How to make a beautiful snowman from foam balls. Styrofoam balls and crafts from them: master classes, ideas and descriptions. Snowman from foam balls. DIY snowman from improvised materials

December 2015… Winter… Time for the kids to make a snowman…. True, winter in St. Petersburg is still only a calendar one. The third day in the city is a storm warning. The wind is howling, the rain is dripping, and with all this, from time to time, the sun peeps out - a completely surreal picture for the eyes ... On top of that, there is a positive temperature, which, in general, is not so bad, considering all other weather phenomena.
The only thing that upsets is the lack of snow the day before New Year holidays. Personally, I don’t really need snow, but the little one suffers - he really wants to go sledding, play snowballs and make a snowman ...

And here we also began to read the New Year's fairy tale by V.G. Suteev "Snowman The mailer is called." This author has good stories for children ... Whoever has small kids, read)))

So, against the background of all that has been said, today our task is to “blind” - to make a snowman, though not from snow ... but from quite accessible improvised materials. I saw a photo of a similar toy on social networks and I really liked the idea. Making a snowman is easy and fast!

Let's try?)))

How to make a snowman out of styrofoam balls


  1. Two styrofoam balls (one bigger, one smaller)
  2. Wire
  3. A piece of red felt-like material
  4. Remains fluffy yarn or any other, but you can do without it altogether
  5. Beads for the eyes
  6. Scissors
  7. Paper knife (or just a sharp knife)
  8. Glue gun or quick fix glue

Step one.

First of all, with a clerical knife, we cut off the tops of both balls on one side. Try to cut them in the same way, because. subsequently, these cut off pieces of balls will be useful to us for the legs of the snowman.

We cut off and immediately try everything on ... (see photo above), where we need to correct it)))

You also need to make grooves along the cuts - the place where the wire (handles) will lie

Step two - make handles Everything is simple here - you need to measure a piece of wire for pens and wrap it at the ends - palms. We measure "by eye" according to the size of our snowman. We wrap the wire with fluffy or any other yarn, we fix the yarn.

How you make mittens from two parts or from four - it does not matter ...

We'll just put the wire between the fabric and glue the fabric together...

It remains to attach the handles to their rightful place.

Step three. We fix our heads.

We insert the wire (handles) into the groove, treat the entire surface of the ball with glue and glue the head. We get this:
Step four. Hat and scarf

How the details of the snowman's clothes look like, see the photo below. Cut them out yourself according to the size of your styrofoam balls. I will only say one thing - in practice, it turned out that the foam plastic melts great under the influence of hot glue, therefore, when using a gun for gluing clothing parts, glue should be applied not to the ball, but to the fabric in “small steps”, i.e. you don’t need to immediately glue the entire surface of the hat, do it sequentially in parts, and for a scarf and one drop of glue is enough, but we will put it on the snowman as a last resort.
Step five. There is very little left to finally make a snowman - you need to make legs, nose, eyes

The legs are made from the cut parts of the balls. It is necessary to glue the part on the back with a cloth.

Spout - a piece is cut out of felt in the shape of a quarter of a circle, folded into a cone and fixed with glue.

The eyes are beads.
Glue the eyes (glue on the bead! without fail) Remember what I said about the fact that the foam melts? A visual result on the face of our snowman, take a closer look - you will see a dimple under the eye ...

And the nose - glue on the fabric!
Carefully glue the legs as in the photo above, put on a scarf and our snowman is ready! It took me about an hour to do everything about everything :) So, indeed, it turned out to be quite fast to make a snowman))) Much faster than tying ...

The snowman is ready!

By the way, if you still prefer knitted snowmen, I suggest reading the article ""

Happy New Year!)))

Making a snowman yourself is very simple, without spending a lot of money.

For this you will need the following materials:

  • Threads;
  • pearl barley or rice;
  • beads, rhinestones, buttons, ribbon.

Take a sock and cut off the nose. Let's put it aside.

We take most of the sock (with the heel) and tie one side with a thread. It must be tied tightly so that there is no hole left.

