Independent games of children of the preparatory group. Independence of children in preschool age. Topic: "The main directions of educational activities and recreational work with children for the new academic year"



Facilitate the establishment of positive contacts between children, based on common interests to actions with toys, objects and mutual sympathy;

Cultivate respect for objects and toys;

To develop confidence in children, the desire for independence;

form gaming skills and abilities.

Preschool childhood is the most important period of personality formation. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about surrounding life. foundation view preschool activities - game, it develops the spiritual and physical strength of the child, his memory, imagination, discipline. In addition, the game is a kind of way for children to assimilate social experience. In the game, all aspects of the child's personality are formed and developed, there are significant changes in his psyche, which preparing for the transition to a new, a higher stage of development.

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Independent play activities of children. Photo report. Love Shandur. Independent play activity of preschool children is due to necessity.

As you know, the leading activity in the period of preschool childhood is the game. But often, in the preparatory group, this is not given.

Independent activity of children

  • Physical development : independent outdoor games, games on fresh air, sport games;

  • Socially - communication development : individual games, all types of independent activities involving communication with peers;

  • Cognitive development : independent reading, independent games based on artistic
works, independent activity in the corner of the book, in the corner of the theater, role-playing games, educational games.

  • Artistic - aesthetic development: independent drawing, modeling, appliqué, looking at reproductions of paintings, playing music (singing, dancing), playing children's musical instruments, listening to music.

  • Speech development - conversations, speech situations, compiling stories and fairy tales verbal and board-printed games with rules, situational conversations, plot, director's games, dramatization games, different kinds theater.
2.4. Interaction with the family, society.

Main goals and objectives

The main goal is to create the necessary conditions for the formation of responsible relationships with the families of pupils and the development of the competence of parents (the ability to resolve different types socio-pedagogical situations related to the upbringing of the child); ensuring the right of parents to respect and understanding, to participate in life kindergarten.

Parents and educators need to overcome subordination, monologism in relations with each other, give up the habit of criticizing each other, learn to see each other not as a means of solving their problems, but as full partners, employees.

The main tasks of the interaction of the kindergarten with the family:

Studying the attitude of teachers and parents to various issues of upbringing, education, development of children, the conditions for organizing various activities in kindergarten and the family;

Acquaintance of teachers and parents with the best experience of education in kindergarten and family, as well as with the difficulties that arise in the family and public education of preschool children;

Informing each other about the current tasks of raising and educating children and about the possibilities of the kindergarten and the family in solving these problems;

Creation in the kindergarten of conditions for cooperation diverse in content and forms, contributing to the development of constructive interaction between teachers and parents with children;

Involving families of pupils to participate in joint events with teachers organized in the district (city, region);

Encouragement of parents for their attentive attitude to the various aspirations and needs of the child, the creation of the necessary conditions for their satisfaction in the family.

The main directions and forms of work with the family

Mutual knowledge and mutual information. Successful interaction is possible only if the kindergarten is familiar with the educational opportunities of the child's family, and the family has an idea about the preschool institution that is trusted to raise the child. This allows us to provide each other with the necessary support in the development of the child, to attract the available pedagogical resources to solve the common problems of education.

An excellent opportunity for mutual knowledge of the educational potential is provided by: specially organized socio-pedagogical diagnostics using conversations, questionnaires, essays; visits by teachers to the families of pupils; organization of open days in kindergarten; a variety of meetings-meetings, focused on getting to know the achievements and difficulties of the parties raising children.

The purpose of the first meetings-meetings is a versatile acquaintance of teachers with families and families of pupils among themselves, acquaintance of families with teachers. To remove communication barriers, it is desirable to use special methods that cause positive emotions in parents, focused on development. trusting relationship with teachers (“Choose a distance”, “Associative series”, “Language of photographs”, “Conversation incessantly”, etc.). It is advisable to hold such meetings regularly throughout the year, solving their own tasks at each meeting.

It is necessary that educators constantly inform each other about various facts from the life of children in kindergarten and the family, about the state of each child (his well-being, mood), about the development of child-adult (including parent-child) relationships.

