Bad mood during pregnancy 1st trimester. Why mood changes during early and late pregnancy: norms, pathologies and mental illnesses with mood swings and changes in emotional state. A storm of emotions is wonderful

A positive attitude while expecting a baby is very important. But it is far from always possible to maintain a good mood. The mood during pregnancy changes often and these changes are not always for the better.

Often, expectant mothers are haunted by fears, anxieties and even real depression. How to cope with your mood and maintain a cheerful mood?

How mood changes during pregnancy

Often, pregnancy completely changes the behavior of a woman, and even close people note that she has become different. And minor mood swings occur in almost everyone. Most frequent changes:

  • Increased nervousness and anxiety. It is usually observed at the very beginning of pregnancy and intensifies just before childbirth.
  • Distractedness and forgetfulness. Usually appear in the second trimester.
  • Sentimentality and. Observed throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.
  • Self-doubt and anxiety. They usually increase with the development of pregnancy and reach a peak before childbirth.

Manifestations of mood swings are very individual. They are different for each individual woman and can take even the most bizarre forms. There is no need to be surprised, the reason for most mood changes lies in changes in the body and the woman's attitude to it.

How do mood changes affect the body?

To ensure the normal development of the fetus, the woman's body has to endure serious changes. All of them affect the mood. The most obvious ones are:

  • Hormonal changes. The levels of biologically active substances in the body of a pregnant woman are constantly changing. Our mood is also controlled by hormones, so it changes from time to time for no apparent reason.
  • Too much physical and mental stress. Carrying a baby requires a lot of strength from a woman. If she does not take this into account and continues to work in the same mode, this can provoke fatigue and a deterioration in mood.
  • Change in metabolism. This reason can also provoke changes in mood.
  • Worry for the baby. Most often this occurs during the first pregnancy, when the expectant mother does not yet know what is the norm and what is not, and worries about any changes in the body.
  • Global changes in life. For many women, pregnancy leads to a drastic change in their habitual lifestyle, and this cannot but affect their mood.

Physiological changes in the body often provoke nausea, which is traditionally called. This condition negatively affects the woman's well-being, her performance and, of course, her mood. For most expectant mothers, taste sensations and preferences change. Some previously favorite foods begin to cause disgust, and instead of them you want to eat something unusual.

From the outside, this may seem like whims, but a woman really does not know what she wants. It depresses her and spoils her mood. After all, you have to suffer from nausea, hunger and incomprehensible desires.

The same changes occur with the sense of smell. Any smell can sharply cause disgust or vice versa, become a source of joy. Often, favorite perfumes become a source of irritation. If a woman, without thinking, took advantage of them in the morning, the mood will be spoiled for the whole day. Or vice versa, the smell of a neighboring construction site, caught by chance, will raise vitality.

Do not forget also about dizziness. They haunt many women for all 9 months, spoiling the mood. It also irritates the growing tummy, which makes it difficult to move normally and move quickly. But what happiness each push of the baby brings. The future motherhood of many women fills with joy, which from the outside seems incomprehensible and causeless.

All these changes are absolutely normal and most expectant mothers experience them. Just at different women they may appear in different ways.

While mood swings during pregnancy are normal and harmless in most cases, sometimes you need to pay closer attention to them. Under the mask of the banal whims of the expectant mother, more dangerous conditions can be hidden:

  • Asthenia. This is a general breakdown and weakness. The reason may be malnutrition due to nausea, overwork, constant stress. If a woman complains of fatigue and the inability to perform tasks that were previously given without problems, drowsiness and difficulty concentrating, while looking pale and lethargic, this may indicate asthenia. In this case, the expectant mother will need rest, good sleep and proper nutrition. It is advisable to take sick leave and minimize stress.
  • Stress. It is often difficult for weak and impressionable girls to combine their usual life with the responsibility for the baby growing inside. This leads to constant tension and stress. This condition negatively affects the working capacity of a woman and the well-being and development of the fetus. To overcome this condition, you can take a break, ask to reduce the load at work or take sick leave, and also try to tune in to the positive.
  • Depression is quite rare, but very dangerous state. More often it occurs after delivery (postpartum depression), but expectant mothers are also not immune from it. This is a disease that is difficult to cope with on your own, you will need the help of a psychotherapist and, possibly, a psychiatrist.

depression during pregnancy

Often, even serious depressive disorders remain undiagnosed due to the fact that all problems are attributed to hormonal changes in the body. If a bad mood does not go away and causes serious discomfort, it is better to contact a specialist for advice. The most common symptoms of depression are:

  • Constantly depressed mood, especially in the morning after waking up;
  • Feeling of annoying weakness;
  • Constant thoughts about your own worthlessness;
  • Feeling physically unable to do anything;
  • Frequent suicidal thoughts up to attempts at self-harm.

