How to organize a birthday for a girl. How to celebrate a boy's first birthday. What to give you, my dear man

You can create a themed birthday - a fairy tale in the literal sense, or you can get by with a simpler scenario. In the first case, you will have to work on costumes, various details and a special decoration of the house. In the second case, the work is also enough, but it will be easier.

Therefore, we will discuss the second option. By the way, the script of this option can also be used as a thematic one. It is only necessary to change the text a little and come up with costumes.

How to celebrate a child's first birthday? - simple and tasteful!

  1. Decorate your home with balloons. The more of them, the better. You can inflate and tie multi-colored balls on a thread. Hang a garland of balls preferably along the wall.
  2. Create a collage. Great idea which will make the atmosphere even more festive.
    We invite you to create your own collage. Go to the site, choose the collage you like, insert a photo (online and free), save it to your computer as a picture (the quality is wonderful). Then you print.
    Many mothers have problems with printing. Few places print large posters + it's a little expensive. You can divide the collage into 4 parts - 4 A4 sheets, and glue them together. It is not necessary to share it yourself - this will be done by the masters in the store.
  3. Hang a ribbon that says "Happy Birthday." This can be done by yourself in special programs or bought. And buying here is the best option. For a small price, you will immediately receive a ready-made colored beautiful ribbon.

Guest care

For guests, we advise you to stock up on holiday caps and gifts. Write poems about each guest on postcards, put postcards and gifts (cups with the image of a birthday man, bubble, cake pieces, magnets or key rings) in holiday packages. When leaving, everyone present will take with them a drop of the festive atmosphere.

You can make certificates or awards for each guest. Find or install Microsoft Publisher on your computer. It has built-in certificate templates. All you have to do is enter your name and print.

Some little things to consider

  • It is important that the balls are of good quality, dense. If a child bursts a balloon near his face, fear cannot be avoided.
  • Be sure to dress the birthday boy nicely. The boy can be dressed in a formal suit with a tie, and the girl in a dress. Find the longest hairs on the girl's head and attach a bow to them - it will look great.
  • Try to choose a time when the child is awake.
  • Prepare a comic telegram for the event, a postcard without text, pieces of paper with questions about the knowledge of the birthday man (put them in a hat or box - guests will pull them out).

Comic telegram (copy to Word, edit and print):

__________________________________ (name)!

Congratulations on your first ____________________________ birthday!

We wish you to remain the most (oh) _______________________________ son (daughter) for your _____________________________ mom and your ____________________________ dad, who ____________________ are raising you. And yours ________________ godmother(name) and your __________________ Godfather(name) let them love you like their own child. May your birthday be the most ________________________ holiday of the year for you.

In general, grow, (name), ____________________________ and ____________________________! ________________________________________________ Kiss and hug.

Your _____________________ guests.


The cake can be made by yourself or ordered. Doing it yourself is troublesome, but not expensive. A custom cake will look chic and effortless, but will hit the wallet. Decide for yourself.

It is not necessary to make a particularly luxurious table. The main thing is to take care of the birthday boy. On the table there should be dishes that he can (vegetable cutlets, various purees, juices).

First birthday plan

The event should be fun, so it is not necessary to strictly adhere to the plan. But, as they say, a project without a plan is not good.

Opening event. The guests sit down at the table, the host (mother) proclaims:
“Today our miracle turns its first year. Let's congratulate him with the song "Happy Birthday to You" (everyone sings).

The host starts the contest number 1. Each guest must name any one word that will fit the previous one. The highlight is that you cannot pronounce or write this word. You can show your word at the table, or leave the table.

Break. Everyone eats and drinks. During the break, you can distract the guests a little with questions from the hat, reading rhymes and asking to say a toast to the person about whom the verse was.

We create a joke telegram. Guests say adjectives, which the presenter enters into the telegram. Then he reads it to the guests.

Presentation of certificates. If there are many guests, then you can break the presentation into several parts, inserting them between the competitions. It is advisable to hand them to the sound of fanfare.

Now we sign a postcard to the baby. We pass it around in a circle so that everyone present writes a wish to the child.

