An article in a newspaper about a pedagogical exhibition. Exhibition as a means of educating students. Forms of work in the exhibition hall

Irina Vladimirovna Ivleva

There is no such child who would not love the holidays. After all, a holiday is fun, joy and happiness. Holding holidays in preschool institutions- an integral part of the life of preschoolers. But especially all kids love sports holidays. Their main goal is to show children that classes sports is the path to health.

From 3 to 8 August in kindergarten No. 33 "Golden Key" was spent a week« Summer Spartakiad-2015» dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War as part of the Sports Day. It was a real holiday sports. opened sports day athletes with the removal of the flag. Each team presented its uniform, emblem and motto. At the opening of the holiday, they came to the guys « Sportik» and "Glutton" for holiday week these fairy-tale heroes together with educators and instructor physical education played with children in different sport games danced and sang funny songs. ended « Summer Olympics-2015» competition between teams, as in any real Olympic Games. Fans actively supported their team. Generally sports holiday in kindergarten was very fun, interesting and bright, with sports enthusiasm, noise. Naturally at the feast of the losers there were no athletes - friendship won. Young athletes received prizes and certificates for active participation.

During sports holidays in our kindergarten, teachers instill in children determination, courage, a sense of camaraderie, a desire for mutual assistance, a good attitude towards each other.

One holiday is over, but the guys won't have to wait long. Teachers are planning conduct many more entertainment in a cozy courtyard kindergarten Because summer isn't over yet.

Instructor for FC MBDOU d / s No. 33 "Golden Key" Ivleva

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The work of teachers of the Assol Center for Children's Children's autumn holidays.

So the autumn holidays are over - the time when children could take a break from the intense learning rhythm, into which it is so difficult to get involved after three summer months. Parents once again faced the problem: what to do with the child this week, when the weather has already deteriorated, but you still need to entertain the child somehow, and preferably also with health and mind benefits. Naturally, many parents and teachers strive to make sure that during the autumn holidays the children do not lose touch with the educational process, gain new knowledge and impressions, and not just watch TV and sit at the computer all day. How to spend the autumn holidays not boring and useful?

In schools, during the autumn holidays, there were school health camps, where many interesting events were held for the children, in which each child could show his Creative skills. The teachers of additional education of the Assol CDT also did not stand aside, they worked at the school camp during the autumn holidays, conducted classes in their creative associations. Classes in creative associations were of an educational nature, the children took an active part in entertaining and educational activities. Classes were held at the bases of the Volokonovskaya secondary school No. 1, the Volokonovskaya secondary school No. 2, the Pyatnitskaya secondary school, the Pokrovskaya secondary school, the Foshchevatovskaya secondary school, the Tishanskaya secondary school and the Grushevskaya secondary school.

The lesson of the teacher Ozerova I.N. was very interesting. (creative association "Watercolor"), which held an informative - entertainment program titled "Journey to the Autumn Kingdom". With what pleasure the children not only repeated and consolidated the signs of early and late autumn, but also voiced, outlined and depicted images of autumn of different character. Then Inna Nikolaevna held competitions where the children had to show ingenuity, imagination, compete among their peers. The guys laughed, competed, played, were satisfied and received sweet prizes. Also no less interesting and entertaining was the lesson of the teacher Tverdokhleb M.A. (creative association "Magic Paper"), which held the game program "Autumn Vernissage". Khvorostyanaya I.I. (creative association "Fenechki") with her pupils held a quiz "Journey with Autumn". As part of the quiz, a competition was held autumn compositions, competition with autumn leaves, solving riddles, answers to comic questions. Participants showed their imagination and creativity. A surprise moment were gifts from autumn - sweet treats and tea drinking. Everyone was satisfied!

A.L. Shapovalova, methodologist of the Assol CDT.

Decorative and applied art as part of the aesthetic education of students.

Arts and crafts - a section of decorative art, covering the creation of artistic products that have a utilitarian purpose.

Decorative and applied art is one of the factors harmonious development personality. Through communication with folk art, the soul of the child is enriched, love for one's land is instilled. Folk art preserves and passes on to new generations national traditions and the forms of aesthetic attitude to the world developed by the people. The art of folk craftsmen helps to reveal the world of beauty to children, to develop their artistic taste.

A variety of works of arts and crafts, which students get acquainted with in the classroom in creative associations, help develop an aesthetic attitude to reality in children. Surprisingly interesting and infinitely rich are the ways of aesthetic education of children with the help of arts and crafts and folk art.

Appeal to folk art won a firm place in the work modern teacher with kids. AT last years arts and crafts became very popular. Products made by children's hands can serve as a decoration for school interiors, at home, as they have aesthetic value.

Classes in arts and crafts will undoubtedly open up new ways for many children to learn folk art, enrich them inner world allowing you to make the most of your free time. In the process of learning, children not only learn different types of needlework, but also develop aesthetic taste, gain knowledge in the field of art, participate in exhibitions and competitions of various levels.

For many years now I have been leading the creative association “Needlewoman”, introducing my students to some types of embroidery, working with salt dough, embroidery with ribbons, making small souvenirs from improvised material, etc. Education in the creative association "Needlewoman" helps the children create a unique comfort in their home, decorate the interior in an original and non-standard way, using the knowledge, skills and abilities gained in the classroom. In the classroom, the children are interested, for this, all means are used to attract the attention of students, to involve them in a creative search. Only then will good results be achieved. Conducting classes in arts and crafts, I try to cultivate industriousness, will, I try to form an idea of ​​​​beauty, harmony, instill love for my native land. I would like the classes to help the children to discover the many-sided spiritual world of man.

So, understanding the beauty of the world, nature, man, his multifaceted material and spiritual activity through the knowledge of the national character, enduring moral and cultural values ​​is the most effective way of a full-fledged artistic education personality, the formation of his aesthetic tastes and moral standards. Folk traditions in our time should take the main place in the formation of a highly moral, culturally educated personality. Thanks to them, in accessible forms, on close and understandable material, children learn the language of their people, their customs, customs - the whole complex of spiritual values.

The article was prepared by a teacher of additional education MBOU DOD "Center children's creativity"Assol", the head of the creative association "Needlewoman", Goginova Tatyana Petrovna.

The work of teams of different ages

at the place of residence in the evening in the Volokonovsky district

in 2013 - 2014 academic year.

AT June On the territory of the district, 26 groups of different ages worked at the place of residence, in which 332 children were involved.

AT July 31 groups of different ages will work on the territory of the Volokonovsky district, covering 402 children.

AT august 33 groups of different ages worked, the number of children in which will be 423 people.

Total: 90 detachments, the number of children - 1169.

In the Center for Children's Creativity "Assol" in June 2014, 2 groups of different ages "Friendly Guys" worked, the leader Reznikova O.S. and "Fidgets", leader Ozerova I.N. The size of the squad - 10 - 12 people. The rest of the teachers led circles in summer school health camps.

In July, 2 teams of different ages will work from the Assol CDT: the Rainbow team (Gagarin Park in the village of Volokonovka, leader Goginova T.P.), the Camellia team (village of Pokrovka, leader Potekhina O.Ya.).

In August, 2 detachments of different ages worked from the Assol CDT, covering about 425 children, these are the Fidget detachment (Volokonovka village, leader Tverdokhleb M.A.), the Smiley detachment (Foshchevatovo village, leader Maslova A.S. .).

During the period of work of the RVO in summer period time in 2013 - 2014 academic year will cover children from:

large families- 86 people;

Incomplete families- 54 people;

Settlers: 16 people;

Registered within the school: 8 people;

Social maladaptives: 4 people.

In the 2013-2014 academic year, it was planned to work with groups of different ages at the place of residence in order to strengthen ties between groups of children of different ages. The detachments were recruited according to the principle of compact residence of children and teachers (from 2 - 3 adjacent streets). The working hours of teams of different ages are from 15.00. The working hours are chosen by the educational institution, the place of dislocation is school territories, parks, children's and sports grounds, court territories of households of teachers.

In the course of the work of the RVO, the children are offered a very wide range of activities where creativity, thinking, imagination, fantasy, horizons, curiosity, etc. are developed.

The work of the RVO in the summer period is necessary and useful, since most children are involved in detachments, which reduces the number of crimes and delinquency among minors, patronage work, care of older children for younger ones, etc. can be traced.

Master with a capital letter.

For the past 20 years, a teacher of additional education, Ozerova Inna Nikolaevna, has been working at the Assol Center for Children's Creativity.

Inna Nikolaevna began her teaching career back in 1994 and to this day, she leads the creative association "Watercolor".

