The use of multimedia didactic games in cognitive development. Interactive games as a means of cognitive development of preschoolers. Work is underway in three areas

Gulfiya Sulkharnaeva
Self-education work plan "Using multimedia didactic games in the cognitive development of preschoolers"

Self-education work plan for 2017-2018.

the date Working with children Working with parents

September Development and design of didactic games« The use of didactic games in the lives of children»

October Game "Sun" Booklet "I invite you to play".

November Game What flower is gone « Didactic play in a child's life.

December Game Magic Lace Consultation for parents

« Didactic games in kindergarten and at home"

February multimedia didactic games

March Game Geometric puzzles Booklet The use of multimedia didactic games in the family

April Theatrical performance Development of cognitive children's activities through multimedia didactic games.

May Game Arrange by color Consultation Playing - learning

Throughout the year


1. Lykova I. A. “ Didactic games and activities. Artistic education and development of children 1–7 years old». Toolkit for specialists preschool educational institutions. "Karapuz- didactics» . Creative center SPHERE. Moscow 2009

2. Sorokina A. I. Didactic games in kindergarten - M.: Enlightenment, 1982.

3. I. A. Lykova « Didactic games and activities» -M. ;-2010

4. E. I. Udaltsova, “ Didactic games in education and training preschoolers", Minsk, 1976

5. Shchukina G. I. Problem cognitive interest in pedagogy. - M.: Enlightenment, 1971.

6. Shchukina G. I. Activation cognitive activities in the educational process. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979.

7. Morozova N. G. Education cognitive interests of children in the family. – M.: 1961.

8. Godovikova D. Formation cognitive activity. // preschool education. - 1986.-№ 1.

9. Psychological and pedagogical features of the didactic games. Under. ed. Akshina A., Akshina T., Zharkova T. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

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Didactic game "Wonderful bag of Pinocchio" for children second junior group Program content: To teach children to correctly use the name of the qualities of objects (size, color) in speech, answer questions with full answers, compose short story. Material: Pairs of objects: nesting dolls, pyramids (large and small), ribbons ( different color and length), horses, ducklings, Pinocchio, rocking chair - a horse, a wonderful bag. The course of the lesson: “Guys, look who came to us? That's right, Pinocchio. What is Pinocchio? (nose). What nose does Pinocchio have? (long). Pinocchio brought a magic bag. What's in your bag, Pinocchio? (toys). Guys, are you wondering what toys Pinocchio has in the bag? I call the child to my place and ask to touch the toy out of the bag, name it and examine it, answer the questions. - What is it? (matryoshka) How beautiful she is. You like her? Let's see what's inside. Another nesting doll, put them side by side. Wow, get another toy. What's this? (pyramid). Show where the pyramid has a red circle. What color is this circle? (green). Then they take out another pyramid and put it next to it. What is this pyramid? (large) and the other (small). Then they get the horse. Who is it? (horse, horse). What is the horse's tail? (long). The next child gets another horse. - What's with the horse? (legs). And what are the legs of the horse (legs are long). What horse? (long-legged). Choral and individual repetition. And who is it? (takes ducklings out of the bag). Quack-quack-quack, these are ducklings. Children, is there anything else in the bag? What's this? (ribbon, ribbon). The first tape is long, the second is short. Look how many toys Pinocchio brought? Then we listen to 2-3 children's stories about toys. Fizkultminutka: Riding a horse. We rode on a horse, (We walk in place.) We reached the corner. We got into the car, (Running in place.) We poured gasoline. We rode in the car, We reached the river. (Squats.) Trr! Stop! U-turn. (Turn around.) There is a steamboat on the river. (Clap your hands.) We went by steamboat, We reached the mountain. (We walk on the spot.) to the sides, “flew”) -U-u-f. (I. Tokmakova) The lesson continues. Pinocchio wants to play with you. Game: "What's gone" We put 3 pairs of toys on the table (pyramids, horses, matryoshkas), replace them in turn with ribbons, then remove the toys. Children should list all the toys they played with.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2"

urban district of Saransk

additional education teacher

Danilova Ekaterina Evgenievna

Generalization of pedagogical experience on the topic:

"The use of multimedia didactic games in the cognitive development of preschoolers"

The game is important in the life of a child, it has the same meaning as an adult has an activity, work, service. What a child is in play, such is in many respects he will be in work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of the future figure takes place primarily in the game.
(Anton Semyonovich Makarenko)


Children are inquisitive explorers of the world around them. This feature is inherent in them from birth. The formation of cognitive interest among preschoolers is one of the most important tasks of teaching a child in kindergarten.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), “Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity.

The foundation of an active, enterprising, creative personality is laid in preschool childhood. It is during this period that important prerequisites are created for the development of the cognitive interests of children. These trends are reflected in the works of such authors as A. N. Poddyakov, A. G. Gogoberidze, N. B. Shumakova, A. M. Matyushkin, Ya. A. Ponomarev and others.

Cognitive interest is the leading motive of educational activity, contributing to the formation of deep and solid knowledge; development and improvement of the quality of mental activity, activity in learning, conducive to the formation of abilities, the creation of a more favorable emotional background for the flow of all mental processes.

One of the most important tasks of modern preschool education- the creation of such conditions that would contribute to the development of the child, the disclosure of his potential, so that he could quickly respond to changing conditions, be able to discover new problems and tasks, find ways to solve them.

It is possible to achieve a good result in performing this task in the conditions of implementing an innovative approach to teaching, which ensures the transition to a productive and creative level. This can be achieved, I believe, with the help of information and communication technologies.

In connection with the intensive use of information technologies in various spheres of human activity, their introduction into the field of education naturally occurs, since there is a need for a generation that can work with advanced technologies.

The modern world is characterized by dynamic development in all socially significant areas, and the child is at the center of this development. The basis for the educational activities of the child and many areas of human life in society is literacy. Modern literacy, which has grown out of the traditional “read, write, count”, changes the emphasis, priorities and the very content of this triad and includes elements of information technology, information culture. The use of computer technology is not the influence of fashion, but a necessity dictated by the current level of development of education, which imposes new requirements on the upbringing and education of the younger generation, the introduction of new approaches that should not replace traditional methods, but expand their capabilities. This is reflected in many documents adopted by the government. Russian Federation. So, for example, in the "Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010", in Chapter 2, devoted to the priorities of educational policy, the following is said: "In order to achieve a new quality of education, informatization of education and optimization of teaching methods will be carried out," which sets out the tasks of equipping and use in the educational process of ICT.

The leading activity of a preschooler is the game, so it is easier to develop cognitive processes through the game. In the conditions of the game, children concentrate and remember better than on the direct instructions of an adult. Didactic games occupy a large place in the work of preschool institutions. In the context of widespread computerization, the use of multimedia didactic games in the activities of a preschooler becomes relevant. Multimedia didactic games perform the function of learning tools - children master the features of objects, learn to classify, generalize, compare. The child receives information through cognitive processes: perception, thinking, imagination, attention, speech, memory. At the heart of the development of cognitive processes are analyzers, thanks to them the child more effectively and fully learns the world around him. The main advantage of interactive games is visibility - a tool for learning new concepts, properties, phenomena. In addition to visualization, children also perceive new information by ear, through the movement of objects. In addition, while studying with interactive games on their own, the child can control the pace and number of tasks performed, which corresponds to the principle of individualization, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

A distinctive feature of interactive games is that they can be used in all educational areas.

Multimedia didactic games in conjunction with high pedagogical skills make the educational process of preschool education diverse, lively and unobtrusive for children. Using interactive games, children's motivation for learning increases, children learn new forms of cooperation, a child's reflection is formed, and an assessment of their achievements is formed.

The novelty of my experience lies in the use of didactic computer games for senior age group which made it possible to improve the forms, methods, methods of work on the use of new information technologies in the educational process, in the creation and definition effective conditions the use of electronic didactic games aimed at activating and developing the cognitive abilities of preschoolers.



To date, information technology has significantly expanded the capabilities of parents, educators and specialists in the field of early learning. The possibilities of using a modern computer make it possible to most fully and successfully realize the development of a child's abilities. The use of ICT is one of the priorities of education. This is one of the newest and most urgent problems in domestic preschool pedagogy.

Our experience pedagogical activity shows that in a kindergarten it is possible, necessary and expedient to use ICT in various types educational activities with kids.

Directly educational activity in kindergarten has its own specifics. It should be emotional, bright, involving a large amount of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. All this can be provided to us by computer technology with its multimedia capabilities.

The most effective form of organization of work with a computer in kindergarten, which we use, is to conduct GCD using multimedia presentations, as well as classes using the interactive training program Multikid and the digital laboratory "Naurash in the country of Naurandiya". This makes it possible to optimize the pedagogical process, individualize the education of children with different levels of cognitive development and significantly increase the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical activities.

One of the most popular software tools used by educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions in the classroom using information and communication technologies is Microsoft's PowerPoint program. It is owned by all educators and narrow specialists of preschool educational institutions. Since today the problem of introducing information technologies into the learning process is relevant for us, the PowerPoint program is one of those programs with which we began to study the computer.

For two years, while working on the topic “The use of multimedia didactic games in the cognitive development of preschoolers”, I periodically used electronic didactic games taken from the Internet in my work with children. I noticed that the presentation of information on the screen or computer monitor in a playful way is of great interest to children. It is very convenient to use these electronic aids when organizing a GCD or individually with one child, since a wide variety of tasks contributes to the development of cognitive interests. Initially, I used ready-made games from various Internet sites: animated games - presentations, but one day I did not find the one I needed in this moment games, and decided to make the game myself. The game turned out, found a lively response from the children and inspired me to further work in this direction.

Realizing that the informatization of society leads to the informatization of education, I realized that the development of ICT is a vital necessity for every teacher of preschool education.

The purpose of my work: ensuring the development of cognitive activity of pupils through the search for information and communication technologies and the introduction in gaming activity children up to school age, improving the quality of the educational process.

