Kolyada, Kolyada! Open the gate... Funny carols and Christmas carols for children. Scenario. New Year's carols "A carol has come - open the gate" Costumes for carols

Larisa Medvedeva
“Kolyada has come, open the gate!” Holiday scenario for children of senior preschool age

Characters: Carolers, 2 housewives who meet the guys in the hall, Goat, Devil or Little Devil.

The carolers dress up and go caroling around the kindergarten groups.

1 : Brighter, stars, shine, show us the way

let, let, let us in!

2 : Hello dear hosts! Peace to this house! We came to carol

Glorify the birth of Christ!

3 : Carol, carol, open the gate

open chests, get patches. And life, and life, and wealth goes.

1 : Kolyada, carol, entered the new gate,

and behind it Frost outgrew through the tyn.

2 : The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

Frost does not order to stand, it's time for us to carol.


As Kolyada came to us on the eve of Christmas, give us a cow, an oily head. And God bless the one who lives in this house. And life, and being, and wealth in everything. And God bless you, gentlemen, for many years to come!

1 : We sow, we sow, we sow

Happy New Year!

Urodi wheat, peas, lentils

On the field - shocks, on the table - pies.

2 : And whoever gives a pie, the barn is full of cattle

Sheep with oats, stallion with a tail

3 : And who does not give a pie - we are a cow by the horns

1 : Who will not give a penny - fill up all the loopholes

2 : Whoever does not give cakes - we will break the windows

3 : Whoever does not give bread - we will take away grandfather

1 : Who does not give cheesecakes - will get on the top of his head

2 : If you don’t give, then we will reproach you

All: And if you give, we will praise you.

teacher: Please, dear guests,

We've been waiting for you

Our house is spacious, our cabbage soup is fat

Children: Here the porridge is thick,

You have honey on your lips

You and buns with cottage cheese

And the house is full of kids. Treat carolers

The carolers answer:

1 : God forbid the one who worked this year was not lazy.

He sang, he danced, he did not get tired.

2 : Thanks to this house

Now let's go to another.

3 : And we will wait for you to visit, we will meet Kolyada

Christmas time is coming, fun awaits us all! Leave

All the guys come to music hall, where they are met by 2 mistresses:

1st: Hello, dear guests, invited guests, welcome guests!

2nd: You hurry to us here, the carol has come to visit.

We will joke, grimace, run, jump, have fun,

Give me your hand soon, friend, we are waiting for you all in a fun circle!

They start a round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Sitting down on chairs

1st: Today is not an easy day

A holy holiday has come to us

Christmas has come

We start the celebration.

2nd: Guys, do you know that recently there was a holiday, the Nativity of Christ?

(What is Christmas? Previously, every family prepared for this holiday, decorated houses, baked pies, cookies and buns)

The children sing a Christmas song

1st: And now Christmas time has begun, this is the period from Christmas to Epiphany, the most fun time, listen:

2nd: This holiday is the longest

He is funny and old

Our ancestors drank, ate

Have fun for two weeks

1st: From Christmas to Epiphany,

Having prepared a meal

Sang various carols

Walked through the yards in Christmas time

2nd: dressed up and joked

The holiday was expected and loved,

So let's go now

We will meet him at our place.

1st: What a glorious day

Get into a round dance

We will celebrate the holiday with a song

And sing about the New Year!

New Year's songs

2nd: Eh, I can't sit still

I want to have some fun

Let's start dancing

Let the kids have fun!

Dance "Ice Ceiling"

Sitting down on chairs

1st: We danced to glory

For fun, for fun

And now, fellow children,

Guess the riddles!

2nd: - Where is the water standing in a pillar? (in glass)

Where on our planet you can see in one day

and polar bear and an ostrich? (in zoo)

What happens to the red handkerchief if you omit it

to the bottom of the sea? (get wet)

Lost key from precious metal from what fairy tale?

("The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio")

Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (only frozen)

What will happen to the crow in three years? (Will be 4 years old)

1st: Guys, did carolers come to you? Did you gift them?

It used to be a belief that who generously bestows carolers, then the whole year will then be successful, hospitable and bright.

2nd: And even during Christmas time it was customary to dress up in costumes of different animals, people believed that in this way they scare away evil spirits.

Here's another riddle:

She has legs in her hooves,

Very sharp horns!

Sly eyes shine, and her name is. Goat!

Goat runs to the music: Oh, I'm jumping, I'm jumping, I'm jumping

I want cabbage (suitable for children)

Kolyada, Kolyada, serve the pie

Or a slice of bread, or fifty dollars

Since you have a son, give me a head of cheese

Since you have a daughter, give me a barrel of honey,

I'm jumping, jumping, jumping. oh.

The goat dances, stumbles and falls

1st: What happened, why did the goat fall? Can you help her up?

2nd: This is a special goat. She will only get up when she has a gift

give or treat for glory.

1st: What does she like?

2nd: Yes, our goat needs quite a bit:

A bucket of buckwheat and a pot of oats

On top of it - sausage, and three pieces of lard

Let the goat get up!

1st: Do you need more fat? Well, a goat!

You don't play Vanka here,

Hurry up, get up

Yes, play with us!

The game "The goat was walking through the forest"

(Rope game)

Goat: Guys, do you know that on Christmas night and on Holy evenings they loved to guess, because everyone wanted to know what awaits him in the future, do you want us to tell fortunes?

Fortune telling with a rooster

2nd: Oh, guys, I also know one fortune-telling, before the girls wanted

to find out what kind of groom they will have and where he will come from, they went out

in the evening outside the gates and threw a felt boot, in which direction with a toe

falls, wait for the suitors from there, let's try.

He throws a felt boot behind the Christmas tree, the Devil comes out

Crap: Fu you, well, you, the bast shoes are bent and why are you scattering felt boots here?

Almost got me killed.

2nd: Where did you come from, grimy? We were guessing at the grooms.

Crap: So it turns out, I am your fiancé.

2nd: Chur-chur, perish the evil spirit.

Crap: So on Holy evenings, all evil spirits are gaining strength.

Goat: Oh, Devil, don't scare our kids, it's better to play with us

Crap: Well, you can, I also like to frolic and have fun!

Let's see how clever and skillful you are!

Game with felt boots on a rope

Crap: And I didn’t come to you empty-handed (shows a bag)

You are caroling, wondering, causing evil spirits here and I am the only one for you

supplies for the fortune teller.

Fortune telling with a bag containing various objects

In this little bag - anything for the soul

Who will take out - that will come true

It will come true soon - it will not pass.

Children take out different objects from the bag, the Devil explains their meaning

Ribbon- there will be a long road, a journey

Money- there will be prosperity in the family, you will be rich

Potatoes- to good health

Matryoshka- waiting for an addition to the family Nail- there will often be guests

Rope- long life

Button- to a new wardrobe, to new clothes

Candy- to the sweet life

key- there will be a new house, apartment

Cone- be industrious

Goat: Guys, do you know, there is such a sign who sneezes on Christmas,

he's going to have a great year. Who doesn't want to get sick, let's sneeze eight times?

Everyone sneezes

All: God bless you!

1st: Where did the devil go?

The devil runs out with a bucket in which some water: Yes, I melted the snow here. Whoever sprinkles with Christmas snow will not take any ailment (sprinkles water on the guys)

Goat: And there is such a sign - if you catch an asterisk from the sky.

2nd: And make a wish.

1st: Then it will certainly come true! Pre-cut from beautiful paper

stars, throws up, and they scatter

The kids catch the stars

Goat: Just take care of the asterisk.

2nd: The fun is over

We say goodbye, friends!

nice everyone had fun

We can't be bored!

On New Year's and Christmas days, young people and children go caroling. Christmas carols for children- these are ritual songs in which carolers glorify the owners of the house, wish them happiness and good. I have collected different texts of carols for children that are understandable to children and modern adults. I intentionally did not include obsolete ritual songs in this article. They are incomprehensible to children and some adults.

In addition, I would like to say a few words about the process of caroling itself. For modern youth, carols have become something of a “requisition” in the form of sweets and money. The true meaning of carol songs comes down to good wishes to the owners of health, good year, good luck and profit in the family. For such wishes, scenes and costumes, children were presented with sweets.

Carols for children

Carols for gathering young people for a fun process of caroling.

I've entered a new gate!
And behind her Frost
Through tyn outgrown!
He brought the cold
So that grandfather Arkhip became young!
Frost is not great
We are not allowed to stand!
The frost does not order to stand,
It's time for us to carol.

Ding, ding, ding, the bells are ringing!
Your sons and daughters are here!
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

Mother - winter has come,
Open up the gate!
The holidays have arrived!
The carols have arrived!
Kolyada - molyada

Carol songs with wishes:

How many donkeys
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Happiness to you
Owner with hostess
Great health
Happy New Year
With all kind!

Merry Christmas to you people!
May peace be with you,
So that you do not know grief
And abide in wealth!

An angel came down to us from heaven
And Jesus said was born.
We came to glorify him
And congratulate you on the holiday.

Carol, carol!
Christmas carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Who will give the pie
That is why the barn is full of cattle,
Sheep with oats
A stallion with a tail.

Christmas carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Who will give the pie
That is why the barn is full of cattle,
Sheep with oats
A stallion with a tail.

Oh, carol-carol,
The hostess is young
And the owner is strict
Meet at the door
Costumed artisans.
Serve delicious.
Pour money, sweets,
Don't scare happiness.
Let you all argue
And it will be rewarded a hundredfold!

A star is shining in the sky
At Christmas time...
Kolyada came,
I went around all the houses
Knocked on doors and windows,
Laughed and played...
And behind the noisy Kolyada,
Carolers in a crowd ...
Everyone is cheering and laughing
Sing a loud song:
“Kolyada was born, on the eve of Christmas…”

And God forbid that
Who is in this house.
The rye is thick for him,
Rye is stingy.
Him with an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would give you
And living, and being,
And wealth.

Christmas carols for children

And create for you
Lord, even better than that!

The sparrow is flying
twirls its tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Meet Christmas!
Hello, food
You accept congratulations!
You will live together for up to two hundred years!
Happiness to you and good health!
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year!

Kolyada came
On the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house.
We wish all good people:
gold, silver,
fluffy pies,
soft pancakes,
good health,
Cow butter.

carol, carol
Open up the gate
Get out the chests
Give patches.
Though the ruble
At least a penny
Let's not leave home like this!
Give us some candy
And maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
Christmas Eve!

We sow, we blow, we wave,
Merry Christmas to you!
You glorify Christ
Give us treats!

Kolyada - carol
Open the gate!
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!
With friendly hosts
May the year be fruitful.
Give the mummers candy
Happiness will send you greetings.
Give me rubles, coins,
You will live a hundred years.
Pour everything into a bag to the heap.
In the yard the frost is crackling,
We are cold, but warm
Warmed up your kind home!

Carol, carol!
Open the gate!
We are little carolers
We have come to glorify you
And praise the owners.
You live a hundred years
And a full table for lunch!

An angel came down to us
And he sang: "Christ is born!"
We came to glorify Christ
And congratulate you on the holiday.
Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven.
We rule our way to the house,
We praise Christ God.

Kolyada came - open the gate

OPEN(ott-, -ti), ryu, rit, owls., OPEN, yay, yayet, nesov.; open(-en), opener, opener, moreover, Opening, opening, opening, dep. what. 1. Open locked; open (door, window, gate, etc.). Chest open, open. LV1 II 547. But doesn't this door open! I thought, and slowly opened it. Krm. PRP I 260. | In the last Zhenya is coming relatives, open the gates, and husband's relatives, close the gates. Brsv Last. 69. | About the locked room. As soon as they opened the Baptist Church for me, then in it, near the doors, snow appeared. Put. Member 227. | wordless The wind opened the door, the window. Hell. I 151. ◊ O. key, constipation. Turn, move, giving access to smth. The key is opened on the underside, and the wine is poured out through the troughs into the cellar into the barrels. Athos. mountain 82. ◊ O. (city) gates (gates), o. city. Surrender the city to the enemy. Tea, so that, of course, Steinbock was forced not only to open the gates for us, but also to surrender himself with the whole army to discretion. AK VIII 65. ◊ O. package, seal. Open, print. The secretary of the embassy Gross can open packages that come to me. Knt. Dep. 126. ◊ O. way, road. Free, clear, clear. Open the way for yourself, open the way, clear it. LV1 II 547. The Columbuses of Russia, despising the gloomy fate, Between the ice will open a new path to the east. Scrap. PV 9. They open all the ways for themselves with their breasts into the camp of the enemy. Ptrv 209. || Peren.Give access to sth.; make something available. If not this neighbor of ours<Швеция>.., would not know<Россия>forces and regulation of the military, would not open the sea of ​​the north. Prkp. About the world 11. His house was open to everyone. Marquis II 95. The garden of Prince Ferdinand.. is open to all decently dressed people. Krm. PRP I 172. ◊ O. entrance, exit, passage, move, access to where, to what, to what. You, to whom the entrance to the sciences is freely open. Scrap. SS I 206. Pleasantly flattery is accepted everywhere, and everywhere the passage is open to it; Listening to the truth, people doze, And often run away from it. Hrs. Tv. VII 366. ◊ O. way, road, doors, gates, window to what. Create conditions for smth.<Индепенденты>They create a refuge for all the mad, and they opened a window to arbitrariness. Pouf. East 1718 158. This conquest<Казани>opened the door for him to conquer the entire Midday country. Put. Bel. 16. Hunt and diligence open the way to the sciences for him. US I 146. ◊ ◁ O. a spacious field to which ( cf.fr. ouvrir le champ libre a..). The great darkness of speeches opened up a vast field of impatience of the critics. PE I 112.

