Games and competitions for the student's day. Games for the student's day. Competitions for the student's day. Games. Contests. Scenario of an entertainment program for students Scenario of a competitive game program for the student's day


(Zaitseva T.N., Fadeeva T.G., Khovrina T.V., Makht T.A.,

Ostavnova T(11), Shkunova T(5), Shtukaturova T(8), Sofyina T(6)))

1 presenter : Good afternoon dear friends!

2 leading : Hello!

1 presenter : I remember a wonderful moment, you appeared before me,

Like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty.

Everything in it is harmony, everything is wonderful,

Everything is higher than the world and passions!

She rests bashfully in her solemn beauty!

2 leading : But, having met with her, you are embarrassed

Suddenly you stop involuntarily

Praying in reverence before the shrine of beauty.

1 leader: We welcome all Tatyanas present in this hall!

2 leading : Let's congratulate them with loud and stormy applause!

1 leader: on Tatiana's day we honor the holy martyr Tatiana. And on the same day students celebrate their holiday.

2 leading : Tatyana - what a beautiful name! Many Russian poets dedicated their creations to girls who bore this name! For example, Pushkin, Yesenin.

1 presenter : according to the signs of people of many generations, Tatiana always strives to be in the spotlight. She is a creative person: she has a good artistic taste, loves to collect beautiful things. And also, on the occasion of the next celebration, to purchase such a dress so that everyone is shocked by it - this is an inapplicable condition for its normal existence. And she also loves big money and beautiful males.

2 leading : and she is not only beautiful, but also hospitable. Always tasty food, so much so that the table will not have to go out, but to crawl out.

1 presenter : and she also rejoices at the success of her friends and is not envious, she knows how to create a warm atmosphere around herself. And to everything that has been said, Tatyana has a wonderful intuition, she can easily penetrate the psychology of a person and find the right tone of communication.

2 leading : Yes… a lot of good things have been said about Tatyana! I think I agree that they deserve this holiday! Happy holiday, dear Tatyana!

This number is for you! _______________________________________________

1 presenter : and now all of us are waiting for a little warm-up. We invite all Tatyanas here. We will ask them questions, and they will have to answer them. If they do not answer, they may ask for help from the audience.We will divide into 2 teams: a team of teachers and a team of students.

    What can't you pick up from the floor by the tail? (ball of thread)

    Four ears, but only 2 bellies (Pillow)

    The shortest month of the year? (February - by duration, May - by writing)

    Do you love holidays? What year only has 1 day? (New Year)

    Do you like to dress fashionably? And who has a foot without a boot, a hat without a head? (mushroom)

    Are you following a diet? How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one)

    Do you like to eat? And from what dishes you can not eat? (from empty)

    Love to hang out? And how does day and night end? (b)

    Do you love rain? What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (wet)

    Do you believe in omens? What about the curse of the black cat? And when black cat easier to get into the house? (when the door is open)

It was a little workout.

And now a musical number for the heroes of the occasion _________________________________________________________

1 presenter : How did Tatyana's Day come about? The librarian will tell us about the history of the holiday -Semaeva Elena Yurievna .

January 25 is considered a double date. national holiday- the feast of the opening of the first university in Moscow and the feast of the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana.

Saint Tatiana lived in Rome in the second century AD. Her father was a Christian and raised his daughter in Christianity. In those days, the Roman emperors did not like Christians, because. not unreasonably saw them as a threat to their pagan power. In general, Tatyana suffered for her faith - she died in great torment and torture, but she did not refuse faith in God, for which she was canonized as a Holy Great Martyr.

Before, woman's name Tatyana was considered plebeian, peasant. But thanks to Pushkin, with his immortal novel "Eugene Onegin", this name began to be called girls of a noble family. And now, every seventh is Tatyana!

2 leading : Saint Tatiana is the Orthodox protector of all those who bear this Sabine name, which comes from the ancient Greek "Tatto" - which characterizes strong-willed women with a strong character, who all their lives establish something and command someone.

1 presenter : and now, another test for Tatyana.

Everyone knows what a school is, and that at school sometimes you need to make cheat sheets. And sometimes they hide cribs in such places that you are amazed. Let's see how resourceful our members are. Now we will give each participant a cheat sheet, they must be hidden as original as possible, just do not go beyond the bounds of decency. (hide) music _____________________________________________________________

2 leading : Let's try to guess where these cheat sheets can be hidden. And Tatyana says: did we guess right or not. And then they show where they hid the cribs. And we will determine who is the most original in hiding cheat sheets.

We define

1 leader: we see that Tatyana knows how to hide cribs. And now let's checkcan they write . Now we will give the team of teachers and the team of students 1/8 of the sheet, each team will write the same text on the sheet. The team that can write more text on their cheat sheet, and most importantly, that the text is legible, will win.

Write ——- (music, number ) ____________________________

2 presenter: We check who wrote more and whether it is legible

Who do you think has more skill in writing cheat sheets? ... Of course, ... ..

1 host: the next intellectual contest . For him, each Tatyana will choose a rival or opponent from the audience. And so, we have two teams:Team Tatyan and Team NOT Tatyan .

You will answer questions .

2 leading : Questions must be answered quickly. The point goes to the one who answers faster and more correctly.

    Is it true that the Pacific Ocean is the deepest? (YES)

    Is it true that Peony is a predatory flower? (YES, it absorbs protein)

    Is it true that Ilya Muromets liberated Novgorod from the Nightingale the Robber? (NO, he liberated Chernihiv)

    Is it true that there is a city of Cognac on the world map? (YES, in France)

    Is it true that Sunbeam able to penetrate into the depths of the ocean for a whole km? (YES)

    Is it true that a spider has 12 legs? (NO, 8)

    Is it true that the famous artist Serov painted pictures like "Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf" and "Bogatyrs" (NO, they were painted by Vasnetsov)

    Is it true that the chocolate tree grows in India? (NO, in South America)

    Who is born twice and dies only once? (Hen)

    What clock shows the correct time only 2 times a day? (Which are worth)

    There were 3 apples in the basket. How to fairly divide apples among three children so that one remains in the basket? (each one apple, and give one with a basket)

Well done! Congratulations teams!

1 presenter : The name is cool - Tatyana!

If you, friends, are not lazy!

