Rubber boots: what to choose and what to wear. Rubber boots: how to choose and what to wear

How to choose and how to wear rubber boots? infographics

Editorial response

Last updated 02.09.2014

As soon as September replaced August on the calendar, rains came to the capital. Rubber boots are a real salvation in slushy and rainy weather; you simply cannot find more practical shoes. However, it should be remembered that such shoes are not suitable for constant wear. talks about the advantages and disadvantages of rubber boots, how to choose them correctly and how to care for puddle shoes.

How to choose rubber boots?

1. When choosing boots, remember that they can be made from either natural rubber or PVC*. It's easy to tell them apart by weight. Lighter boots are most likely made of synthetic material, heavier ones are made of rubber.

Natural rubber boots - 100% rubber - are of higher quality and will last longer. However, very few of these boots are currently being produced.

But PVC shoes have completely different colors and patterns, since applying paint to synthetic material much easier.

To protect yourself, when choosing PVC boots, ask the seller for a certificate of conformity and a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Information about the material of the boots can also be found on a special insert, label or on the soles of the boots.

2. The surface of rubber boots should not be swollen and cracked. Also, it should not have scratches or a whitish coating - such defects can cause the boots to leak. Fabric inserts (if any) must be firmly glued.

3. It is better to choose a embossed sole (so as not to fall if it freezes in the morning). In addition, there should be no gap between the base of the boot and the sole, otherwise the shoes may get wet. Stiff soles should be avoided: if walking in boots is uncomfortable, you will get unnecessary stress on the spine.

4. try on rubber boots it is necessary for a tight toe, because the boots themselves do not heat. In addition, remember that you should be comfortable in boots right away - they will not take the shape of your leg and will not spread.

5. You can test rubber shoes after purchase: put them in a bowl of water. If they leak, take it to the store. Purchases with a receipt must be accepted.

6. Another tip: if you want boots to be more comfortable for everyday wear, you should pay attention to rubber shoes lined with wool or felt. It is desirable that the lining can be removed from the boot and dried separately - this will make it easier for you to take care of the shoes.

7. To protect your feet from direct contact with rubber, buy boots with insulation. Used in high quality products cotton fabric. In the insulated version, it can be fur (woolen, semi-woolen fabric), bike (cotton), fleece (polyester).

8. Buy boots with removable insoles or with removable insulation - "sock". They protect the foot from cooling, partially absorb moisture, and can be dried separately from the boots.

How to wear and care?

To keep the surface of the boots glossy and shiny, you can wipe them from time to time with a cloth soaked in a solution of glycerin.

Rubber boots should not be dried on a battery - glued elements may not withstand overheating and begin to let water through.

To make the toe of boots more comfortable, you can put warm or orthopedic insoles in them.

By itself, rubber does not heat and cannot retain heat, does not allow air to pass through.

Remember that rubber boots are practically not breathable, so you should not wear them for more than three hours a day. In addition, in order not to create a "greenhouse effect", rubber boots should not be worn on synthetic or nylon socks.

Scheme of the greenhouse effect. Photo: AiF / Elena Slobodyan

If you are going to go to a cafe or a theater in rainy weather, do not forget to take a change of shoes, because in a warm room your feet in rubber shoes will sweat a lot, and when you go outside, you will freeze.

How did rubber boots come about?

1. The secret of rubber tree sap was first discovered by the Indians of South America. They impregnated their clothes with it, turning it into waterproof. It is even easier with boots - the Indians simply dipped their feet into the sap of this tree. When it dried, a pair of waterproof boots remained on the feet.

2. American inventor Charles Goodyear in 1839 he came up with a method of vulcanization. Under influence high temperatures he combined rubber with sulfur and got rubber, which he called "vegetable skin".

3. In Spain, wellingtons are called “katiuskas” (katyushki), and in Great Britain they are called wellingtons, after the Duke of Wellington, who instructed the shoemaker to modify army boots of the 18th century model. A new model of shoes was made from leather, and only by the end of the 19th century, after purchasing a patent for the use of vulcanization from Charles Goodyear, was the production of waterproof boots started.