2. Open closed, closed. I always wake up very early: the cock crow opens my eyes. Knt. Paris 359. Many herbs, having leaves open all day long, shut them up at sunset, and open them again after rising. Scrap. SS I 268. Lion raised his shaggy mane on end. Zev opens dry, and ardently breathing heat. Trd. Thilem. I 30. ◊ O. mouth. to speak. No one dared to open his mouth, words | In the last How can I say here, where they do not order the company to open. PPP 44. ◊ O. mouth to whom. Force to speak. LV1 I 284. ◊ Open mouth (look). With curiosity, wonder. And if you had seen their things of a generation for the first time, you would have looked at them with your open mouth. Montaigne 136. ◊ Someone's heart is opened. Someone kind, kind to someone G. Alvorti's castle, as well as his heart, was open to every person. T.

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Iones I 47. ◊ O. vein. Honey.Cut, bleed.САР1 VI 67. The lancet is where the ore is released, or the veins are opened. RGL 101. ◊ O. womb, entrails. Honey.Induce bowel action. Many other things from the growth of things that happen have the power to slightly weaken and open the womb. Rural to lay down. 639. ◊ O. obstruction, constipation, blockage of what. Honey.Purify, drain (bile, blood, etc.).<Хина>strengthens the first passages, opens blockages and constipation, helps with jaundice. Rural to lay down. 748. ◊ O. eyes, o. vision (eyes, eyes). Return sight (to the blind). The doctor of the eye ... removed the membrane with the aforementioned instrument and opened the eyesight to the eyes and opened the eyesight of many people. Add. op. SPb. 106.

3. Open for work, action. And for students and other hunters, open the library on the appointed days and hours. DR 26 (1 page). The Kronstadt Canal was opened in 1752. Add. op. SPb. 81. Shops open on Mondays in the market. Rdshv PSS III 257. || Start; to begin. About Bukhara bargaining, in order to open commerce in Khiva and Bukhara. VTS III 59. Today<король>.. opened Parliament with his speech. Knt. Rel. II 190. I will open a haven for the unfortunate, and I will try to alleviate their lot. MM II 92.

Have open eyes. To look carefully, to observe smth. And I, serf, .. will have an open eye, so that you know .. as soon as the world is created. Psm Pstn. 44. open your eyes to whom. one) To make known the truth about smth. It is difficult to open your eyes so that you can see how deceived you are! Dv. merchant 158. 2) Enlighten, enlighten. But, finally, you opened my eyes, so I see, You breathed courage into me, which I didn’t have. Trd. Thilem. II 16. Opening, I, cf. CAP1 VI 67. ◁ Otvoritel, I, m.(one). Opener of lodges in comedy, doorkeeper. FRL1 II 208.

Hit. open (see op. cit.).

Trouble has come - open the gate

The reasons for crying can be very different.

A. Self-pity caused by worldly troubles.

For example, a person has a leg pain. He does not know how to link this fact with the problems of failure in life. But he knows how to grow a big one out of a tiny stress. He imagines a picture of complete disability and imminent starvation, which makes him self-pitying, while pain in his leg is replaced by pain in his stomach. Feeling sorry for himself because of the pain in the abdomen and forcing himself to eat, a person notices that the pain is concentrated at the top of the abdomen.

A self-pitying person begins to run to the doctors, and he probably gets the feeling that no one cares about him. It means they don't like him. An unbearable pain in the abdomen is replaced by an even more deadly pain in the chest. The more illnesses a person fantasizes for himself, the more likely it is that he has a headache. This enumeration can be continued indefinitely. There is no way that a self-pitying person does not feel worse today than ever. Attempts to dissuade him only increase the complaints. So self-pity, generated by worldly, material problems, turns into mental problems.

Self-pity goes hand in hand with depression. There are excellent articles published in health magazines that advise people who are depressed to be taken seriously because they need special attention. Good, useful advice. But what kind of attention they need to reduce depression as a state of depression is silent about this. In fact, psychology and psychiatry do not know this. Eastern philosophers know about this. This means that although the writer knows what he is writing about, he does not understand the essence of the issue. He didn't experience it for himself. Otherwise, I wouldn't be giving this advice. Most likely, he himself was in a state of depression at the time of writing the article or shortly before, but did not become a victim of a self-pitying person who is depressed.

A smart, sensible, and at the same time incompetent article can increase self-pity in those who are depressed. How? Not too long ago, a friend of mine, who had been depressed for years, triumphantly unfurled a newspaper with a full-page article on depression in front of me and happily exclaimed, “That’s right. It's written about me!" Now she had an excuse to cultivate self-pity and terrorize the household.

Due to her neurosis, now called depression, the household itself fell into a complete depression, being completely overwhelmed by a depressed family member, but they do not dare to utter a word. As soon as they open their mouths in an attempt to defend themselves, they are immediately classified as bad people. A self-pitying person again has a reason to cry. A person who pities himself is never satisfied with someone else's pity, he always lacks it. The more attention we pay to him, the more we have to listen to moans and lamentations from him, which, in principle, is an empty transfusion of the same energy of lamentations. As a result, this demoralizes the household so much that they do not want to live. A person who constantly complains about a quick death is able to bring all household members and relatives to the grave.

After reading this long article, I was surprised to not find in it a single mention that a person experiencing depression should take some steps to correct their own situation.

From my own experience I can say that a complainer can be brought to reason with a harsh concrete word. Where there is order in the house, that is, where everyone knows and feels his place, there is no depression. More precisely, in a house where there is an owner, depression was never heard of. As soon as the hostess sits on the owner's head, terror begins, and with it tears. A man is destined to clean up the house, while a woman who provokes a mess is destined to shed tears.

B. Self-pity caused by health problems.

Constantly recurring emotional experiences sooner or later materialize in the form of physical illnesses that treated conservatively- medicines or surgically - removal of the focus of the disease. The self-pity associated with conservative treatment is much less severe. The knowledge that something has been cut out of me makes me feel that I have lost this organ. finally and irrevocably.

During any operation, only a part of the physical flesh is removed from a person. Whoever is happy with this is happy. Whoever begins to feel sorry for himself is unhappy. The energy that caused the disease is fixed in the body and, depending on the specifics of self-pity, either spreads throughout the body, or, like a thing, is shifted from one shelf to another. Since there is no empty space on the symbolic shelves of the human body, the rearranged thing piles up on the one that is already there, and as a result, the disease takes on a more severe form.

