Beautiful gifts for the year with your own hands. Gifts for the older generation

The New Year 2020 is just around the corner, which means that great things await us in preparation for this grand holiday! So you should think carefully about how to surprise and please your dear people. Therefore, today we will tell you about the best gifts for New Year 2020 which we will teach you to do with your own hands.

Wine cork rat

This craft is somewhat reminiscent of the famous rat Lariska from the old cartoon. And in order to do it, the child may need the help of an adult. So much the better, time spent together with children is priceless!

You will need:

  • wine cork, ordinary paper clips, gray thick yarn, PVA glue, beads for the eyes and nose, sharp knife, hot melt adhesive, a piece of yellow polymer clay (cheese).

How it's done:

  1. We take a wine cork and, using a knife, carefully cut out the cone-shaped figure of the future rat.
  2. We give paper clips the desired shape and attach them to the workpiece. As a result, we get a metal frame.
  3. Lubricate the base of the figure with PVA glue and carefully wrap it with woolen thread.
  4. We make out the muzzle, glue the eyes and nose.
  5. From yellow clay we sculpt a piece of cheese in the shape of a triangle, for naturalness we make holes in it with the tip of a pencil.
  6. We give the toy the desired shape and put the cheese into the paws.

Rat in a hat

A wonderful rat in a hat will bring good luck to its owner for the whole of 2020. And it is very easy to make even for a child.

What we need:

Prepare a white sock (preferably for children), a sock bright color, cotton wool or 2 cups of rice, pink and white felt, a little bright fleece, thick yarn white color, a spool of white thread, 2 transparent silicone hair ties, a small white pompom, cotton swab, blush, 3 black beads, thick wire, some white and red yarn, scissors, hot glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. At the very base of the gum, cut off the upper part of the white sock. Fill it with cotton wool or rice. The filled sock-pouch is tightly tied with silicone rubber.
  2. With the help of the second such rubber band, we outline the neck of the rat so that the body is larger than the head.
  3. To strengthen the neck, we tie this place with a white thread. If there is excess fabric, cut off.
  4. We cut off the elastic at the colored sock - this will be a hat. We put it on the head, pulling the top with a white thread. The top is carefully cut into large stripes, imitating a pompom.
  5. On white felt we draw the ears of a rat, on pink too, but a little smaller. Cut them out and glue them with hot glue. Using the same glue, we form a fold on the ears.
  6. Then we glue the ears to the hat, as if they are looking right out of it.
  7. We tie two short pieces of white yarn with a large knot - these are folded front paws. Glue them to the figure.
  8. From white yarn we make and glue the tail.
  9. From wire, white and red yarn we make a candy cane, glue it to the paws.
  10. We make a scarf from a strip of bright felt and glue it to the neck of the toy.
  11. Glue a small white pompom to the bottom of the head - this will be the muzzle). We make and glue antennae from black wire to it.
  12. We paint cheeks with a cotton swab.
  13. Glue the beads: eyes and nose.
  14. We cut the hind legs from pink felt and glue them to the figure of a rat. The toy is ready!

giant kinder surprise

Among the useful and nice gifts relatives and friends will find a place for a sweet present. Especially if the packaging is original and bright in the form of a giant kinder surprise, inside of which there are a lot of favorite sweets! And you can and should do it yourself.

An ordinary balloon, PVA glue, a stack of old unnecessary newspapers, a pack of white paper, a convenient bowl of water, a simple pencil, a wide brush, colored felt-tip pens, gouache, scissors and a Kinder Surprise chocolate egg logo printed on a color printer.

How to do it:

  1. We inflate the balloon to the desired size, tie it with a sufficiently strong thread and place it in a bowl that will serve as a stand.
  2. White paper should be cut into squares and soaked in a bowl of water.
  3. We glue the surface of the ball with wet paper, overlapping the paper without gaps. This will be the first layer.
  4. Immediately after the first layer dries, we apply the second one, using PVA glue for coupling (we coat the ball with glue with a brush and then immediately paste the paper). Let the second coat dry for at least an hour.
  5. We glue the next three layers with newspaper squares, we also use glue.
  6. After the newspaper layers have dried, we again paste over the ball with white paper (in 2 layers). Let the workpiece dry.
  7. Then we untie the ball, let the air out of it and carefully take it out of the paper egg. We seal the hole in several layers of paper.
  8. Carefully paint over a paper egg with white paint. Important! If you mix paint with PVA glue (quite a bit of glue), then after contact there will be no traces on your hands. After drying with a simple pencil draw waves and drops, then paint them red.
  9. Glue the printed logo to the egg.
  10. On the opposite side, carefully cut through the door with a clerical knife or scissors. Then with an awl we make through holes on the door and next to it. We put ribbons in them.
  11. We fill the egg with sweets and goodies, close the door, tie a ribbon and wrap the package in a large transparent cellophane. Decorate with a bow on top.

Boot for gifts

A handmade boot for gifts is a wonderful interior decoration. Even a beginner can sew it and give it to each family member. To do this, you need to draw a pattern of the desired size on paper and cut out all the details of the future product on it. Then they are sewn with a machine, choosing a not too small line. Remember that the boot must have a lining, which is also sewn along paper pattern. The lining is fixed on the top of the boot with a hidden seam, after which a loop is attached so that the souvenir can be hung on a hook.

Well, we told in more detail in this video instruction.

Christmas tree made of feathers

Feather tree looks original and unusual. A gift in the form of such a Christmas tree is sure to please. It can be any color. It all depends on your imagination.

For its manufacture it is necessary to prepare:

  • Cardboard for the base;
  • Hot glue;
  • Feathers of different sizes;
  • Beads and sequins.

Working process:

  1. It is necessary to sort the feathers by length.
  2. Beads should be carefully glued onto each feather with hot glue.
  3. From cardboard to make a frame for a future Christmas tree. Twist a cone out of it and glue it. In order to avoid accidental falling, as well as for greater stability of the New Year's beauty, glue a strip of paper on the inside of the frame. If you chose the color of the Christmas tree white, then you need to paint the frame in the same color.
  4. When the frame is completely dry, you can start gluing feathers. They are attached to the body with glue. The fluffy part of the feather will play the role of twigs and thereby create volume.
  5. A DIY gift is ready, you can sprinkle it with sparkles for more shine.

Soft toys are the most popular among gifts for the New Year 2020. But what a surprise it will be when you present not just a soft toy, but a handmade souvenir. We propose to make a beautiful snowman out of a sock in just 15 minutes.

Necessary materials:

  • White socks (new);
  • Threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Rice or other cereals;
  • Beads or face buttons and decorations;
  • Fabric for a scarf for a snowman.

Working process:

  1. Cut off the toe from the toe and tie the bottom with a thread.
  2. Pour the cereal and give round shape. This will be the body of the snowman. Tie with thread.
  3. Add grits and form a head. It will be smaller than the body. Tie with thread.
  4. Use beads or buttons to make a snowman's face. Glue the eyes, nose and mouth.
  5. Tie a scarf around the neck of our gift with your own hands, and put a hat on your head from the cut off part of the sock.

An interesting and original gift, it will be a good gift for the New Year. He will take a place of honor next to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

The snow globe is a toy that seems a bit magical. Well, if it is made with your own hands, then such a gift will be the best and most memorable.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • A transparent container, preferably glass, with a tightly screwed lid;
  • Water;
  • Multi-colored sequins, can be of different sizes, but not too large;
  • Glue waterproof;
  • A small figurine that you want to place inside the globe.

