Cognitive lesson in the senior group dow. Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development for children of the senior group List of used literature

Program content: Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", "Health", " Artistic creativity», « Physical Culture”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Reading fiction”.

Lesson objectives: consolidate knowledge about safety, rules of conduct at home and on the street, the ability to behave correctly in an emergency situation; learn to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; arouse a desire to help them; develop thinking, ingenuity, imagination.


educational task:

- to consolidate knowledge of dangerous situations that may arise in everyday life;

- to teach the basics of personal security;

- teach children to answer questions in full sentences;

– teach children to use phone numbers: 01, 02, 03.

- to clarify children's knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms and berries.

Development task:

- develop skills safe behavior on the roadway and crossroads,

- develop speech, memory, thinking, attention;

- develop the ability to listen to each other;

- to form the concept of "possible - impossible" to various situations on the street and at home;

Educational task:

- to cultivate a culture of behavior on the street, in the forest, a conscious attitude to compliance with the rules traffic;

- foster respect for nature.

- Take responsibility for yourself and others.

Dictionary activation: edible, inedible, names of mushrooms and berries, names of road signs.

Preliminary work:

– reviewing safety albums.

- conversations on safety at home, in kindergarten, on the street.

- didactic games: "The ABC of safety", "Dangerous-not dangerous", "Who will quickly put out the house."

- reading Russian folk tales"Three Bears", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Gingerbread Man". "Three Little Pigs", etc.

GCD progress:

Educator. Guys, say hello to the guests.

Exercise "Hello"

Children. Hello gentle morning
Hello Kindergarten,
Hello good friend,
Hello everyone around.
We are very glad to the guests,
We give you warmth.

Educator:- Guys, do you want to visit the country of safety?
Children's answers: Yes!!
AT: You are ready?
O: Yes!
AT: And what do you think, on what you can go on a trip?
O: By train, plane, car, boat.
AT: What good fellows you are, you all know. And today I invite you on a journey to the country of safety to go on a rocket. You are ready?
O: Yes!
AT: Wonderful! We sit on the chairs, close our eyes.

Our journey begins. (The sound recording of a rocket taking off sounds and the game begins ...)

AT: Guys, open your eyes, we are arriving with you on the first planet, which is called "Traffic light".

Look, on this planet we are met by the traffic police inspector Svistulkina.

(Inspector Svistulkin enters.)

Svistulkin: Hello guys. It's good that you came to my planet. I really want to know if you know how to behave near the roadway, because even here in space you need to follow the rules of the road. I have prepared for you interesting tasks try them out.

Svistulkin: Let's play this game with you first: "Be careful on the road".
And now I'll check everything
And I'll make a game for you.
I'll ask you questions now -
Answering them is not easy.
Let me warm up
You guess riddles.
You guys need to firmly
know traffic rules
It's good for me to answer everything,
Or, hiding, be silent.

- If you act in accordance with the rules of the road, then unanimously answer: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!”, And if any of the rules does not correspond to the norm, then be silent, it means that it got into our game by mistake , by chance.
- Which of you, going home,
Keeps the path on the pavement? (Children are silent).
Which one of you is moving forward?
Where is the transition?
- Who runs forward so soon,
What does not see a traffic light? (Children are silent).
- Who knows that the light is green -
Means: the way is open? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)
- And that the yellow light is always for us -
Are you talking about attention? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)
- Who, let him be honest,
Doesn't it hang on the tram? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)
- Who knows that the red light -
Does that mean there is no move? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)
- Which of you is in the cramped carriage,
Did you give up your seat to the old lady? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)
- Who is in a hurry, runs,
Before the sign "The way is closed!"? (Children are silent).

Svistulkin: I'm sure you're just as attentive on the road. Well done!

Svistulkin: And now, guys, listen to the task - carefully consider the picture. You need to find and mark with a red icon cases of traffic violations and explain why you think so.

The task "Guess what the children violated?"(Work on the picture).

Svistulkin: Well done! And which of the children behaves correctly on the road? Why do you think so? Mark them with a green icon.

(Children should mark with a red circle cases of traffic violations. And then explain why they think so. And also talk about cases where children behave correctly.).

Svistulkin: Well done boys. Completed this task. Now the second task. It is called "Collect and find out what sign."

The task "Collect and find out which sign"

(Children collect picture puzzles on which road signs are drawn. Then each child explains what kind of sign he got and what it means.)

Svistulkina: Well done, guys, you coped with the tasks. I give you the board game "Road Signs".

V: Thank you, Svistulkina, but it's time for us to continue our journey.

AT: Now our rocket is going further. ( The sound of a rocket taking off sounds)

The planet is on our way "Fairytale".

AT: Guys, on this planet we are met by heroes of different fairy tales.

Look, what heroes of fairy tales do you see?

D: This is a cat, a rooster and a fox, three bears, a bun, three pigs.

AT: Which of the heroes of the fairy tale "The Cat, the Fox and the Rooster" violated the safety rule?

D: Cockerel.

AT: What is the name of this rule?

D: You can't trust strangers.

AT: How did the cockerel attract the attention of the cat when it was in the paws of the fox?

D: Loud scream.


AT: And the gingerbread man, what did he do wrong?

D: He left his grandparents.

AT: How does the fairy tale end? (children's answers)

AT: And Masha from the fairy tale "Three Bears" what rule did she break?

D: She went into the forest alone and got lost. You can't leave the house alone.
- Masha went into a strange house. There could be thieves there.
- Mashenka ate porridge. She could have been poisoned. You can't take other people's things.
- I rocked on Mishutka's chair, it broke. She could hit her head.
- I went to bed, not even knowing who lives in the house.

AT: How does the fairy tale end? (Children's answers)

AT: Guys, why did the heroes of the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" get into trouble?

D: No, not all. Two of the brothers were lazy, and only thanks to the third brother, who built a strong house, they were able to escape from the wolf. The wolf could not get into their house.

AT: Guys, where should you call if a stranger wants to get into your house?

D: You need to call the police at the number - 02.

AT: Where should you go if there is a fire?

D: Fire - 01.

AT:Guys, tell me the number of the service you need to contact if someone feels bad.

D:Ambulance - 03.

AT:Guys, since this year, new numbers for these services have been introduced. Now you can call the new numbers. Ambulance - 103, fire department - 101, police - 102.

AT:Well done. Guys, stand near the chairs.


On the track, on the trackJumps on the right leg

We jump on the right leg,

And along the same path

We jump on the left foot. Jumps on the left leg

Let's run along the pathRun in place.

We will reach the clearing.

In the meadow, in the meadowJumping in place on both legs.

We jump like bunnies.

Stop. Let's get some rest

And now let's go on foot.Walking in place.

AT:And now we take our places - our rocket goes further. The next planet is "Forest".(Sound of a rocket taking off sounds)

AT:Here we are with you and arrived at the clearing. (We pass along the path to the clearing). Guys, this planet is uninhabited, there is only wild nature around. And we have been traveling for a long time and it is time for us to refresh ourselves. What can we eat in the forest.

D:Berries, mushrooms, plant roots.

AT:Now we will check how you know edible mushrooms and berries. The task "Learn mushrooms and berries."

(Children are invited to name berries and mushrooms, and then explain whether these mushrooms and berries are edible or not.)

AT: But remember, guys, leave the mushrooms that you don’t know in the clearing, don’t trample, don’t knock down. All mushrooms in the forest are needed. Either a squirrel will eat a fungus, or a hedgehog, and moose are treated with fly agarics in the forest.

AT: Guys, how can we quench our thirst?

D: We can drink the dew, find a spring, a river, a stream, chew the leaves of plants and herbs.

AT: Guys, but there can be wild animals on this planet. What will we do if there are some animals nearby to scare them away?

D: Make noise, whistle, knock on wood with a stick, shout.

AT: Your stay on this planet has come to an end. We fly further. (Music plays, children calmly sit in a rocket)

AT: And on our way the planet "Health". (The sound recording of a rocket taking off sounds.)

AT: Here we have a new challenge. In the center, you must connect the dots in order. (Children do the task)

AT: What did you get?

D: Key.

AT: Correctly. And this is the key to health. Pictures are shown around the key, you must use arrows to connect the key and those pictures that will help you be healthy ( the pictures show different products, sports.)

AT: What should we do to be healthy.

D: Go in for sports, eat fruit, eat right, be sure to walk on the street.

AT: Well done boys! It's time for us to move on (knock on the door).

Masha Zaboleykina comes to visit .
AT: Hello! And who are you?
Masha: I am Zaboleykina Masha,
Only I'm sick, my friends.
I have a sad look.
Very headache.
Breaks the back, pricks the side,
I need a doctor to help me.

AT: What a strange surname you have, Zaboleykina!

Masha: And I like my last name, it just suits me, because I am constantly sick.

AT: And you look kind of pale. Is there something weird going on with you?

What are you eating? Are you into physical education?

M: I have cake, candies, cookies, Coca-Cola, lemonade, chewing gum, chips in my bag. (Shows package contents).

AT: Is it all delicious, kids? Is it useful?

D: Not!

AT: What foods are good for our body?

D: Fruits, vegetables, milk, cottage cheese, onions, garlic.

AT: Why are they useful?

D: They contain many vitamins.

AT: What are vitamins?

D: Useful material that our body needs. They help children grow.

AT: What happens if a person eats food that is low in vitamins?

D: He often gets sick, becomes lethargic, sad, gets tired quickly.

AT: Now, Zaboleykina, do you understand which products are useful and which are not?

AT: Guys, let's tell Masha how to improve your health.

1st reb. Everyone knows, everyone understands

What a pleasure to be healthy.

Just need to know.

How to become healthy.

2nd reb. There is no better recipe in the world

Be inseparable from sports.

Live a hundred years

That's the whole secret.

3rd reb. Train yourself to be in order

Do exercises every day

Laugh more cheerfully

You will be healthier.

4th reb. To be healthy

Please note in advance

What everyone needs

Healthy diet.

5th reb. And remember this

Going shopping

Do not look for sweets -

Look for vitamins.

AT: Guys, we have a "Health Key", let's give it to Masha. And once again we remind you what we must do to be healthy.

D: Go in for sports, eat fruits, eat right, be sure to walk outside.

M: Thank you guys. I got much better. I'll go home. (Children say goodbye to Masha).

AT: Well, guys, our journey is over. Did you enjoy our trip? How many new things we learned and consolidated today. What planets have we visited?

D: Traffic light, Fabulous, Forest, Health planet.

AT: Guys, get up, quietly push the chairs.

And now let's say goodbye to the guests. (Everyone joins hands and says)

We are all friendly guys

We are preschoolers.

We don't offend anyone

How to take care, we know.

We will not leave anyone in trouble,

We will not take away, but we will ask.

Let everythnig will be alright,

It will be joyful, light.

This lesson aims to familiarize children with the world around them. Suitable for children 5-6 years old. Preparation for the lesson requires both educators and children a lot of preliminary work. You can make scenery or models that can be left in the group for director's games after class.


Purpose of the lesson: reinforce the concept of children about pets. Meet one of them - a dog. Develop logical thinking the ability to classify. Cultivate respect for animals.

Equipment needed for the lesson: pictures of domestic animals (goat, sheep, horse, cow, pig, cat, dog) + pictures of wild animals (wolf, fox, hare, deer, wild boar, bear); doll "Dunno"; toy is a dog.

Vocabulary work: pets, wild animals, dog, good.

Preliminary work: Looking at paintings and illustrations with domestic animals, talking about wild and domestic animals; talk about the benefits of pets; drawing and modeling of pets; didactic games for the classification of wild and domestic animals.

Lesson progress:


Dunno came to visit the children with a magic box containing pictures of wild and domestic animals.

Educator (for Dunno): Guys, look at the pictures, and tell me, what two groups can these animals be divided into? (wild and domestic).


Educator (for Dunno): Guys, I had such a grief: all the animals got mixed up, and I don’t know who to settle in the forest, and who is closer to the person, please help me! ( children divide pictures with animals into two groups).

Educator: Guys, let's tell Dunno what animals are considered domestic? ( children's answers: homemade alive Others are those that live next to a person and cannot survive without the care of a person, those that a person breeds for his own needs, and which benefit a person).

Educator: What are the benefits of pets to humans? ( children's answers: they give food, wool, skins, guard the home, etc.)

Educator: Do you know that animals were domesticated a very long time ago, many thousands of years ago, and all of them once had wild ancestors. Man tamed the horse more than six thousand years ago, and the cow even earlier. The teacher invites the children to play with Dunno in didactic game"Wild and Domestic Animals".

Shows the dog after the game.

Educator: Look who else came to visit us with Dunno! (dog). The dog was the first pet. At first they were intended only for hunting.

What are dogs for now? ( children's answers: they guard houses, pastures and herds, catch criminals, rescue drowning people, etc.)

Educator: Indeed, for many centuries dogs have been living next to humans, and often we keep a dog at home, regardless of its breed and purpose, just to have a faithful four-legged friend nearby.

Do you have a dog at home? ( 2 - 3 children talk about their pet)


Dunno takes out sheets of paper with dots from her box: now connect the dots in order and see what gifts the residents of the Flower City sent for the dog.

Abstract of the lesson on cognitive development for kids senior group"How all living things grow"

Kiseleva Evdokia Ivanovna, teacher of MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 4", Liski, Voronezh region.
Description. I offer you a summary of the direct educational activities"How all living things grow." This material is aimed at introducing children to the stages of growth and development of living organisms through experience. This summary will be very useful for teachers working with older children. preschool age. I hope that many teachers will like the lesson and help to acquaint children with the development of all living things.
Integration: Informative - research activities, speech development, communication development.
Target: Acquaintance of children with the stages of human, animal and plant growth through experimentation.
1. To form in children an interest in the environment through an experiment.
2. Introduce children to the characteristic stages in the development of living organisms.
3. Lead the children to the conclusion that the growth of living objects requires the same thing: water, light, air, food, care and love of others.
4. Raise interest in the surrounding reality.
Technologies, methods and techniques: use of the scheme - models, psycho-gymnastics, creation of problem-search situations, gaming, visual, practical activities, questions for children
Materials and equipment: photo with the image of children, diagrams - pictures, beans in a jar, a box with earth.

Progress of joint activities

Children look at photographs of small children.
Educator. Guys, tell me who do you see in the photo?
Children. We see little kids like us when we were little.
Educator. Are you like them now?
Children: Similar, but not quite.
Educator. How have you changed?
Children: We grew up, became healthier, more beautiful.
Educator. What has changed in you?
Children: They have become taller, their hair has grown, their eyes have changed.

Educator. What were you like when you were little?
Children: Funny, funny, clumsy.
Educator. How do these babies make you feel?
Children: I want to stroke them, play with them, hold them in my arms, kiss them.
Educator. Tell me who's taking care of you? What did you need to grow up?
Children: Parents, grandparents take care of us. They feed us, walk with us, bathe, we sunbathe together in the summer, treat illnesses, pity, kiss, say kind words.
Educator. Yes, you needed food, water, air, warmth, the love of your loved ones. And now, guys, let's see how a person grows.
Look at the diagram, which shows what you were, what you are, what you will be.

infant- preschool child - teenager - uncle, aunt
Educator. Which of you has a cat or a dog at home? What does it take for a kitten to grow into a big beautiful cat?
Children: You need to properly feed, give meat, fish, milk. Walk in the fresh air, look after, play.
Educator. Look at the diagram:

Blind kitten - kitten playing - adult cat
Now guess the riddle:
Gets up at dawn, sings in the yard,
There is a comb on the head, who is it? (Cockerel)

Did you see who the cockerel was before he became an adult rooster? That's right, chicken. Let's lay out the diagram:

Chicken in the shell - teenage chick - adult cock

And what did a chicken need to become a rooster?
Children: Grains, the sun, so that the mother chicken protects him, loves him.
(The game "Chicken and chickens" is being played)
Educator. I have something in a magic jar. Identify by sound, what is it? (Children express their opinions)
- Let's determine by touch, close your eyes, I will give it to everyone in the hand, and you tell me what it is.
Children: It is smooth, hard, small, oval.
Educator. See what's in your hand. Yes, they are beans. What needs to be done to make the grain alive?
Children: You need a lot of light, heat, moisture, you need rain, dampness.
Educator. And what will become of him?
Children: The grain will sprout, swell, come to life.
Psychogymnastics "Grain"
Imagine that you are a small grain. You're lying deep in the ground and you're very lonely. So you felt that the earth had become warm, and you wanted to see where the light and heat came from. You reached up, and suddenly the earth parted, and your sprout was free. Warm rays touched your thin and still very weak stalk, the breeze shook you, first in one direction, then in the other, you wanted to straighten your young green leaves.
The sun gently grabbed you by the leaves and pulled you up. You began to grow. Get stronger, stronger, taller. Suddenly it began to rain and warm, large drops of rain began to flow down your leaves, stalk, bud. You began to drink rainwater and grow, grow, grow.
Moisture watered your bud, and it began to open, turning into beautiful flower. You realized that you are growing, living, you are happy that you breathe Fresh air drinking clean rainwater and basking in the rays of the golden sun...
- Well, guys, did you like being a grain? And what helped you break through the earth and turn into a beautiful plant?
Children: It is rain, heat, sun, moisture.
Educator. At we have bean seeds in a jar, let's plant them in the ground and take care of them. (Children plant seeds).
Summing up.
- We planted grains - beans, and when sprouts appear, we will observe their growth and development.
(Children consider the bean development scheme)

