Download presentation on family climate. Psychological climate in the family and styles of family education. Preparatory work for the meeting

The presentation "The microclimate of the family and its significance in the life of a teenager" can be used by educational psychologists, class teachers when conducting thematic parent meetings. Special discipline teachers Social Psychology", as part of the section "Psychology of the family", etc.



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The microclimate of the family and its importance in the life of a teenager

The goal is to increase the psychological literacy of students' parents

Family FAMILY, an association of people based on marriage or consanguinity, connected by common life and mutual responsibility. Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

“The family as a community of people connected by relations of marriage, parenthood, kinship, a joint household, as the main unit of society, performs the most important social functions, plays a special role in a person’s life, his protection, the formation of personality, the satisfaction of spiritual needs, and the provision of primary socialization. The family is a unique social institution, an intermediary between the individual and the state, a transmitter of fundamental values ​​from generation to generation.” S. V. Darmodekhin, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Education

Family life is the ability of spouses to act in concert in all areas: in linguistic communication, in intimate relationships, in economic and educational activities, in the process of recreation, etc.

Family microclimate - a kind of atmosphere of relations that have developed in the family between its members. At the heart of the family microclimate are, first of all, the relationship between all its members. The family can act as a positive and negative factor in education. What a child acquires in the family, he retains throughout his subsequent life. The concepts of "prosperous", "not entirely prosperous", "dysfunctional family" characterize the content of the relationships and processes that are established in it, which determine the atmosphere of everyday life. Family microclimate

Subcultural: Family composition (full, incomplete) Crooked-related (adoptive, parental family; second, first marriage) Living conditions Emotional climate in the family Caused by the educational opportunities of the teenager's parents: Own experience of parenting in the family Pedagogical culture of parents Readiness of parents for education Parental love Incorrect approach to education (increased rigidity, aggression, leading to suppression of feelings of early stages development) Factors influencing the formation of the personality of a teenager and the importance of the microclimate of the family in them, taking into account the characteristics of adolescence

Important indicators of a favorable psychological climate of the family are: Trust Cohesion The desire to spend free time in home circle free expression own opinion, feelings Gratitude. The desire to emphasize the merits and good deeds of everyone. Joint homework. Openness of the family, its wide contacts. Such a climate promotes harmony, reduces the severity of emerging conflicts, relieves stress, and realizes the personal potential of each family member. Signs of a favorable climate in the family

Diktat - in parent-child relationships is manifested in the suppression of feelings by parents in children dignity and initiatives. Non-intervention - is based on the recognition of independent relations between adults and children. With this tactic, there is a detachment of children and adults from each other in the family. guardianship is a system parent-child relationship in family. Parents provide, satisfy all the needs of the child. They remove and in every possible way protect him from various difficulties, efforts and any worries. Cooperation is an upbringing tactic that involves such interpersonal relationships in the family that are united by common ideas, tasks and goals. Psychologists consider this type of child-parent and family relations as optimal. Types of family interaction

Typical parent relationship profiles

Adolescent children from families with a positive microclimate are more likely to demonstrate social and emotional openness with resilience Have a good mood, calm character traits. Teenage children in families with a negative microclimate are prone to sharp reactions in behavior and a tendency to form various kinds of addictions. They do not have emotive, anxious, pedantic types, which is explained by more low level expectations of parental attention and the habit of relying only on themselves.

CONFLICT - a collision of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions or views of people. Conflict behavior - behavior that provokes the appearance of a conflict and is expressed through words, postures, gestures, emotions, fights. Reasons - attracting attention, the struggle for power, revenge. Conflict behavior is a widespread phenomenon in adolescence. It acts as a way of asserting one's position, both in relationships with adults and in relationships with peers. After all, it is this period of life that is the most difficult - the crisis of adolescence sets in. The crisis can proceed along one of the following paths: - "crisis of independence" - negativism, rebelliousness, arrogance, stubbornness, jealousy; - “addiction crisis” - obedience, lack of independence, the desire to be like everyone else, infantilism. Therefore, a teenager has changes that help him cross the line and start adult life. These changes occur in the inconsistency of communication. conflict in a teenager is often caused by the desire to satisfy their needs, of which the main one is the recognition of adults and peers. After all, a teenager is no longer a child, but not yet an adult. In that age period for all family members, maintaining the balance of the optimal microclimate and helping the teenager develop the ability to prevent conflict, to create such conditions when there will be no reasons for confrontations, becomes especially relevant. The influence of the family microclimate on adolescent conflict

