Download New Year's vytynanki on the windows. Large New Year's vytynanka templates. Vytynanki for interior decoration

New Year paper cut templates. New Year's vytynanki (cutting out). Christmas stencils to decorate windows.

There are many names, but the meaning is one. Soon New Year And it's time to start preparing for it. It's time to decorate your apartments so that the mood is truly festive at 100! Previously, windows were decorated only paper cut snowflakes , and now it has become fashionable to cut out all kinds of figures from paper, pictures using the "vytynanka" technique (cutting out).

Looks very nice! I have prepared for you many templates that can be used to cut out both simple and complex elements. For cutting, it is best to stock up on a special knife and rug. A sharp clerical knife and a wooden board will do, as well as thin nail scissors. The work itself is painstaking, but the result is worth it!

You can find more templates for various protrusions here: New Year's Eve. Year of the rooster 2017.

Vytynanki: what is it and what do they eat with?

Despite the rather exotic name, it is just a kind of needlework. Its essence lies in the fact that various patterns are cut out of paper, and then they decorate a house (apartment, an office in an office) with them. Most often, vytynanki are glued to windows. Some craftswomen manage to use blanks from vytynanok to create souvenirs (including themed ones). New Year's cards) for family and friends.

The ancestors of the Slavs were also engaged in the manufacture of vytynanok. However, the authors of this unusual look creativity are not at all they. Paper patterns first appeared in China. This is quite easy to explain. After all, it was here that paper itself appeared around the sixth century. Since then, craftswomen began to actively use all sorts of unusual patterns to decorate your home and protect it from evil spirits.

Modern hand-made masters actively use vytynanki as a New Year's accessory for decorating windows. For cutting patterns, use ordinary scissors. "Advanced" masters wield a special knife. One figure can settle on the window, or a whole mini-story unfolds. Cutting patterns is a very painstaking and difficult task. Only the person who knows what perseverance is and knows how to use it can cope with it.

What figures are most often found on the windows?

Not a single New Year is complete without Santa Claus and the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden. Vytynanki support this trend. The figures of these fairy tale characters found on the windows of snow-covered houses most often.

In addition, you can meet other figures:

Christmas balls;
the symbol of the coming year (in 2017 it is the Rooster);

The list of figurines is endlessly updated. It all depends on the imagination of the master. The whole family can be involved in the production. This exciting activity will unite children and adults, plus it will brighten up the cold winter evenings. It is especially useful to involve younger children in the manufacture of protrusions. school age. This type of creativity contributes to the formation fine motor skills hands and the development of creativity in the baby.

Technology for creating protrusions

The first stage of work is the search for a high-quality drawing, saving it to a PC and printing. Then proceed to cutting out the figures. At first, there may be a problem with the incorrect definition of areas that need to be cut and which to leave. In this case, it is recommended to paint over the unnecessary with a pencil. This will make it much easier to navigate the drawing.

Large printed pictures-templates of the New Year's vytynanka 2017 on the windows are cut out with scissors or a knife. Having given preference to scissors, it is best to take manicure ones. With their help, the finished figure will turn out to be more even with clearly defined corners.

In order to cut patterns with a clerical knife, you need to get a small wooden board or plywood. Plywood is placed under a sheet with a pattern and they begin to get rid of the excess. This method is more suitable for complex drawings. Ordinary scissors can easily cope with simple ones.
Having gained experience in the manufacture of simple protrusions, you can begin to create volumetric figures. To do this, you need to cut out two identical parts and carefully glue them into one.

Where to look for templates?

On the Internet you can find great amount templates for New Year's vytynanka 2017 on the windows. Having basic drawing skills, it is easy to make a couple of patterns on your own, using all your imagination, so that you end up with unusual and bright figures.

When choosing a picture from the Internet, you should follow some rules:

1. Once again, it should be recalled that at first the master should give preference to simpler pictures with a minimum number of parts.
2. Many circuits should not be connected into one.
3. The drawing should be as clear as possible.

Once the pattern has been selected and printed, it is worth cutting out.

Master class on making protrusions for a Christmas tree

Printed templates for New Year's vytynanok can appear not only on windows. In addition to mirrors, vytynanki can also settle on the New Year tree. Such toys are budgetary, while very unusual way how you can decorate your New Year's beauty for one or two.

First you need to choose the right figure. For example, it can be a figurine of an angel or a deer. Then a circle or an oval is cut out of thick cardboard. They print out a figurine of an angel or a deer, cut it out and stick it on cardboard. In order for the toy to be hung on a Christmas tree, a small hole is made in the cardboard and a bright cord is pulled through it.

It is advisable to use colored cardboard. Ideal colors are gold and silver. To make the toys look even brighter, you can stick a few beads on them or decorate them with felt. It would be useful to use sparkles if there was no golden or silver cardboard nearby. With them it will become truly bright and New Year's.

Vytynanki for interior decoration

Printed templates for New Year's vytynanok on the windows are a common thing. But this is far from the only place where you can attach these bright figures. A great way to decorate your house on the eve of the New Year is to hang several thematic paintings made using the vytynanka technique on the walls. The work will be performed by analogy with the creation New Year's toys for spruce. The only difference is that the figure does not need to make a hole for the rope.

The finished vytynanka is placed in a frame and hung on the wall. Concerning colors- it can be absolutely anyone. If the color of such an accessory still matters to the hostess, you can choose one of the shades - the symbols of the upcoming New Year, for example, scarlet.

Suspended modules

A hanging module made of paper figures is a godsend for young mothers who no longer know what to do with curious children. In addition to the fact that such a design will take the kids for a while, it will also decorate the room in a very original way. For a nursery, it is better to choose figures of cartoon characters that a boy or girl loves most of all.

How to glue the vytynanka on the window?

The technology for gluing printed templates of New Year's protrusions on windows is incredibly simple. The best solution is to use laundry soap. First you need to moisten the brush in water. Then run it over the soap. And then - walk through the figure. The last step is gluing the bulge to the glass. In the same way, you can fix the figurine on the mirror in the hallway or bathroom. After the holidays, glass and mirrors are very easy to clean, use special means for cleaning.

If you want to stick patterns on furniture, you should use double-sided tape. To remove the figurines after the holidays, just tear off adhesive tape and walk on the furniture with a soft cloth to remove traces.

Vytynanki new year templates on windows 2017: print stencils. The New Year holiday is the brightest and magical holiday in a year. He is loved by both children and adults. Preparing for the holiday calls positive emotions, because the New Year is associated with bright colors, lights and the transformation of snow-covered streets. Everything around is changing beyond recognition.

Vytynanki New Year's templates for windows 2017: print stencils. Everyone tries to participate in a pleasant fuss before new year holidays. Decorating a house and apartment is one of the most exciting activities. Any materials and methods are used: snowflakes, garlands, tinsel, rain, etc.

One of beautiful ways to decorate your home are vytynanki - this is cutting out patterns from white paper. Vytynanki is an unusual kind of needlework, which is based on cutting out figures or entire patterns and plain white paper of the "Snow Maiden" type. This technique can truly be called magical, because the subtlety of carving the figures amazes in the future with its own beauty on the windows.

Vytynanka New Year's templates for windows 2017: