Paper origami yacht diagram. Origami ship: different ways of making. Step-by-step instructions on how to make an origami paper yacht with your own hands

Engineers from the international collaboration MoonMars have presented lightweight folding structures made of special fabric that can become a home for the first inhabitants of the lunar and Martian expanses.

Such folding houses are compact in transportation, which is important for space expeditions with their tight restrictions on payload volume. Upon arrival at the place, "origami" can be deployed in many ways. For example, it can be inflated or simply unfolded like folding furniture.

"Origami-like structures made of fabric can be unfolded into many different shapes. They are lightweight. They can be easily unfolded and reused in different configurations and sizes for flexible use of space," explains Anna Sitnikova of the International Lunar Exploration Working Group, co-author development.

A dwelling consisting of many inclined faces has other advantages. Falling micrometeorites are likely to hit such a wall at a tangent, which will reduce the impact damage. Placed on different sides solar panels will supply the colonists with energy at any position of the Sun in the sky. For a long time lunar day it will be possible to change the configuration of the dwelling in order to expose the required number of transparent faces to the sunlight, preventing either overheating or hypothermia.

However, it remains unclear how the thin fabric will protect the colonists from . A more realistic idea is to mark out a lunar or Martian base. By the way, massive stone vaults will protect against micrometeorites better than fabric, and there will be no need to be afraid of daily temperature drops (and they reach 300 degrees Celsius on the surface of the Moon). Of course, you can also deploy an origami house there, but this negates all its advantages regarding "tracking the Sun."

Nevertheless, the team is optimistic. The development has already passed the first tests in May 2018. In June 2019, origami houses will be tested on a glacier in the Swiss Alps. And already in September of the same year, they will be deployed in the caves of Iceland.

“We have just returned from reconnaissance and have chosen the Stefanshellir and Surshellir cave systems, which have large galleries and a very complex system of tunnels,” Sitnikova shares her plans.

A detailed description of the novelty and the results of the first tests will be presented at the European Planetary Science Congress 2018 in Germany.

Usually the question of making a yacht out of paper arises when it is necessary to please a child or improve one's skills in making origami. To make a paper yacht, you need to decide on the material.

Last time we were on paper.
Can choose colored paper Or use traditional white paper. You can also improve yachts by using homemade steering wheels, guides, which can be made of fabric, plastic, cardboard.

Option 1

We take paper, it should be a square with equal sides. Fold it in half to form a triangle. We bend the same triangle in half again, so that when unfolded, the paper resembles four schematic, but equal geometric shapes. We bend one of the sides and bend one of the corners into the middle. Then you need to make an angle to the middle, but so that it does not occupy the full volume. The bend is carried out from the open side to the middle. We bend back and make a hat. The simplest paper yacht is ready. But, unfortunately, such a boat is not able to withstand the effects of water. It cannot be launched along the stream. Therefore, the second option is proposed below, capable of withstanding water loads.

Yacht origami video

Option 2

Paper with equal angles is folded in half in the central part. We bend the existing rectangle again halfway. The corners that are on top are bent in the direction of the fold. The edges at the bottom are bent up. The edges folded inward are converted into a hat. The central part of the two sides stretches upward, forming a square. We direct the two existing parts up. Holding the lower part, the opposite parts are stretched in different directions. The manipulations carried out form a water-resistant boat, using only paper.

Making something with your own hands is always creative and interesting process for both children and adults. Let's talk about origami. This type of creativity came to us from Japan. Origami art - real magic when figures are obtained from a sheet of paper and seem to come to life. There are many options for origami schemes, we will consider the simplest and most popular ones in step-by-step instructions.

Creating a paper structure from paper - creative process. The main thing is to do it gradually. You can finish the details or add elements at your discretion and lower them into the water. Below is step by step creation boats:

The original sheet, A4 format, fold in half, taking the long edges, draw a fold line. Expand, do the same, but already taking the narrow edges, leave it folded. In front of you lies a folded sheet with narrow edges on the right and left. Take it by the "not hinged" corners and fold them to the center, where the fold line from the first step passes, leave them folded. Open and fold the free edges of the paper: one to the long side of the triangle obtained by the previous step, turn the other to the opposite side, similar to the first. There is a triangle in the rectangle. Wrap the edges of the rectangle adjacent to the sides of the triangle inward so that the folds coincide with the side of the triangle.

Now pull the centers of the hypotenuse outward so that the ends of it come closer and fold the square. Open the free ends of the square in opposite directions diagonally. Expand in the same way as when receiving the previous square. Pull on the ends that were folded from the first square, a corner will appear between them, straighten the ends down. Get an origami boat with a corner at the top.

Gallery: paper origami boat (25 photos)

We build an origami steamer out of paper with our own hands

In work with the construction of the steamer, a sheet with right angles and the same sides is used. Fold the sheet diagonally, there are two of them, and unfold. Fold the four ends to the center point where the folds of the diagonals intersect. Lift the resulting smooth side up, without free corners in the middle, put it for convenience. Fold the four ends towards the center as well. Turning the origami blank over, bend the ends again. Flatten the opposite diamonds to make two rectangles. They will stand out from the square. Bring the rectangles together, while lifting the untouched diamonds from the center. Get an origami steamer.

How to make a paper boat with your own hands

Place the sheet in front of you so that the long edges of the sheet are on the right and left. Now fold, alternately, the sharp ends to the sides of the sheet diagonally: the right corner to the left side, draw a line with your finger, the left edge to the right, draw with your finger. When folding, the narrow edge of the sheet coincides with the long one. Leave the left corner folded to the right side. Outside the triangle, a piece of paper remained untouched, fold it in half so that the unused edge of the sheet adjoins the side of the triangle without crossing it. Fold the non-swing corners of the rectangle also to the original, large triangle, without overlapping it.

From a large triangle, you need to make a smaller one so that the middle of the long side of the original one becomes the top of the small one. To do this, unfold it into the original sheet and fold it in half, the narrow edge of the sheet will touch the rectangle with curved corners, slide your finger along the fold. Expand the sheet. You see three lines: two diagonally, crossing each other, and one across the sheet, crossing the diagonals in the center. Further steps on how to make a paper boat:

  1. Raising the transverse fold, bring the left corner of the sheet to the left side of the rectangle, without crossing it, and the right corner to the right. You get a small triangle.
  2. Turn the piece over. If you visually draw a line from the top of the triangle perpendicular to the base, you will get two symmetrical halves. Bend the workpiece along this line.
  3. Expand, and, to the resulting fold line, fold the two sides of the triangle, you get an acute triangle, the bent corners of the first rectangle should coincide with the short side.
  4. Fold the same corners of the triangle to the visual line drawn from the third corner perpendicular to the short side.

You have made a quadrilateral with two obtuse and two acute corners. The sharp angle formed by the long sides will be the bow of the boat, and the other will become the stern. Obtuse corners need to be folded to the line from the previous step, and along this line, fold the workpiece in half in the opposite direction from the movement when folding obtuse corners. Lift the piece of paper and unfold it a little, you will see five long folds along the piece. There is very little left follow instructions:

  1. Turn deep folds that have the sides of the middle outer fold outward so that the inner folds become longitudinal edges the bottom of the boat, and straighten the guide corners from the stern.
  2. Spread the upper part of the stern between them.
  3. Fold the edges of the boat inward and you get a figure like a quadrilateral with obtuse and sharp corners, only obtuse corners are beveled, turn the edges of the boat perpendicular to the bottom.
  4. Put the paper boat on the bottom and lift the "windshield" from the bottom.
  5. Make all edges of the product even. The origami boat is ready.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an origami paper yacht with your own hands

We use a sheet with the same sides. Bring two opposite corners together and press the fold. Fold the triangle by bringing two identical corners together. The result is a smaller triangle. Unfold it and fold the same sides of the large triangle to the fold line. The result is a quadrilateral with two sharp and two obtuse corners. Lay the product with a long sharp angle away from you. Turn the ends that form the second sharp corner away from you to the sides.

You will see the base of a large triangle, the vertices of the triangles formed by the previous action will join it. The long sides of the triangles will be perpendicular to a line running down the center from a long, sharp corner that lies "away from you". Slightly expand the origami product and bifurcate a sharp, long corner. Fold one of the sharp corners, which is taken out of the second one, to the left so that the fold line continues one of the identical sides of the right triangle. Further scheme, how to make a paper yacht

  1. Expand and bend the sharp corner also to the right, continuing the side of the left triangle.
  2. Return the triangles to their original position and fold them into a small sharp corner of a quadrilateral with two blunt and two sharp edges, the sharp corner taken out should rise perpendicular to it.
  3. Fold the quadrilateral along a long diagonal with the blunt corners down from the raised sharp corner.
  4. You get a sharp triangle with a protruding corner from the long side. Lay the triangle with the blunt side facing you.
  5. Bend the blunt sides inward, touching the corners.
  6. The beveled obtuse angle of the triangle will form the bottom of the yacht.
  7. A protruding sharp edge divides the origami product into two parts. The part adjacent to the perpendicular side of the sharp corner is the stern of the paper yacht.
  8. Fill the edges of the stern into each other, the right corner enters from above into the left. A corner sticks out from below, fill it under the bottom of the yacht.
  9. While straightening the edges, turn the top middle fold down and origami yacht is ready.

You can create an origami ship in many ways, even for a beginner in this matter. The finished craft will go to the collection of children's toys or, if the model is complex and unusual, on the shelf for souvenirs.

simple model

A classic origami ship, the scheme of which is probably familiar to everyone from childhood, is done in a couple of minutes. What to do for those who forgot:

  1. Fold A4 sheet in half twice.
  2. Unbend. Wrap the top two corners to the fold line.
  3. At the bottom there are two free edges, bend them up in opposite directions.
  4. Bend the protruding triangles.
  5. Bend the triangle into a diamond, the bottom corner of which should be open.
  6. Bend free corners in opposite directions up. Again it turned out a triangle, turn it into a rhombus, as in step 5.
  7. Bend the bottom corners up and return to their original position.
  8. Gently pull the top corners out to the sides to open the boat.

It turned out to be a simple boat!

Motor ship

To get such an origami ship, you need:

  1. Bend the corner of A4 sheet to the opposite side, cut off the excess. Should be a square.
  2. Bend the square twice in half, then return to its original position. This was necessary to create fold lines.
  3. Bend the upper corner to the center of the square, then, stepping back 2 centimeters from the bend, bend it up and, stepping back 3.5 centimeters, bend it down.
  4. Fold the entire sheet in half.
  5. Now bend the bottom of the boat, as shown in the diagram.
  6. It remains to draw windows.

Got a ship.


How to make an origami sailboat:

  1. Take an A4 sheet, fold the corner to the opposite side and cut off the excess. Got a square.
  2. Fold in half twice and return to the original position.
  3. Bend all four corners to the center.
  4. Bend one of the corners back, stepping back about a centimeter. Do the same with the opposite corner, just step back a little more.
  5. Fold the sheet in half across the width. Bend both sides to the center.
  6. Bend the bottom corner in any direction.

The sailboat is ready!


How to make a yacht out of paper:

  1. Bend the corner of A4 sheet to the opposite side, cut off the excess. Got a square.
  2. Bend it diagonally.
  3. Fold one corner to the fold line.
  4. Bend the bottom up.

Even a child can make this simple origami ship.

dog in a boat

To do with a dog, you need:

  1. Make a square from A4 sheet.
  2. Bend it in half twice, unfold it once. It turned out a triangle.
  3. At an angle of about 60 degrees from the fold line, bend one edge.
  4. Rotate so that there is a triangle at the top.
  5. Bend the protruding triangle down, and then bend a small part of it inward. It turned out to be a muzzle.
  6. Curl up the ears.
  7. Color the dog.

Double tube ship


  1. From an A4 sheet, make a square and fold it in half twice. Expand.
  2. Bend all corners to the center.
  3. Turn over the sheet. Bend the corners to the center again and turn over again.
  4. Repeat the third step.
  5. Expand two oppositely lying rhombuses into a square.
  6. Fold the entire sheet in half.
  7. Turn out the edges.

modular origami

Do you know what modular origami is? In this case, the ship will be easy for you. For others detailed diagram module builds:

  1. Cut A4 sheet into 4 parts. To do this, bend it in half twice and unfold.
  2. Take one of the resulting triangles and bend in half.
  3. Fold the top corners towards the center.
  4. Turn the sheet over, fold the protruding edges up. And bend the protruding triangles inward between the triangular base and the rectangle.
  5. Bend in half.

essence modular origami is to, by connecting such different parts, to obtain a three-dimensional figure.

Deck Assembly

To get you will need a little less than 1000 blanks of white, green, yellow and pink flowers(colors can be changed to your liking). What do we have to do:

  1. For the first row, make 40 pieces of green color and lay them out in a circle. Make the same number of details from white paper and create the second row.
  2. On two opposite edges should be the stern and bow of the ship. In these places, starting from the third row, add two modules Pink colour. There are 44 pieces in total.
  3. There are 44 white pieces in the fourth row.
  4. On the fifth row, again add two modules for the stern and bow. There should be 48 yellow parts in total.
  5. From the sixth to the 12th row, alternate white and color modules. 48 for each row.
  6. In the thirteenth row there should be 36 modules. A number of report not to the end at the place of the bow of the ship. Inserting parts is backwards compared to how it was done in other rows.

Prow and sail of a ship

How to assemble the nose:

  1. Report the thirteenth row using 16 modules different colors(choose the pattern yourself), of which two details must be added to the center.
  2. The fourteenth row consists of 14 modules.
  3. Fifteenth and sixteenth row of 11 modules.
  4. There are 12 pieces in the seventeenth row, then start decreasing by one piece with each row. So, the nose should end on the twentieth.
  5. Lay the modules along the edge of the nose Green colour, you should get 40 parts.

How to assemble a sail:

  1. The first row of 13 modules, then increase by one piece to the sixth row.
  2. In the seventh row there are 15 modules, in the eighth - 16, in the ninth - again 15. Continue in this alternation until the nineteenth row.
  3. In the twentieth row - 12 modules.
  4. In the twenty-first - 13.
  5. In the twenty-second -12.
  6. In the twenty-third - 11.
  7. In the twenty-fourth - 12.
  8. In the twenty-fifth - 11.
  9. In the twenty-sixth - 10.
  10. Gather them together backwards.
  11. Roll a sheet of cardboard into a tube and secure the edge with glue. Got a mast.
  12. Make a bend in the sail and glue it to the mast.
  13. Lubricate the points of contact between the sail and the ship with glue.
  14. Make a five-piece flag and glue it to the mast.

Having learned, you will always know how to lure a child. Get your markers and pencils ready to create unique designs for your crafts.