Let's not forget about traditions. Among the competitions, take the time for the godparents to cut off the baby's curl.

A funny tradition is the choice of the child's future life path. Certain symbolic objects are placed in front of him, among which the one chosen by the child will be his fate. You can put anything: gold or money will symbolize a rich life, wedding ring- love, garlic - health, a spoon - the profession of a cook. Any symbolism can be invented.

Make a video greeting to the baby. Review it with your guests.

Now viewing gifts (guests should see your impressions - they will be pleased) and presenting gifts to guests.

The final part will be taking out the cake and blowing out the candles.

gifts for a year old

A child from birth to a year will not be happy soft toys. Unless if these toys make various sounds, move or glow. It is also not advisable to give large toys, bicycles, cars and toys with the inscription "from 3 years old".

Gifts such as a cast of a hand and foot, a stroller or something for taking care of a child are acceptable gifts, but they are clearly not given to the baby, but to the parents.

What to give a girl for 1 year.

Baby dolls, a toy stroller, a toy kitchen set, a toy house will be great gifts for a one-year-old girl.

What to give a boy for 1 year.

But a one-year-old boy will be happy with various cars, soldiers, toys. wrist watch, robots.

For children of both sexes, educational toys, pyramids, a designer, books with colorful illustrations and balls are suitable.

A pot and clothes are never redundant.

Now you know how to celebrate 1 year old baby.

Make the best of this wonderful day!


Starting planning the birthday of the crumbs, decide on the number of invitees. Of course, relatives - grandparents, uncles and aunts, as well as godparents, if any, will want to congratulate him. For successful socialization of the child, it is necessary that he communicate with peers from the age. Child psychologists, in order to determine the number of invitees, recommend adhering to "the age of the child plus one." Therefore, for a birthday, you can invite one or two friends of your baby with their parents.

After you have calculated how many people are expected at your event, think about the venue. You can celebrate your birthday at home or in a cafe. In both cases, there are advantages. If your living conditions do not allow you to accept everyone you have planned, then it is better to move to a cafe. In addition, going out to the cafe will be a great relief for mom, because she won’t have to stand at the stove all day, and going out “to people” will serve as a change of scenery and a reason to dress up. However, if you go to a cafe, you won’t be able to stay there for a long time, because one-year-old babies sleep at least twice a day, and by dragging out a birthday, you run the risk of meeting childhood fatigue, tears and whims. And at home it will be possible to put the baby to sleep in the next room and continue the fun with adults.

Thus, when planning the first birthday, you must fully adapt to the child. Consider not only the daily routine so that the baby gets enough sleep and feels cheerful and cheerful, but also his gastronomic preferences and opportunities. It is better if there are not only children's, but also "adult" dishes on the table, from vegetables and fruits, which you can try for the baby, so that he does not feel that he is being deprived of something and sees that everyone eats the same as he. Carefully approach the choice of cake, the children are very curious and, having blown out their first candle in their life, they will definitely try to snatch a piece for themselves. If your pediatrician doesn't pass judgment on sugar, you might want to try some cream. But if the baby has an allergy, then it is better to replace the cream with fruit.

Gifts for a one-year-old baby should be beautiful, functional and educational. At this age, the cognitive process is going on as rapidly as ever, so bright kids rug with toys, soft cards and rattles will be most welcome. Perfect for children's puzzles, cubes. When choosing a toy, remember that the parts should not be too small so that the child cannot swallow them.

The first birthday of a child is a script for 1 year.
If the child is calm, you can put him on whatman paper and outline the outline of his body. Sign this poster with the inscription: “Kiryushka is 1 year old” and at the celebration invite guests to write congratulations for the birthday man on the poster. This poster will carry positive energy, it can be hung in the baby's room.

1) Birthday is an annual gift given to a person in order to rejoice in the love, disposition that relatives and friends have for him. Our celebration today is dedicated to the first birthday of Cyril. Let's forget about all everyday affairs and worries and surround ourselves festive atmosphere! Everyone will be given the floor today.

Ultrasound, tests, doctors, and nine months of anxiety,
And finally in the spring, in the night, the roads came together with you
And I can't take my eyes off, And the feeling of happiness and unity,
Hurry to fully experience the holy joy of motherhood!
We're home! God, he screams! Well, where are the books and cheat sheets?!
Then he doesn’t eat ... now he doesn’t sleep ... The husband helps ... under pressure
On the third day I went into the astral plane, I don’t notice calls and faces,
But the hands are vigilant, they have an emergency - Weight gain is noted!
What banquet? Why guests? Are we a month old? Everyone wants to get together?
Now cook, serve, pour, Do not forget to smile!
Your first laugh, wow! Faster video and photo!
Well, late as always -Already sobbing to hiccups!
Played all night, struggling with sleep, We will urgently note everything in the magazine
Let's sleep sometime later, As they say - in the next world!
Again we have nothing to wear, Although the bazaar bought things!
Where are we growing? Stand! Do not dare! And half of them weren't demolished!
He eats puree! What a success! Hurry peers to boast!
But it turned out that everyone has been eating barbecue and pizza for a long time!
Our villages - the same age went, He got up - they are among the fleeing!
Leave the weekend! At least catch up with the lagging behind!
Friends in the cinema, at the stadium, We have our own Olympics -
Behind the baby throw under the table, Saved slippers - a reward!
Hooray! All difficulties are gone - Constipation, colic and enemas
, But back to the fight! Now pots, Bruises, teeth and whims!
Baby a year old? Can't be! We didn't get to enjoy it!
I'll have to give birth again, Let it happen again.

How wonderful that we have another son and I can be sure that a a real man and future protector! This wonderful boy turned 1 year old on April 20, 2012. Dear guests! Let's fill our glasses and drink to the health of the birthday boy! HURRAH!

1. 1 During this evening, each of you, dear guests, will be given the floor. And now I suggest you, however strange it may seem, to collect a gift for our birthday boy for his 18th birthday. In this box throughout the evening we will put the most memorable for mom and dad.
little things about Kiryushka. And, of course, the very first tags from the arms and legs, preserved from the maternity hospital, are sent to our box. And this is the first clothes of a newborn. Here is the first rattle.

2. "Who looks like"

The leading mother holds a piece of paper on which the baby is drawn. Relatives take turns expressing their opinion on who this or that part of the child's body looks like, and the mother signs these opinions on a piece of paper where the baby is drawn. At the end of the game, the mother announces the results:

3. Here is what Kirill told me in secret about our dad:

My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, considerate
He is affectionate.

I look forward to
Dad from work.
Will hug me
Forget worries.

My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He's on the shoulder
Even a difficult one.

He is also a naughty
A mischievous and a prankster.
With him every day
Turns into a holiday.

My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.

And bored without dad
Ride on sleds.
Nobody can
Laugh so loud.

My dad is a wizard.
He is the nicest.
He instantly turns
For what you ask.

He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But the best
He knows how to be a dad.

I will hug him
And quietly whisper:
- My daddy, I love you
I love it hard!

You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

Come on, dad, I'm waiting impatiently
Congratulate me on my birthday soon!!!

The word is given to the pope.

4. "Mother instinct"

The host mom says: “Everyone knows that a mother recognizes her baby from a thousand similar ones, thanks to maternal instinct. And now we will check how the instinct is developed in our guests. After that, a stack of photos with different kids (birthday boy, mom and dad in infancy, and other kids) is laid on the table. The task of the guests is to select photos with the birthday boy.

5. It's great to have grandmothers in our lives! Sweet, kind, the best in the world! The statement "If we knew what happiness it is to have grandchildren, we would have them before children!" It's about our grandmothers. And our grandmother Valya loves a wonderful boy Kirill so much. And the word is given to her!
Congratulations from grandmothers.
6. Competition "Who knows the birthday man best of all?"

What weight was born?
- With what growth?
- What color are her eyes?
- How many teeth now?
- What is the godfather's name?
- What year of birth?
- What time was he born?
What day of the week were you born?
What were the name options?
- How many balls are in the room?
- In what city was he born?
- What is his father's profession?
- Give the name and patronymic of the mother of the birthday boy.
- What is the name and patronymic of the grandmother.

7) Congratulatory telegram to Kirill.
Each guest calls any, preferably a funny adjective, which I entered into a pre-prepared text.
8) I offer the word to the godfather, who bears the great responsibility for spiritual growth godson Cyril!
Word to the godfather

9) The same beloved that baptizes the baby,
Promote development and growth slowly.
Kirill will not be left without attention,
And he will put you firmly on your feet in life.
Godfather Vasya, as usual for a long time,
You are the first to cut Cyril's hair anyway!

The ritual of cutting the first hairs. The first lock of the baby is cut by the godparents. We put the hairs in an envelope and in a commemorative box. In the same box we put the baptismal shirt.

10) To someone from Brazil
Guests arrive.
Well, we have an idyll -
You live in the city!
Today is Kiryushin's birthday
We are very happy to see you!
And we are waiting for congratulations
Delights of cannonade!

11. Funny contest "Y-y-ytsa"
Required: a dozen boiled eggs
A dozen eggs are placed in a bowl. One of them is raw, warns the presenter. The rest are boiled. It is necessary to break the egg on the forehead. Whoever gets raw is the brave one. Participants take turns coming up, take the egg.
In fact, the eggs are all boiled, and just the last participant receives the prize - he consciously took the risk of becoming a universal laughingstock.

12. Items are placed on the table in front of the child. The item you choose
the child will determine his fate.

Garlic - health
Chocolate - sweet life
Keys - well-being
Tangle - long life
Money is wealth
Pen - life given to science
Ring - great love

13. And this is Uncle Ilyusha

Not just and not suddenly

For our family

Became a good friend!

We fill the glasses, the floor is given to Ilya.
14. "Prophecy"

Prepare a sheet of paper (A3 or larger) in advance. Draw a table on it. In the first, left column vertically, write the age of the child - “10 years old”, below in the cell “20 years old”, even lower “30 years old” and so on up to a hundred. You can enter any age at your discretion, for example: 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years, 12 years, 15 years, 17 years, 20 years.

Write the name of the guest horizontally in the top cells. At the celebration, each of the guests writes a prediction for the child. These are short predictions for each proposed age. After all good predictions are written, this sheet is folded and hidden in an album for many years. Then the grown-up child will read the prophecies of relatives on the name day and note what came true from this.
15. "Bottle"

Two volunteers to participate in the competition are given a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne. Champagne is poured in equal quantities. Participants must drink the contents through a nipple with a large opening. Whoever wins the fastest.

16. Dear guests! Now, while preparing for the sweet table, I want you to take the next proposal seriously. Each of you will be given a piece of paper, a pen and an envelope. I suggest you write something for the birthday person, maybe a wish, maybe how you see him in 18 years, or something else. Envelopes must be sealed, put on
them the signature "from whom", the date of filling. We will put these letters in our box and give the birthday man only on his 18th birthday. I promise that not a single envelope will be opened prematurely.

Celebration of the first birthday of a child in the family circle with mom and dad.

The birth of a baby is always a great event for the child's parents, their relatives and friends. The first year of life is the most difficult period, but time flies, and here is the first birthday on the threshold! Many young parents ask themselves: “how to celebrate this event if the child is only a year old, and is it worth starting a great feast?” Here only the parents of the child or their relatives can give an answer.

For those who nevertheless decided to celebrate the first birthday of their baby, you can use some tips on how to have fun and give your child pleasure. Best Option celebration is the organization of a birthday at home, in the circle of the closest relatives, in a home, family environment.

In order to successfully celebrate a birthday at home, at home, you need to properly prepare for the celebration in advance, think about how to decorate the house, how to celebrate what to cook, who to invite to the holiday, what gifts to present to the child on this day.

Birthday party

Organizing a fun first party for a baby who turns 1 year old, and even at home, is not an easy task, but if everything is well thought out, it can turn out to be a wonderful pastime for both the hero of the occasion and the guests. First you need to festively decorate the room. To do this, you will need several multi-colored balloons. various shapes. However, there should not be too many of them, since too much brightness of colors can scare a small child.

To decorate the room, just hang a few multi-colored balls.

Balls of several pieces can be hung in the corners or in the center of the room where the holiday will take place, hanging on a string to a chandelier 3-5 different color balls, and make the length of the thread different, it will be more interesting. You can make a thread with a ball so long that the birthday boy can reach it with a pen. This will amuse the child, as the naughty ball will “run away” from his hands.

It is very important to make sure that the balloon does not burst in front of the baby and does not spoil the fun. However, if this happens, you need to reassure the child, make it clear that such products can deflate and burst. In any case, it is recommended to purchase balls more expensive, but most best quality. If the ball bursts sharply, you should try to make the baby laugh, pick him up, give him a toy.

Balloons can decorate not only one room, but also other rooms in the apartment, for example, a kitchen, a corridor. But here it is not at all necessary to have a large number of balls, it is enough to hang 3-5 products at the entrance or in the center of the kitchen. The corridor can be beautifully “dressed up” with a garland of balls or colorful pictures, stars, toys.

In the same way, you can arrange a room. At the entrance, you can hang a garland consisting of bright, colorful letters or with the inscription: "Happy Birthday!". But you can come up with more original inscriptions, for example, “Congratulations to your son (or daughter) on the 1st holiday!”, “On the name day of the 1st year of life!” etc.

Inviting guests

Of course, everyone decides for himself how to celebrate the name day of the child and who to invite on this day, but first of all, among the guests there should be grandparents, aunts or uncles of the child, that is, close people. But some parents, especially mothers, prefer to invite their girlfriends with one-year-old children who will keep their child company.

In this case, the celebration becomes more complicated, since each parent wants to celebrate a year to his child in his own way. This may require the mutual consent of all invitees. In addition, there may be problems with the choice:

  • gifts;
  • the number of guests;
  • cooked meals;
  • birthday venues.

The best option is still considered to be a celebration at home, in the family circle, since it will be easier with the design of an apartment and the choice of gifts, relatives will always help organize a birthday for a beloved and dear little man. However, this does not mean that the holiday can be made easier for relatives, on the contrary, the first birthday of the baby should remain in the memory of all those invited. That is why you need to try to celebrate the name day as interesting as possible.

It is advisable for guests to prepare funny caps, invitation cards with a photo of the birthday person, original badges with names and degree of kinship, key rings, etc.

What should be the table?

Decoration of any holiday table, of course, is the cake. It can be baked or ordered. Everyone knows that a homemade freshly baked cake is just delicious, but mom may not have enough time to bake. A grandmother can come to the rescue, who will happily prepare her own signature cake, but it is better to choose a custom-made option, since confectionery masters can create real masterpieces - cakes in the form of a boat, doll, bear, etc.

Everyone will agree that a custom-made bunny cake holding a one in its paws is much more interesting than usual. In addition, such a hare is sure to please the baby without harming his health. The menu on the table should also be thought out to the smallest detail. For adults - one dish, and for the birthday boy - another. A one-year-old baby needs exactly the food that corresponds to his age (mashed potatoes, vegetable cutlet, compote).

How to dress up a birthday boy and what to give?

Everyone understands that the hero of the occasion, like all guests, must be festively dressed. A boy can wear a beautiful shirt, a suit, or find a suitable elegant thing. With girls, everything is much easier. Surely any baby has an elegant dress in her wardrobe, in which she will look like a little princess. And bows or a beautiful headband will complement the festive look.

Gifts for children who are one year old can be very different, but children of this age prefer soft toys. It can be bears, hares, monkeys, giraffes, dogs and other animals. Boys are usually given any kind of transport, but without sharp corners, for example, plastic cars, trains, etc.

Dress up your birthday boy, put on an elegant festive cap for him - and the baby will be satisfied.

Any girl on her first birthday will love a new doll, but it should be soft so as not to injure delicate skin child while playing. Regardless of gender, you can give cubes, a ball, a pyramid, any animal, a colorful book by age. All children love to leaf through books, look at pictures, but this must be done in the presence of adults.

To make the first solemn day memorable, you need to celebrate it with dignity, the main thing is not to forget to take funny photos. These can be images such as:

  • when presenting gifts (special attention here should be on the reaction of the baby);
  • photo of the whole company in funny caps;
  • photo of a cake with a one near the birthday boy;
  • other interesting points.

If you approach the organization of the holiday correctly, the baby will not only be satisfied, but will also know that it is on his birthday that all the closest and dearest people gather who give gifts, care and love.

I approached the issue of celebrating my daughter's one year old in my usual manner - with careful preparation and scope. Daily trips to work past the maternity hospital where Diana was born added strength and energy. My husband and close relatives were skeptical about my ideas, but did not interfere with the implementation and even disciplinedly fulfilled everything that I asked. It seemed that everything was against my plans - even at work it was a very busy week ... But everything worked out!

As befits royals, our Princess Diana celebrated her birthday 3 times: directly on her birthday on March 17 (Thursday); March 19 (Saturday) with relatives; March 20 (Sunday) with friends.

Previously, all those invited were given the task of writing a "Letter to the Future". These letters will be kept until Diana's sixteenth birthday, after which they will be solemnly opened and read by the birthday girl. Also, a couple of weeks before her birthday, we began to collect wishes for Diana on the A1 poster with her outline (of course, I drew the outline based on a few strokes along the main bulges of my daughter, while her dad tried to fix her on a piece of paper).

Day One – March 17

On this day exactly one year ago my daughter was born. Therefore, I simply had to give my little button (nothing that the button is already more than 12 kg in weight and 80 cm tall) a surprise. Because The main gift (cumulative life and health insurance for a period of 5 years) cannot yet be appreciated by my daughter, because she is small, it was necessary to surprise her with a decorated interior, which I called "Museum in honor of Diana". Therefore, on 16.03 in the evening (after Diana was washed and put to bed), I set about decorating ...

  1. Large inscription "Diana is 1 year old!", banner "Happy birthday"
  2. Collage posters in A1 format in the amount of 3 pieces are hung on the walls (collage "That's how I grew up" - a photo of Diana compared with a hare from birth to a year monthly), a collage "Diana's 12 moseks" (a close-up of her daughter's face monthly), a collage "My family" (photo of Diana with all close relatives (even a provocative photo with alcohol and a boyfriend there)).
  3. Albums on the fireplace shelf (one I made myself - with photos and notes, the second is just a work of art to order, the third is just a set of photos).
  4. A gift from grandparents - a large slide - was collected (she lifted her husband, who was already about to sleep, from the bed, taking a deep breath, he collected it).
  5. A pedestal for the princess in the form of a "sheepskin" (at our wedding, according to some tradition, we laid it on the chairs on which we sat with my husband). Small gifts from us, parents, were laid out on it (a bucket with a sandbox set, a bunch of additional molds, a large spatula and a rake, a Laying Duck toy and a bowling set).
  6. The swing, taken on trial and, as a result, did not suit us, fit very well into this "Museum".
  7. She hung on the protruding wires (yes, they recently moved and a bunch of holes around) a ribbon with which the envelope with Diana was tied up when discharged from the hospital.
  8. Diana's hand and foot prints at the age of 3-4 months are on display.
  9. "Diana's Box" (we store all the memorabilia in it, I will write about the contents separately in another article) served as a pedestal for a postcard (again handmade, she signed herself on the same evening, shedding tears).

She went to bed, crying enough, looking at all this beauty and remembering how it was exactly a year ago, but with full confidence that Diana would appreciate it.

On March 17, the birthday girl was blown up early in the morning - at 7 in the morning. Right there, by the bed, Diana was washed and dressed in a symbolic dress (she was wearing it at the celebration of the first month of her life) ... Well, what can I say - the girl has grown up, because. The little dress was barely covering her ass. Then, armed with a camera, I took a position and prepared to record the reaction of the little one. Diana came out of the doorway slowly, still not understanding why mom and dad were looking at her and waiting for something. When she saw the decorated room, she was apparently surprised, because for about 5 minutes she stood and slowly examined the situation, smacking her lips (as she usually does from an excess of emotions). Then, slowly but surely, she proceeded to the pedestal with gift toys. And there she delved into the study of colored toys, completely forgetting about the existence of mom and dad. This is the end of the official part.

Day Two — March 19

In the morning, grandparents arrived, and Diana enjoyed the attention that fell on her. As if sensing that the day promises to be eventful, my daughter lay down for her first sleep and slept until 13-30 for almost 3 hours. Then the room was also decorated with balls (large "one", balls - rattles in the form of butterflies, flower balls). By the arrival of the guests (14-00), the birthday girl was dressed in a chic dress (it was rented), with styling (yes, I found where to stick 2 hair clips). She studied with interest the changes in the interior (she had never seen such large balls).

Soon the godparents arrived, presented the little princess with gifts, after which the birthday girl rushed to sort out the gifts. Then a festive feast took place (how much lavash and bread Diana ate during the feast is not known to science, but everyone was able to sit quietly at the table). Further, according to the program, the curl procedure was conceived by the godparents. The fidget could not be caught for a long time, and then fixed in one place in order to carry out the ritual. As a result, the strand was cut off, hidden in a special bag, the procedure itself was recorded on video - for history.

Then the guests had fun - the men watched the festive biathlon (well, what else could they show biathlon on TV on the birthday of the princess?). The female half of the guests looked at albums, prints and other historical items with curiosity.

Then the following ritual took place - "Divination of fate." It is worth noting that when pre-selecting the symbols of fate, I did not want the symbols "long life" and " good health"... Well, I'm against any fortune-telling about life and health, but at the last moment I still put garlic. So, in front of Diana were laid out: a piggy bank with coins (a symbol of wealth); garlic (a symbol of good health); keys ( a symbol of well-being); candy (a symbol of a sweet life); a ring (a symbol of a successful marriage). Diana immediately pulled out the most unsightly of all items - garlic! Well, what can I say - well done, my daughter's health is true (pah-pah-pah!) excellent. And let it continue to be so. And wealth and other trifles of life - everything will be added.

Well, the end of the celebration was the blowing out of the candles on the cake. She made the cake herself - she puffed the night before, tried, decorated. It came out quite well, I think. We rehearsed for a month on blowing out and eventually developed a reflex: on the command "blow out the candle" do "pffff". But Diana blew so quietly that she could only blow out with my help. Thus passed the second day of the celebration.

Diana went to bed quickly (because there was no second sleep), her mood was good, the last day of the celebration was coming up - perhaps the most interesting for her daughter.

Day Three — March 20

I was already running out of energy (2 days of celebration, 2 days of cleaning, 2 days of cooking and a week of preparation before that), but a second wind opened up, and by 14-00 we were waiting for a new batch of guests - this time our friends. It is worth noting that 3 families of our friends also have daughters. All our 4 girls were born in 2010 (January, March, May, June) — i.e. with a difference of 1-2 months. Therefore, it was this company that Diana was supposed to please the most - again, a birthday is a children's holiday.

By 2:00 pm, the guests began to arrive. And again the birthday girl slept well (3 hours), ate, was smart and happy. And the gifts fascinated her so much that the birthday girl uncivilized immersed herself in the study of new toys while the guests settled down. The kids, it seems, were also happy - they clearly liked the "game room" (part-time fireplace room, still devoid of furniture), filled with balls, a slide, a swing, a tent-house and two boxes of toys). Then there was a feast, and the fuss of the kids (how funny it is to watch a lot of toddlers running around in your house), and the communication of young mothers (how good it is when there is so much in common), and blowing out a candle on the cake (the third cake was again custom-made).

Here, by the end of the second day of festivities, even I did not have the strength to blow out the candle - they blew it out with the help of dad, three of us. The guests were also seen off with gifts: each kid received a book and a butterfly balloon as a keepsake from the birthday girl. True, Diana diligently tried to take the gifts out of the guests' bags and return them to their place, but the birthday girl can do everything on this day - even such flaws.

Already in the evening, after the guests, sitting in the middle of the room with a bunch of scattered toys, tired, but so happy, I finally realized that my girl was one year old. It was the most unusual, the most intense, the most difficult year for both of us, during which we learned to be who we are - mother and daughter. Yes, we are waiting for even more discoveries, even more events ... And in general - everything is just beginning!