4. Forty years after Goodyear's death, the Goodyear Rubber Company, today's largest manufacturer of tires and other rubber products, was founded.

5. The Finnish company Nokia before the start of production was famous manufacturer rubber boots.

6. Fashion style rubber boots gave designer Elio Ferrucci. He took three pairs of galoshes, painted them in bright colors and took them to a fashion magazine, asking the editor to take a picture and publish it. After its publication, the painted overshoes became a sensation, and the young Ferucci became known in Milan.

*PVC- polyvinyl chloride, a thermoplastic polymer that is chemically resistant to alkalis, mineral oils, many acids and solvents. It does not burn in air and has low frost resistance (-15 ° C). Heat resistance: +65 °C. Often used in clothing and accessories to create a leather-like material that is smooth and shiny.

The off-season always takes you by surprise when it comes to choosing the right shoes. In the spring, it doesn’t seem to be cold anymore, but it’s impossible to put on shoes due to total dampness. And autumn until the snow falls leather boots just pitiful.

Meanwhile, there is a great alternative, which is becoming more and more popular every year. Fashionable rubber boots 2019 amaze the imagination with a variety of styles and decor options. If you have any doubts about what they can be worn with and how to choose the right one, read this article. It presents great amount a photo female models, among which you can find options for everyday democratic style and business bow. Stylish images with this comfortable shoes for women, they can be built on the basis of coats and jackets, jeans and skirts. Even classic business trousers can be successfully combined with a certain type of rubber boots or ankle boots.

Look at the photo of the new women's rubber boots for 2019 - the brightest trends and trends are shown:

Stylish and comfortable, with and without heels - new items in the photo

Far behind are the days when such shoes were used exclusively for practical purposes. Today rubber Women's boots can be a real luxury and perfectly complement the most stylish bows in casual style of off-season clothing. Stylish and comfortable models are presented by such fashion houses as Dolce & Gabbana, Crocs, Burberry. They see rubber boots with and without heels as relevant, but with chic decor in the form of an impromptu risk of lace, guipure, and floral prints.

Look at the stylish novelties in the photo, which showcases the most current trends of spring and autumn 2019:

Democratic casual style of clothing will go well with the styles of similar shoes from Keddo and Hunter. These are comfortable and comfortable, durable and practical boots in most cases with a high top, which is almost close to the shin. The most popular colors are orange, brown, green and marsh. They can complement the look with jeans and a windbreaker, or they can be a great option for a bow based on a knee-length coat. It is better not to combine these types of shoes with long hems. Half boots from Boomboots or Viking would be appropriate here.

When choosing a model, pay attention to the decor and decoration. In a stricter basic wardrobe there is hardly a place for floral designs and cheerful colors. Lacquered black rubber boots with a small heel and a zipper will be quite appropriate in business. female image in combination with a pencil skirt and a classic leather jacket.

For casual style, especially for country walks, you can buy boots with impromptu lacing. There is also a choice of heaters. The removable inner sock is excellent thermal insulation. And the flock insulation applied to the inner layer of rubber will make the use of shoes comfortable on fairly warm spring and autumn days.

Looks and bows: what to wear with women's rubber boots (with photo)

Images of a modern woman include a wide variety of clothing sets. Depending on the purpose, bows are divided into everyday, business, romantic, pleasure, sports. Images with rubber boots have recently been increasingly found on the pages of glossy magazines. Wearing such shoes becomes very stylish and fashionable. Moreover, designers delight fashionistas with new models and styles. How to make bows with rubber boots and what to wear them with in 2019 - let's try to figure it out in detail using examples of individual elements of the wardrobe.

In the meantime, look at the examples successful images and bows on the proposed photos:

Let's start traditionally with everyone's favorite trousers. How to wear rubber boots - with jeans, corduroy capris or classic business trousers? Everything is appropriate here, but only with the right choice of the type of shoes used. There is a rule: the more strict the image, the higher the top should be. Its maximum length ends under the knee line. For business suit boldly choose rubber shoes in classic black with a glossy finish and a zipper. Any heel is appropriate, as well as a flat sole.

It's a completely different story when it comes to jeans, which can be tucked into boots or paired uniquely with ankle boots. And here, too, there is a certain trend. White models of shoes with imitation of lace and guipure go well with dark black and blue jeans. A combination of jeans and brown (orange and marsh) rubber boots will look very stylish. Various flowers, geometric prints are not entirely appropriate here.

But for banana-style trousers, cropped models, corduroy and cotton versions of this wardrobe element, “fun colors” would be appropriate. This also applies sports style clothes used for walks and trips out of town.

Next in line are skirts, dresses, jackets and coats. Immediately say no to coats and skirts with a hem length below the knee. With any rubber boots, they will look critically out of place. It is also worth abandoning clothes made in the boho style. She calls for more expensive and more traditional footwear in all seasons.

A light romantic dress combined with rough high-top rubber boots is a win-win when playing on the verge of a foul. The contrast of the image will be in demand in the urban modern style clothes. Therefore, you can safely combine chiffon and silk, lace and flowing knitwear with rubber shoes.

As for coats, jackets and other types of outerwear for spring and autumn, the same rule applies. Democracy and knee length. This does not apply to jackets and windbreakers. They should be as classic and restrained as possible. The simpler their cut and finish, the more harmoniously they will look in combination with rubber boots. It can be a denim or leather jacket, a raincoat jacket or a thin parka.

A coat made of drape, cashmere, camel wool and alpaca in a rich natural shade with a hem length up to and above the knee will be an excellent pair for such shoes in a classic color: black, brown, white, sand shade. Boots of green, blue, lilac color can also be selected.

How to choose - what to look at and how to evaluate?

Do right choice shoes can only be observed simple rules. No matter how beautiful the pair may seem, you should not buy it if it is cramped. The fact is that high-quality rubber shoes do not stretch during operation and press quite hard on soft tissues feet. Thus, you can get a serious circulatory disorder in small capillaries.

How to choose the right rubber boots in the store, what should you carefully look at and how to correctly evaluate their quality? Read the simple rules:

  1. we start with trying on - shoes should sit tight, but not squeeze the leg when walking;
  2. we look at the quality of the rubber - we are trying to stretch the shaft, the original shape should be preserved;
  3. we take out the heater and evaluate its condition;
  4. we check with a cotton swab dipped in water, the color fastness of the boots outside and inside;
  5. we put them on our feet and walk around the hall for 2-3 minutes.

After that, we compare our feelings and make a purchase decision.

12 September 2012, 17:05

Now the most beautiful month of autumn has come. The foliage acquires a golden color, it is still warm and sunny outside, only sometimes the rains upset us, although someone loves them, depending on the mood. Sometimes in rainy weather it's so nice to wrap yourself in warm blanket, dress beautiful and warm socks, I have them red, knee-length, with deer))), with a cup of hot tea and watch some good movie or sit on Gossip and discuss interesting topics. But if you still have to go outside in such weather, then the most best shoes for this is RUBBER BOOTS. The first models of rubber boots were created specifically to protect the feet from rain, snow and mud, and they were ugly and uncomfortable. However, despite this, rubber shoes of that time were in high demand. From the very first days, buyers were able to appreciate the functionality of various rubber models. After all, they really well protected the legs in bad weather. Modern high quality rubber shoes are made on a knitted basis, and winter shoes are made in a warmed version. For more than a year now, designers have been focusing on these shoes, which, of course, are an integral part of fashion wardrobe. Today at home haute couture present in their collections women's rubber boots stylized as leather, textiles and other materials. Among the huge assortment you can find both classic models and boots with the most unimaginable patterns and with all kinds of decorations and prints.

