What games to play at 1 year old. Games for kids and for the little ones. Classes are always of great interest.

When the baby turns 1 year old, the very time comes when the child needs to be taught something, only one thing is asked: “How?”. In fact, everything is simple, you need to learn it - by playing! It is unlikely that the baby will refuse to play with you.

But at the same time, one cannot scold a child, much less punish or beat; pronounce the words correctly, do not distort them, because the child remembers exactly your pronunciation of words, and then you definitely will not need a speech therapist. And most importantly, do not try to force the child to play the game that he this moment do not like it, but on the contrary, adjust to his mood and wedge into his game, but play for the good of the cause. Even if you offer the kid to play the game that he always loves to play, but this time he categorically refuses to do it, it may be that he is tired of it and is no longer interesting. Considering all the listed nuances, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

Developing creative skills games for children from 1 year old

  1. If you are somewhere in nature or in the country, you can put a large cardboard, approximately A1 size, on the ground or on the grass, and place a basin or any other suitable vessel nearby and dilute paints in this basin, then invite the child to stand with their feet in basin. Accordingly, the paints will be on their feet and resemble this cardboard, that is, draw with their feet. If it's summer - you can bare feet, if it's cold outside - you will need rubber boots. This game will be exciting not only for the child, but also for you.

  2. Sculpt with a child from plasticine, of course, at this age the baby will not be able to mold something sensible, but this is normal. Sculpt and you, show what you can mold, give the finished figures to the child, let him look at them, play with them or take them apart. Help the child to mold, preferably with his hands, something elementary, for example: a ball, a cube or something like that. This procedure also helps to develop motor skills, which are very necessary for the child. Do not be afraid to get dirty, because plasticine stains can be removed even from clothes if you follow.

  3. Draw with your baby with pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, or all of these in turn, as you see fit. As in the previous game, do not expect your child to draw a masterpiece, at first it will be just "cartoons", the main thing is that the child has an interest in drawing and try to express something of his own in the "drawings". Take yourself a separate sheet for drawing and give a separate one to the baby. First, draw on your sheet, tell and show the baby everything that you draw, and at this time, numerous multi-colored lines will appear on the sheet of the baby. After that, try to draw something elementary with the child’s hand in his leaflet, he will quickly get tired of it. Ask him to help you, because you cannot cope with this on your own. As a rule, the child really wants to supplement your drawing with something of his own, so to speak, to put his final touch. If you draw with felt-tip pens, then this will contribute to the development of not only the creative abilities of the baby, but also the motor skills of the baby’s pens, because each felt-tip pen must be closed after drawing, that is, with a thin object to get into a fairly thin hole.

  4. Color with your baby coloring pages, the rules are almost the same as with drawing, the only thing is that this is a more delicate work, where you can not go beyond the edges. After making the final touch to your baby, he will look at this colorful masterpiece with great pleasure, tell him everything that you painted, tell him what color you did it, ask the baby to show the colors that he already knows, maybe it will be just 1 or 2 colors. Ask the child to show the objects that the child already knows in the picture. Such a game, plus everything, will develop the memory of the baby, which is also not unimportant.

  5. Make an application with the baby, take a landscape sheet white color, cut out simple shapes, for example: a sun, a tree, a flower, something that can be quickly cut out and not abuse your baby's patience. Smear these figures with glue stick and stick, you need to involve the baby in all these actions, but be very careful with scissors and make sure that the glue does not end up in the baby's mouth, otherwise your own inattention will lead to unpleasant consequences.

  6. Build a Lego castle with your child. Despite the fact that it is believed that this constructor is intended for children from three years old, in this case this warning can be neglected, the only thing is that every detail of this constructor must be of a large size. Most likely, the baby will want to help you in this lesson, but even if in your understanding this is not help, still do not neglect it and be sure to praise the baby for helping to create the castle, which will also serve as an exercise in fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills games for children from 1 year old

  1. When you go for a walk outside, take one empty 0.5-liter water bottle with you without a cap, and invite your child to collect small pebbles and try to put them in this bottle.

  2. Give your baby unnecessary printed matter: newspapers, magazines or something else - and let the baby tear the leaves, the smaller the pieces he tears off, the more he will develop fine motor skills hands

  3. For the next game, you will need an empty water bottle of any volume with a lid, screw the lid on, and offer the child to unscrew it, then, on the contrary, unscrew the lid, and offer the child to screw it on.

  4. Scatter some small objects and ask the baby to collect them, he is unlikely to collect them, but while he is trying to pick up a small thing, fine motor skills will again develop.

  5. Ask the kid to assemble the pyramid, at first you will do it yourself, and the child will be an outside observer, and in the future the roles will change, and you will become an outside observer, and already your baby will independently collect this pyramid. When collecting a pyramid, name the colors, ask the baby to show one or another color, which will also help develop the child's memory.

  6. Take a landscape sheet, you will also need buttons, they can be anything, but there should be a lot of them. Invite the baby to lay out some kind of picture with the help of these buttons, for example: an apple, but when practicing with buttons, do not step away from the baby and do not turn away for a second so that he does not pull it into his mouth. You can also give the child toy dishes and ask him to cook dinner from these buttons, in this case you can use pasta, but only large ones.

Games designed to develop attention and memory in a child from a year old

  1. Ask the baby: “Where is the nose?”, Answer: “Here it is”, while gently touching the tip of the baby’s nose, at first all these actions will only cause your little one to smile, and then in response to this question, he himself will show you the nose, the same can be done with any other part of the body.

  2. Show your child how you cook, take a pot, cover it with a lid, then open it, take a spoon and stir the contents of the pot, invite the kid to repeat all this and you will make sure that your child will do it all with pleasure.

  3. Show your baby pictures of various animals, and then ask them to show these animals, pronouncing their names.

  4. Show the baby a toy, then ask him to close his eyes, put this toy in a prominent place, then ask the baby to open his eyes and find the toy.

  5. Take three glasses, turn them upside down, hide a candy under one of them and swap the glasses, do all this with the baby, and then ask the baby to guess where the candy is.

Thus, it will turn out that a contented and joyful baby who will delight calm and happy parents with his successes.

Good afternoon, dear readers! I recently wrote about what to do if . And now we will analyze in more detail - how to prevent such a situation? How to teach a child to play? And you need to start it at 1 year old!

Of course, we lay in the child independence and up to a year. We give you as much freedom as possible. We allow you to study a variety of subjects. We organize for him ... But the conscious elements of the game appear only closer to the year.

And today we will talk about the game. Let's move away from the topic of separation from the mother, carrying in the arms and attachment to the breast ... How to play with a child at 1 year old?

Simplicity of games

Scientists believe that at this age the baby is most receptive to everything that happens. That he can be told about the structure of the world, read "Onegin" - and all this will be deposited somewhere inside him.

I don’t know how true this is, but it’s better to play games that are appropriate for his age. Only in what he can understand... And repeat.

The most striking example: I played rather strangely with my eldest daughter at this age. It seemed to me that the child was not yet able to play. In my understanding, the game was a whole performance of toys.

This game would be good for a 4-5 year old child. But not in a year! My daughter could not repeat my actions for a year. She sat and watched with pleasure how the toys “talk” among themselves, solve some problems ...

I was constantly coming up with new stories. It seemed to me that the child would be bored watching the same "play". And so it went on for up to 2-3 years, until the child began to join the game. However, by this time, the daughter was already used to being entertained all day long. And we ran into a number of problems.

All of this could have been avoided if I had done the right thing. In one year, the little one is able to perceive only the simplest actions. For example:

  • spoon feed toys;
  • put the doll to sleep, rocking;
  • comb the doll;
  • roll cars;
  • collect something in a box;
  • “vacuuming”, sweeping, washing something with a rag and imitating simple household chores;
  • "talking on the phone";
  • roll a stroller with a doll;
  • "stomp" with a doll, etc.

Toddler repeats the game

Once upon a time it seemed to me that two identical toy "performances" should not be shown to a one-year-old. And then it turned out that on the contrary - at this age you need to play the same thing many times. Only then will the baby remember the game and understand what is required of him.

In one year, you can “feed” dolls all day long. And perform some simple actions with toys. The main thing is to teach your child to do it with you.

First, do the game action yourself several times. Then try to repeat it, but with the child. Feed your army of toys with your little one's hand. If he resists, don't be upset. Continue to enthusiastically stick a spoon in the mouth of the dolls.

All children grasp new games differently. Someone immediately connects. And someone needs to see it 20-30 times from the outside. The main thing is not to complicate the task. Choose only the simplest games. We go through them in three stages:

  1. Only the mother plays, the child watches.
  2. A child plays, but with the help of his mother.
  3. Only the child is playing.

And remember that our task is to teach the baby to play independently. At least a few minutes. In my opinion, this is more useful for development than any activity with looking for a spout or smearing plasticine.

How to make the game more interesting?

In one year, it will be enough for a child if you just turn toys in your hands, put them somewhere, constantly “feed” and roll them in a stroller. However, not all mothers can withstand such a test.

With the second baby, I learned the main rule: the game should be interesting for mom! If you don't like the game, then:

  • the child does not receive a portion of enthusiasm from you and also does not want to play, preferring to hang on his chest or in his arms;
  • motherhood begins to seem like hell to you;
  • you seek to isolate yourself from the child, to engage in it less. He feels it - and tries to become stronger attached to you.

But there is good news: you can make the game interesting! However, for this you will have to work a little.

And if you, like me, have no idea what to play... Download yourself a lot of books about games at this age. There are a lot of these books. And different books give different approaches to the game. Download, read and try.

Sooner or later you will find something that inspires you. Some people like games with handicraft elements... Some people are more interested in something that develops. I like playing with poetry more.

