Testoplasty circle work plan senior group. The work plan of the circle on testoplasty for children of middle preschool age. "On a visit to the" Round Country "rolled Gingerbread Man"

Irina Kulga
Program circle work in testoplasty in the senior age group of 5–7 years old “The ABC of salt dough”

To salt dough ball -

Sculpting from it is interesting!

Soft lump of dough

Feels nice and smooth to the touch.

Lies on my palm

I can make a cat out of it

Blind a baby elephant or a bear,

A picture I saw in a book.

I look at him and wonder

Blind from it that - I do not know.

The lump was crushed a little,

I will blind his arms and legs,

I blind his ears and eyes,

And together we will go to a fairy tale!

Explanatory note

Salt dough modeling is an ancient pastime that has come down through the centuries to the present day.

Maybe due to the simplicity and cheapness of manufacturing, or maybe because of the plasticity of the material. Toys, paintings, candlesticks, frames - that just does not come out of a pliable test. And besides, sometimes joint creativity brings us closer to the child, leaving an indelible impression of childhood in the souls of both.

Scientists have proven that the development of logical thinking, coherent speech, memory and attention is closely related to the development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling. Hand movements are of great importance for mastering writing. If the speed of movement of the fingers is slow, then the accuracy of movements is also impaired. In such cases, children try to avoid situations in which they feel they are not successful. Therefore, at preschool age, it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and to develop manual skills. Modeling classes contribute to the development of "manual skill" for the child to enter school.

To create and create are magnificent moments of our life, it is joy and light in the soul. Sculpting from dough is an affordable activity for adults and children. In addition to pleasure, this hobby brings invaluable benefits for the health of the body and soul: the work of the fingers and brain is activated, there is a complete relaxation of the body and soul.

Modeling is of great importance for the education and upbringing of preschool children. It contributes to the development of visual perception, memory, imaginative thinking, instilling manual skills and abilities necessary for successful schooling. Sculpting, like other types of visual activity, forms aesthetic tastes, develops a sense of beauty, the ability to understand beauty in all its diversity. Sculpting as an activity, to a greater extent than drawing or appliqué, leads children to the ability to navigate in space, to the assimilation of a number of mathematical concepts.

The specificity of modeling is determined by the material. Dough is a material that is more comfortable for a child's hand - it is soft and more interesting for a child than plasticine.

Dough - the material is very elastic, easily takes shape and products from it are quite durable. Working with him is a pleasure and joy. This type of creativity came up with a modern name - “Testoplasty”.

Program focus: according to the dominant activity, the program is creative, educational area"Artistic and aesthetic development".

Purpose of the program.

Development of artistic and creativity preschoolers, instilling the ability to see beauty in the surrounding reality, helping children to realize and develop their individuality and self-realization.

Program objectives.


- to acquaint pupils with the history of the emergence of testoplasty, its capabilities;

- teach children how to various materials and devices necessary for the manufacture of products from salt dough;

- to teach the technology of manufacturing various products from salt dough;

- to begin the formation of knowledge about composition, the basics of color separation, the technique of drawing in watercolor and gouache.


- develop fine motor skills hands;

- develop speech;

- Expand words knowledge;

- expand horizons;

- develop observation skills;

- develop aesthetic taste;

- develop figurative and logical thinking;

- to promote the development of creative imagination, fantasy.


- to cultivate industriousness, patience, accuracy, the desire to bring the work begun to the end;

- to educate the child in the correct self-esteem, the ability to communicate with peers and work in a team;

- to cultivate a value attitude towards a person, his culture, work.


- to develop coordination of hand movements;

- to teach to sculpt with the whole brush and fingers, to make small details with a finger and probing;

- use various methods of modeling in work: plastic, constructive, combined. As well as various modeling techniques: rolling, rolling, pulling, smoothing, pressing, pressing, smearing.


- create a favorable atmosphere for informal communication of children who are passionate about a common cause;

- help the child find friends and realize himself not only in creativity, but also in communication with peers, teachers, parents;

- to teach children to organize leisure in an interesting way, to orient them to further knowledge and creativity in life.

Program construction principles:

1.The principle of systematicity. It consists in the continuity, regularity, regularity of the educational process.

2. The principle of consciousness. When a child learns something new, he always asks questions: why? why? as? In order to answer them, the child must understand the purpose of the educational task that was set before him, and be aware of how he will solve this problem.

3. The principle of phasing. From simple to complex - an important condition for learning to sculpt.

4. The principle of visibility. Direct visual visibility is designed for the emergence of an aesthetic perception of a particular product and the desire to create it.

5. The principle of cyclicity. Building the content of the program with a gradual complication from age to age.

6. The principle of accessibility and individuality. Children have age and gender differences, moreover, children of the same age have different abilities that must be taken into account in the learning process. We teach the child not only what he can learn without difficulty, but also what he cannot do today: today he will do this work with the help of an adult, and tomorrow he will be able to do it himself.

Methods and techniques

1. Consistent acquaintance with different ways sculpting:

Constructive - is the simplest and lies in the fact that the depicted object is molded from separate parts.

Sculptural - products are made from a whole piece.

Combined - this method of modeling includes both constructive and sculptural. This is how products are made that are difficult to mold from one piece.

2. Verbal methods:

conversation, story;

Explanation, clarification;


Verbal instruction.

3. Visual methods:

Examination of visual aids (paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures);

Showing the progress of work (partial, full);

Work on technological maps.

4. Integration of testoplasty with other types of direct educational activities children:

Formation of elementary mathematical representations

The development of speech


Physical culture.

Expected learning outcomes.

must know:

The history of the tradition of making objects from salt dough;

Modeling techniques: rolling straight and in a circular motion; flattening, connecting, pinching, pulling, smoothing, joining, pressing;

- tools and accessories for modeling;

– safety rules when working with tools and paints;

- rules for the equipment of the workplace;

- rules for drying, coloring, storing products from salt dough;

- the concept of warm and cold colors;

should be able to:

- break off small pieces from a large piece of dough;

- roll pieces of dough in a circular motion with your hands into balls;

- roll out pieces of dough with direct hand movements into columns, sausages;

- consistently and correctly connect the elements in the manufacture of the finished work;

-use the tools and devices necessary for the manufacture of products from salt dough;

- observe safety precautions;

- Evaluate your work and the work of your comrades;

- work in a team.

Conditions for conducting a circle on testoplasty.

Classes are held 2 times a month, in the afternoon. The duration of classes depends on age.

When organizing classes for a circle, the teacher must remember the following rules:

1. Do not interfere with the child, create.

2. Encourage all the efforts of the child and his desire to learn new things.

3. Avoid negative assessments of the child and the results of his activities.

4. Start with the simplest task available, gradually complicating it.

5. Encourage the initiative of children.

6. Do not leave without attention, without encouragement, even the smallest success of the child.

The main condition for the implementation of the circle program is the creative attitude of the teacher himself. Fiction, creative imagination of the teacher, the ability to inspire children to new achievements in creativity - the main guide in the work of the circle.

(1st year of study)

September 1 "King Salt Dough invites friends." To acquaint children with the history and features of testoplasty, with the names and purpose of tools and devices. Generate interest in salt dough modeling.

2 "Delicious cookies." Introduce children to modeling techniques: flattening into a disk and a hemisphere. Show design options for salt dough products.

