Crafts from foamiran for the new year. Crafts from foamiran for the new year Crafts from foamiran for the New Year's ball

The New Year is coming soon, which means that snow sparkles under your feet, in every house there is Christmas tree, and under the tree lies a scattering of gifts. These days, almost everyone is associated with a certain presence of magic and making new wishes. In a week, we will all turn into sweets and will absorb tons of sweets and absorb the joy of meeting old friends, of communicating with relatives, from sledding and skating, eating salads, laughing children, watching old cozy films and, of course, from creativity. Oh, how much still needs to be done! So. We bought this... we prepared it. Well, I got distracted again. And you know that every day the number of people involved in needlework is growing. You can even say that now there is a real BOOM for handicrafts. The question is why? If now in the store you can buy whatever your heart desires, but because the craving for man-made is inherited from our pro parents.

Our ancestors used handmade things not just as decoration, but as a talisman. Gathering together over their creation loving women dreamed, sang, laughed, thus creating a favorable atmosphere. As a result, a thing made with love and joy absorbed this positive energy and was filled with protective power. So let's give our loved ones love and care and create a Christmas wreath for them - a talisman may he protect our homes from all evil.
To create a New Year's wreath, we need

To make the base of the wreath, we need spruce branches. Let's make them from foamiran.
To mode it into strips 2 cm wide.

It is more convenient and faster to cut foamiran folded in several layers.

Without cutting to the edge of 3-5mm, we create a fringe.
Our branch will be unusually soft and fluffy.

For the base of the branch, it is better to take a thicker wire. It is more convenient to glue blanks to it.

We form a spruce paw. We wrap the lower part of the wire with floral tape.

Our New Year's wreath will be decorative. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to use decorative twigs in its design. They are very simple in execution, but will very refresh our greenery. We work with Pion-online polymer clay. For this, the remains of unused clay and even already painted clay may come up. There is nothing for it to dry. Everything goes to work!

Chopped pieces are conveniently stored under a glass or any other similar object. Because the film has to be unrolled all the time, and the glass will reliably protect our polymer clay from drying out.

We roll out small balls. We have 6 mm.

Glue to the wire with latex glue and dry.

We paint in red ordinary varnish for nails. The balls will turn out bright, lively.

Cut the floral tape lengthwise and wrap around the stem of each berry.

Collecting a branch.

Here you go! It already looks more fun.

Let's prepare the wire for rowan berries. Drop a little acrylic paint on the bag and draw a white wire, clasping it with your fingers. At the same time, your hands will remain clean.)

Cutting blanks from polymer clay. Pieces for a glass!
And they ran to work. Joke.)))

Roll out the ball.

We squeeze out an asterisk with a stack and glue it to the wire.

We dry.

For coloring, we use 2 colors (black and burgundy). Because our mountain ash is not simple, but “Nevezhenskaya”. It is sweet and tart like chokeberry, but with aroma and light bitterness, like red. It looks a little larger than ordinary mountain ash. A droplet on an asterisk and blend with burgundy acrylic.

A little matte varnish for shine and collect in a brush.

Let's complicate the work and add hawthorn to our composition. Intuitively, he asks.
I want hawthorn!!!
Paint a piece of polymer clay yellow.

We paint our workpiece with oil paints.

Well, what about without a New Year's SHINE !?

Bead pendants.

Let's give the branches a rounded shape.

Let's estimate all the branches by folding them into a wreath. For now, just fold it up and see if it's not small. Whether the New Year's wreath corresponds to our idea.

We connect everything to a temporary mount. These are pieces of wire in a paper winding. They hold the whole composition well and make it possible to insert new elements.

over spruce branches fasten decorative branches. We fasten everything with the same pieces of wire.

We correct the branches bringing all the beauty to the front side.

Here's what should happen.

And now the most interesting!
This year we have presented you with many wonderful master classes. We hope that you did not just collect them, but tried to do something with them. And perhaps you still have unfinished projects. So, we added flowers to this wreath. You can place all your unfinished flowers in it. Try it and you will certainly be able to revive your projects. After all, on New Year's Eve, everything will certainly come true.

