“The development of fine motor skills of hands in young children in the process of didactic. Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands Card file for the development of fine motor skills of hands

Didactic manual "Kolobok" for games with beans

Do-it-yourself didactic manual for kindergarten

Material Description:the material will be useful to teachers and parents in order to organize games for the development of fine motor skills of hands in children of primary preschool age.

The development of fine motor skills in children is a long continuous process during which the child learns the world, begins to communicate with it, gains dexterity and even begins to speak. Fine motor skills are the coordinated work of the muscular, bone and nervous systems of the body.
Science has proven the existence of a connection between the development of fine motor skills and logical thinking, memory, intelligence and speech in children. Therefore, experts recommend developing fine motor skills from an early age.
The hand has the largest representation in the cerebral cortex. Finger games are also good helpers in preparing the hand for writing. Thanks to finger games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate.
Games with cereals help develop fine motor skills. In this case, games with beans are proposed.

The game "Let's Treat the Bun with Vitamins"

Target:development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity.
Funds:2 plastic jars with lids, beans.
Making allowance:
1. We take 2 plastic jars with lids.

2. On one of the covers we depict a kolobok with the help of an application from a self-adhesive film.

3. Cut off the legs and arms from an old soft toy. We process their edges with a needle and thread. In one of the jars we make small holes for the arms and legs. We insert finished parts into them. Glue a cap on the head.

4. We make a hole in the mouth of the kolobok.
5. Pour the beans into the second jar.
Game progress:
The teacher tells the children that beans are vitamins for the bun. Children are happy to treat the kolobok with vitamins. They take one bean seed (one vitamin) and put it in the opening of the mouth.

Game "Kolobok Mood"

Target:the formation of the ability to express emotions, the development of fine motor skills.
Funds:kolobok character; cards with pictograms: joy, sadness, surprise; beans.
Game progress:
- Guys, when the bun was hungry, what mood did he have? (sad)
- And when he saw how many treats we had for him, what happened to the bun? (he was surprised)
- When the bun was full, what mood did he have? (fun)
- In front of you are cards with the image of the parts of the face of the kolobok. Try to put a mouth out of the beans to get the emotions of sadness, joy and surprise.
- Guys, depict the emotions of sadness, surprise and joy on your face.
/ children using facial expressions depict these emotions /

Game "Magic bags"

Tasks:develop fine motor skills of hands, tactile sensitivity, consolidate the concepts of "many", "one".
Funds:character kolobok, three balloons ("Magic bags"), beans, a tray.

Game progress:
- Guys, the bun wants to play hide and seek with you. He hid various amounts of bean seeds in the balls. Let's find some beans, shall we? /let's/
- Guys, show the ball in which one bean seed is hidden.
- And in which ball are many seeds hidden?
- Let's find a ball where there is none.
/ children feel the balls with a tactile method, find the beans and answer how many beans are hidden in which ball/

Kolobok praises children for their resourcefulness and dexterity.

Game "Hide and Seek"

Target:involuntary massage of the fingers.
Tasks:develop fine motor skills of hands, tactile sensations.
Funds:character kolobok, a bowl of beans, figures from kinder surprises or buttons.
Game progress:
The teacher invites the children to again play hide and seek with the kolobok. The gingerbread man “hides” figures in a bowl with cereals, and the children look for them with the help of their hands.

Game "Magic Sieve"

Target:development of the intellectual sphere and cognitive interest through the enrichment of the sensory experience of children.
Tasks:develop fine motor skills of the hands; accuracy.
Funds:kolobok character, a bowl of cereals (beans and semolina, a sieve with a handle, 2 cups.
Game progress:
- Guys, the gingerbread man accidentally mixed two types of cereals in a bowl: semolina and beans and asks us to help him sort them into different cups.
- Can we help the kolobok? (Yes)
- How to choose beans from a bowl? (with fingers)
/ children try to separate the cereal by hand /

The relationship of fine motor skills and mental activity.
The formation of the child's verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. It has been established that in the human brain the centers responsible for speech and finger movements are located close, so speech reactions are directly dependent on the fitness of the fingers.

Conditions for the effective development of fine motor skills.

It is necessary to use all the fingers of both hands. Compression, stretching and relaxation movements must be combined. Exercises should be based on the use of isolated movements of each finger. For the successful development of fine motor skills, it is important to train both hands. It is important in games to equally develop the subtle movements of the fingers of both hands, and in everyday life to strive to distribute various actions between the right and left hands.

The value of games for the development of fine motor skills.

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills are a powerful means of maintaining the tone and performance of the cerebral cortex, a means of interacting with the underlying structures. In their process, children improve attention, memory, auditory and visual perception, perseverance is brought up, playing and educational and practical activities are formed. Systematic exercises also help to develop the skills of self-control and self-regulation of hand movements not only under visual control, but also with the participation of touch, tactile-motor sensations.

Games that parents can make from scrap materials.

To strengthen and develop the child's hand, coordination of movements, various exercises and actions with objects are recommended:

1. Twisting tapes.

2. Lacing. You will need a piece of linoleum with holes made and a lace. (game "Lacing").

You can also find at home some object that is not heavy, on which there will be many holes.