October 3 Treat for dolls "Curl Buns". Show techniques for sculpting various products. To develop the ability to sculpt from dough, to teach pupils to work neatly at the table. form positive attitude to the work of a baker, to cultivate a careful attitude to bread, as a product especially revered by people.

4 Coloring treats for dolls "Curl Buns". Develop an interest in experimenting with art materials and tools. To teach children to complete the work they have begun, to make attributes for the subject-developing environment of the group and role-playing games.

November 5 "Bunch of rowan". Continue to teach pupils the features of modeling from dough. To form the ability to sculpt small details and create a given composition.

6 Coloring "Bunches of mountain ash." Learn to paint the product after drying. To form the skills of accuracy when coloring work, the ability to keep your workplace in order. Learn to see the end result of the planned work.

December 7 New Year's craft as a gift to parents "Boot". Teach children to knead the dough themselves. Develop fine motor skills of the hands when kneading the dough. To form the ability to make snowflakes from thin sausages. Develop independence and imagination.

8 Coloring and completing the New Year's crafts "Boot". Learn to bring the work you have started to its final completion. Develop the skills of accuracy in the performance of work. Learn to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

January 9 "Elegant Christmas tree". To teach children how to cut a Christmas tree on a stencil, smooth the edges with a brush moistened with water, and invent decorations on their own - balls, toys, beads. Develop finger flexibility. Use familiar sculpting techniques in a new creative situation.

10 Coloring with paints "Elegant Christmas Tree". Learn to paint the Christmas tree with paints, to form the skills of accuracy when doing work. Develop creative imagination, coherent speech when compiling stories about the Christmas tree. When decorating a Christmas tree, use various additional materials.

February 11 "Mug for dad." To teach children to sculpt a mug, roll out the dough in the form of a strip, a ball, press a recess in it, pinch the edges. Sculpt the initial letter of the name for decoration. Develop fine motor skills of hands, fantasy in decorating a souvenir.

12 Coloring with paints "Mugs for dad." Continue to teach children to paint the mug after drying, choosing the color on their own. To cultivate accuracy in work, the desire to do something pleasant for a loved one.

March 13 "Bouquet in a vase" (a gift for mothers and grandmothers). Learn to sculpt flowers from salt dough (roses, daisies, cornflowers). To learn how to roll a roller from a thin strip, spreading it in the palm of your hand, at first tightly, then weaker, flatten it on one side to get a bud. Continue to introduce children to ways to attach parts to the base. Awaken in children the desire to reflect in the craft a feeling of tenderness and love for their mother.

14 "Horseshoe for happiness." Learn to sculpt from colored salt dough, roll out a flagellum, bend, giving the shape of a horseshoe. To consolidate the ability, from separate parts, to sculpt a rose, or other flowers. Develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination in decorating products.

April 15 "Mouse on cheese" (colored dough). Continue to teach children to create expressive stucco images in a constructive way. Learn to plan your work: to conceive an image, divide the material into the required number of parts of different sizes, sculpt in sequence, starting with large details.

16 Starry sky. Clarify ideas about space, the universe. Develop cognitive activity. Teach children how to create beautiful composition.

May 17 "Beauty butterfly in a frame." To consolidate knowledge about the structure of a butterfly. Develop visual memory, imagination, attention, artistic taste, fine motor skills of hands, coherent speech. Learn to sculpt a butterfly from salt dough and a frame for decorating the finished product. To teach children to coat a frame made of thick cardboard with salt dough, cut off excess dough with a stack, level the edges of the frame with a brush with water.

18 Coloring "Beauty Butterflies in a Frame". Teaching children to color ready product from salt dough with paints, how to work with them. Develop the skills of accuracy in the performance of work. Develop fine motor skills of hands when working with a brush. Learn to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Planning the work of the circle "ABC of salt dough"

(2nd year of study)

September 1 Vegetables and fruits. Continue to acquaint children with the properties of salt dough. To consolidate the ability to convey in modeling the characteristic features of vegetables and fruits (shape, size, using familiar modeling techniques: pulling, smoothing, pinching, etc.

2 Coloring molded vegetables and fruits. Learn to paint products after drying. Exercise children in mixing colors. To develop the creative imagination of children in the process of work.

October 3 Caterpillar on autumn leaves. To consolidate skills and abilities in modeling from salt dough. Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Develop creativity, imagination, imagination, attention and observation.

4 Coloring "Caterpillar on autumn leaves." To consolidate the ability to reproduce the sequence of all actions when composing a composition. Learn to paint the finished product in accordance with the color, convey the characteristic features with the help of paints.

November 5 Hedgehog. To form the skills of rolling out salt dough with a rolling pin. Develop a sense of form, fine motor skills of hands. Teach children how to make hedgehog needles with scissors. Complete the work with mushrooms and apples.

6 Fairy tree (collective modeling from colored salt dough). Continue to learn how to knead colored salty dough, roll sausages from several colors. Teach children to use a rolling pin, a stack, a garlic press in their work. Develop a sense of community.

December 7 "Snowman". To teach children to coat pieces of foil, of different sizes, with salt dough, to use water to connect parts. Learn to reflect the impressions received when observing winter nature. Develop artistic and creative abilities, complement the work with a hat, scarf.

8 Coloring with paints "Snowman". Exercise in the ways of working with paints, develop aesthetic perception, a sense of color. Learn to see the end result of the planned work.

January 9 Snowflake. To teach children to reflect the impressions received when observing winter nature. Develop artistic and creative abilities. Continue to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

10 Coloring "Snowflakes". To teach children how to paint a finished snowflake with a spray technique, and then draw details (eyes, nose, cheeks) with a thin brush.

February 11 "Heart" for Valentine's Day. Learn to roll out the dough with a rolling pin, cut out a heart according to a pattern from colored salted dough, process the edges with a brush moistened with water. Cultivate interest in creativity. Learn to decorate a heart with roses and leaves, decorative ornaments.

12 "Keychain" as a gift to dad on February 23rd. Continue to teach children the techniques of sculpting from colored dough to roll a sausage, then form a letter from a sausage on a cardboard template. Develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination in decorating a souvenir (press various objects into the dough: cloves, screws, bolts, paper clips, buttons, etc.).

March 13 "Beads" as a gift to mom. To consolidate the ability to apply familiar modeling techniques (rolling rollers, rolling balls, stringing them on a stick, connecting parts).

14 Panel-benefit "Clock-sun" (collective work from colored dough). Continue to teach children how to make crafts using colored salt dough. Develop an eye, fine motor skills of hands, a sense of form. Develop compositional and aesthetic feelings, a sense of beauty. To form an idea of ​​the units of measurement of time, the skill of planning one's activities, the ability to work in a team, independently solve emerging problems.

April 15 "Merry little men." Learn to sculpt funny little men using the techniques of rolling balls, ovals, flattening, pulling. To connect the parts, use matches, sticks. Treat the edges with a brush moistened with water. Learn to work in a team.

16 Coloring with paints "Merry little men". To develop the skills of accuracy when working with paints. Learn to see the end result of the planned work. Complement the work by decorating the clothes of your little men.

May 17 Sunflowers. To develop the creative abilities of children, artistic and aesthetic taste, fine motor skills of hands. develop manual skills.

18 Coloring "Sunflowers". Help develop a sense of composition. Continue to teach children how to paint the product after drying, select paints that are typical for coloring sunflowers. Cultivate accuracy, the desire to please a loved one.

The program highlights three stages in the development of creativity of preschoolers in the classes on testoplasty. Each stage has its own characteristics and creative tasks.

Stage I (initial)

Purpose: familiarization and education. Accumulation of children's creative experience.

Tasks of the initial stage: to interest and liberate children so that the fear of new material disappears; to introduce preschoolers to the features of modeling from salt dough.

At this stage, children get acquainted with the possibilities of salt dough, with tools and additional materials, their purposes; Preschoolers learn how to properly organize their workplace. Imitating an adult, they make specific crafts from salt dough, work out familiar ones and learn new ways and techniques of modeling.

At the first stage, children are offered tasks that require their initial orientation in creative activity: compose, invent, change, etc., while they show elements of creativity.

Part of the classes is dedicated to modeling from natural (uncolored) dough. Children get acquainted with the rules of painting finished products. This activity enriches the child creatively, helps to realize the close connection between modeling and drawing.

Stage II (intermediate)

Purpose: development. Acquisition of children's creative experience in the transformation of products from salt dough.

Objectives: to develop the ability of children to change and transform their crafts; to encourage the creation of expressive images, independently choosing tools and additional materials, methods and techniques of modeling.

The work is built on the basis of the desire that arose in children to make their own additions, changes to the product, created according to the finished sample, scheme, drawing, etc. At this stage, much attention is paid to children's experimentation with materials, tools and techniques. Children are offered tasks that lead them to purposeful actions and searches.

Stage III (final)

Purpose: creativity. The development of the ability to independently create expressive images in salt dough modeling, which are distinguished by originality (subjective novelty, variance, flexibility, mobility.

Tasks: to encourage the creative activity of children, initiative and independence; develop determination and perseverance in the search for a solution to the problem.

The support at this stage is the children's creative imagination, which allows not only to display the idea, but also their attitude to created image. Conditions are created for the development of initiative and independence of preschoolers. Children learn to transfer their experience (already familiar and mastered under the guidance of an adult or in co-creation with him) to new conditions and independently apply it in creative situations.

Children are offered three types of modeling: object modeling, plot and decorative modeling. Each of these types has its own characteristics and tasks and is carried out both according to the instructions and according to the plan of the children.

In work with preschoolers, such forms of organizing artistic and creative activities are used, such as: the creation of individual works by children in modeling, the creation of collective works by children. In group classes, children make art panels, models, relief paintings, etc.

Caring for salt dough crafts. Dust deposited on products must be removed with a hair dryer or a thick soft brush. Salt dough crafts can be dried in the oven from time to time.

State budgetary educational institution

Kindergarten No. 3 of a general developmental type with a priority

activities for physical development children

Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

Perspective plan of the mug

for 2014-2015 academic year


Mix 2 cups of flour without baking powder, 1 cup of salt, 1 cup of warm water, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and knead well until a plastic homogeneous mass is obtained.
Mix 150 g. Flour, 300 g. Salt, 3 tablespoons of any glue (dry), add 100 ml. water and knead until you get a stiff dough.
For finer decorative work, you need to take 200g. Flour, 200g. Salt, 1 tablespoon wallpaper paste and 125 ml. water, combine all these components, knead to the consistency of plasticine and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
If you are going to sculpt from salt dough colored crafts, color dye must be added to the mixture or part of the mixture. It is most convenient to tint the water and then pour it into the dry mixture. It is good to immediately make several desired colors. It is best to store the dough in plastic bags or plastic boxes with tight-fitting lids (a piece of dough of each color in a separate bag) in the refrigerator. Salt dough crafts need to be dried very well in the oven or at room temperature

Perspective plan of the mug

on testoplasty "Lepilka" in the second junior group

for 2014-2015 academic year


Formation of creative abilities of children.

Learn how to make a variety of salt dough products.

  • To develop fine motor skills of the hands, the accuracy of fine movements, the ability to regulate the force of pressure, to strengthen the muscles of the hands.
  • Develop creativity and imagination creative thinking and curiosity, observation and imagination.
  • To cultivate accuracy, respect for the work of comrades.


Occupation 1. Theme "Apples and pears."(shop game)

Goal: Learn to sculpt apples and pears for further use in the game "Shop".

Exercise in rolling the ball, oval, flattening, using natural material to complete the craft.

Material: Salt dough, fruit replicas, twigs, cloves, pepper.

Lesson 2. Topic: Coloring with paints of apples and pears.

Purpose: To learn how to paint products after drying.

Practice mixing colors.

To develop the creative imagination of children in the process of work.

Material: Gouache paints, brushes.

Lesson 3. Theme: Decorative plate "Rose".

Purpose: To learn, from separate parts, to sculpt a rose, roll out balls, flatten, make a flower from 6-8 petals.

Develop finger flexibility, learn to see the end result.

Material: Salt dough, stacks, plate.

Lesson 4 . Theme: Coloring the decorative plate "Roses" with paints.

Purpose: To continue to learn how to paint products after drying, select paints, mix, to obtain the desired shade.

Arrange the work on a plate.

Material: Gouache paints, plate.


Lesson 1. Theme: "Prickly hedgehog".

Purpose: Sculpt a hedgehog from a whole piece, pulling the muzzle.

Separately, sculpt needles in the shape of a cone, connect the parts, wetting with water.

Supplement the work with mushrooms, apples.

Material: salty dough, seeds from apples, cherries, brush, water

Lesson 2. Subject: Hedgehog coloring.

Purpose: To teach children how to paint a hedgehog after drying, using black and gray, mixing paints.

Cultivate accuracy in work, provide all possible assistance to comrades.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, varnish.

Lesson 3. Theme: "Penguins on an ice floe."

Purpose: To teach how to sculpt a figure from a whole piece, using the techniques of rolling, stretching, flattening, notching in a stack, conveying their characteristic features and proportions.

Use foil when sculpting the body.

Develop children's imagination, ingenuity.

Material: Salt dough, foil, polystyrene.

Lesson 4. Theme: Coloring with paints "Penguin on the ice."

Continue to teach children to paint the figures after drying, combine them into a common composition.

To teach children to accurately convey the conceived idea when coloring the product.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, glue.

November :

Lesson 1. Theme: "Ladybug"(on a leaf)

Goal: Learn to sculpt ladybug from parts: head, torso, using moldings, additional material for decoration.

Use a leaf cutter.

To be able to regulate the force of pressure when performing moldings.

Material: Salt dough, leaf mold, apple seeds, twigs, toy.

Lesson 2. Topic: Coloring with paints “Ladybug».

Purpose: To form the skills of accuracy when coloring work.

Know how to use skills non-traditional drawing- with a finger, for drawing points.

Exercise in the ways of working with paints, designing work on a leaf.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, glue


Lesson 1. Theme: "Snowmen".

Target: To teach children to coat pieces of foil, of different sizes, with salt dough, to use water to connect parts.

Learn to reflect the impressions received when observing winter nature.

Develop artistic and creative abilities, complement the work with a hat, scarf.

Material: salt dough, cherry seeds, hazelnuts, scarf, hat.

Lesson 2. Theme: Coloring with paints "Snowmen".

Purpose: To exercise in the ways of working with paints, to develop aesthetic perception, a sense of color.

Learn to see the end result of the planned work.

Material: Gouache paints, brush.

Lesson 3. Theme: "Elegant Christmas Tree"

Target: To teach children how to cut a Christmas tree according to a stencil, smooth the edges with a brush moistened with water, and come up with their own decorations - balls, toys, beads. Develop finger flexibility

Use familiar sculpting techniques in a new creative situation.

Material: Stencil "Yolka" made of cardboard, stack, seeds of different fruits, beads.

Lesson 4. Theme: coloring with paints "Elegant Christmas tree".

Purpose: To learn to paint the Christmas tree with paints, to form the skills of accuracy when doing work.

Develop creative imagination, coherent speech when compiling stories about the Christmas tree.

When decorating a Christmas tree, use various additional materials.

Material: Gouache paints, brushes, glue, threads, beads, confetti.


Lesson 1. Theme: Santa Claus.

Target: Teach children to use familiar modeling techniques - stencil cutting, rolling.

Be able to use a garlic press for squeezing out dough for hair and beard.

Entertain children.

Material: Salt dough, garlic, stack, sprig of spruce.

Lesson 2. Theme: Coloring with paints "Santa Claus".

Purpose: To teach children how to color the finished product from salt dough with paints, how to work with them.

Develop the skills of accuracy in the performance of work.

Develop fine motor skills of hands when working with a brush.

Learn to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, sprig of spruce, confetti.

Lesson 3. Theme: "Dog Bug".

Purpose: To continue teaching children how to sculpt animals using a stencil, a spadefoot to squeeze out wool dough.

To fix the breed of dogs in the speech of children, to sculpt a lap dog.

Cultivate interest in work, creative imagination.

Supplement the work by treating the dog with a bone.

Material: Salt dough white and beige colour, spadefoot, stack, tassel, water.

Lesson 4. Theme: "Frame for a dog."

Purpose: To teach children to coat a frame made of thick cardboard with salt dough, cut off excess dough with a stack, level the edges of the frame with a brush with water.

Complete the work with bones for the dog, placing them along the edges of the frame.

To instill love for animals, a desire to help them.

Material: Colored salt dough, stack.


Lesson 1. Theme: "Mug for dad."

Purpose: To teach children to sculpt a mug, roll out the dough in the form of a strip, a ball, press a recess in it, pinch the edges.

Sculpt the initial letter of the name for decoration.

Develop fine motor skills of hands, fantasy in decorating a souvenir.

Material: Salt dough.

Lesson 2. Theme: Coloring mugs for dad

Purpose: to continue to teach children to paint the mug after drying, choosing the color on their own.

To cultivate accuracy in work, the desire to do something pleasant for a loved one.

Material: Gouache paints, fruit seeds, brush.

Lesson 3. Theme: "Frame for a photo."

Purpose: To consolidate technical skills and techniques when sculpting a frame from salt dough.

Exercise in sculpting flowers from separate parts, make a flower from 6-8 parts, make a composition from separate parts.

Materials: Salt dough, cardboard frame of various shapes, color samples.

Lesson 4. Theme: Painting photo frames.

Purpose: To continue learning to draw with paints.

Independently select the color, be able to mix paints to obtain the desired shade.

To develop in children aesthetic perception, a sense of color.

Material; paints "Gouache", brushes, beads.


Lesson 1. Theme: "Basket of flowers"

Target: Continue to teach children to roll out the dough with a rolling pin in an even layer, cut out the basket according to the stencil, scratch it with a fork.

Intertwine the flagella among themselves for the handle, bottom.

Sculpt familiar flowers and leaves.

Develop imagination, desire to give joy to others.

Material: Salt dough brown, red, yellow, Green colour, fork, basket stencil, stack.

Lesson 2. Topic: Coloring with paints (if necessary)) baskets and flowers.

Purpose: Lay out the flowers, after drying, glue them into the basket, varnish them. (can)

To cultivate interest in creativity, collectivism, aesthetic perceptions,

Material: Gouache paints, varnish, brush.

Lesson 3. Theme: "Horseshoe for happiness."

Target: Learn to roll out the flagellum, bend, giving the shape of a horseshoe.

To consolidate the ability, from separate parts, to sculpt a rose, or other flowers.

Develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination in decorating products.

Material: Salt dough, stack, beads, paper clip(loop), tassel.

Lesson 4. Topic: Coloring with paintshorseshoes, flowers.

Target: Continue to teach children to paint crafts after drying, choosing the right colors.

To teach how to accurately convey the conceived idea when coloring the product, to reveal the creative imagination of children in the process of work.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, fruit seeds, beads.


Lesson 1. Topic: "Funny little people»

Purpose: To teach how to sculpt funny little men using the techniques of rolling balls, ovals, flattening, pulling.

To connect the parts, use matches, sticks.

Treat the edges with a brush moistened with water.

Learn to work in a team.

Materials: Salt dough, toothpicks, fruit seeds brush.

Lesson 2. Theme: Coloring with paints of funny little men.

Purpose: To form the skills of accuracy when working with paints.

Learn to see the end result of the planned work.

Complement the work by decorating the clothes of their little men,

Material: Gouache paints, tassel, beads, beads.

Lesson 3. Theme: "Heart with birds."

Purpose: To learn how to roll out the dough with a rolling pin, cut a heart according to a template, process the edges with a brush moistened with water.

Sculpt birds using the techniques of pulling, flattening, conveying proportions, characteristics.

Cultivate interest in creativity.

Material: Salt dough, template, stack, seeds of various fruits, beads.

Lesson 4 . Theme: Coloring heart with birds.

Purpose: To continue to learn to deftly act with a brush, to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

To develop aesthetic perception in children, a sense of color.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, glue, beads, beads.


Lesson 1. Theme "Pig in a basin."

Purpose: To teach how to make a pig figure from several parts, observing proportions, using sticks to fasten parts.

Be able to apply the skills and abilities acquired previously.

To consolidate the ability to sculpt a basin, using the technique of indentation, aligning the edges.

Generate interest in art.

Materials: Salt dough, bead sticks. Fruit seeds.

Lesson 2. Theme: painting a pig in a bowl with paints, framing.

Purpose: To learn how to mix paints to get the desired shade.

To form the skills of accuracy when coloring finished figures.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, round lid (from mayonnaise), glue.

Lesson 3. Theme: "Mice on cheese."

Purpose: To teach how to use knowledge about features appearance animals in your work.

To consolidate the skills and abilities acquired earlier (rolling, pulling, smoothing edges).

Develop creative imagination, interest in work.

Material: Salt dough, stack, tassel, thread (for the tail).

Lesson 4. Theme: "Coloring with paints" Mice on cheese."

Purpose: To teach how to accurately convey the conceived idea when painting a product, to reveal creative imagination in the process of work.

To develop the flexibility of the fingers when working with a brush, to see the end result of your work.

Material: Gouache paints, brush, glue, threads of different colors.


  1. V. A. Khomenko Salty dough Step by step. - Kharkov: Book Club "Family Leisure Club". 2007.- 64s
  2. Educator of preschool educational institution No. 2/2007.
  3. Anna Firsova Miracles from salt dough IRIS - PRESS Moscow 2008.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 37"

Perspective work plan of the circle on testoplasty "Masterilka"

for 2016 - 2017 academic year

Head: teacher Shchuchkina M.L.

Number of children: 12 people


1. Consolidate a variety of knowledge, skills, skills acquired in modeling classes in other activities.

2. Continue to acquaint children with various objects of the world around them, their properties.

3. Create conditions for independent artistic activities of children outside of classes, organize exhibitions of children's works with children.

