Formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children of senior preschool age. Formation of healthy lifestyle skills among schoolchildren Refusal of bad habits

Healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at maintaining and improving the health of people. The hygienic regime of work and rest contributes to a healthy lifestyle, but such bad habits as smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs interfere.

A healthy lifestyle is the main factor of health

According to WHO experts, health is 50-55% dependent on a person's lifestyle, 20-23% - on heredity, 20-25% - on the condition environment(environment) and 8-12% from the work of the national health system. So, to the greatest extent, human health depends on lifestyle, which means that we can assume that the general line for the formation and promotion of health is a healthy lifestyle (HLS).

According to modern ideas, healthy lifestyle- these are typical forms and methods of daily human life, strengthening and improving the adaptive (adaptive) and reserve capabilities of the body, which ensures the successful implementation of social and professional functions.

At the heart of any way of life are principles, i.e. rules of conduct followed by the individual. There are biological and social principles on the basis of which a healthy lifestyle is formed. Biological principles: lifestyle should be age-related, provided with energy, strengthening, rhythmic, moderate. social principles: the way of life should be aesthetic, moral, strong-willed, self-limiting.

This classification is based on the principle of the unity of the individual and the general, the unity of the organism and the environment - biological and social. In this regard, a healthy lifestyle is nothing more than a rational organization of human life on the basis of key biological and social vital forms of behavior - behavioral factors. We list the main ones:

  • the cultivation of positive emotions that contribute to mental well-being - the basis of all aspects of life and health;
  • optimal motor activity (DA) is the leading innate mechanism of bioprogress and health;
  • rational nutrition is the basic factor of bioprogress and health;
  • a rhythmic way of life corresponding to biorhythms is the basic principle of the organism's vital activity;
  • effective organization labor activity- the main form of self-realization, formation and reflection of human essence;
  • sexual culture is a key factor in life as an adequate and progressive form of reproduction of the species;
  • healthy aging is a natural process of fruitful longevity;
  • giving up addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, etc.) is a decisive factor in maintaining health.

In practice, the implementation of these forms of behavior is extremely difficult. One of the main reasons for this should be recognized as a lack of motivation positive attitude to your health and wellness. The fact is that in the hierarchy of needs that underlie the behavior of a person (for example, a student), health is far from being in the first place. This is due to the low individual and general culture of Russian society, which leads to the absence of an orientation towards the primacy (dominance) of the value of health in the hierarchy of human needs. Therefore, the formation of health is, first of all, the problem of each person. It should begin with the education of health and healthy lifestyle motivation, because this motivation is a system-forming factor in behavior. In other words, there will be motivation (purposeful need) - there will be corresponding behavior.

Healthy lifestyle and ways of its formation

Healthy lifestyle (HLS) - a term that is being used more and more. The simplest definition of a healthy lifestyle is everything in a lifestyle that has a beneficial effect on health. Therefore, the concept of healthy lifestyle includes all positive sides people's activities: job satisfaction, active life position, social optimism, high physical activity, well-being, lack of bad habits, high medical activity, etc.

The formation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle is the most important task of the state, since lifestyle is a determining factor in health.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is also the task of health authorities, social protection, education. WHO recommendations are aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle:

  • diet low in animal fats;
  • reducing the amount of salt consumed;
  • reducing the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • maintaining a normal body weight;
  • regular exercise;
  • reduction of stress levels, etc.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is the basis of any preventive activity, numerous programs aimed at improving the health of society. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle is the most important function and task of all health authorities (especially primary health care institutions), health education centers, educational institutions, social protection authorities, etc.

The attitude towards a healthy lifestyle should be formed in the following areas: 1) strengthening and creating a positive lifestyle; 2) overcoming, reducing risk factors.

The study and formation of public opinion regarding the assessment of one's own health is one of the difficult tasks of forming an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. Along with the health authorities, the media plays a big role in this. It is necessary to understand that the health of the population is ensured not only by the responsibility of the state and society, but also by the responsibility of each of us for our own health and the health of all.

A healthy lifestyle is based on scientifically based sanitary and hygienic standards aimed at improving health: rational nutrition; physical activity; hardening; lack of bad habits; the ability to get out of stressful conditions (for example, possession of auto-training techniques); high medical activity (timeliness of medical examinations, timeliness of applying for medical care in case of illness, active participation in medical examination); the ability to provide first aid in case of sudden illnesses, injuries, etc.

Basics of a healthy lifestyle

Each person should have his own health system as a set of lifestyle circumstances that he implements.

The absence of one's own health system will sooner or later lead a person to illness and will not give him the opportunity to realize the inclinations inherent in him by nature.

A person is so perfect that not only to maintain the necessary level of health, but also to return to it from an illness, one can practically from any state; but with the progression of the disease and with age, this requires more and more effort. As a rule, a person resorts to these efforts if he has vital goal, motivation, which each person has their own.

The main features of the health program should be:

  • voluntariness;
  • the expenditure of certain physical and other forces;
  • orientation to the constant improvement of their physical, mental and other capabilities.

Creating your own system of a healthy lifestyle is an extremely long process and can last a lifetime.

Feedback from the changes that occur in the body as a result of following a healthy lifestyle does not work immediately, the positive effect of switching to a rational lifestyle is sometimes delayed for years. That is why, unfortunately, quite often people only “try” the transition itself, but, having not received a quick result, they return to their previous way of life. This is not surprising, since a healthy lifestyle involves, on the one hand, the rejection of many pleasant living conditions that have become habitual (overeating, comfort, alcohol, etc.), and on the other hand, constant and regular heavy loads for a person who is not adapted to them. and strict lifestyle regulations. In the first period of the transition to a healthy lifestyle, it is especially important to support a person in his desire, provide him with the necessary consultations (since during this period he constantly experiences a lack of knowledge in various aspects of ensuring a healthy lifestyle), point out positive changes in his state of health, in functional indicators, etc.

It is clear that in order to develop “his own” system, a person will try various means and systems, analyze their acceptability for him and their effectiveness, and select the best.

In the implementation of a healthy lifestyle program, in organizing the transition to it, depending on individual characteristics, a person can choose various options.

For those who like to follow a clear life schedule - this is rigid sequence of actions, painted thoroughly but events and time. Therefore, all actions aimed at ensuring health - physical exercises, hygiene procedures, meal times, rest, etc. — rigidly fit into the regime of the day with the exact indication of the time.

For those who are accustomed to setting specific goals and achieving them, there is a clear division into stages of transition with planning for each stage, its intermediate and final goals. In this case, a technology for implementing the program appears: where and when to start, how to organize food, movement, etc. The phased implementation of the program allows you to clarify the goals and objectives of each stage, its duration in accordance with the state of your health, forms of control, the final result for the stage, etc. The fulfillment of the tasks set for the stage allows you to proceed to the next stage. That is, this option does not set strict conditions for each given period of time, however, it allows you to purposefully move towards the transition to a healthy lifestyle.

For those accustomed to comfort and laziness - a soft approximation to the desired. This option does not force you to clearly plan your daily routine or stages, but the person who has taken it believes that any wellness event is already better than nothing (do at least sometimes, at least once a week). That is, the prerequisite for such an approach is the thesis: it is important to start (for example, you can start only with morning hygienic exercises; then you can refuse the morning cigarette ... Then - try to walk to work ...). This option is especially suitable for a person who cannot drastically change his lifestyle and give up comfortable habits.

For the most inert - the maximum incorporation of the program into the usual daily routine. It is especially suitable for middle-aged and older people who, on the one hand, have already become involved in the usual conditions of life and it is difficult for them to give them up, and on the other hand, they are burdened with social, domestic, personal, professional problems and experience a constant shortage of time. The latter circumstance is a convenient reason for them to explain the reluctance to switch to a healthy lifestyle. In this case, they can include elements of the latter in the usual mode (for example, walk part of the way to work; if there is no feeling of hunger, then save time on skipping meals; wash in the morning cold water etc.). To implement this option, first of all, you should critically analyze your daily routine and life and find those "niches" in them in which such elements could be built.

After weighing your capabilities, the characteristics of your life, the reserves of free time, the state of health, setting the goal and objectives of the transition to a healthy lifestyle, you should choose from the list of indicated the version of the program according to which the person is going to work. It is only important that during its implementation he be self-confident, persistent and consistent, systematically analyzing his condition and making appropriate adjustments to his lifestyle. Undoubtedly, all this will give its results both in terms of the efficiency and productivity of human life, and in the level and dynamics of his health.

Naturally, the path of each person to a healthy lifestyle differs in its own characteristics both in time and along the trajectory, but this is not of fundamental importance - the end result is important. The effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle for a given person can be determined by a number of biosocial criteria, including:

Estimates of morphological and functional indicators of health:

Assessments of the state of immunity:

  • the number of colds and infectious diseases during a certain period;
  • in the presence of a chronic disease - the dynamics of its course.

Estimates of adaptation to socio-economic conditions of life:

  • efficiency of professional activity;
  • activity in the performance of family and household duties;
  • the breadth and degree of manifestation of social and personal interests.

Estimates of the level of valeological indicators:

  • the degree of formation of the attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;
  • level of valeological knowledge;
  • the level of assimilation of practical knowledge and skills related to the maintenance and promotion of health;
  • the ability to independently build an individual health trajectory and a healthy lifestyle program.

What end results does following the conditions of a healthy lifestyle provide in its totality, for the sake of which it is worth exposing yourself to the regime of restriction and stress that underlies it? After analyzing the provisions below, each person can make a conclusion for himself whether it is worth living every day "to the fullest", for his own pleasure, knowing about the consequences of such behavior for health and life itself, or through the education of healthy needs and taking care of one's health as main life value secure a long, healthy and happy life. So, a healthy lifestyle:

  • positively and effectively reduces or eliminates the impact of risk factors, morbidity and, as a result, reduces the cost of treatment;
  • contributes to the fact that human life becomes healthier and more durable;
  • ensures good family relationships, health and happiness of children;
  • is the basis for the realization of a person's need for self-actualization and self-realization, provides high social activity and social success;
  • causes high working capacity of the body, reduced fatigue at work, high labor productivity and, on this basis, high material prosperity;
  • allows you to give up bad habits, rationally organize and distribute the time budget with the obligatory use of means and methods of active recreation;
  • provides cheerfulness, good mood and optimism.


Health is the most important factor in working capacity and harmonious development human, and especially children's body. The concept of health is currently considered not only as the absence of a disease, disease state, physical defect, but also a state of complete social, physical and mental well-being.

Caring for the health of the younger generation has always been one of the most important tasks of the entire nation. But, despite the successes achieved, the current state of health and the level of morbidity of students cannot satisfy us. The results of mass examinations and an analysis of the attendance of sick schoolchildren to doctors make it possible to determine the most common diseases among children: SARS, chronic tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, infectious diseases, dental caries, injuries, allergic diseases, postural disorders, neurotic reactions, decreased visual acuity, and others. health disorders.
It is important to emphasize that in the life of a child quite often there are situations in which the need for knowledge in the field of medicine is even more clearly expressed. The main direction in which it is necessary to carry out research on this problem is to find and develop such means that would be accessible to children of school age.

Based on the foregoing, we can formulate the goal of our work - to consider the role of the teaching staff in organizing and conducting work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle and occupational diseases among children and adolescents.

1. General principles formation of healthy lifestyle habits in


Instilling healthy lifestyle skills in schoolchildren is a guarantee of maintaining and strengthening health, and preventing diseases. The rules of a healthy lifestyle should be learned in childhood and fixed to automatism. In these cases, they will be performed throughout life.

The student acquires the skills of a healthy lifestyle, imitating the older members of the family. Therefore, it is necessary that adults themselves know the rules of a healthy lifestyle and follow them. This, however, is not enough. Additional sources of knowledge and skills about the rules of a healthy lifestyle are hygienic education and training of children and parents by a family doctor and teachers.

Most of the healthy lifestyle skills are included in the daily routine.

modern school does not provide all the necessary conditions that would allow it to become a place for the formation of the health of schoolchildren. Today, it worsens when moving from class to class, as a result of which, by the time they leave school, more than 40% of students have some kind of chronic disease and another 36% have morphofunctional deviations. In this regard, up to 35% of students have various restrictions in choosing a profession for health reasons. In addition to objective reasons, this situation is explained by an underestimation of practical work on the formation in children and adolescents of the skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious and responsible attitude to the preservation and promotion of health.

As the results of studies show, more than half of the schoolchildren do not have the elementary skills of a healthy lifestyle that are appropriate for their age: adherence to the daily routine, the ability to alternate mental and physical activity, regular and rational nutrition, age-appropriate physical activity, sufficient sleep, staying on fresh air, personal hygiene skills, although already at the age of 11 a student should understand long-term effects their behavior for health, and at the age of 13 - to be able to make the right decision in situations associated with a threat to their physical and mental well-being.

Modern requirements for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, hygiene education and upbringing of children and adolescents and the promotion of their health include: maintaining a safe environment in the school building; organization of medical care for schoolchildren, providing constant monitoring of their health; availability of the program hygiene education integrated into the school curriculum; a clearly defined position of the school in relation to the main aspects of lifestyle - nutrition, smoking, alcohol and drug use, physical activity, etc.; medical care for teachers and the creation of conditions at school for the preservation and strengthening of their health; professional training of teachers for work on hygienic education and upbringing of children; hygiene education of children by family doctors and pediatricians; the connection of the school and the polyclinic with the family and the public in the work to improve the health of children.

2. Ways to form healthy lifestyle skills in


2.1 Hardening

Particular attention should be paid to frequently ill children. Practice shows that all schoolchildren can become hardened. Hardening has not only health-improving, but also great educational value. The child needs to make regular certain efforts until hardening procedures become common, the child sees concrete results: before, water of 30 degrees seemed cool, and now 19 degrees is warm. Children are very fond of observing the readings of a water thermometer. Achieving a result (hardening) can serve as an incentive in striving for other specific results: in studies, personal interests, etc. The child develops a sense of self-confidence. In the classroom at the lesson of natural history, it is quite appropriate and useful for the teacher to discuss with the children how they practically harden their body and what it gives them. In persuading children to conduct targeted hardening can help interesting examples from the lives of famous people.

2.2 Bad habits

Bad and unhealthy habits, the formation of which sometimes occurs at school age, require much more serious attention. This is drinking alcohol and more often smoking. Why do students start smoking?

Scientists who studied this issue came to the conclusion that in the first place (about 30% of all schoolchildren who started smoking) should be the influence of comrades, peers or older children. Smoking adults in the presence of children creates their idea of ​​smoking as a norm of behavior. Schoolchildren are more likely to join a bad habit. The second reason for smoking is curiosity, interest. In third place is the desire to imitate adults: a respected teacher, master, parents, famous film actors, etc.

Most importantly, we focus our efforts on preventing children from starting to smoke. Explanation of the dangers of smoking should come with strict consideration of age characteristics. Children are affected by admonitions that the life expectancy of a smoker is reduced, that cancer is possible. The position must be absolutely clear: tobacco has a stronger effect on a child's growing organism, it is much more dangerous for a child than for an adult. Speaking about the special harm of tobacco for a growing organism, it must be emphasized that smoking interferes with good study - memory weakens, vision is often impaired together. Children should definitely be taught that smoking is very difficult to wean off. It is important to create an "anti-tobacco climate" in schools, boarding schools, etc. This, as already mentioned, is greatly helped by sports, the employment of children with various interesting things.

Another extremely harmful habit for human health is alcohol consumption. This habit also has complex socio-economic, biological-social and pedagogical aspects. A kind of "positive" attitude to alcohol can occur in children even from those families where domestic drunkenness is accompanied by scandals. Observing such phenomena, children form an idea of ​​such phenomena as the "norm" of behavior. A negative attitude towards alcohol is formed in children from families in which it is not used, and in families where alcohol brings misfortune, it is a disaster. In anti-alcohol education, the leading role belongs to the family, so the school should give parents clear instructions:

On no days, in any form, or in the smallest doses, do not give children alcoholic beverages;

Families should have a clear attitude: alcohol is the enemy of health, alcohol is the enemy of study, alcohol is the enemy of sports;

Alcohol (in all forms) is extremely harmful to a growing child's body.

We consider it important in conversations with children, even when explaining to them, say, the results of experiments, in no case be limited only to the medical side of the matter, but pay attention to social and everyday aspects.
2.3 Mode of work and rest

Labor is the true core and basis of the regime healthy life person. There is a misconception about the harmful effect of labor that allegedly causes "wear and tear" of the body, excessive expenditure of forces and resources, and premature aging. Labor, both physical and mental, is not only not harmful, but, on the contrary, a systematic, feasible, and well-organized labor process has an extremely beneficial effect on nervous system, heart and blood vessels, musculoskeletal system - for the entire human body. Constant training in the process of labor strengthens our body. The one who works hard and works well throughout his life lives long. On the contrary, idleness leads to muscle weakness, metabolic disorders, obesity and premature decrepitude. Influence of the training load on the working capacity and functional state of the body of younger schoolchildren. - In the book: Efficiency and health of students when studying in a modern school.

In the observed cases of overstrain and overwork of a person, it is not the work itself that is to blame, but the wrong mode of work. It is necessary to correctly and skillfully distribute forces during the performance of work, both physical and mental. Uniform, rhythmic work is more productive and more beneficial for the health of workers than changing periods of downtime with periods of intense, hasty work. Interesting and beloved work is done easily, without tension, does not cause fatigue and fatigue. important right choice professions in accordance with the individual abilities and inclinations of a person.

A comfortable working uniform is important for a child, he must be well instructed on safety issues. Right before work, it is important to organize your workplace: remove all unnecessary, arrange all the tools in the most rational way, etc. Workplace lighting should be sufficient and uniform. A local light source, such as a table lamp, is preferable. It's best to start with the hardest part of the job. It trains and strengthens the will. It does not allow you to put off difficult things from morning to evening, from evening to morning, from today to tomorrow, and generally on the back burner.

A necessary condition for maintaining health in the process of work is the alternation of work and rest. Rest after work does not mean a state of complete rest. Only with very great fatigue can we talk about passive rest. It is desirable that the nature of the rest be opposite to the nature of the work of a person (the "contrasting" principle of rest construction). People of physical labor need rest that is not associated with additional physical exertion, and knowledge workers need some physical work during their leisure hours. This alternation of physical and mental stress is good for health. A person who spends a lot of time indoors should spend at least part of their time outdoors. It is desirable for city residents to relax outdoors - on walks around the city and outside the city, in parks, stadiums, on hikes on excursions, working in garden plots, etc.

2.4 Sleep mode

To maintain the normal activity of the nervous system and the whole organism, a good sleep is of great importance. The great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov pointed out that sleep is a kind of inhibition, which protects the nervous system from excessive stress and fatigue. Sleep should be sufficiently long and deep. If a person sleeps little, then he gets up in the morning irritated, broken, and sometimes with a headache.

Systematic lack of sleep leads to disruption of nervous activity, decreased performance, increased fatigue, irritability. To create the conditions for a normal, sound and restful sleep, it is necessary for 1-1.5 hours. before sleep, stop strenuous mental work. Dinner should be no later than 2-2.5 hours. before sleep. This is essential for proper digestion of food. You should sleep in a well-ventilated room, it’s good to accustom yourself to sleep with an open window, and in the warm season with an open window. In the room you need to turn off the lights and establish silence. Nightwear should be loose, not impeding blood circulation. Can't sleep in outerwear, it is not recommended to cover yourself with a blanket with your head, sleep face down: this interferes with normal breathing. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time - this helps to fall asleep quickly.

Neglect of these simple rules of sleep hygiene causes negative phenomena. Sleep becomes shallow and restless, as a result of which, as a rule, insomnia develops over time, certain disorders in the activity of the nervous system.

For mental work, systematic physical education and sports are of exceptional importance. It is known that even a healthy and young person, if he is not trained, leads a sedentary lifestyle and does not engage in physical education, with the slightest physical exertion, breathing quickens, a heartbeat appears. On the contrary, a trained person can easily cope with significant physical exertion. The strength and performance of the heart muscle, the main engine of blood circulation, is directly dependent on the strength and development of all muscles. Therefore, physical training, while developing the muscles of the body, at the same time strengthens the heart muscle. In children with underdeveloped muscles, the heart muscle is weak, which is revealed during any physical work. Physical education and sports are very useful, since their work is often associated with the load of any particular muscle group, and not the entire musculature as a whole. Physical training strengthens and develops the skeletal muscles, heart muscle, blood vessels, respiratory system and many other organs, which greatly facilitates the work of the circulatory apparatus, has a beneficial effect on the nervous systemDembo A.G. Medical control in sports.
Daily morning exercises are a mandatory minimum of physical training. It should become for everyone the same habit as washing in the morning.

