Fun activities in the senior group. Abstract of entertainment in the senior group “Journey to the land of fairy tales. Video: sports festival in kindergarten

Nina Osmichenko
Entertainment scenario for children of the senior group "Journey to the land of fairy tales"

Scenario - entertainment« journey to the land of fairy tales»

Vasilisa the Wise. Hello, friends! I am very glad to meet you.

You recognized me? I am Vasilisa the Wise. I flew to you on a flying carpet from a wonderful Fairyland. in our wonderful fairyland trouble happened: the evil witch mixed up all the names fairy tales, quarreled all fabulous inhabitants. Inhabitants fairyland were at a loss They didn't know what to do and so they turned to me for help. I took my magic book and began to look for someone who could help us. And suddenly I saw in it that there is such a wonderful kindergarten with such lovely and smart children.

I thought that, probably, children live in it, who know and love fairy tales, know how to be friends and will always come to the aid of those who are in trouble. Can you help us guys? (Answers children)

Nobody knows what will be waiting for us in fairyland And what else will the evil witch come up with. But I believe in you: you are brave and friendly guys and will overcome any obstacles and difficulties. Let's hit the road!

And in what fairy tale we'll hit you now, you will only know by guessing the riddle:

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name.

Answer: Red Riding Hood

The game "Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf". Children choose a wolf and a red riding hood. A mask is put on the wolf, and a cap, respectively, on the red cap. The children run around the room. The wolf is trying to catch a child wearing a red riding hood. The player in the red cap passes the cap to the other players, who must put it on their heads. The one who is caught by the wolf is out of the game.

Now guess the songs, I will sing the first line, and you continue.

"If I scratch my head" (Winnie the Pooh)

"On the walking guys" (Dance of little ducks)

"I'm lying in the sun" (About the lion cub and the turtle)

Well done! And it's time for us to look into the next fairy tale and solve another riddle!

She went across the field ... She found the money ...

I hurried to the market, and there I bought a samovar! Who are these guys? Correctly! Fly Tsokotukha! Let's all do this together fairy tale!

Song is dance "Heel toe"

Competition "Confusion"

I will call you a phrase from the name fairy tales, you will need to unravel it.

Ax Soup (Porridge)

At the command of a hare (to pike)

Green riding hood (Red)

cat in shoes (boots)

Two little pigs (Three)

Wolf and five puppies (Seven kids)

Sister Tanya and brother Ivanushka (Alyonushka)

boy with palm (With a finger)

Great! Well done! Do I have a question? Do you guys like going to the doctor? What was the name of the doctor who treated all the animals? That's right Aibolit! Let's imagine for a moment that we have become doctors and now we will examine the animals, see who has what spots, wrinkles, etc. Let's start the game!

Song is a game "The giraffe has folds"

Competition "Mysterious"

AT: I will make riddles for each team fairy tales and you have to guess what it is story. If a team does not cope with the task, then the move is given to the other team. So let's go….

1. A girl is sitting in a basket

Behind the bear.

He himself, without knowing it,

Carries her home (Masha and the Bear).

2.The people are surprised:

The stove is coming, the smoke is coming

And Emelya on the stove

Eating big rolls (By pike command).

3. Granddaughter went to her grandmother,

She brought the pies.

The gray wolf followed her,

Deceived and swallowed (Red Riding Hood).

4. Who did not want to work,

Did he just play and sing?

To the third brother then

Ran into new house (three pigs).

5. The girl is sleeping and does not yet know

What's in this a fairy tale awaits her.

The toad will steal it in the morning,

A shameless mole will hide in a hole (Thumbelina).

6.The red girl is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

Tears pouring poor thing (Snow Maiden).

Oh guys, look! Who left their boots? Who from fabulous characters walked in boots and ran after the mouse? That's right, it's Puss in Boots.

Giants, beware!

Because it comes to you

A brave cat in boots.

What, are you afraid of him?

Hides claws in soft paws,

Loves kids

But always ready to hunt

If he sees mice.

