The theme of self-education is the development of speech with the help of mnemonics. Mnemonics: memorization techniques in exercises. For children of the middle age group in kindergarten

Mnemonics is a set of techniques by which memory is expanded and taught to memorize the necessary information. Methods of mnemonics are designed for the emergence of associations.

The mnemonic rule for memorizing information is interesting even for children in a preschool educational institution, therefore children's institutions usually have a file of mnemonic exercises.

Mnemotechnical techniques work by transferring information into images. Images are auditory, visual and graphic. Exercise contributes to the development of memory, intelligence, mindfulness and speech in preschoolers.

The techniques of mnemonics in kindergartens are gradually mastered by children. First, simple mnemonic tricks are learned, then they move on to complex exercises. It works like this:

  • The children are shown mnemonic squares, which are a simple image. Each image represents a word, a phrase or a simple short sentence.
  • Further, children master mnemotracks, this is a collage consisting of four simple images. The children learn to make stories based on it.
  • Mnemotables are complex exercises for the development of children. Mnemotables are compiled in such a way that stories are reproduced from them.

Mnemotables are important components of the figurative visualization of information, so we will dwell on them in more detail.

Using mimic tables in kindergarten, educators teach children to memorize poems, select rhymes for words. Poetry memorization exercises are mnemonic if the information is presented to the kids as a game.. The tables are compiled by educators, psychologists or parents, but when the baby has already learned how to perform the exercises, he needs to try to make tables on his own. When children are motivated to make tables, they, in addition to speech and memory, develop imagination, which is relevant for studying at school.

Mnemotables in kindergarten are:

  • Tables with algorithms that show the sequence of washing hands, washing, dressing, eating.
  • Tables that tell stories.
  • Tables configured for learning poetry or other materials.

Mnemonic tricks in kindergarten:

  • To develop the imagination, show the child the mnemonic tables, according to which he will compose his own story or fairy tale.
  • Practice memorizing poems using mnemonic tables.
  • Development game logical thinking Children: Give the children cards with pictures of objects and ask them to sort each object into a group (objects related to construction, cooking, sports).

After these activities, invite the children to draw pictures based on your story.

Mnemonic rule

Mnemonics is a complex development of psychology, so it works according to the rules. So, mnemonic rules:

  • Mnemo tables for children without training are complex. Start with mnemonic squares.
  • Provide color charts. Black and white drawings do not arouse the interest of children.
  • Tables should not contain more than 9 figures, because it is difficult for children.
  • Do not offer children more than 2 mnemotables per day.
  • Memory does not develop if the tables belong to the same topic.

The use of mnemonics is important not only in kindergarten. Parents should also pay attention to the development of children at home.

Vladimir Kozarenko "Mnemonics step by step"

"Mnemonics step by step" Kozarenko consists of five separate courses that are interconnected. All methods for developing memory begin with simple ones, gradually becoming more complex and requiring greater concentration.

Kozarenko's textbook of mnemonics is useful for people who study English language, because it contains a manual that helps memorize foreign words. Kozarenko's book is designed for people who study English on their own or take lessons in groups.

The book covers such a volume of information that other books are not able to cover. You will learn to concentrate, develop memory, reproduce information in your own words, improve your English, set your memory to memorize numbers.

Types of mnemonics

What is mnemonics and why is it needed, we figured it out. But there are such types of mnemonics:

  • Classical - the development of memory occurs with the use of visual images.
  • Pedagogical - more easy way memorization. There are few visual images in it, but it involves the use of constant repetitions of the material, rewriting information in a notebook, memorizing notes. This is how memory is developed in most educational institutions, but this method is not practiced in preschool educational institutions.
  • Circus - a game for the development of memory using gestures, facial expressions, intonations. This is a game technique, it assumes the presence of tricks known only to the teacher and the student.
  • Sports - memory develops by memorizing numbers.
  • Modern - involves the study of large amounts of information. The technique is designed to develop memory in people who need to remember accurate information.

Mnemonics for pronunciation of sounds

The development of speech should be given special attention, because the correct pronunciation of sounds is important for the socialization of children. In addition, the development of coherent speech is no less important, because the child is able to think competently, but it is important to be able to express thoughts. The use of mnemonics is possible for the development of speech and the correct pronunciation of sounds.

For the formation of coherent speech and the correct pronunciation of sounds, it is necessary to show children a schematic representation of sounds. Working with children takes place in the following sequence:

  • Coordination of signs with children. The guys must agree with the images on paper.
  • Teaching children the correct pronunciation of sounds using pictures.
  • Creating coherent speech by memorizing poems from pictures.

So that the development of coherent speech is not a difficult task, at the same time it is necessary to conduct classes in which the children will replenish their vocabulary. If this is not done, then the story from the pictures will not show coherent speech, the children will simply practice pronunciation of sounds.

The correct pronunciation of sounds and the development of coherent speech are closely interconnected. They shape the child's personality. If a kid in a kindergarten develops mental abilities, then at school it will not be difficult for him.

To automate sounds in the coherent speech of children, of course, it is best to contact a speech therapist. But doctors also use mnemonic techniques, so work with your child at home to consolidate the result.

In automating sounds in coherent speech, the most difficult thing is to interest the child. He does not understand that he has to work, so do not force him. Otherwise, the baby will lose interest and learning will not be effective. Practice with him as he wishes, then the learning process will bear fruit.

We figured out what a mnemonic is for automating sounds, developing coherent speech, memory, thinking and mindfulness. The main rule when doing exercises is regularity. Practice with your child systematically so that the exercises really affect the memory and thinking of the child.