Celebrate the victory of knowledge

It is on Tatyana's Day!This is the number for you ______________________

2 leading : a wonderful name, Tatyana!

The power is in it!

Beauty without flaw

Wisdom is given to Tanechka!

Glorious name Tanyusha

Let it sound always, everywhere:

Warms the soul

In happiness, sorrow and in trouble.

1 presenter : on Tatyana's day there is such a sign: if the sun is shining, this is for the early arrival of birds, it is snowing, there will be a lot of rain in summer.

2 leading : but we are sure that our Tanyas are not afraid of any weather conditions! And so the last task is called "Tatyana does not have bad weather"

1 leader:

All Tatyanas must walk in a circle to the music. We will call them the weather conditions, and the participants must demonstrate movement in these conditions. Artistry and humor are judged.

- blizzard, blizzard

- summer meadow with tall grass

- rain with wind, strong wind

- Hurricane

- desert

- swamp

- hot sunny day

2 leading : And now, everyone presentremember the diminutive - affectionate names of Tatyana! Let our Tanya be pleased to hear his name!

1 leader:

Today we glorify Tatyana!

She is ready to award the laurels of superiority,

We wish you good luck, happiness, joy!

Go ahead and be the best!

Chorus: Happy Holidays again!

Song: Ah, Tanya-Tanya-Tanya...

Games. Contests.">

Games and contests to the Student's Day


Everyone stands up and lines up at the back of the head in one big circle. Next, you need to stand as close to each other as possible, making the circle narrower. Then comes the main and most difficult part.

Try to bend your legs at the same time and sit down on each other's knees. If it worked out, it's too early to rejoice! Now try to stay in this position and still stretch your arms to the sides.

Yep, they're down!!! Well, nothing, next time choose your friends stronger and more reliable.


A children's game that is especially well suited for adult companies. Precautions: clear a large area of ​​foreign objects (tables, chairs, vases with flowers, photographs of relatives and friends).

The whole friendly company lines up in a circle. One person is chosen as the leader and goes to the next room or moves to the next tree (if the event is held in the forest). The rest firmly hold hands, forming a chain closed in a circle.

Further, without releasing your hands, you need to confuse the chain as much as possible. You can turn, twist, step over your hands, crawl anywhere, but on one condition: in no case let go of your neighbor's hands. Your ball should resemble the "beard" that unlucky fishermen get from fishing line.

Having twisted to the limit, call the leader and keep in mind that you have only a few minutes to unravel (otherwise the whole company, standing with their arms, legs turned out, etc., may never acquire its original position). The host begins to turn the chain back, while again you can’t let go of your hands (gritting your teeth, endure, otherwise you will fail the whole experiment). The most "folded" can suggest where to go next, and those stuck in the most "painful" points can give distress signals.

"Line up!"

In this game, you are invited to practice building and try to predict all possible life situations. It is best to first split into two teams. It is necessary to build in teams according to the sounded task. Whoever is faster wins.

Some prize can be promised to the winners, but by the way, it will go well even without a prize.

First situation. kindest man, a charming lieutenant colonel, calls the recruits on the parade ground. Task: stand one after another so that the names of the players are in alphabetical order (for especially gifted players, it is suggested to line up in reverse alphabetical order).

On the "first-second" on command, pay off!

Second situation. All the players lost their shoes at the same time, they gave them to the same shoemaker. It's time to return the order, and he, the poor fellow, is confused about who he owes what.

Task: stand in a row according to the size of the feet.

Third situation. A recently formed fitness club in your city announced a recruitment for a vacant position of a massage therapist in a women's (optionally, men's) gym. Task: immediately line up according to the size of the palm of your hand.

fourth situation. The Party of Beer Lovers calls to vote for beer, drink beer and live cool. Bulk containers for carrying and storing beer (your precious tummies) are welcome.

Task: distribute the players by waist size.

Fifth situation. Maniac-strangler went on the warpath. City Hall asks residents not to appear on the streets of the city, even during the day.

All the children are sitting at home, the women have locked themselves in the kitchens, the men ... whoever managed where. The inhabitants are doomed, there is no escape from the killer. Task: courageously line up in a row according to the size of the neck, so that it would be more convenient for the maniac to do his dirty deed.

sixth situation. On the space station a series of new ultra-modern spacesuits has arrived. However, the developers overdid it with

equipment built into the suits, and the dimensions of the helmets turned out to be too large. Now only especially "brainy" astronauts will be able to

make exploratory flights. Task: line up according to the size of the head and identify a potential astronaut among the guests.

seventh situation. Announcement: "A gilded mask with diamond jewelry. Mask owner please respond."

Assignment: applicants for the mask line up according to the size of their eyes and the degree of their impudence.

"Pass another"

The game is perfect for large companies, consisting of both familiar and unfamiliar people, it promotes communication, unity and just general fun.

First of all, players disperse in search of any small things around the apartment (or around the recreation area). Everything that the owner (or the forester, or the watchman) allows to take is added up in one heap. It is advisable to check the assembled for cleanliness and place in "sterile" conditions, such as on a table or chair, but not on the floor. There may be an apple, an orange, soft toy, matches, balloon, ball, piece of wood, etc.

It is best to play in two teams. Let the losers go for beer! It is possible, of course, to carry out a general mobilization and line up in one close circle.

In this case, everyone will benefit, and these "everyone" should be sent for beer.

So, everyone took their original positions. One, two, three, the game begins. It is necessary to pass "who is faster" objects in a circle, but in such a way as not to take them with your hands.

Anyone who drops an item or grabs it with their hands is mercilessly removed from the game. You can help yourself with anything, but not with your hands.

There are some features of the transmission that must be observed. The balloon is passed with the help of elbows (bend your arms at the elbows and act), the apple is passed with the help of teeth (you need to bite it and, holding it with your teeth, pass it on), the orange is passed with the help of the neck (clamped between the chin and shoulder), the soft toy is passed with the knees , the match is passed by teeth (players take the match from different sides).

Before starting the game of "blind", let's first play "We are not local ourselves." Pick up your hat and walk around. Let everyone put into it the most valuable thing he has.

It is best if it is a watch, a car keychain, favorite earrings, glasses without a case, a photograph of a loved one.

Next, you should choose the most responsible and accurate person from the whole company. Together with him, carefully place the collected things on the floor. Then inform him that he will have to go blindfolded between these objects.

