Rules of conduct in the summer for preschoolers. Report “Safety of children in the summer. Burns can be avoided if

10 summer safety tips for kids

Summer is a great time to relax. fun games, hiking in the forest, swimming and getting a great tan. But at the same time, summer is a time when danger lurks in the water, in the forest, on the beach, on sports and playgrounds, especially for younger children. school age and preschoolers, for whom these rules are intended safe behavior. Perhaps it will be more interesting for the guys to get to know them if they are not presented in a standard way.
Rules for the safety of children in the summer in poetic form will be useful to teachers primary school, educators of senior and preparatory groups, educators in holiday camps, parents.

Target: studying the rules of life safety in the summer.
- learn the basic safety rules in the summer;
- develop memory;
- to form the ability to apply knowledge of the rules in life.

Rule One
Not everything that looks attractive is edible.

The berry is beautiful, I want to pick,
Answer, is it possible to put it in your mouth?
Do not look that bright, attracts the eye,
Suddenly he lurks in a berry, an insidious poison?
Study the plant, learn everything about it,
If safe, harvest.

Rule Two
Be careful with insects

Here is a bee diligently collecting honey,
Nearby, a wasp buzzes like a helicopter,
A bumblebee swarms in a leaf, sweet drinks nectar,
Attracts gadflies sunburn.
Treat them calmly, hold your hands,
Better run away to a safe place
Well, if I didn’t have time, I got a bite,
You wind the procedure on your mustache:

You wash the bite with water, take out the sting,
Don't forget about the cold compress

And follow your well-being too -
Maybe an allergy, you do not overlook,
Turn to an adult, share the trouble,
The rules are simple and hard you learn.

Rule Three
Protect yourself from the sun

In summer the sun is hot, it's good to walk,
Swim racing or sunbathing
But it, insidious, can punish,
If you do not know the very necessary rules:
It would be better to sunbathe in the sun in the morning -
The truth is known, in general, old,
Or before the evening to be friends with the sun,

At noon, you need to leave for a cool shade.
You should always have a headdress with you,
Otherwise, it might just be overkill.
Don't forget sunscreen too.
And then you can escape from many troubles.

Rule Four
Swim with adult supervision

Warm, transparent wave rustles,
A flock of fish nimble under water is visible,
So you want to swim, so the water calls -
Carefully! Trouble is hiding under water!
Do not go into the water without adult supervision
With the kids on the beach, you better sit
After all, the water is insidious, do not trust it,
Play with dad and mom on the water,
Do not swim behind the buoys and follow the circle -
Only by the shore can he be your friend,
And you can’t play pranks in the water - it’s forbidden,
Don't ruin your holiday season.
Caution is the main rule, my friend,
You must learn this lesson.

Rule Five
Wear protective gear

Birthday holiday. And there is a gift:
Can you sit in the saddle now this summer,
Or get on the rollers, ride a skateboard,
And then set a personal record.
Just put on your helmet first, protect your elbows
And knees, and then to the finish line.
Very complex injuries can occur,
If the equipment is neglected here.

Rule six
Choose safe games and playgrounds

Don't play on the road, next to it too,
Leave sidewalks for pedestrians to walk.
The yard is suitable for the game, a playground -
Everyone needs to follow this order.
Go around the construction site: it's dangerous to play there,
Don't mess with the horizontal bars and the pool, okay?
And from the swing be on "you": swing, but in moderation,
Don't try to pierce our atmosphere.
You need to protect your life and health too,
Evaluate the safety of the playing places more strictly.

Rule Seven
Wash my hands before eating

Do not forget to wash your hands, vegetables and fruits,
From the market there is, my friend, you can’t, hold your hands,
And take it to the street wet wipes,
In order not to swallow bitter pills later.
After all, “diseases of dirty hands” are just grief,
You will end up in the hospital suddenly, you will not see the sea.
To avoid infections, you need to be clean,
Friends, have you already joined the Clean Hands Club?

Rule eight
Dress for the weather and situation

If you are going to the forest, wear the right clothes
Pick up the best, my friend, if not an ignoramus:
Put on long trousers, shoes so that they are closed,
The sleeves of the shirt are also not forgotten.
An ambush awaits you there every day:
Regiment of ticks, they will be very happy to see you
You manage to protect yourself from dangerous ticks,
Regrets so that later it was not in vain.

Rule nine
Find a safe haven during thunder and lightning

If loud thunder rumbles, lightning flashes,
Be at home, don't go out - let them scare yourself,
Close the windows, doors, so that it doesn't bleed through,
Unplug everything so it doesn't hurt.
If a thunderstorm suddenly finds you in the forest,
Let bushes save you,
And don't stand under the oak: it will become dangerous,
He will be a wonderful conductor for a thunderstorm.
You put away everything that is made of metal,
Turn off your phone so you don't get it
Be careful with a thunderstorm, close access to it.

Rule ten
Drink enough water

Know that it is important to drink more in the summer heat,
So that the overheating of the body is not at all terrible.
Beach, playground, summer hikes -
Take water with you wherever you go.

In any situation, stay yourself
Report to the rescue service, and then hang up.

Summer is coming, everyone knows

But it’s useful for everyone to remember a few rules, friends,

And more precisely, what can be done, and what cannot be done at all.

How to behave in nature, by the water and in the yard-

Our simple rules will tell the kids everything.

During a walk during the summer holidays, the following hazards are possible:

Falling from vehicles and getting hit by cars;
- fractures, bruises, dislocations, etc.;
- blockages of sand;
- burns caused by fires;
- drowning, getting on the water under a scooter, motor boats, boats, etc.

