Parent meeting in the form of a round table "Creating conditions for enhancing the play activities of children in the family" material (middle group) on the topic. Synopsis of the parent meeting our children are growing up How to organize a child's corner summary of the meeting

Municipal budgetary state preschool institution

Kindergarten No. 74 of the Kalininsky district of the city of St. Petersburg

Advice for parents

"How to Organize a Home Play Corner for Kids"

Prepared by the teacher

Sidorova Alla Igorevna

St. Petersburg


Dear adults: mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! If you want your child to be active, active, and develop successfully, try to create the appropriate conditions for him. It is necessary to think about the fact that the child has his own corner in the house, that place where he could play quietly, go about his business, without causing inconvenience to all other family members.

It is very important that the child has the opportunity to place his toys, items for play in the place allotted to him, understanding, feeling that he does not interfere with anyone.

The place for the child's corner should be well lit so as not to spoil the baby's eyesight, be convenient for the child to approach the places where the game material is stored.

The play area should have a sufficient, but not excessive amount of toys. Buy toys for children aimed at the comprehensive development of the child.

Games, toys of various content.

For example:

  1. Toys are fun
  2. Board - printed games,
  3. Different types designer,
  4. building kits,
  5. Toys for playing with buildings (sets of animals, small toys),
  6. Cars, transformers (no enumeration),
  7. Dolls (without quantitative enumeration) and clothes for the doll,
  8. Children's tableware,
  9. folk toys,
  10. Musical,
  11. Educational (puzzles, puzzles, mosaics, Nikitin's cubes, "Fold the pattern", "Fold the square", "Tangram"),
  12. theater for children,
  13. Toys - homemade,
  14. Material for artistic creativity: plasticine, colored paper, cardboard, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, paint and glue brushes, children's scissors (safe), glue stick, etc.

In order to choose the right toys, you should take into account: age, level of development, interests of the child. When choosing a toy, you need to be clear about the benefits they can bring to your baby's development.

Excessive abundance of toys dissipates interest in them, so there should not be a large number of toys in the play corner. Too many toys lead to clutter. The child gets bored with the same toys, and as a result, he does not play with them, but only manipulates them or scatters them.

Toys need to be changed periodically, i.e. clean some and get others (preferably a change of one type).

For example: they played “Transport” cubes for a week, after a week they got “Animals” cubes, or they changed 2-3 cars for new or long-forgotten ones.

Changing toys leads to:

  1. Firstly, the child receives a versatile development from the game, and does not perform memorized actions,
  2. secondly, the child manages to miss the removed toy and when it appears in his corner after a while, he perceives it as his beloved, dear. The toy causes the child positive emotions(joy, delight).

It is necessary to ensure that after the game the child puts the toys in their places, he puts his corner in order. Sometimes parents themselves accustom their children to sloppiness, to disorder.

For example: a child is playing, and he is urgently called to dress for a walk, dine or swim, without giving him time to clean up the game material. The child develops such a quality as negligence, not frugality to things.

It is necessary to warn the child a few minutes before the upcoming event that it is time to collect toys, because we ... (let's go for lunch, walk). Evaluate the result of cleaning. If the game is interrupted for emergencies, then you need to direct the child to further cleaning after the event or to clean up together, but not take on all the work.

It happens that children play the same game for several hours or days, and here it is important that the building or the environment created by the child for the game is in its place in order, and not destroyed. This brings up accuracy, frugality in children, forms the ability to maintain order, aims the child for further work, project activities the ability to get things done. Therefore, the place reserved for games should be free for the child, and not be forced by foreign household items.

Often parents force them to clean up the environment created by the child, the building, or they clean it themselves only because they see it as a mess, they try to create perfect order in the room. The child is very worried, because. his plan for further play is destroyed, and if this happens constantly, then he does not have a desire for this type of activity, he loses interest in creation. In such cases, whims, aggression, anger appear. Here you need to think about what is more important: the ideal order or mental balance of the child, his creative development.

It is advisable to carry out general cleaning together with children, wash toys, wipe shelves, put toys in their places, select toys for repair or for children. younger age(For a present). Such joint work instills diligence in the child, a desire to help adults, to feel like an adult and significant in the labor process.

A play corner for a child is his microclimate, where he receives new impressions every day, forms his skills, habits, acquires new skills - learns the world.

Children who play little do not develop well!

Through play, the child enters the world of adults.

Create a microclimate for your child comfortable, cozy, affordable.

The time of childhood passes quickly. Play more often with your child! Create conditions for the harmonious development of the child.

Be your child's friend, mentor, partner.

Questionnaire for parents

  1. Does the child have a place to play in the house? (Not really)
  2. Permanent or temporary place to play? (emphasize)
  3. Where and how are toys stored? ................................................. ................


  1. Does the child clean up toys on their own? (always, sometimes, never)
  2. Do you clean up toys for your child? (always, rarely)
  3. How often do you help your child clean up play material? (always, rarely, never)
  4. Do you do spring cleaning with your child? (never, always, sometimes)
  5. Is there a change in game material? (monthly, never, rarely, other)………………………………………………………………..
  6. Does your child often break toys? ..................................................
  7. What are you guided by when choosing a toy? (I just liked it, the child asks, not expensive, advised, other) ………………………


11. Do you repair toys? (never, always, sometimes)

12. How often do you play with your child? (rarely, daily, never play, other)…………………………………………………

13. Does the child know how to occupy himself? …………………………………

Thank you for participating in the survey!

Used Books

Zagik L.V., Kulikova T.A., Markova T.A. and others. To the educator about working with the family: a guide for the educator kindergarten. Ed. Vinogradova N.F.

Moscow Enlightenment 1989

http://www.missus.ruarticle "Organizing children's Corner»"How to equip a children's corner in the apartment"

Parent meetings in kindergarten

Summary of the parent meeting "The game is not fun"

Target: raise the level of pedagogical culture of parents

Preliminary work:

  1. Family Play Corner Contest #1 (Visit other families to see play corners, play corner photos, play corner story)
  2. Competition No. 2 "Skillful Hands" (Making a game, toys together with children)
  3. Poems and riddles about toys (Learning poems, riddles with children, you can compose together)
  4. In a group, issue invitations for parents with children
  5. Design posters "the game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity"
  6. Exhibition of books, magazines on the topic "Game activity"
  7. Tape recording with questions:
    Do you like to play?
    What games do you play at home?
    Do you have favorite toys? Which? How do you play with them?
    Do adults play with you? Who?
    How do you take care of toys?

Assembly progress.
(The song “Where does childhood go” sounds. Music by A. Zatsepin, lyrics by L. Derbenev)

1. Introduction.

In order for our children to have a happy childhood, the main place in their life should be occupied by play. AT childhood The child has a need to play. And it needs to be satisfied not because business is time, fun is an hour, but because playing, the child learns and learns about life.

“Play permeates the whole life of a child. This is the norm even when the baby is doing a serious job. He has a passion, and it must be satisfied. Moreover, this game should be impregnated with this game all his life. His whole life is a game"
A. S. Makarenko

Let's talk about the game today.

2. Discussion "Is it necessary to manage children's games?"

  1. listening to a tape recording
  2. questions to parents: Do you think it is necessary to supervise the child's play?
  3. Generalization by the educator:

If you do not play, do not lead the game of the baby at an early age, then he will not develop the ability to play both independently and with other children.

At a younger age, the game becomes a means of development and education if it is built on meaningful communication with an adult. When playing with your daughter or son, remember that you cannot suppress the initiative of the baby. Play with him on equal terms. When playing, watch your speech: the even, calm tone of an equal partner in the game instills in the child the confidence that they understand him, share his thoughts, want to play with him. Therefore, we must make it a rule for ourselves: to join the baby’s game several times a day, this encourages the child to new actions.

3. Working with memos

  1. Exercise: underline the points that you have already completed
  2. Generalization by the educator "What is a good toy?"

First of all, this toy is safe, appropriate for the age of the child. The more varied the toys. The more interesting the game of kids. But diversity does not mean abundance.

Before you make another purchase, it's a good idea to ask the baby how he will play with it. If 90% of the game is played by a child and only 10% by a toy, then it is a good toy. An empty toy can be a great toy for a baby. cardboard box into which you can climb. It can be a ship, a fortress, or a rocket. Such a toy stimulates both fantasy and imagination. It can be used as it is. And you can cut holes in it - portholes, paint. Homemade toys are of great educational value.

4. Parents' stories from the experience of family education

  1. "Games of families in the family"
  2. "Leisure in the family"

5. Task game

I propose an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-esteem. If you do as it is said, then you put a red chip, not always yellow, never blue.

  1. Every evening I spend time playing with the children.
  2. Talking about my childhood games
  3. If a toy breaks, I fix it together with the child
  4. Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it, show different variants games
  5. I listen to the child's stories about games and toys in kindergarten
  6. I do not punish the child with a game, a toy, i.e. do not deprive him for the duration of the game or toys
  7. I often give a child a game, a toy

If there are more red chips on your table, then the game is always present in your house. Play with your child as equals. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because the game is the most interesting thing in a child's life.

6. Excursion to the game library

The teacher talks about the children's favorite games and toys, answers questions from parents

7. Solution parent meeting

  1. take an active part in children's games
  2. take an active part in the manufacture of games, toys, their repair
  3. organize family excursions in the interests of children
  4. take an active part in the life of the kindergarten

parent meeting in the form round table

Prepared by:

Rusova Svetlana Evgenievna, caregiver

Zavolzhye, 2016

Abstract of the parent meeting in the form of a round table

“Creating conditions for the activation gaming activity children in the family

(middle group)

Target: to promote the improvement of the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of activating the gaming activity of younger preschoolers in a family setting.


1. To promote the development of active interest of parents in the play activities of children.

2. Bring parents to the conclusion about the leading role of play activities in preschool age.

3. Systematize parents' knowledge about the organization gaming environment in family conditions.

Conduct form: round table

Members: educators, parents

Preliminary work:diagnostics of play activity together with a kindergarten psychologist, uh Excursion for parents to the group (game centers), survey of parents(Appendix 1) , create customized invitations(appendix 2) , making a memo for parents(Appendix 3) , informational message "Role-playing game in the family"(Appendix 4), lecture-conversation "Let's play with children" (Appendix 5), master class for parents "Games with a child in the kitchen"(Appendix 6) . Exhibition of books, magazines on the topic "Game activity of preschoolers". Design of the stand "Children play". Production of the newspaper "Role-playing games"(Appendix 7). Creating a computer presentation. Hall decoration, musical accompaniment.