Working process:

  1. Glue the figurine on the inside of the lid. Wait for the glue to dry.
  2. Pour colorful glitter into a container.
  3. Pour a full container of water. Do not forget that the figurine will take a certain volume. Excess water will simply pour out when you close the lid.
  4. Close the lid.
  5. Turn the container upside down and shake. The sparkles will swirl in the water, gradually settling.

Christmas balls

As a DIY gift for the New Year 2020, you can give Christmas balls made by yourself. Presenting such a gift can be made a kind of tradition. Every year, showing your imagination, make different Christmas balls that will take pride of place on the New Year's beauty.

Option 1

Christmas ball made of foam plastic and paper flowers.


  • Styrofoam ball;
  • Hole punch flower shape;
  • Colored cardboard;
  • beads;
  • Ribbon;
  • Hot glue.

Working process:

  1. Using a hole punch, make a lot of flowers out of colored cardboard.
  2. Gently glue the flowers to the ball with hot glue. Arrange symmetrically.
  3. Glue beads on each flower in the middle.
  4. Glue a ribbon on which your wonderful handmade New Year's gift will hang.

Another option beautiful ball on a Christmas tree from ribbons

Option 2

For creative individuals, the end of the year will be marked by a non-replaceable ritual - after all, it's time to make New Year's crafts with your own hands for 2018 the Year of the Dog. In honor of the friendly and kind patroness of the coming year, make some cute dogs and puppies from various materials. In addition to the symbol of the year, other New Year crafts are also suitable for the Christmas interior and mood:

All this in detailed photos, master classes, instructions and explanations, you will find below, in our New Year's article.

Bloggers are people who always keep up with the times. Actually, the bloggers themselves set the step according to which users move around the Internet. And right now together with craftsmen and craftswomen of hand-made we will be inspired to make crafts for the New Year 2018 with our own hands - the most interesting and beautiful awaits you and your participation.
Cones are a unique material which seems to be made for New Year's decor.

Another traditional New Year attribute is real winter raging in a glass jar.

Santa toys decorate your tree.

Such Christmas decorations are very easy to make- but they look impressive and non-trivial.

Christmas balls who don't fight is the dream of all young parents and owners of playful cats.

Eco style has long been gaining an audience around the world, and along with live Christmas trees, for which you have to destroy hectares of forest, such compositions do not require sacrifice and high costs.

The turn of the patroness of 2018 has come - the dog. Details about that were discussed in a previous article. And in front of you - bright felt dogs.

Felt Christmas decorations they look very cozy, stylish and New Year's festive.

Large candlesticks from ordinary half-liter bottles look luxurious in the New Year's interior.

DIY gifts for the new year 2018: master classes and ideas

Making New Year's crafts with your own hands for 2018 is not so difficult if you have before your eyes detailed plan actions and high-quality bright photos. Such step by step instructions called master classes, and they are great help for beginners and even experienced needlewomen.

The ability to make interesting and exclusive gifts with your own hands is very helpful during the New Year holidays, since you need a lot of gifts, and usually there is not enough money to buy them. In this case, you should rely on your imagination, useful tips and quality master classes. Let's create!

By simple actions, the usual the glass ball turns into a stylish Christmas decor. All you need is some glue, old discs and a piece of shiny fabric. These balls can decorate the Christmas tree at home or give to friends.

Cute Christmas tree made of threads decorate the apartment of your friends or relatives. Give them a gift.

If you are planning a New Year's Eve party, make attractive hats for all the invitees.

Snowmen will cheer you up, even if new year's eve it won't snow. They can use as bookmarks if, for example, you are going to donate a book.

From plastic bottles you can make cute penguins and present them as a gift. It’s not a shame to bring such crafts to the kindergarten.

Speaking of kindergarten, it wouldn't hurt you to know how make paper Christmas paraphernalia.

AT Kindergarten you can also make with your child plasticine dog. Your little one will love this friend.

We continue to make gifts for the New Year 2018 together with our own hands. Master classes and ideas with meaning will help you quickly and with pleasure learn new techniques and acquire new invaluable skills.

Such is bright plywood Christmas tree will serve as a decoration for any interior. To make it, you should prepare:

  1. Primarily making a plywood stand- in the form of a circle, in the middle of which we cut a hole.
  2. We draw the outlines of a Christmas tree on plywood, marking where to cut the stars.
  3. Cut out a Christmas tree from plywood.
  4. On the surface of the Christmas tree, we clean it with sandpaper.
  5. We take a sponge and with the help of green paint paint the Christmas tree.
  6. We paint the stand and the contours of the stars in golden color.
  7. We fix the Christmas tree on the stand, smearing the joints with glue.
  8. We hang a ball on the Christmas tree.

And here in front of you several drawings with manufacturing options New Year's toys from felt.

Detailed master class and pattern help you make a cute felt deer. This is an irreplaceable symbol of Christmas and the approaching fun.

Felt details can be used to make crafts - cute owls from cones.

Several Yet new year ideas with explanations and detailed instructions you will find in the video.

What to give for the new year 2018: gift ideas for family and friends

We are used to meeting new people with family and friends - and this is just a wonderful tradition. In preparation for a family celebration, you should show perseverance and creative ingenuity: think over a festive menu, view, decorate an apartment, study entertainment program and, of course, prepare gifts for the New Year with your own hands. Top 10 New Year Ideas 2018 already on our website - we recommend using it.

If you celebrate the New Year with your closest people, give them memories. Family photos in Christmas toys will bring a lot of pleasant emotions.

Present a couple as a gift cute snowmen in love. For this masterpiece, you will need felting wool, a bamboo napkin and soap. The rest of the process is in your hands.

Fragrant decorative wreath will appeal to lovers of handmade jewelry. We talked about this in detail in one of our previous articles.

If you draw beautifully - give your loved ones a unique surprise - picture in his own performance.

With the wishes of home comfort, give guests hut on chicken legs.

Keychain from beads in the form of a neat Christmas tree you can give a friend or mom for the New Year.

Dachshund in bright fabric will become great gift for adults and children.

Together with your child, you can make salt dough christmas figurines.

The variety of jewelry that gives us regular salt dough, is simply amazing.

From salty to sweet any sweet tooth dreams of getting such a sleigh under the Christmas tree.

The gastronomic theme is inexhaustible, as are the creative ideas for New Year's gifts. From ordinary wine corks you can make stylish Christmas decorations.

DIY New Year Gifts: 10 Best New Year Ideas 2018

For you to get quality and stylish gifts for the New Year of the Dog 2018 with your own hands, use the ideas of experienced hand-made masters.

For those who love coffee, a real surprise will be stylish Christmas tree decorated with fragrant coffee beans.

Another one Christmas tree made of threads wrapped around the foam cone, bring you a holiday atmosphere.

From this gift no man will refuse.

decorative cones look great in the interior.

New Year's panel in stylestingart is a very stylish creative gift. From the material you will need a wooden plank, nails and threads, as well as minimal calculation skills.

Candlesticks from improvised materials This is a fresh and unusual gift idea.

White cotton bear will be a keepsake. And you can hang it on a Christmas tree, decorate a window, and make a garland.

What is the New Year without a touching symbol - a dog? Cute bulldog keychain will protect your loved ones from troubles and troubles.

Shiny photo frame- an original reading of the usual gift.

Another traditional gift can be made in a new way - an exclusive postcard with your own hands.

Video: do-it-yourself New Year's crafts for 2018

The search for gifts, in fact, takes us a lot of time and effort, because we are looking for them not only for the New Year and not in a single copy. And the desire to give something unusual, such that “no one else has it”, exclusive and of high quality, is growing.

