Kolobok modeling 2 junior. Synopsis of GCD artistic creativity (modelling) "Gingerbread Man" in the first junior group plan-outline of the lesson on application, modeling (younger group) on the topic. We baked the gingerbread man ourselves

Synopsis Nod on modeling in the second junior group"We sculpted a bun"

Performed by the teacher Shcherbakova.A.A.

Target: development creativity through oral folk art.



Continue to teach children the skills of working with plastic materials: roll a ball of salt dough,


Develop fine motor skills hands;

develop speech;

Develop creative imagination.


Cultivate responsiveness, desire to help fairy tale hero;

Raise in children an interest in modeling.

Materials and equipment : a fairy-tale character "grandmother", a ball, colorful balls, dough , napkins, modeling board, plate.

Preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale "Kolobok". Examining illustrations for a fairy tale. Theatrical games based on fairy tales. Learning the song "Kolobok".

    Organizing time.

Educator: Guys, today we have guests. Say hello to them.

Children: Hello

(The scenery is arranged in a group: a house, trees, bushes)

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful house.

Having guessed the riddle, we will find out who lives in it

Mystery about grandma

Who knits warm mittens for us?
Who will tell us a good tale?
Tasty-prevkusty cake bake?
And sing a lullaby?

Let's knock and find out who lives there.

(Children, together with the teacher, approach the house and knock )

Grandma, what happened? Why are you crying?

Grandmother: I baked Kolobok, put it on the window to cool, and he ran into the forest, I can’t find him in any way. Can you help me find the bun?

Educator: Guys, can we help you find Kolobok? (Children's answers ). Grandma, for now, sit down here on a chair, and we'll go and look for a kolobok. Good?

Grandmother: Oh thank you. Guys, my bun was round and smooth. Do not forget.

Educator: Okay, grandma, let's not forget. Guys, let's all follow me into the forest.

    Main part.

( )


Where, where is the bun?

Where are you ruddy side?

(Stop near a bush )

Educator: Here we come to the forest. Guys, my grandmother said that her Gingerbread Man was round. Let's look under this bush.(We find the ball). What is it? Guys, does this ball look like a kolobok?(Answers of children). That's right, the ball is round, can roll, and looks like a bun. Let's show grandma.

Educator: Well, grandmother, did we find your Kolobok? Round and rolling.

Grandmother: No, children, the gingerbread man was yellow, but your ball was not yellow color. I need a yellow bun.

Educator: Well, guys, we did not find the bun. Let's go look again.

(Children follow the teacher into the forest )


The sun is out, it's shining high

It is easy for us to walk along the path with the sun.

Where, where is the bun?

Where are you ruddy side?

(stop near another bush)

Let's look under this bush.

Physical education minute

(balls are scattered on the floor different colors, you need to collect them by color in baskets). Guys, are there yellow balls here?(children's answers) We will collect them in a basket and show them to grandma.

The children take turns putting one yellow ball into the basket.

Educator: Well done! Let's ask grandma if she likes these koloboks. Grandma, we found koloboks. Look?

Grandmother: Here are the guys. Thank you very much. Oh, oh... guys. My Kolobok was warm. And this one is cold. I kneaded the dough, then rolled and rolled in my hands, and so it turned out Gingerbread Man. Can you roll balls? (We know how .)

Educator: Guys, let's better make koloboks for our grandmother. Everyone come to the table.

III. Modeling.

The children come to the table.

Educator: Guys, what do you think Grandma made a bun from?

Children: From the test

So we need to knead the dough

Knead the dough, knead, knead!

(Hands imitate the process of kneading the dough)

We press the dough, we press, we press!

(we squeeze and unclench our hands into fists very vigorously (simultaneously and alternately)

We'll bake a bun!

(we make movements with our hands, as if we are making snowballs)

Guys, you and I can mold a bun from dough and crush it from napkins and, of course, from plasticine, we also have clay at this table, from which very good koloboks can also be made. Please choose a table

Educator: Guys, look at me. First, knead our dough, plasticine, clay so that they become soft. And now we take the material, and with the other palm in a circular motion we roll the ball, just like that, look. Now sculpt koloboks for grandmother.

The children begin to sculpt. In the process of modeling, the teacher helps children who find it difficult to complete the task.

IV. Reflection.

The fashioned koloboks are laid out on a plate in front of the Grandmother.

Educator: Well done boys! Grandma, look. Do you like our koloboks?

Grandmother: Yes, they like it very much. And now, guys, I'm going to go home and put your koloboks in the oven. To keep them crispy and delicious. For good work, I leave you a gift.

Educator: Guys, say goodbye to grandma.

Children: Goodbye, grandma!


    Guys, who came to visit us today?

    Why was she crying?

    What did we mold?

Guys, you are great today. Let's see what grandma gave us?(Open the box, and there are emoticons). Guys, what do emoticons look like? That's right, koloboks.

Educational area "Artistically - aesthetic development»

(Fine activity. Sculpting.) 2 junior group


Software content.

Generate interest in modeling. Continue to acquaint children with the test and its properties.To consolidate the ability to roll the ball, the ability to flatten the ball.

To consolidate the ability to carefully use the mass for modeling.

Consolidate knowledge of primary colors (red, yellow, blue), knowledge of the form

Develop fine motor skills, imagination, speech.

Make children want to do something nice. Cultivate accuracy in the performance of work. Cultivate independence in the performance of the task.

Main areas of work (Groups of tasks of the educational area of ​​the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education): To form interest in visual arts; stimulation of empathy for the characters of works of art; enrichment of the active vocabulary.

Material . Dough yellow, red, of blue color, modeling board, napkin, tray, book, puppets of the Kolobok table theater, musical accompaniment.

Preliminary work. Reading the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", learning finger gymnastics.

Modeling techniques: pinching, rolling, rolling, pressing.

GCD progress.

Q. Guys, look how many guests have come to us today. Let's greet them.

D. Hello.

Q. Oh guys, look, there is some book here.

This is not a simple book, but a book of fairy tales. Oh, how beautiful it is, and probably very interesting. Do you like to listen to fairy tales?

D. Yes.

And you want to be in a fairy tale.

D. Yes

B. To get into a fairy tale, we need to say magic words.

Our ears hear a knock. Knock-Knock.

Here are the palms rustling

Our fingers are cracking

You beat loudly in your palms

And now you warm them up

Turned around, circled in a fairy tale found themselves

V. Here we are in a fairy tale

Grandmother and grandfather are dolls of the table theater on the table.

Q. Look, in a fairy tale, grandparents meet us.

Let's sit down and watch quietly, maybe we'll find out what fairy tale we are in, and find out what will happen next.

V. Our fairy tale continues. Listen carefully.

grandfather and grandmother at the table

We were drinking tea together

The old man says to the old woman.

I'm tired of cheesecakes

Buns apple pie,

Bake a bun

Grandma kneaded the dough

Burnt the stove hot

It hasn't even been two hours

The bun is already ready.

Grandmother takes a bun out of the oven.

AT. Guys, what did grandma's bun look like?

D. Round, yellow, cute, cheerful

AT. And the gingerbread man is hot, but let's blow on it so that it cools down sooner. Oh, for some reason it is still hot, you still have to put it on the window to cool.

Put a bun

cool to the window

Gingerbread man from the window skok

Straight to the track

Rolled across the lawn

rolled into the dense forest.

The grandmother looks, but the kolobok does not. Grandma was grieving: what will I feed grandfather now, but now he will be hungry.

Guys, let's help grandma make another kolobok together. Let's make grandma and grandpa happy.

Children sit down at the table to sculpt a kolobok.

Grandmother first kneaded the dough, we will also do it like she does.

B. To make our gingerbread man beautiful, let's say

We twist, twist the round circle turned out to be a bun. So that the bun does not run away again, we flatten it with the palm of our hand.

B. In order for the gingerbread man to see us, we roll up our eyes, so that he can sing a song, roll out his mouth from a small piece.

It turned out to be a fun bun.

B. We blinded our koloboks, now we need to bake, put on a tray and put in the oven. Let's say magic words to the stove, in a fairy tale there is no way without magic words. What is the magic word.

D. Please, bake our koloboks for us!

While our kolobok pies are being baked, we will please grandpa and grandma, we will dance for them.

