Speed ​​reading and intelligence development. Speed ​​reading and intelligence development Quick reading teachers' opinion

One of the most important human needs is the need for new knowledge and self-improvement. Therefore, people learn foreign languages, go in for sports, master musical instruments. At the heart of the development of each skill is the acquisition of information. How fast a person reads determines the speed at which he learns something new.

Speed ​​reading is an incredibly useful skill that does not require special talents to master. If you have the desire, perseverance and a little time, you can easily master speed reading at home.

Why Read Fast

Who will benefit from the development of speed reading? The answer to this question is extremely simple. Anyone who seeks to learn new things, this skill will be useful. By learning how to learn speed reading, and spending a few months to master this technique in practice, you can later save great amount time.

In turn, slow reading is not always justified. Most people do not read books to the end precisely because of the time consuming. Also, when reading slowly, there are high chances of losing interest in the plot and, again, abandoning the book without finishing it.

For some specialists, reading thematic literature is part of their job responsibilities, giving them the opportunity to grow, develop and become an expert in their field. For these people, mastering the technique of speed reading is a professional necessity.

What is shorthand

Let's define what speed reading is and at what speed you need to read.

The standard speed of perception is 150-250 words per minute. At the same time, 1-3 minutes are spent on a page of printed text. Speed ​​reading means mastering the skill of reading from 500 to 3000 words at the same time. True, in this case, the term "read" is not entirely appropriate. Speed ​​reading in essence is the analysis of the text and the choice of the main thing. That is, some of the information is simply ignored. The goal is to learn to focus on those sentences and phrases that carry the maximum meaning, and skip the "water" that does not affect the understanding of the essence.

The secret of great people

Surprisingly, the speed reading technique appeared in the Middle Ages and was familiar to many famous people.

For example, Joseph Stalin was the owner of a huge library. Reading was a daily activity for him. He read five hundred pages of text at a time, while he liked to highlight the main ideas with pencils.

The American president was proud of his speed reading skills. It was not a problem for him to read an entire book at once.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin read very quickly. In addition, we know about his Biography, he could reproduce almost verbatim by heart with all significant dates.

The speed reading technique was also owned by Karl Marx, Napoleon Bonaparte, John F. Kennedy, Adolf Hitler. Maybe that's what made them successful in their field.

When is the speed reading method useful?

If we talk about speed reading, then you need to consider one more thing. This method is used mainly for reading scientific and technical literature, reports, Internet articles, news reports in newspapers, that is, the material that brings new knowledge.

Poems and fiction designed for very different purposes. In fiction, we are not looking for answers to the questions posed, but simply enjoy the process of reading. The whole value of literary texts lies in their impact on the emotions, feelings of a person and the use of his imagination. It is possible to read such literature quickly, but it is absolutely meaningless.

Is it possible to learn speed reading at home

Nowadays, there are many specialized courses that "for little money" promise to teach everyone to read at a speed of up to 3000 words per minute. Training sessions last from a month to three. But is it worth spending time and money on attending such courses if you can develop speed reading at home without any investment? Such self-study even has its advantages:

  • The free choice of time for classes makes it possible to conduct training at those hours when it will be most convenient and fruitful.
  • Speed ​​reading teaching methods and exercise descriptions are public information that can be found in special manuals sold in any bookstore.
  • No distractions.
  • Possibility, choosing the duration of classes, to control the time of training.

Someone may be interested in the opinion of people who took courses to master speed reading. Feedback on their effectiveness is not always positive. Often, in order to achieve noticeable results, additional independent practice is required at the end. But the very skill of speed reading speaks only with praise. None of those who have mastered this ability regretted the time and effort spent.

Learning to read quickly. What is needed for that?

To master speed reading at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of this skill.

The first rule is not to "jump" while reading. You need to look through the text from beginning to end, without stopping and not rereading incomprehensible fragments. You will see, when you read to the end of a paragraph or page, everything that was unclear will become clear without rereading.

The second rule is to highlight a few key words in each of the sentences. It is not necessary to read the entire sentence or paragraph from beginning to end, it is important to catch and remember only the key words.

The third rule is not to be distracted. Speed ​​reading will not give any results if you do not concentrate on what you are reading. The reader must be completely immersed in the process, because it is important not only to read, but also to fix in memory useful information.

Why do we read slowly?

Anyone who is wondering how to develop speed reading will be useful to know what prevents us from reading quickly.

1. Reading indiscriminately. When we read, we pay attention to everything. To get acquainted with the main idea, we spend as much time as reading lyrical digressions that do not carry any semantic load and do not contain useful information. As already mentioned, to save time, the speed reading technique involves determining the main idea and ignoring the “water” in the text.

2. Repetition of what has been read. Each of us has bad habit from childhood - to return with a glance to a sentence that has just been read. When a child is developing vocabulary, such repetitions are useful. But as adults, we do it just out of habit.

3. Reading to yourself. When reading aloud, we can do it faster or slower, depending on the pace of reading and diction. When we read to ourselves, our brain, as it were, conducts a monologue, "pronouncing" the information that we are getting acquainted with. The speed of perception of the text cannot be higher than the speed of this internal monologue. Therefore, if you decide to master the speed reading method, the first thing you need to do is "muffle the internal speaker" and learn to perceive information without saying it to yourself.

4. Field of view. A narrow field of view can significantly slow down the reading process. If a person has a well-developed peripheral vision, he uses it when perceiving the text, which is displayed at the speed of reading. For those who wish to master speed reading on their own, exercises to expand the field of vision are a must.

5. Inattention can be a problem at any speed. The inability to concentrate on the process of reading is the main reason that information is not remembered, no matter how fast you read. The speed reading technique implies the parallel development of the ability to abstract from external stimuli and focus on the text.

Exercises to Increase Reading Speed

How to start learning shorthand? Exercise is the key to success. Regular performance of simple practical tasks contributes to the development of qualities necessary for the rapid assimilation of information.

Eliminate inner speech

It was previously mentioned that internal articulation is one of the main causes of low articulation. There are methods to combat it:

  • Count to yourself from ten to one. Try to understand any text without losing count.
  • Do the same, but instead of counting, hum a song that you know by heart.
  • Tap out any rhythm while reading.

The principle of such an exercise is to “occupy your inner speaker” and learn to perceive the text without his participation.

Developing peripheral vision

If peripheral vision is developed at the proper level, a person may not waste time moving his eyes one line from left to right, but cover it with his eyes right away. This way of reading is called vertical. Moreover, by developing peripheral vision, you can read entire paragraphs or blocks of text at a glance.

At this stage, they will come to the rescue. A square is depicted on the sheet, the length of the sides of which is 20 cm. It is divided into five horizontal lines and five vertical lines. Thus, we get 25 cells, each of which contains numbers from 1 to 25 in random order. The finished square is placed at eye level (distance 25-30 cm).

The exercise itself consists in concentrating only on the middle square, using peripheral vision, to find the location of all the numbers from 1 to 25, and then in reverse order.

Another exercise that helps achieve the same goal is called the "Triangle". You need to select the text and type it in such a way that each line is wider than the previous one. For example, the first line has one word, the second has two, the third has three, and so on. As a result, we get a triangle consisting of text. When reading it, move your eyes only from top to bottom. Use peripheral vision to see the beginning and end of long lines.

Similar exercises can be performed in everyday life, without devoting special time for classes. For example, while sitting at work, concentrate your eyes on some object and try to see what is happening around you. This will simultaneously be a charge to relieve tension from the eyes, and effective method effortlessly develop peripheral vision.

Learning to guess

Speed ​​reading means selective perception of the text. In order for you to get holistic useful information in the end, you need to learn logic and conjecture.

An assistant is needed to complete the exercises in this block. Immediately you need to select unfamiliar text and print it. The assistant darkens some parts of the text with a black marker, and you, while reading it, are trying to catch the meaning. First, you can choose simple texts to read. But over time, in order to train the skill, it is better to opt for unfamiliar topics and completely new terminology. The amount of hidden text should also gradually increase.

You can take a book and close a part of the text with a vertical strip 5 cm wide, and then read the rest. Make the strip wider over time.

It is worth devoting one hour to this practice 3-4 times a week, and in a month speed reading will begin to develop. Exercises for everyone, although at the very beginning they may seem difficult.

At what age can you teach speed reading to children

The vocabulary of a child is much smaller than that of an adult. When reading, he thinks, comprehends the material read and spends much more time for this. Even by ear, fast speech is perceived much worse by children. Therefore, it is possible to teach children speed reading only after they learn to fully comprehend the text they read on their own. This occurs at the age of approximately 14-15 years.

As you can see, developing speed reading at home is not such a difficult task. Not only superheroes, but also ordinary people can read at a speed of more than 500 words per minute. Try it and you will learn this and by your own example you will see the value of such a skill.


Self-respecting speed reading courses consider it their duty to add the phrase “and memory development” to the word “speed reading”. But do they really “develop memory” there?

Those who went to speed reading courses know that they first propose to determine the initial reading speed by dividing the number of characters of the material read by the time spent, and multiplying the received by the "comprehension coefficient".

The latter is determined by analyzing the answers to 10 questions on the content of the reading. Half of them remain unchanged throughout the course of study. As a rule, this is:

1) name;

3) output data;

4) the main problem;

5) novelty and practical use.

It is easy to see that all this is an abstract - those 1-2 paragraphs of small print on the back of the title page.

And here begins the fooling of clients who believe that speed reading courses can develop memory.