The game "Puss in Boots". Children are divided into two teams. Each team has one pair of boots. On a signal, the children put on their boots, run around the obstacle and return to their teams, passing the boots to the next player.

So we come to the next task and you and I again need to solve the riddle:

Grandfather raised him with a soul -

The vegetable grew big.

For a long time his grandfather dragged him,

He didn't have enough strength.

Grandma, granddaughter came running

Helped the cat, Bug,

The mouse came to their aid -

Pulled out a vegetable.

Yes, he sat firmly in the ground,

Here's what story…(Turnip)

That's right, we're in fairy tale"Turnip".

What happened to the heroes fairy tales, they quarreled, arguing over who will pull the turnip for whom. You have to arrange them correctly.

Who planted the turnip? (Grandfather)

Who did Grandpa call? (Grandma)

Who did Grandma call? (granddaughter)

Who did the granddaughter call? (Bug)

Who did the bug call? (cat)

Who did the cat call? (mouse)

Now everything is fine.

And who remembers fairy tale"Teremok"? Let's show what the teremok was in fairy tale.

Physical education minute "Teremok"

Stands in the field Teremok (raise hands over head)

He's not low, he's not high (lower arms down to sides)

There is a lock hanging on the door (interlock fingers in "lock")

Who could open it? (to shrug)

They knocked, they knocked (tap palm on palm)

Twisted, twisted (rotate palms)

Pulled and opened! (stretch with clasped hands to the sides and open

- Guys, do you want to become heroes? fairy tales? (takes a magic wand, touches and says):

"Come on, help me wand" turn kids into animals (put on hats, masks, Magic wand chooses the participants.

Now let's play fairy tale.

We sit on chairs.

We will tell a fairy tale.

The book opens fairy tale begins.

(This is followed by a dramatization fairy tales"Teremok").

There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not low, not high, not high. Here a mouse runs across the field, stops at the gate, knocks and speaks.

Text fairy talesends with words:

Lived together, did not grieve,

The stove was heated in the house.

Teddy bear house ruined,

Almost crushed my friends.

Come on wand, help the beasts in turn the children(remove masks).

And here is the next riddle about a girl. Who is she - guess!

Evening would soon come

And the long-awaited hour has come,

So that she in a gilded carriage

Ride on fabulous ball!

No one in the palace will know

Where is she from and what is her name?

But as soon as midnight comes,

He will return to his attic again.

So quickly the maiden fled from the prince,

That she even lost her shoe. (Cinderella)

The game "Shoe for Cinderella"

Girls - "Cinderella" sit on chairs, take off one shoe at a time and

pass them on to the leader. The host mixes them up. Selected "prince" -

he must with eyes closed find a shoe for each "Cinderella".

Here we come to the final test. Guess the riddle:

Right off the shelf, over the threshold.

The ruddy side ran away.

Our friend rolled away

Who is this? (Kolobok)

dance song "kolobok"

No wonder children love fairy tale.

After all fairy tale is good,

What is happy about her interchange

The soul already feels.

And for any test

Brave hearts agree

In impatient anticipation

Happy end.

You are such great guys! All fabulous heroes who were bewitched by an evil sorceress, returned home to their fairy tale. And it's time for me to go home too. Let's get on the train and have fun together.

Song "engine".

Target: generalize the knowledge of older preschool children about fairy tales (Russian folk tales, fairy tales different peoples, author's tales).

1. To consolidate the ability to distinguish between folk tales, tales of different nations, author's tales.

2. Cause in children positive emotions, develop fantasy, imagination.

3. Cultivate a love for the book.

Equipment: pictures - illustrations of fairy tales, exhibitions of fairy tale books, portraits of fairy tale writers, didactic material for games.

Event progress

Educator: Guys, today we will make a trip to the country of fairy tales, where our “Merry Train” will take us and visit fairy-tale heroes. Now, take your seats in the trailer. Our train is leaving. (Children sit on chairs lined up in several rows and sing a song.)

Steam locomotive buzzed
And he brought wagons.
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
I will drive them far.

Educator: We came with you to the station “Guess the fairy tale”. You must guess the riddles that hang on our cute apple tree.

There are apples on which riddles are written on a cardboard apple tree.

1. Red - the girl is sad,
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun
The poor thing sheds tears. (Snow Maiden)

2. In the thicket of the forest in the windbreak,
In a new three-story house
No worries and no neighbors
There were three... (bear)

3. Like Baba has Yaga
Not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful
Aircraft… (Mortar)

4. She is the most important of all in a riddle,
Although she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helping Grandpa and Grandma... (mouse)

5. Waiting for mom with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Small children? (Kids)

6. There is no river, no pond,
Where to drink water?
Very tasty water

In a hoof hole. (Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Educator: Guys , What Russian folk tales do you still know?

Children's answers.

Well done boys! And now, we continue our journey.

Children sing a song.

Steam locomotive buzzed
And he brought wagons.
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
I will drive them far.

Children's answers.

The teacher reads the task and after the correct answer of the children, shows pictures: a goldfish, a shoe, a gold coin, a bird's feather, a scarlet flower.

1. Where did the old man live with the old woman from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin? (By the blue sea.) What is the name of this fairy tale? (The Tale of the Goldfish).

2. Which of the heroes of the fairy tales of Charles Perrault had glass shoes? (Cinderella).

3. In this fairy tale by L.N. Tolstoy main character- an unusual boy with a very long nose? (Pinocchio).

4. This duckling from the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen had no idea what he would become when he grew up

5. “Bring me a flower ...”, asked the youngest daughter of her father from the fairy tale by S. Aksakov (The Scarlet Flower).

Teacher: Well done guys! And now we are moving on.

Steam locomotive buzzed
And he brought wagons.
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
I will drive them far.

Educator: Station "Tales of different peoples." Why is she called that? To find out, you need to use the cut parts to make whole pictures.

On the tables there are plates with split pictures-illustrations for fairy tales: “Ayoga” (Nanai folk tale), “Three sisters” (Tatar folk tale), “Cuckoo” (Nenets folk tale), “Hare, bear and fox” (Chukotian folk tale ), “Bogatyr Boy” (Tatar folk tale). Children's answers.

Teacher: Well done guys! Look, guys, there is an obstacle on our way - our train cannot continue its journey - we have “Magic Stones” in front of us.

There are figurines in the form of stones on the floor - one of them says “Word game”.

Game "Tell me a word"

Guys! In almost all fairy tales, heroes are called by a double name, I will start, and you will continue:

Koschei the Deathless

Vasilisa - beautiful

Sister - Alyonushka

Boy - with a finger

Ivan Tsarevich

Brother - Ivanushka


Tiny - Khavroshechka

Educator: Guys, our journey is coming to an end and we are met by the Musical station.

Children sing the song “Tales Walk Around the World” (music by E. Ptichkin, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky), imitating movements in the text.

1 Fairy tales walk around the world,
Harnessing the carriage at night.
Fairy tales live in glades
They roam at dawn in the mists.
The prince will love Snow White.
And Koshchei's greed will destroy ...
But still good wins!

2. The world, illuminating with miracles,
Fairy tales fly over the forests
They sit on the windowsill
They look into the rivers, as through windows.
And Cinderella will be rescued by the Fairy,
There will be no Gorynych Serpent ...
Let Evil play tricks,
But still good wins!

3. Fairy tales are with me everywhere,
I will never forget them.
It is worth closing my eyelashes -
In an instant, Sivka-Burka will dream.
And the moon will shine bright
In the eyes of Vasilisa the Beautiful...
Let Evil play tricks,
But still good wins!

Educator: So our journey through the country of fairy tales ended. Our steam locomotive arrived at the terminal station. While traveling, we remembered fairy tales that you already know. What stories are we talking about? (Russian folk tales, tales of different nations, author's tales). All fairy tales are instructive, they teach us kindness, mutual assistance, in them good always wins over evil. I want to end our journey, guys, with the words “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it – a lesson for good fellows”!

