We decorate the New Year's table ideas. New Year's table decoration: fresh ideas (59 photos). Table setting for the New Year: what to do to please the Pig

Undoubtedly New Year- a holiday that gathers close and dear people at the same table. From year to year, everyone with trepidation and excitement is waiting for that very magical new year's eve. You need to prepare for this event carefully, having thought through all the details. One of the important tasks in the preparation is the New Year's table setting.

Where to begin?

Each housewife spends the main period of time preparing a New Year's dinner, and a chic table decoration for the New Year is her special pride.

To cover beautiful table in that magical holiday, you need to plan the menu, make a list of necessary products and decorations.

It is better to buy food for the holiday menu in advance, with the exception of perishable products. You need to start preparing treats on the eve of the holiday so that the dishes are tasty, and most importantly, fresh. Various preparations for salads, snacks can be prepared a little earlier, but it is worth mixing, seasoning and baking on December 31st.

In the pre-holiday bustle, it is important not to forget about New Year's table setting. Be sure to think about the style and color scheme of jewelry, as the choice of dishes and decor elements will depend on this. Usually, dishes and cutlery should be in harmony in color. It is also worth considering color palette tablecloths, napkins and candles.

The table at which it is planned to gather with family and guests should be comfortable and wide. To make everyone as comfortable as possible, for each person it is recommended to allocate at least half a meter of table length.

Style selection

There are many options for table setting for the New Year. The choice of style depends on your mood, available decorations and dishes. Let's take a closer look at some of the styles:

  • Scandinavian style. If you do not want the presence of too bright colors and extravagant motifs on New Year's Eve, then you can choose a style that originates in Scandinavia to decorate your home. This style is characterized by the presence natural materials and soft pastel colors. The main color here is considered to be white. It can be combined with other shades.

Checked linen napkins on snow-white plates will look original. In the middle of the table, you can put a structure made of spruce branches. And next to her arrange beautiful candlesticks.

  • Ethno style. If the holiday is to be celebrated not at home, but, for example, in the country, then you should choose an ethnic style for decorating the table. The tablecloth is best used from cotton or linen fabric. Burlap decorated with tangerines, cones or nuts will look very harmonious as a decoration. Wooden coasters can be used as plates. Next to the plates, place a small Christmas tree decorated with homemade gingerbread cookies. With the help of this method of table setting, your holiday will become unusual and very memorable.

  • Baroque. In case there is a desire to make the New Year's feast luxurious, you should pay attention to this particular style. After all, he is able to emphasize the refined taste of the owners. Massive candlesticks can be placed on a white tablecloth, and gold or silver Christmas balls can be placed in the center of the table. It is advisable to choose dishes in white or cream color with gold accents.
  • Provence. This style involves the presence of a variety of white and glassware. As a decoration, you can fill glass bowls with any cereal. And put candles in small jars, they will create a cozy and warm atmosphere.

Registration according to etiquette

The art of serving is over a thousand years old. Each century had its own culture of holding a feast, its own ways of decorating tables and serving festive dishes. The current era is no exception. For an impeccable New Year's feast, it is necessary to set the table according to the rules of etiquette:

  • All households and guests are supposed to put four plates: serving, for second courses, for snacks and pie. A plate for snacks is placed on dishes for second courses, covered with a napkin to match the tablecloth. The pie is placed to the left of the rest of the plates.
  • Put the knife on the right and the fork on the left.
  • From left to right, near the plates, you need to place a glass for spirits, a glass of wine, a glass of champagne and a glass of water.
  • Fruit vases are placed near the central part of the table.

  • The rest of the space is occupied by salad bowls, gravy boats and containers for seasonings.
  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are placed closer to the center.
  • Bread should be on opposite sides of the table.
  • paper napkins with a New Year theme laid out in several places.

When serving treats, certain rules are also observed. Fried meat is pre-cut into pieces and placed on a dish. A small bird is served on the table as a whole. Hot meat dishes are served separately with cold appetizers and pickles.

Before dessert is served, all plates are removed from the table, leaving only glasses.. Appliances for dessert are arranged later.


Menu planning for the New Year celebration plays an important role in organizing the event. It often happens that after a feast there are many uneaten dishes that subsequently deteriorate. To prevent this, you need to calculate the amount of food in advance.

You can cook a delicious New Year's Eve dinner without spending a lot of money. The most important thing is to choose the right ingredients and correctly combine them with each other. For example, rolls with ham, soft cheese and greens will be an excellent snack for the New Year's table.

They are perfect for champagne and dry wine. And this cold appetizer is prepared very quickly and simply.

Also, as an unusual dish, you can bake chicken with oranges or a goose stuffed with apples. For a snack, you can cook tartlets filled with cheese or mushrooms, or fry breaded Adyghe cheese.

The menu must contain at least three salads. Most often, when choosing a salad, they are based on the taste preferences of households. The most traditional New Year's salads are considered to be Olivier, mimosa salad, herring under a fur coat and a classic vinaigrette.

Ready-made salads can be beautifully laid out in the form of a Christmas tree or a symbol of the year, and also decorated with fresh herbs.

After developing the main menu, they move on to sweet dishes. For dessert, you can bake a tangerine cake. For its preparation, you will need eggs, premium flour, sugar, a little liquor, tangerines, dried fruits and baking powder. This cake will not leave anyone indifferent.

When preparing for the celebration, one should not forget about the children's menu. Here you will need time and imagination. Sandwiches with turkey, cucumber, tomato and lettuce will be appreciated by children. Cheese balls in breadcrumbs will also undoubtedly please all the younger family members and guests. Particular attention should be paid to dessert for children. It can be various cakes, cottage cheese muffins or a biscuit cake with chocolate and a berry layer. As drinks for kids, you can prepare juices, compotes and fruit drinks.

Among family members or invited guests, there may be those who are fasting. Therefore, it is important to know the recipes for delicious lean dishes. It must be taken into account that Lenten food is not only light, but also healthy. For example, for fasting guests, you can bake country-style potatoes in the oven and pickle herring with onions and mustard.

From salads, lean olivier with squid and warm bean salad with mushrooms are perfect. Delicious canned tomatoes, sauerkraut will complement the assortment of the festive table. An interesting table decoration will help make your New Year's Eve special.

Powerful ideas and illustrative examples

Improve new Year mood perhaps with the help of bright details. For example, you can decorate a festive table with colored napkins and glasses.

The dishes can be painted with unusual patterns, the cutlery can be decorated with snowflakes or spruce branches. And prepare fabric napkins for plates with the image of New Year's symbols.

A white ironed tablecloth always looks elegant. She will dress up any celebration. You can decorate it with bright dishes or accessories. Traditional christmas colors- red, blue, green and white.

To meet the upcoming New Year, they are preparing with special trepidation. Not only the festive menu is thought out, but also an important component - the New Year's table setting, at which guests and hosts are seated. And not the first year the table for the New Year is drawn up according to the rules of the Eastern calendar. The color and tastes of the animal ruling the year, food priorities are taken into account.

Color design

Getting to the decor of the room and table setting, you should adhere to uniform style. In the year of the Dog, shades of colors focused on naturalness are preferred.

And the right choice would be the color scheme of the New Year's table in tonalities:

  • green;
  • brown
  • yellow;
  • sand;
  • beige;
  • golden;
  • white.

Shades of khaki and marsala will also come in handy. But both dark, gloomy and flashy tones should not be present. If such a palette seems strict and pale to the owners, it is diluted with bright accents, for example, red.

If the furniture table top is made of wood or wood-tone material, the eco-style will support the color tone of the New Year's table. Then you do not need to cover the table with a tablecloth, which corresponds to this style.

New Year's decoration options

There are enough of them. Here are some examples to take into account.

  • Minimalism and elegance - for those who celebrate the New Year in a narrow circle. Instruments for each participant in the celebration are placed around the circle, square or rectangle of the table. The middle of the tabletop is occupied by a composition of jewelry and candles. The color accompaniment of this style will support beige, red, green, brown, white, gold.
  • The white and gold design, although traditional, is still attractive to many who celebrate the New Year. Candles and crockery are selected white color or in shades of milky and beige, which will add warmth to the atmosphere. Light and purity will be provided by elements of pastel, gold and green tones. Wooden objects, metal candlesticks, edging on plates and dishes are "friends" with them.
  • Fans of fantasy options can combine various textures and colors to create a festive atmosphere. The latter should be 3-4 in order to avoid getting unnecessary variegation. Dishes are preferably plain or with an unobtrusive ornament. Napkins are selected to match the tablecloths, decorations - in accordance with the general style of the New Year's surroundings.
  • In a living room with a lot of wooden objects, it is appropriate to decorate a table made of wood. The dishes in this case are exhibited simple, giving off a soft sheen. A large number of candles will create the illusion of a fireplace fire. Tablecloth and napkins made of natural fabrics - in warm milky, beige, burgundy, brick, green shades.
  • The white and red color combination will also create a festive atmosphere for the New Year. Warm candlelight will soften the contrast of cold white and hot red. Especially if the overhead lighting is dimmed or completely absent. The white-red background will be diluted with a yellow tonality and a combination of cold and warm tones.


You need to celebrate the New Year at a table covered with a tablecloth suitable for the celebration. Choose a canvas in accordance with the size of the countertop in priority color scheme. The best option there will be a tablecloth made of dense fabric in one tone or 2-3 copies of different tonality. You can use tablecloths in discreet colors.

One option would be linen or burlap. The brocade cover looks spectacular and rich. If you choose a silk tablecloth, there is a chance of encountering an unstable position of the dishes on the table. Silk has a sliding property, and everything on the table will move out.

There are many variations for the tablecloth on the table:

  • The classic location is relevant at all times. At the same time, light fabric will add more light in the room, dimmed warm and natural tones will bring notes of comfort to the room.
  • A rectangular tablecloth laid diagonally looks spectacular on a round, standard table. The highlight of this option will be the combination of canvases of contrasting or shades of the same tone.
  • The coating, similar to the carpet, looks original. In this case, the tablecloth is taken with a width slightly not reaching the side edges of the tabletop.
  • A catchy background for dishes and dishes is achieved with the help of 2 tablecloths. The base (in beige, cream or sand) covers the entire table. Auxiliary - bright tonality (for example, red, green) and the same length as the first, but a width not exceeding 3/4 of the main one.

The most suitable fabric for a tablecloth is a smooth or fleecy fabric. suitable color. White is also suitable, but it is more suitable for a spacious, brightly lit room. As well as too light tablecloths, against which in the twilight it is lost holiday look crockery and cutlery.


Ready-made colorful napkins with New Year's stories will help out any housewife. You do not need to do anything with them, these attributes are beautiful and so. But if the options, fabric or paper, are made in the same color, the beauty and originality of the design will not hurt them.

The easiest way is to decorate napkins with special rings made of wood, metal, paper or ribbons. You can decorate the rings with small ones Christmas decorations depicting the symbol of the New Year holiday.

From a napkin folded four times at an angle, it is possible to make a candle into a wave. The cone-shaped workpiece should be rolled up starting from the base. They put a candle on a plate, straightening the waves.

If there are children at the table, for them 2 napkins twisted into a tube are decorated with Christmas tree bells in gold. Unfolding the napkin, the children hear a magical ringing.

There are many options for folding napkins. It is important that these festive attributes are combined with a tablecloth. Which of them to prefer, fabric or paper, is decided by the hospitable hostess. And do not forget about the functional purpose of napkins.

Very important: There are symbols of the year according to the Eastern calendar that do not like frills. Echoing their tastes, tinsel is simply attached to the edges of each napkin and placed in the form of a triangle on a serving plate.


After the tablecloth is spread out, the turn of arranging the dishes comes. The set includes a variety of options. They include:

  • portion plates;
  • cutlery (preferably silver or with a silvery tint) for different dishes;
  • glasses;
  • glasses;
  • wine glasses.

It is preferable to use simple, no-frills, but beautifully designed dishes for the New Year's feast. In priority - rounded shapes of specimens. Color performance should not be too bright or dark. The use of several shades and different textures and shapes in the dishes will achieve an indelible effect. On the table for meeting the coming year, the best tableware variations will be clay, semi- and porcelain, wooden and thick colored glassware.

It is permissible to tie cutlery with ribbons in the favorite colors of the animal - the ruler of the year. This will give the overall composition on the table a certain glamor. In addition, this will make it easier for the hostess to change the already used appliances to clean ones.

The main wide plate should be beautiful and with a New Year's plot (the rest of the plates are placed on it when the dishes are changed). Well, if it's a service. But in the absence of this, a set in white will help out, which is temporarily easy to transform using stickers, foil, sparkles.

There is definitely no place on the table on the occasion of the New Year for plastic, broken and not washed to a shine specimens. All whole dishes should sparkle with cleanliness and reflect festive illumination on the surface.

You need to put dishes on the table according to the number of guests with the owners. If there are not enough items from one set, it is better to supplement with copies that are close in similarity to those in the main set. The dimensions of all items must accommodate food without cluttering up the space. It is important to arrange dishes with cooked dishes so that everyone can easily take everything they need.

Decor elements

A properly organized decor also creates a festive atmosphere. In this case, you should also choose natural colors and materials. But you don't have to give up glitter either. Here the assistants are, first of all, garlands, sparklers, as well as sources of natural light. Fire can come from fireplaces. But since few people have them, candles become an alternative.

Comfort and magic are achieved by arranging a large number of candles of different sizes. Massive and thin candles in candlesticks made of metal, glass, ceramics will add mystery to the room. The tonality of the attributes is preferably simple and clean, for example, milky, burgundy. Metallic shades are not excluded, such as copper, gold, silver.

When setting the table, small candles are placed next to the appliances of everyone who celebrates the New Year. Several large candles are placed in the center of the table: their fire resembles a fireplace, such a hearth unites and “warms”. You can also put candles around the table on cabinets and shelves, not forgetting about fire safety.

Small figurines of the symbol of the coming year are used as decoration on the table. And, for example, if it is a Dog, depicting it would be appropriate Stuffed Toys and figurines. They should be supplemented with figures of bones and favorite delicacies of this animal. Wooden elements, plants, dried flowers, berries, carnation stars, vanilla sticks and, of course, sprigs of coniferous trees (spruce, pine, fir, cedar) will enhance the elegance of the table setting. Decorating the table with Christmas decorations, beads, garlands, they create a shimmering background on the table for the New Year's feast.

Accessories should make up a thematic picture of the feast. Their presence in a reasonable amount should not interfere with the arrangement of plates with festive dishes, snacks, and desserts. According to safety rules, quickly flammable dry flowers and tinsel should be placed away from candle fire.

Very important: When decorating the table for the New Year, it is wise to follow the advice "do not overdo it." And, instead of piling up complex compositions, it is better to limit yourself to a few. It can be low trays with cones, spruce branches, tangerines, candles. It is preferable to place the New Year's ikebana in the middle of the table on a wide golden ribbon.

Serving rules

In laying the New Year's table and arranging dishes, the priority is taking care of the comfort of guests. Cutlery should be arranged in accordance with the rules of etiquette. The number of items should be equal to the number of invitees and hosts.

A beautiful, glittering table setting should be comfortable and functional. And since the dishes main attribute to eat New Year's dishes, it is placed on the edges of the table. Plates are put in a pile, next to them are glasses and forks.

The serving rules provide for the following sequence:

  • the tablecloth with its ends hangs from all sides by 30-35 cm;
  • napkins folded into a triangle or rolled into a tube are located on each set of plates;
  • The plates are arranged in the order in which the dishes are planned to be served. And if the plate for hot is at the beginning, a plate for snacks is placed on it. In this case, all such dishes are placed 2 cm from the edge of the table;
  • cutlery is laid, starting from certain norms. The fork with the prongs up is placed to the left of the plate. The knife is placed on the right, turning its tip towards the plate. Dessert spoons are placed on the right side of the knife, scoop down;
  • glasses and glasses will take place to the right of the plates and in the order in which drinks are planned to be served. At the same time, the placed glasses should not be an obstacle to the use of appliances;
  • salt and pepper shakers are placed in the center of the table in special stands. It is not superfluous to add a sudok with mustard, sauces, butter to these vessels;
  • vases with flowers - they must be provided on a large table according to the number of bouquets. The replacement will be a small bunch near the appliances for everyone sitting at the table. It is necessary to ensure that the flowers do not crumble and do not block the dishes from the guests;
  • cold appetizers on dishes in the middle part of the tabletop are best repeated at opposite ends of the table so that those who celebrate the New Year can reach these dishes on their own.

In the buffet setting, meat, fish, vegetable dishes are arranged in groups. Food is prepared in such a way that it can be easily taken with a fork and eaten without using a knife. And these are all kinds of canapes, tartlets, cuts.

Decoration and proper serving of dishes

In decorating the table, a measure should be observed so as not to interfere with the arrangement of dishes prepared appetizingly and decorated with taste. But even the usual cutting turns into table decoration for the New Year. And there are a few rules that will help give the dishes originality.

Products are cut very thinly with a slicer or a sharp knife.
When choosing combinations of products, they are guided by the tastes of the owners. But you should not combine too juicy and dried ingredients, so as not to let the juice change the taste.

Compliance with the color compatibility of the cutting components will allow you to create a beautiful compositional layout.

There are plenty of options for laying out chopped products. Here is some of them:

  • a fruit plate is obtained from orange rounds with peel, peeled tangerines, laid in rows along the edges of the dish, the middle is given to “flowers” ​​from kiwi. The dish is filled in a circle from edge to center, alternating an ingredient of one tonality with one that has a different shade;
  • taking a rectangular dish in the shape of a “turtle”, they lay out the taken products in rows on it, while one product occupies its own row. For decor, take lemon slices, cranberries, sprigs of fresh dill;
  • both stuffed cheese and ham, sausages make wonderful rolls fastened with a skewer - they take food for it.

You can surprise guests by building a Christmas tree arrangement, where coniferous branches depict sliced ​​cheese, cucumber, sausage. Delicious "needles" are strung on a skewer attached to the center of the dish. Fruit "paws" of spruce are obtained from lemon, grapefruit, kiwi. Moss under such “herringbones” depicts cut vegetables and fruits, berries and pomegranate seeds of contrasting color.

Salads, more salads

In decorating salads, well-known options are used. A Christmas tree, a hedgehog, a dog, a New Year's clock are created from suitable products.

If there is no time, then the following tricks will help out:

  • Cut the red bell pepper into even 2 parts and remove the seeds. On the prepared salad, each half is placed skin-side out, resulting in “bells”. "Tongues" are made from green onion feathers, the top of the lettuce ellipse is decorated with dill sprigs.
  • "Clock" with arrows are made on flat surface lettuce. On its circumference, it is enough to draw the numbers 3, 6, 9, 12, the rest are indicated by olives. For arrows, ingredients that are “at hand” are selected.
  • Many salads are served mixed and uneven. To decorate them, use the yolk of a boiled egg, chopped on a grater, pomegranate granules, cranberries. The salad surface is simply generously sprinkled with one of these components.

But the most accessible as a decoration for a salad are slices of products from which a salad dish is made, and greens. It is easy to make a rose from a sausage (tomato) and add a leaf of green salad. So you can decorate a separate piece of salad cake.

What's hot

As for hot dishes, you should think about the decor even before it is cooked. Especially if the food is done as a mixture, such as pilaf, roast. For a traditional oven-baked goose, papillottes on paws and apples, pears, lemons for wrapping poultry, sprigs of fresh herbs are suitable. Do not forget about figuredly chopped carrots, beets, cucumbers, fruits.

If the side dish is served separately, it is worth preparing a multi-colored mashed potato and building a slide out of it. Dyes for this will serve as natural vegetable juices. Do the same with pasta, which is better to make yourself.

Whipped cream and sour cream do a good job of decorating dishes. A "cap" of these salted products will add zest to the dish or take the place of the sauce.

Fresh fruits on a large dish (several tiers can be used), natural juice poured into sparkling transparent decanters - these products will bring New Year's serving childhood memories. And an integral part of the New Year - tangerines are good both on a separate dish and as a basis for a fruit platter.

The abundance and variety of delicious dishes and drinks is an indispensable condition for creating Have a good mood guests. Cooked meat variations and meat components in salads, sandwiches, cuts will be the priority on the table. Vegetables, fruits and small snacks will complete the picture of the celebration.

Dishes are served in the correct order. Access to them celebrating the New Year should be unlimited. Objects and food are arranged taking into account the needs of all those sitting at the table.

A multi-storey tiered dish will help out in case of a convenient and solemn arrangement of sweets and fruits. It will also save space on the table.

Snacks "for one tooth" are best served with skewers decorated with images of the symbol of the year.

Attach a name plate to each napkin so that it will be easier for guests to sit down at the table. The tablets on each plate (next to it) with images of an animal, the ruler of the coming year, are also appropriate.

It does not hurt to give each guest a present in the form of a miniature animal made of wood, fabric, clay. A gift wrapped in golden packaging can also be placed next to each guest's personal plate.

The first night of the year is celebrated at a beautifully decorated and served table. A variety of hearty and tasty dishes will predict an abundance of food for the whole year.

How to decorate New Year's table so as not to overload it with details and make it moderately festive? We decided to look at the most nice pictures New Year's Eve table setting options

Gifts have already been bought, dishes have already been prepared, the heart is dancing samba in anticipation of the New Year, which is about to set foot on the threshold. It remains only to beautifully set the table in order to adequately meet him and not fall face down in the dirt.

color mood

You can maintain a festive mood or raise it if the New Year's fuss has taken a lot of your energy, you can use color. Complete your New Year's table with colorful accents in the form of bright balls, beads, napkins. And if you are preparing in advance, then do not forget about colored glasses made in one shade.

Try to maintain one coloristic concept. Red, green, blue, blue and white shades are considered traditional for the New Year.

Beautiful tableware

New Year's Eve is one of the most significant of the year, they prepare for it in advance, choosing outfits, decor and beautiful dishes. Where without her? This evening everything should be perfect, and unusual tableware with holiday drawings will only enhance the effect of solemnity.

Plates can be painted with patterns traditional for your region, which looks very colorful. Also, devices with snowflakes, images will look original. Christmas balls, spruce branches and cones. Decorate this plate tissue paper with the image of Santa Claus, which will remind your friends that the New Year is the time for miracles and gifts.


The traditional white tablecloth will never go out of style. Ironed and starched, it always looks impressive, making any table elegant. Although today you can also find specially crumpled tablecloths that bring notes of negligence into the interior, thereby diluting the pathos of the New Year's Eve and relieving tension.

Our opinion:

Dazzlingly good tables, decorated with shiny tablecloths. If your choice fell on models with large and bright sequins, then pick up the dishes in neutral shades, even white plates and crystal glasses will do. If the tablecloth does not take much attention, then plates with elements that shade or complement it in color will look good on it.


There is still time before the guests arrive, and you, moreover, like to create various decorations with your own hands? Excellent! The fastest option New Year's composition- from balls, beads, cones and spruce branches. For example, put the balls on a candy bowl, complete the composition with several sprigs of spruce or strings of pearls (special New Year's threads for decoration are also suitable for these purposes).

Without changing traditions

When decorating the table, do not forget about the traditional symbols of the New Year: snowmen, gray-haired grandfathers, deer, snowflakes and stars. Put a few figures on the table, cut out a couple of snowflakes and hang them from the ceiling above the table, put a spruce “path” of small twigs in the middle of the table. Fantasize!

Got time? Bake gingerbread houses or decorate some dishes in the form of any figures, as, for example, during the Soviet Union sculpted snowmen from cottage cheese or decorated salads in the form of hedgehogs.

Our opinion:

Fire symbolizes warmth and comfort, so candles will not be superfluous on the New Year's table. The main thing is to choose the right candlestick to avoid a fire hazard. Alternatively, place small candles in glasses or clear glasses. Candles can make your table especially solemn and homely.

Western economy and frugality in food disgusts the Russian mentality, especially on New Year's Eve. Festive table should be bursting with food. A bowl of salad roams between jokes and toasts, but appetizers are still prepared in solid volumes. This has been the custom for a long time and it is not worth changing traditions for the arrival of the White Metal Bull. But try to serve everything elegantly, for example, beautifully decorate the dishes, or even better - choose a certain style for the feast and follow its rules.

The new mistress of the year, despite the roundness of forms and good appetite, is quite picky about the external surroundings. Study photos, get ideas and let the New Year's table setting become the most enjoyable moment in preparation for your favorite holiday.

In this article:

How to decorate the New Year's table in general: color, accessories, preferences from the Ox

So, we are waiting for the visit of the Bull. He will not be at the table, but the invisible presence is already felt, prompting to make plans for the near and distant future. And so that everything goes smoothly, preferably with an eye on the preferences and nature of the virtual hostess. Although I don’t believe in fairy tales, no one has canceled the ubiquitous “maybe”.

Outfits have already been chosen, gifts have been bought, definitely. The pre-holiday fuss is growing like a snowball, striving to capture all free time. Relax, meditate, and at the same time think over the serving, because the menu will be plentiful, the fun will be stormy, the surroundings will be spectacular - this is how it should be in the year of the Ox.

There are many options for decorating the New Year's table. For tablecloths, napkins, decor, Christmas and winter colors are suitable:

  • red;
  • white;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • silver;
  • gold.

Pastel versions are being considered - pink, ecru, light green, pale blue. All shades of yellow and brown are relevant. After all, it is in this outfit that the hostess and the queen of the ball will come to celebrate the New Year 2021.

Traditional decor:

  • candles, from miniature to massive;
  • Christmas balls, beads, tinsel;
  • coniferous branches and wreaths;
  • figurines of deer, snowmen, New Year characters.

How to combine all this into a common composition depends on the chosen style, and it must be sustained. Table setting on the principle - all the best is immediately excluded. The bull, though artiodactyl, but in the soul is a delicate little thing with good taste and a sense of proportion.

It is logical to assume that she likes the countryside, nature, gentle or brutal simplicity. This is true, but cheerful country, rough rustic, dreamy eco, shy shabby chic should appeal to you too. If there is no harmony, joy goes away.

New Year's table in different styles

Prefer asceticism, gloss, originality - act. Do not break yourself for the sake of any stereotypes. Yes, and there are none at all - the Ox will be happy with any treat. Therefore, you can choose any option for serving the New Year's table, even an intricate rustic, even a modest Japanese one. A few diverse examples will help to find the right direction.


Bright and positive, with its decoration it repeats the favorite colors of Christmas - white, red, green. The red and white range dominates - tablecloths and napkins, drawings on cutlery, packaging of small surprises or Greeting Cards for guests.

Decorations - cones, fir branches, inflorescences of winter berries, candy sticks. They are placed in small groups near each plate, in the center, as a separate composition on a wooden board or a coarse knitted napkin. Candles - simple white, large enough.

The second option is soft at home. A snow-white or calm checkered tablecloth, warm linen napkins set off the coolness of white plates and glass without gilding. Carved figures of deer hid near ceramic dishes, wooden boards with snacks. And yet - it's country! A green branch twists between the dishes, white candles are in the candlesticks, brushes of mountain ash are scattered.

Boho chic

If you want to decorate the New Year's feast brightly, spectacularly, unusually - boho-chic style is for you. Elements hand made at the heart of give wide scope for imagination and self-expression. In serving are actively used crochet and in the technique of macrame napkins, paths, tablecloths.

Dishes from different sets are welcome, subject to brightness and non-standard shapes. Well, if you have preserved glasses from the last century, on a leg or ordinary ones. Tall elegant wine glasses can easily coexist with mundane brutal ones.

Decor - lively and self made flowers, compositions of spruce branches and dried flowers, original cases for cutlery. The finishing touch on the ceiling is a spectacular chandelier or low-hanging dream catchers. Any color scheme, combinations of living wood and textiles are relevant.

Minimalism and Scandi

Simple, extraordinary, concise - minimalism in decorating the New Year's table should be a continuation of the style of the apartment. Otherwise, the serving will look poor and hasty, as if covered for a quick snack. The black and white gamma is relevant, a little silver or gray linen, candles from miniature to giant, green branches. Decor may be missing altogether.

Scandinavian style is a little more loyal and homely. Combinations of white with pink, red, blue, gilding, natural wood and ceramics are welcome. The table can be decorated with carvings, the chairs can be covered with fluffy fur capes.

Shabby chic

Summer style for winter serving - fresh, joyful, unusual. Bring out retro crockery - crystal salad bowls and glasses, fruit bowls on graceful legs, plates with gold borders and flowers.

Expose all the beauty on a simple wooden or aged board surface. A tablecloth is also suitable - a thin veil, with a printed or embroidered small pattern. Decorating is quite simple - lace, flowers, Christmas balls, candlesticks in the form of lanterns.


Lots of raw wood, brutal simplicity, natural coarse fabrics- burlap, unbleached linen, embroidery in the folk print technique. Large glasses, simple cutlery, glasses and small metal accessories, candles in jars - imitation of the life of woodcutters or forest hermits gives a special romantic touch to a magical night.

Eco style

Ecological style is similar to Scandinavian. Combinations of white with grassy green, wood, live plants and dried flowers are welcome. Tablecloth - made of natural materials, linen runners, napkins, wooden or straw coasters for plates. Nuts, tangerines, dried fruits, gingerbread - for decoration, simple twine for dressing.


A lot of gilding, refinement of forms, transparent glass on the thinnest legs, personalized places, an elegant surprise or beautifully packaged cutlery on the plate of each guest. Christmas balls in a vase, tinsel, sparkles, intricate candlesticks, sparkling deer figurines, carved snowflakes - decor with a claim to splendor is a must.

Do not try to make the New Year's table, and the whole house too colorful, there is a great risk of missing. It is optimal to use no more than three colors of the same saturation - either bright or muted. Remember the compatibility of textiles, appliances, jewelry.

Elegant tableware without a pattern will suit a bright tablecloth, it is possible with gilding, crystal on stable legs. Blue colour- the basis for silverware, twisted coasters, elegant tall glasses.

On a white, silver, gold background, colored glass looks great. Natural natural tones are combined with ceramics, delicate shades and flowered plates create a special homely atmosphere.

Stick to the general direction of the chosen style, pay attention to details, improvise, relying on your abilities. New Year's table setting can match the design of the room as a whole or be duplicated with a similar accent.

For example:

  • country - an elegant cheerful Christmas tree;
  • boho-chic - garlands of pom-poms on the walls;
  • shabby chic - floral curtains;
  • minimalism - gifts in craft or white paper.

If you want stability, choose what is close and understandable to you. If you are planning to start the New Year 2021 with global changes, start right now. Take an unusual approach and feel like a different person. There is time to explore a direction that you absolutely do not like, but perhaps it will become a guiding thread.

Therefore, with such trepidation, many make up new year menu 2020, looking for recipes for the New Year 2020 with photos and racking their brains with questions What to cook for the New Year 2020?” and “how to cook New Year’s dishes”? The menu for the New Year 2020, recipes for New Year's dishes, recipes for the New Year's table, prudent housewives think over in advance. If there are children in the family, New Year's recipes for children begin to be discussed. Some are looking for simple New Year's recipes, others - original New Year's recipes, others - traditional New Year's dishes. In the West, at this time, people are most often interested only in the recipe for New Year's cookies, but our people approach this issue more thoroughly and prefer to cook New Year's hot dishes, New Year's second courses. The New Year's menu for 2020, in principle, must be composed with taste in the literal and figurative sense. If you have any unrealized culinary recipes and culinary desires, dreams, new year holidays- it's time for them. Dishes on the New Year's table 2020 can be very diverse.

For those who have already begun to draw up the New Year's menu, select recipes, and those who are interested in Eastern calendar, we remind you that the symbol of the new year 2020 according to the Chinese calendar is the Rat or Mouse, more precisely, this is the year of the white metal rat. Astrologers are already drawing up their horoscopes to predict what the year of the rat has in store for us. We will tell you what to cook for the year of the rat on the New Year's table. Read more about the New Year's menu in the year of the rat.

Preparing for the celebration of the New Year is a very troublesome task, so it’s better to pick up New Year’s culinary recipes for the year of the rat in advance. Recipes for New Year's dishes for the year of the rat have a simple rule: this rodent should like them. New Year's menu for the year of the rat must include various salads. Vegetable, fruit, meat - a gourmet rat loves everything tasty, it eats vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish. New Year's recipes for the year of the rat (2020) can be prepared using nuts, mushrooms, the rat also loves them very much. And, of course, s-s-s-s-r-r! New Year's recipes for children for the year of the rat, you can cook from fruits and vegetables, you can bake cakes, muffins in the form of rats and mice. Original New Year's recipes for the year of the rat for children can be prepared from boiled eggs, cut out muzzles from vegetables and fruits, and mold a cheerful rodent from mashed potatoes. It would be nice to decorate children's dishes for the year of the rat or the year of the mouse with the image of a mouse, draw the silhouette of a mouse with cream, lay it out from dried fruits, nuts.

Recipes for the New Year's table in the year of the rat (2020) do not require anything completely surprising, but, on the other hand, the rat loves to eat delicious food, and she is also very curious. New Year's meat dishes will also be appropriate, because rats are omnivores. As a side dish for the New Year's table, you can offer the guests and the rat some kind of cereal, grains that this rodent will surely like.

To quickly and correctly prepare delicious New Year's dishes, use New Year's recipes with photos for the year of the rat. We have specially selected New Year's dishes with photos for the year of the rat. Recipes for the new year 2020 with photos will tell you step by step how to make any dish you like. We hope that our New Year's recipes will help you prepare really delicious New Year's dishes, and it doesn't matter if you used complex New Year's recipes or simple New Year's recipes. The Year of the Rat will bring you happiness on January 1, when family members and guests will thank you for a wonderful New Year's table. It would also be nice for yourself and for your guests to come up with the appropriate New Year's names for dishes, this will make the New Year's table 2020 even more original and mischievous, recipes with photos will show how you can show your Creative skills and make the process even more fun. And do not forget to make New Year's recipes with photos during the cooking process.