Having entrusted the player with such an important mission, allow him to align the items again, give a few minutes to get a better look at their order and location. The player must remember everything as accurately as possible so as not to accidentally step on something, otherwise the mistake can become fatal.

So, the intimidated player is blindfolded and taken aside. At this time, all things are removed very quietly from the floor and transferred to a more secure place. The player is turned around three times, stopped and directed to where the things used to be.

He begins to take the first steps, and at this time your exclamations are heard: “Be careful, this is my only watch! Wherever you go, there is all my future state

Father's car! Aaah, you almost crushed my glasses, am I going to drink beer blindly?! Careful, let's move to the left, put your foot closer, oh no! .. "

The unfortunate victim overcomes the whole distance, sweating from worries and excitement. Now you can approach the player, untie his eyes and turn to face the "precious path".

"Understand me"

The game is played in a team. It is best if it is possible to first have all the players in one room, and from there take turns going to another. As a last resort, you will have to come up with something so that the players do not hear each other during the game.

So, the whole team is locked in one room. The leader remains in the other. He thinks of a word and calls the first player. The host begins to explain to the player the intended word, without calling him by his own name.

You can use comparisons, portray in pantomime, just do not pronounce the word itself.

The player tries to guess. However, he is not allowed to ask questions. If he does not guess on the first try, then the leader tries a second time.

However, with each new attempt, you cannot use the previous explanations. Be sure to come up with a new one, otherwise the word does not count.

Once the player has guessed the word, they call the next member of the room and try to pass the word on. The host must ensure that the other players do not eavesdrop at the door. To add more complexity to the game, you can limit the time of the explanation, for example, 30 seconds for each person or a few minutes for the whole team.


The game proceeds as follows. Prepare a beautiful neckerchief in advance. Everyone should stand in a circle. One person is chosen as the host, he will be responsible for the music.

Its main task, firstly, is to pick up energetic incendiary melodies, and secondly, at a certain moment, press the "on" button.

One person goes to the middle of the circle and puts a handkerchief around his neck. And not just throws, but ties with a bow. This is a prerequisite.

The music turns on and the person begins to dance in the middle of the circle. Having made several spectacular "pas", the player must pass his handkerchief to someone from the circle. In this case, the handkerchief must be tied in a knot, and the person

Kiss. Now the new "carrier" of the handkerchief comes to the middle of the circle.

You can dance and show off in the spotlight as much as your soul asks. The only thing to remember is that at the most unexpected moment, the music turns off, and the one who remains in the circle must loudly shout out everyone's favorite "ku-ka-re-ku!".

The volunteer stands with his back to the rest of the participants in the game and closes his eyes. The players are arranged in a semicircle, one of them extends his hand forward and quickly touches the back of the leader. Once this has happened, the host can turn around.

However, the players also stand ready. All of them, and the one who touched the back, and those who had nothing to do with it, stretch their hand forward, making a sign that they are slowing down the car on the street. At the same time, all the players, as one, declare: "I!", meaning that it was they who touched the leader's back. Leader's task

Determine who did touch him.

If the presenter guesses who made fun of him, then he stands in a circle, exchanging places with the joker. And if not, then he suffers for the second, third, fourth time, until he catches the joker red-handed.

"Who is it?"

The game requires you to guess the person. Your friends don't have to dress up in "down and feathers", but it doesn't hurt to use a bedspread. Find a sheet or a large blanket.

Highlight two "pillars", i.e. strong people, able to hold the fabric throughout the game. So…

Test the first.

The girls are hiding behind the covers. The young men turn away for a while. Girls stick out from under the bedspread, by agreement, the left or right leg (you can wear shoes or without them, you can up to the ankle or

to the knee, the main thing is that skirts are not visible). Then the "brides" call their "grooms", and the boys take turns trying to guess which girl belongs to which leg.

Test second.

Young men hide behind a blanket. The girls leave for a while to give the boys a chance to prepare. Over this time

the young men expose their hands from behind the coverlet (it is more convenient to do this at the bottom edge of the fabric, near the floor, so that the shoulder is not visible). The girls come up and try to guess their "betrothed-mummers".

Test the third.

The girls put on their lipstick harder, go to the mirror and leave bright prints on it. Further, the young men approach the mirror and try to figure out the girl's kisses.

The options can be endless. Covers can be used and only the eyes can be left open. In this case, the players close behind the sheet to the level of the eyes, and the heads to the eyes from above are covered with a second veil.

You can even leave only your ears open in the same way. This competition is especially good in the performance of young men. You can show everyone your tongue and calm down on this.


All participants should go to the middle of the room. Everyone needs to be given a handkerchief or towel to blindfold. The players line up in one big circle, and the leader moves from one person to another and says in his ear which animal will need to be portrayed.

Animal species are selected in such a way that they can form herds or flocks and at the same time make any one characteristic sound. For example, buffaloes

Mooing, ducks

Quack, snakes

Hissing, boars

Grunting, dingo dogs

Barking, cuckoos

Cuckoo, mice

Squeak, tigers

Quest for players: it is necessary to walk around the room blindfolded and look for your "blood brothers". At the same time, do not forget to make identification sounds yourself. The winners are those "animals" that are the first to gather in a single group.

"Drop, river, ocean"

An energetic game that requires a significant "living" space and a large number of players. The action is accompanied by a dynamic background music.

All participants get up from their seats and are distributed around the playground. Every player

This is a drop. It is easy to imagine a window after the rain. Large drops on transparent glass. The host gives the command: "Come together in twos." All players should instantly find a mate and grab hands.

Without letting the players come to their senses, the host commands: "Come together in threes." And now the three players are moving to the music, holding hands and not forgetting to dance. The host's commands follow one after another: "Four people, five, six each." "All in a common circle",

The leader is in command, and all players form a large round dance.


Participants stand in one big circle. The leader comes to the middle, having decided to try his fate. He closes his eyes and holds out his hand in front of him. The rest of the participants begin to circle around him and at the same time say:



Aramia busia

"Point at me"

With last words the circling stops (according to the conditions, it is not the leader who is circling, but the rest), the leader continues to stand with eyes closed. Everyone else is looking at whom his hand is showing. The player in the circle, on which the choice of the "arrow" has stopped, also goes to the center and stands with his back to the back of the leader. All participants together say: "And one, and two, and three ..."