Knowing these 5 out of 10 questions in advance, starting from the second book, turning only its first page, you already get an understanding coefficient of 0.5. That is, according to speed reading courses, you have allegedly successfully mastered half of the main content. Most likely, relying only on your natural memory, after a few days you will no longer be able to remember the imprint or the author's name, if it is tricky. But, this is not scary, because in speed reading courses they don’t return to the already “learned”.

The remaining 5 questions are not God knows what: genre, plot, presentation features, main characters, attitude to the work, if it is artistic.

If the text is popular science, then you will not be asked about dates, long numbers, complex terms and names, i.e., about everything that can be remembered only with the help of mnemonics. If they ask, then in general, descriptively, like "What part of the world was discovered by Columbus in 1492?". The usual juggling of results, and a gullible client believes that he remembered the main points. That's all the "development of memory" in speed reading courses ...

After some time, a person implicitly understands that he does not feel any particular benefit from taking courses. Well, what's the point of being able to quickly flip through the pages, catching, at best, only the general meaning, when you still can't remember the exact information and sequence of information? It is better, albeit slowly, but completely to memorize one book on a certain topic, “embedding” it in your brain and having the opportunity to use knowledge, than to quickly flip through a hundred works on the same topic, but not remembering anything from them.

Yes, and in the very phrase "speed reading and the development of memory" lies a contradiction. Memory speed due to physiological features brain, much lower than the one with which they look through texts in speed reading courses. Even after studying at the Memory Development Center, memorizing in any case will not be faster than the pace of slow reading.

Wikipedia, by the way, in the article "Speed ​​Reading" refers to a number of scientific studies proving that "despite numerous advertising claims about the possibility of increasing the speed of reading without worsening the understanding of the material, this, alas, is impossible: the higher the speed of reading the material, the worse its understanding, regardless of the methods used. And the maximum speed you can count on is only up to 600 words per minute. A higher speed inevitably entails a significant decrease in the understanding of the material and is more likely to be called "browsing" than "reading".

Therefore, looking at how people (most often children) read in videos at a speed of supposedly 100,000 characters per minute and higher (for the entourage, stopwatches are slipped into the frame), I recall an anecdote when, when applying for a job, a secretary is asked quickly she types, and she answers: “1000 characters per minute, but, really, such nonsense turns out ...”. Or, as Woody Allen joked: “I took a speed reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes. There is something about Russia.

I'm not against speed reading courses. The skills that can be developed there are useful in themselves - this is overcoming regressions, and suppressing subvocalization (internal articulation), and expanding the field of vision, and highlighting semantic strongholds, which can then be memorized with absolute accuracy by mnemonics.

I am against courses "speed reading and memory development." Because they mislead people, in the end, without offering them anything that could really help them remember.

About how I attended the introductory classes of the "speed reading and memory development" courses for research purposes, I will tell you some other time. But, I’ll advise you now: if you are suddenly taken to such courses, do not hesitate to ask about what information they promise to teach you to memorize, what specific, measurable results you can achieve, and what guarantees they give you.

Friends, have you had experience of passing such courses?



  1. Lelik

    Indeed, I graduated from speed reading courses just six months ago.
    With the speed of reading, everything is fine, but when you read several articles on the same topic a day, you often get a mess in your head.

    • Sergey

      I recently studied at a school of speed reading and memory development. According to subjective estimates, the reading speed increased by 5 times. The percentage of memorized information remained the same as it was during "classic" reading.
      Sorry for the subjectivity of the assessment, but I don’t really trust the tests, because. there are a lot of factors that affect the result: mood, concentration of attention at the time of passing the test, the complexity of the text, familiarity with the area referred to in the test text, etc., etc.

      • Bogdan Rudenko

        Sergey, one can speak of confident mastery of a skill only when neither mood nor other factors influence it. In any case, a certain, stable result must be produced in any state. Otherwise, I see no reason to spend time and money on training, after which the results depend on the "location of the stars in the sky."

        Sergey, despite the fact that you made it clear enough about the effectiveness of training in this school of speed reading and memory development, when you wrote that the % of memorized information remained the same, it is still interesting to know how your training went?

        Did they really pay attention to the development of memory, or, as usual, only speed reading? And if they did, then what information was taught to memorize? Are there any numerical characteristics, such as ours, and so on.

      • Sveto4ka

        I have had experience with this course! From myself I can say that my reading speed and memory have improved! Somehow it all came to mind!

        • Bogdan Rudenko

          Specify what the "improvement" of memory was expressed in. If this is not in specific, measurable results, then with the so-called. standards adopted in the Center for the Development of Memory, there can be no talk of any improvement here. Again, what exactly does “everything” mean, which “began to be remembered by itself”? After completing these courses, you can “by themselves” memorize, say, all the chronological tables of a history textbook, the formulas of a chemistry textbook, the definitions of a university textbook? If yes, then I will be grateful for the coordinates of these courses, and if they really allow you to achieve that the exact information and the sequence of information are “remembered by themselves”, I will definitely include their technologies in our training program.

