Pedagogical Council "artistic and aesthetic education of children and the creation of comfortable conditions to meet the needs of children in self-expression." Teachers' council on the topic "Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers" Teachers' council on artistic education in preschool

Teachers Council №3

Theme "Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers."

Target: to expand the knowledge of teachers and draw attention to working with children on artistic and aesthetic development.


1. Identify and analyze the effectiveness of the forms and methods used for the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions 2. Get acquainted with innovative forms of artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers.

Preparing for the teacher's council:

    The study of scientific - methodological literature on this issue.

    Carrying out thematic control "Artistic and aesthetic development of children."

    Carrying out a review - a competition of corners of artistic creativity.


    Message "Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers"

head Krivokhizhina L.E.

    Results of thematic control - (analytical information on the results of thematic control)

    Analysis of the survey of parents on the topic "Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers"

senior teacher Semenova E.V.

    Business game "Journey to the artistic and aesthetic world."

senior teacher Semenova E.V.

    The results of the review - a competition of corners of artistic creativity.

senior teacher Semenova E.V.

    Council decision.

Head Krivokhizhina L. E

1. Message "Artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers"

AT modern society social and economic changes are taking place. This also affects education, which is at the stage of modernization in connection with the “Federal State Standards for the Structure of the Basic General Education Program preschool education».

The formation of a creative personality is one of the most important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. The person of the future must be a creator, with a developed sense of beauty and active creativity.

Modern concept preschool education shows the importance of introducing children to art with early age, considering it as a measure human values.

That is why many kindergartens pay great attention to the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils.

In our time, the problem of artistic and aesthetic education, personality development, the formation of its aesthetic culture is one of the most important tasks facing education in general and preschool education in particular.

Pedagogy defines the artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children as a purposeful process of forming a creatively active personality of a child capable of perceiving and appreciating beauty in life and art.

Thus, artistic and aesthetic education is the formation in a person of an artistic and aesthetic attitude to reality and its activation to creative activity according to the laws of beauty.

Artistic and aesthetic education should form an artistic taste, develop and improve in a child the ability of aesthetic awareness of beauty in art and in life, the ability to correctly understand and evaluate it.

Artistic and aesthetic education has an active and creative orientation, which should not be limited only to a contemplative task, it should form the ability to create beauty in art and life.

Communicating with the aesthetic phenomena of life and art, the child, one way or another, develops aesthetically and artistically. But at the same time, the child is not aware of the aesthetic essence of objects, and development is often due to the desire for entertainment, and without outside interference, the child may develop misconceptions about life, values, and ideals.

Academician Likhachev, like many other teachers and psychologists, believes that only a targeted pedagogical aesthetic and educational impact, involving children in a variety of artistic creative activities can develop their sensory sphere, provide a deep understanding of aesthetic phenomena, raise them to an understanding of true art, the beauty of reality. and beauty in the human person.

The essence of this process can be defined as follows: Firstly, it is a process of purposeful education of a sense of beauty. Secondly, it is the formation of the ability to perceive and see beauty in art and life, to evaluate it. Thirdly, the task of artistic and aesthetic education is to form an artistic taste. And, finally, fourthly, the development of the ability for independent creativity and the creation of beauty, the development of the ability to creatively create products of artistic creativity.

The main thing is to educate, develop such qualities, such abilities that will allow the individual not only to achieve success in any activity, but also to be the creator of aesthetic values, enjoy them and beauty. surrounding reality. In addition to the formation of the artistic and aesthetic attitude of children to reality and art, artistic and aesthetic education simultaneously contributes to their comprehensive development. It contributes to the formation of human morality, expands his knowledge of the world, society and nature. A variety of creative activities for children contribute to the development of their thinking and imagination, will, perseverance, organization, discipline.


    the first is the creation of a certain stock of elementary aesthetic knowledge and impressions, without which there can be no inclination, craving, interest in aesthetically significant objects and phenomena. The essence of this task is to accumulate a diverse stock of sound, color and plastic impressions. The teacher must skillfully select, according to the specified parameters, such objects and phenomena that will meet our ideas about beauty.

Thus, sensory-emotional experience will be formed. It also requires specific knowledge about nature, oneself, about the world of artistic values;

    the second task of artistic and aesthetic education is "the formation, on the basis of the acquired knowledge and the development of the abilities of artistic and aesthetic perception of such socio-psychological qualities of a person, which provide her with the opportunity to emotionally experience and evaluate aesthetically significant objects and phenomena, enjoy them";

    The third task of artistic and aesthetic education is connected with the formation of artistic and aesthetic creative ability in each educated person. The main thing is to "educate, develop such qualities, needs and abilities of the individual that turn the individual into an active creator, creator of aesthetic values, allow him not only to enjoy the beauty of the world, but also to transform it "according to the laws of beauty." The essence of this task lies in the fact that the child must not only know the beauty, be able to admire and appreciate it, but he must also actively participate in the creation of beauty in art, life, independently create products of creativity.

Most researchers distinguish the following categories: aesthetic perception, aesthetic taste, the formation of an aesthetic ideal and aesthetic appreciation.

Preschool age is the most important stage in the development and upbringing of the personality, the most favorable for the formation of artistic and aesthetic culture, since it is at this age that positive emotions prevail in the child, there is a special sensitivity to linguistic and cultural manifestations, personal activity, qualitative changes occur in creative activity.

Aesthetic education of a personality occurs from the first steps of a small person, from his first words and actions. The effectiveness of aesthetic education directly depends on the observance of the principle of artistic and creative activity and amateur performance of children. Choral singing, folk dancing, playing instruments, composing songs, poems, stories, theatrical performances introduce children to works of art, polish performance skills, become the content of spiritual life, a means of artistic development, individual and collective creativity, self-expression of children. According to the theory of self-esteem of the preschool period of a person's life by A.V. Zaporozhets, the main way of a child's development in the period of preschool childhood is the amplification of development, that is, enrichment, filling with the most significant for the child, specifically children's preschool forms, types and methods of activity. The closest and most natural activities for a child - a preschooler - play, communication with adults and peers, experimentation, subject, visual, artistic and theatrical activities, child labor and self-service - occupy a special place in the system of artistic and aesthetic education. But it is precisely artistic activity, saturated with amplification, brightly emotionally colored from the satisfaction received by engaging in favorite types of artistic activity, that helps, without forcing the child with dry didactics, to achieve the same results as intellectual programs by the age of seven. And, besides, as a result of artistic and aesthetic education - a spiritually rich, comprehensively developed personality. That is why it is necessary to pay great attention to the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils. One of the main goals of the teaching staff should be the development of the child's creative potential, the creation of conditions for its self-realization. To obtain the expected results in a preschool institution, a system of work on artistic and aesthetic education should be created, which consists of interrelated components: updating the content of education (selection of programs and technologies); creation of conditions for aesthetic education (staffing, educational, methodological and logistical support, creation of a subject-developing environment, creation of a harmonious design of the territory and premises kindergarten); organization of the educational process (work with children and parents); coordination of work with other institutions and organizations.

The system of pedagogical interaction between teachers and children, aimed at the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers, is built in preschool educational institutions in three directions:

Specially organized training;

Joint activities of teachers and children;

Independent activity of children.

The interaction of teachers and children is carried out taking into account a differentiated approach and includes a variety of forms of work: group and subgroup classes, holidays, entertainment, themed musical evenings, creativity weeks, didactic games, exhibitions of drawings and crafts, creation of homemade books, circle and studio work; free artistic activity; organization of performances, entertainment, competitions, exhibitions, festivals, holidays; museum pedagogy; aesthetic design of interiors; participation in city events, etc.

The knowledge gained in the aesthetic cycle classes is reflected in the play activities of the pupils. They play music with pleasure, show mini-performances, dance, retell fairy tales, and engage in their own writing.

The program of "Artistic and Aesthetic Education" in the preschool educational institution includes familiarizing children with art, the aesthetics of the developing environment, visual activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué), design and manual labor, musical education, cultural and leisure activities. synthesis of the arts; vocals; choreography, theater gaming activity; all kinds of productive activities, local history.

The implementation of the tasks of artistic and aesthetic education will be most optimally carried out under the following conditions:

Maximum consideration of the age and individual characteristics of children.

The basis of artistic and aesthetic education is art and surrounding life.

The relationship of the artistic and creative activity of the children themselves with educational work, which provides a variety of food for the development of perception, figurative representations, imagination and creativity.

