How to make a Christmas tree from Christmas tree cones. Christmas tree made of cones. We make a decorative tree with our own hands. Christmas tree made of several cones

You will need:

Pine and spruce cones;


Thick cardboard;

Decorative berries and birds (or any other decorations);

Hot glue;

Low wide vase;

Artificial snow in a can.

First of all, decide on the size of the future Christmas tree, its width. On a sheet of cardboard, draw a circle of the desired diameter (you can use, for example, a plate). Cut out the resulting shape.

Clean the cones prepared for creativity from debris, then sort them by size into three piles: small, medium and large. Put a cardboard circle in front of you, apply a thick layer of hot glue along its edge, then lay the cones on the glue bigger size wide side to the center of the circle. Glue the cones together properly.

Thus, continue to lay out the source materials in tiers in a circle, trying to make each next tier a little smaller in diameter than the previous one. Remember, larger cones must be at the base of the Christmas tree, medium - in its middle, and smaller - at the top. At the very top of the craft, fasten one cone vertically.

The Christmas tree is ready, now you can start decorating it. Apply artificial snow on it (it is better to do this on the street, because if you apply it indoors, you can stain the surrounding objects). Let it dry a little, then decorate the Christmas tree with artificial berries and. The Christmas tree will look very original if the decorations are chosen in the same color scheme.

As soon as the tree is ready, take a wide vase or flower pot, turn the product upside down and apply glue to the bottom. Glue the cardboard base of the craft to the vase/pot and let the glue dry. The decorative Christmas tree is ready.

On the eve of the New Year, many people think about how to celebrate it and what to do with the New Year tree. The presence of a living beauty in our time is no longer so fashionable, but made of various materials, are very relevant. Now let's look at several ways to make the most simple Christmas tree from pre-prepared spruce cones in a do-it-yourself master class. Cones are a wonderful raw material for various kinds of crafts. Collecting them is not difficult, pine and spruce trees grow in almost any park, garden or forest. This can save you money on expensive purchases. Christmas decorations. Along with this, we get an environmentally friendly natural material, which not only decorates, but also gives a unique coniferous aroma, creating a festive atmosphere.

How to make a Christmas tree from fir cones with your own hands in MK

Before starting work, in order to prevent distortion of the dimensions of the finished product, it is advisable to perform some procedures.

  • Being warm, the bump opens, once in a cold place it closes again, so to fix the form, you need to hold it in a solution of wood glue for at least half a minute, then dry it.
  • If you need to open it faster, you can boil it and dry it on a battery or hold it in the oven.

This tiny Christmas tree is made from just one large cone, it is only important that it is fully opened, it is very convenient to do this craft with small children.

So materials:

  • Big bump - 1 piece
  • green paint
  • Silver nail polish
  • Decorative elements - beads, beads, bows, ribbons, snowflakes
  • Foundation - salty dough or a small pot.
  1. We paint the already prepared open "Christmas tree" in green
  2. We tint the edges with varnish, you can replace the varnish with sparkles, you need to sprinkle them on the places smeared with transparent glue.
  3. Also, with the help of glue and various beads or what is available, we decorate our tree, the result will depend entirely on imagination.
  4. We make a stand. We sculpt our “snow” from salt dough in the form of a cake and install a finished Christmas tree in it. Or just fix it in a small pot.

Consider the simplest option for making a New Year's beauty from pine cones, which requires a minimum of time and necessary items. It is suitable for decorating a table, such as in an office, or a small shelf. What is needed for this:

  • cones
  • Glue gun or thin wire
  • Rain (preferably green)
  • Scissors
  1. We glue the base, tightly laying the largest cones, glue them with a gun or twist them with wire
  2. Then we lay the next row of smaller ones, creating a cone and so on, until only one remains, which will be the top.
  3. We cut the rain into small pieces and glue it in between, decorating the finished creation.

Here is the result.

In this way it is possible to make Christmas tree larger, of course, and more feedstock will be needed.

For this you need:

  • cones
  • glue gun
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Spray paint (silver or gold)

  1. First, we will make the base, cut out a circle from cardboard, of an arbitrary size - this will be the bottom. Then we glue the cone, its base should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the bottom. We stuff the inside of the cone with old newspapers, small foam, if this is not done, the cardboard may not withstand the weight and deform. And we combine these two blanks into a single structure.
  2. Now, with hot glue, we connect the cones to the base, starting from the bottom, in a circle and further up. It is important to fill all possible gaps, selecting the desired dimensions of the source material.
  3. Cover the formed tree with spray paint. If desired, you can decorate with a luminous garland.

The photo below shows in detail all the manufacturing processes described above.

In the presence of huge amount cones and a large supply of patience and perseverance, you can create a large outdoor holiday spruce. All family members, both adults and children, can join the work on it.

  • Lots of cones
  • superglue - a lot
  • Plywood
  • Wooden blocks or furniture legs, wheels can be used.
  • Spray paint (green and white)
  1. A circle is cut out of a piece of plywood, the diameter of which is from 50 to 70 cm. On one side, bars are attached, or ready-made legs for furniture, and on the other side, a New Year tree will “grow”.
  2. We lay out cones along the edge of the base and glue them together and with the surface of the plywood. We already put the next row with a slight shift to the center of the circle, and so on all subsequent rows. The end result should be a cone.
  3. We paint over the resulting creation with green paint, and grease the edges with white paint, creating the effect of snow.

Video related to the article

For an illustrative example, we suggest watching a selection of videos from different options making Christmas trees. Imagine and create.

New Year everyone associates with the smell of tangerines and pine needles, with miracles, and, of course, with fir cones. At first glance, the cones do not look festive at all, but one has only to turn on the fantasy, as an ordinary natural material will sparkle with completely new colors. We invite you to learn how to make a Christmas tree from fir cones with your own hands!

Making such a Christmas tree is very simple, even a child can handle this task, so making a Christmas tree from cones can be a great way to make new Year gifts or holiday decorations for home.

Preparation rules

Very often, cones falling from spruces and pines turn out to be closed and only open after a while, thereby changing the original view in which this bump was delivered to your home. This can overshadow the craft somewhat, so before you start making a Christmas tree from spruce or pine cones, you can familiarize yourself with some of the intricacies of preparing cones for crafts.

  1. If you want to leave the buds closed, after collecting them, put them in a container with wood glue for literally 20-30 seconds, this will not allow them to open.
  2. If you have collected closed buds and want them to open as soon as possible, there are several ways to achieve this:
  • you can put them to cook for half an hour, and then dry them on the battery;
  • send the cones to the oven, heated to 250 degrees, for 2-2.5 hours.
  • plus, the heat treatment will kill the germs and small insects living in the buds and make them safe.

There is also a way to adjust the shape of the cone: you just need to soak it in water for 5-10 minutes, tie it with a thread and dry it on a radiator. To whiten the bumps, they need to be soaked for 5-6 hours in water with diluted bleach (1: 1), then rinsed thoroughly and dried.

New Year. This holiday is wonderful because it does not fly by in an instant, and we are preparing for its meeting long before the celebration itself. It is truly felt when we are waiting for it, preparing for it. Every year, we again and again plunge into the festive fuss. Bright lights, the smell of tangerines and, of course, what New Year is complete without a Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is the main attribute of the upcoming holiday. If you do not plan to put a real forest beauty, then you can celebrate with its reduced counterpart, created from improvised materials, such as pine cones. And you will learn how to make a Christmas tree from cones in the course of the further description of MK.

I devoted this master class to creating a cone Christmas tree from cones. Such a Christmas tree can decorate the interior of any apartment or serve as original gift your loved ones.

So, for work we need:

  • Pine cones;
  • cardboard (or any thick paper);
  • hot glue gun;
  • 3 - 4 pcs. transparent rods for glue gun;
  • a can of silver acrylic paint;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • beads for decoration.

How to make a Christmas tree from cones: step by step instructions

To begin with, I went for a walk in the forest with my children. We don’t have snow yet, so we quickly replenished the autumn stocks of cones, which we didn’t have enough. At home, we sorted out the cones: the broken ones were thrown away, the good ones were cleaned of debris and sorted into large and small ones. If the buds are too closed, they can be dried in the oven. Hot air will open them up. By the way, you can make a lot of all kinds of New Year's crafts from pine cones - penguins, spiders, mice, etc.

Collected cones

The next step is preparing the base of the Christmas tree. I rolled the cardboard into a cone, fixed it with glue and a stapler. At the base, cut off the excess part of the paper with scissors. I did not paint the base for the Christmas tree. But if you want everything to be perfect, you can do it.

Cone - the basis for the Christmas tree

Now, with the help of a glue gun, you can start building up the first row. We will start with large cones, and finish the craft with small ones. If you don't have a glue gun, you can use any super glue. But still (to speed up the process and in order to make a neat Christmas tree from cones), I would advise you to buy it (even the most inexpensive one will do). hot glue sets instantly, which significantly reduces the time of work. I applied hot glue to the bottom of the cone base. We attach a bump to it, pressing firmly. We glue the next bump next to it, trying not to leave gaps. The first row is ready.

We start gluing cones

Thus, moving in the direction from the bottom up, I glued the cones tier by tier. During work, I tried to pick up cones so that the next ones lay down with the smallest gaps. If there are gaps, no big deal. You can close them with scales from cones. But this work seemed to me painstaking, and I want to enjoy the process. Therefore, I left it as is, and when I painted the entire Christmas tree, they became invisible.

We glue the cone with cones

On the last two rows, I tried to attach the smallest cones. For the top, the most beautiful cone stretched upwards was in store. We generously drip glue on it and fasten it. To make the Christmas tree of cones more decorative, you need to decorate it with garlands and tinsel. But first, we “sprinkle” it with silver snow.

We paint a Christmas tree from cones

Yes, if there are threads left from the hot glue, we carefully remove them so as not to spoil the appearance of our beauty. In my opinion, such a Christmas tree is already ready to fulfill its festive function. But I've tweaked it a bit more.

I took ordinary silver spray paint and painted the entire surface of the Christmas tree.

It is necessary to paint somewhere on the street, as the paint has a very specific pungent smell. Since when spraying, even in calm weather, its vapors will fly in different directions, I advise you to wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Spray paint in different directions. We are waiting for the complete drying of the paint. Next, using a hot gun, I glued decorative elements. I first cut the Christmas tree beads. In a word, you can use everything that is at hand. If there are beads, they are quite suitable. We glue them in a random order.

Cut the beads into pieces Attaching decorations to the Christmas tree

You can add some decorations and New Year's tinsel, put on small ones. It all depends on your taste and imagination, experiment! Here's what you should roughly get:

Christmas tree made of cones

The width of the Christmas tree is about 20 cm, and the height is just over 30 cm. Here we have such a Christmas tree made of cones, made by ourselves! So what do you think? In my opinion, everything is simple and beautiful. Such an elegant beauty can be put even on the festive table.

Do you feel the holidays are coming? Share your emotions and impressions, offer your New Year decorations. In order not to miss all the most interesting - subscribe to updates via RSS or to your mailbox. Have fun and happy new year!

The New Year holidays are approaching - the time to give and receive gifts, decorate the Christmas tree and decorate the house. Perhaps we no longer believe in the good old man Santa Claus, we do not expect gifts from him under the Christmas tree, but we definitely expect a miracle, especially in new year's eve.

A miracle is certainly good, but the realities of life dictate their own rules to us. Work, business, the end of the quarter and the year - all this leaves its mark on the availability of free time, and therefore on preparing for the holiday. If there is very little time left, and you don’t want to give loved ones a soulless purchased gift, then it’s time to think about New Year crafts made from natural materials. In this article we have collected for you best master classes from all over the Internet for making Christmas crafts from cones.

Rules for working with cones

So, before you start making Christmas decorations from cones, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for their operation, if you can call it that. There are several rules for preparing cones before using them as material for New Year's crafts in order to ready product not deformed or deteriorated after some time.

Rule 1 Working with cones is a pleasure, but you should take into account the fact that the air temperature outside is much lower than indoors, which means that the cones you brought will begin to open. Spruce trees will look like ruffled hedgehogs, and pine trees will look like fluffy Christmas trees. If your craft involves the use of closed cones, then dip the cone for 30 seconds in a container of wood glue, then remove and let it dry. Regardless of the temperature, the cone will always be "closed".

Rule 2. If open fluffy cones are needed for crafts, and there is no time to wait, then for their speedy opening, the cones must be boiled for half an hour, and then dried on a battery. After drying, the cone will become fluffy and will no longer change its shape. Instead of boiling, you can use the oven by placing the cones there for two hours, preliminarily setting the temperature to 250⁰С.

Rule 3. If the shape of the cone does not quite suit you, it can be slightly corrected. To do this, the natural material must be soaked in water, and then tied with a thread. After drying, the shape of the cone will be the same as you gave it with a thread.

Rule 4. Buds don't have to be brown. All the same, the New Year is a holiday of miracles and an ordinary fir cone from a simple brown can turn white or even golden. In general, to bleach buds, soak them in water with bleach (1:1), then rinse and dry. The result is impressive.

So, now that you have familiarized yourself with the rules for working with cones, it's time to start creating New Year's decorations from this natural material. What can be made from cones? Yes, anything! The main thing is to stock up on a festive mood and give free rein to your imagination. And our master classes will help you navigate a wide variety of options.

One of the main attributes of the New Year has always been and remains the Christmas tree. It’s New Year’s because it doesn’t look like the one we saw in the forest, however, if you saw it. A Christmas tree can quite well be made with your own hands from ordinary pine cones, since pine is an unpretentious plant, and therefore grows almost everywhere in our cities. To create such a New Year's craft with your own hands, you will need: thick paper, scissors, old newspapers, glue and, of course, cones.

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In the pre-New Year's fuss, sometimes it’s not up to the Christmas tree: crowds in shops and specialized Christmas markets discourage any desire to acquire a fluffy beauty. However, in order for a real Christmas tree to appear in the house, it is not necessary to buy it. From this article you will learn how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from improvised materials. We have collected for you more than 20 […]

Cute Christmas decorations are made from ordinary cones and pieces of felt. You will also need scissors, glue, paint and plasticine or a wooden ball. Such birds will look great on the New Year tree or they can be presented as a souvenir to your close and dear people.

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You can actually make a variety of forest dwellers out of cones, and it doesn’t have to be a hedgehog. From this master class you will learn how to make chanterelles from cones and felt.

It would be strange if there were no hedgehog among our master classes for making animals from cones. Fluffy bump to your appearance just resembles a prickly eared forest animal. You will need: cones, felt, scissors, glue.

To make squirrels from cones with your own hands, you will need: cones, felt, scissors and glue.

#7 Crafts from cones for the new year: make a ball with your own hands. Scheme

You will need foam ball, cones, ribbon, glue.

With the onset of cold weather, it becomes more and more difficult for our smaller brothers to get their own food, so we should take care of them, especially given the cold weather in our places. great idea crafts from cones will become a bird feeder. Take a cone, generously spread it with honey or condensed milk, and then dip it in a container with “bird treats”. Hang the feeder in the yard on a tree and watch the birds enjoy your treats with pleasure.

See more ideas:

No matter how old we are, the New Year remains for us a small fairy tale expected by the whole world, a small hope for something new, white and clean, with a winter atmosphere, snowballs, the smell of tangerines and fireworks. To the bright, magical family holiday every family begins to prepare in advance, planning guest lists, menus, gifts for loved ones and relatives. Home decor, decoration […]

#17 Decorating the house with shiny cones: getting ready for the New Year's party

If you are planning a serious adult party, then decorating the interior with fabulous elves and decorative owls is not worth it. It is better to use sparkles and add sparkle and chic to New Year's Eve!

Any cone is suitable for a hedgehog, both pine and spruce, but it must be fluffy. How to do this, we told at the very beginning of the article in the rules for working with cones.

Cones are a fairly versatile material, and if you have already grown out of chanterelles, squirrels and hedgehogs, then you can decorate this natural material with ordinary paint. Looks very stylish.

What is a tree without cones? From seemingly ordinary pine or fir cones can be incredibly cute Christmas tree toy, which is the most harmonious fit into the overall decor. You will need: a bump, glue, a bead, ribbon and thread.

The eagle owl fits perfectly into the New Year theme: it does not sleep at night, stays with us for the winter, and of course, this particular bird was Harry Potter's pet. Small owls can decorate the interior, a Christmas tree, or give loved ones as a souvenir.

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The New Year holidays are approaching, which means that very soon a forest guest will appear in almost every home in our country. Someone prefers to put up an artificial Christmas tree, someone is a real forest fir tree from the Christmas market, and someone is completely limited to pine branches. However, this is not so important, because the most important sign of the New Year tree is toys. Since ancient times, appeasing forest spirits, people in […]

#24 We continue to make birds from cones: DIY crafts "Owl"

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Children, even the most fidgety ones, will gladly take up the painstaking work of creating a New Year's penguin, but on one condition: parents must take part in the process. Spend a few hours together and end up getting a sweetheart New Year's crafts— what could be better!

If you are not satisfied with the banal decoration of candles and vases with cones, then you should like this original picture. You will need: cones, a frame, ribbons, scissors and double-sided tape or glue.

Decorating the Christmas tree is one of the most important activities in preparation for the holiday. I want to decorate the forest beauty in a special way. The most special will be the Christmas tree, on which toys are made by hand, in which the soul and warmth of the creator are invested. Our step by step wizard The class will help you make an unpretentious Christmas tree toy from ordinary cones with your own hands. If there are children in the house, be sure to involve them in the creative process.

A great idea for a New Year's theme would be a craft made of cones in the form of a deer. It's quick and easy to make and looks really cute. By the way, such a craft can be hung on a Christmas tree as a hand-made toy.

A great idea for crafts for the new year from cones will be a snowman. And not just an ordinary snowman, but an athlete snowman who prefers new year holidays spend skiing. By the way, take note of this character's idea and be sure to winter holidays spend time with the whole family somewhere on the hill!

With the help of cones you can decorate New Year's table, using this natural material as a stand for cards with a seating plan for guests. Not only suitable for parties large quantity guests, but also for a quiet cabal. The main thing, after all, is the creation of a New Year's atmosphere.

Even if you have big tree, miniature Christmas trees made of cones will not become superfluous, because the tree is only in one room, while in others it is quite possible to create festive atmosphere miniature copies.

If you still decide to decorate the house with miniature Christmas trees made of cones, then here's another step-by-step master class for you.

If you like christmas balls with snow, which you can shake and arrange a real winter blizzard, then you will like this craft. The cone resembles a Christmas tree, so in a jar of snow it looks like a real forest beauty in miniature, who is waiting in the forest for a kind old man.

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Photos and ideas