Kotova Maria Pavlovna
Position: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MBDOU №4
Locality: Mikhailovsk city, Stavrol region
Material name: ARTICLE
Subject: The use of mnemonics for children with disabilities
Publication date: 22.12.2016
Chapter: preschool education

My approach to working with children
“Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty of these words with pictures, and they will be thrown away.”
K. D. Ushinsky
At preschool age, visual-figurative memory prevails, and memorization is mostly involuntary: children better remember events, objects, facts, phenomena that are close to their life experience. small stories. Children with disabilities have the following problems: impaired pronunciation, poor vocabulary, there are violations of the formation of the HMF, which interferes with effective speech correction. When developing the speech of children with disabilities, it is quite reasonable to use creative methods and technologies. One such technique is mnemonics. Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that provides effective memorization, storage and reproduction of information. In working with children with disabilities, mnemonics helps to develop - visual and auditory memory - imagination - associative thinking. Learning goal: 1development of coherent speech 2development fine motor skills hands 3transformation of abstract symbols into images. Mnemotables can be subject, subject-schematic and schematic. Mnemotables are used to work on automating sounds, enriching the dictionary, when memorizing poems, and retelling fairy tales.





work (teacher

preparation of additional educational material that expands the horizons of children; discussion with children of observations of natural phenomena or works of oral folk art carried out before class; preparation of equipment and handouts, listening to an audio cassette; the teacher's choice of techniques with which you can interest children in the classroom.
The lesson consists of several stages:
Stage 1. Examining tables and analyzing what is depicted on it.
Stage 2. Information is being recoded, i.e. character-to-image conversion
Stage 3.
After recoding, a retelling of the fairy tale is carried out based on symbols (images), i.e. memorization method is being developed. Mnemonics develops fiction, fantasy, the ability to imagine oneself in the place of another in children. Memorizing poems is a great way to train your memory, so we use methods that make the process easier. The visual modeling method is one of such methods. At the beginning, we get acquainted with the poem as a whole, then line by line, semantic parts. It is proposed to think and depict these parts in the drawings. Sketches can correspond to a word, word formation, sentence. In free time, the child can test himself. 2015 - 2016 introduced mnemotables for enriching vocabulary in the study of lexical topics, the development of coherent speech into work with children with disabilities. In individual lessons, she selected a “drawn” poem for the automation of sounds, offered the children a creative approach to memorization (the children themselves depicted the symbols that they associated with this or that word), then, together with the children, reproduced the repetition of the poem based on the table. interesting is the fact that 2-4 children in the group memorize the poem by heart, while in this way they “draw” it. With the help of model diagrams and mnemotables, the following results can be achieved. Arouse in children a desire to retell fairy tales - both in class and in everyday life. Expand your knowledge of the world around you. Activate vocabulary. There was an interest in memorizing poems To help children overcome shyness, shyness, learn to freely stand in front of an audience. Summing up the above, it should be noted that speech activity is formed and functions in close connection with all mental processes. Special training should be carried out with the help of a comprehensive program of speech therapy, including not only the development of the components of the speech system, but also aimed at correcting mental functions. Therefore, the use of mnemonic techniques in the work on the development of children's speech, in our opinion, is the most relevant because: - visual modeling makes it easier for children with disabilities to master coherent speech, because the use of symbols, pictograms, substitutes, diagrams facilitates memorization and increases the amount of memory and generally develops speech - visual modeling techniques use natural mechanisms
brain memory and allow you to fully control the process of storing, storing and recalling information; - children who own the means of visual modeling, in the future are able to independently develop speech in the process of communication and learning. . The use of this technology in working with children with disabilities gives sustainable results of education, upbringing and development. It must be emphasized that all work on the development of coherent speech in children is not limited to mnemonic tables. This is, first of all, as the initial, “launching”, the most significant and effective work, since the use of mnemonic tables makes it easier for children to perceive and process visual information, save and reproduce it.

Plan for self-education "Rules traffic- the basis of the safety of a preschooler "

Drivers keep calm

After all, the rules of movement are the same -

For adult pedestrians and children


Nowadays, the topic of prevention of road traffic injuries is becoming very relevant. For 8 months of 2016, 93 accidents were registered involving children and adolescents, in which 2 minors died and 94 were injured. The cause of 59 such accidents was violations of the Rules of the Road by drivers of vehicles. The negligence of the children themselves led to 38 accidents. An analysis of the structure of road incidents involving minors by category of participants showed that 32 children were injured as passengers, 52 as pedestrians and 10 as cyclists.

Every year our city grows and prettier. There are many wide, beautiful streets and roads in them. Huge and endless traffic flow on the roads and streets. Thousands of pedestrians pass along these same roads and streets. Among them, of course, are children. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something new, unusual, he finds himself on the street in life-threatening situations. This is due to the fact that children do not yet know how to properly manage their behavior. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment.

For a child, the ability to behave on the road depends not only on his desire or unwillingness to do so. The child is the most vulnerable road user, and much of the behavior of children on the road is determined by their perception of the traffic situation. That is why the safety of children on the road can be ensured first of all by us, adults: parents, teachers, educators, passers-by.

Where does the safety of children on the road begin? Of course, from timely learning the ability to navigate in a traffic situation, educating the need to be disciplined on the street, prudent and careful. Leading by example is the best way for a child to learn.

Today, the problem of children's safety is being actively discussed in society, and employees of children's institutions, who, by the nature of their activities, are responsible for their pupils, are of particular concern for young citizens.

