F abramov brothers and sisters summary. Brothers and sisters. "Brothers and sisters"

Pekashin peasant Stepan Andreyanovich Stavrov cut down a house on a mountainside, in the cool dusk of a huge larch. Yes, not a house - a two-story mansion with a small side hut to boot.

There was a war. Old people, children and women remained in Pekashin. Buildings crumbled and crumbled before our eyes. But Stavrov's house is strong, solid, for all time. A strong old man was knocked down by a funeral for his son. He stayed with the old woman and grandson Yegorsha.

The trouble did not bypass the family of Anna Pryaslina: her husband Ivan, the only breadwinner, died. And Anna's guys are smaller and smaller - Mishka, Lizka, the twins Petka and Grishka, Fedyushka and Tatyanka. In the village, the woman was called Anna the Doll. She was small and thin, with a good face, but no worker. Two days have passed since we received the funeral and Mishka, the eldest, sat down in the father's empty seat at the table. Mother wiped a tear from her face and silently nodded her head.

She herself could not pull the guys out. Even so, in order to fulfill the norm, she remained on arable land until night. One day, when we were working with the wives, we saw a stranger. Arm in a sling. It turned out he was from the front. He sat, talked with the women about collective farm life, and at parting they asked him what his name was, what name he was from, and what village he was from. “Lukashin,” he replied, “Ivan Dmitrievich. Sent from the district committee to you for the sowing campaign.

The sowing campaign was oh so difficult. There are few people, but the district committee ordered to increase the area under crops: the front needs bread. Unexpectedly for everyone, Mishka Pryaslin turned out to be an indispensable worker. Something he didn't do when he was fourteen years old. On the collective farm, he worked for an adult man, and even for a family. His sister, twelve-year-old Lizka, also had a lot of work to do. Heat the stove, handle the cow, feed the children, clean the hut, wash the linen ...

For sowing - mowing, then harvesting ... The chairman of the collective farm, Anfisa Minina, returned to her empty hut late in the evening and, without undressing, fell on the bed. And as soon as it was light, she was already on her feet - she was milking a cow, and she herself thought with fear that the collective farm pantry was running out of bread. And yet, happy. Because I remembered how I spoke with Ivan Dmitrievich on the board.

Autumn is not far off. The guys will soon go to school, and Mishka Pryaslin will go to logging. We have to pull the family. Dunyashka Inyakhina decided to study at a technical school. She gave Misha a lace handkerchief as a farewell gift.

Reports from the front are getting more and more alarming. The Germans have already reached the Volga. And in the district committee, finally, they responded to Lukashin's persistent request - they let him go to fight. He wanted to finally explain himself to Anfisa, but it didn’t work out. The next morning, she herself purposely left for the hay station, and Varvara Inyakhina rushed to her. She swore to everyone in the world that she had nothing with Lukashin. Anfisa rushed to the translation, at the very water she jumped off her horse onto the wet sand. On the other side, the figure of Lukashin flashed and melted.

Option 2

In the cool dusk, where a huge and chic larch grows, and on the very slope of the mountain, there is a house. This house was built in Pekashin by Stavrov Stepan Andreyanovich. I built a huge two-story mansion, and there is also a small side hut on the side.

The war was still going on. Old men, women and children - that's who remained in the village. There was no one to look after the buildings, they rotted and fell apart. The house of Stepan Andreyanovich was built conscientiously and firmly for many years and times. The health of the still strong old man shook when he received a funeral for his son. Now he stayed with his old woman and grandson Yegor. The same trouble came to the family of Anna Pryaslina. The only breadwinner in the family, Ivan, Anna's husband, also died. Anna has many children, and they are all small and small. First - Mishka and Lisa, then the twins Grishka with Petka, Fedyushka and little Tatyanka. Anna had a good face and was small in stature, but she was no worker at all. The woman in the village was called Anna the doll. The funeral came two days ago. And then the elder Mishka sat down at the table in his father's place. The mother, wiping a tear from her face, took a deep breath and nodded her head.

