New Year's competition program for adults. Funny games that will come in handy at the New Year's party. Old song in a new way

Usually New Year meet for festive table. An abundance of food and drinks is what makes the New Year's party different. But do not forget about the entertainment for the New Year for the company, various board games and competitions that will make the party fun and unforgettable. In the article, we have collected the most interesting games and contests that can be held right at the festive table.

  • "Guess the Gift"
  • "Polyglot"
  • "Accountant"
  • "Cryptists"
  • "Guess Yourself"
  • "Pitchfork"
  • "Confessions"
  • "Associations"
  • Hippie style toast
  • "Greedy"
  • "Experience or Intuition"
  • "New Year's Lottery"
  • "And in my pants..."
  • "Sweet tooth at the speech therapist"
  • "Give it to someone else"
  • "Divination and horoscope"
  • "Guess the melody"
  • "Alphabet Toast"

"Guess the Gift"

What is the New Year without gifts? There are special entertainment for the New Year for the company, various table games and competitions that will help to present souvenirs and gifts to guests in an interesting way. Here is one of them. It needs to be prepared for it. Make a beautiful box or bag in which you will put a gift in turn for each guest. At the same time, in order to receive his present, the guest puts his hand into the box and guesses by touch what lies there.

“And who is the grandmother of the Snow Maiden?”

For this competition, the guests are given the task of coming up with the funniest name and name for the wife of Father Frost and the grandmother of the Snow Maiden. The guests take turns shouting out an interesting name. These may be the following options:

Baba Kholodushka;
Grandma Snowball;
Baba Ice;
Baba Cold;
Grandma Storm.

You can select the winner by popular vote at the end of the game.


Entertainment for the New Year for the company, various board games and competitions can be not only interesting and fun, but also help to learn a lot interesting facts. We all know that there are such foreign words that sound very funny to the Russian ear. You can prepare several such words in advance and invite guests to guess the meaning.

These could be words like:

1. Cigarette butts - cucumbers in Czech.
2. Pochitač means computer in Czech.
3. Dedo Mraz - Santa Claus in Bulgarian.
4. Kaka - older sister in Bulgarian.
5. Glitch - happiness in German.
6. Fist - Turkish ear.
7. Bardak - a glass in Turkish.
8. Stinky - spirits in Czech.
9. Hilarious - tired in Montenegro.
10. Kucha - a house in Montenegro.
11. Pukki is a goat in Finnish.
12. Yolopukki - Santa Claus in Finnish.

The game promises to be very fun and interesting. You can prepare pictures for words and prizes for the winners. And the winners can be those who guessed the word, and those who offered the most original version translation.


There are also such entertainments for the New Year for the company, various table games and competitions that make it possible to laugh at yourself and your friends in a kind and heartfelt way.

For this game, you need to distribute paper and a pen to everyone. The facilitator needs to prepare questions in advance, the answer to which implies a number. Guests write their favorite number on their sheets, several numbers are possible, for several horses at once.

After that, the host asks everyone a question, and the guest answers by naming the number that is written on a piece of paper. Questions may be:

1. How old are you?
2. How many eyes, teeth, hair, fingers, ears and so on do you have.
3. How many times did you raise a toast today?
4. How many times are you married?
5. How many fur coats do you have?
6. How many tangerines did you eat from the festive table?

Such a game should be played among close friends in order to be sure that no one will be offended by comic questions. Questions can relate to the New Year theme or absolutely any sphere of life. Be careful when drafting questions about children and physical characteristics.


And here are some entertainment for the New Year for the company, various board games and competitions that will help you practice your wit and creative thinking. One of them is a "cipher".
For this game, everyone is given an abbreviation: "MVD", "GDP", "Housing", "Air Force", "VDV", "OGRN", "IP", "IO", "MVD", "FSB" and so on. They can be written on special plates in advance.

This abbreviation should be deciphered in the form new year's toast or congratulations. It should be fun and funny. For example, decryption options could be:

1. "VVS" - Happy New Year to all of you!
2. "MVD" - Youth, Inspiration, Money for everyone in the New Year!

Most interesting options can be awarded a prize.

"Guess Yourself"

This game is borrowed recently from the Americans. She needs special caps on her head in the form of a dense paper ring, on which a picture is attached with the image of any living creature (boy or girl, famous person, movie or cartoon characters) or object.

Everyone puts on such a hat, not seeing what he has in the picture. Then, in turn, each guesses himself, asking everyone simple questions that can only be answered with “Yes” or “No”.

For example:

1. Am I a living being?
2. Am I a subject?
3. Do I have 4 legs?
4. Do I have wool?
5. Do I have eyes?
6. Can I speak?
7. Am I famous?
8. Am I funny?

These questions should narrow the circle of guesses and lead to a solution. Everyone will have fun, both those who guess and those who help.


Any player is blindfolded in turn, given a fork and any object is placed on a plate in front of him. Using a fork, feeling the object, the player must guess what is in front of him. He can ask simple questions that require a "Yes" or "No" answer. For example:

1. Is it oval?
2. Is this item for personal care?
3. Is it a food product?
4. Is it green?
5. Does it open?

With the help of these questions and answers to them, and by feeling the object, the player guesses, everyone has fun.


Each player in turn pulls out a piece of paper with a written feeling. He must convey this feeling to his neighbor without words. So they play in a circle.

Feelings can be:


It is important to convey the feeling without a single word, so that the neighbor can guess it.


The facilitator calls the player a word in his ear so that everyone else does not hear. The player leaves the table and shows this word with gestures, facial expressions and postures. The rest guess. The next player shows the word the one who guessed, and the previous player guesses the word in his ear.

You can set a theme for the game, for example: "New Year", "Love", "Happiness", "Cinema" and so on. Or play with any words, no limit.

The game can be made easier if the player leaves the table and shows the word while standing. The next step will be more difficult option- you need to show the word, sitting at the table, only with your hands and facial expressions.

Hippie style toast

For this game, plates with written styles are made and distributed to each guest. The leader makes a toast. The guests take turns to make a toast in a given style. Styles can be:

1. Hippies.
2. Disco.
3. Vamp.
4. Glamour.
5. Rap.
6. Congratulations from the President.
7. Congratulation of a foreigner.
8. Grandma's toast.
9. Congratulation of the child.

Styles can be anything, even imitating the voice of any famous character, if the campaign has such talents. Here you can split into teams and get some time to prepare. It’s good if the props are prepared: hats, wigs, glasses and so on.


For this game, you need to fill a large bowl with coins. Distribute smaller bowls and spoons to all players. On command, everyone begins to scoop coins with spoons into their bowl. Music plays during the game. The game ends when the music stops. The winner is the one who turned out to be the richest of all. The competition can be complicated by offering guests not spoons, but chopsticks for sushi.