Consider in detail, by manufacturers, which boots we suggest to wear designers and inexpensive affordable brands. Hunter- one of the oldest brands of rubber boots. It was the green boots of this brand that caused the real star mania for rubber shoes. Now Hunter releases the most different models a variety of shades. I bought myself such red, quilted ones, which is not typical for me at all! But in bad weather they cheer me up and those around me with a bang!
It's my choice what other options Hunter has to offer.

Overhagen Giesswein This brand is somewhat more democratic than Hunter. And with the imagination of the manufacturers, everything is fine. And a Scottish cage, and a tree, and a heel, and a platform ... An original solution.

Gianmarco Lorenzi This brand produces luxury boots. There are even models with a zipper. The Italians know their business, even if it is related to rubber.

DAV Another Italian offering to the world English style. The highlight of the brand is the ties at the back of the boot. Prints that are relevant this season are another nice addition.

Keddo Boots of this brand have long become full-fledged favorites of the Russian audience. Still - a stylish coat of arms, excellent quality and a lot of options. The choice is yours.

Wedge Wellyi Stylish and bright models that can emphasize the graceful lines of women's legs. Initially, Wedge Welly made boots for girls attending street festivals. Today, millions of women have chosen this brand.

Econika and Alessadro Frenza Two completely different brands. "Econika" is a classic at its best. Alessadro Frenza - youth pranks.

Burberry The oldest English brand takes care of rubber fashion connoisseurs. Burberry introduced plaid models and laconic black boots. Classic, what can I say.

Kenzo Lightness and independence - that's what Kenzo made a bet on. This brand has been producing boots since 2009. There is a recess in color and flowers.

Marni and Emilio Pucci They came together - water and stone - prim Marni completely in the spirit of the brand and childishly cheerful Pucci.

BOOMBOOTS I really like this company. A distinctive feature of these boots is the sole, which differs in color from the main part of the boot, and funny bows that can be changed and tied up as you wish. My friend bought black ones with yellow soles and bows, they look great!
How to choose rubber shoes? If you are tempted and decide to purchase this accessory for yourself, it will not be superfluous to remember a few important nuances that are necessary when choosing and operating: 1. Since any rubber shoes do not warm the foot, but, on the contrary, have a cool effect, you need to wear it on a thick cotton sock. Many companies now make either a flannel sock inside or sheathe the entire inside with fabric. 2. Rubber is not leather, it will not stretch when worn for a long time. So don't choose too tight shoes even if she really liked it. 3. If you use the services of an online store, and there is no way to try on rubber boots, then it is better to order one size more than you usually wear. 5. Pay attention to the lining of rubber boots with insulation, and if it is, it's just great. It is better if it is made of their natural cotton materials, this adds comfort when worn. If the lining is made of synthetics, then most likely your feet will sweat in such shoes. The same applies to the insulation, which is found in some models of rubber shoes. 6. Check for surface damage such as punctures, scratches, etc. 7. Putting your hand inside the boot, carefully feel the lining for bumps and wrinkles, paying special attention to the nose of the shoe during inspection. 8. Grayish deposits and spots on the surface are a poor indicator of the quality of the rubber used. Therefore, it is better to refuse such a product. 9. Check if the lining in the boot is shedding. To do this, soak a clean handkerchief in water and rub it lining fabric if the handkerchief is stained, this means that during operation the lining will shed and stain your tights or socks. 10. Rubber is artificial material which is not intended for daily wear. Therefore, when you get to the premises, change your shoes if possible. And don't forget to ventilate your boots as the environment inside them is ideal for bacteria to thrive. 11. Caring for rubber is easy. Since it does not require special care, it is enough to wipe the boots with a damp cloth and from time to time with glycerin - for shine.
What to wear with rubber boots. 1. I really love the combination, short denim shorts, a loose jacket with an open shoulder or an "alcoholic" T-shirt and a lot of accessories. This is an option for summer. You can transfer it to autumn by wearing tights and knee socks. 2. I also really like the combination summer light dress and rubber boots, this look can also be transferred to the autumn wardrobe by picking up beautiful tights and stockings. Since autumn has arrived, consider options that are more relevant for this time of year. 3. Great combination leggings and rubber boots. Especially in black, it will go with absolutely any color of shoes! Girls, if you are tormented by the question of what to wear in rainy weather, boots + leggings + sweater, jacket + massive jewelry (belt, optional) = a boring and practical look. 4. Similar to the previous one, in combination with jeans-leggings. Rainboots go with any skinny jeans, be it punk, grunge or casual, with cardigans of any style. If they are black, then everything is simple, rule number 3 will suit you. If standard, blue or blue color then the best combination of boots in color. Just as an option, black, white, red, yellow or multi-colored, the main thing is that there is a blue color in this multi-colored. And be sure to have another item of clothing that repeats this color. Colored jeans go well with black boots. 5. Short skirts and dresses. This length will look most advantageous, the legs will seem longer. If you wear a knee-length skirt and boots, then growth will be hidden. The exception to this rule is only very tall girls. It is better to choose dresses that are not strict, for example, a short sheath, Twiggy style or with a flared skirt, it will look very cute. 6. I also advise you to buy leggings or socks different shades, it looks very nice when part of the golfiki protrudes 5-10 cm from under the boots. For example, if your entire wardrobe is black, then you can dilute it with golfs of a different color. By the way, if the boots are unlined, then knee-highs are your salvation, they will be warmer and more comfortable! 7. If you bought boots that do not fit the main part of your wardrobe, then umbrella, because he is also always a faithful companion in rainy weather. A variety of umbrellas now allows you to find a similar color with your boots and the combination problem will be solved. By the way, many companies produce boots and umbrellas in sets! 8. Another good option is to match with boots. scarf and handkerchief, and then this set can be attached to any wardrobe. Let's look at these rules as examples.