After these words, two people, standing with their backs to each other in the center of the circle, should turn their heads to the right or left shoulder and look at each other in this way. If both turned their heads to the same shoulder, then this is a fateful meeting, and they should kiss. If the girl turned her head to one shoulder, and the young man to the other, then, as they say, "not fate", and they only hug like friends.

After these actions, the former leader stands in a circle, and the new player begins to tempt his fate.

The game "City" is designed for a fairly large number of people. Each represents a character. For example, a doctor, a seller, a traffic police inspector.

However, all the inhabitants around him know about his position, except for himself.

This effect is achieved in the following way. On the back of all the characters are attached leaflets with the designation of their roles: "doctor", "salesman", "traffic police officer". Others see the role of a person, and the character himself remains in the dark throughout the game.

Having defined the responsibilities of each resident, the city begins to function. People move around the "city" (that is, the playing area). They come up to each other, greet and treat the person according to his role indicated on the back. If you have a "doctor" in front of you, then you ask him to treat you, prescribe medicines or perform an operation. If you have a "seller" in front of you, then you are trying to buy something from him and bargain.

If you have a "traffic inspector" in front of you, then act according to the situation and very respectfully, otherwise you will be left without a car.

The point of the game is that the characters must guess who they are based on your actions. Looking at the reaction of others, a city dweller needs to understand what role he plays. Characters can ask questions about themselves, but only in such a way that they can be answered with "yes" or "no".

For example, a person asks the question: "Am I a person?" The answer is: "No." Thus, the player begins to guess that he is playing the role of a "pet dog".

Surrounding people should try to react as expressively and vividly as possible to the characters. If you have a "maniac" in front of you, beg him for mercy so that the player really has a suspicion that he should do something bad to you. However, stay within reason, otherwise the maniac will have victims.

Approximate list of residents of the city: a doctor, a salesman, a traffic police inspector, a maniac, a teacher, a driver, a homeless person, a lawyer, a foreigner, a gypsy, a pet, a plant, etc.

The game is best played within a limited time, such as 20-30 minutes. The winners are those participants who will be able to understand the urban life and determine what role was prepared for them by "fate" (that is, the leader).

"Chief ram"

To play the game, everyone needs to line up in a large circle. One person from the very beginning assumes the functions of a leader, he also becomes the main instigator of the "distemper" and decides to his taste who will become the "sacrificial ram".

The host calls one person from the circle (the future "victim"), takes him to another room and asks him to wait there. Then the leader returns to the circle and explains to the rest of the conspirators what should happen now.

The "victim" will be invited first. This player is told that the people around are representing a flock of sheep and among them is the main ram. It is necessary to determine who is the main ram. To do this, you need to ask the question: "Who is the head ram?" Everyone in the circle will start shouting "Me!" The one who is chosen as the "chief ram" will supposedly scream the loudest.

It is he who must be calculated among all the others.

So, this is the "victim" version. In fact, when the "victim" asks his question: "Who is the head sheep?"

You will all scream the same way, because you did not think to choose any "ram". Let the "victim" point to anyone, you agree the third time and pretend that the person guessed right. The player leaves the circle and goes to another room, and the "victim" takes his place.

The host says that it is required to choose a new "ram", and offers this role to his "victim". He argues this by the fact that the person himself saw how to shout, and will best perform the role of "leader". The naive "victim" agrees to take on this "honorable" mission, and the host calls the player from another room.

The host reminds the rules of the game to this player too, so that the "victim" does not guess about the catch. And here's what happens next. The question is: "Who is the head sheep?" Everyone is screaming, the victim is doing the best, but the "dummy" player pretends that he cannot guess who the "head ram" is and asks to shout louder. The second time, when the question "Who is the head ram?"

Everyone draws more air into their lungs and ... they are silent. And in the middle of the room there is a wild cry of your "sacrificial ram": "I-I-I-I!"

"Remember everything"

So, the players in pairs turn their backs to each other, tune in to their partner and try to imagine him as clearly as possible. Now you can start the game. The host announces that now you have to remember the appearance of the person standing behind your back.

After these words, no glances at the partner are allowed.

First task:

remember the name of your partner. (The task is performed in turn by absolutely all participants.)

Second task:

remember what color your partner's eyes are.

Third task:

answer how long the pants are on the partner (the question should sound exactly like this, even if the pair is a girl in a skirt).

Next task:

say what shoes are on the partner's feet.

More: what is worn around the partner's neck? Then: on which hand is the watch? You can ask about rings, lipstick color (you need to name it exactly, with all shades), hairstyle, earrings and everything that people who spend time together can pay attention to.

It is best to play with a large company at a long table. You can even combine this game with the process of eating. It does not discourage appetite, but it allows you to remove the problem of "small talk".

The game does not require conversations, it only requires your views.

These are the rules of the game. Everyone sits down at the table so that everyone can see the eyes of all the other players. Each of you is a "killer". In order to shoot your victim, you just need to look into her eyes and wink twice. The "killed" person stops playing and informs the rest of the players about it with a prearranged signal

He puts left hand on the table, palm down.

Don't think that girls will definitely succeed in this game. It is not known who else has more wink practice. There are several ways to "get into the top ten". First, it is desirable to take the victim by surprise by pretending to pay attention to a completely different object before the shot.

Second, act swiftly and decisively. And finally, shoot beautifully: "at the nose, at the corner, at the object."


Team game. The number of people in the team can be arbitrary, ranging from ten to one. The main thing is that not all players "have hands with hooks". The game requires tenacious and grasping fingers.

Well, and, of course, a little artistic ability will not hurt, at least at the level of the ability to distinguish one color from another.

As a mosaic, it is proposed to use postcards or calendars, cut into triangles, squares, rectangles and others. geometric figures, the idea of ​​which still keeps your memory from the school bench. It is not necessary to chip postcards into small crumbs, try to give individual parts such a size that you can assemble the mosaic with your hands, and not with tweezers.

The game becomes gambling not so much because of the prize, although it certainly fuels the players' interest in winning. The whole beauty of it is that the players are trying to put the picture together, at the same time, and their own elbows interfere with them. Whoever can wield the elbows more dexterously wins.

You can significantly complicate the task by mixing parts of postcards prepared for different teams. If desired, an additional task is introduced: it is necessary to read the word previously written by the presenter on the back of the postcard.