To some extent, all these symptoms can also occur with fatigue, asthenia, and simply a bad mood. But if they are pronounced, combined with each other and do not go away for a long time, interfering normal life- it is better to consult with a specialist. The last two signs are especially dangerous. When they appear, it is necessary to contact a psychotherapist immediately.

How to deal with depression

If depression is not severe, you can try to cope with it yourself or with the help of a psychologist, but without medication. It is known that most pharmaceuticals can adversely affect the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy, so it is better to choose safe methods such as rest, walking, pleasant emotions.

If you feel that you can not cope with your emotions, it is better to take sick leave and rest. Do not overload your already loaded body with work.

Often the best doctor for a woman is her husband. Explain the situation to him, ask for help and support. Perhaps he needs a consultation with a psychologist. Let the specialist teach him the very basics of how to help the woman he loves, and together you can overcome any difficulties.

Professional help for depression during pregnancy

In some situations, without the help of a professional, it is impossible to solve the problem of depression. It is advisable to limit yourself to psychotherapy and other non-drug methods. But, if it doesn’t work without medication, don’t be afraid and don’t refuse treatment. A good specialist will be able to choose the most harmless drugs. Most often, sedatives are recommended. They do not eliminate depression, but they help reduce anxiety and improve sleep. Sometimes this is enough for a woman's condition to improve significantly.

What to do with whims during pregnancy?

If a woman herself understands that there are no serious reasons for mood swings and sadness, but at the same time, periodically she wants to cry or irritability attacks, most likely, these are ordinary whims. If the expectant mother is upset by her rounded figure, nausea or other signs of pregnancy, you just need to try to relax and endure. Shopping helps a lot. Buying clothes for pregnant women or various little things for the baby will improve your mood and help you find the pluses in your condition.

If fractional nutrition, aromatherapy and others folk methods do not help to cope with nausea, you should consult a doctor, as this condition is fraught with dehydration.

In non-dangerous cases, when nausea does not threaten the condition of a woman and a child, you can try to read funny stories about toxicosis and other delights of pregnancy on the Internet. This will help to understand that almost everyone goes through such suffering, and to find something funny in them. Another way is to write about your own misadventures. It will help you look at yourself from the outside and laugh at your problems.

A good way to get rid of whims is to succumb to them for a while. Agree with your husband in advance that sometimes he will have to play along with you, specify the time and duration of the “capricious period” and allow yourself to relax at this time.

You can send your husband for unknown delicacies, demand a massage, switch TV channels as soon as you don’t like something, etc. Just do not go too far and do not delay your periods of rest, so as not to bring your spouse to depression.

How to improve your mood during pregnancy

Often, expectant mothers themselves provoke a deterioration in their mood, too obsessed with their pregnancy and possible problems. It must be understood that carrying a baby is a natural process for a woman. In most cases, it does not carry danger, but, on the contrary, is a source of new pleasant sensations and incredible experience.

Even if you did not plan pregnancy, and it came as a surprise, this is not the end of your usual life and well-established life. This is a miracle that will give a completely new beautiful reality.

In order to maintain vigor and good mood for all 9 months, it is very important to listen to the advice of doctors, namely:

