Features of the period of early childhood and its significance. Features of the development of the child in early childhood. Anatomical and physiological features of early childhood

Early age is an extremely important and responsible period mental development child. This is the age when everything is for the first time, everything is just beginning - speech, play, communication with peers, the first ideas about oneself, about others, about the world. In the first three years of life, the most important and fundamental human abilities are laid - cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, purposefulness and perseverance, imagination, creative position and many others. Moreover, all these abilities do not arise on their own, but require the indispensable participation of an adult and forms of activity appropriate for age.

Psychologists believe that the first three years are the most important period in a child's development. During this period, the foundation of all future life is laid. Self-confidence, knowing that you are desired and loved, feeling dignity, behavior in stressful situations - all this goes back to the earliest childhood, to the relationship of the baby with his parents. This period is crucial for the formation of personality, it is important to know what a child of this age is.

Between 1 and 3 years the child erupts all milk teeth, he grows rapidly and puts on weight, his speech and memory develop. The child begins to navigate in the world around him, actively learns it. During this period, play is of great importance for the baby.

From birth to a year.

Knows the world through sensations

Completely dependent

· Self-focused

Perceives sounds, visual images, tone of conversation (affectionate or angry)

Fast growing and changing

Plays with himself

Recognizes people and responds to them.

Learn to grab

Other motor skills: learns to crawl, sit, stand

By the end of the year begins to walk.

From one to two years.

At two years old, the child steps over several obstacles in alternating steps, maintains balance while walking on a board lying on the floor. Outdoor games for children of two years old can include jumping, running, throwing the ball and rolling it down the hill.

Walks more confidently

・Requires attention

Knows the world through sensations

Attention quickly dissipates

Fully able to concentrate on only one thing

Perceptions are concrete, imagination is not yet developed (thinks only about what he sees)

Poor coordination of movements

No "brakes" it's hard to stop


· Curious, eager to explore the world

imitates adults

· Naughty

Loves a consistent daily routine, feeling safer that way

· Self-focused

From two to three years.

At three years old, the child correctly names four primary colors and several shades. Oriented in seven colors of the spectrum (knows black white colors) finds according to the model, at the request of an adult.

· Stay focused on yourself.

· Curious

The coordination of movements is not yet perfect.

· Active.

· Researcher, interested in the outside world.

· Plays mostly alone.

Impulsive, acts on the first awakening.

· Tends to check "the boundaries of what is permitted."

Becoming more and more independent.

· Likes to learn.

He does not get tired of repeating the same thing.

· Illogical.

· There is a feeling of beauty.

· Imitates adults.

· We suggest.

· Compares himself to others.

· Develops self-awareness.

A dictionary is being formed (for three-year-olds it is already quite large)

Rapid pace of child development early age has a number of features. First of all, it is a leap of development. Spasmodicity reflects the normal natural process of development of the child's body, and vice versa, the absence of leaps is the result of defects in the development and upbringing of children.

The rapid rate of development of the child is due to the rapid establishment of communication with the outside world and, at the same time, the slow consolidation of the reaction. Therefore, it is very important to repeat as much as possible, to consolidate new skills, to teach the baby to do something new on their own. This will better reinforce the knowledge gained.

Self-worth early childhood- in the sharpness of perception of the surrounding world, a special world of feelings and ideas.

(N.S. Ezhkova)

The period of early age is unique and unique. It is rightfully singled out in general development and raising children preschool age.



Article: Early childhood is a special period in the development of a child.

Prepared by V. N. Yakovleva

Educator GBDOU No. 43

St. Petersburg. Kolpinsky district

Early childhood is a special period in a child's development.

Early age is an extremely important and responsible period of a child's mental development. This is the age when everything is for the first time, everything is just beginning - speech, play, communication with peers, the first ideas about oneself, about others, about the world. In the first three years of life, the most important and fundamental human abilities are laid - cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, purposefulness and perseverance, imagination, creative position and many others. Moreover, all these abilities do not arise on their own, but require the indispensable participation of an adult and forms of activity appropriate for age.

What is a young child?

Psychologists believe that the first three years are the most important period in a child's development. During this period, the foundation of all future life is laid. Self-confidence, knowing that you are wanted and loved, self-esteem, behavior in stressful situations - all this goes back to the earliest childhood, to the relationship of the baby with his parents. This period is crucial for the formation of personality, it is important to know what a child of this age is.

The main feature of the period of early childhood is the most intensive rate of development of all organs and systems.

Between 1 and 3 yearsthe child erupts all milk teeth, he grows rapidly and puts on weight, his speech and memory develop. The child begins to navigate in the world around him, actively learns it. During this period, play is of great importance for the baby.

From birth to a year.

The best way to get to know a child is to watch and listen to him. It is useful to know about the common features of children of this age:

  • Knows the world through sensations
  • Completely addicted
  • Focused on myself
  • Perceives sounds, visual images, tone of conversation (affectionate or angry)
  • Growing and changing fast
  • Plays with himself
  • Recognizes people and responds to them.
  • Learning to grab
  • Other motor skills: learns to crawl, sit, stand
  • By the end of the year he starts walking.

From one to two years.

At two years old, the child steps over several obstacles in alternating steps, maintains balance while walking on a board lying on the floor. Outdoor games for children of two years old can include jumping, running, throwing the ball and rolling it down the hill.

  • Walking more and more confidently
  • Needs attention
  • Knows the world through sensations
  • Attention quickly dissipates
  • Can fully concentrate on only one thing
  • Perceptions are concrete, imagination is not yet developed (thinks only about what he sees)
  • Weak coordination of movements
  • No "brakes" it's hard to stop
  • resolute
  • Curious, eager to explore the world
  • Imitates adults
  • naughty
  • Likes a constant daily routine, feeling so safer
  • Focused on myself

From two to three years.

At the age of three, the child correctly names four primary colors and several shades. He orients himself in the seven colors of the spectrum (knows black and white colors) finds according to the model, at the request of an adult.

  • Still focused on himself.
  • curious
  • The coordination of movements is not yet perfect.
  • Active.
  • Researcher, interested in the outside world.
  • Mostly plays alone.
  • Impulsive, acts on the first awakening.
  • Inclined to check the "boundaries of what is permitted."
  • Becomes more and more independent.
  • Likes to study.
  • He does not get tired of repeating the same thing.
  • Illogical.
  • There is a feeling of beauty.
  • Imitates adults.
  • We suggest.
  • Compares himself to others.
  • Develops self-awareness.
  • A dictionary is being formed (for three-year-olds it is already quite large)

The rapid pace of development of the body is a feature of early age.

The rapid pace of development of a young child has a number of features. First of all, it is a leap of development. Spasmodicity reflects the normal natural process of development of the child's body, and vice versa, the absence of leaps is the result of defects in the development and upbringing of children.

The rapid rate of development of the child is due to the rapid establishment of communication with the outside world and, at the same time, the slow consolidation of the reaction. Therefore, it is very important to repeat as much as possible, to consolidate new skills, to teach the baby to do something new on their own. This will better reinforce the knowledge gained.

What is unique about early childhood?

The intrinsic value of early childhood lies in the acuteness of perception of the surrounding world, a special world of feelings and ideas.

(N.S. Ezhkova)

The period of early age is unique and unique. It is rightfully singled out in the general development and upbringing of preschool children.

The period of early childhood is unique in that it is during this time period that the child develops so rapidly as never before in subsequent years of life.

Early age is a period of rapid formation of all human characteristics
psychophysiological processes. Started on time and right
the ongoing education of young children is an important condition for their



For the physical and neuropsychic development of children in the first two years of life

characterized by fast pace. During this period, height and weight increase intensively.

child (especially in the first year), all functions are intensively developing

organism. By one year, the child masters independent walking. On the second and

the third year of life, his basic movements are improved, he begins

coordinate their motor activity with those around them. Great success

makes the child in possession

native language.

If in the active vocabulary of a one-year-old child, as a rule, there are 10-12

words, then by two years their number increases to 200-300, and by three - up to 1500


Development at an early age occurs against such an unfavorable background as

increased vulnerability of the body - its low resistance to diseases.

Each disease suffered negatively affects the overall development

children. Therefore, concern for the protection and promotion of health small child

is one of the most important tasks of early childhood education.

In the first years of life, the relationship between physical and mental is especially great.

development. A strong, physically fit child is not only less susceptible to

diseases, but also develops better mentally. At the same time, funny

mobile, active children are physically more resilient. Minor violations

in their state of health cause changes in their general well-being - they

become irritable and lethargic, play poorly, get tired quickly.

At an early age, children are more unstable emotionally.

states. Ensuring positive emotional state children, their

balanced behavior, protection nervous system, fatigue prevention

Important tasks of early childhood pedagogy.

When raising young children, one should take into account the predominance of their

excitation over inhibitory processes: Small child can hardly bear

waiting for food, restriction in movements, etc. Taking into account this feature in

nurseries and early childhood groups, nursery gardens introduced the principle

consistent, gradual implementation of all regime processes,

allowing each child to be treated individually.

Conditional, i.e., acquired in the process of life, reflexes underlying

child's behavior, begin to form from the first days. Yes, typical

conditioned reflex, which can be observed in a child of the second week of life -

sucking - to the position for feeding. Early education of the conditional

reflexes is a convincing, physiologically sound evidence

the need for proper upbringing of children from the first days of life.

Conditioned reflexes quickly formed in the baby and manifested in habits

may be both beneficial for health and development (sleep and

wake up at a certain time, be actively awake), and

inappropriate (fall asleep while rocking, suck on pacifiers, stay awake

in the hands of an adult, etc.). Relatively easy to gain a foothold, habits with

difficult to change.

Possessing a high plasticity of the functions of the brain and psyche, the child has great

potential development opportunities, the realization of which depends on

direct influence of surrounding adults, from education and training.

One of the conditions for the timely and full development of children is their good,

balanced mood. It is supported by the right organization of life.

Pedagogy of early childhood, the foundations of which were developed by N. M. Shchelovanov,

N. M. Aksarina and their students, outlines specific tasks and methods

all-round education of children.

the following sections:

compliance with the day regimen established for young children, i.e.

correct distribution during the day and a clear sequence of sleep,

feeding, wakefulness, change different types activities;

proper conduct of routine processes: feeding, hygienic care, putting to bed, dousing, etc .;

conducting individual and group classes, games, entertainment;

creation of conditions for active and varied independent activity


Successful implementation of tasks educational work depends on pedagogy

reasonable choice of its forms and methods, from the correct organization of all life


In the first years of life, it is important to ensure the physical, mental, moral and

aesthetic development of children. But the content, techniques and methods of implementing these

tasks are different than in working with children of preschool age.

They are determined by the age characteristics of the kids.

Of great importance in the education of healthy and well-developed children is

proper organization of their lives during the period of getting used to (adaptation) to

institution. The process of getting used to new conditions is difficult for the emerging

child's nervous system. During this period, it is necessary to ensure unity

educational techniques used in the family and children's institution.