Participants do not have to be in close proximity to each other, line up in one common circle or sit down at the table. It is enough to take their places in such a way as to keep all other players in sight.

One person starts the game. Its task is simple, but no less significant for that. It is necessary to calmly and clearly pronounce one syllable aloud; "Ha".

The second participant will have to loudly and clearly say the following two syllables: "Ha ha." The third participant supports the two previous ones and continues the noble work they started. His oratorical speech includes three syllables: "Ha-ha-ha." The speech of the next participant expands significantly, and there are already four syllables in it: "Ha-ha-ha-ha."

All this should be pronounced with appropriate pathos, in accordance with the seriousness of the undertaking.

The game is considered to be broken, and the perpetrators must be punished as soon as one of those present allows himself to slip into the banal "hee-hee-hee" instead of the noble "ha-ha-ha", that is, to laugh!


It is best to play the game in a company where people know each other well, and where everyone has already formed a certain opinion. The game is played as follows. All participants come together. The leader is selected.

He silently thinks of one person from those present. The task of the rest

Find out who the leader has chosen. All participants in the game take turns asking the host questions on associations. The facilitator thinks for a moment and pronounces his association.

The participants of the game carefully listen to the answers and try to put all the associations into a single image, this allows you to guess the intended personality. Whoever correctly calculates the selected person first wins and gets the right to become the leader in the next game.

The word "association" refers to the leader's impression of a given person, his personal feelings, some kind of image that resembles a mysterious person.

An example of questions and answers to associations can be the following dialogue:

What vegetable or fruit is this person associated with?

With ripe tangerine.

What kind of shoes is this person associated with?

With hussar boots with spurs.

What color is this person associated with?

With orange.

What type or brand of car is this person associated with?

With a bus.

What animal is this person associated with?

With an elephant.

What kind of music is this person associated with?

With Russian "pop".

What mood is associated with this person?

With cheerful.

After such answers, you understand that we are talking about someone perky, with a good-natured character and a broad soul. You look around in bewilderment: "Who could it be?" And then suddenly someone's voice is heard, calling your name. To your surprise, the host says, "That's the right answer!"

"Guess the Cocktail"

The competition is good for those who like to drink or, on the contrary, dream of ending this addiction forever. All participants are divided into pairs, one person in a pair is blindfolded with a scarf or towel.

The second person from each pair picks up a glass or a glass and goes to the table. In a glass, you need to prepare a cocktail from everything that is available to the participants: from ready-made drinks, fruit juice and ending ... The main thing here is to stop in time. Remember, the cocktail must be suitable for ingestion!!!

A blindfolded contestant tries the prepared mixture and tries to guess its ingredients. The pair that guessed absolutely all the components gets a super prize.

The competition will require several pairs of shoes. It is desirable that the shoes are big size and had strong long laces. The competition is held in pairs, preferably classic version"boy-girl"

Participants sit in pairs on chairs. The boot is worn by only one person out of a pair, while the laces are pulled out. Further, for greater sharpness of emotions, it would be nice to imagine that these people

Two polar explorers making their way through the blizzard and snowdrifts to their station. They have come a long way, and now one of them can no longer go further. On the way, their shoes were frayed, the laces frayed. The last lace left in stock, the one that can save their lives.

Having overcome the cold, with stiff fingers it is necessary to lace up the boot and, having taken on a weakened partner, bring him to his home (indicated by the leader of the place). The main difficulty is that the hands of the polar explorers froze from the cold, so much so that everyone can only act with one, not two.

For believability, each player leaves one free hand, and hides the other behind his back. The task is to use joint efforts with the help of one hand "from one person" to put the lace into the boot, tighten it, tie a bow and, taking your pair in your arms, bring it to a certain place.

You can simplify the task and not drag your partner, but limit yourself to a laced boot.

"Balloon Dance"

All participants stand in pairs. For each pair, you need to prepare a large balloon. The task is as follows: participants need to hold the ball, holding it between their foreheads.

The music turns on and the couples begin to dance, trying not to release the balloon.

It's not that easy to move in concert. Yes, and the ball, as if out of harm, is trying to jump out. The winner is the couple that can dance the longest without losing the ball.

"Last Dance"

This competition is dedicated to everyone who loves to dance "till losing their pulse", who forgets about everything in the world, having heard the sound of music. Remember the musicians on the ship from the movie "Titanic". You are invited to feel the acuteness of the experiences of two lovers who are on the verge of death.

The romantic story is beautiful and tragic. He and she, after the crash of the Titanic, find themselves floating in the ocean on a huge ice floe. Young people are not under illusions, they are aware that they are living out their last moments.

A terrible end is inevitable.

Those wishing to take part in the "Last Dance" are divided into pairs. A newspaper is spread on the floor and music is turned on. Young people begin their dance. Music can be fun and fast at first. Two people dance on the newspaper, not leaving it for a single step. Then the ice floe melts, the newspaper is folded in half.

The music is also changing. A little time passes, and the water continues to reduce the ice floe. The paper is being rolled up again. Music changes its character.

The winner is the couple that can hold together on the smallest piece of newspaper, continuing to dance.

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"Get an Apple"

The competition is held on the principle of "hanging pear

You can’t eat "(it doesn’t matter that we have apples, the essence of this does not change). First, find a long rope. Stretch the extracted rope across the entire room. You will have to persuade two guests to take on the hard work of holding it at shoulder level. Tie it to rope with thin threads.The number of threads should correspond to the number of players.At the ends of the threads, fasten the apples.

Before the competition begins, tug on each apple to make sure it is securely tied.

Everything is ready, and now you can invite lovers of "forbidden fruits". Any forbidden thing is so attractive that you just can’t get it. Task: eat an apple without touching it with your hands. At the same time, apples are tied on strings, and hands

Hooked behind the back.

Another version of this competition can be called "wet business", and it is more suitable for the male half. Why? Everything is simple.

Before the start of the competition, apples are placed in a basin of water, and it is required to take them out and bite them off without the help of hands. As you understand, girls are not made for “wet things”, because their “mascara has not dried up before their eyes”.

"Breathe Deep"

For the competition, the host needs to prepare many small pieces of cotton wool and distribute them one by one to each participant. At the command "Fly-fly, petal", all participants simultaneously throw up pieces of cotton wool and begin to blow on them with all their might, trying to prevent them from falling to the ground. The player who keeps his "petal" in the air the longest wins.

"Become a Star"

The competition requires a sufficiently large number of participants, at least 16 people. Before you reach the heights, you must go through seven steps.

The ascent starts from the swamp itself. All participants begin to portray frogs, start jumping and croaking. Next, everyone takes someone in a pair.

Only one of each pair must advance to the next stage, so a Rock-Paper-Scissors mini-tournament is held within the pairs (see description below).

Whoever loses, he leaves the competition, and whoever wins, gets into the next stage and starts to mumble, depicting sacred cow. Again, the Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament is played in pairs.

The one who passes to the third stage begins to meow like an elegant cat.

Another draw, and in the fourth stage everyone is buzzing like luxury cars of the Mercedes brand.

After the final draw, the winner is finally determined. He personifies the limit of stellar dreams, the beautiful Marilyn Monroe with her stellar song "Iwannabelovedbyyou.,.". Dreams Come True.

High goals continue to beckon people, and people again and again rush forward in search of a distant star.

Rules of intermediate draws "Rock-Paper-Scissors". Two people stand opposite each other, stretching forward one hand, clenched into a fist. Saying the words: "Rock-paper-scissors"

Everyone makes one of three possible signs with his hand. Straightens the palm

This is "paper", straightens two fingers

Is it "scissors" or leaves the hand in a fist

This is "stone".

The one who is stronger wins. Paper is stronger than stone. Stone is stronger than scissors. Scissors are stronger than paper.

The stage is decorated with playful drawings-portraits of school Tatyana, in the middle is a poster with the words of A.S. Pushkin: "So, she was called Tatyana ..."

1st presenter. Good evening, dear friends! We have gathered here to celebrate the traditional Russian holiday - Tatyana's Day!

The name of a person distinguishes him from those around him and affirms his uniqueness and uniqueness. In Russia, a tradition has developed to give the child the name of a saint, who thus becomes his heavenly patron.

The name Tatyana in the calendar is interpreted as a great martyr. It is derived from the Latin Tatus, the name of the Sabine king. Sabines - Italian tribes, some of which lived on the hills of Rome. The girlfriend of the version, the name Tatyana of ancient Russian origin, “tatto” means to establish, determine. The meaning of the name is organizer, founder, mistress.

Tatyana's Day began to be celebrated in Russia from January 25, 1755, when Empress Elizaveta Petrovna established Moscow University by her decree. By Orthodox calendar This is the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana. It became a holiday for students of the University, later for all students, and now it is a holiday for all youth.

2nd host. Do you know how they tell fortunes on Tatyana's day? On the night before Tatiana's Day, they turn to the name of the saint, ask how the student's winter session will go (they give their name). Tatyana May tell the student about this in a dream.

1st presenter. At all times Tatyana's day - fun party, with songs, feasts, fun.

Here you can cite an excerpt from the book by V. Gilyarovsky "Moscow and Muscovites", the chapter "Students".

2nd host. Today we also gathered here to have fun and have fun. Tatyana's team from our school is invited to the stage!

Task for Tatyana.

2nd host. What kind of ideal girl named Tatyana do you imagine? We draw a portrait of Tatyana.

To the sound of music, Tatyanas come out to the portable board in turn and with their eyes closed draw the details of the portrait: one is the oval of the face, the other is the nose, the third is the mouth, etc.

1st leader. Now let's play a game invented by Lewis Carroll. Write on a piece of paper, one under the other, two different names with the same number of letters. Now try to turn the top name into a bottom name, changing one letter each time and getting a chain of new words. To facilitate the task, you can agree to change two letters. In this way, you can turn Lena into Kolya, Natasha into Alexei, etc.

Tanya - Vanya - Varya - Vera - Hera - Gene - Lena;

Tanya - Vanya - Valya - Galya.

2nd leader. And now for Tatyana, a test of ingenuity. So - a blitz tournament!

Seven candles burned in the room. A man passed by, put out two candles. How much is left?

Answer. Two, the rest burned down.

Born twice, dies once.

Answer. Hen.

Who can't be picked up from the floor by the tail?

Answer. A ball of thread.

Two bellies, four ears. Who is it?

Answer. Pillow.

There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them among three babies so that one apple remains in the basket?

Answer. Give one away with the basket.

Which month is the shortest?

Answer. May.

What year has only one day?

Answer. New Year.

Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot?

Answer. At the mushroom

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

Answer. One, the second is no longer on an empty stomach.

What utensils can not be eaten from?

Answer. From empty.

How does day and night end?

Answer. Soft sign.

What tree does a crow sit on when it rains?

Answer. Wet.

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house?

Answer. When the door is open.

Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day?

Answer. The ones that stand.

What is not in cabbage, beets, or radishes, but is in tomatoes?

Answer. Letter O.

1st presenter. And now the competition for moms. Here is the task: you need to recognize your daughter by her hair. Your eyes must be closed while doing this.

Tatyana's hairstyles quickly change behind the scenes. The mothers walk along Tatyana lined up on the stage, run their hands through the girls' hair and look for their daughters.

2nd leader. And now the same competition, but now for our Tatyanas - they must take their mothers by the hand with their eyes closed, and guess theirs among them.

After the competition - a musical break.

1st presenter. Let's talk about ethics. Do all Tatyanas know which side a woman should go from a man? Where did this rule come from?

Answer. From the left. The custom comes from knightly times and is based on the fact that right hand men should be free for weapons in order to protect themselves and their companion when meeting with the enemy.

Who can without breaking the rules good manners, the first to give a hand when meeting?

Answer. The other lady or man is much older.

Is it necessary to greet people at a meeting if they have already been seen on this Day?

Answer. Should be greeted every time we meet. For example, in the morning you can wish good morning, in the afternoon - good day.

2nd host. Our Tatyanas show enviable erudition in various fields of knowledge. Let's try to test them again, but on a very pleasant topic. A contest of connoisseurs and connoisseurs of flowers is announced!

In the titles of which novels by famous French writers, father and son, the name of flowers is mentioned?

Answer. "Black Tulip" - Dumas-father and "Lady with Camellias" - Dumas-son.

In a number Western countries shamrock clover has long been considered a talisman, and is now willingly depicted on greeting cards, souvenirs, key rings as a symbol of happiness. Name a popular western company whose logo includes a shamrock.

Answer. Adidas.

What famous war is named after flowers and even their color is indicated? In what century and in what country did it take place?

Answer. War of the Scarlet and White Roses, 15th century, England.

Let me remind you of one ancient myth. The young man was predicted at birth that he would live until he saw himself. He spent all his time in the woods. One day, bending over the lake, he saw a beautiful face in the mirror of the water and fell in love with it. Forgetting about food and sleep, he remained on the shore day and night, admiring himself, and died of anguish. The gods turned him into a flower. What was the name of this young man?

Answer. Narcissus.

Let's remember songs about flowers. Who is bigger?

Answer. "Kalina red", "Bird cherry", "Lilies of the valley", "Yellow tulips", "Million scarlet roses", "Lavender", etc.

1st leader. I will now pronounce 15 words in a row that are not related to each other either in form or in content. Players, after listening, must write down all the words that they remember. Whoever remembers wins large quantity words: road, potatoes, light bulb, holidays, vermicelli, chairs, intermission, discussion, cabbage, creativity, invitation, household, option, square, dignity.

2nd leader. Now a competition for mom and daughter. Mom will answer my questions, and Tatyana, if she does not agree with her, can correct her.

One of Tatyana and her mother comes up to the microphone.

Do you believe that the deepest of the oceans is the Pacific?

Answer. Yes.

That Ilya Muromets liberated Smolensk from Nightingale the Robber? (Chernihiv)

Do you believe that sunlight can penetrate 800 meters into the ocean?

Answer. Even at 1000 m.

Do you believe that there is a stuffed Kamchadal in the zoological museum?

Answer. No, this is a resident of Kamchatka.

Do you believe that the chocolate tree grows in India?

Answer. No, in South America.

Do you believe that the paintings “Heroes”, “Ivan Tsarevich of the Nasser Wolf” were painted by the artist Serov?

Answer. No, Vasnetsov.

Do you believe that the dollar is the currency of Liberia, Ethiopia, Singapore? Answer. Yes.

Do you believe that a spider has twelve legs?

Answer. Eight.

Do you believe that hedgehog fish has delicious and nutritious meat?

Answer. No.

Do you believe that the city of Cognac exists?

Answer. Yes, in France.

Do you believe that peony is a predatory flower?

Answer. Yes, he loves protein foods.

1st presenter. Dear Tatyana! We were glad to talk with you, to see your clear smiles, to enjoy your charm and erudition. But our evening is coming to an end. To all of you

We wish you happiness and good

So that life is as bright as day,

So that only joy without worries

I crossed your threshold!

2nd leader.

The time has come for fervent songs to pour,

Smiles of joy without restraint sparkle.

We invite you to have some fun

We invite everyone to dance!

The party disco begins.

Game program for preschoolers "Tatiana's Day"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: Material designed for older kids preschool age(6 - 7 years). It will be of interest to educators, teachers preschool education, elementary school teachers.
Target: create a good mood.
Tasks:- educate mutual assistance, friendship, collectivism;
- develop dexterity, speed, endurance, cognitive and mental abilities;
- arouse interest in traditions.
Preliminary work: learning poems, talking on the topic, preparing costumes, preparing flowers, making gifts.

Educator: On January 25 in our country we celebrate an amazing holiday - Tatyana's Day, this day is dedicated to all girls, women, girls named Tatyana, to all students. We talked about the history of this holiday at our last lesson, and I want to dedicate today's program to all the Tatianas who have gathered in this hall today.
This day is considered the second birthday for all Tatyan, they celebrate their name day on this day. Tatyana is a Greek name, meaning - determination, confidence, cheerfulness.

Educator: But on January 25, the country also celebrates the student's day. In honor of this holiday, our children invited their brothers and sisters to our holiday, they are their students.
Child: Tatyana's Day is celebrated
holiday your students,
All Tanyushas receive
lots of compliments.
Child: I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
with this wonderful day.
And I wish mischievous
joyful happiness.
Child: Let everything in life succeed
work is arguing
There will be small mistakes
and victories - without counting.
Child: Let love carry on wings
friendship will be the rear,
And it's bound to happen
what is dear to the heart.
Educator: Guys, you are also future students, and what you need to do to become a student.
Answers: study well in kindergarten, behave well, and then study well at school.
Educator: I suggest you now, in order of priority, name the words starting with the letter “T”, which can be correlated with our Tatianas.
One two Three, start saying words:
Answers: patient, hardworking, dancer, creative, talented.
Educator: And now, I will ask you to name the names that begin with the letter "T".
Answers: Tatyana, Timofey, Tolya, Tonya, Tamara, Tom, Tosya, Taras, Timur, Taisiya, Tina, Tikhon.
Educator: Well done. And now a music competition, I propose to remember the words of the songs that talk about flowers and sing, or say at least two lines. I propose to participate in this competition to our Tatyanas, so they will congratulate each other.
- Yellow tulips, heralds of separation ...
- White roses, white roses, defenseless thorns...
- Lavender, mountain lavender...
- Daisies hid, buttercups drooped ...
- A million, a million, a million scarlet roses ...
- Pink roses, Svetka Sokolova...
- City flowers, city flowers...
Educator: Great, we sat down for a bit. I invite you all to participate in dance competition. We carefully listen to the music, it will change throughout the dance, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, you need to get in time with the music.
Educator: and now for all Tatyan congratulations in verse.

Child: Today is Tanya's name day!
Tatyana's day - people say.
All gathered now your girlfriends,
To congratulate you alone!
Child: For all Tatyana, poets scribble poetry,
Wishing happiness, so that all dreams come true,
And I wish that in winter and hot summer.
In spring and autumn, you were the most beautiful.
Child: On the day of the angel, I wish you -
May you be lucky in all matters
And with all my heart I congratulate
May Tatyana's day bring
All the things you've always dreamed of
great words,
Good luck that everything grows together,
And everything worked out!
Educator: Do you know the signs of Tatyana's day?

