New Year's interior decoration with your own hands. DIY Christmas decor: creative ideas in the form of instructions. Festive atmosphere at home

The rooster symbolizes responsibility, duty, receiving satisfaction from a fully completed job. He has a strong character, he is assertive and determined, dominant and intimidating.

In anticipation of the year of the Fiery Red Rooster, fill your home New Year's mood and holiday. After all, this is not only the purchase and decoration of a Christmas tree, but also the creation of a homely atmosphere for the approaching holiday. Remember how in early childhood we cut snowflakes from notebook sheets and attached them to glass, and decorated the ceiling with New Year's rain.

Many today for holiday ideas go online, ask friends for creative advice, or stock up on magazines and books from the local library.

So why are we looking for ways to make our own jewelry instead of taking the easier route by buying it? Often people complain about the lack of a festive spirit in the ready-made decor purchased from the store. Creating your own new Year decoration, we use only our own hands and creativity, and get something completely unique and beautiful.

Each of us can invent and create something of our own. Prepare a few holiday items such as tinsel, garlands, gold spray, paint, ribbons and beads for decoration.

Holiday decorations for the home are not just snowflakes and garlands, but also fragrant candles and intricate candlesticks, sweet candy tree and snowmen, lights and many other decorations.

New Year's ideas do not require special knowledge, but depend on your New Year's mood.

Festive table

New Year's is a flurry of baking, cooking, shopping, and gift wrapping. But in anticipation of the big holiday, do not forget to plan your table. After all, he will be the center of attention when you welcome the arrival of the Fire Rooster.

To do it right, think about the style you would like to be in this year. You can choose traditional red or green, classic white mixed with gold or silver. Or even rustic style with cones, ivy or eucalyptus leaves decorating the table.

Your look and style may be dictated by the napkins and dishes you already have. If your budget allows new purchases, then pick up parts that will serve you for many years. Think over the tone elements of the serving, and then tie appearance with colorful or stylish accessories.

Here are some great table setting tips, with a few seasonal touches:

Classic white

With large quantity white tones: from decorations, gifts and classic white tableware, the house creates a special calming atmosphere of the holiday. All stark white details complement the festive foods and colorful shot glasses for a touch of magic.

Fire Rooster an adherent of red, so try to bring notes of this color into your design by choosing dishes and napkins to match.

Add holiday elements to the table

To set the table in a special style, wood decorations will help. The filled glass container with unpeeled nuts, artificial cranberries, pine cones and cinnamon sticks mounted on a bar of polished wood.

A little greenery will brighten up a neutral snow-white tablecloth. After making name cards from cut cardboard, place them in a circle of leaves, greeting each guest.

Not all gifts have to be placed under the tree. Place the mini-packs made from beautiful wrapping paper on the dining table.

Wheat stalks can look just as beautiful as fresh flowers. A simple bundle with a ribbon, placed inside a transparent vase on artificial snow, is successfully combined with a bulky container filled with almonds and decorated with an evergreen spruce branch. If there is no more room on the tree for decorations, place them on the table in a clear vase. The brilliant flame of the candle will bounce beautifully throughout the room.

Simple but awesome idea festive serving table there is a placement in the center of the table of round candles of red and white flowers in a glass dish. Fill the rest of the dish with lingonberries. If you wish, you can add several pine branches and dusted with artificial snow. But just with red berries, the picture is mesmerizing.

Unexpected surprise

During the holiday, place cookies, nuts and other snacks on separate trays off the dinner table to help you and guests enjoy desserts.

Use holiday glasses

Drinks and desserts will always look best in a beautiful glassware. Different heights of wine glasses can add visual impact to your holiday table.

The rooster demands from us the simplicity of decorating the festive table, order and elegance.

Feel the atmosphere of the holiday, preparing for it, and most importantly - decorate it yourself and have fun!

New Year is on the list of holidays that are dearly loved not only by children, but also by adults. They look forward to it and believe that on this day something magical and fabulous will happen. The main tradition of this holiday is the exchange of gifts with friends and relatives. It is pleasant for someone to give gifts, for someone, on the contrary, to receive, but in any case, each person asks the question of choosing a gift. Consider, how to make gifts for the New Year 2017 with your own hands.

When choosing gifts, the main task is to find an unusual and original present. Of course, modern stores offer a wide range of various interesting things, but it's much more pleasant to make original gifts for the New Year with your own hands.

Christmas photo frame

A photo frame is a fairly common gift, so it can also be given for the New Year holidays, casting aside doubts. She will always remind loved ones of your love for them and, of course, please the eye. There are a lot of advantages in such a gift, the main of them is ease of implementation. The frame can be decorated with any decorative elements that seem suitable to you.

For work you will need:
  • Any frame;
  • Beads, rhinestones, sequins;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard or photograph;
  • Coating varnish.
Manufacturing principle:

As a basis, you can take any frame: wooden, plastic or metal. In addition to it, you will need various beads, rhinestones, sparkles, glue and varnish for coating. From felt you need to cut out snowflakes, each of its own size and color. Also, a cardboard base is useful for work, on which wishes will be written or a photograph pasted. Glass can be used as desired. A cardboard base should be attached to the frame, snowflakes, beads and other decorations should be glued to it. At the end of the work, apply varnish and allow the product to dry. Such a gift will become a pleasant and warm memory for those to whom it is intended.

Other DIY Christmas Frame Ideas:

Christmas frame for a photo with your own hands
A regular frame sprinkled with sparkles is a cool do-it-yourself souvenir

DIY Christmas tree

A homemade Christmas tree is a gift that anyone will surely like. It is unique in that it is able to create a real New Year's atmosphere and will perfectly replace a large real spruce. After all, some people do not always manage to put this tree and decorate it.

For work you will need:
  • Paper, drawing paper or cardboard;
  • Tinsel;
  • small toys;
  • Garland.
Manufacturing principle:

It is not difficult to make such a gift, for this you need to take cardboard or whatman paper. The size of the sheet or roll depends on how big the tree you want to make. The paper needs to be folded into a cone shape and tinsel wrapped around it, after applying glue there. The main thing is to wrap the cone tightly with tinsel so that there are no gaps. The finished Christmas tree can be safely decorated with small toys or garlands. This will create a real feeling of the New Year holiday.

Other homemade options Christmas trees:

A small Christmas tree is a cute souvenir in addition to any gift for New Year

Sweet gifts for the New Year with your own hands

Many people associate New Year with sweets. It is doubly pleasant to give or receive something tasty and original as a gift.

Sweet Christmas decorations

Great gift- appetizing and edible decoration on the tree These gingerbread cookies will look great as decoration and will be a great addition to other sweets on the table. Such delicious gifts for the New Year with their own hands everyone will be pleasantly surprised.

For work you will need:
  • Butter good quality;
  • Linden honey;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Cardamom;
  • egg yolks;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Sugar;
  • Flour;
  • Chocolate;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Ginger;
  • Carnation.
Cooking steps:
  1. 120 g sugar and ½ of a packet butter must be mixed and heated until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  2. Add 250 g of linden honey to this mixture and mix.
  3. Grind 20 cloves.
  4. Add ½ kg of flour, cloves, 2 tsp. peeled and grated ginger, 3 yolks, 1 tsp. cardamom grains and 2-3 tsp. cinnamon.
  5. Next, all the ingredients must be mixed and brought to a homogeneous mass.
  6. Roll out the layer with an oak rolling pin so that its thickness is at least 0.5 cm. Cut out the desired figures with molds or a glass.
  7. On gingerbread, make small punctures with straws for cocktails.
  8. Bake products for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of at least 190 degrees.
  9. Then you need to prepare the icing sugar. To do this, grind 50 g of sugar in a coffee grinder. Pour in a tablespoon of lemon juice and stir.
  10. Sprinkle gingerbread with sugar glaze. You can also melt 120 g of chocolate in the microwave and dip the gingerbread into it.
  11. Ribbons should be stretched through the holes made, decorate the gingerbread.
  12. To achieve bright colors, you can add natural food colorings to the glaze, such as beet juice or carrot juice.

Sweet Christmas ball

A sweet ball on the Christmas tree is a genuine joy for real sweet tooth.

For work you will need:
  • Round Christmas tree toy made of transparent plastic or glass;
  • cocoa powder;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Small sweets;
  • Chocolate drops or bar pieces;
  • Little marshmallow.
Cooking steps:
  1. From the transparent ball, you need to remove the upper part, rinse it and dry it.
  2. Pour cocoa powder, powdered sugar and chocolate drops inside. Mix.
  3. Add small sweets, marshmallows.
  4. Put the top on the ball.

Such a gift can be safely given to friends and relatives. It will be an excellent decoration for the Christmas tree, and after the celebration, the contents of the ball can be poured into a cup, poured with milk or boiling water and enjoy a fragrant drink.

Other sweet options New Year's gifts:

DIY symbolic gifts for the New Year 2017

You can prepare a gift in the form of a Fire Rooster. This mythical bird in 2017 is a symbol of the New Year. For example, make an original souvenir in the form of this bird.

For work you will need:
  • Flour - 200 g;
  • Water - 130 g;
  • Salt - 125 g;
  • Paints;
  • beads;
  • Glue.

In order to make such a souvenir, you need to mix flour, salt and water. From the resulting dough, mold a rooster: head, beak, eyes, tail, comb. Fasten all the details together with glue and paint with bright colors. You can also glue beads on a colored rooster for decoration.

Rooster bottle

Turn a bottle of champagne into a rooster - an invariable attribute of the New Year's table. Its appearance will please children and, undoubtedly, will surprise adults.

For work you will need:

Even a first-grader will not have any difficulty making such original gift. From yellow paper you need to make a cone and cut out the wings. Cut out small details from red paper: beak, scallop, eyes. The tail can be made from feathers, or it can also be cut out of paper. Glue all the details together, and the symbolic original champagne rooster is ready.

Unusual gifts for the New Year with your own hands

A gift with a real New Year's mood is a Christmas toy with a photo. It will be a pleasure to receive such a present for everyone without exception. After all, photography is pleasant memories, and in this performance it will not leave anyone indifferent.

For work you will need:
  • Transparent Christmas ball;
  • artificial snow;
  • Ribbon;
  • The photograph is approximately 5x5.

To get started, print a photo. Its size depends on the size of the toy itself. Next, pour artificial snow into the hole of the toy and insert a neatly folded photo. Using a needle or toothpick, straighten the photo inside. Tie the toy to a bright ribbon, and the gift is ready.

Excellent complement New Year's interior can snowmen from light bulbs. The proposed gift for the New Year will definitely please its new owners, especially if it was made by hand.

For work you need:
  • Bulb;
  • Glue;
  • White paint;
  • Brush;
  • colored paper;
  • Markers and markers;
  • Scraps of fabric;
  • Scissors.

Light bulbs for this option can be taken burned out. First you need to color them in White color and let dry. Then cut out rectangles from scraps of fabric - these will be snowmen's scarves. They should be glued to snowmen. With markers and felt-tip pens, you can draw eyes, pockets, mouth and buttons, and cut out a carrot nose from orange or red colored paper. A small smiling guest will certainly decorate the festive table.

DIY creative gifts for the new year

You can give your loved ones warmth, comfort and a piece of magic very simply. A beautiful and festive candlestick will help create that very atmosphere.

For work you will need:
  • Glue;
  • Glass vase, glass or jar;
  • White paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Brush;
  • Candle;
  • Decor elements.

To make such a creative candle holder, cut snowflakes of different sizes from white paper. The container that will become the candlestick must be perfectly clean and dry. You need to take a brush, dip it in glue and carefully apply it over the entire surface. Then glue on the snowflakes. After the snowflakes are glued, you need to apply another layer of glue to create an uneven texture. After that, leave the candlestick to dry for 1 day. Next, you can take beads or beads, string them on a thread and tie a candlestick with it. Also suitable for this bright ribbons. When the candlestick is ready, you will need to place a candle inside.

What else the New Year holidays are associated with is cones. From them you can also create an original gift that will be remembered for a long time.

For work you will need:
  • Wreath from a frame with a diameter of 40-50 cm;
  • Green nylon thread;
  • Glue gun;
  • Fir cones.

To build a wreath of cones, the frame must be carefully wrapped with nylon thread. It can be made independently from wire and foam rubber. Using glue, large cones need to be glued to the moss. Small cones fill the empty space between the large ones. Next, you should wait until the wreath dries, and then the present is ready.

The listed gifts with instructions will help to bring to life the most original and creative ideas for the New Year. Do not be afraid of difficulties, because everything is much simpler than it might seem. In order to create a universal gift for loved ones, you absolutely do not need to have special knowledge, it is enough to want it and make it with love.

Other New Year's crafts from cones with your own hands

There are only a few weeks left before the main holiday of children and adults, and if you have not yet begun to prepare for it, then now is the time to think about how exactly you will celebrate the New Year.

The festive atmosphere does not appear on its own - you need to attach both imagination and your golden hands to it. And to enter next year with luck in your pocket, you should decorate the table on the eve of 2017 in accordance with the "preferences" of his patron.

Symbolism of 2017 of the Fire Rooster and the basic rules for decorating the New Year's table

In the coming year, the Fire Rooster reigns. And the design of the table (and the house as a whole) should be carried out based on the "specifics" of this symbol.

The key colors in which we select decor for the holiday are all shades of red, orange and gold.

Do not feel sorry for shiny little things - more brilliance, contrast and brightness!

As for the choice of dishes - here the Rooster is modest and unpretentious.

Dishes can be prepared simple and unpretentious (we turn on the fantasy only on their design), and, of course, exclusively natural:

  • Light meals, more grains and vegetables.
  • Pickles and greens laid out on a tray.
  • Cutting on mini-sandwiches.
  • Homemade pastries.
  • Liqueurs, aromatic wines, berry tinctures.

Don't piss off the Rooster black and gray shades in the decor - we exclude them completely.

Ideal option - to arrange a place of celebration in rustic style , with embroidered tablecloths, linen napkins and wicker baskets.

However, the choice of style is up to you. The main thing is not to forget the basic rules.

DIY decor and decorations for the New Year's table 2017

In the year of the Rooster, any decorations made from natural elements, handmade.

Particular attention is paid to pine elements that represent longevity.

Whole compositions will be spectacular (in size - in accordance with the size of the table) from branches, berries, fruits, pine / spruce paws, Christmas balls etc.

Do not forget about ribbons and rain, decorative snow, cones, ears of corn and branches, bells, nuts, candles and sweets, toys and other materials at hand.

We place the largest composition, of course, in the center of the table.

You can fix the elements of the compositions with a stapler, wire, special glue (using a “gun”).