GOALS: the assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society. TASKS:

Develop the ability to independently apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

To contribute to the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers;

To form a sense of respect and a sense of belonging to the community of children, to their family.

PARTICIPANTS: children of the senior group, educators as leaders, parents of pupils.



Competition program "Fairy Tale Story"

entertainment scenario in senior group, supporting the tradition of "Birthday of the group".

Prepared and conducted

Bondarchuk S.V.

Dimyanenko E.V.

GOALS : the assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society.


Develop the ability to independently apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

To contribute to the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers;

To form a sense of respect and a sense of belonging to the community of children, to their family.

PARTICIPANTS: children of the senior group, educators as leaders, parents of pupils.

MATERIALS : tokens in the form of keys of two colors for the draw (yellow, red);

Masks of three titmouse, a cow, a hare, a hare;

Elements of costumes of a gnome, a pirate (or others) and several elements of other heroes;

2 small tables, 2 tablecloths, 2 candy bowls, sweets and teaspoons according to the number of participants in teams;

2 hoops, 2 sets of a large "Builder" type constructor or soft modules.



Hello dear friends! across the country a new academic year. And we, even though we don’t go to school yet, returned to the renovated building, to our home group with new games and toys, to celebrate the group’s birthday. We are now called the SENIOR GROUP. And now we have gathered with moms and dads, grandparents to celebrate this event. So we start.


We have such beautiful keys that seem to open the door to our new group. Choose any. Now go to the doors and "open" them. Educators make gates, children pretend to open them.

We now have two teams. The yellow team stands over here, the red team over here. Teams, give yourself a name. And do not forget to invite two (three) parents to help you.

Competition "Who said ...".

Please name which of the fairy-tale characters said such words and what is the name of the work. For a correct answer, the team receives a point.

  • As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets ... -Fox. "Zayushkina's hut"
  • No, your voice is not good, you sing very quietly ... -Little mouse. "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".
  • What kind of stop is this, Bologoe or Popovka? .. -Absent-minded "That's how absent-minded" K. I. Chukovsky.
  • I will eat a rye pie! ..-Masha from the fairy tale Geese-Swans.
  • Calm, only calm ... -Carlson "Carlson who lives on the roof" A. Lindgren
  • Farewell, farewell, dear swallow! Thank you for singing so wonderfully to me in the summer ... -Thumbelina "Thumbelina" G.H.Anders en
  • I thought and thought and understood everything! These are the wrong bees and they make the wrong honey. -Winnie the Pooh "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all ..." A. Milne in the lane. B. Zakhoder.
  • And now, beautiful girl, I want to marry you! -Mosquito, "Fly-Tsokotuha" K.I. Chukovsky.


Make-up contest.

Artists wear costumes when they perform. The people who prepare the costumes and dress the performers are called dressers. Now you are invited to play the role of dressers. Your teams need to dress one actor. And the other team has to guess fairy tale hero. Team captains come, get the job. (Dress the artist in the "Gnome" costume, dress the artist in the "Pirate" costume)


Competition "Builders" (relay).

Now we invite you to play the role of builders and build a kindergarten building where our group is located. Competition based on the principle of a relay race: team members, one after another, carry the designer’s part into the hoop and build the kindergarten building, like builders, they return and pass the baton. The team that quickly and beautifully builds the garden building wins.


Competition "Show me a fairy tale."

The task of the team is to show the staging of the poem. Teams receive the text of the poem, attributes and time to prepare. Parents help children rehearse.

1. Three tits


Three titmouse danced

The grass was crushed in the meadow.

And the cow:


Moo-moo-moo! I won't take this weed.

You titmouse whatever you want

Pay me for weed!

Otherwise, I’ll roar: “Moo-moo-moo, yes moo-moo-moo!”


Here are the titmouses.

Guess what guys?