Pros: Clarifying the situation Acquaintance with the true face of a person Relieving tension Building relationships after conflict resolution Cons: Waste of effort, time and energy Exit negative emotions Deterioration of the psychological climate Deterioration of relations Positive and negative aspects of the conflict

The main task is to learn to resolve disagreements without bringing them to an active conflict. It is necessary to accept the fact that conflicts are primarily a mismatch of views, and we must remember that views may be different, they may not coincide. It is necessary to try to resolve the situation peacefully, without bringing the situation to quarrels When conflict turns into a quarrel

Sometimes serious disagreements arise in relationships, from which it follows that the previous relationship is not satisfactory and an adjustment is needed. You can’t quarrel in front of relatives, children, on the eve of important events. this moment. useful quarrel

Say what you feel Admit your mistakes Find something good in another If the children have witnessed or participated in the conflict, then try to present it to them as a solution to problems, and not just a curse and a splash of emotions. In a useful quarrel, it is important:

Family members get to the heart of the problem right away, without leading to a conflict or quarrel They talk about what they don’t like right away Discuss the action, not the person’s personality Do not respond with a conflictogen to a conflictogen Do not mix good and bad, past and present The optimal microclimate of the family is achieved when:

Remove accusatory notes from criticism, that is, shift the focus to constructive proposals It is better to give comments in private so as not to hurt the self-esteem of the criticized Strive to understand the opponent’s point of view, excluding emotions, try to evaluate the arguments “for” and “against” Do not raise the tone of the conversation Do not impose your own opinion, but offer it as a discussion Orientation of adults towards constructive interaction

Do not scream! Speak quieter. How long do you have to wait? It's time for us to leave. Who am I talking to!/ Are you deaf? Hear me please. Round up! It's time to finish, the time is up. How much do you have to say? Fulfill my request, please. I don't know how to talk to you anymore? Let's find a solution that suits both of us. Are not you ashamed? Think about what you've done, please. How do you talk? Nobody in our family talks like that. I told you it would! Learn from this situation a lesson and do not repeat these mistakes. Ungrateful! Are you sure you can be proud of this? In the upbringing of children and, especially, adolescents, those offensive words that we say to them under the influence of emotions are of great importance. I propose to replace some of them with more positive ones and the situation will change depending on the words spoken.

“Support the people close to you, whisper in their ear how much you need them, love them and treat them carefully, take the time to say: “I'm sorry”, “I'm sorry”, “thank you”, and that's it. those words of love that you know. No one will remember you for your thoughts." Johnny Welch "The Doll" (La Marioneta)

Sources: 1. Schneider L.B. family psychology: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed.-M.: Academic Project; Yekaterinburg: Business book. - 768 p. - ("Gaudeamus"). 2006 2. Leaders A.G. Family as a psychological system. - . ru 3.Darmodekhin SV Family and state// Monitoring of socio-economic potential of families. No. 3. 2000.4. Survive ... in the family? : the role of the family in the formation of psychoactive addictions in children (compiled by N. Boyko) - 2nd ed., add. And a reworker. – M.: MOF Home country, 2010 5 . Smirnova T. S., Ruchkina A. A. Features of conflict behavior in adolescence // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 4. - P. 706-708 Internet resources: 1. http:// 2. http:// 3. php?id=1898 4.

State budget professional educational institution College modern technologies the name of the Hero Soviet Union M.F. Panova The material was prepared by a teacher-psychologist, teacher of the first qualification category Trofimenko Olga Nikolaevna Moscow 2017

Target: Prevent child abuse in the family.


  • To identify the features of the relationship between the child and parents.
  • To give a general idea of ​​how children can be brought up without resorting to cruelty and corporal punishment.
  • Draw parents' attention to unused opportunities for encouragement and praise.

Participants: Class teacher, educator, parents of students.

Design, equipment, inventory: memos for parents “10 steps to become a good parent”, test “Are you contact enough with children”, musical accompaniment - calm lyrical music, a poster with a statement by A. S. Makarenko


  • Shortly before the meeting, children are invited to “draw” their autobiography in color.
  • Both words and fragments of drawings are made with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

Autobiography outline

Proceedings of the meeting

I. introduction teacher

Dear parents, there is no doubt that you love your children and wish them well.