A woman is constantly faced with a choice between beauty and comfort. Today's fashion is such that convenience and style can be combined in one thing. This trend has not bypassed rubber shoes, because it not only protects the feet from moisture, but also looks fashionable.

What are rubber boots?

First of all, rubber boots differ in the height of the bootleg. Knee-high boots will look good on women with slender legs. But women with full calves fit shoes with a low ankle.

Now there are a lot of models of rubber boots with heels. Such models completely replace suede and leather boots. And high quality rubber shoes are practically indistinguishable from them. A heel or wedge will make the look more elegant and feminine. But there are images where rubber boots with flat soles are better suited.

The color range of rubber boots is very wide. Boots black and gray colors Suitable for walking in rainy weather. yellow, pink and blue colors shoes are perfect to complete a stylish look. For example, you can yellow color jacket and blue jeans add bright red boots. Highly stylish look it will work if the raincoat gray color or a leather jacket also complement with red boots.

Even boots can vary in decor elements. It can be lacing, zipper, buckles, knitted, fur or other materials lapels. To add brutality to the image, boots with lacing are perfect. To create such shoes, artificial berets are attached to ordinary rubber boots and laced up. These boots look very stylish with the park. A very comfortable look is obtained by combining lace-up boots with a bomber jacket.

If the boots have fur cuffs, then it should be borne in mind that the fur will not look very attractive when exposed to moisture. These boots are best worn in cool weather, but in no case in frost.

Rubber boots also come with various interior decor. Inside the boot may be trimmed fabric, felt or fur lining, or a sock. It is better to choose boots with a sock liner, the sock can be removed in summer weather and used when it gets colder.

Fashionable images with rubber boots

And with what rubber boots can and should be worn? It is very convenient to combine rubber shoes with a miniskirt, as well as with short shorts.

Red plaid skirt in Scottish style will look great with light lilac boots with a small wide heel. To add femininity and elegance to the outfit, you can add a cardigan.

Another fashionable image can be compiled with denim skirt or denim shorts. To complete the look, you can also wear a cardigan to the knee, but do not fasten it. If shorts are used in the outfit, you can wear a jumper instead of a cardigan, a shirt and a denim vest are also good.

