How to make sharp nails from square nails. Square shape nails. Trimming nails to shape

The way a woman's hands look says a lot. beautiful, well-groomed hands is a real source of pride. After all appearance nails also speaks of a woman's attitude to many things. Neatness, accuracy and sophistication are important features of every girl.

How to make square nails at home?

There are many ways to shape your nails. We will show you how to make square nails. While this may seem simple, it is not.

Materials and tools for manicure.

This shape gives a more sophisticated look to the hands. Nails of this shape are considered a sign of good taste. Most of all, it suits ladies with slightly plump fingers, because it visually makes them longer and thinner. But for owners of thin long fingers, this form may not be suitable. The square shape is just perfect for long nails. You can make it yourself too. To do this, you do not need a lot of special manicure tools. You will need only what, for sure, is already in your cosmetic bag:

nail file;

wire cutters;

Manicure scissors.

First of all, you need to remove the remnants of the old varnish.

Now cut the nail to the length you need. This must be done carefully, evenly and without bends. Only in this way will the desired result be obtained.

Now file your nails. There are several options. The choice depends only on your taste. You can make the edges more square, or slightly rounded.

When you have made the desired shape, it remains to choose a design that will go well with it.

Classic french manicure

French on square nails - the best option. These things seem to be made for each other. There are many interesting options french design is on long square nails.

Shown here classic version with a floral design on one of the fingers. This accent looks very beautiful and bright.

Fruit manicure

Such nails will appeal to lovers of everything unusual and creative. Apple nails are made according to the French principle. The only thing that distinguishes them - instead of a white stripe - an apple. Fruit colors can be varied.

tropical nails

This manicure is a real summer miracle. To draw it is as easy as shelling pears, for this you need to alternately apply colors with a thin brush. Then cover with clear varnish.

Floral manicure

This type of pattern is as popular as fruit patterns. Decorate square nails with white daisies - great idea, especially since such a pattern is suitable for

any outfit.

Gilded nails

This is a pretty pretty pattern. Not every woman will choose it. It is more suitable for solemn event than for every day. But whatever you say, it just looks perfect on square nails.

To make this design the easiest, just cover your nails with a gold base and apply black stripes with a thin brush. Add a couple of rhinestones and voila - the manicure is ready.

Manicure for real ladies

Another variation on the theme french manicure. Delicate white in combination with black patterns looks aristocratic and very sophisticated.


A very unusual option, which is difficult not to pay attention. He acquires in recent times increasing popularity. The once forgotten lace is now enduring new life on the nails of fashionistas. Recommended - ?

Video. Shellac - Do Manicure at Home in 2 Minutes. Step-by-step instruction.

Today, going to work or coming to visit with unkempt, ugly nails is akin to a shame for a woman who takes care of herself. But it is not at all necessary to spend a fortune on the attractive appearance of your fingers and visit the salon every week, not at all. give nice shape every woman can do nails herself and at home, the main thing is to know how to do it. And our article will help you figure it out and tell you about all the nuances of "finger" art.

Nails may have the following shape:

  • Square.
    It can be clear, soft or oval.
  • Almond.

  • Stylet.

  • Pick.
    It is very similar to the previous view, differs from it in a narrower shape and a sharp edge of the nail.

  • Oval.

  • Beveled shape.

Today, perhaps, few will decide to make a stiletto or pike, but the most popular form of nails is a square in all its manifestations. It is about him that our article will tell.

List of required tools

How to give square shape nails at home without resorting to salon help? What tools will be needed for this? Their set is very simple:

  • nail file;
  • wire cutters or scissors (the first is preferable).

A variety of nail files on the shelves of stores can drive an inexperienced person into a stupor. Let's see - which ones should you choose?

Nail files come in different abrasiveness: from 80 to 1200 grit. The more abrasive, the softer the nail file. Average values ​​to choose are 200-400 grit. For example, for artificial nails, you can choose a "hard" option - up to 120 grit. If the plates are soft and weakened, then a careful option is needed: 350-400 grit. For healthy natural nails, 220-300 grit is the golden mean.