But being a parent is a joyful, but also stressful job. And doing this work, you often come to a dead end, have doubts, try to find the most suitable system of education for you and your children. Family relationships are the earliest and most enduring social relationships that greatly influence a child's self-esteem, adaptability and sense of well-being. For most of us, family influences are positive and beneficial and are the main source of education, in the process of which the principles of social interaction are formed, which then continue throughout life. For others, however, family events and experiences have a negative impact. The unfavorable atmosphere in the family creates the ground for the most severe forms of violence in society.

Child abuse is a general term referring to four types of abuse: physical, sexual, emotional, and parental neglect. Child maltreatment can take a variety of forms, including activities that most children experience, such as corporal punishment, bullying from siblings, peers, and, less commonly, physical abuse.

Child abuse is not just about beating, injuring, sexually harassing and other ways that adults mutilate a child. This is humiliation, mockery, various forms of neglect that hurt a child's soul.

Child abuse (underage citizens, from birth to 18 years of age) includes any form of abuse committed by parents (other family members), guardians, trustees, teachers, educators, representatives of law enforcement agencies.

Physical abuse is the intentional infliction of physical harm.

Sexual abuse is the involvement of a child, with his consent and without such consent, in sexual activities with adults in order to obtain satisfaction or benefits for the latter.

Mental (emotional) violence is a periodic, prolonged or constant mental impact on a child that hinders the development of a personality and leads to the formation of pathological character traits.

Mental abuse includes:

  • open rejection and constant criticism of the child;
  • threats against the child in verbal form;
  • remarks made in an insulting manner, degrading the dignity of the child;
  • intentional physical or social isolation of a child;
  • lies and non-fulfillment by adults of their promises;
  • a single rough mental impact that causes mental trauma in a child.

Neglect of the needs of the child is the lack of elementary care for the child, as a result of which his emotional state is disturbed and there is a threat to his health and development.

Neglecting a child's basic needs includes:

  • lack of food, clothing, housing, education adequate to the age and needs of the child, medical care;
  • lack of proper attention and care, as a result of which the child may become a victim of an accident.

Child abuse statistics:

  • escaping abuse, commit suicide every year for about 2000 children and teenagers, 50000 leaving the family 6000 - from orphanages and boarding schools;
  • total 25000- 26000 juveniles annually become victims of criminal attacks, of which about 2,000 die, 8,000-9,000 receive bodily injuries;
  • in Russia is registered over 2500 sexual crimes, including depraved actions of adults against young children; every year more and more rapes of minors are committed.

Can't talk about abuse with a child and the absence of parental care without taking into account the family microclimate.

Today we will try to answer some questions: should children be punished? When and how to do it? Is it possible to spoil a child with praise? What can you praise a child for?

II. Express diagnostics “Are you in contact with children enough?”

In order to educate, no doubt, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the child very well, to be able to use various pedagogical techniques; but it is even more important to be able to communicate with children, to achieve mutual understanding with them. (Testing of parents is carried out, after which they can immediately determine the level of their contact in communicating with children).

Test “Are you contact enough with children”

  1. Do you think that in your family there is mutual understanding between adults and children?
  2. Do the children talk heart to heart with swamis, do they consult on personal matters?
  3. Do you know your children's friends?
  4. Do you have them at home?
  5. Are your children involved in household chores with you?
  6. Do you check the results of your work?
  7. Do you have common hobbies and activities with your children?
  8. Do children participate in the preparation of family holidays?
  9. Do children prefer you to be with them during children's parties?
  10. Do you discuss TV shows and movies with your children?
  11. Are your kids interested in what you do?

Processing test results: an affirmative answer is worth 2 points. The answer expressed by the words “sometimes”, “sometimes” - 1 point, “never” - zero.

Now do the math.

If you have typed 14 points, your relationship with children can be called prosperous.

From 8 to 14 points- Satisfactory, but not versatile enough. Think about how they should be deepened and supplemented.

If less 8 points- your contacts with children are obviously insufficient. Need to decide how to improve them?