Rubber shoes look very fashionable with golfs. This image is chosen by real coquettes. At the same time, knee-highs and boots need to be chosen in opposite colors. These colors should also be present in the outfit and accessories.

Many fashionistas are interested in whether it is possible to combine rubber shoes with a dress. First of all, it is worth considering the material and cut of the dress, if it is evening, then rubber boots in this image will be inappropriate, but a combination with a dress made of knitwear or wool is quite possible. A sheath dress and a shirt dress will look great with rubber shoes if their length is above the knee.

Designers recommend wearing rubber boots with chiffon dresses, but not wearing leggings and tights. A combination of a chocolate-colored dress with sleeves to the wrist with black leggings and short rubber wedge boots will be excellent.

To make rubber boots comfortable to wear with trousers, skinny style should be preferred. These pants will look better, because wide pants it is not easy to fill in the tops, and it will look very ugly, and if you put them on your boots, they will get wet. But the image with skinny jeans, rubber shoes bright color with lacing and a coat, it will be perfect and comfortable for an autumn walk. To complete this stylish look, you can wear a cap.

Most good combination these are rubber boots and a raincoat. Red boots will give freshness to the image. Brown and black rubber shoes look very attractive.

What can not be worn with rubber boots?

Rubber shoes should never be worn with evening dress or any other evening dress. Do not wear them with wide trousers. If a we are talking you should also forget about the restaurant, about rubber boots, with the exception of snack bars and canteens. It's a bad idea to wear rubber shoes to work in the office. And such shoes are not combined with fur coats, down jackets and coats at all.

The rise in popularity of rubber boots has been fueled by stars and celebrities who create beautiful looks with these shoes to look great even in bad weather. By the coming autumn, be sure to stock up on rubber boots and create irresistible images.

  • A lot of brands have been focusing on practicality lately, so finding the perfect raincoat and waterproof shoe to your liking is easy. How to choose rubber boots? Pay attention to universal models in casual style- for example, options from the legendary British brand Hunter. In such shoes you will look appropriate on the city streets. Take a cue from the stars who boldly wear rubber boots to music festivals and regular walks!
  • Designers also took care of models for early spring - with non-slip soles and insulated inner lining. These are the best shoes for slush when rain mixes with sleet. And outwardly they look almost like lacquer.
  • Be careful with bright prints and decorative trim, as well as rubber boots with heels. You can wear these only if you are 100% sure of your style. If you want to choose a model with a print, pay attention to polka dots, fashionable this season.
  • How to choose the size of rubber boots? It is important to consider that the rubber does not stretch, so during the fitting, the shoes should not press anywhere. Try on your regular size and one size up.

Rubber boots usually sit loosely and “lag behind” a couple of centimeters from the leg, so they look good with tight bottoms: skinny jeans, leggings and tight pantyhose. They will also come in handy in the summer rain - feel free to wear them without tights, adding shorts or a skirt and knee-high socks that peek out slightly from under your boots.

When it comes to outerwear, there is a lot of room for imagination. Classic models These shoes are combined with a coat of different lengths, a trench coat, a leather jacket, a bomber jacket, and, of course, a park. That is why it is best to give preference to a plain version of boots - it will be 100% universal.


With a trench coat, you can create a feminine casual look by complementing it with a wide-brimmed hat and a bag with a thin strap. And don't forget a suitable umbrella!

Most the best option for rain - a combination of waterproof shoes with a parka or raincoat. Skinny jeans, a scarf and a trendy backpack will complete your look and help you dress in style and for the weather.

An unexpected combination of these shoes with a dress or a long coat also takes place. The coat in this case is best worn unbuttoned. And if you decide to wear boots with a dress, choose a straight silhouette of bright, saturated colors, above the knee length.

With rubber boots, you can also create a stylish look in the style of the 70s: a suede bomber jacket, a fringed bag, a floral print skirt - and you are ready to conquer the bad weather!