In society, a real boom in various areas of needlework has long been observed. Giving handmade gifts has become incredibly fashionable and stylish.

Even if you are not fond of any needlework, which, by the way, brings a good income, for the new year, be sure to try your hand at this difficult task. A gift for the New Year 2018 with your own hands will please any of your loved ones, whether they are children, parents, girlfriends, friends or work colleagues.

Very stylish candlesticks are obtained from Christmas tree cones and other improvised material.

If you have free time, then just right to do one of the areas of needlework, or even try to master several of them. There is still enough time before the New Year, so we make a lot of gifts and high quality, attracting interesting activity and their children. We will leave the remaining gifts or the most beloved ones for ourselves and decorate our house with them, and also put them on the New Year's table.

Of course, if you already prepare gifts with your own hands, then you need to do it as efficiently as possible. No one can immediately master some rather complex areas that exist in needlework, where professionalism is valued just like everywhere else. If you are a person far from this occupation, then you should start from the basics, choosing the simplest options for crafts.

As we have already said, there is still time before the holiday, so we choose in which version we will make gifts for the New Year from the following list:

  • origami;
  • beading;
  • modeling;
  • decoupage;
  • scrapbooking;
  • topiary;
  • patchwork.

By mastering this fashionable craft, you will not only be able to solve the problem of gifts for the upcoming holiday, but also increase your awareness and erudition. In the future, it will be possible to "shine" her, vividly talking about your impressions on this topic at the New Year's table. Thus, having completed a gift for the New Year 2018 with your own hands, you will become famous not only as a good hostess, but also as interesting person, seeking and thirsting for knowledge, nature.

cozy pillows - thoughts

Gift for the New Year in origami technique

In this technique, you can make a Christmas tree of varying complexity, as well as Santa Claus, let's start with the two simplest options.

Such crafts can also be used as Christmas tree decorations by sewing a beautiful braid loop on top of them. A good option would be to create a Christmas tree garland from these symbols of the new year. All these gifts can be beautifully wrapped and presented on New Year's Eve.

For the execution of the Christmas tree, we prepare a square of green paper, you choose the size of the square yourself, it does not matter. We mark the square, dividing it into 8 parts, as shown in the figure.

We bend the paper along all the markings and straighten it again so that creases remain. After that, we just have to fold these creases in a certain way, carefully examining the photo of a hand-made gift for the New Year 2018, which we provide.

More complex execution of a gift in the form of Santa Claus

Now we are starting to make a gift in the form of Santa Claus, for this we take a pre-prepared square of paper, on one side we cover it with red paint. After the paint dries, we make the creases characteristic of this technique by bending the square along two diagonals, with the red side out.

A detailed photo guide on how to make Santa Claus crafts using the origami technique

We straighten the square and lay it with the sharp side up, which we bend several times. Continuing to make paper folds, as shown in the figure, we achieve a miniature paper Santa Claus.

Gift for the New Year, filled with beading

In this section, we also chose the simplest crafts, having mastered their step-by-step execution, you can later perform a more complex composition. First, we will make a few symbolic figures of Santa Claus, which are suitable for key chains, as well as for any other purpose.

Cute little things made of beads - a great New Year's gift

As you can see in the photo, to make a gift for the New Year 2018 with our own hands, we need white beads, a little red, pink and black, as well as a coil of thin wire. We start weaving with beads using color pink, with characteristic splashes of black - the face of our frost.

We string the beads on a wire or fishing line, we produce a characteristic weave to reduce the original size. Looking at the photo, we will see at what point it is necessary to change the pink beads to white and red.

Another version of the performance of Santa Claus from beads

Having completed a dense canvas, we proceed to the beard, for which we make loops from white beads and fix them on a dense canvas in turn. So easily and simply we made a very nice craft, now it remains just to replicate it as much as possible for various uses in the New Year's fuss.

Such a beaded Christmas tree can be made by any beginner in needlework

It is also easy to perform a traditional craft - a Christmas tree, a great gift for the New Year 2018, made by yourself. For work, we need white beads or just light, for the base of the Christmas tree, a lot of green beads and brown for the trunk.

We string light beads on our prepared wire, then lay it cone-shaped, wrapping around the pre-prepared base. On a wire folded in several rows, or more dense, which we use as a tree trunk, we string brown beads.

Now we just have to make loops of green beads and fix them on the tree trunk, as shown in the photo. so cute and simple Christmas trees, handmade gifts for the New Year 2018 will also take a lot, because they can also be used to decorate the interior.

We put our Christmas trees in a beautiful box, make a themed gift and that's it, such a New Year's surprise will delight anyone.

DIY gift made using modeling

Well, perhaps everyone knows how to sculpt it, the skills were acquired in early childhood, it remains only to remember how it was, relax and create for yourself. You can sculpt New Year's symbols from colored plasticine and wax, or you can immortalize them using polymer clay.

We will offer for your consideration and the beginning of creative activity a plasticine Christmas tree craft, it is also easily and simply made from softened wax. If you decide to use wax, then by stretching a special cord in the center of the Christmas tree - a wick, you will receive an excellent gift - a candle.

It is very simple to make a Christmas tree, we make a cone of the size we need from green plasticine and then we make some characteristic recesses with a knife, as shown in the figure.
It is also easy to sculpt any figures from polymer clay, for example, such as in the photo, then bake the figures at 120 * C. After the gifts for the New Year 2018, made by hand, cool down, they need to be painted with paints.

Decoupage gift for the new year

As you know, decoupage technique involves gluing or implanting various pictures on any surface. We will consider one of them, the simplest, but as a result we will get very beautiful crafts - gifts for the New Year.

We will need several wooden surfaces, you can get by with just a smooth wooden saw cut, a very fashionable surface for various gifts. The prepared wooden saw cut must be sanded, achieving maximum relief from roughness.

After grinding, we apply acrylic primer to the surface in several layers, with successive drying of each layer. Carefully glue the prepared decoupage cards on the theme of the new year to the ideal surface, previously wiped with alcohol, using decoupage varnish glue.

We put a decoupage card on the surface with glue and carefully straighten its surface with a napkin. We cover everything acrylic varnish and dry, our wood crafts are ready, a great stylish gift for the New Year.

Gift for the New Year using the scrapbooking technique

Gifts for the New Year using needlework techniques - scrapbooking

As New Year's gifts, you can make large postcards using the scrapbooking technique. Using improvised material and special scrap paper, you can fantasize from the heart, the process itself brings real pleasure. The main thing is to think over the overall composition in advance so that you don’t get a simple heap of various elements.

To make a gift for the New Year 2018 with our own hands in the form of a postcard, we need thick colored cardboard, from which we cut out a postcard of the size we need. You can also use white cardboard, followed by aging using one of the varieties of scrapbooking technique - distressing. It's up to you to choose, but we will describe only the simplest version of a New Year's card using this technique.

By the way, the postcard can be either single or double opening, for which we simply bend the prepared cardboard in half, but so that the fold line is very neatly done. On the front surface of the postcard, we glue pre-prepared clippings from old postcards on the New Year theme.

Then, according to your composition, we glue various decorative elements, bows, Christmas tree branches, beads or a small fragment of a garland of small beads, etc. Using rubber or silicone stamps, you can imprint a spectacular stylish inscription on the surface of the postcard.

Gifts in the form of a tree of happiness for the new year

Such man-made trees of happiness are called - topiaries, also very stylish and incredibly fashionable crafts. You can make them out of which your imagination will tell, any option will surely be an amazing gift for the new year.

We will make a topiary from Christmas toys, bows, Christmas tree branches, you can also additionally use glitter, sprinkling the surface of toys pre-treated with varnish.

