Modern forms of work with children and adolescents. “Forms of work with difficult teenagers. Types of tasks in the library quest

The period of growing up in some adolescents is manifested by changes in the behavioral type: rudeness with adults, a decline in the authority of the opinions of parents and teachers, shortcomings in behavior, conflict in the field of communication, distrust and even hostility towards the teacher. It is in this period that the so-called deviant adolescents most often appear. Knowing and taking into account the specifics of interaction with pedagogically neglected adolescents, or adolescents of antisocial behavior, the main forms and methods are built in social and pedagogical work with deviant adolescents. deviant teen educator

Socio-pedagogical work is a social work that includes and pedagogical activity aimed at helping the child to organize himself, his mental state, on the establishment of normal relations in the family, school, society, the creation of conditions for its self-realization.

The essence of socio-pedagogical work with children of different deviant behavior consists in organizing increased care, instilling in them a sense of dignity based on the positive qualities of character; prevention or elimination of various deviations in behavior; in establishing contact.

The main forms of work of a social teacher with adolescents with deviant behavior:

The first form is the organization of the social environment.

The second form is psychoprophylactic work (informing).

The third form is active social learning in socially important skills.

The fourth form is the organization of activities that are alternative to deviant behavior.

Fifth form - organization healthy lifestyle life.

The sixth form is the activation of personal resources.

The seventh form is minimizing the negative consequences of deviant behavior.

The first form is the organization of the social environment. It is based on the idea of ​​the determining influence environment to the formation of deviations. By influencing social factors, undesirable behavior of the individual can be prevented. The impact can be directed at society as a whole, for example through the creation of a negative public opinion in relation to deviant behavior. The object of work can also be a family, a social group (school, class) or a specific person. Within the framework of this model, the prevention of addictive behavior in adolescents includes, first of all, public service advertising on the formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and sobriety. Of particular importance is the policy of the media. Special programs, performances by youth idols, specially selected films - all this should have a qualitatively different level than what is currently being observed. Work with youth subculture can be organized in the form of the Youth Against Drugs movement or an action of the same name with performances by popular rock bands. It is extremely important to work in places, and young people spend their leisure time and communicate. For example, mysterious masked people may appear at a disco. At the end of the evening, teenagers can learn from them about the tragic fates and experiences associated with the loss loved one from drugs. Work with adolescents can also be organized on the street, for which in a number of countries there is training of adolescent leaders who carry out relevant work. This approach also attempts to create supportive "zones" and conditions that are incompatible with undesirable behavior. The main disadvantage of the model is the lack of a direct relationship between social factors and deviant behavior. In general, this approach seems to be quite effective.

The second form of psychoprophylactic work is informing. This is the most familiar direction of psychoprophylactic work for us in the form of lectures, conversations, distribution of special literature or video and television films. The essence of the approach lies in an attempt to influence the cognitive processes of the individual in order to increase its ability to make constructive decisions. For this, information supported by statistical data is usually widely used, for example, on the harmful effects of drugs on health and personality. Often the information is intimidating. At the same time, the negative consequences of drug use are listed or the dramatic fates of deviants, their personal degradation are described.

The third form of preventive work is active social learning in socially important skills. This model is mainly implemented in the form of group trainings. Currently, the following forms are common: Training of resistance (stability) to negative social influence. During the training, attitudes to deviant behavior are changed, skills are formed to recognize advertising strategies, the ability to say “no” in case of peer pressure is developed, information is given about the possible negative influence of parents and other adults (for example, those who drink alcohol), etc. Assertiveness training or affective learning is based on the notion that deviant behavior is directly related to emotional disturbances. To prevent this problem, adolescents are taught to recognize emotions, express them in an acceptable way and cope productively with stress.

In the course of group psychological work, decision-making skills are also formed, self-esteem increases, processes of self-determination and the development of positive values ​​are stimulated. Life skills training. Life skills are the most important social skills of an individual. First of all, it is the ability to communicate, maintain friendly relations and constructively resolve conflicts in interpersonal relationships. It is also the ability to take responsibility, set goals, defend one's position and interests. Finally, the skills of self-control, confident behavior, change of oneself and the surrounding situation are vital.