Tables arranged in a circle; blanks for business cards, felt-tip pens, “Reminders for parents” on the topic on the tables;

multimedia equipment;

Musical toy;

Exhibition of toys;

Soft toy - the sun;

Record player;

Chips red, yellow, of blue color for Game.

Event progress

1. Introductory part

- Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to meet you at our round table. We bring to your attention the following topic for discussion: "Creating conditions for enhancing the play activities of children in the family."

AT last years the game is no longer taken seriously, and as a result, children have poor playing skills. One of the reasons that children do not play is the underestimation of this activity by adults. The main argument of adults: the game is a useless activity that will not be useful in the future (unlike writing and counting).

Leading domestic psychologists L.S. Vygotsky and D.B. Elkonin convince us that the game is necessary for a preschooler, since this is the type of activity in which the child is most prepared for school, since it develops mental processes that contribute to the development cognitive processes and cognitive abilities.

Today we will discuss these pressing issues. Let's talk about the results of the survey, share with each other the experience of arranging a children's corner and filling it, and at the end a "spicy dish" awaits you.

Psychological warm-up "Smile"

But first I would like to know: are you in a good mood? How to give it to other people without words at a meeting? How to communicate without words good mood? Of course, with a smile. A smile can warm with its warmth, show your friendliness and improve your mood. And so that we all want to smile now, I will introduce you to this cute bunny. (The bunny sings a cheerful couplet).

2. "Let's get acquainted"

Filling out business cards

In order for our conversation to be sincere and frank, so that you get to know each other better, let's get to know each other. I suggest you complete business card, on which write your name and draw a picture that matches your mood (sun, cloud, etc.)

3. Analysis of microstudy results(Appendix 1). Discussion.

Vos-l: In preparation for our meeting, I conducted a survey of parents. And today I would like to invite you to discuss some issues in more detail. All questions are on the slide.

Let's start with the first question: "What conditions are created in the family for your child's games?" (statements of parents, exchange of experience on arranging a play corner, a place and time for games, a set of toys, matching them to the age of the child)

Vos-l: How and what do our children play at home? What does it depend on? First of all, let's talk about the gaming corner. It’s good when living conditions allow and the baby has a separate room. But if there is no separate room, do you need a separate play area for the child?

(parents' answers)

Child of the first half early age from birth to 2 years old, exists in close conjunction with a close adult, his independent studies are very short-lived, he always attracts an adult to them. At the same time, the expanding possibilities of walking and speech tear him away from the adult and lead him to mastering the home space. What is happening?

(parents' answers)

Yes, of course, it turns out that the child is everywhere, his toys move with the child to where the adult is, and you can observe such a picture - for example, in the living room the baby played with one - threw it, played with the other - threw it, and the whole room is strewn with toys, and adult and child bump into them and stumble over them. And now, after 2 years, the time comes when the child should have a play corner - a place where he can play or engage in any activity.

What do you think should or should be in a child's play area?

(parents' answers)

Primarily, children's table with a smooth surface without drawings measuring 50 by 70 cm, as well as a high chair. Is it possible to “give” a desk to a child at this age?

(parents' answers)

Of course, you don't need to do this. The desk is high, it is impossible to approach it from different sides and do something just standing behind it. At best, a desk becomes the equivalent of a shelf for toys.

What else can be in the child's play corner?

(parents' answers)

Mandatory elements of the play corner are an open low rack or a bookcase of 2-3 shelves accessible by the height of the baby’s hand, several large plastic or cardboard containers (containers) for playing material.

If the corner occupies part of the room, can you somehow mark the boundaries of the site?

(parents' answers)

It is advisable to provide a rug 70 by 70 cm in this place, where the child can arrange toy furniture, build a building out of cubes and leave it there for a while without disturbing others.

During a joint discussion, we determined what kind of children's corner should be. Thus, now you can bring your baby's corner into proper shape, because. this is essential for its full development. It is also equally important to create conditional situations for the development of gaming activities.

Let's move on to the second question:“Who in your family buys toys and how often? On what basis is the choice of toys carried out?

(Exchange of family experience on the choice of toys. Discussion of several points of view of parents).

Vos-l: So, the space of the play corner is indicated. What to fill it with? Let's talk about toys. You have memos on the tables that describe different types of toys. For convenience, I have numbered them. I propose to read out in turn, and we will discuss everything together.

1. Display toys real life- dolls, animal figurines, furniture, dishes, household items, strollers, etc.

Why does the child need these toys?

(parents' answers)

Of course, while playing with these toys, the baby displays the real world. Psychologists believe that toys are an important part of any culture. Society transmits to the child in a special "folded form" - through a toy, as a cultural tool, the main spiritual landmarks, the direction of the movement of society.

2. Technical toys - different kinds transport, constructors.

Can we attribute these toys to the previous group as plot and display toys?

(answers of parents).

- Of course, especially transport. However, I still divided them into different subgroups. Why?

(answers of parents).

- That's right, mostly girls play with dolls, strollers, mostly boys play with transport and constructor. I said “mostly”, because you can observe how in a group girls can ride a car with pleasure, and boys sometimes enthusiastically play with dishes - they “eat” at the table, and also roll strollers with dolls sitting in them.