To acquaint children with the rules of the road, to form their skills correct behavior on the road, you need early age, since the knowledge gained in childhood is the most durable, the rules learned subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance is a human need. It is also important that this topic is closely intertwined with the development of orientation in space and involves the formation of such personality traits as attention, responsibility for one's behavior, confidence in one's actions. All this is the basis for educating a competent and self-confident pedestrian and driver.

This problem seems to be so relevant that it served as the basis for me to choose this topic, the topic of self-education.


1. Improving your professional skills and competence.

2. Improving the conditions for the formation of children preschool age sustainable safety skills in the surrounding road traffic environment.

1. Expand knowledge about the rules of the road through conversations, various types of didactic games, etc. games, drama games, speech games, riddles, board games, targeted walks, didactic pictures, fiction, various types of fine art, role-playing games, game situations.

2. Form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment.

3. Expand the vocabulary of children on road vocabulary

4. Intensify interaction with parents to promote traffic rules and children's safety

5. Develop logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity;

6. Rally the children's team.

7. To cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with the rules of the road, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

8. Introduce the actions of the traffic police inspector.

As a result of the work it is expected:

What do children learn about the main sources and types of danger on the street;

About life-threatening situations and ways to prevent dangerous situations on the street;

Children will exercise caution and forethought in a potentially dangerous situation (on the carriageway, when crossing streets, intersections, when moving in a car);

Will require others (children and adults) to follow the rules of safe behavior in standard and non-standard dangerous situations;

They will navigate the vehicles of their area, know the basic rules of behavior on the street and in public transport;

Understand the meaning of generally accepted symbolic designations (road signs, road markings, traffic lights, traffic stops, etc.);

the use of didactic games and exercises will contribute to the comprehensive development of the child.

Forms of work:

1. Acquaintance with fiction.

2. Excursions, observations, walks.

4. Entertainment and leisure.

5. Games: board, didactic, construction, theatrical,


6. Work with parents, consultations, conversations, questionnaires.

7. Working with children: joint games, individual work, introduction

game tricks.

8. Making folders for moving

9. Monitoring.

Expected results:

1. Expanding children's understanding of the road environment and traffic rules.

2. Formation of skills of calm, confident, cultural and safe behavior in the road transport environment.

3. The ability of children to anticipate dangerous situations and avoid them.

4. Increasing the activity of parents and children to ensure road safety.

Stage 1 - preparatory

]Selection and study of methodological literature:

1. T. A. Shorygina Conversations about the rules of the road with children aged 5-8 years. -M. :SC Sphere

2. E. Ya. Stepanenkova "To preschoolers about the rules of the road"

3. N. V. Kolomets “Formation of safe behavior in children aged 3-7 years.

4. F. S. Mayorova "We study the road alphabet"

5. E. I. Shalamova Rules and traffic safety. - M. : Scriptorium 2013 Publishing House, 2013.

6. E. Ya. Khabibulina "Road alphabet in kindergarten

7. T. F. Saulina “Introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road”

8. T. A. Shorygina "Fundamentals of Security"

9. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina “Safety”

10. K. Yu. Belaya "Formation of the foundations of safety in preschoolers"

Conduct diagnostic studies (using illustrations):

1. What is the street for?

2. What parts is the street divided into?

3. What is the name of the section of the road for the movement of pedestrians?

4. Where can people cross the road?

5. What road signs do you know? What do they stand for?

6. What rules must be observed when crossing the roadway?

7. What traffic lights do you know?

8. What types of transition do you know?

9. From which side should you bypass the bus, tram, trolleybus?

10. Where can children play?

Design of the subject-developing environment:

1. Making the layout "Our street"

2. Production of road signs, models of houses, a model of a traffic light.

3. Manufacture of attributes for role-playing games ("Driver", "Bus", "Drivers and Pedestrian", "Street", "Controller", "Car Dealership", "Auto Depot")

4. Pick up didactic and board games, posters according to the rules of the road.

5. Buy soft modules "Road traffic"

6. Replenish the book corner:

V. Kozhevnikov "Traffic light",

I. Serov "Street where everyone is in a hurry",

B. Zhitikov "What did I see?",

G. Tsyferov "Tales on wheels" -

A. Dorokhov "Red, yellow, green",

S. Marshak "The rules of the street without knowing",

N. Nosov "Car"

A. Ivanov “Like inseparable friends the road


7. Making a photo album "Road signs"

8. Selection of material for the presentations "Road signs", "Our street", "It is not easy to be a passenger"

Drawing up a plan of work with children and parents

Stage 2 - practical

Work with children:

Conversations: - "Rules of conduct on the road",

- "Know and follow the rules of the road"

- Pedestrian Rules

- "Post traffic police",

-"City streets",

- "Dangerous parts on the pedestrian part of the street",

- "How dangerous for a pedestrian an umbrella and a hood",

- Dangerous Crossroads

- "Where is the right place to ride a bike",

Why do we need road signs?

- "It's not time, don't go out of the yard"

- "Look left, look right"

- "Rules of conduct in transport"

- "Regulator"

Children's research projects:

- “When and why did the rules of the road


- "Who is a traffic controller?"

- "History of traffic lights"

Didactic games: "Traffic light and pedestrians", "Lay out the road signs correctly", "Play, but dare", "Collect a traffic light", "Stop", "Think, guess", "Funny wand", "Speaking signs", "S Dino I'm going for a walk", "Guess what sign", "City street", "Road Lotto"

Role-playing games: "Drivers and Pedestrian", "Street", "Controller", "Driver", "Car Dealership", "Auto Depot", "Family".