We fall asleep in the sock of cereals. It is better to take pearl barley or rice, because they are light and will not show through a white sock. We fall asleep almost to the very end, leaving a little bit of fabric so that we can tie it with a thread.

We tie a sock. It turns out a white ball or oval.

We put the sock on one of the sides with a tied bun (preferably with the one that turned out to be thicker). We begin to wrap the filled sock with a thread just above the middle. The bottom part should be larger than the top.

Let's start decorating. Between the balls, which are separated by threads, we tie a ribbon. The ribbon is a snowman's scarf.

We take rhinestones or beads and glue them like eyes, nose and mouth. It is better to glue on the glue-moment.

Liquid glue will not work, it is absorbed into the sock and the beads fall off.

We take the cut off nose of the sock and make a bend. We put it on the head of a snowman. It turns out a hat.

Two beautiful snowmen come out of a pair of socks. They are very cute and uplifting. Will be a great decoration for the holidays.

Other options for a do-it-yourself snowman from socks

How to make a very beautiful snowman out of stockings

Another snowman with the help of your skillful hands will settle in your house.

Materials and tools:

  • Two foam balls of the same size;
  • thin red felt;
  • green fleecy wire;
  • foam material, such as foam for the stand;
  • polymer clay orange color(you can plasticine);
  • red threads;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • acrylic paints or gouache - red and black;
  • tassel;
  • stationery knife.

We take two prepared balls and cut off small segments from them.

We divide one of the cut segments with a knife into 4 parts. We leave the middle ones, of which we will make handles.

From the packaging material, polystyrene or polystyrene foam, we cut out a circle of a slightly larger diameter than our balls.

Carefully cut a small hole in the middle.

Lubricate with glue and install the first ball cut up.

On the first ball, smearing it with glue, put the second - cut down.

Then cut out a rectangle from the felt. The larger side of this rectangle should be equal to the circumference of our ball, and the smaller side should be equal to its diameter - this will be a hat. A long strip of felt is a scarf. Mittens - 4 parts.

Glue the gloves to the handles.

Lubricate the felt for the hat with glue and apply to the head.

Attaching handles.

Lubricate the scarf with glue and wrap the neck area with it.

We make a carrot from plastic or plasticine and put it in place of the nose.

We tighten the cap with a red thread, cut the ends of the scarf and the upper part of the cap.

We twist the Christmas tree from a fleecy green wire.

We draw the snowman's eyes, mouth, blush on the cheeks, buttons. We give a Christmas tree in our hand.
Our craft is ready!

Do-it-yourself napkin stand with a snowman

New Year festive table never goes without a hot meal. In order not to spoil a beautiful tablecloth, hostesses often use special coasters. But they can be made to appearance in harmony with the atmosphere of the holiday. For example, link them in the form of a snowman.

For knitting coasters in the form Christmas toys we need any yarn of medium thickness of any dark color (otherwise the appliqué will merge with the background color), hook number 1, jeans yarn white color, pieces of glue-based felt, a decorative bow, two beads, scissors.

We recruit from dark yarn 4 air loops and close them in a ring with a connecting loop.

We knit the first row with single crochets, inserting the tool into the hole of the ring. The number of columns does not matter, the main thing is that the knitting does not bend. We also close the row with a connecting loop.

The next rows are also knitted with single crochets. To prevent knitting from bending at the edges, it is necessary to periodically make additions. We make additions in each row, but their number will vary depending on the numbering of the row. For example, in the second row we make 3-4 additions, in the third - 4-5 and so on. The number of additions can vary from yarn, so, most importantly, make sure that the knitting does not curl and the additions are at an equal distance from each other.

The total number of rows for the base is 5-6. You can make larger ones if you want the base to be larger.

In the next row, with a thread or a yellow marker, we designate 4 points that are equidistant from each other. In this row we also knit single crochets, but at the points marked to us we knit three single crochets into one loop.

We knit the third row in the same way as the second.

After that, we will tie the edge of the stand. To do this, we attach white yarn to the edge of the circle and knit the following pattern: 3 air loops for lifting, 1 double crochet in the same loop, 3 air loops, “pico” from these three air loops, 2 double crochets in the same loop.