Let's add our berries, Christmas decorations, and transparent sequins like ice cubes. Now the wreath is really NEW YEAR!

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. We have worked hard and are leaving for the winter holidays with a calm heart. But our shop is still open for you at any time of the day or night.
May the holidays be fun and all your dreams come true.
Sincerely yours Pion-online and its craftswomen!

A stroller-cradle is the best choice for a baby up to 6-8 months, that is, until the age when he cannot sit on his own;

It is worth noting that ramps and working elevators are not always present in modern houses.
If there is a possibility that you may encounter difficulties, it is better to give preference to lightweight models.

Remember that everything strollers for newborns heavy enough ( not less than 12 kg), so here you need to reasonably approach expectations and choices.


When thinking about what kind of wheels your stroller should have, analyze the quality of the road surface and the operating conditions of the product.

Large wheels are essential for good wheelchair mobility. With small wheels, it will be difficult for you to drive onto the pavement.

Larger diameter - higher throughput. Smaller is better maneuverability.

Don't forget to measure the width of the elevator doorway.


If you decide to buy a stroller in an online store, pay attention to shock absorbers,
after all, precisely they allow you to absorb shock while riding, give the stroller a smooth ride that helps the child fall asleep.

An important point if you live in a small apartment or plan to travel often.

The element that needs additional validation should be easy to click.

It is better if both front wheels are blocked.

A stroller for a child must have a wheel brake (usually the rear wheels).

AT modern models the handle can be adjusted in height and this is an advantage.

If you want to carry a child facing the outside world, give preference to models where the handle has a flip system.

Follow our advice and you will have no problems with the purchase. Online store "Koliasochnaya" - buy a baby stroller in Moscow is easy and simple, and most importantly reliable!

The New Year is coming soon, I also want to prepare a decoration for my New Year's beauty as a gift. At the master classes, I have already shown how a toy christmas ball cover with foamiran and decorate with any flowers from foamiran (as an example, you can see MK Topiary from foamiran). And in this master class we will use a jute cord to make a New Year's ball with our own hands, and we will also make an option christmas decoration with Christmas flower poinsettia.

Christmas ball with jute cord

These are the Christmas tree balls I propose to make at the master class.

For creating Christmas decorations from foamiranat you will need:

  • Christmas toys balls of different sizes;
  • jute cord or twine;
  • hot gun;
  • scissors;
  • different kind of beads, half beads, satin ribbon.

These are the balls I took to make decorations for my Christmas tree.

You can simply glue the balls with twine in a circle, gluing each row. You can choose other ways of processing balls.

All decorations you have at home can be used to process balls. I take semi-beads, beads, bunches of plastic flowers and single white flowers and hearts.

We take jewelry and glue it on a ball processed with twine. We use the decorations that you have and distribute the decorations around the ball to your taste. So I decorated a big New Year's toy.

I decorated the middle ball with beads and semi-beads.

I decorated a small ball with beads and twine bows and hearts.

Christmas ball with poinsettia

Next, in the master class, we will decorate a Christmas ball with a flower. The idea of ​​​​creating such a toy with a surprise from Elena Semanova. You can put a gift in such a toy and give it for the New Year. Such a toy will decorate any Christmas tree.

Here we will make such a poinsettia flower on a ball.

To create a New Year's toy with a foamiran flower, you will need:

  • red, green Iranian foamiran;
  • detachable plastic ball;
  • ribbon;
  • mold;
  • stamens of different colors;
  • gold outline;
  • tinsel thin on wire;
  • glue moment;
  • glue second.

We will make a poinsettia flower according to a pattern.

According to this pattern, we will cut out the petals and leaves of the poinsettia.

We cut out the leaves from green foamiran according to pattern 3 and 4, cut out into separate leaves of 5 pieces of each size.

Cut out flower petals from red foamiran.

Leaves and flower petals are processed in the same way. We heat silk-wool on an iron at a temperature and squeeze it well on a universal mold. Then we fold the petal in half and on the edge of the iron we heat the edges of the petal and make a wave and slightly stretch the petal.

