Winter day camp. City camp. Summer camp of professions in Skazkadarium

Summer shift is a way to relax, gain strength, gain new knowledge. In addition to walking in the fresh air and chatting with friends, the camp day stay 2019 offers training sessions and master classes in the following areas:





Walking on
fresh air

The educational program includes creative workshops, master classes in different types applied arts. During the walk, children learn new things about hometown, significant historical dates get acquainted with the memos.

Format Features

The main advantage of the summer city day camp is the opportunity to take the child with an interesting and useful pastime while the parents are at work, and take the child home in the evening. There are always teachers with the group, so you don’t have to worry about safety. At the same time, the cost is much lower than a similar outbound vacation.

Other pluses include:

  1. There is no need to predict the weather.
  2. A balanced diet formulated by nutritionists.
  3. Continuous communication with counselors.
  4. Small number of groups, each under supervision.
  5. Weekends and evenings the child is at home.

There is a possibility of a trial visit, following which you make the final choice.

Daily regime

The children's city camp solves several problems at once: health improvement, development, activity and safety. The developed daily routine helps to comfortably engage in various activities and spend time with interest.

Summer Camp 2019 schedule is subject to change. For example, in bad weather, a daytime walk is replaced by creative workshops or board games.

Camp center focused primarily on infants and preschoolers

Photo: Lena Tsibizova

What do they do It takes place in the Bauman garden, kids from 1.5 to 3 dig in the local garden, sculpt, paint T-shirts, and children from 3 to 6 years old study world culture from Asian to African: they play folk tales, learn songs and make crafts. Children from 7 to 14 have a choice between a theater and a film studio, where they, under the guidance of professionals, will put on a play and shoot a film, respectively.

What to look out for You can bring children from 1.5 years old, which is unique for Moscow. But for children from 7 years old, the camp is open only in the afternoon.

Where In the center of the Garden Bauman

St. Basmannaya, 15, m. "Red Gate", "Baumanskaya", "Kurskaya"

  • Age 1.5–14
  • Price one week - 15,000 rubles, two weeks - 25,000 rubles, for a group of 7–14 years old: 1 week - 7,500 rubles, 2 weeks - 15,000 rubles.
  • shifts 11 shifts of 10-12 days from June 2 to August 25
  • Opening hours 9.00–19.00
  • Website

Children's camp ZIL

Professional curators lead shifts at the constructivist cultural center


What do they do On the “Travel” shift, they learn to navigate correctly in an unfamiliar city and choose places to visit; on "Urbanistics" - to understand the functioning of the city system and solve its problems at the level of your yard and district; on "Science" - to set up experiments together with the "Scientific Laboratories" of the Polytechnic Museum; on "Design" - analyze the key for the sphere visual arts concepts and prepare your art project, whether it be an installation or a theatrical performance; in "English" - to communicate with Americans and watch movies, and in "Illustration" - to invent characters and develop your own style with illustrator-blogger Fevrony (Tatiana Zadorozhnaya).

What to look out for You can get to each shift for free if you pass a creative competition.

Where Cultural center ZIL Vostochnaya, 4, bldg. 1, m. "Avtozavodskaya"


Summer program of the studio "Mother's Garden" from Seasons


What do they do They make a magazine about summer entertainment with an agricultural bias - without the help of a computer: they learn to draw, decorate, compose comics and illustrations. In addition, they have picnics and play in the park. Cafe "32.05" is responsible for breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks.

What to look out for For an additional fee, you can ask to sit with your child longer.

Where Pavilion in the Hermitage Garden

Karetny Ryad, 3, Mayakovskaya, Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya metro stations


Camp at the Children's Science Center

Photo: courtesy of Innopark

What do they do For six different thematic shifts - something like the following: arrange robot battles, make GIFs in Photoshop, find out what's inside the battery or sunbeam, study astrophysics, observe moving plants through a microscope and grow crystals.

What to look out for There are no more places for the first two shifts, so you should hurry with making a decision.

Where The main circle of Sokolniki Park

Sokolnichesky Krug Ave., 9, Sokolniki metro station

Summer Camp at the Jewish Museum

Children's center camp in the museum, not concentrating on its subject matter

Photo: courtesy of the Jewish Museum

What do they do Together they read and sort out good children's books: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Hobbit, Hello, Let's Talk Sharon Draper about customs different peoples and tolerance, "George and the Big Bang" by Stephen and Lucy Hawking about the natural sciences, "Impatient Stories" by Bernard Frio about the world around them through the eyes of children - and, inspired by the plots of books, they are engaged in creativity and exploration of the world.

What to look out for So far, only shifts for June have been announced, the program and schedule for July and August will be announced later.

Where Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center

Obraztsova, 11, building 1a, metro station "Maryina Roshcha"

  • Age 7-12
  • Price part-time - 3500 r. for 6 days, 650 rub. for 1 day, full day - 7500 r. for 6 days, 1300 rub. for 1 day
  • shifts 5 shifts for 5-6 days from June 1 to June 29
  • Opening hours 9.00–17.00
  • Website


Camp in the Neskuchny Garden with good master classes

Photo: courtesy of the Shardam Theater

What do they do Approximately the same as in the traditional Shardam workshops: they draw, sculpt, felt, learn how to cook all sorts of goodies, watch cartoons and, of course, explore the Neskuchny Garden.

What to look for: There are no separate master classes in the Shardama department in Neskuchny Garden, except for the English language, so it will be possible to visit them only as part of the camp.

Where In the Neskuchny Garden next to the metro station "Leninsky Prospekt" and next to the "Panda Park"

Leninsky prospekt, 30a, metro station "Leninsky prospekt"

  • Age 7-12
  • Price 3500 r. 1 day, 16 000 rub. for 1 week, 28 000 rub. for 2 weeks, 45 000 r. in 3 weeks
  • shifts 3 shifts of 3 weeks from June 2 to July 28
  • Opening hours 9.00–19.00
  • Website

"Pampa Green"

Camp in a smart club with master classes and holidays

What do they do Each week-long shift is devoted to the culture of a certain country: Italy, Spain, USA, France, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, England, Mexico, Turkey, Germany, Belarus, Poland, China, Japan. In addition to studying the national culture, children will do a lot of other things from modeling to TV journalism and animation.

What to look out for So far, it is impossible to understand exactly when which country will be, but they promise to take into account the wishes of those who signed up for the camp.

Where Children's studio in the tenement house of Serafima Spiridonova

Myasnitskaya, 13; Barvikha, 85/1, Dream House shopping center

  • Age 3-14
  • Price (for the department on Myasnitskaya) part-time - 6200 rubles. per week, full day - 12,000 rubles. during the week
  • shifts every week from June 2 to August 29
  • Opening hours 9.00–19.00
  • Website

While mom is at work

Camp from a decent club with a 20-year history, especially strong in sports


What do they do Under the guidance of professional trainers, they go rollerblading (you can rent it for a fee), learn how to do tricks on a skateboard, practice modern dance, tennis and martial arts. Children aged 3-6 years in the afternoon, instead of sports, are engaged in creative workshops.

What to look out for Discipline is taken seriously here, so it’s impossible to shirk the coach’s tasks.

Where Sports club "Kant"

Elektrolytny pr., 7, k. 2, metro station "Nagornaya"


Camp in a very picturesque garden at the theater "S.A.D."

What do they do Younger children are busy with master classes from clay and porcelain modeling to cooking, plus they read books and walk in the garden. The senior group puts on a new performance every week under the direction of the S.A.D. theater troupe.

What to look out for The camp ends at 16:00, but you can leave the child longer for an additional hourly fee.

Where Tropical greenhouse in the "Aptekarsky garden"

Ave. Mira, 26, metro station "Prospect Mira"

"Creative workshops"

One of the proven options for the summer

What do they do Each shift will have its own theme: children will build cities from plastic packaging, shoot cartoons with a camera, make ceramics on a potter's wheel, arrange a shadow theater, construct wooden ships, paint in oils, go to exhibitions and get acquainted with the works of artists of the 20th century.

What to look out for This camp has the longest working day - working parents will definitely have time to finish their business.

Where At Winzavod and Flacon. The program and prices for both camps are the same

Winzavod, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane, 1/8, building 6, entrance 6, metro station Kurskaya

"Flacon", B. Novodmitrovskaya, 36, m. "Dmitrovskaya"

  • Age 6-15 years
  • Price month - 29,000 rubles; week - 8000 rubles; day - 1700 rubles; half a day - 900 rubles, or 250 rubles. in hour
  • shifts every week from May 26 to August 29
  • Opening hours 9.00–21.00
  • Website

"Joyful Discoveries"

Socially responsible camp at Flakon

What do they do During the first shift of Games and Experiments, children will prove in every possible way that the world is full of games and entertainment much more exciting than those offered by gadgets. In the second - "Sherlock Holmes and the great scientific discoveries" - using the deductive method, children will be able to make discoveries about the world around them and scientific phenomena in the same way as scientists did in different eras.

What to look out for The camp has only two shifts (perhaps there will be in August) for 10 people, so there are very few places left.

Where The Resource Saving Center at Flakon, where lectures are usually held on proper nutrition, healthy herbs and waste recycling

"Living Watercolors"

The life of real artists: a lot of creativity and little food

Photo: courtesy of Living Watercolors Studio

What do they do Creativity in a variety, including decoupage, soap making, floristry, scrapbooking, packaging and much more. In addition, they walk around the estate and learn its history, play outdoor games aimed at team building.

What to look out for The cost of the shift includes only tea parties with bagels. Lunch is paid separately, or counselors can microwave the food that the child brought with him.

Where In a three-story tower of the 19th century, in the Bratsevo park of the Stroganov estate

Svetlogorsky pr., 13, building 7, metro station "Skhodnenskaya", "Mitino"


Traditional classes at the Jewish Cultural Center


What do they do Every week in the younger group, children study one of the episodes of the Tanakh in a playful way - becoming participants in the events, something like in the "Superbook", and also study Hebrew, ceramics, origami, go on an excursion to the dolphinarium and so on. At senior group other thematic shifts: dance (Israeli dances and hip-hop), music and theater (excursions to Moscow theaters, a master class with Chekhov Moscow Art Theater artist Oleg Topolyansky), theater in English, led by British theater director Martin Cook, cooking with Vika Boyarskaya from Delicatessen and "Gifts of Nature", animation (creation of cartoons in different techniques, meeting with Alexei Turkus and other animators), art and tolerance (study of world art, creative workshops, trainings).

What to look out for Despite the fact that the camp does not require any confirmation of national identity, traditions are observed here: for example, on Friday evening, preparation for Shabbat is on the agenda.

Where Jewish Cultural Center on Nikitskaya

B. Nikitskaya, 47/3, metro station "Barrikadnaya"

  • Age 8 months -14 years
  • Price junior group- 8900–14 000 rubles per week, depending on the mode of visit, adult group 16 500 rubles. for two weeks part-time, 27,800 for 2 weeks full-time
  • shifts every week from June 2 to August 29
  • Opening hours 8.30–20.00
  • Website

Summer Club "ZooWorkshops" at the Zoo
m. Barrikadnaya
Age: 7-12 years old
Shifts: from May 30 to August 12, on weekdays, from 8.30 to 18 hours
Cost: 15,000 rubles. + meals (5,000 rubles paid separately) / shift 10 days

On the territory of the Moscow Zoo will open kids club day stay. The children will be able to learn more about their favorite animals, try themselves as a keeper, learn the basics of artistic and theatrical professions. At the end of the shift, the children will take part in a theatrical performance. The program provides for outdoor activities, sports, cultural events, as well as hiking, games and creative workshops.

Summer camp"Les P'titsPLUS" at P'titCREF Trilingual Children's Center
m. Arbat, m. Izmailovo, m. 1905
Age: 2-8 years old
Shifts: from June 20 to August 26, on weekdays, from 09.15 to 17.00
Cost: 16,000 rubles. (meals and excursions included) / shift 5 days

Cozy children's centers for the summer preschool education P'titCREF will turn into a platform for creativity. Thematic weeks will be held in the CAO and SEAD of Moscow under the guidance of an international team of creative teachers from the Les P'titsPLUS team. The program includes a variety of master classes, trips to Moscow parks and museums, picnics and outdoor sports games. The guys will try themselves in the role of detectives, learn the basics of professions related to biology. teachers from the most different countries will communicate with children in Russian, English and French. At the end of each week, children together with teachers will organize performances for parents.

Summer Club at the VDNKh City Farm
Age: 7-13 years old
Shifts: from June 6 to August 26, 2016, until weekdays, from 9 to 18.30,
Cost: 27,000 rubles/shift 10 days, 3,000 rubles/day

Camp on the territory of VDNH, bordering the Botanical Garden and Kamensky ponds. All shifts are thematic ("Sowing", "Cattle breeding on the farm", "Construction and architecture" and others), but all are devoted to life and work on the farm. The camp program includes guided walks around VDNKh, the theory and practice of farm life, developing animation and photography, linocut and theater, sports games and morning exercises in the fresh air.

Climbing Camp Kids Lime Time
m. Sokolniki
Age: 7-11 years old
Shifts: May 23 to August 19, on weekdays, from 8.30 to 18.30
Cost: 12,500 rubles/shift 5 days (including meals)

City camp on a climbing wall with sports, creative, scientific and educational topics. Participants will climb, play, dance, slackline, learn to be friends and work in a team, go to parks, museums and exhibitions, participate in master classes, draw, make crafts. To participate, pre-registration is required at: [email protected], making a deposit of 2500 rubles. and medical certificate about the absence of contraindications for sports.

Summer project of the Museum of Moscow
m. Park Kultury
Age: 7-12 years old
Shifts: from 6 to 17 June, on weekdays, from 9.30 to 19 hours
Cost: from 500 rubles / master class, subscription for 5 days / 9,000 rubles.

The children will explore the city together with the teachers of the Center and will visit the exhibitions of the Museum and walking tours together with the City Excursion Bureau, get acquainted with the basics of orientation and safety in the city, go on a journey through the history and cultural customs of Moscow with Fairytale Moscow, design their cities, remember their favorite yard games. They will also watch and discuss films, filmstrips and photographs of the city, arrange parties, sports games, acting readings, and engage in creativity.

Archilage at the Museum of Architecture
m. Arbatskaya
Age: 11-17 years old
Shifts: from 1 to 15 June, on weekdays
Cost: 5,000 rubles. + 200 rub. per day for food

Children in the camp will study architectural graphics, drawing from life, architectural modeling, ceramics, architectural photography. With educational walks, camp participants will visit the Kremlin and the Intercession Cathedral, the Trinity Church in Nikitniki and the Varvarka district, Zaryadye, the Krutitsy Compound, the Izmailovsky Kremlin and other architectural monuments. Young urban planners will also have a bus tour to Yaroslavl.

Summer Camp at the Jewish Museum
m. Mendeleevskaya
Age: 7-12 years old
Shifts: from May 30 to August 26, on weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cost: 2300 rubles/day, 1000-1300 rubles/half day, 500 rubles. - Master Class

The camp program includes: master classes, excursions and quests that will help young citizens understand what a metropolis is, get acquainted with the history of Moscow, take a look at the device big city and the processes that take place in it. By using interactive games and architect's workshops, children will learn how the streets are arranged, why they have interesting and sometimes strange names, how modern skyscrapers are designed and built, and what was in our city before we appeared in it.

City summer club InnoCamp
m. Arbatskaya
Age: 6-12 years old
Shifts: from May 30 to August 26, on weekdays, from 9 to 19.30
Cost: 13,900 rubles / shift 5 days, for the second child from the family, a 10% discount

InnoPark has developed 13 exciting shifts, each lasting 5 working days. Shifts at InnoCamp are built in the edutaiment format. Teachers-leaders help children to get acquainted with the laws of physics and chemistry, explain natural phenomena, study languages ​​together and even create cities. Each shift is unique and dedicated to only one topic, so that the child can thoroughly experiment and study the chosen area to the full: music, biology, robotics and others.

City Summer Campus of the Green School in Gorky Park
m. Park Kultury
Age: 9-14 years old
Shifts: from June 6 to August 26, on weekdays, from 9.30 to 19.00
Cost: from 12,500 rubles/shift 5 days (including meals)

On the campus of the Green School, children take part in creative project, live in nature in the very center of Moscow, visit the surrounding museums. Thematic shifts: from June 6 to June 10 - SKATE, from June 13 to June 17 - ARCHITECTURE, from June 20 to June 24 - WORKMAN, from June 27 to July 1 - BREAK DANCE, from July 4 to July 8 - CIRCUS, from July 11 to July 15 - HIKING, from July 18 to July 22 - MODERN DANCE (TSEKH dance company), from July 25 to July 29 - PHOTOGRAPHY, from August 1 to August 5 - THEATER, from August 15 to August 19 - SKATE , from August 22 to August 26 - MUSIC.

Science camp "Smart Moscow"
m. Avtozavodskaya
Age: from 9 years old
Shifts: from June 20 to August 19, on weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Cost: from 19,500 rubles / shift 5 days

The camp will take place at the ZIL KC. Each of the units will be devoted to one of the sciences: chemistry, biology, physics. Until lunch, children will conduct scientific research under the guidance of scientists - physicists, chemists and biologists from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov., and in the afternoon they are waiting for scientific excursions and guest classes in the laboratories of adjacent detachments. At the beginning of each shift, the children will receive boxes with scientific equipment, reagents and instruments, they will equip themselves with a workplace in the research laboratory. In the future, every day the children will appear new task. At the end of the shift, the guys will have a scientific quest.

Camp in trampoline parks "Sky"
m. Sokol, Tulskaya
Age: 6-12 years old
Shifts: from May 30 to August 31, on weekdays, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cost: 1,900 rubles/day, 16,500 rubles/shift 10 days (meals included)

Trampoline park "Nebo" conducts a set of children in the "SKY-Camp" in two parks at once. Children are expected team games, master classes, sports activities on trampolines and an extensive entertainment program.

City camp "Sparrow Hills"
m. Sparrow Hills
Age: 7-17 years old
Shifts: from May 30 to August 21, on weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cost: Free (3 meals a day included)

In the summer, interactive educational programs will be held at the Palace of Pioneers, as well as a summer camp with thematic shifts(cinema, children's song, Yuri Kuklachev's program) and specialized groups: tourist direction, sports and patriotic direction (OFP, karate, hand-to-hand combat, BZ in urban conditions, game sports, laser shooting range, children's fitness, etc.), creative direction (vocal, choreography, circus art, games, etc.), scientific and technical direction (buggy designer, planetarium, Observatory, game library, aircraft modeling, etc.).

Football camp Scool of Speed
m. Kyiv
Age: 5-14 years old
Shifts: from June 6 to August 13, on weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cost: 22,900 rubles/shift, 40,900 rubles/2 shifts

Especially for the camp, children's coaches from the leading academies of the Netherlands come to Moscow. The football focus of the project is on the development of technique and skills in handling the ball. The camp programs were developed by coaches from the Netherlands, certified by UEFA and are designed for 5 and 10 days of intensive training, as well as the final tournament on the last Saturday of the shift. In addition to football, the guys expect a FIFA tournament, interesting master classes, English and football theory classes.

Summer creative laboratory ZIL

m. Avtozavodskaya
Age: 11-17 years old
Shifts: from June 6 to August 26, on weekdays, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Cost: 22,000 rubles/shift 10 days (including 3 meals a day)

The summer laboratory program is built on the principle of combining educational and entertainment practices. Thematic shifts will be devoted to dance, theater, design, photography, animation, cinema. Start your day in the lab with a modern dance, yoga or fitness class. Then teenagers explore the theme of the shift, participate in specialized games and master classes, perform creative tasks, participate in quests, watch and discuss films, go on excursions, go in for sports (ping-pong, frisbee, skate, bike). The result of the shift will be an individual or group creative project.

Summer camp in Tsaritsyno
m. Tsaritsyno
Age: 3-6 years old
Shifts: from May 30 to August 26, on weekdays, from 9.30 to 13.30 / 19.00 half day / full day
Cost: 10,000 rubles/shift (including 3 meals a day), 950/1,475 rubles. single visit (half day/day)

The camp program includes: walks in the fresh air, 3 meals a day, master classes. Thematic shifts: animation, travel around the world, robotics.

Summer camps in the Hermitage Garden
m. Pushkinskaya
Age: 7-12 years old
Shifts: from May 30 to August 26, on weekdays, from 9/9.30 to 19 hours
Cost: from 19 500 rub. change

Two camps will open in the Hermitage Garden at once: on the basis of "Mom's Garden" there will be a creative camp with thematic shifts "Flyer" for children 7-11 years old. Cost: from 19,500 rubles / shift 10 days. The second camp - in the club "House of the White Rabbit“The shifts are also thematic - theater, musical, history, chess for children 7-12 years old. Cost: from 15,000 + 6,000 (food) rubles / shift 2 weeks.
In both camps - three meals a day in the cafe "32.05".

Film Camp "Stop! Taken!” in the Bauman Garden

m. Red Gate
Age: 8-13 years old
Shifts: from June 6 to August 26, on weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Cost: 32,000 rubles/shift 10 days (including 3 meals a day)

In the camp children's center"Fanny Bell House" children will make a movie, going through all the stages creative process: from conception and script writing to filming, editing and post-production. Shift masters are young directors, screenwriters, actors and cameramen: Greta Shushchevichute and Zakhar Khungureev, Kristina Ra and Maria Klimova. The entire park is at the disposal of the film crew.

Art-Summer at the Moskvich Cultural Center
m. Textile workers
Age: from 8 years old
Shifts: from June 6 to July 8, on weekdays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Cost: 7,000 rubles/10 days

The participants of the workshop are waiting for an entertainment and educational program in various fields of art and technical creativity, the creation creative works, watching and discussing films, participating in quests, intellectual and sports events.

Look for more summer camps in Moscow

Urban children's rest organize in more than 300 institutions, including almost 130 schools, 27 sports schools of the Department physical education and sports and 146 institutions of the Department of Labor and social protection population.

During the summer shifts, children under the guidance of teachers will be able not only to relax, but also to go on excursions, gain additional knowledge and skills, go in for sports, attend master classes. Here, three meals a day are organized for children. Rest will be free.

Two shifts are planned - from 1 to 30 June and from 4 to 29 July. In addition, the third shift will take place in the institutions of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population from August 1 to 29.

It is expected that more than 50,000 Moscow schoolchildren will be able to have a rest under the United Russia program "Moscow Change". You can get acquainted with the map of children's summer camps at.

Children's city camps

These are traditional school camps. They plan to open in each district on the basis of the most equipped schools. Children here will be able to relax and study under the guidance of experienced teachers.

The gifted will be prepared for exams and olympiads in chemistry, physics and the Russian language, and for children who find the material more difficult, they will interesting activities on different subjects. Those who love sports will be able to attend master classes of champions.

Each of school camps provide their students with three meals a day.

To send a child here, parents need to write an application addressed to the principal of their school. He, in turn, will turn to the director of the school where the camp will be opened. After that, a decision is made on enrolling the child in the shift.

City health centers

This type of summer camp will open. Children from families in difficult life situations and with special needs will be able to get here. All preferential categories have the right to visit health centers.

Hiking, sports days, bike rides, military sports games are waiting for children here. They will be able to visit sports complexes, swimming pools, excursions to the places of military glory of the Moscow region. Those who need it will work with a speech therapist and psychologist, attend physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy.

Children in the centers are also waiting for free three meals a day.

To enroll a child in the camp, it will be enough for parents to apply with an application to the regional family and childhood support center at the place of residence.

Sports city camps

It is also planned to open summer camps on the basis of sports schools. Here, each child will be able to actively spend the holidays under the guidance of experienced coaches and mentors.

In such camps, they will not only train, but also visit big sports matches and legendary sports facilities, and master classes for them will be held Olympic champions and world champions.

The camps will also operate weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00 from June 1 to July 31, and children will be provided with free three meals a day.

To register a child, parents need to contact the nearest sports camp.

To reveal the talents of children, to create, communicate and develop together with the counselors - this is the task of the city camp in the Smart Environment ® .

Smart Environment ® invites children aged 7 to 11 years (maximum size groups of 12 people) to spend the holidays exciting and active!

Group outdoor activities

Chess club with professional coach and champion

Delicious breakfasts, lunches and dinners. We have our own chef!

cooking lessons

Outdoor games

Shift in Smart Environment ® is a separate adventure with a unique theme and atmosphere, where every day a child discovers the world from different angles.

The cost of a place in a group for 1 shift (2 working weeks) is 18,800 rubles.
One-time visit by day - 2,600 rubles.

Our discounts for you:

When booking and paying for a place before July 07 inclusive for the 4th shift, you will be given a 10% discount on the cost of the shift.
When booking and paying for a place before July 21 inclusive for the 5th shift, you will be given a 10% discount on the cost of the shift.
When buying two shifts or more - a total discount of 15%.
15% discount - for the second child from the same family.
Dear parents, discounts are not cumulative.

A detailed program and schedule can be clarified with the administrator!

Opening hours of the city camp:
From 09:00 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday.
It is possible to leave the child until 19.00.
The cost of services over visiting hours is paid additionally at the rate of 300 rubles per hour.
The program will be sent upon request by e-mail or WhatsApp.
Summer shifts Discovery Planet- "Planet of Discovery"!

The city camp program necessarily includes fun, outdoor activities and more:

Also, the camp program will include:

  • Creative workshops/Art studio;
  • Chess;
  • Board games;
  • Thematic master classes;
  • Museum visits;
  • Yoga;
  • Daily gaming English!

And of course, home-style tasty and healthy, full-fledged meals from the Chef of the Smart Environment!
During the day we have 4 meals planned:

  • breakfast.
  • second breakfast (fruits).
  • lunch (3 courses).
  • afternoon snack (baking).

If a child has allergies to certain foods or other food substitution needs, a change in the menu for your child may be agreed.

You can get acquainted with our counselors and teachers in absentia on the page dedicated to the direct teaching staff of our club!


  1. Certificate of epidemiological environment at the place of residence (3 days before the camp);
  2. Copy of birth certificate;
  3. Copy of medical insurance policy (compulsory health insurance).

Limited number of seats! Hurry up to book a place for your child!
Your kids will never be bored!