Such informing occurs through direct communication (during conversations, consultations, meetings, conferences) or indirectly, when receiving information from various sources: stands, newspapers, magazines (handwritten, electronic), family calendars, various booklets, Internet sites (children's kindergarten, educational authorities), as well as correspondence (including electronic).

Stands. The stands contain strategic (multi-year), tactical (annual) and operational information. The strategic information includes information about the goals and objectives of the development of a kindergarten for the long and medium term, about the educational program being implemented, about innovative projects of a preschool institution, as well as about additional educational services. Tactical information includes information about teachers and their work schedules, about the daily routine, about the tasks and content of educational work in a group for a year. Operational poster information, which is of the greatest interest to educators, includes information about expected or past events in the group (kindergarten, district): promotions, competitions, rehearsals, exhibitions, meetings, joint projects, weekend excursions, etc. Since This type of information quickly becomes outdated, it must be constantly updated.

Poster information arouses more interest among parents if they take part in its preparation, and also if it meets the information needs of the family, is well structured and aesthetically designed (photographs and illustrative material are used).

In order for information (especially operational information) to be delivered to educating adults in a timely manner, it is important to duplicate it on the kindergarten website, as well as in family calendars.

Continuing education of nurturing adults

Under the education of parents by the international community is understood the enrichment of knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for the care of children and their upbringing, harmonization family relations; fulfillment of parental roles in the family and society. At the same time, it is important to build the education of parents not on an imperative principle that dictates how children should be raised, but on the principle of personal centering.

The main forms of education can be: conferences (including online conferences), parent meetings (general kindergarten, district,), parent and pedagogical readings.

Parents are given the right to choose the forms and content of interaction with partners providing their education (social educator, psychologist, head educator, group of parents, etc.).

The main forms of education for parents: lectures, seminars, master classes, trainings, projects, games.

Joint activities of teachers, parents, children

The defining goal of various joint activities in the triad "teachers-parents-children" is to satisfy not only the basic aspirations and needs of the child, but also the aspirations and needs of parents and teachers.

Family holidays. Traditional for kindergarten are children's holidays dedicated to significant events in the life of the country. A new form that actualizes the co-creation of children and educators is a family holiday in kindergarten.

A family holiday in kindergarten is a special day that unites teachers and families of pupils on the occasion of an event. Such a special day can be Mother's Day, Father's Day, New Year, Victory Day, International Family Day (May 15), All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity (July 8).

"Physical Culture":

Stimulation of the child's motor activity by joint sports games, walks.

Informing parents about factors affecting physical health child (calm communication, nutrition, hardening, movement).

"Social and communicative development":

Acquaintance of parents with situations that are dangerous for the health of the child (at home, in the country, on the road, in the forest, near a pond) and how to behave in them;

Involve parents in active recreation with children.

To interest parents in the development of children's play activities that ensure successful socialization, assimilation of gender behavior;

Accompany and support the family in the implementation of educational influences.

To study the traditions of labor education in the families of pupils;

Conduct joint competitions with parents, actions for the improvement and landscaping of the territory of the kindergarten, focusing on the needs and capabilities of children and evidence-based principles and standards.

Develop the skills of parents to communicate with the child;

Show the value of kind, warm communication with the child.

"Cognitive development":

Orient parents to the development of the child's need for knowledge, communication with adults and peers;

"Speech development":

To prove to parents the value of home reading;

Show the methods and techniques of familiarizing the child with fiction.

"Artistic and aesthetic development":

Support the desire of parents to develop the artistic activities of children in kindergarten and at home;

Involve parents in active forms of joint activities with children that contribute to the emergence of creative inspiration.

To reveal the possibilities of music as a means of beneficial effects on the mental health of the child.

The main directions and forms of work with the family:

  • Mutual knowledge and mutual information

  • versatile acquaintance with families and families of pupils among themselves, acquaintance of families with teachers.

  • Stands.