Educator: And now I invite our students to participate. Questions are raised for them, do I expect answers from students?
- What holiday do we celebrate on January 25? (Tatiana's day, student's day)
- The name Zhenya, why is it unusual? (that's the name of both the girl and the boy)
- Who signed the statement about the creation of the university? (Empress Elizaveta Petrovna)
- In what year was the decree on the establishment of the university signed? (in 1755)
- What do we call a student who studies for five? (excellent student)
- A person who studies at a university, college, what do we call him? (student)
- What is the name of the time when students take exams? (session)
- After passing the session, students begin .... (holidays)
Educator: And now our guys will call our Tatyan affectionately. I say - Tanya, and you continue ...
Answers: Tanya, Tanya, Tatiana, Tanya, Tanya, Tatyanochka.
Educator: I want to invite cute Tanyas,
And offer them clothes.
The fashion contest is starting
Defele we offer you.
And we will support you with applause. Tanya - adults show us their best outfits - dresses, and little fashionistas Tanya - will show us their fashionable hats - hats.
Competition:"Fashionista Tanya".
Educator: We need to congratulate fashionistas,
And collect flowers for them.
The wind scattered the petals from our flowers, I invite the boys, let the flowers be collected and presented to Tatyana.

Educator: Our festive evening has come to an end, I want to ask our students to give us all a song. (The lyrics were distributed in advance.)
Everyone who knows the words to the song sings along.
On the French side
On an alien planet
I have to learn
In university.

What do I miss -
Do not say in words.
Cry dear friends
Bitter tears.

Let's shake goodbye
We are each other's hands
And leave his father's house
Martyr of Science.

Here I stand, holding the oar,
I'll leave in a moment.
The poor heart has crumpled
Sorrow and sadness.

Quietly splashing water
Blue ribbon.
Remember sometimes
your student

Many winters and many years
We lived together
Keeping a holy vow
Loyalty and honor.

Well, so be the same, always
Alive and well!
I believe the day will come when
We'll meet again.

I will bring you all together
If in a foreign land
I won't die by chance
From his Latin.

If they don't go crazy
Romans and Greeks
Composing Volumes
For the library.

If those professors
What students are taught
Unfortunate schoolboy
They won't torture you to death

If I don't drink to death
At a drunken feast
Will definitely be back
To you, friends, girlfriends!

Here I stand, holding the oar,
I'll leave in a moment.
The poor heart has crumpled
Sorrow and sadness.

Quietly splashing water
Blue ribbon.
Remember sometimes
your student.
Educator: Once again I congratulate all Tatyana and all students. We wish everyone good luck and success, more jokes, laughter. Our guys have prepared small gifts for you. Presentation of gifts.
Let there be a blizzard on the street
The plains are covered in snow.
We honor, friends, Tatyana's day,
We celebrate her name day.
Pushkin dedicated lines to her,
He sang without falsehood, without flaw.
And the Lord himself blessed
Saint named Tatyana.
Let's love all Tatyana:
Beautiful, kind, gentle -
And everyone is happy to give
Dreams and bright hopes.
Educator: I suggest everyone to drink tea, and our guests, students, will tell us about their student life.

An evening for students patronized by the enterprise.

Scenario of an entertainment program for students

Scenario plan of the evening:

The guys are seated in companies at the tables.
- Presenters represent the audience.
- A “Population Census” is being carried out (the guys write names, institute and course on paper). Joking statistics.

Word to the representatives of the administration of the enterprise.
- Questions from students to future employers.
- Initiation of freshmen. A set for "granite-gnawing science".

Leading: A real student knows a lot of things and knows a lot of things - a real all-rounder, because he has to not only study, but also live independently, make decisions, solve issues, including financial ones, earn extra money, in a word - survive, for the sake of one goal: to get a decent education. We will now try to determine the degree of universality of our students in a relaxed atmosphere.

The entire audience is conditionally divided into three groups, that is, each of those present necessarily "consists" in one of these groups. So, we divide the audience and distribute attributes and props.

1st group - directly participants. We select them one by one from each table. To begin with, decipher the word "student": what is he? By letter on the table, for example, the first table answers the letter "C", let's say - conscious, funny, diligent, etc.; the second table with the letter “T”, etc. One participant is chosen at each table, the guys are invited to come out and the emblems of the participants are attached to them.

Group 2 is support groups. That is, the remaining at the tables. Thus, each member has a support group. They receive tasks and, according to the conditions, can “save” their participant once by performing their task.

3rd group - representatives of the enterprise. They receive refereeing attributes, flags, stars, points, etc.


1st competition: "Examination ticket". Participants pull tickets, they have comic express tasks that are performed immediately, for example: demonstrate the most secluded place for a cheat sheet, or pity the examiner, or make you laugh, etc. On one of the tickets - ask for help from the HP.)

Support group with their task. Represents its member.

2nd competition: Top class For a student, this is an "excellent" rating. Words that end in "but" All participants take turns until they stumble, to be eliminated or whoever lasts the longest.

The support group saves its member. Which showed the worst result.

3rd competition: “The ability to “swindle” - a student cannot do without it. Everyone at the tables inflates the balloons, the participants choose one of the colors and motivate why they chose this particular color, for example: green color promotes relaxation - a tired teacher relaxes and loses vigilance, etc. Who leaves - the jury decides.

Support Group. Plays for the elimination candidate.

4th competition: "Freebie pliz." All inflated balloons are collected at the tables and thrown into the middle of the site. To the cheerful music, the task of the participants is simply to “grab” balls with a blindfold. The support groups at the tables are loudly prompting, but not helping.

5th competition: "Cleaning the premises." The student is his own master, and you also have to keep order yourself. 20 seconds. They collect candy wrappers. And sweets, by the way, are at the tables. Whoever picks up candy wrappers less - he leaves.

Support Group.

6th competition: "Do not have a hundred rubles." The main thing for a student is to have not a hundred rubles, but a hundred friends, so that they have notes, etc. Each of the participants goes “to the people” with a notebook in which, while a musical fragment is playing, friends write their phone numbers or addresses. Then they count who has more.

Support group for the loser.

7th competition: "Test for dexterity, flexibility and resourcefulness." Jumping ball racing.

Jury word. Awarding of the "Universal Student" and all participants. Reviews about the evening. Disco.

P.S. Tasks for support groups:

Chastushki student. The texts are prepared in advance.

Song of students (karaoke minus). It also has lyrics and music.

Act out the proverbs new way:

Student to student friend, comrade and brother.
You can't be a student.
A student sees a student from afar.
A student in the field is not a warrior (he ate little porridge).
Student - it sounds proud. The student is a terrible force.

A dance that turns into a crowd.