We take such a detachable ball, with a diameter of 6-8 cm.

We take 2 pieces of green and red foamiran 12 * 12 cm, place the ball on a glass. We heat the pieces on the iron and pull them onto the ball.

We glue the ball, one half green, the other red. We cut off the excess.

We take stamens of different colors and prepare a bunch of them.

We take the red half of the ball, mark the middle and glue a bunch of stamens.

Take small petals and glue around the stamens.

So in a circle we glue the subsequent size of the petals 0.5 cm below. For more petals, glue even lower in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the previous row.

Having glued all the red petals, we also begin to glue the green leaves.

We finish the assembly of the flower with large leaves.

Glue the edge of the green half of the ball with thin tinsel on the wire to hide all the bumps on the ball if we have them and decorate the ball.

We close the ball and tie a ribbon so that our ball can be hung on the Christmas tree. If we will use the balloon as a gift wrapping, then we put a gift in the balloon and close it.

For elegance, we take a golden outline and apply strokes throughout the flower.

Our New Year's foamiran ball with a surprise is ready.

Before the New Year, many children make themed crafts, which they then give to relatives or take to school, kindergarten. Moms try to pick up interesting new ideas to diversify the creative process. An excellent solution would be to prepare New Year's crafts from foamiran with your own hands. This is a material that is pleasant to the touch, which is characterized by plasticity and the ability to easily take on new forms.

Features of foamiran

The material is easy to cut with scissors, it can be painted acrylic paints. Products from it are well washed and do not require special care. The desired texture of the details is easy to give with the help of tools, as well as a conventional iron.

It is important that the material is absolutely non-toxic, because it can be used in creativity for the smallest.

What to do from foamiran for the New Year?

  1. Christmas trees from foamiran. For crafts you will need:
  • green foamiran;
  • glue, ruler, cardboard and scissors;
  • various decorations.

First you will need to roll the cone, and cut the foamiran into strips. On each of them should make a fringe. Next, using a hot iron, you need to heat each strip. As a result, the fringe begins to twist beautifully. Now you need to glue the cone with stripes and decorate the resulting Christmas tree.

  • Spruce branches. If you make a fringe in narrow strips and carefully wind it around the wire, you will get spruce twigs. They can be used to create holiday compositions. If you have the tools at home to create artificial flowers, then with the help of a dumbbell stack you can make cones. To do this, you need to cut circles with a diameter of about 1.7 cm, for this purpose you can use a hole punch. Heat the blanks with an iron and shape them into a stack. Then the circles are glued onto a foam round base, which can be bought at the store.

  • Compositions with spruce branches can be used for various brooches, hairpins, jewelry.

  • Poinsettia. This flower is also called the Christmas star. To make it, you will need to cut blanks: red petals and green leaves. Veins are drawn on each part with a toothpick, ironed to shape. Stamens can be made from wire and beads. Ready-made flowers will be an excellent addition to other New Year-themed foamiran crafts, for example, wreaths, candlesticks.

  • Snowflakes. They may differ in shape, size, color, they can be decorated with beads, pearls. Snowflakes can be used as Christmas decorations, or you can decorate them with a hairpin, headband, hair band.

  • Even if mom has never been familiar with new material before, there is no need to be afraid to make New Year's crafts from foamiran, there are

    Preparing decorations for the New Year, every time you want to do something new. Use materials that you haven't worked with yet. Someone is bound to be attracted to creative process children, and someone starts making new accessories long before the holiday. To make the Christmas tree beautiful and unusual, try to make foamiran toys with your own hands.

    It can be a toy that is hung on a Christmas tree. But it will be possible to attach a snowman to a magnet, and then he will decorate the refrigerator or become a memorable souvenir for friends. The basis of production will still remain the same.

    For work you will need:

    • White foam;
    • Multi-colored foamiran (blue, yellow, green - whatever colors you have, use them);
    • Cardboard;
    • Foam rubber;
    • Toothpicks;
    • Straight and curly scissors;
    • Iron;
    • Thermal gun;
    • Second glue;
    • beads;
    • Artificial snowfields.