III. Acquaintance of parents with autobiographies of their children.

    The class teacher informs the parents that their children have "drawn" their autobiographies and invites them to guess what their child's deepest desire is. He then distributes these autobiographies to the parents, and they check their guesses against the child's answer. (To quiet music, parents continue to get acquainted with the autobiographies of their children)

IV. Role-playing game"Vice versa"

    The purpose of the game is to let parents feel how often in communicating with a child we forget that he is also a person. The essence of the game is that the role of the child is played by the parent, and the teacher takes on the role of a strict parent who prefers an authoritarian style in communication. After the game, parents express opinions about what communication is, deepens the disagreement between the child and the adult, contributes to the accumulation of contradictions and problems. Parents conclude that it is necessary to change the forms and style of communication in order to achieve a positive effect.

V. Final word of the teacher.

    All parents want their child to be happy. They think that life is good if everything is fine with children. I would like to end the meeting with the words: “Our children are our old age, poor upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before other people, before the whole country” (A. S. Makarenko)

VI. As a decision of the parent-teacher meeting, parents are offered a memo “10 steps to become a good parent”.

  1. Love is the most important need of all children. The more you show your love for children by hugging, kissing them and saying “I love you”, the more they want to prove to you that they deserve it. The love of an adult strengthens the child's self-confidence and respect for his personality.
  2. Listen carefully to what the children are saying to you.
  3. Even in the most loving, attentive relationship with a child, limits (or prohibitions) must be clearly established. But remember that it is natural and normal for children to test these boundaries. It's not a whim - it's part of the learning process.
  4. Laughter helps to defuse a tense situation. Try to see the funny side and allow yourself to laugh whenever possible.
  5. Seeing events from your children's point of view and understanding how they feel is the key to understanding their behavior. Try to remember how you felt when you were children and adults treated you unfairly, and you will begin to understand your child better.
  6. Praise and approve your children. Expect them to behave well, reward their efforts, praise good behavior, and try to ignore bad behavior. The more you find fault, the less children will listen to you.
  7. Respect your child the same way you would respect an adult. If you are tempted to say something that hurts your child, then think about what it would be like if you said the same thing to an adult. Apologize to your children if you offended them in any way.
  8. Set a specific daily routine. Children (especially small ones) feel much happier and safer if they eat, sleep, play, walk at the same regular time. You can avoid many conflicts if the child has a clear time for his affairs.
  9. Some rules must be observed in every family, but try to be flexible. Once you have established a rule in your family, be consistent in its implementation. If you make a rule and change it the next day, it will be difficult for your children to understand which of those rules is in effect now.
  10. Don't forget your own needs. If you feel tired and your patience is about to run out, set aside some time for your rest. Do something that makes you feel better. If you feel like you are losing control of yourself or are ready to yell at your child, insult him or hit him, it is better to go out, calm down and count to 10.

Prepared by the teacher-psychologist Letaeva M.V.

Marriage ... is legal moral love. No one is forced to marry, but everyone must be forced to obey the laws of marriage once he has entered into marriage. K. Marx

 Reproductive;  Economic and consumer;  Educational;  Recovery.

 The reproductive function includes the reproduction of the number of parents in children, i.e. takes part in the quantitative and qualitative reproduction of the population. At present, due to the predominance of the urban lifestyle, the increase in the employment of women, the difficult economic situation, the birth rate is falling. It is worth noting the relationship between the total number of divorces and abortions. From this point of view, the state is interested in increasing families with many children and creating certain benefits for them.

 Economic and consumer function Covers various aspects of family relations. It's housekeeping, maintaining a household budget, managing a family, the problem of women's work...

 The family as the primary cell is the educational cradle of humanity. The family mainly brings up children. In the family, the child receives the first labor skills: he is engaged in self-service, helps around the house, gains experience in caring for parents, brothers and sisters, and most importantly, learns to rationally consume material and spiritual goods, accumulates experience in dealing with money, he develops the ability to appreciate and respect people's labor. The best example for a child is the example of parents.

 It consists in maintaining health, vitality, organizing leisure and recreation, the family becomes a health-improving environment where any member of the family has the right to rely on the caring attitude of relatives and friends. This requires not only moral and psychological preparation, but also compliance with the regime of work and rest, diet, and so on. Leisure activities play a big role in recovery. Leisure serves as a means of restoring the physical and spiritual strength of a person. Leisure time is often different for everyone. A person needs active rest - travel, walks. This brings more health for the family as a whole and for each of its members.

a peculiar atmosphere of relations that have developed in the family between its members. The concepts of "prosperous", "not entirely prosperous", "unsuccessful family" characterize the content of the relationships and processes that are established in it, which determine the atmosphere of everyday life. At the heart of the family microclimate are, first of all, relations between spouses, sometimes spouses and older family members (grandmother, grandfather, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, etc.). interpersonal relationships in that each of the spouses must adapt to the habits, desires, interests and needs of the other, while before marriage they were satisfied autonomously or depending on the parents.