        • Julia

          Tell me the name of the courses you have completed plz

        • Anton

          I just became interested in the speed reading course ... I came across this page by accident and you know what I see here !!! — black PR! To be honest, looking at how you “offend” others, I don’t want to have anything to do with you.

          • Bogdan Rudenko

            Anton, if you are just interested in speed reading courses, you should be grateful for the chance that allowed you to read my article.

            A huge number of people go for the "development of memory" in speed reading courses, and remain deceived in their expectations. Many admit that if the article had caught their eye earlier, they would have saved a lot of time and money ...

            But, of course, if you want to personally verify the validity of each word of the article - your will.

            • tytmedanet

              The same thing people say about expensive NLP trainings. They give nothing but general information. As well as many other trainings of this kind. People come out as empty as they come in. All the same is on the Internet. Considering the fact that NLP is generally a rather dubious direction in psychology and a little more often than always it does not work. These trainings are more of a pastime than a learning experience.

            • Max

              Speed ​​reading is speed reading, the development of memory is the development of memory, these are different disciplines, respectively, different methods, principles, approaches to the study and development of these disciplines.
              I studied speed reading in three different courses (the methods are the same everywhere, they differ only in the ways of presenting information), as well as for a long time at home, and I will say that only after many months and the application of enormous intellectual forces did I manage to acquire this skill for " working" use. I did not experience any improvement in memory. Therefore, my memory development takes place separately from speed reading, and is comprehended many times faster than speed reading.

              • Albina (subscribed to comments).

                And how do you develop memory, if not a secret?

              • Evgeniy
              • Oksana (subscribed to comments).

                I can't help but agree with Max. Speed ​​Reading and Mnemonics are different skills, respectively - different techniques. And as you write, Bogdan, that something has become “memorized by itself”, then this does not happen (((. Even using mnemonic techniques that increase the number and speed of memorization at times, you need to take at least two steps: 1 .concentrate attention and apply the memorization method, 2. repeat what needs to be remembered, otherwise the brain will throw it away, perceiving the memorized information as the working material of short-term memory.
                You, Bogdan, are right that one course under two names (Speed ​​Reading and Memory Development) should teach, respectively, both speed reading and mnemonics.

              • tytmedanet

                Despite numerous advertising claims about the possibility of increasing the speed of reading without worsening the understanding of the material, a number of scientific studies prove that this, alas, is impossible: the higher the reading speed of the material, the worse its understanding, regardless of the methods used.

              • firuz

                I don’t really agree with you, how can you not understand, or partially not understand, what you read? Why then read at all? In general, it has been proven that the slower you read, the less you will understand the general meaning of what you read, and you will only understand reading in this moment, that is, at the moment of reading itself, and, moreover, if you do not understand the general and hidden meaning, then the information does not stay in memory for a long time ... thank you for understanding what I said!

              • Igor

                Why read fast? Most likely not to swallow the entire text as a whole, but to search for information of interest with subsequent thoughtful reading.
                I did not attend courses, I developed the speed of reading from books and the Internet, choosing what I considered necessary. With regard to memory ... thanks to the methods taken into account from different authors, I am satisfied with the result.
                Regarding the need for any courses - if there is time and money, it is necessary to attend (especially for those who are hard to climb), they at least discipline.
                P.S. For the economical: write your daily routine, including 1 hour of training (preferably at the same time). Strictly observe the regimen for a month.

              • cpo

                There is an activist Andrey Spodin
                Which leads Speed ​​Reading - a banal deception illusion
                Apart from NLP techniques, there is nothing else in common.
                Breaks large sums, but the result is not.
                Dumb bastard.
                But the choice is always for l ... mi.

                • If not difficult, then please justify your position. What is the deception?

                  Yes, speed reading appeared back in the last century in the USA, yes, it all comes down to a well-known set of skills and it’s impossible to come up with something fundamentally new here, no matter how you call speed reading “MEGA-”, “SUPER-DUPER-”, like in Spodina, or something else. And it doesn’t matter if you work with paper-based educational materials, as Oleg Andreev and Marat Ziganov have been doing for 35 years, or you have shoved Andreev and Ziganov’s methodology into an e-book or iPad, as Spodin did, the meaning does not change, speed reading - it is "and in Africa" ​​speed reading.

                  But this does not mean that the technique does not work.

                  Therefore, I ask you to specify what exactly is Spodin's "stupid kid"?

                  I confess that many of those who visited Spodin came to my training (after all, what the hell is speed reading if you can’t memorize?), And all as one responded negatively. But, personally about Spodin. But no one has spoken badly about teaching methods before you. Unless they mentioned hard NLP processing. After all, this is how hard you have to try to spoil a ready-made, long-working technique. I don't think Andrey Spodin is that gifted 🙂

                • maric (subscribed to comments).