"Experience or Intuition"

This game is suitable for men's companies where they drink vodka and are not afraid to get drunk. Three stacks of clear drink are placed in front of the player. In two of them vodka, in the third - water. The player does not know which drink is which. He is offered to drink vodka and drink water. That is, he must choose a glass of vodka, drink it, and then choose a glass of water and drink it. You need to try to guess, although it is not so easy.

"New Year's Lottery"

This game should be started as soon as guests arrive. Everyone is given a number. After, during the event, they take out a bag with gifts, where all the gifts are numbered. The presenter randomly pulls out gifts from the bag and announces their number. The gift is taken by the guest who has the corresponding number. In this case, you can ask the guest to tell a poem, sing a song or make a toast.

"And in my pants..."

Comic entertainment for an adult company. It is necessary to prepare panties, drawn or sewn. First, the guests write down the name of their favorite movie on a piece of paper. After the presenter gives the guests panties. The guests take turns passing them around and saying: “And in my pants ...” This is followed by the name of the film that is written on the sheet.

The result is funny, for example:

1. And I have Bald Mountain in my pants.
2. And I have "Attraction" in my pants.
3. And I have "War of the Worlds" in my pants.

This game is already played cheerfully, under the influence of alcohol, and everyone laughs a lot.

"Sweet tooth at the speech therapist"

For this game, those who wish are chosen. They are given bowls of caramel. You need to put caramel in your mouth and say the phrase "Sweet tooth at the speech therapist." With each con, the game becomes more difficult and another caramel is sent to the players' mouths.

"Give it to someone else"

For the game, they prepare an ordinary button. You need to pass this button on the tip of your finger to your neighbor without dropping it. Another option would be to pass the mandarin by holding it with your chin.

Comic contest "Why did you come?"

At the beginning of the game, the host distributes prepared answers on pieces of paper to each player. They should be funny and answer the question "Why did you come here?". The answers may be the following:

1. Delicious food for free.
2. Stay overnight for free.
3. Drink for free.
4. There is nothing to eat at home.
5. There is no light at home and the TV does not work.
6. I'm afraid to sit alone at home.
7. Look at people and show yourself.
8. To sing a song!
9. Check how you live here.
10. To eat your signature salad.
11. Get drunk.
12. Mixed up the address.
13. You are warmer.

The answers can be different and funny, the main thing is to prepare them in advance.

"Divination and horoscope"

Each guest writes on a piece of paper any five words that first came to his mind. After the host announces that the guests should voice a prediction or horoscope for the coming year for their neighbor. The guests take turns reading the words from their piece of paper to the address of their neighbor, saying the following phrase at the beginning: “Waiting for you in the new year” and then listing the words from their list.
You can write phrases in the form adjective + noun. By order of the leader.

"Guess the melody"

For this competition, you need to prepare by choosing backing tracks for popular songs. You can take only New Year's, or use any pop songs. Each guest is given flags or, more festively, pipes and whistles.

The leader turns on the melody in turn. As soon as the guest has guessed the melody, he raises the flag or blows the pipe. After he answers what the melody was.

"Alphabet Toast"

All guests, before drinking a glass of champagne for the coming year, take turns making toasts and wishes. But not just like that, but according to the alphabet. You need to say a wish or a toast that begins with the next letter in the alphabet. The first says a wish that begins with the letter "A", the second - with "B" and so on in a circle until the end of the alphabet.

Wishes can be as follows:

1. "And let's drink for the New Year!"
2. "Be healthy and happy in the New Year!"
3. "Let's drink to love!"
4. "Gentlemen, let's raise our glasses to our health!"
5. "Let's have a drink!"
6. “If you celebrate the New Year fun and carefree, then it will be successful and easy! For good luck!

Toasts in this sequence are pronounced by all guests to the last letter in the alphabet, after which they drink drinks.

Games and entertainment should be alternated with meals, the opportunity to just chat, dance. Choose background music for each game, props and prizes. Then your party will remain in memory and deliver a lot good emotions you and your friends.

How to celebrate the New Year in such a way that it is fun and noisy? To do this, you need to prepare contests for the new year 2019 - 2020 in advance! New Year's games and entertainment will make traditional New Year's family gatherings in company with a TV bright, fun and unforgettable! Not to mention a corporate party for the whole company.

However, it is best to prepare a little.

How to do it? We will tell you more in this article.

Competitions for the New Year 2019-2020 New Year's games and entertainment

How to prepare for competitions and games for the New Year?

1. Make a plan for games and competitions. Supporting materials are best done on cards - if you need to stock up on some phrases, scripts and texts, then write or print them in advance on ordinary cards, this is much more convenient than using one large script.

2. Prepare props. Having decided what you will play for the new year, make a list of what you will need for a particular competition. It is best to arrange the props and prizes into thematic contests (I use small gift bags for this).

3. Stock up on prizes. People are very fond of receiving little funny surprises - sweets, chocolates, cute christmas toys. Prizes are better to take with a margin.

4. Pick up music.

5. Prepare a place for games.

6. Identify your helpers.

Competitions for the new year 2019 - 2020 New Year's games and entertainment for corporate

The very first in a series of New Year's fun are corporate parties. How to meet them cheerfully in order to create a mood for the whole year and have a great holiday event? The closer the New Year corporate party, the stronger the excitement.

What is the best way to organize a holiday? How to please all guests at once? How to choose the most interesting contests for the Year of the Pig?

A company of adults will need to eat, raise glasses for the New Year, and dance, so the game program should be carefully woven into the natural course of the party. We offer you great ideas funny games and contests.

Contests for the new year 2019 - 2020 for a fun company are the coolest

Competition "Sing"

Number of players: Any
Props are not needed. Own vocal cords are used.

Essence: Participants are divided into 2 teams. In turn, one "choir" should ask a question, remembering a line from the song. For example: “What can I give you, my dear man?” Opponents quickly find the answer - a line from another piece of music, for example: "A million, a million, a million scarlet roses ..." The last team to answer wins. You can complicate the task by choosing only New Year's questions.

Competition "What's my name?"

Number of players: Any.
Props: Cards made of paper with funny words on them (for example: lemur, bread slicer, bulldozer, cutie, etc.), of course not names.

Essence: Everyone gets a new name for the evening - a corresponding plate is attached to the back. The task of the players is to find out their name from others. Questions can only be answered with “yes” and “no”. The first person to guess the inscription on their plate wins.

Corporate contests for the New Year 2019 - 2020 (Year of the Rat)

And let's spend 2019 the Year of the Pig with a fun contest).

Relay "Pig's hooves"

Props: for this competition you will need paper cups (insert ribbons or ropes along the edge of the glass on both sides, fasten with a knot from the inside).

Essence: Guests are divided into two or three teams, depending on the number of people. The first players in the team are given cups, they stand on them, take the ropes in their hands. On the contrary, in 5-7 meters there should be a space restriction, for example, a chair. The first participants, to the musical accompaniment, slide to the obstacle, go around it, return to the team and pass the cups to the next participants. The team that finishes the relay first wins, but points can be reduced for accuracy of execution.

Competition "Advertising"

Two young men are called. The host asks them to choose one lady from the audience. Then the presenter asks the question: “What exactly did you like about this girl. Spectators choose - eyes, hairstyle, shoes, etc.
Now the task of the participants is to come up with an advertisement for this part of the body, a wardrobe item. The most creative ad wins.

Competition "Negotiations with polar bears and penguins"

An interesting and fun competition to "stretch" the brains of the whole team. Guests are divided into teams of about 5 people. All teams receive the same task: they will have negotiations with polar bears and penguins in the same office, but bears are predators, and penguins are birds. In theory, the former should eat the latter. But, here you can relax, no one will eat anyone. And the teams will have to answer in a minute of discussion why you should not worry, because 100 percent polar bears will not eat penguins. There will be a lot of options. And, here is the correct answer one and quite simple. But, it is unlikely to come to mind right away - polar bears will not eat penguins, because the former live at the North Pole, and the latter at the South, and in principle cannot eat each other, so the meeting will go smoothly. And, if suddenly, the team answers correctly, of course, they will receive a prize.

Competitions for the new year 2019 - 2020 New Year's games and entertainment at the table

Of course, after an unforgettable fun at work, he comes, the long-awaited family celebration New Year. Fuss, cooking delicacies, outfits, everyone wants to celebrate the New Year with fun and chic.

In order to celebrate this joyful holiday in a fun and funny way, our selection of New Year's contests for family celebrations and games at the table will come in handy.

And so that at the table it was not only fun, but also tasty, we have prepared for you:.

If, after tasting a little of everything that the hospitable hosts have offered, the guests begin to get bored, immediately start playing at the New Year's table. They will help to entertain everyone, it will be interesting and fun at the table.

Contest "Say a toast"

The host invites each participant to come up with a toast, but it must begin with a certain letter of the alphabet. The first comes up with the letter "A". "And I want to drink for good luck in the coming year!". The second one starts with the letter "B". "Let's all be happy and rich!" The next one starts with the letter "B". "Let's drink to our lovely hostess!"

The guests will begin to have fun when someone has to be original with the letter “Yo” or those toasts for which it is difficult to quickly come up with the initial word. The author of the most interesting toast wins.

Competition "Ball pop"

A lot of family funny contests for the New Year will be organized with balloons. In this case, you must first put small notes with funny riddles into them, and then inflate the balloons. During the fun, the host distributes them to the players. Each owner must burst the balloon and take out a note from there, read the riddle aloud and answer it. If someone found it difficult to answer, then he will have to complete the penalty task invented by everyone.

Riddles are needed with humor, for example:

What can a student envy a lizard? (Tail throw speed).
How many pairs of shoes does a woman need to be completely happy? (One more than this moment or one more than a friend).
What clock shows the exact time only 2 times a day? (which stopped).
What goes from one settlement to another, remaining in place? (Road).
When black cat the easiest way to get into the house? (When the door is open).
Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bold).
Two birches grow. Each birch has four cones. How many cones are there? (None, because cones do not grow on a birch).

The game "What will I do with the gift?"

You can also use the idea of ​​a magic gift bag in this table game. The presenter has cards on the tray, where options for what can be done with the received gift are written. Each guest draws a card, reads it out, then randomly pulls out a gift from the bag and, if desired, depicts the action predicted with it.

This fun is good as a game at the table for any home holidays.

A list of inexpensive little things that you can take as surprises from Santa Claus: a box of matches, a balloon, chewing gum, a tennis ball, a lighter, a lollipop, a disc, a brush, a pencil, glasses, an adapter, a package, decals, paper clips, a tea bag, calendar, notepad, postcard, coffee bag, eraser, spinning top, sharpener, bow, magnet, pen, thimble, toy, bell, etc.

Choice cards: What will I do with my gift?
I'll kiss it.
I'm going to powder my nose with this.
Eat immediately with pleasure.
This will become my talisman.
I hope and I will admire.
I will share it with my friends etc.

Distribution of gifts at the New Year's table "Win-win lottery"
Each guest draws (or receives for participation in games and contests) a lottery ticket with a certain number, each number is a certain prize.
Sample list of prizes:
1. You got a piano in the bushes - a New Year's calendar.
2. You surprised the whole world - get a souvenir.
3. You got an ancient gadget, an immense amount of memory (notebook or notebook).
4. And for you, what adults and children love, of course, sweet candies.
5. And you got a prickly darling, but a fork useful in the household.
6. And with this prize, you definitely won’t be lost, carry it with you and always leave full (give a spoon).
7. Get a place for a stash and useful thing in addition (stockings or socks).
8. Remember us more often, invite us to tea (a pack of tea).
9. Will give thrills, and will come in handy, no doubt (a jar of mustard).
10. You will be more beautiful with this prize of ours (something from cosmetics).
11. Sadness and despondency will go away, here's fun for you all night (nipple).
12. Even if something does not go well and does not stick, you definitely have something to hope for (a tube of glue).
13. You got the main prize - get it and sign it (any prize).
14. In any feast, useful and important, paper napkins.
15. Three, whatever you want, it's not a pity, because you have a new washcloth.
16. They will help to solve the problem with styling your hair (curlers or hairpins).
17. Montana will envy such a product for a slender figure (family shorts).
18. Brush your teeth often, your smile will be cool (toothpaste).
19. To keep you hair, we will give you a comb.
20. We, friends, will not hide - now there is a fashion for crystal, a chandelier today we give you the production of "Montreal" (light bulb).
21. You got a flower - a rose that does not fade from heat and frost (postcard with a flower).
22. The symbol of the year presented today (a magnet or a souvenir) will help you in any weather.
23. Of course, it's not bad to win a Persian carpet or a house. But fortune rewarded you with a self-writing pen (pen).
24. You got an ancient gadget, an immense amount of memory (notebook or notebook).

If the celebration is held in a close family circle, then games and competitions can be selected appropriate.

Competition "Know a relative"

Funny New Year's competitions in the family circle rarely take place without this competition. Some of the household members are blindfolded, and woolen mittens are put on their hands. Then one of the participants in the feast approaches him, and the host invites the player to find out who is in front of him. The player can feel the figure of a person without removing the mittens, trying to guess who is standing in front of him. In fact, even a close and well-known person is not so easy to guess.

Competition "Dance on the ice"

Any number of male-female pairs participate in the competition. For its implementation, you will need newspapers (by the number of pairs). A newspaper is placed in front of each couple - this is their ice floe. The task of the participants is to dance without stepping over the edges of the newspaper. Every minute the ice floe begins to melt, and the newspaper folds in half. Music is constantly changing. You can’t stand, the couple must definitely dance. Participants who have stepped outside the boundaries of the newspaper are eliminated from the game. The last remaining pair wins.

Do you want even more interesting and funny contests? Read Part 2:
And of course, the most important thing at the New Year's holiday has always been children.
And for them it is worth choosing not only individual contests and games, but also involving all adults in them. Otherwise, what's the fun?