3. Toys - fun: funny figurines of animals, animals, little men. For example: A bunny playing a drum, a jumping cockerel, a crawling and buzzing bug.

What is the purpose of these toys?

(parents' answers)

- Quite right, to amuse children, to cause laughter, empathy, joy, to cultivate a sense of humor.

4. Sports and motor toys: balls, skittles, ring throws, various wheelchairs, hoops, jump ropes, bicycles.

What do these toys develop?

(parents' answers)

These toys contribute to the development of motor activity of children, the development of coordination of movements, orientation in space.

5. Didactic toys - multi-colored inserts, cubes with slots, pyramids, nesting dolls, mosaics, puzzles, lotto, etc.

What do children learn by playing with them?

(parents' answers)

- Children learn to distinguish color, shape, get acquainted with the size of objects, classes with these toys educate children in concentration, perseverance, determination, the ability to bring things to the end, and also contributes to the development fine motor skills hands

6. Musical toys - rattles, bells, bells, pipes, metallophones, toys depicting pianos, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

What can musical toys develop in a child?

Which of the toys is very important for young children? An important role among musical toys is given to the pipe - primarily because exercises with the pipe contribute to the development of speech breathing, which is very important for the development of speech in children at this age. Also, musical toys contribute to the development of pitch hearing.

7. Theatrical toys - bi-ba-bo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

Do children need these toys?

(parents' answers)

Of course, these toys develop speech, imagination, teach the child to take on a role.

8. Military toys: swords, pistols, machine guns and others.

Tell me about your attitude to these toys.

(parents' answers)

All over the world there is no unambiguous attitude towards these toys. Some see only a negative impact on children, others are supporters of a positive impact. On the one hand, we want to raise the defenders of the Motherland from boys, on the other hand, how to do it correctly so as not to educate overly aggressive members of society.

9 . Toys for the development of creative imagination and self-expression: pencils, paints, plasticine, various sets for manual labor, colored paper, glue, etc.

What should a parent be guided by when purchasing these toys for a child of 3-4 years old?

(parents' answers)

Of course, first of all, according to age. Plasticine, pencils, gouache paints - a must! After 3 years - scissors with rounded ends, colored paper, pieces of fabric, needlework kits, etc.

What parents should be guided by when choosing toys for the baby?

(parents' answers)

Any toy must be:

1. aesthetic;

2. safe (in terms of paint, material quality);

3. develop;

4. entertain the child.

Based on the analysis of your questionnaires, we can conclude that most often parents purchase plot-display and didactic toys. Now, after a joint discussion of the types of toys, you yourself can determine which toys you have a lot of and which ones you don’t have at all and diversify the composition of toys that your child has.

Let's move on to discussing the next question, "Which of the family members and how often plays with the child?"

65% of parents answered that the mother plays with the child at home; 15% - dad, 20% - brother or sister.

After analyzing your answers to this question, we saw that you mostly play with children when you have free time. Some of you think that games take a lot of time, it is better to let the child sit at the TV screens, computer, listen to fairy tales on the record, especially since in the game he can break something, tear, get dirty, etc.

4. Game task

I propose an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-esteem. If you do as instructed, then you place a red chip, not always yellow, never blue.
- Every evening I spend time playing with the children
-Telling about my childhood games
-If the toy is broken, I repair it together with the child
-Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it, showing different options for playing
- I listen to the child's stories about games and toys in kindergarten
-I do not punish the child with a game, a toy, i.e. do not deprive him for the duration of the game or toys
-I often give the child a game, a toy

If there are more red chips on your table, then the game is always present in your house. Play with your child as equals. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because the game is the most interesting thing in a child's life.

Consider the last two questions of the questionnaire: “What games does the child most often play?” and “Does the child use household items in the game?”

The results of your answers are presented on the slide (slide 1). Next, I want to bring to your attention a presentation that talks about the different types of games, as well as substitute items (household items) that children use in their game, about their meaning.

Despite all the variety of games, they can be divided into two large groups. Some games are created by the children themselves under the guidance of a teacher - these are creative games; others are created in advance, have ready-made content and certain rules - these are games with rules. In turn, games with rules are divided into mobile and didactic games.

Pedagogy distinguishes creative, mobile, didactic games. (slide 2)

I. Creative games include games in which the child shows his invention, initiative, independence. The creative manifestations of children in games are diverse: from inventing the plot and content of the game, finding ways to implement the idea to reincarnation in the roles given by a literary work. Depending on the nature of children's creativity, on the game material used in games, creative games are divided into directing, plot-role-playing, theatrical, games with building material (slide 3).

It should be noted that in traditional pedagogy, director's games were not distinguished as a special type of game activity, but were considered in line with the plot- role playing. In recent years, there has been a tendency to isolate director's games due to the fact that studies have appeared that characterize them as an independent type of role-playing games. The main difference between the director's games is that they are predominantly individual games, in which the child controls the imaginary situation as a whole, acts simultaneously for all the participants.