Another option..

You will need:

As a basis, you can take any dense, non-flowing material, such as felt, fleece, and best of all, foamed polymer of different colors. In a chemical store or in a supermarket, buy cleaning cloths.

laces and limiters for laces;

buttons are large, preferably on the leg;

marker, pencil or pen;

scissors with pointed ends;

Lacing "Hedgehog"

Draw a hedgehog figure on the wrong side of the material and cut it out along the contour. On the front side, mark the nose, eye and mouth with a marker or felt-tip pen.

From the same material, cut out a variety of fruits, mushrooms, leaves, which the child will lace up to the back of the hedgehog. If you also have a problem with the desired color scheme, use colored paper, glue it with PVA glue. Let the glue dry well, otherwise when you make holes, the paper may deform.

Lace is ready. Take a string, make a knot at one end or put on a stopper so that it does not slip through the hole, and show your child how to attach the fruit to the back of the hedgehog. At the same time, you can even come up with some kind of fairy tale, how the hedgehog collected fruits and mushrooms for lunch.

You can just take the figures and make more: boats, cars, butterflies, flowers, etc. you can buy bright shoelaces and play with your child)))

Now we can invite the baby to sort the leaves by color. Remember to blow like the wind, mixing all the leaves. Incorporating breathing exercises into your classes is very helpful!

There is another great game: from which tree a leaf. We collect leaves of one type, for example, only maple.

If you have played enough with the leaves, then you don’t need to put them in the closet, they will perfectly decorate the house! We take the rope and string the leaves. For kids, the sequence can be any, and older children can be offered to string in a certain sequence. Following the sequence, the child trains not only fine motor skills, but also attention, memory, thinking. This is a great exercise to prepare for school.

We make a tree trunk from felt, porous rubber or thick cardboard.

The beauty of such lacing is that the more randomly laced the leaves, the more magnificent and beautiful the tree. We accustom to order in such games gradually, a little training and it will turn out beautifully and evenly. Children will like the tree, here you can lace from the heart :) and no one will say that it is so wrong.

And the last version of the game for today is a wreath. Do I need to say how children love to decorate themselves and their mother, to give gifts? Such a wreath of autumn leaves can become part of the autumn costume at a holiday in kindergarten. You can not limit yourself to a wreath, but make beads, a bracelet and even a ring from a tiny leaf.

We choose a lace or ribbon and collect the leaves. You can take several leaves at once to make the wreath richer.

3. Button fastening. You will need fabric, buttons and thread. (game "Clasps").

Zipper, Velcro, buttons, buttons...

4. Laying out according to the pattern, sorting out the bones, cereals, multi-colored pebbles,

5. Games with clothespins. You will need clothespins and cardboard.

6. Unscrewing and tightening the covers. You will need necks and caps from plastic bottles, a shoe box, glue.

margarita solovyova
Card file of didactic games for the development of fine motor skills

The game "Journey of the Fingers"

Purpose of the game: Development and finger coordination training, development fingertips, development of attention.

Equipment: a sheet of paper on which 2 houses are depicted at different ends, "islands" to move your fingers.

Game progress: the child sets his fingers near the first house. Then he begins to move his fingers along the islands to another house, without taking his fingers off the other. "bumps".


you can move around, for starters, using 2 fingers;

all fingers must participate;

you can not tear off the first finger without rearranging the other.

The game "Scissors"

Purpose of the game: Coordination of movements, training of the muscles of the hand, concentration

attention development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: the tray on which the scissors lie (better plastic with blunt ends) and several sheets of thick colored paper. Cut lines are marked on some sheets.

Game progress: The presenter guesses riddle: Two ends, two rings, and carnations in the middle. After the child has guessed, the host offers to cut the paper with scissors. If the child copes easily, he is given the task to cut along the lines and perform complex movements to cut the pattern.

It should be noted that, acquiring the skills to confidently hold scissors, the child will then be able to hold a pencil just as confidently and draw precise lines on paper.

The game "Colorful clothespins"

Purpose of the game: development of fine motor skills of the hands, color recognition training, development of attention.

Equipment: 2 sets of baskets with colorful wooden clothespins (12 pcs.). The basket can be replaced with a cup or plate, a plastic bucket. The main thing is that the clothespins easily cling to the edges.

Game progress: The leader and the child each have a basket with colored clothespins. The host takes the basket, puts it on the table and asks the child to give him a clothespin and name its color. Then the facilitator shows how with three fingers you can attach a clothespin to the edge of the basket. When the child has mastered this action and can easily attach clothespins, for example, all clothespins of the same color and name their color, he is given the task of attaching clothespins in a certain sequence of colors, go to perform a certain sequence of clothespins as on the leader's basket. You should pay attention to the fact that the leader attaches clothespins with three fingers, because the child must see the correct movements.

Repeated repetition of the movement of unclenching and squeezing the clothespins trains the fingertips, provides a tonic massage and pressure on the points of the muscles responsible for activating the speech centers of the brain.

The game "Find a Surprise"

Purpose of the game: The development of fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements; patience training.

Equipment: Wrappers (10-15 pieces, small items(badges, buttons, etc., popcorn, nuts.