For example…

  • We fix the tinsel around the perimeter of the New Year's table. At the corners of the table we attach bows with unbreakable Christmas balls or bells. We keep the same style in the design!
  • We arrange themed figurines on the table (tiny snowmen, for example, chickens or cockerels, small but bright decorative eggs), add romance with candles.
  • At the places of "landing" of the guests, we install cards made of gold cardboard with their names. For each set of dishes - a box with a present.
  • We put the main composition in the center of the table. You can create it from spruce paws and cones covered with artificial snow, a couple of thick candles and spruce balls.
  • The "zest" of the table "from 31st to 1st" is cereals, feathers and, of course, flowers. Therefore, if possible, put a composition or a vase with dried flowers, feathers, wheat ears. If such elements could not be found, you can pour cereals into small bowls and decorate them with spruce branches.
  • "Nest". Such a composition must be present on the festive table as a talisman. We replace the grass in the nest with green threads or ribbons, create the nest itself from ribbons, or take a ready-made basket without handles, put boiled eggs painted in “gold” or bright red in the nest.
  • It is recommended to put a yellow coin under each plate so that in the year of the Fire Rooster, financial stability accompanies you in all areas of life.
  • Great if you have a samovar! We clean it to a shine, decorate it with a bunch of bagels, set it on an embroidered napkin.
  • Don't forget the bunches of sweet onions , wheat ears or hot red pepper.

How to arrange and how to decorate cutlery and dishes on the table in the New Year of the Rooster 2017?

The main rule when decorating a table is to maintain a single style. Remember that the table is not a Christmas tree, and stick to the golden mean.

We choose exclusively real dishes! There should not be any plastic on the table. The ideal option is Gzhel porcelain, bright antique sets, wooden bowls and ladles, clay dishes.

Every little thing should be special and match uniform style, including straws in glasses and skewers.

How to decorate a table?

Decorating the New Year's table 2017 and the room with candles

One of the most important attributes of the festive table is, of course, candles. They always add mystery, romance and celebration. And this year - even more so, because the Fire Rooster requires a "fiery" design.

What kind of candles and how can I put on the table?

Do not abuse candles! Do not clutter up the table space with them. Candles should only emphasize the "same" atmosphere.

Decoration of dishes on the New Year's table 2017 Year of the Rooster

How to treat your guests and household for a holiday - everyone decides for himself.

But you need to proceed from the fact that the Rooster prefers simple and light dishes. Therefore, do not get carried away with frills and overseas dishes - everything is your own, native, simple and, of course, beautifully designed. The rooster loves wicker buns, bagels with tea from a samovar, pies, bundles of onions / peppers, etc.

How to arrange meals?

It doesn’t matter what kind of salad you have in a vase, what matters is how it is decorated. And as you know, there are no limits to fantasy. Therefore, we take ideas from the head, from the Web, from magazines, etc.

The main thing is that not a single dish is left without attention.

Whatever you cook, decorate with love. And, of course, with the children. More fruits/vegetables, grains and cereals on the table - Rooster is not a big fan of meat.

And remember, the owner of the next year does not require anything from us - he himself brings good luck, love and financial stability.

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Here comes the magic time new year holidays which both children and adults look forward to. Since childhood, we all associate winter with real miracles and long-awaited gifts. One has only to believe in magic, and most cherished desire will surely come true! And so that the festive atmosphere will completely envelop you even before the New Year and Christmas, do some magic on the New Year's decor at home.

How to decorate a house for the New Year?

Already on the eve of this wonderful time, you can come up with and make DIY Christmas decorations. If you do not have enough imagination to create your own ideas, the Internet and various glossy publications offer a lot of options. Enough to stock up necessary materials, and most importantly - patience and perseverance, and you will succeed.

Remember, we already decorated the house with our own hands last year? Now consider the trends of New Year's decor in 2017.

Decor ideas for the New Year can appear in the interior with the help of additional elements. It can be Christmas wreaths, garlands, christmas toys, candles, fruits, balls, light bulbs and more. And of course, do not forget about the transformation of the main attribute of the New Year - the Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas tree

Popular 2017 ideas for do-it-yourself New Year's decor are wreaths, candles, champagne. In general, everything that we all associate with this wonderful holiday.

Do-it-yourself home decoration for the New Year

Some people think that New Year's Eve decorations take too much time and money. But you can come up with something quite simple, and at the same time stylish and charming, and your house will shine with new colors.

There are many stores where you can buy everything for decor, you just need to be inspired by some ideas. But this does not mean that you need to run and buy everything in the world to decorate your apartment for the New Year. It is enough to add a few details to the interior that will add coziness and a festive atmosphere to your home.

Christmas wreaths

Wreaths as decor ideas for the New Year with their own hands are very popular, so the methods and options for their manufacture are very diverse. You can use almost any materials, the main thing is to follow the recommendations, and you will see how you can decorate your home easily and without any hassle. Detailed master classes how to make Christmas wreaths for home - here and here.

First, imagine how your wreath will look like, what colors will prevail in the elements of its decor, and where you would like to place it. As a rule, this Christmas decoration is hung on the door, but you can arrange it anywhere. Once the wreath design is mentally complex, choose the right materials and elements that will be needed to make it. The basis for it can be:

  • clothespins;
  • socks;
  • wine corks;
  • newsprint;
  • cardboard;
  • fruits;
  • Christmas tree toys;
  • candies;
  • cones;
  • balloons;
  • small items of clothing;
  • beads, fabric, and more.

Candles and champagne

Candles are an essential attribute of the New Year's Eve, which will make your home even cozier and more romantic. It remains only to wrap yourself in a blanket and enjoy the upcoming holidays in a warm family circle. Moreover, it is very simple idea decor for the New Year with their own hands.

You can knit candle cases, or use an old knitted sweater, cutting off the necessary piece from it. Such decor will warm and delight you at home on cold winter days.

For the next idea, you will need glass containers and long candles. Place a New Year's candle in their neck, and decorate the free space that forms at their junction with a cloth or pine needles.

Via beautiful candles you can create a spectacular New Year's decor with your own hands, the photo of which is presented below. It can be whole compositions of cones, twigs, artificial snow, tinsel and other small details.

You can take a non-standard approach to decorating candles and dress them up with Christmas balls, only miniature, bright and neat. It will turn out just a wonderful decor for the New Year!

As for champagne and glasses for it, they also need to be transformed for the holiday. They will be spectacular additions to the decoration of the house for the New Year. Wine glasses can be decorated with interesting beads or paint something New Year's on them.

Champagne can be decorated in the following ways:

  • with the help of colored ribbons that can be tied around the bottle and neck;
  • replace the usual sticker on the bottle with a festive one New Year's greetings;
  • draw a winter landscape or any other thematic picture on champagne using paints;
  • for a bottle, just like for a candle, you can make a knitted cover, or use some interesting fabric.

As you can see, you already know several ways to decorate your home with your own hands.

DIY Christmas garlands

Garlands are a proven way to create the right atmosphere in your home. With their help, you can decorate all the rooms and make them more festive. If you are wondering how to decorate a room for the new year, then garlands will be the most suitable option.

You can hang them on the windows, above the door and at the head of the bed. To make the Christmas tree sparkle with bright lights and look even more elegant, decorate it with a garland.

This New Year's decor of the apartment will delight all family members. And if you want not only the interior of the rooms to flicker, you can use garlands to decorate the house outside, and then not only you, but also the neighbors will be able to enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of the holiday.

See also: Beautiful Christmas decorations for the street

Christmas tree decorations

Can not imagine new year's eve without this green beauty. A live Christmas tree creates a magical holiday atmosphere, and the process of decorating it for the New Year entices everyone. This is a great opportunity to have fun with the whole family.

Christmas decoration trends change every year, but the main thing is to dress her up the way you like it. It can be anything: balls, pendants, sweets, paper snowflakes, garlands with multi-colored light bulbs, stars, fruits and much more. It all depends on your imagination.

DIY Christmas balls: step-by-step master classes

You can also make your own Christmas decorations. For this you need:

  • Take balloon and inflate it, but not too much.
  • Coat it with ordinary glue on top.
  • While the glue is not dry, you need to wrap the ball with thread and yarn different colors and leave it all to dry.
  • Take a needle, deflate the balloon and you're done!

In this way, you can make one of the many original Christmas decorations for a New Year's decor that will be remembered by all your guests.

DIY Christmas toys - photo

We decorate windows

If the snow has not yet pleased you this winter, but you want to see frosty drawings outside the window, then you can decorate the windows with homemade white paper snowflakes. These Christmas ideas will make your home stand out from the rest, and you will feel the winter like no other.

For those who are fond of knitting, you can make multi-colored snowflakes from threads decorated with beads and hang them around the apartment. This DIY Christmas decor, ideas for which you can take from the Internet, is easy to implement in any place convenient for you. For this, only schemes and improvised materials are needed. There are many more ways to make snowflakes:

You can also build such decorations:

  • make a composition of candles, cones and spruce, and put it on the windowsill;
  • take home-made or purchased balls, and hang them around the perimeter of the window;
  • you can also hang Christmas socks, garlands and other New Year decorations for the house.

Do not limit your imagination and create whole New Year's compositions, because it's so fun and interesting to create something with your own hands. Include children in this process and help them make something magical.

Wall and door decor for the New Year

Just like windows, walls should be decorated with snowflakes and garlands. handmade. Decorating the walls for the New Year will take you a little time, because you just need to attach decorations with adhesive tape or carnations.

If there was no place in the house for a living Christmas tree, then you can make it from improvised materials and place it directly on the wall. Such a decoration of the house for the New Year will look very original and beautiful, and such an integral attribute of the holiday as a Christmas tree can delight you all winter.

Doors in New Year's houses like to decorate with natural or self-made wreaths. They identify some special festive spirit, and seem to remind you that the New Year will soon be knocking on the door.

You can hang rain or tinsel on it and make a horseshoe that will bring good luck and success to the whole family. Thus, decorating a house for the New Year with your own hands can be not only beautiful, but also useful.

Ideas for serving the New Year's table

When the interior design is completed, and the question of how to decorate the house for the New Year is closed, you can proceed to the final stage - laying the festive table.

Beautiful New Year's table setting

This is the place where all close people and friends will gather on New Year's Eve, so you need to put your whole soul into its design, and then all the guests will appreciate your preparation.

Arrange candles and compositions that you have prepared for decorating your home with your own hands on the table. Think about how you can “dress up” the table with holiday napkins. Dishes also need to be in the holiday spirit, so see how you can arrange salads and other cooked goodies.

You can also put a homemade Christmas tree in the center, and let everyone write wishes to each other on it. You can also make DIY gifts for the New Year, videos of which can be viewed on the Internet. This is good idea, because such a gesture of attention will be doubly pleasant.

New Year's decor trends 2017: photos

The New Year is approaching, which means it's time to think about the appropriate decoration of your living space. The new review has collected the most striking and curious examples of how this can be done for the upcoming holidays.

1. Red color

Red, scarlet, fiery orange are the main colors of the coming year. These shades are considered the personification of pure energy, unrestrained activity and non-stop activity. Therefore, astrologers and designers unanimously recommend active passionate people to use red for the New Year's decor of their homes. Use red sofa cushions, blankets and tablecloths to create a festive entourage in the living room, and to decorate the Christmas tree - red and yellow toys, in some places diluting them with white paints.

2. Important words

This year, designers recommend to show imagination and experiment, thus creating unique holiday decorations. For example, the walls of rooms where a Christmas tree is not planned can be decorated with figurines made from voluminous words and phrases that are directly related to the holiday or symbolize generally accepted values.

3. Decor in rustic style

New Year's decor 2017 should be stylish and harmonious. Therefore, the festive surroundings should be balanced and fit into the interior of the room. So, the interior in a rustic style will perfectly complement unusual tree, made of wood, a vase with branches decorated with rain and Christmas balls and a few flashing garlands.