Once the women were working on arable land, when they saw a stranger with a bandaged hand, they stopped. We started talking about collective farm life. And then the women asked what his name was and where he came from. The stranger replied that his name was Ivan Dmitrievich Lukashin. Returned from the front. He was sent from the district committee to the sowing campaign to them in the village. There are very few people on the farm. But the sowing campaign turned out to be very difficult and difficult. But an order came from the district committee to increase the sown area, since the front needed bread. Here and for everyone, Mishka Pryaslin became an indispensable worker. At the age of fourteen, he performed any work conscientiously and honestly. After all, I had to work the way an adult man works for his family. The younger sister Liza was also loaded with household chores and household chores. And you need to fire up the stove, and clean up the hut, and take care of the cow, and wash the linen, and wash and feed the guys.

Sowing mowing began, and then harvesting. Anfisa Minina, the chairman of the collective farm, coming home from work late at night, tired, without undressing, fell on the bed. Early in the morning she goes to milk the cow and worries that the collective farm pantry is running out of bread. But Anfisa, in her own way, is happy that she spoke with Ivan Dmitrievich on the board.

We need to send the guys to school soon and Mishka Pryaslin will go to logging. The family needs to be fed somehow. But Dunya Inyakhina decided to study at a technical school and gave Misha a lace handkerchief as a keepsake.

Reports are coming in from the front more and more alarmingly. The Germans are rushing to the Volga. Lukashin's request to let him go to the front was granted in the district committee. He wanted to explain himself to Anfisya, but failed. In the morning Anfisa specially left for the hay station, and then Varvara Inyakhina arrived. Varvara had a conversation with Anfisya. Sitting on a horse and galloping on it, she jumped off the horse onto the wet sand. Lukashin's figure flashed and disappeared on the shore.

Essay on literature on the topic: Summary Brothers and sisters Abramov

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Summary Brothers and sisters Abramov

Pekashin peasant Stepan Andreyanovich Stavrov cut down a house on a mountainside, in the cool dusk of a huge larch. Yes, not a house - a two-story mansion with a small side hut to boot.

There was a war. Old people, children and women remained in Pekashin. Buildings crumbled and crumbled before our eyes. But Stavrov's house is strong, solid, for all time. A strong old man was knocked down by a funeral for his son. He stayed with the old woman and grandson Yegorsha.

The trouble did not bypass the family of Anna Pryaslina: her husband Ivan, the only breadwinner, died. And Anna's guys are smaller and smaller - Mishka, Lizka, the twins Petka and Grishka, Fedyushka and Tatyanka. In the village, the woman was called Anna the Doll. She was small and thin, with a good face, but no worker. Two days have passed since we received the funeral and Mishka, the eldest, sat down in the father's empty seat at the table. Mother wiped a tear from her face and silently nodded her head.

She herself could not pull the guys out. Even so, in order to fulfill the norm, she remained on arable land until night. One day, when we were working with the wives, we saw a stranger. Arm in a sling. It turned out he was from the front. He sat, talked with the women about collective farm life, and at parting they asked him what his name was, what name he was from, and what village he was from. “Lukashin,” he answered, “Ivan Dmitrievich. Sent from the district committee to you for the sowing campaign.

The sowing campaign was oh so difficult. There are few people, but the district committee ordered to increase the area under crops: the front needs bread. Unexpectedly for everyone, Mishka Pryaslin turned out to be an indispensable worker. Something he didn't do when he was fourteen years old. On the collective farm, he worked for an adult man, and even for a family. His sister, twelve-year-old Lizka, also had a lot of work to do. Heat the stove, handle the cow, feed the children, clean the hut, wash the linen ...

For sowing - mowing, then harvesting ... The chairman of the collective farm, Anfisa Minina, returned to her empty hut late in the evening and, without undressing, fell on the bed. And as soon as it was light, she was already on her feet - she was milking a cow, and she herself thought with fear that the collective farm pantry was running out of bread. And yet, happy. Because I remembered how I spoke with Ivan Dmitrievich on the board.

