulation, ischemia, thrombosis and embolism. 1. Give definitions, indicating the causes: Arterial hyperemia _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Venous hyperemia ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Find matches different types arterial hyperemia with causes 3. causing them 32

4. Determine the type of pathology and give its definition: 5. In the diagram, determine the type of circulatory disorder: 33

Norm ___________________ 6. Define the circulatory disorder shown in the figure, and __________________ describe its pathogenesis: ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 7. Write a definition: Ischemia ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 8. Causes of ischemia: 1 ____________________________________________ 2 ____________________________________________ 3 ____________________________________________ 34

4 ________________________________________________ 9. Fill in the table by entering the structural features of blood clots: White blood clots Red blood clots Mixed blood clots 10. List the types of heart attacks, the mechanism of their development and localization: 35