Synopsis of direct educational activities "Our beloved kindergarten" outline of the lesson on application, modeling (middle group) on the topic. Abstract of a modeling lesson Sculpting subject with design elements Theme “Hedgehog Sculpting abstracts old

Organization: GBDOU LPR "Bryankovsky nursery - kindergarten No. 53" Rainbow "

Location: Lugansk People's Republic, city of Bryanka

Summary of modeling classes in junior group

Topic: "Funny little people"

Target:to consolidate the ability of children to roll lumps of plasticine straight and in a circular motion, flatten the ball. Encourage children to decorate the object with details, elements consisting of several parts. Create conditions for the formation of legal competence; form an idea of ​​the name.

Develop the ability to analyze, compare, compare, strengthen fine motor skills hands, develop an eye.

To cultivate observation, curiosity, friendly attitude towards game characters, the desire to help them.

Lesson progress:

Children stand in a circle.

Vos. Children, let's greet each other:

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

The teacher draws attention to the window sill,

on which lies an envelope with a letter.

Vos. Someone threw me through the window

look at the letter

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

That tickles my face.

Maybe it's a sparrow

flying dropped

Can a cat letter

How did you lure the mouse to the window?

Guys, this letter was sent to us by a girl. I'll read it to you now:

“Hello dear guys. The girl is writing you Name. I invite you to visit me, on the street of beautiful names. I really want to get to know you. I look forward to seeing you."

But before you go to visit, tell me: “What do they give a child at birth?”

Children's answers: pacifier, milk, name.

That's right guys. Well then, let's go friends. And we will go to visit by bus. Take your seats.

Children to the song "Bus"

go to visit.

Vos. Guys, look what a beautiful street, how many people and houses are here. And who lives in this beautiful house?

The teacher approaches the house and knocks.

A girl comes out of it.

Girl: Hello guys. My name is girl Name. I give everyone names. It's good that you came to me. And I know a very interesting game

"Ding dong".

Let's play.

Ding - dong, ding - dong, an elephant walked along the street

Well, our kids started the word game

One, two, three, do not yawn names.

What is the chicken's name? - chick - chick - chick

What is the kitten's name? - Kitty Kitty Kitty

What is the puppy's name? - Woof woof woof

Well, what about the child?

Pass the ball and say your name.

The girl gives the children the ball, they pass it to each other

and call their name. Then the girl and

boy recite their poems.

  1. What nice girls names:

Here is Nastya - a silk flap,

And Larochka is a forest berry,

And Masha is a night star.

II. What nice boys name:

Here is Sasha - cannon salute

And kohl - a sail in the open,

And Roma - the smooth roar of the engine.

Vos. If the city has a street of "Beautiful Names", then what right is respected?

Children answer "The right to a name"

The teacher draws attention to the girl's Name.

Vos. What are you sad about?

Girl: New houses have been built near my house, but the residents have not settled yet. Therefore, I am very sad.

Vos. Do not be sad. After all, it’s not for nothing that the guys and I came to visit you. We love helping our good friends. We can help you too. And we will make merry little men, whom we will settle in these beautiful houses.

The children sat on the steps.

I draw the attention of children to blanks.

Vos. To make little men, what should we do? (face).

What do we have on our faces? (eyes, eyebrows, mouth, nose).

How many eyes? How many eyebrows? How many spouts? How many mouths?

What color are the eyes? What color are the eyebrows? What color is the mouth?

Guys, how are we going to make eyes? (in a circular motion


And how will we sculpt eyebrows and lips? (roll out plasticine between


Demonstration of methods of implementation by the educator.

Children perform these tricks in the air.

Vos - l. Guys, look at our little men have hats. Name them?

Children list.

Vos - l. What are the girls wearing? What are the boys wearing? You will have to mold a little man, give him a name, but think about who you have: a boy or a girl.