By and large, there are no special secrets. Except for the nuances. But that's what life is all about! Moreover, thanks to them, it is filled. And the child is watching from the side. Grows in an atmosphere of kindness and mutual understanding. There is something to strive for!

RULE 1 Daily declarations of love It just seems that now that you live together, talking about love is unnecessary. You are together, so everything is clear? No, it was clear yesterday when it was said: "I love you." And today it’s not quite enough ... Every day, find an opportunity to express your feelings - with a word, with a touch, with a small optional service. Coffee in bed is, of course, a timeless hit. But cleaning shoes for a loved one is also a tender confession. It is equivalent to an invitation to a cafe. RULE 2 Sincere gratitude Say thanks even for a little. Attentiveness and care always come from the soul. Well, why not thank you for giving you a piece of my heart! Relationships will definitely become more tender.

RULE 3 Direct expression of requests and wishes It is not worth expecting that a loved one “guesses himself”. Telepathy has not yet become a popular means of communication. Better not tempt yourself with resentment. Speak openly: “Tomorrow is the anniversary of our first kiss. Let this be a red day of the calendar! You yourself will be surprised at the fruits of such directness! RULE 4 "Off" for the “criticism” option “If I don’t tell, then who will? ..” You sincerely believe that you are acting for the benefit of the one you criticize. Alas, it is not. Any criticism offends and causes resistance. It is perceived as a signal: they consider me bad! Therefore, they respond with stubbornness, and there is no analysis of errors. When you need to tell your partner about disagreement, resort to rule 5.

RULE 5 Use "I-messages" Usually we say: "Again you didn't buy bread!" or “How much do you have to tell me not to throw things away?!” It's called "You-message". It carries criticism, even accusation, and in response ... read above, where we are talking about stubbornness. Now compare: “I am upset that there is no bread in the house. I even get angry! Or: “I get angry when things are scattered. I get annoyed." This is the "I-message". It has no accusation. It's better to remain silent. It is no longer necessary to clarify the position, since everything is clear anyway, and disassembly will lead to a quarrel. RULE 6 Praise and admire If you love a person, he is the best for you. Don't forget to tell him about it. Express admiration for the wealth of his soul. Praise! Show your love freely. It is quite simple and guarantees a warm atmosphere in the family.

4 methods of family education can be distinguished, and accordingly 4 types of family relations:  Diktat (systematic suppression of the initiative and self-esteem of the child);  Guardianship (meeting all the needs of the child, protection from difficulties, worries, efforts);  “Non-intervention” (avoidance of active participation in the upbringing of the child, passivity, recognition of the complete autonomy of the child);  Cooperation (attitude of mutual respect, joint experience of joys, grief, etc.).

◦ understand the child's need for belonging; ◦ mutual respect; ◦ love and accept him for who he is; ◦ sequence of educational influences; ◦ correct built communication; ◦ use friendly phrases in everyday communication.

 Neglect, lack of control: when parents are too busy with their own affairs and do not pay due attention to children. Result: search for entertainment, falling under the influence of street companies

 Hyper-guardianship - the child's life is under vigilant and tireless supervision, he hears all the time strict orders, numerous prohibitions. Result: the child becomes indecisive, fearful, unsure of his abilities, does not know how to stand up for himself, for his interests

 "Cinderella": emotional rejection, indifference, coldness on the part of parents. Result: neuroses appear, excessive sensitivity to adversity or anger.

Parent meeting "The weather in the house or the microclimate in the family."

Event duration: 60 min.

Meeting participants: class teacher, school psychologist, parents of students or persons replacing them.

Event Type: Parent meeting.

Target: show parents the importance of maintaining a healthy family microclimate for the formation of the child's personality.