Over the years of work at the Assol Center for Children's Creativity, Inna Nikolaevna has shown herself to be a creatively working teacher with high versatile knowledge of the theoretical and practical foundations of teaching fine arts. Ozerova Inna Nikolaevna is a teacher who knows how to interest pupils with her knowledge and skills, instill in them a love for the fine arts. Fine art is one of the favorite activities of children. This work requires artistic abilities, knowledge of fine literacy.

In her classes, Inna Nikolaevna introduces pupils to the fine arts of various types: painting, graphics and many others, with various types painting, with modeling from clay and plasticine. Fine art activities contribute to the identification and development of children's potential. In the process of classes, observation, imagination, fantasy, spatial orientation, fine motor skills of hands, accuracy develop. Creating a creative atmosphere around children gives them a sense of satisfaction and encourages communication. Gradually, the hobby becomes a favorite pastime in your free time. Given the age characteristics of children, the teacher pays a lot of time and attention to game moments, relies on a differentiated approach. A wonderful world opens before the children in living colors, bright and quivering sounds, in a fairy tale, a game, in an effort to do good to people. Through a fairy tale, fantasy, game, unique children's creativity, the teacher has chosen the right path to the heart of the child.

High professional skills, pedagogical culture and methodological literacy, deep knowledge psychological features pupils - the basis of the work of the teacher. Inna Nikolaevna successfully implements in educational process elements of modern personality-oriented learning technologies. He knows how to reveal the talents of each child, develops artistic taste in children, instills in them a love for traditional artistic skills. Ozerova I.N. attracts children not only with a great love for art, but also with trust, faith in each pupil, in his abilities. Since 2009, Inna Nikolaevna has been a mentor for young professionals, conducting creative workshops, where she shares her experience with colleagues. She is a permanent member of the jury of various municipal competitions of arts and crafts.

The main indicator of Inna Nikolaevna's work is effectiveness. Pupils of the creative association "Watercolor", under the leadership of Inna Nikolaevna, are participants in various competitions, exhibitions, festivals. They are permanent winners and prize-winners of regional, regional, All-Russian and International exhibitions of fine arts. During the period of work from 2011 to 2013, 20 pupils of Ozerova Inna Nikolaevna became winners and prize-winners of municipal competitions, one pupil - the winner of a regional competition and 10 pupils became winners and prize-winners of All-Russian and International competitions. Bugaeva Renata, a pupil of Inna Nikolaevna, in 2012 took 1st place in the All-Russian competition children's drawing"Border", dedicated to the Day of the Border Guard, 3rd place in the All-Russian competition of children's drawings "It's not for nothing that the whole of Russia remembers", 3rd place in the International competition of children's drawings "Friendly Planet", in 2013 - 1st place in the All-Russian competition of children's drawings and applied arts "Space travel”, 3rd place in the All-Russian competition of children's drawings and applied arts “Kursk Bulge”. In 2013, Ozerova Irina, a pupil of the creative association "Watercolor", took 2nd place in the All-Russian competition of children's drawings and applied arts "Space travels" in the All-Russian competition of children's drawings and applied arts "Kursk Bulge", as well as 3rd place in the All-Russian competition of children's drawing and applied art "Kings". In 2013 Kucherenko Yuliya took 2nd place in the All-Russian competition of children's drawings and applied arts "Border Guard's Day" and 1st place in the All-Russian competition of children's drawings and applied arts "Kings". In 2014 Yulia Kucherenko took 1st place in the All-Russian competition of children's drawings and applied arts "Earth - Mars - Earth", in the same competition Renata Bugaeva took 2nd place and Ruslana Guseva - 2nd place.

Inna Nikolaevna is a creative, competent specialist who constantly strives for the heights of professional excellence. At the heart of her success is diligence, non-standard thinking, a high sense of responsibility. This is a man who is in love with his work, creative, conscientious. All the positive qualities inherent in her are transmitted through communication with the pupils. She is highly respected by her pupils, their parents and work colleagues.

Ozerova Inna Nikolaevna in 2012 was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and in 2013 with the gratitude of the Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation E. Senatorova.

The article was prepared by the Deputy Director for Education - educational work A.L. Shapovalov.

Thank you! School of early artistic and aesthetic development "Wunderkind"

Preschool age is the most fertile for the comprehensive development of the future personality. Recently, culture and the aesthetic side of human development have become a burning topic. It is creative people close to art who create history, create masterpieces, write poems. And even if the pupils of the group of early artistic and aesthetic development "Wunderkind" are still children, thanks to the organized spatial environment and well-coordinated activities of teachers, they create their own, sometimes unexpected works.

On the basis of the MBOU DOD "Center for Children's Creativity "Assol", the school of early artistic and aesthetic development "Wunderkind" has been operating for several years. Classes are held 3 times a week, from 16.00 to 18.00. Total in the school early development"Wunderkind" 3 groups of students preschool age. Pupils of the creative association "Wunderkind" attend music classes, classes in fine arts, classes in literacy, learn the basics of mathematics and English. Experienced teachers who love children and are able to find an individual approach to each child work with the children: Redina A.A. (Fine), Shapovalova A.L. (mathematics), Lazarenko V.M. (choreography), Tatarikova S.M. (music), Akhtyrskaya T.A. ( English language), Altukhova S.A. (learning to read).

The tasks facing teachers are the education of the aesthetic perception of children, their familiarization with the world of art, the development of creative and musical abilities, as well as the formation of bright positive emotions in the process of their creative interaction.

In the learning process, teachers apply modern pedagogical technologies and principles: cooperation pedagogy, group, game technologies, personal approach. One of the important features of learning in the creative association "Wunderkind" is that the child is engaged in several activities at once. Education "before school" allows you to interest the child, to reveal the individuality of each. It is known that drawing and sculpting classes are recommended for children to develop fine motor skills, contribute to the improvement of the worldview and the overall psychological picture. And lessons in the development of speech and mathematics help kids expand their vocabulary, count and solve logical problems.

Pupils of the Wunderkind early development school demonstrate their creative successes at holidays and matinees, which are held at the Assol Children's Art Center with constant success. This academic year, the creative association "Wunderkind" held such events as: the Autumn Festival "Hello, Golden Autumn!", New Year's performances with the participation of different characters - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Koshchei, Baba Yaga and many other characters, a holiday for mothers on Mother's Day. On the eve of the holiday on March 8, a joint matinee was held, dedicated to the day Defender of the Fatherland and International Women's Day. At the matinee, the children sang, danced, recited poems, took part in various competitions with their parents. At the end of the event, the pupils of the school gave moms and dads gifts made in the classroom with their own hands. At all the holidays held by the teachers of the Center, there is always a cheerful and friendly atmosphere.

We believe that such pre-school education is necessary, especially for those children who do not go to kindergarten, that is, children at home. Firstly, the child learns to make choices, to make decisions that will later be useful to him at school. Secondly, the home child will get an additional opportunity to communicate with peers and adults, and this is very important. Any parent wants their child to grow up not only healthy, but also smart.

Child Development early age is an exciting process that is beneficial and enjoyable for both children and their parents.

And in the end, I would like to wish the entire staff of the Assol Children's Creativity Center good health, success and prosperity and fulfillment of all desires!

With gratitude, the team of parents of pupils of the school of early artistic and aesthetic development "Wunderkind".

Development of cognitive activity of pupils at the lesson of the creative association "Watercolor"

The formation of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren is determined by the ability of the leader to carry out a phased solution of the goals and leading tasks put forward.

The head of the circle must be able not only to express the knowledge that he has, but also to make objects of creativity himself. These products should be samples for pupils. Children can be interested in a leader who is passionate about his work, a thinking and creative person. An indifferent leader will not be able to master either the thoughts or the feelings of children, that is, he will not be able to develop cognitive activity students.

Considering that children attend the circle voluntarily, the leader needs to constantly maintain the child's interest in the lesson.

In my work, I solve this problem easily, using in the classroom:

Games: mobile, entertaining, cognitive, travel games.

The game has been an integral part of human life for a long time. It occupies leisure, educates, satisfies the needs for communication, obtaining external information. The guys are used to giving their leisure time fun entertainment, exciting games. A healthy person needs active rest. This is all the more necessary for a child, a teenager, for whom games are an opportunity to show their creative activity, their growing strength.

What is it about the game that attracts children? First of all, the process of actions itself is interesting, constantly changing game situations. You have to independently find a way out of unexpected situations, set a goal, interact with comrades, show dexterity and speed, endurance. The game activates the cognitive activity of children.

Colorful visual aids: drawings, books, finished goods, photographic material, etc.

Riddles(The topic of the lesson sounds like a riddle).

For a better development of color science, an application from a mosaic has been introduced.

Conversations: about space, about the solar system, about the seas, fish, about nature and animals, etc.

Travel classes are being held.

We know that any journey involves walking or using some form of transport from point to point. So occupation - travel involves movement in the form of unusual imaginary actions. For example, associated with movements from one "station" to another. For efficient and creative work at each "station" (historical, breeding, musical) educational material is selected.

Fairy tale lessons.

These classes ignite initiative in children, stimulate internal and external creative energy. After all, a fairy tale has a developed plot action, an adventure character, raises aesthetic culture the child, besides the installation on fascination, is combined with a certain instructiveness.

children younger age it is better to offer fairy tales-crumbs. These are extremely figurative and concise thoughts about the world, and man, about life and time. In each of these miniatures, the appearance and character of the characters. Middle-aged children can sculpt based on ordinary fairy tales.

Lessons of folk plasticity.

Modeling based on folk sculpture introduces children to unique images of ancient toys from various regions of Russia, about toy craftsmen.

Modeling - the most tangible form artistic creativity. The child not only sees what he created, but also touches, picks up and changes as necessary.

In my work I use various subjects classes: plot, subject, decorative and complex.

In plot modeling, children convey plot compositions in which individual images are somehow related to each other: (Grey Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, Fox and Gingerbread Man) by placement in space, by proportions, by dynamics.

AT decorative molding children create decorative or decorated items - vases, planters, masks, plates, panels, stucco ornaments.

In complex modeling, children arbitrarily or to solve an artistic task combine different modeling methods. For example, having fashioned a fish, they decorate it with a stucco pattern; having created characters for a fairy tale, they decorate clothes with welt ornaments and moldings. The most important and valuable thing is that modeling, along with other types of fine arts, develops the child aesthetically. He learns to see, feel, evaluate and create according to the laws of beauty.

Introducing children to folk art and traditions makes it possible to purposefully solve such problems as fostering a sense of beauty, awakening interest in national history and culture. At present, the need to restore lost ties is obvious to everyone. modern man with the culture and traditions of their people. The teacher must remember his main task - teaching, educating a creative person. This is primarily seen through education on folk traditions, under study native land.

Ozerova Inna Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education of the Center for Children's Entertainment "Assol",

head of the creative association "Watercolor".

Business before pleasure!

Autumn vacation! For children - this is a real holiday, but for parents - headache. What to do with children in free time from lessons? Many are already starting to sort through various options on how to organize a child’s vacation so that it is as interesting and useful as possible.

Holidays are a great opportunity to organize and conduct activities for schoolchildren. In our Assol Center for Children's Creativity, various events are traditionally held during the holidays. The Center is busy. Holidays for children in the CDT are traditionally exciting and informative.

On November 5, 2013, for the children of the MBOU "Volchie - Aleksandrovskaya secondary school", the teacher of the Center for Children's Creativity "Assol" Ozerova Inna Nikolaevna held an educational event "Visiting Autumn". The brightly decorated hall immediately attracted attention. Inna Nikolaevna picked up poems, riddles, folk omens, proverbs and sayings about autumn. Hostess - Autumn has prepared many contests, riddles, songs for her guests. Everyone loved the holiday!

On November 6, 2013, the teacher of the Center Tverdokhleb Marina Alexandrovna held a game program “Meeting with Autumn” for the children of the MBOU “Grushevskaya OOSh”. Autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy. The children had fun, played, sang, danced.

November 7, 2013 at the Center for Children's Creativity was an evening of rest " Autumn kaleidoscope". It was conducted by the teacher of the Center - Maslova Antonina Sergeevna. The evening of rest was held in the form of a ball, to which the guys from the MBOU "Staroivanovskaya secondary school" arrived. Miss Autumn was chosen at the ball. Participants of the contest "Miss Autumn" were 3 girls who were offered a number of tasks. The girls competed in the ability to talk about themselves, express the beauty of autumn through drawing and poetry, the costumes of the participants were also original! The holiday was held in a festively decorated hall, in a friendly atmosphere. At the end of the holiday, the children received small sweet treats - sweets.

The week of vacation flew by!

Outside the windows is autumn ... We call it differently: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad ... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of the year, this is the harvest time, the beginning of school, it is preparation for a long and cold winter... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! Autumn is in full swing today.

We will be happy to meet the guys again and again! Winter holidays are ahead of us! See you soon!

The article was prepared by Alla Leonidovna Shapovalova, deputy director for water resources management, methodologist for children's organizations of the Assol Center for Children's Creativity.

Article "The role of the family in the formation of a citizen and patriot"

teacher of additional education Semenov Alexander Petrovich, head of the military-industrial complex "Berkut"

The patriotic education of schoolchildren has always been one of the main factors in improving the quality of education, bringing it as close as possible to the requirements of the times. The interaction between family and school is important at all stages school life. But a special role in the formation of personality is played by education in the family. The most important function of the family is the upbringing and development of children, the socialization of the younger generation. Children receive their first lessons in citizenship in the family. Parents are often unaware of what huge role and active force in parental love.

Respect in the family for the dignity of the child, the rejection of command forms of communication with him is an important condition for the education of citizenship. Love for the motherland begins with the family.

When we talk about patriotic education, first of all, the education of future defenders of the Motherland, that is, people who are ready to stand up for the armed defense of the Fatherland, comes to mind. But after all, not all of our children will go to the army, and how often, under the pretext of this, parents (willingly or unwittingly) refuse to cultivate masculinity in their children. Parents' attempts to protect their children from difficulties and hardships created the conditions in which a whole generation was formed, unwilling and incapable of creative activity. The question arises of how to educate others without educating yourself. It turns out the most best lesson is a personal example. Do not allow dissatisfied expressions about the Motherland with the child. Find the positive in every situation. Show your child visually all the beauty and fascinating history of their native land. Show genuine concern for your loved ones.

An important condition for education is socially useful activities, especially those types where children are placed in a situation of direct concern for others. Culturally develop with your child.

The importance of labor in the correct education of the individual is extremely important. Many associate labor activity with the development of the child's civic consciousness, patriotic feelings and understanding of their public duty.

Autumn. A great time for creativity, especially since nature itself offers us colorful and interesting material for inspiration.

In our kindergarten, as part of the annual planning for the 2015-2016 academic year, from September 21-25, among all ages of general education and compensatory orientation, a competition was held - the exhibition "Autumn Fantasy": handicrafts made from natural materials were presented. The variety and originality of the works amazed the imagination, once again confirming the creativity of preschoolers and their parents.

The competition was held in two stages: Stage I - a qualifying competition directly in groups, after each group selected 2 works for stage II.

Stage II - the competition "Autumn Fantasy" was already held on the basis of the MBDOU "D / s of the combined type" Crane "

The children were the winners:

1st place - for the work "The hut of the autumn old woman", Krylov Danil;

2nd place - for the work "Fairy Train", Belostov Yaroslav;

3rd place - for the work "Hedgehog in the autumn forest", Kravchenko Alexander.

Everyone who saw our exhibition received a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions. And how emotionally the children expressed their delight when they saw among the many crafts their only, best, in their opinion, craft!

We sincerely thank the parents who took part in the competition of the kindergarten "Autumn Fantasy"

With respect and gratitude

administration and the entire staff of our kindergarten.



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On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Today, preschool educational institutions are actively restructuring their own work in accordance with the new regulatory document - the Federal State Educational Standards.

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies opens up new opportunities for educating and educating preschoolers, and the project method has become one of the most effective today. Project activity, like no other, supports children's cognitive initiative, develops creative thinking in children, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, provides the child with the freedom to choose activities and methods of action that stimulate the development of children's activity and creativity, and helps the child successfully adapt to the changing situation of social development. Work according to the project method is a relatively high level of complexity of pedagogical activity, which implies a serious qualification of the educator; a tutor who owns the design technology can teach a child to design.

In accordance with the work plan of the education department, the district information and methodological center 06.02. In 2015, a review competition "Palette of Pedagogical Projects" was held, which was held on the basis of MBDOU No. 12.



Projects are interesting and necessary

Today, preschool educational institutions are actively restructuring their own work in accordance with the new regulatory document - the Federal State Educational Standards.

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies opens up new opportunities for educating and educating preschoolers, and the project method has become one of the most effective today. Project activity, like no other, supports children's cognitive initiative, develops creative thinking in children, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, provides the child with the freedom to choose activities and methods of action that stimulate the development of children's activity and creativity, and helps the child successfully adapt to the changing situation of social development.In project activities, children, together with teachers and parents, learn to answer the questions posed, using all types of activities for this: they play, experiment, model.A child can only benefit from activities that are performed with great enthusiasm. Therefore, the dignity of any project is determined by the degree of interest, the degree of the child's heartfelt enthusiasm for the fulfillment of the goal. Problem solving is at the heart of project learning, and only when a goal is set and there is a desire to solve it, the problem becomes a project.

Projects can be long-term and short-term, touch on global issues and the simplest ones. Project activities not only expand the horizons of children, but also unite the team of parents, children, and teachers.

Work on project method - this is a relatively high level of complexity of pedagogical activity, which implies a serious qualification of the educator, the educator who owns the design technology can teach the child to design.

In accordance with the work plan of the department of education, district

information - methodical center 06.02. In 2015, a review competition "Palette of Pedagogical Projects" was held, which was held on the basis of MBDOU No. 12. 10 pedagogical workers from preschool educational organizations: No. 15, Novy Urgal, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, No. 12, TsRR, Chegdomyn village.

The competition contributed to the improvement of professional competence, the development of the creative potential of teaching staff in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The projects submitted for the competition were different in terms of topics, content, duration:

questions of morality, patriotic education a small citizen of our country, and on the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, the team of MBDOU No. 15 "Urgalochka", "Let's bow to those great years" dedicated their project. “It is very important today to correctly convey the essence of what is happening during the Second World War and evoke in a small soul a feeling of pride, compassion, reverence, patriotism ..”, with these words, senior educator E.N. Kuznetsova began the presentation of her project. She spoke about the progress of the project, interesting events held as part of its implementation: meetings with veterans, viewing illustrations, reading books about the war, excursions to the monument to those who died during the war. Participation of children in the project will helpto form a respectful attitude towards the participants in the war, home front workers,understand the importance of the holiday - Victory Day in the life of a Russian person.

Mom in the life of every child is a whole world that shapes his personality,and how important it is to help a child realize this. Mezentseva M.L. educator MBDOU d / s No. 8, brought to our attention the project “Congratulations to our mothers”. The purpose of the project was to introduce the holiday "Mother's Day". Children not only got acquainted with this holiday, but also participated in its preparation on an equal basis with their mother: they designed a photo exhibition “Different mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important”, learned poems, songs, prepared gifts. Children will understand that giving joy is just as pleasant as receiving gifts. Learn to distinguish moral qualities through fiction, to realize their desires and opportunities in making gifts, they will affirm in the opinion that MOM is always warm, cozy, joyful.

“It is better to immediately ensure the safety of the child than to regret later” - this proverb became the epigraph to the safety project of Petrova V.A. educator TsRR, "A child in communication with strangers." Through different types children learned how to behave correctly in various situations, together with their parents they created a safety corner, designed an exhibition of children's drawings "Safety in fairy tales", "Friends and strangers", "Meetings with strangers". Security issues were also considered in the project of O.N. Nabok. educator MBDOU No. 12 "Beware of fire!". In an accessible form, the children of the older group got acquainted with the rules of fire safety, the profession of a firefighter, as a result of the joint activities of children and parents in the group, a “No to fire” corner was created, where layouts, drawings, books, colorful pictures on compliance with fire safety rules were placed.

The team of kindergarten No. 8 "Rodnichok" submitted two projects for the competition: "Little Artists", the teacher of MBDOU d / s No. 7, Levchenko T.V. in the process of preparing the performance for parents, the children learned the basics of acting, made props, mastered the expressiveness of speech, self-realization. The main goal of the projects of Marchuk N.V., speech therapist MBDOU No. 7 “One, two, three, four, five - there will be toes to walk”, was the creation of finger paths in collaboration with parents. Corrective aids, activities with their use helped to create an atmosphere of cooperation between parents and a speech therapist teacher. Open class showed the interested attitude of all sides of the educational process.

To teach a child to love literature, to understand the book is an important and necessary task of kindergarten.During the project Nezamutdinova A.A. educator MBDOU No. 15, "A book in the life of children", the children joined the world of the book, staged works, designed a book center in the group. Children were immersed in the "Good World of Korney Chukovsky's fairy tales", whose characters arouse the sympathy of children, help to educate them in positive qualities. middle group Shamanskoy I.V. educator MBDOU No. 8.

Probably every adult and child loves to look at the stars. Someone simply admires its beauty, someone dreams of something, someone wants to solve the mysteries that the cosmos is fraught with. To form a holistic view of space in children and solve riddlesspace helped the Klimova AA project. educator MBDOU No. 10, "The mysterious world of space." With the participation of parents, a reference book "Space Dali" was created, an exhibition of family art "Cosmodrome" was organized. During the project, children and parents became interested in the theme of the Cosmos: to find information together, share their knowledge, creativity with other children. The children saw how important the problem of space exploration is for the country and felt involved in it.

The influence of family education on a child is so strong that it can negate any pedagogical efforts of a kindergarten. The educators of MBDOU No. 9 understand that without the consent of the family, pedagogical influences lose all power. Only in combination with each other they create optimal conditions for the entry of a small person into the big world., Author of the project "Our group" Sinyaeva M.V. spoke about the joint work of the kindergarten and the family. Parents junior group with pleasure they took part in the joint activities of the kindergarten, participated in the creation of a developing environment.

According to the results of the protocol of the review - competition, they were awardedDiploma of the Department of Education of the winners of the district review - the competition "Palette of Pedagogical Projects":

1 place:

Mezentseva Margarita Leonidovna, educator of MBDOU No. 8, Chegdomyn village;

Petrova Valentina Andreevna, educator of MBDOU CRR, Chegdomyn village.

2nd place:

Klimova Alexandra Alexandrovna, educator of MBDOU No. 10, Chegdomyn village;

Marchuk Natalya Valerievna, teacher - speech therapist MBDOU No. 7, Chegdomyn village.

3rd place:

Kuznetsova Elena Nikolaevna, senior teacher of MBDOU No. 15, Novy Urgal;

Naboko Olesya Nikolaevna, teacher of MBDOU No. 12, Chegdomyn settlement;

Sinyaeva Maria Vladimirovna, educator of MBDOU No. 9, Chegdomyn settlement.

2. Certificates of participants of the regional review - the competition "Palette of Pedagogical Projects" were awarded:

Shamanskaya Irina Vasilievna, teacher of MBDOU No. 8, Chegdomyn settlement;

Levchenko Tatyana Viktorovna, instructor in physical education, MBDOU No. 7, Chegdomyn village;

Nezamutdinova Antonina Alekseevna, teacher of MBDOU No. 15, Novy Urgal.

The implemented projects have become the starting point for the introduction of design technology into the activities of our institutions. Readiness of educators to implement design method happy, but there is always something to improve. We understand that project activity- this is the type of pedagogical work that will be in demand in connection with the implementation of federal state educational standards.

The article was prepared by: head of the RMO for the social and communicative development of preschoolers, senior educator of MBDOU No. 12 Bychkova E.A.


Create a title page. A report is a more or less free form of documentation. However, in some cases it is necessary to indicate where you are going to provide this document. Write this in the top right corner of an A4 page. Approximately in the middle of the title page, write the name "Report", and in the next line - "about such and such" (, exhibition, etc.). Write the location and time below. Format it all in the center.

On the first page of the document itself, write, was present. You can count them different ways. Data on the number of delegates to the conference or meeting is in the minutes. If a we are talking about a concert or an exhibition, you can offer souvenirs to guests. By the number of pens or pens with a logo left after the event, you will accurately calculate how many guests you had. Number of participants festivities or a rally can only be approximated.

Specify the purpose of the event. It can be educational, enlightening, entertaining, etc. Tell us about who performed and with what numbers, what questions were asked, how the audience reacted. The report on the conference resembles the minutes, but differs in a more free form of presentation. In the report on the vernissage or concert, write what this event was dedicated to, who the protagonist what he came up with. If the event consisted of several parts, give summary each. Of course, there is no need to describe in detail how each break went, but the fact that the conference consisted of a plenary session, work of sections and a buffet table can be mentioned. Also, do not forget to tell us about who, in addition to the artist, spoke at the opening of the exhibition.

Write what props you used. Was it prepared on time, did you have enough allocated money. Don't forget about technology. Attach an estimate.

Give a brief analysis of the event. Did everything planned go well? Determine what worked best and what needs to be worked on. Specify what conditions are necessary for such events to be held at a higher level in the future.

Indicate whether representatives of the media were present at your event and who exactly. Data can be taken from the member of the organizing committee responsible for working with the press. If we are talking about a conference, summit, scientific seminar, etc., the data must be with those responsible for registration. It can be pointed out that following the results of the event, such and such materials were published in such and such mass media.