  • To live an active lifestyle. It is because of the forced rejection of some entertainment and frequent stay at home that many women have a worse mood. But pregnancy is not a disease. The expectant mother may well walk, visit the pool, Pilates or yoga for pregnant women. You can also attend special childbirth preparation courses, which necessarily include gymnastics.
  • Eat properly. Deterioration of mood can be caused by undernutrition, overnutrition, abdominal discomfort, etc. But during pregnancy, the desire to eat something harmful, sweet, fatty, fried, etc. often attacks. Unfortunately, such dishes often provoke nausea, heartburn and a set of extra pounds. Therefore, if you want something “forbidden”, you can afford quite a bit to enjoy the taste. The basis of the diet should be healthy meals in reasonable proportions and quantities.
  • Learn and develop. Often the mood worsens due to fear of childbirth and not understanding what is happening to the body. Knowledge will help get rid of it. Read books, watch educational films, prepare for childbirth not only physically, but also mentally.
  • Don't forget about yourself. Buy yourself nice clothes for expectant mothers, do hairstyles and manicures. It helps to understand mood and self-esteem. A good idea- Pregnant photo session. A professional camera will help you look at yourself from the outside and understand how beautiful you are.
  • Learn relaxation techniques. Be sure to connect your spouse to this, his help will also be needed.
  • Look for pleasant emotions everywhere - watch good films, read books, go to exhibitions and walk in nature.

It is very important to learn to avoid negativity. This is very difficult, as unpleasant information surrounds us everywhere. Therefore, watch the news less often, do not communicate with unpleasant people and gossip, turn off the TV if a movie scares or upsets you, and interrupt unpleasant conversations even if you have to break the rules of decency. Your well-being and the comfort of the baby during this period is much more important.

Sometimes you have to let your emotions out. If you want to cry - there is nothing wrong with that, you can just cry. But do not drive your fears and gloomy thoughts inside.

Remember that pregnancy is another period of life, and it will also pass, leaving behind a wonderful baby and invaluable experience. If it is difficult, do not be afraid to ask your husband for help or tell a psychologist about it. Try to find something pleasant in every day. Soon you will meet with a child, a new stage will begin in life, and there will be new difficulties and many, many joys in it.

mood during pregnancy early dates can change like a sinusoid, from strong to weak, from joyful to depressed, from confidence to fear about the future. Changes in the body and the conditions of your life play a big role in this.

Internal physiological changes accompanying the onset of pregnancy play a primary and key role. The restructuring of the body and the emotional state during pregnancy in the early stages are inseparable from each other:

  • . Taste sensations change. As a result, the mood can also change. Some products (even previously loved ones) can be unbearable in taste, up to disgust. On the contrary, other foods will cause a passionate desire to eat them and as much as possible. You may also want to either not eat anything at all, or the feeling of hunger will haunt you all day long. In both cases, you should eat as recommended by your doctor - changes in mood and appetite in early pregnancy should not greatly affect the diet necessary for your health and the health of the baby.
  • Restructuring in the central nervous system. The brain (or rather, its small but very important structural part - the hypothalamus) qualitatively and quantitatively controls the regulation of hormones. And hormones - mood, and quite long. It is impossible to regulate the work of the hypothalamus on your own, so you need to adapt and be prepared for the fact that the mood can change very much: from irritability and even anger to tears of happiness. An event and details that previously did not affect you can cause a very strong emotional reaction, and something that previously worried, disturbed or pleased you may no longer affect you. By the way, this may also apply to the perception of sounds, you may want to listen to certain music more often, or maybe you will be comfortable mostly in silence.
  • Metamorphoses of smell. Closely associated with changes in the central nervous system. Previously beloved perfumes can at best cause rejection and misunderstanding of how they could previously be used and admired. The same goes for food and cooking.

Smell is the strongest stimulant of memories and mood. If there have been changes in the perception of smells, you should surround yourself with those smells that cause, if not admiration, but at least a neutral attitude. Buy new perfumes, change something in the kitchen. You can’t ignore it: mood swings due to smell can be a cause of stress.

pathology in the mood

Far from always emotional swings and changes in mood can be explained solely by physiological reasons.

  • Asthenia is a severe decline, weakness and general constant drowsiness. Those tasks and responsibilities that were previously easy to do, seem impossible. Possible pallor and circles under the eyes. It is better to overcome this condition with rest and sleep, regular meals, walking on fresh air. The main thing is not to bother yourself with activities that require strong emotional or physical involvement, so as not to expend energy that should be spent on restoring a healthy state.
  • Stress during pregnancy in the early stages is a normal and frequent occurrence, since pregnancy, although natural, is very stressful. And you should organize your day so that pregnancy remains the only strong load. The severity of stress in each person is individual and does not change much over the course of life. If you feel stressed, you should either sleep or switch to a pleasant activity, such as a hobby. This will distract you, and pleasant and desirable activities in themselves are not sources of stress.
  • Depression in early pregnancy is actually rare. More often, a depressive syndrome occurs after childbirth (the so-called postpartum depression).