Bunny tail found

And they brought the cow. Here!

2. Hare love

The hare walked proudly through the forest,

Led the hare like a princess.

To the tops of long ears

The hare was in love with her

But come together and confess

He couldn't make up his mind.

True, the hare understood

That it’s embarrassing to be silent on the way,

He was just looking for words

And when he found it, he said:

"You are, you are

You are like a carrot!”


Competition "Name a Hero"

The teams showed us the stage play. Well done boys. But now we need to think a little more and give an answer to the riddle. Who is it?

1. The fat man lives on the roof, he flies higher than everyone.


2. She is beautiful and sweet, and her name is "Ash".


3. Together with Carlson, a big rascal jumped from the roofs ...


4.What kind of strange little man? Looking for a golden key on land and under water?



Competition "Feast for the whole world."

Have you forgotten why we are here? That's right, we're celebrating the group's birthday. And we can't do without food. Captains, build your teams! The first person (adult) takes the table, carries it to its place (into the hoop). The second person lays the tablecloth, the third takes the candy bowl to the table, the rest take a spoon in their mouth, put the candy in it and take it to the candy bowl. The team that sets the table the fastest wins.


Surprise moment.

The meal is ready! Now, according to tradition, we will stand in a round dance to sing a festive song.

As for the birthday of the group, we baked a loaf ...

Refreshments are brought in and a general tea party is held.

Olga Gennadievna Zaichikova
A promising plan for entertainment and leisure in the senior group

Organizational and pedagogical work


Target: show children the social significance of the holiday - the Day of Knowledge; bring joy, create a cheerful festive mood; develop independence and initiative, artistically - aesthetic taste; educate accuracy, friendliness.

2. Theatrical entertainment "Journey to the country of Igralia".

Target: create a joyful mood in children; consolidate knowledge of fairy tales, outdoor and round dance games.

3. Entertainment "Young pedestrians".

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of the rules safe behavior on the road; promote the development of attention, thinking; to cultivate a culture of behavior on the street, friendly relations with each other.

4. Physical culture leisure "Funny competitions".

Purpose: to create a joyful mood in children; develop dexterity, speed of reaction, coordination of movements; educate endurance, courage, activity.

5. Entertainment "Holiday of soap bubbles."

Target: develop communication skills in children, activate Creative skills.


1. Sports entertainment "For health in kindergarten."

Target: to promote the complex development of motor skills, to form the skills of competitive activity, to cultivate a careful attitude to one's health; develop positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, empathy, promote the development of gaming motor activity.

2. Entertainment "Learning to be artists."

Target: arouse interest in theatrical and gaming activities, continue to teach children to transform in the game through the development of sign language, facial expressions, pantomime. Develop collaborative skills and build friendships.

3. Entertainment "Mysteries from the vegetable garden."

Target: reinforce children's ideas about vegetables; expand vocabulary on the topic; consolidate singing and motor skills and abilities.

4. Leisure "Walk in autumn forest».

Target: create a joyful mood in children; cause emotional responsiveness, promote the development of interest in the world around us, form ideas about correct behavior in nature.

5. Autumn Festival.


1. musical entertainment"Our Fun Concert"


2. Entertainment "Mom is my sunshine."

Target: evoke an emotional response of children, educate love, respect for mother.

3. The game is a dramatization based on the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”.

Target: to develop the speech and creative abilities of children, the ability to carefully follow the course of a fairy tale and actions fairy tale characters; improve communication and physical activity.

4. Sports leisure "Sea voyage".

Target: continue to form children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle; accustom to perform actions on a signal; develop physical qualities: dexterity, speed, endurance, bring joy and pleasure from joint activities.

5. Entertainment "Journey to the Island of Friendship."

Target: to form in children the need for friendly communication with each other; to teach to observe the elementary rules of politeness, culture of communication, to form communication skills.


1. Sports leisure "Adventures in the enchanted forest".

Target: involve children in healthy lifestyle life, develop interest in activities physical education, promote increased physical activity.