The fourth form is the organization of activities that are alternative to deviant behavior. This form of work is associated with ideas about the substitution effect of deviant behavior. For example, addiction can play an important role in personal dynamics - an increase in self-esteem or integration into a reference environment. People are supposed to use mood-enhancing drugs until they get something better in return. The alternative forms of activity are: knowledge (travelling), testing oneself (hiking in the mountains, sports with risk), meaningful communication, love, creativity, activity (including professional, religious and spiritual, charitable). This form is implemented in almost all assistance programs in cases of already formed deviant behavior. AT family education leading preventive tasks are early education sustainable interests, the development of the ability to love and be loved, the formation of the ability to occupy oneself and work. Parents should understand that they form the needs of the individual through the involvement of the child in different kinds activities - sports, art, knowledge. If to adolescence positive needs are not formed, the person is vulnerable to negative needs and activities.

The fifth form is the organization of a healthy lifestyle. It comes from ideas about personal responsibility for health, harmony with the outside world and your body. The ability of a person to achieve an optimal state and successfully resist adverse environmental factors is considered especially valuable. A healthy lifestyle involves a healthy diet, regular physical activity, compliance with the regime of work and rest, communication with nature, and the elimination of excesses. This style is based on ecological thinking and significantly depends on the level of development of society.

The sixth form is the activation of personal resources. Active participation in sports by teenagers, their creative self-expression, participation in groups of communication and personal growth, art therapy - all this activates personal resources, which in turn ensure the activity of the individual, her health and resistance to negative external influences.

The seventh form is minimizing the negative consequences of deviant behavior. This form of work is used in cases of already formed deviant behavior. It is aimed at preventing relapses or their negative consequences. For example, adolescent drug addicts can receive timely medical care, as well as the necessary knowledge of concomitant diseases and their treatment.

A social educator in working with deviant adolescents uses the following methods:

  • 1. Method of psychological counseling;
  • 2. The method of conversational psychotherapy.

Most effective method individual psycho-correctional work with aggressive adolescents is a method of psychological counseling.

Thus, psychological counseling is a non-standard process. Its length, form, depth will be determined, first of all, by the necessity and sufficiency for resolving the difficulties of a teenager. At the same time, in the course of psychological counseling, individual approach, the essence of which is to correct the complex of qualities associated with the aggressiveness of a teenager.

The method of conversational psychotherapy is a conversation with a teenager aimed at verbalization emotional states, verbal description of emotional experiences. Verbalization of experiences causes positive attitude to the one who talks with a teenager, readiness for empathy, recognition of the value of the personality of another person. This method involves the emergence of a coincidence of verbal argumentation and the internal state of a teenager, leading to self-realization, when a teenager focuses on personal experiences, thoughts, feelings, desires.

Music therapy is the use of musical works and instruments in the work. For teenagers who show anxiety, anxiety, experience fears, tension, a simple listening to music is carried out, which is accompanied by a task. When calm music is played, the teenager is instructed to think about objects that make him feel uncomfortable or to offer to rank unpleasant situations from minimal to most severe.

Imagotherapy is the use of image play for the purpose of therapy. The teenager creates a dynamic image of himself. A wide variety of specific techniques are used here: retelling a literary work in a predetermined situation, retelling and dramatization folk tale, theatricalization of the story, the reproduction of classical and modern dramaturgy, the performance of a role in the play.

Psycho-gymnastics - interaction is based on motor expression, facial expressions, pantomime. The exercises are aimed at achieving two goals: reducing tension and reducing the emotional distance of the members of the group, as well as developing the ability to express feelings and desires.

For example, stress relief exercises consist of the simplest movements "I'm walking on water," "on hot sand," "I'm in a hurry to school." The combination of facial expressions, gesture, movement creates a more complete opportunity to express and convey one's feelings and intentions without words.

Moritatherapy is a method by which a teenager is placed in a situation where it is necessary to make a good impression on others. The social pedagogue offers to express his opinion about something and corrects his ability to speak out, give an assessment, behave accordingly (facial expressions, gestures, intonation, etc.). This method helps to cultivate a culture of behavior.