I will give an example of our favorite game... I already wrote about it on my Vkontakte page, but I will duplicate it.

We pick up any large toy and “walk” with it, repeating the words:

"Get out of the way cat,
Our Hare (Doll, Girl, etc.) is coming!
Our Zainka is coming
It won't fall for anything.

And then we say: "Wow! Fell!" and with these words we drop the doll. Then we continue to stomp again.

The theme of the first steps for the year-old is very relevant. And our son enthusiastically joined the game. Moreover, this game forms a calm attitude towards falls in the child. which are unavoidable in this period.

The subtext of the game is this: if you fall, get up and move on. Falls are normal.

In addition, the son tries to repeat simple words- "top" and "bow". In this case, they are not in vain included in the text. This is how it is easier for a yearling to start talking.

You may not be inspired by our game. This is fine. But believe me, there are millions of the most different games. Look for them. In books, on Internet sites, in educational programs... You will definitely find "your" games. You just need to be patient.

Here is a video - one of the game options:

If the article was helpful, please repost in social networks. And subscribe to blog updates. See you soon!

When a child turns one year old, parents can breathe a sigh of relief - the hardest part is left behind. The most interesting thing is ahead: time rapid development, knowledge of the world and the acquisition of new skills.

Lessons for a one-year-old child with mom

One-year-olds are always on the move: they explore the far corners of the apartment with curiosity, open cabinet doors, check the contents of drawers, pots and flower pots.

At one year old, babies need someone to help them make new discoveries and make it safe. Children carefully listen to everything that their parents say, and even answer in their own language, they understand a lot. With pleasure they support any game offered by adults. It will not be difficult for mom to figure out what to do with a child at 1 year old. Takes everything: cotton buds, napkins, boxes with lids, cloths, kitchen utensils.

At this age, kids are happy soap bubbles, musical instruments. They easily memorize and repeat those actions with objects that adults do: they depict how mom blows bubbles, picks guitar strings after dad, confidently wields drumsticks and even makes sounds of music from a pipe.

Children love to observe both their actions and the consequences of these actions. They tear cotton wool, scatter clothes that they pulled out of the closet, spill water from a cup. It is worth providing a surface that can be painted with finger paints and you can forget about the problem than to take a one-year-old child at home.

Joint activities with the mother contribute to the development of the child in different directions:

  • Development of speech;
  • Development of sensory and fine motor skills;
  • Creative development;
  • General development;
  • Development of self-service skills;
  • Physical development.

All classes are held in a playful way and bring only joy.

Why does a one-year-old child need a regimen

The daily routine creates a sense of stability. It is easier for mom if she knows what time the child wakes up, when he goes to sleep during the day and at night. This helps to intelligently allocate and plan time for housework, cooking for the baby, walking, playing and activities with the child.

The daily routine is based on the knowledge of the rhythms of the child: when he usually wakes up, when he is alert and ready to play, and when he wants to eat or ready to sleep. This knowledge allows you to predict the desires of the baby and correctly respond to his behavior. One-year-olds are not yet able to communicate their desires, so capricious behavior indicates the need for rest or that it is time to eat.

The mode helps to create for the little one comfortable conditions: put to bed and feed so as to avoid unwanted behavior. During the daytime nap, mom has the opportunity to decide what to do with her one-year-old baby when he wakes up and prepare for it.

The daily routine has a positive effect on children. Periods of rest and rest are replaced by periods of activity, after outdoor games, walks on fresh air and eating children want to sleep. Order and stability form a sense of security; without it, it is more difficult for a child to develop correctly.

Educational games for one year olds

Any game that parents can entertain children at this age becomes educational. Babies, like sponges, absorb everything new that adults show them. The most effective development is the one that brings pleasure. This is achieved in a playful way. In order to achieve the best result, you need to know how to develop a child at 1 year old, and which games are more suitable for this:

  1. For the development of speech:
  • games for the development of gross motor skills (finger and gesture);
  • games for the development of articulation - helping to learn how to blow;
  • reading rhymes and nursery rhymes that help pronounce sounds;
  • mom reading books for children from a year old;
  • listening to songs.
  1. To develop sensorimotor skills:
  • laying out small objects in cells, transferring them from one container to another;
  • games with kinetic sand: pick up sand in a spatula, fill it into a mold, knock on an inverted mold with a spatula;
  • removing medium-sized objects from containers with a spoon or ladle;
  • playing with water, better in the bath while bathing with toys;
  • building a tower of cubes and a pyramid of rings;
  • pushing objects through a hole;
  • rolling a ball or car down a hill or an inclined surface;
  • rolling wheelchairs, toys on a string;
  • unwrapping toys hidden in foil;
  • opening and closing jars and boxes.
  1. For creative development:
  • drawing;
  • modeling;
  • test work.
  1. For general development:
  • study of sizes, colors, geometric shapes;
  • the study of vegetables and fruits, clothing and household items;
  • classes with toy animals or their images in pictures: each animal is named, then the sounds it makes are depicted;
  • the study of the car, plane, train and the sounds they reproduce;
  • plot games in the doctor, cook, builder.
  • encouraging the baby to drink from a cup,
  • try eating with a spoon
  • brush your teeth,
  • get to know the pot.

Additional Information. No matter how much you want to develop a child, you should not put pressure on him and force him to do what he does not like. You should switch your attention to another game or to something that can be taught to a child in a year.

Educational toys

Toys for one-year-olds do not have to be bright. They are subject to security and safety requirements. In accordance with the directions of development, objects, books and toys are selected:

  1. For the development of speech:
  • bubble;
  • pipe.
  1. For the development of sensory and fine motor skills:
  • kinetic sand;
  • the simplest frame inserts and the largest puzzles;
  • multi-colored and different-sized cups;
  • cubes, pyramids;
  • sorters;
  • lacing;
  • bodyboard.
  1. For creative development:
  • Finger paint;
  • plasticine;
  • dough;
  • constructor;
  1. For general development:
  • nesting dolls;
  • balloons different colors;
  • dolls and soft toys in the form of animals;
  • books or pictures made of dense material with realistic images of fruits, vegetables, berries, clothing and household items, modes of transport;
  • game set of a doctor and a set of construction tools.
  1. To develop self-service skills:
  • game sets of cut vegetables, cutlery and dishes;
  • a cup with a spout;
  • spoon with a curved handle;
  • children's toothbrush with soft bristles;
  • beautiful pot.

Interesting ideas for practicing at home

There is no need to protect the child from doing household chores. This will help the baby develop faster, and bring up an assistant to the delight of parents. Let your child:

  • Wipe the table with a cloth. You can moisten a cloth with water, which is usually used to wipe a dining table or a children's table, show what movements the surface is wiped with, and give it to the baby. He will gladly repeat the actions. Don't let everything go perfect the first time. The more often parents give the child the opportunity to prove himself by performing simple tasks and praise him, the faster baby learn to do everything right, see the value of his own work, learn to appreciate the work of others and understand that his parents trust him.

  • Sweep the floor with a brush. This work is best done in pairs. For this it is worth buying children's set brushes and owl. The kid will watch the parents and try to repeat. The feeling of importance and need will play a role, the child will be happy to participate.
  • load laundry into washing machine. Children love to imitate adults: they help carry laundry from the basket to the washing machine or pull clean laundry out of the machine, helping their mother hang it up.

Active pastime for toddlers

The mental and physical development of children are connected with each other, therefore, at the age of one, it is necessary to encourage the baby to move more. Many already walk and need daily training and exercises to improve the skill. You can start doing simple gymnastics, exercises in the morning. After a couple of months - jump.

It becomes possible to play outdoor games. This can be chasing and hiding behind a closet door or curtains, playing ball or with a car, involving rolling on the floor or a built road. You can throw and catch the ball with your mother, roll it.

Climbing up and down the steps of a stepladder under the supervision of an adult will be a good activity. Stacks of books stacked in the form of steps will do. If there is a Swedish wall, you can work out on it. Sofas, chairs and armchairs can be used to get on and off.

Note! During active games, adults should always be near the baby.

Stand alone games

In addition to playing with the baby, mom needs free time dedicated to doing household chores. It is convenient to do some part of the work while the child is sleeping, but in this case, noisy types of work should be excluded. They will have to be postponed while the baby is awake. In order for the baby to give mom the opportunity to do business, he should be taught to play on his own.

Can be alternated stand-alone games and joint. As soon as the baby's attention is occupied by the toy, the mother should go about her business while being nearby so that the child feels her presence.

Of course, it will not work to distract a one-year-old child for 3 hours without the participation of another adult, but it is quite possible to organize this for 15-20 minutes.

Babies are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything. Things and objects common to adults are perceived by children in a completely different way. It is worth showing new objects that may interest the child:

  1. Packages from the supermarket. They are large, rustling, they can be thrown up, you can walk with them, you can put toys in them. If you show how to use the bags, the kid will play with them.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the child does not put a bag on his head - suffocation is possible.

  1. Bulk items: cereals, pasta. The lesson is useful in that it contributes to the development of fine motor skills. Sprinkling these items in containers, such as pots provided by the mother, will distract the baby. Everything can end up scattering these loose objects throughout the room or even the apartment, but this minor harm to the cleanliness of the house cannot be compared with the benefits of a child playing independently and developing his fine motor skills, on which the speed of development of thinking, coordination and speech depends.
  2. Roll of toilet paper. Children like to tear to shreds soft toilet paper. It gives them great joy to watch it unwind when they pull it. When the roll is completely unwound, the child can sit for a long time, wrapped in paper, sorting through it with his fingers and tearing off what is still intact.
  3. Busyboard. The construction of the board with hooks, handles, locks, latches, opening doors, wheels, switches, stoppers and other attributes that are usually prohibited is occupied by kids.
  4. Box with old toys. Parents are advised not to buy a lot of toys, but to divide already bought into two parts and give them to the child in turn. The child plays in one part of the toys, the other is put in a box and taken out if necessary to occupy the little one. Pulling and looking at all the toys from the box is so exciting.