How to make a square shape of nails on your own, without harming them? To do this, you need to know what materials the files are made of and which one to give preference to. In stores you can find tools:

  • Glass.
    They are very effective, but they are very expensive.
  • Metal.
    Try to avoid them. Now, after all, there are much better materials, and this one is “ last century". The metal is too rough and can cause delamination of nails.
  • Sand.
    They are very soft and comfortable, have many colors, are cheap, but are afraid of water and their service life is short.
  • Ceramic.
    Gained popularity for good reason, as they are great for exfoliating nails because of their ability to "seal" their edge. Suitable for natural nails, but not for artificial ones.

Well, we studied the theory, let's move on to practice? Below are the main steps for creating a square nail shape.


Before you make a square shape of the nails, the first thing to do is to remove the old varnish (if any) from them. After that, treat the cuticle.

Before cutting your nails, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, making sure you remove all dirt from under your nails.

Dry your hands thoroughly. Dry them until your nails and fingers are completely dry. This is necessary, since it is inconvenient and inefficient to work with wet nails with a file.

Trimming nails to shape

How to make a square shape of nails on your beautiful fingers? There is nothing easier! The main thing is to do it in one motion. It is very good if you have tweezers, and not nail scissors, since it is much easier to make a “biting off” movement with them. The main thing here is to put the tweezers evenly so that the line runs strictly perpendicular to the finger.

If you only have scissors, no problem. With their help, you can also cope, but it takes a little more time and diligence. Cut off the edge the same way. nail plate in a straight line. If you doubt yourself, first draw a line with a felt-tip pen, visually evaluate how it will look, and only then cut it.

Processing cuts with a saw

Well, the nails are cut off. Let's move on to the next step. How to make square nails perfect? They need to be processed with a nail file. Wielding it (even the softest), apply some effort. However, the pressure should not be too strong, because if you overdo it, you can damage the nail plate.

After trimming, treat the sides of the nail first, quite a bit.

Then go to its edge.

If you want to create a clear square shape, then do not touch or round the corners of the nail. If the nails are trapezoidal, then first you should carefully file the side edges at a slight angle, making the plate narrower, and then proceed to the edge.

If you like the square-oval shape of the nails, then after processing the edge with soft movements from the center of the nail to its sides, slightly round off the corners of the plate.

Nail polishing

If desired, after giving the nails a square shape, their surface can be made smooth and shiny by polishing it. In addition, if you are going to apply varnish, then this step simply cannot be overlooked. On polished nails, it lies more evenly and such a manicure looks amazing!

It is worth saying that polishing nails should not be carried away often. Once a month is more than enough, because this procedure can make the nail plates thinner and weaker if used unwisely. But we don't need that, do we?

The final stage

Congratulations, now you know everything about how to square nails! There is a small final step. Check your new nails for "quality". Run each of them over a piece of fabric. If you did everything right, there should be no discomfort during this action. If there are any bumps, chips or hooks, they need to be eliminated and checked again.

If everything is ok, bravo! You are just great.

You can start creating a manicure.

Square shape nails. Photos and examples of manicure

One of the main advantages of the square shape of nails is its convenience in everyday life.

On such a finger, extraordinary ornaments with rhinestones, and a calm classic French manicure, and almost any other nail design will look great.

The square shape, as you already know, can be different. Above is a manicure on a "clear square".

In the photo above and below - examples of manicure on a softer, square-oval shape of nails.

Choosing for yourself this form of nails, it is worth remembering that it will visually make your fingers a little shorter. "Square" will become ideal solution for owners of long thin fingers.

If you cannot boast of such, but the shape is extremely attractive to you, then stop your choice on the soft version, slightly rounded, oval shape.

Manicurists claim that the square shape of the nails is the most original and impressive, and is also suitable for any event, whether it is a strict dress code in classical style or an unusual holiday event. Creating a square shape is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance.

The appearance of nails can be done in plain matte or multi-colored bright shades. The most important thing is to pre-select the appropriate manicure design, and then implement it in the best style possible.

Square nails (which manicure to do will be discussed later) is the trend of the new season for young girls and women of all ages, status and appearance color type. The stages of creating a manicure with a square shape of the nail plate are somewhat different from the usual.

Selection of tools and materials

To create an impressive manicure with square-shaped nails, you will need the following tools:

As materials you will need:

  • nail polish remover;
  • sponges, napkins;
  • substrate;
  • water with useful salts and oils;
  • hand cream.

Preparation stage

Before manicure, nails should be prepared step by step.


  1. Remove the old varnish, place your fingers in water with salts and emollient oils dissolved in it.
  2. After steaming, the skin is removed from the nail, cut off.
  3. Apply cream to the cuts.
  4. Degrease the nail.

If the nails were previously squared and only a slight correction is required, it will be enough to use an abrasive file. Nails must be dry to file.

Trimming nails to shape

If a square shape is made for the first time on long nails, then they must be cut with nippers clearly horizontally in one step. Marks are made from the edges of the nails.

Processing cuts with a saw

Sections are processed with an abrasive file (or milling cutter), the movements of the file are directed in one direction. The corners are rounded off by moving the file from the edge to the central part of the nail.

Nail polishing

Fully formed nails are polished with a special plate or router. Nails must be dry. Grinding the nail is done with a single smooth movement. Grinding removes the top layer of the nail with bacteria in it, eliminates irregularities, and stimulates growth. After the procedure, nourishing oil is applied to the nails. Sanding is followed by polishing.

For not enough strong nails choose a suede delicate plate. For strong nails - an abrasive polishing file.

The movements of the file are transverse, repeated until a shine appears. After polishing, apply nourishing oil or cream to the nails. If the nails are severely damaged, polishing and grinding them can not be.

The final stage

On the final stage each nail is rubbed with a piece of cloth. With a properly performed manicure, the touch of the fabric will not cause discomfort, nail hooks will be excluded. Next, apply the selected varnish or gel polish.


  1. Remove the old varnish, steam it in salt water, treat the cuticle area and side areas, grease with cream.
  2. Each nail is cut from edge to edge in one motion. The cut is parallel to the base of the nail.
  3. Optionally, the corners are rounded off with a file (“soft square”) or left unsmoothed (classic square configuration).
  4. Polish nails, apply nail oil and polish to a shine.

Square nail extension. Sequence, stages

You can also do a manicure on square nails with extensions.


  1. At the first stage, the nails are treated with an antiseptic, filed to a length of 3 mm. It is necessary to move the cuticle, remove the pterygium from the lateral edges of the nail.
  2. Carefully remove the top layer from the nails with an abrasive file.
  3. Remove dust with a soft brush, without touching the nails with your fingers.
  4. Nail plates are degreased with a special tool.
  5. Apply a dehydrator to well-moistened nails, allow to dry.

Nail extensions are made with the assistance of templates that are torn at the top.
The template is rounded, inserted under the nail. The line of the template should ideally lie on the line of nail growth. If the template does not lie down exactly, the excess is cut off with scissors. To give a natural curve to the future nail, the shape is bent in half vertically.

The upper wings of the template wrap around the finger. The center line of the nail coincides with the center line of the superimposed form. The initial layer of the built-up nail - acid free primer applied, dried.

Now the 1st layer of gel is applied to the nail plate and the template, on which the length and shape of the future nail is indicated, is dried under a lamp for 1 minute. Apply the gel product to the next nail after the previous one has dried.

The second layer of the gel is applied to the highest point of the nail, distributed with a brush, from the cuticle and from the sides recede by 0.5 mm. When applying a self-leveling gel, the hand is turned palm up, the gel is distributed over the nail on its own. Dry under the lamp for 2-3 minutes.

The form is removed. The upper dispersion layer is removed with a special liquid. Irregularities of the surface of the extended nail are polished. A special file for artificial nails creates the correct shape of the free edge. Particles after saw cut are removed with a brush. The surface is degreased.

The final coating is applied in a thin layer, dried for 1 min. Now you can apply varnish.

Acrylic nail extension is done in this way:

  1. First you need to prepare the nails in an appropriate way, treat with a degreaser;
  2. Next, cover the nail plate with a primer;
  3. Acrylic is applied inside special square shapes;
  4. The form is pressed against the nail for 30 seconds;
  5. Excess working material comes out;
  6. The form is processed with a brush, removed;
  7. Nails are filed and varnished.

The simplest, harmless and fastest option for nail extension is extension on tips (plastic overlays corresponding to the configuration and curves of a natural nail). Tips are glued to the nails, a gel is applied to give a natural shape, dried. Nails are filed, polished, painted.

Technique for performing a "soft square"

Soft square nails are made in this way.

You will need:

  • materials for the preparatory stage;
  • miniature scissors;
  • abrasive file;
  • grinding and polishing plate, nourishing polishing oil.

The principle of execution is similar to the steps for creating a square nail. The main difference: the corners of the nails are rounded, not sharp.


almond shape

The almond shape of the nails is characterized by a smooth shape and the absence of sharp corners.

To give nails almond-shaped at home you will need:

  • tools and materials for preparing nails for manicure;
  • miniature scissors;
  • abrasive files with small and large coating particles;
  • tools for grinding and polishing.

Instructions for changing the existing nail shape to almond shape:

Difficulties that may be encountered

Useful tips for proper manicure and nail health:

  1. You should not build up nails if yours are badly damaged. To build the nail plates must be completely healthy.
  2. It is better not to cut the cuticle, but to push it back and lubricate it with special prophylactic agents: the cuticle protects the nails from infections, lesions, and an allergic reaction.
  3. When filing nails, the movements of the abrasive file should be directed in one direction. The movement of the file in 2 directions provokes the separation of nails.
  4. It is better not to use metal files when working with nails. Suitable more glass, wood, ceramic.
  5. To work with natural nails choose the right file coated with a soft abrasive material. For extended nails, a coarse-grained file is more suitable.
  6. Avoid manicure products containing formaldehyde: it negatively affects the structure of the nails, threatens the body as a whole with serious diseases.
  7. When forming nails and coloring them, haste is not welcome.
  8. The stage of degreasing cannot be excluded: the working material for building up and the varnish are kept for a long time on degreased nails.
  9. Long stay in water high temperature leads to rapid peeling of the varnish.
  10. It is better not to apply any coating on the nails in one thick layer. Let there be several thin layers: the secret of the right manicure.
  11. In order for the varnish and any other coating to last longer, it must be sealed during application: the brush with the product is brought to the edge of the nail and captures the end.
  12. Acetone harms nails, so it is better to choose liquid nail polish removers without acetone.
  13. Proper nail polishing process: healthy oil rub with finger movements in a circle, continue to rub the oil with a file-polisher until a shine is obtained. Do not use the polishing pad on living nails without applying oil. This is allowed on non-natural nails.
  14. Nail extensions are useless. Vitamin-mineral complexes (the presence of B vitamins), polyunsaturated fatty acids, salt baths, healing and restorative coatings will help strengthen nails.
  15. After removal of artificial nails, it is advisable to give live nails a rest for 2-3 weeks, to carry out a complex of therapeutic and restorative measures.
  16. Use a base coat before applying colored nail polish.
  17. It is not safe for live nails to wear artificial nails for more than 2 weeks: the gel product hardens, aggressive liquids are used to remove it.
  18. When cutting nails, it is better to use nippers. Unlike scissors, nippers do not deform the edge of the nail. Small length is removed with an abrasive file.
  19. You can not tear off extended nails on your own: the top layer of the nail is damaged.

Nail Design Styles for a Square Shape

Square nails look impressive with a well-chosen manicure design. Geometric shapes and a classic jacket with a twist are very popular. Lunar manicure- a special method of coloring nails, in which the zone of the nail hole is outlined in a semicircle or any other figure.

Options for such a manicure can be as follows:

Lunar Manicure Benefits:

  • easy technique;
  • the smallest number of working tools;
  • a wide variety of colors;
  • Ideal for square nails.

The principle of coloring nails in the gradient style is to use a varnish of 2 colors with smooth transition one color to another. Colors can move from one to another vertically, horizontally, diagonally.

Style benefits include:

  • a large selection of options;
  • combined with other designs;
  • gradient - universal style;
  • the way to do it is simple.

Floral manicure involves applying a flower pattern to the nails with special paint or gluing ready-made floral decorations to the nails.

The advantages of this style:

  • variety of ideas;
  • universal;
  • easy to do.

Flower manicure options:

Geometric manicure is the application in the form of a pattern on the nails of various geometric shapes and lines.


  • ease of implementation;
  • a wide range of options;
  • combination with rhinestones;
  • suitable for any style of clothing;
  • Combines favorably with other styles of manicure.


French or French manicure is painting the nail plate in one color and highlighting the overgrown part of the nail with another color.

Benefits of a French manicure:

  • ease of implementation;
  • perfect for square shaped nails;
  • hides imperfections of nails;
  • looks stylish and natural;
  • goes with any outfit.

Design options:

Features of nail design styles are shown in the table:

Manicure style Advantages Flaws
LunarUniform appearance
Gradientoriginality, diversityTime consuming
FloralUniqueness, diversityDamage is visible and difficult to repair
GeometricVariety of optionsComplex drawings take a long time to complete
FrenchEase of implementation, versatilityUniform appearance

Square nails with a well-chosen modern manicure will give a special charm. female image. Make a square shape on short and long nails not difficult, even by building.

Article formatting: Oksana Grivina

Video on how to make square nails

How to properly file your nails to get a square shape:

A beautiful and neat shape of nails is a fundamental part of manicure. After all, no matter how bright and stylish your nail art is, it will look dull on shapeless nails, so they definitely need to be given good shape. Among women different ages and professions the square shape of the nail plate is considered popular, on which varnishes of any color look great, as well as rhinestones, glitter and other special effects. We will talk further about how to properly make a square shape of nails at home and what are the fashionable design ideas for a square manicure.

What do these nails look like?

Square nails are ideal for women with long fingers, because this shape of the tips visually makes the handles more miniature. But ladies with massive and short fingers, as well as owners of a wide or, conversely, a small nail bed, it is better to refuse a square shape, since such a manicure will look unnatural and rude.

Square nail design photo:

Among these three options, the second and third are more in demand, since in the first, the sharp square corners of the marigolds can bring discomfort to their owner, for example, clinging to clothes.

How to make square nails at home

And now let's deal with how to properly cut square nails.

So, in order:

  • Wipe off the old coating with nail polish remover, preferably without acetone.
  • Immerse your fingers in a hot bath for 5-8 minutes. Ideal for herbal bath and with the addition of sea salt.
  • Dry your hands with a towel and cut the cuticle with special forceps. If the cuticle is small, the so-called orange sticks will do.
  • With straight scissors well sharpened blades or knipers in one movement, cut the nail in a straight line.

  • After cutting the nails, their corners will be sharp, and the edges will be rough, so you need to file them with a file. Sawing must be done with gentle movements, at an angle of approximately 45 degrees from the edge of your nail. File the nail plate in only one direction, without zigzags, to protect it from chipping and cracking.

  • Further, with gentle movements round the edges nails.

  • Wash hands and apply to nails moisturizing cream.

Many women ask themselves the question: “How to make a square shape from a round nail shape?” To do this, you just need to cut off the rounded part of the nail to form a straight line, or leave a barely noticeable oval if you want to end up with an oval-square shape. Then we file the nails, as indicated in the instructions above.

Trendy Square Nail Design Ideas

On square nails any colors and special effects look great, and the jacket looks especially beautiful.

Dark manicure

It will look graceful and stylish on square-shaped nails. This option is preferred by self-confident, successful ladies.

Lush and rich on square nails looks nail art bright colors, which can be supplemented with various special effects:, sparkles, drawings.

With the help of delicate light shades, a strict square can be turned into a romantic option.

On square nails - it's always a win-win, since the smile of a French manicure in this case will look expressive and clear. The trend is a V-shaped jacket, which gives the nails notes of extravagance and creativity.

It looks very interesting on square nails, which can be combined with a jacket and other ideas.

They look very bold and unusual on square nails.

Video on how to make square nails

The heroine of this video will tell and show you how to square your nails. You will also learn about which nail files are better to use during each of the stages of manicure design. The video will also be useful for those women who want to learn how to polish their nails.

Combination with other types of design solutions

With the help of a manicure, women emphasize the uniqueness of not only their external image, but also inner world. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the design of the nails should be in harmony with other types of design solutions: clothing, accessories and makeup.

  • square nails goes well with formal attire and elegant understated attire. But this does not mean that they will look bad with other styles of clothing.

  • The main thing - choose the right nail art color. The following colors are perfect for each other: black, white, red, brown and its shades, gold, silver.

  • Woman will always look stylish if the color of her square manicure is the same as her clothes, accessories or makeup.

  • Light shades of brown considered universal, so a manicure in this color is suitable for almost any design solution.

  • On the special occasions in life you can make the drawing of your manicure the same as the outfit. And it will be stunning!

As you can see, making square-shaped nails at home is not at all difficult. The design of the square can be the most different colors: from pastel to juicy and bright. Rhinestones, sparkles, drawings - all this is also great for this form of nails. Dear fashionistas, do you like the square shape of the nails and what kind of nail art do you prefer for it? Share your opinions and ideas in the comments, and ask questions.

Every woman strives to always and everywhere look perfect. From what her appearance depends on her confidence in behavior, attractiveness, mood. Everything is important for women - style of clothing, jewelry, hairstyle, makeup, and especially beautiful manicure, the basis of which is a neat, properly selected shape of the nails. A professional manicure master can easily and quickly choose the right nail design. However, if you take into account some tips, it is possible to do a manicure at home, while saving time and money.

Classification of fingernail shapes

There are no two people with exactly the same nail shape. Every person needs individual approach in choosing the design of the nail plate, which is based not only on personal tastes, preferences, fashion trends, but also depends on the structural features of the fingers, the entire hand, lifestyle, thickness, the condition of the nails, and the general style. There are many variations of manicure design, simple and complex, for example, in fashion are the novelties of summer 2015: EDGE, bridget, parker. Consider the basic forms of marigolds.


Square-shaped nails are suitable for owners of long, thin fingers, they are able to visually shorten their length. This design is extremely popular as it is the easiest to make, it is recommended for most women, and it is also suitable for men. The rectangular shape looks great on nails of any length - medium, short, long, suitable for everyday manicure, however, the sharp tips of the nails often cling to everything and can break.


Girls with big hands, wide palms and large fingers, rounded nail design is ideal. At the same time, the surface of the nail retains strength, resistance to chips, hooks for fabric and clothing decor. The design is ideal for short (maximum 3mm), weak, brittle nails. Rounded design is chosen by active, mobile women, mothers of small children, health workers, musicians, nannies and kindergarten teachers.


Oval manicure is universal, it suits most women, and therefore very popular. The nails are strong, rounded, have smoothed corners, clear lines, which makes them look good in any look. The oval design emphasizes the fragility and tenderness of girlish fingers. This shape looks great on medium and long nails. There are several shapes of oval plates:

  • With straight sides.
  • Classic.
  • Square.

soft square

Another choice for brittle nails is the soft square shape, which is a rectangle with softened edges. rounded edges. Thanks to the roundness, the nails will not cling to clothes. Perfect manicure for this form is considered French classic. A soft square suits all women, except for owners of short fingers.


Almond decoration has about round shape with a narrowed tip, which in appearance resembles an almond. Almond nails look very similar to natural ones, they give hands and fingers a sophisticated, feminine look. But this form is very fragile, so it is recommended to do it on artificial tips or strengthen natural nail plates with gel or acrylic.


This shape is an incredibly long and sharp triangles that will suit bold, extravagant girls. The stiletto visually lengthens the fingers, therefore it is recommended for girls with fingers middle length and small hands. This form has several varieties:

  • faceted. It has several facets extended with a gel.
  • Gothic. narrow triangular shape with rounded edges.
  • Pick. Thin and strongly narrowed to the tip of the nail form.


The unique, peculiar nail design of the pipe combines almond and square shapes. It is possible to grow such nails only from artificial materials, but they are strong, comfortable, practical, beautiful. Outwardly, the plate resembles a half of a tube, due to which the fingers visually appear longer. One of the most important advantages of this form is that it suits both young high school students and mature ladies.

Features of filing nails at home

Before proceeding with the procedure for filing nails, remember some rules:

  • Sawing is carried out on a dry surface.
  • Align the length to the shortest.
  • Manicure is done in good light. The smallest details can be viewed through a magnifying glass.
  • Before you begin to outline the outline, visualize the desired shape.

  • There should be no more than 10 sawing movements in one direction.
  • All manicure tools must be of high quality.
  • To avoid delamination and nicks, filing is carried out slowly, slightly in an inclined state, in one direction (from the edge to the center).
  • It is allowed to file nails that have grown from the nail bed by 2-3 millimeters.
  • Hands, fingers should be periodically lubricated with wax so that there is no roughness.

Preparation for the procedure

Before you start decorating your nails, prepare all the necessary tools:

  1. Nail scissors. They are used to adjust the shape and shorten the nails to the required length.
  2. Tweezers. Used to eliminate cuticles and hangnails.
  3. Files. Helps to correct the shape and length of the nails. There are such types:

  • Disposable with a paper base, coated with graphite on top.
  • Metal. They are used for healthy, not damaged nail plates.
  • Plastic. Suitable for natural nails.
  • Glass. Used for filing thin, weak surfaces that have been gnawed.
  • Ceramic.

According to the graininess of the nail files are:

  • Rough, for cutting artificial material(gel, acrylic).
  • Medium, forms the length of the plate.
  • Soft - for final processing.
  • Very soft - for polishing.

Also for the procedure we need:

  1. Wooden sticks. With their help, dirt is removed under the nails and the cuticles are shifted.
  2. Nail brush. It cleanses the skin of the hands and the nail plate from impurities, softens rough skin.
  3. Nail polish remover. Removes old varnish, degreases the plate before painting.
  4. Cuticle softener. A special cream or liquid that softens the skin of the cuticle and slows down its growth in the future.
  5. Corrective pencil white color. Colors the tips of the nails from the inside.

How to give a beautiful shape to nails: step by step instructions

Regardless of what shape of nails you will create, you first need to prepare the nail plate:

  • Remove the old varnish and degrease the surface of the nail plate with a nail polish remover.
  • Treat and trim cuticles and hardened nail tissue.
  • Treat your hands and nails with a disinfectant.

Let's start creating square nails:

  • Cut the nail with pedicure nippers in a straight line to the desired length.
  • File the nail. To do this, visually draw a line in the middle of the nail plate from its base to the free edge. Processing with a nail file must be carried out strictly perpendicular to this line.
  • The tip of the nail after filing should be perfectly even. To check, attach a nail file to it. It is necessary that the corners of the nail are on the same line.
  • On the sides, lightly process the nail: file parallel to our virtual line.
  • If you want to get a "soft square", slightly round the corners with a nail file.
  • For smoothness, polish the surface of the nail plate with a special nail file.
  • After completing the procedure, clean your hands and nails from dust, treat with a nourishing cream.

Step by step guide to creating round and oval nail shapes.

  • Using nail clippers or nail scissors, cut your nails to the desired length. If you are making a round shape, the length of the nail should be up to 3 millimeters.
  • For a rounded design with a nail file, make smooth rounded movements in the direction from the side edge to the middle of the nail.
  • For an oval shape, first align the sides of the nail with a nail file, then round the edges.
  • At the end, with a soft file, you need to smooth the corners until a perfect crescent is formed.

Video tutorial: how to make a beautiful nail shape

It is not difficult to give a beautiful appearance to the nails at home, the main thing is to follow all the rules of the filing procedure and follow the instructions of the masters. And in order to thoroughly study the skill of manicure and learn how to properly shape the nails, we offer detailed videos from YouTube in which the masters tell how to correct the nail plate, saw it and how to shape the toenails.

Correction of the nail plate

How to file your nails correctly

How to make the correct shape of toenails