A serious psychiatric diagnosis that is treated with medication: often requires the simultaneous intervention of both a psychiatrist and a psychologist.

What causes depression:

  • depressed mood after waking from sleep. Often the mood improves significantly with the onset of the late evening;
  • simultaneous feeling of irritability and weakness;
  • the feeling that the world has lost its colors, everything may seem gray;
  • reluctance and a feeling of physical impossibility to do something. Severely weakened will.
  • regular self-deprecating thoughts (“I am a bad woman and mother”, “I do not deserve life on earth”, “My whole life is terrible and meaningless”);
  • suicidal thoughts and plans;
  • self-harm attempts.

The above signs are also typical for asthenia and for the usual. These are sufficient reasons to consult a specialist.

Depression is a disease that needs to be treated. If most of the symptoms described above have been observed for more than two weeks (or the last three have only made themselves felt), you should immediately contact a psychotherapist. If a woman has harmed herself or attempted suicide, immediate psychiatric help is needed.

How to deal with depression

We recommend that you accept changes in your mood as normal. Self-acceptance is often the best medicine. A change in mood during early pregnancy is a normal and correct signal, indicating that the necessary restructuring of the body is taking place.

You should more often turn to what brings joy and satisfaction, which can distract from everything bad (for each woman, of course, this is individual): a walk in the fresh air, reading books, watching movies, going to the theater or museum, cooking, work ( working during pregnancy is not harmful, but it’s impossible to recycle, and if possible, if there is a choice between work and taking care of yourself and your health, you need to choose the second), hobbies and hobbies (moreover, new hobbies may appear during this period), (which , of course, cannot and should not replace everything). In some women, sexual desire fades in the early stages, and even for the entire period of pregnancy; and for some, on the contrary, libido only intensifies. If you are concerned about this issue, then talk to your doctor, almost always sex during pregnancy is harmless and rather beneficial.

Professional help

Sometimes there may be a need for the help of specialists: an observing doctor or a psychologist.

You are not alone in your experiences, a change in mood during pregnancy in the early stages occurs to one degree or another in every woman. Accept your changes as normal and natural. Do not self-diagnose - if you have doubts about your health or emotional state, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Watch your diet and sleep patterns. Try to be in such conditions in which the mood, if it changes, is only for the better.

Before using any drugs, be sure to consult your doctor if there are any contraindications. You should not self-medicate!

What causes mood swings and how to deal with it.

Women gave birth, give birth, and will give birth, and nothing can be done about it, because such is the biological function female body- procreation. A woman in position can cause different associations for each person, but everyone knows that they become nervous, capricious, quarrelsome, fall into childhood, their mood changes several times a day, and in general they acquire a lot of oddities (each has its own ). Yes, everyone knows, and everyone perceives this as a temporary phenomenon and treats a pregnant woman condescendingly (especially men, who are often lost and simply do not know how to communicate with their pregnant wife). Few people really try to understand pregnant women (a woman is already very difficult to understand, and there is also a special psycho-state), even women who already have children do not understand how they could behave in this way, only a few not only understand, but also know What exactly happens to a woman who is expecting a child. But at all stages of pregnancy, women are at risk of mental disorders (sometimes serious), neurotic reactions, and this is in addition to the fact that there is a huge load on the physical body, the occurrence of complications, unpleasant and painful sensations, and much more. Not a single man could stand it on himself, since he is psychologically much weaker, and “breaks” faster (many have already begun to recognize that the stronger sex is female, and it’s not about physical strength), men even feel pain stronger and sharper, since their pain thresholds are lower than those of a woman. In order to endure and survive childbirth, nature took care to increase the pain threshold for a woman, but still, some after childbirth, after a painful shock, acquire schizophrenia, and here no one is 100% insured. Perhaps, after reading the information below, you will begin to treat pregnant women differently, and look at them with different eyes.