II. Outdoor games are classified according to the degree of mobility (games of low, medium, high mobility), by predominant movements (games with jumps, dashes, etc.), by objects that are used in the game (games with a ball, with ribbons, with hoops, etc. .) - slide 4

III. Traditionally, all didactic games can be divided into three main types: games with objects (toys, natural material), board-printed and word games. (slide 5)

Games with objects. Object games use toys and real objects. Playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children get acquainted with the properties of objects: color, size, shape, quality. In games, tasks are solved for comparison, classification, and establishing a sequence in solving problems. (slide 6)

Board games - interesting activity for kids. They are diverse in types: paired pictures, lotto, dominoes. The developmental tasks that are solved when using them are also different. (slide 7)

Word games are built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on their existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them, since these games require the use of previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Children independently solve various mental problems; describe objects, highlighting characteristic features; guess by description; find signs of similarities and differences; group objects according to various characteristics, properties, find algorithms in judgments, etc. (slide 8)

The most important condition for the formation creative play is the introduction to the game of items - substitutes. The more indefinite the function of an object, the more freely the child ascribes to it this or that meaning. These substitute objects stimulate the creative imagination of children, it is with them that a large number of original actions are performed. The main requirement for the subject - substitute: convenience in performing game actions,proportionality with other play material.(slide 9)

(Statement of parents on this issue, if desired - additions, generalization of answers)

5. "Spicy dish"

And now we'll play a little more. I ask everyone to take part. For you, we have prepared a "spicy dish", i.e. sharp question from the pepper-list. (In the list of papers with pedagogical situations.)

Just because you get a list of questions doesn't mean you have to answer them. If you don't know the answer or don't want to speak up, you can pass the list down the circle. Those interested can add to the answer. (Music sounds, the pepperbox moves in a circle. The music stops, the one in whose hands the pepperbox was in the hands answers.)

Pedagogical situations:

Situation 1:

My daughter plays all the time, she constantly talks to herself, made a cash register, cut paper money, shifts it from place to place. Does it help her development?

Vos-l: And what, in your opinion, is the role of play in the development of a child?

Situation 2:

Children's hubbub in the area. A new boy, who first entered a kindergarten, examines the children playing with curiosity: some bring sand, others load it into a car, others build a sand city.

Do you also want to play with them? - the teacher addresses the child.

He looks at the teacher in surprise and indifferently answers:

No... I'll shoot them now!

He deftly throws up a toy machine brought from home and aims at the players.

Why do you want to shoot them? - the teacher again addresses the boy.

And so, no matter what, I'm a robber.

He would only shoot and play war, - the mother complains to the teacher in the evening, she bought him a new saber again.

For such games, he seems to have no shortcomings in toys, the teacher asks.

Yes, of course, the mother agrees. He demands to have to buy.

Have you tried to switch it to other games, more calm?

And why? - the woman is perplexed. Let him play what he wants.


  • “In your opinion, what is the significance of the roles that a child takes on in the moral development of a person?”
  • What do you think is the educational value of games?
  • "How would you behave in this situation?"

(Statement, optional - addition, generalization of answers)

Situation 3:

"The child does not play at all?"

(Statement, optional - addition, generalization of answers)

Educator: If your child does not play, try to create the necessary conditions for this at home. Give him a chance to play. To do this, create conditions for him to receive vivid impressions of the available phenomena. surrounding life, read to him, observe others with him, ask questions, select appropriate toys. Intervene in the child's play not intrusively, encourage him to act according to a certain plot, pay attention to what he is doing. We recommend using a number of techniques: play with the child, his toys, reproducing a series of actions, and then name the role. For example, "I'm a doctor." If you play together, then the child will certainly develop game activity.

We often hear from parents that a child has so many toys, but he does not play with them.

6. Final part.

The meeting is coming to an end. I would like to thank you for your participation, for taking the time to come to our round table meeting.

Let's play together with our children as often as possible. Remember, the game is a great source of strengthening the physical, spiritual and emotional well-being of the child. The joint game of a child with an adult is not only the main means of development of a small person, but also a tool that promotes mutual understanding of different generations. Explore the world with your child!

And now I invite everyone to a tea party in the group.

Practical significance: the work developed recommendations forsystematization of parents' knowledge about the organization of the gaming environment in a family environment. This work contributed to the increase in the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of activation of the gaming activity of younger preschoolers in a family environment; development of active interest of parents in the play activities of children. Parents came to the conclusion that the game has a leading role in preschool age.

Used Books:

1. Zvereva O.L., Krotova T.V. Parent meetings in preschool. – M.: Iris-press, 2006.

2. Chirkova S.V. Parent meetings in kindergarten. – M.: VAKO, 2011.

3.Kasatkina E.I. Game in the life of a preschooler / E.I. Kasatkin. - Bustard, 2010.

4. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012.

5. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education» No. 1155 dated 11/17/2013

6. T.N. Zenin. M. 2008. Parent meetings in kindergarten. / Teaching aid. Release 2.

Appendix 1.

Questionnaire for parents

1. What conditions are created in the family for the child to play? (the presence of a play corner, a place and time for games, a set of toys, matching their age to the child) __________________________________________________________________

2. Who buys toys and how often? On what basis is the choice of toys made? ___________________________________________________


3. Which member of the family plays with the child the most? What causes difficulties?



4. What games does the child play most often?

  • I don't know, I don't care
  • Plays with toys (dolls, cars, etc.) _______________
  • Plays board games ____________________
  • Your choice ________________________________________________


5. Does the child use household items in the game? (boxes, sticks, rags, lids, pots, etc.) How do you feel about this?

Appendix 2

Meeting invitation.

Dear moms and dads!

invite to parent meeting

which will take the form

"Round table".

We invite, we invite

Let's play with you

We learn a lot of new things.

About games and toys

Boys and girls!

Looking forward to the meeting!


Appendix 4


"Role-playing game in the family"

A role-playing game is a mandatory program of any kindergarten and an important stage in the development of a preschooler. The positive impact of role-playing games on personality formation has long been proven. After all, many children are brought up at home, outside the garden. In such cases, it is the parents who should make up for the problems of upbringing - to organize a role-playing game in a family setting. Otherwise, the child will not receive a lot of important things for him.

With the help of a role-playing game, a child learns the world of human relations and how he learns them depends on his parents. And a special role is played in this by the father, who is able to convey worldly experience and educate morality in a simple form. Both mother and grandmother should not be left out.

In mastering role-playing games, there is nothing difficult. The child should play as much as he needs.

In order to properly organize the game, you need to remember three rules:

1) Game - creative process, do not drive the child into any framework.

2) The game should not be based on coercion, it is a free manifestation of the will of the child.

3) The game must change and have its own development.

Do not be afraid of repetition: if a child “who has become a cook” fries pancakes for the second day, it’s not scary, he just remembers and trains the acquired skill. Encourage him.

If the game becomes violent and evil, intervene, in such a situation,

need to be careful. Remember how well you explained to him the concepts of good and evil, good and bad? Take a closer look, maybe it's just a "monster", and it's not evil at all. If a child deliberately plays an evil game, let him talk, maybe this is aggression and she needs a way out. Try to get your child interested in a new game.

Love your children! Play with them!

Indeed, at preschool age, a child has only one opportunity to be an adult - in a plot-role-playing game.

Annex 5


"Let's play with the kids"

The game is the leading activity of the younger preschooler, in which his personality is formed. The child's game reflects various events that he received in kindergarten or in the family, when communicating with different people. The game allows the baby to get acquainted with many properties and qualities of the objects around him; imitate adult family members in actions, speech, facial expressions, gestures and labor activities. When playing, the baby, as it were, puts himself in the position of the adult he imitates. In the role of an adult, he tries to carry out his activity behavior. By repeatedly repeating the same simple plot (for example, feeding a doll), the child consolidates the forms of behavior and relationships between loved ones, acquires the first labor skills. In a playing role, he imitates not only actions, but also relationships, feelings, and experiences of adults. Without such an experience it is impossible to form moral concepts.

All this happens if the play of the younger preschooler is under the supervision of an adult. If you do not lead the game of the baby from an early age, then a four-year-old child will lack the ability to play both independently and with a partner. The games of such children are often reduced to aimless driving of a car or motion sickness of a doll. Finding no other use for toys, children quickly abandon the game and demand new toys. At a younger preschool age, the game becomes in that case a means of development and education, if it is built on meaningful communication between adults (parents, grandmothers, etc.) with the child. In games with loved ones, and then in self-play the child realizes his moral experience accumulated in kindergarten and family.

When playing with your daughter or son, remember that you cannot suppress the initiative of the baby, play with him on an equal footing, carefully direct the course of the game.

An important pedagogical condition contributing to moral education children, is the selection of toys. The toy pushes the kid on the theme of the game, gives rise to play connections, life situations, raises questions, reflections. Sometimes a simple shoe box is more important for a child than an expensive car. You can act with it in different ways: carry building material (for example, cubes); turn it into a bed for a sick bear or a stroller for his walk, use it as a suitcase for doll clothes, etc. different toys without dividing them into "boys" and "girls".

Important and imaginative, and motor, and didactic (training) toys. The more diverse the types of toys a baby has, the more diverse its games. But the variety of toys does not mean their abundance. It is enough to have 2 - 3 toys of the same type. When a baby has a lot of the same toys (dolls that differ only in size, cars of different brands),

When it comes to storage space for toys, adults usually complain about the lack of space. But observations show that even if there is a separate children's room, children are not allocated a play corner. Toys are usually randomly stored in boxes, boxes, knots. If the toys of the younger preschooler are not in his field of vision, he cannot start the game, create game situation, because he still does not know how to plan the game. The presence of a permanent place to store toys does not mean that the baby can only play here. He tends to play where the older members of the family are. In need of constant help, support, encouragement, he chooses his grandmother’s room where he can play, the kitchen if his mother is there, etc. as a place to play. playful and moral experience.

Do not limit the child's playing space, do not prohibit them from being moved because, after playing enough, your child refuses to put them away. The more time adults devote to their baby, the better the relationship between them.

Appendix 6

Master class for parents "Games with a child in the kitchen"

The whole family spends a lot of time in the kitchen, especially women. What do you think, is it possible for a child to find something to do there? What can a child do with the following materials?

1. "Eggshell"

Crush the shell into pieces that the child can easily pick up with his fingers. Apply a thin layer of plasticine to the cardboard - this is the background, and then invite the child to lay out a pattern or pattern from the shell.

2. "Dough"

Sculpt whatever you want.

3. "Pasta"

Spread bizarre patterns on a table or sheet of paper, simultaneously studying shapes and colors.

4. "Semolina and beans"

Mix a certain amount, offer to choose beans from semolina.

5. Peas

Pour the peas from one cup to another.