When walking around the city and other settlements, observe the following safety requirements:

Plan a safe route to your destination and use it. Choose well-lit streets and avoid walking past deserted tracts of land, alleys, and construction sites. Take the long way if it is safe;
- know your area: find out which shops, cafes, restaurants and other institutions are open until late and where the police, the stronghold of law and order, the reception room of the district inspector, the security post, etc. are located;
- don't flaunt expensive jewelry or clothes cell phones, hold your bags tight;
- go towards the traffic if there is no pedestrian sidewalk, so you can see the approaching cars;
- if you suspect someone is following you, cross the street and head to the nearest well-lit area. Quickly walk or run to a house or store to call the police. If you are scared, scream for help;
- never travel using passing cars, move further away from vehicles that have stopped near you;
- do not forget to inform your parents with whom and where you went when you return, if you are late, then call and warn.
- always follow the rules of behavior on the roads, learned by you at school.

When using a bicycle:

When cycling on roads and streets with vehicular traffic, the following rules must be observed:
- use a bike suitable for your height;
- do not carry objects that interfere with the control of the bike;
- you can not ride a bicycle together, without a call and with a faulty brake;
- do not let go of the steering wheel;
- do not make a left turn on the road;
- you can not ride with nearby vehicles, cling to passing vehicles;

When using by rail Be vigilant and follow the rules of personal safety:

Being on the tracks and when crossing the railway tracks, be especially careful, look around for trains running along neighboring tracks;
- be careful, contact networks are under voltage of 3300 volts and touching the wires and parts of the contact network and electrical equipment of electric trains is life-threatening and causes electric shock with serious consequences.
It is forbidden:
- cling to passing vehicles, ride on the steps;
- get out of the vehicle on the move.

When using the bus, tram and metro:

Try to use well-lit and frequently used stops;
- try to sit next to the driver's cab in a bus, trolleybus or tram;
- do not fall asleep, be vigilant;
- in the subway and at electric train stops, stand behind the markings from the edge of the platform;
- while waiting, stand with other people or near the information booth;
- be vigilant about those who get off the trolleybus, bus, tram, metro with you or put you on the transport, watch your pockets, keep your bag in front of you. If you feel uncomfortable, then go straight to a crowded place.

Rules of conduct in places of mass recreation.

In places of mass recreation, drinking alcoholic beverages, using obscene words, smoking and is prohibited. Be polite to peers and adults. Do not enter into conflict situations.
- when going to the cinema, to the stadium, do not take bulky bags, briefcases with you, they can interfere with you in the crowd. Your clothes should be comfortable and inexpensive. The desire to save expensive clothes may go against security requirements.
- Arrive early to avoid crowds at the entrance.
- try to buy tickets with seats located near the exits, but not on the aisles.
- when entering the hall, do not approach the doors and railings, especially on the stairs - you can be strongly pressed against them.
- at concerts, avoid being in the front rows: here is the loudest sound, tiring and dulling the reaction, it is here that fans of artists usually accumulate, riots begin from here.
- Having taken a seat, immediately evaluate the opportunity to get to the exit. See if you can do it in the dark.
- if there are riots in the hall, leave without waiting for the end of the concert. Riot control is an unpredictable business, don't shout, don't fight.
- if you find yourself in a crowd, in any case, do not let yourself be knocked down, do not allow yourself to stumble - you will not be able to get up.
- try to stay in the middle of the human stream, do not look for protection near the walls and fences - you can be strongly pressed and maimed.
- do not take active actions, keep your arms bent at the elbows, protecting chest from squeezing, let the crowd itself carry you.
- if you fall, group up, protecting your head with your hands.
- after getting out of the building, try to move home along a detour to avoid repeated crush when entering the subway or boarding other transport.

About precautions on the water:

To avoid an accident, you need to know and follow the precautions on the water.
- Do not drink alcohol while swimming and do not chew gum while in the water.
- for swimming, it is better to choose places where there is clear water, a flat sandy bottom, shallow depth, no strong currents and whirlpools, no motor vehicles passing through the water.
- you should start swimming at an air temperature of + 20-25 *, water + 17-19 * C. It is necessary to enter the water carefully, stop in a shallow place and plunge headlong.
- You can stay in the water for 10-15 minutes. In no case do not bring yourself to chills, it is unhealthy. From hypothermia in the water, life-threatening convulsions appear, it reduces the arms and legs. In this case, you need to swim on your back. If you get confused and stop swimming, you can drown. Often water gets into the windpipe and makes it difficult to breathe. To get rid of it, you need to stop immediately, raise your head as high as possible above the water and cough strongly.
- when swimming with the surface of the water rough, you need to carefully monitor that the breath occurs in the intervals between the waves. Swimming against the waves, you should calmly climb a steep wave and roll off it. Do not go into the water with strong waves. Once in a strong current, do not swim against it, otherwise you can easily get exhausted. It is better to go with the flow, gradually approaching the shore.
- do not go to the reservoir alone. Sitting on the shore, cover your head from overheating and sunstroke.
- you should never swim up to whirlpools - this is the biggest danger on the water. It pulls the swimmer to a great depth and with such force that even an experienced swimmer is not always able to swim out. Once in the whirlpool, draw more air into your lungs, dive into the water and make a strong jerk to the side with the flow, float to the surface. Entangled in algae, do not make sudden movements and jerks, otherwise the loops of plants will tighten even tighter. It is better to lie on your back and try to swim out with soft, calm movements in the direction from which you sailed. If this does not help, then you need to pull up your legs, carefully free yourself from the plants with your hands.
- it is dangerous to swim up to the steamers, boats, near which there are various whirlpools, waves and currents.
- it is even more dangerous to dive in places of unknown depth, as you can hit your head on sand, clay, break your neck vertebrae, lose consciousness and die. It is equally dangerous to jump headfirst into the water from rafts, piers and other floating structures. There may be piles, rails, rocks and broken glass under the water. You can dive only where there is sufficient depth for this, clear water, and a flat bottom.
- an important condition for safety is compliance with the rules when riding a boat. You can not go to the lake, the river on a faulty and completely unequipped boat, sit on its sides, transfer from one place to another, and also move from one boat to another, get up while moving. If you cannot swim, you must have life-saving equipment. Do not be on steep banks with loose sand, so as not to be covered.
It must be remembered that compliance with safety precautions is the main condition for safety on the water.

