Death of infants in the Rostov perinatal center. In the Rostov region, two criminal cases were opened per day due to the death of babies. All children who died in the center were premature

Published on 15.09.17 09:40

Parents blame perinatal center doctors for the death of their children.

A resident of Taganrog named Victoria, who gave birth to triplets in the perinatal center of Rostov-on-Don, lost her newborn babies in one week.

According to the portal, on July 17, the woman went into labor at the 32nd week of pregnancy. She was sent to the Rostov Regional Perinatal Center, where doctors dragged on until the last moment with the onset caesarean section, since Victoria is a citizen of Ukraine who did not have time to issue a policy. As a result, the operation was performed only after intcbatch after the doctors were convinced that the woman would pay for the birth.

As a result, premature boys weighing 1150, 1350 and 1550 grams were born. After six days of resuscitation and a week in the pathology department, the newborn babies were transferred to the ward with their mother.

According to doctors, the children were diagnosed with enterocolitis - inflammation of the large and small intestines, which, according to them, is typical for most premature babies.

On August 9, a young mother noticed that one of the boys looked unwell, he became lethargic and stopped screaming. The kid was isolated from his brothers, an ointment was prescribed, but he was getting worse. Doctors regularly took blood for analysis, but did nothing else.

On August 14, the child developed symptoms of pneumonia, he was connected to the machine artificial respiration. He was also given antibiotics. For some time, there was a positive trend in the state, but on August 23, the child died in front of his mother.

After the incident, Victoria's husband, Alexander, wrote statements to Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health, Roszdravnadzor and Rosgosstrakh. He asked to take action and prevent the rest of his children from dying. In response, he was told that they had sent letters to the government of the Rostov region and the regional prosecutor's office.

After the tragedy, Victoria admitted that she had the impression that in each case the doctors waited until the last, until the condition of the children became critical.

"We blame the doctors for the death of our children. My husband and I have a lot of questions for them. If there were any problems during pregnancy, then why didn't the doctors tell us anything even then," the woman told reporters.

Representatives of the Rostov perinatal center declined to comment on the situation, citing medical secrecy. According to representatives of the institution, an internal investigation was carried out, and no violations were found in the actions of the employees.

The couple turned to the investigation department of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Voroshilovsky district of Rostov.

Spouses Samoilenko from Taganrog accuse the doctors of the Rostov Regional Perinatal Center of negligence, lack of professionalism and indifference, which led to the death of three newborn babies.

This story began with very happy notes, but ended tragically. Mother of triplets Victoria Samoylenko told in an interview with the correspondent of the site how the tragedy happened and why the spouses blame the doctors for the death of their babies.

- Victoria, tell us how it happened that your babies could not be saved?

I would like to tell you a story with a happy ending, but, unfortunately, it will not work. Today I buried my three children.

My story began in 2014 when I arrived in Rostov from Luhansk. Here I met my husband, we recently celebrated the third anniversary of marriage. The husband really wanted children, and twins. On December 31, I found out that I was pregnant, and congratulated my husband on such New Year's gift. The ultrasound revealed that we would have triplets. At first we were shocked, but then we just started preparing for the birth of babies. We bought three strollers, ordered a large bed for triplets - everything you need for toddlers.

- How was your pregnancy?

Excellent. The doctors were very surprised when I came for an ultrasound, because, for example, at 6 months one child should weigh a kilogram, then all three of me weighed a kilogram. All was good. The only thing we were warned was that two twins were in the same placenta, and one in the other, so one baby received more nutrition from the mother than the other two. There were no pathologies or problems. All was good. They only warned that triplets could be born prematurely in any case, but this is not scary. Every two weeks I did an ultrasound on the recommendation of doctors.

- When did the birth start? Did everything go well?

Childbirth has begun ahead of time, as predicted by doctors, at 32 weeks and two days. My husband called an ambulance and I was first taken to a hospital in Taganrog. They put a dropper there, and then they brought me to Rostov. I had been in the regional perinatal hospital for four hours without amniotic fluid- they departed. I already panicked.

After that, a doctor and an anesthesiologist came in, who had such a dialogue in front of me: “So, what about her documents? She is not a citizen of Russia”? I replied that I was at the stage of obtaining citizenship. Now I have a TRP (temporary residence permit). If the children were born on time, then I would have time to get citizenship. Although it does not matter, because I was in their hospital and took all the tests for money, which I told them about. To this one doctor said to another:

"So what, I now give her an expensive injection, and she won't have the money to pay later"?