As you know, the period of bearing a child takes 40-41 weeks, about 9 months, this period is divided into trimesters (three months for each), each of them has its own characteristics and its own specifics in physiological and psychological terms. The obstetrician-gynecologist monitors the normal development of the child and health, and no one, psychologically, until the woman begins to behave extremely inappropriately. Although recently there are clinics that take care of the psychological support of pregnancy and childbirth, but not everyone can afford it. The first problems arise from the moment when a woman began to suspect that she was expecting a child. There are different situations, a woman is not always ready for this, although theoretically this possibility always exists, but theory and practice can be very different. It is not known how the father of the unborn child, relatives will react, life changes dramatically in an instant, even if the family has prepared in advance for this event. And if the child is unwanted during this period of life? But we will not analyze this sensitive situation and discuss in more detail the situation when a woman decides to give birth ...

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by an ambivalent (ambivalent) attitude towards the child, there is a struggle between two opposing tendencies. The first is the infantilization of a woman, she behaves like a little girl, she likes guardianship and care from others. The second trend is the emergence of a sense of adulthood in connection with motherhood. It is the conflict between these two tendencies that leads to frequent shift mood, which is perceived by others as unmotivated. And besides this, hormonal changes occur in the body, which also affect the nervous system. At this stage, there may be a large number of neurotic reactions. Increased sensitivity to smells, sounds, a large number of vegetative reactions: headaches, dizziness, pressure surges, sweating, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting. It is in this trimester that toxicoses of pregnancy (histosis) occur, which, in addition to physiological grounds, also have psychological reasons. So, according to Adler's theory, histosis is symbolic, vomiting is a show of disgust for the child. Freud believed that histosis occurs in connection with the weakening of the will to motherhood, as a consequence of the excessive civilization of human society. In addition, histosis is a manifestation of an unconscious attitude towards her husband. Our domestic psychologists believe that the leading role in the occurrence of histoses is played by the personality characteristics of a woman. Therefore, the sign of women can be divided into two categories:

  1. This includes women with minor affective disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of irritability, irascibility, women are tearful and touchy, at the peak of these experiences, gistosis occurs. These women before pregnancy were distinguished by a harmonious personality and a realistic approach to solving emerging difficulties.
  2. The picture of the course of pregnancy is polymorphic, many manifestations, the most common of them are chills, fever, headaches, fainting, jumps in blood pressure, swelling. Emotional disorders: unconscious fear, constant feeling of anxiety, stress. This group of women before pregnancy had a lot of crisis situations and stresses, therefore, during the bearing of a child, they more problems than in women of the first category.

The second trimester is the most favorable and stable period. In mentally healthy women, disorders do not occur, histoses disappear by this time (very rarely they are observed throughout the entire period of gestation), the physical condition returns to normal. With the support and care of her husband and relatives, a woman feels like a completely full-fledged person and does not throw tantrums on every occasion (again, if her life is stable and calm). However, depressive reactions are quite often observed, which are associated with a deterioration in appearance, because they begin to involuntarily pay attention to a woman on the street, and you no longer look in the mirror to admire yourself. Again, if the husband does not particularly focus on changes in appearance, but shows his feelings, as before, then the woman will not be so upset.

The most difficult period is 7-9 months, psychological disorders occur in 80% of women. Pregnant women become introvented, unsure of themselves. At the initial stages of the trimester, the phenomenon of "immersion in the child" is observed - this is the appearance intrusive thoughts about the child possible consequences childbirth for him, the fear of the presence of defects in the child, in general, the woman becomes very impressionable and fearful when it comes to the child. With the approach of childbirth, there is a fear of labor activity. Therefore, it is very useful to read literature, watch special films, set yourself up only positively, because loved ones will be there. There are several types of prenatal anxiety:

  1. generalized - fear in response to various sensations, all unusual sensations are perceived as the beginning of childbirth;
  2. physical - occurs when a woman is hard on the physical aspects of pregnancy;
  3. fear for the fate of the fetus;
  4. fear of having to take care of a child;
  5. fear of feeding a newborn;
  6. psychopathological variants of anxiety - the occurrence of neuroses and psychopathy, and they can also occur in mentally healthy women. So, the syndrome of rough treatment with the fetus is an expression of anxiety, while the woman hits herself hard on the stomach in the absence of a desire to provoke an abortion, is an indicator of aggression towards the child.

Postpartum psychosis (3-5 days after childbirth) manifests itself in a woman's attempts to harm the child, is a reaction to psychotrauma, therefore, the newly-made mother needs to be monitored so that she does not harm the child (at this time she is not aware of her actions).