When visiting the forest, the following rules must be observed:

Do not go into the forest alone;
- use a compass, do not walk in rainy or cloudy weather;
- wear rubber shoes, trousers or sweatpants, tucked into boots, from snake and insect bites;
- wear a hat, cover your neck and arms, from ticks;
- make your way through the bushes and thickets carefully, smoothly pushing the branches and smoothly lowering them;
- do not smoke or kindle fires, in order to avoid fire, and do not litter, empty bottles and fragments can cause a fire.
Remember that forest fires are extremely dangerous. The causes of their ignition are: careless handling of fire, violation of fire safety rules, spontaneous combustion of dry vegetation and peat, as well as the discharge of atmospheric electricity.
Forest fires have a strong psychological effect on people. It is known that panic among people causes a significant number of victims. Knowing the rules of conduct, a person caught in this disaster, in any situation, will be able not only to survive, but also to help in saving other people.
In case of a forest fire, one must be wary of high temperatures, smoke, falling burnt trees and failures in burnt soil.


TOPIC: "Child safety in the summer"

GOAL: with to form parents' knowledge of the basic safety rules in the summer and a sense of responsibility for their child.


1. Identify possible dangers for a school-age child in the summer;

2. Determine the role of parents in the formation of safe behavior skills for children.

PRELIMINARY WORK: Selection of material on a given topic, design of informational memos, preparation of a thematic exhibition, preparation of equipment and inventory.

MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT: Instructions « General rules safety of children in the summer”, presentation, projector, PC.

Summer is in full swing, school holidays. Children relax, play, swim, sunbathe, come up with various games and entertainment. Unfortunately, dangers lie in wait for children not only in places of recreation, but also on the road, in public places. There is an erroneous opinion that it is possible to protect a child from injuries only by continuous prohibitions. This is not true. Children need freedom, space for creativity, in games they form their character, will, physical qualities. The task of adults is not to fight physiologically justified activity, but to distract children from risky pranks, fill their leisure time with intelligent games, and also teach them to anticipate traumatic situations.

Let's break them down.

1 . Basic rules of safe behavior on the water.(slide 2)

We do not always realize how dangerous the aquatic environment is for humans. Therefore, being near the water, you should never forget about your own safety. Moreover, one must be ready to help others. Adults should teach children the rules of behavior on the water and not for a minute leave a child unattended near water bodies.

(slide 3) The ability to swim well is one of the most important guarantees of a safe holiday on the water, but remember that even a good swimmer must be constantly careful, discipline and strictly adhere to the rules of behavior on the water. It is best to swim in specially equipped places: beaches, pools. When hiking, you need to choose a place for swimming where there is clear water, a flat sandy or gravel bottom, shallow depth (up to 2 m), and no strong current (up to 0.5 m/s). It is recommended to start swimming in sunny calm weather at a water temperature of 17-190C, air 20-250C. You should stay in the water for 10-15 minutes, before swimming, you must first wipe the body with water.

(slide 4) When a swimmer's body is supercooled in the water, convulsions may appear that reduce the arm, and more often the leg or both legs. In case of convulsions, you should immediately get out of the water. If this is not possible, then proceed as follows:

Change your swimming style - swim on your back.

When you feel the tightening of the fingers of the hand, you must quickly, with force, squeeze the hand into a fist, make a sharp throwing movement of the hand to the outside, unclench the fist.

With a spasm of the calf muscle, it is necessary, when bending with both hands, to grab the foot of the injured leg and pull the foot towards you with force.

With spasms of the thigh muscles, it is necessary to grab the leg from the outside below the lower leg at the ankle (behind the instep) and, bending it at the knees, pull the arm with force back to the back.

If possible, prick with any sharp improvised object (pin, needle, etc.)

A tired swimmer must remember that the best way for recreation on the water is the position "lying on your back."

(slide 5) To get rid of water that has entered the respiratory tract and interferes with breathing, you need to stop immediately, hold on to the surface of the water with vigorous movements of the arms and legs and, raise your head as high as possible, cough strongly.

Once in a fast current, one should not fight against it; one must, without breaking one's breath, swim with the flow to the shore.

Once in a whirlpool, one should not succumb to fear, lose a sense of self-control. It is necessary to take more air into the lungs, dive into the water and, having made a strong jerk to the side with the flow, float to the surface.

Entangled in algae, do not make sudden movements and jerks. It is necessary to lie on your back, trying to swim out in the direction from which you came from with soft, calm movements. If, nevertheless, it is not possible to get rid of the plants, then having freed your hands, you need to raise your legs and try to carefully free yourself from the plants with the help of your hands.

You can not swim close to the going ships in order to swing on the waves.
A current arises near the moving ship, which can be pulled under the propeller. It is dangerous to jump (dive) into the water in an unknown place - you can hit your head on the ground, a snag, a pile, etc., break your cervical vertebrae, lose consciousness and die.

You can not swim near the steep, steep and overgrown with vegetation banks. Here the bottom slope can be very clogged with roots and vegetation. Sometimes the sandy bottom is quicksand, which is dangerous for non-swimmers.

(slide 6) An important condition for safety on the water is strict adherence to the rules of boating. It is impossible to go sailing on a faulty and completely unequipped boat. Before boarding the boat, it is necessary to inspect it and make sure that there are oars, a rudder, oarlocks, a life buoy, life jackets according to the number of passengers, and a scoop for draining water. Landing in the boat is carried out by carefully stepping in the middle of the flooring. You need to sit on the beams (benches) evenly. In no case should you board a boat, transfer from one place to another, and also move from one boat to another, rock the boat and dive from it.

It is forbidden for children under 16 years of age to ride a boat unaccompanied by adults, to overload the boat in excess of the established norm for this type of boat, to cross the course of motorized vessels, to be close to them and to move along the ship's course. It is dangerous to substitute the side of the boat parallel to the wave. The wave must be "cut" by the bow of the boat across or at an angle.
If the boat capsizes, first of all, help should be given to those who need it. It is better for all passengers to hold on to the boat and push it towards the shore or in shallow water with common efforts.

Mandatory compliance with all the rules of behavior on the water (during the swimming season) is a guarantee of maintaining health and saving the lives of many people!

2. Fire safety rules in nature for schoolchildren.(slide 7)

Fires in the forest can be caused by lightning or careless human activities. Such fires are very dangerous, and in dry, hot weather, they can take on the proportions of natural disasters.

There are two types of fires: forest (grassroots or riding) and peat. ground fire occurs, as a rule, in deciduous forests; the speed of fire propagation is low, and the height of the flame can reach 2 m. Riding forest fire typical of coniferous forests. The rate of spread of fire is higher than in a forest ground fire, and in windy weather it can be very high (25–30 km/h). Peat fires occur in drained or natural peat bogs. They are characterized by prolonged smoldering of peat and the appearance of strong smoke in the air. Peat is a flammable material, so such fires are very dangerous.

In the fire hazard period, in no case do not use open fire in the forest!

These periods include the middle and end of spring (forest soil is covered with dry leaves and grass), as well as all summer and early autumn, when the weather is hot with no precipitation for more than a week. Do not build a fire in those places where there is a lot of dry grass, in coniferous young forests, in forest areas that have not been cleared of logging residues.

If a special fire regime has been introduced in a given area, it is strictly forbidden to visit the forests until it is canceled.

Do not take flammable liquids or materials soaked with them into the forest. Do not leave any glass shards in the forest: on hit sun rays these fragments can focus them, resulting in a fire.

What to do in case of a fire in the forest (slide 8)

If you find a fire in the forest, immediately notify the rescue service, the administration of the rural district or the forestry. Remember two numbers to call in the event of a forest fire: 01 and 112 (only for mobile phones).

If the fire you have discovered has not yet gained strength, take measures to extinguish it with water, earth, sand, branches of deciduous trees, thick clothing. Most effective method extinguishing a forest fire - throwing the edge of the fire with earth.

When extinguishing a forest fire, do not stray far from roads and clearings, keep in touch with the rest of the fire extinguishers using visual and sound signals.

If the fire has flared up too much and you are unable to stop it, immediately leave the scene.

In case of a forest ground fire, you need to move perpendicular to the direction of fire, along clearings, roads, river banks or clearings.

During a forest crown fire, move through the forest, crouching to the ground and covering your airways with a damp cloth.

If you have no way out of the danger zone, try to find some body of water in the forest and enter it.

Sometimes a fire can turn into a real natural disaster, which even special services cannot immediately cope with. If the fire began to creep up to the settlement, it is necessary to take collective measures to extinguish it. The most extreme measure is the immediate evacuation of the inhabitants of this settlement. In this case, you must unquestioningly obey the rescue workers. Don't panic and wait for help. If you cannot take your personal property with you, bury it in the ground. It is best to wait for help in large open spaces or in special shelters.

If your clothes are on fire, do not run!

From this, the flame flares up much faster. Try to remove burnt clothing. If you can't do this, lie down on the ground and roll around to put out the fire.

If you see that another person's clothes are on fire, do not let him run and try to remove the burning clothes from him. If it is not possible to remove clothes from him, throw the victim to the ground and put out the flame with any possible way: cover with a thick cloth, fill with water, throw sand or earth.

3. Rules for being in open sunlight(slide 9)

Sunstroke is an acute painful condition that occurs due to overheating of the head by direct sunlight: the blood vessels of the brain dilate, there is a strong flow of blood to the head. In some cases, ruptures of small blood vessels in the brain can occur, which can cause damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems person.

It is even easier to get a heat stroke than a sunstroke: the sun is not a necessary condition for it, it is enough to work hard in clothes that are too warm, not breathable, or spend several hours in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room. Heat stroke occurs as a result of severe overheating of the body, when the processes of heat generation are accelerated with a simultaneous decrease or slowdown in heat transfer in the body.