For our topiary, we prepare a pot, any hardening filler, a foam crown, toothpicks, glue and decor elements that we have listed above. We cover the prepared pot for making a gift for the New Year 2018 with our own hands, or decorate it using decoupage technique using cards with a New Year's theme.

We fill the pot with a hardening filler, such as gypsum or alabaster, you can try using foam plastic if you can firmly fix the base of the tree in it. By the way, the base may not be rigid, but made of thick wire, which can be bent if desired, giving the tree any fancy bend.

We wrap the crown cut out of foam plastic with a cloth, fix it on top of the base of the tree. Now the most interesting creative moment, we attach Christmas decorations, twigs and other decorative elements to the crown very tightly. We use toothpicks lubricated with glue for fastening.

Gift for the New Year in patchwork technique

Having mastered the simple basics of this needlework technique, you can make a sufficient number of various crafts for New Year's gifts. An excellent New Year's gift can be a tablecloth that will bring even more comfort and warmth to your home holiday. In addition, by sewing the base from patches and filling it with batting or other insulation, you will get an excellent blanket or plaid.

Great gift for the New Year

We will consider the execution of the picture and the pillow-dumka, which you can also present to your relatives and friends with great success. To complete the picture, we prepare a cardboard frame, then we sew a patchwork cover for it, for example, the one shown in the photo.

However, you can also show your imagination using the provided DIY gift ideas for the New Year 2018.

Our picture is presented in a three-dimensional version, for which we sew elements of a Christmas tree, also made of patches, to the patchwork base. We decorate the Christmas tree with shiny elements to your taste and get an incredibly stylish gift both for yourself and for a loved one, for example, mom.

It is also very easy to make a pillow - a thought, we sew a cover for it from organically selected patches, fill it with padding polyester and the whole gift is ready, and what an exclusive and unique one!

Gift using quilling technique

Well, absolutely real art is, of course, quilling. When you look at these works, it simply takes your breath away from the beauty and surprise that such a miracle can be created. with my own hands using only rolled strips of paper.

Exclusive gift for New Year 2018

We will perform in this technique a very simple, but effective New Year's motive, it can be glued on thick cardboard and hung as a picture. To do this, we need several twisted strips of snow-white paper, a snowman figurine cut out of a postcard and a snow-white canvas. Having given our canvas a certain shape, we glue the twisted strips of paper as shown in the figure, glue the snowman in the center. You can replace the snowman with Santa Claus.

It is just as easy to make a New Year's panel using this technique by gluing a quilling snowflake in one corner, and some paper composition on top. It turned out very stylish, such a handmade gift for the New Year 2018 will cause real delight in the recipient.

Such a gift will take its rightful place on the New Year's table.

The same cone can be decorated under the Christmas tree with multi-colored marmalade by attaching each marmalade to the base with a toothpick. A marmalade tree can be put on the New Year's table, so part of its thematic design will be completed.

New Year's gift from cotton pads

Very beautiful crafts for a gift can be made from ordinary cotton pads, a Christmas tree and a festive New Year's wreath turn out to be simply fantastically beautiful. The list of crafts - gifts can be filled almost endlessly, we will probably stop here, and we wish you further creative success in this matter.

On the eve of the New Year, there is a special desire to please loved ones with exquisite gifts, beautiful crafts, unique souvenirs, which are a symbol of the coming year. By Eastern calendar, the coming year 2018 symbolizes the Earth Dog of yellow color.

We suggest that you prepare gifts for the New Year 2018 in advance and get acquainted with the original ideas for creating DIY crafts. Consider the options for manufacturing the main symbol of the year 2018 from different materials so that everyone has the opportunity to make a souvenir from the raw materials at their disposal. Provided instructions and step by step description processes will make it easy to cope with the task.

Do-it-yourself gifts for the New Year of the Dog 2018 from improvised materials:

Cookies in the form of dog muzzles.

Photo: Do-it-yourself gifts for the New Year of the Dog 2018 from improvised materials.

The original New Year's cookies made by one's own hands will be an excellent gift for a child, parents, grandparents. To do this, just put the treat in a beautiful box, decorated with New Year's rain or a garland. "Dogs" look exquisite on the New Year's table. We will use dough as an improvised material. For its preparation, it is necessary to provide in advance:

  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • Two eggs;
  • Half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat sour cream;
  • One teaspoon of vanilla sugar;
  • One sachet of baking powder.

Any flour is suitable for the dough, including whole grain, with bran, based on oatmeal. When using two types of flour, mix them in equal amounts. Cooking instructions:

  1. Lightly melt the butter; cut into small pieces. Add granulated sugar.
  2. Add sour cream, two raw eggs to the same ingredients. Beat the products with a mixer.
  3. Sift flour into a separate bowl, add baking powder.
  4. Put the whipped liquid mass into the flour. Knead the dough.
  5. Divide the finished product into two separate bowls. Add cocoa powder to one of them. So, you should get two types of dough: light and, like chocolate, dark.
  6. The dough is placed in the refrigerator and kept for about half an hour.
  7. After removing the product after a specified period of time, it should be rolled out. The thickness of each layer should not exceed 1 cm.
  8. Take the cookie cutters in the form of hearts. Prepare the required number of dark and light figures. To make ears, it is enough to cut the heart in half. The eyes and nose are made from leftover dough.
  9. Place cookies on a baking sheet. Place in preheated oven to 200 degrees. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

Original cookies in the form of dog faces will be a wonderful dessert for children at the New Year's table. It is no coincidence that only half a glass of sugar is added to the dough. If you put more sand, then the cookies from the light dough will become very reddened. Then the contrast between light and dark figures will be weakly expressed.


DIY gifts for the New Year 2018 from improvised materials - Video:

Photo: New Year's dog from plastic bags.

Polyethylene is an improvised material that is in every home. Even with its use, you can make a unique gift for the New Year 2018 with your own hands: a cute toy - a dog. Since the main color of winter is white, it is recommended to make crafts from packages of this particular color. The dog can be any size. You will need material:

  • Plastic bags (the larger the toy, the more bags you will need);
  • Foam rubber or foam sponges to create a voluminous torso of a dog;
  • Any fabric;
  • Sewing accessories.

Instructions for making toys:

  1. Having decided on the size of the product, take the foam rubber and sheathe it with a cloth. The idea is that the body, paws and head are made of foam rubber, and sheathed with any fabric. You can do without special patterns.
  2. Now we proceed to the main decoration of the toy: we make wool for the dog. Strips are cut from the packages, they are cut in width, but not to the end, but only to the middle. When making a long-haired dog, the stripes should be wide. For shorthairs, the opposite is true.
  3. Starting to sheathe the body with “wool” should be from the hind limbs towards the nose.
  4. The nose and eyes are made of fabric or paper:
  5. In conclusion, slightly ruffle the finished toy so that its “wool” looks voluminous.
  6. Complete the toy with decoration in the form of bows or rain on the ears or tail.

It is recommended to make several similar toys from polyethylene and attach a string to the back. Then the one who receives such a gift will be able to hang the symbol of the year on Christmas tree. As a collar any will do Christmas rain. It is convenient to give a toy in gift bag with New Year symbols.


Cool crafts from improvised materials - Video:

Photo: Do-it-yourself pencil holder as a gift for the New Year 2018.

A pencil is an indispensable accessory on a child's desktop. To make it with your own hands and present it for the New Year 2018 is great idea! The gift will keep pleasant memories of the holiday for a long time.

Since the New Year is associated with cold and frost, it is appropriate to choose faux fur as the finish for the pencil holder. It can be any color, but it is preferable to find beige / white raw materials. To make a souvenir, you will need the following materials at hand:

  • Ordinary glass, ceramic or plastic mug;
  • Artificial fur;
  • Fabric for making mouth, nose, eyes;
  • Small amount of filler. Ordinary foam rubber will do;
  • Sewing accessories;
  • High strength adhesive.

Instructions for making a pencil case:

  1. Cut out a circle of the desired size from the fur. Make it into a ball filled with foam rubber. This detail will be part of the muzzle.
  2. Take the container, carefully wrap it with fur on all sides. Use glue.
  3. Cut out ears of the desired shape from the fur. Fix the parts with glue.
  4. In conclusion, make a nose, mouth, eyes.

To make a pencil holder for an adult with your own hands, it is recommended to replace the fur with twine. The presentation will look stylish. One end of the twine should be fixed at the bottom of the container with glue. Next, the rope is wrapped around the surface, after applying an adhesive. Having reached the top, the twine is cut off and the tip is carefully glued. Then it remains only to fix the eyes, flat nose, mouth on the pencil holder.

If a mug with handles is used as a basis for a New Year's gift, then it is not necessary to make dog ears. They can be decorated with New Year's rain if the present is addressed to a woman. The finished craft can be left in the shade in which it is or covered with acrylic paint.

A support for a convenient arrangement of hands in the course of work at the computer.

Photo: do-it-yourself gifts for the New Year 2018 from improvised materials

Every office worker dreams of such a comfortable stand. The keyboard usually comes with a plastic palm rest. But it does not compare to soft, pleasant to the touch brush cushion made from scrap materials. Making such a present on the eve of the New Year of the Earth Dog 2018 is a creative idea! To make such a useful thing you will need:

  • Piece of fabric. It can be velor, velvet, satin, etc. depending on personal preference. The purpose of a pillow is comfort. Therefore, it is recommended to take a fabric that is pleasant to the touch. It should be assumed that the finished pillow will be equal to or slightly longer than the keyboard;
  • Fabric of a contrasting color for tailoring the nose, paws;
  • Finished eye details (second option);
  • Filler inside - rice groats;
  • Sewing accessories.

Step by step instructions for action:

  1. We start with cutting the head, nose, ears. The head, occiput, forehead and nose are one piece. Two parts - cheeks, passing into the side of the head. One detail is the chin and part of the nose. Ears - two parts (fold the fabric in half). Connect the prepared elements together. Nuance - when stitching the details of the head, the ears are inserted into the same seam. Leaving a small hole, fill the dog's head with rice. Sew up.
  2. Cut out the body of the desired size, making markings on the fabric, folded in half. The same is with the tail. Stitch parts, leaving a hole for filling. Sew up. The result is a stylish handmade pillow. Such useful gift for the New Year 2018 everyone will appreciate. It's more fun to work with such a friend!

Each home has a variety of improvised tools from which you can make cute presents for New Year's holiday. All you need is a desire and a little bit of patience. The result is a real masterpiece!

In the process of preparing gifts for the New Year 2018, it is important not to forget about the totem for yourself. In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, the main symbol of the year for good luck, prosperity and happiness should be placed in the house. We propose to make it with your own hands from plain paper. A toy hand made- This is a great souvenir, both for yourself and for all relatives. Presentation can be made with children.

Origami paper dogs.

Photo: Do-it-yourself gifts for the New Year 2018 from paper.

Origami is a Japanese term. Its essence lies in the creation of figures by means of folded paper. Origami is a real art that first appeared on the territory Ancient China. This type of creativity has become popular and in demand thanks to the Japanese. Since the last century, origami has been practiced in the USA and Europe.

Technique is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. In order to make a cute gift out of paper, you don’t need to take on complex schemes. Let's take a few simple examples.

Many people wonder what kind of paper is suitable for origami crafts? Art and hobby shops sell specialized sheets in the shape of large squares. One side of the leaf has a bright shade, on the other side the leaf is white or variegated.

You can replace special paper with ordinary office paper, any thin paper or its color version. But colored paper in the fold area forms light stripes, which negatively affects the final appearance of the figure. Since our task is to make a gift to loved ones for the New Year 2018 with our own hands, it is better to purchase special sheets for origami.

You can paint the finished souvenir yourself or initially choose the paper of the desired color. When creating a gift based on a finished model for printing, it is recommended to use office paper. Then, having cut out the model, transfer it to medium density cardboard. If you take a thick cardboard, then the toy will retain its original shape for a long time. But the assembly process due to labor intensity will only be possible for an adult. A child cannot cope with such material.

Tools required for work:

  • PVA glue or glue stick depending on the size of the dog;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Paints with the intention to paint the craft yourself.

A simple example of a gift that you can make with your child:

Take colored paper(two sheets) beige or craft paper. You will need colored pencils, a simple pencil and a ruler. Action algorithm:

  • Take a piece of paper square shape. With the help of a ruler and a pencil, the diagonal should be canceled. The square will be divided into two triangles. Fold the sheet diagonally to make one triangle.
  • On both sides of the figure, bend the edges down, stepping back an equal distance. Get dog ears. Gently bend the bottom corner up - this is the muzzle.
  • Draw on the craft eyes, nose. Ears can be decorated with spots.
  • to make the body, take another sheet in the shape of a square. In the same way, we form a triangle by bending the sheet diagonally. Take the triangle so that it is folded up. Bend the bottom corner of the figure towards the main fold. These will be the paws.
  • Apply arbitrary spots on the body or paint it with paint. Use glue to fix the dog's head on the body.

A great idea for a New Year's gift to children, grandparents - a few do-it-yourself paper dog figures of different colors!

Photo: New Year's card made of paper with the main symbol of the year 2018.

Today it is very fashionable to make postcards with your own hands. Fortunately, for this there is a huge number of ideas and options in various genres. We propose to make a postcard with the image of a funny puppy. For work, improvised materials will be required:

  • Basket template prepared in advance from cardboard. Dimensions depend on the size of the future postcard;
  • Colored paper. The symbol of 2018 is the yellow dog. Therefore, a puppy can, for example, be made yellow. The color scheme of the remaining parts is selected at will;
  • Chopped strips of the desired shade for decorating the basket;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • A strip of foil.

Action algorithm:

  1. Decide on the size of the postcard and its basis. Puppy in a Basket is an application that should be placed in the middle on the outside of the card;
  2. Using a pre-prepared template, we apply and cut out a basket from colored paper. The template is a circle of the desired size with a semicircle inside.
  3. We decorate the basket with strips of yellow or paper of any other color. Start with horizontal lines. Next, glue the strips under a slope.
  4. Transfer to colored paper and cut out the details of the dog. Carefully fix them together with glue. With a felt-tip pen we apply the image of the eyes, nose, smile. We glue the finished application into the basket.
  5. Next, you need to make a bow around the neck of the puppy. We have a strip of foil for this.
  6. For spruce branches, it is better to take corrugated or paper with the effect of "velvet" juicy green shade. After cutting the branches, add them to the basket.
  7. Cut out circles that will be Christmas balls on spruce branches. We fix them together with glue; hang to the branches with a green thread.
  8. The outside of the card is ready! It remains to add sequins, stickers with a New Year theme, etc. to your taste and write New Year's greetings inside the message.

Photo: Wall panel with a dog from a regular newspaper.

A panel with the symbol of the year from a newspaper is another great gift idea for the New Year 2018 with your own hands. The picture can be any size. The newspaper is an improvised material that everyone has at home. Such a present will become an original element of the interior decor of any apartment. First you need to make the picture itself, then carefully put it in a frame. For work you will need materials:

  • Album sheet or A3 paper (depending on personal wishes);
  • Newspaper;
  • A set of colored paper, from which you will need black or brown sheets;
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil;
  • Spruce branch of a small size for decorating a picture;
  • small Christmas tree toy, New Year's rain;
  • Frame (preferably light).

Instructions for action:

  1. First, a sketch of a dog is made on a blank sheet of paper. We have given only two examples. Numerous ready-made sketches can be found on special sites dedicated to creativity and hobbies.
  2. Cut out the template, transfer the drawing to the newspaper.
  3. Glue the newspaper to the main sheet of paper.
  4. From black or brown paper we make arbitrary spots, claws, ears, eyes.
  5. We glue the details on the dog from the newspaper.
  6. If there are newspapers different shade, then you can focus on the contrast by sticking a muzzle (see Fig. 4.5).
  7. Put the picture in a frame. On the back, provide a hook or loop to hang the image on the wall.
  8. Decorate any corner of the frame spruce branch with small Christmas balls and rain. An original gift for the New Year 2018 is ready!

There are many ideas for making gifts for the New Year 2018 from paper. These are not only figurines, postcards and paintings, but also original packaging in the form of a dog new year calendars, thick cardboard organizers, etc.

Gifts for the New Year 2018 - Do-it-yourself dog.

In this section, we will look at the most original ideas for gifts for the New Year 2018, which every adult can make.

Funny and cozy pillows - dogs.

Pillow - indispensable attribute in home. They are used not only for sleeping, but also for relaxing during the day. As gifts for the New Year 2018, you can make a whole collection of cute sofa cushions with your own hands. We invite you to take advantage of our creative ideas.

Do-it-yourself pillow in the form of a dog in yellow colors.

Photo: Gifts for the New Year 2018 - Do-it-yourself dog.

It is appropriate to give such a gift not only to close relatives, but also to friends, work colleagues. The process of making a pillow is not very complicated. For work, you should prepare in advance:

  • Velor or velvet fabric of yellow color (we determine the size ourselves);
  • Fabric of identical quality with the main fabric, but only in black;
  • Rice groats for filling the pillow;
  • Some white fabric.
  • Black threads, needles for embroidering smiles, muzzles, eyes, eyebrows;
  • Pieces faux fur beige color with a long pile to create a forelock for an animal.

Sewing instructions:

  1. We cut out the details. Having decided on the desired size of the product, fold the yellow fabric in half, with the outer side inward. We draw a square on the wrong side, leaving allowances of 1.5 cm for the seams.
  2. We apply a pattern of four paws on a yellow fabric. You can draw them yourself or choose a ready-made template.
  3. Similarly, we prepare the details of the four legs, tail, ears.
  4. Sew the details of each paw together, leaving a hole at the bottom for filling with rice. Do the same with the tail.
  5. Take the base of the pillow, carefully insert it into the lower edge of the paw, stitch it. Sew the right side of the pillow, inserting the tail, then the left side. The tail should be filled with grits.
  6. Turn pillow right side out.
  7. Sew on the dog's ears by hand, forelock. Sew almost to the end of the upper part, leaving an opening for filling.
  8. Fill the pillow, carefully sew up the hole.
  9. Fill four paws with rice groats (yellow and black parts), sew together.
  10. On black fabric, cut out the shape of the nose, make eyes from white linen, sew. You can buy ready-made plastic eyes.
  11. Embroider eyebrows, muzzle.
  12. Sew a white dot on the nose. If the eyes are made of fabric, embroider the pupils.

An original and positive New Year's gift is ready! A great idea is to make several of these pillows that would later decorate seating places on the sofa, chairs, headboard, sofa in the kitchen or summer veranda. Country-style pillows always look stylish on wicker furniture.

Pillow in the form of a symbol of 2018 with appliqué.

Photo: DIY gifts for the New Year 2018

Unlike the previous example, when sewing these pillows, you first need to shape the outside of the pillowcase. Only after that attach the main details to each other. What you need for work:

  • Several types of bright satin fabric. The material does not have to be the same shade as in the picture. Here you need to show a little imagination. In each house there are several multi-colored patches;
  • Foam rubber or special filler for pillows;
  • Brown pile fabric for appliqué;
  • White thread for embroidering eyes;
  • Some black cloth for the dog's nose.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Lay out the brown fabric material, transfer the sketch of the dog to its left side. The drawing can be drawn by hand or downloaded ready-made version in the Internet.
  2. In the head area, make a small incision in the fabric, sew in the ear.
  3. Sew together strips of multi-colored fabric of the future front side pillows.
  4. Attach application, secure with pins. Fix the "dog" by stitching the pattern along its edge on sewing machine. For originality, you can select the zigzag stitch mode.
  5. Sew on the nose.
  6. We stitch together four parts of the pillow, with the outer side inward. On one side there will be an application. Leave a small hole to turn the product on the right side and fill with foam rubber.
  7. Stuff the pillow tightly and sew up the opening with a blind stitch.

Similarly, another version of the pillow with appliqué is made. Only in this case, it is necessary to fill not only the pillow itself, but also the paws, the muzzle of the animal (picture on the left). No less creative is a pillow with an applique of dogs cut out of felt (without filling) (picture on the right).

Pillow - a headrest in the form of a bone and with the image of the muzzle of the main symbol of the New Year 2018.

Photo: Pillow - a headrest in the form of a bone and with the image of the muzzle of the main symbol of the New Year 2018.

Pillows for the head and neck are an indispensable attribute for comfortable rest, reclining reading or watching TV. The idea is to make three such pillows, put them vertically, tie them up with New Year's thread or rain and hand them over with wishes of happiness and prosperity in the coming year.

For work you will need:

  • Any fabric in a contrasting shade. As the main material, it is better to choose a plain canvas. The side of the bone can be patterned;
  • For the application you will need a black patch;
  • Foam rubber or special filler for pillows.

Action algorithm:

  1. On a plain fabric, transfer the sketch of the bone of the desired size. Cut out the details, leaving one centimeter for seam allowances.
  2. Take one of the details, stitch or carefully sew on it a pre-prepared sketch of the muzzle. Add ears, nose.
  3. From the contrasting fabric, cut a strip about 2-3 cm wide (depending on the size of the pillow). Take the part of the bone from the finished appliqué, put it right side down. Pin the strip right side down with pins along the edge of the entire figure. Stitch.
  4. Attach the second part of the bone to the second edge of the side strip, leaving a small hole for filling the pillow.
  5. Stuff the headrest tightly and sew up the opening with a blind stitch. When using foam rubber, it is recommended to pre-cut it into small cubes. So the material will be better distributed inside the product.

New Year's souvenir in the form of a dog made of shells with your own hands.

For those who often travel to the sea and collect such natural material, like shells, it is recommended to make gifts for the New Year 2018 from them. Cute and unique figures are obtained from shells, one unlike the other. They look stylish in the boss's office, on the desktop of an employee, a child, in the kitchen, etc. There are many examples of such gifts. Let's take a look at some easy options. To work, you need material.

  • Ahead of us magical holiday- New Year. No matter how old a person is, he always lives in his soul Small child who hopes for some kind of miracle and waits for New Year's Eve with bated breath. How to make interesting gifts for the new year 2018 with your own hands?

    You and I, dear mothers, grandmothers, aunts, girlfriends, have to work hard in December to become fairy sorceresses who fulfill the wishes of their loved ones. Practice shows that it is December that is most saturated with either the search for gifts or their manufacture.

    We are not against good purchased gifts, but you must admit that a gift from a store is impersonal, it will not fully reveal the feelings of the giver. If you prepare a surprise yourself, putting all your skill and soul into it, it will forever keep the warmth of your hands, will delight a loved one in difficult times. There is no price for such a gift.

    We start preparation

    How to properly organize the preparation of gifts for your loved ones, so that nothing and no one is forgotten? It's simple:

    1. we make a list of all relatives and friends who want to present a New Year's souvenir (for example: mother, grandmother, husband, son, grandson, girlfriend);
    2. opposite the name of each we write the intended gift;
    3. we draw up a list of consumables, where we note in detail what is already available (yarn, knitting needles, threads, beads, etc.), and what needs to be purchased (tinsel, sparkles, glue, photo frames, etc.).

    When compiling a list of gifts, we actively develop 2 big topics - symbolic gifts and personalized gifts. The first topic is just a Klondike for ideas, in this case there is no need to strain too much. We decide on the main symbol of the next year and put the idea into practice.

    The coming year according to the eastern calendar will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This topic is practically inexhaustible, because. any item related to the dog can easily be turned into a gift.


    Homemade dog toys of all kinds, key chains, dog decorations, potholders, embroidered paintings, photo collages, slippers, blankets, scarves, hats, kitchen utensils with images of a four-legged friend - everything that your imagination is capable of can become a gift. Sometimes, in the process of work, new brilliant ideas come.

    For relatives and friends, friends who have a pet, picking up a New Year's gift is even easier - this is any thing their pet needs. But in this case, it is very important to correctly beat the gift itself - not just to present the right little thing, but to make beautiful packaging, arrange verbal accompaniment.

    Remember! Intrigue in a gift - 50% of your triumph as a giver!

    Make the person being presented pleasantly excited in anticipation of the gift, languish with impatience while the wrapper is removed - and here it is! - a smile from ear to ear, admiration, gratitude.

    Our plan is ready. We buy the missing components and start making gifts.

    My task is to present at your choice different ideas traditional, original and unusual gifts for the new year.

    Do-it-yourself symbolic gifts for the new year 2018: master classes and ideas

    Gifts for the older generation

    What to give grandma, grandpa or other relatives of venerable age? You can give them a warm gift - a knitted product made of dog hair. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have a dog, comb it out and spin yarn. Everything is much easier. Ready-made yarn is available for sale in needlework stores or online stores.

    If you have at least minimal knitting experience, you can knit a belt from sciatica, if you have more experience, knit socks, knee pads, mittens, vests. And if your relative, among other things, has problems with the musculoskeletal system, such a product will both warm and heal. This will be a truly royal gift!

    Other options are to make a beautiful warm quilt out of uncombed dog hair, but in this case, the wool is best mixed with any filler, otherwise it will mat. Or you can make warm insoles in shoes.

    Gifts for middle-aged people

    The most fertile age - you can give anything you want.

    Keychains in the form of dogs

    Without particularly straining, you can make beautiful key chains in the form of dogs out of felt, dense fabric, leather scraps. To do this, you need to find or draw the outline of the dog, cut out 2 of its silhouettes from felt or leather, decorate the eyes, nose with a few stitches and sew two blanks over the edge with a beautiful seam. You can give volume to the product by filling it with a small amount of padding polyester or cotton wool. It remains to sew a key ring. Our gift is ready!

    From polymer clay or salt dough, you can sculpt dog figurines for key chains, pendants, make a fridge magnet.

    Soft voluminous key chains or for car interiors are made of woolen threads in the form of a pom-pom. You can make both a figurine and a muzzle of a dog.

    Soft towels and sheets in the form of dogs or originally packaged

    towel dog

    Very good and the right gift for any home terry towel, but we can also present it in an unusual way, magically turning an ordinary thing into a symbol of the year. Gently fold, clamp with rubber bands or threads, outline the muzzle, decorate with bows - a gift for mom, aunt, grandmother, daughter is ready!

    Slippers - dogs: a universal symbolic gift for any age, and hand-sewn slippers will simply make a splash. Middle-aged people highly value coziness and comfort, and such a warm gift will melt even a cold heart.

    Gifts for red girls and good fellows

    What can you think of for a perky adolescence?

    Handmade rings, pendants for a teenage girl

    If a young woman loves jewelry and wears earrings, beads, rings - we will give her homemade earrings, rings or pendants in the form of silhouettes or figurines of dogs.

    Delicate gift in a jar

    If a friend wants to please a young beauty, then it’s easier for him to make a “jar of love” - put it in a glass vessel fashion polishes, hairpins, sloths, tie with a beautiful ribbon - and, voila, the gift is ready. You can also write a wish on a small piece of paper and attach it to the side of the jar.

    T-shirts with dog print

    For young men you can offer a T-shirt with a picture of a furry friend. But this work is not entirely manual, because. your main task is to choose a suitable photo from any sources or take a photo yourself and take it to a specialized salon for printing on textiles. It is quite suitable for a gift to a guy and a hand-sewn case for a smartphone and any warm related thing with a picture of a dog.

    Photo collage with frame

    If the younger generation loves dogs and keeps a pet at home, funny photo collages are suitable as a gift for an avid "dog lover". You need to take a lot of photos of a four-legged pet, and, choosing the most interesting ones, arrange your own New Year's collage in electronic form, and if you print the photos, you can make a framed collage.

    Symbolic gifts for kids

    For the little ones the best gift will become a toy-symbol. Whether it will be a soft sewn or knitted dog, or a pom-pom dog sculpted from polymer clay is up to the manufacturer. You need to focus on the age of the child.

    DIY dog toy

    Socks, hats, slippers with dog ears, eyes and tail will amuse kids no less soft toys. Slippers, for example, can be stroked, “put to bed”, find a “place” for them on the rug. A mini-tale or a funny story about a shaggy pet is required for such a gift.

    Individual gifts: with care and love

    If a symbolic gifts universal, suitable for any category of people, then individual souvenirs are focused on the personal preferences of a person, take into account his interests, dreams and fantasies.

    Such gifts need to be prepared ahead of time. You can unobtrusively lead a person in a conversation on this topic, you can just listen to him carefully and put some information “on the shelf” for yourself. For example, I just started talking with my husband about fishing tackle, his eyes immediately lit up, and I had all the necessary information by the end of the conversation. I clearly knew that by the New Year I would give him boilies, twisters and wobblers, well, maybe a good reel with a rear friction clutch. Here the giver himself enters into the excitement - to find dear person everything necessary for his complete happiness.

    Knowing the preferences of family members and friends, you can easily please them with a gift.

    Knitted gifts

    Any thing related to love with your own hands is suitable for a gift.

    Fans of an active lifestyle, tourists, fishermen, athletes should like warm sets such as a scarf-hat-mittens for cold weather or high knitted socks, mittens. And dad, and husband, and brother will like such care for them. Fans of dancing and aerobics will suit leggings and knitted headband on the head, moreover, all these knitted things can be done both with New Year's symbols and without it, you can embroider a person's name. It is good for fashionable girls to offer knitted collars - both warm and beautiful.

    wooden crafts

    What to give for the new 2018: ideas practical gifts with their own hands for lovers of home comfort. We take any thing from unpainted wood or plywood - a bread box, a box, a shelf for dishes, a cutting board, a locker and turn it into a work of art using decoupage.

    A good option for donation can be a set of cutting boards, moreover, it is a set that looks more solid.

    Decoupage kitchen boards

    If you know how to work with wood and can cut your own kitchen board out of thick plywood, just do it. If there is no such talent, you can buy a wooden blank in creative stores. Then it remains to choose three-layer napkins for decoupage work, buy PVA glue, base paint, wood varnish and get to work.

    For housewives who zealously observe the sanitary regime in their kitchen, it is better to make such boards thematic: for meat, for fish, for vegetables, for bread.

    decoupage comb

    In addition to decoupage, you can adopt the wood burning technique, this work is painstaking, requires accuracy and perseverance, but the result is always pleasing. For wood burning, you can involve middle-aged children, because no one will refuse to make a beautiful thing for their grandmother with their own hands.

    glass products

    With the help of decoupage, ordinary and faceless objects turn into original gifts. Any old Christmas balls are suitable for work. After gluing the ball with figures from a napkin, drying it and varnishing it, you can decorate the ball with beautiful ribbons, beads, lace, and artificially age them.

    Empty bottles of different formats are an excellent material for creativity, like any glass containers. And bottles of champagne or wine, decorated with decoupage, beads, tinsel, are a quick and profitable option for a New Year's present, since champagne is a very popular product on New Year's Eve.

    Decorated with wrapping paper and toys champagne bottles

    If the house has incomplete glasses for champagne or wine, we apply the decoupage technique to them and get a chic new year set- the original bottle and a couple of wonderful glasses to go with it. Naturally, you need to design several items in the same style. It remains only to pack a gift in beautiful wrapping paper and go to visit.

    You can tightly wrap an empty bottle with multi-colored threads, decorate with bows of ribbons or coarse threads, lace, beads - that's a vase for a gift. Put a sprig of spruce into it with toys decorated by you - and you will enchant any aesthete.

    Homemade candlesticks from glasses

    It is very practical to use any incomplete glass cups, wine glasses that are a pity to throw away, wide-mouthed jars for New Year's work. They can be decorated either with decoupage or polymer clay, bright fabric and turn into author's candlesticks. To create a complete set, you can buy or make holiday candles - you will get a wonderful gift.

    DIY candles

    For the New Year, we can’t do without candles, this is also a necessary gift in the household. Make one large candle out of several ordinary stearin candles, tie it with a beautiful ribbon with a bell or decorate it with spruce branches with cones - and you can present a homemade present to your friend. If, in the manufacture of candles, essential oils, for example, roses or lavender, are added to the stearin base, the candle will fill the house with an exquisite aroma.

    Author's soap

    If you know how to make fragrant soap, you don’t even have to worry about gifts, your products will delight both girlfriends and loved ones. If there is no such skill, it is worth making some effort and you will become a master soap maker. For the first experience, you do not need to specially buy anything, for sure in any house there are old remnants, some essential oil, a bunch of other fragrant herbs. The brewed soap must be packaged beautifully and include a label with a description of the gift and an indication of the addressee. This is a great gift option for a daughter, mother, aunt or girlfriend, because any woman is sensitive to self-care.

    Creative gifts for the New Year 2018 do it yourself

    Creative gifts should surprise, delight, bring sincere joy to the recipients and be useful. DIY workshops and gift ideas for the new year 2018 will inspire you in your search for new solutions.

    Massage mats

    Very unusual rugs made of rounded pebbles will bring health benefits if you walk on them barefoot every morning and evening before going to bed. Sea pebbles are an ideal material for such healing rugs. I advise you to stock up on the sea and pebbles and shells in the summer - in winter everything will come in handy for creativity. The kids will love both the rugs and walking on them, especially if they splashed in the salty sea waves in the summer.

    If the pebbles are multi-colored, you can lay them out in the form of a starfish or a fish. Be sure to involve the kids in this activity if the gift is intended for another family member.

    Stone talismans

    painted talisman stones

    If we are already talking about pebbles, we can’t help but talk about how popular talismans from it are becoming. How much joy a pebble decorated to look like a dog will bring to any child! And for an adult, the accompanying text will be important, where it should sound that this talisman will bring good luck in the New Year of the Dog, especially since you can always carry it with you.

    Dream catchers

    For lovers of everything unusual and mysterious, dream catchers guarding the night peace of a person will be a wonderful gift. So many decoration options! beads, natural stones, feathers, leather straps, wooden rings - your imagination after the first completed catcher will become unstoppable and you will start creating to the delight of others!

    New Year's wreaths

    Festive New Year wreaths are becoming increasingly popular in our country, although they are still included in the category of creative gifts. They can be brought to any home, and the atmosphere will instantly become festive. Making wreaths is not difficult, consumables are quite affordable, especially since every house has old toys, tinsel, raindrops. This exciting work can be entrusted to older children. Onis will be happy to take part in making gifts for the new year 2018 with their own hands.

    What a new year without sweets, tangerines, oranges, cakes and chocolate! Ordinary products, but you can also create a New Year's masterpiece from them, if you skillfully pack, come up with something new in design. Such gifts, first of all, are intended for young sweet tooth, but the older generation will not refuse a sweet souvenir for the New Year.

    Sweet gifts for children for the new year 2018

    Sledge for Santa Claus

    Sledge for Santa Claus is prepared from a very small set of sweets, and now your child happily claps his hands after receiving this souvenir

    Candy tree

    A Christmas tree made of sweets will decorate any festive children's and even adult table.


    And ginger or sugar gingerbread and cookies! They can be decorated with food coloring and hung on a Christmas tree or connected with a thread into a garland.

    New Year's cakes

    New Year's cakes are also a beautiful solution for gifts, modern decoration materials allow you to create any fairy tale or come up with your own!

    Sweets for adults

    Bouquet of sweets

    Bouquets of sweets for women, decorated with a small spruce branch and a small bell, will immediately create romantic mood for the entire New Year's Eve.

    All types of homemade cakes are suitable for New Year's gifts, the main thing is a little imagination, bright packaging and good wishes, but the most interesting thing is to make sweet gifts for the new year 2018 for children, their joy is a real reward for parents for hard work.

    homemade balms

    For needlewomen who make strong drinks such as liquor, herbal balm, it will not be difficult to prepare a personalized gift for the New Year. But such presentations are prepared in advance, because you need to collect herbs, fruits, berries, which will create a unique bouquet of the drink.

    All vegetable raw materials are poured with vodka or diluted alcohol, insisted for at least a month, shaking occasionally. Strained tincture is flavored with honey, spices and spices to taste. Bottled in beautifully shaped bottles and corked with stoppers, strong and corked alcoholic products will invariably delight both the strong and the weak halves of humanity.

    These balms can be made thematic: vitamin, soothing, anti-cold, firming. For such gifts, the label is required, it is desirable to indicate the composition and amount of the balm for a single dose. You can decorate the bottles with decorative burlap, weaving under the "vine", decoupage.

    Author's teas

    For connoisseurs of herbal teas, you can make creative gifts in the form of author's teas with various aromatic herbs, dried fruits, spices. The scope of fantasy can be such that a queue of those wishing to taste a fragrant drink will line up for your author's teas. And again I repeat - beautiful packaging and competent design is the key to stunning success. Don't be afraid to experiment!

    Bath accessories

    Even such a simple item as a bath broom can be made the highlight of the season. There would be a lover of bath procedures! Add medicinal herbs to the base of the broom - tansy, wormwood, yarrow, pack the broom in a shiny wrapper for bouquets and tie it with a beautiful ribbon, stick it name card, sew a bath hat out of felt with your own hands, cook author's soap. Think about how funnier it is to voice a gift, what riddle the lucky person should guess and a whole mini-performance is ready!

    In parting, I want to say - do not spare time and effort for your loved ones, relatives, friends. Create, gush with ideas, give Joy! Come up with new and unusual gifts for the new 2018 with your own hands! Happy New Year!