1. Together with parents, discuss the importance of the family microclimate in the life and development of the child.

2. Conduct a study of the psychological atmosphere of the family and family relationships.

3. Continue to form parents' attitudes towards cooperation with their children.

4. Promote the process of active participation of parents in the personal development of the child.

Form of the meeting: information and analytical lecture hall with elements of a workshop.

Expected results: Parent meeting will help parents realize the importance of mutual cooperation between family and school.

Time spending: second quarter.

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation, pens, note paper, test papers, two drawings “Ideal child”, “Building a house”, drawings of children “Our house”, songs “Weather in the house”, “Parents' house”.

Preparatory work for the meeting:

1. The study of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of the parent meeting.

2. During the quarter, test children and parents. Process test results.

3. Prepare a presentation and design for the meeting.

Assembly structure.

The song "Weather in the house" sounds Larisa Dolina

Teacher: Good afternoon dear parents! I'm glad to see you. They say that if you start the day with a smile, you can hope that it will be successful. So let's start our meeting with a good mood and a smile.

Mini-practice. Dear parents, you have note paper and pens on your desk. I suggest that you continue the sentence “The ideal child is the one who…” Think and write down your answer. Express their opinion. The teacher attaches the answer sheets to the board, to the picture of the child.

And now look what a wonderful portrait we got. I am sure that many of you at this moment are thinking, what about the portrait of the ideal child is there in my own children? What needs to be done to bring up a kind, honest, hardworking, sympathetic, healthy person? First of all, it is worth looking for ways to solve this problem inside, in ourselves, in our family.

The child learns what he sees in his home, parents are an example to him!

Whoever is rude with his wife and children, who loves the language of debauchery, let him remember

That he will more than receive from them everything that he teaches them.

If the children see us and hear us: we are responsible for our deeds!

And for the words... It's easy to push children down the wrong path.

Keep your house in order, so as not to repent later.

These are lines from a poem by Sebastian Brant. The German satirist wrote it back in the 15th century. And although the work is already several centuries old, the meaning and significance of these lines excite us at the present time. I invite you to think and see what kind of atmosphere reigns in your house, how do close people communicate with each other? Maybe everything in your family is not as safe as you think? And maybe something else can be changed, which means helping your child?

Lecture "Microclimate of the family".

The family plays a special role in a person's life, his protection, the formation and satisfaction of spiritual needs, as well as in his primary socialization. It is in the family that the individuality of the child is manifested to the greatest extent, his inner world. Parental love helps to open, enrich the emotional, spiritual and intellectual sphere of children's lives. For the successful upbringing and full development of the child's personality, favorable conditions must be formed in the family, that is, a general microclimate. The strength of the family, the spiritual qualities of the child, and even our longevity depend on it. Such a microclimate is not created by itself: you need to think about it on purpose, think thoroughly and constantly. The microclimate in the family, the peculiar atmosphere of relations that have developed between its members. What is the basis of a prosperous family microclimate? Let's try to figure this out.

1. At the heart of the family microclimate are, first of all, the relationship between spouses, sometimes spouses and older family members (grandmother, grandfather, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, etc.). The way of the family is the way of compromises. Very rarely two people are suitable for each other in all respects, most often you have to smooth out the sharp corners of your character. It is not easy, and many simply fail. The inability to understand is the scourge of modernity. Most divorces occur precisely because people cannot treat each other with attention and care. And not only do they not want to, but they cannot, they are not able, because they were not taught either in childhood, or in youth, or in adulthood. They did not teach to empathize, to listen to other people's opinions, to forgive. All this replaces selfishness, blossoming full color as soon as love leaves a person.

In one school, ninth-graders, listing male and female qualities in order of importance, put respect for a woman in the first place and respect for a man in the fourteenth place. The choice of boys was accordingly the same. Where do you get strong family when in advance one's "I" is placed much higher than the other.

The family is like a piece of music in which everyone plays their part; you just have to try to get harmony out, and not demand that only your melody be played. “Linking two lives does not mean at all doing away with one of them,” wrote Romain Rolland.

2. The family should be calm and friendly - this is the main condition for raising a child. Such qualities of spouses as kindness, compassion, tolerance, attentiveness create a favorable background for friendly relations in the family. And vice versa, arrogance, anger, intolerance and indifference become the cause of various family conflicts. Quarrels, as a rule, rest on a pillar of previous grievances and, in the end, they, like any repetitive action, form a conditioned reflex, after which a push is enough to flare it up. So, "don't wake a sleeping dog" as the English say. Moreover, our anger expresses feelings, not truth; time passes, and the cause of the quarrel seems empty and useless. Therefore, you should not lose your temper just because the door to the house was not immediately opened for you, dinner was not prepared in the right way, and the shirt was not ironed in the wrong way. It is useful to know what makes you irritable: from loud music, from a mess in the house, from conversations, from lack of money or flashes in the sun. Even in ancient times, it was believed that meekness can calm the liver and stomach. Perhaps they were right, because illnesses are sometimes caused by irritability. It is difficult to fight with your temperament, but what to do, you can’t do without it. If the main thing for you is the happiness of the child, you can restrain yourself, you can also remain silent on the comments of the elders, remembering that any skirmish is meaningless and harmful. But in order to restrain oneself for the sake of another, one needs great love or great culture. It should always be remembered that we are a tuning fork for a child: as we sound, so he will respond. If we treat our parents badly, for example, we should expect the same from our children. One parable says: “The son grabbed the old father and dragged him to be eaten by the crocodiles. The grandson ran after him. "Why?" asked the father. “In order to find out the road along which you will have to be dragged ...” The older generation needs, first of all, respect, to be treated with love, not to be rude, to say thank you in time, to congratulate them on their birthday. And young people often forget about it. And meanwhile, who runs around the shops and cooks dinner for the whole family? Grandmothers. Who meets and escorts grandchildren to school? Grandmothers.

2. The task of the hearth is to remove negative emotions. In a family that is experiencing everyday difficulties, parents are annoyed, and this irritation, like a wave, covers the soul of the child. A certain spring is twisted, and at some point it unwinds, strikes. This blow can come in relation to peers and to the parents themselves - this is how the child protests against the negativity surrounding him. There must be a mandatory overweight in the family positive emotions over the negative ones. And emotions are such a subtle thing and change so quickly and imperceptibly that only constant attention to them can create a stable microclimate. Sailors say: "The ship capsized because the matches were on the wrong side." So watch carefully the pitching of your family ship, inadvertently you can roll over ...

3. If life is poor in impressions, then boredom sets in, which is often the main cause of quarrels. Uniformity kills the soul, diversity enlivens and enriches it. And it's not even psychological feature human, but physiological, that is, one with which it is impossible to fight. Many, having married or married, give up their favorite hobbies and devote themselves entirely to the family. Should not be doing that. After all, you will soon realize that all your sacrifices are in vain. Everyone should live a rich, varied social life (of course, everything in moderation), and only by combining this life (and not cutting it off) with love, one can hope for happiness.

4. Reduces the likelihood of quarrels and the proper organization of life in the family. At home, as well as at work, there should be a scientific organization of labor. Household chores, for example, should be distributed not only according to employment, but also according to the desires and inclinations of each family member. Some men would rather peel potatoes 10 times than go to the grocery store. But all objective reasons are not valid in a family with a good microclimate, everything depends on us. Friendly relations in the family, combined with comfort, create that special atmosphere that gives rise to a feeling of home. For it to manifest itself, a joint effort of all family members, their collective mental and physical labor is needed.


Is everything all right in your family? Is there something that worries you and causes concern? I suggest you do a little test. It will help determine the level of your tension and dissatisfaction, as well as family anxiety. Remember that excessive anxiety is not conducive to successful parenting. Test number 1. Methodology "Typical family condition". The study of the psychological atmosphere of the family and family relationships. (Application)

Mini - discussion.

Discussion of test results of parents and children. Test No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 (Appendix).

Tips for parents.

Ways to improve the emotional microclimate in the family.

1. Aggression should not come from parents. As you walk your child to school, look at him with love. Show your child unconditional love at night before bed. Take care of your child when he is sick.

2. Apply the following principles in communicating with your child: eye-to-eye contact; close attention; physical contact; active listening. Never blame a child.

3. Come up with an activity for all family members together. Let it be an ordinary movie or a trip on a catamaran, and even a trip to the store. The main thing is that you are on a positive wave, and you like what you are doing together.

Reflection. "We are building a house." Building a house from basic concepts.

Home, parental home... As soon as pronouns are added to the word "home" - mine, ours, ours - this word is perceived in a completely different way. You suddenly begin to understand that these are not just walls and a roof, but a separate world belonging to a particular family. And this world is created not by an individual, but by the whole family, and day after day, for many years. This is amazing creativity, and it makes our life bright and happy. Dear parents, I suggest you build a house where children will be comfortable, safe and joyful. Write on pieces of paper what a family atmosphere should be like in a house where everyone will be happy.

Drawing on the board.

The song "Parental House" sounds quietly. Parents' House

Parents write the main concepts, characteristics and attach sheets to the picture of the house on the board. The teacher shows the house they built.

But these houses were built by your children. This is how they envision their future family life, so they paint their houses. Show and discuss children's drawings.

Drawings of children.

Well, we built a house,

The foundation was laid in it:

Love, kindness and kindness.

It will be joyful, light.

Our meeting has come to an end. In conclusion, I would like to say a few more words. Dear parents, you cannot influence the weather outside the window, but the weather in your house depends entirely on the efforts of all family members. We learn to be parents in the same way that we once learned to read and write, as we once learned the secrets of professional skills when we first came to our workplace. Therefore, in parental work, as in any other, mistakes and doubts are possible. But if you know how to love and forgive, wait and endure, then temporary failures in the family will certainly end in victory. Remember “Good parenting is your happy old age. The bad is your grief, your tears.” (A.S. Makarenko) So, dear parents, would you like to have good kids- be happy!


Test #1

Methodology "Typical family condition". Target. The study of the psychological atmosphere of the family and family relationships. Instruction. Think back to your family! Remember the feelings with which you open the door of the house. Recall the feelings with which you remember the house. Recall the feelings with which you remember household chores at work. How do you feel on weekends and in the evenings. In general, remember your entire family life. How (what) do you feel most often? Mark your condition on each scale. In each of the questions, an assessment option will be offered in points from 0 to 7. The points correspond to the severity of quality on a conditional scale. On one pole of this scale - 0 points, corresponding to the first option of the answer, on the opposite - 7 points, corresponding to the second option. Intermediate scores - to assess which option and to what extent you are more inclined.

Form to the methodology "Typical family condition".


Rating scale.

















Results processing: scores on scales marked with the same index are summed up. The higher the index, the worse the parent feels in the family.

Y - general dissatisfaction,

T - family anxiety,

H - neuropsychic stress.

Increased level of anxiety It is manifested by doubts, fears, fears, which concern, first of all, the family. There may be a feeling of helplessness, a feeling of inability to intervene in the course of events in the family, to direct it in the right direction. Emotional instability and anxiety, concern and tension, high sensitivity in relation to those negative events or failures that can only supposedly happen or happen.

Test #2

"Birthday in my family." Invite parents and students to build an associative array on the expression "birthday". The lexical series, which is obtained during the recording, speaks of what is significant, priority and traditional in the families of students.

Test number 3. Day off in my family. Circles are drawn on sheets of paper in which to place objects or family members on a day off. Family members have to do something. It might look like this:

Mother Dad I
Shop Car Lessons
Kitchen Sofa Friends

Comparative analysis of the test will allow class teacher identify various contradictions in the organization of family life, help children and parents find mutual understanding. Test number 4. Methodology "Family sociogram". Purpose: to identify the position of the subject in the system of interpersonal relations and to determine the nature of communications in the family.

Accessories: a sheet of paper with a drawn circle with a diameter of 110 mm, pencils.

Instruction: “There is a circle on the sheet in front of you. Draw yourself and your family members in the form of circles in it and sign them with their names.

Criteria by which results are evaluated:

the number of family members included in the area of ​​the circle;

the size of the circles;

the location of the circles relative to each other;

distance between them.

1. Evaluating the result according to the first criterion, the researcher compares the number of family members depicted by the subject with the actual number. It is possible that a relative with whom the subject is in a conflict relationship will not fall into a large circle, he will be "forgotten". At the same time, one of the strangers, animals, favorite items can be depicted as a family member.

2. Next, we pay attention to the size of the circles. A larger, in comparison with others, circle "I" speaks of sufficient self-esteem, a smaller one - of an underestimated one. The size of the circles of other family members indicates their importance in the eyes of the subject.

3. You should pay attention to the location of the circles in the area of ​​the test field and in relation to each other (third criterion). The placement of the subject of his circle in the center of the circle may indicate the egocentric orientation of the personality, and the placement of himself below, away from other family members, may indicate an experience of emotional rejection.