Vos. But before we get to work, let's play with our handles:

What a miracle - miracles

One hand and two hand

Here is the palm - left

Here is the palm - right

And I'll tell you not to melt

Hands everyone needs friends

Children sit at tables and do

work - sculpt the face of little men

on Kinder. Upon completion of work.

Girl: Well done guys. How beautiful and funny your little men turned out.

Vos. And if you want, our guys will come up with beautiful names for them.

Girl: Yes, I really want it. But please call them affectionately.

Children come up with names.

Vos. And now we will settle our little men in these houses.

What color are they? (yellow, red, green)

Kind, obedient, smart little people will live in the yellow house, they respect adults.

In green - little men who can be obedient, but do not want to.

In red - little men who have not yet grown up and are naughty.

Children settle their little men and

tell why they settled

in one house or another.

Vos. If a person has a house, then what right does he have?

The children answer.

  • That's lovely! How many friends will I have now? And when a person is happy, what does he do? (dancing). I want to invite all the inhabitants of our street and you guys to a merry round dance.

Guests and children dance with the girl

"Merry dance". girl to guys

gives souvenirs.


1. Lykova, I.A. Sculpt, fantasize, play / I.A. Lykov. - M .: Karapuz,


2. Sakulina, N.P. Visual activity in kindergarten/ N.P.

Sakulina, T.S. Komarov. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982.

3. Usova, A.P. Education in kindergarten / A.P. Usova. - M .: Enlightenment,


4. Shvaiko, G.S. Classes in visual activity in kindergarten /

G.S. Shvaiko. - M.: TITUL, 2003.

Lesson summary
Modeling (plasticineography)
Topic: " spring landscape

(Senior group)

Topic:"Spring landscape" (educational area "Artistically - aesthetic development” in integration with educational area"Speech development".

Target: creation of a spring landscape in the technique of plasticineography.


Educational: to teach how to make a background from plasticine on a plastic or cardboard base and a composition from plasticine on a flat basis using waste material.

Developing: to develop an aesthetic perception of the natural world; develop a sense of composition, the ability to harmoniously place an image on the surface of the base.

Educational: to cultivate love for creativity, goodwill, responsiveness, purposefulness; to form a positive emotional mood, interest and self-confidence.

Preliminary work: reading works about spring, memorizing poems, observing spring phenomena on a walk, looking at illustrations about spring and talking about their content, talking with children on the topic “Landscape” - one of the types of painting; didactic games.

Materials for the teacher: A sample of a spring landscape; white cardboard; plasticine; stacks; pumpkin seeds; napkins; flannelograph; musical recording by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Spring".

Materials for children: white cardboard; plasticine; stacks; pumpkin seeds; napkins;

Lesson progress

Part of the lesson:

Introductory part:

Educator:- The guys in our group received a letter from the artist today. The artist received an order to depict a landscape.

- But the artist has a problem: he has run out of paints and pencils, and he does not know what to do.

Look at the tables, do we have paints or pencils?

— And we don't. How can we help an artist?

— Oh, guys, I know very interesting technique, which is called plasticineography (drawing with plasticine).

- Guys, do we have plasticine?

Children:- There is

Educator: Can we help the artist?

Children:- yes we can

Educator:- In order to find out what kind of landscape the artist needs to draw, we need to guess the riddle:

The blizzard subsided, the winds fell silent,

The spruce needles are a little shiny.

And Santa Claus sits in a sleigh,

It's time for him to say goodbye to us.

To replace him, majestically

There is only one beauty.

You know a lot about her

The beauty is called...

Children: - Spring

Educator: Of course guys, it's spring.

What are the signs of spring?

Children:“Everything comes to life, the snow melts, the sun shines, birds fly in, grass begins to break through and the first flowers appear.

Educator:- Well done boys. I suggest you go to the tables and help the artist complete the order.

Main part:

Educator:- Guys, there is a sheet in front of you, place it horizontally.

- We start creating a spring landscape from the background of the work. Guys, how are we going to draw a landscape? We will draw with plasticine, like with crayons.