4. Develop imagination, cultivate independence, the ability to bring what has been started to the end.

5. Encourage children to create dynamic expressive images and collective plot compositions, independently choosing a theme, material, modeling methods, image decoration techniques.




preliminary work

Lesson objectives

Sequence of work




Final result


Organization month. Condition preparation. Adaptation period for children.

"Autumn still life"

Preparing salt or custard dough

To teach children how to create still lifes from salt dough. Improve visual technique (independently choose the method and techniques of modeling). Develop compositional skills - place several objects, creating a harmonious composition.

1. Reading a poem by W. Rashid

2. Acquaintance with the concept of "still life".

3. Explanation of the task of the lesson to children.

4. Work of children in groups on a still life.

5. Discussion and examination of still lifes.

6. Reading a poem by V. Nabokov "Who will come out in the morning?"

Salt dough, plastic or ceramic plates for composing compositions.

Exhibition of children's works

"Autumn still life" for parents.




preliminary work

Lesson objectives

Sequence of work




Final result

"We went to the meadow, we sculpted the meadow"

(collective composition)

Examination of photographs, illustrations, reproductions depicting a spring and summer meadow; viewing images of meadow plants; a conversation about meadow insects and plants, about what adults do in the meadow or children can do. Preparing the basis for the stucco panorama "We went to the meadow".

To teach children to sculpt meadow plants and insects of their choice, conveying the characteristic features of their structure and color. Build communication skills. Develop observation. Cultivate an interest in wildlife.

1. Reading a poem by G. Galina "Merry Ball".

2. Conversation about meadow plants, insects.

3. Demonstration of the unfinished panorama "Our Meadow", a proposal to complete it.

4. Work on the choice of material, modeling.

5. Registration of works on the panorama "We went to the meadow"

6. Reading a poem by I. Bunin

Colored salt dough, stacks, planks, napkins, beads and small buttons (for depicting stamens, decorating petals and decorating small details of insects - eyes, antennae, legs); wire, toothpicks, cocktail tubes, sticks (for stable and flexible stems)

Stucco panorama "We went to the meadow".




preliminary work

Lesson objectives

Sequence of work




Final result

"Ringing Bells".

Examination of bells, examination and description of the form, search for analogies in form and name; improving the technique of sculptural modeling; a conversation about the upcoming holiday, preparing a sketch and a plan for decorating the premises for festive matinees; laying out patterns from different elements.

To teach children to create voluminous hollow crafts from salt dough. Improve visual technique. Show different tricks decoration of stucco figurines. Synchronize the work of both hands. Develop a sense of form, projections; cultivate accuracy.

1. Discussion of the modeling method, showing the technique and commenting on the actions performed.

2. Self-sculpting of bells by children.

3. Decoration works.

4 Exhibition of bells made of salt dough.

5. Guessing and guessing riddles on a winter theme.

Salt dough, stacks, caps of felt-tip pens or fountain pens for decorative prints; narrow braid for loops, cut into pieces 10 - 15 cm long or ribbons.

Stucco bells for interior decoration or Christmas tree.




preliminary work

Lesson objectives

Sequence of work




Final result

"Mug for Dad"

A conversation about the day of the defenders of the Fatherland, about dads, grandfathers of the "Defenders" of the family. Examination of various factory-made mugs with drawings and monograms.

To arouse interest in children in making gifts for dads with their own hands. To learn how to sculpt dishes in a designed way, accurately conveying the shape, size in accordance with the purpose of the object. To form an interest in the history of their country and family. Cultivate a caring attitude towards loved ones.

1. Reading a story

G.R. Lagzdyn "Grandfather's mug"

2. Conversation about what was read.

3. Discussion of the ways of modeling mugs, showing.

4. Decoration and sculpting work.

5. Compiling beautiful, affectionate congratulations for dads and grandpas.

Salt dough, oilcloths, stacks, napkins. Various factory-made mugs with "male" decorative elements and monograms. Alphabet with written and block letters for monograms.

A gift for dad or grandfather is a mug.




preliminary work

Lesson objectives

Sequence of work




Final result

"Vase for Mom"

A conversation about mothers and how we can congratulate them on women's holiday March 8. Examination of various items of utensils.

To teach children to sculpt beautiful and at the same time functional objects as a gift to loved ones. To introduce a new way of sculpting from rings. Show the possibility of modeling the shape of the product by changing the length of the original parts - "sausages". Cultivate love and caring attitude towards your family members.

2. Explanation of a new method for molding hollow vessels from rings.

3. Decoration of molded objects with a flat or relief ornament (vegetative, zoomorphic, geometric or mixed)

4. Reading a poem by G.R. Lagzdyn "On Mother's Day"

Salty dough, rolling pin, napkin, oilcloth, beautiful beads, buttons, beads and narrow braid for decorating vases

Presentation of gifts to mothers.




preliminary work

Lesson objectives

Sequence of work




Final result

"Leaves dance and turn into trees"

Plate preparation - the basis for relief compositions

Make children want to make stucco pictures. To introduce the technique of relief modeling. Offer a choice of techniques for decorating a stucco image: relief moldings, cutting or scratching with a stack, brush painting. Develop a sense of form and composition.

1. Examination of images of leaves, a proposal to blind them.

2. Re-examination of images.

3. The teacher's story of the sequence of work and techniques.

4. Sculpting leaves by children and turning them into trees.

5. Admiring each other's stucco pictures

Salt dough, cardboard or ceramic for future stucco compositions, stacks, napkins. Calendars, artistic postcards depicting spring trees and leaves.

Stucco paintings "Dancing trees"




preliminary work

Lesson objectives

Sequence of work




Final result

"Ants in an anthill"

A conversation about the originality of the collective life of ants. Mastering the papier-mâché technique balloons and flat shapes. An introduction to paper making techniques.

Introduce children to new technology creating three-dimensional images of papier-mâché (modeling from paper pulp). Learn to sculpt small animals (insects), conveying the characteristic features of the structure and color. Cultivate an interest in nature. Develop coordination in the work of the eyes and hands.

1. Making "paper dough".

2. A conversation about the originality of the appearance of ants and an anthill.

3. Discussion of modeling methods.

4. Modeling an anthill and ants from "paper dough".

5. Installation of an anthill on a stucco panorama "Our Meadow"

Soft loose paper suitable for recycling, plastic trays, boxes for mixing paper pulp, jars of water, paste (from flour or starch), planks, napkins, beads, buttons, toothpicks, tablespoons.

Anthill with ants on the stucco panorama "Our Meadow"




preliminary work

Lesson objectives

Sequence of work




Final result

"Butterfly Beauty"

Butterfly watching in the summer. Examination of images of butterflies in popular science illustrated books for children. Coloring books and coloring books. Reading poems

V. Nabokov "Butterfly", "Night butterflies"

To teach children to sculpt beautiful objects as a gift. To consolidate the ability to accept and independently realize a creative task; possession of plastic and applicative skills, the ability to integrate - the disclosure of one method by different means.

1. Reading a poem by V. Shipunova "Portrait of a Butterfly".

2. Setting a task for children.

The choice of materials by children and the creation of portraits of butterflies.

4. Express - exhibition "Beauty Butterfly"

For modeling - colored cardboard or thick colored paper A4, salty colored dough, stacks, marker caps, buttons, beads, soft wire. For application - colored paper of different formats for children to choose from, scissors, glue, glue brushes, napkins.

Butterfly postcards.

Arkadyeva Nelya Nailevna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 5 "Golden Key"
Locality: p.g.t. Aktobe, Aznakaevsky district, Republic of Tatarstan
Material name: Methodical development
Topic: Program club activities in testoplasty in the senior group
Publication date: 28.03.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Plan - program of circle activities

"Fun dough" (testoplasty)
For children 5-6 years old Teacher Arkadyeva N.N.
Explanatory note.
Orientation to creativity is the ideological setting of modern education. The solution of one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice in the formation of a creative personality should begin already at preschool age.
I decided to carry out educational activities on salt dough modeling, as working with soft and plastic material calms, relieves tension, aggression and anxiety, allows you to behave naturally and naturally. When working with dough, it is not so much the availability, environmental friendliness and relative cheapness that attracts, but the endless possibilities that this material provides for creativity. Implementing in practice the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution "Origins", I created the program of the circle "Fun Dough".
The purpose of methodological development:

development of children's creative abilities

preschool age through testoplasty.

1. theoretically explore the problem of developing the creative abilities of children through testoplasty; 2. create a creative environment that allows you to reveal the natural inclinations and artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers; 3. develop a system for planning circle work; 4. develop visual abilities, artistic taste, creative imagination; 5. ensure the integration of testoplasty with other activities of children;
Implementation stages:

I stage
– Purpose: creation of conditions for the development of motivation and interest in children for modeling, as a type of artistic and creative activity through testoplasty; development of simple shaping movements, knowledge, skills and abilities in working with plastic material.
II stage
- Purpose: development of imagination, artistic taste, creative abilities of older preschoolers.
In my work I rely on the following principles:
1. Principle
. It consists in the continuity, regularity, regularity of the educational process. 2. Principle
. When a child learns something new, he always asks questions: why? why? To answer them, the child must understand the purpose of the educational task that was set before him, and be aware of how he will solve this problem. 3. Principle
From simple to complex is an important condition for learning to sculpt. 4. Principle
. Direct visual visibility is designed for the emergence of an aesthetic perception of a particular product and the desire to create it.
5. Principle
accessibility and individuality
. Children have age and gender differences, moreover, children of the same age have different abilities that must be taken into account in the learning process. I teach the child not only what he can easily learn, but also what he cannot do today: today he does the work with the help of an adult, and tomorrow he can do it himself.
Teaching methods and techniques:
1. Consistent introduction to various types modeling: Constructive - is the simplest and consists in the fact that the depicted object is molded from separate parts. I use it more often at the initial stages of learning, when children do not yet have the skill of modeling. Plastic - the product is made from a whole piece. Here you need good work skills, knowledge of the object being transferred, its shape and proportions, and spatial representation. Combined - this type includes both constructive and plastic. This is how products are made that are difficult to mold from one piece. 2. Verbal method: conversation, story; explanation, clarification; questions; verbal instruction; 3. Visual: viewing visual aids (paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures); showing the progress of work (partial, full); work on technological maps. 4. Integration of testoplasty with other activities of children:  mathematics;  speech development;  Literature. Circle work is carried out once a week, 25-30 minutes, in the afternoon. Watching children, their independent research activities, I decided that at first you should not load them with modeling techniques, call them to perseverance and expect highly artistic handicrafts from them. Children like to do completely unconstructive things: pinch off small pieces from a large piece of dough, make prints with the details of the designer, fingers, palms, “stuff” the dough. In practice, I was convinced that only free creativity, free play includes in the mind of the child the mechanisms of learning and the formation of a creative personality. A specific feature of modeling is its close connection with the game. I noticed that the volume of the completed figurine stimulates children to play with it. The organization of classes in the form of a game deepens children's interest in modeling, expands the possibilities of communication with peers and adults. Salt dough modeling opens up endless possibilities for play. I believe that modeling as an activity, to a greater extent than drawing or appliqué, leads children to the ability to navigate in space, to the assimilation of a number of mathematical concepts. In order for children's activities to become meaningful, understandable and fully meet their needs, I try to use an integrated approach in my work.
Building the learning process on an integrative basis allows you to harmonize the work of the two hemispheres of the brain. There is a fusion of figurative and logical thinking. At the same time, the integration of content is assumed not within the framework of one lesson, but within the boundaries of several classes. The unifying core is the general cognitive context. In my work, I use the integration of educational activities in fiction and testoplasty. After reading the fairy tale, the children make figurines fairytale heroes from salt dough based on folk toys. Thus, children have the opportunity not only to endow the images of fairy-tale characters with a certain character, but also to play fragments of the plot. By creating conditions for the emergence of game interaction, I get the opportunity to solve the problems of speech development. The systematic training of finger motor skills is stimulating for the overall development of the child, especially for the development of speech. Circle work helps to activate the existing experience based on the knowledge gained about the world around in frontal classes. I have developed a long-term plan for the work of the "Merry Dough" circle on testoplasty. At the stage of work with children aged 5-6, the main task of the circle was to increase interest in a new type of activity and new material - salt dough. In the senior group, the main activity of the circle is to introduce children to various methods of modeling and methods of designing molded products. One of the best integration options different types children's creativity - the creation of a home-made table theater with children. From salt dough, you can make not only heroes of fairy tales, but also background compositions, additional attributes. This helps once again to return to the text of the fairy tale, which teaches children to listen to the content, pay attention to the little things. In the process of playing out plots with molded characters, children's dialogue speech develops, the ability of children to negotiate with each other.
Expected results:
interest in salt dough modeling; dough preparation; knowledge necessary tools to work with the test; rolling with direct movements; rolling in circular motions; flattening; connection in the form of a ring; pinching the edge of the form; modeling from several parts; maintaining proportion; pulling a part from the main form; smoothing the surface of the form; part attachment; pressing; lubrication; indentation;
modeling from several parts; maintaining proportions; modeling from nature; modeling according to the presentation; modeling on the imagination; product stability; expressiveness of the image; driving dynamics; work with paints; use of additional materials; stack usage. Children's activity products can be covered acrylic varnish and offer children as attributes in role-playing games, arrange exhibitions for parents, use them to design seasonal exhibitions in kindergarten.
Used Books
: 1. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. Psychological essays. - M .: Education, 1991. 2. Gribovskaya A.A., Khalezova - Zatsepina M.B.. Modeling in kindergarten. M.: TC Sphere, 2015. 3. Firsova A. Miracles from salt dough. M.: Iris - Press, 2013.
Advanced thematic planning

circle activity "Fun dough"


Theme of the week


A task




after summer"

"Introduce Pens to Dough"
- acquaintance of children with the concept of "testoplasty"; diagnostics of the development of the main shaping movements, the formation of the ZUN of the connection of parts from salt dough.


We -


collective composition

"Summer meadow"
-to teach children to sculpt beetles in a constructive way, conveying the structure (torso, head, six legs); continue to teach how to sculpt a hemisphere, partially flattening the ball; develop a sense of composition; learn to reflect summer impressions in crafts.

people and

nature in


"The plate is the face of a man"
-to teach children to make a face from separate parts (oval-face, circles-eyes, stripes-hairstyle, etc.); to acquaint with the methods of manufacturing the necessary parts; learn to display what you see in the figure in the craft.

people and

nature in


"Urban transport"

to teach to analyze the structural features of different vehicles, to correlate parts in size and proportions; learn to compose a simple plot composition from homogeneous objects.

Theme of the week




people in



"What grew in the garden"

to teach children to independently choose a plot for modeling in accordance with a given topic; arouse interest in creating expressive images (fruits, vegetables); continue mastering the sculptural method (modeling from a whole piece) by stretching and modeling parts, suggesting the use of techniques for decorating a stucco image.

people in


- learn to choose a topic for modeling according to the presentation; - convey the characteristic features of the form, proportions, details, plasticity of the object, its beauty; -sculpt from a whole piece, objects at rest and in motion;


-learn to consider a hedgehog, highlight the main parts, characteristic features ( pointed nose, needles); -sculpt a hedgehog, passing oval shape torso (ovoid), balls for legs, pull off parts (nose, ears, needles); -complete the image (with a small apple, mushroom, etc.)


- learn to consider mushrooms, highlight their parts, shape; - divide the dough into two parts, transfer their shape of the legs (column), hats - make a disk out of the ball; -sculpt a few mushrooms - a family on a plate.

Theme of the week



"Forest in


human and


"My favorite fairy tale"
-to learn to highlight the image of a fox in Russian folk tales (cunning, dexterous); - create a composition based on one of the fairy tales, conveying the image of a fox and another character, combining them on a stand; - choose sculpting methods; - convey movement.
"Forest in


human and


"What's in the basket?

- to form an interest in experimenting with plastic materials to convey the form of "gifts of the forest"; improve the technique of sculptural modeling.
"Who in what


"Beautiful headdress"
- teach children to create hats in different ways, decorate them; develop imagination.
"Who in what


"Jewelry for Mom"
- to form knowledge about the holiday, to cause a desire to make a gift for mom; - sculpt beads of various shapes, brooches;
- convey the form, features of surface design (relief, moldings) - develop imaginative thinking, creative imagination.

Theme of the week




of the year.


"Girl in a long coat"
-to teach to consider the figure of a child, to highlight the features of winter clothing; -sculpt a figure of a girl in a fur coat, creating a figure in parts; - teach the method of connecting parts, weighting the figure; - transmit movement; - to be placed on a stand.
"New Year's

th holiday.

Christmas tree

dressing up

-to teach children to sculpt a Christmas tree in a rational way - from a cone; -show the possibilities of using stacks, toothpicks for drawing details; - develop a sense of form, proportions.
"New Year's

th holiday.

Santa Claus and



"Santa Claus is in a hurry to

children on the Christmas tree"
- to teach to depict the figure of Santa Claus according to the idea, to convey movement, marking this with a certain position of the arms and legs; - create expressiveness of the image; - to cultivate independence in the image of the general form, proportions of the figure, individual details.
"New Year's

th holiday.


"Gingerbread for Kolyada"
- to teach how to make gingerbread (sculpting, cutting, printing); - develop imagination, accuracy and attention.

Theme of the week



"The circus"

-to learn to see the expressiveness of the image of a clown (jabot, large buttons, cap); -sculpt it from a whole piece, tightly connect the parts (hands); -place the figurine on the stand.

games and


- to learn to see the expressiveness of the image of a skier, different movements; -sculpt it from a whole piece, tightly connect the parts (hands); - convey different movement; -place the figurine on the stand.

ie on


- learn to sculpt, conveying the basic shape of the object, the ratio of parts; - note the characteristic features of the animal; - choose the method of sculpting; - convey a simple movement.

Theme of the week




e to the South"

- learn to portray a crocodile; - convey the characteristic shape of parts of the animal; -transfer proportional ratios of parts and their location; - fix the methods of sculpting in parts: tight connection of parts by lubricating one part to another, pulling the parts away from the overall shape.
"Who's in the sea

lives by



-to teach to consider fish, determine the shape of the body, characteristic features; -sculpt fish, convey an oval shape; - decorate the surface with a stack, draw scales, or fashion small balls, squeeze them between your fingers and stick them on the body of the fish; - learn to create a composition using natural
material (shells), collect it and arrange it (on cardboard).

brave and


"Border guard with a dog"
- to learn how to create a composition in modeling from two objects united by one content, to depict this object in a certain state; - convey the characteristic features of the form; -set the figurines on the stand.
"About the most


"Portrait of a Pope"
- learn to transmit round shape plates, using different details (eyes, mouth, nose, hair, etc.), to convey the intended image (dads, grandfathers); - learn to place the product on cardboard.

Theme of the week





- to learn to create an image of a flower, to convey the features of the form; - decorate the middle of the flower with seeds; -show the possibilities of using stacks, toothpicks for drawing details.



"Surprise for Mom"
- to learn to consider jewelry (pendants, brooches, beads), their shape; - sculpt decorations of various shapes; - convey the shape, features of surface design (relief, moldings).
"Water and its


"Vessels (vases)"
- to learn how to make a vessel by punching dough of a spherical or cylindrical shape; - to process the surface and the inside of the vessel; - close up the edges of the vessel, decorate it with a pattern.

Arrival of birds»

"Duck (based on

Dymkovo toys)"
-to learn to depict objects by pulling parts from a whole piece; - convey the characteristic shape of the body - a flattened oval (ovoid); - to consolidate the ability to observe the proportional ratio of parts, to evenly and beautifully set the figure on the stand; - learn to make a pattern on the wings of a duck with a stack.

Theme of the week



"Stones and their


"Vase of Stones"
- learn to make a vase by laying it out of individual elements (balls); - decorate with a pattern, place on a stand.
"People's life

and nature in


- to teach to consider the image, highlight the main form, characteristic features, connect the image with the artistic word; -sculpt the object in parts, convey the shape of the parts (oval body and head); - convey movement.


learn to create a fabulous image of the Serpent Gorynych, one body and many heads; -sculpt a cone and divide the thick part into several parts; - use the pinching technique to convey the features of the surface.

"Funny Letters"
- learn to sculpt letters from sausages; - decorate letters with various details (head, handles, etc.); - develop imagination.

Theme of the week



"My country"

"The Young Lady" (based on

Dymkovo toy0
- continue to acquaint with the Dymkovo toy, see the means of expression (the shape of the parts, proportions, decoration details);
-sculpt Dymkovo young lady from nature from a whole piece, transfer the original shape (cone), hollow shape (skirt), tightly lubricating hands, use additions (hair - flagella, hat or kokoshnik, etc.); - learn to smooth the surface for subsequent painting.
"Kazan -


"Coat of Kazan"
-to learn to accurately convey the image of the coat of arms in modeling; -to consolidate the ability to observe the proportional ratio of parts; - place on the surface of the cardboard.
"Summer's soon"

"Decorative plates"
- to learn to create an image of a flower, petals, to convey the features of the form; - decorate plates disposable plates fashioned images of flowers and petals; - place a pattern on a plate, compose a composition - show the possibilities of using stacks, toothpicks to draw details.


Order No. _____ dated _______

head of development center

Kindergarten "Rodnichok" No. 18

L.G. Yasakova


for additional education

salt dough molding "Testoplasty"

for 2013 - 2014 academic year G.


Testoplasty is one of the folk crafts. Crafts from the test is very ancient tradition, but in modern world everything that is made by hand is highly valued. Salt dough is a very popular modeling material lately. The dough is elastic, it is easy to process, products from it are durable.

The Testoplasty program has an artistic and aesthetic orientation. Creative activities have a strong impact on the emotional-volitional sphere of students. The process of mastering certain performance skills not only liberate artistic thinking, but also to a greater extent leave an imprint on the worldview and the system of life orientations, goals and values.

Relevance . Children love to sculpt. Why modern child modeling? Modeling is one of the most tangible types artistic creativity, in which three-dimensional (sometimes embossed) images and entire compositions are created from plastic materials. The modeling technique is rich and varied, but at the same time accessible to anyone. Classes in the testoplasty workshop provide a unique opportunity to model the world and your idea of ​​it in spatially plastic images. Each child has the opportunity to create their own wonderful world.

Expediency.Testoplasty is a tangible form of creativity. Because the child not only sees what he created, but also touches, picks up and changes as necessary. The main tool in modeling is the hand, therefore, the level of skill depends on the mastery of one's own hands, on the motor skills that develop as you work with the dough. The modeling technique can be assessed as the most artless and the most accessible for independent development.

Modeling classes have a complex effect on the development of the child:

  • Increases sensory sensitivity, that is, it contributes to a subtle perception of shape, texture, color, weight, plasticity;
  • Synchronizes the work of both hands;
  • Develops imagination, spatial thinking, fine motor skills of hands;
  • They form the ability to plan work to implement the plan, to foresee the result and achieve it; if necessary, make adjustments to the original plan.

And also contributes to the formation of mental abilities of children, expands their artistic horizons, contributes to the formation of artistic and aesthetic taste.

According to their content, the classes have as their goal the development of individuality, intuition, the education of organization and accuracy. Sculpting includes sensory and other modal-specific factors of development, while eye-hand coordination, concentration of attention and perseverance, and development of voluntary regulation are worked out.

In the process of learning, the guys are getting better interpersonal relationships friendship is strengthened. There is a sincere atmosphere.

The purpose of the program: creation educational environment for the development of a creative personality through the practice of testoplasty.

Program objectives:

  • To educate a person capable of creativity, with an artistic taste;
  • To create conditions for the personal development of the child through introducing him to the creativity of testoplasty;
  • To promote the mastery of the basic techniques and technologies of testoplasty.

The program is designed for a year and is divided into II stages

Stage I - general preparation. A child who has passed it may have a complete understanding of the historical development of the art of testoplasty, does not fully master the technique of execution and is not yet ready to independently perform utilitarian items.

II stage. The child is engaged in the improvement and complication of the studied techniques, with a history of testoplasty.

Classes are held once a week for 1 hour. The program provides 34 hours per year.


  • Seasonality: building and adjusting the educational content of the program, taking into account natural features in this moment activities.
  • Cyclicity: building the content of the program with a gradual complication from age to age.
  • The principle of enrichment of sensory experience.
  • Sequence and systematic.
  • Person-centered approach.
  • Cultural enrichment (amplication) of the content of testoplasty activities, in accordance with the characteristics cognitive development children of different ages.
  • The principle of the relationship of productive activity with other types of children's activity.
  • The principle of organizing thematic space (information field) is the basis for the development of figurative representations.


  • Visual (show, samples of crafts, illustrations);
  • Verbal (conversation, explanation, questions, art word)
  • Practical


  • Individual
  • subgroup
  • group


  • salty dough
  • stacks
  • boards
  • brushes
  • gouache paint
  • templates

Salt Dough Benefits:

1. You can cook at any time without spending extra money;

2.Easy to wash and leaves no residue;

3. It is safe if it gets into the mouth, if you do not add glue, - usually, after tasting the dough once, the child no longer tries to take it into his mouth - tasteless !!!

4. If it is properly mixed, it molds wonderfully, does not stick to hands;

5. You can dry in the oven, or you can just air dry;

6. Any paint sticks, and the possibilities for painting are practically unlimited;

7. It’s good to varnish over the paint - it will last for centuries ...

8. You can play ready-made - without fear that it will lose its shape.

salt dough recipe: 2 cups of flour (you can add dry starch to the flour without leaving the norm of two cups. For example, 1 1/2 cups of flour + 1/2 cup of starch. With the addition of starch, the dough will become more elastic. This dough is especially good for fine details, for example, flower petals.), 1 glass of salt, 1 incomplete glass of water, about 180 g, 2 tablespoons can be added. spoons of PVA glue. Instead of water, you can cook a starch paste.

Drying methods. Drying in the oven. It must be assumed that a product with a thickness of 5 mm is dried for 1 hour. The temperature should be 75 degrees.

Air drying . The most economical, but also the longest. During air drying, the moisture from the product evaporates very slowly - in 1 day the product is dried by no more than 1 mm of thickness. It is most expedient to carry out such drying in the summer, when you can use the heat of the sun's rays (in winter, jewelry should not be placed on the radiator!).
Combined drying. It is most suitable for voluminous moldings: the products are kept in the sun for several days, then dried in the oven.

Expected results and ways to measure performance.

For each child, a specific indicator of his success is:

  • The rising level of his original works, easily assessed by both the visual and the educator.
  • The speed of completing tasks and the clarity of orientation when choosing their methods of successful completion.
  • Collective participation in collective works and events.
  • The originality of the proposed artistic solutions.
  • Strengthened motor skills of the hands.

Criteria for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities.

Average level:

  • Ability to roll out dough in straight and circular motions
  • The ability to roll out the dough into a thin tourniquet.
  • Attentive, following the instructions of an adult.
  • Active, interested.
  • Knows the basic principles of composition.

High level:

  • Perfectly owns the skills of working with the test.
  • Interested, interested.
  • Independently chooses the method of depicting an object using a test.
  • He tries to bring elements of creativity into his work.
  • He applies the acquired skills not only in the classroom, but also in everyday life.
  • Make patterns and use colors.
  • Make various thematic applications.
  • Make ornaments and sculpt dishes.

Diagnostic tools:

  • Analysis of student questionnaires.
  • Feedback from parents.
  • Testing (motor skills of the child).

For the entire team as a whole, an indisputable indicator is active participation in district and city exhibitions, as well as high prizes that will be given to their work.

Used Books:

  1. Konsheva K. P. "Sculpting in the elementary grades."
  2. Selezneva E. A. "Amazing salty dough." M., 2006
  3. Magazine "School" №1, №2 2004
  4. Gagarin B. G. "Composing compositions from salt dough" M., 2006.
  5. G. Chayanov "Salty dough for beginners."
  6. Goricheva VS Salt dough products.
  7. Dankevich E. “Sculpt from salt dough”.
  8. Lezhneva S.S., I.I. Bulatova "A fairy tale with your own hands" Minsk 1994.
  9. Gusev "Salty dough". Moscow. My world. 2006.
  10. Sineglazova M.O. "Amazing Salt Dough" Moscow. SME Publishing House. 2006.




Number of hours

the date

Introductory lesson. Introductory lesson on safety. From the history of testoplasty.


Salt dough manufacturing technology. Autumn leaves.


Various dough recipes. Painting composition "Autumn leaves".


Sculpting the composition "Fruit Basket"


Coloring composition "Fruit Basket"


Medallion (From colored dough)


Coloring composition "To my only mother"


Vase (3D modeling)


vase coloring


New Year's serpentine (Color dough)


New Year's gifts (photo frame "night")


Candlestick "Oriental fairy tale"


Pencil (volumetric)




Coloring composition "Aquarium"


Performing colors on (plane).


Drawing up a general composition of flowers




Easter egg


Easter egg stand


Making the composition "Spring is red"


Coloring the composition "Spring is red"


Favorite heroes from fairy tales (subject picture)