The pace of mental and physical development children in the second year of life less

intense than the first. Therefore, the kindergarten education program

provides for a change in the daily routine, tasks and methods of education not

quarterly (every 3 months), and semi-annually.

For the development of coordination of movements of the legs and arms, it is necessary to have a set of toys,

that children could carry in their hands (large soft toy animals,

dolls, balls, baskets, buckets, bags, etc.), carry by braid (cars,

strollers, etc.) pushing forward (wheelchairs, large toys on

wheels, etc.).

The teacher, supervising the independent activities of children, is obliged to monitor

so that they are all active, active. It is important to ensure the change of movements in

children, preventing possible fatigue during monotonous manipulations.

Regulation of motor activity, encouragement that children not only

walked, but also performed other movements (sitting down, entering the hill and

etc.), is an important condition for their physical development. Preventing fatigue

scattered children, you need to seat some of them at tables for calm


It is mandatory to conduct outdoor games that have a large

pedagogical value. Emotions of surprise, joy experienced by children during

time of outdoor games, contribute to a better assimilation of movements. So, in games

hide and seek children, looking for hidden toys, perform a variety of

movements: stand on toes to look at a shelf suspended from

wall, bend down and look under the furniture, etc. When organizing outdoor games

children should not be forced to walk in pairs or formations. State of the art

their voluntary movements are still low and they cannot move

in an organized manner, for example, holding hands, walking in one direction.

Significant value for the general development of children are outdoor games with

musical accompaniment: stomping, squatting, etc. to the beat of the music

contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm, harmony of movements.

An important role in the formation of the motor activity of a child of the second year

life is played by gymnastics. They are carried out using a special

equipment (ladders for climbing, benches for walking, etc.). it

equipment is used only in the classroom and is not provided to children for

independent use.

Given the great need for movement in children of the second year of life and

when organizing a special environment for this, it should be remembered that

motor activity should not interfere with the formation of concentration,

the ability to calmly play with toys. It is important to follow the correct

alternation of movements and quiet activities. need to be satisfied

children in movements, but in such a way that it does not go to the detriment of other types of them


In the second year of life, a large place during this period is given to teaching children how to handle didactic toys (pyramids,

cubes, liners), as well as gun actions - the ability to use

simple objects-tools: a stick to bring a distant

an object, a net for catching floating toys, a scoop and a shovel in the game

with sand and snow.

While children are awake, didactic toys should be placed on

tables so that one type of didactic game is placed on each of them.

It is important to ensure that small groups play at the tables - 2-3 children each, with

In this case, each of them should be given a similar set of didactic

toys. The inability of children of this age to play together and an increased interest in

novelty can lead to conflicts if game situation will not

thought out by the teacher.

Learning new actions, their complication, switching to other types

activities - the main points of the organization by the educator of the subject

children's activities."

The second year of life is a crucial period of speech development. Based on speech

skills in a one-year-old child in the course of education and upbringing develop

adult speech comprehension and active speech. The pace of development of these aspects of speech

activities are different. In the first half of the year, the most intensive development

understanding of speech, in the second (more precisely, in the last quarter of the year) - active


At the beginning of the second year of life, children still babble a lot. Their babble is varied, emotionally

expressive and accompanies almost all actions. imitating sounds and

sound combinations at this age are being improved, which contributes

gradual increase in vocabulary. According to the indicators accepted in our country

development of children, by the age of one and a half, the active vocabulary is 30, and by two -

200-300 words. The development of an active vocabulary is reflected in individual

features and conditions of education.

By the age of two years, light words are replaced by ordinary ones. In the speech of children appear

words denoting not only objects and actions, but also available to them

understanding the quality and relationship between objects (for example, adverbs). Personal

by the end of the second year of life, the child uses pronouns without much


The first children's sentences usually consist of one word. Included in

objective situation, it replaces the sentence. The exclamation "Mom!" in one

In one case it means “pick me up”, in another it means “give me the ball”. The word "bang"

the baby accompanies the fall of the toy and, turning to an adult, complains when

falls by itself. At the end of the second year, sentences can have up to 3-4 words. Children

begin to change words in number, gender and some cases, although they still do

a lot of mistakes.

For the development of active speech, it is necessary to improve the child's ability

imitate sounds and words. He must be trained to listen and

reproduce what is heard. To do this, as in the first year,

support the baby's babble, arranging a roll call with him with sounds, call him

for imitation of light sound combinations (“top-top”) and for speaking (“shsh-uu,

flew”, “geese-geese-ha-ha-ha”), to teach him, at the request of an adult, to answer:

“How is the clock ticking? Tick-tock. Say, "Tick-tock." To call a child

imitation of words, you can give him samples of facilitated words, but pronounce

them, accompanied by the correct ones, for example: “Sleep, lala, bye-bye.” When a child

will be able to imitate, (from about 1 year 3-4 months), you need to go to the usual

correct speech. A child after one and a half years should be contacted with instructions,

giving a role model: “Go call Galya, say: “Galya, go for a walk.”

In the second group of early age (from 1 year to 2 years), classes are planned

separately for two age subgroups. In the first half of the year, each

day for one lesson and mostly individually or with a small number

children (5-6 people); in the second - classes are planned for subgroups, taking into account

five-day week, two a day.

The number of children participating in a session depends on a number of conditions. All age

a subgroup of children (6-12 people) can participate in a lesson with a relaxed

the form of its organization (group tour); when the actions of children

are based on imitation (musical), and also if the leading activity is

visual perception (staging with toys, organized observation

for the surroundings). Children's education substantive activity, speech classes

(looking at pictures), classes with physical education aids, where there is

waiting time, are held with half of each age subgroup (3-6


The duration of the lessons also depends on their content. Classes with a change of views

activities can last up to 10-15 minutes; requiring concentrated

attention - from 5 to 8 minutes.

The level of development of children united in one subgroup should be approximately the same. Newly enrolled kids are attracted to classes gradually. In addition to specific tasks, in all types of classes the goal is to teach children to engage: listen, respond, maintain a working posture.

At the end of the second year of life, elements of the plot can be noticed in the actions of children.

games. They perform game actions in a logical sequence;

communicating with each other, they reproduce the actions that they usually do with

they are an adult: they feed, treat, comb. The game starts to use not

only toys, but also substitutes for real objects (cube instead of soap).

Leading the independent activities of children, we must try to form

they need to contact the teacher for various reasons: ask for help

in the game, give the right toy to draw attention to something interesting. Except

In addition, children should be taught to comply with the requirements of adults, the rules

behaviors: do not take a toy from another child, be able to wait until

the other will play.

With normal neuropsychic development and an established form of communication with

as adults, children begin to form the need to communicate with each other


At the beginning of the second year of life in babies who have not mastered active speech,

continues to dominate emotional communication, which is expressed in joy

from the presence of other children. They approach each other, touch

clothes, look into the face, the laughter and crying of one quickly infects others.

Elements of sociability are manifested primarily in practical activities.

children. They love to watch the movements of their peers and try to imitate

each other. For example, if one child sees another rolling a ball, he

seeks to do it himself and with this toy. To create at

toddlers positive attitude should warn each other

the occurrence of conflicts. Conflicts quite often arise between children because their speech is poorly developed, they cannot explain their desire, and a toy in the hands of another child is always attractive. Sometimes negative peer relationships are

a consequence of interest in his activities and at the same time the inability to act


With the correct organization of wakefulness of children in a group, it is possible to avoid

such conflicts. In particular, furniture should be arranged so that

the kids didn't gather in one place. It is better if children (two or three children) are

engage in one type of activity, such as stringing rings on

pyramids. It is useful to specially organize the observation of some children for

the actions of others. To avoid quarrels, children under one and a half years old should be given

the same items. It is also necessary that they know where to store

toys and, if necessary, could easily find them. It should be remembered that

the habit of taking away toys from others is fixed and turns into pugnacity. AT

In this case, instead of a friendly attitude towards each other, children experience

bitterness and anger.

The upbringing of sociability, mutual understanding should be carried out in everyday life,

subject-game, speech and other activities of the baby. Gotta teach them

manifestation of tenderness, sympathy, compassion: pat on the head, regret

a child who has experienced pain when falling, offer a treat to a timid beginner,

toy. With such upbringing, by the age of two, babies perform these actions without

only at the prompt of an adult, but also independently, having learned to understand

the state of the other and respond correctly (help, console, etc.). children

mastered verbal communication, it is necessary to offer verbal expression of their feelings,

sympathy: “good”, “well done”, etc. At this age, the child can already

to intercede for the offended, to help a comrade (blow on a finger,

help to get up after a fall, etc.).

The game is fraught with great opportunities for the development of collectivism in children. AT

During the game, they communicate, following the feelings of sympathy for each other. For example,

the child puts the cubes into the machine, and the other, pulling the string, tries to

transport cargo. True, this can lead to quarrels, because,

joining the neighbor's game, the child sometimes tries to impose his demands,

ways of action. In such situations, caregivers should allow children

disputes, drawing the attention of one of them to new toys, activities.

A. V. Zaporozhets, A. P. Usova, N. M. Aksarina noted that the game is the first

school of education of social behavior. Children can join on their own

in contact with each other and experience joy in doing so.

A. P Usova "noted several forms of interaction between children

"See: Usova A.P. The role of play in the upbringing of children / Edited by A.V. Zaporozhets.

Early childhood!

All childhood from birth to 18 years is divided into a series age periods, each of them has qualitative features. Different researchers offer different classifications. In the USSR, most physiologists, psychologists, and educators (N. M. Shchelovanov, Yu. A. Arshavsky, D. A. Elkonin, A. A. Lyublinskaya, S. M. Grombakh, and others) single out the first three years of life as a special period called early childhood. The period of early childhood has a number of qualitative physiological and mental characteristics that require the creation of special environmental conditions for children of this age, the whole way of life, nutrition. The content and methods of education are also excellent.

Anatomical and physiological features of early childhood

In the second year of life, the pace of physical development of the child is still quite fast. This is manifested in intensive growth and weight gain, although not as significant as in the first year of life. In the first half of the year, body length increases by 6-7 cm, weight - by 1-1.5 kg. The maturation of various functional systems of the body continues. The chest grows, the diaphragm descends. The ribs take on an oblique position, the muscles of the diaphragm become stronger. Simultaneously with the chest, the lungs develop, their function improves, the respiratory rate decreases due to an increase in the respiratory volume. The intensive development of the immune system continues, the adenoids and tonsils are relatively large. The heart grows, its work improves. The metabolism is increased, the digestive organs acquire the ability to digest a wide variety of foods. The high vulnerability of the child's body, its susceptibility to various diseases remains. The relative weakness and low mobility of the nervous processes, the low limit of the efficiency of the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex lead to rapid fatigue. In the first half of the second year of a child's life, his motor skills are improved. He can already walk for a long time without sitting down, changes position (squats, bends, turns, backs away), can step over a low obstacle. Can eat with a spoon at first thick, and by 1.5 years and liquid food.