Integration of various art forms and different types artistic and creative activity, contributing to a deeper aesthetic understanding of reality, art and one's own artistic creativity; the formation of figurative representations, figurative, associative thinking and imagination.

Respect for the results of children's creativity, the wide inclusion of their works in the life of a preschool educational institution.

Organization of exhibitions, concerts, creation of an aesthetic developmental environment, etc.

Variability of the content, forms and methods of working with children in different areas of aesthetic education.

Ensuring continuity in artistic and aesthetic education between all age groups of the kindergarten, as well as between the kindergarten and elementary school.

Close relationship and interaction of the kindergarten with the family.

Broad reliance on regional material, its specificity: nature, art - both classical and folk. Acquaintance with contemporary art and its creators working in the village, city, region. Children's knowledge of sights, their surroundings, significant events.

The conditions for artistic and aesthetic education are very diverse. They depend on many conditions: the volume and quality of artistic information, forms of organization and activities, and the age of the child. The basis of aesthetic education is the joint activity of an adult and a child in developing creativity to the perception of artistic values, to productive activity, a conscious attitude to social, natural, subject environment. Aesthetic perception of life phenomena is always individual and selective. It is based on an emotional response to beauty. The child always responds to the beautiful in nature, the objective world, art, to the good feelings of people. Of great importance are personal experience baby, his motives, aspirations, experiences

The artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers is carried out directly by educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity", "Music".

The key role of the kindergarten is to create conditions for the formation of a harmonious, spiritually rich, intellectually developed personality. It all depends on the first preschool experience that the child will have within the walls preschool, from adults who will teach the baby to love and perceive the world understand the laws of society, the beauty of human relationships. Introducing children to art is exactly the “key” that reveals the creative potential in children, gives them a real opportunity to adapt to the social environment.

Among the methods of artistic and aesthetic education, the following can be distinguished:

    a method of inducing empathy, emotional responsiveness to the beautiful and condemnation of the ugly in the world around. This method assumes that works of art should be distinguished by high artistry, and when children listen to poems, fairy tales, music, it is important not only the accurate reproduction of the text, musical drawing by the teacher, but also its emotional and figurative performance. Only in this case it is possible to achieve an educational effect;

    the method of persuasion allows children to develop aesthetic perception, elements of artistic taste. The peculiarity of this method is that it can be used only when the perceived phenomenon is beautiful;

    teaching method, exercises in practical actions. The method of accustoming involves the manifestation by the child of the desire to decorate, improve the environment, i.e., transform it to the best of his ability and please his peers, adults;

    method of search situations, motivation of children to creative manifestations. Using this method, the teacher invites the children to come up with a story, draw, sculpt according to plan, etc.

Works of art must be present in the educational process.

First direction- art, including folk art, is included in the daily life of children as an integral part of the aesthetic environment. So in the classroom and outside of them, music can sound, and works of fine art are used in the design of a preschool institution.

Second direction- art is the content of education: children are introduced to different types of art, events, phenomena, objects revealed by artists, musicians, writers and poets in their works; with expressive means to create vivid images reality.

third direction- art is used in various types of artistic activity, serves the development of children's artistic creativity. Images of art are standards of beauty.

The implementation of the curriculum for the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers requires educators and narrow specialists to constantly improve their pedagogical skills.

Thus, a properly organized system of work on the artistic and aesthetic education of children - the creation of conditions for aesthetic education, the organization of the educational process will create favorable conditions for the development of artistic and aesthetic abilities of children, creative imagination and, as a result of artistic and aesthetic education, spiritual and rich, well-rounded personality.

2. The results of the thematic control "Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers" (analytical information on the results of the thematic check)

Target: determination of the effectiveness of upbringing and educational work on the artistic and aesthetic education of children by means of visual activity.

Main forms and methods of work:

1. Child Development Survey

2. Evaluation of the professional skills of the educator

3. Planning of educational work

4. Evaluation of forms of interaction with parents

6 groups took part in the thematic check:

2 group of early age "Dandelion";

Junior group "Bell";

Middle group "Forget-me-not";

Middle group "Lily of the valley";

Senior group "Cornflower";

Preparatory school group "Chamomile".


As a result of the thematic check, sections of the day of examination of the level of artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children were carried out and it was found that it corresponds to the age norm: children show interest in art activities, know how to create images using various visual means, take part in collective work, perceive and emotionally react to the image and means of expression of different types and genres, emotionally respond to the beauty of nature, show interest in decorative art, independently create artistic images in various types fine arts, master the basic technical techniques of drawing, can convey the plot composition, etc.

An analysis of classes on art activities showed that educators know the methods of conducting classes, are able to organize a subject-developing environment, create conditions in groups for the manifestation of children's creativity.

There is also visual information in the parent corners in the form of information corners, decorated folders-sliders.

It is necessary to draw the attention of educators to how children master the basic techniques of drawing, to teach them to independently create artistic images in various types of art, to show creativity in various activities, to learn to create decorative compositions.

I also wanted to suggest using drawing techniques in practice, taking into account the age characteristics of preschool children and using the basic drawing techniques during GCD. Continue to replenish the corners of creativity with didactic games on visual activity.

Thus, the ongoing educational work is carried out at a good level and is effective.

3. Parent survey analysis

Target: to identify the level of satisfaction of parents with the work of the preschool educational institution for the artistic and aesthetic education of children; evaluate and correct the educational system of artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers.


The survey showed that, in preparatory school the group "Chamomile", the senior group "Cornflower", the middle group "Lily of the valley", the middle group "Forget-me-not", the second group of early age "Dandelion" parents evaluate the interior and design of the group as excellent. They know what kind of visual activity classes are held in kindergarten. I believe that conditions for the creative development of children have been created in the preschool educational institution. Basically, all parents answered that the group has visual information and it is very useful for them.

In the older group, parents, answering the question of what kind of help is required from kindergarten teachers, the parents said: “Please create a drawing circle, there is no such group anywhere in the village. It is very important for the development of the child! We'll be happy to go!"

In the middle group "Lily of the Valley", parents, answering the question: "Does your group have visual information," answered: "Ask the child," and one parent put a dash.

In the younger group "Kolokolchik", some of the parents answered that they rate the interior and design of the group as excellent, and some think that the interior of the group is average. Also, some parents answered that the group has visual information and it is very useful for them, and some put a dash in this paragraph, one parent wrote that the information was not always posted on time.

Thus, drawing a conclusion, we can say that parents are completely satisfied with the interior and design of the groups. Almost all parents believe that the work on visual activity is carried out at a sufficient level, parents are completely satisfied with the professional level of educators.

To draw the attention of teachers to the timely preparation and presentation of information for parents.

4. Business game: "Journey to the artistic and aesthetic world"

Teachers are divided into 2 teams (teachers come up with the name of the team themselves). In the process of work, for each correct answer, the team receives a point.

The composition of the expert commission includes: head, music worker, speech therapist. They evaluate the answers and completed tasks.

The business game consists of 4 parts. Each stage is regulated. At the end, a summary is given. The winners are celebrated. The host reminds the rules of the game:

Þ be able to listen to others;

Þ develop a common solution to the problem;

Þ take an active part in the game;

Þ do not dispute the jury's assessment;

Þ observe the culture of speech and tact;

Þ adhere to the regulations.

1. Country "Risovandia".

Teachers come up with a name for the team, each team draws its own emblem and comes up with its own motto so that the motto of the first team includes the word paint, and the second team has the word paint.

2. Country "Imagination".

Game: "Draw with the eyes of children"

Teachers are invited to draw on the topics: "Pleasant - unpleasant", "Joy - sadness", "Beautiful - ugly", "Affectionate - rude" from the perspective of a child. At the end of the work, each group comments on their drawing.

3. Country "Guess".

Teachers take turns doing the crossword puzzle.

1. Drawing technique (baiting)

2. We draw with this (brush)

3. Gorodenskaya, Gzhel, Khokhloma, Zhostovo, Mezinskaya - how to call it in one word (painting)

4. Non-traditional drawing technique (monotype)

5. How is the phrase translated from Latin - decorative - applied art (I decorate)

6. This upbringing contributes to the development of the emotional-sensual sphere, forms the sensory culture of the child's speech, forms an idea of ​​actions, manners of behavior (aesthetic).

4. Country "Questionandia"

1. Name the three main colors, and prove why they are the main ones (red, yellow, blue. When mixed, all colors of the light spectrum are formed).

