Headache during pregnancy - treatment with folk remedies. Headache during pregnancy - treatment with folk remedies Possible headache during pregnancy and its prevention

Early pregnancy plays an important role in the development of the fetus and the adaptation of the mother's body to a new state. In the process of restructuring, various pains may occur. Expectant mothers may complain of a variety of pains - in the back, lower back, abdomen. Some suffer from headaches. Why do all these pains occur at the 9th week of pregnancy? Pain is most often a symptom, so you need to pay attention to its nature, intensity, accompanying manifestations. It is important to know for which pains at week 9 you need to immediately go to the hospital, and which ones you can endure.

Back pain

If a woman is 9 weeks pregnant, her back hurts quite often. Lower back pain is one of the constant companions of pregnancy, which can accompany pregnant women from the first weeks to the last days. Moreover, back pain is considered one of the first symptoms of pregnancy, along with the withdrawal of menstruation and chest pain.

In the later stages, the lower back and back hurt due to the increased load on the back muscles, but in the early stages, the causes can be much more serious. If at a period of 9 weeks of pregnancy the lower back is pulled, then this may be caused by increased production of the hormone progesterone, which causes relaxation of muscles and ligaments. That is why at the 9th week of pregnancy, when the stomach is not yet enlarged, it is not even visible, the lower back still hurts by the end of the day. In addition, an increase in the size of the uterus at the 9th week of pregnancy and the tension of the ligaments holding it can give off unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region, which women characterize with the word “pulls”.

Sometimes the back at the 9th week of pregnancy hurts due to an exacerbation of the disease, for example, osteochondrosis or kidney disease, as well as due to hypothermia. Osteochondrosis does not occur suddenly, most likely, he had made himself felt before. However, it is imperative to consult a doctor about treatment, as the usual ointments are now prohibited.

Weakening of immunity at the 9th week of pregnancy can lead to the fact that the kidneys become inflamed, and the lower back begins to hurt badly. Inflammation of the kidneys or pyelonephritis is a fairly common disease among pregnant women, but no less dangerous and painful. Pyelonephritis can take place with high fever, severe swelling, difficulty urinating. It is imperative to treat this disease, as in the future it can lead to kidney failure.

If at the 9th week of pregnancy, the lower back hurts, then this may be a symptom of spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. Usually, the pain affects both the lower abdomen and the lower back, in addition, spotting appears or even bleeding opens. In this case, you should immediately seek help.

At the 9th week of pregnancy, women begin to complain that their back and sacrum hurt. The growing uterus begins to put pressure on the sciatic nerve and causes these unpleasant sensations. It cannot be cured, you can only minimize the pain by changing the position of the body - sleeping on the other side, walking without sudden movements. After some time, this pain will disappear.

Calcium-rich foods can help reduce back pain. You also need to choose the right mattress and pillow.

Stomach ache

Abdominal pain can also be a normal variant and a sign of pregnancy. If the pain at the 9th week of pregnancy is slightly pulling, rarely occurs, is not accompanied by bloody or brown discharge, and at the same time pulls the lower back, then most likely this growing uterus affects the ligaments and muscles. If a woman had painful periods before pregnancy, then most likely in the first weeks of pregnancy her stomach will sometimes pull and tingle.

If the pain in the abdomen at the 9th week of pregnancy is cramping, frequent, accompanied by bloody discharge, then there is a threat of miscarriage.

If the pains are not localized in the lower abdomen, but in its upper part, then this may signal an exacerbation of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or simply problems with digestion. Pregnant women often suffer from constipation and increased gas formation - they can cause severe pain in the intestines. If the pain does not go away from changing the diet, then you need to contact a specialist.


Headache at the 9th week of pregnancy is associated with an increase in blood volume in the body, as well as with hormonal changes. If a woman was prone to migraines before pregnancy, then they will haunt her in the early stages of pregnancy.

If the headache occurred for the first time, and it is very strong, accompanied by nausea, flickering in the eyes, then you need to seek help, as there is a high risk of vascular thrombosis.

Headache can cause stress, hunger, dehydration, lack of fresh air. In diseases of the sinuses, for example, sinusitis, changes in eye pressure, a headache may also occur at the 9th week of pregnancy. Unfortunately, headaches can no longer be cured with medication. Therefore, folk methods come to the rescue: walking in the fresh air, applying cold compresses, cold showers, acupuncture and head massage. Sometimes pain begins to haunt those who have never suffered from it. Conversely, women with frequent headaches never experience this sensation during pregnancy. Breast Pain Progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, affects the size and sensitivity of the breasts. The sensations can be uncomfortable and even painful. The breast begins to prepare for lactation, so colostrum can be released from the nipples even at the 9th week of pregnancy. Breast pain is not treated, as this is a normal reaction of the body at the 9th week of pregnancy. The main thing is to choose the right supportive underwear and remember that by the second trimester, chest pain will subside. The body of a pregnant woman is subject to various changes, so pain may appear from time to time. For peace of mind, it is best to consult your doctor about new symptoms.


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Types of pain at 39 weeks

headache at 39 weeks

Headaches during pregnancy.

11. the guest | 04.04, 12:32:45

During pregnancy, I went crazy with a headache, contractions, in comparison with them - flowers. It lasted for 3 days, so up to four months, while there was toxicosis. I had a migraine - it saved strong tea or coffee, migrenol, but, as you know, I drank them because of pregnancy only in extreme cases, when it was completely unbearable. A head and neck massage helps many more. There are some points, look on the internet, I don’t remember, but they also relieved the pain. And another dream in a dark room in silence.

12. the guest | 04.04, 12:36:19

When I had a severe headache, I drank paracetamol, you can drink 2 tablets a day, 500 each, I drank 2-3 times 1/2 tablet. You can also buy a patch in a pharmacy, eat it for a headache, it can also be used during pregnancy. Nosh-pu can be tried, maybe it will help. In general, measure the pressure when your head hurts, maybe it has dropped or increased. Get some rest, drink tea with lemon balm. You can drink red dry half a glass of wine, it helped me a lot with a migraine when there were severe attacks. The head stopped hurting after 14-15 weeks.

On the contrary, my pressure was normal, and it was even worse from cr. wine. If you have a migraine, then the blood vessels are already dilated, and ordinary painkillers dilate even more, like wine. Therefore, it is necessary to narrow them, i.e. increase pressure. At the same time, the pressure is normal. Strong tea, and special preparations for migraine.

13. Guest | 04.04, 12:44:27

12 this is all understandable, but wine helped me, why figs knows. I also had normal pressure, after a time the tea helped, you’ll understand what happened with this head, the doctors themselves couldn’t really say anything.

For pregnancy, the emergence of new types of pain is unusual!

At the 7th month of pregnancy, I had a feeling that the crown and back of the head were simply breaking apart. I didn’t take pills, I endured it, but it was bad every evening. I went to the doctors, they did an MRI - the norm. And my head hurts and hurts. And no one but me. Then it turned out - carbon monoxide! I was on maternity leave - I sat at home most of all, and probably the sensitivity is high, like that of a pregnant woman. Our water heater was malfunctioning. So invite the gasman)) to check just in case.

22. Alina | 07.06, 09:51:46

Hello, my name is Alina, I’m 13 weeks old, I have constant headaches for 3 weeks in a row, I was in the hospital. They dripped glucose, it didn’t help, the doctors didn’t really say anything. I don’t know what to do, my head hurts a lot, tell me something

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Pregnancy 9 weeks headache

Pregnancy 9 weeks. Duphaston's head hurts badly.

I was prescribed duphaston due to pain in the lower abdomen and yellowish discharge. I am now in my ninth week. I drank this medicine for 7 days, but immediately felt worse, my head hurts constantly. It was even hard to sleep. Because of this, I stopped drinking, it became easier. But the doctor also prescribed and you need to drink. I read the reception of duphaston cannot be interrupted, there may be a miscarriage. But it’s really very uncomfortable for me to drink it, I already have a pause of 5 days.

I went to the doctor, she told me I had to drink, I had to endure, there was nothing to be done, there was nothing to replace it with. And the reception should be continued at least until 10-12 weeks. I am very afraid of a miscarriage, but I don’t want to accept this tin anymore. Is there anyway to replace it?

Pregnancy 39 weeks, pain in which is quite common, can proceed in different ways. For example, often in a pregnancy of 39 weeks a headache, and you can also observe such a phenomenon as a backache of 39 weeks of pregnancy.

Pain and discomfort at the end of pregnancy are quite common for a future mother. In this case, the nature of the pain can be completely different. For example, not only the belly that has grown too much by that time, but also the head can hurt and pull into pregnancy. There is also frequent pain in the lumbar region.

Types of pain at 39 weeks

Most of the pain in the thirty-ninth week is associated with the harbingers of childbirth, which, in turn, are expressed in training contractions. Usually pregnancy is 39 weeks, the pain on which becomes quite normal, it can be accompanied by various types of pain.

A common occurrence is pain in the lumbar region. This is due to the fact that the weight of the unborn child is already quite large, and the fetus itself has descended into the pelvic area and presses on the pelvic floor.

As a result, pain in the abdomen turns into aching pain in the perineum. Sometimes there may also be sensations like from injections in the legs when walking. These pains should not be considered dangerous, since they are associated exclusively with severity.

However, there are also cases when a head hurts during a 39-week pregnancy. The reasons for this may be discernible, but it is forbidden to beat down the headache with painkillers, since the child is still in the womb.

headache at 39 weeks

Do not panic about headaches in the thirty-ninth week, because usually this type of pain is caused directly by weather changes. It is no secret that the expectant mother during the entire pregnancy is quite strongly influenced by weather conditions.

Accordingly, pains at the thirty-ninth week are quite acceptable and do not require any serious measures, if they do not acquire the character of a migraine. The fact that the back hurts at 39 weeks of pregnancy should be more alert, since this factor indicates the harbingers of childbirth and may be accompanied by training contractions.

In addition to pain in the abdomen and fairly common headaches, those that cause quite uncomfortable sensations in the chest are also considered characteristic.

This is usually due to swelling of the mammary glands, since immediately after the birth of the baby, a completely logical period of lactation will follow. Pain in the chest area indicates the upcoming stage and the preparation of the chest for it.

Persistent headaches during pregnancy. It hurts almost every day for 2 weeks.

Pregnancy 15 weeks. My head hurts almost every day. I'm dumping it in the heat, but it's been 2 weeks already. No more strength. At first she smeared whiskey with an asterisk, drank chamomile with mint, but how much is possible. Besides, it doesn't help anymore. which doctor should i go to? Or maybe there are some tips or explanations for this state of mine? The pain is mainly in the temples, often on one side. It hurts ALWAYS in the afternoon.

07/09/13 12:54 pm (reply to: Le meilleur)

Mirage wrote: pregnancy is a burden on the body. if there are problems with the spine. for example, scoliosis or osteochondrosis, it is possible that this is the cause of the pain. In any case, try it. And the asterisk did not help me! drugs should not be taken, the baby does not need it!

yes, lately I blame osteochondrosis. I didn't have any problems before pregnancy, but now it looks like it

07/09/13 12:45 pm (reply to: drtyrhdhfd)

drtyrhdhfd wrote: yes, half most often. And the basis of a head, behind still hurts. where the head attaches to the neck

Pregnancy is a burden on the body. if there are problems with the spine. for example, scoliosis or osteochondrosis, it is possible that this is the cause of the pain. In any case, try it. And the asterisk did not help me! drugs should not be taken, the baby does not need it!

07/09/13 12:33 PM (reply to: Le meilleur)

Mirage wrote: half of the head hurts? most likely a migraine. I suffered for 2 weeks. What I didn’t try helped a special silkoplast patch. try. he sticks to his forehead. My pain was taken away by my hand. this is just a miracle.

yes, half most often. And the basis of a head, behind still hurts. where the head attaches to the neck

drtyrhdhfd wrote: lotions - is it just cold water?

take barboval and vegetable oil 1:1 and mix. Put lotions on the crown, both temples and two on the neck at the base of the skull. Keep for about 10 minutes. The stench of course is terrible and you need to wash your hair, but it really becomes so good right away. I have ripples in my eyes and headaches, and this lightness immediately appears in my head. Just do no more than 5 days in a row, and then a break for a week and you can do it again.

if the pressure is normal, then it’s nosh-pa, if it’s elevated (for me it’s already very high 130-140 by 90, because the usual 100-90 by 60.), then the doctor prescribed papazol for me.

why are you so afraid of pills? if nosh-pa was harmful, it would not be prescribed to all pregnant women. and when the vessels are acting up, at least a little, but it helps and even more harmlessly.

08.07.13 21:09 (reply to: Ice-Lady*)


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Headache during pregnancy

It happens that the happy time of pregnancy is overshadowed by headaches that can simply harass a pregnant woman. Migraine is a fairly common disease among women who are expecting a baby. An unpleasant surprise for women is that migraines can become frequent even if you never suffered from headaches before conception.

Why does my head hurt during pregnancy

Why do pregnant women often get headaches? What affects it and what does it depend on?

Often migraine is one of the manifestations of some disease - hypertension, vascular dystonia, infectious and metabolic ailments. Also, headaches can occur as a result of brain diseases. Do not forget also that pregnancy is a time when many systems of the female body undergo a major restructuring. We are talking about the hormonal system, immune, digestive, urinary and cardiovascular. During this period, the main cause of migraines may well be a change in vascular reactivity. This is due to the fact that with the course of pregnancy, blood volume increases, which means that venous pressure increases. These changes do not go unnoticed for the nervous system of the female body. As a result, you may experience migraines of varying intensity from time to time.

Types of headaches during pregnancy

Doctors, classifying a headache, distinguish its different types.

The type of pain that most often torments pregnant women is migraine or tension headache. Pregnant women should not worry about the impact of this type of pain on the course of pregnancy, as well as on the development of the baby in the womb. Migraine is in no way able to negatively affect the baby. The only caveat is that a migraine can significantly complicate your life personally.

The first three months of pregnancy can be overshadowed by headaches, which are provoked by hormones that are rapidly accumulating in the body of the expectant mother. A woman's feelings about the fact that her weight is rapidly increasing can also negatively affect her well-being. However, not always nerves or hormonal processes are to blame for the fact that your head is splitting.

Pain due to muscle tension

It happens that migraines occur due to excessive tension in the muscles of the neck. If you work in an uncomfortable position, this can cause headaches.

Also, the following factors can provoke a headache:

  • lowering blood pressure,
  • increase in blood pressure,
  • allergy,
  • sleep disorders.

What can pregnant women from a headache

Treatment of pain with drugs is limited, as they can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the formation of the fetus. First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause and only then proceed to relieve pain.

  • Sometimes it’s enough just to ventilate the room, relax in silence and lie down. Also, have someone massage your head with their fingertips. At this time, relax as much as possible.
  • Another folk method of getting rid of a headache is to wash your hair with warm water.
  • Apply a compress to the cool contents to the forehead, temples or back of the head.
  • Drinks with mint, lemon balm, rosehip, chamomile can also help, as they have calming and analgesic properties. If the pain is due to low blood pressure, drink strong sweet tea.
  • The placebo effect will also work: trust that the pain will go away without taking drugs and it will work. It is worth just once to force your brain and in the future you may not need pills at all.

But if there is no strength to endure (and to endure a severe headache is more harmful than taking pills), paracetamol-containing drugs can stop headaches during pregnancy: Efferalgana, Panadola that are not addictive. The latter contains caffeine and therefore can be used when the head hurts during pregnancy due to low blood pressure.

Aspirin and its derivatives (Askofen, Citrapar, Citramon tablets) are strictly prohibited during pregnancy, especially in early pregnancy, do not forget about it. Because of it, fetal malformations can form, for example, the heart and maxillofacial part. In the later period, taking Aspirin increases the risk of severe bleeding during childbirth.

Tablets of Analgin, Baralgin, Spazmalgon, Spazgan are toxic and, if taken frequently, form pathologies in the circulatory system.

There is also a special group of drugs that are taken for migraines. They can also be allowed for a pregnant woman, but only after being prescribed by a doctor.

Comments (49):

Christina, here only pregnant women consult with each other, and if you want the doctor to answer, then write to the forum

Christina, 2016-05-02 15:40:36:

And no one is answering questions?

stranger, 2015-12-17 07:52:57:

Hello, dear women, I have a short term, but as never before I have a headache, it seems to me that I go crazy night and day, it’s just terrible, I don’t know what to do, I live in England, there are such doctors that they don’t know themselves what to do, their advice to relax does not help. help with advice

Almagul, 2015-11-30 23:13:46:

Hello beautiful, young mothers, I am 19 years old, I am pregnant 2 times, but the 2nd pregnancy is difficult, I have a period of 3 months and from 3 months I have a severe headache. Please tell me what to do?