Reading poetry, stories; guessing riddles according to traffic rules

Examination of illustrations, posters from the series "Children on the street"

- "Colored cars"

-"Traffic lights"

- Automobiles, etc.

Viewing presentations "Road signs", "Our street", "Being a passenger is not easy"

Participation in the All-Russian children's competition « Simple Rules» (1.2 tour)

Targeted walks and excursions (to the road, to the traffic light, to the intersection, to the public transport stop)

Entertainment: “Red, yellow, green”, “Road alphabet”, “Green light”, “Public transport stop” - relay race, “Our street” - quiz, “What, where, when”, “Rules of the road” - quizzes , "The ABC of traffic", "My friend is a bicycle", a quiz game "Young pedestrian", "Road signs are our friends"

Meeting with the traffic police inspector

Educational activities:

1. Artistic and aesthetic development:

- "Pedestrians walk along the street" - drawing

- "Signs of traffic rules" - drawing

- "Traffic light" - drawing (T. A. Nikolkina "Fine


- "What do people ride" - drawing

- "Attention, traffic lights!" - application

- "City Street" - design (L. V. Kutsakova

- "Transport" - design (L. V. Kutsakova

"Design and art work in kindergarten")

- "Traffic light" - molding

2. Cognitive development:

- “Introduction to urban transport” (T. F. Saulina “Introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road”, p. 31)

- “It is allowed to be an exemplary pedestrian and passenger” (T.F. Saulina “Introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road”)

- "In public transport"

- "Rules of the road" (T. F. Saulina "We introduce preschoolers to the rules of the road")

- “Why do we need road signs” (T. F. Saulina “Familiar

preschoolers with the rules of the road")

- “Beware of the car” by T. F. Saulin “We introduce preschoolers to

rules of the road"

- "Road signs" (N. N. Avdeeva "Safety")

- "Biking" (N. N. Avdeeva "Safety")

- "Dangerous areas on the pedestrian part of the street"

(N. N. Avdeeva "Safety")

- "Safe behavior on the street"

(N. N. Avdeeva "Safety")

Working with parents:

Individual conversations with parents on the topic: “Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road?

Questioning of parents "Studying the attitude of parents to the need to teach children the rules of the road"

Joint production of attributes for s / r, didactic games

Parent meeting "Problems of ensuring the safety of the child"

Consultations: - "The ABC of traffic",

- “Children and the road”,

- "Safety of children in the car",

- "Mom behind the wheel: the basics of safety",

- "Didactic games in the course of familiarizing children with

- Teaching the child safe behavior on the road",

"Children's safety is an adult's concern!",

- "Child in the car"

Reminders for parents: - “How to teach a child the rules of safe

behavior on the road"

- “Reasons for road transport


- “Rules of conduct at stops

public transport,

- "Child seat for the car."

- “Parents are an example for children in observing

rules of the road"

Involve parents in children's research projects on traffic rules: “When and why did the rules of the road appear?”, “Who is a traffic controller?”, “Zebra”, “History of traffic lights”, “History of the development of the automotive industry

Stage 3 - final

Monitoring, questioning

Municipal budgetary preschool institution

kindergarten №104 "Geese swans"

Mnemonics for preschoolers

Methodological guide for preschool educators

Ulyanovsk, 2017

Methodological guide "Mnemonics for preschoolers ».

The following persons took part in the preparation of the manual: Khusainova Maria Nikolaevna.

Reviewer: Abbyazova T.L.

Mnemonics for preschoolers: a manual. -1st ed. / ed. M.N. Khusainova, - 44 p.

The manual considers mnemonics as a set of methods and techniques that allow you to visualize information to facilitate perception and subsequent reproduction. That is, it is a kind of abstract in pictures.

The manual reveals the creation of the system directly educational activities with children of preschool age and adherence to the principle of integration, which is ensured by the interaction of all educational areas.


This manual covers the following questions: - Why do we need mnemonics?

How does the training take place?

The manual also mentions the importance of educating children to love poetry.

The structure of mnemonics is considered - mnemonic tables, mnemonic squares, mnemonic tracks. The manual includes a list of poems with visual modeling.

An example of an experiment in the second junior group MBDOU kindergarten 104 "Geese swans". To identify and state that when teaching, it is necessary to use techniques that encourage children to learn, organize it, arouse their interest in learning, namely the use of mnemonics when memorizing poems.


In the methodology of speech development, a special place is occupied by work aimed at educating children in love for poetry, familiarizing them with poetic works, developing the ability to perceive and expressively reproduce poetry. Memorizing poems for preschoolers is of great benefit: the horizons expand, rhyme makes it possible to find inner harmony, memory develops, and the cultural level of the little man is formed. Each verbal work, assimilated by the child's memory, enriches the vocabulary fund that forms his own speech. The expressiveness of performance develops the technique of speech: diction, breathing; mastery of orthoepy. For the same purpose, various exercises are carried out that develop speech hearing, a distinct pronunciation of sounds and words; exercises for the development of intonation expressiveness, education of the ability to determine the meaning of logical stresses, etc.

Purpose: the use of mnemonics technology in the educational process for the development of speech of preschool children.

1. Contribute to the development of coherent speech.

2. Expand and enrich the vocabulary of children.

3. To form the ability to convert abstract symbols into images (recoding information).

4. Improve the ability of children to agree adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case.

5. Contribute to the formation of the development of perception, reproduction, and the ability to use technology in children.

What is mnemonics for?

The word mnemonics comes from the ancient Greek patroness of memory - Mnemosyne. This direction in the development of children has become very popular. Previously, it was used mostly in oratory, for the possibility of correcting speech, now the technique is used much more extensively. Through the use of unique tables, teachers solve the following problems in children:

development of memory, preservation and memorization of information;

development of logical thinking;

the formation of speech, in particular the improvement of diction, pronunciation of sounds;

helps the child to learn how to correctly form their thoughts and make sentences;

increases the ability to concentrate on one lesson;

technique forms the ability to compose stories and retell the read text, facilitates the process of memorizing poetry.

How is the training

Consistency is important in the development of a child. Learning in mnemonics should take place in stages, then it can bring the most effective results.

Structure of mnemonics

The first stage of learning for the youngest preschoolers are mnemonic squares. Such a picture is a printed image that denotes one word or phrase, for example: a house, a tree, a flower, etc.

When the child has mastered mnemonic squares, the teacher complicates the task by demonstrating mnemonic tracks. They are a table consisting of four pictures. According to the image, the child can make 2-3 simple sentences.

The most complex structure is the mnemonic table. It consists of a block of schematic images that allow you to compose a whole story or learn a poem.

List of poems with visual modeling!


Poem "Vegetables"

The poem "Kindergarten".


The poem "White Bear".

The poem "Cow".

The poem "In the Forest"


The poem "Cosmonaut".


Poem "Garden".

Mnemonic tracks

The poem "Hands".

The poem "Kolobok".

The poem "Bunnies"

Experiment Analysis

To determine the most adequate and effective ways of teaching children, we set ourselves the goal of diagnosing the memory of children. In this work, a survey of auditory, visual, figurative memory was carried out.

When studying children, it seemed very important to use diagnostics, which made it possible to determine the level of development of visual, auditory, and figurative memory. Individual work was chosen as the main research method.

In the process of studying children, methods of psychological and pedagogical research were also used: conversation and observation. With the help of the conversation, two tasks were solved: establishing contact with the child and general acquaintance with him. At the same time, the features of children's oral speech, the orientation of their interests, the nature of relations with adults and peers were revealed. This contributed to a deeper understanding of some aspects of the personality of children.

During the experiment, much attention was paid to creating an additional emotional mood in the subjects. At the same time, everything necessary was done to give the children a sense of responsibility for the results of their activities in the process of experiment.

The observation method was included as an integral part of the experiment. For a qualitative analysis of the child's psyche, we observed the child's behavior in an experimental setting, his attitude to the difficulties that arise.

The ascertaining experiment was carried out in November 2016 in the city of Ulyanovsk. Researched group younger preschoolers, consisting of 10 people, aged 3-4 years, of which 6 girls and 4 boys.

As mentioned above, the experiment was carried out on an individual basis. The experiment consisted of 3 series and was carried out in stages, so that children do not have a feeling of overwork, which is typical for them. When examining auditory memory, the "10 words" method was used, visual memory- the method of "nonsense", figurative memory - the method of L.F. Simonova.

First episode. Method "10 words".

10 words are read to the child: table, viburnum, chalk, elephant, park, legs, hand, gate, window, tank.

Evaluation: reproduction of 5 - 6 words after the first reading indicates a good level of auditory mechanical memory.

Second series. Method "Nonsense".

Pictures depicting ridiculous situations are taken from methodological manual S. D. Zabramnaya "Selection of children to auxiliary schools."

The child is presented with a picture and given the following instruction: “Now I will finish preparing for our joint work, but for now, in order not to get bored, look at this picture, then the picture is taken from him. It is necessary to record all the statements of the child. If within 15 seconds the child is silent, then he should ask questions.

Did you like the picture? (If just an affirmative answer, then the next question is asked).

What did you like? (If the child begins to list fragments of the situation, then the next question is asked).

What is drawn there? (If few fragments are reproduced and playback is sluggish, then stimulation in the form of questions is required).

What else? Maybe you remember? (Additional answers are recorded; if there are none, then a question is asked).

Funny picture? (If just an affirmative answer, then new question).

What's funny there? (If there is no clear attitude towards the situation as ridiculous, then the next question is asked).

Could it be like this in real life? Maybe something is mixed up here?

In those cases when the child immediately assesses the situation as ridiculous (“Everything is mixed up here”) and actively names the memorable fragments, all of the above questions are removed.

When evaluating the results, both the very fact of an adequate understanding of the situation by the child, and his emotional reaction when studying the object and the number of reproduced facts are taken into account.

Third series. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the subject is asked to remember 12 images within 30 seconds, which are offered in the form of a table.

The task of the subject, after the table was removed, is to verbally express those images that he remembered.

Test results are evaluated by the number of correctly reproduced images. Norm - 6 correct answers and more.

First episode.

As mentioned above, the first series of tasks was given in the form of word reproduction.

Failed to complete the task (-)

Word structure distortion (-/+)

1 child correctly and accurately reproduced the words. A smaller part of the surveyed 3 people missed individual words. Most - 6 people allowed the omission of words, distortion of the structure of the word.

As the results of this series of experiments showed, 1 person completely coped with the tasks, performed without errors, did not turn to the teacher's help. Three children coped with the task, skipping words, but without distorting the meaning. Six children have difficulty in completing this task, out of 10 proposed words, from 1 to 4 words are correctly reproduced. The children did not ask for help about repeating words, the offered help to complete the task was rejected.

When performing this series of tasks, the following features of the tasks were observed:

children performed tasks with interest;

children who listened attentively to the teacher quickly, clearly and accurately reproduced sentences;

the following feature was also noticed: 3 people from the group did not show initial interest in the task, their desire to work was caused by the promise of the teacher to play a game with them.

In the second series, the children were offered pictures of "Nonsense".

We assessed at 3 levels:

Correctly completed the task (+)

We coped with the task with the help of a teacher (+/-)

Failed to complete the task (-)

1 child completely coped with the task, performed accurately and without errors. A smaller part of the children 2 people coped with the task partially, using the help of a teacher. Most of the surveyed 7 people did not cope with the task, even with the use of assistance.

During execution, the following performance features were observed. One child completely coped with the task, completed it accurately and without errors, did not turn to the teacher's help. Almost all children found it difficult to understand the task, they could not immediately understand what was required of them. Two children coped with most of the task, but resorted to the help of a teacher; help was accepted and after explaining the meaning of the instructions, the children performed the tasks correctly. Seven people failed. It should be noted that the implementation of this task does not arouse interest in some children, because. this process is difficult to perform the same task. It is also important to note that several people in the group could not complete the tasks on their own at all, they constantly needed teacher supervision and additional aids(visual material, leading questions). This indicates shortcomings in mental activity and low cognitive activity.

Third series. The task consisted of 12 pictures. The results were evaluated at the following levels.

Task completed, correct (+)

In completing the tasks, the help of a teacher was required, it led to the correct completion of tasks (+/-)

Job completed incorrectly (-)

2 people completed the task without errors, named three correct pictures. 7 people actually did not cope with the task, they completed 1-4 of 12 words. 1 person coped with the tasks partially.

Analyzing the performance of these tasks, it is important to note that all children coped with the task, with different quality of work. All children used the teacher's help, although in some cases this help did not lead to a positive result, i.e. correct completion of the task.

In the ascertaining experiment, we divided a group of children into 3 subgroups, in accordance with the levels of memory development.

I subgroup.

Corresponds to low memory level. This group included 60% of children who perform 20-30% of the proposed tasks. In children low level preparedness, a small stock of knowledge, reduced horizons. There is a lack of formation of such mental processes as memory, attention, thinking. Children lack initiative, are slow, do not show interest in the proposed tasks. The analysis of the tasks showed that the errors in these children are due to inattention, a poorly formed structure of speech.

II subgroup.

Corresponds to the average level. This group included 30% of children who perform correctly from 50 to 80% of the proposed tasks. Children show interest in those tasks that carry a game moment in themselves or do not cause difficulties. If the task was unbearable, then the interest in its implementation immediately disappeared. The children of this subgroup showed a desire to overcome difficulties on their own, but they also asked for help.

The reasons for some of the errors can be explained by the fact that the children were often distracted, repeatedly asking the same thing over and over, which diverted their attention from the task. They were quite active, but quickly got tired. Such children needed a different kind of help from the teacher.

III subgroup.

Corresponds to a high level of memory development. This subgroup included 10% of children who performed 80-100% of the proposed tasks, with virtually no errors. There is a high level of preparedness, a general stock of knowledge, a high level of development of speech development. This group included 1 child. It is also equally important to note that this child, as a representative of a strong group, does not have a behavioral disorder, listens carefully to the teacher, and the help of the teacher is practically not required.

Conclusions based on the results of the ascertaining experiment.

Analyzing the results of a stating experiment aimed at identifying the development of children's memory, we can say the following that all children learn material differently, this is due to the level of preparation of children, and the zone of proximal development is also of great importance.

While doing different kind tasks described in the experiment, the children encountered difficulties of an intellectual and mental nature. It is also important to pay attention to individual characteristics emotional-volitional sphere of children, which is also important in learning.

In the course of the ascertaining experiment, the fact was confirmed that when teaching, it is necessary to use techniques that encourage children to study activities, organize it, and arouse their interest in learning with a positive emotional attitude, namely, the use of mnemonics when memorizing poems. Also during the experiment, the group was divided into levels of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. This division is relative, since at different stages of training the levels can change their composition.

We conducted a formative experiment where we used mnemonic squares, mnemonic tracks, mnemonic tables, for memorizing poems and fairy tales. Material for memorization is presented in the appendix.

The control stage was held in April 2017.

The first series was evaluated in the same way as the ascertaining stage.

Among children of the 2nd junior group:

3 child correctly and accurately reproduced the words. Most of the 6 children examined missed individual words. 1 subject allowed omission of words, distortion of the structure of the word.

As the results of this series of experiments showed, 3 children completely coped with the tasks, performed without errors, did not turn to the teacher's help. Six children coped with the task, skipping words, but without distorting the meaning. One child has difficulty completing this task due to his hyperactivity. This child did not ask for help about repeating words; he rejected the offered help to complete the task.

In the second series of the control experiment.

2 the child completely coped with the task, performed accurately and without errors. Most of the children of 7 people coped with the task partially, using the help of a teacher. One child did not cope with the task, even with the use of assistance.

The third series of the control stage.

From the analysis of the result of the third series:

4 people completed the task without errors, named four correct pictures. 6 children coped with the tasks partially. There were none who did not complete the task.

Analyzing the performance of these tasks, it is important to note that all the children coped with the task, with different quality of work, this quality has become much better, compared with the ascertaining stage. All children benefited from the help of a teacher.

In the control experiment, we divided a group of children into 3 subgroups, according to the levels of memory development.

I subgroup.

Corresponds to low memory level. This group included 10% of children who complete 20-30% of the proposed tasks. This group included one child. He has a low level of preparedness, a small stock of knowledge, and a reduced outlook. There is a lack of formation of such mental processes as memory, attention, thinking. The analysis of the tasks showed that the child's mistakes were due to inattention and a poorly formed speech system.

II subgroup.

Corresponds to the average level. This group included 70% of children who perform correctly from 50 to 80% of the proposed tasks. Children show interest in those tasks that carry a game moment in themselves or do not cause difficulties. The reasons for some of the errors can be explained by the fact that children of primary preschool age and tend to frequent distractions, lack of vocabulary. These kids get tired quickly. Such children needed a different kind of help from the teacher.

III subgroup.

Corresponds to a high level of memory development. This subgroup included 20% of children who completed 80-100% of the proposed tasks, with virtually no errors. There is a high level of preparedness, a good vocabulary. This group included 2 subjects.

Conclusions on the results of the control experiment.

Analyzing the results of a stating experiment aimed at identifying the development of children's memory, we can say the following: children learn material in different ways. It is important to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere of children, which is also important in teaching.

This work showed the effectiveness of speech development in preschoolers by means of teaching children to tell stories using mnemonics:

The use of mnemonics in storytelling and memorization had a positive effect on the speech of children, which indicates the promise of this type of work.

The system of work enables preschoolers to satisfy the communicative need, to show creative activity, independence.

The use of exercises, didactic and educational games contributes to the appearance of logic and consistency in the speech of children.

Thanks to the development of mental abilities based on didactic and educational games, the use of various modeling methods, children were able to achieve this result.

We also concluded that the environment surrounding the child plays an important role in the development of a growing man. The formation program we developed made it possible to increase some indicators of children's knowledge, which means that it is more accurate to trace the need to stimulate the speech activity of a preschooler with modeling elements.


Fiction and, in particular, poetry (both artistic world and folklore) is an important source of enrichment of the child's figurative speech, the development of his poetic ear, ethical and moral concepts. Familiarization of preschool children with the poetic genre fiction helps to solve some of the tasks that the teacher faces in the development of the child's speech.

preschool development children is a very important stage of preparation for the school curriculum. Mnemonics allows you to get good results in many areas of child development. It improves speech, logical thinking, memory, imagination and facilitates perception required material. Important Rule when using mnemonics, it consists in joint activities with the child, not only educators in kindergarten, but also parents at home.

This methodological manual can be summed up with the words of V. G. Belinsky “Read poetry to children, let their ear become accustomed to the harmony of the Russian word, their heart be filled with a sense of grace, let poetry act on them in the same way as music.”

Abstract …………………………………….4


Why do we need mnemonics……………….7

How is the training …………………….9

List of poems with visual modeling……………………………...12

Analysis of the experiment....................................21


Tatiana Labik
Self-education plan "Mnemonics in the development of speech in preschool children"


« Self-education plan»

Labik Tatyana Sergeevna

SUBJECT: « Mnemonics in the development of speech in preschool children»

September – May 2017-2018

Middle group.


SUBJECT: « Mnemonics in the development of speech of preschool children»

GOAL: Reveal the effectiveness of the use of techniques mnemonics in the development of coherent speech in preschool children.


1. Increase your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature, self-education; learn about innovative methods

2. Expand the concept mnemonics as effective remedy development of coherent speech.

3. Develop a knowledge system with middle children preschool age development descriptive stories with mnemotable.

4. Instill culture skills speeches use correct intonation, adjust voice volume and tempo speeches, to expand the circle of knowledge about the world around us, to overcome shyness, shyness, to learn how to freely stand in front of an audience of peers.


Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people get ample opportunities to communicate with each other. Speech connects people in their activities, helps to understand, forms views and beliefs, and renders a great service in understanding the world. However, on the emergence and formation speeches nature allocates little time to man - early and preschool age.

Connected speech of the child is extended statement, consisting of several or many sentences, divided by functional-semantic type into description, narration and reasoning.

Learning process speech and development thinking constitute one inseparable beginning preschooler. After all, a child does not easily name an object, but seeks to describe it, to talk about some kind of phenomenon, event. Such a story consists of several sentences that characterize the essential aspects of the objects described, are related to each other, deployed in a certain sequence so that the listener fully and accurately understands the speaker. In this case, his speech will be coherent, logical, well understood. to myself, without additional questions and clarifications. Accordingly, in order to coherently talk about something, you need to be able to analyze an object, highlight its properties and qualities, establish cause-and-effect and other relationships between objects and phenomena.

To do this, you need to choose keywords that express the main idea of ​​the story, be able to build complex sentences, use different language tools for sentences. In addition, the child's coherent speech should be planned, i.e., should be planned "milestones", which will unfold story(sequential selection of parts of the object, description of its properties and qualities, expression of one's attitude to what is being described).

It is known that the main content of memory preschooler constitute representation: specific images of people, natural phenomena, events, objects, their properties, qualities, signs, actions. Representations are the basis for storytelling, drawing, games. Without them, the child cannot learn generalizing concepts, therefore, each of them must have a specific situation.

Preschool age is the age of figurative forms, and the main means that the child masters in this age, are figurative facilities: sensory standards, various symbols and signs (first of all, these are various kinds of visual models, diagrams, tables, etc.) The use of generalizations allows the child to generalize his direct experience. As established by the studies of psychologists L. Wenger, A. Zaporozhets, J. Piaget and others, the main direction development figurative thinking , imagination, memory consists in mastering the child's ability to substitute and spatial modeling.

Work experience shows that an effective remedial tool in teaching communication speeches of preschoolers, both with and without speech pathology, there are techniques mnemonics.