Competitions for the new year 2019 - 2020 New Year's games and entertainment for children

Game "Candy"

Suitable for adults and children. It is necessary to tie sweets to threads in advance and hang them on chairs. The contestants, one at a time, must try to cut the candy with scissors eyes closed. The rest of the guests may give the wrong advice in finding candy.

Competition "Hairdresser"

“Victims” are seated on chairs, preferably men of course. At the command of the presenter, young hairdressers must make hairstyles for clients using elastic bands, hairpins and combs. Who will get the most creative hairstyle, he won.

Competition "Remembering childhood"

This nostalgic contest for the New Year with the family can appeal to different generations. You need to say a phrase or sing a verse or refrain of a song of a famous fairy-tale or cartoon character, without naming him. For example, “I am a man in the prime of life”, “Whoever helps people wastes time in vain”, “Normal heroes always go around”. If no one remembers who they are talking about, the guessing player begins to make clues without naming the hero.

Relay "Snowball Collectors"

For the relay race, two large tight bags are prepared in advance, in which cuts are made for the legs at the bottom. In addition to it, you will need foam rubber snowballs. You can replace them with lumps of white paper in the form of snowballs. Children are divided into two teams. One of the players in each team is given the honorary name "Snowball Collector", a bag with slots is put on his feet.
Cheerful music sounds, the presenter scatters snowballs on the floor. At the command of the leader, the children begin to collect snowballs, throwing them into the bag of their “Snowball Collector”. At the end, they count up whose team scored the most snowballs.

The game "Throwers, beaters, hits"

Here intelligence is not needed, and it is quite possible to entertain guests from 3 to 103 years old.
From experience, such competitions sometimes turn out to be very reckless. It’s hard to guess what exactly your guests will like, just list some options, and you decide on the available props and set aside a place for the game:
- If you find any version of darts (magnetic, balls with Velcro), feel free to assign a prize to the most accurate, interest in the competition will be sure.
– Skittles or plastic bottles, filled with beans, peas or water, are fun to knock down with a rubber ball at any age. Prize for winning New Year's bowling!
- Throwing "snowballs" from the newspaper into the basket (what if someone gets a score of 10 out of 10?). Choose your own distance.

DIY Christmas crafts

Choose the most interesting Contests for the new year 2019 - 2020! New Year's games and entertainment will help make your holiday interesting and unforgettable, which you will remember for a long time with warmth and joy! Happy New Year!

Have you already started preparing contests for the new year 2018? Yesterday I decided to look for various games and contests for the new year, and I found many interesting ones that will help us enter the Year of the Dog with fun and joy.

How to prepare for competitions and games: fun and interesting competitions for the new year will help save even traditional New Year's family gatherings in the company with a TV, not to mention a party for cheerful company. However, it is best to prepare a little.

1. Make a plan for games and competitions. A company of adults will need to eat, raise glasses for the new year, and dance, so the game program should be carefully woven into the natural course of the party.

2. Prepare props. Having decided what you will play for the new year at home, make a list of what you will need for a particular competition. It is best to arrange the props and prizes into thematic contests (I use small gift bags for this).

3. Stock up on prizes. People are very fond of receiving small funny prizes - sweets, chocolates, cute New Year's toys. It is better to take prizes with a margin.

4. Supporting materials are best done on cards - if you need to stock up on some phrases, scripts and texts, then write or print them on ordinary cards in advance, this is much more convenient than using one large script.

5. Pick up music, identify your assistants, prepare a place for games.



The simplest new year games and all sorts of contests are those where guests do not need to do anything - for example, they can be offered to burst balloons, inside of which there will be wishes.

It is necessary to prepare in advance a large bunch of balloons (their number should be more than the number of guests, just in case), inside which notes with wishes are inserted. For example, you can give a guest scissors and offer to cut off the balloon they like, and then read aloud to all the guests - so simple, but cute fun helps the company to have fun and unite.


New Year's games and competitions built on the "question and answer" model always gather a lot of applause. It is not surprising - everyone loves to laugh, but there are no difficulties.

So, the facilitator distributes small pieces of paper and pens to the guests, and offers to write down their favorite number (or any other number that comes to mind). If desired, you can write down some sequence, and play a few circles. When all the guests have completed the task, the host says that now all those present will be able to learn more about each other - he will ask questions, and the guests will answer them, raising a piece of paper with written numbers and loudly announcing the answer.

It is best to choose simple questions - how old is this or that guest, how many times a day he eats, how much he weighs, how many times he stayed for the second year, and so on.


My favorite fun is funny contests for the new year. Of course, for a company of pensioners, you will need to pick up something more decent, but you can always have fun in your circle - for example, by playing the game "Not a word of truth."

The host will need to prepare in advance a lot of New Year's questions such as:

What tree is traditionally dressed up for the holiday?
. what movie in our country symbolizes the new year?
. what is customary to launch into the sky in new year's eve?
. who is molded from snow in winter?
. who on TV addresses the Russians with a New Year's speech?
. the outgoing year is the year of whom according to the Chinese calendar?

It is better to write down more questions, you can ask about new year traditions different countries, or guest habits. During the game, the host will have to quickly and cheerfully ask his questions, and the guests will answer without telling a word of the truth.

The one who makes mistakes and answers truthfully, according to the results of the game, can read poetry, sing a song or fulfill various desires - you can use desires to play forfeits, for example, the loser needs to put a few tangerine slices on both cheeks and say something like " I'm a hamster and I eat grain, don't touch it - it's mine, and whoever takes it - that's the end! Explosions of laughter are provided - both during the game and during the "punishment" of the losing participant.


As an entertainment for the new 2018, you can play snipers. It is most fun to play this game when the participants are already a little tipsy - and coordination becomes more free, and there is less constraint, and it is already a little more difficult to hit the target.

The essence of the game is as follows - the guests are divided into two teams, and in turn, each player throws "snowballs" into the bucket. A bucket from the players is installed at a distance of five to seven meters, as "snowballs" you can use cotton balls, crumpled paper, or just take a couple of sets of simple Christmas balls made of plastic, which are sold in any supermarket.

I decided to improve this New Years Eve 2018 party game for adults and use children's as the "goal". basketball hoops- getting into them with a soft lump of cotton is even more difficult than into a bucket.


Of course, New Year's competitions for adults can be less sporty.

All those present must be divided into teams of 5-6 people (depending on the number of guests at your party). The teams are tasked with building a New Year's ball. For manufacturing, you can use only toilet items, accessories and decorations that are on the team members. The team that makes the brightest and most beautiful ball wins.

By the way, a small life hack - in every company there are people who do not actively participate in competitions and just try to sit out, which is why quite a lot of time is spent on persuasion. So, appoint them to the jury - you can make them score cards in advance, offer them to say a short speech into an impromptu microphone. So they will simultaneously be involved in the general fun, and at the same time they will not have to be persuaded and pulled out from the table.