    In the case of a magnetic base, you will need the magnet itself or a magnetic strip. First you draw a pattern. This pattern should be transferred to cardboard. Circle and cut out, attention, 2 blanks. For this blank, you need to cut the foam pad. Its thickness will be somewhere around 1.2 cm. And you glue this foam rubber bookmark with second glue onto a cardboard blank.

    Christmas decorations from foamiran: snowman, continuation of MK

    Next, you need to cut a square from the snow-white foamiran (side 5 cm), it is needed for the head of the snowman. You need to glue the foam from the "neck" of the workpiece. From it, foamiran will be glued in folds with a slight tension, the lower part of the head should be very even.

    Foam can be glued on the back with both waves and cuts if the toy has a magnetic base. In the case of a hanging toy, everything is glued as neatly as the front side.

    The second square is needed for the snowman's tummy. Approximately 7-7.5. In the middle of this square, you need to make a neckline, very smooth. And then from the neck you begin to glue the tummy. The lower abdomen should be glued evenly. Then you make cheeks, eyes, a dot for the nose with an ordinary pencil on the face of the snowman, draw a line for the hat. Just let the pencil stripes be very thin so that they are not visible later. Cut out cheeks, glue them on hot glue.

    Snowman decor: do-it-yourself New Year's foamiran toys

    After that, you need to cut out a rectangle of pale yellow foam for the hat, warm it up a little on the iron. Knead the material with your fingers. The bottom of the cap should be narrow, but not elongated, but stretch the top edge well. Glue the bottom edge of the cap along the line of the pencil strip.

    • Cut off a narrow strip of plastic suede in order to tie the resulting pompom. For the pompom, leave somewhere a centimeter, glue the foamiran. A strip must be glued over the compressed part. Cut the top of the pom-pom and fluff it.
    • Cut out a large semi-oval from the blue foam - this will be the snowman's caftan. Let it not cover the bottom of the tummy. Glue from the neck, on the sides of the tummy, at the bottom 1 cm, let it be free.
    • You can make a fringe around the orange foam hat.
    • Cut out the strip with curly scissors from red foam. This will be a scarf for the snowman.
    • The nose is an orange foam that sticks over the sharp part of the toothpick. And it is better to make eyes from blanks that are sold in needlework stores.

    Here is the snowman! As you can see, the work involves a lot of variation - a little girl will want more bright decorations for a snowman, someone will prefer to leave it as white as possible. Appetite comes with eating, so decorating your craft can be an issue resolved in the process.

    Simple toys for the Christmas tree from foamiaran

    See how quickly and easily Christmas tree decorations are made. felt toys. The principle of a simple application, but it turns out beautiful and cute. In the same way, you can work with foamiran.

    From this material for the New Year you can do:

    • Beautifully decorated winter mitten;
    • Funny penguin;
    • Flat Christmas ball with a picture inside;
    • winter hut;
    • Asterisk;
    • Boot.

    And so that these crafts take on a real New Year's look, ready product can be sprayed with glitter varnish. Regular children's hairspray with glitter will work just fine. All work is done on a cardboard basis. Foam can be cut, heated, wrapped around the workpiece.

    Master class on New Year's toys from foamiran: how to work with material

    Foamiran is, in fact, foamed rubber. Externally, the material is very similar to suede. When heated, it can change its shape, which is why this material is so often used in needlework. Sometimes the warmth of human hands is enough to change the shape, more complex manipulations require the use of an iron.

    The material is good because it does not fade in the sun, it is not affected by fluctuations in humidity. But it is impossible to strongly stretch the foam, the value of its stretching is not higher than 10%. And yet, with a slight crumple, high-quality material should not be torn.

    PVA glue is not suitable for working with foamiran. Second glue is used frequently. For cutting, scissors or knives are taken, but a practical solution would be to purchase a hole puncher with special decorative functions.

    Beautiful New Year's toys from foamiran (video)

    From foamiran, you can make not only beautiful hairpins, jewelry, headbands, necklaces. It is also a good material for author's Christmas decorations. It will turn out bright, unusual, and it will remain for many years.