Stencils for applications from colored paper for children. The best ideas for voluminous applications from colored paper - we do it together with the children! Applications from cotton wool and cotton pads

Every mom and dad try to find an exciting activity for their child, which will not only keep him busy for a while, but also have a beneficial effect on the comprehensive development of the baby, make the child improve creative thinking, think, fantasize, learn to concentrate.

Colored paper applications are a great option for your child to have a good time. Older children can do this creative activity on their own, kids from a year old will create their first works together with their parents.

The role of applications in child development

Paper application involves the gradual creation of a picture by gluing elements of various shapes and colors onto a cardboard or paper base. After looking various photos paper applications for children, you will understand what this type of activity is, and what finished work can be obtained at the end of the process.

Paper application technology is quite simple. The child himself, or with the help of his parents, nanny, educator, must come up with what kind of picture he would like to depict, prepare the tools necessary for the creative process, make patterns of elements, cut out small details from paper sheets in turn, which will be needed to recreate the intended image and successively glue them to the selected base.

So what is the benefit of doing this?

Application creation process:

  • develops perseverance;
  • improves fine motor skills;
  • allows you to remember and distinguish colors and shapes;
  • teaches you to be independent;
  • instills accuracy;
  • teaches patience;
  • generates creativity and creative thinking etc.

The role of applications in the development of the child is undoubtedly great. They contribute to the multifaceted and versatile development of the child.

Here are some simple paper appliqué templates that can be useful for the first lessons and introducing kids to the concept of appliqué.

Application examples

Let's try to make a presentation of some of the easiest paper applications with which you can start the process of learning this business.

Ice cream

To create such an application, you need to prepare:

  • cardboard or paper base;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper in various shades.

To begin with, on colored leaves, you need to sketch the main elements of the future picture: separately a cone and separately ice cream balls. After, with the help of scissors, it is necessary to cut out these parts. At the next stage, you need to glue small elements in strict sequence: the horn is attached to the base first, then, in turn, popsicle balls.

After the end of the action, the resulting picture can be decorated additional details: cherry, chocolate chips (which also need to be cut out of paper).

Using such a simple algorithm of actions, you can make applications of various types: a plate of fruit, a fish, a bunny, and a house.

Volume application

This version of the execution is a little more complicated, but the result is worth it. Consider how to make an unusually beautiful bulk flower from paper. To create it, you will need the materials indicated above, the only clarification is colored paper should be as thin as possible.

From the base it is necessary to cut out the shape of a flower, it can be, for example, a rosebud or a chamomile inflorescence. After, from paper different colors you need to cut a lot of small pieces and crumple them with your fingers.

Volumetric winter applications made of paper look very beautiful and believable, which will be a wonderful gift for grandparents. new year holidays. On a cardboard basis, you can depict a Christmas tree decorated with colorful balls, and with the help of crumpled pieces of white paper, you can recreate a snowfall or set a snowman.

There are a lot of options for applications created from colored paper, so such an activity will not bother the child, every day he will discover something new and interesting, while improving imaginative and creative thinking, quick wit, perseverance, discipline and intellect.

Photo of paper applications

Do you do so many things with your children that you no longer know what to think of so that they can be occupied with something exciting and useful? Try this applique idea, which is suitable for kids of absolutely any age. Look at the photo beautiful applications and you will understand what we are talking about.

This process will be interesting for both children and adults. Application involves the application of any elements to the base - this can be gluing or sewing on decorative items.

Today, stores sell much more things that can be easily attributed to such an occupation. And it’s not at all necessary to go to the store for knick-knacks, look at your home and you will find various lace fabrics, flowers, beads or beads, as well as much more than you can decorate any thing.

Description of the application technique

You can take any idea as a plot - it can be cartoon and movie characters, elements of nature, animals and toys, and even holidays.

paper application

For children, the most convenient and easiest option for such an activity is paper. Paper is fun and easy to work with, as it doesn't involve much complexity.

Moreover, now there is so much different in appearance, color and material of paper that you can easily get lost in it, which will undoubtedly give you a place to turn around.

Thanks to working with paper application children are developing very fast. Coordination and motor skills of hands improve, composition, combination of colors, texture of material are studied, imagination and fantasy develop.

Moreover, the child learns to think correctly or analyze the sequential steps that are required to complete the application.


In addition to the fact that the application requires cutting out paper figures and gluing them to the base, you need high-quality and necessary materials. The main elements here are special paper and glue, since not all components may be well suited for this business.

It is worth taking a paper of medium thickness, since thin paper will tear easily, and too thick paper will be difficult to cut and stick to the base, you can use both gloss and mat, smooth or textured.

What can an application be made of?

For the first time, color matte paper is perfect, which is great for the printer. Its density is perfect for this case. If you are a more experienced person, coated glossy paper is recommended.

However, remember that gloss can leave traces of glue or even fingerprints, so you should be extremely careful with it.

If you choose paper with a texture, then it will be possible to focus on any details, and it looks richer. There is also foil paper, which will perfectly mark some elements of the application.

Self-adhesive paper will be a great solution if you can find enough colors. Glue has already been applied to its reverse side, so working with it is a pleasure. And for the basis of the application, you can take high-density cardboard.


If you decide to make a beautiful appliqué with your own hands, then you will definitely need tools. For example, to cut out a paper element, you will need scissors, and if you want to cut something from the inside, you will need a stationery sharp knife. Particular attention should be attributed to glue, which should not deform and spoil the paper during application.

It is desirable to have a pair of scissors: one with straight blades, the second with rounded ones, later you will realize that they are great for different elements. different types scissors. Don't forget to put a wooden backing pad for cutting paper with a knife so you don't accidentally ruin your furniture.

An excellent solution would be a hole punch in the form of figures. With one click, you can make an elegant figure, and later glue it, then you won’t have to suffer with cutting out.

There are also curly scissors, when cutting, they create a unique pattern of the edge of the cut paper. We advise you to take rubber glue, as it is most suitable for appliqué work.

Its advantage is that if you glued something crookedly, you can remove it and stick it on a new one. You can also take glue in the form of a pencil or with a brush.

Ideas for beautiful applications on various topics

The original idea would be to create an appliqué only from even cut out round elements. The child will like this when he sees that his favorite animal or cartoon character is going from circles of different sizes. You can also make not just a flat composition, but with three-dimensional elements that can be movable.

As unusual idea you can use ordinary napkins with a pattern or even without it. For even more uniqueness, you can roll small balls from napkins, and then stick them to the base.

Detailed instructions on how to make applications from napkins

  • The prepared image must be applied to the base
  • Pay attention to the details, since it is more convenient to glue various elements when there is enough space on the base.
  • Prepare napkins in different colors
  • Choose a frame that matches the size of the base

It is not necessary to put the drawing on cardboard, as you can print it on a printer on plain paper and then just stick to the base. In order to make balls from napkins, cut the napkins into small squares, and then simply roll them up to a certain state. Estimate at a glance how many balls you need for your application.

PVA glue will perfectly help you glue the balls of napkins to the base. Some details can be drawn with a marker. Use as much color as possible, so your work will turn out colorful, juicy and bright.

In order for the work to be completed, it is necessary to place the picture in a frame and hang it on the wall. The application can be made as a postcard for any holiday, but most of all, such work is suitable for a birthday, mom on March 8 or dad on February 23. This appliqué crafts master class is easy to add with your own ideas, which will add even more depth to the composition.

Photo applications

Paper gives a huge scope for creativity, especially when there is free time and a great desire for this. It is best to make voluminous applications with children, it will be interesting for them. In addition, such an activity will be useful for the child, it will help him develop thinking, and perseverance, fine motor skills will also develop in the course of work.

The benefits of a three-dimensional application for a child have been confirmed by many psychologists, with the help of it, the child begins to think in three dimensions. In the future, this occupation can develop into the profession of an architect or builder. The little man also learns to decorate the space beautifully, which affects his taste. After all, it is not for nothing that kindergarten always includes classes on creating volumetric applications in its program.

Try decorating the walls of your child's room with voluminous applique, it will look cute and will cheer up the people around you. owning various techniques creating a three-dimensional application, you can create a masterpiece and give it to your loved ones for their holiday.

Arm yourself with paper, glue, scissors, a ruler and start creating! From these things you can really create magnificent creations.

What is the secret of the art of paper application

At first, people just pasted pictures on cardboard, it was beautiful, but they wanted something more. Then the craftsmen began to create more voluminous things, each time improving their work. It turned out that simple colored paper is a huge world, from it you can create whole masterpieces of design ideas, from simple greeting card to huge decorative elements.

Techniques for creating bouage applications

There are many techniques for creating voluminous applications.