Xenia, 2015-11-18 10:36:25:

15 weeks headache, trouble in the head, tell me what to do?

I have every day since the morning, sometimes at night my head hurts terribly. I am 15-16 weeks pregnant. Please tell me what should be done? How to treat a headache during pregnancy.

I am 35-36 weeks and for the second day my head hurts what to do

I have the same thing at 13 weeks. I don’t know what to do.

I will add to the previous comment - it is imperative that the legs are warm, put on soft fluffy socks and cover yourself with a blanket up to the chin))

Julia, 2015-07-23 16:25:39:

Migraines began to torment starting from the 13th week (pregnant with twins). At first, I suspected that due to jumps in the level of progesterone, since I put progesterone vaginally, I don’t have enough for twins. I stopped taking it, still the pain every other day is not clear from what. The only way I found for myself was warm towel compresses on the forehead, temples and eyes. Wet it, put it in and wait for it to cool down a bit. And so 5 times. The main thing during the procedure is to try not to move, not to get up! As soon as I get up, a sharp pain hits my temple. Ask your husband or relatives to help you if you find pain alone at home - put a pot of hot water, almost boiling water next to you and move only your hands. After all, immediately wrap your head with a warm scarf around the turban and try to fall asleep. During the night's sleep usually passes. I hope my advice is helpful!

hello dear ladies, I am giving birth for the third time and for the first time I have a headache and it has not gone away for the fifth day already .. tell me what can be done.

Masha, 2015-06-26 16:00:34:

hello everyone, I have a headache every day throughout my pregnancy due to a head injury that I suffered as a child. Doctors do not allow medicine, tell me what to do (((

Shiny_Creation, 2015-06-22 10:54:56:

Hello, tell me what to do, I have a 6 week pregnancy, my head hurts very badly for the third day, nothing helps, but I drank Citromon ibuprofen Please tell me what to do. .?

Experienced mom, 2015-05-15 13:33:25:

Masha, sleep better, walk more. I also often get headaches. When I get really tight, I take a citramone pill. I don't think one little pill can really hurt a child. It is filtered at the stage of the liver. In general, ask a doctor - right there it all depends on why the head hurts and whether it hurt before pregnancy

27 weeks, my head hurts badly, I also caught a cold, what to do, tell me (((

Experienced mom, 2015-04-27 21:12:57:

Julia. Dr. Komarovsky, answering the question whether it is possible for a pregnant woman to drink citramon, once said that paracetamol with green tea, in theory, should have the same effect. I drank citramone. I think that the doses are not horsey, and a child from one pill will not be born a freak.

I have a terrible headache for 13 weeks I want to drink Citramon the doctor said one can

sabina, 2015-04-16 01:22:02:

sabina, 2015-04-15 18:03:57:

Stay healthy and take care of your kids

21 week. Ujasno bolit head. staraws otvlechsya no ne poluchaetsya ot silnoi golovnoi boli. Vredeby nedoljno bolet golova v etoi needle. I v statyah nichego osobogo nenapisano , Tolko I govoryat o izjoge, gemmoroii, tolchkov, .

girls, tell me, at the 10th week, a migraine began, how much should I endure, at what time does it go away? We are now only 11 weeks old.

Uldanay, 2015-02-24 12:47:50:

I'm 13 weeks and I have a headache, what are they doing?

Ekaterina, 2015-02-04 08:31:30:

Advise what to accept at a headache?

I’m 16 weeks old and my head hurts periodically. Before, I didn’t allow myself strong coffee, but now it doesn’t help either.

Margarita, 2014-11-21 17:12:34:

And I thought I was the only one)) okay, new sensations of the chest, abdomen and lower back. BUT I couldn’t think that my head would be so splintered.

Natalia, 2014-11-05 23:36:23:

I also started to suffer from headaches in the fourth month, and then I signed up for a head and neck massage, 10 sessions and the rest of my pregnancy I didn’t even remember migraines

I have terrible headaches. the last three days from morning to night it hurts, I’m on the 16th week and I don’t know what to do

Faced with a sharp migraine at 13 weeks pregnant. From nosh-py no sense. Freshly brewed, sweet, hot tea helped me. The headache subsides noticeably. Plus, I lie and smell the "asterisk". This scent is really good for me! All healthy babies and good health!)

Elena, 2014-10-09 10:32:12:

It's amazing, I have 5 weeks and the same symptoms!! I lay down with pain, woke up and again the same pain (dull aching in the frontal lobe). The body is in shock.))) And I'm happy. We will endure the girls, but what to do, for the sake of the children we will turn mountains.

naida, 2014-09-07 21:28:52:

39 weeks I have a strong feeling and a headache, please tell me what to do?

Bahargul, 2014-09-06 17:29:03:

Very often I have a headache, I suffer, pressure decreases

Nastya, 2014-09-05 18:13:49:

39 weeks pregnant I started having a headache. Not nice. Hope all is well! !!

Maria, 2014-08-20 16:00:50:

I have 5 weeks of pregnancy, my head hurts a lot, it’s so cloudy in my eyes, what should I do and how can I be better?

gulmira, 2014-08-01 14:29:35:

I have been pregnant for nine weeks, my head has been hurting for five days and my eyes are cloudy. what is it from and what is better to take

Christina, 2014-06-05 10:58:19:

Maorina, if you live in Moscow, go to the clinic on General Karbyshev Boulevard, they have a good therapist

Marina, 2014-05-17 08:49:44:

My pregnancy lasts 15 weeks, everything was fine and four days ago terrible headaches started in the morning, the pregnancy is the third one, I don’t worry about it, I get a headache after I’m very nervous:

I'm on the 37th week of pregnancy, my head hurts only when sleep is disturbed, and I can't fall asleep, it's good that I'll give birth soon! :)

I have 5 weeks and only 2 days my head hurts, they called an ambulance, they wanted to make an injection, but I didn’t give it because I’m afraid I’ll suffer for the baby. . And I'm going to my doctor tomorrow.

