Proper approach to walking during pregnancy. What are the benefits of walking during pregnancy? Do pregnant women need to walk

it would seem, what is special about the usual walking tours? In fact, walking brings invaluable benefits to your body. The main thing is to properly organize this process.
So, why are walks so useful?

During walks on fresh air there is a training of the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems, your lungs are saturated with oxygen. The process of oxygen exchange is normalized, as a result of which oxygen in the required amount enters through the placenta to your baby, contributing to its growth and development.

Hiking strengthens the muscles of the legs, back and buttocks. The blood supply to the bone tissue increases, as a result of which calcium metabolism improves, and its leaching from the bones decreases.

Walking in the fresh air in addition to a healthy diet promotes normal intestinal motility and helps to avoid constipation. You can learn about ways to deal with constipation from our article.

You have probably noticed more than once that after walking in the fresh air your mood improves and you feel a surge of strength. And this cannot but have a beneficial effect on your well-being and the course of pregnancy.

Walking is a great way to boost your immune system. Prolonged exposure to the air under the soft rays of the sun has a general strengthening effect on the body, enriches the blood with oxygen, calms and strengthens the nervous system, thereby helping to resist diseases.

Tips: How to walk for the benefit of mom and baby?
You need fresh air as much as a balanced diet. But even on ordinary walks, you should follow a few simple rules:

Try to walk at least 2 hours a day at a calm pace, especially in good weather. If a long walk is too much for you, walk 2-3 times a day for 30-40 minutes. Remember that even if it's raining outside, walking under an umbrella will do you more good than sitting at home.

If there is a park, forest or grove near your house, you are very lucky. The more trees around, the better. If you live in a city center or industrial area, find out where the nearest park or promenade is and head there.

While walking, it is important to walk and not sit on a bench, but if you are tired, sit down to rest for a few minutes. The more you walk, the better your body prepares for the upcoming birth. In addition, during daily walks, emotional relaxation occurs.

Don't forget to keep your posture! Make sure that the load is evenly distributed between all muscle groups of the abdomen and back. Try not to strain the cervical spine, for this it is enough to look straight ahead, and not under your feet, try to assess the condition of the road in advance. Do not choose unfamiliar or too difficult routes.

In the summer, it is advisable to take walks before 11 and after 17 hours. During the period of the greatest solar activity, it is better for you to stay at home. Too hot weather (above +30°C) is also not suitable for outdoor recreation.

When leaving the house, you should be dressed comfortably and according to the weather. Don't wrap up if it's warm outside. Choose loose clothing from natural materials, which allows your skin to breathe and does not prevent sweat from evaporating.

On the later dates pregnancy, leaving home, just in case, take your exchange card and passport with you.

sports mommy

Moderate physical activity will benefit not only you, but also your baby. The safest period for playing sports is the second trimester; in the first and third, be more careful. If you were involved in any sport before pregnancy, then by reducing the load, you may well continue to train further.

Recommendations for expectant mothers involved in fitness:

Consult your doctor and, if necessary, take some tests before you start exercising.

Check with your trainer regularly, as physical activity should decrease as the pregnancy progresses.

Choose non-contact sports such as swimming, walking, jogging, Pilates, yoga. Moderate-intensity exercise will help you stay in good shape. physical form and maintain a stable emotional state.

Expectant mothers are contraindicated: horseback riding and cycling, skiing, jumping, running, weight-bearing exercises, any shock load and concussions. Also eliminate all exercises for the abdominal muscles from your workout, as they can increase intra-abdominal pressure and harm the baby.

Keeping yourself in good physical shape, you will ensure a healthy pregnancy, good mood, and after the birth of a baby, it will not be difficult for you to return to your previous appearance!

Many have heard that walking is very useful, and even more so they will benefit a pregnant woman and her baby.

Therefore, today we will talk about exactly how such walks should take place, and how best to prepare for them so that the walk is not a burden, but brings pleasure, good mood, a charge of vivacity and energy.

The benefits of walking outdoors

The optimal type of physical activity during childbearing, as it has a number of the following health benefits for mother and baby:

  • breath. The lungs of a pregnant woman begin active work. The body of a woman, just like her baby, receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, is saturated with it, which means that the uteroplacental blood flow becomes better, which leads to normal growth and development of the crumbs in the womb;
  • pressure. Often pregnant women suffer from hypotension,. Due to the good saturation of the circulatory system with oxygen, a woman ceases to feel a breakdown, weakness, lethargy, but, on the contrary, feels a surge of energy;
  • muscular system. Walking is a type of physical activity during which almost all muscle groups are involved. Walking every day, a woman can partially replace her usual intense workouts in the gym or get a moderate load to increase the endurance of the body. So, walking strengthens the muscles of the legs, back and buttocks, in addition, makes the muscles of the pelvic floor more elastic and elastic;
  • the cardiovascular system. Due to good blood circulation, the blood supply to the heart improves, and walking is also an excellent prevention;
  • gastrointestinal tract. Active motor activity, combined with proper nutrition, will help to avoid or reduce the risk of problems with intestinal motility, the occurrence of and;
  • nervous system. As a rule, pregnant women are advised to walk in nature, away from shopping and entertainment centers and highways, which means that this a great opportunity get away from problems. Walking in a park or near a pond, a woman relieves stress by watching wildlife phenomena, therefore, she will be less susceptible to mood swings, and her mood will improve.

How much to walk

The duration of the walk may depend on what lifestyle the woman led before the start of pregnancy. If the expectant mother previously worked in the office and did not go in for sports, the first walks can last about 30 minutes and walk close to home. When the body is already used to this type of outdoor activity, it can be extended up to 1.5-2 hours in a day.

For example, this time can be divided into several festivities in different time days: morning dog walk, walk in the park, evening exercise with her husband after work. In addition, each woman can choose a more comfortable walking mode, taking into account her biorhythms.

If a pregnant woman does not have the opportunity to walk so much time in the fresh air due to the fact that she works, then it is still worth paying attention to the need for active movement during the day and replacing, for example, travel in transport with walking, leaving the bus stop earlier on the way to work or home. On a day off, you should arrange for yourself and your husband an exciting walk to the nearest park or embankment, fill yourself with energy and good mood for next week.

Where is the best place to walk

For walks, of course, the best fit parks, squares, sea embankments or other options for natural oases in your locality. However, it is worth paying attention to what is better if it is a corner of nature near your place of residence, and you do not need much effort and time to get there.

Another factor to pay attention to is the availability of developed infrastructure: benches, good walking paths, lighting. If you don't feel well, you can sit down and rest for a while. comfortable conditions, continue walking.

Did you know? In Europe, the first public parks appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, and China is considered the birthplace of park art.

Always winning option- take your husband, mother or girlfriend with you for company. They will make it easier to relax and unwind emotionally, they will also help if you feel dizzy or just a little tired.

Clothing and shoes for hiking

Dress for walking should be comfortable, light and simple clothes. Of course, every woman, and especially in this unusual period of her life, wants to look beautiful and desirable, but do not forget about the comfort of movement and good health.

So, looking in the closet in search of an outfit, or going to the store to purchase a new thing due to a change in size, it is worth pay attention to these tips.:

Pace and posture

We can definitely say that a pregnant woman should not have shortness of breath during a walk. It is worth choosing a pace so that breathing is even and calm, without difficulty and lack of air, and. Also, do not continue walking if discomfort, pain, or a feeling of tension appear.

It is worth paying attention to posture. For the correct distribution of the load on all muscle groups, the back should be straight, not bent in the cervical region, the head should look straight ahead. This position will allow you to train the body and not overload its individual departments.

Seasonal Features

There are many natural factors that can affect the well-being and mood of a pregnant woman, but it is worth remembering that the need for hiking exists daily.
Here are some tips to help you avoid possible discomfort depending on the season:

  • summer. Walking should be done at a time when solar activity has not reached its peak. The optimal time is before 11 am and after 5 pm. During this period, the sun's rays are the most gentle and harmless. Heatstroke, symptoms of which are fever and vomiting, can adversely affect the health of the pregnant woman and affect the condition of the baby. AT summer period you must always cover your head with a hat, cap, panama to protect against active sunlight. It is necessary to observe the water regime, consume a sufficient amount of liquid and take a small bottle with you for a walk;
  • in winter. In too cold weather, it is also worth refusing to walk. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the roads and the absence of slippery areas in order to prevent falling on ice or packed snow.

Is it possible to walk in late pregnancy

Active motor activity in the third trimester decreases slightly, since the woman’s body is already noticeably changing its shape, she is rapidly gaining weight, the center of gravity is shifting, supporting the diaphragm, and it becomes harder for the woman to breathe. The load on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems increases. During a walk, dizziness, shortness of breath, weakness may occur more often. In this case, it is better to stop and sit down, and after resting, continue moving.

During a walk in late pregnancy, it is advisable for a woman to have documents confirming her identity and an exchange medical card issued in antenatal clinic gynecologist.

In case of feeling unwell during a walk, the pregnant woman will be able to contact relatives or medical assistance.

Video: the importance of walking during pregnancy

Walking during pregnancy is invaluable as it effective way maintaining an active lifestyle, preventing possible complications pregnancy and the health of the future mother and child.

At future mother there are always a lot of worries and troubles, besides, there are certain rules that you need to try to follow regularly, this is very important for her and her baby. These rules include a lot: proper nutrition, healthy and good rest, moderate physical activity, a sufficient amount of vitamins in the diet, etc. In order for the body to be normal, to cope with fatigue, stress and other troubles more easily, regular walks during pregnancy will help you. Fresh air in sufficient quantity is extremely necessary for both your body and the body of the child, because thanks to it, metabolic processes improve, the child develops and grows better.

The opinion of experts about walking, how long you need to be on the street, are long walks useful?

Staying in the fresh air always has a very positive effect on our well-being, all cells are saturated with oxygen, the body works more actively, in general, there are only pluses. But in order for the walk to be useful, it must be correct, so I will give you some advice about this. To begin with, learn once and for all a simple truth - you need to walk away from the track, the most suitable places are park or forest. Unfortunately, the opposite picture is often observed - a string of mothers with strollers and their pregnant girlfriends wander in single file along the sidewalk near the roadway. What for? Don't you feel sorry for poisoning your child from such years with exhaust fumes? You can always find a quieter place, in every locality there is a small river, lake, park - go there, you should not roam the herd around the road.

Walking during pregnancy is very useful and in that it is a good prevention of the occurrence of edema, strengthens immune system body, help keep in shape. For those women who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy, walks are all the more useful, they will be able to turn them into walking, if there are no doctor's contraindications, of course. If such physical activity is allowed for you, prepare comfortable clothes and shoes, it would be nice to buy a special device for measuring the pulse, they are in every pharmacy. For a walk, be sure to take some water with you, preferably at room temperature, mineral and without gas. While walking, the body overheats, which is undesirable during pregnancy, so with the help of some water you can quench your thirst and cool down.

Do not be afraid to go outside, pregnancy is not a disease. You should lead a fairly active lifestyle that suits your condition. Walks towards the end of the term are especially useful, because the cardiovascular and respiratory systems by this time are working with the greatest load. You have to help your body cope as much as possible, so a regular supply of oxygen will become very good habit. If you are bored just wandering down the street, invite relatives or friends along with you, then the walk will turn into a pleasant pastime with a conversation. You can also regularly conduct photo sessions throughout the entire pregnancy, then there will be a pleasant memory of a bright and wonderful moment in your life. Different weather conditions, a growing belly, a changing physiological shape - all this is worthy of being photographed, and it is not at all necessary to invite a professional photographer every time. The most important thing that you should remember and take care of is your condition with the baby, they are inextricably linked, and walking plays a huge role in the successful development of the baby and in supporting your body.

From the very moment when you found out that you would become a mother, life has changed somewhat. You don’t have to wear yourself like a crystal vase at all, but if you have done it before, it’s worth temporarily putting it off.

The body of a pregnant woman endures a significant increase in loads, the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems are burdened with such loads. In order not to gain, the birth went well, and the body recovered, it is necessary to continue physical activity. And if you did not lead an active lifestyle before pregnancy, then you should reconsider your views.

The benefits of walking

The most natural physical activity is. Pregnant women, not everyone can be engaged in special physical education groups, and others do not have time for this, therefore, walking is what you need for a fairly active lifestyle throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Walking saturates the cells of the body of the mother and fetus with oxygen improves digestion and improves metabolism. During walks, extra calories are burned, which are rapidly gaining during pregnancy. , without exception, and there are no contraindications for walking, but something should be remembered.

  • You need to walk slowly, for a start no more than half an hour. It is advisable to make such promenades every day, increasing the distance and time.
  • You should not strive for records and overcoming the distance. Let the walk bring only . If displeasure or malaise is felt, or pains are felt in the abdomen, it is necessary to take a break or stop walking altogether.
  • Wear comfortable walking shoes for walking, and clothes should not be long so as not to get tangled in your legs.
  • Monitor your heartbeat with heart monitors or offhand. While walking, you can have a conversation, most importantly, take your time so as not to.
  • , better spring or mineral, a small bottle. Drink some water often and little by little, this does not allow the body to overheat, because by making a movement, the temperature in the body rises somewhat, and water is needed for cooling.
  • When walking, look ahead of you under your feet, especially in the later stages, when the stomach makes it difficult to see the road right under your feet. Better to have you accompanied by a relative.
  • Walk in good weather, without the risk of falling or getting wet in the rain. Don't risk your health.
  • On the early dates, you can bring walks up to two hours a day, taking breaks. But, do your walks only with pleasure, and not under duress. If you are bored, take it with you and enjoy with your baby.
  • Try not to change the pace while walking, walk at a constant speed, because it adjusts to the rhythm of walking and this allows you to move longer without getting tired.
  • A long walk should be completed with a rest, or even better, take a warm bath with herbs or sea ​​salt, and then allow the legs to rest by laying them on a pillow. This will prevent swelling and improve the outflow of blood in the veins.

Some women continue to engage in sports until the last stages of pregnancy, these are those who were engaged in active training before pregnancy: professional athletes, coaches and ardent fans of a sports lifestyle. You can continue classes only with the advice of a doctor. As a rule, these are the most initial levels of walking difficulty.

When Not to Walk During Pregnancy

  • All physical activity, whether it's just walking or fitness, should be talk to a doctor with whom you are registered, it is important for him to know all the details about your pregnancy and physical condition and mother and child.
  • It is generally contraindicated for pregnant women to walk long and fast, especially if there is an increase in the tone of the uterus, severe toxicosis, severe gestosis, if there is a threat of losing the baby or acute and chronic diseases, as well as polyhydramnios.
  • It is not recommended to walk a lot in late pregnancy. This should be done slowly, and with accompaniment.

Nordic walking during pregnancy

This look is just perfect for expectant mothers. After all, training, as a rule, takes place on the street, due to this, the supply of oxygen is activated, and the blood flow of the placenta improves many times, and this is why toxicosis has a mild form.

Nordic walking does not allow you to be overloaded and tired, it prevents overexcitation and nervous breakdowns. This affordable and comfortable a way of walking that does not load the spine, sparingly acts on the joints of the legs, distributing the load on the shoulders and arms. protect from falls and injuries as much as possible, this is an excellent fitness at any stage of pregnancy and allows you to keep the muscles in good shape, and this is necessary for the successful process of childbirth.

From such a walk due to increased oxygen supply, healthier sleep, and heart disease, mood improves from a significant increase in the quantitative composition of endorphins. Postpartum depression for women involved in Nordic walking is not terrible, they get sick less and suffer from edema.

Pain while walking in pregnant women in the lower abdomen

There can be several reasons for pain, but do not immediately be afraid. This may be due to the rebuilding and stretching of the ligaments that support the abdomen. If the pain is not passing and sharp, you should immediately consult a doctor. And if, this is a periodic and releasing not a sharp pain, then most likely the reason is not so terrible, but with stop walking and take a break. In any case, do not allow overstrain and unnecessary stress for the body.

The benefits of walking for pregnant women have long been proven by many doctors! Walking and enjoying the fresh air is good for the health of the expectant mother. Of course, walking for pregnant women has its limitations and contraindications for complications, pathologies of the gestating fetus. But if you organize the process of walking correctly, then it will only bring great benefits to the baby inside the tummy.

Why is walking for pregnant women so beneficial? How many hours a day do pregnant women need to walk, and which long walks should be avoided? What clothes to wear for a walk? We are ready to answer all these questions in this article!

As soon as a woman finds out about her interesting position, she should immediately think about healthy way life to ensure the future of the baby the correct development. For example, take up walking.

Walking pregnant women in the fresh air will not take much time or effort. In addition, it carries many benefits for the parent and future child.

Benefits of walking for pregnant women:

  1. Training of the cardiovascular system;
  2. The required rate of load on the respiratory tract;
  3. Saturation of the body with fresh air;
  4. Skin nutrition sunbeams, getting vitamin D;
  5. Intensive work of the muscular system;
  6. Body shaping and weight control;
  7. Rest from household chores and chores around the house;
  8. The opportunity to combine a walk with a meeting with friends;
  9. Filling the placenta with air necessary for the growth of the baby;
  10. Strengthening the muscles of the legs and back, which will greatly facilitate the process of childbirth;
  11. A charge of vivacity and mood for the whole day;
  12. Increased blood supply to bone tissue;
  13. The production of calcium in the body;
  14. Normalization of metabolism;
  15. Improving the digestive system, by accelerating the metabolism;
  16. Significant strengthening of immunity;
  17. Oxygen enrichment of the circulatory systems (both the mother herself and the baby);
  18. sedation nervous system, getting rid of stress;
  19. Suppression of the blues, depressive states.

Yes, yes, it didn’t seem to you that there are so many benefits from walking pregnant women in the fresh air. Hiking, in principle, is useful for every person who wants to maintain their healthy shape.

Hiking for pregnant women: how many hours a day should you walk?

In order for the benefits of a walk for pregnant women to be tangible, you should not limit yourself to fifteen-minute forays into the street. Many medical experts advise expectant mothers to walk for at least 2-3 hours a day! And that's not counting rest stops.

Only full-fledged walks in the fresh air can give a woman in labor a benefit. If it is not possible to walk for such a long time, it is quite possible to split the walk into several exits. For example, walk for an hour in the morning (before lunch) and an hour in the evening (before going to bed).

Walking during pregnancy, taking into account the trimester

Gentle physical activity will be an excellent assistant during childbirth. Therefore, walking for pregnant women is not only highly recommended, but even required! An athletic mom is a healthy mom. So, her baby is also likely to be born strong, healthy and strong.

Be careful! Walking, and any other physical activity in the first trimester of pregnancy, can be dangerous for proper development fetus. On the this period there is a high risk of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), so before you arrange long walks for yourself, consult a doctor who monitors pregnancy.

The most optimal time for intensive hiking will be the second trimester of pregnancy. The fetus has already formed, the threat of miscarriage becomes much lower. It's time to take a walk in the fresh air to fill your body with health and help the baby inside the tummy to develop!

In the third trimester, walking is not only possible, but even necessary. The main thing is to be careful and not overload your body. Be sure to carry any means of communication, passport and medical card with you. Suddenly, unexpected contractions will catch you while walking. After all, any physical activity can accelerate the discharge of water.

Incorrectly chosen clothes can easily spoil the whole walk for the expectant mother! So dress as comfortably as possible. When choosing between a light heel and sneakers, give your preference to the second option. After all, walks, even not long ones, require considerable effort and put a strong strain on the legs.

It is also important to dress for the weather. If the weather outside is warm, windless, you should not wrap yourself in three fur coats. Since overheating is not good either. If you are afraid that the weather may deteriorate sharply, then just take a windbreaker with you. The same applies to cold weather. If it's cold outside, make sure you're warm.

For long walks during pregnancy, you do not need to wear clothing that restricts movement. Limit your choice to loose, loose-fitting items. Products made from natural materials will help the skin breathe, relieve excessive sweating.

Long walks during pregnancy

Keeping yourself in good physical shape, you, of course, ensure a healthy, competent course of the entire pregnancy cycle. But sports and strong physical activity are not suitable for everyone during the bearing of a child. Therefore, before going on long walks during pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor.

If during long walks you do not lose much strength, you feel comfortable, then they are quite possible. It is best to choose the style, time and duration of the walk yourself. After all, each organism is unique, so for some meek forays into the street is already a feat, and for some, long walks during pregnancy are not enough.

Basic rules of hiking for pregnant women:

  1. Hiking for pregnant women means a simple measured walking in the fresh air. No need to run or strain your muscles a lot. A normal slow pace will suffice.
  2. Try to walk at least two hours a day. These may be short walks, but frequent during the day. Or vice versa, long walks during pregnancy are possible. Look at your strength, well-being. If you feel unwell, then you can not go out, but sit on the balcony.
  3. Don't be afraid of the weather! If it's cold outside, there's nothing wrong with dressing as warmly as possible. And when it rains, take an umbrella with you. Walking in the fresh air is always useful! And it will bring much more benefits than sitting at home.
  4. Try to get out into parks or groves where as much greenery and trees grow as possible. In summer, it is best to strive for a walk in flowering parks. Trees are able to purify and even increase oxygen, which supplies the body with essential substances, microelements.
  5. Avoid walking in industrial areas. You don't need to breathe exhausts, gases and other toxins! Where better to spend a little more time to get to a clean park.
  6. Give yourself short breaks. If during a walk you feel very tired, then there is nothing to worry about. Sit on the nearest bench. But do not delay from rest in a sitting position, yet your main task is walking.
  7. Do not load your head with everyday problems . During the walk, you need to relax, relax your mind and body. Take a break from worries, better enjoy the moment of a pleasant walk.
  8. It is important to maintain correct posture while walking. Keeping your back straight will make walking easier. So the tummy with the baby will not create much discomfort, and its heaviness will not pull you down.
  9. Choose only well-known routes, smooth roads. Do not forget that now you are in an interesting position and responsible for the unborn child. Therefore, it is best not to arrange extreme travel for yourself, but to choose an already trodden path.
  10. Avoid completely deserted places. Best Option will be the choice of parks. No need to go straight into the woods. It can be dangerous there! And in the summer there live contagious ticks that are dangerous to health.
  11. Choose a time for a walk when the sky is not very scorching sun. It is best to get out for a walk before lunch or in the late afternoon.
  12. Take a small bottle of water with you. While walking, a lot of strength is expended, so a frequent desire to drink is possible. Therefore, it is worth preparing in advance and take water with you.
  13. Pay attention to the air temperature outside the window. At temperatures above 30 degrees, it is better to postpone the walk. Sunstroke or overheating of the expectant mother is definitely not needed!
  14. Hiking for pregnant women, although useful, should still be approached with great care. If you feel unwell, feel weak, uncomfortable, then in this case it is worth taking someone with you who can look after you. Moreover, a good company will only cheer you up!
  15. Wear comfortable clothes necessarily corresponding to the weather conditions outside the window. Wrap your tummy especially carefully.
  16. Always take your mobile phone with you. Since you are now in an interesting position, a deterioration in your condition may occur at any time. It is necessary to be ready for anything and, in case of trouble, have a connection with relatives or a husband. Also on cell phone you can always contact an ambulance urgently.
  17. If the gestation period is approaching childbirth, then get used to carrying your passport and maternity card with you. So in case of sudden contractions, any maternity hospital will be able to quickly accept you.
  18. Don't overexert yourself while walking. And, most importantly, take care of yourself!