We are on duty poster. Duty corner in kindergarten: do-it-yourself design ideas. The dependence of the design of the corner on the age of the children in the group

duty corner in kindergarten- this is a great opportunity accustom the child to work, instill discipline and responsibility in him. Among other things, they develop accuracy, confidence in their actions and independence. Making such a useful corner is as easy as shelling pears, it won’t take much time, especially since you can find examples of cute stands on the Internet. Such a stand is no less important than, for example, which introduces kids to the surrounding world of flora and fauna.

For you, a few works will be presented a little lower, but first we will analyze a couple of important aspects.

Bright and colorful

What are the duties of an attendant?

  • Take care of a corner of nature (water the flowers);
  • Set the table in the dining room;
  • Put away toys.

Good educators strive to make this process an adventure so that children feel engaged, not obligated. It is important to understand here that the design of the duty plays a very important role: the brighter and more colorful it is, the more interesting it will be for the child.

What information should be on the stand?

The stand is the duty schedule. It is a canvas with special voluminous pockets. Cards for children are laid out here, each of which has its own picture (however, instead of cartoon characters and painted animals, you can use photographs of children). Each pocket must be signed according to the day of the week. It is better for a certain duty to have its own color and card slots.

Types of duty corners

Exist different kinds corners:

  • it can be one-day, then you will have to change cards at the end of each working day;
  • three days;
  • for a full week (depending on the schedule of the institution).

The number of duties is determined by the equipment of the kindergarten. Prices vary greatly based on the number of cells. The more convenient, the more expensive. It is much more profitable to arrange such a stand with your own hands. To do this, we need whatman paper, felt-tip pens, paints, paper, glue, cardboard, scissors, a ruler, pencils and a little imagination.

Do-it-yourself duty corner - where to start?

You already know what should be interesting, so try to find out what cartoon characters kids like - you can ask them to talk about their favorite character. This information will be very useful in the future.

In general, it's not that difficult. Of course, this general tips- how the duty corner will be designed depends only on your imagination and ability to understand children.

Preschoolers love to work, help elders and comrades. Their work is filled with rich content, plays a great educational role, if organized with the use of an aesthetically designed corner of duty that takes into account the requirements of the program and the age characteristics of children. The teacher can make and equip the corner with everything necessary with his own hands, relying on the support of the parents of the pupils, as well as involving children in this.

Organization of a duty corner in kindergarten

Duty is one of the effective forms of organizing the work of children in a preschool institution. An original and brightly designed duty corner will help make the duty more exciting, as well as streamline their conduct.

Beautiful, comfortable corners on duty can now be ordered from various manufacturers and design agencies, and on the Internet. They will pick up both color, and a form under the order. But sometimes it is much more interesting for a creative teacher to make a corner with his own hands. After all, in this way he can show his talents and attract children, which will positively affect the development creativity and education of diligence of kids.

The imagination and skill of the educator allow you to create interesting compositions from improvised materials, for example, from plastic dishes

Why is a duty corner necessary?

In addition to the aesthetic function - to decorate the room of the group and delight the pupils, the corner is necessary for many more reasons. The main tasks it performs:

The dependence of the design of the corner on the age of the children in the group

Duty corners are required in all groups except early age(third year of life). Before you start making a corner, you need to think about what it will be like, take into account all the requirements that apply to it, and also decide where to place it.

One of the main functions of such a corner is to help the teacher organize the alternate participation of all the children in the group on duty and report who is on duty today in different areas of activity. Because the different types shifts become available to kids in different ages, the teacher should first of all pay attention to this moment.

The first thing the children get acquainted with is the duty in the dining room. It is introduced in the second junior group, but not at the beginning, but in the middle of the year. In the first half of the year, children master labor skills by completing assignments: arrange napkin holders, plates for bread. Instructions are given to one or two children, the children perform the same actions, guided by the prompts of the teacher or assistant nanny.

In the younger group, there is enough corner for dining room duty, decorated with favorite characters of children and cute pictures

The second type of duty is introduced in the middle of the year at middle group. These are duty classes. Previously, the children get acquainted with the work performed on this duty also in assignments. They lay out handouts, application plates, plasticine, etc. on the tables, and after class they collect and bring them to a designated place. Assignments are given to those who wish to help, so not all the children of the group are covered by labor. That is why the duty is so useful, which allows you to involve all the pupils in the work.

In the middle group there will be enough space for two shifts: for the dining room and classes

The last duty is introduced in the corner of nature. It starts at senior group since September, since children of this age can quickly navigate, have sufficient skills and abilities, are able to share labor operations among themselves, perform them together, and help each other.

Thus, the type of duty corner depends on what age the children will be in the group, because the pupils are placed not randomly, but taking into account the height of the furniture (tables, chairs) that is in the group room:

  • If the second kids live in the room junior group, then a corner of duty in the dining room is enough.
  • In the group where the kids of the middle group will be, a corner is made for dining room duties and classes.
  • If the group room is equipped with sufficiently high furniture or the furniture is adjustable in height, satisfying the sanitary requirements for older preschoolers, then in such a group a duty corner for all three types is needed.

Requirements for the corner of duty in kindergarten

In addition to taking into account the age of children, when making a corner on duty, the following requirements must be observed:

  • Durability and reliability. Since the corner is made not for a week or a month, but for a long time, its safety during this time should be foreseen. Therefore, for the basis it is worth choosing durable material such as plywood or chipboard. A good replacement for these materials can serve as plastic or cassettes for pasting the ceiling. When purchasing them in a hardware store, you must definitely require a certificate, which will indicate that this type of material can be used inside residential premises. Paper, even whatman paper, will not last long, as an option, only very dense high-quality cardboard is possible.
  • Possibility of wet cleaning. All equipment in the group (especially those with a long service life) should be subjected to wet cleaning according to the schedule. This does not mean that the corner will be washed with soap, but it must be wiped from dust with a damp sponge. Therefore, inscriptions, drawings on its surface must be indelible.
  • Compliance with hygiene requirements is one of the most important, because the health of children depends on it.
    • In the duty corner there is not only a stand with individual cards, but also aprons and caps (kerchiefs) for the dining room attendants. Their children put on after they wash their hands, before performing labor activities. Therefore, care should be taken to place the corner where the clothes of the attendants would be safe: away from the play and art areas. Being carried away by the game, the guys can drop the aprons on the floor, step on them, and while drawing - stain them with paint. It is impossible to demand from a preschooler that in the process of playing or creating he thinks about the safety of the clothes on duty. This nuance should be taken into account by the teacher.
    • When duty is introduced in a corner of nature, it is necessary to provide those on duty with protective clothing while caring for plants. To do this, you need to have sets of oilcloth aprons with armlets. It is impossible to store aprons for dining and caring for plants nearby. Clothes in which children water, transplant, wash plants should be in a corner of nature, next to watering cans, loosening sticks, flower pots.
  • Accessibility for children. The corner is placed in such a place that preschoolers can freely approach it, look at pictures, schemes for performing operations during shifts (if any). The design should be understandable to children, so the inscription “On duty by nature” or “On duty for classes” is of no practical use, children are unlikely to read it. It is better to designate each type of duty with a bright and understandable picture: an image of dishes, a plant, an album and pencils. As an option: the image of children at the dinner table, watering flowers, busy modeling or drawing. At the beginning of the shift, the children are introduced to the corner, they explain what the images mean, what duties the duty officers perform in different areas.
  • Aesthetics. Of course, every teacher wants his corner of duty, as well as the rest of the design of the group, to be the best and most beautiful.
    • Creative teachers turn to parents, craftsmen for help, who cut out the basis for a corner in the form of a samovar, a cloud, chamomile, a train from improvised materials. Such corners always look beautiful, attract the attention of children.
    • But even a simple rectangular base can be decorated with taste and attractiveness, showing imagination and a sense of proportion. In this case, you need to be guided by the general view of the group. Previously, about twenty years ago, furniture in kindergartens was of the same type, white or light wood. Now colored furniture has become fashionable, in which two or three colors are combined. It will be great if the teacher takes this into account and decorates the corner to match the overall design of the group. For example, the Cornflower group with blue-white-green furniture does not need a corner of duty in red and yellow tones, but blue with blue and white will be in place. Teaching children to combine successful combination flowers and instill in them a taste can be in such trifles.