Real life example

After the surgical removal of a benign tumor from the left oviduct, the woman began to mourn herself because now she was no longer a woman at all and that her husband would no longer want such a woman. She had lamented about this before, otherwise she would not have had a cyst in her left oviduct, but now she had even more food for thought. If earlier she cultivated in herself the fear of “they don’t like me”, now she has a fact confirming her innocence. Woman instilled in herself a physical illness, constantly scrolling through this obsession in her head. Since she tried to compensate for her inferiority by studying, acquiring knowledge, a year later she developed cancer of the left hemisphere of the brain. The doctors hoped that they could help her with surgery, but when they performed a craniotomy, it turned out that medicine was already powerless. She came to me after the first course of chemotherapy. Came to the appointment with my husband. He knew the diagnosis, but did not tell his wife. In this respect, well knowing the nature of his wife, he did the right thing. Knowing the truth would deprive a woman of all hope. cowardly man does not bear the truth.

If a woman began to shed tears after the first operation, then with her crying she would have eaten her husband’s whole soul, while she herself escaped with only a mental illness. She did not do this, as she was embarrassed by her inferiority. By suppressing self-pity, she turned that pity into a cancer. The husband found out about the ridiculous thoughts of his wife only during the reception. This was such a shock to him that he only repeated in a barely audible voice: “How could you think such a thing? But I love you. How could you think that? But I love you". Male logic helped him understand the problem and help his wife. The help of her husband was vital, because a person with an affected left hemisphere is unable to think logically at first.

The husband restored his wife's faith. Taught her to think in a new way, and the wife picked it up with joy. Her husband's behavior was a confirmation to her that he loved her. And, nevertheless, the obsession with “they don’t like me” just does not disappear from this. It comes back whenever the confirmation seems unconvincing. A person who is close to the sick person in spirit is able to provide a suffering person with great help, but most of the helpers soon begin to look like a squeezed lemon, since there is nothing worse than the naivety of a cancer patient. Be that as it may, at first everything went well. The state of health has improved, the woman has become prettier outwardly - everything was just a miracle. Unbelievable, but true: a year later, a computer examination of the brain revealed a significant reduction in the cancerous tumor. However, on the right side in the occipital part, the phenomena of swelling of the brain were found. Why?

A cancer patient who wants to make himself a hero is digging his own grave.

Cancer patients are people who get sick from a desperate attempt to prove their superiority. Treating themselves with naive ruthlessness, they show hostility towards their own person. They are ashamed to sit idle if their health improves. They force themselves to want what they think others want and get upset if they don't get it. As soon as they get on their feet, they are seized by a panic desire to take on all the unfinished business at once. The feeling of shame for things postponed due to illness causes a headache - anger at oneself and at life. Helplessness causes powerlessness, and powerlessness makes it worse. yearning to find smart exit responds with pain in the head. This indicates that the person is unhealthy and overwhelmed by sadness. In a patient about whom in question, in moments of sadness, swelling of the brain arose, which was revealed during a computer examination. In this regard, she was prescribed hormonal treatment. I could not forbid hormonal treatment, because it gave a visible improvement, and the person had high hopes for it. Calling on the patient, who is unable to think for himself, to release the sadness and the dissatisfaction associated with it, is practically useless. In addition, cancer patients are obsessed with a great naive hope that the disease will disappear by magic. After the next follow-up examination, they hope to hear that this time they are all right. If this does not happen, they are seized with the deepest despair. Any new despair leads to another explosion of stress, which is very dangerous. Stress should be released consistently, systematically and as calmly as possible. When this woman found out that the disease had not passed, she was seized by hopeless sadness. Hope is gone. The woman never learned to think for herself. Her thoughts were focused on only one thing.

Swelling of the brain caused by sadness does its job. Hormones used to reduce swelling have a positive effect, but they also have an invisible negative side.

Summary of the lesson “Kolyada came, open the gate!”

Unfortunately, they suppress stresses so much that a person ceases to feel them. If they are not felt, then there is no need to release them. The brain that had become inert did not allow the woman to continue working on herself. The tail was released - the beak got stuck. Worst of all, the belief in the thought-treatment, strengthened by the positive results, collapsed like a house of cards. The husband, who was on the verge of despair, again had to find the strength in himself to revive his wife. Alas, the husband's hope for healing will not help bring his wife back to life.

It is not given to anyone to live life for another, no matter how dear he may be. Everyone comes into the world to learn the lessons of his own life and develops to a certain upper limit. We are all mortal. If we do not know how to live and fall ill, then there is another possibility: to learn how to humanly at least die. This woman, albeit belatedly, managed to know herself to such an extent that she was able to die peacefully. Her loved ones, who began to work on themselves to support her spirit, talk about death dear person as beautiful, because they are not tormented by guilt due to their own inaction. They did not prevent the departure from the life of the one who needed to leave.

Cancer may be limited to the initial focus, but more often its cells spread far. If a single cell remains unremoved during the operation, and if the patient begins to feel sorry for himself after the operation, the energy of the cancer is transferred to the surviving cell. Imagine how much this energy has to condense to fit in one cell. To fit in there, it causes the cell to grow rapidly. Such cases confirm the opinion that cancer does not tolerate interference, that air is contraindicated for it. This, in turn, strengthens people's fears, undermines faith in medicine, intensifies hopelessness, and a person quickly fades away.

Any illness is associated with self-pity. If you try, you can find in yourself countless nuances of this pity. You can't release them all one at a time / Think of them collectively as general self-pity. Treat her like a prisoner in the prison of your fears and set her free. If you communicate with her, then she will not refuse to communicate with you. With each new release, you will feel a surge of vitality.

Life force is often referred to as energy. One person has a lot of energy, another has little, one situation is considered good, another bad. In fact, in both cases, the balance is disturbed. The normal state is one of balance. With the release of self-pity life force rises, but does not become super-energetic. The suppressed life force, released from captivity, gradually gains height, and a person gets the opportunity to live like a human being. The self-pity experienced by a weakened person because life does not bring anything good activates his desires. A person would like to do everything himself, but there is no strength. Self-pity due to the fact that life presents only bad things makes the desires of a weakened person passive. A person no longer wants anything, even if it is presented to him on a silver platter. Perhaps he decided to take his own life, or maybe not, but the quality of life is indifferent to him. The man has reached the point.

Self-pitying people cause a lot of trouble good people who want to help others. Many of them have learned their respective trades. A district doctor who is at the forefront of medicine, for example, is completely defenseless against a self-pitying patient who considers himself entitled to demand that the doctor be the way he likes. Since the patient would like to leave the doctor's office healthy, this means that he expects the doctor to show such violent pity that he absorbs all his ailments. The next day the patient comes again, as he has the right to help.