6. "Hercules"

Pour the cereal into a bowl and bury small toys in it. Let him find.

7. "Various small grains"

Invite the child to draw grits pictures. For very small ones, pour the cereal from bowl to bowl with a spoon.

8. "Whipping whisk"

Pour water into a bowl, a little shampoo and put in the sink. Place the child on a chair near the sink and let him whip up soapy lather. slide 2

A.S. Makarenko emphasized that "the game is important in a person's life, it is a preparation for work and should be gradually replaced by work"

Role-playing games for children aged 4-45 years 7. "Post" Roles: postman, operator, mail visitor 1. "Home, family" Roles: mother, father, children, grandmother, grandfather. 2. "Kindergarten" Roles: educator, junior educator, speech therapist, manager, cook, music director, sports leader, nurse, doctor, children, parents. 3. "Hospital" Roles: doctor, nurse, receptionist, nurse, patients. 4. "Shop" Roles: sellers, cashier, buyers, driver, cleaner. 5. "Barbershop" Roles: hairdressers - ladies' master, male master, cashier, cleaner, customers. 6. "Builder" Roles: builder, bricklayer, driver, loader.

Tips for parents: what literature to read to children: K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit" S.V. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa" S.Ya. Marshak "Ball" I. Solnyshko "Let's play builders" K.D. Ushinsky “Know how to wait” Ya. Zabila “Yasochka caught a cold” E. Uspensky “Played in the hospital” V. Mayakovsky “Who to be? » B. Voronko "The Tale of Unusual Purchases" S. Zhupanina "I am a librarian" S. Marshak "Circus"

Riddles He drives all the time, Carries everything he needs, he, Who is this? Tell? Maybe ... (driver). Bricks, concrete, sand, The house will be built on time. He's wearing an orange helmet, It's dangerous at the construction site! (builder) Sells any product, Vegetables and fruits, various products. At the box office, he is gaining numbers. Do not forget to give a check! (salesman) Bravely fights with fire, Any difficulty is unimportant. A hose, water will help him, Save buildings from fire. (firefighter) To be beautiful, neat, Keep your hair in order, Makes haircuts, hairstyles, Master of scissors and combs! (hairdresser) Letters, telegrams, Newspapers and magazines. He knows the city, every house, These are children ... (postman) Treats, prescribes medicine, You will always be healthy! So that the disease does not torment, Do not forget about ... (doctors)

The child has a passion for the game, and it must be satisfied. A.S. Makarenko



Types of toys.

1. Toys that reflect real life - dolls, animal figurines, furniture, household items, strollers, etc.

2. Technical toys - various modes of transport, different types of constructor.

3. Toys are fun. Funny figurines of animals, animals, men. For example, a bunny playing a drum, or a galloping cockerel.

4. Sports and motor toys: balls, skittles, ring tosses, various wheelchairs, hoops, skipping ropes, bicycles.

5. Didactic toys - multi-colored inserts, cubes with slots, pyramids, nesting dolls, mosaics, puzzles, lotto, etc.

6. Musical toys - rattles, bells, bells, pipes depicting pianos, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

7. Theatrical toys - bi-ba-bo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

8. Military toys: swords, pistols, machine guns, etc.

9. Toys for the development of creative imagination and self-expression: pencils, paints, plasticine, various sets for manual labor, threads, colored paper, glue, etc.

What does a child learn through play?

1. Emotionally get used to, grow into the complex social world of adults.

2. Experience other people's life situations as your own.

3. Be aware of your real place among other people.

4. Make a discovery for yourself: the desires and aspirations of other people do not always coincide with mine.

5. Respect yourself and believe in yourself.

6. Rely on your own strength when faced with problems.

7. Freely express your feelings.

8. Talk to yourself, intuitively know yourself.

9. Experience your anger, envy, anxiety and worry.

10. Make a choice.

Tips for adults

1. Practice is important for the game. Play with your children as often as possible!

2. Welcome the display of any feelings, but not any behavior.

4. Pay special attention to non-playing children.

5. Playing with a child will teach us:

  • Speak to the child in his language;
  • To overcome the feeling of superiority over the child, their authoritarian position (and hence egocentrism);
  • Revive childish traits in yourself: spontaneity, sincerity, freshness of emotions;
  • Discover the way of learning through imitation of patterns, through emotional feeling, experience.



Annex 3

parent club


Why does a child need to play?

Irina Kobozeva
Parent meeting "Home corner of a preschooler"

Home corner of a preschooler.

Development environment Houses is essential for every child home play area. Up to two years, the child exists in close connection with adults, his independent studies are very short-lived, he always attracts adults to them. For a baby, the whole house is his developing environment, it is wide and not concentrated. On the approaches to preschool age, there is a need to form a focus on independent studies. There comes a time when the child needs to be organized.

The development environment must separate from home environment in general, to concentrate in a special space where nothing will prevent the child from doing his own thing, and he will not interfere with adults. First of all, for gaming corner you will need a children's table - simple, with flat surface. We need two children's chairs - for a child and an adult who, if necessary, can join the child. The table must be placed so that it can be approached from any side. Also needed as an element of the game nook is shelving, height accessible to the hand child, and several containers for play material. It is also necessary to provide free space on the floor, which is advisable to mark with a rug. Here the child will be able to arrange toys and leave it all for a while.

