Folk games and fun with children in the winter outdoors. Snow fun: team games for a fun company Don't step on a snowball

"Winter is a boring season: it's cold and uncomfortable, the yards are deserted, and there's not much to play at." That's what the majority thinks. But not us! Dressing warmly, taking a pair with you warm mittens and having protected our face with a special "anti-frosty" cream, we (my two sons and I) go out to conquer the snowy horizons.

My favorite hobby is making a snowman. But, unfortunately, not every snow is suitable for this activity. Fluffy and loose, he would never agree to take the desired shape in my hands and nullified all efforts until I used a little trick. Once I took a garden spray gun with me for a walk. cold water, sprayed from a short distance on the snow and - lo and behold! rolled up a little snow. Of course, I didn’t have to count on a big snowman, but here’s a small snowman on duty, to the great joy of my children, it turned out. You can go further - and create a whole museum of sculpture (if there is snow of the desired "stickiness"). Most of the work, of course, the mother will have to take over, but the most important and enjoyable - the decoration with the help of improvised materials will go to the kids.

Highly interesting activity- to make "glass pieces" for the "mosaic". They are made at home, warm, and ready to be taken out into the street. To do this, water, previously painted with watercolors, is poured into ice molds and placed in the freezer for several hours. Then the form must be taken out, turned over, placing a tank of hot water on top so that the ice can be removed without damaging them. A couple of seconds - and the "glasses" are ready, you can take them out into the street and lay out a color panel or decorate the costumes of the snow fairies.

Our second winter fun is snowballs. It is not necessary to aim at each other. We just draw a target with chalk on an ownerless fence and together we begin to develop our "large motor skills". And if for some reason the ownerless fence is not nearby, we play basketball! We put a plastic bucket, a basket, a box, a cardboard shoe box - in general, what is at hand. We make markings with a stick in the snow and find out which of us is the most accurate (well, of course, not me).

Another game is collecting snowballs. Snowballs are laid out around the perimeter of the playground. On command, the boys must each collect the maximum number of snowballs in their bucket. The most interesting thing is that my two-year-old child is not inferior in this game to the older, four-year-old.

And, of course, it is impossible to imagine winters without skiing. From small snowy hills, I roll children on sleds (we have long sleds, the sons fit together on them). So far, only Artyom is riding down the ice slides, and at this time I am trying in every possible way to distract Timofey. For example, we are going to look for "treasure". A rare child, and my boys are no exception, will agree to leave the house without his favorite spatula. Only digging snow is a rather monotonous task. How to make it exciting? Offer to find the treasure! True, the treasure should be brought with you in your pockets, tightly closed from the prying eyes of the crumbs. While the child is digging up a non-existent treasure, we distract him banal phrase"Look, what a bird has flown." And quickly throw some "treasure" into the hole. Beautiful buttons, large beads, foil bows, wire figures, etc. can act as treasures. In a word, everything that is not a pity (gold rings and favorite jewelry is still not worth taking) and shines.

Alternatively, a game of collecting. We are looking for cones, leaves, acorns .... True, we have to stock up on this goodness in the fall. We take the prey back home or leave it to the squirrels.

By the way, feeding birds and squirrels in the cold season is not just a game, but a very important thing. A piece of bread, millet, seeds, nuts - it's such a trifle. And how much joy for the children (after all, they realize themselves as such adults and important at this moment) and at least some benefit to the poor animals.

Snow fortresses. All, without exception, once in childhood built these same fortresses, dug labyrinths in the snowdrifts, laid out outposts. Of course, the peak of construction fell on school years, but with the kids you can lay out the wall. For simplicity, I use an oblong food storage container. If the snow is sticky enough, you can easily make a couple of dozen bricks. And it is easy to lay out a neat wall from bricks. Sand molds are useful in winter.

Drawing in the snow with a stick. The lesson, frankly, is primitive, if you don’t figure out in advance what exactly we will draw. And if you think about it, you can repeat letters, numbers and geometric shapes. Work out the concepts of "more-less", "shorter-longer". You can play guessing or just draw patterns and borders. Or you can lay out "applications" with the help of twigs and needles.

Pathfinder game. Well, when else can you play this game, if not in winter? Cats, dogs and birds leave a lot of footprints, you can trace their path along the tracks. And from your own footprints you can make a "track", "herringbone" or "flower".

Well, the most enjoyable activity (because it is allowed only occasionally) is wallowing in the snow. Oh, what a pity that I can’t fall into a snowdrift with the kids!

Perhaps some of the best memories of our childhood are connected with winter. Skating and sledding, a quiet snowy forest, a fragrant Christmas tree, Santa Claus with gifts and, of course, all kinds of snow buildings...

Here is my mother rolling a big snowball. Her cheeks are flushed from the cold, her eyes sparkle, she laughs merrily. The baby helps nearby, groans, leans on the ball with all its weight. Dad picks up a heavy lump and puts it on top of another, already ready. A little more time passes, and now an amazing creature with a red carrot nose and an old children's bucket on its head appears in front of them. A wonderful picture, but for some reason it is not often observed today in winter. Almost no modern moms and dads play with their kids in snowy yards and parks. They are afraid, probably, to lose their adulthood and solidity behind this occupation. But in vain! Family games in the fresh air bring many positive moments for both the baby and his mom and dad. First, active movement in the fresh air improves health. Secondly, joint games bring parents and children together. Thirdly, snow modeling is also creativity. And it does not have to be limited only to snowmen. You can make anything out of snow. And for the development of the baby, this will serve well. Fourthly, cheerful fuss with snow relieves psychological stress, helps to fight stress, which in our stressful times is equally useful for both small and large “builders”. Try to spend a couple of hours in the yard with your baby, building snow sculptures. Your mood will certainly improve, and life will seem much easier and more enjoyable. And how happy the kids are with such fun! These games with beloved mom and dad are sure to leave an indelible mark on little children's hearts.

So, we choose a non-cold winter day, dress warmly, take children's shovels and buckets with us, a pair of spare mittens and go on a fun creative walk!

Snowman Yegorka

It's hard to find a more joyful and fun winter activity than building snowmen. You can make a snowman even with the smallest sculptors. True, most of the work will be done by mom and dad, but the baby will certainly find work according to his strength. First of all, keep in mind that sculpting from snow is not always possible. Sometimes the snow is almost impossible to form into large lumps, it is very dry and loose. This happens when the air temperature is low enough. Therefore, warm winter days with a slight frost or air temperature close to zero are more suitable for modeling. Snow is well molded during heavy snowfall.

Get creative with your snowman making. Of course, the child will like a huge snowman, taller than the baby himself. But you can make a whole family of very tiny snowmen and place them on a bench. With them, the baby can play like with ordinary toys, take them in their hands, rearrange them from place to place. You can even come up with your own fairy tale about the adventures of the snowman brothers. If you haven’t brought a carrot for your nose from home, it doesn’t matter. Replace it with a cone or branch. Let the baby attach his nose. The eyes can be traditional embers. And you can make them from pieces of bark or walnuts. Build a snowman on your head fashionable hairstyle from spruce branches, lay out a necklace of rowan berries or buttons, beans, caps from plastic bottles. In a word, try to make your little man look fashionable and stylish. In the meantime, you and your baby are decorating.

Don't forget to give the snowman a name. And be sure to come the next day to visit him. By the way, if the finished snowman is carefully poured with water, it will become much stronger and can stand for a very long time. Unless, of course, no one intentionally destroys it. This turn of events can upset the baby, but this grief is easy to help. Just take a couple of sets of spare mittens for a walk - and get to work! And now our snowman, even better than before, decorates the yard again!

We baked a bun

Of course, not only snowmen can be sculpted from snow, but also any animals and all sorts of fabulous creatures. It is simply incomprehensible why our fantasy usually does not go beyond a simple and familiar image. Try to mold the animal that the baby is most interested in this moment. Does your child like dogs? Okay, let's make a dog! It is more convenient to sculpt it in a supine position. The baby will help you with pleasure, and then it will be interesting for him to climb onto the back of the snow dog. Do not forget to pour water on the figurine to give it strength. Or we blind a cat, or a horse. Or maybe your yard will be decorated with a whole zoo of exotic animals: an elephant, a giraffe, a camel? Don't forget to decorate the animals properly. To do this, all kinds of natural materials will be used: dry grass, bark, cones, twigs, rowan berries, etc. You can draw a pattern on the skin with a stick. A. It is even more interesting to take paints into the yard and paint the animals with a brush. Just imagine what a pleasure it will be for a baby to paint stripes on a snow zebra. Or spots to a snow-white giraffe! And these are not houses on paper, but right on a snow figure during a walk. Unforgettable experience! If you have a spray bottle, which is usually used to moisten indoor plants, take it outside, filling it with pre-tinted water. Show your child how to splatter paint on the molded figurine. So you can quickly give it the desired shade.

It is very easy to mold a caterpillar by connecting snowballs into a long chain. Add legs from snow or twigs to the caterpillar - you get a centipede. Come on, count together with the baby how many legs she actually has. It is easy to sculpt an octopus. It's just a big dome of snow and eight snowy tentacle legs running in different directions. Or you can make a whole family of octopuses: “There lived an octopus with his octopus. And they had a little octopuses ... "And, as in a fairy tale, be sure to color them in different colors. And immediately the plain expanses of the snow-covered courtyard sparkle with bright colors. And what funny and memorable photos you will get! Or even a whole home video film can be shot under the title "How mom, dad and Masha sculpted a family of octopuses."

Why don't you mold the heroes of some fairy tale? For example, "Kolobok". If you combine the efforts of several families with children, you will get a real alley fairytale heroes. And then all together we will remember the fairy tale and ride the snowy Kolobok along the path from the bunny to the wolf, from the wolf to the bear, and then to the cunning fox. By the way, the kid will be able to “bake” a bun on his own. After all, it's just a round and even lump of snow with eyes, a nose and a mouth.

snow cookies

For sculpted animals and toys brought from home, you can prepare a snowy treat. Take with you for a walk the most ordinary cookie cutters. First, mom will prepare a snow “dough” - she will fashion a large rectangle of snow about 1 cm thick. It will be convenient to place it on a wooden bench or cardboard or plywood brought from home. Show your child how to use a cookie cutter to cut out an asterisk, flower, fish or other figure from the snow and remove excess snow. We spread the fashioned cookies on the snow and decorate it with rowan berries, dry leaves, pebbles, Christmas tree needles and others. natural materials that we can find in the yard. Show your baby how to make cakes and pancakes out of snow.

Let the kid try to make snow cakes with sand molds. It is very easy to sculpt Easter cakes using buckets. And you can also leave treats not only for snowy animals, but also for real birds. Find a place in the yard where there are a lot of bird tracks-crosses in the snow. Invite your child to make a cake for the birds. Blind it out of snow with your child, and then decorate it with slices of bread and seeds brought from home. The next day, return to this place again and see if the birds liked your treat. If the grains and bread are pecked, make another "bird" cake. For a baby, this can become an exciting and rewarding game, and even turn into your little daily ritual.

Merry slides

Skiing down the snow slides is one of the most joyful winter activities. But not every yard has a slide. And not a tiny little man can slide down any hill. However, the situation is easy to fix. You can build a snow slide for your baby right next to your house, from which he can slide down completely safely. For this work, it would be nice to involve the parents of neighboring kids, then the construction will not take much time and the slide will turn out well. We build such a hill from snowballs. We roll them in the same way as for a snowman, and then we fold them one by one and tamp them down, pouring water from time to time so that they “freeze” well among themselves. Once you have a large snow cone, clear and level the ski chute. It should be not steep and be sure to be concave so that the baby cannot fall from it while sliding. The height of the slide depends on the age of the little riders. The younger the kids, the lower the slide. Such a baby slide can be given the appearance of some animal. For example, an elephant. And the trunk - this will be the congress. On the other side of the slide we make steps so that the kids can climb up. Pour the finished steps with water and sprinkle with sand. You can give the kids brushes and paints, and let them paint the walls of the building in any way they want. Now it remains only to thoroughly pour water over the entire structure and let it freeze properly. After that, from the hill you can

but ride for fun. If a thaw does not come on the street, your slide will please the kids for a long time.

strong fortress

How about a snow fort or a whole snow house? Such buildings are fun to build, and even more interesting to play them later. The fortress is being built from the same snowballs. They are the basis of any winter building. Adults roll clods, kids help them. First, mark the corners of the future fortress with four large balls. Then connect them with a wall. We lay out the fortress wall from clods. It should be of such a height that the kids can easily peek out from behind it. The joints of the clods are thoroughly “covered” with snow, we level the walls. Do not forget to water the fortress with water. You can make windows-loopholes, from where it will be interesting for the kids to look out or even climb in and out through them. And around the fortress, dig a shallow ditch in the snow. To get into the fortress, the kids will first need to go down into it, and then get out on the other side, training dexterity. In such a fortress, the smallest children will be able to play hide-and-seek with their mother and each other, while older kids will have fun with snowballs. Be sure to take your dad into your ranks. From this, the game will become even more fun, and dad himself will receive a lot of positive emotions and will be able to remember his childhood. Using paints, draw targets on the fortress wall or lay them out of cones. So the kids will be able to train in accuracy, trying to hit the target with a snowball or a bump, and mom and dad, of course, will help them with this. In a word, there would be a fortress, and what to do with it - always come up with.

Instead of a fortress, you can build a wonderful snow house. True, without a roof. We make the walls in it higher, do not forget about the windows and doors. Inside we sculpt snow furniture: a table, armchairs, a sofa. Of course, sitting in such cold chairs for a long time, alas, will not work. But you can start a fun game by taking a toy dish for a walk. Let the kids cook dinner in a snow house, set the table, make snow cakes and Easter cakes. And a large number of entrances and exits in the house will give them the opportunity not to freeze, because they will run and climb back and forth all the time, and with great pleasure.

If you apply a large mountain of snowballs and compact the snow well, you can build a snow cave. To do this, it is enough to dig a couple of through holes in the snow cone. If you place several buildings close to each other, an exciting adventure awaits the kids. Indeed, in order to climb inside such a snowy cave and crawl through it on all fours, you need to be bold and courageous. How much joy such fun gives children! This will never be forgotten.

And you can also try to make real bricks with the kids. True, icy ... It is unlikely that you will be able to build something serious out of them, because even for a small building such bricks will need a lot. You may be able to organize a whole construction team of neighborhood kids and their parents. But even if not, it's still worth a try. After all, the baby will get acquainted with the amazing property of water. It turns out that in the cold it turns into solid ice! And besides, you can lay out a turret or a small house from sparkling building material right on the street. For the production of bricks we need carton boxes from under juice or milk, glasses from yoghurts and others suitable shapes. We fill them with water and leave them in the cold. When the water freezes, remove the packaging and get an ice constructor. Now your baby, like Kai, who got into the palace Snow Queen, will be able to come up with an unusual building or lay out beautiful pattern from ice building material.

If you take several identical plastic boxes for a walk (for example, a set of food bowls), you can make “bricks” with their help. The process is reminiscent of sculpting sand cakes. First, we tamp the snow into the mold, and then carefully remove the snow “brick”. If you pour water on such bricks, they will become very durable. Show your baby how to build a snow wall out of bricks, and for a while the baby will be busy with an exciting and responsible business. If we work together, parents and children can get a really beautiful building, a real local landmark. It's a pity that she won't last long.

We are all looking forward to the beautiful winter to enjoy the New Year and Christmas holidays, invigorating frosty air and sparkling snow. When the landscape outside the window is more like a fairy tale, you don’t want to stay at home. Yes, and you don’t need to, rather run into the fresh air, into the street, where you are probably waiting for skis, sleds, ice slides, snowballs, ice fortresses and other exciting snow fun.

How to prepare for snow adventures?

Each of us will never forget that magical feeling and mood of childhood, when we, as children, went out onto a snow-covered street and rejoiced at a snow-white picture. Surely, you also want your children to fully enjoy the winter joys and fun. But in order for the snow adventures to be a joy to the child, it is necessary to prepare for them in advance, especially since winter is not only positive emotions and joy from the long-awaited snow and frost, but also a reason to harden the baby

Recovering towards snow fun in winter, make sure that your child's clothes are warm and do not let the cold air through. Warm and comfortable jumpsuit, jacket, boots, hat and mittens - such equipment is exactly what a child needs for winter outdoor games. It is better if the baby has more than one such "combat kit" so that it is possible to change shoes or clothes if they get wet from the snow. Let your children's wardrobe have a lot of mittens and mittens so that the child can change them in time, and his hands are always warm and dry.

In winter, snow fun delights not only children, but also adults, because with age you do not need to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying snowy weather, and even better - enjoy the winter with the whole family.