                  I was engaged in speed reading with my 7 year old daughter, in 1.5 months our result increased from 38 words to 72 words per minute. Now I am developing material on speed reading on my own experience.

                  • Great, but constantly monitor the degree of understanding. After all, we read for understanding, and not for the sake of speed. In turn, there is no benefit from understanding without memorization. But memory is a separate issue.

                  • Igor

                    Handy Reader is a convenient reader for iPhone that automatically develops speed reading

                  • Mikhail Sergeevich

                    Question. For a child ( junior classes) Obviously, it is necessary to undergo trainings on the development of memory first, and then on speed reading?

                    • Michael, both a child and an adult must first learn to memorize. And then quickly read on health. Otherwise, what's the point of reading if you still don't remember?

                    • Peter (subscribed to comments).

                      I became interested in Vasilyeva's technique.
                      I read reviews, everywhere ooh-ah how everything is great.

                      The question arose: were comparisons made with other methods or with classes stupidly without a method?

                      What I'm getting at: I myself went to first grade, knew only letters, by the end of the year (for 9 months) I read at some speed. that is, if a person practices several times a week, for several hours, then results are expected even according to the worst method.

                      Was there a comparison with the effect of other methods or development (if for children) without methods at all? By the volume of reading, % digestible, etc.?

                      Let me give you an example: I tried to study with my child at the age of 4 - he taught letters and read. The child did not want to and otmazyvalsya. They quit. After half a year, interest appeared, the child himself looked at the primer, only approached and asked unfamiliar letters from adults. I studied without a methodology, and where I liked, I could read at the end, I could at the beginning. Now he has been reading for five years, but slowly. Of course, after half a year, the speed will grow, well, I think 2 times, if you try to read signs in the city or books.

                      So when they say that the speed has increased from 10-20 words per minute by 2-3 times, is this a natural development or a merit of the technique?

                      • Peter, there are many Vasilievs - there is a method for children by M.A. Vasilyev, there is a method for speed reading and memory development by L.L. Vasilyev, there is a Vasiliev - a husband and wife who have threshed a bunch of books on mnemonics ... Who specifically interests you?

                        • Peter (subscribed to comments).
                        • Yes, I have an almost philosophical question: is there a method by Vasilva (s), has anyone compared the results from these methods with the results from other methods (on memory development or speed reading)? Judging by the prices, according to Vasilyeva, the result should be better and significantly. But will the result be so much better and will it be better?

                          The question is really philosophical 🙂 But judging the quality by the prices is definitely not always right.

                        • Grisha

                          I went to the unium for the development of memory and speed reading, and my reading speed is good and memory

                        • Alexander (subscribed to comments).
                          • Alexander, it seems that my blog is becoming a platform for discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Inten and Andrey Spodin. Great honor for them :-).
                            The article is not about them specifically. One reader in the comments above spoke negatively about Spodin and speed reading. So it became interesting to me, did the technique really not please?
                            If we are not talking about the methodology, but about Spodin, then indeed - all my clients who had previously passed speed reading with him did not speak very well of him. Why? It's hard to say ... I saw Spodin only in rollerblading on YouTube. When he wanted to know if he himself could do what he was trying to teach.
                            I think the reason for the negative impression is this… Smart people come to my training. And smart people will be confused by attempts at primitive manipulation in the style of an assertive representative of the “Canadian wholesale company”. After all, almost every appeal of Spodin boils down to “Get trained with us, and you will become fabulously rich!”. That rhetoric, in which your appeal is sustained :-). Unfortunately, the speed of reading and the ability to earn money are not related to each other - many "speed readers" work for those who have not read three lines in their entire lives.
                            Such reasoning can still work for schoolchildren and students, but people with life experience now this is rarely done. Although, of course, there will always be "Pinocchio" who are ready to part with gold for the sake of the "money tree".
                            Alexander, I have no doubt that in order to undergo training with Spodin, I had to sell the car. I heard that their prices seem to be very affordable. But there was absolutely no point in doing so. It is not like the old Zhiguli - the Record TV is not worth it. And that's why.
                            Speed ​​reading is a skill that does not require a coach to develop. It is only required to turn on the stopwatch and the command “Stop, finished!”.
                            To form the skill of speed reading, it is necessary to read a certain number of hours according to the method, like a pilot flying hours. The whole point is in independent work.
                            Green dot, Schulte tables in various modifications, numerical pyramids, labyrinths, rhythm, in general, everything that is in every speed reading course, and even the Grinder alphabet, which has nothing to do with speed reading directly, but is used by Spodin (the method should be "Author's") - presented in the form of free simulators.
                            It is not only free and convenient, but also much more efficient. Previously, I had to work on paper books. Now I opened the text in the program, and there the dot moves around the screen, indicating the desired eye movement, and the curtain automatically lowers, and the field expands, and the rhythm is tapped - beauty! And this is what I saw 10 years ago, when there was neither iOS nor Android.
                            P.S. I re-read your "review", Alexander. To “complete the gestalt”, it would be worth ending it with a phrase in the style of Timothy Ferris: “After passing the training at Inten personally from Andrey Spodin, I learned to quickly turn pages without memorizing the content, and now I work 4 hours a week, while not sticking around in the office from start to finish, live anywhere and get rich!” ;-).