The bright painted corner of the attendants looks great against the background of a simple plain wall.

Not a requirement, but a tip: place the corner where direct lines will not fall on it during the day. Sun rays. This will protect the background and cards from fading and keep them attractive for longer.

The main, most striking and attention-grabbing component of the duty corner is, of course, the stand, which will house the attendants. A set of pictures or photographs of children is attached to the stand, which, for better preservation, it is desirable to laminate with a transparent film.

To be on duty in the dining room, you must have the following equipment:

  • A brush for sweeping crumbs from the table, about 25-30 cm long with a handle. The handle should be no more than 3 cm in diameter, comfortable for a child's hand.
  • Scoop for crumbs, about 15 by 15 cm in size, handle length up to 12 cm.
  • A floor brush for sweeping with a handle length up to 110 cm and a cross section up to 3 cm.
  • Scoop for garbage on the long or short handle. These tools are stored near the corner, but not near the clothes of the attendants.

Equipment for sweeping crumbs from tables should be kept hanging on hooks.

The sweeping broom is not used in kindergarten, it is difficult to disinfect, and its use does not meet sanitary standards.

The clothes of those on duty in the dining room consist of aprons, which can be made from chintz, guipure, satin, preferably in light colors. Headwear for girls: headscarves, caps. Boys are offered only hats.

Craftswomen - mothers and grandmothers of pupils will help to make aprons and caps for attendants

For duty in a corner of nature, waterproof aprons and, if possible, sleeves are purchased. To care for plants, you need the appropriate inventory:

  • watering cans;
  • basins for washing plants;
  • sticks for loosening the soil;
  • sponges for wiping leaves.

Schemes and step-by-step images of the actions of the attendants, pictures and photos of properly served tables can complement the design of the duty corner.

In order for the attendants to properly understand the duty scheme, an explanation of the educator is necessary

Duty classes do not require special clothing and equipment. The main thing that pupils should be armed with is the ability to quickly and in an organized manner carry out the assigned work. In the senior and preparatory groups a lot of material is used in the classroom, so children need to be collected and be able to clearly perform actions (take and arrange plates, lay out oilcloths, etc.), because from breakfast to an organized educational activities not much time passes, and the help of the teacher on duty is sometimes very necessary.

Some interesting ideas for decorating the corners of duty

As a rule, the stand, that is, the base of the corner, is made in the form of a panel on which the name, pockets for pictures-signs (or photos) and decor elements are located. A few design ideas will help to diversify and make the corner unusual.

There is usually no difficulty with the name of the corner of the attendants, since in most groups it is called that: “Corner of duty, duty”. There are also options: "We are on duty, today they are on duty." But how much more interesting and useful in terms of development and upbringing of children is to name the corner “We love to be on duty”, “Little helpers”, “Hard-working Suns, Bees, Daisies” (depending on the name of the group).

The kids will certainly want to know what the inscription means, and it will be much more pleasant to hear in response not just a phrase, but praise. This will cause a desire to participate in the labor process and may even serve as the topic of a fascinating educational conversation: “What do you think, why is our corner called like that? Who is called industrious? How can you help the teacher, the nanny, your group friends?

There are also several options for individual symbol cards:

  • Curly: in the form of flowers, clouds, mushrooms with an individual picture and the name of the child. The stand itself in this case should be appropriately decorated - like a lawn, a sunny sky, a clearing in the forest.
  • With stud fastening. In this case, pictures indicating the types of duty are placed on the stand, and below them are buttons with a protruding plastic part, the so-called carnations. In this case, children's cards are made with loops or slots, hanging them on buttons. You need to securely fasten the buttons to the stand, not just sticking them in, but additionally fixing them with superglue so that they do not fall out and cause injury.
  • In the form of checkboxes. Under the pictures of those on duty in the dining room, nature and activities, a shelf is placed, and on it are two holders for flags for each type of duty. Individual pictures or photos of children are glued onto the flags and inserted into the holders.