Physical exercises should be performed in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. For people leading a sedentary lifestyle, physical exercise in the air (walking, walking) is especially important. It is useful to go to work on foot in the morning and walk in the evening after work. Systematic walking has a beneficial effect on a person, improves well-being, increases efficiency.

Walking is a complexly coordinated motor act controlled by the nervous system, it is carried out with the participation of almost the entire muscular apparatus of our body. As a load, it can be accurately dosed and gradually, systematically increased in pace and volume. In the absence of other physical exertion, the daily minimum load rate for a young man alone is 15 km., A smaller load is associated with the development of hypodynamia.

Thus, daily exposure to fresh air for 1-1.5 hours is one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle. When working in indoors It is especially important to take a walk in the evening, before going to bed. Such a walk as part of the necessary daily workout is beneficial for everyone. It relieves the tension of the working day, calms the excited nerve centers, and regulates breathing. Walks are best done according to the principle of cross-country walking: 0.5 -1 km with a walking slow step, then the same amount with a quick sports step, etc.

2.6 Rational nutrition

Rational nutrition is extremely important for a growing, constantly changing organism. Food should ensure the entry into the body of such substances that form the basis for the formation of new tissue cells, compensate energy costs body, contribute to normal physical and neuropsychic development, improve performance.

By the end of elementary school, a child should have certain knowledge and strong skills in food hygiene.

The first and most important skill: the child should eat a variety of foods that contain all the components necessary for his development. There are six such components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and water. The growth of the child's body is ensured by the formation of cells and tissues, which occurs mainly due to protein. Proteins are the structural elements that serve as the basis of many tissues, which is why they used to be called the “bricks” of the body. However, their role does not end there.

The child should receive per day from the total amount of protein 60% of protein of animal origin. Anemia, growth retardation, extremely weak resistance to diseases, especially infectious ones, are the result of a sharp protein deficiency.

Fats and carbohydrates are the main sources of energy, and the body's daily need for them, expressed in kilocalories per day, for children 7-10 years of age is 2300 kcal/day. Carbohydrates are not only sources of energy for the muscular activity of the body, they also perform other functions, for example, they are part of nucleic acids, cell membranes, serve as a reserve nutrients in the body. Carbohydrates enter the child's body with plant products (potatoes, flour, cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries). Starch is the main carbohydrate in the student's diet.

Mineral salts are the fourth necessary ingredient. As a rule, a person receives with food all the necessary minerals, with the exception of sodium chloride, or table salt, without which many dishes seem tasteless, and sometimes inedible.

Vitamins are an essential part of the diet. students primary school, as a rule, are aware of the importance of vitamins for the life of organisms. Water is no less important for organisms than proteins and vitamins. A person can live for several weeks without food, and without water, death occurs after 3-4 days. Both insufficient and excessive water intake are equally harmful for a child. Experts usually recommend the following distribution of the total amount of food during the day with four meals a day: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35%, afternoon tea - 15% and dinner - 25%.

3. The role of teachers in the formation of healthy lifestyle skills and

disease prevention in schoolchildren.

In the upbringing of a healthy student, close contact and community of all teachers in carrying out preventive measures, in working with weakened children, and in sanitary education of parents is important. When drawing up the work plan of the school, section (association) of classes, the teacher takes into account the work of the doctor and nurse, their performance in front of a parent or children's audience

Close contact between teachers, children and their parents allows solving two interrelated problems: the problem of raising a healthy student. However, not all schools have established such close contact. Children in everything should feel the community of teachers. The teacher must be personally acquainted with the doctor, nurse serving students in his class. If there are children in the class with serious health problems, chronic diseases, it is advisable to find out some features of the upbringing of these children, together to think over an individual regimen for them.

The teacher's task is to convince parents of the need to spend energy and time to ensure that the child's workplace meets the recommended standards, spend 5-6 minutes daily on targeted hardening and personal hygiene of the child, 10-15 minutes on his physical improvement, 2-3 minutes to form the correct fit. After all, even if we make a small calculation of time, then a careless attitude to the child’s health will turn into a much greater waste of time - going to the doctors, treatment, and then “catch up” with the missed classes. During schooling, the main means of hygienic preparation of parents are parent meetings, lectures on hygiene, special literature. In many schools, parents of schoolchildren are first gathered together for a general conversation, and then the parents disperse to their offices. In some schools, one can observe well-organized parental lectures; highly qualified specialists are invited to give lectures: rheumatologists, nephrologists, etc. A specialist, for example, talks in detail about rheumatism, gives very good advice. But this is important only for a small group of parents, and it is for them that such an in-depth conversation should be held.

One-on-one conversation when parents visit the school or when the teacher is introduced to the child's home environment is invaluable. The teacher can give specific advice on the arrangement of the workplace of the student, the organization of hardening, physical education. With such a conversation, the teacher and parents can more easily find a solution to one or another difficult issue regarding the daily routine, the creation of hygienic conditions in the family, etc. A very effective form of achieving unity of requirements in the upbringing of a healthy child is the information of parents about the past conversation devoted to the issues of hygienic education.


What exactly can a teacher do to raise a healthy student? Firstly, it is hygienically correct to organize the very process of interaction with a student: these are conversations on topical topics, a change in various types of educational activities of schoolchildren, its activation, the skillful use of visual teaching aids, taking into account the requirements of hygiene - all this contributes to positive emotions of students. Positive emotions facilitate the assimilation of the material, which in turn reduces fatigue, stimulates the higher nervous activity of the child, improves psychological climate in the classroom, prevents neurotic reactions of children, especially first graders during their adaptation to school life. These measures are directly related to the activities of schools and teachers.

The teacher, relying on his knowledge in the field of psychology, physiology and school hygiene, carries out an individual approach in communicating with the child of children, carefully treats his vulnerable psyche. Knowing psychological features children, their living conditions, having the necessary medical knowledge and pedagogical skills, an adult can and should be the main “educator of health” of the child.

Secondly, the teacher takes all possible part in providing natural and artificial lighting that meets hygienic requirements, the temperature regime in the classroom and other environmental factors.

Thirdly, knowing the individual characteristics of children, constantly communicating with them, the teacher can timely detect the initial signs of the disease (lethargy or irritability, discoloration of the face, frequent coughing, hearing or vision impairment, etc.) and inform the medical worker about this and parents, which contributes to early or more successful treatment of the child.