In the second half of the second year of life, the body's resistance to adverse environmental conditions significantly increases. The system of thermoregulation becomes more perfect, the immune system more reliably protects the body from infection. The efficiency of the nervous system increases: if a child at the beginning of the second year, without being distracted, can study with a picture for only 1-2 minutes, then by the end of the second year this time increases to 7-8 minutes. Speech develops rapidly, vocabulary increases. By the end of the second year, the proportions of the baby's body change noticeably, especially due to the length of the arms and legs, the volume of the chest becomes larger than the volume of the head. The coordination of movements improves, the child is more dexterous, can walk along a board 15-29 cm wide, raised 15-20 cm above the floor, stepping over obstacles in alternating steps. The eruption of all 20 milk teeth ends. During this period, children begin to control the act of defecation, and sometimes urination, it becomes possible to instill hygiene skills in the child.

During the second year of life, the child increases body weight by approximately 2-2.5 kg, length - by 12-13 cm.

In the third year of life, the child is still growing rapidly: its weight increases by 1.5-2 kg, height - by 8-11 cm. Imperfection of neurohumoral regulation, immaturity of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive systems, combined with rapid growth, intensive development, vigorous activity make the child's body at this age very vulnerable. In addition, in the third year, as a rule, the baby's social circle expands, he moves more, explores more independently. the world, in connection with which the likelihood of infection, injury, poisoning increases sharply. The child is inquisitive, active, sociable - this is fine, this is necessary for his development, but you should not rely on his independence in any case.

The child's nervous system continues to actively mature. It is more enduring than a two-year-old baby, but if the maturation of the cells of the cerebral cortex is already over, then the medulla oblongata, which is responsible for the regulation of vital functions, is still far from perfect. The increased excitability of the subcortical regions, the imperfection and weakness of the regulatory function of the cortex lead to the fact that the child's reactions are accompanied by strong emotions. In the third year of life, long-term memory begins to function, and its features are such that the events of early childhood are fixed in it most firmly, often remaining in adulthood in the subconscious, again “floating up” and disappearing last in old age. The development of the second signaling system is actively underway: the child's vocabulary expands, the baby better understands the speech of an adult. By the end of the year, fluency in speech reaches a degree of automatism. As special studies have shown, the development of speech is closely related to the development of a motor analyzer: children who speak well are more active, more easily involved in games, and clearly associate a word with movement. Especially important in the third year is the development of fine precise movements of the hands and fingers, which have a direct stimulating effect on the development of the speech center and articulatory apparatus.

A properly organized external environment is of great importance for a child at this age, especially unfavorable factors are the lack of conditions for vigorous activity and the limitation of sensory impressions. Restriction in movements impedes the physical development of the baby, reduces cognitive activity, the lack of adequate information leads to a decrease in the excitability and susceptibility of the child, and both together - to a developmental lag. In connection with intensive walking, climbing, and other active movements, the skeleton and muscles of the baby develop. By the age of three, a more or less characteristic configuration of the spine appears, although the constancy of the cervical and lumbar curvature will be established much later. The spine is very flexible, adverse effects easily contribute to the formation of incorrect posture. The development of the muscular system goes in parallel with the bone. In the third year, muscle volume increases, the amount of adipose tissue in them decreases, innervation and blood supply improve. Gender differences in the development of the muscular system become tangible - in boys, the muscles are stronger, their volume is larger. The development of the baby's motor function depends not only on the natural growth and development of muscles, the maturation of the nervous system, but the fitness of certain functions is becoming increasingly important. This applies not only to the development and improvement of movements, but also to the activity of all life-supporting systems: respiratory, circulatory, digestive.

Nervous system

At an early and preschool age, the functional capabilities of the central nervous system and the basic differentiation of nerve cells are improved. In the process of interaction with the external environment, children develop skills and habits, new, more complex conditioned reflexes are formed on the basis of existing ones. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the central nervous system of the child to preserve traces of the processes that took place in it. This explains the ability of children to quickly and easily memorize the movements shown to them. However, in order to consolidate and improve what has been learned, repeated repetitions are necessary. Great excitability, reactivity, high plasticity of the nervous system in children contributes to a better, and sometimes faster than in adults, mastering rather complex motor skills: skiing, figure skating, swimming. Moreover, it is very important from the very beginning to correctly form motor skills in preschoolers, since it is very difficult to correct them.

Musculoskeletal system

The development of the skeleton, the articular-ligamentous apparatus in children under 7 years of age has not yet been completed. Compared to adults, the bone system of a child is richer in cartilage tissue and contains more organic matter and less mineral salts, so the child's bones, which are easily distorted, may acquire an irregular shape under the influence of unfavorable external factors. Ossification of the skeleton occurs gradually throughout the entire period of childhood. At this time, almost each of the 206 bones of the skeleton continues to change significantly in shape, size and internal structure. The skeletal system of preschoolers is characterized by incompleteness of the bone formation process and retains the cartilaginous structure in some places (hands, tibia, some parts of the spine), so it is very important to monitor the correct posture of children, the correct position of the body during sleep, preventing the occurrence of deformities of the spine, chest cell, pelvic bones, limbs. It should be remembered that excessive loads adversely affect the development of the skeleton, cause bone curvature, and vice versa, are moderate in load and accessible to given age physical exercises - running, climbing, jumping - stimulate the growth of bones, contribute to their strengthening. The formation of the bone skeleton continues until puberty.

Muscular system

It is much less developed in children than in adults. The total mass of muscles in a child of preschool age is 20-22% in relation to body weight, i.e. 2 times less than in an adult. The muscles of the child have a fibrous structure, and as it grows, along with elongation, muscle growth occurs, mainly in thickness. The skeletal muscles of a child under 7 years old are characterized by weak development of tendons, fascia and ligaments. The abdominal press is poorly developed and unable to withstand great physical stress. There is a relaxation of the fibers and hernias (umbilical) can form. In boys of 6 years old, the inguinal muscle ring is poorly developed, therefore, excessive loads are unacceptable (inguinal hernias are possible). The large muscles of the trunk and limbs are well developed, but the small muscles of the back, which are of great importance for maintaining the correct position of the spinal column, are less developed. That is why already at this age it is necessary to monitor the posture of the child. The small muscles of the hand are relatively poorly developed, so children do not have precise coordination of finger movements. The mass of the muscles of the lower extremities in relation to the body weight increases more intensively than the mass of the upper limbs, which is associated with the high motor activity of the child. Despite the fact that already by the age of 5, muscle mass increases significantly, muscle strength and performance increase, however, children are not yet capable of significant muscle tension, long-term physical exertion. When systematically training the muscular apparatus, one must remember: activities with alternating muscle tension and relaxation are less tiring than those that require static efforts (long standing or sitting). Given the rapid fatigue, it is necessary to avoid excessive physical effort when performing physical exercises. Studies show that depending on the state of the central nervous system (strong balanced nervous processes, strong unbalanced nervous processes, weak nervous processes, etc.), children master movements in different ways and only three movements are formed in all children at the same time:

1) raising and holding the head in a vertical position (1-1.5 months);

2) raising the head from a prone position (4-5 months);

3) lifting the body with support on the forearms (5-6 months).

Psychological features of early childhood

1. The main feature of the period of early childhood is the most intensive pace of development. By the age of 3, the child masters all the basic movements (walking, running, climbing, throwing at a target, dancing movements) and subtle movements of the fingers. He acquires a lot of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding objects, orients himself in the form, color, size of objects. Of particular importance in mental development is the mastery of speech: a child, not being able to pronounce a single articulate sound at birth, uses about 10 words by the age of 1 and understands the names of many actions and objects, and by the age of 3 his dictionary contains more than 1000 words. Over the course of 3 years, the child develops all the functions of speech, and with it thinking. Speech becomes a means of communication with others and a means of cognition. The speech of adults is a means of education, with the help of speech it is possible to regulate the behavior of the child, his emotional state. Children develop thinking: they compare, establish similarities, generalize, make elementary conclusions. Children quickly develop such mental processes as attention, memory, and in the 3rd year - and imagination. For 3 years, depending on the conditions of education, various skills (both positive and negative) are quickly formed. Many activities are being developed children's games, observation, constructive and visual activity, etc.). The emotional foundation of the personality is laid: children react differently to everything, they form a different attitude to the environment - they like one thing, cause a smile, joy, they get angry and cry at another. In the behavior of a child, one can see manifestations of many emotions inherent in a person - joy, anger, fear, embarrassment, satisfaction, aesthetic feeling, shyness, resentment, etc. Already in the 1st year, children begin to establish various relationships with adults, the main character traits and elementary moral qualities of a person. Thus, the first 3 years of life are a period of rapid formation and development of all the features characteristic of a person. 2. A characteristic feature of the period of early childhood is the high plasticity of the whole organism, and above all the plasticity of higher nervous and mental activity, easy learning. Any systematic impact quickly affects the course of development and changes in the behavior of the child. 3. Healthy child has rich development potentials (opportunities). By applying various special measures, it is possible to obtain a significantly higher level of one or another line of development. So, for example, a child can be taught much earlier to distinguish all colors, to swim, to read, to memorize a long poem, etc. The task of education is to make fuller use of the rich natural abilities of the child, but without harm to health and their nervous system, and to correctly select the most significant, significant for this age of children. 4. In the first years of life, the interdependence and unity of physical and mental development is great. A child cannot develop well physically if he moves little or is often in a negative emotional state, if there are no conditions for his vigorous activity. A strong, physically fully developing child is not only less susceptible to diseases, but also develops mentally better, and cheerful, mobile children develop better not only mentally, but also physically more developed and resilient. At the same time, even minor disturbances in the state of children's health cause changes in their general well-being - they become irritable or lethargic, quickly get tired. And vice versa, any disease is easier if it is possible to maintain a good emotional state of the sick child. 5. Of great importance in the development and behavior of the child is the emotional state of the child and his emotional attitude to the environment. All the behavior of a small child, his actions, stability of attention, performance depend mainly on whether he likes it, it is interesting, it gives pleasure or not. Only what the child perceives willingly, with interest, gives a good result. For example, pouring water over water will only bring health benefits if the child runs to the bathroom with pleasure, and, conversely, it is useless to pour water over the child if he cries every time. If the lesson conducted by the teacher is interesting to him, he studies for a long time, carefully follows her actions and words, if not, it is boring or incomprehensible, then the children are distracted, do not listen, and such an activity is not useful. The leading importance of the emotional state is preserved throughout early childhood - it is equally important for both a 3-5-month-old child and a 2-3-year-old. A characteristic feature of early childhood is the lability of their emotional state, variability. As a result of the most insignificant reasons, the cheerful state of the child can be replaced by crying, and vice versa, the tears of resentment have not yet dried up, as he is already smiling again. The suggestibility and subtle differentiation of the emotions of those around him are very great - not yet understanding the words, the child already understands well early: whether they are angry with him or not. Children early catch the nature of the relationship between loved ones, feel the mood of others and are easily infected with it. Worth in arena cry for one child, how often another may cry. If the mother, putting the child to bed, is excited about something, then her mood is often transferred to the child, and he cannot fall asleep for a longer time. 6. A child is born with an innate sensorimotor need, i.e. with a need to receive various (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) stimuli, and with a need for a variety of motor activity. From the moment of birth, the child shows an active search for these irritations, a pronounced orienting reflex "what is it?" (I.P. Pavlov) or the “novelty” reflex. On the basis of this orienting reflex, with the right attitude of adults, later there is an interest in everything around, especially new things, which then turns into a special orienting-cognitive activity, a desire to find out “what?”, “why?”, “how?”, “ where?" etc. Very high in children and the need for physical activity. They move a lot and in various ways, act differently and are actively doing something almost all the time. All this is a pronounced feature of a small child and contributes to its rapid physical and mental development. Restriction of the child's movements (physical inactivity), poverty and monotony of impressions from the environment lead to a sharp lag in mental development. 7. Very early (from the first months) the child develops a need for communication with an adult, which quickly becomes as strong as organic needs. At the end of the 1st and at the 2nd month, the face of the speaking adult is the most powerful stimulus, first causing prolonged concentration, and somewhat later, great joy. Without frequent communication with an adult, it is impossible to ensure an emotionally positive state of children of this age, disturbances in excitability are inevitable, it is impossible to achieve timely mental development and the formation of moral qualities of a person. 8. The role of the direct influence of adults on the course of development is also different at an early age. The child is born extremely helpless, having almost no ready-made forms behavior. Only after being shown by an adult can a child build a pyramid, put a cube on a cube, pronounce words, draw, sculpt, etc. Young children need much more frequent direct instruction from an adult. 9. For young children, instability and incompleteness of emerging skills and abilities are characteristic. A 3-year-old child is capable of a comparative stability of attention, but at the same time he is easily distracted by the most insignificant reasons (for example, the arrival of an outsider during an interesting activity). 10. Unstable and very labile physical and mental state of the child. Young children are characterized by physical and mental vulnerability. Children of this age easily fall ill with minor errors in care and insufficient satisfaction of their organic needs. The state of excitability of their nervous system is also easily disturbed. Although over the course of 3 years the duration of the period of continuous active wakefulness increases significantly and reaches 5 1 / 2-6 hours by the age of 3 (i.e., almost the same as that of a 6-year-old preschooler), however, a young child needs more frequent rest in during one segment of wakefulness in the form of more frequent shift different types of activities. These children have fewer periods of continuous productive activity, they get more tired. 11. The process of development is spasmodic and uneven. Sharply, abruptly, in 1 year 5 months - 1 year 6 months, the working capacity is lengthened (the period of wakefulness is lengthened), the number of words in this period also increases abruptly. At the age of 2 years 8-10 months there is an abrupt transition to a qualitatively new type of game - the transition from the game of reproducing the surrounding actions to role play and others. The pace and significance of different lines of development in different periods of a child's life are not the same. Each age stage has its own "leading" (i.e., the most significant) lines of development. They are of the greatest importance for a given age, their timely development ensures the transition to a qualitatively new stage. So, for example, at the age of 7-8 months, the leading movement is crawling, since it is useful for general physical development and expands orientation in the environment. At the age of 1 year 6 months - 1 year 9 months it is very important to master the ability to generalize objects according to essential features, as this will contribute to the further development of thinking, the formation of concepts. At 1 year - 1 year 5 months, there is a rapid development of speech understanding, but a slower increase in active vocabulary. Having learned something new, acquiring a new skill, action, for a certain period of time it becomes dominant in the child's behavior. So, for example, having learned to walk independently, the child almost stops playing, and walks "irresistibly". Having uttered a word for the first time, he repeats it many times during the day. At different age stages, the child is especially sensitive to certain kinds of influences. “... In the presence of appropriate pedagogical conditions, certain mental processes and qualities develop most easily, which are very difficult to form at later age stages” (L. S. Vygotsky). 12. The reaction of young children has a longer latent period, that is, the time from the onset of the stimulus to the child's response. For example, when an adult asks a child 1 year 3 months - 1 year 5 months a question or offers to perform some action, then his response does not come immediately, but only after a while.

Early childhood period (1-3 years)

Speech acquisition at an early age occurs within a relatively short time. That is why early age is considered sensitive for the development of speech. In this period, there is an intensive development of both impressive (understanding) and expressive (colloquial speech) types of speech.

At an early age, two levels of impressive speech are distinguished: understanding of situational speech and understanding of contextual speech. At the beginning (at the age of 1.5-2 years) an understanding of situational speech develops, when a child can understand almost any speech in the context of a given situation. By the age of three, an understanding of contextual speech is formed, i.e. speech-story (not related to the immediate situation).

Development of active, conversational there is talk on three levels: phonemic, derivational and syntactic, and different levels of the language system are mastered by the child not sequentially, but simultaneously.

Genesis phonemic level primarily associated with the formation of phonemic hearing. At the phonemic stage (from 11 months to 1 year 10 months), the sequence of development of phonemic hearing was established: first, there is a difference in vowels, then consonants; then there is a differentiation of hard and soft, later - deaf and voiced, and, finally, hissing and whistling consonants. By the age of two, the phonemic level is basically quite developed, i.e. the child distinguishes all sounds and pronounces most of them correctly. At an early age, the child often pronounces complex words inaccurately. In the 2nd year, monosyllabic words (give, yes) and words consisting of two repeating syllables (mom, dad) are more accessible for pronunciation for children, in connection with which autonomous speech appears - words that replace more complex words (for example, "av -av" instead of "dog"). By the end of the 2nd year, the child learns the correct pronunciation of a significant number of two-syllable words, but more complex words are often mispronounced. The distortion of the sound composition of words is influenced not only by the lack of formation of the phonetic level, but also by the structure of the word itself (the child shortens consonant clusters, releases or replaces difficult-to-pronounce consonants, skips unstressed syllables, etc.).