The main signs of heat or sunstroke: (slide 10)

redness of the face and skin of the body,

severe weakness,

cold sweat,

pupil dilation,


Strong headache,


darkening of the eyes (often accompanied by nosebleeds in children),

fast and weak pulse

heat(up to 40 degrees),

in severe cases - convulsions, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, cold, sometimes cyanotic skin.

Overheating is worse tolerated in children, because the natural thermoregulation of the body is still imperfect. When a person has these symptoms, you need to provide immediate assistance.

To avoid getting heatstroke:(slide 11)

physical activity should be avoided on too hot days and during hours of active sun from 11.00 to 16.00;

you should protect yourself from the sun by wearing a hat or using an umbrella;

wear light-colored clothes from well-ventilated, natural fabrics (cotton, linen, wool);

drink plenty of fluids (1.5-2 liters per day);

maintain constant air circulation in enclosed spaces;

overeating should be avoided.

Tanning rules for children:(slide 12)

Children's sun protective cream - mandatory condition sunbathing. For kids, it is better to purchase a special baby cream with a protection factor of at least SPF 15.

In the sun, the child must have his head covered. It is best if the headdress is made of natural light-colored fabric.

For those children who do not like to wear sunglasses, it is better to choose hats with a visor or wide-brimmed bucket hats.

A child should have free access to clean drinking water or a fruit drink that will quench their thirst. Since under the influence of the sun sweating increases and the child should drink more than usual.

After bathing, it is necessary to dry the child dry, as wet skin increases the conductivity of sunlight, which can cause burns.

For babies with fair skin or an abundance of moles, tanning in the shade is preferable. And protection should be maximum, products with SPF 40 or SPF 50 are ideal.

4. Rules traffic. (slide 13)

The most dangerous places for children to live in and near the settlement: expressway, crossings on the highway, the most dangerous places for crossing streets where there are no crossing signs. When leaving the entrance to the street, you must be attentive and careful; for games and sports, you must use the places reserved for them. Rollerblading and skateboarding are allowed only in the yard.

When cycling your child, make sure there are safe places for the child to ride the bike without being hit by a car. Even within their own yard, a young cyclist must be attentive and not interfere with other road users.

It is necessary to teach the child to look around and determine if there is a danger of approaching transport. You can not go out on the road because of standing cars, trees, bushes, stops, houses, fences. To cross, you need to choose a place where the road is clearly visible in both directions.

It is necessary to teach the child to be especially careful at stops, because. this is one of the most dangerous places on the road. In the stop zone, children get into accidents even more often than at intersections. In order to cross the road, you need to walk to the nearest pedestrian crossing. Or wait until the vehicle drives away from the stop, make sure it is safe, and only then cross the roadway.

Develop in your child the habit of always stopping before going on the road, look around, listen - and only then cross the roadway.

It is not enough just to teach children to navigate the "green light", you need to make sure that all cars have stopped, no one is racing at high speed and there is no danger to cross the road. Having reached the middle of the roadway, one must be extremely careful, not to make a single movement without making sure that it is safe.

5. What to do if you are bitten by an animal? (slide 14)

Children often suffer from bites of domestic animals (cats, dogs). Such wounds usually do not heal well. Having suffered from the teeth of an animal, it is necessary to begin to treat the wound. Wound treatment should begin laundry soap- lather the entire leg (if the bite is on the leg) for 25-30 minutes, first away from the wound, and then along it and immediately consult a doctor. Even if the animal looks healthy on the outside, it may be sick with rabies. The question of the need for vaccinations is decided by the doctor.

Protect your child from mosquitoes, spiders and other insects. With the onset of warm days, a large number of different seasonal insects appear. A mosquito net or even ordinary gauze placed on the window of a room is an indispensable element in protecting a child from annoying insects. To protect a child from tick bites during forest walks, it is necessary, first of all, to protect hair and exposed skin - equip him with a headdress and wear long trousers instead of shorts, replace open sandals with closed shoes, and T-shirts and sleeveless jackets with a shirt with long sleeves.

How to remove a tick.

The most dangerous ticks are encephalitic.

Encephalitis is a very dangerous disease of the brain. If a person bitten by an encephalitis tick is not provided with timely health care, he will die. And even in a person saved from death, this serious illness often leads to serious violations of his health.

In order not to get sick with encephalitis, you must definitely get vaccinated!

The tick does not immediately dig into the human body, even if it has already penetrated under the clothes. He is looking for the most vulnerable spot on the skin. As long as the tick has not bitten you, you can feel its movement on your body and quickly discard the tick.

In no case do not try to immediately remove the stuck tick!

6. Food poisoning. (slide 15)

Unwashed or poorly washed greens “from your own garden” can lead to the development of various intestinal infections in a child. Even foods that are common for a child in the hot season quickly deteriorate, and their shelf life is reduced. To avoid food poisoning, wash your hands before eating. In the heat of a picnic, the shelf life of food is reduced to 1 hour.

When traveling with children to the country, to the village, to nature, introduce them to the features of the area and explain the dangers of eating various unfamiliar berries and plants, as some of them can cause acute poisoning. That you can not take leaves in your mouth, drink water from unfamiliar sources and surface water. Children should pick mushrooms with adults, only clearly known species should be taken, if there are doubts and there is no one to consult with, then such mushrooms should not be taken.

Let's sum up our meeting.(slide 16)

Basic summer safety rules that your child should learn:

Swimming is allowed only in specially designated areas;

You can not swim close to the ships, so as not to fall under a working propeller;

You can not dive in places with an unknown bottom;

You can not play dangerous games on the water;

Mattresses and life buoys not designed to swim far;

It is necessary to wear a hat in summer in sunny weather;

Try not to be under the sun during the hours of its increased activity;

Try to drink plenty of water in summer;

Observe personal hygiene and always eat only washed foods;

You can not get close to dogs, especially if the dog has puppies and the dog eats;

Avoid talking to strangers.

Parents listen to the report of the teacher and ask questions on topics of interest to them.

Are distributed P amyatki " General rules for the safety of children in the summer".


Dear parents, our meeting has come to an end. And now, I propose to evaluate the results of our joint work by answering the question: “What new did I learn at the meeting today?”

Parents fill in the cards, expressing their attitude towards the meeting on this topic. Then the completed cards are dealt.

(slide 18) And remember:

Adults should teach children to think about their actions and actions in advance and predict a traumatic situation.

It is very important for adults to behave correctly in all situations, demonstrating to children a safe lifestyle. Do not forget that the example of an adult is contagious for a child!

The summer period is the time to strengthen and improve the children's body, and not to disturb the daily routine and nutrition. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and then summer holidays will bring only joy!

Lyudmila Polyakova
Report "Safety of children in the summer"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten

No. 9 village of Kamyshevatskaya municipal district Yeisk district

Report on the topic:

« Child safety in summer»

Prepared: teacher Polyakova L.V.

village Kamyshevatskaya

Summer is a time of fun and carelessness, especially for our children. Parents, however, need to be overly attentive, since all kinds of dangers can lurk in places of rest. Therefore, familiarization with the rules summer security Vacations are extremely important for all moms and dads. By the way, it does not hurt to tell about them to children. And we are talking not only about safety of preschoolers in summer. Many middle and high school students do a lot of stupid things during their holidays and harm the body.

Summer water safety

Most families prefer to spend hot summer days on the beaches of reservoirs - lakes, rivers, seas. Adults and kids are happy to swim and sunbathe, breathe fresh air. However, water can be dangerous. Therefore, before traveling to a holiday destination, you should study the following recommendations:

1. Do not allow your child to swim without your supervision, especially on mattresses or inflatable circles.

2. Release the child into the water only in a swimming vest or armlets.

3. Do not let children play games where participants hide under water or their "drown". Such entertainment can end in tragedy.

4. Do not allow swimming behind buoys and diving in unknown areas of the reservoir, as stones and tree branches often lead to injury.

5. Control the time the child is in the water to prevent hypothermia.

6. Avoid sunburn lubricate the child's skin with special sunscreen.

Outdoor safety in summer

1. If you manage to choose nature (forest, park, be sure to read the rules child safety in summer:

2. In such places, there are usually a lot of ticks, the bites of which are dangerous for serious diseases. (encephalitis, Lyme disease). Therefore, it is better to dress the child in pants and closed shoes. Moreover, the trousers should be tucked into the elastic band of the socks. Do not interfere with the treatment of the surface of clothing with insect repellents.

3. Explain to the child that it is forbidden to touch unfamiliar mushrooms and eat unknown berries or fruits growing in the forest - they can be poisonous.

4. To avoid being bitten by insects such as bumblebees, wasps, bees, tell them to stay still when they are around.

5. Keep your child away from animals that can bite him and infect him with rabies.

6. Never leave children unattended - they can get lost.

General rules child safety during summer holidays

1. Unfortunately, there are dangers children not only in places of recreation, but also in the playground, on the road, in public places. However, following the recommendations will help reduce risks:

2. It is mandatory for the child to wear a hat when outdoors to prevent heat or sunstroke.

3. Train children always wash your hands before eating food.

4. Since summer is the peak of food poisoning and enterovirus infections, keep food fresh, always wash vegetables and fruits before eating.

5. Be sure to teach your child how to cross at a traffic light, talk about the danger that the car carries.

6. Tell the children about how to behave correctly on the playground, in particular, riding on a swing. They need to be approached from the side; sit down and get up, waiting for a complete stop; hold tight while riding.

7. It is important to teach the rules of the fire department security in the summer. Do not allow fires to be lit without the presence of an adult. Explain the danger of the fire element in its rapid spread to neighboring objects.

8. Stay hydrated to prevent dehydration. Give the child purified natural water without gas.

9. If your child rides a bike or roller skates, get him a protective helmet, elbow pads and knee pads.

10 rules security

1. Not everything that looks attractive is edible.

Summer is the best time to learn the names of plants, berries and fruits with children. Encyclopedias, information from the Internet and your own knowledge will come to the rescue. If you have a garden, try not to let anything grow in it. poisonous: babies can simply forget that the beautiful orange-red berries of the lily of the valley or elderberry should never be eaten. Therefore, it is better if they simply will not be on the site. In any case, install rule: do not take anything unfamiliar into your mouth.

2. Be careful with insects.

In addition to botany, in the summer you can clearly study zoology. Talk about why you shouldn't wave your arms if a wasp is flying around. Why is it better not to use strong-smelling soaps or strong-scented baby cosmetics so as not to attract insects with sweet smells. What to do if you are still bitten by a bee. To protect against dangerous insects, choose a repellant with natural ingredients that is approved for children, and apply it yourself in accordance with the instructions.

3. Protect yourself from the sun.

It is worth introducing the child to sunscreen as early as possible and explain why and how often to use it. And even taking into account the applied cream, one should not forget about the headdress and umbrella for beach games, as well as the fact that it is necessary to alternate the time spent in the sun with games in the shade. Tell about periods most active sun (from 10-00 to 17-00) and explain that if the child feels his skin start to pinch, you should immediately go into the shade.

4. Swim under the supervision of an adult.

Even if the child swims confidently or is wearing special armlets, a vest and a circle, be sure to be an attentive observer nearby and do not lose sight of him. This way you can see that the child is swimming in a designated, shallow area and control the potentially dangerous games that children can play in the water.

5. Wear protective equipment.

The purchase of a bicycle, roller skates or skateboard must be accompanied by the purchase of a helmet and other protection against injury. And putting on such equipment, let it become binding rule, no matter, one minute to go to the right place or twenty.

6. Choose safe playgrounds.

Before placing a child on a swing, an adult needs to make sure that the fasteners are strong and that the seat is smooth, without nicks or protruding nails. Attractions in parks must be selected in accordance with the recommended rules for age, remind children to buckle up and be careful when riding. While jumping small child on a trampoline, an adult needs to be nearby and not allow somersaults or jumps of several children on the trampoline at the same time. You also need to explain to the child that in the sun the metal parts of the play structures can get very hot and, before moving down the hill, you need to make sure that its surface is not hot.

7. Wash your hands before eating.

As well as vegetables, fruits and berries. To avoid infections and "diseases of unwashed hands", in the summer it is necessary to remind children more often about simple rules hygiene, and also have wet wipes with you in case there is no water nearby. Also in the summer, you need to carefully monitor perishable foods and do not store them at room temperature.

8. Dress for the weather and situation.

For hot weather, you should choose clothes made from natural fabrics - "breathable" and loose. Talk about why it's best to wear long sleeves, trousers, and closed shoes in the woods, and how this can protect you from insect bites. Pay attention to how the child playing in the nursery is dressed. site: Ribbons on T-shirts and dresses, and especially laces threaded into the hoods of sweaters, are considered dangerous items of clothing, as they can get caught on playground equipment.

9. During a thunderstorm and lightning, find safe haven.

Even if the child is not afraid of loud sounds, and the sight of sparkling lightning seems bewitching to him, it is worth clearly explaining what danger lightning poses to people in open space, and why it is necessary to wait out the bad weather in indoors away from windows and doors.

10. Drink enough water.

It is good if the child has his own backpack, and there is a bottle of water in it that can be filled. With active games, you need to be reminded to drink every 15-20 minutes, and on especially hot days it will be useful to spray thermal or ordinary water from a spray bottle on the body. It is advisable that when leaving home with children, parents keep a standard summer set: water, sunscreen, mini first aid kit, hat and non-perishable snacks. So, having items on hand in case of need, adults and children can relax and enjoy the most active and sunny time of the year.

Julia Kanina
Consultation "Safety of children in the summer"

Purpose of the event

Activate and enrich the knowledge of parents in the field

security life in summer time,

aimed at preventing deaths and losses

health children from external factors and causes.

The object of protection is the child.

Event objectives

Hazard identification.

Hazard warning.

Protection from danger.

Elimination of the negative consequences of exposure to dangerous and harmful factors.

The target audience

« Round table» with parents preparatory group №5

The event takes place before summer season,

On the territory of GBDOU No. 68 of the Kalininsky district of the city of St. Petersburg


Summer is not only a fun childish running around and endless games, but also serious dangers that lie in wait. children around every corner.

For an inexplicable reason children inexorably attract places and objects that are potentially dangerous to health, and sometimes life - ponds, ditches, thorny bushes, poisonous plants, fires, high stairs and highways with heavy traffic.

Parents should know the "enemy" by sight and be ready to protect their child from possible problems with health, what threatens it and how to prevent it.

According to the results of a preliminary diagnosis in the form of individual interviews and questionnaires, it turned out that not all parents are fully aware of the rules child safety in summer.

We must provide advisory support aimed at increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of health protection and promotion children.

Conduct form

"Round table"

One of the principles preschool education is the cooperation of the organization in working with the family, and GEF DO is the basis for providing

help to parents (legal representatives) in education children, protection and

strengthening their physical and mental health, developing

individual abilities and the necessary correction of violations of their


Advisory support aimed at increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of health children.

Involving families directly in educational activities, creating educational projects together with the family based on identifying the needs and supporting the educational initiatives of the family.

Preparatory work

Questionnaires for parents safety of life and health of children.


avoid a lot of trouble how:

* Heatstroke

* Insect bites

* Child traffic injuries

* Water hazards

* Intestinal infections


When going out, be sure to wear a panama hat for your child.

For children older than 6 months, a sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15 units is required.

Protective cream should be applied to exposed skin every hour, and every time after swimming, even if the weather is cloudy.

AT period from 10.00 to 15.00, which accounts for the peak activity of ultraviolet rays A and B, it is better not to sunbathe at all, but to sit in the shade.

Even if the child is not burned in the first 5 days, the period of exposure to the open sun should not exceed 30 minutes.

Child periodically should cool in the shade - under an umbrella, awning or under trees.

Dress your child in light cotton clothing.

In the heat, children should drink a lot.

If the child is still burned, wrap him in a towel moistened with cold water, and when you return home, wipe with a solution consisting of water and vinegar in a ratio of 50 to 50.

In summer, the risk of thermal burns also increases. Sitting by the fire or stirring jam in a bowl, be extremely careful if there is a small child next to you.