If life began to obey the desires of such patients, then soon doctors all over the world would die out like dinosaurs. As long as they are forced to become callous out of a sense of self-preservation, they turn into just bad doctors, visited by self-pitying patients in order to sharpen their teeth about them. By releasing self-pity, you realize that by helping yourself, you are helping the doctor, and he will be able to help you better, depending on the knowledge. In conclusion, I will ask the question: what would you answer if I said that you have self-pity because you failed to do evil? No matter what you answer or think, everyone has stress.

Real life example

I once examined a two-year-old child who kept trying to throw a piece of bread from the table onto the floor. He didn't like the sight of the uncleaned table. Well, the fact that he himself spilled soup on the tablecloth and left a half-eaten piece of bread did not bother him. This means that he likes cleanliness and order, but at the same time he likes to violate this cleanliness and order. Why? Because he does not like only external cleanliness. He teaches adults to find inner purity.

He never finished his food. In other words, he was afraid to finish what he started, because he was afraid of the assessment. This stress, like all the rest, was inherited from a previous life, and his parents reinforced it with their own similar stresses.

Catching the desire of the child to brush a piece of bread on the floor, I anticipated his action with a loud and resolute “No!”. For a long time we bored each other with our eyes, like two colliding goats, according to the principle of “who wins”, but the child felt which side was the power. The bread remained on the table, and judging by the crying, one could assume that the child had suffered a terrible insult. Self-pity for not being allowed to do something bad desperately called for the help of witnesses, including her mother.

Some of the eyewitnesses felt pity in their hearts, but their minds did not allow them to rush to help. In such a situation, the concession would be a disservice to the child. I showed firmness, and this time was enough for the child to leave a bad habit. But the child also taught adults another lesson. If I wanted to prove myself a good person, I would fail. Then I would act according to the principle: let the child do what he wants, the main thing is not to cry. Later, when I cleaned the table and the floor, I would feel sorry for myself and curse the child along with his parents.

Self-pity as such is actually nothing but regret that I could not achieve what I wanted - I could not do evil. In a moment of despair, a person splashes out helplessness and sadness - in the form of tears of self-pity. A person who bursts into tears because someone turned out to be bad, and he has to suffer because of this, actually cries because he could not remake a person in his own way. Appreciation of others is in itself a desire to make them good.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

municipality city of Krasnodar

« Kindergarten combined type No. 35 "Traffic light»

Entertainment Scenario

for older preschool children

“Kolyada has come - open the gate!”

Pakhorukova Marina Viktorovna,

music director

and Zhuravleva Svetlana Vladimirovna,


Krasnodar city


Target: To acquaint children with the traditions and rituals of Christmas holidays. To form the desire to actively participate in entertainment and holidays, to consolidate skills and abilities in creative manifestation and improvisation through folk games, songs and dances.

Characters:Host, Mistress, Gypsy, Gypsy, Devil, Goat - adults. Zvezdar, carolers - children.

Decoration: a hut, a table, a samovar, a towel, a rolling pin, a horse, animal costumes, 2 tambourines, 2 headscarves, a star, millet, rice, pies.

Children enter the hall while recording carols and sit on chairs.

Leading. Guys, from Christmas, January 7 to Epiphany, January 19, Christmas time was celebrated in Russia.

From Christmas to Baptism

Having prepared a meal

Sang various carols

We went around the yards to Svyatki.

Dressed up and joked

The holiday was expected and loved.

So let's go now

We will meet him at our place!

Song "Thin Ice"


On this winter evening

Smoke curls over the chimney...

The moon is shining above her

And the hut is full of guests.

A room in a hut. The hostess rushes from corner to corner.

Mistress. Oh, fathers! The guests have already gathered, but my hut has not yet been cleaned, the stove has not been heated, the kutya has not been boiled, the pies are not ready ... (To the audience.) Hello, dear guests! And I know all of you! You are Vova! You are Anya! (Children say that their name is not right.) No? Ouch! What is happening to me today? Here's the trouble! It must have been the devil that got me in the morning!

Crap. Did you call me? And I'm right here!

Mistress. Oh you, Damn! Did you wind up in my hut? Well, get out!

(The hostess takes a towel and drives the Devil out of the hut.)

Crap. Don't fight, mistress! It is a holiday today! I came to amuse and amuse you! (Approaches the Hostess.) For you, dearest, most beautiful, I will get the moon from the sky! For your beautiful eyes - into fire and into water! Do not swear! I am all dayI don't sleep, I don't eat all night! Ugh! On the contrary, it is necessary! I don’t eat all night, all day ... Oh, again I’m saying something wrong!

Mistress. No, damn! Leave! Do not disturb me! Besides, carolers will come now, and I have kutya, but the pies are not ready yet! (The devil hides behind the stove.)

Leading. Guys, they are already waiting for us, it's time for us to dress up, dress up,

Dress Up Game

Who will dress up “masked” faster (bear, fox, wolf, hare, piglet ...) -

Leading. What beautiful mummers we have! Give us your dance.

Dance of the animals "Letka-enka"


To us for Christmas

Carols are coming...

Under the recording of carols, carolers come out and stop at the hut with the words:

carol, carol,

Open the gate...

carol, carol,

You give me a pie

Who will not give a pie,

That's why a chicken leg ...

Crap. Wow, how soulfully they sing!

Children get scared and run away.

Mistress. You, dear guests, do not get confused! And you, Damn, approach them with kindness! Laugh and have fun! Give them riddles to start with!

The devil makes riddles for children:


The old man at the gate

Warmly dragged away,

Doesn't run on his own

And he won't stop. (Freezing)

In the yard - a mountain,

And in the hut - water. (Snow)

white carrot

In winter it will melt deftly (Icicle)

Auntie is cool

White and gray

In the bag carries a cold,

Snowdrifts sweeps,

snow carpet

The earth is covered (Winter)


Our children know the song about winter.

Christmas time is celebrated by the people

Get into the round dance!

Song "Metelitsa"

hostess . Here, Damn, look! And the children got used to you, they are not afraid of you!

Crap. Then I will play with you children.


"Merry weekday"

"Find yourself a mate"

"Hide and Seek"

Mistress. The kids played, and now it's time to dance.

Pair dance

Leading. On Christmas days, there is such a sign that if you catch a star from the sky and make a wish, then it will certainly come true.

Star dance

Leading. Well, make a wish. Your wishes will surely come true!

Crap. Apchi ... And you know, there is such a sign, who in New Year sneezes - he will live a great year. Who does not want to get sick - let's sneeze - just once all together, huh?