  • Continuing education of nurturing adults

  • Joint activities of teachers, parents, children: family art studios, family holidays, family theater, manuals for classes with a child at home

Plan of work with parents for 2016-2017


the date


parent meetings:

General parent meetings:

1.Theme : "The main directions of educational activities and health-improving work with children for the new academic year."

2.Theme : "Children's safety is in our hands"

3.Theme : "Organization of summer recreational work"


L.N. Serko

senior caregiver

parent meetings in age groups:

Topic: "Physiological and psychological characteristics of children aged 6-7 and the main tasks of educational activities for the new academic year"


E.V. Nesterenko

Topic: "Speech development of older preschoolers"


ON THE. Amatuni

Topic: "We have become a year older"


Group educators

Theme: On the way to school»


Group tutors

Reviews - competitions

Review - competition:"Best Craft with Mom and Dad"
Review of newspapers: "My friendly sports family"



Group tutors

Open Day.


Group tutors

Newspaper "Domovenok":

Topic: "Safety of preschoolers"


Group tutors

Topic: "Methods of speech development of preschoolers"


Group tutors

Moveable folders:

Group tutors

Topic: "Smart Pens"


Group tutors

Topic: "We develop logical thinking and fine motor skills future first graders"


Group tutors

Topic: "Music in the environmental education of children"


Muses head


ON THE. Amatuni

Topic: "Speech games and exercises for older preschoolers"


ON THE. Amatuni


Topic: "Studying the needs of parents"


Group tutors

Topic: "Assessing the quality of the work of preschool educational institutions"


Group tutors

Advice for parents:

Theme: "Home Alone"


Group tutors

Topic: "Road alphabet according to traffic rules"


Group tutors

Topic: "Introducing children to the basics of safety"


Group tutors

Topic: "Fairy tale therapy as a method of correcting anxiety in older preschoolers"


Group tutors

Topic: "Family on the threshold of school life"


Group tutors

Topic: "Cribs for parents - children's curiosity"


Group tutors

Topic: "Hyperactive child in kindergarten and at home"


Group tutors

Topic: "Crisis of 7 years"


Group tutors

Topic: "Entertaining speech games for the whole family"


Group tutors

Expert advice:

Group tutors

Topic: "The role of the family in maintaining the health of the child"


senior teacher

Topic: "Family traditions are important"


senior teacher

Theme: "Family vacation"


senior teacher

Topic: What kind of music should I listen to at home?


Muses head

Topic: "The role of music in raising children"


Muses head

Topic: "Musical crossword"


Muses head

Corner for parents "From art to creativity"

1 time in 3 months

Group tutors

Topic: "How to teach a child to draw if you can't draw yourself"


Group tutors

Topic: "How to make friends with the fine arts"


Group tutors

Enrich children with artistic impressions in order to arouse interest, the desire to act independently, creatively. Create subject environment, zones for various types of artistic activity, equip them with books, illustrations, paper, cardboard, paints, colored pencils, children's musical instruments, didactic aids, art toys; use the simplest techniques and materials of arts and crafts.

On their own initiative, children sing songs, dance, pick up the simplest melodies on children's musical instruments, march, dance to music, perform modern and folk songs, listen to their favorite works on record, play musical didactic games, tell fairy tales, stories, invent them on their own. , recite poems by heart, discuss the contents of a familiar book, play word and board games.

Children draw, sculpt, engage in artistic work, where they use knowledge and skills in application, design, take the initiative in choosing a variety of materials (paper, fabric, thread, braid, natural and synthetic materials), make various useful items from them: decorative ornaments, toys, include them in their board games, and also use them in the design of their lives.

According to their desire, children organize games “in a concert”, “theatre”, “artist's workshop”, “our house”, “who to be”, etc. with toys and in a real setting, where children act as singers, conductors, readers, distributing roles and decorating their games with self-made crafts (furniture, rugs, dishes, vehicles, costumes, etc.) or room decoration elements (interior design details , children's costumes, etc.).