Mnemonics, or mnemonics, - a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory by forming additional associations, organization educational process in the form of a game. Usage mnemonics now become relevant. Basic "secret" mnemonics very simple and well known. When a person connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain fixes this relationship. And in the future, when recalling one of the images of this association, the brain reproduces all previously connected images.

Expected results:

At children the circle of knowledge about the surrounding world will increase;

There will be a desire to retell texts, invent interesting stories;

Vocabulary goes to a higher level;

Children overcome shyness, shyness, learn to freely stand in front of an audience.

Plan work September-May 2017-2018


1. Work with methodical literature.

Target: to study the tasks, conditions and methods of teaching development of children's speech through mnemonics.

The study of methodological literature on this topic:

T. B. Polyanskaya “Using the method mnemonics in teaching storytelling preschool children»;

N. V. Nishcheva "Education children retelling by reference pictures ".

Studying articles in magazines:

"Educator of preschool educational institution";

« preschool education» ;

The study of methods and technologies of teachers in Internet:

Internet resources.

2. Development plan work on this topic.

3. Familiarization of parents with work preschool institutions and tasks for speech development of preschoolers.

Target: familiarization of parents with the conditions, content, methods of education and speech development of children in preschool.

4. Selection of practical material for working with mnemonic tables.

Target: make a file mnemotable.

1. Compilation of folders-movers for parents:

« Age psychological features preschoolers 4-5 years old», "Level speech development 4-5 years» .

Target: informing parents with knowledge on speech development.

2. Application mnemonic tables in the subject-developing environment.

Target: place mimic tables in the corners of the group.

3. Consultation for parents: « Mnemonics as a means of developing coherent speech in children».

Target: introduce parents to the concept « mnemonics» .

4. Telling about the toy.

Target: to form the ability to compose a short descriptive story about a toy using mimic tables.

1. Consideration of illustrations for a fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka". Writing a descriptive story.

Target: to form the ability to retell a fairy tale using mnemotable, expressively conveying the dialogue of the characters.

"Cat with Kittens".

Target: to form the ability to compose a story based on a picture using mnemonic tables with a teacher and independently; consolidate knowledge children about a cat(appearance, habits).

3. Folder design mnemonic technician» .


1. Making a sliding folder “The role of the family in speech development of preschool children».

Target: involvement of parents in the work on speech development.

2. Holding problem situations writing a descriptive story "What do I have and what do you have?", "Favorite Doll".

Target: Teaching descriptive storytelling with mnemotable.

3. Holiday New Year.

Target: to form the ability to compose a story about this holiday with the help of mimic tables; consolidate and expand vocabulary children on the topic"New Year holiday".

4. Preparation children to new year holidays. Learning poems, songs.

Target: working off children clear diction and intonation.

1. Drawing up a descriptive story based on the picture "Tanya is not afraid of frost".

Target: to form the ability to compose a short descriptive story reflecting the content of the picture, using mimic tables.

2. Talking about toys.

Target: to form the ability to describe an object without naming it with mimic tables; ask questions and answer them; develop dialogic skills speeches.

3. Didactic game "Professions".

Target: talk about any profession according to the table proposed by the educator.

4. Conversation "Snowman" (in a joint activity on a walk).

Target: exercise children in the ability to compose a coherent story; develop observation attention, visual-effective thinking.

1. Consultation for parents « The development of children's speech by means of mnemonics» .

Target: familiarization of parents with the results of work on speech development.

2. Preparation for performance at the festival "Our dads are brave, dexterous, skillful".


Target: working off children clear diction and intonation.

3. Didactic game "Seasons".

Target: to consolidate the ability to compose a descriptive story about the seasons, to highlight the differences between them according to the teacher's suggestion mimic table; Invite the children to make their own table.

4. Description of vegetables.

Target: to consolidate the ability to correctly name vegetables, describe color, shape and other qualities using mnemotable.

1. Preparation children to perform at the festival "Mom is my sunshine".

(learning poems, songs).

Target: to consolidate the ability to clearly pronounce words.

2. Drawing up a descriptive story based on the picture "Chickens".

Target: to form the ability to compose a short descriptive story that reflects the content of the picture using mimic tables.

3. Consultation for parents "Speech and a fun ball".

Target: teaching parents techniques and methods speech development in a playful way.

4. Replenishment of the folder “Poems. Learn poetry with mnemonic technician» .

Target: help parents memorize poems with children at home.

1. Speaking and learning tongue twisters, tongue twisters.

Target: the formation of the correct sound pronunciation using mnemotable.

2. Compilation of a descriptive story about toys

Target: make a simple mnemonic table with children, to consolidate the ability to compose a descriptive story about toys with the help of mnemotable.

3. "Space".

Target: interest children to write a story "Space", make a descriptive story with the children; practice for the children themselves in compiling the simplest mimic tables; develop an interest in learning new things.

4. Folder - slider "Create and use mimic table at home» .

Target: help parents in compiling mnemonics at home.

1. Conversation about transport. Writing a descriptive story.

Target: enrich and clarify ideas about transport; help to compose a descriptive story about transport using a mimic table.

2. didactic game "My favourite hobby".

Target: form skill children to make mnemonic tables; talk about your favorite pastime mimic table.

3. Drawing up a descriptive story based on the picture "Summer".

Target: to consolidate the ability to compose a short descriptive story reflecting the content of the picture, using mimic tables.

4. Homework: practice for children in compiling the simplest mnemotables at home on the topic"How I spent summer".

Target: skill fixing make your own mnemotables and talk about their content.