How to fix acrylic paints on nails. How to use acrylic nail paints: application technology. Gel paint with a sticky layer

Nail paints are an integral part of the nail industry, using products from the chemical industry and the work of professional artists. Lacquer coatings for manicure should have a number of qualities in order to be distributed in specialized salons and among ordinary users.

In this industry, acrylic paints have quickly gained popularity, which firmly hold a niche due to their good aesthetic and practical properties.

Features and characteristics

A common form of release of paints is acrylic resins. After the evaporation of water, they form a strong and elastic film that is resistant to mechanical and chemical stress.

Obtaining a given shade for nails is achieved by introducing acrylic paint on water based acrylate base of stable pigments. For on nails and obtaining rare tones, masters can mix paints of various colors with each other.

In a number of compositions, not only pigments visible in ordinary light are added, but also fluorescent substances. Nails painted with them will be clearly visible in the ultraviolet lighting of the clubs, emphasizing the luminescence of optical dyes in the composition of the clothing fabric.

Popular manufacturers

We have already talked about such materials, now we will talk about manufacturers. Common and well-known brands of acrylic nail paints include:

  • "Polycolor" is one of the most popular series, famous not only for its durability, but also for its wide color palette. It should be understood that you will have to buy Polycolor acrylic paints for nails at a higher price than other brands;
  • "Wealth" is produced mainly in the form of small volume tubes (up to 12 ml), which have a low price;
  • "Oumaxi" belongs to the relatively inexpensive segment of acrylic paints and has a small selection of shades used to obtain a rich palette;
  • "Starlet Professional" is usually sold in the form of kits that allow not only to use the original mixtures, but also to combine them with each other.

Product price

You can buy paints for manicure at any specialized or online store. You should avoid retail outlets with mountains of vials or tubes dumped into boxes - their cost and quality will be extremely small.

To check the suitability of the purchased paint, you need to lightly dip the brush into acrylic liquid. If the place of dipping immediately begins to "tighten" - the paint is fresh, if the violation of the surface remains for a long time - the paint is expired or fake.

Tip: if you are buying a set of acrylic paints, check all the containers, not just one to choose from. You should not trust the information on the expiration date indicated by the manufacturer on the package, since the conditions for its storage are unknown.

The price of a bottle (20 ml) of acrylic paint for painting on nails is from famous brand is 200 rubles. and more. Compositions of the same volume from less popular companies cost 70-90 rubles. Standard forms for the release of acrylate formulations are soft tubes, glass or plastic jars, as well as pencils for creating thin and distinct inscriptions.

It's time to learn how to use acrylic nail paints.

How to use acrylic nail paints

The compositions are applied with special brushes, differing in thickness and rigidity. The acrylic component can create both a general background layer and subtle strokes.

For the best adhesion between the paint layer and the surface of the nail, a primer layer should be applied. The presence of primer significantly strengthens the coating and increases its adhesion.

Acrylic paints dry and cure fairly quickly. To prevent premature "aging" of the paint, after each dipping of the brush, the vial should be closed with a lid.

Alternatively, you can use special plastic forms, similar to painting ones. Some of the paints of various colors are poured into them, which are used to create a colorful palette.

Customer Reviews

We analyzed a large number of customer reviews about acrylic nail paints. When using acrylate paints, users highlight the following qualities of the product:

  • high durability of the coating, allowing to extend the time between repeated applications;
  • miscibility - the ability to obtain a uniform and homogeneous mass after combining multi-colored mixtures. This makes it possible to obtain shades that cannot be achieved by simply adding colors (pigments);
  • good hiding power - the degree of coloring of the surface, making the underlying painted layer invisible. The higher the value of the parameter, the thinner should be the layer of paint required for uniform application to the nails;
  • significant resistance to ultraviolet and external mechanical stress - ensures the aesthetics of the paint throughout the entire period of use;
  • wide range of colors - a large selection of dyed compositions suitable for a variety of styles and styles of clothing.

In the following video you will find a useful review of the popular paint on acrylic base for nail design:

How to dilute

Dilution of acrylic paints is carried out with water or an alcohol-based solvent. For best results, use proprietary solvents.

In this, acrylic nail paints are very different from paint mixtures, which are less picky about the quality of the thinner.

Brushes for work

  • When buying materials, you should decide on the expected parameters of the drawings - the main means for painting with acrylic paints for nails are brushes of size "1", "0" or "00".
  • To create straight lines, a long and rare pile is used - a “hair”.
  • When setting decorative dots and strokes, dots-type brushes are used.

Since the technique of painting on nails is limited only by the imagination of the artist, a set of tools is required for work. This will avoid limited possibilities when creating new drawings.

The following video will help you understand the variety of brushes for working with acrylic paints:

Acrylic paints are a universal tool for maintaining the aesthetics of a manicure for a long time. The absence of harmful and unpleasantly smelling solvents in the composition makes acrylate compositions attractive for permanent use. High mechanical resistance and ease of application make it easy to use acrylic paints for professional and amateur purposes.

Today, the most popular trend is designer painting on the surface of nails. It can be made in the form of intricate drawings and ornaments containing geometric elements and any fragments of painting. For the implementation of such a painting, special acrylic paints are widely used. They have long been used by professional artists and amateurs to draw in their work.

In addition, it is widely used acrylic painting ceramic products, fabrics, glass and wooden surfaces. The versatility of the use of acrylic materials has led to their use for painting nails.


Acrylic paints have the following advantages:

  • They have the positive qualities of oil and watercolor painting media. They can show the airy lightness of watercolors and the deep color saturation of oil paints.
  • They have a water-dispersed character, so they are easily diluted with water to obtain the desired density. They include polyacrylates, as well as their derivative polymers.
  • Unlike oil coatings that can crack, acrylic surfaces have a protective film in the form of a thin, even layer. They show the ability of a unique color rendering and have a special texture.
  • They dry quickly and can be easily removed if not completely dry from the surface with water, and in the case of final drying - with a specially designed solvent. When drawing a picture, in order to be able to correct it before drying, retarders are used.
  • These funds are produced in a variety of colors, allowing you to realize any design ideas. In addition, the saturation and hue of any color can be adjusted by mixing different colors and adding the right amount of water.
  • They are odorless and easy to apply on the nails.
  • Do not damage the nail plate.
  • They have a low cost.

What paint to choose

The question of choosing acrylic products for painting nails depends on the priorities of a particular master. For the price, this product does not have sharp differences from different manufacturers. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth starting from quality characteristics.

For example, Runail brand products are mainly intended for
for drawing in a watercolor style.

Acrylic material can be easily mixed and diluted with water. IRISK brand products have similar qualities, with rich colors and good mixing.
New generation paints produced under the Polycolor brands, Qumaxi are used mainly by experienced professionals to apply unique vibrant patterns. This acrylic art material is particularly suitable for such purposes.

When choosing acrylic, the following factors should be considered:

  • freshness of products, which can be determined by a more liquid consistency;
  • focus on choice in the art departments of stores, as it is easier to find quality products in them;
  • good ability to dilute with water.

Application technique

Any technique for applying acrylic materials to the surface of the nails requires compliance with the general rules:

  • before starting the acrylic drawing, it is necessary to carry out the usual manicure treatment of nails;
  • it is better to degrease the surface of the nails, because without this, the acrylic will not fit well on the nail plate;
  • preliminary application of cosmetic varnish is allowed, with which the nail surface should be covered in two layers. The drawing is applied after the varnish has completely dried;
  • when using several colors, it is necessary to provide for the presence of different brushes or ensure good washing of one brush;
  • the applied drawing must be protected by covering it with a fixative.

The design of the nail service using acrylic materials is distinguished by a wide variety of artistic techniques. They can be used for painting, reminiscent of watercolor, oil, gouache drawings and other techniques for decorating nail surfaces.

Common drawing techniques are:

  • oil;
  • pasty (gouache);
  • watercolor;
  • sliding - technique;
  • glaze.

oil painting

The most used is the method of depicting a picture in the form of three-dimensional relief strokes applied with a brush. Paints, in order to create a three-dimensional pattern, are not diluted with water, therefore, in terms of consistency, they resemble oil paints.

To make the drawing neat, use a small brush with a flat shape.

Sometimes, to apply a complex stroke, two different unmixed colors are typed on the brush.

gouache painting

The pasty technique, reminiscent of gouache painting, is also carried out with paints not diluted with water. In contrast to the oil technique, the nature of the applied strokes of acrylic is uniform in color and texture.

watercolor painting

The technique for watercolor is carried out with diluted paints of translucent tones. It is used both for applying a background coating and for creating some details of the main pattern, for example, images of delicate flower petals or smooth transitions patterns.

Unlike watercolor, acrylic diluted with water dries much longer.


The sliding style technique is the most complex, performed by professional craftsmen. Structural gel is added to acrylic paint. After that, the color of acrylic acquires a whitish tint due to the gel, which becomes transparent after the paint dries. Acrylic color acquires juicy brightness and depth.


The glazing technique is as follows: paints diluted with water are applied to the nail surface in layers, one layer on another. The previous layer should dry well before this.

The color after dilution can be translucent, and the overlapping layers, when translucent, give complex beautiful shades.

Depending on the degree of dilution of paints with water, a drawing created using this technique may resemble works made in gouache, oil or watercolor.

When self-painting nails with acrylic products, it is worth considering some recommendations of professional masters:

  1. To perform the procedure, you need to choose a comfortable place where the hand will lie without tension.
  2. When covering the surface, do not press hard on the brush.
  3. The first time you should not choose a complex pattern
  4. When drawing a picture, first of all, a contour is drawn, which is then shaded.
  5. It is better to perform a complex drawing on one nail plate, on the remaining nails to depict simplified fragments that echo the main theme of the drawing in terms of color.
  6. Any image made with acrylic means must be fixed with a special fixative.

In this material, we will talk about what acrylic nail paints are, what types they are and how to choose them correctly. We will also teach how to work with them correctly, including beginners. In the end, let's talk about how to paint with acrylic paints on nails step by step.

What are acrylic nail paints?

Today, nail design is very popular, created not by the usual decorative or gel polish. Drawing with acrylic paints on nails is suitable for both professional masters and beginners.


Acrylic paints are used today for painting various materials - fabrics, wood, ceramic or glass products. The ability to combine different colors, having the ability to create neat patterns, could not be missed in nail art.

Why are acrylic nail art so popular? It's all about their nice features:

  • as already mentioned, any girl can apply them in her design, even while sitting at home;
  • the variety of colors is very large;
  • if you are not satisfied with the existing shades, you can mix paints with each other;
  • as a basis for drawing, both natural and extended nails can be used;
  • before the paints are completely dry, it is possible to remove flaws with ordinary water;
  • acrylic nail paints are odorless;
  • the cost of a whole set varies between 500-600 rubles, while the quality will be excellent;
  • material consumption is quite small, because the paints will last for a long time;
  • the composition does not include toxic substances.


If you do not take into account the manufacturer, all acrylic nail paints are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Thick acrylic. Such paints are sold in jars, to work with them you will first need to dilute with water.
  2. liquid acrylic. Available in tubes and immediately ready for use. These paints are easier to mix, and you can buy them individually.

Additionally, acrylic paints are divided into matte and glossy.

Manufacturer's choice

For girls who want to paint their nails with acrylic paints, it is important to understand that cheap and little-known brands will rarely give a quality result. Therefore, it is better to purchase funds from already established manufacturers.

comparison table

The table shows some brands of acrylic nail paint manufacturers.

Name Country Main advantages Image
Severina Russia
  • high quality;
  • the ability to use at home;
  • democratic price
Planet Nails China
  • dense texture;
  • mix well with each other;
  • color saturation
Lady Victory China
Oumaxi China
  • includes luminescent and metallic colors;
  • wide color palette;
  • soft non-metallized tubes

How to work with acrylic paints?

Nail application techniques

To learn how to create interesting compositions, it is not enough to know how to paint with acrylic paints on nails. There are several ways to apply these paints, which we will now discuss.

oil painting

When there is a desire to make voluminous flowers on nails with acrylic paints, it is the oil application technique that is used. With it, paints do not need to be diluted with water, so you can apply embossed strokes.

It is desirable to choose a brush small, but flat. In this case, the pattern will be more accurate. With this technique, you can also use two colors at the same time, but they do not mix with each other. To do this, they are simply simultaneously typed on a brush.

gouache painting

This method also involves the use of acrylic paints that are not diluted with water. Its difference from the first is that the strokes are more uniform both in texture and in color. This technique has another name - impasto, but still the result is more like gouache drawings.

watercolor painting

This technique is similar to painting with ordinary watercolors. Acrylic paints are diluted with water, after which they become translucent. This painting is used both for the background in the design and for drawing elements. With it, you can get delicate flowers or a beautiful smooth transition. The advantage over regular watercolor will be a longer drying time, allowing you to correct the pattern if necessary.


This method is the most difficult, therefore it would be better if a professional takes care of the implementation. Acrylic paint is mixed with structural paint, which becomes transparent after the paint dries. Thanks to this, acrylic is complemented by a white tint and becomes brighter and deeper. The effect is enhanced if the design is added decorative elements.

The whole difficulty lies precisely in the process of mixing paint and gel. To get a certain shade, it is necessary to use materials in the right proportions. This skill comes with experience, but in the end you can get an almost 3D image. A great example of this technique is aquarium design.


Painting is quite similar to oil painting, but in this case the paints are diluted with water, after which they become translucent. Then you need to apply acrylic on the nails layer by layer, allowing each to dry thoroughly. The layers must be very thin so that their transparency practically allows you to see all of them to the very bottom. This method helps to solve the question of whether it is possible to paint with acrylic paints on nails and get graceful and delicate patterns.

Drawing on nails with acrylic paints is also available for beginners. To do this, follow these tips:

  • even simple drawings acrylic paints on nails are easier to perform on a hand that is not tense and conveniently located;
  • in the process of applying acrylic, you do not need to press hard on the brush;
  • it is better to start with simple patterns;
  • when creating a drawing, you must first apply the contours, and only then fill the space;
  • if there is a desire to add more complex elements to the design, it is better to use them on only one finger;
  • After drying, the finished drawing must be fixed with a top coat.

Sample drawings on nails with acrylic paints for beginners are presented below.

Every girl wants her hands to look well-groomed and beautiful, and her nails to stand out. spectacular manicure. Various drawings on the nails allow you to emphasize your style, express your mood and simply make your nails original. That is why many girls choose Beautiful design and painting nails when creating a manicure. The use of acrylic paints helps to translate a lot of ideas into reality, on nails you can depict various patterns, floral motifs, abstract figures and quite realistic drawings of landscapes, any figures and many other ideas.

will show how to paint on nails with acrylic paints what drawings can be made and how to properly use such paints in nail design. Acrylic paints are very popular, they are used by manicure masters in their complex works, as well as by girls who make their own designs at home. Acrylic paints are safe and odorless, they are very convenient to work with. It is absolutely not necessary to buy special acrylic paints for painting nails, you can purchase the desired colors of paints in an art store. Such paints are no different from each other and can significantly save money. But, not all colors have good quality too cheap won't let you do beautiful drawings on the nails, they may crack or lie unevenly. According to reviews, Polycolor acrylic paints are suitable for drawings on nails.

Drawings on the nails can be done with various materials: varnish, gel, shellac, gel paint and, of course, acrylic paints.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of acrylic paints?

  • A very wide color palette, in addition, the paints are perfectly mixed with each other and allow you to get an unlimited number of new shades.;
  • Acrylic is a very plastic and easy-to-apply material;
  • You can perform drawings both on natural nails and extensions, on gel polish;
  • Acrylic paints are diluted with plain water;
  • Do not require special means for removing drawings from nails. It is easy to remove with regular nail polish remover (ZHDL);
  • The applied drawing with acrylic paints dries quickly in the air;
  • Acrylic paints are used very economically, especially for nails. Therefore, the purchased tubes of paint will serve you for a long time.

Acrylic nail art technique

In order for drawing on nails to give only pleasure and the result turned out to be beautiful, you need to follow the application technique.

  1. Need to prepare materials, which will be required to create a manicure: base and nail polish, transparent top coat ( clear nail polish), acrylic paints, a palette (a piece of foil, plastic or thick cardboard), a little water, thin brushes.
  2. Get a manicure. Prepare your nails for polishing, soak, remove or push back cuticles, shape your nails.
  3. Do a light nail polish. It is also advisable to walk a little on the nails with a buff or file for grinding natural nails. Grinding will make the surface of the nails smooth and will allow you to go better with paints, make the drawing more accurate.
  4. Apply base on nails and let dry. Then you should apply the nail polish that you decided to use as a background and dry it.
  5. Complete your design with acrylic paints. Put the desired colors from the tubes on the palette and get creative. If the paints are thick, dilute them a little with water. The amount of water regulates the density of paints, if you add more, the paints will be liquid and translucent. With diluted paints, you can get light watercolor drawings. Dense thick acrylic paints allow you to make vivid drawings. If the pattern is complex and applied in several layers, let the previous layer dry before applying another. Let the drawing dry completely.
  6. Pin the drawing and cover your nails with a clear top coat (clear polish). So the acrylic drawing will be protected from external influences and will not be erased. Also, a transparent coating will smooth out bumps and make the surface of the nails shiny and smooth.

How to paint on nails with acrylic paints

Drawing “Butterflies”

Consider the design in the form of drawings of butterflies on the nails.

1. Apply a clear varnish (base) to the nail.

2. With white polish, paint a smile on the tip of the nail in French style.

3. Take light pink acrylic paint. If there is no such color, mix red and white paint. However, you can choose any color, but not dark. Draw two butterfly wings.

4. Stroke with black acrylic paint. The lines should be very thin and even.

5. Cover the drawing with clear varnish.

6. By drawing paired wings on your fingers, you can get a beautiful and original manicure.

Drawing “Flowers”

1. Cover your nails with varnish, which will be the background. In this case, in the photo it is a red varnish.

2. With white acrylic paint, paint a small flower petal. First, by drawing the sides of the petal, and then painting over the middle.

3. Draw another petal next to it in the same way. There will be 5 petals in total. No need to draw the petals the same, let 1 be a little more.

4. Next to the flower, draw the same flower, only smaller.

5. With yellow acrylic paint, draw the veins at the petals from the center to the sides, but do not paint the edges of the petals, they should remain white.

6. In the center of the flowers, put dots in red.

7. With light green acrylic paint, draw small paired leaves around the flowers.

8. Cover the dried pattern with clear varnish.

Drawing “Dandelion”

1. Cover your nails with white polish.

2. Mark the center of the dandelion by making a small dot with black acrylic paint.

3. Draw thin lines from the center with a brush, as shown in the photo.

4. Draw the stem of the flower by drawing a thin curved line.

5. Draw an oval in the center and draw thin lines towards the stem - dandelion leaves.

6. Draw brushes on the edges of the lines.

7. Repeat a similar pattern on the second layer. Separately, you can draw a detached “parachute”.

Drawings on nails with acrylic paints: photo gallery

We offer to see a variety of ideas and drawings with acrylic paints, the most beautiful and stylish options inspire you to create your own manicure.

Have you tried acrylic nails? Share in the comments!

Most masters of the beauty industry began to use gel nail paint. Easy to use: with its help it is easy to display a variety of patterns, experiment with design. You can use it on natural or artificial surfaces of any shape and size, and their strength and durability delight girls for several weeks.

What paints are painted on the nails

To create a unique design on the nail plate, masters acquire various materials. When applying patterns, manicure paints are mainly used, designed to draw thin lines.

The advantage of a gel product over acrylic is that it does not dry out during use. You can take your time to apply a pattern, give the process the necessary time, indicating the necessary details.

What is gel nail paint

Gel paint for nail design is a gel-like substance with a thick consistency and bright pigmentation. This tool does not spread, does not bubble when applied, maintaining a clear contour. For its hardening, exposure to an ultraviolet lamp for several minutes is used.

The consistency is very dense, viscous and thick, reminiscent of a drying regular varnish. A wide range of colors is surprising: manufacturers offer different tones that you can mix and use unique shades if you wish.

Bright and saturated products are widely used by masters to create whole masterpieces of nail painting. There are two types: with a sticky layer and without.

Gel paint with a sticky layer

When creating a manicure using casting and "" techniques, colored gel nail paint with a sticky layer is used. After application, it does not lose its stickiness properties, so it can be printed with foil or acrylic powder, which create the desired effects.

These techniques are often performed on artificial surfaces, but some masters are able to create a casting on a natural nail plate.

Gel paints without a sticky layer

These gel paints are used for artistic painting or smiling during french manicure. They can also be used uniformly over the entire surface as the main color.

Which is better: gel polish or gel paint

In fact, these tools have similarities only in the name, but there are many differences:

  1. Paints in their structure are denser and more pigmented than gel polishes. The pigments in the latter constantly settle to the bottom of the jar, so they need to be mixed daily, and their competitors do not need this procedure.
  2. Due to the dense consistency, the paint has an economical consumption.
  3. To obtain a saturated color, 4-5 layers of shellac are used, when it is enough to apply a drawing with paint once.
  4. Creating a pattern with gel polish is difficult.
  5. Paints have a wide color scheme in addition, they can be mixed.

Is it possible to paint nails with gel paint

Initially, the product was applied only to create a decorative painting in manicure. Now paint is used to paint the entire surface instead of shellac.

Important! Covering nails with gel paint completely is a serious procedure that is performed with a certain sequence. Otherwise, you may harm your hands.

Proper preparation is essential. In addition to the basic gash, you will need:

  • erasing gloss from the surface with a puff;
  • degreasing the plate with a fresher;
  • primer with an acid-free primer.

The staining itself occurs in several layers, as with shellac.

There are two options for the location of these layers:

  1. Base for gel polish, color coat, top coat.
  2. Base, acrylic powder, base, two coats of paint, top.

Each tool will need polymerization with. Without complete drying of the layers, the shade may bunch, crack or chip, and the strength of the coating will be very low.

Attention! To paint the entire surface, you need to use a flat brush. Apply paint with a small amount of stretching.

How to use gel paint

For work use:

  • brushes (thin, flat or fan, depending on what design is conceived);
  • dots - another tool for drawing dots and patterns with gel paint on nails;
  • a palette for mixing colors, it is easy to replace it with a piece of foil or dense polyethylene;
  • ultraviolet lamp for polymerization;
  • puff or polisher to remove gloss from nail plate.
  • degreaser;
  • base for gel polish;
  • finish coat (top).

The principle of operation is similar to the technique of applying shellac. Only with paint it is easy to draw patterns, slowly and drawing every detail. Use the application of gel paint on natural nail and extended. After the manicure, be sure to dry it under the rays of a special lamp.

How to dilute gel paint

If the tool has dried up, even at the edges, then you should not try to reanimate it, it is better to throw it away. Such material is no longer suitable for work, it has lost its properties.

You can dilute the paint only if you want to get a less saturated color. For this use transparent gel or 1-2 drops of acrylic monomer.

How to apply gel paint on nails

When working with paint, you can experiment with design in every possible way. These can be patterns and lines, as well as painting over a large area of ​​​​the nail plate, for example, a French manicure.

Use the tool as follows:

  1. First, a base agent is used, which is necessarily polymerized with a UV lamp.
  2. Next lies a colored layer (it can be one or more), they also need to be dried each.
  3. Now the design itself: a little product is applied to a thin brush, the intended drawing is performed. You can correct the pattern with an orange stick or another clean brush.
  4. Polymerize.
  5. If the agent forms a sticky layer, it is removed with a cotton pad and an alcohol solution.
  6. Next, the entire drawing is fixed with a top.

How to dry gel polish on nails

Dry the drawings with paints on the nails using a UV or LED lamp.

Each layer is held under the rays of the lamp, with a horizontal hand. In a UV lamp, the polymerization time is 1-2 minutes, in an LED - 1 minute.

Important! The master needs to find out the power of his lamp. If the coating does not hold for a long time and deforms when worn, it means that it has not dried out, so it is time for the existing device to change the heating elements.

Do I need to cover the gel paint with a top coat

Fixing with a topcoat depends on the nail design made with gel paints:

  1. Convex lines and patterns are usually not covered with a top, it is used before performing a three-dimensional drawing.
  2. With the technique velvet sand» paint sprinkled acrylic powder and only then sent for polymerization. No top coat is used.
  3. After hardening, it is best to fix flat drawings and a jacket with a top to prolong the service life of the manicure.

How to remove gel polish from nails

Paint, unlike gel polish, does not lend itself to solvents. But this does not mean that it is not removable, because it is used together with shellac products.

To begin with, the finish coating is cut off. After that, you should use a remover - this is a special solvent for shellac. With it, they wrap the nail plate, which is held for 5 minutes, and if the top was not cut off, 15 minutes. The surface after removal must be degreased.

But most often, masters remove paint by cutting:

  • a file with an abrasiveness of 100/180 grit;
  • using the apparatus, ceramic or hard-alloyed cutters of a cylindrical shape are used.

How to make a french gel paint: a step by step master class

Before doing a French manicure with gel paint, it should be noted that on natural nail plates it will last a maximum of 7-10 days, after which cracks and chips will begin. Therefore, this method is more suitable for artificial surfaces.

How to make a french step by step:

  1. Soak your hands in the tub.
  2. Moisturize the skin with cream.
  3. Remove cuticle.
  4. Give the desired shape to the edge.
  5. Cut off the glossy layer of the nail plate with a puff. Don't be too zealous.
  6. Apply base gel polish.
  7. Dry under UV or LED lamp
  8. Apply the base shade of shellac. In a classic jacket, beige is used.
  9. Dry this layer.
  10. Gently dip the brush into the white gel paint, and then start drawing a smile from the central axis, moving towards the rollers. The brush is applied with a flat part to the nail surface, the color is applied abruptly, constantly changing the angle, covering the previous stroke. With long-term training, the smile turns out beautiful and natural. You can always correct the line with an orange stick.
  11. Dry the resulting jacket.
  12. Cover with top.
  13. Carefully debate the manicure under the lamp. French is ready.

The advantage in French manicure of paint over shellac white color in that it does not need to be applied in several layers. As a result, there is no step transition between the tones, which would have to be covered with several layers of top.

If desired, you can perform not only the classic jacket, but also its other types shown in the photo:

Which gel paint is best for casting

For the casting technique, self-leveling colored paint with a sticky base is used. In order for the decor to be voluminous, it is necessary to apply several layers, drying each one. At correct application it turns out perfect manicure that does not require additional polishing.

The most famous manufacturers of paints for casting are:

  1. Cody. Not the most expensive gel nail paint, best for casting technique. This product has the right consistency, so that the pattern does not spread.
  2. Masura. The manufacturer presents a whole collection with which you can imitate gems in manicure. The cost is high, but economical consumption.
  3. Toffee. Most a budget option, yet not inferior to competitors. True, the shades are all pastel and delicate, which is suitable for creating a business design or a classic jacket.
  4. EMI. German expensive gel paint in tubes for nails, which is presented in the richest color palette. The quality of the funds is top notch.

Important! Any casting paint can be used in other techniques.

How long does gel polish last on nails?

The service life of the coating depends on the correct execution gel manicure. If the master did not make mistakes, then the artistic painting will last 2-3 weeks.

If the coating has deformed more than early dates, there may be several reasons for this:

  1. Poor quality material that was used in the work. If the product has expired, then it will not hold.
  2. Poor polymerization when performing a manicure. Each layer requires complete curing. Otherwise, the pattern will begin to crack and deform.
  3. Incorrect plate preparation. If the master has poorly processed the nail, has not erased the gloss from it or has not degreased it, then the coating will not last long to its owner.

Do not forget that manicure requires certain rules when wearing:

  1. Gel nail painting should not be picked, chewed or subjected to other mechanical influences.
  2. On the first day after application, you can not take a hot bath or visit a bath, sauna, as well as wash and contact with water for a long time.

If you follow these rules, beautiful manicure with gel paints will last up to three weeks.

How to make your own gel paint

Many girls purchase gel paints for nail design at home. Buying all the desired shades is unprofitable. Working at home, it is impossible to use all colors, so most jars will have to be thrown away after the expiration date.

But there is a way out of this situation. You can buy transparent and white paints, as well as dry pigments of the required shades. They are much lower in price and have a very long shelf life.

To get rich bright color white is used as the basis, for calmer shades - transparent. A little money is placed on the palette. The pigment is added in the same way as when working with ordinary paint: the more pigment, the brighter the resulting shade.

In addition, paints can always be mixed with each other to create unique shades. it excellent remedy for experiments!

Drawings with gel paints on nails

Below are photos of how to perform simple drawings on nails with gel paints step by step.