Analytical report for the academic year in the first junior group. Analytical report for the academic year in the first junior group Final analytical report of the teacher of the 1st junior group

Marina Mironenko
Annual report in the first junior group for 2017–2018 academic year

AT the first junior group 21 people, including 8 boys and 13 girls. The age of children is from 2 to 3 years. The atmosphere in the children's team is friendly and positive. Children from 2 to 3 years old have many problems when they enter a preschool institution. All changes: in day mode; in the requirements for behavior; new premises; constant contact with peers - fall on the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation.

For educational year, the work of educators was aimed at creating conditions for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of the children's garden: acquaintance of parents with the age characteristics of children and the causes of stress during the period of adaptation; gave recommendations on preparation for entering a preschool institution; sought to establish emotional and bodily contact with the kids, involved them in joint activities, supported their activity and formed positive attitude to kindergarten staff.

During the year, children developed according to their age, studied the program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development. The work of educators 1 junior group carried out on the basis of the main per annum tasks and in accordance with annual work plan for 2017-18 academic year.

Before educators groups the following tasks:

1. Create conditions for improving the quality of education and upbringing junior schoolchildren in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard.

2. Develop new technologies in education and upbringing through the introduction of design and research activities pupils into the system academic and extracurricular work.

3. Establish work with capable children at all levels.

4. Create an individual educational route.

The daily routine and all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of children in MADOU were strictly observed. According to the plan, medical, psychological and pedagogical examinations of pupils were carried out, which confirmed the positive dynamics of the development of each child and group as a whole.

The goals set were achieved in the process of implementing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor,

cognitive-research, productive, musical-artistic and reading fiction. All activities represent the main directions of development children: physical, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, social and communicative.

Organized educational activities were carried out on the basis of complex thematic planning, taking into account the integration of educational areas.

Physical development: Children have mastered the simplest skills of behavior while eating, notice and eliminate mess in clothes, wash themselves properly, dry themselves dry using an individual towel, many try to take care of their appearance, dress, hang clothes in a certain order, keep clothes and shoes clean. They know how to carefully use a spoon, make a request, thank. Children's ideas about outdoor games with rules have expanded, they can walk and run, maintaining balance in different directions as directed by an adult, they have learned to crawl on all fours, they can jump in length from a place, knowledge of elementary norms and rules has expanded healthy lifestyle life (in nutrition, motor mode, hardening, during the formation good habits and etc.).

cognitive development: Many children know their first and last names, the names of their parents, look at illustrated editions of children's books, show interest in them, learn to navigate the premises of the kindergarten, name the village in which they live. Distinguish: color, shape (circle, rectangle, square, triangle); know how group items: by color, size, shape, can determine the direction movements: up, down, right, left, distinguish and name "day Night", "morning evening", correctly determine the quantitative ratio groups of objects understand the specific meaning of words "more", "smaller", as many". Children are inquisitive, show a steady interest in research and project activities. Most children are able to compare objects, establish their similarities and differences. Easy to distinguish colors spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo, violet (chromatic, white and black, but some children cannot distribute colors by lightness and saturation, name them correctly.

Create simple movable structures, highlight characteristic features appearance animals, means of transportation, nutrition. They know and name some plants and animals, their cubs, toys.

Speech development: Have sufficient vocabulary. They look at plot pictures, they are able to briefly talk about what they saw. Answer questions from an adult regarding the immediate environment. Pronounce vowel sounds, determine a given vowel sound. Use parts of speech, simple sentences and sentences with homogeneous members. They are able to maintain a conversation, share various impressions with teachers and other children.

Socio-communicative development: Children try to follow the rules of behavior in public places, in communication with peers and adults, in nature. Strive to listen and hear an adult. They have skills of behavior in new, unusual life situations, when meeting strangers, when meeting with animals, they have an idea about the benefits of tempering procedures and proper nutrition. They understand the social assessment of the actions of peers or heroes of illustrations, literary works. They act out independently and at the request of an adult excerpts from familiar fairy tales.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Correctly use a brush, a pencil. Paint over with a brush, pencil, drawing lines and strokes in only one direction. Draw broad lines with the whole brush. Know how to draw unconventional ways: finger painting, blotography. They know how to roll the ball between the palms.

They pinch with a slight pull of all the edges of the flattened ball, small parts, pull out individual parts from the whole piece.

Children use and name different parts of the wooden construction set. They are able to replace the details of the building, depending on the available material. Most children are able to identify the main parts of the proposed building. They change buildings, building on or replacing some parts with others.