To achieve this goal, I formulated the following tasks:

get acquainted with the advanced pedagogical experience of using an interactive didactic game as a means of organizing cognitive activity preschoolers;

Constant self-education and improvement of pedagogical skills, as I am in constant search.

The formation of a “new literacy”, which implies high independence of students in working with information.

introduce ICT in the cognitive and play activities of preschool children;

use ICT in the educational process;

create a media library of electronic didactic games for preschoolers;

submit materials in process methodical work(open events, speeches, generalization of experience, certification).


For several years now, the press has been discussing the problem of developing and implementing information and communication technologies in preschool educational institutions.

Before starting work on the topic of experience, I studied the research of leading scientists and specialists in the field of preschool education (Babaeva T.I., Gogoberidze A.G.). They express their position “for” and “against” ICT. Opponents of ICT cite data on the negative impact of prolonged sitting at the computer on the health of children as an argument. Our experience shows that the periodic use of ICT, namely the use of educational games dosed by the teacher, contributes to the development of children. volitional qualities, accustoms to "useful" games. The expediency of using information technologies in the development of cognitive abilities of older preschoolers is confirmed by the work of foreign and domestic researchers (S. Papert, B. Hunter, E. N. Ivanova, N. P. Chudova, etc.). Scientific work on the introduction of ICT in preschool education conducted in our country, since 1987 on the basis of the center. A. V. Zaporozhets by researchers led by L. A. Paramonova, L. S. Novoselova, L. D. Chainova. In 2008, the theoretical foundations for the use of scientific information technologies in the educational work of preschool educational institutions were developed, programs for preschoolers began to be actively created.

Thus, we adhere to the point of view that with the proper use of technical means, with the correct organization of the educational process, computer programs for preschoolers can be widely used in practice without risk to children's health.

Based on this, in my work I tried to show how to form in preschoolers elementary ideas about a holistic picture of the world; to develop cognitive activity, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge of the phenomena of the world through the use of ICT.



Modern development of information technologies and the level of distribution of computer technology in educational institutions allow the teacher today to use the computer as a daily means of teaching preschoolers. The possibilities of using a personal computer with its peripheral devices in direct educational activities are enormous. The most simple presentations created in the Microsoft OfficePowerPoint application serve as a demonstration material.

K. D. Ushinsky remarked: "Children's nature requires visibility."

The use of multimedia presentations provides such visibility, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, given the visual creative thinking preschool children.

Classes using ICT allow you to defuse high emotional tension and revive studying proccess(which is especially important considering psychological features primary school age, in particular, the long-term predominance of visual-figurative thinking over abstract-logical), but also increase the motivation for learning.

The computer is also a powerful stimulus for children's creativity. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working frontally with the class. On-screen, you can quickly perform transformations on warped text, turning disparate sentences into coherent text.

I use information technologies at all stages of the lesson: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, controlling. The didactic material of ICT is diverse in content and form.

When developing a lesson using ICT, I pay special attention to the health of children. Be sure to include physical and dynamic pauses, exercises for the eyes, changing positions.

Lessons using information technology not only expand and consolidate the acquired knowledge, but also greatly increase the creative and intellectual potential of students. I am confident that the use of information technology can transform the teaching of traditional subjects, rationalizing child labor, optimizing the processes of understanding and remembering. educational material and, most importantly, by raising the interest of children in learning to a consistently higher level.

Thus, the work spent on managing cognitive activity with the help of ICT tools justifies itself in all respects:

improves the quality of knowledge

advances the child in overall development

helps to overcome difficulties

brings joy to a child's life

Allows training in the zone of proximal development

creates favorable conditions for a better mutual understanding of the teacher and students and their cooperation in the educational process.

In addition, fragments of lessons that use presentations reflect one of the main principles of creating a modern lesson - attraction principle. Thanks to the presentations, the children, who usually were not very active in the classroom, began to actively express their opinions and reason.

The introduction of information technology has advantages over traditional means learning:

1. ICT makes it possible to expand the use of e-learning tools, as they transmit information faster.

2. Movement, sound, animation attracts the attention of children for a long time and helps to increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

3. Provides visibility, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children. This includes three types of memory: visual, auditory, motor.

4. Slideshow and video clips allow you to show those moments from the surrounding world, the observation of which causes difficulties: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, the sound of rain.

5. You can also simulate such life situations that cannot or are difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, the reproduction of sounds of nature; the work of transport, etc.).

6. ICT is an additional opportunity to work with children with disabilities.

Detailed multimedia presentations allow me to make GCD more colorful and memorable. Children enjoy such activities, they look forward to such games and work for them with much greater dedication.

In my work, I was guided by the following didactic principles:

The principle of accessibility.

Implementing the principle of accessibility, I select visual material, forms and methods of organizing educational activities so that they correspond to the level of preparation of children, their age characteristics.

The principle of systematic and consistent.

The principle of systematic and consistent learning is that the assimilation of educational material goes in a certain order, system. I create and select multimedia presentations in accordance with the thematic plan.

Guided scientific principle, I pursue one goal - to help children acquire real knowledge that correctly reflects reality. ICT gives me the opportunity to present in a multimedia form realistic, not distorted information materials (reproductions of paintings, photographs, video clips, sound recordings).

I think that you will agree with me that various games and presentations that are publicly available on the Internet do not always correspond in their content to the principle of scientific character. Therefore, I try to be especially careful when choosing material.

The principle of creative activity.

The principle of the child's activity in the learning process has been and remains one of the main ones in didactics. Using ICT, I stimulate the cognitive activity of children, thereby increasing interest in classes due to the novelty, realism and dynamism of the image, the use of animation effects.

The principle of visibility.

The principle of visualization was rightly considered by Jan Amos Comenius to be the "golden rule" of didactics, since "there is nothing in the mind that was not in the sensations." It is preschoolers, with their visual-figurative thinking, who understand only what can be simultaneously considered, heard, acted upon or evaluated the action of an object. In this regard, in my work I use multimedia presentations, slide shows, video clips.

Work is being carried out in three areas:

- Work with children;

- Work with teachers;

- Working with parents.

Education of children is based on the program "Childhood". This program is built on the positions of a humane-personal attitude towards the child and is aimed at its comprehensive development, the formation of spiritual and universal values, as well as abilities and integrative qualities.

Work with children built in the following areas:

1. Intellectual development;

2. Development of attention;

3. Development of perception and memory;

4. Development of speech.

In development intellectual abilities preschoolers have a special place didactic game, which is a means of learning and helps children to acquire and consolidate knowledge, as well as to master the methods of cognitive activity. Thanks to electronic didactic games that effectively increase children's interest in educational activities, preschoolers learn to classify, compare and generalize. I use such games as: “Guess the figure”, “The fourth extra”, “Analogies”, etc.

Attention is a manifestation of the selective orientation of the processes of consciousness. The level of its development largely determines the success of the child in learning. Attention is a necessary condition for any activity: educational, playful, cognitive.

During preschool age, attention develops from involuntary, that is, arising by itself under the influence of external impressions, to voluntary, controlled by a conscious effort of will.

In order to develop a child's focus, stability and concentration of attention, special games are needed, where this task is at the center of the child's and adult's activities. Games for the development of attention: "Reflection", "Lay out the circles", "Repeat the pattern", etc.

Memory the child is his interest. An important point in the development of the memory of a preschooler, the appearance of personal memories appears. They reflect significant events in the life of the child, his success in activities, relationships with adults and peers. Didactic games contribute to the development of memory. It creates effective game motivation, subordinates memorization to a goal that is close and understandable to the child, allows him to realize the ways of performing activities, and also gives an adult the opportunity to manage mnemonic activity without inserting a didactic position into the opening.

Development of perception in preschoolers is an important condition for the full development of the child's personality. This process is complex and multifaceted, which contributes to the correct display of the surrounding world, adaptation and comfortable stay in society. Development of perception in preschool age allows you to understand the world perceive and comprehend objects and phenomena.
For the development of memory and perception, I use the following games: “Find the differences”, “Fold the picture”, “Guess the object”, “What time of year?” etc.

Every year the number of children with deviations in speech development. And speech, as we know, is one of the most powerful factors and stimuli for the development of the child as a whole. child with well developed speech easily enters into communication with others: he can clearly express his thoughts and desires, ask questions, agree with peers on a joint game. Conversely, a child's unclear speech makes his relationships with people very difficult and often leaves a heavy imprint on his character. In my work with children, I use various games, but I pay special attention to electronic didactic games. In the process of a multimedia didactic game, various mental processes are activated and take on an arbitrary character, and a didactic game helps to consolidate the acquired knowledge during training. “Name as many objects as possible”, “Who will see and name more”, etc.

Working with teachers:

In interaction with teachers I try to use a variety of forms. Conducted consultations for preschool teachers

Mokina Olga Yurievna
Job title: caregiver
Educational institution: Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Secondary school No. 135" Preschool department "Firefly"
Locality: city ​​Novosibirsk
Material name: Article
Publication date: 13.10.2018
Chapter: preschool education


























requirements modern society. The article shows the role of didactic

games during classes to familiarize themselves with the outside world in the children's

preschool institution using multimedia technologies.


words: didactic



educational process, multimedia, multimedia computers.

The ongoing transition in world society from the industrial age to





technologies that penetrate literally into all spheres of human activity



a habitat.


the information revolution that followed had a significant impact on







going on



individual strata of society. AT modern conditions to the younger generation

who enters into life, there are much more requirements than

ten years ago.

Since each type of society must correspond to a certain




be accompanied by appropriate changes both in the system and in the content

education, as well as in the forms, methods and means of teaching. humanization

education requires a reassessment of all components of the pedagogical process in





general educational educational institutions is creating favorable





personality development.

One way to create such conditions is to use

multimedia technologies.

Combining the capabilities of a book, notebook, calculator, TV,

video recorder, communications equipment and other important inventions, being

universal toy capable of imitating other toys and the most

various games, multimedia tools, at the same time, are for the child




to react

actions and requests, which he sometimes lacks.
























the requirements of modern society.

At the same time, we note that the process of improving education,

related to the introduction of multimedia technologies in educational

the process of a preschool institution is experiencing serious difficulties,


















personality and the development of individuality in the prevailing conditions.

The term "media" comes from the English word media, translated






software and hardware that display information in the visual and


multimedia computers



software and hardware that allow you to play sound

(music, speech, etc.), as well as video information (video clips, animated




widespread, and many programs are also becoming more or less


A modern computer combined with a multimedia projection

equipment can replace almost all traditional TCO.

Using an interactive approach requires a very high level

teacher qualifications. Both documents and "pictures" should be bright,










combined to induce activity in children,







p r o c e s with a,

activities of preschoolers.

Gaming activity is one of the leading varieties of human

activities. She is also leading in the life of a preschooler. Consider

the concept of a traditional game used in modern didactics, we single out

signs and main functions of a didactic game and on this basis we will identify

being studied




teachers. One of the fundamental studies of play for the preschooler

is the work of D.B. Elkonin "Psychology of the game", which summarizes

basic materials on the theory of game activity, a detailed

critical analysis of various game theories, experimentally and theoretically

substantiates the understanding of the game that has developed in domestic psychology, and

also shows the value of the game for mental development children.

The signs of the game are: the presence of a plot, roles, rules (in a hidden

or explicit form), the performance by the participants of gaming actions, a special gaming





intellectual tension, the two-dimensional behavior of the players (in real



own will, and is free, that is, the player during the game does not bear

no obligation, failure or error during the game is not associated with any

or real negative consequences.





preschool age. Its effectiveness as a didactic tool has led

to the use of games in the learning process and adults. Games used in





called didactic.

The educational game is a complex systemic formation that allows various

presentation methods. It can act as an activity, as a process,



activities. Therefore, the question arises: how to determine whether a given

a form of organization of the educational process by the game? D.N. Uznadze wrote that “all

forms of extragenic (externally motivated) behavior can be


game actions (folding mosaics, moving chips, exchanging cards

etc.); 6) learning activities (solving problems, finding answers to questions, etc.), c)





actions (making models, instruments, etc.).

Having identified the main features and functions of didactic games, consider









aimed at achieving a goal, which is characterized by the interaction

player and computer.




aimed at achieving the learning goal. The main difference between this game and

traditional is the presence of one more of its participants - a computer,

acting as the organizer of the game (creation game situation and control

for the progress of its implementation). Thus, in a computer game, the computer

can perform several functions at once: the function of an adult leading the game,

partner player,






at the same time, its limited ability to perform these functions








computer game, consider its structure.

The basis of a computer game is a logical structure in which

There are three levels - operational, tactical and strategic.

The tactical level is defined as a set of game actions,

leading to the achievement of some local goal. As a result of actions


going on

an association



in accordance with the goal, and the player achieves an improvement (or




human activity - the level of action.

The strategic level involves planning the entire game, which

should be built in such a way as to achieve the goal and achieve a win. This level

allows you to link the actions of a tactical plan into one whole and carry out













the latter.





keyboard. The player himself is more enslaved and is obliged to strictly observe

rules and conditions of the game. However, these restrictions create conditions for him to






accuracy and precision. In addition, graphic and sound capabilities

computers provide the player with the richest game

material and allow you to simulate many of the famous games and create

fundamentally new. This circumstance, as well as the individual mode

possession of the game is very attractive not only for children, but also for

adults. “Free use of the computer also changes the attitude of the child,


objects that already exist or are just being born in the offices of scientists.





admiration for them, as for new idols,” psychologists note.




performance, dynamism, the ability to "adjust" to the level of the player,

high technical capabilities of computers to reproduce the most

variety of scenarios and characters, make the computer game in many




preferred over the traditional one.





allow to realize the useful functions of the traditional didactic game in

a specific form attractive to the child - a computer game.




education with nutrition

pro ce s s e












motivation, will develop, i.e., their individual

Big dictionary Russian language / Ch. edited by S.A. Kuznetsov. -

St. Petersburg: "Norint", 2001. - 1536 p.




business game //Pedagogy and psychology of the game. - Novosibirsk, 2005. -S. 50-62.




foreign pedagogy. - M.: Education, 2011. - S. 80-162.

Sukhomlinsky V.A. Selected pedagogical works. - M.; 2009.

Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. – 2007.

Krupskaya N.K. Pedagogical essays. T. 6. - M.; 2005. - 426 p.

Margulis E.D. Computer game in the educational process // Soviet

pedagogy. - 1989. - No. 4. - S. 15-20.

Uznadze D.N. Psychological research, - M., 2006. - 451 p.

Tyunnikova S.M. Pedagogical possibilities of didactic game and

requirements for its organization. - M., 2007. - 60 p.

10. Rotenberg B.C., Bondarenko S.M. Brain, learning, health. - M: 2009.

11. Venger L.A., Martsinkovskaya T.D., Venger A.L. Is your child ready for

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(Anton Semyonovich Makarenko)



Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2"

City district of Saransk

additional education teacher

Danilova Ekaterina Evgenievna

Generalization of pedagogical experience on the topic:

"The use of multimedia didactic games in the cognitive development of preschoolers"

The game is important in the life of a child, it has the same meaning as an adult has an activity, work, service. What a child is in play, such is in many respects he will be in work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of the future figure takes place primarily in the game.
(Anton Semyonovich Makarenko)


Children are inquisitive explorers of the world around them. This feature is inherent in them from birth. The formation of cognitive interest among preschoolers is one of the most important tasks of teaching a child in kindergarten.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), “Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity.

The foundation of an active, enterprising, creative personality is laid in preschool childhood. It is during this period that important prerequisites are created for the development of the cognitive interests of children. These trends are reflected in the works of such authors as A. N. Poddyakov, A. G. Gogoberidze, N. B. Shumakova, A. M. Matyushkin, Ya. A. Ponomarev and others.

Cognitive interest is the leading motive of educational activity, contributing to the formation of deep and solid knowledge; development and improvement of the quality of mental activity, activity in learning, conducive to the formation of abilities, the creation of a more favorable emotional background for the flow of all mental processes.

One of the most important tasks of modern preschool education is the creation of such conditions that would contribute to the development of the child, unlocking his potential, so that he can quickly respond to changing conditions, be able to discover new problems and tasks, and find ways to solve them.

It is possible to achieve a good result in performing this task in the conditions of implementing an innovative approach to teaching, which ensures the transition to a productive and creative level. This can be achieved, I believe, with the help of information and communication technologies.

In connection with the intensive use of information technologies in various spheres of human activity, their introduction into the field of education naturally occurs, since there is a need for a generation that can work with advanced technologies.

The modern world is characterized by dynamic development in all socially significant areas, and the child is at the center of this development. The basis for the educational activities of the child and many areas of human life in society is literacy. Modern literacy, which has grown out of the traditional “read, write, count”, changes the emphasis, priorities and the very content of this triad and includes elements of information technology, information culture. The use of computer technology is not the influence of fashion, but a necessity dictated by the current level of development of education, which imposes new requirements on the upbringing and education of the younger generation, the introduction of new approaches that should not replace traditional methods, but expand their capabilities. This is reflected in many documents adopted by the government of the Russian Federation. So, for example, in the "Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010", in Chapter 2, devoted to the priorities of educational policy, the following is said: "In order to achieve a new quality of education, informatization of education and optimization of teaching methods will be carried out," which sets out the tasks of equipping and use in the educational process of ICT.

The leading activity of a preschooler is the game, so it is easier to develop cognitive processes through the game. In the conditions of the game, children concentrate and remember better than on the direct instructions of an adult. Didactic games occupy a large place in the work of preschool institutions. In the context of widespread computerization, the use of multimedia didactic games in the activities of a preschooler becomes relevant. Multimedia didactic games perform the function of learning tools - children master the features of objects, learn to classify, generalize, compare. The child receives information through cognitive processes: perception, thinking, imagination, attention, speech, memory. At the heart of the development of cognitive processes are analyzers, thanks to them the child more effectively and fully learns the world around him. The main advantage of interactive games is visibility - a tool for learning new concepts, properties, phenomena. In addition to visualization, children also perceive new information by ear, with the help of the movement of objects. In addition, while studying with interactive games on their own, the child can control the pace and number of tasks performed, which corresponds to the principle of individualization, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

A distinctive feature of interactive games is that they can be used in all educational areas.

Multimedia didactic games in conjunction with high pedagogical skills make the educational process of preschool education diverse, lively and unobtrusive for children. Using interactive games, children's motivation for learning increases, children learn new forms of cooperation, a child's reflection is formed, and an assessment of their achievements is formed.

The novelty of my experience lies in the use of didactic computer games for the older age group, which made it possible to improve the forms, methods, methods of work on the use of new information technologies in the educational process, to create and determine effective conditions for the use of electronic didactic games aimed at activating and developing cognitive abilities preschoolers.



To date, information technology has significantly expanded the capabilities of parents, educators and specialists in the field of early learning. The possibilities of using a modern computer make it possible to most fully and successfully realize the development of a child's abilities. The use of ICT is one of the priorities of education. This is one of the newest and most urgent problems in domestic preschool pedagogy.

The experience of our pedagogical activity shows that in a kindergarten it is possible, necessary and expedient to use ICT in various types of educational activities with children.

Directly educational activity in kindergarten has its own specifics. It should be emotional, bright, involving a large amount of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. All this can be provided to us by computer technology with its multimedia capabilities.

The most effective form of organization of work with a computer in kindergarten, which we use, is the conduct of GCD using multimedia presentations, as well as classes using the interactive training program Multikid and the digital laboratory "Naurash in the country of Naurandia". This makes it possible to optimize the pedagogical process, individualize the education of children with different levels of cognitive development and significantly increase the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical activities.

One of the most popular software tools used by educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions in the classroom using information and communication technologies is Microsoft's PowerPoint program. It is owned by all educators and narrow specialists of preschool educational institutions. Since today the problem of introducing information technologies into the learning process is relevant for us, the PowerPoint program is one of those programs with which we began to study the computer.

For two years, while working on the topic “The use of multimedia didactic games in the cognitive development of preschoolers”, I periodically used electronic didactic games taken from the Internet in my work with children. I noticed that the presentation of information on the screen or computer monitor in a playful way is of great interest to children. It is very convenient to use these electronic aids when organizing a GCD or individually with one child, since a wide variety of tasks contributes to the development of cognitive interests. Initially, I used ready-made games from various Internet sites: animated games - presentations, but one day I did not find the game I needed at the moment, and decided to make the game myself. The game turned out, found a lively response from the children and inspired me to further work in this direction.

Realizing that the informatization of society leads to the informatization of education, I realized that the development of ICT is a vital necessity for every teacher of preschool education.

The purpose of my work:ensuring the development of cognitive activity of pupils through the search for information and communication technologies and the introduction of preschool children into the gaming activities, improving the quality of the educational process.

To achieve this goal, I formulated the following tasks:

  • get acquainted with the advanced pedagogical experience of using an interactive didactic game as a means of organizing the cognitive activity of preschoolers;
  • Constant self-education and improvement of pedagogical skills, as I am in constant search.
  • The formation of a “new literacy”, which implies high independence of students in working with information.
  • introduce ICT in the cognitive and play activities of preschool children;
  • use ICT in the educational process;
  • create a media library of electronic didactic games for preschoolers;
  • present materials in the process of methodological work (open events, speeches, generalization of experience, certification).


For several years now, the press has been discussing the problem of developing and implementing information and communication technologies in preschool educational institutions.

Before starting work on the topic of experience, I studied the research of leading scientists and specialists in the field of preschool education (Babaeva T.I., Gogoberidze A.G.). They express their position “for” and “against” ICT. Opponents of ICT cite data on the negative impact of prolonged sitting at the computer on the health of children as an argument. Our experience shows that the periodic use of ICT, namely the use of educational games dosed by the teacher, contributes to the development of volitional qualities in children, accustoms them to "useful" games. The expediency of using information technologies in the development of cognitive abilities of older preschoolers is confirmed by the work of foreign and domestic researchers (S. Papert, B. Hunter, E. N. Ivanova, N. P. Chudova, etc.). Scientific work on the introduction of ICT in preschool education has been carried out in our country since 1987 on the basis of the Center. A. V. Zaporozhets by researchers led by L. A. Paramonova, L. S. Novoselova, L. D. Chainova. In 2008, the theoretical foundations for the use of scientific information technologies in the educational work of preschool educational institutions were developed, programs for preschoolers began to be actively created.

Thus, we adhere to the point of view that with the proper use of technical means, with the correct organization of the educational process, computer programs for preschoolers can be widely used in practice without risk to children's health.

Based on this, in my work I tried to show how to form in preschoolers elementary ideas about a holistic picture of the world; to develop cognitive activity, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge of the phenomena of the world through the use of ICT.



The modern development of information technologies and the level of distribution of computer technology in educational institutions allow the teacher today to use the computer as a daily means of teaching preschoolers. The possibilities of using a personal computer with its peripheral devices in direct educational activities are enormous. The most simple presentations created in the Microsoft OfficePowerPoint application serve as a demonstration material.

K. D. Ushinsky remarked: "Children's nature requires visibility."

The use of multimedia presentations provides such visibility, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.

Classes with the use of ICT allow to defuse high emotional tension and revive the learning process (which is especially important given the psychological characteristics of primary school age, in particular, the long-term predominance of visual-figurative thinking over abstract-logical), but also increase learning motivation.

The computer is also a powerful stimulus for children's creativity. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working frontally with the class. On-screen, you can quickly perform transformations on warped text, turning disparate sentences into coherent text.

I use information technologies at all stages of the lesson: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, controlling. The didactic material of ICT is diverse in content and form.

When developing a lesson using ICT, I pay special attention to the health of children. Be sure to include physical and dynamic pauses, exercises for the eyes, changing positions.

Lessons using information technology not only expand and consolidate the acquired knowledge, but also greatly increase the creative and intellectual potential of students. I am confident that the use of information technology can transform the teaching of traditional subjects by streamlining child labor, optimizing the processes of understanding and remembering educational material, and most importantly, raising children's interest in learning to a consistently higher level.

Thus, the work spent on managing cognitive activity with the help of ICT tools justifies itself in all respects:

  • improves the quality of knowledge
  • advances the child in overall development
  • helps to overcome difficulties
  • brings joy to a child's life
  • Allows training in the zone of proximal development
  • creates favorable conditions for a better mutual understanding of the teacher and students and their cooperation in the educational process.

In addition, fragments of lessons that use presentations reflect one of the main principles of creating a modern lesson -attraction principle.Thanks to the presentations, the children, who usually were not very active in the classroom, began to actively express their opinions and reason.

The introduction of information technology has advantages over traditional teaching aids:

1. ICT makes it possible to expand the use of e-learning tools, as they transmit information faster.

2. Movement, sound, animation attracts the attention of children for a long time and helps to increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

3. Provides visibility, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children. This includes three types of memory: visual, auditory, motor.

4. Slideshow and video clips allow you to show those moments from the surrounding world, the observation of which causes difficulties: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, the sound of rain.

5. You can also simulate such life situations that cannot or are difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, the reproduction of sounds of nature; the work of transport, etc.).

6. ICT is an additional opportunity to work with children with disabilities.

Detailed multimedia presentations allow me to make GCD more colorful and memorable. Children enjoy such activities, they look forward to such games and work for them with much greater dedication.

In my work, I was guided by the following didactic principles:

The principle of accessibility.

Implementing the principle of accessibility, I select visual material, forms and methods of organizing educational activities so that they correspond to the level of preparation of children, their age characteristics.

The principle of systematic and consistent.

The principle of systematic and consistent learning is that the assimilation of educational material goes in a certain order, system. I create and select multimedia presentations in accordance with the thematic plan.

Guided scientific principle, I pursue one goal - to help children acquire real knowledge that correctly reflects reality. ICT gives me the opportunity to present in a multimedia form realistic, not distorted information materials (reproductions of paintings, photographs, video clips, sound recordings).

I think that you will agree with me that various games and presentations that are publicly available on the Internet do not always correspond in their content to the principle of scientific character. Therefore, I try to be especially careful when choosing material.

The principle of creative activity.

The principle of the child's activity in the learning process has been and remains one of the main ones in didactics. Using ICT, I stimulate the cognitive activity of children, thereby increasing interest in classes due to the novelty, realism and dynamism of the image, the use of animation effects.

The principle of visibility.

The principle of visualization was rightly considered by Jan Amos Comenius to be the "golden rule" of didactics, since "there is nothing in the mind that was not in the sensations." It is preschoolers, with their visual-figurative thinking, who understand only what can be simultaneously considered, heard, acted upon or evaluated the action of an object. In this regard, in my work I use multimedia presentations, slide shows, video clips.

Work is being carried out in three areas:

Work with children;

Working with teachers;

Working with parents.

Education of children is based on the program "Childhood". This program is built on the positions of a humane-personal attitude towards the child and is aimed at its comprehensive development, the formation of spiritual and universal values, as well as abilities and integrative qualities.

Work with children built in the following areas:

1. Intellectual development;

2. Development of attention;

3. Development of perception and memory;

4. Development of speech.

In development intellectual abilitiesFor preschoolers, a special place is occupied by a didactic game, which is a means of learning and helps children to acquire and consolidate knowledge, as well as to master the methods of cognitive activity. Thanks to electronic didactic games that effectively increase children's interest in educational activities, preschoolers learn to classify, compare and generalize.I use such games as: “Guess the figure”, “The fourth extra”, “Analogies”, etc.

Attention is a manifestation of the selective orientation of the processes of consciousness. The level of its development largely determines the success of the child in learning. Attention is a necessary condition for any activity: educational, playful, cognitive.

During preschool age, attention develops from involuntary, that is, arising by itself under the influence of external impressions, to voluntary, controlled by a conscious effort of will.

In order to develop a child's focus, stability and concentration of attention, special games are needed, where this task is at the center of the child's and adult's activities. Games for the development of attention: "Reflection", "Lay out the circles", "Repeat the pattern", etc.

Memory the child is his interest. An important moment in the development of the memory of a preschooler is the emergence of personal memories. They reflect significant events in the life of the child, his success in activities, relationships with adults and peers. Didactic games contribute to the development of memory. It creates effective game motivation, subordinates memorization to a goal that is close and understandable to the child, allows him to realize the ways of performing activities, and also gives an adult the opportunity to manage mnemonic activity without inserting a didactic position into the opening.

Development of perceptionin preschoolers is an important condition for the full development of the child's personality. This process is complex and multifaceted, which contributes to the correct display of the surrounding world, adaptation and comfortable stay in society. The development of perception in preschool age allows you to understand the world around you, to perceive and realize objects and phenomena.
For the development of memory and perception, I use the following games: “Find the differences”, “Fold the picture”, “Guess the object”, “What time of year?” etc.

Every year the number of children with deviations in speech development . And speech, as we know, is one of the most powerful factors and stimuli for the development of the child as a whole. A child with a well-developed speech easily enters into communication with others: he can clearly express his thoughts and desires, ask questions, and agree with peers on a joint game. Conversely, a child's unclear speech makes his relationships with people very difficult and often leaves a heavy imprint on his character. In my work with children, I use various games, but I pay special attention to electronic didactic games. In the process of a multimedia didactic game, various mental processes are activated and take on an arbitrary character, and a didactic game helps to consolidate the acquired knowledge during training. “Name as many objects as possible”, “Who will see and name more”, etc.

Working with teachers:

In interaction with teachers I try to use a variety of forms. Conducted consultations for preschool teachers