Children know what spectacles are, show initiative and independence in organizing games - dramatizations, puppet, musical performances. In artistic independent activity, children repeat individual "numbers" from the musical and poetic programs of the holidays, perform work related to the pictorial design of rooms for significant dates and entertainment. In these cases, children can form small groups based on their interests and abilities and seek help and advice from a teacher.

When organizing artistic independent activities, the educator or music director can apply indirect methods of managing it, encourage children to communicate easily with each other, become a participant in their creative games. It is necessary to explain to parents the importance of creating a favorable atmosphere and appropriate environment for the artistic activities of children at home.

Physical development: independent outdoor games, outdoor games, sports games.

Social and communicative development: individual games, joint games, all types of independent activities involving communication with peers.

Speech development: independent reading of short poems by children, independent games based on works of art, independent work in the corner of the book, in the corner of the theater.

Cognitive development: role-playing games, looking at books and pictures; independent coloring of “smart coloring books”, developing board-printed games, games for a walk, auto-didactic games (educational puzzles, insert frames, paired pictures).

Artistic and aesthetic development: providing children with the opportunity to independently draw, sculpt, design (mainly in the afternoon); look at reproductions of paintings, illustrations, play music (singing, dancing), play children's musical instruments (tambourine, drum, bell, etc.), listen to music.



The educational environment in kindergarten involves specially created conditions, such that are necessary for a child to fully live in preschool childhood. Under the subject-developing environment is understood a certain space, organizationally designed and subject-rich, adapted to meet the needs of the child in cognition, communication, work, physical and spiritual development generally.

Basic requirements for the organization of the environment The program "From birth to school" does not impose any special requirements for equipping the developing subject-spatial environment, in addition to the requirements outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard. With a lack or lack of funding, the program can be implemented using the equipment that is already available in the preschool organization, the main thing is to comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and the principles of space organization indicated in the program.

The equipment in the group must be safe, health-saving, aesthetically attractive and developing, rich in content, developing; transformable; variable; accessible; aesthetically attractive. Furniture should correspond to the height and age of children, toys should provide the maximum striking effect for a given age.

The developing object-spatial environment should be saturated, suitable for joint activities of an adult and a child and independent activities of children that meet the needs of a child.


The space of the group should be organized in the form of well-demarcated zones (“centers”, “corners”, “platforms”) equipped with a large number of developing materials (books, toys, creative materials, developing equipment, etc.). All items must

be available to children.

Such an organization of space allows preschoolers to choose activities that are interesting for themselves, alternate them during the day, and the teacher makes it possible to effectively organize the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

The equipment of the corners should change in accordance with the thematic planning of the educational process.

Development centers can be:

    corner for role-playing games;

    dressing corner (for theatrical games);

    book corner;

    area for board and printed games;

    Exhibition ( children's drawing, children's creativity, products of folk craftsmen, etc.);

    corner of nature (observation of nature);

    sports section;

    sand play area

    corners for various types of independent activities of children - constructive, visual, musical, etc.;

    a play center with large soft structures (blocks, houses, tunnels, etc.) for easy change of play space;

    play corner (with toys, building material).

The developing object-spatial environment should act as a dynamic space, mobile and easily changeable. At the same time, a certain stability and constancy of the environment is a necessary condition for its stability, familiarity, especially when it comes to common areas (library, toy cabinet, box with polyfunctional material, etc.).

In older groups, the idea is based on the theme of the game, so a diverse polyfunctional subject environment awakens an active

imagination of children, and every time they rebuild the existing play space in a new way, using flexible modules, screens, curtains, cubes, chairs. The transformability of the object-play environment allows the child to look at the play space from a different point of view, to be active in arranging the place of play and to foresee its results.

The developing object-spatial environment should provide access to objects of a natural nature; to encourage observations on the site of the kindergarten (permanent and episodic) for the growth of plants, participation in elementary labor, conducting experiments and experiments with natural material.

The developing object-spatial environment should be organized as a cultural space that has an educational impact on children (folk art, reproductions, portraits of great people, ancient household items, etc.).