Three-four: Ah….pchhi!

Leading. Be, children, healthy!

And on holy days they tell fortunes, but who will tell us fortunes?

Gypsy, Gypsy enter to the music, leading the Goat.

Gypsy. Gild the pen, I’ll tell fortunes, I’ll tell the whole truth ...

Gypsy. How did we get in, how did we get in

Yes, in someone else's house.

Mistress. Come guests into the house, do not be shy.

Leading . Kolyada came - open the gate!

Gypsy. Good day, good day!

Hello guys!

Do not scold the carol, do not scold the carol.

We do not go ourselves, we lead the Goat!

Where are you. Goat, did you go?

Goat. I walked through dark forests, through wide forests.

Gypsy. How did the wolves not eat you, Goat, the archers did not drive you?

Goat. I'm not afraid of wolves or archers. And I'm afraid of the old gypsy.

That gypsy has a black beard;

Gypsy. The goat disappeared, fell on its feet!

Gypsy. Appease her with gingerbread, candy ... (I treat the goat, treat, scare ..., the goat jumps up)

Gypsy. Goat, don’t be angry, bow down to the mistress, little kids and neighbors. (Goat bows)

Gypsy. Can you litter here?

Mistress. Can.

Gypsies. We sow, we sow, we sow and we wish everyone health ...

Gypsy. And your year will be generous, rich, cheerful and happy.

Mistress. Thank you for the predictions, and my pies arrived in time.

The hostess takes out the pies and treats the guests.

List of used literature

Nikolaeva S. R., Katysheva I. B., Kombarova G. N. Folk calendar - the basis

Planning work with preschoolers according to the state standard.

St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2009.

On New Year's and Christmas days, young people and children go caroling. Christmas carols for children- these are ritual songs in which carolers glorify the owners of the house, wish them happiness and good. I have collected different texts of carols for children that are understandable to children and modern adults. I intentionally did not include obsolete ritual songs in this article. They are incomprehensible to children and some adults.

In addition, I would like to say a few words about the process of caroling itself. For modern youth, carols have become something of a “requisition” in the form of sweets and money. The true meaning of carol songs comes down to a good wish to the owners of health, a good year, good luck and profit in the family. For such wishes, scenes and costumes, children were presented with sweets.

Carols for children

Carols for gathering young people for a fun process of caroling.

I've entered a new gate!
And behind her Frost
Through tyn outgrown!
He brought the cold
So that grandfather Arkhip became young!
Frost is not great
We are not allowed to stand!
The frost does not order to stand,
It's time for us to carol.

Ding, ding, ding, the bells are ringing!
Your sons and daughters are here!
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

Mother - winter has come,
Open up the gate!
The holidays have arrived!
The carols have arrived!
Kolyada - molyada

Carol songs with wishes:

How many donkeys
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Happiness to you
Owner with hostess
Great health
Happy New Year
With all kind!

Merry Christmas to you people!
May peace be with you,
So that you do not know grief
And abide in wealth!

An angel came down to us from heaven
And Jesus said was born.
We came to glorify him
And congratulate you on the holiday.

Carol, carol!
Christmas carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Who will give the pie
That is why the barn is full of cattle,
Sheep with oats
A stallion with a tail.

Christmas carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Who will give the pie
That is why the barn is full of cattle,
Sheep with oats
A stallion with a tail.

Oh, carol-carol,
The hostess is young
And the owner is strict
Meet at the door
Costumed artisans.
Serve delicious.
Pour money, sweets,
Don't scare happiness.
Let you all argue
And it will be rewarded a hundredfold!

A star is shining in the sky
At Christmas time...
Kolyada came,
I went around all the houses
Knocked on doors and windows,
Laughed and played...
And behind the noisy Kolyada,
Carolers in a crowd ...
Everyone is cheering and laughing
Sing a loud song:
“Kolyada was born, on the eve of Christmas…”

And God forbid that
Who is in this house.
The rye is thick for him,
Rye is stingy.
Him with an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would give you
And living, and being,
And wealth.
And create for you
Lord, even better than that!

The sparrow is flying
twirls its tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Meet Christmas!
Hello, food
You accept congratulations!
You will live together for up to two hundred years!
Happiness to you and good health!
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year!

Kolyada came
On the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house.
We wish all good people:
gold, silver,
fluffy pies,
soft pancakes,
good health,
Cow butter.

carol, carol
Open up the gate
Get out the chests
Give patches.
Though the ruble
At least a penny
Let's not leave home like this!
Give us some candy
And maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
Christmas Eve!

We sow, we blow, we wave,
Merry Christmas to you!
You glorify Christ
Give us treats!

Kolyada - carol
Open the gate!
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!
With friendly hosts
May the year be fruitful.
Give the mummers candy
Happiness will send you greetings.
Give me rubles, coins,
You will live a hundred years.
Pour everything into a bag to the heap.
In the yard the frost is crackling,
We are cold, but warm
Warmed up your kind home!

Carol, carol!
Open the gate!
We are little carolers
We have come to glorify you
And praise the owners.
You live a hundred years
And a full table for lunch!

An angel came down to us
And he sang: "Christ is born!"
We came to glorify Christ
And congratulate you on the holiday.
Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven.
We rule our way to the house,
We praise Christ God.

Scenario of the holiday "Kolyada has come, open the gate!"

Target: introducing students to Russian folk traditions and customs. Raising respect for the past of our people. Formation of a sense of pride for our Motherland.


    Introduce students to Russian national holiday Kolyada.

    Raising love and respect for the history of their people.

    Revival of Russian customs and traditions.

    Team building for children

Event progress.

Heralds run out with decrees.
1st herald.
Guests, ordered to you
Bring the decree at this hour,
prepared by myself
Our Mother Winter.

2nd herald.
Every year of this day,
As the sign says,
People of the city, village
Come to the holiday!

Chorus. By all means, everyone should be at the winter festival.

The heralds run away, and the guys come on stage:
Hey! Hurry all here!
Kolyada came to visit.
We will joke, play,
Run, jump, have fun.
Here comes the winter!
Dissolve the gate!
Kolyada also came, but from Krasnogorod.
Our dear guests!
Adults and young!
We gathered for a conversation,

We have gathered for fun.
As once our great-grandfathers,
Well, and great-grandmothers with them.

Teacher. Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered for an unusual holiday. He opens the door for us interesting world history of Russia. Every cultured person must know the past of the country in which he lives.

Children come out and read poetry:

This holiday is the longest.
It's funny and old fashioned.
Our ancestors drank, ate,
Have fun for two weeks
From Christmas to Baptism
Having prepared meals
Sang various carols
They went around the yards for Christmas.
Dressed up and joked
The holiday was expected and loved.
So let's go now
We will meet him at our place.