Of course, this is not all that can happen to a woman in a long nine months, and the most difficult is yet to come, these are new fears and sleepless nights. But in order to understand, you need to know. Can you look at a pregnant woman differently now? public transport, and maybe give her a place, not because the rules of decency and etiquette require it, but because now you understand her a little more.

It's no secret that the inner mood significantly affects the quality of life. At good mood all problems quickly find their solution, and you don’t pay attention to many troubles at all. But as soon as the mood deteriorates, life immediately seems gray and bleak. And if there is such a dependence of thoughts, behavior and perception of the world on mood, then it can be used in the opposite direction, performing certain actions to control one's own emotions. This does not mean at all that you need to forbid yourself to feel and experience by putting on a “stone mask”: this method just becomes a direct road to various psychological and psychosomatic problems. But you can learn to “turn” negative emotions into neutral or positive ones, to reduce their “degree”. The main thing is to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start acting!

Method number 1. Mimic gymnastics helps to manage emotions

In psychology, it is believed that the human body, its thoughts and feelings are interconnected, therefore it is possible to control emotions with the help of one's own thoughts and bodily manifestations.

The easiest way, although it takes a lot of practice, is to smile and maintain a smile on your face for a few minutes, despite the lowered mood. The facial expressions of joy transmit a signal of well-being to the brain, and it rebuilds the work of consciousness in a positive way. Regular use such mimic gymnastics will help the psyche to spend less and less time on restructuring. Especially if you supplement these exercises with mental suggestion: “Everything will be fine!”, “Everything will work out”, “I am the happiest!” etc.

Regular training in facial exercises of joy and auto-training allow you to start the process of transforming negative emotions and make mood management a habit.

Method number 2. The rule of "here and now" will help to be in the present time

Often the mood of a pregnant woman begins to change when she imagines the future or remembers past troubles. It's time to say "stop" to yourself and not to make an elephant out of a fly.

Try to inspire yourself with the idea that the past no longer matters, and the future will come later, so now it’s better to think about the present moment, driving away fears and replacing them by focusing on the positive aspects of your pregnancy (for example, a recent visit to the doctor showed that weight gain is normal , or according to the results of ultrasound, the child develops correctly).

And also bring yourself back to the reality of the current moment, switching from thoughts to sensations. As soon as you begin to notice that the mood is spoiling, listen to yourself and your baby. Try to determine how the child turned in his stomach, what place he pushed you, try to feel the little toe on his left foot, etc. Ask yourself the question: “What do I hear now?”, “What colors surround me?”, “Is the wind blowing? » Such sensations allow you to feel "here and now" and return harmony to the emotional sphere.

Method number 3. "Safe place"

Often, a bad mood during pregnancy occurs as a reaction to stress, fatigue, anxiety, and all these manifestations may not even be realized. And a bad mood in this case is a signal to take a break and just relax, calm down or sleep.

This will help to create a so-called "safe place" for yourself, with which serenity and positive emotions will be associated. For someone perfect place relaxation is a homely bed with a delicate aroma of fresh linen, and the other one feels good under a blanket by the window with a cup of hot tea and a favorite book. Some people feel as comfortable as possible in a proven spa, and for many, the image of a safe place stretches from childhood: a parent’s apartment, a dacha…

The main thing is that you feel comfortable there, and you can easily get there if necessary. Such a place will serve you as a kind of “anchor” of security, positive emotions and help you get rid of negativity.

Method number 4. Communication with pregnant women: looking for allies

If communication on the topic of pregnancy causes more irritation than smiles, remember your interests. A discussion book club, a page for discussing the best culinary recipes, a travel forum… Sometimes half an hour a day is enough to communicate with like-minded people so that life takes on colors again.

Method number 5. Action plan for maternity leave

Often in maternity leave the general background of the mood is lowered for no apparent reason. This is due to boredom and monotony, especially if before pregnancy the woman led a fairly active lifestyle or was busy at work. Now, when there are no urgent matters on the horizon, it becomes somehow uncomfortable.

In this case, a simple list of activities for the day will help. As soon as you feel that your mood is getting worse, arm yourself with a piece of paper and a pen, as well as posters with a schedule of events for the near future. Sometimes we don’t even notice how many interesting things are happening around, we forget about what we have been planning to do for a long time and what we wanted to learn.

But it is productive time spent that gives a feeling of satisfaction. So start planning by including a variety of activities on your personal list. For example, morning yoga for pregnant women, a walk to a distant park to scout out a place where to walk with a stroller, a visit to a flower exhibition, a scrapbooking webinar in the evening, etc.

Such a plan can be drawn up every day or you can write down the desired actions and activities for the week. In any case, one look at the impressive list of interesting events will be enough to cheer up.

Method number 6. Color therapy for pregnant women

Information received from sensory receptors is able to form certain emotions during pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to surround yourself during pregnancy. nice pictures, sounds, smells and even fabrics! One of the simplest but effective techniques that help regulate mood - color therapy - is based on the effect of various shades on the human psyche.

Bring bright colors into your home and workplace (of course, if these are the colors you like), change the curtains, buy a new table lamp ... Finally, make sure that your house constantly has flowering houseplants or beautiful bouquets in a vase. Get a new scarf or handbag interesting color, to match the spring mood. Dullness and monotony of shades provoke bouts of melancholy during pregnancy. But the red color fills with energy, positive emotions, the desire to move and create, you just need not to overdo it with its quantity. Yellow uplifts the mood, gives spiritual lightness; green - gives discharge nervous tension relieves irritation and fatigue. With blue, it is also important to know the measure, because it evokes a feeling of peace, inspires, but at the same time can cause “philosophical” sadness. Very toning Orange color and blue is calming.

Method number 7. Anticipation of pleasure during pregnancy

A wonderful feeling that is so familiar to us in childhood, but often disappears in adulthood - anticipation. It can fill any day with joy, because the expectation of pleasure is often brighter and more joyful than the pleasure itself.

Pampering in the form of an unplanned purchase, a cake or an old favorite movie, of course, cheers up, but the effect can be enhanced if you deliberately delay receiving these “bonuses”. For example, leave a cake in the fridge and promise yourself to eat it after work, or not finish reading a fascinating book in the evening, leaving the most interesting until the next day. By signing up for a photo shoot with a good photographer in advance, you can mark the day of shooting on the wall calendar and rejoice at its approach, imagining how the photos will turn out.

There are many options for creating such a “waiting for a miracle”, it is important to find a middle ground in the time of delaying pleasure so that the waiting process does not drag on for too long and the feeling of anticipation does not disappear.

Method number 8. "Book of happiness" for expectant mothers

Unfortunately, we often fixate on negative moments in our lives, notice minor troubles, and take something positive for granted and do not detain our attention on it. And then it turns out: "What's the fun if nothing good happened?"

The “Book of Happiness”, which can be made from an ordinary notebook or notebook, will help to change this stereotype. Its meaning is to write down 5-10 joyful events that happened to you every day. For example, the baby pushed, the husband arrived from work early, his favorite cookies were brought to the store, etc. It would seem that these are some little things, but our life consists of them. At first, it will be difficult to get the required number of entries, but after a few days you will realize that there are much more than 5-10. And having learned to notice these positive moments, you will begin to sincerely rejoice at them, and then there will simply be no reason for a bad mood, because the “Book of Happiness” will always be at hand.

Method number 9. In life there is always a place for good deeds

Sometimes, in order to correct your mood during pregnancy, you need to switch your attention from yourself to others. There are many living beings in the world who need this or that help, and you can provide it.

Surely there are orphanages, nursing homes or animal shelters near you. There are also different charitable foundations and organizations. And among your friends there may be those who really need support. Try to do a selfless good deed and bring joy to another. Visit a lonely retired neighbor, sort through your books or clothes and take some to Orphanage. Let goodness into your heart, and you will see that the world is changing along with your mood.

Method number 10. A bad mood is born in thoughts, but is afraid of action

Perhaps you have some ideas that you would like to implement, but do not yet have sufficient opportunities for this. It is important that these plans are really desirable, and the thoughts about them are pleasant.

It can be a dream of your own home, a trip to the sea after the birth of a baby, organizing a wedding anniversary ... Realizing that you are not in a good mood, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and mentally, in detail, imagine your dream. Take your time, try to think through everything in detail, to the smallest detail, until you feel a pleasant inspiration. If it is difficult to draw pictures in the imagination, and thoughts go astray, you can use improvised means and make sketches. It’s good if you manage to dream out loud with your husband. Such a conversation not only cheers up, but also brings the spouses together with a joint idea. A dream allows you to understand: no matter what trouble happens, there is something good ahead, which you should strive for.