Fourth, the teacher provides invaluable assistance medical workers in conducting medical examinations, preventive measures (vaccinations, for example), in monitoring the treatment of children suffering from chronic diseases, etc.

Fifthly, the teaching staff of the school is able to organize visual campaigning tools to promote a healthy lifestyle, conduct thematic conversations, meetings with specialists, etc.

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On thetopic:

"Healthy lifestyle habits"

Omsk 2010


Life experience shows, and everyone can find a lot of evidence for this, that people usually begin to take care of their health only after the illness makes itself felt. Often circumstances force a person to independently seek a path to recovery or to help their loved ones at home. But it is possible to prevent these diseases much earlier, in the root, and this will not require any supernatural efforts. All you need to do is lead a healthy lifestyle...

Caring for the physical condition of a person is of particular importance in our difficult time from an environmental point of view. An increasing number of people are beginning to take care of maintaining their own health, to improve it. The means to accomplish this task is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In order to answer the question of what a healthy lifestyle is, it is necessary to consider all its components. However, it is possible to single out some basic components on the basis of which a healthy lifestyle is built. These include:

1. Rational nutrition

2. Physical activity

3. General body hygiene

4. Hardening

5. Refusal of bad habits

1. Rational nutrition

This component is considered as one of the most important criteria for a healthy lifestyle, and in books devoted to this issue, it is subjected to the most thorough research. After all, there is no doubt that nutrition performs one of the most important functions in ensuring the vital activity of the human body. “Rational nutrition, built on scientific foundations, ensures the normal development of the body. It serves as a powerful prophylactic in preventing many diseases. (V. Mikhailov, A. Palko. We choose health! - 2nd ed. - M .: Young guard, 1987 - p. 109)

Irrational nutrition, on the contrary, significantly increases the risk of diseases that can even lead to death (for example, excessive accumulation of cholesterol contained in fatty foods causes atherosclerosis).

The daily diet of a person must be strictly balanced. He must“contain in sufficient quantity and optimal ratio all the substances necessary for the body” (Book of Health: Collection / Comp.: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Loseva. Edited by Yu.P. Lisitsyn . - M .: Medicine, 1988. - p. 278)

However, American researchers argue that a person "does not have to eat food of animal origin - meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products" (How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M .: Medicine, 1990. - p. 45.). And for this he needs to be diverse. It should include products of various groups: grains, legumes, animal products (low fat), vegetables and fruits.

However, in rational nutrition, certain groups of products are distinguished, the use of which is recommended to be reduced or completely eliminated (based on information from all sources used):

Smoked meats. This group of products contains substances harmful to the body - nitrites, which, accumulating in the digestive tract, can form compounds with carcinogenic activity. To remove harmful substances from the body, you need to eat vegetables and fruits, as well as fermented milk products that heal the intestines.

High fat dairy products. The fat found in dairy products can significantly increase blood cholesterol levels (and butter also contains a very high amount of saturated fat). However, they cannot be excluded from the diet, since they contain many substances necessary for the body (for example, dairy products are the main source of calcium), so you should drink (or eat) them in a low-fat form.

Hidden Saturated Fats, contained in hydrogenated oils and used in the manufacture of many products (margarine, cookies, cakes) are extremely unhealthy, since they have the same high saturation as, for example, butter.

Salt. Too much salt in your diet can lead to high blood pressure. The sodium contained in salt is needed by the body, but in limited quantities.

Sugar. The main consequences of excess sugar intake are dental disease (caries), diabetes and overweight which can lead to atherosclerosis. Sugar is solid calories that the body does not have time to consume, and therefore sugar is more fattening than any other food of equal calorie content.

White breads. In the manufacture of white flour, when grinding grain, up to 80% of nutrients and a number of valuable vitamins are spent, as a result of which a person's need for white bread is reduced. In addition, these types of bread are extremely high in calories. Much healthier and cheaper bread made from wholemeal flour.

Great importance in the organization of rational nutrition is given to the proper processing of food. It is necessary to know that "certain types of heat treatment of food products (frying, baking), especially if it is long and intense, adversely affect the quality of finished products" (V. Mikhailov, A. Palko. Choosing health! - 2nd ed. - M .: Young Guard, 1987. - S. 110). One of the main ideas of proper nutrition is the exclusion or limitation of the processes of frying and sautéing. As a result of such influences, irreversible changes occur in the product with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, pigments, and active substances valuable to the body are destroyed.

An important characteristic of a balanced diet is moderation. It is necessary to consciously regulate the calorie content of food, to maintain an energy balance. “The energy balance is most clearly indicated by body weight, which remains within the normal range only with energy balance” (Book of Health: Collection / Comp.: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Loseva. Pod. YP Lisitsyn, edited by M.: Meditsina, 1988, p. 282). Also, do not take long breaks between meals and absorb it in large quantities.

The difficulty in the transition to proper nutrition is rather not even physiological, but psychological. “We are used to eating the way we eat, and habits that develop throughout life cannot be changed immediately” (How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M .: Medicine, 1990. - p. 43)

American scientists suggest that such a transition should be carried out gradually, approximately within a year. But the result of such a restructuring of the body will immediately make itself felt - health will improve, appetite will improve, body weight will normalize, physical activity will increase and, most importantly, new opportunities for human self-improvement will open up.

2 . Physical activity

This is the second basic component of a healthy lifestyle. American scientists give a lot of arguments that could convince people to exercise. Among them:

1. Exercise is fun.

2. Appropriate look exercise there is for everyone.

3. In a few months, you will become so attached to them that you will never quit.

And six months later:

4. You will become more active, livelier.

5. You will feel a surge of strength, coordination of movements will improve, the reaction will become better.

6. It will be easier to cope with nervous tension and bad mood.

7. The content of fatty deposits will decrease.

8. Bone tissue will be strengthened.

9. Blood circulation will improve.

10. Your performance will increase

One cannot but agree with these conclusions, since they have been repeatedly confirmed by real practice. Physical exercises are rightfully included in the system of a healthy lifestyle, since without physical activity a person’s condition worsens significantly, and not only physical, but also mental, a person’s intellectual capabilities decrease (doctors say that mental work should be fully compensated by physical work).

If we consider the actual system of exercises proposed by American authors, we will see that they do not provide any special exercises associated with targeted muscle training or special development of any physical qualities (dexterity, endurance, speed, etc.). To maintain a healthy lifestyle, in their opinion, aerobic exercise is necessary.

“Aerobic exercises are those exercises that force large muscle groups to work rhythmically. They are not directly related to physical activity, but they should contribute to the supply of oxygen to tissues and its greater consumption ”(How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M .: Medicine, 1990. - p. 86)

Any type of aerobic exercise will strengthen the cardiovascular system if done at moderate intensity for twenty minutes every other day or at least three times a week.

Aerobic exercise includes walking or hiking, running, running in place, swimming, skating, climbing stairs, rowing, skating, roller skating, dancing, basketball, tennis. As we can see, almost all of these exercises do not require any special physical skills. All of them are performed in a special, interesting form for the practitioner. Naturally, this is an additional incentive for physical education, and hence for maintaining a full-fledged healthy lifestyle.