In formation syntactic according to A. N. Gvozdev, two main periods are distinguished: the first (1 year 3 months - 1 year 10 months) is characterized by the absence of grammatical structures and the use of individual words unchanged. At the first stage of this period (1 year 3 months - 1 year 8 months), the child uses a single word as a sentence, which characterizes the whole situation (the stage of a one-word sentence or holophrase). At the second stage of this period (1 year 8 months - 1 year 10 months), the child begins to use two-word sentences or sentences consisting of several words that are not grammatically related to each other (the stage of telegraphic speech). The second period (1 year 10 months - 3 years) is characterized by the beginning of the intensive formation of the grammatical structure of the sentence. The child learns gender, number, cases, declensions, conjugations. Toward the end of the period, the child can use in speech not only simple sentences, but also compound sentences.

In parallel, there is a development of the lexical level - mastering vocabulary language system. Most often, the first words appear at the end of infancy (10-12 months). Consequently, from infancy, connections between individual words and the objects they designate begin to form, which constitutes the beginning of the development of the semantic function of speech. The development of vocabulary is influenced by the frequency, duration and quality of communication between adults and a child. By the end of early childhood, the child's vocabulary contains all parts of speech, but nouns and verbs are most represented. In a year, a child’s active vocabulary ranges from 1-2 to 10 words, at 1.5 years old - 10-30 words (up to 50 words), at 2 years old - more than 200 words, at 3 years old - 1000-1500 words

The book is presented with some abbreviations.

Early age

Early age is a period of rapid formation of all psychophysiological processes characteristic of a person. Timely initiated and properly implemented education of young children is an important condition for their full development.
The physical and neuropsychic development of children in the first two years of life is characterized by a rapid pace. During this period, the growth and weight of the child intensively increases (especially in the first year), all body functions are intensively developed. By one year, the child masters independent walking. In the second and third years of life, his basic movements improve, he begins to coordinate his motor activity with those around him. The child makes great strides in mastering his native language.
If in the active dictionary of a one-year-old child, as a rule, there are 10-12 words, then by two years their number increases to 200-300, and by three - up to 1500 words.
Development at an early age occurs against such an unfavorable background as the increased vulnerability of the body - its low resistance to diseases. Each disease suffered negatively affects the overall development of children. Therefore, caring for the protection and strengthening of the health of a small child is one of the most important tasks of education in early childhood. In the first years of life, the relationship between physical and mental development is especially great. A strong, physically healthy child is not only less susceptible to diseases, but also develops better mentally. At the same time, cheerful, mobile, active children are physically more resilient. Minor disturbances in the state of health cause changes in their general well-being - they become irritable and lethargic, play poorly, and quickly get tired.
At an early age, children are characterized by a great instability of their emotional state: it would seem that for an insignificant reason they often cry and cannot calm down for a long time; and vice versa, tears do not have time to dry, as they are replaced by a smile. Good mood children are supported by the correct organization of their lives - vigorous activity, interesting impressions and, mainly, reasonably organized communication with adults.
Ensuring a positive emotional state of children, their balanced behavior, the protection of the nervous system, and the prevention of fatigue are important tasks of early childhood pedagogy.
When raising young children, one should take into account the predominance of excitation over inhibitory processes in them: a small child can hardly endure the expectation of food, restriction in movement, etc. Taking into account this feature, in nurseries and early age groups of nursery gardens, the principle of consistent, gradual implementation of all regime processes, allowing to serve each child individually.
Conditional, i.e., acquired in the process of life, reflexes underlying the child's behavior begin to form from the first days. So, a characteristic conditioned reflex, which can be observed in a child of the second week of life, is sucking - to a position for feeding. The early formation of conditioned reflexes is a convincing, physiologically substantiated proof of the need for proper upbringing of children from the first days of life.
Conditioned reflexes that quickly form in a baby and manifest in habits can be both appropriate for health and development (falling asleep and waking up at a certain time, being actively awake), and inappropriate (falling asleep while rocking, sucking on pacifiers, staying awake in the arms of an adult, etc.). ). Relatively easy to establish, habits are difficult to change. Re-education is an extremely complex and harmful business for the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, it is necessary literally from the moment the child is born to ensure his proper upbringing.
The results of purposeful education appear already at two months: the baby falls asleep, wakes up, feels the need for food at a strictly defined time; slept and well-fed, he is calm, when communicating with adults he shows joy.
Possessing a high plasticity of the functions of the brain and psyche, the child has great potential for development, the realization of which depends on the direct influence of surrounding adults, on education and training.
Pedagogy of early childhood, the foundations of which were developed by N. M. Shchelovanov, N. M. Aksarina and their students, outlines specific tasks and methods for the comprehensive education of children.
The content of educational work at this age stage of childhood includes the following sections:
compliance with the day regimen established for young children, i.e., the correct distribution during the day and a clear sequence of sleep, feeding, wakefulness, change of different activities;
proper conduct of routine processes: feeding, hygienic care, putting to bed, dousing, etc .;
conducting individual and group classes, games, entertainment;
creation of conditions for active and varied independent activities of children.
The successful implementation of the tasks of educational work depends on the pedagogically sound choice of its forms and methods, on the correct organization of the entire life of children.

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