Indicators of proper development

Useful and interesting activities for a peanut, subject to their regularity, will bear fruit. Any child can:

  • find a familiar item that mom will ask you to bring;
  • to distinguish a large toy from a small one and show which one is which;
  • build a tower of cubes or cups;
  • disassemble and assemble a pyramid of rings;
  • hide small toys under inverted cups;
  • hide by covering your eyes with your hands;
  • put the details of the designer on top of each other;
  • show how the car drives, how the doll goes to bed;
  • hold your hand to your ear, imitating your mother talking on the phone;
  • repeat simple words and exclamations that he hears from adults;
  • try to imitate familiar sounds, such as a running vacuum cleaner or washing machine.

The development of the child, according to Dr. Komarovsky, always worries parents. It is absolutely not worth worrying for those who give their child a sufficient amount of time. To tell, explain, show and acquaint with everything that surrounds us - The best way develop the child.


Your baby is 1 year old. One of the most important and most difficult stages of a child's life, the period of infancy, has been passed. What experience did the baby manage to accumulate, overcoming 12 months of life? Chances are your child can already stand and walk without assistance. He no longer wants to constantly be in a limited space - in a crib or playpen. It is during this period that the cognitive activity of the baby is activated especially intensively, which means that the young researcher examines all cabinets, boxes and drawers in the house, checks the taste and strength of all objects that fall into his field of vision. Try to make your home as safe as possible for the child, but at the same time, do not overload the baby with overprotection. After all, bruises and falls are also part of the necessary life experience. Do not limit the search activity of the child, let him learn the world by all means and means available to him, if they do not contradict the safety rules. The ability to walk in combination with increased activity requires certain skills from the baby, so try to devote more time physical development child. Conducting classes in a playful way, teach the baby to run, jump, climb. Choose exercises that promote the development of coordination of movements, strengthening the muscles of the body. The development of the arch of the child's foot also requires special classes, since during this period it is usually flattened. Allow the baby to walk barefoot on surfaces with different coatings, at the same time it also contributes to the development of tactile sensations.

What else can a child of the second year of life? It is possible that the grasping function of your baby's hands is already quite developed and he can pick up both large and small objects from the floor using his thumb and forefinger. To improve these skills, promote the development of fine motor skills and tactile sensations: introduce the child to objects of various shapes and sizes, use paper and fabric of different textures in games, organize games with small objects - buttons, cereals, beads, etc. But at the same time, be careful that the objects of the game do not end up in the child's mouth. In the same age period the child masters the basic skills of self-care: during the second year of life, the baby learns to eat independently, drink from a cup, take off some items of clothing.

In the same period, the intensive development of the baby's speech begins. If by the first birthday the child operates with several short words- “mom, dad, woman, give,” then by the end of the year he knows how to build simple sentences, formulate his requests, express some feelings and emotions. Help the baby in mastering this difficult science. Talk to the baby as much as possible, ask him questions that require a detailed answer, ask the child's opinion on this or that occasion, encourage him to express his desires in words, not facial expressions. Play as much as possible speech games using nursery rhymes, poems, songs. Read fairy tales, funny stories to your child. Make sure that your speech is understandable to the child, but you should not switch to "childish" language and communicate with the baby, copying his pronunciation.

Be creative with any activity with your child, try to captivate, interest the baby. Invent and create together with the baby, be sincere in all manifestations, because not a single, even the most interesting, game will occupy the child if the mother nearby yawns from boredom.

Learning to distinguish colors

Don't mix it up!

You will need: red ball, blue ball, red paper, blue paper.

Invite the child to roll a red ball on the floor, then a blue one. Draw the baby's attention to the color of the toy, repeating: "We are playing with a red (blue) ball." Having spread sheets of colored paper on the floor, ask the child to put the red ball on the red sheet, and the blue ball on the blue one. If the child is wrong, tell him. Do not forget to repeat: "This is a red ball, I put it on a red sheet."

The game contributes to the development of logical thinking, teaches to distinguish colors.

Find the cube

You will need: cubes of different colors.

Lay the cubes in places accessible to the child (on the table, on the sofa, on the bedside table, etc.). offer to build a tower. Finding that the cubes are not in place, be surprised and ask the baby to find them. Comment on the actions of the crumbs: “What a great fellow you are! I found a red cube on the table! Be sure to pay attention to the color of the found cube and name the place where it lay.

The game contributes to the development of auditory perception, teaches to distinguish colors.


You will need: basket or bucket, items different color.

Explain to the child that now you will walk around the room and collect all the yellow (red, blue, etc.) items in the basket. Lay toys, pencils, and other safe items on the floor first. When looking for objects, consult: “Is this a yellow pencil? Will we take it?" Choose a different color and encourage the child to explain to you that you are wrong.

The game contributes to the development of fine motor skills, the skills of classifying objects by color.

Building a tower

You will need: cubes of two colors.

Invite the child to build two towers of different colors, but for this you need to sort the cubes by color. Ask your child to help you. When building towers, make mistakes by placing a cube of the wrong color. Point out your mistake to the child, put the cube on another tower together. Be sure to praise your child.

The game promotes the development of motor skills, classification skills.

Color the circles

You will need: four sheets of paper, two colored pencils.

Take two sheets of paper, on each of them draw a large circle. Invite the kid to play: let him color his circle in yellow, and you in red. When looking at the drawings, draw the child's attention to the color of the circle, draw analogies: "How beautifully you painted the circle with yellow, now it looks like the sun." On the other two sheets, draw large squares (triangles, etc.) and color them by exchanging pencils. Discuss what the figure looks like. In the future, you can involve other family members in the game, not forgetting to pay the child's attention to the number of figures and pencils. Do not insist that the baby paint the figures strictly along the contour. Be sure to participate in the game, looking at you, the child will repeat your actions, acquire useful skills.

The game contributes to the development of motor skills, imitative activity, teaches to distinguish colors.

Geometric figures

You will need: 5 multi-colored circles cut out of cardboard.

Consider one of the circles with the baby, while telling him: “This is a circle. It is red (blue, green, etc.) in color. Let's think about what it looks like (like an apple, like a sun, like a wheel)." Look around the room for round objects. Explore circles of different colors. After the child has mastered the concept of "circle", you can move on to other geometric shapes, while expanding the range of colors. Compare two identical figures of different colors. Look for associations.

The game teaches to distinguish objects by color and shape.

Let's figure it out!

You will need: 3 circles and 3 squares cut out of cardboard.

Shuffle the circles and squares. Ask your child to help you select all the circles. Then color them in the same color. To color the squares, use pencils of a different color.

The game promotes the development of classification skills.

Household games for children 1-2 years old

Mom's helper

When dusting furniture, give your child a clean cloth and ask him to help you. Talk to him: “Look, there is dust here. Now we will wipe it off with a rag, and we will be clean.” Praise the child when he wipes something. Tell how nice it will be for dad to come to a cleaned apartment. Repeat: “You are my best helper!”.

The game develops independence skills, introduces the category of "cause - effect".

My clean

You will need: doll utensils, foam rubber sponge.

Invite your child to wash the dishes for the doll. give him foam sponge, show how it's done. Washed dishes should be neatly folded into a box or cabinet. You can wet the sponge and then wipe the dishes with a dry towel, not forgetting to explain to the child what is happening: “The dishes have become wet, so you need to wipe them with a dry towel. Everything, this plate is dry.

The game develops motor skills, independence skills, introduces the category of "cause-effect".

Do we wash?

Pour some warm water into a small bowl, give your baby a small bar of soap and a handkerchief. Make up a story about how the doll got her handkerchief dirty while playing outside. She needs to help clean it up. Show how you can soap a handkerchief and splash it in water.

The game contributes to the development of independence skills, tactile sensations.

see the bunny

You will need: a toy.

Tell the child that the bunny really wants to go to the kitchen, but is afraid that he will get lost: “Show him, please!”. In the kitchen, in the voice of a bunny, ask the names of certain objects, pointing to them (refrigerator, stove, table, etc.), ask what they are for. Go with the bunny to the bedroom, to the bathroom.

The game contributes to the development of speech, the ability to navigate in space.

Games for the development of speech in children 1-2 years old

Poetry games

You will need: horse toy.

Read the poem by Agnia Barto:

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

Have the child repeat the actions described in the poem.

midge cats

Come up with simple quatrains where words familiar to the child rhyme.

white cat

Went out to the track.

The midge has arrived

Bitten a cat.

A fly has arrived

Sat in my ear.

And tickles the ear

Naughty fly.

Like our pig

Hard bristle.

We pet the pig

On the prickly back.

Rhyme words and actions familiar to the child: baby-potato, mouse-baby, bite-throw, circle-make friends, etc.

Come up with simple rhyming lines, say them or sing them while playing, walking, swimming. Soon the child will remember and learn to finish the phrase with the word in brackets:

Cha-cha-cha - we saw (a rook);

Chu-choo-choo - we go to the appointment (doctor);

Zha-zha-zha - there are thorns in (hedgehog);

Tsu-tsu-pu - we are bringing food (chick);

La-la-la - geese have two (wings);

Ko-ko-ko - do not go (far);

Om-om-om - we will find a beautiful (house);

Uh-uh-uh - drive the cows, (shepherd);

Ra-ra-ra - the rain is dripping since (morning);

Would-be-be - grew up in the forest (mushrooms);

Oh-oh-oh - it's time for us to go (home); etc.

Fun exercise after waking up

Have fun reading a rhyme to your baby, accompanying him with actions:

Stamped with feet:


Hands clapped:


The game promotes sensory development child, building trust.

We bake cheesecakes

Read a Russian folk rhyme to your child:

Trunks there-carcasses!

Let's bake cheesecakes.

All for cheesecake,

Yes, a glass of milk.

Sweeties, sweeties!

Let's bake pancakes.

pouring oil,

We feed everyone.

Clap your hands together as if you are making pies.

The game develops fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

Cat and kittens

You will need: cards with images of adult animals and their cubs.

Show the child a card with a picture of a cat, discuss all the details of the picture, ask the child to show where the kitty has ears, eyes, and a tail. Ask how the kitty talks and how she purrs, where cats live, what they eat, how they should be called (ks-ks), let the child repeat. Then show a picture of kittens, compare them with an image of an adult animal (kittens are small, their ears, paws and tail are small, kittens drink milk and love to play, etc.). Depict the meowing of kittens in a thin voice, ask the child to repeat, and now, rudely, the meowing of a cat and, again, kittens. Try this with your child.

Similarly, you can play with images of an adult dog and puppies.

The game promotes the development of speech, teaches classification skills.


You will need: cards with images of a cow and a calf.

Show your child the picture of the cow. Remember everything that you and him know about a cow (big, horned, gives milk, etc.), depict a cow moo. Ask the child to repeat. Then show a picture of a calf, compare it with the previous picture, discuss the differences (small horns, ears, nose, etc.). Imitating a calf, moo in a thin voice, do it together with the child. What are the synonyms of the word calf (calf, heifer). Read to your child a folk Belarusian nursery rhyme:

Oh, bull, my bull,

golden barrel,

Your horns are vigorous,

Stumpy hooves.

You go, do not trample,

Do not butt, do not moo:

The boys are still sleeping

Sleep well in the morning!


You will need: a picture of a hen, rooster and chicks.

Show your child the picture. Explain that this is a chicken family. The hen is the mother, the rooster is the father, the chickens are the children. Remember how a hen cackles, a rooster crows, and chickens squeak. Pay attention to the child that the hen and rooster are covered with feathers, and the chickens are covered with yellow fluff. "Look, little chickens look like yellow fluffy lumps." Show your baby how a rooster walks - walk around the room with your hands behind your back, raising your head, raising your legs high. Ask the child to walk the same way, flap your wings, hands, scream like a rooster. Play chicken calling the chickens, then run and squeak like chickens, “peck” the grains with your fingers. Read Russian folk rhymes to your child:

The chicken went out for a walk, pinching fresh grass,

And behind her the guys are yellow chickens,

Co-co-co, co-co-co, do not go far!

Rake the grains with your paws, look for them.

What lies where

Ask your child questions about objects between which there is a direct connection, talk about objects whose name is not familiar to the baby:

What do we have in the breadbasket? (Bread)

What do I put in the sugar bowl? (Sugar)

What are you washing? (Soap), etc.

The game contributes to the development of speech, matching skills, teaches to find the relationship between objects.

Games for the development of fine motor skills in children 1-2 years old

Such different paper

You will need: sheets of paper of different textures (notebook sheet, landscape sheet, paper napkin).

Crumple sheets of paper one by one, connect the child to this activity. Comment: “Here is a paper napkin. Look how it wrinkles easily, this is because it is made of very thin and soft paper. Now let's try to crumple the notebook sheet. Look, it’s harder to crumple, it’s dense, etc.).” From crumpled sheets, you can roll balls and play snowballs with them.

In the game, the child gets acquainted with the properties of materials, develops fine motor skills.

Grab with tweezers

You will need: tweezers, cotton balls, pieces of foam rubber.

Teach your child how to use tweezers. Show how you can take cotton balls, small pieces of foam rubber. Make the game more difficult by replacing soft objects with hard ones - buttons, screws, cereals, beans, etc. You can use paper torn into small pieces. Invite your child to sort two types of items (cotton wool, beans), laying them out on different plates. In the future, scraps of paper of different colors can be included in the game (sorted into groups by color), hard and soft objects, light and heavy, round and non-round, etc.

We tear and collect

You will need: paper napkins.

Let the baby tear the napkins into small pieces. Scatter them on the table, then ask the child to collect the scraps with their fingers in a bucket or in a box. In the following lessons, you can use paper of a different texture. To interest the baby, come up with a game plot, for example, fingers are birds that need to collect fluff (paper scraps) for their nests, or chickens pecking crumbs.

Many - few

You will need: two sheets of paper.

Ask the child to tear one sheet into two parts, and the other into small pieces. Comment: “Look, these are large pieces of paper, there are only two of them - this is not enough, but there are so many small ones, there are many of them.”

The game contributes to the development of fine motor skills, introduces the child to the concepts of "a lot - a little."

Making beads

You will need: pasta with a large clearance, string, large wooden needle with a wide eye.

Show your child how to string pasta on a needle with a cord. Let him try to do it himself. Lace with pasta can be tied, making a semblance of beads, and put on a doll.


You will need: plastic bottles and jars with screw caps.

In front of the baby, unscrew and tighten the lids on jars and bottles. Ask him to repeat your actions.

In the game, the child gets acquainted with the properties of objects, develops fine motor skills.

Learning to spill

You will need: any cereal, two containers with a wide opening.

After pouring the cereal into one of the containers, show the child how to pour it into an empty dish with your hands. Teach your baby to pour the cereal with a full handful, a pinch, pass it through your fingers.

Again by!

You will need: groats, a container with a wide opening, a container with a narrow opening.

After the child has learned to pour cereal into dishes with a wide mouth, complicate the task by giving the child a container with a narrower top. Let the baby try to pour the cereal into small plastic jars, bottles. Twisted with lids, they will turn into excellent rattles. Pay attention to the degree of filling of the child: "This jar is half full, and there is almost no empty space left in this bottle."

One bean, two bean

You will need: dry beans, plastic bottle.

Take one bean and drop them into the bottle. At the same time, consider: "One bean, two beans, etc." So that the child does not get bored, you can sing a song:

We take beans

We put them in a bottle.

Vanechka will have a toy -

Bean rattle.

Sorting pasta

You will need: pasta of different shapes.

Show your child what pasta is: “This is a shell, this is a spiral, this is a bow, etc.” Mix them up. Ask your child to sort the pasta: shell to shell, bow to bow. Help your child complete the task.

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills, classification skills.

Try it, unzip

You will need: adult clothing fastened with buttons (cloak, jacket, etc.).

Show your child how to fasten and unfasten buttons. After the baby learns to do this, move on to things with smaller buttons, then ask the baby to fasten and unbutton the buttons on his clothes.

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills, independence skills.

Apple with a button

You will need: silhouette of a tree and an apple cut out of cardboard.

Sew a small button to the cardboard tree, and make a loop on the apple. Show your child how to fasten and unfasten an apple. Play "Hurricane" - blowing on a tree and swinging it with one hand, with the other - unfasten an apple from it. "Bang! The wind blew the apple away and it fell to the ground. Invite the child to be the wind - blow, shake the tree, then unfasten the apple.

Let's draw?

You will need: tray, small cereals or flour.

Pour semolina or flour on the tray in an even layer, show the baby how you can draw on flour with your fingers. Draw lines, draw various shapes. Let the child draw on their own.

Button patterns

You will need: multi-colored buttons of different sizes.

Lay out a path of large buttons with your child. As you play, name the color and shape of each button. Soon the child will remember that all the buttons are round, learn to classify objects according to one attribute. In the future, buttons of different sizes will be used in the game, do not forget to compare them: “Now we take a smaller button, see how it differs from a large one, and now we put the smallest one - a little button”, etc. From buttons, you can lay out patterns, flowers, houses, in a word, what your imagination tells you. Ask the child about what he would like to lay out from the buttons, with which buttons he will play today (large, small, red, white, etc.).

Included - not included

You will need: buttons of different sizes, plastic bottle.

Show your child how buttons can be pushed down the neck of a bottle. Let him do it himself. Do not suggest that a large button will not fit into the bottle, let the baby make this discovery himself. After several unsuccessful attempts, the child will learn to correlate the diameter of the bottle opening and the size of the button.

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills, matching skills.

Games for the development of creative abilities in children 1-2 years old


My first drawings

You will need: paint of one color for drawing with fingers, paper sheet.

Spread the paper on the floor or on the table. Show the baby a jar of paint, be sure to name the color of the paint. Explain and show what you will do.

Dipping your fingers in paint, draw stripes, spots, any other “scribbles” on the sheet. Let the child join you. In subsequent classes, use paints of other colors, not forgetting to name them. Then you can draw with two, then three colors. You should not demand a specific image from the child (stripe, circle, etc.). Let him stain the sheet with paints the way he likes. If he got a figure that looks like something, be sure to pay attention to it (“this spot looks like a ball, etc.”).

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills, imagination, helps to learn to distinguish colors.

Foam prints

You will need: figurines various shapes, cut out of foam rubber, gouache or finger paint.

Each lesson uses one color of paint. Fix the baby’s attention on it, for example: “Today we will paint yellow color Let's take a circle and see what it looks like." Make a few prints of foam circles, comment on what they look like (sun, lemon, chickens if the circles are small, etc.). Name all other colors and shapes in the same way, draw analogies with similar objects. Create patterns from prints of different figures, encourage the activity of the child. Praise him.