4. Huge flowers

The upcoming 2017 is the year of experimenters, innovators and bright personalities. It is these qualities that should be shown in festive decor Houses. For example, decorate the Christmas tree with huge paper flowers made with my own hands. This unorthodox approach will main character holiday unique and will allow you to add a personal touch to the interior of your own home.

5. Symbol of the year

The patron saint of the coming year is the rooster. Therefore, its various images and figurines are an indispensable attribute of a festive interior. In addition, in the coming year, more than ever, hand-made will be in honor, so it is best to make figurines of the symbol of the year with your own hands. These can be flat silhouettes made of colored felt or voluminous toys and fabric compositions.

6. Garlands of threads

Choosing holiday decorations for the home, designers unanimously recommend paying attention to rustic decor. By the way, you can make such decorations with your own hands, charging them with your own positive energy. For example, to make a garland of colored balls, to create which you only need foam balls, remnants of woolen yarn and coarse rope.

7. Green color

Green is the color of life, rebirth and energy, and it is also the most trendy color 2017. Therefore, those who do not like red can safely decorate their homes with balls, garlands, tablecloths and other tinsel of all shades of green.

8. Natural materials

Original decorations made of wood and cones will help to add style and taste to the festive decoration of the house. From these materials, you can create small figurines in the form of Christmas trees, which can be placed on the festive table, window sills and fireplaces. In addition, small pieces of wood and cones can be used to make original toys to decorate the Christmas tree.

9. Kitchen decor

The rooster is an economic and family bird. That is why the decoration of the house should begin with the kitchen, where the family gathers for dinner. A festive atmosphere in the kitchen will be created by simple paper garlands, colored snowflakes, themed postcards, bright paper-cut snowflakes and themed textiles. Concerning colors, for kitchen decor it is best to choose shades of red.

10. Christmas wreath

Christmas wreath - stylish decoration, borrowed from the West, which came into our culture quite recently, but has already managed to fall in love with many. With such a wreath you can decorate the entrance, interior doors and windows. This year it is best to use branches, woolen threads, flowers and burlap to make a wreath.

11. Decoration items from branches

Branches are an affordable and wonderful material for creativity, which is ideal for decorating the interior in anticipation of 2017. From dry branches, burlap, ropes and buttons, you can make unique toys in the form of stars and snowflakes, and a bouquet of several branches decorated with shiny Christmas balls will become a stylish alternative to a Christmas tree.

12. The luxury of gold

Another interior trend of 2017 will be the golden color. Tablecloth, Christmas wreaths, Christmas balls and tinsel of a noble golden color will help create a festive atmosphere and emphasize the style and beauty of your home.

13. Cereals and grains

Unusual figurines made of dough decorated with wheat grains, transparent balls filled with cereals, as well as beautiful vases and glasses filled with various grains and cereals will help to emphasize the authenticity and uniqueness of the home. Such decorations will not only become stylish decorations, but, according to astrologers, will attract wealth and good luck to the house.

14. Original tree

People who, for some reason, cannot put up a Christmas tree at home should pay attention to alternative options. For example, depict the outline of a Christmas tree using luminous garlands on an old pallet. Such decoration will become a real highlight of the interior and will bring notes of mystery and comfort to the room.

15. Artificial bouquets

Original New Year's snacks.

A festive table is just as important an attribute of the New Year as a Christmas tree. Therefore, its serving and decoration should be approached with all responsibility. For example, a non-standard approach to the design of dishes and snacks will allow them to be turned into real works of art that will be remembered by households and guests for a long time.

18. Attention to detail

A festive interior is not only an elegant Christmas tree and garlands hung around the perimeter, but a lot of small details that create a unique atmosphere of warmth, comfort and the upcoming celebration. Among these little things: openwork napkins, crocheted, unusual candlesticks, decorative gifts lying under the Christmas tree long before the chiming clock, cute garlands and other themed decorations, the production of which will allow you to recharge with positive energy and tune in to a festive mood.