(Dance to the song "KoloboK" "On the path along the path

Between the pines jump and jump

Very fun, playful

Gingerbread Man rolled, etc.

V. Grandfather and grandmother liked your dance very much

A knock is heard. Knock knock knock.

V. Besides, it's in a hurry to us, who is knocking at us, you don't know!

Desktop puppets of a hare and a wolf are brought in.

V. They say that it smells very tasty in the area, they decided to drop in on us, maybe they will be treated too, the fox also said that very tasty kolobok pies are baked here. And how does she know that delicious koloboks are baked here, and she probably ate the kolobok that granny baked.

This red bastard

Deceiving everyone cleverly

Well, poor bun

Was just a pie

Pies are baked to eat

Don't feel sorry for him, friend!

C. We will treat the forest guests with koloboks.

D. Yes. (Children treat animals with koloboks)

V. Well, that's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened was done. And now it's time for us to return from the fairy tale. We circled, turned around and back we returned.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Ilyinskaya secondary school"

Report on the topic

Unconventional technique drawing in kindergarten

and their role in the development of preschool children.

Developed by the educator

preschool group:

Kudryashova Irina Yurievna


Lesson in the second junior group modeling "Roll the bun"

02.04.2018 726 91 Ayaganova Aydyngul Telmanovna

GCD in the second junior group "The bun is rolling"
Educator: Ayaganova A T
Integration educational areas: "Communication", "Reading fiction”,“ Artistic creativity ”(modeling).
Types of children's activities: game communicative, productive, musical and artistic, reading.
Tasks: to introduce the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"; learn to listen to a work of art, answer questions about its content; to teach children a new action with clay - rolling in circular motions; induce the desire to create images fairy tale characters.
Planned results of the development of the integrative qualities of a preschooler: shows interest in participating in a joint examination of illustrations for the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", participates in its discussion, answers questions about the content of the text of the fairy tale, is active when creating a product in modeling, tries to expressively convey a fabulous image when singing a kolobok song .
Materials and equipment: Russian text folk tale"Kolobok", illustrations for a fairy tale, clay, modeling boards.
GCD content:
1. Reading the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man".
The teacher shows a toy kolobok and asks the children who it is; Do they know what fairy tale the bun is from? He offers to sit comfortably and listen to a fairy tale about him (during reading, the teacher imitates the voices of the characters).
After reading the story, the teacher invites the children to answer the following questions:
- Did you like the story?
- Who the protagonist fairy tales?
- Who met Kolobok?
- What did the bun sing?
- How did the story end?

2. Examination of illustrations.
The teacher offers to consider the illustrations and determine how each character is depicted.

3. Phys. minute: Round dance, round dance (clapping)
Dancing little people (squat)
Dance, jump and shout (jumping)
We are ready all year round (squat)
4. Modeling koloboks.
Rolling in circular motions is the most difficult type of movement. Many children, having started it, switch to the usual rolling of clay between the palms in the same way as they acted before. Therefore, you should first invite the children to roll the finished ball. It is desirable for the teacher to make this movement together with the hands of the baby. Children once again sensually perceive the form, exercise in circular movements, which then it will be easier for them to reproduce.
Only after mastering the rolling, you can proceed to the manufacture of koloboks. When the children fashion them, you can offer to depict how the koloboks roll along the path.
The teacher asks what is missing from the bun. Children say that there are no eyes, no mouth. The teacher offers to take the sticks and paint the missing elements on the kolobok, shows how this should be done. Children complete the task according to the model.
4. Reflection.
All molded koloboks are placed on the table, where there are cardboard or plywood Christmas trees and paths. Children, together with the teacher, examine the koloboks, play with them and sing a song:

I'm a bun, a bun! It's cold on the window.
Meten on the barn, I left my grandfather,
Scraped by the bottom of the barrel, I left my grandmother,
Mixed on sour cream, I'll leave you, hare, for sure!
planted in the oven,
-What did we do today?
-What did you like the most?

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

Educational: To consolidate the ability of children to roll the ball in a circular motion between the palms; learn to bring the product to the desired image with the help of additional material.

Developing: To develop the ability to sculpt objects with characteristic features from various plastic materials.

