Postcard Christmas ball with congratulations drawing. Christmas balls on pictures and postcards Happy New Year. Almost knitted postcard

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In stores today you can find New Year's cards for every taste. But the editorial website believes that homemade ones are much warmer. After all, when we make a thing for someone with our own hands, we put our love into it.

Below we have collected ideas for beautiful, original and, most importantly, “quick” New Year cards, which do not require any rare materials to create - beautiful paper, cardboard, and colorful ribbons and buttons lying around in the house.

Volumetric Christmas trees

Volumetric Christmas trees made of white and colored paper are so simple to make that you can make them at the last moment. Read more on the Bog&ide blog.

Make 3D Christmas trees even faster. All you need is a ruler, sharp scissors and cardboard. This blog shows how to cut them.


We really liked this penguin, well thought out. You will need black and white cardboard (or White paper), a triangle of orange paper and 2 miniature snowflakes that we all know how to cut out. The eyes are, of course, the highlight of the postcard, and you will have to look into the hobby store for them (or tear them off an unnecessary children's toy, with the consent of the children, of course).


For this cute and simple postcard, you need 2 sheets of cardboard, a ruler, scissors and glue. Also pieces wrapping paper, which you have left from gift wrapping, ribbons and ribbons. The manufacturing principle is very simple, but for those who want more details, we advise you to look at this blog.

Santa Claus

Friendly Santa Claus (or Santa Claus) can be made in just half an hour. The red hat and pink face are strips of paper pasted on a postcard or gift bag. Fur hats and beards are obtained as follows: you need to take drawing paper and simply tear off strips of the desired shape to get uneven edges. Stick on a postcard over the red and pink stripes. And then draw two squiggles - a mouth and a nose - and two dots - eyes.

simple drawings

Irresistible in its elegance, the idea is to draw Christmas balls with patterns with a black gel pen. The main thing here is to draw the correct circles and mark the lines for the patterns. Everything else will not be difficult - the stripes and squiggles that you draw when you are bored.

The same principle that underlies the postcard with black and white balloons. simple silhouettes, painted with simple patterns, this time in color - this is best done with felt-tip pens. Warm and very nice.

Lots and lots of different trees

Here you can use paper or cardboard with a pattern left over from children's crafts, or wrapping paper for gifts. Christmas trees are sewn in the center - this is not necessary at all, you can glue them. But if you really want to, then you must first make holes with a thick needle along the ruler, and then sew with a thread in 2 rows - up and down, so that there are no gaps. Draw a snowball with white gouache.

Laconic and stylish idea- a grove of Christmas trees, one of which is glued to a foamed double-sided tape (and therefore rises above the rest) and decorated with a star.

For this card, you need 4 or 3 layers of cardboard (you can do without red). As a color layer, you can use not cardboard, but paper. In the upper, white one, cut out a Christmas tree (a clerical knife will do well) and glue it on double-sided tape for volume.

A round dance of Christmas trees from various remnants of cardboard, scrapbooking paper, wrapping paper is tied with a simple ribbon and decorated with a button. Try playing with colors and textures - you can find an incredible number of options here using different color ribbons, paper and even fabric.

Wonderful watercolor so in the spirit of the New Year and Christmas! A simple watercolor sketch is within the power of everyone, even those who last time painted with paint school years. First you need to outline the patterns with a pencil, color them in, and when it dries, gently wipe the pencil sketches and supplement the patterns with a felt-tip pen.

Winter landscape

For this postcard, it is better to use structured cardboard, or you can get by with plain, smooth cardboard - it will still turn out spectacularly. Cut out the snow landscape and moon with sharp scissors and paste onto a black or navy blue background.

Another white and green variant of the winter landscape that will take a little more time. If you find velvety cardboard (remember, crafts were made from this at school), it will be great, if not, you can just paint the Christmas trees with a felt-tip pen. Snow - Styrofoam disassembled into peas. You can also make circles out of cardboard with a hole punch and glue them to the postcard.

hugging snowman

Snowmen, inquisitively peering into the starry sky, will look more advantageous if they can find a bright ribbon for a scarf.

For the postcard on the left you need unpainted cardboard, white drawing paper and foam tape with which you will stick the snowman. Snowdrifts are made simply: you need to tear off the drawing paper so that you get a ragged wavy edge. Fill it in with a blue pencil and blend it with anything, even with a finger or a piece of paper. Also tint the edges of the snowman for volume. For the second you will need buttons, a piece of fabric, eyes, glue and colored markers.

You will want to keep such a postcard for a long time. And all you need is circles of cardboard, a nose and twigs of colored paper. All this must be collected using double-sided bulk tape. Draw eyes and buttons with black paint, and a snowball with white gouache or watercolor.


Balls are one of the main symbols of the New Year and Christmas. These are made from velvety colored paper and ribbons. But the balls are so a win-win what you can afford to fantasize here: make balls from paper with a pattern, wrapping paper, fabric, lace, cut out from a newspaper or a glossy magazine. And the strings can simply be drawn.

Another option is to stick paper with a pattern on the inside of the card, and cut out circles on the outside with a sharp stationery knife.

Volume balls

For each of these balls, you will need 3-4 identical circles of different colors. Fold each in half and glue the halves to each other, and the two extreme halves to the paper. Another option is colored stars or Christmas trees.

colorful balls

Wonderful translucent balls are obtained using a regular pencil eraser. It is worth to begin with to outline the outlines of the ball with a pencil. Then dip the eraser into the paint and leave marks on the paper. Fun and beautiful.

Postcards with buttons

Bright buttons will add volume to postcards, as well as evoke subtle associations with childhood.

The main thing is to find buttons of interesting colors, but otherwise it’s up to you to “hang” them on a Christmas tree, on a branch with cute owls or on newspaper clouds.

Since childhood New Year we associate with Santa Claus, gifts, and, of course, with a festively decorated Christmas tree. Christmas decorations were very different: figurines of animals and fairy tale characters, bells and balls, brightly colored birds and butterflies, beads, multi-colored light bulbs, silver "rain" and tinsel.

It was a special joy for the kids when, on the eve of the holiday, the parents decorated the Christmas tree not only with toys, but also with sweets wrapped in bright wrappers. But now we are not talking about how children stealthily stole sweets and gingerbread, but about balls for the Christmas tree.

Pictures and New Year cards with balls

A photo Christmas tree, decorated with balls, and balls without a Christmas tree are actively used by designers to make New Year's cards. A photo of a Christmas tree decorated with balls, and balls without a Christmas tree are actively used by designers to make New Year's cards.

Surely many have left New Year's balls from Soviet times. From modern Christmas decorations they were distinguished by the fact that they were made of the thinnest glass, and therefore easily broke into small mirror fragments when they fell out of someone's hands.

Modern Christmas tree ornaments are mostly made from unbreakable materials. Such a ball can fall to the delight of a cat, which will enthusiastically chase it throughout the apartment without any twinge of conscience. And the ball can roll under the sofa, and will be found in the midst of summer, as a reminder of the merry New Year holidays.

Even a modest souvenir, accompanied by beautiful postcard handmade will become great gift. Such a postcard will not only convey warm regards but will also be a great home decor. We share ways to make amazing New Year cards easily and simply.

1. Almost knitted postcard

The leftover yarn for knitting can be put into action by making a New Year's card out of them with your own hands. Cut a triangle out of cardboard that will become a Christmas tree, generously grease it with glue and wrap it with colored threads. The more colors of yarn used, the better. Then glue the Christmas tree a regular postcard and decorate if desired.

2. Contrasting textile application

Pieces of bright fabrics will come in handy for creating a postcard. Choose textiles that will not crumble. Cut out simple figures from fabric - Christmas trees, Christmas balls, animals - and glue them on a white postcard. The contrasting combination of colors looks the most impressive.

3. Balls and ribbons

Using ribbons in decor is a win-win solution for those who want to create a festive mood. Draw the outlines of a New Year's ball on paper or lay it out with glued beads, and place a bow tied from a narrow ribbon in the upper part. The presence of three-dimensional elements makes the decorative postcard very original.

4. Herringbone with voluminous branches

Twist thin tubes from multi-colored paper. Grease one of the edges with glue so that it does not unfold. Then glue the tubes different lengths for a postcard. Postcard with voluminous herringbone ready.

5. Laconic stripes

Fans of minimalism will appreciate the discreet but effective postcard, where Christmas tree branches are made from strips of paper. The only decoration of such a postcard is a decorative seam on paper branches and a frame along the edges of its front part.

6. Fragrant message

A card that not only looks great, but also smells good is a really nice surprise. As a basis for a decorative composition, use cinnamon or vanilla sticks, surrounding them with New Year's tinsel, beads, pictures.

7. Winter lace

Lace white color becomes snow-covered Christmas tree branches, and sequins glued to it - Christmas balls. For the background, use paper of any pastel shade or textured fabric, such as burlap.

8. Simple drawing

Even a simple drawing on a New Year's card can look impressive. In order for the postcard to look noble, pay special attention to the accuracy of its application. We also recommend using rough craft or snow-white glossy paper.

9. Sewing on paper

easy way to make a postcard voluminous - sew on any paper figure with one seam passing through the center and bend its edges. You can also use several figures of the same shape, sewing them with a common seam, and gluing one of them as a background. Then the image will be even more voluminous.

10. With quilling elements

Quilling is the art of creating decorative compositions from strips of paper. It will not be possible to fully master it a couple of days before the New Year, but it is quite possible to apply individual techniques in the decor of a postcard. Circles of twisted narrow strips of paper become New Year's balls, and the tree - a green curved line drawn on a postcard.

11. A combination of several different textures

Another easy way to diversify a familiar application is to use materials with a different texture for it. For example, knitted fabric, cardboard, plain thin paper. Then, despite the simple form of the elements, the postcard will look non-trivial.

12. Eye-catching contrasts

It is not at all necessary to use white paper as the basis of the postcard, and make the application bright. Do the opposite and decorative composition play with new colors.

13. Either an inscription or a drawing

For lettering and drawing, choose a paint that contrasts with the paper base. The more intricate and decorative the inscription is, the better. Don't forget to surround it with small simple drawings.

14. Cute scenery

A simple landscape applique will be a real decoration for a New Year's card. Complete it with voluminous elements - cotton wool imitating snow, beads, sequins, and even chains. Such a New Year's card with your own hands looks very cozy.

15. Elegant brutality

On the thick paper saturated color, make holes along the contour of the triangle. Stretch the threads between them in a chaotic manner. Do not make too many stitches - our New Year's card is valuable for its conciseness.

16. Maximum shine

Draw a Christmas tree on paper and generously grease it with silicone glue. Then add sequins and beads. After drying, a thick thread can be glued along the contour. Such a New Year's card with your own hands will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.

17. Paper snowmen

The basis for the snowman postcard is white paper folded several times. Grease it a little with glue so that the snowman keeps its shape. From the remnants of the fabric, make a hat and scarf for the snowman, draw his face.

18. The second life of old buttons

In every house there are many buttons that are no longer needed, but it is a pity to throw them away. the day before new year holidays buttons will come in handy. Glued on a postcard, they become Christmas balls. Complete the composition with a simple inscription. Do-it-yourself New Year's card is ready.

When gifts for loved ones are ready, it's time to think about decorating your own home. Do not forget