Decorated in such a way corner takes up little space and at the same time allows you to concentrate material for children's activities. The child receives personal space and personal things that he freely disposes of himself, which is important for the development of independence and personal maturity.

What to fill the game corner? This is due to the activities that a child from 2 to 6-7 years old can indulge in. "Play, create, explore" is the motto under which development takes place preschooler. Here play, productive activity and research are combined. For this, some core materials are identified that provide several types of activities at once throughout the entire age range.

As a child grows, so do their needs. Toys that he has outgrown should be removed. Mosaic, plasticine, paper and pencils do not lose their universal developmental value. Also, over time, materials for mastering written speech and counting should appear.

If the child has his own room, you can add a playroom corner materials and equipment for the development of motor activity: skittles, jump rope, balls different sizes etc.

The main thing to remember is that the game corner- the personal space of the child, which he owns completely. This is the space of his freedom, his self-realization. The ability to manage their own things contributes to the formation of strong-willed effort, independence and responsibility in the child.

| Position: educator of the early age group No. 4, MDOU "Kindergarten No. 5"

Dear adults: mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! If you want your child to be active, active, and develop successfully, try to create the appropriate conditions for him. It is necessary to think about the fact that the child has his own corner in the house, that place where he could play quietly, go about his business, without causing inconvenience to all other family members.
It is very important that the child has the opportunity to place his toys, items for play in the place allotted to him, understanding, feeling that he does not interfere with anyone.
The place for the child's corner should be well lit so as not to spoil the baby's eyesight, be convenient for the child to approach the places where the game material is stored.
The play area should have a sufficient, but not excessive amount of toys. Buy toys for children aimed at the comprehensive development of the child.
Games, toys of various content.
For example:
 Toys - fun,
 Board games,
 Different types of constructor,
 Construction kits,
 Toys for playing with buildings (sets of animals, small toys),
 Cars, transformers (without quantitative enumeration),
 Dolls (without quantitative enumeration) and clothes for the doll,
 Children's dishes,
 Folk toys,
 Musical,
 Educational (puzzles, puzzles, mosaics, Nikitin's cubes, "Fold a pattern", "Fold a square", "Tangram"),
 Theater for children,
 DIY toys,
 Material for artistic creation: plasticine, colored paper, cardboard, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes for drawing and glue, children's scissors (safe), glue stick, etc.
In order to choose the right toys, you should take into account: age, level of development, interests of the child. When choosing a toy, you need to be clear about the benefits they can bring to your baby's development.
Excessive abundance of toys dissipates interest in them, so there should not be a large number of toys in the play corner. Too many toys lead to clutter. The child gets bored with the same toys, and as a result, he does not play with them, but only manipulates them or scatters them.
Toys need to be changed periodically, i.e. clean some and get others (preferably a change of one type).
For example: they played “Transport” cubes for a week, after a week they got “Animals” cubes, or they changed 2-3 cars for new or long-forgotten ones.
Changing toys leads to:
firstly, the child receives versatile development from the game, and does not perform memorized actions;
secondly, the child manages to miss the removed toy and when it appears in his corner after a while, he perceives it as his beloved, dear. The toy evokes positive emotions in the child (joy, delight).
It is necessary to ensure that after the game the child puts the toys in their places, he puts his corner in order. Sometimes parents themselves accustom their children to sloppiness, to disorder.
For example: a child is playing, and he is urgently called to dress for a walk, dine or swim, without giving him time to clean up the game material. The child develops such a quality as negligence, not frugality to things.
It is necessary to warn the child a few minutes before the upcoming event that it is time to collect toys, because we ... (let's go for lunch, walk). Evaluate the result of cleaning. If the game is interrupted for emergencies, then you need to direct the child to further cleaning after the event or to clean up together, but not take on all the work.
It happens that children play the same game for several hours or days, and here it is important that the building or the environment created by the child for the game is in its place in order, and not destroyed. This brings up accuracy, frugality in children, forms the ability to maintain order, aims the child for further work, project activities, and the ability to bring things to an end. Therefore, the place reserved for games should be free for the child, and not be forced by foreign household items.
Often parents force them to clean up the environment created by the child, in a construction way, or they clean it themselves just because they see it as a mess, they try to create an ideal order in the room. The child is very worried, because. his plan for further play is destroyed, and if this happens constantly, then he does not have a desire for this type of activity, he loses interest in creation. In such cases, whims, aggression, anger appear. Here you need to think about what is more important: the ideal order or mental balance of the child, his creative development.
It is advisable to carry out general cleaning together with children, wash toys, wipe shelves, put toys in their places, select toys for repair or for young children (as a gift). Such joint work instills diligence in the child, a desire to help adults, to feel like an adult and significant in the labor process.
A play corner for a child is his microclimate, where he receives new impressions every day, forms his skills, habits, acquires new skills - learns the world.
Children who play little do not develop well!
Through play, the child enters the world of adults.
Create a microclimate for your child comfortable, cozy, affordable.
The time of childhood passes quickly. Play more often with your child! Create conditions for the harmonious development of the child.
Be your child's friend, mentor, partner.
Used Books.
1. Zagik L.V., Kulikova T.A., Markova T.A. and others. To the educator about working with the family: a guide for the kindergarten teacher. Ed. Vinogradova N.F., Moscow. Education. 1989