Educational: To cultivate the ability to show a positive attitude to the process of creative activity.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 140"

"Kolobok - ruddy side"

Educator: Gurina O.S.



Summary of modeling classes in the 2nd junior group

"Kolobok - ruddy side"

Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"


Educational: To consolidate the ability of children to roll the ball in a circular motion between the palms; learn to bring the product to the desired image with the help of additional material.

Developing: To develop the ability to sculpt objects with characteristic features from various plastic materials.

Educational: To cultivate the ability to show a positive attitude to the process of creative activity.

Material: Rubber or Stuffed Toys: hare, wolf, bear, fox;

Modeling technique used

Kneading - pressing with hands and fingers on a piece of dough.

"Spanking" - energetic patting on the dough with a tense palm with straight fingers. The range of motion can be varied.

Rolling (2nd method) - the formation of large balls using circular motions between straight palms.

Preliminary work.

1. Reading and looking at illustrations of the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man".

2. Drawing "Kolobok".

3. Exercises from psycho-gymnastics aimed at forming the expression of emotions.

Individual work:

Differentiated Approach:

Lesson progress

Children's answers

The children are sitting at the tables. On the table in front of them are the heroes of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

Q. Guys, look who came to us today?

Q. Guess my riddles:

White in winter, gray in summer

He does not offend anyone, but he is afraid of everyone.

He looks like a sheepdog.

Whatever a tooth, then a sharp knife.

He runs, baring his mouth,

Ready to attack the sheep.

He slept in a fur coat all winter.

He sucked his brown paw,

And, waking up, began to roar

This beast of the forest...

Get used to the poultry house - expect trouble.

Red tail covers traces

V. Well done! And in what fairy tale can we meet all these animals together?

Q. I suggest that you mold the main character of the fairy tale today. Who is it?

B. That's right. What is it, describe it.

B. To start work, you need to warm up the plasticine.

Breathing exercises: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth on plasticine

Q. Each of you has a small piece of plasticine, and I have a large one. What do you think, what kind of koloboks will turn out from a small piece? And from the big one?

C. Let's show on the fingers what kind of koloboks we can have (finger warm-up “Rings”).


Close index and thumb right hand, and on the left - the thumb and little finger. It turned out two "rings". The child should close the fingers of the hands so that on each hand they alternately get a “big” and “small” ring.

Let's remember what are the ways of rolling the kolobok (on the table, between the palms).

Q. Let's see if the koloboks are real or not. We roll from hand to hand.

Let's show where our koloboks have a face.

And what shape do our koloboks have?

Q. I propose to add handles and legs to our kolobok and put it on a stand.

Here are some beautiful koloboks we got!

D. Toys

Dmitrieva Liliya Minirakhmanovna teacher of the second junior group MBDOU Kindergarten "Glowworm" Lyantor, Surgut district, Tyumen region

Integration of educational areas: communication, reading fiction, music, cognition, artistic creativity.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale "Kolobok" , viewing illustrations for a fairy tale, theatricalization of a fairy tale "Kolobok" .

Purpose: to repeat a familiar fairy tale, to fashion a bun from plasticine.

Educational: to consolidate children's knowledge of a familiar fairy tale, expand and activate the vocabulary of adjectives, repeat counting up to 4.

Educational: to cultivate emotional responsiveness, respect for others, the ability to greet and say goodbye politely.


develop imagination, fantasy, dialogical speech of children, attention, thinking through solving riddles.

Material: grandmother costumes for the teacher, hare, fox, wolf, bear for children; papier-mâché bun; plasticine, modeling boards, napkins; a basket with refreshments; meadow of flowers; easel, paintings with mathematical content, recording of bird voices.

Scenery: Christmas tree, birch, lair.

GCD progress:

Birds are singing. The teacher appears dressed as a grandmother.

Grandmother: Hello guys! Guess who am I? Correctly!

I baked a bun, put it on the window to cool, and he rolled off along the path. Guys, have you seen him?

Children: "No, they didn't!"

Grandmother: “Guys, help me, please, find a kolobok!”

Grandmother: “Difficulties and adventures lie ahead of us! Are you ready?

Children: "Yeees!"

Grandmother: “We have to go through the forest path. We’ll run along the path, we’ll run to the clearing ” .

Grandmother: “Oh, who is hiding under the bush! (Surprise behind the Christmas tree) You will know if you guess the riddle: “A ball of fluff, a long ear, jumps deftly, loves carrots!”

Children: "It's a bunny!"

Grandmother: "And what is he?"

Children: "White, fluffy, cowardly" .

Hello bunny, why are you crying?

Hare: “I bought shoes in the market, tried them on in the forest, lost everything” .

Grandmother: “Crying obliquely, winter is on the nose, he will freeze in the forest. Let's help the bunny guys! Come all here" . Children approach the easel with the picture.

Grandmother: How many shoes did the hare lose? Let's count together" .

Children count in chorus: one, two, three, four.

Grandmother: “Guys, why does a hare need four shoes?”

Children: "Because the hare has 4 legs" .

Grandmother: “Here, bunny, we found your shoes! Bunny, have you by any chance met a kolobok?

Hare: "Kolobok sang me a song and rolled down the path" .

Grandma and children: "Thank you, bunny, goodbye!"

Grandmother: .

Children approach the easel with a new painting.

Grandmother: “Look how many animals are in the house?”

Children consider: "Four"

Grandmother: What animals live in the house?

Children: "Wolf, fox, hare, bear"

Grandmother: "Guess which animal is hiding?"

Children: "Wolf"

Grandmother: "Tell me what it is?"

Children: "Gray, angry, hungry" .

(A wolf comes out from behind a stump)

Wolf: "Hello children! Why did you come to the forest?

Children: “We are looking for a bun. Have you met him?"

Wolf: “Kolobok sang his song to me and rolled further along the path. I listened and did not have time to eat it " .

Grandma and children: "Thank you, wolf, goodbye!"

Grandmother: “And you and I, guys, let’s move on. We will go along the path, we will find it anyway! We’ll run along the path, we’ll run to the clearing ” .

Grandmother: “What is the miracle in the clearing? (Lair, there is a bear in it) Who is it there?

Yes, it's a bear! Hello, little one! We are looking for a kolobok, have you met him?

Bear: “And who is this bun? What does he look like? What is he?

Grandmother: "Don't you know what a bun looks like? Guys, let's make a kolobok and show it to a bear" .

Children sit at the tables and sculpt koloboks from plasticine.

Bear: “Well, yes, I met a kolobok. He sang his song and rolled down the path. I listened, I didn’t have time to eat it” .

Grandma and children: "Thank you, honey, goodbye!"

Grandmother: "Do you guys hear? This bun sings a song" .

(The song of the kolobok is heard)

Grandmother: “Guess who the bun sings a song to? A cunning cheat, a red head, a fluffy tail - beauty, but her name is ...? (A fox)» .

Grandmother: “And what does the fox want to do with the bun?”

Children: "Eat!"

Grandmother: “We need to rescue the kolobok! Let's say together: “Fox, don't eat the bun! He must be returned to his grandmother!

(Children repeat after the teacher in chorus)

A fox: “What should I do, no one is friends with me. I'm sad in the forest .

Children: “You and I, fox, we will be friends, and you let go of the bun!”

Grandmother: "Let's play with the fox guys"

Warm-up game: "To the waterhole" .

One, two, three, spin around and turn into little animals.

One day, the animals went to the watering place along the forest path. (Children walk calmly in a circle.)

A fox was sneaking behind mom fox (On the socks),

A bear cub followed the mother bear (waddle),

Behind the mother hare, oblique hares (jump),

The she-wolf led the cubs (go crawling).

All mothers and children want to get drunk (face in a circle, make a movement - lapping).

One, two, three, spin around and turn into kids.

A fox: "Alright guys, I won't eat the bun"

Grandmother: “Thanks, fox, goodbye! (say goodbye to the fox) And it's time for us to go home." (pick up the bun)

Outcome of GCD:

Grandmother: “Tell me, guys, who did we meet on the path today? (With a hare, a wolf, a bear, a fox)

How did they welcome us? What did the animals say when they met? What about goodbye? (friendly, greeted and said goodbye politely).

Did you enjoy traveling through the forest?

Grandmother: Thanks guys, you helped me a lot. You have come such a long way with me! Help me find our kolobok! And this is your treat! (basket with pies)»