The story of the Slavic holiday "Kolyada".

Teacher. You guys already know that our ancestors were pagans. Let's remember what paganism is? One of the main holidays among the Slavs was the Kolyada holiday. It was dedicated to the Slavic pagan god Kolyada. It was celebrated on the night of December 21-22. This special night is the longest of the year. Kolyada holiday, which was celebrated after winter solstice when the most long night in a year became shorter, and the shortest day - longer. From that moment, a new astrological year began, a new winter sun was born - Bozhich Kolyada, as our ancestors called it, hence the name of our holiday. Kolyada is a manifestation of the power of birth and germination, which is in every grain and every deed. Kolyada among the Slavs marks the New Year cycle. The nascent Sun appears in the form of a child. The baby is the disc of the Sun, called Kolo since ancient times. The Kolyada holiday is diametrically opposed to Kupala. It marks the seasonal turn, the arrival of light, the dying of the old, the arrival of the strong - the young.

Later, with the adoption of Christianity, pagan holiday Kolyada merged with christian christmas. The entire period of holidays began to be called "Christmas time", which lasted from Christmas (January 7) to Epiphany (January 19).

The holiday began decorously - dinner in the native house. A woman, a respected head of the family (Bolshukha), baked round bread: with a wooden spatula she squeezed it into dough grooves in the form of an oblique cross and then put the bread on the bottom in Russian stove. The whole family gathered at the table. The table was covered tablecloth, under which they put straw or hay. Christmas table kutia Yes porridge. A must on a platter pie and, pretzel, and they also baked animal figurines from wheat dough for the holiday - cows, lambs, goats, cockerels and hens and shepherd men. They decorated tables, windows of the hut (between the frames), they were sent as gifts to relatives, neighbors, acquaintances and children, they were presented to carolers. Here the whole family sits sedately at the table. Only the elders speak, they remember the year (good and bad in it), and the younger ones listen, although they can’t wait to go out as soon as possible - caroling! At the end of the meal, the children took part of the remaining kutia to their grandparents, as well as to the homes of the poor, so that they could celebrate. Neither the food nor the tablecloth was removed until the morning, believing that the souls of the deceased parents would come to the table to also eat.

The day "for sparrows" has arrived and the winter sun begins to flare up. Kolyada in Slavic mythology- the embodiment of the New Year cycle. One of the most characteristic features of Christmas time (as well as Shrovetide) is masquerading, dressing sheepskin coats with wool up, wearing animal masks and noisy carnival dances in houses and on the streets. They dress up as a bear, horse, bull, goat, goose, crane. The carolers themselves (mummers) should be unrecognized. During the appearance of the mummers, skits were played, and sometimes whole performances. Played comic funeral and wedding, recruiting, fair, blacksmith and fishing, "led" a goat, mare, turon.

Kolyada was among the ancient Slavs the holiday of the sun that was born, the birthday of the solar year. On the night of Kolyada, bonfires were lit (in the ancient way they lit a sacred fire that burned for 12 days), they danced around, with sentences they rolled a burning wheel from the mountains. On Kolyada in the old days, a rite of renewal of the Fire was performed: all the Fires in the village were extinguished, and with the help of friction, a New (otherwise - Alive) was mined. A ritual bonfire was lit with a New Fire (in which it was customary to burn old things - to cleanse from the obsolete), and after that the Fire spread through the hearths. At the same time, a burning wheel was rolled down from the mountain - a symbol of the Sun gaining strength.
On the day of the winter solstice, sheaves and dolls are brought into the houses and songs are sung - carols with wishes for the well-being of the house and with requests for gifts - loaves and pies, promising miserly poverty. Carolers dress up as a bear, horse, goat, cow, and this is an ancient symbol of abundance. Boys and girls “dress up in hari (masks)” of horses, goats, cows, bears and other animals, and mummers walk around the yards, sing carols - songs glorifying Kolyada, who brings good to everyone. They glorify the owners, wish well-being to the house and family, and for this they demand gifts, jokingly predicting ruin for the miserly. Previously, sometimes the gifts themselves: cookies, loaf - were called Kolyada. Symbolized Kolyada sheaf or straw doll, which with songs were sometimes brought into the hut at Christmas. The rite of caroling consisted of a kind of exchange of gifts, gift for gift. The carolers "gave" prosperity to the peasant house for the whole year, and the owners gave them goats, as well as pies, cheesecakes, beer, and money.
It is worth saying that in many areas of Russia, bread products were considered the main gift. On the eve of Christmas, roes were baked especially for distribution to carolers. Carol songs have always been varied. And this diversity depended on in which region, even in which district caroling took place.

Scene "Carols".

On the stage there is an image of the wall of a house with a window. Songs are heard in the distance. A group of children appear on the stage. They are dressed brightly, festively, in their hands they have a pole decorated with ribbons, on the pole there is a star.

On the walls of the hall there are planar houses depicting a village street. Children enter after the Russian dance song leading to the melody. They stop near the houses, dance. Some of the children - owners, mistresses, a cat, a dog - go to their "huts". The carolers with the host become a semicircle near the houses. The carolers have a cardboard star in their hands.

1 caroler.

Carol came on the eve of Christmas.

Whoever gives a pie, the barn is full of cattle,

Sheep with oats, a stallion with a tail.

2 carolers:

Let's go to uncle Nikola to carol.

Children come to Nikola's house, sing a carol:

We found a carol in Nikolin's yard.

Carol, carol, give me a pie!

If you don't serve a pie, we'll take the cow by the horns!

Serve a pie - the rye will be thick,

The rye will be clean, threshed,

It will be from an ear for bread, and from grain for a pie.

Host Nikola:

Please, guests, I was waiting for you, my house is spacious, my cabbage soup is fat.


Sweet cakes do not climb into the window.

The host and hostess treat the guests. Mekhonosha - a girl with a large purse in her hands accepts the gifts of the owners.

God bless whoever is in this house!

You and buns with cottage cheese.

And a house full of kids.

The carolers go to the next house.


During the celebration of carols, the rite "Feeding the Frost" was also held. In the agricultural culture of Russian peasants, frost was perceived as an important natural element, with which it was necessary to maintain good relations in order to ensure a good harvest. After all, the untimely appearance of frost can spoil or completely destroy crops. Frost was represented as a short old man with a long beard. They called him a cracker or student or Karachun. Let's remember proverbs and sayings about frost:

    The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

    Grandfather bridges the bridge without an ax and wedges.

    Frost and iron tears and beats a bird on the fly.

    The old man at the gate dragged him warmly, he himself does not run and does not order to stand.

    I will crack, and you clap your hands and dance.

    If not for the frost, then the peas would have grown to the sky.

In order for the frost to be favorable to people, the ritual of “feeding the frost” was performed. The rite of inviting frost was the removal of ritual food to a certain place and time, while a special sentence formula was pronounced. The performer of the ceremony was, as a rule, the eldest in the house in terms of age and status - the owner or mistress. Within the framework of the day, the clicking was made at midnight:

Frost, frost, go eat jelly!
Do not beat our oats, our rye,
And beat the bylnik and the wren.

Frost, frost, don't freeze our oats,
Eat kissel, you will amuse us.

Pagan Christmas time was accompanied by divination. The purpose of divination is to learn about the future harvest. Ritual vessels with water from 12 wells were used, they sang a song to bread. At a later time, fortune-telling turned into a ritual, and in some places just a game. The purpose of fortune-telling is to learn about the girl's fate. They divined with the help of a dish with silent water, decorations and sing-along songs. Subservient songs that have come down to us contain incantations: “To whom we sing, it’s good, it will come true, it’s inevitable” and refrains: “Glory”, “My word”, “Lada”, “Holy evening”, “Ilya” (from Ilya). Divination was characterized by the place where they were held (usually a bathhouse), as well as the removal by the participants of the pectoral cross, all amulets, hair loosening.


First they think, then they go to someone else's window and listen to what will happen.

speak, and compare what they heard with what was planned and draw a conclusion.


They go outside the gate, ask the first person walking past about his name - and it will show what the groom's name will be; they also look at the height, clothes, gait, etc. of this person and make the same remarks.


They pour snow, throw it aside and listen to how the dog first barks in that

They go to the shed or woodshed at night and take one log in the dark: if it

if it is smooth, then the husband will be young and smooth; if bitchy and

cracked, then the husband is old and angry. There is also a remark: if a log

will hit the knotty

And of course they played different games which we will play with you.

Baba Yaga game.

Grandmother Yozhka, bone leg.

She stoked the stove, cooked her leg,

Went out on the porch

Ate a man.

And then he says.

Baba Yaga. My stomach hurts.

(He starts to spin the broom in a circle above the ground. Children must jump so that Baba Yaga does not hit them with a broom. Whoever she hits with a broom, puts him on a broom and takes him to her hut (or takes him aside). They play until Baba Yaga won't catch them all, and then they all ride the broomstick together.)

The game "Miracles in the sieve." 4 saucers, 20 peas, 2 spoons. To the music, one pea must be transferred from one saucer to another.

"Grandpa's Rhymes"
Always in any village there was a grandfather who knew more than all jokes, jokes, proverbs, sayings and tongue twisters, ditties. Children are encouraged to take part in the competition.
1. “You can’t speak all the tongue twisters, you can’t pronounce them” (the participants themselves or the presenter offer the tongue twisters).

2. A ram - a bully climbed into the weeds.

3. Like on a hill, on a hill
Thirty-three Yegorkas are standing.

4. How much the sieve did not eat,
Never been full.

5. There is a vine on the cart, a goat by the cart.

The game "The goat went through the forest."

Children sing and perform movements.

Come on, goat, let's jump,

Let's jump, let's jump

And kicking our legs

Let's jump, goat,

And clap our hands

Let's clap, clap

And we'll stomp our feet

Let's go, goat.

Participants of the round dance bounce on the spot. The goat shakes its legs, the children repeat after it. Everyone clap their hands. Children stomp their feet to the beat of the music. Then the Goat chooses a new leader instead of himself, and the game is repeated again.

At the bear in the forest

A bear is selected from the children (for the first time it is better to choose an adult who will show how to play), all the rest are children. On one side of the site, a house for children is marked, on the opposite side is a house for a bear. The bear sits in the house and pretends to be asleep.

Children come out of their houses and slowly approach the bear with the words:

At the bear in the forest
Mushrooms, I take berries,
The bear doesn't sleep
And looks at us.

While the children are reading the text, they depict how they pick mushrooms and berries and put them in a basket.
As soon as the words "looking at us" were uttered, the bear wakes up and runs to catch up with the children. The children run away to their house, where the bear can no longer catch them.

At Christmas time they were treated to pies. Let's play the game "Hot Pie"

Two teams are selected, which stand in two lines (in each alternation: a boy, a girl) facing each other. Condition - players must keep the ball under their chin, touch the ball during the pass never by hand, while it is allowed to touch each other as you like, so as not to drop the ball.

The game "The goat came to us" is being played:

A goat came to us, brought carols.

She herself passed, she spent all the children,

(speaking) And left the smallest one.

Snowman and Bear form a gate. Through these gates, children in a chain, holding hands, pass with a song. At the words “And left the smallest one,” the gates are closed. Caught children join the drivers.

After the games, the leader can make riddles.

You are smart guys

Guess the riddles!

1. Front patch,

back hook,

middle back,

There is a bristle on the back.

(Carolers guess: piglet).

2. Not a rider, but with spurs,

Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up.

(The carolers guess again: a rooster).

3. Little boy

In a gray coat

Wandering across the field

Stealing hemp!

Flies through the yards

Collects crumbs!

(Carolers are thinking ... Sparrow)!

4. Humpback cat

The girls rub their shoulders.

In the morning

Went from the yard

Lying on the shore

Didn't swim in the water!


5. In the forest tuk-tuk,

In the hut blunder blunder,

In the hands of the ring-ring,

On the floor - top-top.


Leading: Well done guys, now listen to what ditties they sang at Christmas time.

Girls sing ditties.

1. Play, balalaika,

Balalaika - three strings!

Sing along, don't yawn

Come out, dancers.

2. Hey, stomp, leg,

Stomp, right one.

I'm going to dance

Even if it's small!

3. I didn’t want to dance,

Standing and shy

And the harmonica played -

I couldn't resist!

4. I walked through the village

And I saw Vanyusha

Sitting under a bush and crying -

The chicken hurt!

6. Eh, I stamp my foot

Let me drown another

I can't resist

What a character!

7. We are always like this everywhere -

Morning, evening and afternoon

Because we are ditties

Cheerful eat.

8. Give out, people,

The dance takes me;

I'll go, I'll dance

I will show myself to people.

9. There is a glass on the table,

And in a glass - the dough;

Goodbye mom and dad

I am already a bride.

10. Balalaika-beep,

He knows his business!

She is in Vanya's hands

Plays fun.

11. The ditty has a beginning,

The ditty has an end

ALL: Who listened to our ditties,

Let's just say - well done!

Best wishes to all viewers.

1st child.

To all good people

We wish you well, gold and silver!

2nd child.

fluffy pies,

Soft pancakes!

3rd child.

Good health!

Butter cow!

4th child

To whom we sing songs, it will come true,

That will come true, it will not pass.


And I wish you guys a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!