The group space is planned so that children can make independent choices (where, with whom and what the child will do) and make decisions. It is important that the environment does not limit children's initiative, but, on the contrary, provides opportunities for manifestation and, what is important, for the development and implementation of various ideas. Gaining experience, achieving his goal, the child gradually gains self-confidence, becoming convinced of his own abilities, making personal, and therefore joyful discoveries for him. A reasonably organized developmental environment helps prepare a child for life in a rapidly changing world, forms a steady desire to learn, discover the world and, ultimately, teaches to learn.

"Physical culture and health center": massage paths, gymnastic sticks, jump ropes, rubber balls of different diameters, an inflatable ball. Attributes for outdoor games (hats, medallions, emblems).

A variety of toys that stimulate motor activity: balls, handkerchiefs, cubes, ribbons. Skittles, ring throwers. Equipment for sports games (badminton, towns).

"Center of Knowledge": Lotto, dominoes in pictures. Subject and plot pictures, thematic sets of pictures (clothes, shoes, furniture, dishes, vegetables, animals, toys, transport, professions). Illustrations of household appliances used at home and in kindergarten (vacuum cleaner, meat grinder, washing machine, etc.). Small geometric mosaic. Logical and mathematical games. Pictures depicting parts of the day and their sequence. Strips of various lengths and widths. Games for intellectual development. Board-printed games of various subjects and content. Counting sticks. Puzzles. Notebooks in a cage. Clock face. Magnetic board.

Center for Speech Development. Didactic visual materials. Subject and plot pictures, etc. Book corners with age-appropriate literature. Visual and didactic aids "Stories from pictures". Pictures depicting the sequence of events (illustrations for fairy tales). Letter cards.

"Center for Creativity". Construction materials: building kits with parts of different shapes and sizes. Figures of people and animals for playing around. Thematic constructors. Desktop constructor "Lego". Materials for manual labor: different types of paper (colored, corrugated, napkins, cardboard, postcards, etc.). Cotton wool, foam rubber, textile materials (fabric, ropes, laces, ribbons, etc.). A selection of waste material (boxes, reels, cones, plastic bottles, corks, candy wrappers and foil from sweets, etc.). Natural materials (cones, acorns, various seeds, nut shells, egg shells, etc.). Tools: scissors with blunt ends; brush; glue. Materials for art activities: paintings. Sets of colored pencils; marker sets; ballpoint pens. gouache; watercolor; colored wax crayons, etc. Individual palettes for mixing paints. Brushes - thin and thick, bristly, squirrel; jars for washing the bristles of the brush from the paint. Paper for drawing in different formats. Wipes from a fabric that absorbs water well, for draining the brush, wipes for hands. Plasticine, modeling boards. Stacks of different shapes. Pattern prints. Works of folk art. Exhibition of works of children's creativity.

"Center of Nature". Houseplants. Cognitive natural history literature. Illustrations depicting the signs of the season. Plants that require different types of care. Nature calendar. Plant care equipment. Pictures depicting flowers. Animal illustrations. Illustrations depicting common features plants (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit). Didactic games on natural history topics. Encyclopedias on natural history topics.

Game Center. Story toys. transport toys different kind. Toys depicting objects of work and life. Role-playing attributes for imitation games and role-playing games that reflect simple life situations and actions (“Doll Corner”, “Kitchen”, “Hairdressing Salon”, “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Workshop”, “Garage”). Animal toys. Dolls. Set of dishes.

Security Center. Materials related to the subject of life safety and traffic rules (illustrations, games). Street layout. Didactic games "Smart arrows", "Transport"; "Collect the sign", etc. Illustrations and objects depicting dangerous tools. Visual and didactic aids (from the "Transport" series).

"Music Center". Musical toys (tambourine, noise makers, metallophone). Noise box set. Audio recordings: children's songs, fragments of classical music.