And of course, the sight of her own mother, who speaks heartfeltly into a glass of champagne instead of a microphone about how grateful she is to Mikhalkov and the film academy for the opportunity to see the battle on the ice in her own living room - is priceless. :))


By the way, if you are choosing competitions for a corporate party for the New Year or for a party that will not take place in a city apartment, then be sure to play Santa with his deer. Here you do not need to divide the guests into teams, just invite them to break into pairs.

Each pair has a “reindeer” and “Santa” (you can give one improvised antlers, and the other Santa hats - both are sold for mere pennies in a fixed price store before the new year).

The "deer" needs to be blindfolded and make a harness - do not be wiser, a simple linen rope or lace that wraps around the belt will come off. The reins are given to Santa, who stands behind his "deer". A route is built from the skittles, the leader gives a signal and the competition begins. The winners are those participants who came to the finish line earlier than others and did not knock down the pins. Instead of pins, you can use empty bottles, cardboard cups for drinks or paper cones (we made them in the form of Christmas trees, it was very cute).


When it comes to New Year's games at the table, I always remember how my parents and friends wrote a collective New Year's greeting for everyone present every new year. You can use a ready-made text (as in the image), you can compose your own - the main thing is that it should not contain adjectives - guests should call them.

The host invites the guests to congratulate each other and say a big and beautiful toast - and waves a postcard on which he has already written a congratulation. Only now he did not have enough adjectives, and the guests should suggest them. Everyone randomly offers adjectives related to winter, new year and holiday, and the host writes them down and then reads out the result - the text is very funny!


Love New Year's contests for the whole family - then a turnip is what you need!

So, you need to prepare the participants - they need the number of characters in the fairy tale. Each participant gets a role in an impromptu performance. It's simple, the participant needs to remember the key phrase and the movement that he must act out when mentioning himself.

1. The turnip will slap its knees and then clap its hands with the exclamation "Oba-na!".
2. Grandfather rubs his palms and groans “Ta-ak-s!”.
3. Grandmother swings her fist at grandfather and says “I would beat it!”.
4. Dancing granddaughter sings "I'm ready!" in a high voice (when men play this role, it turns out just great).
5. The bug itches and complains about fleas.
6. The cat wags its “tail” and tentatively stretches out “And I am on my own.”
7. The mouse sadly shrugs its shoulders and says "We've finished the game!".

After everyone has tried themselves in a new role, the host reads the text of the fairy tale (no changes here), and the actors play their role whenever they hear about themselves. The grandfather planted (rubs his hands and groans) a turnip (clap-clap, both-on!) And further in the text. Believe me, there will be enough bursts of laughter, especially when the fairy tale comes to an end, and the host will list all the participants in turn.

I. "Strictly Alphabetical"

In one of the pauses, the host takes the floor and reminds everyone present that the New Year celebration is just beginning, but it’s already difficult to remember the alphabet. In this connection, the presenter suggests filling glasses and raising a toast for the new year, but strictly in alphabetical order.

Each guest must say a short toast to his own letter of the alphabet. The first one starts with the letter a, the second must start with the letter b, and so on. Toasts should be simple:

1. An absolute must toast to happiness in the new year!
2. Let's be healthy in the new year!
3. Let's drink to old year!
4. If we don't get drunk, we'll have to eat!

The task for all those present is to make toasts for each letter of the alphabet, and then choose the winner - the one who came up with the best toast, which is worth drinking for, becomes the winner!


If you want to pick up outdoor games for the new year 2018 - play bunny. For the New Year at home, it is best to play this game when there are many guests - it is suitable for a group of friends.

Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands, the leader walks around all the players in a circle and whispers to each the names of two animals - a wolf and a bunny, a fox and a bunny, and so on. Then he explains the essence of the game - when the leader pronounces the name of the animal aloud, the person to whom it was made up crouches, and his neighbors to the left and right, on the contrary, pull him up, not allowing him to sit down. You need to play at a good pace so that the participants enter the rage.

The main joke of this action is that absolutely all players have a second animal - a bunny. Therefore, after people alternately squatted on the names of other animals, the host says “Bunny!”, And the whole circle abruptly tries to sit down (trying to overcome the possible resistance of the neighbors, as was the case with other animals).

Naturally, general laughter begins, and a bunch of small ones gather on the floor!


A great contest that you can play without leaving the table.

The facilitator will need to prepare cards on which unrelated words and concepts will be written - five or six words are no longer needed. Each participant receives a card and must quickly come up with a hot news from the New Year's issue, using all the words from the card. What to write on the cards? Any set of words.

China, dumplings, roses, Wimbledon, lilac.
. Santa Claus, wheel, eraser, north, bag.
. New 2018 year, fan, pantyhose, pan, scabies.
. Santa Claus, dog, herring, stapler, barrier.
. Winter, zoo, laundry, boa constrictor, rug.

How to make news? Set an example for guests to use all the words, and the weirder the news gets, the more interesting it is.

Well, for example, from the last example I gave, you can build something like this: “A rug was found in a boa constrictor in a Moscow zoo during winter washing.” There will be a reason to be surprised, and to laugh, and to drink so that all the news in the new 2018 will be just as positive.


We in the family circle often arrange jumping as entertainment for the new year, and 2018 will not be an exception, I'm sure - this is already a kind of tradition.

So, how it happens: after drinking for the outgoing year, the presenter brings felt-tip pens and pencils (the brighter the better) and a large sheet of paper (paper paper A0-A1) and invites everyone present not just to enter the new year, but to jump in - so that it passes dynamically, energetically and brightly!

And so that all desires come true, you need to draw them. On a large sheet, everyone draws their desires - someone manages to draw a few miniatures, someone just draws what they want schematically. By the president's speech, the drawing is usually already finished or the finishing touches remain. After the president's speech, the host invites everyone to join hands, count the chimes in chorus, and solemnly jump into the new year and into the fulfillment of their own desires!

By the way, my mother and I usually save the sheet, and on next year we check who has what came true - also a topic for a table conversation, by the way.


There are good New Year's entertainments without a host. Good way to entertain guests - to give them original tasks, but after all, few people want to compete just like that, right?

Therefore, we act as follows - we hang sweets or small gifts on the Christmas tree. It is best to opt for figured chocolate or other sweet Christmas decorations. We provide each with a note to whom the gift is intended, but we do not write names, but some definitions that guests will have to think about and get to know each other better (ideal when there are newcomers who need to join an existing company).

What to write on labels:

1. The owner of the most brown eyes.
2. The best high jumper.
3. The biggest hooligan (here you have to tell everyone about your hooliganism in childhood).
4. The owner of the best tan.
5. The owner of the highest heels.
6. The owner of the most dangerous job.
7. A pair whose sum of buttons on clothes is 10.
8. To the one who is wearing more yellow today.

I think you get the main message. Guests will independently begin to find out who rested where, who has a brighter tan, measure the length of heels and discuss work.


By the way, almost all New Year's competitions at the table involve a game with a hat - they throw some notes into the hat in advance, and then they pull out and carry out the tasks of relatives or colleagues.

In the new year 2018, we will play a popular variation of this game with songs with our family. In the hat you need to sketch notes with winter and New Year's words, each guest blindly takes out a note from a hat and sings a song in which this word occurs.

By the way, you will be able to have fun even if during the feast you forget all the songs - most likely, your family, like my relatives, will have great idea compose a small song on the go to the most popular motive, or somehow remake one of the famous New Year's songs of the past.

By the way, this game is suitable for small company of any age - of course, a schoolboy is unlikely to recognize Soviet songs, but the result will be funny, and different age groups will be able to get closer during the game - after all, cool New Year's contests unite!


Naturally, new year contests for young people are not complete without flirting - why not help friends get closer?

So, the girls are put on robes or shirts, and the guys are given thick winter mittens. The essence of the competition is to quickly button up the shirts on the girls so that they do not freeze!

By the way, my friends, who love various New Year's contests for teenagers and young people, wanted to do this contest the other way around - freeing the girls from shirts, however, they were forced to disqualify the participant - it turns out that even in mittens it is convenient to pull on the floor of the shirt and tear off all the buttons at once. Therefore, it is better to fasten it, it is not easy to do it in mittens.


Creative New Year contests for corporate parties are a great opportunity to have fun.

So in dense sheet cardboard holes are made for the hands. We give out brushes to the players, they must stick their hands into the holes and portray Santa Claus. At this moment they cannot see what they are drawing.

At work, you can divide the team into male and female teams, and give the task to one to portray the Snow Maiden, and to the other - Santa Claus. The winner is the team whose result is most similar to a fairy-tale character.

By the way, if you are choosing contests for a New Year's corporate party, do not forget to look for fun music as well - I use cuttings from Soviet children's cartoons for New Year's contests 2018, this usually causes the warmest emotions.

Q. "Giving out roles"

You can start fun competitions for the new year for the family with such entertainment.

Prepare more fairy tale attributes new year characters, put notes with roles in empty capsules from kinders (you can just wrap them in wrapping paper in the manner of sweets) and start playing at the table for the new year with a proposal to find out who still rules the ball.

Everyone present should draw out their role. It can be snowflakes, bunnies, squirrels, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, the Snow Queen, an overseas guest - Santa Claus and his deer. Distribute small attributes to all guests that will fit their role that night - for example, snow queen a crown will do, Santa Claus can loudly knock with an elegant staff, and a company of overgrown bunny boys with white ears will decorate any New Year's photo.

Believe me, New Year's table games will take on a new color as soon as Grandma Zima or Mikhailo Potapych, who has specially woken up for competitions for the New Year 2018 and New Year's dances, starts to say a toast.


What kind cool contests for the new year without photos?

Make an area for photography and collect some props in this corner - guests will be able to take pictures in different images, and then you can arrange photo tests. So, you will need to determine who is suitable for the role:

The most decrepit snowflake;
. the most sleepy guest;
. the most cheerful Baba Yaga;
. the hungriest Santa Claus;
. the most generous Santa Claus;
. the kindest Santa Claus;
. the most beautiful Snow Maiden;
. the most gorged guest;
. the most cheerful guest;
. the most cunning Baba Yaga;
. the most evil Kashchei;
. the most powerful hero;
. the most capricious princess;
. the largest snowflake;
. etc…

By the way, you can hold this contest a little differently - stock up on props, and invite guests to pull out the role in which they will be photographed without looking, and the rest of the participants should help with advice and deed to better embody the image. It will be possible to laugh in the process, and when you view the pictures - fortunately, you can do this in just a few minutes.


Tell the guests such a legend as Santa Claus walked through the forest with gifts, fell into a snowdrift with one foot and spilled gifts from a bag. The big ones stayed in the bag, but the little ones fell out. And you picked them up and now give them to all the guests.

Wrap all sorts of nice little things that you bought in advance in an opaque package, or a box made by yourself, or you can wrap gifts in small pieces of fabric, like miniature bags tied with a thick thread or ribbon.

As pleasant little things can be: calendars, candles, key chains, pens, flashlights, kinders, liquid soap, magnets.

Every time it surprises with what trepidation the guests are waiting for these gifts ... Not only children, but even adults :-)

Well, and finally, be a good magician and fortune teller, another New Year's entertainment:

Now you know how my holiday will go, and what games you will have for the New Year's corporate party or house party? Share your ideas, because it is better to prepare table games for the new year and interesting contests in advance, and 2018 is just around the corner!

You are presented with a selection of the coolest contests for the New Year 2019-2020 for a fun company. I would like every guest to remember the next New Year's Eve, and contests, games, quizzes were used in your practice more than once.

The recommended sedentary competitions for adults at the New Year's party can be safely “diluted” with outdoor games, and children can also be involved in some. The choice of both is simply endless, so go for it!

You already know that 2019 is the period of the Yellow Earth Pig. The pig, although a domestic animal, is a fabulous creature applicable to the New Year. And very soon we will be happy to see off the Pig and meet the year 2020 - the White Metal Rat. Therefore, New Year's games and entertainment should be selected in a similar style. The table and the apartment can be decorated with New Year's accessories with the symbols of the coming year. And the year 2020 itself is better to meet with friends, girlfriends, relatives, loved ones, with entertainment and fun games. think ahead to keep every guest interested.

Contests for the new year 2019-2020 for a fun company are the coolest

Competition "New Year's cocktail"

4 - 5 participants and 1 presenter are called, they blindfold him. A glass is placed in front of each participant. All drinks on the list are involved in creating a cocktail. New Year's table, so decide on them in advance, do not harm the guests. Each cocktail will be made from three ingredients. The host, before pouring the first ingredient of the cocktail (as well as all subsequent ones), asks one of the guests in the hall: “Does this person need to pour it?”, Pointing to one or another drink, until he answers “yes”. And so in three circles (that is, according to the number of cocktail ingredients). The resulting cocktails are drunk by the participants, making a New Year's toast.

Competition "Sharpshooter"

As an entertainment for the New Year 2019-2020, you can play snipers. It's most fun to start the competition when the participants are already a little tipsy, the coordination of the guests becomes more free, there is less constraint, and it is already a little more difficult to hit the target.
The task is as follows - the guests are divided into two teams, in turn, each player throws "snowballs" into the bucket. A bucket from the players is installed at a distance of five to seven meters, as "snowballs" you can use cotton balls, crumpled paper, or just take a couple of sets of simple Christmas sparkling plastic balls that are sold in the nearest supermarket.

Competition "Photo Studio"

All the participants will be happy to take part in this competition, from the props - a camera, a smartphone, a camera. Each participant must draw a card with the role that he has to play. The player has only a few seconds to figure out in what position to appear in front of the others and what emotions to show. The leading photographer is armed with a camera and begins a photo shoot. He introduces the contestant and his role in turn, and then takes a couple of amazing pictures of the “actor” or video. It is desirable that pictures, videos can be immediately displayed on a large screen, so that all participants have a good laugh. Later, these photos, videos can be sent to all guests of the holiday by e-mail.

Pick up additional accessories for the competition, and you can come up with the following roles:
- Playing on his staff, like on a balalaika, Santa Claus;
- Dancing dance "Chunga-Changa" Snow Maiden;
– Tired Reindeer;
- The snowman is resting on the sea;
- Dormant Christmas tree;
- Smiling Pig - a symbol of the year, etc.

Game "Triple Trap"

Two participants stand opposite each other - in front of them on a chair lies a prize. The host considers: “One, two, three ... a hundred!” "One, two, three .... eleven!" “One, two, three…twenty!” etc. The winner is the one of the party guests who will be more attentive and be the first to take the prize when the host says “Three!”

The leader's digital score can be diluted with small rhymes to interest and amuse the participants. The absence of a rhyme at the end of a quatrain will confuse players:

I will tell you a story
In half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three",
Get your prize now!

Once we caught a pike
Consider what's inside.
Small fish were seen
And not one, but as many as ... five.

Dreaming guy hardened
Become an Olympic champion
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command "One, two ... march"

When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, two, or better… seven.

One day a train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, friends, you took the prize.
I give you a five.

Music and dance competitions

It is not difficult to stir up a New Year's company at a festive party with impromptu musical competitions or dances. Games during the dance, dance and song minutes will help to diversify such a program. Check out the ones below. Choose, play and make your holidays brighter and more fun.

New Year's "Macarena"

This cheerful dance is great for the New Year holiday as a warm-up for a friendly, cheerful company. A leader is needed for a dance minute. Many people know how the Macarena dance is performed. For those who have forgotten, the presenter will tell you the movements, they are:

"Once" - right hand pull forward;
"Two" - stretch the left hand forward;
"Three" - the right hand on the left shoulder;
"Four" - left hand on the right shoulder;
"Five" - ​​right hand behind the head;
"Six" - left hand behind the head;
"Seven" - the right hand on the right thigh;
"Eight" - left hand on the left thigh;
"Nine" - wagged the lower part of the body.
Be sure to pick a tune.

Competition "Two Rings"

For this New Year's competition, you must prepare a twine 3 - 4 meters long and two medium metal rings. The diameter of the ring should provide for the capture of two palms. Thread the twine into the rings and tie the ends of the twine, one in one ring, the other in the other.

The number of players is eight to ten people sitting in a circle.

Stretch the rope in a circle, and let each of the players take hold of it with both hands. Hands must be kept on weight. Someone two, of your choice, take opposite places in a circle, along with a twine in one of the hands they will grab one ring.

How to participate?

The competition for the New Year 2020 for the most fun company of friends simply requires attention from the participants. Check who and to what extent possesses this valuable quality.
The rings, which were taken over by two participants from the total number of players, will not stay with them for long. As soon as the game begins, the participants pass the rings around the circle to other players from hand to hand. In order to lose track of them, everyone continuously intercepts the string, moves their palms in one direction and the other, pretending to accept or pass the ring to a neighbor. As a result, it will be difficult for a group of players to guess who has invisible rings.

In the game, you must always carefully observe the movements of the hands. It is clear that soon both rings will be in the hands of one of the players. Slowly, trying not to draw attention to himself and not letting go of the string, he should put his hands on his knees. Those participants who notice this will immediately and also secretly follow his example. One of the gaping players will do it last. In the form of a fine, take a phantom from him, offer to fulfill some playful desire, or ask him to drive in another competition, and this one can be continued.

Competitions for the new year 2019-2020 for a fun company are the coolest table

New Year's quiz

Another great type of entertainment for a fun New Year's party - New Year's quiz. It will not let you get bored, diversify other table games and give you a break from active games or dances. Quiz questions can be invented by yourself or use from the article.

The coolest contests of 2020


What is the name of the party where you can't recognize the guests? (Masquerade).
- What is the name of the “soulmate” of the Snowman? (Snow Woman).
— What is the second New Year called in Russia? (Old).
- What does Santa Claus “exchange” his gifts from the bag for? (For a verse or a song).
- Where does winter live in an ice hut? (Near the forest at the edge).
- How does winter knock you off your feet? (Ice).
— A blizzard snaking along the road. (Drifting).
- How do you ring a Christmas tree? (Round dance).
— « snow child» joint yard games? (Snowman).
- Who does not need a diet in winter or summer? (Herringbone: slender in winter and summer ... was).
- An incendiary sign of a good New Year's Eve celebration. (Fireworks).

Competitions for the new year 2019-2020 for a fun company the coolest houses

dance quiz

We check the erudition and sociability of the public. For each correct answer we give a small souvenir. At the end of the quiz, those participants who have prizes in their hands are invited to the stage, let them prove themselves in the next competition. Thus, the required number of people will be recruited for other competitions. In addition, there will be the necessary, cheerful atmosphere at the beginning of the holiday, enthusiasm, solidarity, a good mood will be created.

Questions for the dance quiz:

"Fruit" dance of sailors (Apple).
The main dance of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Samba).
Letkin's half (Enka).
A dance whose characteristic feature is rhythmic percussive footwork (step, or tap dance).
Cuban dance, which is also widespread in countries Latin America(Cha-cha-cha).
Dance after vodka (Gopak).
Caucasian dance (Lezginka).
Popular Greek dance (Sirtaki).
The famous Spanish dance (Flamenco).
The first dance of Natasha Rostova (Waltz).
Dance with high throwing up of legs (Cancan).
Argentine couple dance, characterized by an energetic and clear rhythm (Tango).
Russian dance to the stomp (Trepak).
What kind of dance can polish the floor to a shine? (Twist).
What dance is learning the protagonist movie "Hipsters"? (Boogie Woogie).

How to make the quiz harder?

Alternatively, you can complicate the task of the quiz. Ask the participant who correctly named the dance to try to demonstrate it - dance to the appropriate short musical composition (you can ask the participants to hum a melody, beat the beat, clap their hands). That will be much more fun. In this case, it is better to purchase more significant incentive prizes, because a solo number will be performed, with the exception of a pair dance, a pair should be selected for it.

New Year's song contest

You can hold a New Year's song contest in many ways, both traditionally (participants take turns singing into the microphone), and more creatively. For example:
- All participants of the New Year's Eve are divided into two teams and sing each other. You can simply continue the song started by your rivals, you can perform songs starting with a certain letter, etc.;
- Teams or participants sing New Year's songs using only vowel sounds. Or, on the contrary, only consonants. Choose the option that seems funniest to you;
- New Year's songs are performed in the "animal" language: like a cat, like a dog, like a pig, etc. That is, the song needs to grunt, meow, bark, etc .;
- Parodies of popular songs - another version of the song contest. In this case, funny and interesting New Year's songs-alterations are prepared in advance;
- If a large creative company is expected at the New Year's Eve, then you can arrange a competition for mini choirs, rock groups, ensembles, etc. Participants must form teams, come up with a name for their choir or group, choose an image, performance style and, of course, a song. The musical composition is played using any improvised means used as instruments or accessories.

Dance battle

Divide the participants into two teams and turn on a dance tune for each in turn.
Whose team of players deserves more applause wins.
Examples of dance compositions:

- a gypsy
- in the style of rap;
East Dance;
- Russian folk dance;
- romantic dance;
- club style
- Indian dance.
Such dance competition will not only amuse holiday-minded guests, but also help to lose calories a little.

Even more New Year's contests in our new selection:

We hope that these contests for the new year 2019-2020 for a fun company are the coolest, most amusing, humorous ones that will not make you bored, and the event will be fun and provocative. Arm yourself with ideas, props, connect relatives, girlfriends and friends. Turn on your imagination, give yourself, your family and loved ones an unforgettable New Year's Eve!

Thematic games for an audience of adults for the New Year will help make the holiday unforgettable and filled with positive emotions. Everyone can play, frolic, have fun, share joy and resourcefulness with others - you just have to get carried away in the process.

The competition program for the holiday should be varied, interesting and focused on a certain range of interests. Logic, strategy games or active fun - the choice is up to the company.

Competitions for any company

Most often, the company consists of different types people: someone is a tireless chatterbox, some are easy-going, while others prefer strict adherence to a previously agreed plan, there will definitely be a quiet and incorrigible modest.

Combining all these people in one gameplay is not an easy task. In our selection there are New Year's contests for adults, which will surely appeal to all participants in the celebration, leaving pleasant memories for many years to come.

Holidays with tickets only

This game will require an arbitrary number of people, but not less than 2-3 people. Cool games in companies it will be more interesting if there are many participants to take part. This will help to unlock the full potential of the gameplay, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the storyline.

In order to start playing the game "To a holiday only by tickets", you must have the following inventory:

  • box or hat;
  • a container like a vase for folding leaflets with tasks;
  • sheets of small sizes for assignments.

Rules of the game:

A box or hat is placed at the entrance, from which each person entering the room must pull out a task. It is important to maintain confidentiality during the gameplay: peeping and sharing content with others is strictly prohibited. The one who breaks the rules of the game performs the task: eats a slice of lemon or dances the dance of the symbol of the outgoing year.

The party hosts prepare the cards in advance, coming up with harmless tasks: crow, recite a verse, gather a few people for a group dance, and so on.

Adult games of this format bring a lot of positive emotions, funny pictures. In order for the gameplay to take place, stock up on the following details:

  1. Any accessories: garlands, jewelry, clothes, tinsel, masks, hats, etc. The main goal is to create the most effective image.
  2. Cards with invented names - it is best to choose an unusual name for the character: a clumsy snowflake, a funny snowman, a girl in a tangerine peel, and so on.
  3. A hat or card storage box.

Rules of the game:

The game will require a large number of participants: if there are less than 15, everyone is responsible for himself, otherwise it is worth splitting into teams. The essence of the game is as follows:

  1. One of the participants draws a card with a character. The person whose nickname is written must create an image from the proposed things within 2-5 minutes and come up with a mini-performance. In a team game, the task is performed by all participants.
  2. The rest of the participants enjoy the performance, take pictures, guessing the character at the same time. It is best to set a time limit of 3-5 minutes so that everyone has time to prove themselves.
  3. At the end of the game, there is a vote for the funniest and most resourceful member or team.

competition for attention

Do you love such games?


New Year's contests are a good opportunity to get to know each other better and laugh heartily. You don't need to have additional details to hold contests for attention.

The essence of the game is that two players go to the center of the room, examine each other for a minute, then turn their backs.

The one with the most correct answers wins.

For fans of intellectual games

Funny contests for adults for the New Year can be beneficial by developing thinking, replenishing vocabulary and knowledge. You can play this game as a team, and every man for himself. Before the start of the gameplay, a list of rare and unusual words is created - they can be found in the dictionary.

New Year's verse

This game for adults provides an opportunity to show their creative side. First you need to get props:

  • cards with words and phrases more than the participants themselves;
  • card container.

Also, resourcefulness, imagination and good mood will not be superfluous.

Rules of the game:

Christmas tree games for a company of this type are best done with a large number of players. They are divided into teams equally, choosing the main representative. Leaders alternately draw cards from the container in the amount of 5-8 pieces.

Guess the Cocktail

Adult contests for the New Year are often created with the participation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. This is a great opportunity to have a good time and have a drink at the same time. For the game you will need props:

  • clean glasses;
  • scarf or eye patch;
  • the drinks.

This is team game for up to 4 participants. During the gameplay, 1 person from the team is selected, who is blindfolded. The rest of the players create a drink for the opponent's taster within 2 minutes. Representatives of the teams alternately guess the components of the drink. The first person to guess all the ingredients of the cocktail wins.

Competition to see who gets the cookie

Funny contests for NG can be held without leaving the table. This will require:

  • any cookie;
  • popsicle sticks.

If the details were not prepared in advance, take any materials at hand: glasses, fruits, other sweets.

Rules of the game:

One participant clamps the end of the stick with his lips, and a stack of cookies lies on the opposite side. Next, he needs to go around the Christmas tree so that the structure remains intact. The person who holds the highest pile the longest wins.

Competitions for 3-5 people

It will be difficult to surprise adults with games at the New Year celebration, but it is possible. If the company has at least 5 people, the gameplay will be more interesting and exciting.

When choosing a suitable entertainment program, take into account the specifics of the society and their interests, otherwise the competitions will turn out to be unsuccessful and uninteresting.

Results of the year

This team game brings back pleasant memories and is ideal for a company where everyone has been friends with each other for a long time or have many moments together. Each participant in turn asks questions on topics known to all players, then everyone in turn says the answer.

The one who guessed first gets a candy or a point - the person with the most rewards is considered the winner.

Sad Santa Claus or Snow Maiden

No props are required to play. One participant sits on a chair, taking on the saddest expression on his face - he is the embodiment of Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden in bad mood. The main task of the other players is to make him laugh without tickling.

As soon as the facial expression of the character in the image changes, the place of the seated player is taken by a new one.

Plans for the New Year

This entertainment will be relevant in cases where only couples gathered on New Year's Eve. The game will help to relax, open up and learn more about each other. Of the details, you will need two lists with questions on the New Year theme and honesty from each player.

Rules of the game:

One person from a pair is given a list with questions to which he must write answers within 3 minutes without voicing.

At the end of the time, the second person receives a similar questionnaire, then reads the contents aloud, answering to the point. The pair with the most matching answers wins.


Cheerful New Year's celebration will remain in the memory of the participants of the celebration for a long time. 2018 has become a symbol of brightness, non-standard ideas and an active rhythm of life. This selection of competitions will help determine the program for celebrating the outgoing and meeting the new year 2019.

Do you know interesting contests that have saved failed parties more than once? Feel free to share them with us in the comments.