Game progress: The presenter wraps the badge in 4-5 candy wrappers. The child must expand all wrappers and neatly fold.

The game "Collect all the stones"

development of attention.

Equipment: Pebbles, sand, basin.

Game progress: Throw pebbles into the sand. First, invite the child to collect pebbles with the first three fingers of his right hand (skill consolidation).

Purpose of the game: The development of fine motor skills of the hands, development fingertips,

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1 slide Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 411 "Penguin" Vasilchenko Natalia.

The development of fine motor skills through didactic games, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard The younger age of children is the period when almost all motor skills that a person owns are formed and developed.

Maria Grinberg (Budko)

One of the leading directions of my methodical work is the development of fine motor skills of hands in children of senior preschool age.

To enrich the subject-developing environment, I made the following didactic games and manuals for the development of fine motor skills of hands:

ring ding game

simulator (lacing, rubber bands, locks, clothespins, buttons)

modules with clothespins;

templates (patterns) on lexical topics - for tracing, coloring, shading;

bags with cereals (beans, rice, peas) - for feeling;

repeat pattern cards (for counting sticks)

split pictures on lexical topics

"Merry caterpillar" d / game for the development of fine motor skills of hands, as well as logic and thinking

Conditions have also been created for manual labor, origami, and the manufacture of handicrafts from natural materials.

containers with sorting colored pebbles;

a zone for the development of fine motor skills and exercises with bulk material;

boxes for shifting and sorting natural material;

corks from plastic bottles, different colors - for remembering colors, numbers drilled in the middle for stringing beads

"Magic mittens" with massage beads

"Health Path" for foot massage

In the group, all game components are in a freely accessible place for children, which makes children want and interest to play with them.

One of the most important conditions for the effectiveness of my work on the development of fine motor skills of hands is the joint activity of teachers and parents.

Therefore, the task was to improve the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents, to explain how to ensure the full development of the child at preschool age.

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At the information stand for parents, she compiled and posted consultations:

"The influence of finger games on the development of speech of preschool children",

"Speech and fingers"

How to conduct speech and finger games with a child.

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Dear colleagues! I want to provide you with didactic games for the development of fine motor skills of the hand of preschoolers.

"Funny Paper Clips"

Target: to promote the development by children of sensory standards of shape, size, color, to develop coordination of hand movements in a child, to develop tactile sensitivity, fine and medium motor skills of hands, eye, memory; stimulate the speech development of the child, develop the purposefulness of the action, the ability to bring the work begun to the end, learn to navigate the task (analyze working conditions, control one's actions (determine the correctness of actions, results, evaluate quality).

Material: colored paper clips, cards, cardboard toys silhouettes.

Game options:

1. Connecting the paper clips one by one as you wish.

2. Unfasten staples as desired.

3. Invite the children to carefully look at the flat toy. Then the children should tell what the artist forgot to draw. Invite the children to correct the mistakes using paper clips that match in color.

4. An adult offers to see what number is on the card, compare the number with the number and select the required number of paper clips of the corresponding color.

5. The child must repeat the alternation of colors, as on the card. When the child has mastered this version of the game, invite him to remember the order of the colors on the card and make chains of paper clips from memory.

6. Lay out the pattern according to the sample.

7. Lay out the numbers.

"Smart clothespins"

Target: learn color, shape, improve counting skills up to 10, orientation in space, develop communication, speech, attention, thinking.

Material: clothespins, cards.

Game options:

Invite the children to make up the number shown on the card using clothespins of two colors;

Attach clothespins along the edge of the planter according to the color indicated on the card;

By hooking the clothespins to each other, create a simple geometric shape: a circle, a square, etc.

Invite the children to complete the missing details of the silhouettes (for example: sun-rays, carrot-leaves, bird-tail, fish-tail, turnip-leaves, etc.);


Target: the game develops reaction speed, fine motor skills, attention, helps to consolidate knowledge of colors and counting skills.

Material: cards, colored rubber bands.

Game progress:

Players must put on the rubber bands on the hand according to the pattern shown on the card, observing the location and color of the rubber bands.

"Geometric Mosaic"


Develop visual-figurative thinking, creativity, memory, attention, imagination;

To form sensory standards of color, size and shape;

Develop fine motor skills of the hand;


Multi-colored geometric shapes of different sizes and colors;

Cards with drawings from geometric shapes.

Game progress:

Invite the child to carefully consider a card with a pattern of geometric shapes and repeat exactly the same pattern;

You can invite the child to try to come up with and put together a figure;

"Constructor Sticks"

Target: improve counting skills, form spatial representations in children, develop communication, speech, attention, imagination, fine motor skills of hands, contribute to the expansion and activation of the preschooler's vocabulary, as well as the development of memory and thinking, learn color, shape.

Material: colored sticks, diagrams.

Game options:

Children are invited to make different figures, using the same sticks for one figure or the construction of trapeziums, polygons. You can lay out numbers, drawings according to the model. From the proposed silhouettes, you can compose entire compositions by adding some of your own elements to them: Christmas trees, flowers, mushrooms, etc. You can invite the child to try to come up with and fold the figure himself.

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