All children show aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, interest in art. They know how to listen to music to the end. Recognize familiar songs. They sing, not lagging behind and not ahead of others. Learned how to dance movements: spinning in pairs, stamping feet alternately, moving to the music with objects. Distinguishes and names musical instruments: metallophone, drum. Notices changes in sound (soft-loud).

Since in junior preschool age sensory education serves as the basis for understanding the world, and the success of the mental, physical and aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children.

During the year, search and research activities were regularly organized children: experimenting with sand, clay, pebbles, water, air, objects; observation of weather, objects of animate and inanimate nature. Children of this age are distinguished by a high degree of cognitive activity. For this reason, educators groups strived to so that the educational impact is of a developmental nature with a gradual complication of educational tasks, taking into account the capabilities of children.

To maintain their activity and interest in the learning process, different types movements, fragments of outdoor games, dance movements. Subject-practical actions under the guidance of an adult stimulated general development children, contributed to the increase in their working capacity, the development of the ability to bring what they started to the end. In the conditions of personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child, teaching kids at the stage early childhood is only being formed, but its significance in the implementation of tasks aimed at the development of each pupil is indisputable.

The organization of cultural and leisure activities made it possible to provide the pupils with rest, emotional well-being, and the formation of the ability to occupy themselves.

During the year in group work on interaction with parents was systematically carried out. A long-term plan has been drawn up, they indicate all joint activities, consultations, parent meetings, visual-bench information. At parent meetings, the following topical issues were studied in detail: themes: "Know and understand the child", "Play in the life of a child at home and in the garden", "Let the child grow up healthy".

Parents were presented with visual information material: "Games that promote development fine motor skills fingers", "Games and exercises that contribute to the sensory development of preschoolers", "Games-experiments with children junior preschool age". Also, individual interviews were conducted directly with the parents.

Consultations: "How to ensure successful adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten", « sensory development children up to three years, "If the child does not eat well", "The development of speech of children 2-3 years old", What should a child of 2-3 years old be able to do?,

"The Significance of Theatrical Activities".

The work on updating the subject-developing environment turned out to be fruitful. The developing environment contributed to the most effective development of the individuality of each pupil, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of development. The work of educators was aimed at solving educational problems in the process of organizing various kinds children's activities, during regime moments, independent activities of children.

The knowledge and skills acquired by children in the course of direct educational activities, it is necessary to systematically consolidate and continue to apply in a variety of children's activities. When conducting organized educational activities, both traditional and non-traditional methods were used. work: articulation gymnastics, finger gymnastics, respiratory gymnastics, promoting interhemispheric interaction. To assess the dynamics of the achievements of pupils, the effectiveness and balance of the forms and methods of work allows monitoring the achievement of the planned final results by the children of mastering the main general education program.

During the year, some progress was made. Thanks to systematic, purposeful work with children, built on the positions of a humane-personal attitude towards the child, positive results have been achieved. in: the comprehensive development of pupils, the formation

positive personal qualities, the assimilation of elementary moral norms, the acquisition of moral qualities.

The following activities were also carried out children: "Autumn Festival", "Mothers Day", « New Year's party» , "March 8"; Musical entertainment timed: to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, to the Day of Laughter, Victory Day, Children's Day, staging of Russians folk tales and fun. Educators and children took part in competitions and thematic exhibitions,

on registration groups at the beginning of the school year, registration groups for the new year.

An analysis of the fulfillment of the requirements for the content and methods of education and training, as well as an analysis of the assimilation of program material by children, shows stability and positive dynamics in all areas of development. The knowledge and skills acquired by children in the course of direct educational activities must be systematically consolidated and continued to be applied in various types of children's activities. Particular attention should be paid to the use of a variety of traditional and non-traditional methods of work, allowing the development of relevant knowledge, skills and abilities.

In the past year, the following problems have been identified and limitations:

not all parents listen to the advice of educators, nurses. As a result, problems arise. Many parents do not realize that getting into an unfamiliar social environment, children experience severe stress, characterized by an increase aggressive behavior with a significant decrease in cognitive activity and orienting reactions, there are violations in sound pronunciation, vaccinations are not given on time.

Performance results groups for 2017-2018 academic year year were carefully analyzed, conclusions were drawn that, in general, the work was carried out purposefully and efficiently.

In light of the successes and challenges of the past academic year, the following tasks are planned for 2018-2019 academic year:

1. Continue to carry out preventive measures in order to increase the attendance of children, improve health, develop the motor and hygiene culture of children.

2. Continue to take an active part in the methodological activities of the district and kindergarten.

3. Development of children's cognitive activity through enrichment and understanding of the world around them.

4. Continue to educate children in creativity, emotionality, activity for their further achievements and success.

5. Top up: didactic and handout for development logical thinking; corner role-playing game; book corner literature by age. Buy new educational games according to the age of the children.

6. Work on the topic of self-education.

7. Continue targeted work with children in all educational areas;

8. Improvement of work on interaction with parents;

9. Continued improvement of the subject-developing environment in group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

10. Increasing the level of pedagogical skills through participation in seminars, master classes, training in advanced training courses.

11. Replenish the attributes of role-playing games.

12. Make a corner according to the PPD.

13. Upgrade the equipment for the touch corner.

14. Replenish the attributes of theatrical activities.

15. To replenish the attributes of the musical corner, the music library of children's songs.

16. Purchase books on specific topics of the program.

Analytical report on the work done for the academic year in the second junior group 11 "Lesovichok" Educator of the first qualification category Shmotyeva O.K.

Characteristics of the group Program: "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy Age: from years Payroll: 19 children; Boys - 7; Girls - 12.

During the year, children developed according to their age, studied program materials and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development. The work of the group was carried out on the basis of the main annual tasks and in accordance with the annual work plan of the MDOU “Kindergarten 22 r.p. V. Sinyachikha” for the academic year. During the year, the daily routine and all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of children in preschool were strictly observed. Organized educational activities were systematically carried out with children in accordance with the main general educational program implemented in the preschool educational institution and the approved schedule of directly educational activities. The set goals were achieved in the process of implementing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic and reading fiction. All types of activities represent the main directions of development of children: physical, cognitive and speech, artistic and aesthetic, social and personal. For the integration of different types of children's activities within the framework of the topic and the distribution of directly educational and joint activities in sensitive moments, forms of planning educational and educational work (perspective and calendar plans) were proposed.

Directions of activity Cognitive-speech development. Objectives: To promote the active formation of technical thinking, the ability to build simple buildings according to the model and according to the plan; To form an interest and need for reading; To master constructive ways and means of interaction with people.

Areas of activity Social and personal development. Objectives: Mastering the initial ideas of a social nature and the inclusion of children in the system social relations; form ideas about safe behavior. To form interest in work, to encourage independence in self-service.

Children have learned to Reflect plots in games Know about the purpose of a traffic light Strive for independence in self-service Enter into a role-playing dialogue Know the components of transport Express interest in the work of adults Accept the game task Mastered safe ways handling objects Familiar with the professions of parents and kindergarten staff

Children learned Draw simple objects Listen to music to the end, recognize them Correctly use pencils and paints Correctly hold the brush when working with glue Know how to sculpt simple objects Perform dance movements

Interaction with the family One of the most important factors in increasing the effectiveness of educating the younger generation is the relationship between the institution and the family. To establish contact with parents, you need to know the family well, its educational opportunities. The group systematically conducted work on interaction with parents. Long-term plans have been drawn up, they indicate all joint events, consultations, parent meetings, visual poster information. During the year, the following tasks were solved: 1. Establish partnership relations with the family of each pupil; join forces for the development and upbringing of children; 2. Create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, common interests, emotional mutual support; 3. Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents; 4. Maintain parental confidence in their own teaching abilities.

Problems and successes of group 11 The following problems were identified and progress was achieved in the past year. Problems: Not all parents listen to the advice of educators and continue to violate the daily routine, bring children to school late Kindergarten. Pupils skip morning exercises, and sometimes they are late for breakfast; The subject-developing environment is not fully equipped in accordance with modern requirements. Successes: Attendance of preschool children increased; The authority and popularity of teachers among the parents of the group has noticeably increased. Taking into account the successes and problems that have arisen in the past academic year, the following tasks have been outlined for the 2014-2015 academic year: Continue targeted work with children in all educational areas; Improvement of work on interaction with parents; Continued improvement of the subject-developing environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Increasing the level of pedagogical skills through self-education, exchange of work experience, attendance at municipal events (seminars, workshops, master classes); Active participation in the events of the preschool educational institution, district, region, Russia ..

Ludmila Gorbaneva
Analysis of educational activities for 2015–2016 in the first junior group

AT the first junior group No. 2 - 16 children. Of these, 10 boys, 6 girls.

Children's age: 2.3 to 3.9 years (at the end of the year).

Before the children entered the kindergarten, a parent-teacher meeting was held to familiarize themselves with the working hours educational institution, features of children's stay in it.

At the beginning of the year, a survey of parents was conducted, where they got to know parents and children better.

The process of adaptation of children took place gradually as children entered the groups.

Group educators tried to create conditions for normal course adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten. AT group an atmosphere of warmth, friendliness and comfort was created. This helped to relieve anxiety, excitement and fears, which is important for the health of the child during the adaptation period.