"Center - Kuban". Illustrated books about native land, photographs, symbols. Mini-museums, exhibitions of handicrafts and handicrafts. Universal layouts ("room", "hut"). Symbolism of the region: flag, coat of arms, etc. Models "Animals of our forest", "Forest", "Birds", "Pond" to familiarize children with the natural area of ​​the Kuban.

The subject-developing environment in the group, focused on the child, should help to implement such a principle as: the child learns better and learns more in the process of independent interaction with the outside world - through play and discovery.


This equipment of the upbringing and educational process corresponds to a sufficient level of methodological equipment, it is located both in the methodological room and in the mini room in the group. Programs, pedagogical technologies, methodological support used by teachers are divided into the relevant sections of the exemplary program.

List of programs and benefits used in the implementation of the main part of the Program

Educational activities

Methodical literature

    Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva O.L., Sterkina R.B. "Safety" - SBP, "Childhood-Press", 2002

    Gubanova N. F. Game activity in kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006-2010.

    Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activity. The system of work in the preparatory group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007-2010.

    Zatsepin "a M. B. Days of military glory. Patriotic education of preschoolers. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008-2010 ..

    Petrova V. I., Stulnik T. D. Ethical conversations with children 4-7 years old. - M.: - Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007-2010.

    Komarova T.S., Kutsakova L.V., Pavlova L.Yu. Labor education in kindergarten. - M.; Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005-2010.

    Kutsakova L. V. Design and manual labor in kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008-2010.

    Internet resources.

cognitive development

      Veraksa N. E., Veraksa A. N. Project activity preschoolers.-M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008-2010.

      Dybina O.B. "The child and the world around" - M., Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010.

      Dybina O.B. “What was before ... Games-journeys into the past of objects”, M., 1999.

      Dybina O.B. "The Object World as a Means of Forming Children's Creativity". M., 2002

      L.S. Metlin "Mathematics in kindergarten."

      E.N.Ioffe "Mathematics from three to seven."

      ZA Mikhailova "Game entertaining exercises for preschoolers."

      E.V. Kolesnikova "Mathematics for preschoolers" (3-7 years old).

      O.V. Dybina Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group m., Synthesis 2011.

      O.F. Gorbatenko " Complex classes with children 4-7 years old, Volgograd, 2013.

      L.V. Artyomova " The world» in didactic games for preschoolers.

      A.K. Bondarenko "Didactic games in kindergarten", Moscow, "Enlightenment". 1991

      Internet resources.

Speech development

        Gerbova VV Introducing children to fiction. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005-2010.

        Gerbova VV The development of speech in kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

        L.M.Shinitsina. A.I. Voronova "The ABC of communication", 2013.

        O.S. Ushakova "Classes on the development of speech" in all age groups "2009.

        O.I. Bochkareva The development of speech is an entertaining material, Volgograd, 1996.

        O.S. "Introducing literature to preschoolers" 1998.

        Internet resources.

          Komarova T.S. Classes in visual activity in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Abstracts of classes. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007-2010.

          Komarova T. S. Visual activity in kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005-2010.

          6. Golomennikova O. A. The joy of creativity. Familiarization of children 5-7 years old with folk art. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005-2010.

          Zatsepina M. B. Cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005-2010.

          Zatsepina M. B., Antonova T. V. Folk holidays in kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005-2010.

          Zatsepina M. B., Antonova TV. Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005-2010.

          V.V. Gerbova “Introducing preschoolers to fiction» M. Mosaic, Synthesis.

          Internet resources.

Physical development

            Penzulaeva L. I. Physical education in kindergarten. Preparatory group. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009-2010.

            Stepanenkova E. Ya. Methods of physical education. - M., 2005.

            Internet resources.

List of programs and benefits used in the implementation of the variable part of the Program

Social and communicative development

    Sevostyanova E.O. "Friendly family" shopping center Sphere, 2007,

    Sterkina R.B.,. Knyazeva O.L., Avdeeva N.N. "Fundamentals of safety for preschool children" M., 2002,

    Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten.

    Internet resources

cognitive development

    L.A. Venger, O.M. Dyachenko, R.I. Govorova, L.I. Uskhanskaya "Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children."