2. Name the colors of the components color circle(red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

Summing up the business game.

5. The results of the review - a competition of corners of artistic creativity.

6. The decision of the teachers' council:

1. Include drawing techniques according to the age characteristics of children in the work on artistic and aesthetic development.

2. Regularly replenish the corners of artistic creativity.

3. Continue holding exhibitions of children's creative works.

4. Actively participate in competitions of various levels, periodically publish their work in electronic media.

Olga Pronyaeva
Teachers Council: "Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers."

teachers' council

Topic « Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers» .

Target: to expand the knowledge of teachers about artistic and aesthetic activities, show the feasibility of using artistic and aesthetic activities activities in progress development of preschoolers.


1. Identify and analyze the effectiveness of the forms and methods used artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children in preschool

2. Get to know innovative shapes artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers.

Preparing for teachers' council:

1. The study of scientific - methodological literature on this issue.

2. Carrying out thematic control « Artistic and aesthetic development of children» .

3. Holding a review - competition of corners artistic creativity.


1. Message « Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers»

Art. educator

2. Results of thematic control -

Art. educator

3. Question from theory »

Tutor Yu. V. Sukhova

4. Business game "Trip to ".

Art. educator

5. Solution teachers' council.

Art. educator

1. Message « Artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers»

Modern society is undergoing social and economic changes. This also affects education, which is at the stage of modernization in connection with the “Federal State Standards for the Structure of the Basic General Education Program preschool education».

The formation of a creative personality is one of the most important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. The man of the future must be a creator, with developed sense of beauty and active creativity.

Modern concept preschool education shows the importance of introducing children to art from an early age, considering it a measure of human values.

That is why many kindergartens pay great attention to artistic and aesthetic development of pupils.

Artistic and aesthetic activity - activity specific for children, in which the child can most fully reveal himself, his capabilities, feel the product of his activity (drawings, crafts, in a word, realize himself as a creative person. This is what the concept aims at preschool education(in "Concept preschool education"It is noted that "art is a unique means of forming the most important aspects mental life- emotional sphere, figurative thinking, artistic and creative abilities", which clearly defines the tasks for the teacher about development creativity in children, subsequently so necessary in life.

Now I will give you targets at the completion stage preschool education, this is what we teachers should strive for when building the pedagogical process.

The child masters the main cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activity - play, communication, cognitive research activities, design, etc.; is able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities;

The child has a positive attitude to the world, to different types of labor, to other people and to himself, has a sense of dignity; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with the failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately shows his feelings, including a sense of faith in himself, tries to resolve conflicts;

The child has developed imagination, which is realized in different types of activities, and above all in the game; the child owns different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conditional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms;

The child speaks well enough, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech statement in a communication situation, can distinguish sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy;

The child has developed large and fine motor skills; he is mobile, enduring, masters the basic movements, can control his movements and manage them;

The child is capable of strong-willed efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various activities, in relationships with adults and peers, can follow the rules safe behavior and personal hygiene;

The child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in causal relationships, tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people's actions; inclined to observe, experiment. Possesses basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives; familiar with the works of children's literature, has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.;

The child is capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities;

The child shows interest in artistic and aesthetic side of reality. The child has formed an emotional-valuable attitude to the cognizable. Shows emotional responsiveness to works of fine art, to the beauty of surrounding objects (toys, objects of nature (plants, animals, feels a sense of joy; tries to depict simple objects and phenomena in drawing, modeling, appliqué, conveying their figurative expressiveness. Active in creating individual and collective compositions in drawings, modeling, appliqué; participates with pleasure in exhibitions of children's works;

The child manifests the ability to peer into the surrounding objects and phenomena, into paintings and toys, to find familiar images in them, to notice the brightness, expressiveness of color images. The child learns about the properties items: color, shades of primary colors, shape and materials.

success artistic and aesthetic activity is determined by the enthusiasm and ability of children to freely use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the very process of activity, as a result of which the trained children have the effect of voluntary learning, learning and training.

Only creative search in a particular type of activity leads to positive results. And only by means of a well-structured pedagogical process aesthetic education allows you to teach children to think, think in the process of listening, observing, visual perception and competently, accessible to express their thoughts, ideas, fantasies - not chaotically, but in a certain organic logic.

The key role of the kindergarten is to create conditions for the formation of a harmonious, spiritually rich, intellectually developed personality. Everything depends on the first preschool experience that the child will get in the walls preschool, from adults who will teach the baby to love and perceive the world around him, to understand the laws of society, the beauty of human relationships. Introducing children to art is exactly what "key" which reveals the creative potential in children, gives them a real opportunity to adapt to the social environment.

Thus, a properly organized system of work on artistic and aesthetic education of children – creation of conditions for aesthetic education organization of the educational process will create favorable conditions for development of artistic and aesthetic abilities of children, creative imagination and, as a result artistic and aesthetic education, spiritually rich, comprehensively developed personality.

2. Results of thematic control « Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers» (analytical reference based on the results of the thematic review)

Target: determination of the effectiveness of educational work on artistic and aesthetic education of children by means of visual activity.

Basic forms and methods work:

1. Survey level child development

2. Evaluation of the professional skills of the educator

3. Planning of educational work

4. Evaluation of forms of interaction with parents

Terms of control: 20.02.2017-27.02.2017

Basis for control: fulfillment of the task of the annual plan for 2016 - 2017 academic year.

Methods Keywords: analysis, observation, conclusions.

Thematic control was carried out in accordance with the annual work plan preschool, its tasks, in order to study the system of work of teachers for children of all age groups.

6 groups took part in the thematic verification.


The knowledge and skills of educators were tested during the observation of the pedagogical process (viewing and analyzing classes, as well as during an interview with a teacher).

Teachers know the program tasks for this section. But they can not always correctly manage children's creativity. Teachers build a lesson taking into account observations, books read, studied art albums, illustrations, drawing on everything that can help in finding a creative variety of solutions. Almost all teachers try to use different methods and approaches to the organization of GCD, include game moments and situations. But little attention is paid to the analysis of children's work.

Almost all children show interest in fine arts. High activity and enthusiasm for drawing and modeling, applications is observed in all groups. Many children show independence in the choice of visual materials. In general, children learn skills well, although in each group there are children who cannot cope with the program tasks for their age. In the afternoon, in independent activities, the pupils are happy to do modeling and drawing. There is high activity and enthusiasm in drawing and modeling classes among children of all age groups. The majority of children perform work in accordance with the task, but not all children still show stability in the fulfillment of the plan. Many children show independence in the choice of visual materials and image techniques. In general, children learn programming skills well, they have fairly stable skills, although in each group there are children who cannot cope with programming tasks by their age. (both technically and creatively).

Planning for work with children.

In the calendar plans of educators, classes are planned for creative activity, applications, design, familiarization with fiction . All educators prescribe the program content of the classes.

Individual work with children is planned, conversations on various topics, observations, didactic, theatrical, role-playing games, independent activity of children.

Planned to work with parents. Educators organize exhibitions of drawings, crafts, in which parents and children take part. Invite parents to participate in drawing competitions. Conduct individual consultations. The groups have corners for parents.

Creation of conditions.

In MBDOU D / s No. 31, conditions have been created for artistic development- creative abilities of children. There are works of fine art of different types and genres, there are necessary pictorial materials, there is game material, folk toys, etc. Each group has a separate place for artistic and aesthetic corner. Not all groups have created conditions for fixing the names of colors, getting to know shades. In some groups, you need to replenish the corners necessary material, according to the age of the children. Not all groups have enough material for creativity (nursery "Bird", senior, preparatory, few pencils, stencils, materials for non-traditional drawing and applications, schemes, albums. In all groups, children are introduced to decorative activities: silhouettes of toys, folk toys, nesting dolls, thematic albums "Introduction to painting". In almost all groups, except for the middle and 2nd junior, the theme of the week is not sufficiently reflected, and some material is also exhibited out of season ( autumn leaves, stencils with summer figures, summer illustrations, etc.). Not all groups have mini-exhibitions children's creativity the best works. There is not enough material in the nursery for practicing the skills of drawing lines in different directions, hatching. Also not in all groups. preschool age, there is enough material to prepare for drawing objects of a rounded shape, stroking along the contour. The most revealing corners of creativity were noted in the middle and 2nd junior group. In the remaining groups, minor shortcomings were revealed, there is not enough material on the season, illustrations, albums, diagrams, the theme of the week is not reflected.

Analysis of documentation and visual material in groups showed that working with parents on artistic development-Educators pay enough attention to the creative abilities of children and it is necessary to continue work in this direction. Educators organize exhibitions of drawings, crafts, in which parents and children take part.

Involve parents in making toys and organizing groups. Conduct individual consultations. Presented visual information.

According to the results of thematic control, the following can be done: conclusions:

The work of the teaching staff of the kindergarten artistic and aesthetic development children are kept at an average level.

No gross violations were found. There were some organizational shortcomings.

It is necessary to draw the attention of educators to how children master the basic techniques of drawing, to teach them how to create artistic images in various types of art, to show creativity in various activities, to learn how to create decorative compositions.

I also wanted to suggest using drawing techniques in practice, taking into account the age characteristics of children. preschool age and use basic drawing techniques during GCD. Continue to replenish the corners of creativity with didactic games on visual activity.

Thus, the ongoing educational work is carried out at a good level and is effective.


Be more creative in organizing classes artistic and aesthetic development of children, use a variety of methods and techniques in these classes.

Term: constantly

Responsible: educators.

Fit out the corners artistically- productive activity in

according to the age of the children, the theme of the week and the season.

Term: constantly

Responsible: educators.

Use a variety of forms of work with parents, prepare

visual aids for parents artistic development- creative abilities of children.

Term: constantly

Responsible: caregivers

3. Presentation of a report: "Conditions, means, the role of the teacher in aesthetic education of children» teacher Yu. V. Sukhova

4. Psychological relief (teacher-psychologist Yu. V. Zakharova)

5. Business game: "Trip to artistic and aesthetic world»

Teachers are divided into 2 teams (the name of the team teachers come up with themselves). In the process of work, for each correct answer, the team receives a point.

Member of the expert committee are included: head, st. educator, physical instructor culture, teacher-psychologist. They evaluate the answers and completed tasks.

The business game consists of 4 parts. Each stage is regulated. At the end, a summary is given. The winners are celebrated. The host reminds the rules games:

be able to listen to others;

develop a common solution to the problem;

take an active part in the game;

do not dispute the jury's assessment;

observe the culture of speech and tact;

adhere to the regulations.

1. Country "Drawing".

Teachers come up with the name of the team, each team draws its own emblem and comes up with its own motto so that the first team has the word draw in the motto, and the second team has the word paint.

2. "Brainstorm"

"Brainstorm"- warm-up

Questions are asked simultaneously to all teams,

List the materials used in art classes. (Pencils and colored pencils, erasers, wax crayons, ink, brushes of various sizes, gouache, watercolors.)

Name the three main colors and explain why they are the main ones. (Red, yellow and blue. When they are mixed, all colors of the light spectrum are formed.)

Name the colors that make up the color wheel. (Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple.)

Name the types of traditional and non-traditional drawing. (The first type includes drawing, subject and plot, with paints, colored pencils; non-traditional species drawing are distinguished by unusual methods of work and a combination of different art materials: drawing with threads, hands and fingers, object monotyping, ordinary blotography, blotography with a tube, a candle combined with watercolor, potato stamps, spatter, eggshell.)

Name the murals you know (Gorodets, Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Gzhel, Mezen, Zhostovo, Semenov, Palekh)

Name the methods of sculpting. (Plastic and constructive.)

Name the main techniques used in modeling classes. (Rolling out, flattening, stretching, pinching, smearing.)

Name the main ways of decorating molded products. (Nalep, in-depth relief with the help of a stack.)

.* What are the main types of fine arts (painting, graphics, sculpture)

3. Station "Imagination".

The game: "Draw with Children's Eyes"

Teachers are encouraged to draw on Topics: "Pleasant - unpleasant", "Joy - Sadness", "Beautiful - ugly", "Affectionate - rough" from the perspective of a child. At the end of the work, each group comments on their drawing.

4. Station "Guess".

Teachers take turns doing the crossword puzzle.

1. Drawing technique (baiting)

2. We draw with this (brush)

3. Gorodetskaya, Gzhel, Khokhloma, gestures - how to call it in one word (painting)

4. Non-traditional drawing technique (monotype)

5. How the phrase - decorative - applied art is translated from Latin (I decorate)

6. This upbringing promotes development emotionally-sensual sphere, forms the sensory culture of the child's speech, forms an idea of ​​actions, behaviors (aesthetic) .

5. Station "Meditation" (solution of pedagogical situations)

The children had to draw a stuffed squirrel from life. They were asked to examine nature with different ways: children middle group, studying the squirrel, stroked its fur, showed parts of the body, etc.; children senior group, studied the protein based only on visual perception. Will the drawings of children of different age groups differ? Give a psychological basis for your judgments.

The following conversation took place between the mothers. “How well your son draws. Mine has only scribbles. No matter how much I say, To draw carefully, every time he draws badly. - "Have you tried teaching him?"- “I often make my son draw. But his drawings are bad. He probably doesn't have the ability." Is the mother of a badly drawn child right in her guesses? What advice can you give parents who want to develop skills, the ability of their children?

Dad bought his son (2 years 3 months) colour pencils. The boy began to draw, but he did not succeed in anything similar to the surrounding objects. He was clutching a pencil in his hand, the lines came out weak, the drawing did not turn out to be a Christmas tree, which he so wanted to draw. Mom said that it's too early for a child to draw. But the father insistently put the pencil into his son's hand and drew it along paper: “Let’s draw together first, then you will succeed alone”. He aloud indicated what was obtained in the process of joint drawing, encouraged the boy to independently recognize what was depicted on paper. Analyze the behavior of the parents, indicate who is right and why.

Children aged 5 living in a large city were asked to draw a house. Most drew a traditional one-story house, which was based on a rectangle and a triangle on top. How can one explain the monotony, primitiveness in the depiction of a house in the drawings of five-year-old city dwellers? What mistakes in teaching a child to draw are these phenomena associated with?

6. Station "Kaleidoscope of fine arts"

What is called artist, giving preference to the image of the sea? Animals? (marine painter, animal painter)

What Russian the artist was called"singer of Russian nature"? (Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, show his portrait

What pictures do you know? artist("Pine", "Rye", "Morning in a pine forest",

What is the name of the famous painting by Shishkin with bears? ("Morning in a pine forest")

Genre of painting depicting household items, flowers, etc. (still life)

Seascape (marina)

What is called artist, giving preference to the image of a person's face? military action (portrait painter, battle painter)

Accurate reproduction of the work artist made in printing house (reproduction)

Name a Russian sea ​​painter, author paintings: "Wave", "Black Sea", etc. (Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, show the portrait

What other paintings do you know?

What was the name of the founder of the famous art gallery located in Moscow?

(Pyotr Mikhailovich Tretyakov)

What is called artist, giving preference to the image of nature? (landscape painter)

Image object (nature)

Image the artist himself(self-portrait)

One of the best landscapes the artist is called"Gold autumn"? (Isaac Levitan., show the portrait

Name the only painting by Isaac Levitan that depicts a man. ("Autumn day in Sokolniki".)

Summing up the business game.

6. Solution teachers' council:

1. Accept the results of thematic control "Organization of conditions for the implementation artistic and aesthetic direction in MBDOU» and deadlines for the implementation of comments and recommendations based on its results.

1. Include in the work on artistic and aesthetic development drawing techniques according to the age characteristics of children.

2. Replenish corners regularly artistic creativity.

4. Actively participate in competitions of various levels, periodically publish their work in electronic media.

5. Carry out further work with parents when participating in children's and adult contests of crafts and drawings, exhibitions of various levels.

6. Post information in the parent corners on this topic.

Municipal government preschool educational institution Novosibirsky district of the Novosibirsk region kindergarten "Zvezdochka"
Pedagogical Council in DOU No. 3
Topic: "Improvement activities of the preschool educational institution on the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers.