Grain - sprout - with leaves - with flowers - with a pod.

Irina Berkalova
An open lesson on cognitive development in the senior group on the topic: "The land in which we live."

cognitive development: Introduction to socio-cultural values.

Approximate basic general education program "Birth to School" Veraksa N. E., Komarova T. S., Vasilyeva M. A.

Age Group: older.

Topic (in accordance with the integrated thematic planning): "Homeland Day".

GCD theme: « edge, in which we live» .

Target: creating conditions in order to expand children's understanding of the region, in where they live.

Tasks: To form an idea about your region as a part of Russia;

clarify children's knowledge of the state symbols of Russia;

introduce children to the concept"unofficial symbols of Russia": matryoshka, birch, bells;

expand vocabulary;

To summarize the knowledge of children about the flora and fauna of their native land.

Cultivate patriotic feelings for your small homeland, love for the place where you live, its nature.

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive research.

Forms of organization: group, individual.

Materials and equipment: ICT, music by M. Bernes "Where does the Motherland begin?", animal toys, pictures with plants, sheets of paper, color pencils.

preliminary work: reading the works of Russian writers about the Motherland, people, nature, region, city; viewing illustrations of books, atlases, flags, coats of arms of the country, region, district, city; listening to musical works of a patriotic nature; guessing riddles on the topic.

GCD progress:

1. Organizational moment:

Guys, look at this map. What country do you think this map is? This is a map of our country.

What is it called? (Russia)

Which city is the capital of Russia?

We live in a country which surprisingly beautiful name - Russia. There are many wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is the only, extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland.

A map can tell a lot about our country.

Russia is a big and strong state, in which has many cities, lakes, rivers, forests. We are proud of our great country.

What is the symbolism of Russia?

What is the state emblem? (Draw the children's attention to the patriotic corner groups).

The state emblem is its official symbol.

The state emblem performs the same function as the name of the country, its flag and anthem - it designates its country, distinguishes it from other countries.

National emblem modern Russia represents a golden double-headed eagle on a red background.

The eagle is crowned with three golden crowns - symbols of the state sovereignty of our country, in its paws is a scepter (sign of the triumph of the law) and power (symbol of the unity of the people).

On the chest of the eagle - a shield, in a red field whom riding to the right for the viewer facing the shield, a silver rider in azure (blue, cyan) cloak, striking with a spear a black overturned and trampled by a horse dragon.

What is a state flag? (Invite children to find it in a patriotic corner).

The national flag is identification mark of the state, its official symbol.

The national flag performs the same function as the national emblem, the national anthem and the name of the country - it designates its country, distinguishes it from other countries.

The national flag of Russia is a rectangular panel, consisting of three equal-width horizontal stripes: top - white color, medium - of blue color and the bottom is red.

The meaning of the colors of the flag Russia: white color means peace, purity, purity, perfection; blue - the color of faith and fidelity, constancy; red symbolizes energy, strength, blood shed for the Fatherland.

The music of M. Bernes sounds "Where does the motherland begin".

What is this song about?

What do you think homeland is?

Child 1:

Small Motherland -

Island of the Earth

Currant under the window

The cherries have blossomed.

And white birch

And under it is a bench,

Affectionate little

My motherland!

Child 2:

Do you hear the song of the stream?

This is your homeland.

The sound of rain and the sound of branches,

And currants in the garden - This is also the Motherland.

2. The main part. The teacher recites a poem "Motherland" V. Stepanova.

What do we call motherland?

The house where you and I grow up

And birches along the road

By which we are going.