                          • lol (subscribed to comments).

                            Just today I was at the Spodins for a free trial lesson. And you were mentioned on it))) About the sold car (although they didn’t specify the brand), and business in Dubai))

                          • Alexander (subscribed to comments).

                            Indeed, some techniques for calculating reading speed somewhat overestimate the result. But where did you get the idea that this is fooling customers? What is not clear to a simple layman is considered to be either a scam or magic. It's time to get rid of such stereotyped thinking.
                            I took speed reading at Inten with Andrey Spodin two years ago. Still very pleased with the result. Now I invite him to Zaporozhye

                            • Alexander, I won’t ask who you meant by “the layman who doesn’t understand” :-). I'll get straight to the point. It's good that you went through speed reading - you can confirm the validity of my words.
                              To say “some reading speed calculation techniques slightly overestimate the result” is wrong. The correct word is "cheating". And that's why.
                              Those 10 questions discussed in the article are blocks of the “Integral Reading Algorithm”, set out in “Learn to Read Fast” by Andreev and Khromov, one of the first Russian textbooks on speed reading. In 1991, when this book came out, I was 11 years old. Andrei Spodin was older - he studied at the Kyiv Agricultural Academy. I had to buy the book with ice cream pocket money. And it was worth it - so far one of the best benefits, to which no one except Ziganov could add for 25 years.
                              The integral algorithm can be useful in skimming reading to get a general impression of a book, for example, before buying it. But this is not a complete, but a superficial understanding. Illusion of understanding. We are not talking about quality memorization. And what is there to remember - only 10 points?
                              Nevertheless, answering these questions, even if they do not change from text to text, one has to somehow strain one's brains. You still need to remember the name, author, imprint, main problem, etc.
                              Spodin went further. So that people do not immediately become disillusioned with bullshit and do not ask for a refund, he offers 5 more answers for each of the 10 questions! Alexander, right?
                              Not only leafing through, for example, Tolstoy's novel, you are looking for answers to already known questions. So then you choose correct option so as not to move a single convolution at all.
                              Title: 1) "War and Peace", 2) "Peace and War", 3) "Friendship and Peace", 4) "Peace to the World!" or 5) “Peace! Work! May!"?
                              I chose the right option - it means I learned everything and remembered it according to the standards of Inten.
                              Isn't it a circus? If Andreev has an illusion of understanding, then Spodin, as you put it, has a “scam”.
                              Just do not think that I am biased towards Andrei Spodin. He is not my competitor, and I have no reason to troll him, as some might think.
                              Everything that we analyzed for research purposes applies equally to all other speed reading courses, in whatever city they are located.
                              When we opened the “Memory Development Center” in 2012, I was not too lazy to go through all the “speed reading and memory development” courses from the top of the search results. I've seen enough of such a "comedy club" ...
                              I ask some at the introductory lesson, what is their development of memory? The teacher proudly takes out a sheet with a row of numbers. And he says that in the classroom, students look at these numbers, trying to “photograph” them, and then reproduce them. I ask, and how many numbers can be memorized in this way? He says - up to 7 numbers, but a few years ago they had a brilliant student who memorized as many as 9 numbers!
                              If, Alexander, you were on the page

The question of at what age it is useful to learn speed reading techniques with children probably has as many answers as there are experts in speed reading.

Someone proposes to deal with children from the very beginning, and such a position is sufficiently reasoned, since in the middle and high school students have to “break” the formed wrong habit while attending speed reading courses, and this wastes time.

Others suggest waiting until adulthood, when the corresponding centers responsible for focusing attention form and make it possible to work with the speed of reading - a process that is very much "tied" to developed attention.


The essence of this position, in short, is that changes never occur in nature because some organism wanted to change. The reason for the changes is the need to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

So it is in matters of reading: in order for a person to “ripen” to the need to read faster and more efficiently, it is necessary that environment(in our case, the school and additional education) encouraged him to do so. In our experience, this happens between 7th and 9th grade.

What influences a child's desire to read faster and more efficiently?