Author: senior teacher
MKDOU - kindergarten "Zvezdochka"
Dracheva O.A.
S. Krivodanovka, 2017
Purpose: increasing the level of professional competence of teachers in the development of creative abilities of preschool children in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
1. Identify and analyze the effectiveness of the forms and methods used for the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children in preschool
2. Get acquainted with innovative forms of artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers.
3. To form teachers' motivation for vocational training.
Preparing for the teacher's council:
1. The study of scientific - methodological literature on this issue.
2. Carrying out thematic control "Artistic and aesthetic development of children."
3. Conducting a review - a competition of corners of artistic creativity.
1. Message "Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers."
2. The results of the thematic control - (analytical report on the results of the thematic test) senior educator.
3. Business game "Journey to the artistic and aesthetic world." senior educator.
4. The results of the review - a competition of corners of artistic creativity. senior educator.
5. The decision of the teachers' council.
The course of the teachers' council:
Message Art. educator. The artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers is to educate, develop such qualities, such abilities that will allow the individual not only to achieve success in any activity, but also to be the creator of aesthetic values, enjoy them and the beauty of the surrounding reality. In addition to the formation of the artistic and aesthetic attitude of children to reality and art, artistic and aesthetic education simultaneously contributes to their comprehensive development. It contributes to the formation of human morality, expands his knowledge of the world, society and nature. A variety of creative activities for children contribute to the development of their thinking and imagination, will, perseverance, organization, discipline.
Based on the built work of this educational institution (MKDOU-kindergarten "Zvezdochka"), many teachers use this direction in additional education children (club activities).
Change of content, complication of functions modern preschool and the conditions of education caused the need to search for new forms and methods of organizational and pedagogical activity.
That is why many kindergartens pay great attention to the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils.
In our time, the problem of artistic and aesthetic education, personality development, the formation of its aesthetic culture is one of the most important tasks facing education in general and preschool education in particular.
The knowledge gained in the aesthetic cycle classes is reflected in the play activities of the pupils. They play music with pleasure, show mini-performances, dance, retell fairy tales, and engage in their own writing.
The program of "Artistic and Aesthetic Education" in the preschool educational institution includes familiarizing children with art, the aesthetics of the developing environment, visual activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué), design and manual labor, musical education, cultural and leisure activities. synthesis of the arts; vocals; choreography, theatrical and game activities; all kinds of productive activities, local history.
The implementation of the tasks of artistic and aesthetic education will be most optimally carried out under the following conditions:
Maximum consideration of the age and individual characteristics of children.
The basis of artistic and aesthetic education is art and the surrounding life.
The relationship of the artistic and creative activity of the children themselves with educational work, which provides a variety of food for the development of perception, figurative representations, imagination and creativity.
Integration of various types of art and various types of artistic and creative activity, contributing to a deeper aesthetic understanding of reality, art and one's own artistic creativity; the formation of figurative representations, figurative, associative thinking and imagination.
Respect for the results of children's creativity, the wide inclusion of their works in the life of a preschool educational institution.
Organization of exhibitions, concerts, creation of an aesthetic developmental environment, etc.
Variability of the content, forms and methods of working with children in different areas of aesthetic education.
Ensuring continuity in artistic and aesthetic education between all age groups of the kindergarten, as well as between kindergarten and elementary school.
Close relationship and interaction of the kindergarten with the family.
Broad reliance on regional material, its specificity: nature, art - both classical and folk. Acquaintance with contemporary art and its creators working in the village, city, region. Children's knowledge of sights, their surroundings, significant events.
The conditions for artistic and aesthetic education are very diverse. They depend on many conditions: the volume and quality of artistic information, forms of organization and activities, and the age of the child. The basis of aesthetic education is the joint activity of an adult and a child to develop his creative abilities for the perception of artistic values, for productive activity, a conscious attitude to the social, natural, objective environment. Aesthetic perception of life phenomena is always individual and selective. It is based on an emotional response to beauty. The child always responds to the beautiful in nature, the objective world, art, to the good feelings of people. In this case, the personal experience of the baby, his motives, aspirations, experiences are of great importance.
Thus, a properly organized system of work on the artistic and aesthetic education of children - the creation of conditions for aesthetic education, the organization of the educational process will create favorable conditions for the development of artistic and aesthetic abilities of children, creative imagination and, as a result of artistic and aesthetic education, spiritual and rich, well-rounded personality.
The results of the thematic control "Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers" (analytical information on the results of the thematic check) Senior educator.
Purpose: to determine the effectiveness of educational work on the artistic and aesthetic education of children by means of visual activity.
Main forms and methods of work:
1. Child Development Survey
2. Evaluation of the professional skills of the educator
3. Planning of educational work
During the thematic control, 6 DOW groups, of which: 1g. - 2nd youngest, 2gr. - middle age, 2 gr. - older, 1 gr. - Preparatory for school.
An analysis of the classes showed that all children (taking into account age characteristics) independently convey artistic images, can convey a plot composition, try to apply creative skills, which confirms the knowledge and ability of children to convey the techniques they have seen when drawing.
Educators know the methodology of conducting classes, use various types of visual aids, use music therapy, presentations in art classes. Building the structure of the classes, teachers strictly adhere to the thematic plan of work.
I would like to pay special attention to the moment of organizing children for educational activities. It is necessary to attract the attention of children, create motivation for inclusion in the educational process, and also change activities during the lesson.
Business game "Journey to the artistic and aesthetic world"
Purpose: to systematize the knowledge of teachers in the field of artistic and aesthetic development.
The pedagogical number is divided into 2 teams: “tassel”, “colors”.
In order to get to this fabulous country, you need to visit its cities, follow the life of this country.
Residents of an artistic country: we are with you.
City "Risovandia"
It is necessary to draw the coat of arms of your country using the name of your team.
City "Guess"
Blitz Poll:
- a genre of painting depicting household items, flowers, etc. (STILL LIFE)
- a genre of painting depicting nature (LANDSCAPE)
- the exact transfer of the artist's work, made in the printing house (REPRODUCTION)
- drawing, in order to collect material for the composition (Sketching)
- image object (NATURA)
- artist depicting animals (ANIMALIST)
- seascape (MARINA)
- an image of a specific person or group of people (PORTRAIT)
By musical direction:
- ensemble of 4 musicians and singers (QUARTET)
- a musical-rhythmic exercise that occurs in mechanics (SPRING)
- What is folklore? (FOLK ART: songs, fairy tales, dances, arts and crafts)
City of Thoughts
1. Children need to draw a snowman. Each group has its own age, based on this, it is necessary to choose the tools offered on the table. It is necessary to draw up a GCD on fine arts on the topic: "Snowman". Justify your choice.
City of "Skilled Craftsmen"
Presentation for educators
4. Results of the competition.
On the eve of the pedagogical council, a review competition was held for the subject-developing environment of groups on “Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers. During the review, it was revealed: 2nd junior group has a very large accumulation of material on theatrical activities (this filling of the zone exceeds the requirements for age characteristics), the occupancy of all corners corresponds to the age, rationality of placement and availability didactic games. Average age: 2 and 3 groups. Insufficient number of presented samples of arts and crafts (in the form of folders); in gr. No. 3 irrational placement of centers. Gr. No. 2 - the center of music is not filled enough; location of the center of creativity (IZO).
Senior age: 4 and 5 groups; 4 gr. - insufficient variety of visual means, lack of samples of arts and crafts. 5 gr. – the music center is not developed enough.
Ready gr. No. 6 - the center of music consists of the presence of musical instruments; theatrical activity - does not have aesthetics and placement.
Based on all of the above, the competition commission made the following decision: groups No. 1 and 5 - 1st place, No. 3 and 4 - 2nd place, No. 2 and 6 - 3rd place.
Board decision:
1. Include drawing techniques according to the age characteristics of children in the work on artistic and aesthetic development.
2. Regularly replenish the corners of artistic creativity.
3. Continue holding exhibitions of children's creative works.
4. Actively participate in competitions of various levels, periodically publish their work in electronic media.
5. Include review competitions for other centers of the subject-developing environment.

Attached files

Pedagogical Council No. 4

Topic: " Artistic and aesthetic education of children and the creation of comfortable conditions to meet the needs of children in self-expression »

The purpose of the teachers' council: To improve the work in the preschool educational institution on artistic and aesthetic education, to stimulate the need for knowledge of the methodological foundations of the artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers.


    the formation of an aesthetic attitude of children to the environment: to develop the ability to see and feel beauty in nature, actions, art, to understand beauty; cultivate artistic taste, the need for knowledge of beauty.

    the formation of artistic skills in the field of various arts: teaching children to draw, sculpt, sing, move to music, develop verbal creativity.

Preparation of the pedagogical council:

Integration of different types of children's creative activity (results of frontal control)

The plan of the pedagogical council:

    Analytical report on the results of frontal control (Yangulova L.M., senior educator).

    Implementation of projects for the artistic and creative development of children. Exchange of experience of group educators (group educators).

    Speech "Development of creative abilities of preschoolers through musical education" (Tuktarov A.F., music teacher).

    Business game.

    Opinion exchange.

business game

Station "Meditation" (solution of pedagogical situations)

The following conversation took place between the mothers. “How well your son draws. Mine has only scribbles. No matter how much I say, To draw carefully, every time he draws badly. - "Have you tried teaching him?" - “I often make my son draw. But his drawings are bad. He probably doesn't have the ability." Is the mother of a badly drawn child right in her guesses? What advice can you give parents who want to develop skills, the ability of their children?

Dad bought his son (2 years 3 months) colour pencils. The boy began to draw, but he did not succeed in anything similar to the surrounding objects. He was clutching a pencil in his hand, the lines came out weak, the drawing did not turn out to be a Christmas tree, which he so wanted to draw. Mom said that it's too early for a child to draw. But the father insistently put the pencil into his son's hand and drew it along paper : “Let’s draw together first, then you will succeed alone” . He aloud indicated what was obtained in the process of joint drawing, encouraged the boy to independently recognize what was depicted on paper. Analyze the behavior of the parents, indicate who is right and why.

Children aged 5 living in a large city were asked to draw a house. Most drew a traditional one-story house, which was based on a rectangle and a triangle on top. How can one explain the monotony, primitiveness in the depiction of a house in the drawings of five-year-old city dwellers? What mistakes in teaching a child to draw are these phenomena associated with?

Station "Kaleidoscope of fine arts"

What is called artist, giving preference to the image of the sea? Animals? (marine painter, animal painter)

What Russian the artist was called"singer of Russian nature"? (Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin)

What pictures do you know? artist("Pine" , "Rye" , "Morning in a pine forest" )

What is the name of the famous painting by Shishkin with bears? ("Morning in a pine forest")

Genre of painting depicting household items, flowers, etc. (still life)

Seascape (marina)

What is called artist, giving preference to the image of a person's face? military action (portrait painter, battle painter)

Accurate reproduction of the work artist made in printing house (reproduction)

Name a Russian sea ​​painter, author paintings: "Wave", "Black Sea", etc. (Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky)

What was the name of the founder of the famous art gallery located in Moscow? (Pyotr Mikhailovich Tretyakov)

What is called artist, giving preference to the image of nature? (landscape painter)

Image object (nature)

Image the artist himself(self-portrait)

One of the best landscapes the artist is called"Gold autumn"? (Isaac Levitan)

Name the only painting by Isaac Levitan that depicts a man. ("Autumn day in Sokolniki".)

Station "Guess"

The solution of the crossword puzzle on the topic “Folk and applied art in working with children.” By filling in the horizontal lines of the crossword puzzle, in the highlighted cells you can read the name of the Russian holiday - bargaining (fair) - ( whistle), where all its visitors (from young to old) considered it their duty to whistle into a clay whistle or a birch bark pipe. 1. Gzhel likes all its color. What is he? (blue) 2. The main material from which products are made in the village of Polkhovsky Maidan. (wood) 3. The material from which they are made Dymkovo toy. (clay) 4. The name of the trade, which is characterized by the production of trays. (Zhostovo) 5. Thanks to this color, Khokhloma is often called that. (golden) 6. A generalizing word that can be used to name the products of the masters of Dymkovo, Filimonovo, Kargopol. (toy) 7. Name the profession of craftsmen, whose hands made clay painted toys in one of the main cultural centers Russian North - in Kargopol. (potter) 8. Since the products of small decorative plastics (products of Dymkovo, Kargopol, Filimonov masters) are three-dimensional, then what type of spatial arts can they be attributed to? (sculpture) 9. An item of household utensils for which Gorodets craftsmen are especially famous. (spinning wheel)

TEACHING COUNCIL: "Artistic and aesthetic development of children through the organization of various types of children's activities."


  1. Implementation of the decisions of the previous teachers' council
  2. The relevance of the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children: problems and tasks.
  3. Solving the problems of aesthetic education in the musical activity of children.
  4. Business game "Pedagogical Run"
  5. Parent survey results.
  6. Analytical reference on the results of thematic control.
  7. Report on the project “Theatrical activity in early age groups.
  8. The result of the review of the competition of centers of fine arts, theatrical, musical
  9. Council decision.

The relevance of the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children: problems and tasks.

The relevance of the artistic and aesthetic development of children is due to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education, in which this direction is considered from the standpoint of “development of the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art, the natural world, the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around us, the implementation of independent creative activity of children”

Artistic and aesthetic development is a consequence of artistic and aesthetic education. In turn, artistic and aesthetic education is a very broad concept. It includes the knowledge of nature, social life, life, art. However, knowledge art so multifaceted and peculiar that it stands out from the general system as a special part of it. Artistic and aesthetic education is a purposeful, systematic process of influencing a child's personality in order to develop his ability to see the beauty of the world around him and create it.

The good that art gives us is not what we learn,

but in what we, thanks to him, become.

Wilde Oscar

Art is an indispensable means of shaping the spiritual world of children: literature, music, theater, sculpture, painting, folk art. It awakens the emotional and creative beginning in children. It is also closely related to moral education, since beauty acts as a kind of regulator of human relationships.

Main for him is the sensuous form of things- their color, shape, sound. Therefore, its development requires a lot sensory culture. Beauty is perceived by the child as a unity of form and content. The form is expressed in the totality of sounds, colors, lines. However, perception becomes aesthetic only when it is emotionally colored, associated with a certain attitude towards it. Aesthetic perception is inextricably linked with feelings and experiences. A feature of aesthetic feelings is disinterested joy, a bright emotional excitement that arises from a meeting with the beautiful.

In psychology and pedagogy studied the specifics and ways of developing children's creativity in different types of productive activities (N. A. Vetlugina, Z. N. Gracheva, R. G. Kazakova, L. V. Kompantseva, T. S. Komarova, A. A. Melik -Pashaev, L. A. Paramonova, N. P. Sakulina, K. V. Tarasova, B. M. Teplov, G. V. Uradovskikh, E. A. Flerina), it was noted that artistic and aesthetic activity, due to its emotionality, figurative saturation affects especially effectively the development of personality. N. A. Vetlugina distinguishes this activity as a “private” subdivision in the hierarchy of the main types of children's activities

The fact that the share of mental labor in almost all professions is constantly growing, and an increasing part of the performing activity is shifted to machines, it becomes obvious that the creative abilities of a person should be recognized as the most essential part of his intellect and the task of their development is one of the most important tasks in education. modern man. After all, all the cultural values ​​accumulated by mankind are the result of the creative activity of people. And how far human society will advance in the future will be determined by the creative potential of the younger generation.

Many psychologists associate the ability to creative activity, primarily with the peculiarities of thinking. In particular, the famous American psychologist Guilford, who dealt with the problems of human intelligence, found that creative individuals are characterized by the so-called divergent thinking.

People with this type of thinking, when solving a problem, do not concentrate all their efforts on finding the only correct solution, but begin to look for solutions in all possible directions in order to consider as many options as possible. Such people tend to form new combinations of elements that most people know and use only in a certain way, or form links between two elements that at first glance have nothing in common.

What is creativity, really? Creative abilities are the individual characteristics of a person's quality, which determine the success of his performance of various creative activities. Since the element of creativity can be present in any kind of human activity, it is fair to speak not only about artistic creativity, but also about technical creativity, mathematical creativity, and so on.

Abilities are not innate qualities, they exist only in the process of development and cannot develop outside of a specific activity. Each person has the ability for any activity, but depending on the innate inclinations, the level of their development is different for everyone. The highest level can be reached by gifted, talented people who have a favorable combination of various inclinations.

Artistic and aesthetic activities include:

  • Visual activity;
  • musical perception;
  • Perception of fiction.

Preschool childhood is a sensitive period for the development of creative imagination. From all of the above, we can conclude that preschool age provides excellent opportunities for developing creative abilities. And the creative potential of an adult will largely depend on how these opportunities were used.

From a psychological point of view, preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities, because at this age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn about the world around them. Both parents and teachers, encouraging curiosity, informing children of knowledge, involving them in various activities, contribute to the expansion childhood experience. And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for future creative activity. In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than that of older children. It is not yet crushed by dogmas and stereotypes, it is more independent. And this quality needs to be developed in every possible way.

The development of a full-fledged creative personality is impossible without visual activity, it creates favorable conditions for the aesthetic and emotional perception of art, which contribute to the formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality. On this basis, artistic taste develops.

A child through drawing, modeling often conveys what he cannot express in words: his attitude towards others and the environment. Therefore, an adult should carefully look at what the child depicted and try to understand what interests him, scares him, upsets him, pleases him.

The basics of artistic and aesthetic education are laid with the participation of adults, to create such an atmosphere so that the child quickly develops such aesthetic feelings as a sense of beauty, artistic taste, and creative skills.

A special role belongs to the personality of the teacher, his culture, knowledge, enthusiasm. The educator should pay great attention to different aspects of aesthetic development - the design of the premises and the site, appearance children and adults, the use of artistic works.

The goals of artistic and aesthetic education:

development of a person's readiness for perception, development, evaluation of aesthetic objects in art and reality; improvement of aesthetic consciousness;

inclusion in harmonious self-development;

formation of creative abilities in the field of artistic, spiritual, physical culture.

Tasks of aesthetic education of preschoolers:

development of aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions, feelings, relationships and interests;

formation of elementary aesthetic consciousness;

the formation of aesthetic activity through familiarization with different types of art;

development of aesthetic and artistic and creative abilities;

systematic development of aesthetic ideas of children, their artistic and creative abilities;

laying the foundations aesthetic taste.

As educators, we must find solutions to the following problems:

  • To teach children to identify, name, group works by type of art;
  • To acquaint children with the genres of musical and visual arts, with paintings;
  • To bring children to the concepts of "folk art", "types and genres of folk art";
  • Develop aesthetic perception, teach to contemplate the beauty of the world around, improve visual skills and abilities;
  • Learn to create plot compositions;
  • Continue to acquaint with handicrafts;
  • Know the features of visual materials.

For the successful development of programs for artistic and aesthetic education, it is necessary to correctly compare the daily routine of children and their creative activity. It is based on the interaction of the educator and children and is aimed at aesthetic development:

specially organized training;

joint activities of teachers and children;

independent activities of children.

Artistic and aesthetic activity can be carried out successfully if it is

Improving the quality of scientific and methodological support of the educational process; increasing the competence of each teacher, motivated, ready and able to carry out pedagogical activities.

Close connection with art.

Individual and differentiated approach to children.

The relationship of learning and creativity as a factor in the formation of a creative personality.

Mastering by children the means of artistic expression available to them.

Integration of different types of art and various types of artistic and creative activities of children.

Children constantly develop creative, flexible thinking, fantasy and imagination. Creative search in a particular type of activity leads to positive results.

Target teaching art skills is not only to give children knowledge and skills in singing, drawing, reading poetry, etc., but also to arouse their interest and desire for independent creative activity.

The object-spatial artistic and aesthetic environment (V. V. Davydov, L. P. Pechko, V. A. Petrovsky) should be: replaceable, variable, dynamic, should include various components that contribute to the formation of various types of activity; interconnected with all its parts and the environment, integral, which will allow children to freely engage in various activities, interact with each other; should not be complete, frozen.

Directions of work of the educator:

the use of elements of folklore for the purposes of artistic and aesthetic education (rhymes, proverbs, sayings)

inclusion in the structure of the lesson, reviewing and compiling stories based on samples of artistic creativity

participation in children's art competitions

creating conditions for artistic and aesthetic education in groups: organizing a corner for children's creativity, a corner for experimentation, an exhibition corner

selection of literature, photographs, natural material for independent games and creativity

work with parents in the system of artistic and aesthetic education


designing a portfolio of personal achievements of students

Solving the problems of aesthetic education

in the musical activities of children.

Aesthetic education provides for the introduction of preschoolers into the world of artistic culture: acquaintance with cultural figures and their works, as well as children's understanding of the images of art. One of the most important tasks of aesthetic education is to familiarize children with artistic creativity and the formation of artistic and creative abilities. All types of artistic and creative activities are closely related to the various sections of work included in the pedagogical system of preschool education. In the process of music lessons, when listening to music, children receive a variety of impressions, knowledge, ideas, experience various feelings. All this is the basis of creativity. Of great importance in the implementation of the aesthetic education of children and in the development of their creativity is the integration of all types of art.

The relevance of developing the problem of integration in relation to the aesthetic education of preschoolers is determined by the fact that integration allows you to combine the impressions of children, deepen and enrich the figurative content of children's creativity through the relationship of the figurative content of art and children's artistic activity. The integration of different types of art and various artistic activities allows children to more deeply and comprehensively comprehend the images they create, to better understand art and the phenomenon of life.

There are components specific to each activity. These include methods and means of creating an image. The components are determined by the specifics of a particular type of art underlying artistic activity. So, the perception of auditory and auditory-motor, visual, tactile in musical activity acts as a priority.

Musical education, musical activity - one of the central components of aesthetic education - plays a special role in the comprehensive development of a preschooler, which is determined by the specifics of music as an art form, on the one hand, and the specifics childhood- with another.

“Music is the most miraculous, the most subtle means of attracting to goodness, beauty, humanity ... As gymnastics straightens the body, so music straightens the soul of a person,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Music develops the sphere of feelings, promotes self-knowledge. It has one of the strongest emotional impacts on a person: it makes you rejoice and suffer, dream and be sad, think, teaches you to understand the world around you, people, their relationships. It can lead to a world of dreams, turn out to be hostile, but it can also have a positive educational effect even in cases where all other means are ineffective.

Music is an active tool emotional correction helps children get into the right emotional condition. It affects both the rhythm of breathing and the work of the heart. When music serves as a backdrop against which the game action develops, it enhances emotions and makes images more vivid.

Music helps and develops the ability to recognize emotions, as can be clearly seen in the following example. Children are given cards in advance with the image various options facial expressions reflecting feelings of joy, anger, sadness, surprise. After listening to a musical fragment, they raise one of the mimic cards, which most closely matches the emotional content of the melody. The coincidence of the image on the card with the nature of the music indicates the adequacy of emotional perception.

Music, having a strong emotional impact on children, also contributes to the intellectual development of the child. Listening to music, the child acquires knowledge and ideas about the world. When listening to music, children begin to highlight its mood, emotional coloring. They help to understand the emotional direction of music and special games and exercises conducted with children.

Musical education is a unique means of forming this unity, since it has a huge impact not only on the emotional, but also on the cognitive development of the child, because music carries not only emotions, but also a huge world of ideas, thoughts, images.

L.C. Vygotsky wrote: “... a piece of music evokes in a person who listens to music a whole complex world of experiences and feelings. This expansion and deepening of feelings, its creative restructuring, is the psychological basis of music.

The core of the musical culture of a preschooler is his musical and aesthetic consciousness, which is formed in all types of musical activity: perception, performance, creativity, musical and educational activities when mastering certain knowledge, skills and abilities.

The significance of musical activity for aesthetic education lies in the fact that music lessons are held in a group of children, and this corresponds to the characteristics of children's performing activities. K.D. Ushinsky noted that choral singing especially brings all the singers together and unites them with common experiences into "one strongly feeling heart." In conditions of joint singing, movements to music, insecure children also feel good. This creates optimal conditions for the development of everyone.

Musical activity plays a big role in the education of the aesthetic feelings of a preschooler. The specificity of music classes provides ample opportunities for the knowledge of beauty, for the development of an emotional and aesthetic attitude to reality in children. The significance of the development of musical abilities lies in the fact that they give children the opportunity to successfully express themselves in various types of musical activities and provide awareness of the features of the language of music, the structure of musical speech.

How are the tasks of aesthetic education solved?

in musical activities.

A person who is intellectually developed, who knows how to think logically, concentrates attention, has a good memory, and is physically strong always arouses admiration. But are these qualities enough to be considered comprehensively developed?

For real harmonious person emotionally sensitive, receptive, he is able to feel and enjoy the wonderful world of art. a huge role in emotional development music plays as a "language of feelings".

The main task of the musical education of preschool children is the development of an emotional attitude to music, the formation of a good musical taste. This work should start with early childhood. It is no coincidence that since ancient times, any pedagogical system was not conceived without the study of music, drawing, dance, foreign languages, and often these disciplines were considered leading. American scientists believe today that music develops the intellect and cognitive abilities.