3 . General body hygiene

Hygiene of the body is associated, first of all, with maintaining the cleanliness of the skin. The problem of the cleanliness of the skin is very relevant for a person, since: “about 2.5 million sweat and sebaceous glands secrete about 0.5 liters of sweat and about 20 g of fat per day, there is a continuous renewal of cells in the surface layers of the skin, on dirty skin micro-organisms harmful to human health may be present. When the skin is contaminated, the excretory ducts of the sweat glands are clogged, and the body's ability to thermoregulate is impaired. On dirty skin, fungal diseases easily develop, the treatment of which requires a lot of time ”(Book of Health: Collection / Comp.: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Loseva. Ed. Yu.P. Lisitsyn. - M.: Medicine, 1988. - pp. 285 - 286)

Naturally, all these facts convince us of the need to maintain the purity of the body.

4 . hardening

This rather broad concept is also included in the general concept of a healthy lifestyle. Previously, hardening meant, first of all, or even exclusively, the body's adaptation to cold. Now this concept is interpreted more broadly - hardening means “strengthening the body's resistance to any environmental factors that cause a state of stress, i.e. voltage". (Book about health: Collection / Comp.: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Loseva. Edited by Yu.P. Lisitsyn. - M .: Medicine, 1988. - p. 291 )

Such factors include low and high air temperature, excessively low or high humidity, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, etc. However, the most important is still hardening to excessive cooling, and sometimes to overheating.

“Under the influence of high or low temperatures, physiological changes occur in the human body. Thanks to hardening, the central nervous system is activated, the excitability of the peripheral nervous system decreases, the activity of the endocrine glands increases, the activity of cellular enzymes increases ”(V. Mikhailov, A. Palko. Choosing health! - 2nd ed. - M .: Young Guard, 1987 - p. 71). All this increases the body's resistance to environmental conditions.

Repeated cooling of the body increases resistance to cold and allows you to continue to maintain the thermal balance of the body even when a person is very cold.

Ways of hardening against the cold have long been known to everyone. It is air, water and sun combined with exercise. “The best results are obtained by a complex of techniques consisting of convection (air and sun baths) and conduction cooling (wiping and dousing, foot baths, bathing, alternating water procedures) ". (Book about health: Collection / Comp.: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Loseva. Edited by Yu.P. Lisitsyn. - M .: Medicine, 1988. - p. 293)

The hardening effect is short-lived, it lasts only during the hardening of the body and not for long after it, so hardening should be constant and consistent, it should be practiced daily.

5 . Rejection of bad habits

First of all, it should be noted that in the ideal case, a healthy lifestyle does not imply a rejection of bad habits, but their initial absence. If, for some reason, a person already has them, then it is necessary to take all measures to free this individual from addictions that are so harmful to him.

To bad habits, first of all, include the use of alcohol and smoking, and in the literature smoking is presented as a more common habit, and, therefore, as a greater evil for a person.

Smoking endangers many vital organs. Smokers are at risk of lung disease and are also at increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. “Cigarettes accelerate the narrowing of the arteries, reduce the oxygen content in the blood by as much as 15%, and, therefore, create an overload of the entire cardiovascular system” (How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M .: Medicine, 1990. - p. .31)

No less harmful to the body and alcohol. Those who abuse it are more likely to have high blood pressure. Well, everyone knows that alcohol destroys the liver. Especially regrettable is the fact that alcohol and tobacco adversely affect the innate characteristics of children and can cause serious developmental abnormalities.

For those who want to quit drinking and smoking, a healthy lifestyle in general is of particular importance. Regular physical exercises, rational nutrition to a large extent contribute to overcoming bad habits.


So, having considered the main criteria for a healthy lifestyle, we can summarize our reasoning. We found out that a healthy lifestyle is a set of preventive measures aimed at preventing diseases, strengthening all body systems and improving the overall well-being of a person.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle does not involve the chaotic use of various methods, but the application of an individual, carefully selected plan. This plan should take into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of a particular person who seeks to improve his condition. A healthy lifestyle does not imply any special physical training, its principles are designed for use by an ordinary person in order to maintain working capacity and normalize the body's vital functions.

Bibliographic list

1. How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M.: Medicine, 1990.

2. Book about health: Collection // Comp.: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Losev. Under. ed. Yu.P. Lisitsyn. - M.: Medicine, 1988.

3. V. Mikhailov, A. Palko. We choose health! - 2nd ed. - M.: Young Guard, 1987.

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Life experience shows, and everyone can find a lot of evidence for this, that people usually begin to take care of their health only after the illness makes itself felt. Often circumstances force a person to independently seek a path to recovery or to help their loved ones at home. But it is possible to prevent these diseases much earlier, in the root, and this will not require any supernatural efforts. All you need to do is lead a healthy lifestyle...

Caring for the physical condition of a person is of particular importance in our difficult time from an environmental point of view. An increasing number of people are beginning to take care of maintaining their own health, to improve it. The means to accomplish this task is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In order to answer the question of what a healthy lifestyle is, it is necessary to consider all its components. However, it is possible to single out some basic components on the basis of which a healthy lifestyle is built. These include:

1. Rational nutrition

2. Physical activity

3. General body hygiene

4. Hardening

5. Refusal of bad habits

1. Rational nutrition

This component is considered as one of the most important criteria for a healthy lifestyle, and in books devoted to this issue, it is subjected to the most thorough research. After all, there is no doubt that nutrition performs one of the most important functions in ensuring the vital activity of the human body. “Rational nutrition, built on scientific foundations, ensures the normal development of the body. It serves as a powerful prophylactic in preventing many diseases.

Irrational nutrition, on the contrary, significantly increases the risk of diseases that can even lead to death (for example, excessive accumulation of cholesterol contained in fatty foods causes atherosclerosis).

The daily diet of a person must be strictly balanced. It must contain in sufficient quantity and optimal ratio all the substances necessary for the body.

However, American researchers argue that it is not necessary for a person to eat food of animal origin - meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products. And for this he needs to be diverse. It should include products of various groups: grains, legumes, animal products (low fat), vegetables and fruits.

However, in a rational diet, certain groups of products are distinguished, the use of which is recommended to be reduced or completely eliminated:

Smoked meats. This group of products contains substances harmful to the body - nitrites, which, accumulating in the digestive tract, can form compounds with carcinogenic activity. To remove harmful substances from the body, you need to eat vegetables and fruits, as well as fermented milk products that heal the intestines.

High fat dairy products. The fat found in dairy products can significantly increase blood cholesterol levels (and butter is also very high in saturated fat). However, they cannot be excluded from the diet, since they contain many substances necessary for the body (for example, dairy products are the main source of calcium), so you should drink (or eat) them in a low-fat form.

Hidden Saturated Fats, contained in hydrogenated oils and used in the manufacture of many products (margarine, cookies, cakes) are extremely unhealthy, since they have the same high saturation as, for example, butter.

Salt. Too much salt in your diet can lead to high blood pressure. The sodium contained in salt is needed by the body, but in limited quantities.

Sugar. The main consequences of excess sugar consumption are dental disease (caries), diabetes and overweight, which can lead to atherosclerosis. Sugar is solid calories that the body does not have time to consume, and therefore sugar is more fattening than any other food of equal calorie content.

White breads. In the manufacture of white flour, when grinding grain, up to 80% of nutrients and a number of valuable vitamins are spent, as a result of which a person's need for white bread is reduced. In addition, these types of bread are extremely high in calories. Much healthier and cheaper bread made from wholemeal flour.

Great importance in the organization of rational nutrition is given to the proper processing of food. It is necessary to know that some types of heat treatment of food products (frying, baking), especially if it is long and intense, adversely affect the quality of finished products. One of the main ideas of proper nutrition is the exclusion or limitation of the processes of frying and sautéing. As a result of such influences, irreversible changes occur in the product with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, pigments, and active substances valuable to the body are destroyed.

An important characteristic of a balanced diet is moderation. It is necessary to consciously regulate the calorie content of food, to maintain an energy balance. The energy balance is most clearly indicated by body weight, which remains within the normal range only with energy balance. Also, do not take long breaks between meals and absorb it in large quantities.

The difficulty in the transition to proper nutrition is rather not even physiological, but psychological. We are used to eating the way we eat, and lifelong habits cannot be changed overnight.

American scientists suggest that such a transition should be carried out gradually, approximately within a year. But the result of such a restructuring of the body will immediately make itself felt - health will improve, appetite will improve, body weight will normalize, physical activity will increase and, most importantly, new opportunities for human self-improvement will open up.

2. Physical activity

This is the second basic component of a healthy lifestyle. American scientists give a lot of arguments that could convince people to exercise. Among them:

1. Exercise is fun.

2. There is a suitable type of exercise for everyone.

3. In a few months, you will become so attached to them that you will never quit.

And six months later:

4. You will become more active, livelier.

5. You will feel a surge of strength, coordination of movements will improve, the reaction will become better.

6. It will be easier to cope with nervous tension and bad mood.

7. The content of fatty deposits will decrease.

8. Bone tissue will be strengthened.

9. Blood circulation will improve.

10. Your performance will increase

One cannot but agree with these conclusions, since they have been repeatedly confirmed by real practice. Physical exercises are rightfully included in the system of a healthy lifestyle, since without physical activity a person’s condition worsens significantly, and not only physical, but also mental, a person’s intellectual capabilities decrease (doctors say that mental work should be fully compensated by physical work).

If we consider the actual system of exercises proposed by American authors, we will see that they do not provide any special exercises associated with targeted muscle training or special development of any physical qualities (dexterity, endurance, speed, etc.). To maintain a healthy lifestyle, in their opinion, aerobic exercise is necessary.

Aerobic exercises are those exercises that force large muscle groups to work rhythmically. They are not directly related to physical activity, but they should contribute to the supply of oxygen to tissues and its greater consumption.

Any type of aerobic exercise will strengthen the cardiovascular system if done at moderate intensity for twenty minutes every other day or at least three times a week.

Aerobic exercise includes walking or hiking, running, running in place, swimming, skating, climbing stairs, rowing, skating, roller skating, dancing, basketball, tennis. As we can see, almost all of these exercises do not require any special physical skills. All of them are performed in a special, interesting form for the practitioner. Naturally, this is an additional incentive for physical education, and hence for maintaining a full-fledged healthy lifestyle.

3. General body hygiene

Hygiene of the body is associated, first of all, with maintaining the cleanliness of the skin. The problem of cleanliness of the skin is very relevant for a person, because: about 2.5 million sweat and sebaceous glands secrete about 0.5 liters of sweat and about 20 g of fat per day, there is a continuous renewal of cells in the surface layers of the skin, on dirty skin they can microorganisms harmful to human health. When the skin is contaminated, the excretory ducts of the sweat glands are clogged, and the body's ability to thermoregulate is impaired. On dirty skin, fungal diseases easily develop, the treatment of which takes a long time.

Naturally, all these facts convince us of the need to maintain the purity of the body.

4. Hardening

This rather broad concept is also included in the general concept of a healthy lifestyle. Previously, hardening meant, first of all, or even exclusively, the body's adaptation to cold. Now this concept is interpreted more broadly - hardening means strengthening the body's resistance to any environmental factors that cause a state of stress, i.e. voltage.

Such factors include low and high air temperature, excessively low or high humidity, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, etc. However, the most important is still hardening to excessive cooling, and sometimes to overheating.

Under the influence of high or low temperatures, physiological changes occur in the human body. Due to hardening, the central nervous system is activated, the excitability of the peripheral nervous system decreases, the activity of the endocrine glands increases, and the activity of cellular enzymes increases. All this increases the body's resistance to environmental conditions.

Repeated cooling of the body increases resistance to cold and allows you to continue to maintain the thermal balance of the body even when a person is very cold.

Ways of hardening against the cold have long been known to everyone. It is air, water and sun combined with exercise. “The best results are obtained by a complex of techniques consisting of convection (air and sun baths) and conduction cooling (rubbing and dousing, foot baths, bathing, alternating water procedures)” .

The hardening effect is short-lived, it lasts only during the hardening of the body and not for long after it, so hardening should be constant and consistent, it should be practiced daily.

The formation of healthy lifestyle skills is a priority in pedagogy, since health depends on it, proper development and the formation of the most important personal qualities in children. The main task of parents and teachers is to teach the child to alternate the processes of work and rest, eat right, instill a love for physical exercises and hardening. The formation of the child's personality occurs gradually, which is why the efforts of educators and teachers should be fully supported in the family, where the character and skills of children are laid.

  • fostering a negative attitude towards factors that are harmful to health, such as smoking, unhealthy diet, inactivity;
  • creating conditions for the development of habits that positively affect the overall state of physical and mental health in order to consolidate these skills in the child.

Formation of positive health habits

In the list that will help the child become stronger, more resilient, develop will and character, and resist infections, there are:

  • hardening.
  • Accustoming to a rational mode of work and rest.
  • Love for physical activity.
  • Proper nutrition.

The influence of any of them on a growing organism is difficult to overestimate. The presence or absence of these four factors in the daily life of a child determines his health in adulthood, and ultimately - the efficiency of his work and quality of life.


Hardening of the child begins at early age, since this factor allows you to strengthen the baby's immunity, increase its resistance to infectious and colds, and also contributes to the upbringing volitional qualities. It is important to interest children in the end result, to give examples from the life of famous athletes and people who have authority in the eyes of the child. The element of competition in the children's team, the discussion of the positive effects of the procedures have a positive effect on the consolidation of the habit.

Most effective way hardening is daily dousing with cool water, and the initial temperature should be thirty-six degrees, and the subsequent decrease to twenty-two degrees should occur gradually. The optimal time period for lowering the water temperature by one degree is a week. It is useful to entrust the child to independently control the readings of the thermometer, focusing on the change in subjective sensations: for the first time, the water seems colder than during subsequent pouring at a lower water temperature. Daily hardening not only helps fight diseases, but also strengthens the will and sense of responsibility in children.

Labor and rest

Human health depends on the correct mode of work and rest, since non-compliance with the basic rules of the daily routine, overwork and lack of sleep leads to diseases. The formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children and preschoolers is especially important, since it is in childhood that habits are laid that affect the rest of their lives.

Labor is the basis of human life, it has a beneficial effect on the physical and mental potential of a person, and has an unconditional impact on mental health.

It is known that all centenarians worked all their lives, which means that labor does not cause premature aging and deterioration of body systems, but helps to increase endurance and improve health.

Mental work reduces the risk of early sclerosis, the extinction of the cognitive functions of the body.

The rational organization of labor includes the correct and skillful distribution of efforts in the process of work. Long periods of downtime and the emergency nature of subsequent working hours negatively affect the health and quality of work, causing overwork. Activities that correspond to the character and inclinations of a person are performed easier and faster, without leading to fatigue, unlike unloved work. This must be taken into account when choosing tasks for children.

Labour Organization

Children quickly get tired of monotonous work, so during classes they need to take breaks every half hour. The alternation of the processes of physical and mental activity prevent overwork, so the change in activities is one of the conditions for children's classes. Outdoor activities, outdoor games, must be present in the daily routine.

It is important that the child has a special work uniform that not only protects him from pollution, but also disciplines him. The form should be comfortable, made of natural materials and like the baby. It is desirable that children have the opportunity to participate in the care of the form: washing, hanging or ironing things can be entrusted even to a preschooler.

The rational organization of the workplace is one of the conditions for effective work and the formation of accuracy: before starting work, you need to help the child remove all unnecessary, arrange tools within reach. It is important to provide good lighting, install a comfortable table and chair that do not disturb posture. After completing the task, the children clean the work area on their own.

The importance of good sleep

Night sleep allows the nervous system to fully recover, prepare for a new day. deep and deep sleep It is able to improve the body and is useful for children and adults. On the contrary, lack of sleep or superficial, restless sleep is dangerous by overloading the nervous system and dropping the body's defenses. There are several simple rules organization of a good sleep, to accustom to the implementation of which the child must be from childhood:

  • For healthy sleep, the room must be ventilated every evening for fifteen minutes at any time of the year;
  • In the bedroom it is necessary to set the temperature no higher than twenty-two degrees, since excessive heat prevents sleep;
  • Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of warm milk, a hearty dinner is undesirable, as the digestive process will interfere with complete relaxation;
  • Active, noisy games, watching TV and intense mental activities excite the nervous system, so you can take a walk or read a book before going to bed;
  • Comfortable pajamas and natural bedding contribute to fast falling asleep and sound sleep.

For proper physical development, children of any age need dosed physical activity, most of which is in preschool and younger children. school age accounted for outdoor games and competitions. But in order to instill in a child the norms of a healthy lifestyle, the exercises that he performs in the classroom in kindergarten or school are not enough. The child should know the benefits of daily morning exercises, which are performed before breakfast and become a ritual for many years. Morning gymnastics allows kids to wake up faster, awakens appetite and improves mood, especially if performed outdoors to your favorite music. For older children preschool age you can participate in jogging and cycling with your parents, visit various sections and learn to swim. It is important, by personal example, to make it clear to the child that physical activity is very useful, it contributes to the development of muscles and strengthens the heart muscle, increases endurance and strength. If the parents of the child do not play sports and lead a sedentary lifestyle, it will be difficult to instill in the baby the benefits of exercise. But it's never too late to start exercising with your kids, especially outdoor walks and runs, and going to kindergarten in good weather can be combined with an energetic walk. It is advisable to alternate the pace of movement: five hundred meters at a fast pace, then the same amount at a slow pace. Be sure to explain to the children that the parents decided to lead a healthy lifestyle, doing and over-fulfilling the daily minimum of walking or home workouts.

A personal example of a father or mother inspires the baby, he learns not to retreat in the face of difficulties, noting how his muscles become stronger.

Balanced diet

Should be instilled in a child from preschool age, the younger student already knows that vitamins and minerals are needed for normal development. useful material found in natural products. A variety of products, hot meals, second breakfasts: an afternoon snack and a glass of warm milk at night - this is the diet of a growing organism. Semi-finished products and foods containing a lot of fat, sugar and preservatives are not healthy, can cause indigestion, obesity and other disorders.

Five Ingredients of Healthy Nutrition

Proteins are the basis for building muscle tissue, they make up sixty percent of a child's daily diet and should be represented by lean boiled or stewed meat, sea fish and dairy products. With protein deficiency, children experience growth and developmental delay, anemia, and a decrease in immunity.

Carbohydrates and fats are necessary for the child to produce energy: children should receive more than two thousand kilocalories per day. Carbohydrates obtained from simple foods: cereals, vegetables, flour are the most useful and perform a number of important functions in the body. Fats contain vitamins in their composition, which cannot be obtained in any other way; butter and vegetable oil must be present in the menu.

Minerals, vitamins and fiber are found in large quantities in vegetables, fruits and berries, and most of them are destroyed when exposed to high temperatures. That is why fresh fruits, berry puree and fruit juices are necessary for the child throughout the year, and seasonal products are especially useful.

Proper drinking regimen is a necessity for children, since the child's body contains a lot of water, the loss of which disrupts the most important functions. It is especially important to maintain water balance in hot weather and during physical activity: games or training. The total amount of liquid consumed by children per day is usually at least one liter.

Reducing Risk Factors

There are ten norms of hygienic behavior that allow you to meet generally accepted standards of a healthy lifestyle:

  • Balanced diet.
  • Physical activity.
  • Compliance with the rules of work and rest.
  • Compliance with safety regulations at home and at work.
  • Knowledge of the basics of psychotherapeutic self-help.
  • Early disease prevention.
  • Knowledge of basic first aid.
  • Refusal of alcohol.
  • To give up smoking.
  • Maintain normal body weight.

The WHO recommendations on the formation of healthy lifestyle habits and risk prevention practically repeat these rules, that is, they can be considered a medical program. Following this program, it is possible to achieve impressive success in a short time in reducing mortality and improving the quality of life. And it is characteristic that following these recommendations does not require large material costs, and perhaps even in low-income families.

For example, the refusal of smoking and table salt by parents entails the following of these principles by children. Thus, simply avoiding unhealthy foods reduces the risk of lung and kidney disease in two generations of the same family. This fact should make adults think about how they can help their children by teaching them healthy lifestyle habits.