1. The transition from general developmental activities to the study of sciences

In the period of the 7th-8th grade, studies at school move from general developmental classes to the study of sciences. Often for a schoolchild, this transition is tantamount to crossing the border by the Nazi invaders at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War- it happens treacherously, without prior announcement.

So, let's say, physics appears, the elements of which the student has encountered before, but they were all descriptive in nature and did not try to change his picture of the world in any way. And then suddenly - tasks! And a stone falling down is no longer an object of admiration, but something that has numerical parameters.

Biology, for example, up to and including the 8th grade, is a humanitarian discipline, and in the 9th grade, according to the cyclic program, the student is faced with tasks in genetics, and this transition also does not go smoothly for all students. And so on.

In general, students are faced with the need to understand a number of sciences, and the volume of textual information increases many times;

Evolution occurs quickly when changes have, in addition to the cause, resources. The resource for change is the availability of speed reading courses.

2. Doubling fiction

It is no secret that the school curriculum in literature, to put it mildly, is not accepted with a bang by all students.

Different researchers cite a different percentage of students who, with obvious reluctance, read classical works, but at the same time willingly read other literature - science fiction, detective stories, and sometimes works of large and serious forms, but nevertheless not included in the school curriculum. This separation occurs most often in high school and doubles the volume that you need and want to read.

At the same time, unfortunately, different approaches to reading are also being formed, when the student reads the “mandatory” program superficially, without reading carefully, “for accountability”, and includes emotions and empathy only on those books that he chooses for himself.

This is a serious problem that is being discussed in pedagogical and methodological circles, which has been gaining momentum in the last 10–15 years, the intermediate solutions of which in the form of “literature by age” have not yet had an effect;

3. Keep up with peers

If in elementary school most often hobbies are sports sections, collecting, board games, then in high school hobbies acquire additional characteristics.

Schoolchildren associate themselves with certain styles of music, and this requires some knowledge about the performers who perform it, with any social movements, etc. Such a transformation provides additional motivation to get acquainted with information, some of which is presented in text form.

Respectively, at an age when these three causes have accumulated enough to change the adolescent's environment, there is a real stage for the evolution of reading.

Features of work at different ages

Evolution occurs quickly when changes have, in addition to the cause, resources. The resource for change is the availability of speed reading courses, speed reading, as well as support from parents and the teacher of these technologies.

In more early age the percentage of schoolchildren who have mastered speed reading, but quickly lost the acquired skills, is significantly higher, since the environment “does not support” the skill, not providing enough information for its speedy processing. If in doubt - look at the tutorials " The world» for the 2nd-3rd grade, this will convince you.

As for the "upper bar", that is maximum age for teaching speed reading - it does not exist as such.

In old age The issues of alternating exercises and rest come to the fore, since the load on vision, which is not noticeable in adolescence and student age, becomes significant over the years, and it is important to correctly “dose” classes, interspersed with gymnastics for the eyes. No other restrictions were noted. Moreover, in connection with the actualization of the concept of continuous learning, the topic of increasing the speed and efficiency of reading for people of age promises to become very relevant and in demand in the near future.

Head of Academic Department
Center for Educational Technologies Nikolai Yagodkin - Gleb Godun

The school of speed reading and intelligence development helps the student to absorb the material faster, not to feel lagging behind. Not every kid can devote enough time to parents to teach him to read quickly for the first grade.

A student who does not have time to read the assignment in class with other classmates may not understand the material.

He will get a bad grade, will feel uncomfortable. A teenager will have a fear of school, an inferiority complex will develop. If a kid loses interest in learning from the first years, this will have a bad effect on his academic performance and success in later life.

Today, schools for the development of intelligence are being opened for children, in which they can learn to read faster and understand the text they read. Classes are held in the form of a game, not boring, but fun, interesting.

The result becomes noticeable after just a few sessions. In the courses, you will not have to deal with speed reading for years, adding to your load. Education in a regular school will become easier and more successful.

The teachers of this school claim that they teach the skills necessary for children throughout modern life.

Skills important in the 21st century are developed through play-like activities. While learning, the child plays and enjoys.

Students become independent. The fear of learning disappears. Self-confidence appears.

Books published by teachers have become bestsellers. The works are devoted to and improve the memory of children.

These textbooks are among the top most sold child development manuals in Russia.

The institution works with a guarantee of results. At the very beginning of classes, the reading speed of the baby is measured. The number of words per minute he reads is recorded in a journal. After 10-12 lessons, measurements are taken again. The result is fixed, recorded in the same journal.

The resulting numbers are compared. If the result is not achieved, the student NOT learned to read faster and understand better meaning read, parents return the money.

The result thus becomes MEASURABLE. Parents themselves can compare the success of their child BEFORE and AFTER training.

The training is carried out during 10-12 lessons. Parents do not need to take the baby to classes for years.

The school develops:

  • memory;
  • thinking;
  • Attention;
  • logic
  • speed reading;
  • good understanding of the text;
  • quick wits;
  • taste for learning.

BUT NOT impose superfluous knowledge.

You can sign up for an interview ONLINE.

How are the classes going?

The School of Memory Development operates in the following mode:

  • course duration - 5-7 weeks;
  • 2 lessons per week;
  • in total, 10-12 lessons are obtained according to a different program;
  • the duration of one lesson is 60-70 minutes;
  • the lesson takes place in the form of a game;
  • in the process of the lesson, the thought-form “To learn means to have fun” is introduced;
  • Children enter the training after an interview.

In Moscow, such trainings are held in Mytishchi.

After classes, the child will understand the material better, will be more attentive in the lessons, and will receive many good and excellent grades.

Go to school with joy.

Parents can find out the cost of education by phone. The call within Russia is free.

Addresses of schools in Moscow:

Vasilyeva L.L. International School conducts classes:

  • with preschoolers from 4-5 years old;
  • children from 5 to 9 years old;
  • students aged 10-14;
  • adolescents 15 years of age and older;
  • adult leaders and professionals;
  • elderly people over 60;
  • children from 5 years old who study a foreign language;
  • parents of children over 6 years of age.

After the end of the training:

  • previously poorly performing students learn well the regular school curriculum;
  • students complete homework faster;
  • unnecessary experiences are eliminated from schoolchildren, mothers and fathers, teachers;
  • those who have undergone training develop thinking in images, logic, concentration of attention improves;
  • thoughts are not confused;
  • easier to switch;
  • practical thoughts develop;
  • spatial representation and logical;
  • the ability to observe;
  • think flexibly and variably;
  • memory improves;
  • functions of different parts of the brain are harmonized.

The main task of the institution Vasilyeva L.L. – using the latest techniques, to develop the ability of the individual to think at "full power".

Addresses of schools in Moscow:

Forty patents of the Russian Federation have been received since 1970 by teachers on original variants and teaching methods.

A girl who was trained by S. Arkhipova set a Guinness record in reading speed: 60 thousand letters in 60 seconds.

The employees of the institution are professionals, for many years they have been engaged in scientific activities, research dedicated to the development of intellectual skills.

Course options:

  • Sprint. Children 10-11 years old. Develop the technique of fluent reading. Cost of education 8500 rubles;
  • Start. For kids 12-13 years old. Starting speed reading. Cost of education 8500 rubles.
  • Dominant. Mastering speed reading, training memory and concentration. The cost of the program is 10900 rubles.
  • Internet- education.

At the end of the virtual course:

  • the number of letters read per minute increases by 5-10 times;
  • understanding of the content, memorization improves twice;
  • there is a taste for learning;
  • learning how to prepare for exams.

Addresses of schools in Moscow:

In October 2018, the school will host an international speed reading olympiad for children aged 9-14.

The winners will receive a prize fund of 600,000 rubles and gifts from sponsors.

Courses are held for:

  • preschoolers;
  • younger students;
  • middle and high school teenagers;
  • adults.

A total of 72 classes are held, 2-3 for a seven-day week. Preschoolers under the age of 7 study for 60 minutes. Seniors - 80 minutes. The beginning of the lesson is devoted to reading, the other part is devoted to the development of memory.

The school also conducts courses in mental arithmetic, which develops thinking in all its forms.

They also learn calligraphy - the skills of beautiful writing.

After finishing school:

  • the number of characters per minute increases by 3-5 times;
  • beautiful handwriting is developed after 7 weeks;
  • develops the ability to accurately calculate in the mind;
  • variability and speed of decision-making is manifested.

It is important that the student has a desire to learn, to know more. The teenager becomes inquisitive. Parents are proud of him.

In babies from 4 to 15 years old, the following improves:

  • memory (10 different techniques);
  • logic (the skill of reasoned conclusions);
  • attention (understanding the program from one repetition);
  • tolerance;
  • thinking (structuring);
  • oratory skills (variety of words, beautiful narration).

Cost of education: one lesson - 1100 rubles. Payment once a month.

Addresses of schools in Moscow:

This institution works with children and adults.

Upon completion of courses:

  • the number of letters per minute increases by 5-10 times;
  • memory increases in volume by 3-10 times;
  • problems with understanding the content disappear;
  • positive opportunities open up.

Educational courses for children cost 15,000 rubles. 10% discount in August.

Courses for adults, according to different programs, cost from 6,000 rubles to 54,000. In August, there is a 10% discount for all programs.

Addresses of schools in Moscow:

There are children's centers in Moscow in different areas. Cost of education depends on the size and location of the center.

Classes are held here:

  • mental arithmetic, where you learn to quickly and simply count in your mind;
  • liberiki - short readings;
  • memorials - development figurative thinking and systematization of memory processes.

Memory development school helps to solve problems with poor academic performance.