2. Show Russian folk tale Fox, hare and rooster.

Target: encourage children to actively participate in a theatrical game, develop speech, creativity, communication skills, cultivate independence in the game.

3. Entertainment "Button Holiday".

Target: learn about the history of the button

create a joyful and cheerful mood in children.

4. Musical and theatrical entertainment "Winter Patterns".

Target: arouse in children a desire to participate in games, songs, dances, round dances; cultivate a good attitude towards each other, the ability to negotiate, listen.

5. New Year's party.


1. Physical entertainment "Winter Olympics".

Target: develop interest in winter sports through relay races and competitions; increase the level of physical activity; to form the ability to act in a team, to pass the baton.

2. Musical entertainment "Merry Orchestra".

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of musical instruments; develop musical memory, attention, sense of rhythm; nurture interest and love for music through games.

3. Game - quiz "We love fairy tales."

Target: cause the joy of meeting with your favorite characters of fairy tales, form a stock of literary artistic impressions, cultivate interest in reading, love for oral folk art, the desire to take part in team competitive games,

4. Game - fun "Zhmurki with a bell."

Target: create a joyful mood in children, cause a desire to participate in the game with everyone.


1. Sports festival "We will serve in the army, we will love the Motherland."

Target: to help consolidate the skills of performing the main types of movements; develop physical, volitional qualities, purposefulness; cultivate love for the Motherland; a sense of respect for the Russian army.

2. Theatrical game "Hare - brag".

Target: to teach children to actively participate in joint games, to clearly perform the actions of the role taken on; cultivate friendship, the ability to act in concert.

3. Entertainment "Man is a friend of fire, just don't touch him in vain!"

Target: consolidate knowledge of fire safety rules and rules of conduct in case of fire; educate respect for the work of firefighters.

4. Entertainment "Musical Kaleidoscope".

Target: create a joyful mood in children when singing, moving and playing actions to the music; cause a desire to participate in games with everyone.


2. Quiz "We love cartoons!"

Target: consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about cartoons; promote the development of thinking, memory and imagination.

3. Physical culture leisure "Chest of folk games".

Target: create a positive emotional mood in children, a cheerful mood; develop motor skills, cultivate interest in folk games.

4. Entertainment "Mysteries of Spring".

Target: to create a joyful mood in children, to develop a cognitive interest in the surrounding world of nature, to cultivate a sense of respect for comrades and partners in the game.

1. Sports entertainment "Cosmodrome of Health".

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of space; to form the ability to use the main types of movements in game situations; to educate in children curiosity, courage, skill, endurance.

2. Musical entertainment "We love to sing, play and dance."

Target: to create a joyful mood in children when singing, moving and playing actions to the music.

3. "Visiting grandfather Korney" - a literary quiz based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the read works of K. I. Chukovsky, enrich and activate vocabulary; develop the mental and creative abilities of children; cultivate kindness, respectful attitude towards each other.

4. Entertainment "Journey to the country of safe roads."

Target: to form in children the skills of safe behavior on the roads; to develop the ability to navigate in a different environment, to educate competent pedestrians.

5. Spring fun.

1. Musical and literary composition for the Victory Day "We remember, we are proud."

Target: to develop in preschoolers an interest in the historical past through military-patriotic poetry, music; to cultivate a respectful attitude towards war veterans and home front workers, a sense of pride in their homeland.

2. Entertainment "Our Tales" - dramatization games with bibabo dolls.

Target: development of interest in theatrical activities, development of communicative qualities, imagination, creative abilities.

3. Ecological quiz "On the forest path".

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature; cultivate love for nature and respect for it.

4. Sports entertainment "Funny starts".

Target: to give children pleasure from joint motor activity in sports games, relay races, to increase motor activity; develop spatial orientation; educate the competitive spirit of preschoolers, mutual assistance.

5. Entertainment "It's fun to walk together."

Target: educate communication skills, bring joy to children.

