Sweet gifts for lovers. Delicious gifts for Valentine's Day Necessary gifts for February 14

Going to search for Valentine's Day, make a stop in our online store - we have prepared for you a great selection of wonderful and original gifts for February 14! February 14 - the day of touching confessions, romantic date and sweet surprises for your loved ones!

Why do you need to give gifts on February 14? Of course, to see how a smile will light up the face of a loved one! So what if many presents may seem too sentimental, because the main thing is that the relationship between lovers become even closer and more tender. How to buy suitable gifts for Valentine's Day February 14? First of all, it is important to remember that Valentine's Day is a symbolic holiday, therefore, in a gift, not its value is important, but the main message. He should talk, or even shout, about your feelings.

In the collection of gifts for February 14 of the online store Red Cube you will find many "talking" presents, decorated with romantic symbols and playful prints, they are not without a spark of good humor and practical use. Beautiful and, and, and - these and many other products will be wonderful gifts for February 14! We also have decorative elements with a love theme for holiday decoration interior - after all, a gift for February 14 can be not only a thing, but a beautiful romantic surprise.

We are against dull clichés, especially in such a serious matter as choosing gifts for Valentine's Day! After all, love does not tolerate everyday life, and so that it does not fade, it must be cherished and fed with creative surprises. We offer to buy gifts for February 14, which organically combine romance, care and incredible magic - everything you need to make your love live forever! Our Original gifts On Valentine's Day, louder than any words, they will tell you about your feelings... and even if not out loud, but extremely frankly!

Unusual gifts for Valentine's Day

All gifts for February 14 from the Expedition are created with the most important mission - to inspire and inspire incredible romantic deeds! And it doesn’t matter at all that you have been together for many years, you just met your soul mate or are still waiting for a fateful meeting - the main thing is that Love lives in your heart, bright and indestructible ... and to whom to give unusual gift For Valentine's Day, there is always! Take a step towards your happiness - with original gifts for Valentine's Day from Expedition it's easy and joyful!

Giving gifts on Valentine's Day is a tradition that is observed in many countries around the world. Paper cards have long become a symbol of the holiday. They are presented on the day of all lovers, accompanied by warm congratulations. In each state, the celebration is held differently. In Russia, the custom to celebrate a popular date appeared recently, only in the 1990s. It is customary for us to give flowers to our loved ones, Stuffed Toys and nice things. On this wonderful date, one should speak sweet words, read poetry, share your feelings.

AT strong family celebrate Valentine's Day. At any age, spouses rejoice at the arrival of this event, trying to show tenderness and be courteous towards their soulmate. Now there is an opportunity to pick up your favorite gift for February 14th. Can be purchased original items for romantic evening- candles, projectors of the starry sky, funny pillows to the bedroom. A clock with a photo frame will be an excellent decoration for a family hearth. On this day, you need to be attentive to those whom you sincerely love.

Interesting and creative gifts on Valentine's Day, they remind their soul mates of care and love, but it should be remembered that miracles should not end on February 14th.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, everyone is preoccupied with the choice of gifts for their halves. If a loved one has a sweet tooth, then sweet gifts for February 14 will surely please him.

Sweets can be purchased ready-made, made to order or with your own hands. Here are some sweet gift ideas for February 14th that you can use.

Purchased sweets

On the eve of the holiday on the shelves of the store appears great amount"themed" sweets, so there will be no problems with choosing a gift. Here are some gift options for the sweet tooth:

  • Box of candies. This gift is unlikely to seem original to anyone. However, no lover of sweets will refuse a good chocolate set. By the holiday, of course, it is better to buy sweets with the appropriate design. The packaging box and the chocolates themselves can be made in the shape of hearts. Planning to do this sweet gift a girl on February 14 should find out in advance what kind of sweets she likes. After all, girls are different, someone prefers dark chocolate without additives, someone has milk chocolate with filling, and someone prefers other types of sweets. If the couple started dating recently, then you should choose a set of assorted candies of different types.

  • Cake. Of course, on Valentine's Day, a wide variety of cakes are displayed on the shelves of any pastry shop. But if you want to make an original sweet gift for February 14, then the cake must be made to order. Moreover, it is better to place an order in advance, since on the eve of the holiday there is always a lot of work in the confectionery shops, so you can simply not be in time. Which cake to choose? It all depends on preference. The main thing is that the confectionery product is originally designed. You can order an inscription in the form of a declaration of love, or you can choose a more interesting solution. Like decorating a cake joint photo. Today, such technologies are quite affordable, the photo is printed on a special printer using food coloring.

  • Chocolate postcard. Another one interesting idea- creating a congratulatory valentine from chocolate. Using white, milk and dark chocolate, as well as multi-colored dragees, confectioners create real masterpieces that not only look beautiful, but also have an excellent taste.

There is a desire to make a sweet gift to your beloved girl, and her tastes and preferences are not exactly known, you can go the simple way - invite her to a cafe-confectionery and let your beloved choose delicacies to your taste on her own.

Homemade gifts

But, of course, purchased sweets will never compare in taste with homemade delicacies. Therefore, if possible, it is better not to buy finished goods, and cook a sweet treat with your own hands.

Your half will be doubly pleased to receive such a gift, because when preparing a dessert for a loved one loving person puts a piece of his soul into it.


When planning to make a sweet gift for a man on February 14, many girls decide to bake a cake. There are many recipes for this popular dessert, and you should use a heart shape for baking. For decoration use fruits, berries, whipped cream, cream. You can make chocolate "lace" for decoration. It's quite easy to make them. You need to melt the chocolate bar (without nuts and other additives). And then, using a pastry syringe with a thin nozzle (or regular package, whose corner is cut off), you need to “draw” various patterns with melted chocolate on oiled parchment. To make it easier, you should draw templates with a pencil in advance. The parchment with chocolate should be taken out to the cold, and then the frozen “laces” should be gently pry with a spatula and transferred to the cake.

A little advice: if you want to make your beloved boyfriend a pleasant surprise for Valentine's Day in the form of a cake, then it is better to use a proven recipe. Taking up baking a cake according to a new recipe for yourself, you can experience disappointment. Indeed, for the first time, baking may not work, or the taste will not be at all as expected. If you want to definitely use a recipe that is new to you, then it is better to conduct a “rehearsal” in advance. That is, prepare the cake in advance and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments to the recipe.

If baking a cake is an impossible task for you, then you can choose other options for sweet gifts. For example, it is much easier to bake cookies. And to make this dessert especially festive, you can “hide” small notes with declarations of love in some cookies.

Desserts without baking

Those who are not “friends” with the oven at all should look for recipes for making cakes or pastries that do not require baking. For example, you can make a cake like "potato". There are many recipes for this dessert. Here is the simplest: grind cookies in a meat grinder or in a blender to get small crumbs. Separately, prepare the chocolate buttercream. To do this, beat a pack of good butter with a can of condensed milk and adding cocoa powder. Mix the cream and cookie crumbs, the output should be a thick viscous mass, from which you need to roll the balls and put them in the cold. You can decorate the cake with cream, nuts, melted white chocolate, etc.

Another option for a simple dessert that a husband can cook for his beloved wife is multicolor jelly. You need to prepare several types of multi-colored jelly (a semi-finished product for making this dessert can be bought at the store). Then pour a layer of jelly of the same color into molds or bowls, put them in the refrigerator. A little jelly of a different color is poured onto a well-frozen layer, and this is alternated several times. If you cook a dessert in transparent bowls, it will look very beautiful. If silicone molds were used, then before serving they will need to be dipped for a minute in hot water, and overturned on a saucer. Garnish with berries and whipped cream.

Sweet surprises

If there are no culinary abilities at all, then you can make a sweet gift from sweets yourself.

The easiest option is a basket of sweets. You need to buy a beautiful basket and fill it with a variety of sweets. You can place a can of good coffee or tea in the center of the basket. Or a small bottle of sweet liquor or cognac, if the gift is for a man. You can decorate a gift with ribbons, bows, paper hearts and roses.

Another simple gift option is a tea cup with sweets. You buy a beautiful mug, put a piece of foam cut to size in it. Now you need to take wooden skewers and with the help glue gun attach candy to them. It is worth choosing sweets in pink or red wrappers. And if the wrappers have a different color, then you can make additional wrappers yourself using a shiny colored paper. Decorate the skewers with bows and ribbons, then insert them into the cup, sticking them into the foam.

According to the principle described above, you can make a bouquet not from sweets, but from fruits (but only without using a glue gun). But keep in mind that such a bouquet has a short shelf life.

A gift for a loved one is a frequent dilemma for many ladies, almost a cause for panic. You should not be nervous, there are a huge number of creative options for how to simply, quickly and inexpensively decorate this wonderful day with pleasant and cute surprises, making your man happy. We offer you several such options for your note, armed with which you will not be afraid of either birthdays or Valentine's Days.

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Do-it-yourself delicious and sweet candy gift for February 14

One of simple ways congratulate your loved one - make a valentine yourself, for which you can turn on fantasy and romance, use improvised means and sweets and make, for example, a jar of sweets, decorated with all sorts of amorous elements. It will be tasty, beautiful and will definitely please your chosen one.
To do this, you will need a jar with a twisting and wide lid, colorful paper, decoration elements, glue, scissors, of course, sweets or cookies. Everything is insanely simple: prepare a jar, wash it, see if it smells of old products, dry it. Then paste over the jar with the paper of your choice, add decor elements in the form of hearts, your joint photo or an inscription with love content. At the end, we tie the neck with a ribbon, add sweets and the present is ready. Simple, isn't it? One of the disadvantages of this option (for all its simplicity) is the need to have a lot of materials (paper, glue, ribbons, decorations), if they are not at hand, then the option with such a gift is problematic. If you have everything you need, then go for it, this bright gift will definitely brighten up the day of all lovers.

homemade chocolate

You can go the more traditional route by making homemade chocolate for your loved one. This method is very popular, for example, in Japan, where a gift in the form of hand-made chocolate is
traditional way Express sympathy or hint at a desire to become friends. For such a presentation, a minimum of products is needed, it is quite simple even for people without culinary talents. In addition to the products, you can also use various molds in the form of hearts, angels or any other romantic theme, which will make the sweet more spicy and suitable for the holiday.

What is needed for simple recipe homemade chocolate: cocoa parashok, butter, a little sugar, milk. We heat the oil in a saucepan, gradually add cocoa and sugar to the boiling oil, everything by eye and to your taste, follow the consistency, it should resemble sour cream. Wait a minute and you can remove from the fire. Pour into molds and wait for cooling.
It is not necessary to make chocolate with hearts or build the word “I love” from chocolate letters, if your soul mate, for example, is a football fan, you can try, with skill and dexterity, to make a ball or something else related to his hobbies. He will be extremely pleased to receive such a gift from his beloved.

This option has enough advantages, but be sure to consider the preferences of your soul mate, not everyone loves chocolate and someone may not like this gift. In this case, you can try a different culinary option.

homemade cookies

Many people love flour cookies, and even more so sweet cookies, if your chosen one is one of them, then this option is just for him. On Valentine's Day, heart-shaped cookies, neatly collected in a basket, or, for example, in the same decorated jar (it was discussed above), can be an excellent and self-sufficient gift. Recipes gift biscuits a great variety, there are almost pompous options with icing and a lot of culinary decorations, but if you don’t have much time or experience, and you still want to treat your loved one, then we offer this a simple, simple recipe: take a bar of chocolate, a glass of flour, a pinch of soda and salt, an egg, half a glass of sugar (preferably brown), butter(4 spoons)

  1. Mix flour, cocoa, soda and salt.
  2. Melt chocolate, butter and sugar in a water bath. Mix well. Cool slightly.
  3. Add the egg, then gradually the flour. Knead the dough.
  4. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 6 mm (I advise you to first divide it into several parts).
  5. Place the pastry sheets on a parchment-lined baking sheet and place in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  6. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  7. Remove the dough, peel off the paper and cut out heart-shaped cookies with a cookie cutter. Put on a baking sheet at a small distance from each other, bake for about 8 minutes until cooked.
  8. Take out and refrigerate. The gift to your loved one is ready.

Homemade cookies are almost a family, sentimental gift and will certainly touch your man, which, of course, is a plus. But not everyone likes to mess with flour, it takes a lot of time and actions, which can be a minus for someone.

sweets poster

Simple and fast option that does not require any special skills, interesting way to do for your loved one something both individual and uncomplicated.

All you need is imagination, a sense of humor and ingenuity to please your companion. So, for this we need:

The idea is for those who does not want to do complex crafts or prepare sweets on their own all you need is your time.

fruity bouquet

Your soul mate does not like chocolate or flour? He is more serious than a sphinx and will not appreciate the poster with sweets? Then you can please your loved one with a fruit bouquet. To do this, stock up on wooden skewers, berries and fruits, and, of course, a basket. The technology of making fruit bouquets is simple and accessible even for children, if your chosen one loves this delicacy, then it would be a great idea to congratulate him in this way.

Cakes and pies

The picture would be incomplete without mentioning the classic method of creating a sweet gift, namely about cooking cakes and pies. The classic version that we all know and
love. If you like to cook, you have time and opportunity, and, most importantly, your chosen one loves such cooking, then you can go the old and proven way without going into experiments. Make a cake, decorate it with pleasant and romantic inscriptions and solemnly present it to your loved one. A damn festive, almost pathetic option that shows your man that you are ready for a lot to please him on Valentine's Day. The downside is obvious - a lot of time and effort, but if you are ready, then go for it, because a cake or pie made with your own hands is always a reason for positive emotions and joy.

We considered only some of the options for sweet gifts for a loved one, although they are limitless as a human fantasy, we first of all considered what you can do with your own hands. But it is not necessary, of course, to do something yourself. If there is no desire or time, you can always turn to specialized stores with sweets, where you can find original gifts for your man. Do not forget that on the day of love, feelings are important, not presents and surprises. A bar of chocolate is enough if you bring happiness and tenderness to the life of a companion or companion.