- Did this dialogue take place in front of you?

Yes, I was lying on a gurney, and they were discussing it. The doctor who later performed the caesarean section opened my card and said: “Yes, they sewed her up here, she paid 17 thousand rubles here, and here 13 thousand. She has money.” I was shocked and yelled for them to come out into the corridor. I said that my husband was there and he would give them money. Only after that they took me to the operating room.

- When were the babies born? Did everything go without complications?

I gave birth to my long-awaited triplets on June 17th. And it was not artificial, but lovingly planned twins, which turned out to be triplets on ultrasound. They were born in the Rostov Regional Perinatal Center with a normal weight, not 600 or 700 grams. Three boys were born by caesarean section at 32.2 weeks with a weight of 1150, 1350 and 1550.

The last, Ilyusha, was dying with a weight of 2350, and the rest were already almost 2 kilograms each.

- When the children were born, were they diagnosed with any diseases?

At first, the children were in intensive care, but after 5 days they were transferred to the department of pathology of newborns and premature babies, and then it began. The doctor said that they have enterocolitis - an inflammation of the intestines. And she added that this can happen in premature babies, because this is one of the diseases that often occurs. We have been treated for this. Then I noticed that Dima (the third was born) had some wounds behind his ear, like sores. I went to the doctors, and they said that this was a common diaper rash, then another doctor said that it was very bad and advised me to buy an ointment with zinc to dry the wounds. I rushed to the pharmacy in a taxi, bought an ointment right away to start treating. From that day on, the child became worse.

- Did the doctors examine all the kids after that?

Yes, others didn't. Children were given medicines and they could not be bathed, and then another came and said that they would bathe my babies, although this could not be done while taking these medicines. Perhaps it was possible to disconnect from the device that delivers the medicine, but I was just surprised, because I read that the medicine must be constantly supplied to the line, because these lines get clogged and there can be bad consequences. The very fact that no one is bathed, even if they ask, and my babies were bought on August 9 and all three were put in different places.

On August 13, when the manager came, I said that Dima was worse, he was pale, did not react to anything, even when they took his blood for tests, he did not cry. To which she replied: "What do you want, he is sick."

I called my husband, cried, told him that Dima was very ill, and the doctors were not doing anything. The husband came and started arguing with them. Both the doctors and the head herself came to the head's office and brought their lawyer for some reason. When my husband asked what happened to my children, they did not really answer him. To a clear question posed by my husband, we did not hear a clear answer. The doctor constantly spoke in vague phrases in her medical language, which we did not understand. As a result, she said the same thing as to me: "Children are sick."

On the same day, Dima was transferred to intensive care, and the next day they said that he had an infection and began a blood transfusion.

- Did the child get better?

No. On August 15, Dima was already given a blood transfusion and a bunch of medicines and antibiotics were poured into him. I started writing down everything that happens to the children in a notebook. Since there were three of them, in order not to miss anything, I always had a notebook at hand. I was even afraid to leave them alone, because once, when I went into my room, I saw nurse Ekaterina putting probes into the mouths of my boys without gloves, and I think this was not the first time.

Then I began to follow every movement of the staff. I ran from ward to ward because all my boys were lying separately. I was with Dima until his death. On August 23 at 9.48 he died in intensive care.

How did the doctors react to the death of the first baby? Did they begin to examine the remaining two boys more comprehensively?

A couple of days later, they transferred Lesha (the first baby) to the intensive care unit, where Dima was lying. They argued that Lesha and Dima were in the same placenta and there may be one disease for two. I am not a doctor and did not know that when a baby enters a coma, his brain turns off. The doctors knew this and continued to give hope that everything would be fine, although they were simply waiting for his death. It was then with the second and third that I realized that when a child sleeps with his eyes open in a coma, he will soon die. And when I started screaming, they told me that they had an intrauterine infection, so they were dying. The question arose, where did the virus come from? Why weren't viruses found right away? Such a negligent attitude shocked me, they did not hear and did not want to hear.

- Do you have any chronic diseases? Have you been registered in the hospital?

Of course not. All my tests for 8 months were in order. I have never been in a hospital with a chronic illness in my life. They didn't have any more treatment. If there were any diseases, I would have been warned during pregnancy.

- How did the kids feel?