If the size of the burn exceeds 2.5 centimeters, it is considered severe, and the child needs specialized medical care. Before he is taken to a hospital or emergency room, care must be taken to cool the burn site. You can’t open blisters, put patches on the burn - it’s better to limit yourself to a free sterile bandage.


With the onset of summer, a large number of different seasonal insects appear. If butterflies, dragonflies and grasshoppers are quite harmless, much less pleasant are their "biting" counterparts - flies, horseflies, mosquitoes, some ants, ticks, etc.

You can deal with them indoors with the help of a fumigator. For a children's room, a mains-operated fumigator is preferable, since, unlike a smoldering spiral, it does not absorb oxygen. A mosquito net or even ordinary gauze placed on a window is an indispensable element in protecting a child from annoying insects.

During walks, the child will be helped out by special repellent wipes impregnated with a special composition, the smell of which repels flying "aggressors" for several hours.

The stings of bees, wasps or bumblebees are not only painful, but sometimes lead to the development of serious allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock and an asthmatic attack. These conditions require immediate hospitalization of the child.

Bites of forest ixodid ticks that transmit a terrible virus disease: tick-borne encephalitis and tick-borne borreliosis.

To protect the child from tick bites, it is necessary first of all to protect the hair and exposed skin - equip it with a headdress and wear long trousers instead of shorts, replace open sandals with closed shoes, and T-shirts and sleeveless jackets with a long-sleeved shirt.

"Education children observation on the street"

When outside with a child, hold his hand firmly.

Teach your child to be observant. If there are vehicles at the entrance or trees and bushes grow, stop, teach your child to look around and determine if there is a danger of approaching transport, pay attention to this. Look with him to see if the transport is approaching.

Teach your child, walking along the sidewalk, to carefully observe the exit of cars from the arches of the yards and the turns of vehicles at intersections.

When crossing the road, stop and look around. Show your child the following inspection steps. roads: turning the head to the left, to the right, to the left again. When you reach the dividing line, turn your head to the right with him. If there is no traffic, continue the crossing without stopping, and if there is, stop on the line and let the traffic pass, holding the child by the hand.

Teach your child to peer into the distance, skip the approaching transport.

When watching approaching vehicles, draw your child's attention to the fact that behind large cars (bus) may be danger: A car or motorcycle is driving at high speed. Therefore, it is better to wait if you are not sure that there is no hidden danger.

Do not take your child onto the road for any reason. obstacles: standing cars, bushes blocking the view of the roadway.

Danger in the waters

What parents need to know about child safety on the water:

You need to bathe an hour and a half after eating;

If the water temperature is less than +16 ° C, then swimming is not recommended at all, since convulsions may begin from the cold or loss of consciousness may occur;

At a water temperature of +17 to +19 °C and an air temperature of about 25 °C, one should not stay in the water for more than 10-15 minutes;

After prolonged exposure to the sun, enter the water slowly. Sudden immersion can lead to respiratory arrest.

Supervise children when swimming - especially if there are a lot of people on the beach.

Know how to distinguish on the shore and in the water children from strangers - in fact, this can not be done as quickly as it seems.

Bathing children must be supervised by adults who are good at swimming. Do not leave the kids alone near the water, watch the games children even in shallow water.

You should swim only in specially equipped places;

In nature outside the city, a place for swimming should be chosen where there is clear water, a flat bottom, and there is no strong current.


In summer, few parents resist the temptation to give the baby fresh milk to drink or treat him to unwashed berries from the garden, vegetables from the garden. Fresh milk is very harmful for babies children, because, unlike milk that has undergone heat treatment and is sterile packaged, it can cause not only intestinal disorders, but also infectious diseases.

Berries such as strawberries, raspberries and wild strawberries need to be washed especially carefully. Unwashed or poorly washed greens "from your garden" can lead to the development of yersiniosis in a child, also known as "pseudotuberculosis" or "mouse fever".

It is unacceptable to give a child raw water to drink, even spring water.

Wash your and your child's hands before touching food.

Hot food should be reheated and served hot. Cook meat and dairy products at a temperature of at least 70 degrees.

Even foods that are common for a child in the hot season quickly deteriorate, and their shelf life is reduced.

Perishable foods can be stored not in the refrigerator - at room temperature (about 20 degrees)- no more than 2 hours. If you went on a picnic in the heat, then the storage time of food is reduced to 1 hour.

After contact with raw meat, the dishes must be washed in the most thorough way.

An overheated car turns into a real germ incubator, do not leave food there.

guard children from eating wild plants, mushrooms, berries.

At the slightest suspicion of accidental poisoning, consult a doctor immediately. How earlier child with signs of poisoning is taken to the hospital, the easier it is to save him from irreversible changes in the organs and the more favorable the prognosis for recovery.

Result of the event

The tasks facing this event have been resolved in full.

The practical significance of the results of the event is that parents will be able to take advantage of the information received and use it to protect security the life of their own, and maybe even those of others children!

Literature used in preparation Events:

publishing house:

Avdeeva Natalia, Sterkina Rina, Knyazeva Olga Lvovna


life safety fundamentals children preschool age


Methods of working with preschoolers

Year of issue:

Magazine "Motherhood", June 1998


Basics security in the city

for children and parents. V. Petrov

Ludmila Petranovskaya: What to do, if.

yours safety. How to behave at home and on the street.

For middle and senior age: book for

preschoolers, kindergarten teachers and parents.

Kondrykinskaya and others. publishing house: Enlightenment

Thank you for your attention!