In the shadow of the popularity of the "overseas" Halloween, we completely forgot about our Slavic roots and about such a dear and beloved Russian evil spirits living in the forest. This development combines the traditions of Russian literature, fairy tale characters, environmental contests, charades, humorous scenes. An evening of relaxation and fun.

1. Introduce children to the folklore character: goblin.

2. Enrich and broaden the horizons of children.

3. Raise in children an interest in folk holidays.

  1. Education of collectivism, kindness.

Equipment: arcs 8 pcs.; stuffed balls 5-6 pcs.; skittles 8 pcs.; baskets for decoration; trees, stumps, clouds, flowers, mushrooms; Leshy's house; bridge; a pot of porridge; musical accompaniment.

Preliminary work: preparation of equipment, scenery, stage costumes, selection of riddles, decoration of the hall.

Characters: Presenter, Ivanushka, Goblin, Masha.

The hall is decorated like an autumn forest. Brook, bridge, props mushrooms.

Presenter: Children today we have an evening of games with you, it is called "Leshy Day". Why do you think it's called that?

Do you want me to tell you?...........

In ancient times, when your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers were small, there were no large cities yet. In the villages they believed that there was an evil spirit, and it was necessary to expel it in September, then it would fall underground and not harm anyone until spring will be. Well, and even before it fails, this evil spirit, surely, somewhere, and it will seem good to people, will try to play a dirty trick in the end. On the day of Leshy, people tried not to go into the forest.

Presenter: Let's play the game "LESHY"

The goblin is covered with moss, grass. Unwashed, bearded.

All in thorns. With a head, uncombed, shaggy.

He is much more likely to scare people so that they go into the forest less.

It is worth getting lost, at times, you will get to the evil spirit.

A child is squatting in the center of the circle. He is Leshy. Children walk around him in a round dance, quietly pronounce the words, stop at the end of the words. The child gets up, closes his eyes, the teacher brings him to another child and he determines by touch who he approached, calls his name. If you guessed correctly, then the guessed child sits down. (The game is repeated 3 times)

Enter Ivanushka.

Ivanushka: Autumn walks along the path, soaked her legs in a puddle,

It rains, and there is no light, the summer is lost somewhere.

Autumn walks, autumn wanders, the wind threw maple leaves.

Under the feet there is a new mat, yellow-pink, maple. (V. Avdienko)

Presenter: Ivanushka, why are you wandering through the forest alone? Don't you know that you can't go to the forest on Leshy's day? Will you die and never come back home?

Ivanushka: Have you seen my sister Masha? She went to the forest for mushrooms, and did not return.

Presenter: Or maybe Leshy lured her into the thicket of the forest?

Ivanushka: Help me find Masha and return home ..

Host: Can you guys help?

Presenter: Let's go, guys, along this path, maybe we will find Masha, although it is impossible to go into the forest that day, but Masha needs to be rescued.

Children with Ivanushka and the Host GO ALONG THE PATH WITH OBSTACLES and stumble upon a "bump".

Host: Oh, what is it? Is someone moving under the bump? Who is it?

Ivanushka: Yes, it's Leshy! Grandpa Leshy, Grandpa Leshy (wakes him up)

Goblin: (stretches) Ah-ah-ah (yawns) who is disturbing me to sleep roaming through the forest, I was about to sleep, and here - on you - guests! Why did you come?!

Ivanushka: Grandfather Goblin, we came to the forest for Masha, my sister. She went for mushrooms, and disappeared, so I decided to look for her, and the guys help me. And you didn't take her out?

Leshy: Why didn't you see it? Saw. Came for mushrooms, but did not ask permission. So I got her confused, confused, and forgot where. Maybe I’ll remember, if you guess my riddles, and play with me, maybe I’ll remember, otherwise I, Leshy, have to sleep all winter, I have to finally have some fun. Well, do you agree?

Children: ........................................