Photo gallery: examples of designing duty areas in kindergarten for different age groups

The teacher can also draw an original idea from tea utensils by making a corner in the form of a teapot and cups. The idea of ​​​​a corner in the form of a clock, the arrows of which point to the attendants, is noteworthy.

The duty corner helps to organize and interest the children in the regular performance of work duties. A colorful, attractive corner, made by the hands of a teacher from inexpensive improvised means, on duty will surely arouse the interest of little fidgets and help make the work process easy and exciting - after all, children or their relatives, needlewomen mothers and skilled fathers will definitely take part in the design of the corner.

Yuri Ulyanovsky, corr. ITAR-TASS in Paris

According to Molny, this year the military power of the EU countries was called into question in two directions at once. At the level of individual states, this was forced by the crisis situation in the economy and finance, which led to a significant reduction in military budgets. At the global level, a similar process has generally been observed, as integration within the European Union itself, so necessary at this difficult moment, is stalling. A vivid example of this is the misadventures of the A-400M military transport aircraft, which continued last year, which was intended to become a symbol of European unity in the field of armaments. Moreover, in the last 10 years, not a single new pan-European defense program has been adopted, the author writes.

As for France, at the moment the country exports mainly military equipment produced domestically. These are submarines, Rafale warplanes and Mistral landing command ships. “However, all experts agree that a retreat to the national territory will help save jobs in the short term, but will weaken the industrial European capabilities in the field of weapons in the long term,” Molny concludes. “However, there is a fear that our defense policy will not change in the coming years.” .


Duties are of great importance in the upbringing of children:

· Attendants always perform work of social significance, necessary for the team. Forms a desire to work hard for others, to show a caring attitude towards their comrades, to cultivate the ability to help an adult, to notice what help is needed.

Duty in the dining room forms in children moral and volitional qualities and skills, the ability to accept the goal and achieve results.

· FROM2 year oldof age, children are involved in the preparation of the nutrition process, perform the simplest tasks: put high chairs at the table correctly, plates of bread in the middle of the tables, spoons on the right side of the plates on the table.

· Dining room duty is carried out from the 2nd junior group.

· Tasks: help the assistant teacher set the table at which he and his comrades are sitting. Distribute spoons, put bread bins, vases with napkins.

· Before entering the duty, the teacher organizes special classes in which he shows and explains in detail all the actions, involving children in their implementation.

During the duty, the teacher explains the need to work hard, encourages any attempt by the child to show independence.

Reminds you of the priority in the execution of the assigned work:

“Today, Ira will take care of her comrades, will be on duty at her desk. Dima will set the table on this table ... Let them work for everyone today, and other children tomorrow.

The educator teaches children to carry out the assigned work without being distracted, without fussing, without haste, without completing one task, not to move on to another.

The teacher in a friendly tone says: “Kolya, take your time. Why are you in such a hurry? You can do everything. Lay out the spoons carefully, all the children.”

Supervising the work of the attendants, the educator reinforces the skills of laying out the instruments: “Spoons must be taken by the handle, one by one, put on the right side of the plate.” If forks are given, then the fork lies closer to the plate with the sharp ends up, and then the spoon with the convex side down. Now put the bread box in the very middle of the table so that it is convenient for everyone to get it, and then put the napkins. First you need to finish one thing, and then start another.

“Let's see how you arranged the spoons. Did you miss anyone?"

The teacher supports indecisive children, encourages:

“I know, Nadyusha, you will set the table well now. Start handing out spoons: to Katya, and Sasha, and to your friend Anya.

· Do not constantly set as an example the same children and appoint them on duty. They may be subject to a slightly higher requirement.

· As the children master the skills, the role of the educator in supervising the attendants changes. Initially, he reminds the kids of the methods of work, the sequence of operations, helps to cope with the case.

· Later, the adult is limited to advice, general reminder, control, approval.

It is important that all pupils, and not just active and skillful ones, perform the duties of duty officers.


· Tasks:

Form a responsible attitude for the assigned work.