The adaptation period passed calmly, as necessary, consultations were held with the parents.

educational - educational work in group was built on the basis of creating a subject-developing environment, implementing the educational program of a preschool institution, developed on the basis of an exemplary educational program preschool education "Birth to School" N. E. Veraksy.

directly educational activities were carried out according to

Formation of a holistic picture of the world

Communications (reading fiction, speech development)

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing, modeling,)

Physical and musical development - 2 times a week, as well as physical education in the air.

GCD corresponded to sanpin in duration of 8-10 minutes.

educational activity was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

By the end of the year, the children have learned:

In forming a holistic picture peace:

name some fruits and vegetables, vehicles, furniture, toys, domestic and wild animals, distinguish and name parts of the body;

in communication:

developed the ability of children to speak slowly, clearly, the ability to answer questions educator; children can pronounce onomatopoeic words (woof-woof, oink-oink, etc.).

Playing didactic games, they developed the skill at the verbal request educator, find objects by color - "Give me a blue ring", to distinguish their location - "Put next to the cat" imitate the actions of people and animals - "How the Bunny Jumps".

Most children can perceive small nursery rhymes, fairy tales, finish the poetic text.

Several children - Vladik G., Mark N., Danil P., Ilya P., Violina E. speak in whole sentences. The rest of the children speak mainly in syllables, use non-verbal means of communication. Several children aged this moment– from 2 to 3 months to 2 years. 5 active vocabulary consists of several words. The passive vocabulary is wider. Phrasal speech is absent in several children (Kira N., the work of a specialist is needed.

In artistic and aesthetic development:

introduced children to pencils and paints, developed the ability to use them correctly, introduced them to the main colors - red, yellow, green, blue, black, white. Most children can draw straight lines (grass, a fence, draw strokes (raindrops, rounded objects (ball, bun), they know and name colors.

In the process of modeling, children were introduced to plasticine. Most children can tear off lumps from a whole piece, roll straight and in a circular motion(columns, balls, flatten the ball between the palms.

These skills are less developed in children whose age does not correspond to the age group - Sasha A., Ksyusha H., Ilya P., Kira T.

- in physical development:

children learned to walk and run without bumping into each other, taught to act together in the game, perform general developmental exercises, jump on two legs together and with advancement

By the end of the year, children have independently learned to wash their hands, they know how to use individual items (towel, handkerchief, potty); eat neatly, hold a spoon in your hand.

They know how to greet and say goodbye to adults, peers, using words (thank you, please call tutors by name, your first and last name.

By the end of the year, the children had learned to undress and dress themselves.

In Game brought up friendly attitude, a sense of trust, developed the ability to communicate with different children. Taught to recognize emotional experiences and the state of others. Together with the children, they played various situations from life, fairy tales. In a playful way, they offered various ways permissions conflict situations, taught to negotiate, follow the order, share toys, establish contacts. educators encouraged improvisation in games, communication with each other.

Comparative analysis results shows an increase in the level of knowledge of children during the school year in group.

Working with parents.

During the year in parent's corner made out photo exhibitions:

"My dear mother, my mother"

"A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud"

"These are our dads"

Parents participated in drawing competitions and crafts:

"Mothers Day"

"Emblem and name groups»

"Symbol of the New Year"

"Caution Danger"

"Sports and health"

"My address is planet Earth"

"War Through the Eyes of Children"

"My family"

Parents and children participated in the action "Plant a Flower"

Prepared consultations for parents:

"Toys in Children's Lives";

"What toys do children need";

"Crisis of three years";

"Play with the kids";

"We develop fingers - we improve speech";

"Adaptation and health";

With the participation of parents and children, prepared and executed "Garden on the windowsill". We raised onions, tomatoes, flowers, wheat with the children.

Needed next year:

pay attention to the development of a culture of behavior in children in group, behave calmly, do not shout, do not disturb others.

in work on the development of coherent speech, pay great attention to the expansion and activation of vocabulary;

continue to develop in children the desire to participate in the labor activities, to encourage them to independently carry out assignments, to provide assistance to adults, bring up careful attitude to the results of labor.

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Alla Frolova
Report of the teachers of the first junior group on the work done for the 2014-2015 academic year

Report of the teachers of the first junior group

about work done for the 2014-2015 academic year

First junior group"Gnomes" visit 22 human: 15 boys and 7 girls.

Upbringing and the education of children is carried out according to the program of preschool education "About Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. At work used with children modern technologies, such as a socio-game approach (the use of predominantly game, plot and integrated forms of educational activities, games for a walk, musical, round dance and outdoor games of an imitation nature, role-playing, story-saving and environmental technologies.

Educational activities are carried out using an audio system, didactic material, and various game aids. In the future, we plan to purchase easels and magnetic boards.

Back to top educational In 2009, we prepared a developmental environment, which was divided into centers based on a gender approach and in accordance with the principle of flexible zoning. The placement of the equipment is organized in such a way that allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different activities at the same time, without interfering with each other.

Nami was great work done on filling methodological and didactic collections. We have enriched our corner of theatricalization with new fairy tales and types of theater, a table theater and a finger theater have appeared. The plans are to purchase a spoon theater, on a flannelograph.

During educational years, we have produced various games according to cognitive development. A card index of games on social development and adaptation, games on the development of logic and thinking, games on health protection, and safety have been selected.

The development of children was monitored at the beginning and end school year.

Here we see that the level of development of children at the end of the year is higher than at the beginning. Based on the results of the monitoring, it was concluded that I should devote more time to the development of speech, the development of children's vocabulary, and play word games.

For 2014-2015 training for a year we set ourselves the task of “Developing coordination of hand movements, fine motor skills. Improving memory, attention, the ability to coordinate movements and speech.

To solve these problems, we carried out the following Events:

Played daily with the children finger games, such as: "Mice", "Cabbage", "Finger is a boy", "My family", "Egorka", "A bike", "Lock" etc.

daily, individually work, played board games for hands and fingers (mosaic, loto, pyramid, games with cubes, lids, clothespins, folding a picture from 2-6 parts, playing with plasticine, shifting beans and peas from container to container)

Parents were consulted on this issue.

Collected card file of finger games

Didactic game made "Cinderella" with containers for bulk products(beans, peas)

In the future, we also plan work in this direction.

For the development of fine motor skills of the hands, we plan to make more didactic games with pushing an object and drawing in an individual work, carry out unconventional methods: drawing with hands and fingers.

In order for children to get sick less, we carried out hardening procedures:

morning exercises,

Exercise after sleep

Lightweight dress,

"Barefoot" on massage mats

Sleep with air access (air temperature + 17-19 degrees,

Contrasting air baths (jogging,


Back to top educational In 1999, children's attendance was not particularly high, and by the end of the year, the attendance rate had risen to 80%.

The average rate of missing a child due to illness is 3.3%.

Throughout educational years we have worked closely with families pupils.

To do this, we held parent-teacher meetings, consultations, and designed folders-movers. They creatively approached the parent meeting (gathered at a round table, had a tea party with cookies prepared by children together with caregivers).

Information on current issues raising children in the first junior group collected from various sources.

We have held 3 parent meetings. At each meeting, certificates are presented and thank you letters parents.

The world of children and the world of adults are interconnected, and one of the options for strengthening relationships with your child is to actively participate in the life of the kindergarten.

We have repeatedly held exhibitions of joint work as within a group, and general garden. And always our parents groups participated with great enthusiasm. Exhibitions such as "Autumn Fantasies" crafts from the gifts of autumn, "Christmas Tree Decoration"- handmade toys work.

In our group at the parent meeting, a master class was held for parents on nutrition and hardening procedures, which consisted of 2 parts. AT first part of the head of the kindergarten made a presentation on nutrition in kindergarten, parents were invited to try some of the dishes from the kindergarten menu. In the second part, we showed how our guys wake up, do awakening exercises, walk along massage paths and do breathing exercises. At the end of the event, the guests were offered a mini-exhibition on hardening procedures and health improvement.

Thanks to the possibilities of the Internet, the design of mobile folders has become interesting and exciting.

We have prepared and held all the planned holidays. Such ka: « autumn holiday» , « New Year» , "March 8", "Ball of Flowers".

Parents took an active part in the preparation and holding of the holidays. BUT exactly: sewed costumes for their kids and holiday characters, made decorations and much more.

In order for the children to feel relaxed at the holiday, not to react painfully to the presence of their parents, we came up with a small "spectacle" for parents with dressing them up in various stage costumes. Children did not recognize their mothers and fathers and felt free throughout the holiday, and parents really liked this game. This helped us to get closer to our parents even more, to find common ground. And the children learned to perform in front of an unfamiliar audience.

We also made selections for all the holidays, designed seasonal slide folders and other topics related to the lives of children and parents: "Take care of your children", "Communication Styles in the Family", "Secrets of Love and Relationships", “Security Basics and many others.

Thus, in our group We have created a child-friendly environment.

During the entire adaptation period, we strived to ensure that the child coped with the difficulties of getting used to the new environment at the level of easy adaptation. And for all the children, adaptation was easy.

Favorable environment in group was created in order to demonstrate motor, gaming and intellectual activity and satisfy interest in various activities.