Culture is the legacy of previous generations (all artistic values, including music). A task music director is to form in children an emotional-evaluative (positive) attitude towards music, so that each child appropriates these cultural values ​​(this is my music, I love it). If from early childhood music has sunk into the soul, then the child appropriates it for life.

In the older group, children already give a reasonable, reasoned assessment of music. Evaluation is the child's desire to listen to a piece of music again.

How are the tasks of aesthetic education of children solved in musical activity? First of all, through listening and perception of classical music, specially selected for children, through the use of classical music in all types of musical activities (this is dancing under classical music, this is playing musical instruments, these are dance and game creative improvisations of children, these are musical fairy tale games (rhythmoplastics), this is the teacher’s attitude to the music, an expressive and emotional display of dances, songs, rhythmoplastic etudes, etc.)

With their choice of repertoire, their emotional attitude to music, through the use of the artistic word, paintings, the teacher forms in children an idea of ​​the standards of beauty in art and in life.

In music lessons, cognitive and mental activity is activated. Children learn a lot by carefully listening to the work. However, they perceive only its most general features, its most vivid images. At the same time, emotional responsiveness does not lose its significance if the child is given the task of listening, distinguishing, comparing, and highlighting expressive means. These mental actions enrich and expand the sphere of feelings and experiences of the child, give them meaningfulness.

The harmony of musical and aesthetic education is achieved only when all types of musical activities available are used. preschool age, all the creative possibilities of a growing person are activated.

Musical art, its features put forward the need for a teacher to solve a number of specific tasks:

Cultivate an interest in music. Only the development of emotional responsiveness and receptivity makes it possible to widely use the educational impact of music.

To enrich the impressions of children, introducing them in a certain system to a variety of musical works and the means of expression used.

To introduce children to various types of musical activities, forming the perception of music and the simplest performing skills in the field of singing, rhythm, playing children's instruments, to develop elementary musical literacy. All this allows children to act consciously, naturally, expressively.

To develop the general musicality of children (sensory abilities, modal hearing, a sense of rhythm), to form a singing voice and expressiveness of movements. If at this age a child is taught and involved in active practical activity, then all his abilities are formed and developed.

To promote the initial development of musical taste. On the basis of the impressions and ideas about music received, first a selective and then an evaluative attitude towards the performed works is manifested.

To develop a creative attitude to music, especially in such activities accessible to children as games and round dances, to use familiar dance movements in improvisations. This helps to identify independence, initiative, the desire to use the learned repertoire in everyday life, play music on instruments, sing, dance.

In order to fully fulfill the program requirements, it is necessary to think carefully about the methods and techniques that are based on the active interaction of an adult and a child. The leading role belongs to the teacher, who must build his work, first of all, taking into account the interests and needs of each child. Musical and aesthetic education is aimed not only at the development of any abilities, but also at the formation of the child's personality. Consequently, the methods must be unified in their orientation and ultimately ensure the education of the child's aesthetic attitude to music.

Business game "Pedagogical Run"

The business game "Pedagogical run" is a run along the path of knowledge in the field of developing creative abilities for visual activity, forming the foundations of culture. We need to solve the problem of artistic and aesthetic development in all areas of a child's life: in relation to nature, the man-made world, including art - in all types of activities.

  1. Solving pedagogical situations
  2. Children should draw a stuffed squirrel from nature. They were asked to examine nature in different ways: children of the middle group, studying the squirrel, stroked its fur, showed parts of the body, called them, etc. Children of the older group studied the squirrel based only on visual perception. Will the drawings of children of different age groups differ? (Give a psychological explanation for your judgments)
  3. Five-year-old children living in a large city were asked to draw a house. Most drew a traditional one-story house, which was based on a rectangle, and on top of a triangle. How to explain the monotony, primitiveness in the depiction of the house in the drawings of five-year-old residents? What mistakes in teaching a child to draw are associated with this phenomenon?
  4. The following conversation took place between the mothers. “How well your son draws. Mine has only scribbles. No matter how much I tell him to draw carefully, he draws badly every time” - “Have you tried to teach him?” - “I often make my son draw. But his drawings are bad. He probably doesn't have the ability." Are you right in your guesses, the mother of a badly drawn child? What advice can you give to parents who want to develop the skills and abilities of their children?
  5. Dad bought colored pencils for his son (2 years 3 months). The boy began to draw, but he did not succeed in anything similar to the surrounding objects. He squeezed the pencil in his hand, the lines came out weak, the drawing did not turn out to be the Christmas tree that he wanted to draw. Mom said that it was too early for a child to draw, but the father persistently put a pencil in the child’s hand and drove it along the paper, saying: “Let’s draw together first, and then you will succeed alone.” He aloud indicated what was obtained in the process of joint drawing, encouraged the boy to independently recognize the image on paper. Which parent is right? Why? What can be said about the “zone of proximal development” according to L.S. Vygotsky.
  6. CROSSWORD:(by filling in the horizontal lines of the crossword puzzle, you can read the name of the Russian holiday - the auction (fair), where all its visitors, young and old, considered it their duty to whistle into a clay whistle or a birch bark pipe)
  • Gzhel likes its color. What is it? (blue)
  • The main material from which products are made in the village of Polkhovsky Maidan. (Maryoshka tree).
  • The material from which the Dymkovo toy is made (clay).
  • The name of the industry, which is characterized by the production of trays (Zhostovo)
  • Due to this color, Khokhloma is often called so (golden)
  • A generalizing word that can be used to name the products of the masters of Dymkovo, Filimonovo, Kargopolya (toy).
  • Name the profession of craftsmen whose hands made clay painted toys in one of the main cultural centers of the Russian North - in Kargopol (potter).
  • Since the products of small decorative plastics (products of the Dymkovo, Kargopol, Filimonov masters) are three-dimensional, then what type of spatial arts can they be attributed to? (sculpture)
  • An item of household utensils for which Gorodets craftsmen are especially famous (spinning wheel).

What is the name of the artist who prefers the image:

  • Nature - landscape painter
  • Inanimate objects - still life painter
  • Flowers - still life painter
  • Fruit - still life
  • Sea - marine painter
  • Human - portrait painter
  • Military action - batalist
  • Animals - animalist


(for parents)

Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers.

  1. What do you think is the artistic and aesthetic development of children?


  1. Are you familiar with the requirements of the kindergarten program to develop a child's artistic and aesthetic abilities?

Yes _________; No _________; partially_________

  1. What classes are held on the artistic and aesthetic development of children in kindergarten?


  1. Does your group have visual information on the development of artistic and aesthetic abilities of children? How useful is it for you?

Information is absent;

The information is there, but the educator never draws our attention to it;

There is information, but it is extremely scarce;

I don't pay attention to her;

The information is interesting, but has no practical significance for me;

There is too much information, it is difficult to choose something useful;

Visual information is interesting and useful for me.

  1. In your opinion, are the conditions created in the kindergarten for the creative manifestation of children?
  1. Does your child show interest in art activities at home?

Yes __________; No ____________; partially _____________

  1. Does your child show interest in musical activities (listening to music, singing, dancing, playing musical instruments) at home?

Yes __________; No ____________; partially _____________

  1. What kinds of musical activities are interesting for your child?

Listening to music;

Playing musical instruments.

  1. What types of art activities are interesting for your child?



  1. What are you doing to maintain interest in the development of the artistic and aesthetic abilities of your child? _____________________________________________________________________________


  1. What help do you need from kindergarten teachers on the problem of the artistic and aesthetic development of your child? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Presentation of the project "Development of speech through theatrical activity" (see presentation)


  1. Continue work on the artistic and aesthetic education of children, prepare more thoroughly for the GCD, think over the design and environment in groups, in accordance with the age of the children (permanently, group educators).
  2. Replenish the missing materials and manuals for centers for artistic and productive activities in groups (deadline 09/01/2017, group educators)
  3. In the plans of educational work, designate individual work with children aimed at developing the necessary technical skills (due from April 2017, group educators).
  4. Use for the formation of artistic and aesthetic taste in children: games, productive activities using a problem situation (the term is constant, group educators).
  5. Use a variety of forms of work with parents to develop artistic and aesthetic taste in preschoolers (continuous term).
  6. Mark the teacher Karpusheva L.Ya. for the creation of good centers: music, fine arts, theater, as well as educators Kuzin O.V. Mubarakshin L.R., Yanin L.A., Utkin N.A., Fedorov M.G., Meshcheryakov S.I., Olyunin N.N., Poezzhaev V.V., Ivanov I.V.