Ilyusha was also transferred from the neonatal pathology ward to the intensive care unit. I went to them and looked at them. Entering the children's room, I saw on the scoreboard that the heart rate (heart rate) had fallen below normal, but the nurses were sitting and chatting, they did not hear, since the alarm was turned off when the child was in serious condition. And even if the staff knows that the child is dying, then no one gives them the right to turn off the alarm. Perhaps due to an unheard signal, the first health care.

I started screaming, the doctors came running and said that this was the second attempt to save the children. I held their hands and cried, and they looked at me as if asking for help. I was ready to die instead of them, if only they would live.

Have you turned to anyone else for help?

I asked for another doctor to be sent. Not because these do not work well, but just suddenly another doctor will understand how to save the kids, why they are dying. I wanted to save at least one.

Through clenched teeth, the doctor called someone and said: "Well, come and see. Here one has already died, and two still exist."

Is that what the doctor said on the phone?

Yes. Alyoshenka died on the same day. It was on August 28 at 16.02. And on August 29, at 9.42, the last one, Ilyusha, died. This pain is unbearable. It seemed to me that this was not true, since I saw all three deaths of my children and was with them until the last. After all, it does not happen (crying).

- What happened then, did you turn to someone for help in dealing with the death of your children?

Yes, after Dima's death, her husband turned to the police, Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Roszdravnadzor, the President of the Russian Federation and Rosgosstrakh, where the children were insured. We knocked on every door.

In his appeals, he asked to take action and prevent the rest of our children from dying. He was told that his letters had been forwarded to the government of the Rostov region and the regional prosecutor's office for investigation. But, unfortunately, they did not have time to save the remaining babies.

- When did you bury the kids?

Today we buried all our boys. I have never buried loved ones. Thank you to the lady at the mortuary who called and asked, "When are you picking up your kids for the funeral?" I was just in shock, because we were told that they would call after the examinations so that we could pick up the children. But it turned out that the children were lying there alone, and they should have been taken away a long time ago and no one informed us.

I was in the perinatal center from 17 to 29 August. When I was there, 10 children died. After being discharged, the girls reported that three more children had died. All children who died were diagnosed with intrauterine infection. Everyone.

For the death of my children, I blame the entire staff of the department of pathology of newborns and premature babies. I fought for their lives in the hospital until the last second and will fight to the end so that those responsible are punished. Maybe our struggle will help save the lives of children born.

The Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Rostov Region is conducting an investigation into the death of newborn triplets of the Samoylenko family. Three boys were born prematurely and died in a perinatal center in Rostov-on-Don. Doctors refer to risk factors and absolve themselves of responsibility, while parents blame doctors for the death of babies, the portal reports.

Initially premature babies was placed in intensive care, and then - in the ward of pathology. Doctors informed the parents that the children were diagnosed with enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestines). Doctors insist that the cause of the tragedy was the lack of body weight of the mother and her chronic diseases: endometritis, pyelonephritis and cervical erosion.

Parents, in turn, directly blame local doctors for the tragedy. “My husband and I have a lot of questions for them. If there were any problems during pregnancy, then why didn’t the doctors tell us anything back then? And it’s also interesting on what basis they give me any chronic diseases if I they were not treated and they did not see my outpatient card," Victoria Samoylenko emphasizes.

According to her, doctors warned her about only one potentially dangerous moment: babies Alexei and Dima were in the same placenta, and Alyosha could have problems because he was a little lacking in nutrition and he could not keep up with his brother. "In such situations, an operation to remove the fetus could be required, but the danger has passed," the father of the children, Alexander Samoylenko, told reporters.

Immediately after the death of Dima, Alexander wrote official appeals to Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Roszdravnadzor, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Rosgosstrakh, where the children were insured.

In his appeals, he asked to take action and prevent the rest of his children from dying like Dima. He was told that his letters had been forwarded to the government of the Rostov region and the regional prosecutor's office for investigation.

However, new tragedies soon followed. The day after Dima's death, babies Alyosha and Ilya were brought to the intensive care unit in his place. The babies began to have the same symptoms as their brother, and the doctors said they needed constant supervision.

“After a couple of days, I noticed that Ilya was twitching. I told the doctor: “He will have convulsions now.” They answered me: “Yes, we see. We are waiting. Now, if we do something to him, we will have to put on a ventilator. "I said:" Do something, otherwise I will not leave here. "It seemed that with each of my children they waited until the very last, until the health of the children will not become critical. They gave him an injection. The child felt better, he stopped twitching. And until his death he had no symptoms. On August 28 at 16:02 Lesha died, and the next day, August 29, at 09:00: 42 Ilyusha died," the woman said.