We need to cover the upper part of the sheet with blue plasticine - the sky, and the lower part in two layers: the first layer is brown, and the second is green - the earth

Educator:- We take a piece of blue plasticine and draw straight lines from right to left. And so we paint over the entire upper part.

- Then we take a piece of green plasticine and draw straight lines from right to left.

And so we paint over the entire lower part. Look closely at the sample.

Then, with a finger, it is necessary to smooth out the formed lumps of plasticine, to even out the background.

Children:- Smooth the plasticine until an even background is formed

Educator:- In order to find out what objects will be in our landscape, the artist has prepared riddles for you. Ready to guess? So here's 1 riddle:

white sheep

They don't sit on the stove.

And sail from afar


Children: - Ready

- Clouds

Educator:- Well done guys, we will perform the clouds in the form of a snail

- We take a piece of plasticine, put it on the board and roll out a long sausage.

“Look carefully how I will do it.

- And now we twist the sausage with a snail. Like this.

- Well done boys. We place the cloud in the sky and flatten it with the index and middle fingers. Here we have a cloud.

Ready to guess the next object?

Listen carefully to the riddle:

Not high, not low

Not far, not close.

Floats in the sky Shar-

Hot like a fire.

Children: yes ready

- It's the sun

Educator: Of course it's sunshine.

- What color will we draw the sun? (yellow)

- Take a piece of plasticine and roll it between the palms in a circular motion.

- Let's make a ball.

- Then we apply it to the cardboard and press it with our fingers so that such a cake is obtained.

- Guys, what is missing from our sun? (Luchikov)

- We draw small rays along the edges of the sun with our index finger.

- And in order for our sun to be beautiful, we will make incisions with a stack at each ray.

- Look carefully.

- And now the sun invites you to play a little. Do you want to play with the sun?

Psychogymnastics “Sunny Bunny”

Sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further across the face. Gently stroke him with your palms: on the forehead, nose, mouth, cheeks, chin, gently stroke, so as not to frighten away, neck, tummy, arms, legs, he climbed into the collar - stroke him there. He is not a mischievous, he loves and caresses you, and you stroke and make friends with him. Take it in the palm of your hand, stroke it, let it go into the forest.

I have the following riddle for you:

high and green

She will be beveled

Sheep, goats and cows

There is always her ready.

Children: - Grass

Educator:-Our landscape lacks young green grass.

- What color do we need plasticine to depict grass? (in green)

- That's right guys. We take a piece of green plasticine and pinch off 4 pieces the size of a pea. Roll out small sausages. It will be weed

- We place 2 blades of grass in the foreground (closer to us). And the rest in the background (closer to the horizon). Now we smear each sausage thumb up.

- In the foreground, the grass is tall, and in the distance is small. We draw blades of grass with a stack. Look carefully at the sample.

Educator: - Well, what is spring without the first spring flowers.

- And to guess what flowers we will draw, a riddle will help us:

With a soft white head

Straight from under the snowdrifts

comes into being,

Little flower!

Children: - Snowdrop

Educator:- Well done boys. When spring comes, snowdrops break through the grass and reach for the sun.

- Since the snowdrops have just begun to break through the grass, we can see small snowdrop buds with you

- We will make a bud out of 3 pumpkin seeds.

- We take the first seed and place it in the grass. And so we place snowdrops in each blade of grass.

“We have such a beautiful landscape. Guys who did it, sign your work on the back.

Final part

Educator:- Guys, take the work and go out on the carpet.

- Tell me, what did we do today?

What time of year is the landscape?

- What methods were used?

- Did you complete the task?

- Well done boys. You did a good job, neat and most importantly beautiful.

- Now I suggest you organize an exhibition, for this, come to the locker room, and I will fix your work on the stand.