We repeat the pattern to the end of the row, only instead of 3 air loops we knit a double crochet.

After that, we knit single crochets in the same way as we did when knitting the warp.

From pieces of glue-based felt we cut out a “bucket” and a “carrot”.

We form eyes from beads, sew all the details and glue them to the base so that we get a snowman.

Hot stand "Snowman" is ready. The author of the master class is Elena Sharygina.

In winter, in snowy weather, children ride with pleasure snowballs, and then make large and small snowmen out of them. It immediately becomes clear to everyone that the basis of such crafts should be balls of different sizes. If you transfer this object to paper, be sure to show round details. They can be easily drawn with a compass. But what to do if the child is still small, he does not know how to handle a compass at all, and this sharp object is dangerous for him.

Another thing is the tubes from toilet paper. Quite decent crafts are obtained from rolls. Naturally, the paper is gray on top, but it can be pasted over with a white sheet. And you can even not use a gray fragment, but immediately make a thin long cylinder of white cardboard.

Thus, to show a snowman figurine, it is not necessary to cut out 2-3 circles. You can make a white top hat and add distinctive details - a long carrot nose, skis, a broom. All this develops the baby's imagination, makes it possible to use non-standard materials and techniques to perform unusual crafts.

What to prepare for making a paper snowman:

  • white paper and a roll of toilet paper for the torso;
  • orange paper for the nose;
  • yellow and blue paper for headphones;
  • black paper for skis;
  • branches and tape for a broom;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • red and black pens or markers.

Make a white cylinder - the basis of the whole craft. This will be the blank completely for the entire torso of the snowman. Either stick a white sheet on the gray surface of the roll, or use white cardstock. Cut a strip from the cardboard, twist it into a cylinder, fasten it with glue or a stapler. Thus, the central part will be single, smooth and even, and not consisting of separate circles.

Make an orange nose in the form of a cone, it will look like a carrot. Take a circle, make an incision along the radius. Holding with your fingers, twist to get the desired part, glue the ends of the cone. Draw on a white roll round eyes with pupils with a black pen, a wide mouth with red. Now the face is marked on the cylinder.

Lubricate the base of the cone with plenty of glue. Glue the nose to the face.

Cut out blanks from the prepared paper: black skis, a blue stripe and 2 yellow circles for headphones. Gather a few short branches into a bundle, wrap the base with tape. You will get an imitation of a broom, which is usually inserted into the hands of snowmen, who are molded on the street from snow.

Glue a blue strip on the top of the cylinder on the sides. From above, mask the ends of the stripes with yellow circles. Headphones are ready.

Glue the side of the broom using tape or a piece of paper. The figurine seems to be holding it in his hands.

Now put the whole structure on skis. To stick them, use additional pieces of paper or tape.

The little paper snowman is ready. He rushes through the snowdrifts and celebrates the New Year. And you can also entrust him with a letter for Santa Claus, which he will definitely give to the addressee. In winter, we see a snowman in the yard, and we will see another small copy on the shelf after repeating this lesson.

A children's craft in the form of a snowman is made without much effort, so it is perfect for the smallest children. Everyone knows the modeling technique, because the creation of snowmen and snowmen is a favorite activity for all children in winter. There are a lot of snowdrifts on the street in the cold season, and one is drawn to go out into the yard, go sledding, play snowballs. And at home, no one forbids doing interesting work.

In this lesson, we will not only create an interesting figurine, but also decorate it at our discretion, because plasticine allows you to realize any fantasy. After reading this master class, you will not need to look for new ideas for winter creativity, you will definitely like this work.

To create a plasticine snowman craft, prepare:

  • white plasticine;
  • black, orange, red, blue, brown plasticine, but in small quantities;
  • match and toothpick.

Choose a white block from the set. It is he who looks like real snow - the same pliable, easily deformed into clods. But plasticine is not cold at all, it will never melt, even with water it can be moistened. Of course, you won’t be able to play snowballs, but you can do something unusual.

Cut off 2 pieces, leave a little for the limbs (no one forbids making arms and legs for our snowman). Roll 2 balls for the head and torso. These two details will be enough to form the figure.

Stretch the body slightly. Prepare a match for connection. This little detail will not only hold it together, but also make the figure moveable.

Connect the figure's head and body. Use the head of a match to push the eyes on the ball-head. Instead of the usual bucket that children in the yard can put on a snowman's head, make other accessories. Let it be bright headphones.

Blind a thin blue strip, glue it on the head with a semi-arc. Glue red cakes on the sides of the strip. These headphones are fashion trend winters. And they are also very to the face of the snowman.

Fill the eyes squeezed by the match head with black plasticine. Glue on the nose. It can be either a carrot or a wide bright ball. Make a mouth and blush. The cheerful face of the charming snowman is ready, he is smiling at us, and therefore we need to immediately move on to the next steps.

Glue bright red buttons on the front of the body, press them down with the tip of a toothpick. After that, use a toothpick to create a broom. A snowman usually stands at a post in the yard, a broom is inserted into his hands-branches.

Glue a few brown threads from one end of the stick, press down around the circumference with your fingers. Make oblong arms and legs. Better to keep them small. The main part of the craft is the torso and head.

The snowman turned out to be mischievous and festive, bright and noticeable. Insert the broom into his hands and seat him under a small tabletop Christmas tree. The New Year is rushing to visit us, with such a sentry we do not miss the most interesting, we will definitely prepare for the holiday and have fun.

Nature tirelessly fantasizes in winter and sends us dozens, hundreds, thousands of snowflakes from above. Scientists who have studied them under a microscope claim that they are all different. Of course, it’s hard for us to believe this, because snowflakes are so small, so tender, they instantly melt from a light touch or breath.

And we, too, can experiment and create something unique, we don’t even need to look at snowflakes under a microscope for a long time and look for certain distinctive features. We have at our disposal all kinds of materials for creativity: plasticine, paper, threads, felt, beads and much more.

Start with what you understand, with the easiest. Children love plasticine very much, and therefore they will gladly agree to make some kind of craft out of it, especially if it is.

To create a snowflake like the one suggested here, prepare:

  • plasticine;
  • stack.

How to make a fancy snowflake

The proposed snowflake is creative, not like the white and blue crafts that have become traditional for us. Why not use Brown color, it is so similar to chocolate, which is loved by children, which is sure to be in new year's eve in gifts, on the branches of the Christmas tree, on the festive table.

Is it possible to refuse the sweetest treat? Nevertheless, we can make additional white elements, moreover, we can also time the image on the snowflake to the New Year. For example, it will be a snowman - the middle of a snowflake and fluffy twigs - rays.

From a brown portion of plasticine, make the body of a snowflake. At first it will be a round cake, press it well to a hard surface, smooth it on top. Also show 6 rays using the stack. Press the cake around the circumference in 6 places. It is enough to make light cuts.

Make a very thin white cake, much smaller. Also walk around the edge of the stack. Glue to the center. Add another white cake, dock it with the previous part. This will be the head of the snowman, and first we prepared the torso. The figurine consists of two parts.

Stick it on your head Christmas hat. It is not difficult to make it if you have red and green plasticine on hand. Stick an imitation of a bright hat with a green border on your head. Add bubo.

Now you need to somehow decorate your craft, make the rays of a snowflake. Glue small pellets along the edge of the torso cake, pierce each with a sharp stick. Glue a branch of white thin plasticine threads on each ray. Make an imitation of spruce needles using a stack.

Glue spruce branches along each ray. The more magnificent the design, the better. Complete the snowman with a bright scarf so that it does not freeze at night, decorate with buttons. Glue black eyes and a nose in the form of a carrot. The figure looks elegant and wintery.

An interesting plasticine snowflake is ready. According to the same scenario, it is easy to perform other crafts that are bright and stand out against the general background; you can depict on them not only snowmen, but also Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree, a deer and other festive images.

DIY snowman "Skier"

How to make a snowman out of felt

In this master class, I propose to sew an interesting felt toy for the new year with my own hands.

For sewing New Year's toys we will need:

  • soft felt (blue or blue, white, a little red for the spout);
  • floss threads in blue or blue;
  • two buttons;
  • filler for a snowman (synthetic winterizer, holofiber);
  • beads or beads for eyes;
  • lace.

We draw three circles with a diameter of 5 cm, 4 cm and 3 cm with a compass. We cut out two circles according to these patterns, one of which has a small square at the top, in order to make it convenient to sew the circles to each other.

We take two large circles and sew them together, gradually filling them with filler.

We put two more circles on top, which are slightly smaller and sew them together as well, filling them with filler.

We do the same with the third round.

Cut out a strip of blue felt for a scarf 1 cm wide and a snowman long.

We attach a scarf to the snowman and sew a button in the middle of the scarf.

Sew another button between the bottom circles.

At the edge of the scarf, you can make small cuts with scissors.

Cut out a small triangle of red felt for the nose and sew to the face.

Sew on small beads for the eyes.

For handles, cut out small circles about 1 cm in diameter and sew.

Cut out two squares 1 cm by 1 cm for boots.

We cut the edges of the squares so that we get triangles and sew them to the snowman.

At the top of the snowman, we cut a hole with a ripper to thread the cord.

Thread a string through the hole.

The snowman is ready, it remains only to hang it on the Christmas tree or give it to someone as a souvenir.

How to tie the application "Snowman"

No New Year is complete without a snowman. And in this master class we will connect flat applique like this wizard! The product can be hung at home or at the workplace so that it reminds of the upcoming holiday and evokes a cheerful mood.

For knitting such an application, we need:

  • Yarn of red, white, black and peach (beige) colors;
  • Hook 1, 75 mm;
  • Scissors.

For applique, it is better to take a thin yarn. Suitable yarn "Children's novelty". The hook is better to use no more than 2 mm.

Let's start knitting with peach-colored yarn, as we will first knit the face for Santa Claus.

We form a ring of 6 loops, but do not close it.

We make 1 lifting loop and unfold the knitting. Next, we will knit in each loop 2 stbn.

Then again we make 1 lifting loop and knit with an increase through 1 loop.

We turn around and make 3 lifting loops. Then we knit 4 more sts at the same point. AT next loop we do 1 stbn. We skip 1 loop and in a new one we perform 5 sts.

So we will continue knitting to the end.

The beard was tied, now let's start making the hat.

For this we need red yarn.

We join from above in a peach loop from one edge and knit along peach loops. We simply do 1 stbn.

Gradually, the cap will narrow. In order for the edges to be even, we will make the strapping stbn.

Embroider eyes with black thread, and embroider nose with peach thread.

Now take the white thread again and make a few horizontal stitches under the nose. And we will perform 1 vertical stitch in the center of the horizontal ones.

The hat is ready, but you can decorate it with a voluminous pompom.

To do this, we attach the thread to the topmost central loop on the cap. We collect 10 in. Next, we join with a white thread in the last ch. We will now knit a magnificent column of 5 crochets. But we do not knit the yarns all at once, but 2 loops each. At the end we will knit 1 ss.

So we knitted a pompom for a hat. We tighten the thread and cut it off. We hide all the ponytails between the loops on the left side of the application.

In this article, you will learn how to make a snowman from Styrofoam balls with your own hands.

The snowman is an integral part of the New Year. We sculpt it on the street from snow. But a snowman can also be made in a house, small or large, from foam plastic - and put under the Christmas tree. Let's learn how to make a snowman.

Craft - a snowman made of foam balls with your own hands: a step-by-step assembly diagram, photo

Styrofoam snowman

A foam snowman looks beautiful, it is light, snow-white.

To make a snowman you need:

  • 2 Styrofoam balls, one larger (12cm diameter) and one smaller (9cm diameter), store-bought
  • A piece of soft material (about 1 m), fleece is suitable
  • A small piece of felt (orange or red) for a nose
  • 2 black buttons, rounded, instead of eyes
  • Waterproof black marker
  • Knife and scissors
  • Needle and thread

We collect crafts:

  1. From a large ball we cut off the bottom and top, the bottom - for stability, the top - for better alignment of 2 planes.
  2. Cut off the smaller ball on one side.
  3. We install the smaller ball on the larger one so that the sections are in contact, lubricate with glue, wait until they stick to each other.
  4. From the cut pieces of foam, cut out the hands.
  5. We cut out 4 rectangles from the fabric: 40 * 5 cm - a scarf, 30 * 15 cm - a hat, 2 rectangles (10 * 5 cm) - for mittens.
  6. We fold the rectangles for the hat and mittens in half, and sew: the hat on one side, the mittens on both sides.
  7. We tuck the hat from below (1-2 cm), and cut 2-3 cm from above - we make a fringe, collect the fringe together, tie it in the middle with a strip of fabric.
  8. We also make a fringe at the ends of the scarf.
  9. We put mittens on our hands and glue them to the snowman.
  10. We cut out a circle from felt, we need a fourth part of the circle, glue it to make a cone - this will be the nose, glue it.
  11. Glue the eyes - 2 black buttons.
  12. With a black marker, draw eyelashes, a mouth.
  13. Draw pink cheeks with lipstick. Our snowman girl is ready.

We cut off the foam balls - for stability and better contact

We glue the balls

We dress the future snowman in a hat, scarf and mittens

Craft - a snowman from foam balls: design ideas, photos

Large snowmen made of 3 foam balls and legs

A snowman can be made large, from 3 balls, and with legs from small rectangles of the same foam. The principle of operation is the same as from 2 balls. Instead of a hat, you can put a plastic bucket on your head, and make a scarf and a hat lapel from the New Year's rain.

Such a snowman can be installed next to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden on New Year's party in kindergarten or school.

The best DIY foam snowman crafts: photo

Big snowman made of styrofoam balls

If you get large styrofoam balls, you can make snowman in human growth, cover his head with a hat, and dress him in a sleeveless jacket.

Little snowman on skis - decorations for the Christmas tree

Little snowman on skis. Ice cream sticks come in handy for skis. Glue ski poles made from toothpicks to the hands of small foam balls.

Little snowman on a snowboard - decoration for the Christmas tree

Snowman on a snowboard from plywood, and ordinary twigs made of wood can serve as hands - the decoration of your Christmas tree.

So, we learned how to make a snowman from Styrofoam balls, and made sure that there is nothing complicated in this.

Video: How to make a foam snowman for the New Year? Vytvoryashki

Draw three circles of different diameters on cardboard or a sheet of paper, adding them together you will get a snowman of the desired size. Place these circles on a flat piece of Styrofoam and trace around them with a pen or felt-tip pen. Cut out the blanks with a sharp knife.

Glue the circles together using hot glue. You will also need two small round foam blocks to make hands for your craft. Cut them out and glue them to the middle circle.

Quickly and simply, foam circles can be fastened together using wooden toothpicks.

Make a hat for the snowman. To do this, roll a cone out of colored paper and glue it on the toy's head. From red or orange colored paper, make a second cone for the snowman's nose. Draw the eyes acrylic paint or glue on suitable buttons or beads. Draw the mouth with paint.

From a piece shiny fabric or wrapping paper cut a strip and tie around the snowman's neck like a scarf. To the mug, which implies the hand of the craft, glue spruce branch. Make a loop of thin braid, which you attach to the top circle, then your snowman will take his place on the tree.

Volumetric snowman

Stick a plasticine pancake on a piece of cardboard or an old DVD. Stick a wooden skewer into it. On the disk, try not to get the skewer into the hole. Grate a piece of foam on a coarse grater. You should get even small pieces, without large inclusions.

To make snowman balls salty dough. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. flour. Add about 1/3 tbsp. water. You should have a tough dough. Roll it into three balls of different sizes. Roll them in styrofoam. Stick them on a wooden skewer to make a snowman.

Ready-made styrofoam balls can be purchased at art and craft stores.

Stick two branches into the middle lump, which can be pre-painted with acrylic paint, or you can not paint. Draw the eyes and mouth of the snowman with a contour on ceramics or paints. Sculpt the nose out of plasticine. Tie a fleece scarf around your neck.

Place a bucket on the snowman's head. From color thick paper cut out the rectangle. Its width will be equal to the height of the bucket that you want to get. Roll the workpiece into a cylinder and glue it. Place the cylinder on paper and draw a circle. Then cut it out, adding half a centimeter to the fold. Bend the edges of the circle and glue it to the cylinder, making the bottom of the bucket. Cut a piece of stainless steel wire and poke two holes in opposite sides of the bucket. Bring the ends of the wire out and twist with round-nose pliers so that the handle does not fall out. Glue the bucket onto the snowman's head.

The holiday is coming - New Year. Time for miracles and gifts! At this time, children can make wonderful foam snowmen. Balls can be purchased at any craft store.

Such activities develop creative thinking, imagination, fine motor skills, perseverance. It also brings parents and children together and just pleases, bringing a great mood!

Master class No. 1 "Snowman from foam balls"

You will need:

2. Wire;

3. A piece of red matter such as felt;

4. Remains of fluffy yarn or any other;

5. Beads for the eyes (or sequins);

6. Scissors;

7. Knife for cutting paper;

8. Glue gun or quick fix glue.


1. With a utility knife, cut off the tops of both balls on one side. Try to cut them in the same way, because. then these cut off pieces of balls will be useful to us for the legs of the snowman.

2. We make grooves along the cuts - the place where the wire (handles) will lie.

3. We make pens. It is necessary to measure a piece of wire for pens and wrap it at the ends in the form of mitten contours. Then the wire must be wrapped with white, fluffy or any other yarn and fastened.

4. On the fabric we circle the palm (bent wire). The mitten should be double (i.e. like a real mitten).

5. We attach the mitten to the wire (two halves of one mitten can be either sewn or glued together).

6. Insert the wire (handles) into the groove, treat the entire surface of the ball with glue and glue the head.

7. According to the size of your foam balls, you need to make patterns for a scarf and hat. Then attach the clothes to the head and neck of the snowman.

Please note that the foam plastic melts strongly under the influence of hot glue, therefore, when using a gun for gluing clothing parts, the glue must be applied not to the ball, but to the fabric in “small steps”, i.e. do not immediately glue the entire surface of the cap, do it sequentially in parts, and for a scarf one drop of glue is enough.

8. We make legs, nose and eyes.

The legs are made from the cut parts of the balls. It is necessary to glue the part on the back with a cloth.

Spout - a piece is cut out of felt in the shape of a quarter of a circle, folded into a cone and fixed with glue.

Eyes - beads or sequins.

10. Gently glue the legs, put on a scarf and the snowman is ready!

Master class No. 2 "Snowman from foam balls"

You will need:

1. Two foam balls (one larger, one smaller);

2. Blush (for cheeks);

3. Decorative snowflakes (for decoration);

4. Beads for the eyes;

5. Beautiful, bright buttons (for decoration);

6. Fleece (for a hat);

6. Scissors;

7. Knife for cutting paper;

8. Toothpicks;

9. Glue gun or quick fix glue.


1. With a utility knife, cut off the tops of both balls on one side.

2. Insert 3 toothpicks on 3 sides into the lower ball on the cut out part and carefully attach the head to the foam ball.

3. We make a hat. We take fleece, 13-15 cm wide, length according to the diameter of the head. Do not forget to do 1.5-2cm. overlap to glue the hat.

Apply hot glue to the fabric and glue. It turns out a fabric connected in a circle (like a sleeve). Then we put a hat on the snowman's head (it is not necessary to glue it). Then we form the top of the cap, you can tie it with a string from above, like a pompom at the top, or tuck it inward, forming corners, and grab it with glue in the middle (it will turn out like a cat's ears). You can do it like an owl's ears (make cuts to the middle, divide in half and tie with ribbons).

4. Cut out small fleece mittens and a scarf. We glue the mittens with a glue gun to the body of the snowman. We simply tie the scarf. And we decorate mittens and a scarf with decorative snowflakes.

5. We select the buttons and glue them on the body with a glue gun.