What do we call home?

Sun in the blue sky

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table.

What do we call motherland?

edge where we are with you live!

Now look at this map. What do you think this card is?

What is the name of the area where we live?

The flag of the Saratov region is a rectangular panel of two horizontal stripes: bottom - red and top - white with a double-sided image in the center of the white stripe of the coat of arms of the Saratov region, surrounded by a gold decorative wreath of oak, laurel branches and ears connected by a gold ribbon.

The coat of arms of the Saratov region is surrounded by a decorative wreath of oak, laurel and wheat ears. What does this mean?

(The azure color of the shield denotes the river expanses of the Volga and the beauty of the small rivers flowing in the region. Sterlets symbolize the abundance of fish stocks, the purity of the Volga River and the small rivers of the region. Oak branches in a decorative wreath denote the strength, courage and resilience of the peoples of the Saratov land during periods of hard times. The laurel symbolizes the victory over enemies and the glory of Russian weapons. Ears of wheat symbolize natural and vegetable wealth, abundance, hospitality of the inhabitants, the industriousness of the people. Golden ribbons symbolize wealth, power and constancy).


All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

Each of us has our own small Motherland - that corner of the earth where we grew up, where our native home. The motherland is huge and beautiful, and everyone has one, like a mother. We must be proud of our motherland, love it, take care of it.

Our small homeland is a village in which we live. What is it called?

Do you like our village? What does he like?

You want to see what a small homeland it is on the big planet Earth. Come to the table which lie album sheets and colored pencils.

What planet do we live on? (planet Earth)

Take a blue pencil and draw a big circle. This planet Earth. (Children do the task)

What is the name of our country? (Russia)

Take a red pencil and draw a smaller circle in the big circle. This is our Russia. (Children do the task)

What is the name of the region which we live? (Saratov region)

Take a blue pencil and draw another circle inside the circles - this is our area. (Children do the task)

And our village is located in the Saratov region. Take a green pencil and draw a small circle - this is our small Motherland - Bald Mountains.

Look how small she is on such a big Earth.

3. Surprise moment: Draw the attention of children to the chest, in the chest - a ball.

What do you think this ball will be useful for?

This ball will help us make a journey, like in a fairy tale.

And now, I suggest you go on a journey through our village.

We leave after the glomerulus and approach the TV. Slide show - Sights of the Bald Mountains.

Slide 1 - Medveditsa River and Bald Mountain. “The bear is one of the most beautiful rivers in the region. By ancient popular belief it originates from a gloomy bear's lair, which is why it got its name. In former times, the Medveditsa River was rich in water and navigable; grain was melted down on barges to other provinces along it.

Bald Mountains were founded in 1740 at the foot of the mountain, from which and got their name.

Slide 2 - Coat of arms of the village with a commentary. “In a golden field with an azure tip, a green mountain, on the right, has a double inner border in the color of the field, tapering and converging to the top. In the free part - the coat of arms of the Saratov region.

Slide 3 - Central Square, DK, Administration building.

Slide 4 - Monument to the fallen soldiers in the Second World War.

Slide 5 - a new park - the Walk of Fame.

Slide 6 - stadium, FOK.

Slide 7 - a new temple under construction.

Slide 8 - ostrich farm.

Let's continue the journey and remember everything you know about the flora and fauna of our region. By the way, what is flora and fauna?

We are going into nature, which means we must be careful and attentive. (Children follow the path for the ball from track to track). Now let's say hello to all living things.


Hello blue sky

Hello free breeze

Hello little oak

Hello golden sun

Hello Mother Earth!

Hello my homeland!

Hello my friends

We live in our native land

I welcome you all!

(Children perform the movement in accordance with the text)

The game: "Plants of our region".

I will give you riddles, and you find pictures - riddles on the table.

On a thaw in the forest

I met spring first

I'm not afraid of frost

I'll be the first to break through the earth. (Snowdrop).

On a green cord

white bells

Even kids know

That forest.. (lilies of the valley).

What's my name, tell me

I often hide in the rye

humble wild flower

Blue-eyed.. (Cornflower).

Run across the lawn

Carefree light flock

Like teenage girls

White-barreled.. (Birches).

The game: "Animals of our region".

Children come to the table in which the toys are laid out depicting animals. Solve riddles and find the right animals.

The oblique does not have a den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save from enemies

And from hunger - bark.


red bird

Came to the chicken coop

I counted all the chickens

And she took it with her.


Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide.


Grey, scary and toothy

Made a stir.

All the animals ran away.

Scared the animals of those ...


Like a royal crown

He wears his horns.

Eats lichen, green moss.

Likes snow meadows.


This beast with two fangs

With very powerful legs

And with a tortilla on the nose.

He digs the ground in the forest.


4. Bottom line:

Our journey through native land came to an end.

What did we talk about today?

What new did you learn?

What did you like the most?

What is Motherland?

Let's lie down on the sunny lawn. (Children lie down on the carpet and close their eyes).

Relaxation: Imagine that you are lying on a sunny lawn, on which many flowers and butterflies.

The teacher reads a poem by O. Vilkov about his native land.

Target: introducing children to construction professions and developing interest in these professions through ideas about the evolution of housing from the ancient world to the present day.


1. Expand children's knowledge about construction professions.

2. Expand children's horizons in space and time;

3. Activate words related to construction professions in speech.

4. Develop curiosity, creative activity.

5. To educate children in interest and respect for people in the construction professions.

Planned result:

1. Children received knowledge about modern construction professions.

2. Expanded horizons in space and time.

3. Diversified and increased the vocabulary of children.

4. Children have cognitive, creative activity.

5. The children showed interest in modern construction professions. They understood the importance of the work of people in these professions in society.

Equipment and materials: to the River of Time demo material(pictures: a cave, a hut, an ancient man, tools; pyramids, Egyptians, tools; wooden houses, a log house, a person living in Russia, an ax; pictures with construction professions, special equipment, tools of this specialty: pictures of unusual houses) , sand with water, various constructor, colored pencils.

Musical accompaniment: song "We are not stokers, not carpenters."


· Gaming

· Communicative

· Cognitive

Methodological value:

· Raising interest in the construction professions.

Expansion of children's orientation in space and time.

Accessibility, colorfulness, unusualness.

Music sounds. The song “We are not stokers, not carpenters” (N. Rybnikov, from the film “Vysota”.)

Educator: “Guys, tell me in which house do you live?”

Children's answers.

Educator: Do you think ancient world What kind of houses were there, who built them? Do you want to know? Children's answers.

Educator: Everyone needs a house, but a person has the largest variety of houses. Even in ancient times, people were engaged in construction. A journey along the "River of Time" will help us to see these various dwellings.
To go on a journey, you need to say the magic words.

One, two, three - spin around

Find yourself in the ancient world.

On the "River of Time" there are pictures of a cave, a hut.

Here we are in the ancient world. This is the first dwelling of man. Who knows what it's called? (Cave). Once upon a time there was not a single house to hide from the heat, people began to seek refuge in caves.

Primitive people lived in caves, huts. The building material was wood, earth, stone, and sometimes the bones of littered mammoths. The first dwelling was, of course, a cave; there was no need to build anything there except to drive out the tribesmen who had settled earlier. Later, frame huts made of branches and bones appeared. And on top of them they made a covering of skins.

During the teacher's story, pictures with people who lived in the ancient world and their tools appear on the "River of Time".

Musical break "Dance of primitive people"

The earth has preserved for us the great buildings of the ancients: pyramids, ancient temples, mysterious cities and unusual buildings, the meaning of which we do not know! But there were times when nothing was heard about a construction crane, bricks and even nails.

One, two, three - spin around

You are in Egypt.

Pictures of Egyptian pyramids appear on the "River of Time"

Oh, and the Egyptians had a hard time:

Brick laying by hand!
Grunting loudly, no crane
Lay bricks weighing a ton or two!
So there are three extra pallets left:
Cheops, Ramses and Tutankhamen

Children's games in the center of sand and water "Build a house".

Purpose: fixing the properties of sand (dry sand, loose, wet sand - you can sculpt). Development of creativity.

During the teacher's story, pictures of the Egyptians with their tools appear on the "River of Time".

One, two, three - spin around

Find yourself in Ancient Russia.

Pictures of wooden houses appear on the River of Time.

Years passed. As soon as a person had a house, the profession BUILDER appeared.

People mastered the profession of carpenter. In Russia, a carpenter was like a builder.

The basis of the wooden house was a log house. Log cabin - logs fastened together in a quadrangle. Wood was an affordable material. Construction began in early spring and finished in autumn. To keep the house warm, the carpenters laid moss between the logs. The roofs were double pitched. Straw was chosen as the roofing material, as it was free and protected the house from rain and snow. The house was built with axes.

During the teacher's story, a log house, people who lived in Ancient Russia, an ax appear on the "River of Time".

The game "Building a house" (large wooden constructor).

Purpose: development of creativity.

Fizkultminutka "We are building a house."

What does it cost us to build a house?

Do you have a foundation to live on? No.

And look out the window.

Roof us from the weather

Everyone will be covered all year round.

One, two, three - spin around

AT modern world turn out.

Pictures of modern houses appear on the "River of Time".

Today, in order to build a residential building, it is required to attract special mechanisms and a large number people of various construction professions. A builder must know a lot and be able to do a lot. A builder is not even a profession, but a collective concept of specialties.

  • The ARCHITECT is the first to start building the house. He is doing a house project. Draws, draws.
  • When the project of the house is ready, they begin to prepare the construction site. The first to arrive at the construction site is a bulldozer. Someone who works on a bulldozer is called a BULLDOZER. He levels the surface of the site on this machine.
  • After the bulldozer, the excavator is taken to work. Someone who works on an excavator is called an EXCAVATOR. He is digging a ditch.
  • Now it's time to lay the blocks for the foundation of the house. A crane is needed to lay the blocks for the foundation. He can easily handle this job. Someone who works on a crane is called a crane operator.
  • After laying the foundation, a team of masons arrives at the facility under construction. They lay out brick walls and partitions of the building.
  • And now our house is almost built, but there is one worker who works above all - this is the ROOFER. It covers the roof. The roof is a very important structural element at the final stage of any building. The roof is able to protect the house from any whim of the weather.
  • Then the carpenters arrive at the construction site. CARPENTERS install doors and windows.
  • Glaziers glaze the windows.
  • PLUMBERS lay pipes for cold and hot water, heating, sewerage and gas pipes in the house.
  • ELECTRICIANS - carry out electric light in the house.
  • The WELDER carries out welding work in order to keep the iron structures stronger with each other.
  • Then, on the object under construction, the masters of finishing works begin to work: PLASTERERS, PAINTERS.

Who built this house

The house where we live.

During the story of the educator, the children are shown pictures with these professions, special equipment, tools of labor of this specialty.

The game "Catch, throw the question answer."

goal: develop coherent speech, correlate the tool with the profession.

Game progress: the teacher calls the instrument, and throws the ball, and the one who catches, answers in what profession he is needed.

The game "Who is first, who is next."

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the sequence of construction professions

Game progress: the teacher asks who starts building the house (who starts first, who then (the architect draws a drawing, the bulldozer driver levels the site, then the excavator digs a foundation pit, etc.))

One, two, three - spin around

You are in the future tense.

Images of unusual houses appear on the "River of Time".

Game Designers of the Future.

Purpose: development of fantasy, creative imagination, development of coherent speech, speaking in public.

Game progress: children take any material (someone draws, someone builds from a constructor, someone talks like a designer).

Children's stories as they imagine the construction professions of the future.

One, two, three - spin around

You are in kindergarten.

Here we are back from our trip.

The game "Assemble the house according to the model."

Purpose: to develop observation, associative thinking, fine motor skills.

Game progress: children are offered a choice of a sample at home. They have to put it together like puzzles.

The game "Place a person in the house in which he lives."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to correlate the type of dwelling and the person, the ability to argue why a person was settled in that era.

Game progress: children take a picture, a person and settle him in a house, explaining why in that house.

The game "Who needs what for work."

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about construction professions and tools people need these professions.

Game progress: an adult invites one participant to his table. He takes any picture with an instrument and names it. Another child must name who needs what for work. For example, a child showed and named an ax, another calls: “The carpenter needs it.”

At home, tell your parents what construction professions are needed to build a house. Tell us how houses were built in the past, and what tools were used.

- At home, draw the "House of the Future" and bring it to kindergarten. We will create a collage "City of the Future".

List of used literature

1. Gilmanova O. L., Korneva E. P. Designing the activities of the educator in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. - Nizhny Tagil, 2014.

2. Skorlupova O. A. Classes with children of senior preschool age