Isotherapy - treatment fine arts- the most popular and accessible method of self-knowledge. On paper or canvas, you can express your thoughts, fears, hopes - what is hidden deep inside a person. Isotherapy helps to get rid of negative emotions, relieves nervous tension. For drawing use the most different materials: paints, pencils, colored paper, plasticine, etc. - everything that helps to create an artistic canvas.

The choice of psychotherapeutic influence and interaction depends on the individual characteristics of the personality of the deviant adolescent.

So, having considered the deviant behavior of adolescents, it should be concluded that this phenomenon is complex and complex. It can have both external and internal causes. Deviant behavior is associated not only with individual features individuals who create a favorable or unfavorable basis for the impact of negative external and internal factors, as well as what kind of society surrounds a teenager. Arising at the level of situational behavioral reactions with a certain combination of these factors, deviant behavior, becoming fixed, leads to stable forms of deviations in behavior. At the same time, maladaptive behavior develops, which makes it difficult for them to socialize in society.

Therefore, the work of a social pedagogue with such adolescents should be to identify the causes of deviant behavior, prevention (removal of the causes, factors and conditions that provoke them), and correction of existing deviations.

In conditions Modern Russia teenagers are not subject to resist advertising, alcohol. smoking, the media, as well as many entertainments on which businessmen make a lot of money, and the fate of a teenager is not important to them. The school itself also has a great influence on the development of deviant behavior in a teenager, the lack of competence of a young specialist, the socio-psychological difficulties of the child’s interpersonal interaction with the class team and its individual representatives, do not take into account psychological characteristics teenager. The family as a social institution also leaves a certain imprint on the teenager.

In general educational institutions, when working with such adolescents, they mainly rely on such documents as: the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law on Fundamental Guarantees of Rights

We call a difficult teenager so because it is difficult to work with him. There are no easy solutions here. You can’t just punish, scold or have an educational conversation with such a child. In his regard, everything will be much more complicated, also because at the heart of his difficulties a whole range of problems. It can be:

    Problems in the family: incomplete family; alcoholism of parents; emotional alienation; low culture of parents; excessive employment of parents with work or their problems; the established relationship of competition between relatives (oedipus complex of son to father, daughter to mother; rivalry between brothers and sisters for the attention of parents), etc. etc..

    Child health problems: chronic diseases that reduce or affect mental performance; chronic diseases that impede social contacts (enuresis; diseases of the digestive system; colds); disability, etc.

    Growing up in a social environment with a low culture and an unfavorable criminogenic situation: the child’s housing is located in a “bad” area; the social environment of the child - peers are not interested in anything useful, they are not engaged in anything, and they themselves are often “difficult”.

Work with troubled teenagers is often perceived by us as something unbearable, ungrateful, obligatory, but doomed to failure. And often it turns out that it develops according to the following scenarios:

    The teacher takes on the task of “correcting the truant” with the understanding that there is something more behind the absenteeism. Initially, it is not a motive that is formed, but an attitude: “... I am obliged to do this, but if he, a truant, does not need classes at school and his family does not need it either, then I will not succeed ...”. Very often, by the way, this or a similar attitude is formed in most people when they are going to do something. That is, they anticipate failure, they program themselves for failure, rightly believing that the task is not easy.

    At the next stage, the teacher walks around, calls, addresses, invites, talks, edifies, and in the end making sure that they still continue to “wave their hands”.

Summarizing what has been said, we can list common mistakes in working with difficult teenagers and give appropriate advice:

Why educational influence is ineffective

    The teacher hopes to solve the problem at once (by talking, visiting the family, inviting parents, etc.)

    The teacher pays attention exclusively to the negative in the appearance, behavior, study of a teenager - resonating and strengthening it

    The teacher overly hopes for standard "tested" schemes in working with a teenager

    Solving the problems that have arisen with difficult teenagers, they are separated from the team

    Often the conversation between an adult and a child takes place in “different languages” due to: age difference; development; status

    A difficult teenager is in a state of constant conflict with others, resentment for his fate

    The child is in an unusual situation, in a humiliated, constrained from his point of view, state, i.e. here we can talk about barriers of perception

    Negative behavior is reinforced by constant attention from others

    Do not start a conversation if you are not sure that you can switch to the language of the interlocutor - speak clearly, on the same level with the interlocutor

    Consider age and mental development ward. Anticipate his reactions in a conversation on topics that are unpleasant for him

    Motivate, interest in the conversation of a teenager. Draw perspectives in case of a successful outcome of the conversation, i.e. form resource state school is initially uninteresting for almost any child, it is a test, you have to work in it, obey discipline, it takes away physical strength. And therefore, without interest in children, it is possible to turn almost any

    Be patient with the child appearance and intellectual abilities

    In a conversation with a child, one should not emphasize one's superiority, superior position, one's role as a mentor in order to avoid various forms of refusal reactions, protests

    It is necessary to notice any positive actions of a teenager, turning them into resource states (any achievements)

    It is impossible to isolate a difficult teenager, isolate him from the social environment, thus turning him into an outcast

Thus, based on my own experience of working with such children, I can say that, following these tips, you can very effectively apply the following forms of work with difficult teenagers, combining them with class hours or gaming workshops:

Debating Club , where real, often occurring at school, negative events are discussed. Everything happens, of course, in a detached way, i.e. real characters are replaced by fictional ones, the place and time of action are slightly changed.

The tasks of the teacher are to:

    Organization of the discussion of the situation. It is necessary to arouse interest in the topic, situation, problem under discussion.

    Leading the discussion process by guiding it with questions.

    Finish the discussion process and move on to another topic at the culminating hot point of the discussion, when there are a lot of opinions, they are actively expressed, a variety of opinions were voiced - this is done so that at the end of the lesson, mental activity continues - comprehension, the experience gained during group work.

Discussion requirements and rules:

    The facilitator, as it were, is on the sidelines of what is happening, in the position of an observer and analyst, only occasionally intervening to revive the discussion with a new question, revealing a new side of the situation (this right of the facilitator is stipulated at the beginning, otherwise they simply will not be appeased ...). An analogue of this behavior is throwing firewood on a fire.

    The host’s questions should not be provocative and evaluative, such as: “Does it seem to me that Vova said it right?” or “Who is right in this situation?”. It is always a mistake to find out the right side in the conflict.

    It is categorically impossible to evaluate the work of the participants in the discussion, their activity or correctness, even if they allow complete external indifference, or vice versa (intervention is appropriate in the event of a brawl brewing) allow themselves erroneous (from the point of view of the leader) statements.

This form of study is suitable for the classroom. Pupils starting from the 7th grade will cope with participation in the discussion club. In addition to problems, absolutely any other topics of interest to adolescents can be raised for discussion, because often a lack of awareness and attempts to independently find the missing knowledge can lead to an unpleasant experience.

Conversation-game “Unfinished sentence”, “What would happen if ...?”, “Because ....” - an analogue of a discussion club for younger students. Here, students can be offered a conversation in the form of a game of “Incomplete Sentences”, where, in fact, the psychological technique of the same name turns into an exciting game and an unobtrusive diagnostic tool for the class teacher, who, based on the answers of students, can understand the degree of internal aggression of children and its causes, which are most interesting their themes, etc..

Offers can prepare itself classroom teacher or with the help of a school psychologist. The list of proposals must meet the following requirements:

    The first group: fantastic sentences (depending on the general theme, setting up a cheerful or business note) For example: “From the first of April, schools have been allowed ....” (cheerful note) or "from the first of September in all schools in Russia ..." (business); “Scientists have developed a new breed of cats and dogs that….” (funny) or “The students of our lyceum invented….” (business)

    The second group: sentences are real, problematic, partially describing typical situations: "Roma was in a hurry, but still ..." or "Petya ran down the stairs and ...." or “Anna woke up in a bad mood and decided….” or “Sveta didn’t prepare her homework and….” or “Fedya turned to his desk mate and….”

The rules for conducting a conversation game are similar to the rules of a discussion club, but detachment comes to the fore here, i.e. sentences continue in non-first person (“I woke up in bad mood….” or “I don’t want to go to school….”), and necessarily all manipulations are performed with fictional characters. It is desirable that the names occurring in the sentences do not coincide with the names of the students.

The principles of organizing games-conversations "What would happen if ...?" and “Because” are the same as described above. For the host of such events, the same requirements apply:

    Do not evaluate student statements

    Do not provoke or suggest answers

    Do not summarize statements heard during the game

In conclusion, we can say that the main thing in working with difficult teenagers, in my opinion, is the presence of an appropriate interest. You need to program yourself for success. Motives can be: the desire to gain new experience in resolution problem situations, since in such cases there are no repetitions; the desire to grow professionally by finding new forms of work with children in this category; the desire to understand and help the little man, whom most of those around perceive as nothing more than a scarecrow, and this motive should come first.

Among the mass of organizations involved in the organization of youth leisure, the leading place is occupied by cultural institutions, institutions social protection population and educational organizations.

To the organization social work with children and adolescents, almost all categories of the population are involved, although, undoubtedly, children, adolescents and youth are highlighted as priorities.

Competent organization of leisure employment is considered today as an alternative to child and adolescent neglect, which is one of the prerequisites for committing illegal acts, as one of the components great job on the primary prevention of this asocial phenomenon.

Children and adolescents, due to their age-related psychological characteristics, are ready to perceive everything new and unknown, without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, they are still ideologically unstable, it is easier to introduce both a positive and a negative image into their minds. When there is no positive alternative, the ideological vacuum is quickly filled with drugs, smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits.

That is why the main task of institutions of culture, education and social protection of the population should be the organization of leisure activities for children and adolescents, the improvement and expansion of the list of services provided, taking into account the leisure preferences of this category of the population.

The issues of organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents are of particular relevance during the holidays, when children have more free time. Adolescents, whose rest is not organized, require closer attention.

Projects and activities aimed at solving these problems should be an integral part of the targeted programs developed and implemented on the territory of municipalities for organizing recreation and leisure activities for children and adolescents in summer period.

The main forms of organizing leisure activities for adolescents and their cultural services in the summer can be:

  • - organization of children's work health camps;
  • - holding cultural and leisure events and organizing film screenings for unorganized children and adolescents
  • - holding Days of the Teenager (with the organization of legal and psychological consultations, meetings on career guidance, etc.)
  • - involvement of children and adolescents in club associations and amateur folk art groups;
  • - participation in the organization and holding of events for the employment of adolescents ("Job Fairs");
  • - organization of youth actions for the improvement of the village.

One of the options for organizing summer holidays for children and adolescents is the organization summer camps. The basis of such camps can be a temporary children's association, which must be turned into a temporary children's team. It is possible to create several specialized associations that will unite children who are passionate about one idea. The following areas of activity can be most effective: search, sports, labor, merciful and charitable, aesthetic, etc. The activity of such an association can be most effective if it consists of children different ages. The advantages of such associations are the following factors:

  • - direct transfer of experience of seniors to juniors, where the juniors borrow a manner of behavior, acquire skills and abilities in a specific joint activity;
  • - an opportunity for everyone to open up as a person around an attractive idea, an interesting business;
  • - satisfaction of age needs: for the younger ones - to have an "example", to be like him; for seniors - to establish themselves in the role of leader;
  • - cooperation between elders and younger greatly enriches the attitude of children in such associations, a respectful attitude towards both elders and younger is certainly brought up;
  • - wide social ties, excluding the danger of isolation, isolation from other groups.

In organizing summer recreation for children and adolescents, the experience of summer recreation camps and camps based on general education schools can be used.

In addition to the above general fundamental approaches to determining the strategy of activity, the role and place of government bodies and cultural institutions in the system of preventive work, there are very specific areas of activity for the prevention of offenses using the resources of cultural institutions.

First of all, this is the implementation of projects and the holding of cultural events directly aimed at educating the legal culture of the younger generation, at the formation of positive attitudes and cultural stereotypes that will help adolescents and young people to adapt more easily in the adult world. When holding events, it is very important to take into account the psychological characteristics of adolescents and young people, to avoid didactics and the principle of prohibition as much as possible. Instead of "you can't" (you can't commit crimes, use drugs, drink, smoke, etc.), it's better to say "you can" - you can be creative, read, sing, draw, play the guitar, dance rap, etc. And then your life will become interesting, eventful and there will be practically no time left for an empty pastime.

The disco is still the most popular and demanded form of organizing youth leisure.

Disco is able to synthesize in itself the most different types artistic creativity, amateur hobby. Absorbing the spirit of the new time, it creates excellent opportunities for the manifestation of creative activity, the expansion of various knowledge and interests. Despite the fact that the combination of educational and exciting in the disco is limited due to the specifics of this form of work, it still allows young people to realize the need for a full-fledged meaningful rest and entertainment. After all, the disco is based on the communication of young people through youth music, despite the fact that the musical hobbies of young people of one generation are very diverse. It is at the disco that a diverse youth audience with a wide range of orientations and requirements gathers. And it is known that visits to disco evenings exceed the number of visits to other types of club events. Therefore, the issues of organizing and improving youth musical leisure are very relevant. This primarily applies to discos in small towns and villages. The level of the material base on the periphery is not very high. This is the essential difference between a large city with a huge number of private disco clubs and small towns and villages with their discos.

The development of discos attracts the attention of a wide range of sociologists, psychologists, and musicologists. Obviously, a significant amount of musical information, the influence of television, audio, video programs, the variability of the palette of musical hobbies of young people - all this requires special study at the present stage, constant attention from the organizers of disco programs and constant reflection on their personal experience. After all, the requirements of young people to the work of discos are increasing from year to year. (24)

An important role in the light of the problem under consideration is played by libraries as institutions that carry out information and educational activities to form a legal culture among the younger generation, a negative personal attitude towards the commission of unlawful acts.

Libraries are characterized by such a form of work with teenagers as various themed evenings (- an ideologically and plot-organized chain of oral presentations, images, united by a script and a director's move). The specifics of the theme evening:

  • - Common interests audience
  • - Festive Situation
  • - Theatricalization
  • - game situation
  • - The use of information-logical and emotional-figurative moments
  • - Strict compositional sequence
  • - Communication with significant date in the life of society, or an individual team, a person
  • - Documentary basis
  • - Local history material
  • - The presence of a real hero.

1. Information direction.

Adolescents are told quite a lot about the dangers of alcoholism, about the mechanism of their action on the human body, about the consequences of drinking alcohol. Now handing out booklets and hanging posters about the dangers of alcoholism. All the information that concerned adults and alcohol prevention professionals try to convey to young people contains an element of prohibition. Young people are accustomed to reasoning, thinking, not taking on faith everything that they are told, especially since they receive completely different kind of information from the Internet, from the pages of many youth publications, from friends. It does not contain appeals, it does not contain prohibitions, and we often forget that children tend to trust the opinions of friends and their own beliefs more than the views and positions of adults.

2. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle and implementation of various health promotion programs. In the course of such work, the development of alternative habits is encouraged (going in for sports, active leisure without tobacco and alcohol, reasonable and healthy work and nutrition, etc.), which can become a barrier to behavior that is harmful to health and serve as an alternative to alcohol consumption . Implementation practice this direction has proven its effectiveness.

3. Personal orientation.

The mechanism of its implementation is aimed at using various forms classes, to form in a teenager the skills of independent decision-making, resistance to group pressure, overcoming stressful, conflict and other difficult life situations, as well as communication problems.

Prevention programs.

The programs provide for the development of resources for the personality of adolescents and the social environment and involve the introduction of a number of preventive tasks for adolescents, as well as for parents, teachers and specialists in the field of alcoholism prevention.

For teenagers.

1. Formation of a healthy lifestyle, highly functional behavioral strategies that prevent alcohol abuse.

2. Informing about the actions and consequences of the abuse of alcoholic products.

3. Directed development of personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior:

Self-concepts (self-esteem, attitudes towards oneself, one's abilities and shortcomings);

own system of values, goals and attitudes, the ability to make independent choices, to control one’s
conduct and life, solve simple and complex life problems, the ability to assess a particular situation and their ability to control it;

Ability to communicate with others, understand their behavior, empathize and provide psychological and social support;

The need to receive and provide support to others.

4. Development of behavioral skills leading to a healthy lifestyle and leisure and preventing alcohol abuse:

Making decisions and overcoming life's problems;

Perception, use and provision of psychological and
social support;

Assessing the social situation and taking responsibility for
own behavior in it;

Standing up for your boundaries and protecting your personal

Avoidance of situations associated with the use of alcohol;

Conflict-free and effective communication.

For parents.

1. Providing knowledge of the psychological characteristics of a teenager; features of family relationships, family stress and behavior aimed at overcoming them.

2. Help in understanding one's own personal, family and social resources that contribute to overcoming intra-family problems and problems of relationships with children in the family.

3. Determination of the direction and strategies for the development of personal resources in children (how to interact with the child so that his personal and family resources develop, and not suppress, how to make your family a socially and psychologically supportive, and not overwhelming system).

4. Identification of parents in need of individual counseling assistance.

5. Identification of parents who are ready to provide advisory support to other families; teaching them the basics of providing socio-psychological and advisory assistance to other parents.

Prevention in the family

The basic concept of family prevention is the concept of social support. It is the formation of the family as a social support system that is the basis of preventive activities. Within family prevention, various programs of primary and secondary prevention are used.

Directions of family prevention.

1- analysis of intra-family relations; changing destructive behavior to constructive;

2- conducting preventive trainings (for parents and all family members);

3- individual work with parents;

4- organization of "parental expert councils", whose tasks include the examination of preventive programs conducted with their children, evaluation of its effectiveness, safety; definition of remarks; explaining to other parents and children the meaning and objectives of preventive activities.

Problems of family prevention.

Awareness and understanding of meaning parent-child relationship;

Awareness of role positions (I am a child, I am an adult, I am a parent) and intra-family strategies for building mutually supportive relationships;

Work with self-identification and self-concept of parents;

Resolving personal problems originating in childhood

and family stereotypes of parents;

Awareness of responsibility for one's own position in the family and one's behavior, as well as for the development of positive changes in the family system;

Development of personal and personal-environmental resources, on the basis of which more effective behavior and a system of family relationships can be formed;

Development of supportive behavioral strategies in the family.

Social prevention of teenage alcoholism is the main one and aims to prevent the onset of the disease, prevent negative consequences and enhance the positive results of the development of a teenager.

Primary prevention is mass, using mainly pedagogical, psychological and social influences. All activities to prevent teenage alcoholism are divided into three components (educational, psychological and social), as well as tasks (informing, shaping motivation, developing factors and problem-solving skills).

The basis of primary prevention of adolescent alcoholism is the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

We call a difficult teenager so because it is difficult to work with him. There are no easy solutions here. You can’t just punish, scold or have an educational conversation with such a child. In his regard, everything will be much more difficult, also because at the heart of his difficulty is a whole range of problems. It can be:

Problems in the family: incomplete family; alcoholism of parents; emotional alienation; low culture of parents; excessive employment of parents with work or their problems; the established relationship of competition between relatives (oedipus complex of son to father, daughter to mother; rivalry between brothers and sisters for the attention of parents), etc. etc..

Child health problems: chronic diseases that reduce or affect mental performance; chronic diseases that impede social contacts, disability, etc.

Growing up in a social environment with a low culture and an unfavorable criminogenic situation: the child’s housing is located in a “bad” area; the social environment of the child - peers are not interested in anything useful, they are not engaged in anything, and they themselves are often “difficult”.

Working with difficult teenagers is often perceived by us as something overwhelming, ungrateful, obligatory, but doomed to failure. And often it turns out that it develops according to the following scenarios:

The teacher takes on the task of “correcting the truant” with the understanding that there is something more behind the absenteeism. Initially, it is not a motive that is formed, but an attitude: “... I am obliged to do this, but if he, a truant, does not need classes at school and his family does not need it either, then I will not succeed ...”. Very often, by the way, this or a similar attitude is formed in most people when they are going to do something. That is, they anticipate failure, they program themselves for failure, rightly believing that the task is not easy.

At the next stage, the teacher walks around, calls, addresses, invites, talks, edifies, and in the end making sure that they still continue to “wave their hands”.

Thus, based on my own experience of working with such children, I can say that, following these tips, you can very effectively apply the following forms of work with difficult teenagers, combining them with classroom hours or game workshops:

A discussion club where real, often occurring at school, negative events are discussed. Everything happens, of course, in a detached way, i.e. real characters are replaced by fictional ones, the place and time of action are slightly changed.

The tasks of the teacher are to:

Organization of the discussion of the situation. It is necessary to arouse interest in the topic, situation, problem under discussion.

Leading the discussion process by guiding it with questions.

Finish the discussion process and move on to another topic at the culminating - hot point of the discussion, when there are a lot of opinions, they are actively expressed, a variety of opinions were voiced - this is done so that at the end of the lesson, mental activity continues - comprehension, the experience gained during group work.

Discussion requirements and rules:

The facilitator, as it were, is on the sidelines of what is happening, in the position of an observer and analyst, only occasionally intervening to revive the discussion with a new question - revealing a new side of the situation (this right of the facilitator is stipulated at the beginning, otherwise they simply will not be heard ...). An analogue of this behavior is throwing firewood on a fire.

The host's questions should not be provocative and evaluative, such as: "Does it seem to me that Vova said it right?" or “Who is right in this situation?”. It is always a mistake to find out the right side in the conflict.

It is categorically impossible to evaluate the work of the participants in the discussion, their activity or correctness, even if they allow complete external indifference, or vice versa (intervention is appropriate in cases of a brawl brewing) allow themselves erroneous (from the point of view of the leader) statements.

This form of study is suitable for the classroom. Pupils starting from the 7th grade will cope with participation in the discussion club. In addition to problems, absolutely any other topics of interest to adolescents can be raised for discussion, because often a lack of awareness and attempts to independently find the missing knowledge can lead to an unpleasant experience.

Conversation-game “Unfinished sentence”, “What would happen if ...?”, “Because ....” - an analogue of a discussion club for younger students. Here, students can be offered a conversation in the form of a game of “Incomplete Sentences”, where, in fact, the psychological technique of the same name turns into an exciting game and an unobtrusive diagnostic tool for the class teacher, who, based on the answers of students, can understand the degree of internal aggression of children and its causes, which are most interesting their themes, etc..

Proposals can be prepared by the class teacher himself, or with the help of a school psychologist. The list of proposals must meet the following requirements:

The first group: fantastic sentences (depending on the general theme, setting up a cheerful or business note) For example: “From the first of April, schools have been allowed ....” (cheerful note) or "from the first of September in all schools in Russia ..." (business); “Scientists have developed a new breed of cats and dogs that….” (funny) or “The students of our lyceum invented….” (business)

The second group: sentences are real, problematic, partially describing typical situations: "Roma was in a hurry, but still ..." or "Petya ran down the stairs and ...." or “Anna woke up in a bad mood and decided….” or “Sveta didn’t prepare her homework and….” or “Fedya turned to his desk mate and….”

The rules for conducting a game-conversation are similar to the rules of a discussion club, but detachment comes to the fore here, i.e. sentences continue not in the first person (“I woke up in a bad mood….” or “I don’t want to go to school….”), but all manipulations are necessarily performed with fictional characters. It is desirable that the names occurring in the sentences do not coincide with the names of the students.

The principles of organizing games-conversations "What would happen if ...?" and "Because" are the same as described above. For the host of such events, the same requirements apply:

  • do not evaluate students' statements;
  • Do not provoke or suggest answers;
  • Do not summarize statements heard during the game.

In conclusion, we can say that the main thing in working with difficult teenagers, in my opinion, is the presence of an appropriate interest. You need to program yourself for success. The motives can be: the desire to gain new experience in resolving problem situations, since in such cases there are no repetitions; the desire to grow professionally by finding new forms of work with children in this category; the desire to understand and help the little man, whom most of those around perceive as nothing more than a scarecrow, and this motive should come first.