Snow fun in winter - sled relay

Traditional sledding can be turned into an exciting competition. To do this, the participants are divided into two groups and lined up in two parallel rows in front of the start line. As soon as the leader gives the appropriate signal, two players from each team: one on a sled, and the second, carrying the first, run to the finish line as quickly as possible. Distance length may vary. Well, if it is about 50 meters, so that the guys can accelerate properly and show what they are capable of. At the finish, the participants change places: the one who was carrying the sled is transplanted, and the one who was being transported takes the place of the carrier. After that, the guys return to the team, and they are replaced by another pair. The team whose members complete the distance the fastest wins.

Snow houses

Snow fun in winter is not only about making snowmen and playing snowballs. You can have a great time building unusual houses out of snow. In order for the construction to succeed, it is better to do it immediately after a snowfall or when a thaw has come, because it is easy to sculpt all kinds of figures from sticky, soft and pliable snow.

From snow, you can easily build not only a fortress, but also a whole labyrinth. Bricks are made from snow, from which the walls of buildings are subsequently folded. In order for the bricks to be the same size, you will need special forms in the form of wooden boxes that do not have a lid and bottom.

Such boxes should be detachable: the transverse wall, together with the longitudinal one, should be folded with the help of loops that can be made from ordinary leather straps. For the construction of snow houses and other “architecture from snow”, you will need not only such boxes, but also special rammers in the form of planks. To get a brick, you need to fill the box with snow, then tamp it down, then open the box and - the brick is ready. The walls of these unusual bricks are smooth and beautiful, which will allow you to realize any "architectural idea". From many of these bricks, you can build a real house of the Snow Queen.

snow colors

An amazingly interesting and exciting snow fun in winter can be colored snow, which can be easily made from ordinary snow-white and fluffy snow. For this, you will need half a glass of water and some food coloring (like the one we use to dye eggs on Easter Eve). Water and pigment must be mixed. To get a real artist's palette, you'll need a few dyes. Sprinkling these homemade paints on the snow cover, you can get colored snow, from which you can sculpt snowmen, animals and other various figures.

Winter is a great time of the year for winter activities and adventures that not only kids can participate in, but also their parents. Editorial

Winter, with its blizzards and frosts, is only at first glance a harsh season. The kids have more than enough entertainment at this time. Skates, sleds, skis, and just playing snowballs - everyone loves these entertainments. But it turns out that an ordinary walk or skiing from the mountain can be made even more fun. The main thing is to choose more interesting fun.

Learning to fall properly
Winter Games they can’t do without falls, which means that even the smallest ones should be taught how to fall correctly. The adult explains to the child that it is best to try to fall on your side, gently softening the fall with your hands and bending your knees. It is best not to land on your back or forward on your hands. Find a large, soft snowdrift and practice getting into it this way. The kid should not be afraid of falls, but be able to properly group and avoid injury.

Children and adults should remember:

  • the descent from a snow or ice slide should not go out onto the roadway or lead to a reservoir with weak ice. You can't play games on thin ice.
  • With the youngest children, it is better to ride and play in less crowded places, while the baby should be in full view of the parents all the time so that if necessary they can always come to the rescue.
  • When choosing a slide, you need to make sure that snags or stones with sharp edges do not stick out from under the snow along the descent and that there is no tree or pole in the way of the child.
  • The kid should not climb the mountain where other guys go down. Otherwise, he may be knocked down.
  • You can not go down the mountain, having coupled several sleds with a "train". Having met some kind of obstacle, the links of this design will start to crash into each other, and the kids risk injury.
  • It is not necessary to "exacerbate" the sensations by riding down the hill head first. Otherwise, in the event of a fall, the child may suffer a head injury.
  • Sledding on an ice slide is also not recommended; it is much safer to use special ice rinks for this. When playing snowballs, you must, first of all, protect your face from "shells". You can not throw snowballs with an ice crust and icy pieces of snow - hardened "ammunition" can hit no weaker than a cobblestone, and the fun will end in injury.
  • A child before a moving winter walk does not need to be dressed too warmly. A wrapped baby will sweat very quickly and risk catching a cold.

Learned the precautions - now you can go to play.

On ice paths.
Does not go and does not go
Ice on the road.
But - it falls perfectly.
Why is no one happy?

Ice, of course, upsets adults and respectable people. But the kids are very happy with him. After all, sliding on a transparent surface, trying (or not) to stay on your feet - it's so much fun! The main thing is that the fall was not painful. And if you come up with some games on ice ...

For babies.
You can invite the child to walk along the ice path, moving his feet on the ice and trying not to fall. If the baby still falls, adults should cheer him up and help him get up on his own.

  • Adults or older children take the baby from both sides by the arms and roll it along an icy path or tightly packed snow.
  • The child tries to take a run (2-3 steps) and drive a little along the ice path on his own. If there are several kids, you can arrange competitions to see who can slip further.
  • The kid crouches and grabs a thick rope, folded in a loop, held by an adult. An adult pulls him by the rope, moving forward.
    Having mastered horizontal surfaces, the baby will be able to independently ride on his feet and on an inclined ice slide.

For older children, tasks may be as follows:

  • Ride forward on straight and closed legs.
  • Drive sideways on straight and closed legs.
  • Walk backwards on straight and slightly apart legs.
  • Pass by squatting.
  • Pass with a "swallow" (standing on one straight leg and stretching the other back).
  • Drive with your hands behind your head.

Sledge games.
Children, like no one else, can not stand the monotony in the game. Therefore, a banal way to move down a hill on a sled for them can quickly get bored. But if you come up with some kind of "zest", skating will turn out to be fun and interesting.

Learning to steer.

On the descent from the hill, you can arrange a gate of long rods. Passing through them, the kid learns to control the sled on the go: put his foot on the snow from the side in which he needs to turn; firmly squeezing the sled with your knees, and slightly tilt your body back - in the direction of the turn.

We catch on the fly.
Along the slope, you can place flags and invite the child, going down on a sled, to collect them. For kids, they are placed in one line, for older kids - more difficult, in a zigzag.

A narrow corridor is fenced off with flags or twigs, along which you must pass without knocking down obstacles.

On level ground
A fun children's company with sleds will find entertainment outside the slide. Here, for example, are some game exercises for a flat area.

Arrange 5-6 sleds at a distance of 1-1.5 m and run between them with a snake. Or - run, stepping over them.

Starting position - standing facing the sled on the side. You need to get on the sled and get off them, so that they do not budge.

Stand next to the sled and, leaning on them with your hands, jump over them.

Stand on the sled on one leg for as long as possible.

Success first.
Two or three sleds are placed parallel to each other at a distance of about 2-3 steps. The guys stand next to their sleds on the right or left, depending on the conditions of the task. At the signal of an adult, the children each run around their sleds and try to return to their original place as quickly as possible.

You can also complicate the task: returning to the starting position, turn to face the sled and sit down, leaning on the sled with your hands, or sit on the sled.

Fun racing.
Sledges are placed on one line, the children sit on them with their feet on the ground. At the signal of an adult "Forward!" - move on a sled to a designated landmark (a snowdrift, flags, a snow bank), pushing off with their feet. At the signal "Stop!" everyone stops, the winner is the one whose sled is ahead of the others.

You can also move backwards or lying on your stomach.

On the sled!
Sledges are placed on one side of the site - one less than the number of players. Children randomly run, circle on the other side of the playground. As soon as an adult utters the command: "On the sled!", You must quickly run to the sled and sit on them. A latecomer is left without a seat.

Fast pulls.
At the start line, children line up in threes at the same sled. On command: "Start!" - one sits on the sled, and the other two take up the rope and carry the sled to the finish line. Which harness will be faster? When repeating, the children switch roles.

If the sleds were left at home.
On a snowy hill, you can have fun and interesting time without the guys' favorite winter transport. In the end, the sled may break unexpectedly. But this is not a reason to sit at home and be bored while your parents buy new ones. Instead, it's better to play together with everyone. For example, - in the "White Bear".

Polar bear.

The child is offered to play the role polar bear. He enters the snow hill along the slope on all fours (on straight legs), waddling from side to side and depicting a polar beast. And, having climbed up, gets up and runs down or rolls down on an ice rink.

For young sculptors
Snow is a wonderful material for creativity. You can start with a traditional snowman. The main thing is not to forget at home a carrot nose and an old bucket on your head. And if the creative mood does not dry up on this, why not create, for example, a zoo? Blind a hare, a bear, a giraffe with an elephant. You can decorate the finished sculptures with paints from the house, and the animals will become almost alive. For better preservation, snow figures are poured with water.