The game contributes to the development of fine motor skills, develops the ability to distinguish the color and shape of objects.

Color the circles

You will need: large stencils of geometric shapes, finger paints.

Take one of the stencils, attach to landscape sheet. Show your child how to paint over the space inside the stencil with your finger. Be sure to name the shape and color of the paint used.

The game develops creativity, fine motor skills.

Drawing stick

You will need: pencil, foam.

Wrap the pencil with foam rubber, fasten it, show the baby how, by dipping the foam rubber into the paint, you can draw.

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills, creativity.


First aquarium

You will need: 3 small and 3 large fish cut out of cardboard, a sheet of blue paper.

Tell the kid that now you will make a house for small fish - an aquarium. Put a sheet of paper on the table, draw algae on it, explain to the child what you are doing, tell how the fish live in their houses. Now ask the kid to find small fish in order to populate them in the aquarium. Let the baby independently select the fish and lay them out on the sheet. Fish can be glued, showing and explaining to the child how and why this is done. The aquarium can be placed in a conspicuous place and periodically update its contents.

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills, teaches the basics of classifying objects by size.

I myself!

You will need: safe glue (better paste), colored paper.

Invite the baby to tear the paper into small pieces. Then show how the scraps of paper can be stuck to another sheet by first dipping them in glue. Be careful that the child does not taste the glue and paper.

And now like this!

You will need: glue, brush, colored paper.

On a white sheet of paper, draw a large circle (square, triangle, etc.). Tear the colored paper with the baby into small pieces. Paste them over the outline of the circle. Show your baby how to spread the glue inside the contour using a brush or a finger (remember to make sure that the finger smeared with glue does not end up in the mouth). Now you can stick the remnants of colored paper on the prepared surface.

The game contributes to the development of fine motor skills, creative abilities of the child.

Plasticine games

You can start introducing a child to plasticine from the time when he clearly learns the concepts of “possible” and “impossible”. "Plasticine can not be taken in the mouth!".

Show the child plasticine. Name the color of each bar, give them to the baby in his hands, he may want to play with them. Try to put the blocks on top of each other - you get a multi-colored tower. Ask the child to bend the plasticine in different directions, pinch off a piece, knead it with your fingers. A block of plasticine can be knocked on the table. At the same time, pay attention to how hard it is (bar). Stick a match or a toothpick into the plasticine, let the child try to do the same.

Break off a small piece of plasticine, knead it. Show your child how hard plasticine can become soft. Teach your child to knead small pieces. On soft plasticine, you can leave traces of fingers, coins, and other objects; push holes; make holes, etc. Let the child independently learn the properties of this material for some time.

Show your child how to sculpt the simplest plasticine figures: "sausages", balls, "cakes". The baby is unlikely to cope with such a task on his own, but you can help him. For example, roll out a sausage or a ball, moving your hand along his palm. This exercise is also good massage for the palms and fingers of a child. Having rolled up the ball, explain: “This is a ball, it is round. What does he look like?" Together, remember objects that have a spherical shape (apple, cabbage, watermelon, ball, etc.). Roll the ball on the table. Blind the ball bigger size Point out to your child the difference. Let the kid play with the balls on his own.

In the game skills of working with plasticine are formed, fine motor skills develop, the child studies the shape of the object.

Games for the development of attention in children 1-2 years old

Where is your toy?

Take your baby's favorite toy. Together with him, put it in a certain place: "Let's put the bear on the sofa." Distract the child, play something with him, read, then ask: “Where is our bear?” and repeat the game throughout the day.

The game promotes the development of attention and memory.

Who where?

You will need: two or three cardboard boxes, toys.

Put one toy in the boxes so that the child can see it. Ask: "Which box is the doll in?". Then swap the toys and repeat the game.

What are the ears of a rabbit?

You will need: a picture of a hare.

Carefully examine the picture, paying the child's attention to the details: the hare is white, it has long ears, a short tail, a pink nose. Tell that the hare likes to eat carrots and cabbage. Remove the picture, ask the baby: “Does the hare have a long tail? And his ears are short? If the child finds it difficult to answer, look at the picture again. After a while, repeat the question about the tail and ears of the hare.

Show me right

You will need: 4 pictures with images of animals.

Consider one of the pictures with your child, for example, with the image of a bunny, remember everything you know about him (eyes, ears, carrots). Remove the picture. Lay out all 4 pictures and ask the child to show you the bunny.

Don't mix up the cat

You will need: images of two cats. One cat is solid, the other is spotted.

Take a close look at both images. Tell your child about cats (affectionate, love to be petted, able to purr, meow, etc.). Describe both cats: "This kitty is all white, and this one has spots, so it's spotted." Repeat this several times. Ask the child to show where the cat has ears, tail, eyes. Then, pointing to a one-color cat, ask: "Is this kitty spotted?" Consider leopards, cheetahs and other spotted animals.

Let's look and find

You will need: a picture depicting several objects or animals.

Look carefully at the picture. Tell the child about what is shown on it, describe every detail. Invite the child to find something in the picture. For example: “Please show me where the kitty is drawn. Where is the dog?

Games for the development of logical thinking in children 1-2 years old


You will need: empty box, toys.

Give your child an empty cardboard box. Show how you can raise it, lower it, shake it. Repeat: "What a light box, how easy it is to lift." Put some toys in the box, lift it up, notice, “Wow, the box is getting heavier! Try to pick it up." Add more toys: “Yes, the box has become even heavier! It's hard for me to lift it! Let the child try to pick up the box. Repeat as often as possible: “It’s hard!”, “Easy!”.

Day or night

Hide under the covers with your child. Say: “How dark, I don’t see anything!”, quickly remove the blanket, rejoice: “And now it’s light, I saw you!”. Hide again. Watch the child's emotions - the darkness can scare him, in this case, immediately stop the game.

The game develops matching skills.

Where is my seat?

You will need: big doll, small doll, small doll chair, big doll chair, big doll tableware, small doll tableware.

Show the dolls to the child, tell about each of them separately, giving detailed description(big, beautiful, Blue eyes etc.). Play tea. At the same time, try to seat a large doll on a small chair from which it will fall. Explain that a big doll needs a big chair and vice versa.

After placing the dolls at the toy table, place a small cup in front of the large doll, and a large cup in front of the small one. Encourage the child to change the cups with suggestive remarks. Explain why.

The game forms ideas about the size of objects, their compatibility.

Whose dress is this

You will need: big doll, small doll, big doll dress, small doll dress.

This game can be either independent or a continuation of the previous one. Also tell the child in detail about each of the dolls, describing its main features (size, hair color, eye color, etc.). Play waking dolls from sleep. The dolls woke up, washed themselves, now they need to get dressed. Try to put on a big doll little dress. Wonder why it doesn't work? Encourage the child to show that the little dress should be put on the little doll. Make a generalization.

The game develops the skills of matching, classifying objects.

Who has more?

You will need: two containers of different sizes, (for boys you can take a large and small car with a body), any safe small items.

Fill each of the containers with small items. To make it interesting for the baby, come up with a goal for moving the load (we play construction, take out the trash, etc.). Having poured out the load, show the child the differences (one pile turned out to be large, because it was brought by a large car and, conversely, more items fit in a large car). Explain.

The game forms an idea of ​​quantity, size and volume.

Who quickly?

You will need: ball or car.

Rolling a ball or a car on the floor, say: “quickly”, “slowly” (demonstrate). At the same time, encourage the child to repeat your actions.

The game promotes the development of matching skills.

Let's arrange the furniture

You will need: doll furniture (sofa, table, chairs, wardrobe, etc.). But other toys can also replace it, for example, cubes, boxes, etc.

In order to arrange furniture, it is necessary to have a semblance of a doll house. It can be built from a designer, glued from cardboard, while taking into account the size of the furniture. When the house is ready, invite your child to create a cozy room for the doll. Comment on what you are doing: “Here is a sofa, the doll will sleep on it, it should be the same size as the doll. Where is the sofa in our house? Who sleeps on it? etc.". Consult with the child where to put this or that object. After placing the furniture, show the baby how the doll will sleep, eat, sit. Give him a doll, let him play on his own.

The game contributes to the development of skills of comparison, memory. Introduces the functional purpose of objects.

puppet dinner

You will need: doll table, doll utensils, doll.

Invite the child to feed the doll. Find out if it will be breakfast, lunch or dinner, and make a menu for the doll accordingly. Ask the baby to set the table, help him put the plate, cup and other items correctly. Seat the doll at the table, after washing her hands. Pretend you are filling the plate and feeding the doll by bringing the spoon to her mouth. Let the child do the same. After dinner, do not forget to wipe the doll's mouth with a napkin.

The game develops independence skills.

Tired toys are sleeping

You will need: doll or plush toy.

Will your child be able to put the doll to sleep? Ask him to do it. Show how to shake the toy, sing a lullaby, cover with a blanket, etc. Give the child a toy, watch his actions. Teach your child to hum a song without words. Tell us about what dream the toy will have ( beautiful flowers, toys, kind animals, a good song).

The game promotes emotional development child.

Friends meeting

You will need: two dolls or plush toys (bear cub and hare or others).

Give one toy to your child and keep the other. Beat the meeting of a teddy bear and a hare. Say hello, introduce yourself. Come up with a name for your character with your child. On behalf of your toy, tell your child about what is close and familiar to him. For example: “Hello, I'm a bear, my name is Misha, I have a dad, mom, grandma and grandpa. My mother's name is (baby's mother's name). I can run, jump, crawl. Can you jump?" Ask your child questions, encourage him to dialogue. If he does not yet know how to talk, formulate the question in such a way that you can give an affirmative or negative answer.

You can play this game every day, coming up with different topics for dialogues, for example: “Who likes to eat what”, “What is the weather like today”, “What did we do last night”.

The game contributes to the development of speech, imagination.

Dress up the doll

You will need: doll, clothes for her: skirt, T-shirt, socks, panama.

Complain to the baby that his doll is freezing without clothes, offer to dress her. Tell us about the purpose of each item of clothing, pay attention to the fact that the clothes are light, which means summer is on the street. Describe the color of each detail of the doll toilet, the texture of the fabric (smooth, rough, dense, etc.). Ask your child questions: “Do you have socks? Are you wearing a yellow jersey?

The game forms the skills of independence, the ability to classify objects.

Find sugar

You will need: sugar, a small amount of water.

Pour sugar into a cup, add a small amount of warm water. While stirring the sugar with a spoon, show the child how it dissolves. Explain that when sugar dissolves, it makes water sweet. Treat your baby to "sugar" water. The same can be done with jam. At the same time, pay your child's attention to how the water is colored.

In the game, the baby learns the properties of matter.

Who came to us?

You will need: cardboard box, 3 toys.

Show your child how you cover two toys with a box. Third, without showing, squeeze in a fist. Knock on the box: “knock-knock, I'm visiting you”, put the toy with the others. Pick up the box and ask your child to tell you who came to visit the two toys.

The game contributes to the development of logical thinking, memory.


You will need: bell, string.

Hang the bell at the height of the child, tie a string to the bell tongue so that the child can ring by pulling it. Match the ringing of the bell to some action, for example: "Ding-ding, the bell is ringing, it's time for dinner!".

In the game, the child gets acquainted with the category of "cause - effect".

Make a ball

You will need: circles, squares, animal figures cut out of cardboard.

Take several circles of different colors, cut them in half. Ask the kid to collect "balls" of the same color. Name the color of each half, learn to compare and analyze: “Let's try to add this half. No, it does not suit us - our ball should be red, and this is half a yellow ball. When the baby has mastered the selection of simple shapes, invite him to collect animal figures, any items you choose.

The game contributes to the development of attention, helps to study the color, shape of the object.

fun carousel

You will need: round metal dish or tray.

Plant a doll or soft toy into a dish. Show your baby how it spins. Spin the dish, telling that the doll is riding a carousel. When the dish stops, pay attention to the crumbs on which side the toy turned towards you. Repeat game. You can stick large pictures on the edges of the dishes and look at the one that has stopped in front of you.

I am a driver

You will need: steering wheel toy (round tray, plastic plate etc.).

Play driver. Show your child how to "steer" the car by holding the steering wheel. Ask him to “go” to the kitchen, turn back, stop, go faster, slower, honk (voice), make the sound of a siren.

The game develops the ability to navigate in space, motor skills, auditory perception.

Games: Lacing

(according to the method of M. Montessori)


You will need:

Punch a few holes in the cardboard with a hole punch. Show your child how to thread the string through them. Let the baby practice on one or two holes. In the future, tasks can be complicated by creating an outline of a simple pattern using a hole punch.

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements.


You will need: a circle of colored cardboard with a diameter of 10 cm, a cardboard sheet, a hole punch, multi-colored laces.

Punch two holes on the circle and on a piece of cardboard with a hole punch. Invite your child to “sew a button” (circle) onto the sheet using shoelaces. Show how it's done. Draw the child's attention to the color of the circle and the laces: "Let's sew a yellow button with a red lace." Ask your child to do it on their own.

Rain started

You will need: cardboard, hole punch, multi-colored laces.

Draw clouds on a sheet of cardboard. Under them, make several holes so that the laces threaded through them form straight lines (rain from a cloud). Show your child how to thread the laces through the holes.


You will need: cardboard, hole punch, colored laces.

Make holes in the cardboard so that when you thread the lace through them, a wavy line forms. Ask your child to make a snake out of shoelaces. Name the color of each shoelace.

Games for the development of cognitive activity in children 1-2 years old

Where is my nose

Cover your nose with your palm. Ask the kid: "Where is my nose?". Ask him to hide his nose. Also hide your mouth, eyes, ears, etc. Putting on mittens or socks, say: “Where are our fingers? Where did they hide? Oh, they hid in a mitten!

Masha put on a mitten.

— Oh, where am I doing?

I don't have a finger, I'm gone

Didn't make it to my house!

Masha took off her mitten.

- Look, I found it!

Seek, seek and find.

Hello finger!

How is it going?

N. Sakonskaya

The game contributes to the development of speech, logical thinking, introduces the parts of the body.

Which hand

You will need: small toy.

Put the toy in your palm, hide it in your fist, so that the child can see it. Put your hands behind your back, ask: “Which hand is the toy in?”. If the child finds it difficult, do not hide your palms.

Can you find a toy?

You will need: a toy.

Hide the toy under the pillow so that the child can see how you do it. Ask to find a toy. Then hide it in another place in the same way, in front of the child. Now let the baby hide the toy.

The game promotes the development of attention.

Bear or bunny?

You will need: two toys.

Hide toys in different places so that the child can see where you put them. Ask to find a specific toy. For example, you hid the bear under the pillow, and the bunny under the table. Ask the kid to find a bunny. Praise him.

The game promotes the development of attention.

Go there, I don't know where

Hide the toy in a certain place. Ask the child: “Bring me, please, the doll that lies outside the door (under the sofa, behind the closet, etc.). In the future, you can hide the toy in another room, in the kitchen, in the bathroom.

The game develops orientation skills.

Look under the glass

You will need: two plastic cups, a small toy.

Turn the cups upside down and hide the toy under one of them so that the child can see it. Ask where the toy is. When the child stops making mistakes, switch places with him: he hides, and you guess.

The game promotes the development of attention.

Junior Pathfinder

You will need: toy, colored rope or thick thread.

Hide the toy by stretching a “trace” (thread) from it. Invite your child to follow the trail of the toy. In the future, complicate the task by circling the rope around pieces of furniture, toys, tying ropes of different colors.

The game contributes to the development of attention, logical thinking, introduces the category of "cause - effect".

By sounds

You will need: music box (tape recorder, transistor).

Hide a wound box or a tape recorder that is on. Invite the child to find the object by sound. You can record an imitation of animal voices on a tape recorder and put an appropriate image or toy next to it. For example, having recorded the sound "Moo-u-u", go in search of a cow.

tick tock

You will need: ticking clock.

Hide the clock and invite the child to find it, focusing on the ticking.

The game contributes to the development of auditory perception, attention.

find me

You will need: bell.

One of the family members hides and rings a bell, the child must find the one hiding by the sound. Another adult should help the baby with suggestive remarks: “Where does the bell ring? Maybe under the table? Not?" etc.

The game contributes to the development of auditory perception, attention.

Who hid where?

You will need: two pictures with images of animals, for example, a rooster and a cat.

Look at the pictures carefully with your child. Pay attention to details, discuss how animals differ. Then ask the baby to turn away and hide the pictures, leaving only the tails in sight. Offer to guess where the cat hid, and where the rooster.

The game promotes the development of attention.

Find the treasure

You will need: any cereal or pasta, a small bright toy.

In a bucket or pan, fill the toy with cereal, ask the baby to dig out the treasure (toy). So you can hide 2 or 3 toys.

The game contributes to the development of fine motor skills, activation of search skills.

Mathematical foundations for young children

Once a step...

As you go up or down stairs, count the steps. Do not ask the child to repeat after you, he will do it himself when he understands the essence of the game (understanding at this age includes the designation with the words “one, two, three, four, etc.” of all repetitive actions or objects). Count how many apples or sweets you bought, how many plates you put on the table, and so on.

count the penguins

Read Alan Milne's poem "Three Penguins" to your child

Once upon a time there were three penguins -

Pick, Pack, Pok.

Live well and live together

Peak, Pak, Pok

One morning to go fishing

Peak, Pak, Pok


Pick, Pack, Pok.

Caught a lot of fish

Peak, Pak, Pok

And you could catch

Pick, Pack, Pok.

They ate everything to the crumbs

Peak, Pak, Pok,

Except the little fish

Pick, Pack, Pok.

Together they rushed into the fray

Peak, Pak, Pok,

Making a big mess

Pick, Pack, Pok.

To live together all the time

Peak, Pak, Pok,

Need to give in to each other

Pick, Pack, Pok.

When listing the names of the penguins, each time throw out or bend one finger on your hand. After reading the poem, once again show the baby three fingers, repeat: "three, three penguins." Soon the child will begin to repeat your actions.

One - there, one - here

You will need: two containers, cubes or small items.

Put the cubes in front of the baby and place two buckets or two boxes. Offer to arrange the cubes in boxes. Take a cube in your hand and say, placing it in a box: “One in this box, here is another one, take another cube, one in another box.” When the child has mastered the “one” category, take two objects each: “I will put two cubes in this box, and you, please put two cubes in another box.”

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills, teaches counting.


You will need: plastic ball, big ball, car toy.

Invite the child to roll the ball. Sit opposite each other. Pushing the ball away from you, say: "Roll!". After a while, replace the ball with a ball. The principle of the game is the same. Change the ball to the machine. At the end of the session, summarize: the ball rolls, the ball rolls, and the car rolls.

The game teaches to generalize objects by action.

Dad, mom, baby...

You will need: three dolls - large, medium and small, three buckets - large, medium and small, small toys (buttons, details from the designer).