A bad mood is born in thoughts, but is afraid of action. So it's time to take matters into your own hands and not let your emotions ruin your day, your holiday, or your entire pregnancy. After all, time flies very quickly, and you need to use it as much as possible with benefit.

Sadness, where did you come from?

Tears, irritation, resentment over trifles - it would seem that all this can be attributed to the usual vagaries of pregnancy, but every moment of mood decline has its own rationale:

  • Hormonal changes in the body. The physiological "charms" of pregnancy are a common cause of the unstable emotional background of the expectant mother. She gets tired faster, feels unwell.
  • Psychological changes. Uncertainty in one’s own abilities, anxiety for the future, a sense of impending changes ... Everything related to an “interesting situation” can either please or frighten future mother causing mental instability.
  • Small and big troubles. It happens that people around them also add fuel to the fire, not taking into account that a sensitive pregnant woman does not need so much to spoil her mood. What can we say about life circumstances that are really a reason for frustration?
  • Protracted adaptation to pregnancy. It also happens that a woman feels good, and does not suffer from increased anxiety, and there are no troubles, but her mood is still at zero. The reason in this case may be a long-term adaptation to your new status, nostalgia for the old, pre-pregnant times, or high expectations from the very period of pregnancy.

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with allowing yourself to be sad sometimes. But if periods of bad mood drag on or "cover" with unenviable regularity, it becomes simply necessary to raise it. And this applies to both pregnant women and the rest.

In our life, there are always enough reasons for unrest, and even during pregnancy, these reasons become much more. It even has a scientific explanation. Throughout pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman undergoes hormonal changes - and this is a significant restructuring for the whole body, both physically and psychological aspect. That is why a pregnant woman has increased tearfulness, nervousness and irritability. Women often transfer their physical changes to psychological condition, and therefore take everything that happens around them to heart and are subject to frequent mood changes.

Let's try to figure out why it's bad bad mood during pregnancy and in no case should you be nervous.

During pregnancy, mother and her future child constitute one whole, they are one organism, a single whole. These are not just words, this is a fact - after all, the mother and child have one more circulatory system for two, and all the substances that the mother consumes enter the fetus through the blood.

If a woman during pregnancy worries, experiences stress, her adrenal glands produce a hormone of anxiety or stress - catecholamine. And these hormones not only enter the child's circulatory system, but also accumulate in it, since the fetus has not yet developed a return venous network.

In the second half of pregnancy, the fetus already has a partially developed nervous system and knows how to be nervous. And he gets nervous when his mother does it. If the future experienced bad mood during pregnancy, then during childbirth amniotic fluid represents a continuous concentration of these stress hormones. Children who are nervous with their mother, being in her stomach, are more mobile, impressionable and nervous than those whose intrauterine development was calm. stress during pregnancy leads to the fact that newborn children who have experienced stress together with their mother are more excitable and capricious, often do not sleep well.

But of course it is impossible during the entire pregnancy to remain absolutely calm and not experience the slightest negative feeling. Scientists say that it is perfectly acceptable to be a little nervous, but only a little. The hormone cortisol, which is produced during psycho-emotional changes, in small quantities will not harm the fetus, and in excessive doses it inhibits the development of the fetus.

So, future moms, you realized that you don’t need to punish yourself for being a little worried during pregnancy, but in no case bring yourself to nervousness, tantrums and serious stress.

Let's try to cheer you up! Yes, yes, it is possible! And the products will help us with you. And we are talking not about coffee and chocolate, but about products that will take care of your nervous system. Vitamins of group B contribute to its strengthening. These are all protein products of animal origin, dark green vegetables, fish, nuts, and dairy products. Stress is afraid of manganese and vitamin C, and these are green and red vegetables, berries and dried fruits.

Healthy and proper nutrition is one way to deal with bad mood during pregnancy. The second option is to avoid situations and people that can negatively affect you. Chat with nice and loved people. Visit more often and invite guests to your place. And don't let yourself get bored - it can make you feel depressed and despondent. Walk more often, read useful magazines, sign up for. Right now you have time to do what you didn’t have time for before. Get creative: draw, sew, knit, embroider, take pictures. Now is the time to indulge in beautiful dreams and think only about the good!