Goblin: You see a stream flows, and the bridge through it is enchanted, in order to pass through the bridge, riddles must be guessed. Here is the first riddle:

He was deeply hidden, one, two, three, and went out,

And he stands in plain sight, white, I'll find you! (boletus)

He stood in the forest, no one took him,

In a beautiful fashionable hat, good for nothing. (Fly agaric)

There are no mushrooms friendlier than these -

Adults and children know

They grow on stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose! (Honey mushrooms)

Goblin: What good fellows you are, friendly as honey mushrooms, pass through the bridge, but you still won’t go further until you answer my questions ..

IS IT POSSIBLE TO BREAK BRANCHES IN THE FOREST?........children's answers........

IS IT POSSIBLE TO LITTLE IN THE FOREST?.........children's answers.............

IS IT IMPOSSIBLE TO PICK BERRIES IN THE FOREST?.........children's answers......

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE A FIRE IN THE FOREST.? ...... children's answers .....


Leshy: Well, well done, guys, you made Leshy's grandfather happy, go to the clearing, play with me the game "STICKY STUMP"

Three or four players squat as far apart as possible. They depict sticky stumps. The rest of the players run around the court, trying not to get close to the stumps. Stumps should try to touch the children running past. Salted ones become stumps. (The game is played 3 times)

Ivanushka: Grandfather Goblin, give us Masha, it's getting dark, it's time for us to go home.

Goblin: Look, what a smart one, or maybe I don’t want to let you go, you will continue to amuse me, all winter. Well, okay, now I’ll come up with such a task for you that you yourself won’t want to leave me ... Now - now (walks, scratches his head, thinks) ...

Presenter: Guys, while Leshy is thinking, we will try to appease Leshy, FEED him with porridge, get up as soon as possible around Leshy.

I already love porridge, I cook with honey, with butter

(Draw a circle in the air with the right hand)

The porridge is sweet wheat and tastes great.

(Draw a circle in the air with your left hand)

I'll cook porridge

(Converge in the center of the circle)

I'll cool the porridge

(Pass apart)

I will invite you to taste.

(Spread hands to sides)

Leading: Help yourself Leshy and let Masha go, and it's time for us to go home.

Goblin: Mmmm, what a delicious porridge, and I have prepared a task for you. The last, most difficult one. Fulfill it, go through the forest and go out to my dwelling, take your Masha, so be it, but no, don’t demand - I will have left. Tell me what does it mean

word Zavalinka

Children's answers .............. (earth low mound along the outer walls of the hut)


Children's answers .................. (small room, usually at the top of the dwelling)


Answers of children...........(the same as the sky)


Answers of children ........ (Russian folk game - the movement of people in a circle with songs and dance)

Leshy: That's right! Start a round dance, otherwise I won’t let Mashenka out!

Round dance "At Kalinushka"

Sl. and music. Y. Mikhailenko

  1. Autumn golden leaves decorated

And viburnum berries dyed red.

We dance round dances around Kalinushka,

Let's start a gentle autumn song.

  1. The autumn sun slightly warms

Migratory birds fly south

  1. We weave wreaths from golden leaves

And brightly decorate viburnum with berries.

Goblin: This is my house. Come out, Mashenka. I let you go. And you all go and more on my day, on the Day of the Leshy, do not come to the forest, otherwise I will not let anyone out of the forest.

Presenter: Guys, do you remember the way back? ....................Let's all say together how to go. THROUGH THE FOREST, THEN THE GLADE, THE BRIDGE THROUGH THE STREAK - HERE WE ARE AT HOME. Well, let's all go one by one. (They walk back along the entire route and sit on chairs)

Ivanushka: Thank you guys for your help.

Masha: Thank you. Goodbye, it's time for us to go home. (Leave)

Presenter: Our evening of games "Leshy's Day" has come to an end and it's time for us all to go home too. (Children get up and calmly leave the hall).


M. Yu. Kartushina" Russian folk holidays in kindergarten",

N. N. Lukonina "Minees in kindergarten",

L. G. Gorkova, N. F. Gubanova "Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten."