Organization of leisure activities for younger students. The program of the game "Journey to the Planet of Knowledge". Leisure Academy. Day club leisure program Collective leisure programs


Explanatory note:

For the comprehensive development of the individual, along with education, a meaningfully rich rest and leisure of the child plays a special role. Leisure activities are an integral part of the life of every person. Starting from a young age, there is a need for active, interestingly rich communication, creativity, self-realization, intellectual and physical development thus forming the character of the individual.

Modern world beautiful and amazing, it would seem that it is oversaturated with a variety of leisure programs, things, objects with the help of which a person, and in particular a child, can organize their own leisure and recreation. However, most adults, and even more so children, do not know how to use this potential for various reasons. These reasons are two-sided - subjective and objective. Reasons of a subjective nature are relations in the family or the child's personal unwillingness to organize their leisure time in a meaningful way, reasons of an objective nature are the socio-economic situation of our country. That is why today there is an acute problem of organizing and implementing leisure activities for children and adolescents. Therefore, there is a need to show children and adolescents in an accessible way how interesting and varied properly organized leisure and recreation can become. It is the system of additional education, which has the conditions for the development of creative potential, aesthetic taste, morality and patriotism of the child, can and should create a properly organized world of leisure. At the same time, leisure activities within the framework of additional education cannot be divorced from the educational process and parental upbringing, since only with the influence of all spheres of life is a comprehensive development of the individual possible.

Today, throughout Russia, children's and adolescent leisure centers are being built, accessible leisure programs are being developed, but, nevertheless, the acuteness of the problem of additional education is practically not reduced.

TsVR is a center for out-of-school work with children in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, a center where all the conditions for organizing affordable leisure time for everyone are created.

This program allows you to build the organization of leisure so that each child can discover and realize their creative potential, and the constant involvement of children of their parents in leisure activities helps to strengthen mutual understanding and value orientation of the family. As a result of activities under this program, pupils must develop their independence, their creative abilities, and the program also helps to make a choice, which subsequently leads to self-realization of their own "I".

Certain conditions are necessary for the implementation of the program:

1. Joint activities of children and adults, teachers, parents, the public.

2. Involvement in the organization and holding of events under the program of enthusiastic creative individuals with great creative potential

4. Self-realization of the creative and individual potential of students

This program includes a plan of leisure activities taken at the beginning of each academic year. Traditional in this regard are:

Leisure activities within associations (birthdays of creative teams, dating games, a mini-concert for parents, contests, quizzes, conversations, promotions, etc.);

Holiday programs dedicated to certain calendar dates and organized for students and their parents (Mother's Day, New Year, February 23, March 8, etc.);

Competitive, game programs for individual classes at the request of city schools;

Students of the Center are directly involved in the implementation of the program

The program was developed taking into account personal experience leisure activities, the experience of the Centers of Creativity and is based on the main teaching materials: Galchenko A.B. “On the typology of leisure programs and not only / The sphere of leisure is the sphere of socialization”, Kulpetdinova M.E. "Approaches to the development of leisure programs / Key to success".

Target: Creation of favorable conditions for the organization of meaningful, interesting and useful leisure for children and their participation in activities under the targeted educational program "The Future Starts Today".


    Education of a sense of beauty, the development of aesthetic taste, artistic thinking, the realization of the creative and individual abilities of children;

    Development of physical and mental abilities of students;

    Uniting the students of the center through joint leisure activities;

    Education of civic responsibility, respect for the history, culture of their country;

    Formation communication skills, meeting the needs of children in communication;

    Popularization of family leisure;

    Preservation of the spiritual and moral health of students, familiarizing them with moral and spiritual values.

Expected results:

    Development of a system of leisure and traditional events;

    Improving the culture of leisure communication of students;

    Development of a system of educational and entertainment mass events;

    Growth in the level of cohesion of associations of students of the CVR

    Improving the quality of leisure activities.

Ways to check expected results:

    Analysis of the preparation and conduct of the event.

    Monitoring the satisfaction of students with participation in the event.

    Diagnostics of the emotional background at the beginning and at the end of the event (conversation, feedback, observation, questioning).

    Self-analysis of organizational activity.

    Quantitative indicators (number of events held, coverage of event participants, coverage of spectators).

    Social indicators (students' interest).

    Accounting for the request of ongoing traditional events.

Forms of leisure activities:

    competitive educational programs;

    competitive and entertainment programs;

    competitive gaming programs;

    theatrical performances;


    conversations, quizzes, debates.

Modern technologies and methods used in leisure programs:

In the implementation of this program, modern pedagogicaltechnology, created on the basis of strengthening social and educational functions, humanization and democratization of relations: personality-oriented; differentiated approach, as well as collective creative, game, club.

The program uses the followingmethods:

Theatricalization method, (staging of fairy tales, stories, impromptu theater, etc.);

Method of educational situations (propaganda healthy lifestyle life, the basics of life safety, the formation interpersonal relationships);

Improvisation method (used on all programs);

Competitive method (used in competitive and entertainment and sporting events);

Method of formation of cognitive interest;

The method of interactive communication (used to activate the audience at concerts and holidays).

Traditional events within the program:

Module 1 - "Leisure, communication, creativity": "Dedication to the TsVR-ki", "Day of Friends"; "Birthday"; New Year's programs; "Heartily!"; graduation events for CVR students;

Module 2 - "Family": "Come on, dads"; "Mom's portrait"; Reporting concert for parents of CVR students; "Mothers Day".

Module 3 - "Think about the future": measures for the prevention of rules traffic, fire safety, prevention of water accidents, promotion of state symbols Russian Federation.

The calendar plan of events for the year is drawn up taking into account the needs of associations.

This leisure program is being implemented as part of the targeted educational program "The Future Starts Today", which consists of three modules: "Leisure, communication, creativity", "Family", "Think about the future".

Module 1. "Leisure, communication, creativity." Target: - education of the culture of the holiday and communication of students.
Tasks: - development of a system of leisure activities;

- involvement of students in leisure activities;

Development of the creative potential of children, taking into account the individual capabilities of each.

Expected results:

Participation of students in leisure activities;

Disclosure of the creative individuality of children.

Module 2. "Family".

Target: Creation of conditions for cooperation between children and adults.

Interaction with family for harmonious development and education of a healthy personality of the child;

Organization of family holidays;

Raising respect for family traditions.

Expected results:

Active participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of events;

Satisfaction of parents with the created conditions for creative development child's personality and achievements.

Module 3. "Think about the future." Target: Creation of conditions for the development of high social activity, civic responsibility, spirituality.

- education of the rising generation of high moral principles, based on the spiritual, moral, aesthetic criteria of Russian culture;

Development of interest in the history of their Fatherland;

Teaching children the norms of social and collective life;

Instilling in children a sense of pride, respect and reverence for the symbols of the state - the Coat of Arms, the Flag, the Anthem of the Russian Federation, and other Russian symbols;

The formation of patriotic consciousness among pupils, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland.
Expected results:

The development in children of the ability to choose a moral position, to value-oriented activities, self-realization, life self-determination.

Methodological support of the program.

Appendix No. 1 "Methodological support of educational activities" / scenarios, conversations, quizzes, etc. /

Appendix No. 2 "Diagnostics educational process: forms of diagnostics of upbringing, criteria for the examination of educational activities.

Appendix No. 3 "Forms of leisure activities."


1. There will be a day and there will be a holiday. - Slutskaya N.B., Phoenix 2005.

2. Bulletin of program and methodological materials for institutions of additional education for children. - 2004. - No. 4, 6.

3. Non-traditional holidays at school.- S.A. Shmakov, Moscow 2005

4. Patriotic education of children (Games and programs). - M.: GOU TsRSDOD, 2003. (Series "Library for teachers, parents and children").

5. Stepanov E.N., Luzina L.M. The teacher about modern approaches and concepts of education. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005.

6. Shlakov S.A. Game and children. - M., 1970;

7. Shlakov S.A. Games in work practice modern school// Region. ped. Readings. - 1979.

Periodical press.

1. Education of schoolchildren. - Theoretical and scientific-methodical journal.

2. Children's creativity. - An illustrated magazine.

5. Last call. - Newspaper.

6. Holiday at school. – Minsk “Krasiko-print”.

7. Scenarios and repertoire. - publishing house "T and O".

8. Theatrical parties, discos, KVNs. / Kuleshova N.V. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005.

9. How to entertain guests. - Magazine.

10. "In the circle of friends"

(initiation into TsVR-ki)

Journey game

Development of team cohesion through joint participation in competitions


Competitive entertainment program

Creating a traditional holiday atmosphere

11. "Together the whole country."Reporting exhibitions, concerts in associations, Development of creative individuality

rewarding students.children. Tracking creative growth.




Monchegorsk - 2011

Explanatory note:

For the comprehensive development of the individual, along with education, a meaningfully rich rest and leisure of the child plays a special role. Leisure activities are an integral part of the life of every person. Starting from a young age, there is a need for active, interestingly rich communication, creativity, self-realization, intellectual and physical development, thereby forming the character of the individual.

The modern world is beautiful and amazing, it would seem that it is oversaturated with various leisure programs, things, objects with the help of which a person, and in particular a child, can organize their own leisure and recreation. However, most adults, and even more so children, do not know how to use this potential for various reasons. These reasons are two-sided - subjective and objective. Reasons of a subjective nature are relations in the family or the child's personal unwillingness to organize their leisure time in a meaningful way, reasons of an objective nature are the socio-economic situation of our country. That is why today there is an acute problem of organizing and implementing leisure activities for children and adolescents. Therefore, there is a need to show children and adolescents in an accessible way how interesting and varied properly organized leisure and recreation can become. It is the system of additional education, which has the conditions for the development of creativity, aesthetic taste, morality and patriotism of the child, that can and should create a properly organized world of leisure. At the same time, leisure activities within the framework of additional education cannot be divorced from the educational process and parental upbringing, since only with the influence of all spheres of life is a comprehensive development of the individual possible.

Today, throughout Russia, children's and adolescent leisure centers are being built, accessible leisure programs are being developed, but, nevertheless, the acuteness of the problem of additional education is practically not reduced.

TsRTDIU "Polaris" is a center of leisure activities for children and adolescents in the city of Monchegorsk, where all conditions for organizing affordable leisure for everyone are created.

This program allows you to build the organization of leisure so that each child can discover and realize their creative potential, and the constant involvement of children of their parents in leisure activities helps to strengthen mutual understanding and value orientation of the family. As a result of activities under this program, pupils must develop their independence, their creative abilities, and the program also helps to make a choice, which subsequently leads to self-realization of their own "I".

Certain conditions are necessary for the implementation of the program:

1. Joint activities of children and adults, teachers, parents, the public.

2. Involvement in the organization and holding of events under the program of enthusiastic creative individuals with great creative potential

4. Self-realization of the creative and individual potential of the pupils of the Center for Children's Development and Youth "Polaris".

This program includes a plan of leisure activities taken at the beginning of each academic year. Traditional in this regard are:

Leisure activities within the associations of the TsRTDYU "Polaris" (birthdays of creative teams, dating games, a mini-concert for parents, contests, quizzes, conversations, promotions, etc.);

Festive programs timed to coincide with certain calendar dates and organized for students of the Polaris Center for Children and Youth and their parents (Mother's Day, New Year, February 23, March 8, etc.);

Competitive, game programs for individual classes at the request of city schools;

Events held during the holidays for students and children attending specialized day-care health camps, organized by the Polaris Center for Children and Youth and others.

Students of the Department of Artistic and Aesthetic Education of the Center for Development and Youth "Polaris" are directly involved in the implementation of the program.

When developing the program, personal experience of leisure activities, the experience of the Centers of Creativity in Moscow, Kaliningrad, Samara, St. is based on the main methodological materials: Galchenko A.B. “On the typology of leisure programs and not only / The sphere of leisure is the sphere of socialization”, Kulpetdinova M.E. "Approaches to the development of leisure programs / Key to success".

Target: Creation of favorable conditions for the organization of meaningful, interesting and useful leisure for children and their participation in activities under the targeted educational program "The Future Starts Today".


  • Education of a sense of beauty, the development of aesthetic taste, artistic thinking, the realization of the creative and individual abilities of children;

  • Development of physical and mental abilities of students;

  • Uniting the students of the center through joint leisure activities;

  • Education of civic responsibility, respect for the history, culture of their country;

  • Formation of communication skills, meeting the needs of children in communication;

  • Popularization of family leisure;

  • Preservation of the spiritual and moral health of students, familiarizing them with moral and spiritual values.
Expected results:

  • Development of a system of leisure and traditional events;

  • Improving the culture of leisure communication of students;

  • Development of a system of educational and entertainment mass events;

  • Increasing the level of cohesion of the associations of students of the Center for Education and Science "Polaris";

  • Improving the quality of leisure activities.

Ways to check expected results:

  • Analysis of the preparation and conduct of the event.

  • Monitoring the satisfaction of students with participation in the event.

  • Diagnostics of the emotional background at the beginning and at the end of the event (conversation, feedback, observation, questioning).

  • Self-analysis of organizational activity.

  • Quantitative indicators (number of events held, coverage of event participants, coverage of spectators).

  • Social indicators (students' interest).

  • Accounting for the request of ongoing traditional events.

Forms of leisure activities:

  • competitive educational programs;

  • competitive and entertainment programs;

  • competitive gaming programs;

  • theatrical performances;

  • concerts;

  • conversations, quizzes, debates.

Modern technologies and methods used in leisure programs:

In the implementation of this program, modern pedagogical technology, created on the basis of strengthening social and educational functions, humanization and democratization of relations: personality-oriented; differentiated approach, as well as collective creative, game, club.

The program uses the following methods:

Theatricalization method, (staging of fairy tales, stories, impromptu theater, etc.);

The method of educational situations (propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, the basics of life safety, the formation of interpersonal relationships);

Improvisation method (used on all programs);

Competitive method (used in competitive and entertainment and sporting events);

Method of formation of cognitive interest;

The method of interactive communication (used to activate the audience at concerts and holidays).
Traditional events within the program:

1 module - "Leisure, communication, creativity": "Initiation to Polaris", "Friends' Day"; "Birthday"; New Year programs; "Heartily!"; Graduation events for school institutions of the city and students of the Center for Children's and Youth Education "Polaris";

Module 2 - "Family": "Come on, dads"; "Mom's portrait"; Reporting concert for parents of students of the TsRTDYU "Polaris"; "Mother's Day" (including for large families).

Module 3 - "Holidays": Activities for children attending health camps; "23+8"; " Good mood»; Thematic discotheques for students of the Center for Children's Educational and Youth "Polaris".

Module 4 - "Think about the future": thematic discos for students of the Polaris Center for Development and Youth, events for the prevention of traffic rules, fire safety, for the prevention of accidents on the water, and the promotion of state symbols of the Russian Federation.

The calendar plan of events for the year is drawn up taking into account the needs of the associations of the department of the KhEV TsRTDiU "Polaris", educational institutions of the city.

This leisure program is implemented within the framework of the target educational program "The Future Starts Today", which consists of four modules: "Leisure, communication, creativity", "Family", "Vacation", "Think about the future".
Module 1. "Leisure, communication, creativity."
Target: - fostering a culture of celebration and communication between students of the OKHEV TsRTDIU "Polaris" and pupils of educational institutions of the city.
Tasks:- development of a system of leisure activities;

- involvement of students in leisure activities;

Development of the creative potential of children, taking into account the individual capabilities of each.

Expected results:

Participation of students in leisure activities;

Disclosure of the creative individuality of children.


Conduct form



"Miracles for the New Year"

theatrical performance


"In the circle of friends" (initiation into "Polar explorers")

Journey game



Creating a traditional holiday atmosphere



Competitive entertainment program

Development of team cohesion through joint participation in competitions


"Miss Cinderella"


"Miss Polaris"

Competitive program (I, II qualifying rounds)

Development of the creative and communicative potential of the individual


"Together the whole country."

Reporting concerts of HEV associations, rewarding students.

The development of the creative individuality of children. Tracking creative growth.

Module 2. Vacation.
Target: Creation of conditions for the organization of leisure activities of adolescents during the holidays.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle, increasing the level of physical, mental and moral health of children;

Prevention of delinquency among minors using the methods of variously organized leisure activities;

Development of cognitive, creative and social activity of children.

Expected results:

Realization of the needs of children in communication with peers in various types activities;

Positive dynamics in the physical and moral health of children;

Acquisition of additional knowledge in various areas of leisure activities.

Module 3. "Family".

Target: Creation of conditions for cooperation between children and adults.

Interaction with the family for the purpose of harmonious development and education of a healthy personality of the child;

Organization of family holidays;

Raising respect for family traditions.

Expected results:

Active participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of events;

Satisfaction of parents with the created conditions for the creative development of the child's personality and his achievements.

Module 4. "Think about the future."
Target: Creation of conditions for the development of high social activity, civic responsibility, spirituality.

- education of the rising generation of high moral principles, based on the spiritual, moral, aesthetic criteria of Russian culture;

Development of interest in the history of their Fatherland;

Teaching children the norms of social and collective life;

Instilling in children a sense of pride, respect and reverence for the symbols of the state - the Coat of Arms, the Flag, the Anthem of the Russian Federation, and other Russian symbols;

The formation of patriotic consciousness among pupils, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland.
Expected results:

The development in children of the ability to choose a moral position, to value-oriented activities, self-realization, life self-determination.


Conduct form



"State Symbols of Russia"


Acquaintance with the symbols of the Russian Federation. Patriotic education.


"The choice is mine"

Thematic disco (as part of the city decade "SOS")

Prevention bad habits. Promotion of healthy lifestyles.


"UN Convention on the Rights of the Child"


Familiarization with the legal norms of the child

"Childhood is you and me."

Concert as part of the city action "Being a child should not hurt"

Development of the artistic, aesthetic and creative potential of the individual. Education of spirituality, moral qualities

“We are faithful to this memory!”

Concert for veterans

"Sons of the Fatherland"

Concert for military personnel

Education and development of moral and patriotic qualities

Methodological support of the program.

Appendix No. 1 "Methodological support of educational activities" / scenarios, conversations, quizzes, etc. /

Appendix No. 2 "Diagnostics of the educational process: forms of diagnostics of good breeding, criteria for the examination of educational activities."

Appendix No. 3 "Forms of leisure activities."


1. There will be a day and there will be a holiday. - Slutskaya N.B., Phoenix 2005.

2. Bulletin of program and methodological materials for institutions of additional education for children. - 2004. - No. 4, 6.

3. Non-traditional holidays at school.- S.A. Shmakov, Moscow 2005

4. Patriotic education of children (Games and programs). - M.: GOU TsRSDOD, 2003. (Series "Library for teachers, parents and children").

5. Stepanov E.N., Luzina L.M. The teacher about modern approaches and concepts of education. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005.

6. Shlakov S.A. Game and children. - M., 1970;

7. Shlakov S.A. Games in the practice of modern school // Obl. ped. Readings. - 1979.

Periodical press.

1. Education of schoolchildren. - Theoretical and scientific-methodical journal.

2. Children's creativity. - An illustrated magazine.

3. Preschool pedagogy. – St. Petersburg Scientific and Methodological Journal for Teachers and Parents.

4. Hoop. – Scientific and methodical journal.

5. Last call. - Newspaper.

6. Holiday at school. – Minsk “Krasiko-print”.

7. Scenarios and repertoire. - publishing house "T and O".

8. Theatrical parties, discos, KVNs. / Kuleshova N.V. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005.

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Conclusions for chapter 1

2. Development and implementation of a program for organizing leisure activities for children of primary school age “Pass the good around

2.1 Analysis of the activities of the research base (branch MBUK "House of Culture in the village of Borzovaya Zaimka" of the Central District of Barnaul)

2.2 The program for organizing leisure activities for children of primary school age “Pass the good in a circle

2.3 Scenario and director's analysis of the theatrical game program "Ecology and Children

Conclusions on chapter 2





student leisure gaming

Orientation towards the formation, development and self-realization of the child's personality is the dominant attitude modern education in the field of social and cultural activities.

The relevance of the study is determined by the need to organize children's leisure in cultural institutions and the trend towards a decrease in children's attendance at events, circles, sections that play an important role in shaping personality. There are several reasons for the problem in the organization of children's leisure: the low level of the proposed forms of leisure communication, the material and technical base of cultural institutions, the lack of comprehensive programs for organizing children's leisure. Due to the difficult economic situation in the educational system, many school circles and sections ceased to exist. Low level salaries and high demands on the organizers of school circles do not attract specialists in the leisure sector to schools. The functions of leisure organizers are often performed by subject teachers, as a result of which the list of circles and sections is not diverse, and many circles exist only formally. Most of the sports sections, studios, clubs that are in demand among children have become paid, which has made them inaccessible to many children.

Deprived of opportunities for a full-fledged leisure time, children fall under the influence of criminogenic factors and find themselves in a group of social risk. Television and the new "virtual reality" are replacing live communication, becoming a significant form of leisure activities for children. Such a pastime harms the health of children: posture, vision are disturbed, diseases of the spine and physical inactivity develop, sleep and appetite are disturbed. The content of television programs and computer games contains a certain format created by the society, which makes a susceptible child "copy" the images presented to him, which does not give the possibility of developing a personality, inner "I", individuality. Passivity of leisure generates passivity of behavior.

Modern society requires new technologies in the activities of all social institutions working with children. At present, the problem of social and individual adaptation of children is relevant as a result of rapidly changing living conditions, evolution various forms training, education and development, the need to prepare for life and social success.

An analysis of the situation that has developed in the children's environment indicates that the lack of attention of society to the organization of children's leisure leads to the most negative consequences: an increase in child crime, drug addiction, alcoholism and other manifestations deviant behavior.

The crisis of childhood is so obvious that representatives of state structures, leaders of various social movements and the media are discussing this problem. In connection with the new concepts of education, its modernization, it is necessary to reconsider the attitude to the organization of free time, leisure activities of children. The state has set a priority task of organizing any form of leisure for children - the health of the younger generation.

Priority public policy in the field of culture is to solve the problems of educating the younger generation in the spirit of citizenship and patriotism, involvement in innovative culture and freedom of creativity; development of the creative potential of the nation, ensuring wide access of all social strata to the values ​​of culture. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 22, 2012 No. 209-r approved the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia (2012-2018)". The program provides support for priority innovative projects, the use of modern technologies in the activities of cultural institutions.

In order to create conditions for the preservation and development of the cultural potential of the Altai Territory, in accordance with the Decree of the Administration of the Altai Territory dated November 19, 2010 No. 517, the Regional Target Program "Culture of the Altai Territory" for 2011-2015 was approved. moral and aesthetic and spiritual development the younger generation, expanding the range and quality of leisure services, supporting young talents, children from low-income and dysfunctional families.

Leisure contains a colossal potential for the formation of a child's character. The organization of leisure contributes to the formation of a culture of communication among children, the strengthening of family ties, creates conditions for self-realization and self-education of the individual. Meaningful leisure, education and the satisfaction of the basic needs of the child play a large role in his development. Favorite activities during leisure hours support emotional health, contribute to the release of stress.

Leisure activities not only develop certain qualities in a child, but also organize it, give confidence in their actions and in their competence. In the process of leisure, it is easier for a child to form a respectful attitude towards himself. A fully-fledged leisure time significantly contributes to the formation of such qualities of a child’s character as initiative, self-confidence, restraint, masculinity, endurance, perseverance, sincerity, honesty, etc.

Interest in the problems of children is constant and sustainable in Russian philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, socio-cultural and cultural and leisure activities. A special field of research is created by the works of scientists studying the specifics educational work in the conditions of institutions of additional education, the methodology of amateur artistic creativity. Among them, the works of E.I. Smirnova, N.G. Smirnova, Yu.A. Streltsova, E.Yu. Streltsova.

Leisure as a means of personality formation, development of its potentials was considered by E.V. Sokolov, S.A. Shmakov, D.B. Elkonin and others.

M.A. Ariarsky, A.D. Zharkov, T.G. Kiseleva, N.F. Maksyutin, Yu.A. Streltsov, V.Ya. Surtaev, B.A. Titov, V.E. Triodin.

Game and animation technologies as the main ways of involvement in leisure activities are highlighted in the works of V.V. Medvedenko, G.V. Olenina, V.D. Ponomareva, E.V. Sokolova, N.V. Tretyakova, I. N. Yaroshenko.

Despite the completeness of the study of the problem of the upbringing and development of children of primary school age, it must be recognized that the theoretical and methodological problems associated with the organization of children's leisure time have not been sufficiently developed. In this regard, a purposeful organization of leisure activities is needed, which is designed to minimize the negative impact of the surrounding social environment on the child.

Thus, the problem of organizing children's leisure is relevant. It is especially important for children of primary school age. Younger students do not know how to optimally use their free time for their physical and personal development. Therefore, a special approach to the organization of meaningful children's leisure is required.

The purpose of the final qualifying work is to develop and implement a program for organizing leisure activities for younger students in the conditions of a cultural center.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

1. To study and analyze the scientific literature on the problem of organizing leisure activities for younger students.

2. Consider the psychological and physiological characteristics of younger students.

3. To characterize the main forms of cultural and leisure activities in the organization of leisure activities for children of primary school age.

4. To analyze the activities of the research base (branch of the MBUK "House of Culture in the village of Borzovaya Zaimka") in organizing leisure activities for younger schoolchildren.

5. Develop and implement a program of leisure activities for children of primary school age in the conditions of a house of culture, taking into account the interests of children.

Subject of research: a program for organizing leisure activities for children of primary school age.

Object of study: organization of leisure activities for children of primary school age.

Subject of the study: specialists of the branch of the MBUK "House of Culture of the village. Borzovaya Zaimka.

Hypothesis of the study: consists in the assumption that the implementation of the leisure program for younger students will be the most complete, provided:

· identification and systematization of leisure interests of children;

creating conditions for organizing leisure activities, taking into account the interests of children;

taking into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of younger students;

availability of material and technical, financial, human resources;

· use of traditional and innovative forms and methods of cultural and leisure activities.

Research base: branch of the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture “House of Culture of the village. Borzovaya Zaimka.

Research methods:

Theoretical (analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem; systematization and generalization of information);

Empirical (observation, questioning, survey).

The structure of the work: consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

The practical significance lies in the fact that, based on the study of the needs of children in effective organization of leisure and analysis of the activities of a cultural institution in this direction, a program for organizing leisure activities for children of primary school age “Pass the good in a circle” was developed and implemented, methodological recommendations were developed aimed at unlocking the potential of the recreation center.

1. Theoretical and methodological foundations for organizing leisure activities for children of primary school age

1.1 Psychological and physiological characteristics of children of primary school age

For many years, the problem of developing a child's creative abilities has attracted close attention from representatives of various fields of scientific knowledge - philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, and others. This is due to the ever-increasing demand modern society in active individuals who are able to find high-quality solutions in conditions of uncertainty, multiple choice, constant improvement of the knowledge accumulated by society.

For many years, the efforts of the theoreticians of Russian pedagogy have been aimed at developing an approximate content for the education of schoolchildren. The complexity of this process lies in the variability and taking into account the specific specifics of the object of influence (from individual abilities, inclinations, talents to the characteristics of the microenvironment).

Significant progress in the development of the scientific foundations for involving the emerging personality in the world of culture has been achieved in the research and practical activities of the domestic school of social educators, who have managed to reveal the features of the educational impact on children in an open social environment, when the leading motive for their behavior is interest.

Currently, one of the fundamental principles of updating the content of education is becoming a personal orientation, which involves the development of creative abilities of students, the individualization of their education, taking into account the interests and inclinations for creative activity. Strategy modern education is to give all students the opportunity to show their talents and creativity. At the same time, the goals of personal development are brought to the fore, and subject knowledge and skills are considered as a means of achieving them.

Each period of a child's life and development is characterized by a certain leading type of activity. In domestic psychology, the leading activity is understood as one in the course of which qualitative changes occur in the psyche of children, the formation of basic mental processes and personality traits occurs, and mental neoplasms appear that are characteristic of this particular age.

So, during infancy (up to 1 year), the leading activity is - emotional communication; in early childhood(from 1 year to 3 years) - subject activity; in preschool - a game; at primary school age - study; in adolescence - communication with peers.

The boundaries of primary school age, coinciding with the period of study in primary school, is currently considered to be between 6-7 and 9-10 years of age. During this period, the further physical and psychophysiological development of the child takes place, providing the possibility of systematic education at school.

The beginning of schooling leads to a radical change in the social situation of the child's development. He becomes a “public” subject and now has socially significant duties, the fulfillment of which receives public assessment. During the primary school age, the child begins to develop a new type of relationship with the people around him. The unconditional authority of an adult is gradually being lost, and by the end of primary school age, peers begin to acquire more and more importance for children, and the role of the children's community increases.

The profound changes taking place in the psychological make-up of the younger schoolchild testify to the broad possibilities for the development of the child at this age stage. The main activity that ensures the formation of mental properties and qualities of a child of school age is educational, cognitive activity. Moreover, it most intensively performs the function of personality development precisely at the primary school age. The individuality of the child is manifested in cognitive processes or abilities. These are mental processes by which a person learns the world, himself and other people. These abilities include: sensation, perception, attention, memory, thinking and imagination, speech and attention.

There is a significant expansion and deepening of knowledge, the skills and abilities of the child are improved. This process progresses and by grades III-IV leads to the fact that most children show both general and special abilities for various types of activities. General abilities are manifested in the speed with which the child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities, and special abilities are manifested in the depth of the study of individual school subjects, in special types of work and in communication.

Of particular importance for development at this age is stimulation, the maximum use of the motivation to achieve success in the educational, labor, and play activities of children. Hard work and independence developed ability to self-regulation create favorable opportunities for the development of children of primary school age and beyond direct communication with adults or peers.

Thinking undergoes great changes in the process of teaching children. The development of creative thinking leads to a qualitative restructuring of perception and memory, to their transformation into arbitrary, regulated processes. It is important to influence the process of development correctly, since for a long time it was believed that the thinking of a child is, as it were, the “underdeveloped” thinking of an adult, that the child learns more with age, gets smarter, and becomes quick-witted.

Also, one of the most important conditions for the formation of a child of primary school age is creative imagination. True assimilation of any information is impossible without the active activity of the imagination, without the ability to present, imagine. There is an opinion that the imagination of a child is richer, more original than the imagination of an adult.

L.S. Vygotsky, describing the imagination of children, considered it necessary to understand the psychological mechanism of imagination, and this cannot be done without clarifying the connection that exists between fantasy and reality. The creative activity of the imagination is directly dependent on the richness and diversity of the previous experience of a person, because this experience is the material from which the construction of fantasy is created.

Artistic and creative activity (graphics, painting, plastic art, and others) is associated with the processes of perception and cognition, with the emotional and social aspects of a person's life, characteristic of him at various stages of development. It reflects some features of his intellect and character.

Visual activity creates favorable conditions for the formation of a socially active, creative personality capable of changing the world for the better. The formation of such a personality is the result of the active leisure of the child, his direct participation in the creative activities of a cultural institution, which, in turn, should develop programs for the rational organization of children's leisure, find new forms of work with children, be the starting point from which the formation of creative activity begins. child's personality.

It is at primary school age that it is necessary to direct and correct the child's activity in different directions of his activity, since it is now that the child forms his point of view, his worldview, his character. Influencing a child through leisure allows you to better know his interests and at the same time correct his behavior and opinion. If leisure is spent through arts and crafts, then this will allow not only educational and recreational functions, but also educational, developing functions. Actually, exactly what this age category requires.

At primary school age, the basic human characteristics of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, speech) are fixed and developed, the need for which is associated with entering school. These processes by the end of primary school age should turn into higher mental functions associated with speech. This is facilitated by the main activities that a child of this age is mostly engaged in at school and at home: teaching, communication, play and work.

Younger students can move from one type of activity to another without much difficulty and internal effort. However, here, too, the child's attention still retains some signs of "childishness." Children's attention reveals its most perfect features only when the object or phenomenon that directly attracted attention is especially interesting for the child.

Educational activity determines the most important changes taking place in the development of the psyche of children at a given age stage. Within the framework of educational activity, psychological neoplasms are formed that characterize the most significant achievements in the development of younger students and are the foundation that ensures development at the next age stage.

The leading role of educational activity in the development of the child does not exclude the fact that the younger student is actively involved in other types of activities, in the course of which his new achievements are improved and consolidated.

The essence of the game as the leading type of activity lies in the fact that children reflect in it various aspects of life, features of adult relationships, clarify their knowledge of the surrounding reality.

High susceptibility, responsiveness and gullibility of younger students makes it easy to involve them in the game. Immediacy and speed of reaction are most clearly manifested in game situations. The desire of younger schoolchildren to create a kind of equal society, in which the differentiation of individual relations is not of that absolute nature, leading to the exclusive preference for one child over another, contributes to the emergence of group games with various rituals and passwords. Children prefer games with secrets, initiation into the mystery, and other attributes that create the illusion of independence and autonomy in decision making.

Primary school age is characterized by brightness and immediacy of perception, ease of entering into images. Children are easily involved in any activity, especially in the game, organize themselves in a group game, continue to play with objects, toys. The child, while playing, creates for himself an imaginary situation instead of a real one and acts in it, fulfilling a certain role, in accordance with the figurative meanings that he attaches to surrounding objects.

Primary schoolchildren already have a certain gaming experience; a clearly manifested goal setting, as well as criticality in relation to the content and development of the game action, is of no small importance. Children get satisfaction not from the game in general, but from the performance of a particular role. Dramatization games with a specific educational content began to be held already in the pre-letter period.

Joint searches for plots, the creation of dramatizations contribute to the productive transfer of social situations by children into the game. The educational and developmental value of dramatization (staging) as a methodological technique lies in the fact that children actually reproduce the events and facts that teachers, parents tell them about, or which they themselves witness.

K.S. Stanislavsky, having deeply comprehended the creative beginning of children's games, noted the general state of an actor on stage and a child playing a role in a particular game, namely in elation and emotionality. In this regard, dramatization games allow the teacher to more fully reveal the moral side of the act, to visually affirm his assessment in the mind of the child. Staging techniques make it possible to move from specific images and situations to the assimilation of abstract concepts and norms of morality by children.

With the beginning of schooling, thinking moves to the center of the child's conscious activity. The development of thinking that occurs in the course of the assimilation of scientific knowledge also restructures all other cognitive processes: “memory at this age becomes thinking, and perception becomes thinking.

At this age, another important neoplasm appears - voluntary behavior. The child becomes independent, he chooses how to act in certain situations. At the heart of this type of behavior are moral motives. The child absorbs moral values, tries to follow certain rules and laws.

Such new formations as planning the results of action and reflection are closely connected with the formation of voluntary behavior in younger schoolchildren. The child is able to evaluate his act in terms of its results and change his behavior, plan it accordingly. A sense-oriented basis appears in actions, this is closely connected with the differentiation of inner and outer life. The child is able to overcome his desires in himself if the result of their implementation does not meet certain standards, or does not lead to the goal.

The development of the personality of a younger student depends on school performance, the assessment of the child by adults. A child at this age is very susceptible to external influence, due to which he intensively absorbs knowledge, both intellectual and moral. The teacher plays a significant role in establishing moral standards and developing children's interests. Other adults also play an important role in a child's life. The emotional and evaluative attitude of an adult to the actions of a child determines the development of the moral feelings of a younger student, a responsible attitude to the rules that he gets acquainted with in life.

It is at primary school age that the child begins to experience his uniqueness and realizes himself as a person. This is manifested in all spheres of a child's life, in relationships with peers. Children learn the ability to make friends and find a common language with different children, strive to improve the skills of those activities that are accepted and valued in an attractive company for them, in order to stand out in it, to succeed. The motive for achieving success is the main motive for the activity of the child at this age.

Primary school age is characterized by new relationships with adults and peers, inclusion in a whole system of teams, inclusion in the new kind activities - a teaching that imposes a number of serious requirements on the student.

All this decisively affects the formation and consolidation of a new system of relations with people, the team, and teaching, forms character, will, expands the range of interests, develops abilities. At primary school age, the foundation of moral behavior is laid, the assimilation of moral norms and rules of behavior takes place, and the social orientation of the individual begins to form.

The nature of younger students is distinguished by some features: they are impulsive - they tend to act immediately under the influence of direct impulses, motives, without thinking and weighing all the circumstances, for random reasons. The reason is the need for active external discharge with age-related weakness of volitional regulation of behavior.

The general lack of willpower is also an age-related feature: the younger student does not have much experience in a long struggle for the intended goal, overcoming difficulties and obstacles. He may lose faith in his strengths and capabilities. Often there is capriciousness, stubbornness - a kind of protest of the child against the firm demands that the school makes of him. The child is accustomed to the fact that all his desires and requirements are satisfied, he did not see a refusal in anything.

Younger students are very emotional, they do not know how to restrain their feelings, to control their external manifestation. Emotional instability is expressed in frequent shift moods, propensity to affects, short-term and violent manifestations of joy, grief, anger, fear. Over the years, the ability to regulate their feelings, to restrain their undesirable manifestations, develops more and more.

When conducting games for younger students, it is necessary to take into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children of this age, the susceptibility of their body to influences environment and rapid fatigue. The child's skeleton is still developing, the bones are very flexible, the muscles are relatively weak. The strength of the supporting apparatus is also low. Therefore, the game should not be too long, and physical activity should be regulated.

Thus, primary school age is the age of intensive intellectual development. The intellect mediates the development of all other functions, there is an intellectualization of all mental processes, their awareness and arbitrariness. The main achievements of primary school age are due to the leading nature of educational activities and are largely decisive for subsequent years of education. Primary school age is the most important stage of school childhood.

Full living of this age, its positive acquisitions are the necessary basis on which the further development of the child is built as an active subject of cognition and activity. The main task of adults in working with children of primary school age is to create optimal conditions for the disclosure and realization of the capabilities of children, taking into account the individuality of each child, taking into account his interests.

1.2 Analysis of scientific literature on the problem of organizing leisure activities for younger students

Leisure is “activity in free time outside the sphere of social and domestic labor, thanks to which a person restores his ability to work and develops in himself those skills and abilities that cannot be improved in the field of labor activity.” This is an activity carried out in line with certain interests and goals that a person sets for himself. The assimilation of cultural values, learning new things, amateur labor, creativity, physical education and sports, tourism, travel - this and many other things can be done by a person in his free time.

From the ability to direct one's activity during leisure hours to achieve generally significant goals, the implementation of one's life program, the development and improvement of one's essential forces, the social well-being of a person, his satisfaction with his free time, largely depends.

There is still no complete unity in approaches to understanding the essence of leisure. There are three main views on the essence of leisure:

1) the division of the time period into working (school) and non-working (out-of-school) time, where "leisure" and "out of work" (out of school) time are considered as one and the same;

2) identification of the concepts of "leisure" and "free time";

3) leisure - part of free time, recreation and entertainment associated with

personality development.

Even before the beginning of the 20th century, the concept of “leisure” meant the ability, the ability of a person to express himself in his free time from work.

In modern encyclopedias and dictionaries, the concepts of "leisure" and "free time" are equivalent to each other: necessary costs. In the structure of free time, active creative activity is singled out; study, self-education; cultural consumption; sports and more; amateur activities, games with children; communication with others."

When people talk about leisure, most often they mean free time from work, study. However, research scientists and managers working in the field of organizing the leisure of the population (A.F. Volovik, V.A. Volovik, I.P. Ivanov, S.M. Kurgansky, etc.) do not identify these phenomena, although they are closely interconnected.

The ideology of a democratic society in the field of free time is based on the fundamental right of a person to independently manage his freedom and carry out his life activities based on personal needs and interests. However, society is not indifferent to how and on what a person spends his free time, therefore, on the one hand, it forms value orientations in the field of leisure, on the other hand, it creates the infrastructure for its organization and conduct. Society proceeds from the fact that a person should use his free time, first of all, to restore his own health and develop his personality.

Thus, the concepts of "leisure" and "free time" are interchangeable. However, they are not identical in meaning, since leisure is only a part of free time associated with leisure activities, activities that should be aimed at restoring the body and developing the individual.

There are many different typologies of modern leisure. The most common division of leisure into:

active and contemplative;

· daily, weekly, holiday;

home and out of home;

Individually organized and collectively organized.

Depending on the type of social and leisure institutions involved in organizing leisure activities for children, G.A. Avanesova highlights:

· “family leisure;

Leisure in the conditions of a preschool educational institution; school leisure; leisure activities carried out in the conditions of other educational institutions;

leisure time in boarding schools, orphanages;

Leisure time at the summer camp

Leisure activities that are held in libraries, cultural and leisure centers, sports and athletic complexes, music, dance, art schools, etc.” .

Leisure activities can be divided into three groups:

a) just recreation: games, entertainment, etc.

b) education: assimilation, consumption of cultural values;

c) creativity: technical, scientific, artistic.

“In modern socio-economic conditions, leisure is being commercialized. As a result, a vacuum is created in society in the sphere of socialization of the younger generation. Therefore, the street becomes the main source of social information for children, defining their own norms of behavior, forming a kind of “moral code”, dictating their own conditions for social formation and survival. Ultimately, the street is increasingly becoming one of the most effective means of socializing the younger generation. And, as a result, the passionate desire of children to get rich, without applying either physical or intellectual efforts, and the unrestrained growth of manifestations of various kinds of deviations among children, ”Titov analyzes the process of socialization of children.

Under these conditions, the question of the relationship between the directed process of socialization and the quantitatively predominant natural impact on the individual acquires particular relevance. Unfortunately, most often the socializing effect on children is accidental, poorly organized into a coherent system in various fields of activity - in the family, at school, in leisure institutions. Random visits to the cinema, theater, exhibition, selection of literature for reading and music for listening can be. The environment may be random. And it’s good if the random choice is successful, otherwise it entails introducing children to associative phenomena.

Titov B. A. sees the resolution of this contradiction in the “purposeful formative activity of various social institutions, focused on the formation of a correspondence between personally significant and socially significant, on the formation of universal human values ​​among the younger generation. A special role in solving these problems is assigned to the family, school and leisure institutions.

The family, being the source of the initial development of a person’s natural properties, the place where his specific social roles are formed, the foundations of the child’s relationship to himself, to his relatives, to the world around him, has a significant impact on the process of socialization of the younger generation.

An important role in the socialization of children is played by the school, where at various stages the education program includes subjects that contribute to the optimal implementation of this process: “social science”, “basics of ethics and aesthetics”, “rhetoric”, “ethics and psychology family relations” and others. However, this is absolutely not enough for the full socialization of students. More actively targeted socialization of schoolchildren is carried out through a system of extracurricular activities. Thus, lectures and discussions on moral, ethical, environmental, art history and other topics are held in all secondary schools. Intraschool evenings, debates on various issues, weeks of music, children's books and other events contribute to the social formation and development of students.

However, extracurricular activities are not mandatory for schoolchildren and therefore do not cover all students. In addition, this activity does not use the whole variety of forms and methods of work, it is episodic, not always purposeful and does not have a mass character due to the poor equipment of many schools and the lack of specialists who can interest children and professionally organize their leisure time.

"An important and effective factor in the socialization of children is a leisure institution, which by its nature is a multifunctional and mobile institution, capable of uniting and actively using various social institutions that have a socializing effect on the individual" .

The leisure institution enables the broad masses of schoolchildren to develop their creative abilities and opens the way for self-realization of the individual. In its highest forms, leisure activities serve the purposes of education, enlightenment and self-education of the younger generation. Moreover, these tasks are solved in a leisure institution in an organic combination with cultural recreation and reasonable entertainment.

Leisure can be a stimulus for personal development. This is its educational potential. But free time, not properly organized, can turn into a force that cripples a person, deforms consciousness and behavior, leads to a restriction of the spiritual world of a person, and even to such manifestations of deviant behavior as drunkenness, drug addiction, prostitution, and crime.

“In the context of a growing trend to reduce public investment in the development of children's and youth leisure institutions, based on international experience in organizing children's leisure, many experts in the field of social pedagogy, organizing leisure activities consider it appropriate to concentrate material resources, human resources and the main leisure activities of children in children's educational institutions. As a result of this, all children without exception will be involved in the orbit of pedagogically oriented cultural and leisure activities, ”Titov believes.

At the same time, in parallel with the general system, there may be a special or additional system that ensures the socialization of the younger generation in the field of leisure. That is, there may be two models of socialization of children in the field of leisure - general and special, each with its own content.

The general model of socialization should be carried out at the expense of the state within the framework of school leisure programs, as well as through self-organization of family leisure.

The implementation of a special model of socialization of children in the field of leisure can be carried out by cultural and leisure centers, parks, sports complexes, music, dance and art schools, libraries, technical stations, summer camps, excursion and tourist, sports and recreational and sanatorium institutions with the active participation of the entire family of the child.

For greater efficiency in the functioning of both general and special models for working with children, it is advisable to use the media, theaters, cinemas, museums, exhibitions, religious and religious institutions, and mass voluntary organizations.

Leisure activities of the younger generation should be based on certain principles. These include:

1. The principle of universality and accessibility, that is, the possibility of involvement, involvement of all children without exception in the scope of activities of leisure institutions in order to meet leisure needs and interests, identify and develop the creative potential of the younger generation.

2. The principle of amateur performance - is implemented at all levels of children's leisure: from an amateur association to a mass holiday. Self-activity, as an essential property of a person, ensures a high level of achievement in any individual and collective activity. The principle of amateur performance is based on the creative activity, enthusiasm and initiative of children.

3. The principle of an individual approach - involves taking into account individual requests, interests, inclinations, abilities, opportunities, psychophysiological characteristics and the social environment of children when organizing their leisure. A differentiated approach ensures the comfortable state of each participant of the leisure action.

4. The principle of systematic and purposefulness - involves the implementation of leisure activities on the basis of a systematic and consistent combination of continuity and interdependence in the work of all social institutions designed to provide leisure for children. It is important to direct children to matters of social significance, since the richness of the creative forces of the individual depends on the comprehensive and complete manifestation of these forces in the life of society.

5. The principle of continuity and consistency - implies cultural interaction and mutual influence of generations. It is necessary that parents, all adults, pass on social knowledge and experience to children, help them organize leisure, teach the philosophy of leisure. The principle of continuity also means maintaining norms and traditions when moving children from one age community to another, from one social and educational institution to another.

6. The principle of interest and entertainment - is to create a relaxed emotional communication by building all leisure on the basis of the game and theatricalization, since the lack of emotional attractiveness can doom any forms and methods of work to failure. Children's leisure should be colorfully decorated and supplemented with a wide variety of paraphernalia. All this turns children's leisure into a holiday. Directed interest creates a favorable psychological attitude and makes the process of socialization of the younger generation more effective.

The implementation of the principles of organizing children's leisure in practice, in terms of its impact on the individual, goes far beyond the scope of leisure pastime, this is a large-scale social action, the purpose of which is the all-round development of the child's personality, the prevention of deviant behavior.

Leisure time of younger students has a huge impact on their cognitive activity. In leisure activities, new things are learned in a wide variety of fields of knowledge: the artistic horizons are expanding; the process of technical creativity is comprehended; there is an acquaintance with the history of sports and so on; finally, children learn to fully spend their free time, master various leisure activities. This means that children's leisure has an educational function.

Leisure is fertile ground for children to test fundamental human needs. In the process of leisure, it is much easier for a child to form a respectful attitude towards himself, even personal shortcomings can be overcome through leisure activity. Leisure is largely responsible for the formation of the character of the child, in terms of such qualities as initiative, self-confidence, restraint, masculinity, endurance, perseverance, sincerity, honesty, etc.

Children evaluate themselves, focusing on socially accepted criteria and standards, because self-consciousness is social in its content, in its essence, and is impossible outside the process of communication. It is in the conditions of leisure that communities are formed that give children the opportunity to perform in a wide variety of social roles. In the process of collective leisure activities, a sense of camaraderie is strengthened, labor activity is stimulated, a life position is developed, and norms of behavior in society are taught. Thus, one more function of children's leisure can be identified - communicative.

One of the important tasks of children's leisure is to help in choosing a profession. From the first period of childhood to adolescence the question of choosing a profession is becoming more and more urgent. From the trivial: "Who to be?" in childhood, until the painful search for one's place in life in adolescence, the question of choosing a profession worries everyone age groups the rising generation.

Most children find the answer to this important question in the field of leisure, and, having outlined a professional path for themselves, mainly at leisure, they acquire knowledge and develop abilities, skills specific to a particular type of activity. And, finally, leisure institutions purposefully carry out career guidance activities, that is, children's leisure involves the implementation of a career guidance function.

Leisure can be an important factor in the physical development of children. Leisure activities that you love support emotional health. Leisure helps to get out of stress and petty anxieties, and, finally, leisure is recognized as a significant tool in the prevention of mental retardation and the rehabilitation of mentally ill children. The special value of leisure lies in the fact that it can help the child realize the best that he has.

The life activity of modern schoolchildren is saturated and strictly regulated, and therefore requires large expenditures of physical, mental and intellectual forces. Against this background, children's leisure, which is carried out mainly on the basis of play activities, helps to relieve tension, restore lost strength, that is, the recreational function is realized.

Moreover, the inherent human desire for pleasure is also mainly realized in the field of leisure. Children enjoy a wide variety of leisure activities: games and victories in it; learning new things and being creative. In other words, children's leisure has a hedonistic function.

Diverse in form, content and emotional richness, children's leisure activities evoke a wide resonance in their souls, in the circle of friends and acquaintances, in the classroom and family, giving rise to communication given by the leisure event on the subject of what they heard, saw, and accomplished. As a result, activities are carried out that the child himself would not have performed if there were no stimulus from outside. That is, children's leisure involves a procreative function.

Based on the foregoing, the following main characteristics of the leisure time of children of primary school age can be deduced:

leisure has pronounced physiological, psychological and social aspects;

Leisure is based on voluntariness in the choice of occupation and degree of activity;

Leisure involves not regulated, but free creative activity;

Leisure forms and develops personality;

Leisure contributes to self-expression, self-affirmation and self-development of the individual through freely chosen actions;

Leisure creates children's need for freedom and independence;

Leisure contributes to the disclosure of natural talents and the acquisition of skills and abilities useful for life;

leisure stimulates the creative initiative of children;

Leisure is a sphere of satisfaction of the needs of the individual;

Leisure contributes to the formation of value orientations;

leisure is determined internally and externally;

Leisure acts as a kind of “zone of limited adult intervention”;

Leisure contributes to the objective self-esteem of children;

Leisure forms a positive "I-concept";

leisure provides satisfaction, cheerful mood and personal pleasure;

Leisure contributes to the self-education of the individual;

Leisure forms the socially significant needs of the individual and the norms of behavior in society;

Leisure - activity, contrasting with complete rest.

Thus, it can be stated that the essence of the leisure of children of primary school age is their creative behavior in an environment free to choose the type of occupation and degree of activity, determined by needs and interests, directed (but not imposed) by teachers - specialists in the field of organizing children's leisure together with others. adults.

1.3 Forms of cultural and leisure activities in the organization of leisure activities for younger students

The life activity of modern children is saturated and strictly regulated, and therefore requires large expenditures of physical, mental and intellectual forces. Against this background, their free time must be used in such a way as to relieve the tension that has been created in children, that is, it is necessary to properly organize their leisure. It is within the framework of leisure time that the restoration and reproduction of lost forces takes place. For this to happen, primary school children must enjoy a wide variety of leisure activities. Therefore, leisure organizers should diversify the forms of leisure activities for children as much as possible.

According to A.D. Zharkov, the form of cultural and leisure activities is:

· Expression of the content of cultural and leisure activities;

· Way of organizing cultural and leisure activities;

· Methods and techniques of organizing people in cultural institutions in order to bring them to a certain content.

VE Triodin under the form of cultural and leisure activities means a way of organizing the pedagogical process in a cultural institution.

The most accessible form of leisure for younger students is the game. "A game is not just an imitation of life, it is a serious activity aimed at developing cognitive interests, forming moral assessments." Therefore, the leisure of children of this age is carried out on the basis of play activities.

“In children's play, in the appropriation by children of a wide variety of social roles, creativity manifests itself with the greatest force. Through the mechanism of emotional perception and experience, younger students most actively learn the elements of creative activity, which are fixed in their minds and behavior and leave an imprint on their entire subsequent life, ”S. M. Kurgansky believes.

There is a wide variety of games for children and among them: sports, mobile, didactic, educational, entertainment, role-playing, story, business, folk and national, table, street and indoor, team games.

Such forms of leisure as game programs, mass holidays and others are a favorable area for understanding oneself, one's qualities, advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other people. Children evaluate themselves, focusing on socially accepted criteria and standards, since self-consciousness is social in nature and is impossible outside the process of communication. It is in the conditions of leisure that communities are formed that give children the opportunity to perform in a wide variety of social roles. Leisure for younger schoolchildren is an area in which, acting in new roles, different from family and school ones, they especially sharply and fully reveal their natural needs for freedom and independence, vigorous activity and self-expression.

S.A. Shmakov identifies the following main methods of organizing children's leisure:

· Method of game and game training;

Theatrical method.

Methods of the game and game training. The game is an independent and very important type of activity for children, equal in rights with all others. A game can be a form of non-game activity, an element of a non-game business. The game, like a fairy tale, a cartoon, is repeated many times in a child's life, becoming his educational training.

Theatrical methods. A distinctive feature of children of primary school age is their susceptibility to theatricalization. Artistic images, acting through the emotional sphere, make the younger student experience, suffer and rejoice, which contributes to the formation of lofty ideals in children and the development of a system of value preferences.

Children's leisure has an infinite number of subjects and social roles. Informal communication of guys can be in the form of a party; "blue light"; evenings by candlelight; "marine wardroom"; Russian "gatherings", "zavalinka", "theatrical living room", evenings of Russian (any) cuisine; etiquette evenings; collective birthday; "cabbage"; "zucchini 13 chairs"; "dance of friends"; "holiday evening", etc. .

The game method in the practical activities of cultural institutions is being transformed into game programs. Game programs are a set of specific games. When they are uncomplicated structurally, with a limited number of possible performers, they allow to the greatest extent to build the course of action in an improvisational plan. The degree of preparation of such programs is much simpler than others.

There are the following types of children's game programs:


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    Psychological and pedagogical problems of adaptation of younger schoolchildren in the educational and pedagogical process. The content and factors of adaptation of younger schoolchildren, their psychological and physiological characteristics. Forms, means and methods of studying the process of adaptation.

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    Formation of the foundations of economic culture and the study of methodological features of teaching economics for primary school students. Determination of goals, objectives, principles, methods and content of work on economic education of junior schoolchildren.

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    Theoretical aspects and state of research on the problem of the formation of self-control in younger students. Psychological features of younger schoolchildren. Studying the experience of teachers primary school on the formation of self-control in younger students.

The program of leisure activities for younger students "PIRATE ADVENTURES"

Goncharova Margarita Andreevna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 218, Moscow.

Team building is one of the most important tasks of any leader (class teacher, subject teacher, counselor, educator, ...), since it is a close-knit and friendly team that will provide all the necessary conditions for harmonious development every individual in the group. A positive microclimate contributes to the emancipation of the child and the disclosure of his potential. Not all children and not always can objectively assess the situation and their role in this situation. Therefore, the entire responsibility for the well-being of the child in the group falls on the shoulders of the leader. It is very important to organize and unite the children's team in time. But it is even more important to do this not just during the game, or individual therapeutic methods, but in the process of cognitively oriented thematic events. It should also be remembered that any educational information presented to children in a playful way will not only interest the child, but will also firmly and permanently take root in the memory of a small researcher.
This development is a thematic event that will interest, organize, unite modern children for the whole day. And also arouse their cognitive interest. The competitive program in the middle of the day, which will temporarily establish the spirit of rivalry between the teams in a single team, will be crowned with a common costume event.
The program is designed for children junior school in a children's health camp or center for extracurricular activities. In case of partial use (one of the stages), the event can be adapted for extracurricular activities of younger students in the extended day group. Also, this idea will become a relevant topic for celebrating a child's birthday at home.
Thus, the program "Pirate Adventures" has pedagogical value for counselors DOL, class teachers, teachers-organizers, GPA educators and parents of children of primary school age.
Target: organization of interesting, meaningful and informative leisure activities for children, aimed at uniting the children's team.
Team building, creating a positive microclimate, a friendly attitude towards each other.
Formation of communication skills that satisfy the need for communication and cooperation.
Expanding horizons, fostering the desire to improve their knowledge.
Development of physical abilities of children.

Conducting this event requires a lot of preparation from the teacher.
Preliminary preparation:
For stage 1: pirate flag, "mysterious letter", notes by stages, "Treasure" - coloring pages, sweets, sharpeners.
For stage 2: certificate, 3 chests with lollipops of different flavors, 3 canvases for future flags, paints and brushes for three teams, “bumps”, 3 tablespoons, a basin of water, 3 identical containers, a rope, scrolls with marine expressions.
For stage 3: pirate costumes from the dressing room, improvised materials for creating the image of pirates, makeup, ropes, flags, crackers, confetti. (the teacher must prepare everything necessary for the event in advance)

The event is designed for the whole day and is held in three stages:
Stage 1 - "Mysterious Treasure". Held after breakfast.
Stage 2 - "Adventures of Pirates". Held after lunch.
Stage 3 - themed disco. Takes place after dinner.


Children enter the building to sum up the results of the past day and discuss squad plans for the coming day. But instead, a strange picture appears before their eyes: the entrance to the floor is blocked by a pirate flag, the symbols of pirates and a mysterious bundle - a letter.
Teachers pretend that they are absolutely not involved in everything that happens and see this message for the first time. At the same time, they insist (not too convincingly) that this is all a prank on other detachments and there is no need to cancel the detachment collection.
After much persuasion from the children, the teachers agree to an adventure and, postponing the detachment collection for a later time, agree to read the letter and follow its instructions.
After reading the letter, the detachment, together with the teachers, goes in search of a treasure, looking for clues in the places named in the letter. But you need to not only find a clue, but also guess what is depicted on them. Having correctly located all the clues, the squad finds a long-awaited treasure.


Teacher: This morning we were lucky enough to find a real pirate treasure. We spent a lot of effort, showed all our selectivity and resourcefulness, which led us to the long-awaited award.
No wonder I dressed in an unusual way. (the teacher meets the children in the form of a pirate or a ship captain) Now we ourselves will try to reincarnate and feel like real pirates.
(to play the game, the squad is divided into 3 equivalent teams)

1st task: Each team always has its own name and leader. So you have to come up with a name and choose a captain for your team. But remember that the name should not be simple, but on a pirate theme. Having chosen a name, you need to come up with a motto under which your ship will move forward towards new adventures and victories.
Each team will have 5 minutes to complete this task.

Command presentation.
2nd task:"Pirate flag"

Real pirates, in addition to the name and captain, also have a flag. By the way, the first pirate flag was invented by Emmanuel Wynn around 1700. And on it was an image of a skull with crossbones.
Now each team will receive a canvas white color and a set of paints and brushes.
You need to come up with and draw the flag of your team in 15 minutes. Think well. The flag is a reflection of the team name, the mood of each of the pirates. Let the flag be simple, but "talking".
(if the teacher sees that the time provided for the teams is not enough, the time can be increased).

Demonstration of command flags.


Pirates without adventure are not pirates. And the main thing in adventures is the knowledge of marine terms, concepts and phenomena.
1. Who controls the ship? (Navigator)
2. In what units is wave oscillation measured during a storm (In points)
3. What is the name of a teenager on a ship who is preparing to become a sailor: (cabin boy)
4. What is the name of the pirate hat? (Cocked hat)
5. What is the name of the emblem of the pirates I mentioned earlier (Skull with two crossbones)? (Jolly Roger)
6. The most famous book about "Pirates" (Treasure Island)
7. Author of this book: (Robert Louis Stevenson)
8. The famous pirate, who was particularly cruel, was called: (Blackbeard)
9. When is International Pirate Day: (September 19)
10. What bird often lives with pirates on a ship? (Parrot)
11. Pirates' favorite drink? (Rum)
Can someone sing a song about him?
12. What is the name of the kitchen on the yacht? (Galley)
13. Yacht accommodation. (Cabin)
14. The directional control in the form of a wheel connected to the steering wheel. (Helm)

(at a distance from the start line, behind which the teams stand, put their flags)
Imagine that while traveling to distant countries your ship ran aground. The coast is still far away, and it is necessary to get dry. What to do? There is an exit! We will move over the bumps. The bumps are not simple, but drawn. To do this, the first player from each team is given 2 "bumps". Standing on one bump, the player throws the second to an accessible distance, jumps onto it, picks up the first, moves it in the required direction, jumps over, picks up the second, etc. Thus, you need to get to the flag, go around it, return to the team and pass the bumps to the next pirate. The main rule: you can’t stand up for the “bump”. If a team member steps outside the "bumps", he will come back to the start and try again. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

Let's try to get better acquainted with the marine slang.
Teams receive 2 scrolls. One shows a list of marine concepts, and the other shows their definitions in a chaotic order. The task of children is to correlate the concept with the definition. Teams are given exactly five minutes to think about options. After this time, the teams voice their translation options. For each correctly understood phrase, the team receives 1 point in their favor. Possible concepts:

HARBOR - a suspended seat (board) for lifting a person onto a mast or for working overboard a yacht.
BORA - a strong, gusty, cold wind blowing from the slopes of the mountains near the sea.
BUOY - A floating sign of navigational situation, standing at a dead anchor. Serves, as a rule, for fencing dangerous places
VERP - auxiliary, imported anchor on a ship.
HARBOR - coastal part of the water surface protected from waves, intended for parking of ships.
GONG - a metal device in the form of a plate for giving sound signals.
KUBRIK - a room on a yacht for crew and equipment.
POMP - a mechanism for pumping liquids.
REEF - underwater, or located just above the water level, a rock in shallow water.

Team members stand in a column at the start line. At the signal of the counselor, the team members begin to move to the finish line as follows: they rest with their feet, put their hands on the floor, being face up. Moving in this position with their feet forward to the finish line, the whole team must pass the test. The next participant starts his journey only when the previous one crosses the finish line. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

Knowing the terms is not everything.... The main thing is knowledge of the area. Or rather, the locations of countries, ports, straits. We cannot explore the whole world in a few hours, we can remember and remember something. Now you have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the map of the Black Sea coast within 2 minutes.
(children study the map)

And now, from memory, you need to find and mark on your map (issued for each team) the following names:
1 team: Russia, Black Sea, Georgia, Bulgaria, Sea of ​​Marmara, Sukhum, Kerch, Trabzon, Zonguldak
2nd team: Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria, Black Sea Sea of ​​Azov, Novorossiysk, Samsun, Odessa, Varna, Zonguldak
3rd team: Romania, Russia, Black Sea, Yalta, Turkey, Sea of ​​Marmara, Sochi, Burgas, Zonguldak.

For each correctly placed name, the team scores 1 point.

Going on a long journey, pirates need to take a good supply of fresh water with them. This is what we will do with you now. But we will carry water in an unusual way - with a tablespoon.
Water must be transferred from the common basin to your (team) container.
At the driver's signal, the first pirate of each team starts. Having finished his journey, he passes the spoon to the next one. And so on until 2 containers of one of the teams are full. The team whose container fills with water the fastest wins.

7. "Tug of War"
(for the competition it is necessary to find the least traumatic place)

The results of the competition are summed up. The team that wins the main games receives a certificate and the right to choose one of three chests with gifts. The second-placed team chooses from the remaining two. The team that takes third place receives the third chest.
In all chests, gifts for teams are lollipops. The only difference is that each chest is filled with candies of a certain flavor.

All teams are invited to a pirate disco after dinner. Entrance in specially designed costumes.

Municipal educational institution

additional education for children

"Center children's creativity»

village Vishnevogorsk

Kasli municipal district



on the pedagogical council CDT

Director of MOU DOD "CDT"

V.V. Mokerova



"The Future Starts Today"

duration of development - 3 years

age range 5-18 years old


Sitar Olga Sergeevna

Explanatory note

For the comprehensive development of the individual, along with education, a meaningfully rich rest and leisure of the child plays a special role. Leisure activities are an integral part of the life of every person. Starting from a young age, there is a need for active, interestingly rich communication, creativity, self-realization, intellectual and physical development, thereby forming the character of the individual.

The modern world is beautiful and amazing, it would seem that it is oversaturated with various leisure programs, things, objects with the help of which a person, and in particular a child, can organize their own leisure and recreation. However, most adults, and even more so children, do not know how to use this potential for various reasons. These reasons are two-sided - subjective and objective. Reasons of a subjective nature are relations in the family or the child's personal unwillingness to organize their leisure time in a meaningful way, reasons of an objective nature are the socio-economic situation of our country. That is why today there is an acute problem of organizing and implementing leisure activities for children and adolescents. Therefore, there is a need to show children and adolescents in an accessible way how interesting and varied properly organized leisure and recreation can become. It is the system of additional education, which has the conditions for the development of creativity, aesthetic taste, morality and patriotism of the child, that can and should create a properly organized world of leisure. At the same time, leisure activities within the framework of additional education cannot be divorced from the educational process and parental upbringing, since only with the influence of all spheres of life is a comprehensive development of the individual possible.

Today, throughout Russia, children's and adolescent leisure centers are being built, accessible leisure programs are being developed, but, nevertheless, the acuteness of the problem of additional education is practically not reduced.

The Center for Children's Creativity in the village of Vishnevogorsk is a center for children's leisure activities, where all conditions for organizing affordable leisure for everyone are created.

This program allows you to build the organization of leisure so that each child can discover and realize their creative potential, and the constant involvement of children of their parents in leisure activities helps to strengthen mutual understanding and value orientation of the family.

As a result of activities under this program, pupils must develop their independence, their creative abilities, and the program also helps to make a choice, which subsequently leads to self-realization of their own "I".

Certain conditions are necessary for the implementation of the program:

1. Joint activities of children and adults, teachers, parents, the public.

2. Involvement in the organization and holding of events under the program of enthusiastic creative individuals with great creative potential

4. Self-realization of the creative and individual potential of the pupils of the Center.

This program includes a plan of leisure activities taken at the beginning of each academic year. Traditional in this regard are:

Leisure activities within the associations of the Center (birthdays of creative teams, dating games, a mini-concert for parents, contests, quizzes, conversations, promotions, etc.);

Festive programs dedicated to certain calendar dates and organized for students of the CTC and their parents (Mother's Day, New Year, February 23, March 8, etc.);

Competitive, game programs for individual classes;

Students of the Center for Children's Creativity are directly involved in the implementation of the program.

Target: Creation of favorable conditions for the organization of meaningful, interesting and useful leisure for children and their participation in activities under the leisure program "The Future Starts Today".

    Education of a sense of beauty, the development of aesthetic taste, artistic thinking, the realization of the creative and individual abilities of children; Development of physical and mental abilities of students; Uniting the students of the center through joint leisure activities; Education of civic responsibility, respect for the history, culture of their country; Formation of communication skills, meeting the needs of children in communication; Popularization of family leisure; Preservation of the spiritual and moral health of students, familiarizing them with moral and spiritual values.
Expected results:
    Development of a system of leisure and traditional events; Improving the culture of leisure communication of students; Development of a system of educational and entertainment mass events; Growth in the level of cohesion of associations of students of the CTC; Improving the quality of leisure activities.
Ways to check expected results:
    Analysis of the preparation and conduct of the event. Monitoring the satisfaction of students with participation in the event. Diagnostics of the emotional background at the beginning and at the end of the event (conversation, feedback, observation, questioning). Self-analysis of organizational activity. Quantitative indicators (number of events held, coverage of event participants, coverage of spectators). Social indicators (students' interest). Accounting for the request of ongoing traditional events.
Forms of leisure activities:
    competitive educational programs; competitive and entertainment programs; competitive gaming programs; theatrical performances; concerts; conversations, quizzes, debates.
Modern technologies, methods, principles and forms used in leisure activities: In the implementation of this program, modern pedagogical technology, created on the basis of strengthening social and educational functions, humanization and democratization of relations: personality-oriented; differentiated approach, as well as collective creative, game.The following methods and forms of education are used:The method of formation of consciousness, which the belongs to the group of methods of educative influence on various aspects of consciousness - on intellect, feelings and emotions, will. Behavior Shaping Method implemented through educational situations at events.Positive ways and forms of behavior and moral motivation are identified, consolidated and formed in the experience of children and adolescents, which meet the intended educational goal. Method of stimulating activity and behavior : encouragement- the actions of each pupil are positively evaluated, which as a result gives a surge of positive emotions in the child, instills confidence in him, creates a pleasant mood for the event, and increases responsibility in the pupil.punishment- negative manifestations in the behavior or actions of the pupil are prevented and suppressed, this is done tactfully, without humiliating dignity child, so that he has a need to change his behavior.competition- conditions are created for the realization of the natural need of children to compete, which gives effective results in achieving the educational goal, a powerful mobilization of all the forces and skills of pupils. The educational process is built in the form of an educational case (IA). An integrated approach is used in the basis of the VD, in which moral and patriotic behavior, an aesthetic attitude to nature, the history of the small Motherland, the whole country, work, behavior, art, and respect for Russian folk traditions are formed.All work with children and adolescents is based on the following principles of education:The principle of social orientation of education, which objectively connects the tasks of education with the process of socialization of the individual. The acquisition of socially significant qualities by a person is the common goal of the educational process and socialization. The principle of relying on the positive, which requires the use of any positive personality traits in the educational process, even if they are minimal, when negative qualities should not be the core of the teacher's attention. The principle of humane education, which considers the human personality as the highest value, where humanism is initially presented as "philanthropy", creates the prerequisites for the self-realization of the individual.Personal approach as a principle of education, which requires taking into account all the characteristics of the personality of the educated person: be it age, psychological features, value orientations, vital interests, dominant motives of activity and behavior, etc. The principle of unity of educational influences which is based on the real interaction of all institutions and agents of education: families, schools, public organizations, educators, parents, members of the public, etc. To solve the problems of the leisure program, various forms in organizing events.

    forms of organization of events: mass, group, individual-group.

    the main forms of communication with children and adolescents: monologue (to a lesser extent), dialogue (to a greater extent), discussion, polylogue (exchange of opinions).

In educational work with children, the complex methods: storytelling method, conversation, discussion, demonstration, video method, practical, method cognitive game, the creation of problematic educational situations. For development independence and creativity of pupilspartial-search method is used, which consists in organizing an active search for a solution to the proposed cognitive tasks on route maps, sheets based on heuristic instructions.

When developing activities, a diverse and versatile activity of pupils (cognitive, intellectual, ecological, creative, physical) is provided, their age and psychophysical capabilities are taken into account. Cognitive entertainment programs and activities are developed taking into account the age-related psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children. It is thought out in advance and provides for the possibility of making adjustments to the event scenarios by including new tasks and props in the plot.

At the end of each program, a reflection is held: there is an exchange of opinions and impressions between the characters and pupils, and new knowledge is consolidated. AT pedagogical activity a democratic style of education is used, friendly disposition, patience, tact, respect for pupils are shown. The atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, which prevails at each event, allows you to activate the creative abilities of the students.

This leisure program is implemented within the framework of the educational system "I am in the world .... the world is in me."

The leisure program consists of four modules: "Leisure, communication, creativity", "Family", "Vacation", "Think about the future".

Module 1. "Leisure, communication, creativity."

Target: - education of the culture of the holiday and communication of students of the Center for Children's Creativity.
Tasks:- development of a system of leisure activities; - involvement of students in leisure activities; - development of the creative potential of children, taking into account the individual capabilities of each.
Expected results: - participation of students in leisure activities; - revealing the creative individuality of children.