We have achieved all the goals and objectives set for this year.

Next academic year we are planning:

1. Continue maintain a positive emotional psychological climate in group;

2. Maintain partnerships between educators, children and parents;

3. Assist parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the development of a child from one and a half to four years old;

4. Find and apply innovative methods and approaches in their priority area, continue work on maintaining a healthy lifestyle among children and parents;

5. Pass certification for first qualification category and proceed training in advanced training courses.

Group educators: Frolova Alla Alexandrovna and Beskrovnaya Svetlana Mikhailovna

Annual report on the work done in the first junior group "Gnomes" for 2015 - 2016.

the village of Mirskoy MO of the Caucasian region.

Educators: Shilova A.V. Konkova I.G.

There are 29 children in the group:15 boys, 14 girls, age from 1.5 to 3 years.

Children from 1.5 to 3 years old have many problems when they enter a preschool institution. All changes: in the mode of the day; in the requirements for behavior; new premises; constant contact with peers - fall on the child at the same time, create a stressful situation. The most important task of educators is to help kids adapt to the conditions of preschool.

Throughout the year, our group worked on the general educational program of preschool education “From Birth to School”, edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. The program provides for the solution of educational tasks in the joint activities of an adult and children, independent activities of children not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during regime moments. Alsothe program was aimed at creating conditions for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of the kindergarten: familiarization of parents with the age characteristics of children; causes of stress during the period of adaptation. Teachers gave recommendations on preparation for entering a preschool institution; sought to establish emotional contact with the kids and parents, involved them in joint activities, supported their activity and formed a positive attitude towards the kindergarten staff. During the year, children developed according to their age, studied the program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development. The work of educators of the 1st junior group was carried out on the basis of the main annual tasks and in accordance with the annual work plan for the 2015-2016 academic year.The following tasks were assigned to the teachers of the group:

1. Create conditions for improving the quality of education and upbringing of children early age in the light of the FGOS. 2. To develop new technologies in education and upbringing by introducing the design and research activities of pupils into the system of educational and extracurricular work. 3. To organize the work of children and parents at all levels.4. To increase competence in the organization of a subject-developing environment in a group for the full development and upbringing of an early age.

During the year, the daily routine and all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of children in preschool were strictly observed. According to the plan, medical and pedagogical examinations of the pupils were carried out, which confirmed the positive dynamics of the development of each child and the group as a whole.

Direct educational activities were systematically carried out with children in accordance with the main general educational program, and the approved schedule of organized educational activities. The goals set were achieved in the process of implementing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical-artistic and reading fiction. In working with children in educational areas, taking into account the age characteristics of children, educators set themselves the following goals:

1. Socio-communicative development

Formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of every person. Education of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results. Introduction to the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults. Formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings.Formation of ideas about dangerous situations for humans and the natural world.Knowledge of fire safety rules was formed.Safety regulations traffic as a pedestrian, a passenger.

  • 33.33% of children perform all the proposed tasks on their own;
  • 64.29% of children perform all the proposed tasks on their own and with the partial help of an adult;
  • 2.38% of children complete all the proposed tasks with partial help from an adult.

2. Cognitive development (cognition, the world around)

In cognition, children learned to group objects according to shape, size, color.

Distinguish between large and small items. Know the concept of one - many.

Recognize a circle, a square; name and use the details of the building material.

Recognize and name the species of some domestic and wild animals, their cubs; know several types of vegetables and fruits. Get acquainted with the plant world of the Earth. They have elementary ideas about natural seasonal phenomena.

Cognitive development was carried out once a week.

  • 38.64% of children perform all the proposed tasks on their own;
  • 61.36% of children perform all the proposed tasks on their own and with the partial help of an adult.

3. Speech development (speech development, reading fiction)

Educators contributed to the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus, speech breathing, and auditory attention. We set ourselves the goal of activating the speech of children, replenishing the vocabulary of kids. Children listen to accessible poems, fairy tales, stories. When re-reading, they pronounce words, small phrases. Consider illustrations in familiar books with the help of a teacher.Read by heart the poems of A. Barto "Toys"; know some nursery rhymes, repeat the words of finger and breathing exercises.

Speech development was carried out 2 times a week.

  • 31.14% of children perform all the proposed tasks on their own;
  • 47.43% of children perform independently and with partial help of an adult all the proposed tasks;
  • 21.42% of children complete all the proposed tasks with the partial help of an adult.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development (fine arts)

Artistic and aesthetic development is of great importance for the comprehensive development of young children.In our group, it developed through the educational area " Artistic creativity"This is drawing, modeling.
Children know that they can draw with pencils, paints and brushes. Distinguish red, blue, green, yellow colors. Able to roll a lumpplasticine, separate small lumps, flatten them with palms; connect the ends of the rolled stick, pressing them tightly against each other. Sculpt simple objects; use plasticine carefully.