Cultivate care for each other, the desire to help pom. educator, work carefully and diligently.

Know how to properly set the table.

A child on duty in the dining room must independently lay out forks, knives and spoons; put bread bins, vases with napkins; handing out the second dish; collect dishes.

· In the corner of the duty officer there should be everything necessary for work: aprons, hats, shovels, trays. Vases for napkins and bread boxes in such a place that it is convenient for children to take them on their own and clean them up after use.

· In the middle group, knives first appear in the table setting, and the skill of handling them has not yet been formed.

The volume of work in the middle group increases: children arrange saucers, cups from the distribution table to children's tables, fill vases with napkins, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

· In the middle group, each attendant serves one table.

Thus, shifts are repeated frequently, and therefore children learn the necessary skills faster and better. The teacher must take into account individual characteristics children and the level of development of their labor skills.

To work without haste, the attendants must be the first to finish the game and return to the premises after the walk.

When the bulk of the children are just starting to collect toys, the teacher reminds the attendants of their duties and sends them to the group.

There they are met by an assistant teacher (at this time she had already wiped the tables and put a pile of dishes on each table).

The educator and assistant educator teach the attendants to properly lay out the appliances.

The attendants arrange the plates, each against a chair, put spoons to the right of them, put a cup with napkins in the middle of the table. Cups are placed so that the handle is on the right side.

If a knife is served for dinner, then it is placed to the right of the plate with the blade to the plate, next to the spoon, then the salad fork.

The fork for the second lies on the left side of the plate.

A small spoon - in a saucer or next to a plate parallel to the edge of the table, the handle of the spoon should be on the right.

The teacher must be patient, encourage the attendants:

“Seryozha was a real duty officer today, he took care of everyone, he remembered everything himself, he didn’t forget anything.”

· The attendants clean the breadbaskets, glasses with napkins from the table. They sweep away the crumbs from the table, fold the tablecloths, turning to another attendant for help.

· Don't overburden attendants with tasks that each child should do on their own, such as pulling a chair, stacking plates, putting away a used napkin.

· In the end school year children usually cope with dining room duties on their own, and the teacher is limited to control and individual reminders.

· It is important that the children on duty not only fulfill their duties, but also eat themselves without haste and breaks. Therefore, when the tables are set, the attendants pour soup before other children. Thus, attendants are usually the first to finish lunch, after which they can begin to perform their duties.

(The tablecloth on duty is folded in half on the table, and then in half again, and only then folded along the length).


Dining room duty in older groups is gradually becoming more difficult both in terms of the content of work and the form of association of children, according to the requirement for independence and self-organization in work.

· Tasks: the formation in children of responsibility for the task assigned, the desire to work for the benefit of the team, the habit of systematic performance of duties. To teach to thank the attendants for the service rendered, to treat their work with respect.

· 2 children are assigned to duty in the dining room.

· Attendants come in early, wash their hands, put on aprons, headscarves or caps and fully set the table according to the number of children and clean up after meals.

· In part, children clean up after themselves. After eating, each child moves his plate to the middle of the table, puts it on others (if the help of the teacher did not have time to remove it), and takes the cup and saucer to the distribution table (saucers on a pile, and a cup on a tray).

· The attendants must clean the dishes, napkin holders, bread bins, tablecloths, so that, without delay, go to bed with other children.

The children thank the attendants for their help.

· Children must themselves firmly know the sequence of their duty and proceed to it without being reminded.

· The attendants should set the table in accordance with the menu, which should be known to them from the educator.

The educator checks the performance of their work by the attendants, makes an appropriate assessment and involves children in it.

· The requirements for the pace of work, the manifestation of organization in its process, efficiency and independence are increasing.

· The work of the attendants should be combined with the self-service of children.

· The attendants themselves or with the help of the educator distribute who will do what.

The teacher addresses them as his assistants, teaches them to perform the task deftly, economically, encourages the inept, approves the initiative and diligence.

· In older groups, attendants can be appointed for a whole week.

· Attendants show invention in decorating the table (flowers, napkins are laid out in an interesting, unusual way, etc.).