    A.A. Stolyar "Let's play."

    E.A. Nosova, R.L. Nepomnyashchaya "Logic and mathematics for preschoolers."

    B. Nikitin "Developing games".

    Mikhailova, Danilova "Mathematical training of children in the preschool educational institution."

    Internet resources.

Speech development

    O.S. Ushakova "The program for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten" M .: TC Sphere, 2001.

    Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children: A book for kindergarten teachers. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 1999.

    Maksakov A.I. Education of the sound culture of speech in preschool children. – M.: 1987.

    N.S. Varentsova "Teaching preschoolers to read and write" M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010

    Internet resources.

Artistic and aesthetic development

    Lykova I.A., "Colored hands" program artistic education children 2-7 years old M., 2007

    Internet resources.

Physical development

    T.M. Bondarenko "Physical and recreational work with children from two to seven years old."

    L.V. Gavryuchina "Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions."

    Kartushina M.Yu. "Green light of health" M., 2007,

    I.A.Fomina, G.A.Zaitseva "Fairytale theater of physical culture" V., 2003

    Internet resources.

Knowledge Day in the preparatory preschool group. Planning

Theme: "Knowledge Day"

Target: promote emotional attitude children to the transition to the preparatory group, to cultivate friendly relations between peers.
Final event: Excursion "Pedestrian crossing"
Morning gymnastics. Conversation on the topic "Different professions" - to clarify ideas about the activities of people of different professions
Did the game "What is made of what" - learn to name the material from which the object is made.
Ball game "Polite child" - continue to teach politely to greet each person sitting. Mark the state of the weather in a corner of nature.
Offer children board games for children's independent activities
Watching the weather - continue to acquaint the children with the signs of the weather in the fall. in throwing the ball to each other P. games "Flight of birds", "Sparrows and a cat" - to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running, in the ability to place themselves in space without hitting each other
Work on the site: invite children to collect leaves on the site - make children want to help adults.
Children's independent games
Work before bed Speech development
Reading the story of V. Dragunsky "From above, down, obliquely"
Casting appearance children are in order.
Reading the fairy tale "What weather is better?" - continue to teach children to answer questions about the content of the fairy tale Individual work with "Name the missing number" Game "Let's help Fedora" - learn to understand the essence of the concepts "funny", "sorry", "rejoice for another", cause the desire to be neat Plot- role-playing game « Ambulance» - continue to develop the ability to interact in the game, develop a sense of mercy, a desire to help and comfort.
Children's independent games

Morning gymnastics. Conversation with children about the duties of a teacher and a nanny - to develop coherent speech, activate the children's vocabulary Individual work with - did a game to develop attention "Find the differences" Conversation with children "Rules of conduct at the table" - continue to form the ability to eat neatly, use a spoon correctly Suggest for looking at photos, pictures on the topic: “From the life of a kindergarten”
The game of small mobility "Tops - Roots" - to consolidate children's knowledge of how vegetables grow. Duty
Observation of the changes taking place in nature - to expand children's understanding of autumn, to see the beauty of the surrounding world
Individual work with - exercise in tossing the ball up and catching with two hands Conversation-reasoning: what time of the year does the leaf fall occur? What can it be compared to? What do people do with fallen leaves?

Work on the site: invite children to collect bouquets of leaves. P. game "Flight of birds" - to develop in children to perform movements on a signal
Work before bed
Reading fairy tales at the request of children. finger games"Fingers walk", "Castle".
Carrying out hardening procedures after sleep. Tidying up the look.
The game is an imitation of the state of nature: leaves are spinning, trees are swaying
Individual work to consolidate the ability to draw objects square shape
Repeat with the children Y. Kushak’s poem “The Deer”: Did the deer fall down, but didn’t get up? The deer's mother is gone. I stroke him, feed him from the palm of my hand. I love him very, very much. And everywhere behind me he gallops stubbornly. Let him think that I am his mother. Offer to put things in order in the book corner - develop the desire to carry out simple labor assignments.
Children's independent games

Morning gymnastics. visit junior group: to tell how the groups are similar, how they differ. Det. the garden is a big family where the older guys take care of the younger ones. development game logical thinking“What did the artist mix up?” Work in a corner of nature: invite children to identify flowers that need watering: cultivate respect for plants Offer children board-printed games, mosaics for the development of fine motor skills of hands.
D .. the game "Tram" - to develop the ability to recognize colors, exercise in ordinal counting.
Excursion to the greenhouse of the kindergarten - to clarify with the children what vegetables grow here Game exercise "Catch a mosquito". - exercise in jumping in place Discussion-reasoning: What would happen to the plants in the greenhouse, in the beds, if they were not looked after? How should you care? Labor: invite children to collect garbage on the site - involve children in the implementation of labor assignments.
P. game "Sparrows and a cat" - to teach children to act on a signal
Work before bed Speech development
Reading poems by S. Mikhalkov “Good friends” - to instill interest in thin. word
Carrying out hardening procedures after sleep.
Conversation "Rules traffic"- consolidate the knowledge of children about the actions of a pedestrian, about the rules for crossing the street
Individual work with - did. game "Make no mistake" - activate the generalizing words Did. iga in the children's speech " Sweet words"- to learn to name words with a diminutive suffix С.р. the game "We are going to a friend's birthday" - to develop the ability of children to realize the game plan.
Independent games at the request of children.

morning exercises
Conversation about the building det. garden: how can you guess that this is d.sad? What is on the plots? - develop coherent speech of children Individual work - exercise in laying out 5 objects in ascending order Did. the game “Seasons, months” - fix the sequence of seasons, the names of the months. Invite children to look at illustrations of different seasons - fix the names of the seasons.
Watching a birch - consolidate children's knowledge of a birch. Choose different definitions (curly, slender), take care of trees. Exercise in walking with the performance of various tasks Did. the game "Guess what's in the hand" - to develop in children the ability to recognize the fruit by description.
Labor: invite children to sweep the veranda - arouse a desire to work.
P. game "Hunters and ducks" - teach children to follow the rules of the game
Work before bed
Reading the story of V. Dragunsky "What I love"
Carrying out hardening procedures after sleep.
Bringing the appearance of children in order.
Games - imitations for change emotional state(the cat plays, falls asleep, wakes up, stretches; the fox creeps up to the mouse
Individual work on the comparison of objects: What is more? What is less? What needs to be done to make them equal? Teach children to put toys, books in their places in the conversation “Everything has its place” Independent play activities in the sports corner "Beauty Salon" - to consolidate the ability of children to distribute roles, expand knowledge about the profession of a cosmetologist

morning exercises
Conversation with children about kindergarten: what is the name, on which street, how many floors, why are they big windows- to develop the speech of children, the ability to reason Individual work - to exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper Did. game "Yes - no" - exercise children in the ability to evaluate their actions. To offer children desktop and printed games: dominoes, lotto, puzzles, mosaics - to develop logical thinking, fine motor skills of hands
Small sub-games "Edible - not edible", "Flies - does not fly"
Watching the rain - consolidate children's knowledge about the formation of rain (in clouds, water vapor turns into droplets). Individual work - exercise in throwing the ball on the ground and catching it with both hands Discussion-reasoning: What happens to raindrops high in the sky? (freeze). What happens next? (ice crystals fall down, melt when they meet with warm air and turn into drops) Excursion "Pedestrian crossing" - to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road; to clarify in children the knowledge of traffic signals; educate the desire to know and follow the rules of the road.
Work before bed
Reading the story of V. Dragunsky "The Enchanted Letter"
Carrying out hardening procedures after sleep.
Game - situation: "Autumn is an artist" - develop children's creative imagination, introduce them to beauty Individual work with - consolidate the ability to name objects similar to geometric figures Did. game "Wonderful bag" - to develop the ability of children to guess fruits and vegetables by touch Invite children to draw and decorate autumn leaves
Independent games of children according to their interests in the play corners.