— Thank you for your help and responsiveness. You are not only kind and sympathetic, but also very accurate. Please show how you know how to clean everything in its place (everyone, put your workplace in order)

Title: Abstract of a modeling lesson in the senior group "Spring Landscape"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, modeling, Senior group

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten "Cinderella"
Location: Volgodonsk city, Rostov region

Modeling classes are very useful for the development of the child. They develop fine motor skills, color perception, artistic taste, perseverance. Solid pluses. Let's add here the fact that, when working with plasticine, clay or salt dough cannot be burned, cut or injured. And you will get the perfect creative activity with preschool children.

You can add variety to modeling classes, expand their capabilities, using the publications of this informative section. The positive experience of colleagues working with plasticine, salt dough, clay, modern masses for modeling is presented here in the form of step-by-step master classes, illustrated with photographs of reports.

Sculpting: class notes, programs, circles, planning

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All sections | Modeling. Summaries of classes, projects

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Well, if there is a problem in finding ideas for creating compositions or crafts for modeling classes with children, our section will come to the rescue. In which dozens of ideas, techniques and photo reports are painstakingly collected and carefully laid out. Teachers and educators all over Russia thought up, discussed and created for a long time just so that you could get useful information.

There are even step-by-step instruction how to make a delightful lilac branch. It turns out that everything is not as simple as it seems in reality. The teacher shares little secrets on how to breathe life into an ordinary bush, how to play with colors and shapes. Kids are sure to love these art tutorials. Teachers also offer to use any materials at hand to make funny compositions - eggs from kinder surprises, toothpicks and threads. Everything goes into action when the fantasy, head and desire to create turn on!

Program content:
1. To teach children to sculpt a hare from plasticine, conveying the characteristic features: an ovoid-shaped body, a modified ball head, paws - cylinders, a tail - a ball, ears - flattened cylinders. Use color as desired.
2. Teach children in a combined way. Use the following techniques: roll out plasticine in a circular motion with your hands until you get a ball; roll the ball with direct movements of the hands until an ovoid is obtained; roll out plasticine with direct movements of the palms until cylinders are obtained; draw eyes with a stack; Smooth down carefully at the joints.
3. Explain the implementation of their actions: forward and backward, with direct movements, cultivate accuracy in work.
4. To instill in children the desire to sculpt, to bring the work begun to the end, to cultivate accuracy in work.

Previous work : sculpting cylinders from plasticine with direct hand movements; balls in a circular motion of the hands; ovoids, rolling out the balls with direct movements of the hands.

Individual work : teaches Masha.S., Vanya.F. do the work independently, without the help of a teacher.
Material for the educator: bunny is a toy, hares are an option. Plasticine samples different colors; plasticine, plank; napkin; stack

Material for children: plasticine in the set, board /individual/, napkins, stacks.

Course progress.

The children are sitting at the table. I read poetry.
Lived - there was a bunny -
Long ears.
The bunny froze its nose on the edge.
Frostbitten nose,
Frostbite ponytail
And came to bask
Visit the kids.
I'm wearing a bunny toy.
-Guys, look, a bunny has come to us.
-What color is the bunny? What parts of the body does the zatz have? (Torso, head, ears, tail, paws). What does the head look like? And the torso? And what shape are the ears and paws? That's right, guys. Do you know why the bunny came to us? He got bored in the forest, he wants to find new bunny friends. Well guys, can we help him? Then today we will sculpt bunnies from plasticine. See how I will do it.
I have prepared balls of different sizes in advance: a large ball for the body, a medium one for the head and a small one for the tail. I also made cylinders for paws and ears.
I take a large ball and roll it out with straight forward and backward movements of my hands until I get an ovoid. This is the torso. Now I take the middle ball and pull the muzzle. And now I press my head to the body and smooth it down at the junction. Then I take two cylinders and press it to the body - these are paws, I also smooth it out. And now I take a stack and draw eyes. Here I have a bunny.
Guys, where do we start? (Roll out balls). Show how we roll the ball (circular movements of the palms). And the cylinders? (direct movements of the hands back and forth).
And now, children, take plasticine and start working.
I draw the attention of children to variable patterns, to the fact that they are of different colors. I remind you how to roll out an ovoid.
I distribute cardboard carrots to children (carrots with children's names).
-Guys, bring your bunnies to our guest and put them around him. Let him look at your work. Bunny is very happy to make new friends and thanks you. Well done kids, you all did your best. And now the bunny wants to play with you.

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational institution child development center - kindergarten No. 22

Lesson summary

modeling in the senior group


Educator: Kuzmina E.N.


Software content.

Educational tasks:teach children to sculpt a hare using a toy as a nature; convey the shape of the parts of the toy: oval (torso), rounded (head), cylindrical (legs); convey the proportional ratio of parts and details (ears, tail, paws); to learn to unite the fashioned parts into one whole, to tightly connect them by gluing one part to another.

Educational tasks:cultivate perseverance, interest in modeling.

Speech development: oval, cylindrical, lubrication, smoothing method.

Handout: plasticine (white, black, red, blue), modeling board, stack.

Demo material:soft pear hare, pre-sculpted details: torso, head, legs, paws, ears, tail.

Methodological techniques: game situation“A hare came to visit us”, a conversation about a hare (body parts, details), encouraging children to act - “we blind our friends to a hare”, independent activity of children, a physical minute “a little white hare is sitting ...”, visual activity of children, summing up.

The course of the lesson

Children sit on chairs around the carpet.

Educator: - Guys, an unusual guest came to visit us today. Guess who it is?

Likes red carrots
Gnawing cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through the forests and through the fields,
Grey, white and oblique
Who say he is?

Children: - Bunny.

Educator: - Look how wonderful he is. Guys, pay attention to his body parts. What body parts does a rabbit have?

Children: - Torso, head, legs, paws, ears, tail.

Educator: - Tell me, what shape is the torso? Head? Legs? Paws? Ears? Tail?

Children answer: oval, round.

Educator: - What is the largest part of the body?

Children: - Torso. After the body, the largest is the head, then the legs, paws, ears, and the smallest part is the tail.

caregiver takes pre-prepared parts: - Guys, tell me how to sculpt the body? Head? Paws? Ears? Tail?

Children: - You need to take a stack, break off a piece of plasticine, roll it out in a circular motion with your palms to make a ball, then roll out the plasticine in the shape of an oval with direct movements.

The head should be done like this: roll out the plasticine in a circular motion into the shape of a ball.

Paws and ears are made by rolling "sausages".

For the tail, the smallest piece of plasticine is taken and a small ball is rolled out.

Educator: - Note. First, the head is attached to the body, then the legs, paws, ears to the head, then the tail. The carding part must be tightly lubricated when connected.

(Note: The reception of the image of the original forms (head, torso, legs) should not be shown, since these methods must be learned earlier).

Educator: - Guys, look, our guest came to us alone. Let's make friends for him so he won't be lonely.

The children take their places at the tables.

Educator: - Bunny will watch you. Let's get down to business. Take a stack, break off a piece of plasticine with a stack. What part of the body should you start with?

Children: - From the torso. (One child describes the modeling process aloud).

Educator: - Now let's continue. What part will you sculpt?

Children: - head. (One child describes the modeling process aloud).

Educator: - You must be a little tired. Stand next to your chairs and follow the movements and words after me.

Little white bunny sits
And wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He moves his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit
Gotta warm up the paws
Like this, like this
You need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for a bunny to stand
Bunny needs to jump.
Like this, like this
Bunny needs to jump.

Educator: - Let's continue. What part will you sculpt now?

Children: - Paws and legs. (Children sculpt).

Educator: - What part will you take now?

Children: - Ears. (One child describes the modeling process aloud).

Educator: - Well done, everyone is doing well. And what is left to blind?

Children: - Tail. (One child describes the modeling process aloud).

The teacher takes a soft toy:

Our guest really liked the friends you made. Well done! Now put the bunnies on stands.

Children put their work on a stand for demonstration, the attendants clean the workplaces.