Facing, quilling, origami are the most popular of them. Having mastered them, you can do really magnificent things that will decorate any interior. You can also use any means at hand - eggshells, cereals to add volume - it will look original.

simple technique

To get started, you can try simple technique. Try to draw a tree with your child. To do this, draw a sketch on a piece of paper. Then you will need to cook all necessary material and start the creation process.

The crown of the tree can be an uneven circle of colored paper. Leaflets on the crown are cut separately from another sheet of colored paper. Can carve a bird figurine that you can sit on a tree. Cut out the bird also from colored paper, but choose a different color. The bird should contrast with the tree. The bird can also be folded out of paper using the origami technique.

Stick the crown, tree trunk, do not forget about the leaves and the bird. The tree trunk can not be glued, but attached to the drawing. You will get the simplest voluminous application. But, and what pleasure it will bring to the child, having made it, he will be proud of himself.

Mastering complex techniques

In fact, even the most complex technique can be mastered even by Small child, so do not be afraid to do intricate things. To fluff, you just need to stick a few small pieces of paper. Parts can be crushed, compressed, flattened, etc.

Try the trimming technique, which involves twisting small tubes of small pieces of paper into squares. With the help of a straight rod or a toothpick, it is necessary to form bundles. The squares are crumpled around a sharp object and glued onto a large sheet of paper. A pattern is formed from several such convolutions. At the same time, the rod must be held until the bundle is firmly glued.

I must say that such an activity requires perseverance, but promotes relaxation. nervous system. Many bundles can be prepared in advance, then all that remains is to glue them to the picture. They will look great and create a three-dimensional image.

What can be done using the quilling technique

Mastering the quilling technique will be a little more difficult. But it's worth it, because with it you can make really attractive applications. First you will need to make blanks from double-sided colored paper.

To do this, you will need sewing needles, patterns, nail scissors, a board. The needle is stuck into the board, colored paper will need to be wrapped around it. Patterns help to give an even shape. Each petal must be secured with a needle so that they do not unfold. One needle is attached at the bottom to keep the shape sharp, the other in the middle, the third at the top. When the sheet is ready, it must be attached in place with glue.

With the help of quilling, you can imagine the objects around us in a non-standard way. Create paper applications with your own hands and make postcards, panels, decor and many other things out of them if you want to surprise people.

The smallest ones can be offered to make applications with a tear-off method, when the material is glued by cutting off. This activity is quite useful for young children, as it develops fine motor skills and contributes to the development of speech. Older children can complicate the task and invite them to cut off along a pre-drawn contour.

Paper flowers in a pot

Such flowers are excellent remedy holiday card design, especially for the holiday of March 8. First you need to form a pot where you place multi-layered flowers. Flower stalks are glued to the pot or you can put it on a piece of paper where they are drawn.

Then you will need to make flowers. As a middle, take a piece of foam, but you can also use a simple piece of paper that needs to be crumpled beforehand. Then cut out the petals from colored paper and stick it around the middle. Show your imagination and take and decorate voluminous paper applications with your own hands with ribbons, beads and other improvised material.

If you want to make voluminous paper flowers with your own hands, then corrugated paper will help you. flowers from corrugated paper will look big and airy. You should make petals of different sizes - small, medium, large, and then the flower will look more attractive. The lower edges of the petals should have a cut. They overlap, and then bend outward. By gluing the petals to the base, get a flower. Any kind of flowers can be done this way.

If you want to make chamomile, then you will need a white sheet that is cut into strips. By bending the strip and gluing the edges, you will get a beautiful petal. Glue the edges of the petals to the yellow core made from three layers of paper. Chamomile can be made even by a small child.

And if you want to make paper flowers more complicated, then try making a chrysanthemum from paper cones. To make a cone, you need to cut out a 5 by 5 cm square from paper, and then roll them into a cone. It is better to coat the ends of the paper with glue so that they are firmly fixed. When you have at least 40 pieces of cones, you can collect a three-dimensional flower from them. A paper rose is also made.

You can make templates and flower schemes in advance and create a bouquet of beautiful flowers from them.

We make a dove

You can easily decorate the space of your apartment with the help of voluminous applications. Try to make cute pigeons and they will decorate your party or theme party. Dove figurines must first be cut out, the stencil will help you do it right.

Next, bend along the lines so that you get a dove figurine. The tail of the bird should rise up when you fold the structure over the back. Bend your head and beak. If the child finds it difficult to complete this task, then it is worth helping him with this. Wings to the dove are attached separately. First they must be made, and then bent in the same way as the rest of the parts.

Can be made from paper great amount crafts that will decorate the room. If you find it difficult to learn, then use step by step wizard a class that you can easily find on the Internet. By working with children, you help them develop better. And this lesson will help you get rid of the stress that accompanies our lives everywhere. A little perseverance and you will be able to make a wonderful gift to your loved ones!

For the successful versatile development of the child, activities for the development of fine motor skills of the hands are of great importance. One of the types of such activities are colored paper applications, the templates for which are developed by methodologists, taking into account the peculiarities age groups preschoolers.

It is important that the complexity of the task corresponds to the age of the child, that the classes are carried out systematically, gradually becoming more difficult, and take place under the supervision and with the help of adults.

Paper applicationscreative process through which children learn the world and acquire many skills. In addition to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, this is coordination of movements, the study of colors and their combinations, the concept of composition, acquaintance with various materials and textures, the development of observation, imagination and fantasy.

Working on the application in a team contributes to organization, endurance, accuracy. It is also necessary to note the development of spatial imagination: while doing appliqué, children create a whole from several components and, conversely, learn to divide the whole into parts.

Scientists have proven that in the cerebral cortex, the center responsible for fine motor skills is located next to the speech center and contributes to the development of speech skills.

Types of applications according to the template

There are three main types of applications:

  • subject - the cut parts have a simple, clear shape and proportions, an image is created that is not associated with any plot;
  • plot-thematic - correspondence to a certain plot (taken from a fairy tale or invented independently);
  • decorative - decoration of postcards, photo frames with patterns of geometric shapes.

Simple applications for children 2-3 years old

Simple appliques from colored paper using templates can be practiced from 2 years old. However, some experts believe that children from 1 year old can also perform feasible tasks.

The initial lessons are gluing pieces of paper on a sheet in any form. At this stage, the child must understand and remember the basic actions: spread, turn over, attach, smooth. The process itself attracts kids so far, they will strive for the result later.

At the second level of complexity, templates are used. The child must also place the elements randomly, but within the contour, and a certain image appears.

Application template from colored paper "Hedgehog"

A template is a schematic image of a future picture, drawn or printed on a printer. Simple templates for colored paper applications can be, for example, a Christmas tree with balls, a tree with apples and others.

For such work, you need to prepare elements: balls, apples, etc. The child must determine for himself how to place them on the templates.

Application template "Palm tree"
Application template "Flower"

For young children, it will be interesting to perform a simple breakaway application. The kid watches how the adult tears the paper into long strips, then he tears them into pieces. These pieces need to fill the contour.

If the child wants to tear the paper himself, then these uneven, awkward strips can also be used to make an application, for example, grass. Ants are drawn with finger paints.

Further, the task becomes more complicated: you need to get the element to a specific place of the template or the drawn contour. So, with the help of cut out circles, an image of a caterpillar is made. At this stage, children are interested not only in the process, but also in the result.

When making applications from colored paper using patterns and contours with children under 3 years old, prepared cut-out elements are used.

A three-year-old child can already be taught how to work with scissors with rounded ends.

At the same time, it is necessary to explain how to properly hold scissors and paper so as not to get hurt. You need to start with straight cuts, then work out the bends and roundings.

At this age, children are already able to create simple plot pictures. The elements glued onto the template allow you to create a specific image.

The background for the application can be a drawn contour with partially drawn elements. For example, children can populate a template aquarium with algae and stones at the bottom with inhabitants: fish, jellyfish, etc.

An interesting activity there may be a connection and gluing of a cut picture. If the child copes with such a task easily, it is recommended to complicate it: add raindrops to the umbrella, glue windows to the house with an attached roof. Such activities develop fantasy, observation, a sense of proportion.

Applications for children 4-5 years old

At this age, colored paper applications and patterns for them become more difficult. Preparing, together with an adult, elements for a future picture, the child shows more independence: he cuts out, selects colors and, thus, gets an idea about the composition.

This activity develops logical thinking, allows you to show creative inclinations.

For children 4-5 years old, making postcards is an exciting activity, which they then give to their parents and friends.

The base is folded in half and elements are glued inside the card, forming a plot picture.

The templates developed by experts are only examples to indicate the direction of work.

Parents and educators can contribute their ideas. For example, the use of a cut-out contour of a baby’s palm in an application - such pictures cause amazement and delight in children.

Applications with a palm

The application technique from one circles reveals for the child the relationship of parts and the whole.

Developing the creative imagination of the child, you should show him various methods of working with paper: for example, fold it in the form of an accordion. For such a picture, you need to prepare the base, apply the contours. The gluing process is also complicated.

Complex applications for children 6-7 years old

Children of senior preschool and primary school age already have certain skills.

Classes with colored paper appliqué using templates during this period help to further develop fine motor skills, thinking, memory and concentration, and the ability to plan one's activities is developed.

An important circumstance is that the child foresees the final result of his work.

At this age, children consolidate the skill of cutting out individual details and solid silhouettes, symmetrical elements from paper folded in half, as well as the ability to create compositions and correctly arrange their individual parts on the basis.

At this stage, children learn color combinations, analyze and compare details. The texture of the material also becomes diverse: in addition to ordinary colored paper, crepe (“crumpled”), highlighted (glossy), textured (embossed or imitating velvet), and foil are used.

During this period, you can move on to voluminous symmetrical compositions.

To perform such a task, templates (clouds, Balloons) are cut in the usual way. Next, two identical templates are bent in the center and fastened together (can be sewn). Prepared elements are glued to the base.

To make a three-dimensional bird, the template is folded in half and glued together, except for the wings, which are folded along the dotted line.

The result obtained can be glued with one side and a wing on the base (in the form of an appliqué) or turned into a craft by tying it to a thread and hanging it on a twig.

Having learned the basics of composition at the previous stages, children of 6-7 years old are able to create whole pictures - landscapes, still lifes, using ready-made templates for applications from colored paper or making them with the help of a teacher or parents.

Applications using a disposable plate

Disposable plates are comfortable material with which you can create original and beautiful compositions. Made of polystyrene or cardboard, of different colors, with different embossed patterns, they can be both the basis for the application and the elements for it.

Children can be involved in making applications from colored paper on a disposable plate using templates. younger age. On a prepared colored background, children arrange simple elements in the form of a pattern.

A more complicated option is to use two or more colors for the background and more complex elements. Children 6-7 years old already make thematic compositions on plates or use them as material for individual elements.

Examples of gradually becoming more complex applications on plates:

Combined applications

When making applications from colored paper, patterns can be diversified by combining various materials.

Grain applications

This type of application can be done even with small children. The algorithm of work is as follows: an adult applies glue to the prepared drawing, the child pours grits on it and presses it lightly with his finger.

The remaining non-glued grains must be shaken off. Such an activity brings up attentiveness and accuracy in a child.

Older children can use different types of cereals. In this case, the glue is applied alternately to individual sections. For the brilliance of the picture, it is recommended to first tint the groats with gouache in different colors. As a template, you can take your own drawing of the child, this stimulates him, inspires him.

Button applications

To perform such an application, preliminary preparation is necessary. Having studied the drawing and choosing colors, the child, with the help of adults, selects buttons that are suitable in color and size. Then you should lay them out in a drawing to represent the desired result, and proceed with gluing.

For younger children who do not yet have the necessary skills, you can apply a pattern according to the template on a layer of plasticine - the child will attach the buttons by pressing. This technique is applicable when working with cereals.

For combined applications, cotton wool, napkins, eggshell, natural materials - leaves, petals, seeds and much more.

Multi-layer applications

Multi-layer (overhead) applications of colored paper or other materials are made using templates designed or made independently.

Such work develops spatial imagination, educates aesthetic taste. They are made of paper, fabric, leather, felt - the main thing is that the edges of the material do not crumble.

Multilayer applications, like other varieties, come in varying degrees of complexity. For little ones, this is a simple gluing of parts on top of each other. By pinning elements from only one edge, you can create a three-dimensional effect.

More complex applications are characterized large quantity details, for their manufacture requires good skills in working with scissors, a sense of proportion and color.

Older children, with developed fine motor skills of their hands, with the skills to make complex parts, create real works of art - unusual compositions and even portraits. Light and shade effects give them a special brilliance.

Multilayer application is already a truly creative process in which the imagination and artistic abilities of the child are manifested. You need to think about the image color scheme, the sequence of actions, so such work implies a certain level of intelligence.

Applications from pieces

Applications from cut or torn pieces of colored paper using templates are a fairly simple look, even small children can do them. A drawing must be applied to the base sheet. In addition to ready-made templates, you can use children's coloring pages or come up with a sketch yourself.

The production of appliqué elements is carried out together with the child - small children are happy to tear the paper into pieces. If you already have scissor skills, you can allow these elements to be cut out.

Important detail: how younger child, the larger the fragments should be.

After choosing the right colors, you can start gluing. Glue is applied not to small parts, but to the template, in sections.

When working with kids, this process is carried out by an adult, older children themselves apply glue with a brush. When gluing pieces of paper, the child must exactly fall into the contour.

A kind of appliqué from pieces is trimming. This technique is quite complicated, but for children of 6-7 years old it is quite within their power, especially when working together.

To master the technique of facing, teachers and parents are offered master classes on this topic.

Autumn themed applications

The bright colors of autumn make it possible to create colorful pictures of autumn nature. For applications on this topic, both colored paper and natural materials are used: multi-colored leaves, petals of late flowers, seeds, spikelets, twigs and other objects.

When making autumn-themed applications from colored paper according to templates and in a free composition, the main attributes are preserved - flowers, mushrooms, fruits, acorns, tree silhouettes are cut and painted. Required component - autumn leaves.

When working with natural material you need to prepare it. The collected leaves must first be leveled and dried under pressure. If the leaf needs to be given any shape, then a fresh leaf is used for this, which is then dried.

For collages and mosaic paintings, you can prepare cardboard templates on which elements are glued.

Autumn nature is fertile ground for the flight of children's imagination. Leaves appliqués, placed in a photo frame, will decorate any interior.

Spectacular decoration there will be autumn lights. To do this, a glass vessel is glued on the outside with multi-colored leaves (paper or natural), a small candle is placed inside.

Winter themed applications

To create winter and, in particular, New Year's applications any of the described techniques is used, depending on the age of the children.

The most common type of winter applications are snowflakes - this is a subspecies of silhouette-type applications. It is recommended to fold the sheet correctly, cut off the edge and sharp corner, it is recommended to make cuts first on plain paper - this is how the skill is developed.

In addition, pendants made of such snowflakes decorate the room. Thin, airy snowflakes can be stuck on windows and other surfaces.

For young children, it is better to prepare templates (circles with an outline) and make a broken snowflake from pieces. For flat, voluminous, multi-layered snowflakes, it is required to prepare patterns for cutting.

To make a traditional Christmas tree, kids use green paper triangles, a snowman is made from white circles, a teacher or parent helps to complete the application with details.

Older children can be offered to make a Christmas tree from strips of paper or create a picture winter forest using templates, using small paper pieces or cotton wool.

A tree made of paper balls looks bright and voluminous. For this, a template and elements are made of crepe paper. The main color is dark green, multi-colored balls are made for the garland.

Interesting application with the image of winter accessories allows children to show creative imagination.

Hats and mittens can be decorated with any ornament, animal figurines, winter pictures, beads or rhinestones.

Cotton wool is used to imitate fur.

By using disposable plate you can make a craft-mask of a white bear cub. Holes are cut out in the plate - eyes, the surface is pasted over with pieces of paper, a disposable cup is used for the nose.

Senior preschoolers and elementary school students are able, under the guidance of adults, to create complex winter landscapes using mixed media.

Spring themed applications

Snowdrops and lilies of the valley, starlings and flowering trees - these signs of spring are traditionally used in children's colored paper applications using templates. The smallest perform simple tasks, placing prepared elements on the contours. The same images can be complicated by adding pictures of spring nature.

More complex compositions - voluminous, multi-layered, with a large number of elements - are created by children who have the skills to work with glue, scissors, a brush and use different techniques.

Lilacs in a vase of cereals, a spring picture in the technique of drawing and application - these and many other ideas are offered by specialists to parents and educators for developing activities with children.

Application is a visual activity. Having achieved the desired result, the child experiences aesthetic pleasure, thereby joining the world of beauty, the world of art. A simple and accessible way for children to create artwork makes applique one of the favorite types of educational activities with children.

Volumetric paper application - a unique look children's creativity, thanks to which it is possible to glue volumetric figures animals, robots, cartoon characters, houses and even letters of the alphabet. The templates and diagrams that are on our website will help you with this.

How to do it right?