Interesting material for "ice creativity" can be prepared at home. This is colored ice. They can decorate street sculptures.

It is very simple to make it: you need to add a little watercolor to the water, stir it well and, pour it into an ice container, put it in the freezer. Colored ice can also be shaped into beautiful mosaics on flat surfaces.

"War activities
The construction of a snow fortress and serious battles around it are an old Russian winter fun. The classic of Russian painting, Ivan Surikov, dedicated his famous painting "The Capture of the Snow Town" to her back in the century before last. But such structures are too monumental, their construction requires more than one day. Therefore, it is better to start them with a large company of adults and children on weekends. Upon completion of construction, it is necessary to prepare more snowballs for the upcoming battles. The defenders of the fortress defend their territory, the invaders invent tactical and strategic techniques to capture it.

If you want to play snowballs, but you are too lazy to build a fortress, then there are simpler games

live target
You need a flat area and pre-prepared snowballs. In addition, a sufficient number of players is required so that they can be divided into two teams. The essence of the game is to cross the area under the enemy's snowball fire and dodge the blows at the same time. A large rectangle 20 m long is drawn on the snow on the site. One team, which has to run, stands at the start line (in front of the transverse side of the rectangle), and the other, which will fire, along the site. The first player of the "defectors" runs to the opposite side. At this time, the rivals all together must throw snowballs at him. The runner can dodge and dodge, but move mostly in a straight line. If he runs unscathed, his team gets a point, and if he gets hit by a snowball, he is out of the game. As soon as the first runs, the second runs, and so on. After the last run, points are counted and the teams switch roles. Win, respectively, those who have more points.

non-living target
Several targets are drawn on a wall, tree or board. Each player makes snowballs and throws them at his target from a certain distance, trying to cover it with snow as quickly as possible. To complicate the game, the targets can be made smaller and move away from them.

Moving target.
It is necessary to strengthen the target in place and stick it in the snow so that it can turn. It can be drawn, for example, on a stuck shovel. The task of the players is to alternately throw snowballs at the target, trying not only to hit it, but also to turn it on the spot. If the player fails, he tries again until the attempt is successful. The winner is the player who took the least amount of time to turn the target.

This game can be played by a group of 3 to 10 people. The participants of the game are located in pairs opposite each other at a distance of about 10 m. Each player stands in a circle with a diameter of about 1 m. Then a "second" is chosen, and he determines by lot who will be the first to "shoot".

On the signal of the "second", the first player must quickly make a snowball and throw it at the opponent. Then the second player throws his snowball. If both players miss or both hit each other, they continue to "shoot" in turn. And if someone hit the opponent alone, the second player gives way to the next participant. You can dodge the blows as you like, but do not go beyond the circle. The most accurate wins.

Winter bouncers
A low snow roller marks a circle with a diameter of 4-5 m. A group of players gathers in it. The driver stands at a distance of 2-3 m from the circle, at this distance he can move along it. In his hands is a basket of snowballs. On a signal, the driver tries to get into one of the children dodging in the circle. When everyone leaves the circle, the driver changes to the first one who left. The winner is the one who, having "cleared" the circle, will manage with a minimum supply of snowballs.

Participants make a large snowball, then stand around it and hold hands. At the command of the driver, each player begins with all his might to pull his "neighbors" towards someone, trying to knock them into the middle. The one who falls on someone or touches him is out.

Who's next?
The players stand in a line, in each hand they have a snowball. At the command of an adult, "Throw with your right (left)!" - everyone simultaneously tries to throw the snowball as far as possible towards the fence, tree or other landmark. Whose snowball flies the farthest, he is considered the winner.

In a word - fun is guaranteed for every taste. The main thing is that the winter is real, and the snow does not melt.


Larisa Rusanova
The scenario of the relay race "Snow fun"

To the sounds of a sports march and the applause of the audience, the participants of sports competitions enter and line up in the allotted places.


Sports holiday proudly

Comes into his own.

Sun of a kind smile

Meets his kids

Guys, do you know what the Olympic Games are? Once every four years, athletes from all over the world come to the Olympics to take part in competitions and show who is the strongest, fastest, most dexterous. In our kindergarten, the relay race "Snow Fun" is held, in honor of the opening of the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.


1 child MBDOU №239

We, the brave, and strong and dexterous,

With sports always on the way.

The guys are not afraid of training,

Let your heart beat in your chest.

2 child MBDOU №239

Health, Strength, Agility

Here is a fiery testament to sports.

Let's show our friendship, courage,

Hello to the Olympics!

3 child MDOU No. 243

Temper your young body,

Achieve great heights.

Courage and will to cultivate in yourself

Sports will help us.

4 child MDOU No. 243

Like the sea, the stands are noisy,

It won't be an easy fight.

Let's cheer for the brave guys

For sports enthusiasm and skill.


Dear participants and fans, let me introduce you to the panel of judges and the chief referee of the competition.

(The host introduces the members of the jury, the chief judge pronounces the oath)

Judge. Oath “On behalf of all judges, we promise that at the Snow Fun relay race we will perform our duties honestly, respecting and observing the rules by which they are held”

To achieve victory for you

You have to work hard, honestly.

In games, the rules to know everything

They are excellent to perform.

Each team has its own “Cumulative basket”, in which balls (balls) (points) will be added for a quickly and correctly completed task throughout all competitions. And thus, the participants and fans will clearly see the results of the competition.

Leading: And now let me introduce the teams of today's competitions.

1. "Business card"


Welcome to the team

Our motto:


Welcome to the Olympic Hopes team.

Our motto: "We are cool athletes, we are explosive"


Olympian fire, rise

Arguing with the wind

All children like a song

Unites sports!

I invite all athletes to take part in carrying the torch of the Olympic flame.


Music sounds. The child takes a torch, runs in a circle symbolizes the lighting of the Olympic flame

2. Olympic torch relay

Inventory: 2 torches, landmarks

1. The child runs from one side of the maze, reaches the cone. Returns to the team and passes the torch to the next player.

3. Relay race "Hit the puck in the goal"

Play in the yard in the morning

The kids played.

Shouts: “Puck!”, “Past!”, “Beat!” -

So there is a game ... (Hockey)

Equipment: 2 sticks, 2 pucks, arc gate, paint mark

1. Participants, in turn, lead the puck to the designated landmark with a stick, score into the goal, and run back to the team.

The victory of a team is determined by the number of hits.

The hero Sportik enters the playground, the pupils, together with Sportik, will perform a musical and rhythmic composition according to the show. Then Sportik moves with the children through the stages of the relay. Arriving at the relay stage, all participants pronounce the Olympic motto "Faster, higher, stronger!"

Presenter: Guess, guys, my sports riddle

Oh, it's snowing!

I'm taking my horse out.

For a rope

I lead a horse through the yard.

I fly down the hill on it,

And I'm taking it back. (Sled)

4. Relay "Sledging"

Inventory: 2 sleds, landmarks.

Each participant, on a sled, lying on his stomach, moves with the help of his hands to the landmark, and returns back by running.

5. Relay "Obstacle course - make up a word" - POBEDA, RUSSIA

Inventory: 6 hoops, letters for the words VICTORY, RUSSIA

Fans hold the hoops vertically, children with a letter in their hand crawl into the hoop, pass the letter to other fans (standing in a column, return and pass the baton, etc., until they make up a word.

The victory of one or another team is determined by the speed of execution.

6. Game attraction "Pull the rope"

After the game, the general construction of teams in two lines is announced.

The word is given to the judges, who sum up the competition and name the winning team. All participants of the competition receive medals, diplomas

Host: Well done guys! You competed like real Olympians

They showed their strength, speed, dexterity, got a boost of energy, fun, pleasure from exercise. Champion athletes, today you are here

All of you took with you a sporting honor.

We know how much energy, courage, strength,

You paid for your medals as an athlete

All new records are waiting for you, athletes!

The Olympic flame will be lit again!

And as before the fire will illuminate our whole world,

The fire that burns in Russia today.

Moderator: I consider the winter relay race “Snow Fun”, dedicated to the opening of the XXII Olympic Games, to be closed. I wish you all health, joy and new victories. And until new sports meetings.

Competitors make a lap of honor

The host and hero of the holiday invites everyone to a group photo. And invite the children to tea in the premises kindergarten to the gym