Spouses Samoilenko from Taganrog accuse the doctors of the Rostov Regional Perinatal Center of negligence, lack of professionalism and indifference, which led to the death of three newborn babies.

This story began with very happy notes, but ended tragically. Mother of triplets Victoria Samoylenko told in an interview with the correspondent of the site how the tragedy happened and why the spouses blame the doctors for the death of their babies.

- Victoria, tell us how it happened that your babies could not be saved?

I would like to tell you a story with a happy ending, but, unfortunately, it will not work. Today I buried my three children.

My story began in 2014 when I arrived in Rostov from Luhansk. Here I met my husband, we recently celebrated the third anniversary of marriage. The husband really wanted children, and twins. On December 31, I found out that I was pregnant, and congratulated my husband on such a New Year's gift. The ultrasound revealed that we would have triplets. At first we were shocked, but then we just started preparing for the birth of babies. We bought three strollers, ordered a large bed for triplets - everything you need for toddlers.

- How was your pregnancy?

Excellent. The doctors were very surprised when I came for an ultrasound, because, for example, at 6 months one child should weigh a kilogram, then all three of me weighed a kilogram. All was good. The only thing we were warned was that two twins were in the same placenta, and one in the other, so one baby received more nutrition from the mother than the other two. There were no pathologies or problems. All was good. They only warned that triplets could be born prematurely in any case, but this is not scary. Every two weeks I did an ultrasound on the recommendation of doctors.

- When did the birth start? Did everything go well?

The birth began ahead of schedule, as the doctors predicted, at 32 weeks and two days. My husband called an ambulance and I was first taken to a hospital in Taganrog. They put a dropper there, and then they brought me to Rostov. I had been lying in the regional perinatal hospital for four hours without amniotic fluid - they had departed. I already panicked.

After that, a doctor and an anesthesiologist came in, who had such a dialogue in front of me: “So, what about her documents? She is not a citizen of Russia”? I replied that I was at the stage of obtaining citizenship. Now I have a TRP (temporary residence permit). If the children were born on time, then I would have time to get citizenship. Although it does not matter, because I was in their hospital and took all the tests for money, which I told them about. To this one doctor said to another:

"So what, I now give her an expensive injection, and she won't have the money to pay later"?

- Did this dialogue take place in front of you?

Yes, I was lying on a gurney, and they were discussing it. The doctor who later performed the caesarean section opened my card and said: “Yes, they sewed her up here, she paid 17 thousand rubles here, and here 13 thousand. She has money.” I was shocked and yelled for them to come out into the corridor. I said that my husband was there and he would give them money. Only after that they took me to the operating room.

- When were the babies born? Did everything go without complications?

I gave birth to my long-awaited triplets on June 17th. And it was not artificial, but lovingly planned twins, which turned out to be triplets on ultrasound. They were born in the Rostov Regional Perinatal Center with a normal weight, not 600 or 700 grams. Three boys were born by caesarean section at 32.2 weeks with a weight of 1150, 1350 and 1550.

The last, Ilyusha, was dying with a weight of 2350, and the rest were already almost 2 kilograms each.

- When the children were born, were they diagnosed with any diseases?

At first, the children were in intensive care, but after 5 days they were transferred to the department of pathology of newborns and premature babies, and then it began. The doctor said that they have enterocolitis - an inflammation of the intestines. And she added that this can happen in premature babies, because this is one of the diseases that often occurs. We have been treated for this. Then I noticed that Dima (the third was born) had some wounds behind his ear, like sores. I went to the doctors, and they said that this was a common diaper rash, then another doctor said that it was very bad and advised me to buy an ointment with zinc to dry the wounds. I rushed to the pharmacy in a taxi, bought an ointment right away to start treating. From that day on, the child became worse.

- Did the doctors examine all the kids after that?

Yes, others didn't. Children were given medicines and they could not be bathed, and then another came and said that they would bathe my babies, although this could not be done while taking these medicines. Perhaps it was possible to disconnect from the device that delivers the medicine, but I was just surprised, because I read that the medicine must be constantly supplied to the line, because these lines get clogged and there can be bad consequences. The very fact that no one is bathed, even if they ask, and my babies were bought on August 9 and all three were put in different places.

On August 13, when the manager came, I said that Dima was worse, he was pale, did not react to anything, even when they took his blood for tests, he did not cry. To which she replied: "What do you want, he is sick."

I called my husband, cried, told him that Dima was very ill, and the doctors were not doing anything. The husband came and started arguing with them. Both the doctors and the head herself came to the head's office and brought their lawyer for some reason. When my husband asked what happened to my children, they did not really answer him. To a clear question posed by my husband, we did not hear a clear answer. The doctor constantly spoke in vague phrases in her medical language, which we did not understand. As a result, she said the same thing as to me: "Children are sick."

On the same day, Dima was transferred to intensive care, and the next day they said that he had an infection and began a blood transfusion.

- Did the child get better?

No. On August 15, Dima was already given a blood transfusion and a bunch of medicines and antibiotics were poured into him. I started writing down everything that happens to the children in a notebook. Since there were three of them, in order not to miss anything, I always had a notebook at hand. I was even afraid to leave them alone, because once, when I went into my room, I saw nurse Ekaterina putting probes into the mouths of my boys without gloves, and I think this was not the first time.

Then I began to follow every movement of the staff. I ran from ward to ward because all my boys were lying separately. I was with Dima until his death. On August 23 at 9.48 he died in intensive care.

How did the doctors react to the death of the first baby? Did they begin to examine the remaining two boys more comprehensively?

A couple of days later, they transferred Lesha (the first baby) to the intensive care unit, where Dima was lying. They argued that Lesha and Dima were in the same placenta and there may be one disease for two. I am not a doctor and did not know that when a baby enters a coma, his brain turns off. The doctors knew this and continued to give hope that everything would be fine, although they were simply waiting for his death. It was then with the second and third that I realized that when a child sleeps with his eyes open in a coma, he will soon die. And when I started screaming, they told me that they had an intrauterine infection, so they were dying. The question arose, where did the virus come from? Why weren't viruses found right away? Such a negligent attitude shocked me, they did not hear and did not want to hear.

- Do you have any chronic diseases? Have you been registered in the hospital?

Of course not. All my tests for 8 months were in order. I have never been in a hospital with a chronic illness in my life. They didn't have any more treatment. If there were any diseases, I would have been warned during pregnancy.

- How did the kids feel?

Ilyusha was also transferred from the neonatal pathology ward to the intensive care unit. I went to them and looked at them. Entering the children's room, I saw on the scoreboard that the heart rate (heart rate) had fallen below normal, but the nurses were sitting and chatting, they did not hear, since the alarm was turned off when the child was in serious condition. And even if the staff knows that the child is dying, then no one gives them the right to turn off the alarm. Perhaps due to an unheard signal, first aid was not provided.

I started screaming, the doctors came running and said that this was the second attempt to save the children. I held their hands and cried, and they looked at me as if asking for help. I was ready to die instead of them, if only they would live.

Have you turned to anyone else for help?

I asked for another doctor to be sent. Not because these do not work well, but just suddenly another doctor will understand how to save the kids, why they are dying. I wanted to save at least one.

Through clenched teeth, the doctor called someone and said: "Well, come and see. Here one has already died, and two still exist."

Is that what the doctor said on the phone?

Yes. Alyoshenka died on the same day. It was on August 28 at 16.02. And on August 29, at 9.42, the last one, Ilyusha, died. This pain is unbearable. It seemed to me that this was not true, since I saw all three deaths of my children and was with them until the last. After all, it does not happen (crying).

- What happened then, did you turn to someone for help in dealing with the death of your children?

Yes, after Dima's death, her husband turned to the police, Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Roszdravnadzor, the President of the Russian Federation and Rosgosstrakh, where the children were insured. We knocked on every door.

In his appeals, he asked to take action and prevent the rest of our children from dying. He was told that his letters had been forwarded to the government of the Rostov region and the regional prosecutor's office for investigation. But, unfortunately, they did not have time to save the remaining babies.

- When did you bury the kids?

Today we buried all our boys. I have never buried loved ones. Thank you to the lady at the mortuary who called and asked, "When are you picking up your kids for the funeral?" I was just in shock, because we were told that they would call after the examinations so that we could pick up the children. But it turned out that the children were lying there alone, and they should have been taken away a long time ago and no one informed us.

I was in the perinatal center from 17 to 29 August. When I was there, 10 children died. After being discharged, the girls reported that three more children had died. All children who died were diagnosed with intrauterine infection. Everyone.

For the death of my children, I blame the entire staff of the department of pathology of newborns and premature babies. I fought for their lives in the hospital until the last second and will fight to the end so that those responsible are punished. Maybe our struggle will help save the lives of children born.