Show your child the dolls. Tell them that the big doll is dad, the middle one is mom, the small one is their baby. Give them names. Send the doll family out for a walk, but before that, give them pails. Explain to the baby that the big “dad” needs a large bucket, mom needs a medium one, and baby needs a small one. Let the child himself distribute the buckets among the dolls, help him if he makes a mistake. During the walk, the dolls need to collect mushrooms (berries, garbage, etc.), for this, scatter small objects on the floor, carefully make sure that the baby does not drag them into his mouth. Explain that dad needs to pick a lot of mushrooms, mom needs less, and son even less. Together with the baby, fill the buckets in accordance with the task. Then pour out the contents of each bucket and repeat again: “This pile is big, there are a lot of mushrooms, this one is smaller, and this one is very small.”

While playing, the child comprehends the concepts of "big-small", "many-little".

Where are the chickens?

You will need: 2 paper cut chicken, 5 chick card, 2 chick card.

Tell your child a story about how two hens went out to play with their chickens. One hen had many chicks (show the picture of five chicks), and the other had few (second picture). Remember how the chicken cackles, how the chickens squeak, which chickens are small and yellow. Continue the story: the chickens have scattered and the hens cannot find them, help the hens. At the same time, put both pictures with chickens in a prominent place. Pointing at one of the hens, say: “this hen has few chickens, let's look for where they are.” Have the child show the appropriate card. Also look for a card large quantity chickens.

The game develops fine motor skills, introduces the child to the concept of "a lot - a little."


You will need: two identical boxes, cubes of the same color.

Put 10 cubes in one box, and 3 in the other. Invite the kid to build a tower or a house, ask: “Please bring me a box that contains a lot of cubes.” If the child is at a loss, help him. After the request is completed, once again point out to him that there are a lot of cubes in this box. Repeat the words "a lot", "little" more often, using them in various situations.

The game contributes to the development of logical thinking, introduces the child to elementary mathematical concepts.

Walking games with children 1-2 years old


First snow

Describe to the child the properties of snow: it is white, cold, glitters in the sun, melts if you take it in your hand or bring it into the room. Demonstrate. Put the snow in your baby's hand. Show how you can make snowballs out of snow and throw them. Make some snowballs for your child. Leave them with him.

Sing a Winnie the Pooh song.

Here I go, tirlim-bom-bom,

And it's snowing, tirlim-bom-bom,

Although we are not on the road at all,

But why, tirlim-bom-bom,

And from what, tirlim-bom-bom,

And why are my feet so cold?

The game contributes to the development of speech, strengthens trusting relationships.


Blind with your baby small snowman. Cheerfully comment on all your actions: “I made a small snowball, now let's roll it in the snow. The snow will stick to our balloon, and soon it will be big.” Let the baby attach hands to the snowman, stick a carrot nose, make eyes, a mouth. Come up with a name for the snowman. You can sculpt from snow not only snowmen: houses, fortresses, figurines of animals and people, other objects - all this will cause great joy in your baby.

Oh, I'll ride!

You will need: children's sled with a back.

Having put the baby in the sled, warn him: "Now I will take you slowly." "Now we'll go faster." Bring the sled faster. "Now you're going really fast!" - move with maximum acceleration. While you can sing funny song or read a suitable rhyme. So the baby will master the concept of "fast-slow".

We measure the depth

You will need: short and long sticks.

Show your child a long stick and a short stick. Describe each one: “Look, what a big stick, it is very long, but this one is smaller, it is short.” Have your child measure the depth of the snow. Stick a short stick into the snowdrift, show what size part remains on the surface, do the same with a long stick. Compare the parts protruding above the snow: “The short stick is barely visible, it is almost all gone into the snow, and in order to hide the long stick, you need even more snow.” Allow your child to measure the depth of the snowdrifts himself. You can make a forest or a garden out of sticks, saying: “This tree is small - it has not grown yet, but this one is so big!”. The game introduces the child to the concepts of "short-long", "deep-shallow".

snow picture

You will need: long stick.

Find a flat snow surface and show your child how to draw on the snow with a stick. Draw lines, draw geometric figures, not forgetting to call them: "Look, I drew a circle, if we finish drawing the sticks, we get the sun." Let the child try to draw something.

The game develops Creative skills baby.

snow rainbow

You will need: diluted gouache of one or two colors, large brush.

Try painting on the snow with paints. Be sure to tell the child what color you used, what you want to draw. Please note that it is more convenient to paint the snow with a large brush, let the child paint the snow.

snow cakes

You will need: children's bucket, curly molds.

Teach your child to make Easter cakes from snow: tightly stuff snow into a bucket and into molds, gently turning them over, and release the resulting figures. Ask the baby to help you, let him fill the snow, knock with a shovel on an inverted bucket. If you took paints with you, the resulting figures can be painted or poured with water, and the next day you can admire the ice sculptures.

Whose footprints are these?

Show your child how to make footprints on a flat snow surface. Leave your footprint in the snow and ask your little one to do the same. Compare the prints: “Look how big my footprint is, and you are still small and your foot is small, so your footprint is smaller than mine.” You can also do handprints. Look for footprints of animals and birds, compare them with your own.


Leaves hid

Examine the swollen buds on the trees with your child, tell him that the buds are leaf houses. When the sun warms, it becomes warm, the leaves will come out of their houses and the trees will turn green. Play bud and leaf: fold your fingers like a bud, stretch out your hand, say: "It's getting warm, it's probably time to leave the house." At the expense of "One, two, three!" open your palm. Ask the child to show how the leaves come out of the houses.

The game develops fine motor skills, the child gets acquainted with natural phenomena.

The boat is sailing

Make a boat from any material at hand: paper, foam, wood, etc. If you have prepared a boat in advance, use any floating object found on the street. Show your child how the boat will go with the flow. See where the stream takes him. Throw a rock into the stream. Pay attention to the child that, unlike the boat, he drowned, and did not swim.

Building a dam

Block the path with stones, draw the child's attention to how water accumulates at an impromptu dam, how the stream overcomes the barrier, breaking up into small streams.


Collect and unfold

Take a bucket for a walk, agree to collect pebbles in it. Having collected a full bucket of stones, pour them out and sort them by size, laying them out in different buckets.

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills.

Where are we running?

Invite the baby to run, but not just like that, but in a certain direction. For example, say, "Let's run to that big tree." First, run with your child, showing him the direction. Then invite the baby to run on his own. Each time naming new landmarks: to the swing, to the bench, etc.

The game contributes to the development of coordination of movements, teaches to navigate in space.


You will need: small bouncy ball.

Stand close to the child and ask him to catch the ball and throw it to you. In subsequent sessions, increase the distance between you, change the strength of the throw, throw higher, lower, right, left.

The game promotes the development of coordination of movements.

Let's touch

Walking, invite the baby to touch this or that object. For example, the trunk of an old tree. Run your baby's hand over it. Comment on his feelings: “What a hard, rough trunk. How many cracks and bumps are on it, do you feel it? Then touch the brick: “Touch how cold it is. It’s not at all like a tree, but it’s still rough.” Touch all the safe objects that you come across, discuss the sensations.

The game promotes the development of tactile sensations, fine motor skills.


leaf fall

Collect a bunch of fallen leaves. Consider each leaf. Describe to the child its color, shape, look for the tree on which the leaf grew. Compare the leaves. Draw your child's attention to the differences in color. Use the adjectives "crimson", "golden", "brown", etc. Bring the leaves home and put them in a vase.

Once a chestnut...

Start picking chestnuts. Collecting them in a bucket, count: "One chestnut, two chestnuts ...". Pay attention to the baby on their rounded shape, smoothness. Compare several chestnuts with each other. Chestnuts can serve as a material for various crafts. They can be used in combination with plasticine, matches, dry leaves.

In the game, the child learns to count, gets acquainted with natural material.

DIY educational games for children 1-2 years old


You will need: empty cardboard boxes, colored paper, glue.

Cover cardboard boxes with colored paper. Show your child how big the cubes are. From them you can build a large tower, car, road, steam locomotive, etc. As you play, name the color of each box.

The game contributes to the development of imagination, logical thinking, helps to study the shape and color of objects.


You will need: empty matchboxes.

Puncture the edges of the boxes with an awl or a thick needle, fasten them with threads. Got a steam locomotive. Boxes can be filled with small items, cereals, etc.

Come up with a variety of routes, send the train to your grandmother, to the park, to the store, etc. Use different weights for different routes.

The game promotes the development of imagination, fine motor skills.

Development of auditory perception

As often as possible, sing simple songs to your child, beating the rhythm with your hands or stamping your foot. Beat the plots of the songs, involving the child in the game, sing, changing the timbre and strength of the voice, sing familiar melodies without words.

My bells

You will need: 3 bells of different sizes.

Show your child how the bells sound. Pay attention to sound differences. Call the biggest bell "daddy", the middle one - "mom", and the smallest one - their "baby". Ask the child to imitate how his father speaks, then his mother, and finally how he speaks. Now ring the bells in the same order.

The game contributes to the development of auditory perception.

Let's jump, let's go...

Read nursery rhymes to your baby, encouraging him to repeat the described actions:

It's cold for a bunny to sit

Feet need to be warmed up.

Clap-clap, clap-clap, (clap hands)

Feet need to be warmed up.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

Jump-jump, jump-jump, (jump)

Bunny needs to jump.

Like bunnies we jump, jump, jump,

And kicking legs, kicking, kicking, kicking,

And like a bear we stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp.

And clap your hands, clap, clap,

The game contributes to the development of auditory perception, listening skills.

So they blew out the first candle with the baby on his birthday. A personality is formed. The second year of life is a serious stage. Already from this age it is necessary to pay due attention to development. The child no longer only eats and sleeps, he actively learns the world around him. How to develop a child at 1 year old in such a way that he is interested, that he listens to you with pleasure, repeats game actions? What at this age the kid will really perceive with enthusiasm? Let's take a closer look.

