How to make an orange Christmas tree toy with your own hands? Decorations for the new year

I went to the store today, looked at the oranges and for the first time in a long time I wanted to buy them. The fact is that I practically do not buy citrus fruits as soon as seasonal berries appear, and then fruits. This in no way applies to orange juice or juice, which I can drink at any time of the year and at any time of the day. But as soon as it starts to get colder, there is a desire to break off one or two sunny orange juicy orange slices.

Unfortunately, oranges do not grow in our country, but there are many other fruit trees, the seedlings of which can be purchased directly from the monitor here The Florium store is just a lush garden of a wide variety of plants and not only trees, flowers, berries, ornamental shrubs - a lot of things!

And oranges are already in every store. And the orange time begins not only in the gastronomic theme, but also in the home, decorative and cosmetic. I myself use oranges for needlework. The truth is very modest, based on how they can be applied. I dried orange slices, dried small cubes of orange peel and added to soap self made, and also made roses from the zest. Actually there is great amount ideas using this popular citrus.

How to dry orange slices

To use dried circles of orange, lime, grapefruit or lemon in the decor, they must be properly dried. I once spoiled the whole picture when I dried it in the oven over low heat. It is best to use a cunning and simple cardboard fixture. To do this, you need two strips of cardboard about 10 by 30 cm in size. On the narrow edges of one strip, you need to stick the sides of the same cardboard 2 cm wide. Now you need to pierce holes with an awl, without fear - more and all the tricks. Cut the washed and dried fruits into slices three or four centimeters thick and put them in an impromptu dryer (on a cardboard with sides and cover the second one). Pinch the structure along the edges with binders (clerical clips) and place it on the battery or in the openings between its sections. Usually two to three days are enough for complete drying. Can be dried in the oven on low heat with the lid ajar. This will take several hours.

This is what the dryer looks like.

Photo from

And now it's time to admire the products that use dried slices.

In interior compositions.

For the manufacture of wall wreaths.

Also for topiaries.

For garlands.

For table wreaths, there are also candles in orange peel- the beauty!

In candle making.

And this is just on topic: a gel candle in orange peel

and an ordinary candle-tablet.

Candlestick with orange peel roses.

Very beautiful handmade interior fir trees using dried oranges.

And Christmas trees, they can also be used as New Year's toys.

And so this year I plan to decorate the Christmas tree, plus my wickerwork.

The theme is very close to the New Year, so you can also indulge in a pomander, since such an orange theme turned out!

Usually to do Christmas tree toy with your own hands from oranges, they must first be dried. Learn more about how to properly dry oranges so that they can then be used to create New Year's interior in the apartment, you can read.

And yes, let's not forget. You can dry this way not only oranges, but also lemons.

We also remember that there are oranges in the world. different color. Therefore, we dry not only ordinary orange fruits, but also red varieties.

So, we have dried citrus circles ready. The question is what to do with them next?

The most obvious solution to creating an orange New Year's toy for a festive tree with your own hands is to tie one single circle of citrus to a ribbon.

It will look like this.

However, when making such an ornament, it should be borne in mind that dried citrus slices are rather fragile objects. Therefore, making holes in them for pulling tapes can lead to irreversible damage to them.

So, a more correct option is when a small paper clip or wire is inserted into the orange circle, and a rope is already attached to it.

A very common option for homemade orange decorations is to combine several circles of citrus fruits together. You can see a photo of such a Christmas tree toy made by yourself below.

Cinnamon sticks can give an additional variety to the orange decor of the New Year tree.

By the way, using a combination of cinnamon and citrus to decorate a Christmas tree, you should remember that this is not only a toy, but also wonderful. Of course, citruses on their own have the ability to fill the air at home with pleasant aromas, but when combined with cinnamon, they work more effectively.

The next option on how to make a Christmas tree toy with your own hands is to use not dry, but fresh circles of orange. Such decorations are used less often, however, they are used. Usually, before tying a circle of orange or lemon to a Christmas tree, clove buds are inserted into it. It also gives the Christmas toy additional aromatic properties.

Quite often, not individual mugs of citrus are used to decorate the Christmas tree, but whole pomanders.

Simple but very effective method creating a pomander based on an orange, you can find in .

Another thing to think about when creating an orange decoration is christmas toy with your own hands on a street tree. Sometimes the same decor options are used to decorate trees on the street as for Christmas trees inside the house. This is not true. Since such toys turn out to be small, and they are simply lost on the street. And their wonderful aroma dissipates into nowhere.

Therefore, it is customary to decorate street fir trees with citrus bird feeders. In order to create such a feeder, you need to take half the peel of a large orange or grapefruit. Make holes for the rope on its sides and hang it on a spruce. The toy must be stable and not roll over. As soon as this has been achieved, bird food is poured into it.

You can see a photo of such a large DIY Christmas tree toy below.

Without which it is impossible for our man to imagine New Year? Certainly without Olivier, "Irony of Fate" and the smell of juicy tangerines.

And if the first two points do not seem problematic, then citruses are an insidious thing. They are allergic. And the invigorating festive aroma is often present only in our imagination. And real fruit smells no better than plastic. But the smell is half festive atmosphere. Therefore, we propose to show a little resourcefulness and make an original and very fragrant decoration for home - a real orange garland!

Garland - the same poorly replaceable attribute winter holidays like citrus fruits. So why not combine them, and at the same time the pleasant with the useful, by making original decoration for home? Which, with its aroma, will drive away the melancholy for a long time and remind you of the festive season.

To make an orange garland, you will need:
1. 2-3 medium-sized oranges;
2. Twine or fishing line;
3. Additionally and purely optional: tangerine peels, cones or bay leaves

Step 1: Prepare oranges the right way

Cut oranges into large, dense rings. Take a baking sheet, line it with parchment and place the orange slices. Leave to dry at least overnight, or better - for two to three days. After the drying time has passed, return the oranges to the kitchen, preheat the oven to 110-120 degrees and send the citruses to bake for 3 hours.

Step 2: string

Oranges are ready for further transformation when they acquire a light golden brown rind. Let them cool, and in the meantime, prepare a long skein of twine or fishing line. With a thick needle or nail, make two holes side by side in each slice and string them one after the other in a long row.

Step 3: additional decorations

If desired, include bay leaves in your fragrant garland, Pine cones or dried mandarin peels to enhance the smell and feel of the holiday. Turn on your fantasy!

New Year's needlework

Orange decor for the New Year!

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Bright and fragrant oranges have always been one of the symbols of the winter holidays. The decor of oranges will fill your home with the aromas of the New Year and Christmas, and immediately create a festive mood at home! I offer you a few ideas and workshops for orange decor!

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Wonderful candlesticks carved from orange!

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The first option is to make a carved pot for a small candle from a large orange (grapefruit) (“floating” or “tea” candle).


To do this, cut off the top of a citrus of this diameter.

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So that a candle can pass through the hole. Or you can just cut the orange in half.

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Then you need to carefully remove the pulp with a knife and spoon.


Next, rinse the peel and again arm yourself with a knife or cookie cutters: you will have to cut holes on the walls to your liking. Now you can lower the candle into a fragrant "pot" or cover the candle with a peel, like a lampshade.

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Holes can be of various shapes and sizes. Easy to cut with nail scissors! This orange has one drawback. Deprived of pulp, it dries. You can extend its life if, after using it for its intended purpose, put it in the refrigerator. So your orange coaster can last a week or two!

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The second option is a sweet-smelling candle that seems to glow from the inside.


Orange can be cut in half, or 3: 1, and pour the peel freed from the pulp with melted paraffin. It is better to use an ordinary household candle - grate it and melt it. It’s more convenient - after all, you can use the same wick for an orange candle. Before pouring paraffin, you can dip the edges of an orange cup in syrup and roll in sugar - you get the effect of frost, or you can decorate the edges with cloves. Such an elegant "backlight" will greatly decorate festive table!

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And you can dream up and come up with a bunch of orange crafts!

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If you stick carnations into an orange, it will be beautiful, and the house will smell delicious on New Year's Eve!

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By arranging carnations in different patterns, you will get wonderful table decorations or Christmas tree decorations!Try to do something similar!

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Carefully cut the peel of the orange with a knife in a circle, trying not to capture its entire layer - let it be thinner.

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Then roll it into a spiral to form a rosette and secure with a toothpick.

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You can immediately dry the resulting flowers in the oven and decorate as you wish - with gold or silver paint, rhinestones and sparkles.

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These roses can decorate a festive table, a decorative wreath and candles, or just hang on a Christmas tree.


Juicy sweet oranges and spices make magical decorations that fill the house with the scents of Christmas

It's cold outside, and we'll make ourselves comfortable and make something!

Juicy sweet oranges and spices make magical decorations that fill the house with the scents of Christmas: balls, candles, candlesticks, garlands and even an orange tree.

Dried cloves are not only a fragrant spice. Using a felt-tip pen and a toothpick, oranges can be easily decorated with a fancy carnation flower pattern. Oranges garnished with cloves will make the whole house smell fragrant.

Poke holes in the orange peel with a kebab skewer or toothpick. Then insert dried cloves into the holes. You can lay out patterns on an orange or just randomly decorate it. complex lines it is better to mark in advance on the fruit with a felt-tip pen.

The aroma will be more intense, if you first put the inflorescences of cloves in a jar, sprinkle with clove oil, tighten the lid and leave for a day. To make a dry fragrant ball, you need to put stuffed fruit for 3-4 weeks in a mixture of cinnamon, violet root powder, allspice and nutmeg. It is necessary to turn over daily and sprinkle the oranges with spices until they are completely dry. Only then can they be hung or beautifully laid out in bowls.

AT holidays an orange tree will be the cutest table decoration and will complement the smell of Christmas cookies or gingerbread with its aroma. Carnation-decorated fruit nestled in small earthenware pots on a bed of moss.

orange garlands

A variety of carnation patterns turn each orange into a small piece of art. Pass a piece of aluminum wire through the orange. Twist both ends in the shape of a snail. Fasten the decorative tape and hang the product. Such a garland will decorate the window and make the view from it even more elegant.

It smells incredible, and the flames create a fabulous atmosphere. First, cut off the top of the orange with a sharp knife so that the diameter of the hole matches the diameter of the candle-tablet. Remove the pulp with a spoon. It can be used for dessert. Then fill the peeled orange with sand, place a candle on top. Decorate the edge of the cut with a carnation.

Apply a pattern

A thread cutter is the right tool for carving patterns on citrus fruits. Wood cutters will also work. Ornaments, spirals, stars or hearts- use all your imagination. And with waste - thin strips of zest - flavor sauces and creams.

Fresh peel leftovers sorry to throw it away. With the help of a cookie cutter, small pendants can be cut out of them. To keep the peel flat, trim the edges, then press it against a cutting board and cut out the shape. Decorate with them, for example, gifts. Just tie a few orange peel stars and a few cinnamon sticks to the ribbon.

orange peel candlesticks

Candlesticks for pill candles will add warm light to the early winter twilight. Use small cookie cutters to cut holes in them in the shape of hearts or stars through which light will penetrate. On the basis of coarse salt, such lanterns will stand evenly.

Skin carving

Essential oils of orange and lime improve mood refreshing and inspiring. By carving patterns on the orange peel, we release particles essential oils beneficial effect on the body. Kumquats also make a great Christmas table treat. They are eaten without peeling.

The garland captivates with its simplicity. Patterns are cut out with cookie cutters from the remains of the peel. To string them onto the wire, first carefully poke holes with a thin needle. The finished garland can be wrapped around the vase, fasten the ends of the wire. A thick orange candle is suitable here, which is placed in a pot between spruce branches.

golden wreath

Christmas Eve dried orange slices- welcome guests in the house! They are good for decorating wreaths. In the product in the photo, orange slices are glued to a wreath of wicker. Or they are carefully fixed with wire. In the middle is a place for candles. And around you can beautifully lay spruce branches.

To prepare orange slices for decoration, cut the fruit into slices 4 mm thick. Then lay them on a wire rack and leave to dry in the oven for several hours. at 60 °С. Leave the oven door ajar so that the moisture can evaporate freely. Fix the door with a regular wooden spoon. As an alternative to the oven you can use a battery or a tiled stove. The process, however, will take much longer. It is important to put something under the oranges, as the released juice leaves stains. In this way, slices of lemon, tangerines, lime and apples can also be prepared for decorative purposes.

We decorate the Christmas tree

A bunch of dried orange slices will be a decoration for the Christmas tree. Tie two or three slices with a bast rope and fasten them to spruce branch. They will look organic with products made from cones, salt dough, nuts or straw.

Adding colors

Fruit slices will light up the room with warm colors if they are placed in a transparent vase with a candle. For this you will need dried slices of orange, apple and lime. It is important to place them along the glass so that the light seeps through the translucent fruit slices. Cinnamon sticks will decorate the composition and add flavor.

We decorate furniture

Decorates the back of a chair or door handle. To do this, you need dried circles of oranges, if possible the same size. Washers from the middle part of the fruit are best suited. To make the heart even, pre-cut a template from cardboard. Put slices on it. They should find each other by about a third. Then glue the wreath. Apply glue to the places where the peel is in contact. For this, a special cold glue for floristry is ideal.

Citrus decorations create a true sensation new year holiday in the house. It is easy and accessible to everyone.