Drawing and modeling were carried out once a week.

  • 26.53% of children perform all the proposed tasks on their own;
  • 60.2% of children perform independently and with partial help of an adult all the proposed tasks;
  • 13.27% of children complete all the proposed tasks with the help of an adult.

During the year, children with great pleasure attended a circle on fine arts using non-traditional techniques drawing "Multi-colored fingers".

The results of the work of the circle:

Toddlers show interest in art visual arts. Ability to select colors according to the color of objects or own will, create individual and collective drawings, fantasize. Children are quite good at these techniques. non-traditional drawing, like drawing with fingers, palm, stenciling, drawing with a poke, foam rubber (tamponing), semolina.

5.Physical development

Formation is laid at an early age physical health and cultural skills that ensure its improvement, strengthening and preservation in the future.The health of children due to heavy loads and a sedentary lifestyle is deteriorating every year. And there are no trends that the living conditions of babies will change for the better in the near future. Therefore, every day morning exercises were carried out in the preschool educational institution;walks on fresh air; phytotherapy with garlic; gymnastics after waking up; ventilation, drinking, motor mode, which contributed to the reduction of morbidity, as well as work was carried out with the parents of newly arriving children.Classes were held throughout the year physical education 3 times a week.

At the end of the year, it is worth noting that children develop harmoniously physically, move with desire, they are interested in performing various tasks. physical exercise, they learned activities with physical education aids. In accordance with age capabilities, they develop coordination of movements, are able to quickly respond to signals, switch from one movement to another. We learned to perform tasks, to act, in general, for all pace. With a great desire to enter into play activities with other children. Anthropometric parameters (height, weight) are normal. Possess age-appropriate basic movements. They show a desire to play outdoor games with simple content, simple movements. On their own or with a little help from an adult, they perform age-appropriate hygiene procedures, possess self-care skills that are age-appropriate. They have primary ideas about themselves as a person, they know the names of the main parts of the body, their functions.

  • 62% of children complete all the proposed tasks on their own;
  • 28 children perform independently and with partial help of an adult all the proposed tasks;
  • 10% of children complete all the proposed tasks with the help of an adult.

For parents, consultations were provided on the topic "Health":

Adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution "« Health is the head of everything. "Flu. Preventive measures. Symptoms of this disease. “Garlic is one of the measures to prevent viral infections.” "Temper if you want to be healthy." "Morning exercise" "Avitaminosis, how to fight?". "Nutrition for children in spring". "Nutrition of the child in the summer."

In total it was carried out:

Cognitive development - 37h. (1 time per week)

Speech development - 68 hours (2 times a week)

Physical culture - 108 hours. (3 times a week)

Drawing - 36h. (1 time per week)

Modeling - 36h. (1 time per week)

Organized educational activities were carried out on the basis of complex thematic planning, taking into account the integration of educational areas. Since at a younger preschool age, sensory education serves as the basis for understanding the world, and the success of mental, physical and aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children.

During the academic year, search and research activities of children were regularly organized: experimenting with sand, pebbles, water, objects; observation of the weather, objects of living and inanimate nature.

Children of this age are distinguished by a high degree of cognitive activity. In this regard, the educators of the group sought to ensure that the educational impact was of a developmental nature with a gradual complication of educational tasks, taking into account the capabilities of children. To maintain their activity and interest in the learning process, various types of movements, outdoor games, and dance movements were introduced. Subject-practical actions under the guidance of an adult stimulated the overall development of children, contributed to an increase in their working capacity, and the development of the ability to bring what they started to the end. In the conditions of personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child, the education of children at the stage of early childhood is only being formed, but its significance in the implementation of tasks aimed at the development of each pupil is indisputable. The organization of cultural and leisure activities made it possible to provide the pupils with rest, emotional well-being, and the formation of the ability to occupy themselves.

The following events were held during the year:"Golden Autumn", "Dear Moms!", " New Year's celebration”, “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Maslenitsa”, “Mother's Day”, “Magic World of Space”, “Funny bubble”,“ We ​​are dexterous ”; display of puppet, finger, table theater.

During the year, the group systematically carried out work on interaction with parents. Long-term and calendar plans have been drawn up, they indicate all joint events, consultations, parent meetings, visual poster information.

Individual interviews were held with parents on the following topics:"Adaptation", "The daily regimen and the consequences of its violation", "Clothes for children in the group", "Formation of dressing and feeding skills", "The need to comply with the day regimen adopted in kindergarten", "Bring children to 8 o'clock", "Morning exercise”, “Who do you consider the main thing in raising a child?”,"What does it mean to be good father?”, “How to raise a patriot of your country?”, “Avitaminosis, how to fight?”.Advice for parents:"The tasks of educational work in the first junior group.""To kindergarten without tears or how to protect a child from stress.""Meaning didactic games in the development of children in the second year of life."Whims and Stubbornness".What toys do kids need?"There are too many toys.""What do you do when a baby cries?" How to help a child speak? " My lovely mum".“Safety rules for children. Road Safety"."What should not be done with a child?".How to rid a child of a bad habit?"Nutrition for children in spring".We remember the deeds of our ancestors!"Games with children on vacation in the summer.""Nutrition of the child in the summer."Parent meetings were held on the following topics:“This amazing early age”, “Dear mothers!”, “Games that develop the cognitive activity of children”, “What we have learned in a year”.Folders - sliders:“Mom I myself!”, “Prevention of colds”, “Mother's Day”, “Sensory development”, “February 23”, “ABC of pedestrians”, "Spring", "Victory Day".Exhibitions of joint works were repeatedly held both within the group and within the garden, and our parents took part in them with desire and enthusiasm. This year we designed such exhibitions as: "Autumn Fantasies" - crafts from the gifts of autumn, "Winter Beauty", "February 23", "Let's congratulate mom on the holiday”, “Bright holiday - Easter”, “Victory Day”.Design and research activities:Medium-length project “Spring is coming to visit us” (from 03/01/16 to 05/31/16), a medium-duration project “Red summer came to health - brought joy to children” (from 06/01/16 to 08/31/16) .As well as presentations on the topics:"Vegetables", "Lovely mommies!","Cheerful octopuses and other marine inhabitants", "Wintering birds", "These funny animals", "Land transport", "Hello Zimushka - winter", "Open space", "Game technologies in the development of young children", "Spring - gorgeous". On these topics, the horizons of children were expanded, interest in the world around them increased, and the cognitive level increased..

During 2015-2016 continued to work on this topic self-education« Game technologies in the development of young children”

As a result, the work on updating the subject-developing environment turned out to be fruitful. The developing environment contributed to the most effective development of the individuality of each pupil, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of development. The work was aimed at solving educational problems in the process of organizing various types of children's activities, during regime moments, and independent activities of children. The knowledge and skills acquired by children in the course of direct educational activities must be systematically consolidated and continued to be applied in various types of children's activities. When conducting organized educational activities, both traditional and non-traditional methods of work were used: articulation gymnastics, finger gymnastics, respiratory gymnastics, which promote interhemispheric interaction.

The card indexes of didactic, outdoor games were replenished; finger, articulatory gymnastics. Together with parents, didacticeducational games: “Tie a bow”, “Button up the buttons”, “Help the mouse find a house”. Games for the development of sensory skills, fine motor skills of hands were made independently: “Pick a house for a gnome”, “Colorful peas”, “Pick an umbrella for a raincoat”, “Where does the hedgehog have needles?”, “Find a flower for a dragonfly”, “Pick berries”.The center of safety according to traffic rules is issued. Participated in the regionalprofessional pedagogical competition "Teacher of the Year";methodical association of groups of primary preschool age on the topic: "School of professional skills of teachers of preschool educational institutions" in the form of an exchange of work experience; participated in the All-Russian distance competition "Russian Talents", in which she was the winner; Prepresented on pedagogical council presentation of work experience: "Game technologies in the development of young children."

Disadvantages :

1. Due to the fact that children who are often ill, miss classes a lot, and do not master the program material well. 2. In the morning, some parents bring their children late (after 8.15), the kids are late for morning exercises.

Findings: The results of the activities of teachers for the 2015-2016 academic year were carefully analyzed, conclusions were drawn that, in general, the work was carried out purposefully and efficiently.This positive process is positively influenced by close cooperation in the work of educators, specialists, managers, parents, the use of developmental learning techniques, individual approach to children.

Taking into account the successes and problems that arose in the past academic year, the following tasks are outlined for the 2016-2017 academic year:

1. Creation of conditions for cooperation, diverse in content and forms, contributing to the development of constructive interaction between teachers and parents. 2. Continue purposeful work with children in all educational areas; improve the subject-developing environment in the group in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. 3. Take new topic self-education according to age group. 4. Strengthening of health, development of motor and hygienic culture of children. 5. Study new methodological literature.6. To improve the level of pedagogical skills by participating in seminars, master classes. 7. Take an active part in the activities of the preschool educational institution, the district.