I am 13 weeks old. During all this time, the head hurt so badly 2 times and was accompanied by vomiting. There can be many reasons, even the geomagnetic situation. Girls, remember, there is no citramone, and even more so paracytamol. Noshpa helps, 2 tablets. And then be patient. Everything will pass and be forgotten.

Alesya, 2014-03-25 01:16:58:

I am in my third week and today my head hurts terribly all day, in the frontal part, maybe even dizziness

I have terrible headaches, I’ll vomit, a little better, then again, what if it’s something serious, but you can’t be examined ..

The girls have a very bad headache in the middle of the night, I wake up with a headache, a band-aid from a headache does not help, compresses too, massage is also what to do. I couldn’t stand it and drank a couple of times half a tablet of citramone, I reproach myself now I’m worried about the baby. Merya is 15 weeks old, and my head hurts for two weeks every day, so I go to bed with pain, wake up in the middle of the night with pain and wake up in the morning with pain too.

Evgenia, 2013-09-13 20:25:02:

I have a month of pregnancy, my head hurts terribly all day long for 2 weeks! How long do headaches last?

Tatyana, 2013-06-03 14:17:53:

Same thing with me! My head hurts every day in the morning!

Tatyana, 2013-02-12 12:15:42:

Good for someone who can use aromatherapy. And I have terrible toxicosis, not only does it make me sick from aromas, it’s bad from simple air.

Alika, 2013-02-09 11:39:14:

Aromatherapy helps with migraines. You can sniff lemon, ginger Walks in the fresh air (not in the heat, of course). But migraines are terrible. Even when I got pregnant and didn’t know, my head hurt terribly - and this was the first sign of pregnancy :))

I was very lucky not to experience any headaches and have no idea what it is. Each pregnancy proceeds individually, so listen to the advice of doctors so as not to harm the baby with self-medication

On term 9 weeks pregnant limb development is greatly accelerated. The arms are now more developed than the legs, which turn from shoulder blades into full-fledged parts of the body. Joints appear, fingers and toes spill. Goes 9 weeks pregnant, the movements of the embryo are active and frequent, it can already bend and unbend the limbs, touch the face with the hands, move the head through the neck. The head begins to take on its usual round shape, its diameter is now about one and a half centimeters. The total length of the embryo is about 3.6 cm.

On term pregnancy 8-9 weeks the formation of the organs of vision and hearing continues, the first sucking reflexes appear. The heart of the embryo is still defective, consists of three parts, it will soon form and become four-chambered. The glands of internal secretion and the liver are improved, the structure of the intestine becomes more complicated. The future kidneys are laid, the genital and urinary organs began to develop in the past weeks and continue to become more complicated. On an ultrasound examination, it is already possible to distinguish between the periods of sleep and wakefulness of the embryo, but in 9 weeks pregnant feeling not yet strong enough to feel the movements of the baby.

Future mom

We can say that the mother's body has almost adapted to the new status. Now all vital processes and systems work to support and develop the future person. Beginning with 9-10 weeks pregnant headaches, dizziness gradually go away, low blood pressure no longer causes general weakness. The emotional background is still unstable, although in many women the main symptoms (mood swings, tearfulness, irritability) persist throughout the entire pregnancy. The skin gets used to the new state, greasiness and inflammation decrease, hair gets dirty less often than before.

The majority of pregnant women at term 9-10 weeks pregnant forget about vomiting and nausea. But some will have to endure a little more, soon the toxicosis will leave alone. The breast increases in size, inside the mammary glands there is an active preparation for breastfeeding the baby. With 9 weeks pregnancy development the mammary gland will begin to disturb the mother, because in order for the breast to be ready for breastfeeding by the time the baby is born, the body must make serious preparations. And now, on 9 weeks pregnant- It's time to purchase a comfortable supportive bra.

The kidneys of the expectant mother now work for two, the amount of urine produced increases, you have to go to the toilet more often. Also, this is facilitated by an enlarged uterus, pressing on the bladder. AT 9-10 weeks pregnant pulling pains and discomfort in the groin area or in the abdomen may appear. Do not be afraid, these phenomena are normal, the uterus increases and stretches the ligaments. But pulling pains in the lower abdomen, cramping, periodic can be harbingers of a miscarriage, you should immediately see a doctor.

The expectant mother tunes in to a more optimistic mood, even a slight improvement in her condition contributes to this. The spouses make plans, try to guess, and think about the upcoming changes in the life of the family.

On term 9-10 weeks pregnant discharge from the genital organs should be under control, they are not abundant, homogeneous, light milky, without a bloody component. During pregnancy, a woman's immunity weakens for some time, this is fraught with a violation of the microflora in the vagina. If you notice any symptoms of a genital infection (itching, pain, change in the nature of the discharge), consult a doctor. Timely treatment will come in handy. If suddenly the discharge becomes bloody or bleeding occurs, you should urgently go to the hospital to prevent abortion. Doctors can take measures to preserve the fetus as early as 9 weeks pregnant.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is of great importance, accustom yourself, starting with 9-10 weeks pregnant,to eat healthy food. Buy fresh and healthy products, in stores and on the market you can ask about certificates of product quality, do not be shy. It is undesirable to eat sausages and sausages, there is little meat in them, but there are plenty of soy fillers, dyes and preservatives. Undesirable products include canned food, margarine, chips and other fast food. On the label, look for the phrase "Non-GMO", various nutritional supplements can increase the risk of fetal malformations. The most useful methods of cooking now are stewing or baking. Give preference to whole foods that have been minimally cooked.

To prevent problems with the intestines, it is recommended to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, foods rich in fiber, and not get carried away with bread and other flour products. By the end 8-9 weeks pregnant constipation can aggravate the condition of the body. Salty foods can cause

The little man is now completely in your power, protect his growing body to the maximum from the negative effects of the environment. If possible, do not stay long in areas where smoking is allowed. Inhalation of cigarette smoke 9 weeks pregnant almost as dangerous as active smoking. Of course, a pregnant woman is categorically not recommended to smoke, nicotine goes directly to the embryo and can provoke malformations of intrauterine development. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the first year of life affects children of smoking mothers much more often than non-smokers.

The 39th week of pregnancy is a very important period during which the female body completes its preparation for the upcoming birth. By this time, the baby is fully term and ready to be born at any time. The last weeks of pregnancy are difficult for many women, at which time the number of complaints of nausea, palpitations, shortness of breath, pain in the abdomen, back and head increases.

The cause of headaches in late pregnancy is very often high blood pressure. You can’t endure the pain in silence, the expectant mother should tell her gynecologist about the symptoms that disturb her, who will prescribe an additional examination for her. Sometimes a headache can signal such a serious pregnancy disease as preeclampsia. In addition to headaches, the characteristic signs of this disease are nausea, flashing black flies before the eyes, high blood pressure, dizziness, swelling in the legs, and the presence of protein in the urine. Preeclampsia is uncommon in pregnant women, however, with complaints of headaches, doctors first rule out this disease in the expectant mother. If preeclampsia is not detected in a timely manner, it can lead to seizures, which can end badly for both the mother and the fetus.

If the 39th week of pregnancy has come, the head hurts, and the blood pressure is normal and preeclampsia, fortunately, has not been detected, then headaches may be associated with tension or migraine. Distinguishing one pain from another is quite simple: a tension headache compresses the entire head, most often spreading from the back of the head, and migraine is characterized by throbbing paroxysmal pain in one of the temples, which is aggravated by excitement or physical exertion. The exacerbation of migraine is associated with hormonal changes in the female body, its causes can be stress, lack of sleep, sudden changes in the weather, malnutrition.

The correct daily routine will help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches. The expectant mother should remember that fresh air has a positive effect not only on the development of the child, but also on her state of health. Daily leisurely walks away from busy roads and crowded places will have a beneficial effect on the well-being of a pregnant woman. Women who, even during pregnancy, cannot deny themselves a cup of coffee or strong tea should be aware that these drinks can raise blood pressure and cause a headache. A pregnant woman's head can hurt in case of lack of sleep, so it is very important to go to bed early, after airing the room before going to bed. Moderate physical activity is recommended for almost all women in the position, invaluable benefits from it will be not only the head, but the whole body. Headache can also be from hunger, so during pregnancy it is important to follow the right diet.

Consider a few more explanations for why your head hurts during pregnancy. Sinusitis can be the cause of persistent headaches in the later stages. In this case, the pain will be concentrated behind the cheekbones. Increased eye pressure can also trigger outbreaks of headaches in a pregnant woman. Vision problems can lead to pain around the eyes or in the frontal area.

Few people can tolerate a headache. It interferes with thinking and doing important things, deprives a person of peace and efficiency. In case of severe pain in the head, an ordinary person will drink an analgin or spasmalgon tablet and in a couple of hours will forget about his malaise. However, a contraindication to the use of most painkillers is pregnancy. Headache. What should a woman do in this case, who can become a mother at any moment? Of course, try to get rid of pain with the help of non-drug remedies.

If the headache is of an irregular nature, sleep is considered the best remedy for it. It is often enough to get enough sleep so that there is no trace of an unpleasant ailment.

With frequent tension pains, you can try to be like a massage course, thanks to which you can relieve muscle tension and forget about this health problem for a long time.

Gymnastics is not only a sport, but also an excellent therapy for mental clarity. During pregnancy, exercise is welcome, as it helps relieve tension headaches, disperse the blood, stretch muscles and joints, lower blood sugar levels and prepare the body for childbirth. In order not to overdo it with physical education, it is necessary to do it in special groups for pregnant women under the supervision of a specialist. Yoga can be an alternative to gymnastics.

During a migraine attack, do not neglect warm compresses on the forehead, and for tension pains, cold compresses applied to the back of the head. A cool or contrast shower will help relieve a migraine.

Some women find peppermint and lavender aromatic oils helpful in coping with headaches. It is enough to put a couple of drops of one of the oils on a handkerchief or napkin and inhale its aroma from time to time. However, care should be taken with aromatherapy during pregnancy, as the abuse of odors can lead to the opposite effect.

Pills from the head during pregnancy deserve special attention, since it is permissible to take some of them only in extreme cases and as directed by a doctor. The safest drug for pregnant women is paracetamol, which can be taken in late pregnancy, observing the dosage. It is contraindicated to drink the very popular and well-known Nurofen at the 39th week of pregnancy, as it can lead to disruption of the functioning of the lungs and heart of the fetus. Analgin, tempalgin and pentalgin are also on the list of drugs prohibited for pregnant women.

It is interesting to try to cure a headache with the help of reflexology. The big toes of the feet are the area responsible for the condition of the head. It is believed that if you massage your fingers with light movements for two minutes, the headache is guaranteed to go away. Massage can be replaced by pressure on the active points on the toes.

Any pain in the head during pregnancy should not go unnoticed by the attending physician. The task of a pregnant woman will be to inform the obstetrician-gynecologist about all health problems that arise during her childbearing period. Thanks to the joint efforts of the doctor and the expectant mother, it will be possible to effectively cope with even the most severe headache, give birth to an absolutely healthy baby and enjoy motherhood.

Very often, expectant mothers complain that their head hurts during pregnancy. And, as a rule, manifestations disturb in the first trimester of pregnancy or already at the end. In fact, you should not worry when the pain is not frequent, but if they are accompanied by additional symptoms, then it will be necessary to conduct an examination.

Reasons why pregnant women suffer from headaches

The most common causes of headaches are:

Is it worth going to the doctor

Regardless of the reason, it is imperative to inform the doctor, because if time has passed and the pain has not become less, a visit to a neurologist or therapist will be required.

The main situations in which a visit to the doctor should be urgent:

  • headache during pregnancy is present all the time;
  • getting up after sleep, you feel that your head hurts a lot;
  • pain is felt in a specific area of ​​​​the head;
  • headaches are accompanied by problems with hearing, vision, speech, motor functions;
  • changes in blood pressure, more often with migraine.

Migraine is a fairly common type of headache. During the period of its exacerbation, a woman experiences intolerable throbbing pain, more often on one side of the head. If you do not pay attention to the treatment of migraine, then the pain will last up to 72 hours, and also occur with any physical activity.

In the case of migraine, in addition to headaches, a woman may also experience:

  • tinnitus, dizziness;
  • gastrointestinal upset, nausea, lack of appetite;
  • lower back pain;
  • nervousness, apathy, fatigue;
  • eye pain and blurred vision.

How and what to treat a severe headache

There are medications for headaches during pregnancy and they are practically safe. But you should not see them as the last straw for salvation and drink pills at any time to relieve irrepressible pain. Moreover, they remove the symptom itself, and the cause of pain remains. Paracetamol has always been considered the safest drug, it can be taken at any time during pregnancy, without exceeding the dose. But combined tablets like tempalgin, it is better not to take. Because in addition to the main component, it may contain additives that will have a negative effect on the fetus. In order not to swallow pills, there are natural methods of dealing with pain.

Headache treatment during pregnancy without medication

Since treatment with medication during pregnancy is limited or completely excluded, in some cases, you can try to defeat the pain with folk remedies.

Great to relax and relieve pain can help head massage with your fingertips. It won't take long, and the result will be obvious. Alternatively, you can try an ice pack or just a cold, damp towel. A scarf or shawl wrapped tightly around your head will reduce pain, but you need to tie it so that you feel a slight constant pressure. Also, to relieve a headache, you can lie down in a quiet dark room, try to relax completely and take deep slow breaths.

Herbal decoctions of mint, lemon balm, rosehip and chamomile have a calming and analgesic effect. In some cases, regular sweet tea can help. A pleasant procedure that can relieve pain for a short time is washing your hair with a massage. Be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed and during daytime rest. You need to do this often and, in principle, at any free time.

Prevention is better than cure

If you know what to avoid so that your head does not hurt much, and the general condition pleases and inspires, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • reconsider the regime of the day, you probably lack rest or sleep, or maybe there are few walks;
  • drink enough liquid during the day, if you suffer from toxicosis, then definitely, your body is dehydrated, and it needs additional drinking;
  • a constant and complete meal, do not skip breakfast and lunch;
  • if possible, reduce or even eliminate foods that can provoke a headache, and these are coffee, chocolate, sausages, nuts, cheeses, canned food;
  • try to always be calm, avoid nervous overload;
  • if possible, do not stay in smoky, unventilated and stuffy places.

Possible headache during pregnancy and its prevention

If you give time and attention in advance to preventive methods that will prevent headache attacks in the future, then the pregnancy will pass without any headaches.

To begin with, especially for those who suffer from migraines, it is necessary to find out what exactly provokes the onset of a severe headache. Do not be too lazy to start a diary for this, in which you need to indicate exactly at what time, how long the pain attacks were. In addition to the products listed above, dyes and preservatives present in the composition can cause pain. Eat often, but in small portions. If you're planning a long walk or drive, take fruit or cookies with you to replenish your nutrient stores and keep you from feeling hungry.

Adequate sleep at night and sufficient rest during the day. It is very important that during the night the body completely rested and regained strength. But do not roll excessively in bed, with a very long sleep, a severe headache can also occur. Hiking in the fresh air, in the forest is incredibly useful. If you work at a computer, then try to find time and get up at least every half hour for a little workout.

If possible, try not to be in a noisy company, do not listen to the radio and TV loudly, avoid strong smells, all this can serve as an irritant and cause a headache.


At the 9th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience and headaches, as well as mood swings. In addition to the physiological causes of headaches - their presence is a consequence of the action of hormones, stress, fatigue, hunger or dehydration can affect a woman's condition. Therefore, a pregnant woman should treat herself as carefully as possible: do not overstrain, do not be nervous, eat if you want, maintain water balance, pay attention to your condition, and have more rest. As soon as the level of hormones stabilizes, headaches will disappear, but it is necessary to understand your feelings and listen to them throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy.

Also, a change in the level of hormonal levels explains the nervousness, anxiety and mood swings that can occur at the 9th week of pregnancy, earlier or later than this period. Of course, physiological factors also affect the emotional state of a pregnant woman: nausea, vomiting, fatigue and drowsiness do not add a positive attitude, but in the second trimester the condition stabilizes.

The kidneys of a pregnant woman are already beginning to experience a serious load, as a result of which the expectant mother may feel frequent urge to urinate. Changes in taste preferences can also surprise the expectant mother and her family.


9 weeks pregnant: baby completes the embryonic stage of its development, since all its main organs have already been formed and will only actively develop in the future. Starting from the 9th week of pregnancy, doctors diagnose fertile period of development child.

If it is during this period of pregnancy that the expectant mother will pass, then in addition, the doctor will also find out the thickness of the placenta, the general condition of the umbilical cord and ovaries without fail.

An ultrasound at week 9 will already show how a small heart beats: at this time it makes 130-150 beats per minute, driving blood through the blood vessels of its entire body, and with its help the doctor will be able to assess the baby's motor activity.


At 9 weeks pregnant, your baby weighs about 4g and is 20-25mm long. His tail turns into a coccyx, his back straightens, but the head bowed to the chest is still distinguished by its disproportionately large size.

The baby's head is now active brain develops, in which two hemispheres are distinguished and laid cerebellum responsible for the coordination of movements, and pituitary which affects the growth and metabolic processes in the body. He has already formed eyes, closed for centuries, you can distinguish the ears, neck. The arms and legs continue to grow, for example, the feet have noticeably lengthened, elbows are formed. The rudiments of milk teeth and hair follicles are formed.

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the baby is already starting to function. thyroid, lymph nodes are laid, lymphocytes and the middle layer of the adrenal glands, responsible for the production of adrenaline, are formed.


Depending on whether the expectant mother develops, she can gain or lose weight. If attacks of nausea and vomiting torment a pregnant woman regularly, then she has no appetite and desire to eat, as a result of which weight may drop. If the signs of toxicosis do not overshadow the course of pregnancy, then the expectant mother can already, although it is still difficult to notice with the naked eye, except that the graceful representatives of the fair sex may have a slightly rounded tummy.

At the 9th week of pregnancy, a pregnant woman can be observed, which is explained by the preparation of the body for the upcoming breastfeeding. A venous network and the first stretch marks may appear on the chest, because during pregnancy the volume of circulating blood increases by 40%.


9th week of pregnancy: the main emphasis should be placed on intake of proteins, especially if the expectant mother has signs. It is worth adding pork and veal liver, fish, almonds and apricots to the diet, regularly eating eggs and spinach.

The appetite of a pregnant woman may be weakened due to reduced secretory function of the stomach. Light fish, meat and vegetable soups, the use of vegetable oils, such as olive, sunflower, linseed or corn, can prevent constipation and improve digestion.

To prevent a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body of the future mother, you should not forget about the presence of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, milk, kefir, yogurt and hard cheese in the menu. If you do not have allergies, take honey during pregnancy, because it contains vitamins C, K, H, E, PP, pantothenic and folic acids, chlorine, zinc, aluminum, boron, silicon, chromium, lithium and nickel, which are so necessary for the body.

Gritsko Marta Igorevna, candidate of medical sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist of the clinic of human reproduction "Alternative" tells: “This week the main changes are in the arms and legs. Fingers become visible, however, while they are webbed. The skeleton mainly consists of cartilage, knees and elbows bend, ultrasound shows how the child “waves” them. The eyelids appeared, although they will be soldered for a few more weeks, the auricles are clearly visible. The neck has developed, and the head is no longer so pressed to the chest. With the development of pregnancy after IVF, the doses of progesterone preparations are gradually reduced. There are cases that cases of pregnancy fading are detected, while there are no alarming symptoms (pain, spotting, etc.), however, there is no fetal heartbeat on ultrasound or the dynamics of hCG growth in the blood is not observed in a doubling progression every 2 days. A pregnant woman should be alerted by the weakening of pregnancy symptoms - the absence of swelling and sensitivity of the mammary glands, the absence of nausea, etc. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor."

Possible problems

Although the volume of blood increases, its composition changes unevenly, therefore, due to a lack of red blood cells - red blood cells - a pregnant woman may experience. If the test results show low hemoglobin, the doctor can prescribe iron supplements, it is also necessary to adjust the nutrition of the expectant mother.

In addition to the fact that due to anemia, a pregnant woman may feel fatigue and dizziness, iron is necessary for the unborn baby and the functioning of the placenta. If, due to anemia, the expectant mother develops placental insufficiency, which can slow down the growth and development of the fetus.


The 9th week of pregnancy is a sufficient period for which there is no longer any reason to delay setting on. Of course, due to toxicosis, spending a few morning hours in the laboratory can be difficult for you, but you can only come to terms with this, because monitoring the health of the expectant mother and baby is very important.

So, get ready for the fact that it will be necessary to pass a general urine test, a general blood test, an analysis for determining the blood group and Rh factor, for syphilis and HIV, for TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and herpes virus), for sugar , for clotting, to diagnose the presence or absence of viral hepatitis B and C in the body. It will also be necessary to take a smear from the vagina for microscopic examination.

In the antenatal clinic, the gynecologist will conduct general examination of a pregnant woman, will enter data on her weight, pelvic dimensions into the card, ask about past diseases, possible allergies, listen to her lungs and heart. Also, the expectant mother needs to be examined by a therapist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist and otolaryngologist and make an electrocardiogram.


Due to hormonal changes or the development of anemia in the body of the expectant mother at the 9th week of pregnancy, her hair and skin may become drier, so pay special attention to cosmetic nutrients, maintain water balance.

Do not forget take good care of your teeth and mouth to ward off caries infections and the devastating effects of calcium deficiency. Also try to avoid interaction with sick relatives and colleagues. At the 9th week of pregnancy, it is better to protect the baby's body from the effects of viruses and bacteria, besides, taking any pregnant woman is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.

Due to the fact that during pregnancy, for the normal development of the fetus, the mother's body needs oxygen by almost a third more than the usual norm, walks in the open air should become a permanent item in your schedule.