Features of the development of a child from 1 year

During the first year of his life, the baby has already mastered many lessons, but he still has much more to learn. There are a lot of discoveries, emotions, skills ahead. Parents should be the first helpers along the way. At this age, on the way to everything unknown and new, the child may have certain fears and doubts. The question of how to develop a child at 1 year old is faced by many mothers, fathers, and grandmothers.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this. Be always there, help the baby, devote more time to developing games and activities. Children at this age have natural wisdom, they have an irrepressible craving for knowledge. In many ways, they simply begin to imitate adults, so set examples that will encourage the baby to learn something new.

Many children by the age of one already begin to walk, after two months they move quite quickly and even run. The growth of the organism during this period slows down a little, all resources are spent on the development of all systems. In this period, it is necessary to focus on sports developmental activities for children 1-2 years old to form dexterity, proper coordination of movements. Exercises on the Swedish wall, ball games, simple gymnastics, exercises, swimming in the pool or bath are suitable. Do not limit physical activity at this age. The kid should run around freely, show a craving for research, get to know the world around him, and communicate with people.

Start with your baby as early as possible

How early should you start developing comprehensive knowledge in a child? The debate on this issue is endless. Someone claims that the baby should gradually learn everything himself, all the necessary knowledge will come to him gradually. Opponents of this point of view object that development should be started from the first year of life, as soon as the baby has an interest in the world around him. Supporting this theory, teachers create books, manuals that develop pictures for children from 1 year old.

The only unequivocal opinion is that children under the age of five are like a blank sheet of paper. Their active brain is ready to memorize huge amounts of information. So why not take advantage of this fact? In addition to self-care skills, help your child to better understand the world around them, teach them to distinguish colors, shapes, and plants. Feed his brain with useful information.

Development centers for children from 1 year old

Many parents who are interested in early education are familiar with the Montessori system. She reveals the secrets to parents on how to develop a child at 1 year old. This system was created at the beginning of the 20th century by the Italian teacher Maria Montessori. Its supporters appeared in many other countries.

What is this system? At the beginning, Maria Montessori paid more attention to those children who lagged behind in development, but over time, her methods began to be applied in the upbringing of completely healthy children. Psychologists and teachers use this technique to teach a child to make independent decisions, to be independent in actions and judgments, but at the same time to comply with generally accepted norms and rules.

It should be noted that in such groups, children do not have ordinary toys (dolls, cars, guns). But you can see educational toys for children from 1 year old - these are puzzles, cubes, sorters, musical instruments. The Montessori system makes it possible for the child to develop self-service skills, he learns to eat, drink, play, dress.

At home, parents must adhere to these principles, and then there is a guarantee that the baby will become a self-sufficient person. From childhood, he will be instilled with the skills of proper communication in society. Such a child can easily cope with any situations and get out of them with dignity.

In Moscow, there are development centers for children from 1 year old that work according to this method, these are Montessori Garden, Steps, Club early development" and some others.

Games for children 1 year old

It is in the second year of life that the baby begins to settle into social society. Learns to play with mom, sister or brother. Growing up, he finds friends on the playground, the social circle expands. He enjoys looking at new people, listening to them, watching the games of others, trying to participate.

Games for children 1 year old should be quite diverse. Develop motor skills. Under the supervision of adults, set several tasks: sorting something small, you can take large beads, nuts, chestnuts, pompoms. Items can be of different colors, textures. Let the child arrange them in the desired cells or trays.

Oversleeping, transfusion develops spatial thinking in the baby. In the bathroom, give the child the opportunity to play, let him pour water from one container to another. You can also play with kinetic sand or with any grits. This will develop perseverance, concentration. Everyone remembers the "silent kid" who got to the bag of flour.

Buy educational pictures for children from 1 year old. They will allow you to learn to recognize various objects. Draw more often with the baby, give him the opportunity to create on his own. Let him not succeed in a masterpiece, but the process itself will give him great pleasure. Let him draw with anything - pencils, paints, chalk. Do not forget about outdoor games, do physical exercises, show how to walk in place, squat, throw balls.

What to play?

Often, parents cannot understand what kind of toys at this age to buy for a baby, and offer him everything in a row. You don't have to do that. At this age, the child is not able to make an independent choice and does not pay long attention to one thing. It is best to purchase educational toys for children from 1 year old, which will help the baby not only play, but at the same time think, think, make decisions.

These can be cubes, various pyramids, large puzzles, a constructor, sorters with animals, vegetables, fruits, a large magnetic, plastic or wooden mosaic. For general development, different baby dolls, dolls, cars are suitable. Sometimes throw an idea new toy can educational cartoon for children from 1 year old. Toddlers love to play with characters from their favorite stories. At the same time, they develop their imagination and come up with the plots of the game themselves.

Get creative

As soon as the baby learned to sit, took a vertical position, he realized that in front of him was a huge, interesting world. It became even more interesting to him when he took the first steps. A mother must constantly look for sources of knowledge for her child. Creativity can be a great help.

FROM early age Children can do more than just draw. Engage in modeling, make applications, assemble a constructor, learn together to make images from a mosaic, allow him to participate in the process, encourage his impulses of creativity.

Similar classes are practiced in Moscow by developing circles for children from 1 year old. "Mosaic", "Rainbow", "Anthill" are very popular with mothers. A lot of safe material has been created for the unthinking, and this allows them to develop their creative abilities: kinetic sand, finger paints, safe plasticine. Many practice modeling from dough, which is tinted with food paints.

We develop fine motor skills

The nerve endings that are responsible for the coordination of the fingers are located in the brain, in close proximity to the center responsible for speech. Therefore, any finger games will help the baby start talking faster.

How to develop the motor skills of a 1 year old child? Give the baby a light massage of the palms, fingers, while diluting the mechanical strokes with various nursery rhymes, songs. See how he likes it.

You can give assignments. Play with beads. Try to teach your baby to throw them into the neck of a plastic bottle, and then take them out. In no case do not leave him alone with small objects, he may accidentally swallow them.

Make the tasks harder gradually. A curious activity for children will be pushing pasta and other thin objects into the holes of the colander.

Buy a developing table for children from 1 year old, it provides games for fine motor skills.

At this age, children love to play with dough. Let your baby "help" you in the kitchen. Let him play with the dough and sculpt anything out of it, imitating you, roll balls, pancakes. All these entertainments are not only interesting, but also very useful.

Choosing a development table

A developing table for children from 1 year old is usually equipped with a set that will allow the baby to fully develop. The kit includes the following items:

  • levers and multi-colored buttons, when pressed, music sounds;
  • details reproducing the voices of animals, the sounds of musical instruments;
  • light elements;
  • moving figurines.

All this diversity allows the child to develop hearing, taste buds, touch (listening, biting, touching beautiful buttons). At first glance, it may seem that the baby does not understand anything. However, at this age, the “accumulative effect” works perfectly, and soon the child will repeat without errors all the actions that the elders showed him.

Since it is easier to develop a child at 1 year old with improvised means, we advise parents to buy such a table. It will allow you to develop fine and gross motor skills, master the size of various objects, distinguish between the voices of animals, develop speech, hearing, have fun and play at the same time.

Cartoons. Communication with peers

In the second year of life, the child is just beginning his acquaintance with the outside world, so watching TV should not take him much time. You can watch cartoons at this age for a very short time, and, of course, the plots must be appropriate. Limit screen time, don't let watching become the only pleasure and entertainment. Choose an educational cartoon for children from 1 year old wisely and right approach. Modern rental offers great amount children's cartoons, both Russian and foreign. Give preference to our "cartoons", their kind and informative stories will interest the baby. The generation of "Pokemon" and "monsters" has already led our society to the fact that children simply moved to live in gaming networks. It's time to stop this. From an early age, begin to limit your baby's views and strictly control his tastes in the future. For children of 1 year old, such educational cartoons as “Leva the Truck”, “Tini Love”, “Aha-Aha Turtle”, “Aunt Owl” are perfect. Useful at this age are displays that will help you remember colors, numbers, letters, names of objects and animals.

Do not forget that harmonious development child can only occur in communication with peers. Do not close the baby in the apartment, do not limit his communication with mom, dad, grandparents. The child should get used to society, the process of learning about the world around him goes much faster this way. Playing with peers, the baby learns something useful and new. Visit playgrounds, development centers, game rooms with him.


Conducting developmental classes for children 1-2 years old, no doubt you need to read books to them, show pictures. At this age, children absorb all the information provided like a sponge. Although their speech is not yet developed, everything new is accumulating in the brain. Soon the acquired knowledge will pour out. You need to tell the kids, show, explain absolutely everything. Toddlers are very interested in looking at books that they have already encountered in their lives. Therefore, they begin to love them at an early age.

Basically, books for one-year-olds are somewhat similar. They do not abound with text, the main thing in them is colorful, beautiful pictures. There is an acquaintance with the outside world: family, toys, animals, seasons, colors, plants. How to choose a specific book? Heed to own opinion. According to the content, based on your artistic taste, you can choose anything. As for the technical points, then:

  • Illustrations must be of high quality. The text is as small as possible.
  • Preference short rhymes, fairy tales. The child will not be able to listen for a long time if the text is very large, he will quickly lose interest.
  • The book must be completely secure. Do not buy dubious publications that have a pungent smell, washed out colors. This can harm the baby's health.

It is difficult to single out the “best” educational books for a child of 1 year old. The modern market is overfilled with this product. You can give preference to our old, well-established fairy tales, which were loved in every family. But not the fact that the same thing should please your baby. Modern children differ in many ways from older generations in their development, so watch your child and note for yourself what he prefers.