Autumn is not far off. The guys will soon go to school, and Mishka Pryaslin will go to logging. We have to pull the family. Dunyashka Inyakhina decided to study at a technical school. She gave Misha a lace handkerchief as a farewell gift.

Reports from the front are getting more and more alarming. The Germans have already reached the Volga. And in the district committee, finally, they responded to Lukashin's persistent request - they let him go to fight. He wanted to finally explain himself to Anfisa, but it didn’t work out. The next morning, she herself purposely left for the hay station, and Varvara Inyakhina rushed to her. She swore to everyone in the world that she had nothing with Lukashin. Anfisa rushed to the translation, at the very water she jumped off her horse onto the wet sand. On the other side, the figure of Lukashin flashed and melted.

© I. N. Slyusareva

"Brothers and sisters" Abramov

Pekashin peasant Stepan Andreyanovich Stavrov cut down a house on a mountainside, in the cool dusk of a huge larch. Yes, not a house - a two-story mansion with a small side hut to boot.

There was a war. Old people, children and women remained in Pekashin. Buildings crumbled and crumbled before our eyes. But Stavrov's house is strong, solid, for all time. A strong old man was knocked down by a funeral for his son. He stayed with the old woman and grandson Yegorsha.

The trouble did not bypass the family of Anna Pryaslina: her husband Ivan, the only breadwinner, died. And Anna's guys are smaller and smaller - Mishka, Lizka, the twins Petka and Grishka, Fedyushka and Tatyanka. In the village, the woman was called Anna the Doll. She was small and thin, with a good face, but no worker. Two days have passed since we received the funeral and Mishka, the eldest, sat down in the father's empty seat at the table. Mother wiped a tear from her face and silently nodded her head.

She herself could not pull the guys out. Even so, in order to fulfill the norm, she remained on arable land until night. One day, when we were working with the wives, we saw a stranger. Arm in a sling. It turned out he was from the front. He sat, talked with the women about collective farm life, and at parting they asked him what his name was, what name he was from, and what village he was from. “Lukashin,” he answered, “Ivan Dmitrievich. Sent from the district committee to you for the sowing campaign.

The sowing campaign was oh so difficult. There are few people, but the district committee ordered to increase the area under crops: the front needs bread. Unexpectedly for everyone, Mishka Pryaslin turned out to be an indispensable worker. Something he didn't do when he was fourteen years old. On the collective farm, he worked for an adult man, and even for a family. His sister, twelve-year-old Lizka, also had a lot of work to do. Heat the stove, handle the cow, feed the children, clean the hut, wash the linen ...

After the sowing season - mowing, then harvesting ... Collective farm chairman Anfisa Minina returned to her empty hut late in the evening and, without undressing, fell on the bed. And as soon as it was light, she was already on her feet - she was milking a cow, and she herself thought with fear that the collective farm pantry was running out of bread. And yet, happy. Because I remembered how I spoke with Ivan Dmitrievich on the board.

Autumn is not far off. The guys will soon go to school, and Mishka Pryaslin will go to logging. We have to pull the family. Dunyashka Inyakhina decided to study at a technical school. She gave Misha a lace handkerchief as a farewell gift.

Reports from the front are getting more and more alarming. The Germans have already reached the Volga. And in the district committee, finally, they responded to Lukashin's persistent request - they let him go to fight. He wanted to finally explain himself to Anfisa, but it didn’t work out. The next morning, she herself purposely left for the hay station, and Varvara Inyakhina rushed to her. She swore to everyone in the world that she had nothing with Lukashin. Anfisa rushed to the translation, at the very water she jumped off her horse onto the wet sand. On the other side, the figure of Lukashin flashed and melted.

It happened during the war. At that time, only old people, small children and women inhabited the village of Pekashino.

Stavrov Stepan built himself a solid house, under a huge larch, it seemed that this house would stand for another thousand years. Yes, trouble knocked on Stepan's door, the funeral came for his son, he remained with his wife and granddaughter Yegorsha.

A fellow villager of Stavrov, Anna Pryaslina, received the same letter. The war took her beloved husband. She found herself without a breadwinner, and even with six young children in her arms. It was hard for her then. After the death of the head of the family, Mishka, Anna's eldest son, shouldered the burden of the breadwinner. One Pryaslin would simply not have coped in such a turbulent time.

A wounded front-line soldier, Lukashin, appeared in the village, sent for sowing. Soon, Anna's son, the eldest Mishka, went to work at the sowing field. Michael tried no worse than an adult man. His sister, Liza, was in charge of the house. The guys coped well with the work, and it was very useful, it was necessary to work a lot, there were not enough hands.

First they sowed, then they mowed, and then they harvested. Minina Anfisa was the chairman of the collective farm, all day in the service. School was to start soon, the kids had to go to school, and Mishka had to work.

The news from the front came more and more terrible. Hitler was already leading his troops to the Volga.

Lukashin was sent to war. Before leaving, the front-line soldier was eager to explain himself to Anfisa, but he could not. Anfisa went to the hay station in the morning, where Inyakhina Varya found her. She swore that she had nothing with Lukashin. Anfisa understood everything, rushed after the front-line soldier, but it was too late, he had already left.

Picture or drawing Brothers and sisters

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Pekashin peasant Stepan Andreyanovich Stavrov cut down a house on a mountainside, in the cool dusk of a huge larch. Yes, not a house - a two-story mansion with a small side hut to boot.

There was a war. Old people, children and women remained in Pekashin. Buildings crumbled and crumbled before our eyes. But Stavrov's house is strong, solid, for all time. A strong old man was knocked down by a funeral for his son. He stayed with the old woman and grandson Yegorsha.

The trouble did not bypass the family of Anna Pryaslina: her husband Ivan, the only breadwinner, died. And Anna's guys are smaller and smaller - Mishka, Lizka, the twins Petka and Grishka, Fedyushka and Tatyanka. In the village, the woman was called Anna the Doll. She was small and thin, with a good face, but no worker. Two days have passed since we received the funeral and Mishka, the eldest, sat down in the father's empty seat at the table. Mother wiped a tear from her face and silently nodded her head.

She herself could not pull the guys out. Even so, in order to fulfill the norm, she remained on arable land until night. One day, when we were working with the wives, we saw a stranger. Arm in a sling. It turned out he was from the front. He sat, talked with the women about collective farm life, and at parting they asked him what his name was, what name he was from, and what village he was from. “Lukashin,” he answered, “Ivan Dmitrievich. Sent from the district committee to you for the sowing campaign.

The sowing campaign was oh so difficult. There are few people, but the district committee ordered to increase the area under crops: the front needs bread. Unexpectedly for everyone, Mishka Pryaslin turned out to be an indispensable worker. Something he didn't do when he was fourteen years old. On the collective farm, he worked for an adult man, and even for a family. His sister, twelve-year-old Lizka, also had a lot of work to do. Heat the stove, handle the cow, feed the children, clean the hut, wash the linen ...

After the sowing season - mowing, then harvesting ... Collective farm chairman Anfisa Minina returned to her empty hut late in the evening and, without undressing, fell on the bed. And as soon as it was light, she was already on her feet - she was milking a cow, and she herself thought with fear that the collective farm pantry was running out of bread. And yet, happy. Because I remembered how I spoke with Ivan Dmitrievich on the board.

Autumn is not far off. The guys will soon go to school, and Mishka Pryaslin will go to logging. We have to pull the family. Dunyashka Inyakhina decided to study at a technical school. She gave Misha a lace handkerchief as a farewell gift.

Reports from the front are getting more and more alarming. The Germans have already reached the Volga. And in the district committee, finally, they responded to Lukashin's persistent request - they let him go to fight. He wanted to finally explain himself to Anfisa, but it didn’t work out. The next morning, she herself purposely left for the hay station, and Varvara Inyakhina rushed to her. She swore to everyone in the world that she had nothing with Lukashin. Anfisa rushed to the translation, at the very water she jumped off her horse onto the wet sand. On the other side, the figure of Lukashin flashed and melted.

Summary of Abramov's novel "Brothers and Sisters"

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