Although the name "volumetric appliqué" sounds unusual, it is not difficult to make it. To do this, just print ready-made templates or diagrams, cut them out and glue them along the fold lines. Application templates are made in such a way that by bending and gluing them along the marked lines, you can get voluminous toy.

Most of the templates are already in color, so you will need to print them on a color printer. However, there are also colorless schemes, on which only conditional lines are indicated. It is enough to apply glue to the side parts of the workpiece and fold it as required by the scheme. If you decide to color such a blank, you must do this in advance, since it will be difficult to color the application in bulk.

Here are some examples of such applications.



This is the simplest application that a child can easily make.

  1. Print out the template.
  2. Cut along the outline.
  3. If you want to make a colored pyramid, you need to color it before forming the pyramid, or simply cut out a template from colored paper.
  4. Bend the parts of the workpiece intended for gluing.
  5. Spread them with glue and form a pyramid.

Magical forest

Colored toys

This application is a little more complicated, but the principle of its operation is the same. It does not need to be painted: just print it on a color printer.

  1. Cut out the printed template.
  2. Fold the template along the fold lines.
  3. Lubricate the "wings" with glue and assemble SpongeBob.
  4. Check that the glued parts are firmly attached.

poppy flower

And now let's try a more complex application - we will make a poppy flower.

  1. Print out flower templates. If you decide to make a bouquet, you will need several blanks.
  2. Cut out the components of the appliqué.
  3. Lay the flower corolla blanks on top of each other so that the petals of the upper one are in the gaps between the petals of the lower one.
  4. Glue the whisk, giving it a three-dimensional shape.
  5. Glue the black center inside.
  6. Glue the leaves on the outside of the flower at equal distances from each other.
  7. If you are forming a bouquet, then each flower can be placed on a wire stem wrapped in colored paper. Also, flowers can be glued on a postcard or a pre-prepared base.

Such voluminous applications will look natural and just great.


So you can make almost any flowers by printing blanks from the site or by preparing voluminous applications from different colored paper. Here, for example, is a magnificent carnation. However, unlike poppy, this appliqué is more complicated, since you will have to form a corolla of a flower from six parts.

dog house

And here is another more complex application. From three main parts, you can fold a booth for a dog.

  1. Print out the templates and cut them out along the outline.
  2. Fold along the fold lines.
  3. Attach the walls to the base of the booth, forming a cube with two pentagonal walls.
  4. Glue the green roof on top.

The booth is ready. If you don't have a color printer at home, you can cut out the details from colored paper or simply color the blanks.

Corrugated paper

To a greater extent, corrugated paper has to create a volumetric application. It is initially a little convex, and if you use this quality correctly, you can do interesting things.


  1. Prepare the base for the application. It can be cardboard or thick colored paper that is not impregnated with glue.
  2. We apply the contours of the drawing on the base in advance.
  3. Corrugated paper of blue color(you can take paper of any shade) cut out small squares measuring 1
  4. Place a pencil in the center of each square and twist it slightly to make the squares look voluminous.
  5. Without removing the pencil, apply glue to the end of the square and stick it.
  6. Fill the whole picture with such squares.

This technique of application of corrugated paper is called "trimming". It is good because the flaws are almost invisible. It is simple enough that even kids can do it.


These voluminous applications made of colored corrugated paper are simple, but they look just great.

  1. Prepare the base. It can be a box of sweets, colored paper, a postcard, etc.
  2. Fold a sheet of crepe paper 4 or 5 times.
  3. Draw 2 circles. To make them even, you can use a compass, a cup or a glass.
  4. Cut out the circles. For one hedgehog, 10-15 circles are required.
  5. Glue the circles, applying glue only in the center. The edges must remain free.
  6. Make frequent cuts and fluff the ends.
  7. Cut out a triangular muzzle of a hedgehog from cardboard and glue it to the body.
  8. Place the hedgehogs on the base.
  9. Eyes, mouth and nose can be drawn with a black felt-tip pen or cut out of black paper and glued on.
  10. In the same way, flowers and grass for a clearing can be made from corrugated paper by folding the paper and making cuts on it.

Here are some hedgehogs you can get.

How to make a 3D paper card?

Applications from ordinary colored or corrugated paper can be made at home, in kindergarten or aesthetic center. They are extremely useful for toddlers, as they develop a sense of color, artistic taste, spatial thinking and a sense of composition. Cutting and gluing will have a beneficial effect on fine motor skills children and speech development.

Let your imagination run wild with your kids!