Module 2. Vacation.

Target: Creation of conditions for the organization of leisure activities during the holidays.
Tasks: - promotion of a healthy lifestyle, raising the level of physical, mental and moral health of children; - prevention of delinquency among minors using methods of variously organized leisure activities; - development of cognitive, creative and social activity of children.
Expected results: - realization of the needs of children in communication with peers in various activities; - positive dynamics in the physical and moral health of children; - acquisition of additional knowledge in various areas of leisure activities.

Module 3. "Family".

Target: Creation of conditions for cooperation between children and adults.
Tasks: - interaction with the family for the purpose of harmonious development and education of a healthy personality of the child; - organization of family holidays; - fostering respect for family traditions.
Expected results: - active participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of events; - satisfaction of parents with the created conditions for the creative development of the child's personality and his achievements.
Target: Creation of conditions for the development of high social activity, civic responsibility, spirituality.
Tasks: - education of the rising generation of high moral principles, based on the spiritual, moral, aesthetic criteria of Russian culture; - development of interest in the history of their Fatherland; - teaching children the norms of social and collective life; - instilling in children a sense of pride, respect and reverence for the symbols of the state - the Coat of Arms, the Flag, the Anthem of the Russian Federation, and other Russian symbols;- the formation of patriotic consciousness among pupils, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland.
Expected results: - development in children of the ability to choose a moral position, to value-oriented activities, self-realization, life self-determination.

Traditional events within the program:

Module 1 - "Leisure, communication, creativity":

"Initiation into circle members", "Birthday", New Year's programs, etc.

Module 2 - "Family":

"Mom's portrait"; "Mother's Day", "Our dads are great"

Module 3 - "Holidays":

Activities for children attending clubs during the holidays: "Good mood", "Fun to play together", etc.

Module 4 - "Think about the future":

measures for the prevention of traffic rules, fire safety, for the prevention of accidents on the water, the promotion of state symbols of the Russian Federation.

The calendar plan of events for the year is drawn up taking into account the needs of the associations of the Center for Children's Creativity.

Methodological support of the program.

Application No. 1

    "Calendar plan of events for 2012-2013 academic year»

    "Calendar plan of events for the 2013-2014 academic year"

Application №2 "Methodological support of educational activities" / scenarios, conversations, quizzes, etc. / Application №2 "Diagnostics of the educational process: forms of diagnostics of upbringing, criteria for the examination of educational activities." Application №3 "Productivity, analysis of educational work"


1. There will be a day and there will be a holiday. - Slutskaya N.B., Phoenix 2005.

2. Bulletin of program and methodological materials for institutions of additional education for children. - 2004. - No. 4, 6.

3. Non-traditional holidays at school.- S.A. Shmakov, Moscow 2005

4. Patriotic education of children (Games and programs). - M.: GOU TsRSDOD, 2003. (Series "Library for teachers, parents and children").

5. Stepanov E.N., Luzina L.M. The teacher about modern approaches and concepts of education. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005.

6. Shlakov S.A. Game and children. - M., 1970;

7. Shlakov S.A. Games in the practice of modern school // Obl. ped. Readings. - 1979.

Periodical press.

1. Education of schoolchildren. - Theoretical and scientific-methodical journal.

2. Children's creativity. - An illustrated magazine.

3. Preschool pedagogy. – St. Petersburg Scientific and Methodological Journal for Teachers and Parents.

4. Hoop. – Scientific and methodical journal.

5. Last call. - Newspaper.

6. Holiday at school. – Minsk “Krasiko-print”.

7. Scenarios and repertoire. - publishing house "T and O".

8. Theatrical parties, discos, KVNs. / Kuleshova N.V. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005.

9. How to entertain guests. - Magazine.

Calendar of events

for 2012-2013 academic year

SEPTEMBER - organizational.

Motto: " Think collectively.

Work promptly.

Arguing for evidence

It's a must for everyone."

1. Holiday "Hello, school!" -01.09.2012

2. Child Road Injury Prevention Month

OCTOBER is the harvest festival.

Motto: Every business is creative, otherwise why?

1 . Drawing competition "Hello, Autumn!" 2.Holiday "Teacher's Day".

3. Day of the elderly "Our good deeds»

NOVEMBER - the world of hobbies.

Motto: "There is always a job for skillful hands,

If you take a good look around"

1. Visiting Samodelkin (exhibition of crafts by children and teachers)

2. Sports entertainment "Strong, dexterous, courageous."

3. Events, dedicated to the Day Mothers:


    Holiday "You are the best in the world"

DECEMBER - Operation "New Year's Surprise".

Motto: Do with us

Do as we

Do better than us!

1. December 1 World AIDS Day. Competition of drawings and posters "We are against drugs", a conversation on the topic "To schoolchildren about AIDS".

2. Release of a general newspaper for the New Year.

3. Manufacturing New Year's gifts, souvenirs: "Workshop of Santa Claus".

4. Holding New Year's holidays.

JANUARY - Vishnevogorsk, my native land.

Motto: cherry mountains,

There is no relative of the Earth in the world

cherry mountains

Swimming in the sea of ​​love.

1. Drawing competition "My native land".

2. Conduct quizzes: - Do you know your region?

What do you know about this country?

3. "Christmas"

4. Journey through the country of proverbs and riddle

5. In the world of fairy tales.

FEBRUARY - "Soldier's Stars".

Motto: " To serve the motherland

You have to be strong and smart!

1. "Come on, boys" - game program

2. A month of heroic-patriotic education.

3. Festival of military-patriotic songs.

MARCH - "Hello, Spring!"

MOTTO:"Let there always be sunshine,

May there always be sky

May there always be a mother

May I always be."

1. Competition " The best gift mother, grandmother, sister.

2. Matinee in preschool group"Goodbye winter winter"

3. Drawing Contest: "Most of all in the world I love my mother"

4. Competition program "Come on, girls"

5. District competition "Mosaic of childhood"

APRIL - "I want to know everything."

MOTTO:"Say what you know

Do what you can

At the same time, remember what to know

and to know more is not harmful to anyone.

2. Spring has come, it's red - game program

3. "Labor landing" - improvement of the territory of the CDT.

MAY - Hello Summer!

MOTTO: " Our motto is simple and short,

Where there is friendship, everything is in order.

1. Lessons of courage.

2. "From the bottom of my heart" - meeting with WWII veterans

Calendar of events

for 2013-2014 academic year

System analysis of educational activities Full name of the teacher ______________________________________________Visit purpose ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ the date

the date
the date

Diagnostics of upbringing of a student of a children's association

Name of the children's association _______________________________Teacher ________________________________Surname, name of the child _______________________________________ Age ______ Year of study __________



The rating system for named behavioral manifestations: 0 points - does not appear, 1 score - weakly manifested, 2points - manifests itself at an average level, 3 points - a high level of manifestation.

Circler's eyes.

Purpose of the questionnaire: determine the degree of satisfaction of children with the CLT.
Progress: Children are invited to read the statements and rate the degree of agreement with their content on the following scale:
4 - totally agree 3 - agree 2 - hard to say 1 - disagree 0 - Completely disagree.
  1. I go to the Children's Art Center with joy. I usually have a good mood in the CDT. I have a good leader. I have a favorite teacher at the CDT. You can turn to our leaders for advice and help in difficult times. I can express my opinion freely in all classes. I believe that all the conditions for the development of my abilities have been created in the CTC. I have a favorite activity in the CDT. I believe that the knowledge gained in the CDT will be useful for later life. On the summer holidays I miss CDT.
Processing of received data: An indicator of children's satisfaction with life in the CTC is the quotient of dividing the total score of all answers by the total number of answers. If Y is greater than 3, then we can talk about a high degree of satisfaction, if Y is greater than 2, but less than 3 or Y is less than 2, then this indicates an average and low degree of satisfaction.
In our CTC Good Badly
  1. 1. 2.
Invite the children to write down what they think is good and what is bad. What do you like and what upset you. It does not raise any questions.


We ask you to take part in the evaluation of our work. (underline the answer)

    What do you think of our CDT:
- enjoys prestige in the village. - does not enjoy authority. - enjoys notoriety. - they don't talk about him at all. - I find it difficult to answer.
    Your child goes to the CTC:
- with pleasure. - through force. - more often with pleasure. - with desire. - I decided on my own. - on the advice of parents.
    Are you satisfied with the work of a teacher (leader of the circle)
- satisfies completely. - partially satisfied. - not satisfied at all.
    Do you think that in the CTC children:
- acquire interesting knowledge and skills. - get, but not enough. - get nothing new. - I find it difficult to answer.
    Your awareness of the work of the CDT:
- full - partial - no information at all
    You receive information about the CTC:
- according to other parents. - from children. - from teachers. - I don't get it. 7. Wishes to teachers and the institution.



Please select the correct answer for each question.

1. MY OVERALL IMPRESSION? 1.1. It was a great event. 1.2. I respect and appreciate those who hold such events. 1.3. I could do it all better. 1.4. I was very interested in the event, because I can participate in interesting things. 1.5. I liked it because I was able to compete with others. 1.6. I liked it because it was very beautiful. 1.7. It was joyful that I learned a lot of new things. 1.8. It was nice that such an event was prepared for me. 1.9. I was bored and tired. 2. WHAT MAKED ME TO PARTICIPATE IN THE EVENT? 2.1. I wanted to help make the event go well. 2.2. I wanted to participate in the event along with everyone. 2.3. I wanted to be commended for my efforts. 2.4. I wanted to test my abilities, compete with others. 2.5. I wanted to do something fun. 2.6. I wanted to learn something new, discover the wonderful world of the unknown. 2.7. I wanted to enjoy the beautiful and the sublime. 2.8. I wanted to relax and unwind. 2.9. I didn't mean to offend or upset anyone. I had to force myself to participate in this event. 3. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO AFTER THE EVENT? 3.1. Help with the next event. 3.2. Do the same with friends. 3.3. Take a more active part in the preparation and conduct of the next event so that everyone knows about my abilities. 3.4. Try to do something similar yourself. 3.5. Conduct any competitions or contests or participate in them. 3.6. Read an interesting book on the subject. 3.7. Tell your friends how beautiful it was. 3.8. Relax and unwind. 3.9. Nothing. 4. HOW INTERESTING WAS THE EVENT? 4.1. The event was much more interesting than I expected. 4.2. I thought it would be interesting. 4.3. I hoped it would be interesting. 4.4. Everyone liked it very much.